Re: [meteorite-list] Meteoritical Bulletin Main Mass photos

2020-06-15 Thread Mark Ford via Meteorite-list

What matters most of all is everyone being in *one* place. The problem with 
Facebook is there are now a million and one different groups, this has split 
the meteorite community into different places to the point that either you need 
to monitor 6 different media feeds 24/7 or you are out of the loop.

 The more it fragments the less knowledge and 'community' there will be. The 
advantage of the metlist is there is pretty much only one metlist,  yes, it's 
an old school way of doing things, and it rests on people making the effort to 
post and contribute.

 Facebook does also have massive UI plusses over email, I appreciate people 
don't like Suckerberger, but we do sooner or later have to face facts pretty 
much no one under 30 these days uses email outside of work! 


-Original Message-
From: Meteorite-list [] On 
Behalf Of Michael Gilmer via Meteorite-list
Sent: 15 June 2020 14:26
To: Roberto Vargas
Cc:; Adam Hupe; metlist
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Meteoritical Bulletin Main Mass photos

HI Roberto,

I love ya man, but I gotta tear this post apart. LOL.

"Thankfully, we all have the freedom to choose where to post and engage with
> the community."

If Zuck had his way, we wouldn't have this freedom.

" I use Facebook. Facebook has features that email will never have
> (video, live feeds, pictures, etc)."

FB invented none of those things and does not have a monopoly (yet) on
any of them. There are plenty of other apps and venues that offer live
video, photos, etc. One can easily upload photos to a cloud account or
website and link to them on this List. One can easily host a live feed
on numerous streaming platforms and link to them here. That is how it
used to be done, before FB came along and sucked all the oxygen out of
the room.

For example, people would upload their Tucson or Ensisheim pics to
Photobucket, Flickr, or their website and then link them here. It just
involves a couple of extra clicks to bypass FB entirely for this

'"I kind of cI kind of concur with the sentiment that this email list
is dead/dying. I
> love the daily MPoD vial email, but aside from that, this vehicle for
> sharing and engaging with others is antiquated and obsolete.oncur with the 
> sentiment that this email list is dead/dying. I
> love the daily MPoD vial email, but aside from that, this vehicle for
> sharing and engaging with others is antiquated and obsolete."

Over the years, I have seen this list wax and wane with activity. I
hope it will recover from this recent dry spell. I would argue that
this list is not obsolete, just suffering from a case of widespread
psychosis that somehow Zuckerberg's playground is better than the
medium itself that created it.

"However, I am grateful that it is still available for those of us who cannot
> or will not change with the times. "

If the times are changing to an online world where Facebook, Amazon,
and Google control everything, then count me out. I'll fly my Luddite
flag proudly.

" I believe those members have valuable
> insight into meteorites and their history and I would sad to lose what could
> be gained from them because they cannot or choose not to grasp how to use
> Facebook or other social media platforms."

Indeed, it would be sad. And that is exactly what FB and Zuck are
trying to do - put venues like this out of business and gobble up
their audiences. Oh, I grasp FB and how to use it. And I have an
active presence on some non-Facebook platforms. My apparent beef is
not with social media itself, it is with Facebook and it's policies.
Ello and Mastodon are better than FB all day long and twice on

"At the end of the day, some will move to Facebook and join the rest of us,
> while others will stay here (until the number of people that are left here
> is so small that it is really just an archive). "

I was the rest of us. When I first joined FB in early 2009, there was
exactly one large-ish meteorite group and just one or two other
dealers actively selling in other groups outside that one. We were
pretty lonely for a while and I was one of those people (like you)
singing the praises of social media and Facebook. Then everybody
started coming to FB and the List started getting quieter and quieter.
And FB started getting crazier and crazier, and then the algorithms
kicked in, and then Zuck took off his mask and showed his true colors.
You wanna roll with that guy, despite knowing what he's about?

Well, as long as Art keeps the lights turned on (so to speak), I am
going to try to help keep this List going. All of the content I used
to post on FB will now go here - new fall reports, met bull updates,
research links, articles, original essays, *links* to photos, etc.

Art > Zuckerberg.

Met-List > Facebook.

No matter what ends up happening, the above two statements will always
remain true, even if FB gobbles up the online world and this list

Re: [meteorite-list] First recorded visit to this solar system by an interstellar object

2017-10-30 Thread Mark Ford via Meteorite-list

Come to think of it ... I did see some Dolphins leaving Earth the other day ... 

Mark Ford

-Original Message-
From: Meteorite-list [] On 
Behalf Of Robert Verish via Meteorite-list
Sent: 30 October 2017 07:00
To:; Matson, Rob D.
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] First recorded visit to this solar system by an 
interstellar object

Rob has made a good point about this object not being a comet, and for that 
matter, the presumption that this thing is natural and unguided. Personally, I 
am very disappointed that this object wasn't a comet and that it didn't leave a 
trail of dust and gases, that one day we could have captured in a Stardust-like 
"sample return".  But unfortunately, the darn thing got away quick and clean.  
And equally unfortunate, that this has opened the flood-gate for all sorts of 
"alien-craft" theories from a variety of fringe cults. I find it astronomically 
coincidental that this "fly-by" occurred so close to the 20th anniversary of 
the Heaven's Gate mass suicide, a concurrence which was not missed by our local 
news outlets, since this event happened here in Rancho Bernardo. 

NASA has admitted to having problems identifying what the object was and where 
it originated, which only sparks the imagination as to possible scenarios. 
What if this is just the first of many objects coming our way, as if we are 
entering an intersteller asteroid shower? What if this object was actually an 
asteroid populated with alien colonists in suspended animation on their way to 
colonize Pegasus 5, using our Sun as a gravity assist?  How do we know that 
intersteller travel doesn't require a number of "jumps" interspersed with 
gravity assists and redirections? 
Or worse, like a page out of a science fiction novel,  what if this the first 
of many asteroid/crafts on their way to other points in our galaxy?  What if 
our inner solar system is in the middle of some proposed intersteller freeway?  
Maybe our home planet is part of a low-rent district, which will eventually be 
under an overpass, which is part of an exit ramp for I5 (Intersteller Freeway 
ramp for Pegasus 5)! 
Only time will tell,  Bob V. 

“There’s no point in acting surprised about it. All the planning charts and 
demolition orders have been on display at your local planning department in 
Alpha Centauri for 50 of your Earth years, so you’ve had plenty of time to 
lodge any formal complaint and it’s far too late to start making a fuss about 
it now. … What do you mean you’ve never been to Alpha Centauri? Oh, for 
heaven’s sake, mankind, it’s only four light years away, you know. 
I’m sorry, but if you can’t be bothered to take an interest in local affairs, 
that’s your own lookout. Energize the demolition beams.” 
― Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

 On ‎Sunday‎, ‎October‎ ‎29‎, ‎2017‎ ‎12‎:‎29‎:‎20‎ ‎PM, Matson, Rob D. via 
Meteorite-list  wrote: 

Hi Mike,

It is indeed an intriguing interloper, with much speculation on MPML as to its 
possible origin and the dynamics of its ejection from its original star system.
Its spectral characteristics (admittedly limited spectral resolution so far) 
seem more consistent with an asteroid than a comet, though there is no real 
dividing line between an asteroid and an inactive comet -- more a continuum 
between the two. Suffice to say the object is "red" with no strong spectral 
peaks or troughs in the visible band.

One small correction to your post below -- the object certainly originated in 
our galaxy, or one of the dwarf galaxies that is gravitationally bound to it 
(e.g. the Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy). There has been insufficient time for the 
body to travel intergalactic distances, even from as close as Andromeda.
Unfortunately, we will never know the identity of the star system from which it 
originated.  --Rob 
From: Meteorite-list [] on behalf of 
Galactic Stone & Ironworks via Meteorite-list 
Sent: Sunday, October 29, 2017 5:30 AM
To: Meteorite List
Subject: EXTERNAL: [meteorite-list] First recorded visit to this solar system 
by a comet-like interstellar object

First recorded visit in this solar system by a visiting interstellar object of 
unknown origin and composition. This comet-like object is moving at a very high 
rate of speed (44 km/sec) and is entering our cosmic neighborhood from an 
unusual angle that is nearly perpendicular to the ecliptic.

This object does not come from our Asteroid Belt, Kuiper Belt, or Oort Cloud. 
It is an interloper from the vast empty space between the galaxies and stars. 
This comet-like object has streaked through our solar system like a rifle shot 
and is now continuing on it's journey through deep space in the direction

Re: [meteorite-list] Volcanoes, Not Impacts, Caused End Triassic Mass Extinction

2017-06-22 Thread Mark Ford via Meteorite-list

And.. the Dinosaur extinction tennis match continues :)


-Original Message-
From: Meteorite-list [] On 
Behalf Of Paul via Meteorite-list
Sent: 21 June 2017 23:31
Subject: [meteorite-list] Volcanoes, Not Impacts, Caused End Triassic Mass 

Volcanic eruptions triggered dawn of the dinosaurs (Huge pulses of volcanic 
activity are likely to have played a key role in triggering the end Triassic 
mass extinction, which set the scene for the rise and age of the dinosaurs, new 
Oxford University research has found.)

Dinosaurs got an evolutionary assist from huge volcanic eruptions by Mary Beth 
Griggs  Popular Science

The paper is:

Lawrence M. E. Percival, Micha Ruhl, Stephen P.
Hesselbo, Hugh C. Jenkyns, Tamsin A. Mather, and essica H. Whiteside. Mercury 
evidence for pulsed volcanism during the end-Triassic mass extinction. PNAS, 
June 2017 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1705378114

Unrelated article about volcanoes are:

Volcanic crystals give a new view of magma


Tracking the buildup to volcanic eruptions University of Arizona, June 15, 2017

Crystals once deep inside a volcano offer new view of magma, eruption timing 
(Volcanologists are gaining a better understanding of what’s going on inside 
the magma reservoir that lies below New Zealand’s Mount Tarawera volcano. 
They’re finding a colder, more solid place than they thought, according to 
research published today in the journal Science.)

The paper is;

Rubin, A.E., Cooper, K.M., Till, C.B., Kent, A.J., Costa, F., Bose, M., 
Gravley, D., Deering, C. and Cole, J., 2017. Rapid cooling and cold storage in 
a silicic magma reservoir recorded in individual crystals. Science, 356(6343), 


Paul H.

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Re: [meteorite-list] Historic Event - Live Comet Landing ESA - NOW Happening

2014-11-12 Thread Mark Ford via Meteorite-list
Its landed - they have a signal...


-Original Message-
From: Meteorite-list [] On 
Behalf Of drtanuki via Meteorite-list
Sent: 12 November 2014 15:13
To: meteorite-list
Subject: [meteorite-list] Historic Event - Live Comet Landing ESA - NOW 

Historic Ecent - Live Comet Landing by ESA
- NOW Happening - Live on The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News

Dirk Ross...Tokyo

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Re: [meteorite-list] "Meteorite" Sculpture by Katie Paterson

2014-08-08 Thread Mark Ford via Meteorite-list
Imho: At the end of the day an artist can do what she/he wants with her rock, 
good luck to her if she can make a living from it. But personally I would 
categorise it as nothing more than tacky sensationalist 'shock art' with no 
great intellectual or artistic merit. (probably in the same category as people 
who saw cows in half, or leave their knickers on an un-made bed and call it an 
'art installation'). But it wouldn't do if we were all the same, (I am sure 
other people may say the same about my modest attempts at painting!). :) 


-Original Message-
From: Meteorite-list [] On 
Behalf Of Galactic Stone & Ironworks via Meteorite-list
Sent: 08 August 2014 02:44
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] "Meteorite" Sculpture by Katie Paterson

Hi Laura, Peter, Anne, David, List, Honorable Chairpeople,

In generating discussion, the artist has succeeded.  If that was one of the 
goals, then the artwork was a success in the eyes of some.  We are still 
talking about it, which I am not sure says more about the art itself or the 
state of recent affairs (or lack of) in the meteorite world...

(sales of all remelted non-widmanstatten iron artworks is hereby suspended 
until further notice.)

I believe that we are all temporary caregivers for these cosmic immortal rocks 
(and irons).  They have existed since the birth of our Sun and they will exist 
long after that same Sun is dead.  We are a part of these meteorites complex 
exposure histories.  To far-future researchers, we will be distant biological 
contaminants that briefly influenced the chemical and physical weathering of 
these meteorites.
I feel it is our duty to curate our meteorites with a level of respect and 
regard that is due to any creation that is billions of years old and will exist 
for billions more.  We should not make cutesy trinkets from them lightly.

Considering that, the artist used a "common" meteorite and it's
destruction is no loss to the body of scientific knowledge.   This is
not a case of someone grinding up Sutter's Mill stones to make balding-cure 
snake oil.  So, we can disagree with the artwork or the treatment of the 
meteorite used, but we should not be completely dismissive of it because it is 
causing no great harm to science or meteoritics.

I wouldn't do that to any meteorite.  It seems pointless to me and artistic 
goals could be met using meteorites in a more respectful manner.  I have sold 
meteorites to artists and craftsmen who intended to use them as a medium or 
part of the works, but I would not sell to someone to planned to completely 
destroy the unique nature of the meteorite.  Attitudes vary, but art will 
always be art.  I cannot say what is art, but I can say that I do not 
particularly care for melting down meteorites completely.  They can never be 
restored and that does represent a loss, if not to science, then to the cosmos 
as a whole.
(And a failure in our jobs as temporary guardians!)

Best regards,


PS - I have seen some very artful use of meteorite, with some examples by 
others on this List. So it can be done properly.

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On 8/7/14, Laura--- via Meteorite-list
> Ok, so now I have to give my two cents...sense!  I too do artwork involving
> meteorites, love the hunt, and collecting.  I might note that "no meteorite
> was harmed in the making of my work!" (I don't even like the idea of
> slicing
> one into pieces, but that is my own issue, and it is done every day, and I
> own slices of them too!)
> There are a few questions to ask, that if these found items are raised up
> to
> a level that, we as creatures with opposable thumbs and conscience thought,
> elevate them to the point of greater importance, then has  meteorites
> become
> something of worship for modern day society?  If so, then what right do any
> of us have to claim ownership?  Do they all belong in museums? What good
> does that one on your desk, shelf or locked up in the climate controlled
> safe do to the greater good, or is that  self-indulgence at its finest, or
> just for profit?  I suppose that if ownership is the case, then we are by
> right able to do whatever we desire, as it then belongs to the owner to
> keep
> or shape into any existence we see fit.  If for profit, then what does it
> matter what the new owner does?
> Some questions that cross my mind are, "What is the purpose in this artwork
> and the end result?".  I haven't read the full artist statement on this
> direct subject, but have visited her website, and her work is very
> interesting, and consummate. 

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Sculpture Will Be International Space Station First Artwork

2014-07-31 Thread Mark Ford via Meteorite-list
>> but I'm wondering what exactly is the point of melting down part of a 
>> meteorite and then recasting it as an exact copy of itself,<<

It's called  wait for it .. Irony!

 - rat..tat..splash...

Sorry couldn't resist that one!


-Original Message-
From: Meteorite-list [] On 
Behalf Of Daniel Noyes via Meteorite-list
Sent: 30 July 2014 17:18
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Sculpture Will Be International Space 
Station First Artwork

Hi All,

I'm an artist myself, but I'm wondering what exactly is the point of melting 
down part of a meteorite and then recasting it as an exact copy of itself, 
indistinguishable from the original. The original meteorite is already a cosmic 
work of art, a rock transformed when it journeyed through space and then 
sculpted by the Earth's atmosphere and terrestrial impact. Part of the real 
meteorite would make a fine art installation on the ISS. It might be more 
original and interesting to transform a piece of a meteorite into another art 
form/shape rather than a just duplicate. 

Best regards,

Daniel Noyes
Genuine Moon & Mars Meteorite Rocks

Message: 5
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 16:06:24 -0700
To: "Art Jones" 
Cc: ""

Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Sculpture Will Be International Space 
Station?s First Artwork
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=iso-8859-1

Hi Art:

But not the first meteorite to be brought back to space from the Earth.
I remember correctly, about 20 years ago (do not remember which mission) Tom 
Jones brought a meteorite (do not remember what it was) up in the Shuttle. It 
may have been the same flight that he brought a Zuni Fetish up (and back).


> Interesting idea and article:
> onal-space-stations-first-artwork-67923
> -Art
> __
> Visit the Archives at
> Meteorite-list mailing list



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Re: [meteorite-list] RIP Professor Colin Pillinger

2014-05-08 Thread Mark Ford via Meteorite-list

Yes, Sad news indeed- A genuine space legend, he will be sadly missed, my 
thoughts to his family, friends and colleagues at the OU, thinking of them also.

-Original Message-
From: Meteorite-list [] On 
Behalf Of Martin Goff via Meteorite-list
Sent: 08 May 2014 12:49
Subject: [meteorite-list] RIP Professor Colin Pillinger

Hi all,

Sad news today on the passing of a space science legend Colin Pillinger. He 
died suddenly of a brain haemorrhage last night. He was a truly dedicated and 
inspirational man whose infectious enthusiasm for science was passed onto many 
over the years.

Up until last week I was in regular correspondence with Colin mostly about the 
subject of Wold Cottage and especially of the story of Major Edward Topham.  He 
was working on a long term book project about Topham's life and it was this we 
discussed during out last conversation.  I had acquired some original documents 
and artwork by Edward Topham that Colin was interested in. One thing I will 
always remember above all about him is his dry sense of humour and wit that 
made every conversation with him a joy.

The asteroid 15614 Pillinger that is named after him is only a tiny part of his 
huge legacy but one that I will remember him by everytime I gaze spacewards.

"Brilliant but a bit bonkers" is one of the most all encompassing quotes I have 
read about him today and one that rings very true. He was a true British boffin.

I know I posted this before but for anyone that didn't see it then please take 
an hour out of your day to watch this lecture by Colin and witness the warmth, 
wit and character of one of the greats of space science.

He will be sorely missed by many.


Martin Goff
IMCA #3387

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Re: [meteorite-list] Fake Norway Rock

2014-04-11 Thread Mark Ford
Sorry that should read:  Phil and List,


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Mark Ford
Sent: 11 April 2014 09:51
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Fake Norway Rock

Chris and list,

No need for personal attacks. - After all wasn't it your good self that said 
about 'dowsing' many years ago:

>>"First off, let me say that all you naysaying dowser denialists need 
>>to get off your high horses, come down from your ivory towers and 
>>>enter the realm of simple, reproducible, empirical evidence-based 
>>experimental scientific methodology ... >

So where's the [scientific] evidence that the video is fake or not fake?  - 
Let's face it, it looks too good to be true BUT we just can't tell!


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Joshua Tree 
Earth & Space Museum
Sent: 10 April 2014 19:42
To: Meteorite list
Subject: [meteorite-list] Fake Norway Rock


You need to install and tune up a bullshit detector. You seem awfully gullible. 
Plausibly explained by the meteorite hypothesis? Maybe to a moron.

Phil Whitmer

Joshua Tree Earth & Space Museum

Then you need to tune up your analysis skills. And your knowledge of 
meteoritics. The video was not falsified, and is hardly "phony". What it shows 
is plausibly explained by the meteorite hypothesis. Many, perhaps most 
meteorite falls are not preceded by a significant fireball, and even fewer by 
acoustics of any sort.

I don't hear many people saying there's a "reasonable chance" this could be a 
meteorite. I didn't even hear much of that early on. Only that nothing 
obviously excludes this from being a meteorite. That's a distinction well worth 
remembering. If this had been trivially rejected from the beginning, no 
analysis would have been performed, and that would be unfortunate.

And that's getting real.



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Re: [meteorite-list] Fake Norway Rock

2014-04-11 Thread Mark Ford
Chris and list,

No need for personal attacks. - After all wasn't it your good self that said 
about 'dowsing' many years ago:

>>"First off, let me say that all you naysaying dowser denialists need to get 
>>off your high horses, come down from your ivory towers and >enter the realm 
>>of simple, reproducible, empirical evidence-based experimental scientific 
>>methodology ... >

So where's the [scientific] evidence that the video is fake or not fake?  - 
Let's face it, it looks too good to be true BUT we just can't tell!


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Joshua Tree 
Earth & Space Museum
Sent: 10 April 2014 19:42
To: Meteorite list
Subject: [meteorite-list] Fake Norway Rock


You need to install and tune up a bullshit detector. You seem awfully gullible. 
Plausibly explained by the meteorite hypothesis? Maybe to a moron.

Phil Whitmer

Joshua Tree Earth & Space Museum

Then you need to tune up your analysis skills. And your knowledge of
meteoritics. The video was not falsified, and is hardly "phony". What it
shows is plausibly explained by the meteorite hypothesis. Many, perhaps
most meteorite falls are not preceded by a significant fireball, and
even fewer by acoustics of any sort.

I don't hear many people saying there's a "reasonable chance" this could
be a meteorite. I didn't even hear much of that early on. Only that
nothing obviously excludes this from being a meteorite. That's a
distinction well worth remembering. If this had been trivially rejected
from the beginning, no analysis would have been performed, and that
would be unfortunate.

And that's getting real.



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Re: [meteorite-list] is it a meteorite

2014-04-08 Thread Mark Ford
IMHO - This should most likely be called 'Earthite'. A whole new class of rocks 
distinct from meteorites, which so far we don't have any of (unless anyone 
knows different!?).

 Or they could just be known as Tektites, since that is essentially what the 
consensus is on Tektites. Though I would put Tektites in the group of Ancient 
impact glasses rather than actual fusion crusted rocks from earth.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Chris
Sent: 08 April 2014 06:15
Subject: [meteorite-list] is it a meteorite

Suppose a fusion crusted stone is found shortly after a fireball.  When 
examined it shows a celestial age of a few million years and a relatively short 
formation age.  More examination shows it to be a stone formed on earth, 
ejected into space and returned here.  Is it meteorite or a meteorwrong.  Or 
something in between?   

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Re: [meteorite-list] Norwegian skydiver nearly struck by meteorite

2014-04-03 Thread Mark Ford

Hmm. Just looks like someone packed a rock in their canopy, either accidentally 
or on purpose and it popped out when the chute unfurled. (Or could just be be a 

Odds of it happening, massive, odds of the rock being just the right size to 
show up on camera - massive, odds, of the rock being nicely 50% fusion crusted 
to make it look more like a meteorite - massive, and the grey interior facing 
the camera nicely-  massive most of the way through the shot- massive. 

Occam's razor says.. 


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Tom Randall
Sent: 03 April 2014 15:29
To: Meteorite List
Subject: [meteorite-list] Norwegian skydiver nearly struck by meteorite

Just saw this video. Not sure I buy it. What do you all think?




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Re: [meteorite-list] Proud Tom, an Ambassador?

2014-04-03 Thread Mark Ford

Yeah, if we are going to be paying for adverts then can we at least have some 
list moderation in return?

Whilst the 'matteo wars', proud tom, the original Tom <><,  Capital letters 
Steve, selling material cheap to undermine Tuscon, Mike/Greg exchanges, Fairies 
and struck ones where all entertaining for some, depending on your point of 
view, can't we now maybe just move on...



-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of PolandMET
Sent: 03 April 2014 00:37
To: Ruben Garcia; Michael Farmer
Cc: Meteorite List
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Proud Tom, an Ambassador?

Hmm what about $1 from every bullshit posted to the list ?

> Wow, Michael Farmer and Anne Black agree on something Hell is a 
> bit cooler today!  : )
> On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 4:00 PM, Michael Farmer 
> wrote:
>> Why do we have to waste time with this again after a decade? Giant 
>> fall two weeks ago in South Korea and like 3 posts about it.
>> Some idiotic old crap and the lost goes wild.
>> Michael Farmer
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Apr 2, 2014, at 2:54 PM, Michael Blood  wrote:
>>> Hi Ruben and all,
>>>I have been working on a site that will have approximately
>>> 48 pages of Proud Tom shenanigans. Those who don't know who He was 
>>> or what he did can take a look see. Those who enjoyed Him can 
>>> re-live some of what he did and those who did not Enjoy him are 
>>> invited to not visit the site.
>>>While everyone has differing tastes I have never understood 
>>> Why one would subject themselves to things they don't like. I would 
>>> Never go to a 3 Stooges movie and then criticize it - any more than 
>>> I would eat black licorice and criticize it. I just avoid them both.
>>>I am glad some people enjoy the 3 Stooges and black licorice.
>>> Good for them. I will pass, thank you.
 On 4/2/14 2:23 PM, "Ruben Garcia"  wrote:

 Meteorite Maniacs,

 Since I brought up this topic a few weeks ago I've been inundated 
 with questions and comments that range from, "Who was he?" to "I 
 hated that era."

 However, today I've received an anonymous email that proves to some 
 small degree that in 2004 Proud Tom was officially recognized as an 
 esteemed gentleman and an ambassador.

 The document speaks for it's self

 I've also received via email from several list members a catalog of 
 some of Proud Toms greatest hits.
 If there is interest I may release some of his written antics page 
 by page on my website.

 Come on he was funny, wasn't he?
>>> __
>>> Visit the Archives at
>>> Meteorite-list mailing list
> --
> Rock On!
> Ruben Garcia
> __
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> Meteorite-list mailing list


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Re: [meteorite-list] New paid Ad program for the mailing list - starts 4/7/2014

2014-04-01 Thread Mark Ford

All good points shawn.

An obvious flagrant ad is an ad, but 50% of the posts on this forum are to do 
with finding/getting/trading material, that's kinda the whole point of the 

I fully support Art's idea, but to me it must be restricted to clear and 
obvious adverts, getting banned for posting a wanted ad, or referring to 
material bought from a dealer, will just result in no-one being left here!

If you flick through a magazine, it is usually obvious which is an ad, and 
which is an article, so maybe it will pan out through common sense, I guess we 
will see, the metlist with either prosper or fail!

As you rightly say, what's actually wrong with meteorite Ads anyway? I'd rather 
see 10 ads for meteoritic material than one more bl**dy Proud Tom diatribe!!


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Shawn Alan
Sent: 01 April 2014 05:28
To: Ruben Garcia; Meteorite Central
Subject: [meteorite-list] New paid Ad program for the mailing list - starts 

Ruben and Lister

You do bring up a good point Ruben. That is a grey area and I have seen a few 
members do it and say look at this new meteorite I have and when you go to 
there website they have items listed for sale of that new fall or meteorite. 
Also, I have seen members say well if you want to see a good sample of this 
meteorite you can look at my website and they give a link to there website 
which is a dealer website in meteorite posts. To me that seems like 
advertising. I have also seen when people are talking about thin sections and 
some people say, hey if you want to see some good sample go to my dealer 
website. I see that happen a lot and think if ads are going to be charged on 
here, that also should be constituted as an AD? What about Trades? is that an 
AD or wanted post and someone posts their website?
One other point I like to ask, you say less AD will be better for dealers and 
list members? Well I didn't know the AD on here were a big problem. I thought 
the arguing and the nonsensical topics  was disrupting the website. Also $8 an 
AD to the main deals is nothing, but for the ones that struggle with money wont 
be able to pay that and post an AD. I guess it will be better for some dealers, 
because there will be less competition advertising on here. 

Shawn Alan
IMCA 1633 
ebay store

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Re: [meteorite-list] Facebook.... a viable forum?

2014-03-13 Thread Mark Ford
Problem is fragmentation. There are already many meteorite groups on facebook, 
twitter, et al. If everybody keeps creating new ones eventually they [will] all 
be more or less empty like so many other forums.

 The beauty of the Met-list is it's simplicity, and the fact that its actually 
quite busy (compared to 99.9% of other forums inc some on FB), Not sure I agree 
with the concept of paying for Ads, that's just bound to drive away people, but 
I can understand funds need to be raised.

 Fact is in the meteorite collecting world and 'ads' go hand in hand, for most 
people dealers are the only source of rocks, I for one got much of my 
collections over the years due to ads on the met list. 

I for one am staying put, even if I end up talking to myself ! :)



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[meteorite-list] Ringwoodite discovered in terrestrial diamond..

2014-03-13 Thread Mark Ford

Interesting -  terrestrial Ringwoodite contains 1% water! So theres probably as 
much water underneath us than in the worlds oceans..


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Re: [meteorite-list] First fragment of Chelyabinsk meteorite raised from bottom of Lake Chebarkul

2013-09-24 Thread Mark Ford
Yeah Looks like a tiny little fragment?? And way too fresh...

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Galactic 
Stone & Ironworks
Sent: 24 September 2013 15:43
To: met-list
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] First fragment of Chelyabinsk meteorite raised 
from bottom of Lake Chebarkul

Shouldn't that fragment be much more rusted if it came from the bottom of the 

I've seen ugly fragments on eBay that looked much worse, and they weren't 
sitting at the bottom of a lake for 6 months.


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On 9/24/13, karmaka  wrote:
> The first specimen was raised from the bottom of Lake Chebarkul this
> morning:
> More to come...
> Martin
> Postfach fast voll? Jetzt kostenlos E-Mail Adresse sichern und
> endlich Platz für tausende Mails haben.
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Re: [meteorite-list] Chelyabinsk Meteorite Delivered…Scriptures?

2013-09-18 Thread Mark Ford

You see ... they are getting confused there between scriptures, and SAW MARKS!! 

Wait I may be wrong, my piece has something written on it lets see..ten 
something .. wait, ten point ...two 'g'?  -  Wow I wonder what this all means?



-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Shawn Alan
Sent: 17 September 2013 09:09
To: Meteorite Central
Subject: [meteorite-list] Chelyabinsk Meteorite Delivered…Scriptures?

Hello Listers,

I find this to be interesting, I wonder what Chelyabinsk meteorite will tell us 
once the scripture is decoded :)

Shawn Alan
IMCA 1633 
ebay store

"For many centuries, the workings of the celestial realm were considered 
wondrous, and frequently indicated the intentions of a higher being.  Solar 
eclipses were times of fear, and fireballing meteorites could indicate a 
deity’s anger. One can only imagine what our distant ancestors would have made 
of the Chelyabinsk meteorite that ripped through the Urals regions in Russia in 
February of this year. Turning an otherwise ordinary morning chaotic with a 
blinding flash of light and a shockwave that splintered windows throughout 
Chelyabinsk and the neighboring towns, no superstition was required to make the 
meteorite’s arrival a frightening event."

"However, it seems the old days aren’t quite dead. A cult has sprung up around 
the fallen meteorite, claiming it carries scriptural writings and can only be 
touched by psychic priests"


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Re: [meteorite-list] Possible Ancient Meteorite

2013-09-13 Thread Mark Ford
Whenever I hear this phrase it always rings bells to me..

> Additionally  what would the selling price be if it were to be sold. 


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Graham Ensor
Sent: 13 September 2013 09:17
To: Roman Jirasek
Cc: meteorite list
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Possible Ancient Meteorite

I agree with JasonSounds a bit dubious to meespecially when you look at 
the vase which seems to be reconstructed from several different vases...!!! 
Surely any archeologist of any repute/expertise would not have done that?


On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 2:50 AM, Roman Jirasek  wrote:
> I had an archaeologist email me today asking about custom labels, and 
> also if I could help with identifying a possible ancient meteorite he 
> found this year.
> I received permission to send this question to my fellow colleagues 
> which may have more insight into this topic. Read below, or click on 
> link to see his photos...
> Cheers,
> Roman Jirasek
> Copied email follows
> I am an Archaeologist and recovered a meteorite in 2013, on private 
> property in Sparta Greece. This meteorite was found inside an ancient 
> vase, and was buried with human remains. We dated this site to 
> approximately, 220 BCE to
> 130 BCE, but have not yet carbon dated the item.
> I do not know of any meteorite falling on or near Sparta Greece.  
> Since the meteorite was found inside an honorary vase, we suspect it 
> was held in high regards, and more than likely to remember a battle.
> The only battle recorded that had a meteorite that fell during the 
> battle; was with ancient Turkey and the Spartans.
> It actually stopped the battle for two days, thinking it was a sign 
> from the gods. Many of the Spartans recovered portions of the 
> meteorite is a sign of victory from the God of Mars.
> I have enclosed a picture of the meteorite. Can you tell me? Of any 
> meteorites that fell prior to 220 BCE, since we know that was the 
> earliest date, since the meteorites was buried with the hoplite 
> soldier.  We assume the meteorite obviously fell before that date.
> This would help us, with dating the find.
> Additionally  what would the selling price be if it were to be sold. 
> The meteorite?
> Thank you
> Douglas Roth.
> Phoenix, Arizona.
> Sparta archaeology.
> Yes, it is fine to forward the info and pics.
> I don't have any dir links, but can be found, on face book for Douglas 
> Rothman Scottsdale, or ancient history on face book for archeology 
> travel and tours.
> Douglas Rothman.
> __
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> Meteorite-list mailing list

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Re: [meteorite-list] Hes at it AGAIN.......

2013-05-15 Thread Mark Ford

"At the current market value of $1900.00 per gram, this 4.5kg slab would be 
valued at $8,550,000.00, "IF," and, "ONLY IF." it was posted on EBAY by an 
I.M.C.A. member!"  

I'd say that counts as evidence of conspiracy to commit fraud.. tell the feds!

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Shawn Alan
Sent: 15 May 2013 05:39
To: Meteorite Central
Subject: [meteorite-list] Hes at it AGAIN...

Hello Listers
Hes at it again, not sure why he emailed me personally but he still believes he 
has lunar meteorites Not sure why he hasn't sold any?
Down below is what he sent me in an email.
Shawn Alan
IMCA 1633
ebay store 
"As promised, here are the links, which will show our Lunar Gabbro to be the 
genuine deal!  Most scientists, dealers, and collectors ignore photographic 
evidence, so I've, also, attached our XRF Data, below.  Check out the variety 
of extraterrestrial elements; particularly nickel, for those that must have 
nickel in their meteorites.
     At the current market value of $1900.00 per gram, this 4.5kg slab would be 
valued at $8,550,000.00, "IF," and, "ONLY IF." it was posted on EBAY by an 
I.M.C.A. member!"  


Specimen #163: "Lunar Olivine Gabbro"
S (3658)ppm
K (7450)
Ca (1456)
Ti (1745)
Cr (87)
Mn (13.8K)
Fe (13.8K)
Ni (63)
Zn (124)
As (25)
Rb (24)
Sr (81)
Zr (167)

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Re: [meteorite-list] Inside NASA's Plan to Catch an Asteroid

2013-04-11 Thread Mark Ford

Instead of using a bag to de-spin the asteroid, why not use a giant lathe tool, 
and make a death star while we are at it? Lol.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Ron Baalke
Sent: 11 April 2013 00:12
To: Meteorite Mailing List
Subject: [meteorite-list] Inside NASA's Plan to Catch an Asteroid

Inside NASA's Plan to Catch an Asteroid (Bruce Willis Not Required) by Mike 
10 April 2013

President Barack Obama's 2014 federal budget request, which was released 
Wednesday (April 10), gives NASA $105 million to jump-start a program that 
would snag an asteroid and park it near the moon. Astronauts would then visit 
the space rock using the agency's Space Launch System rocket and Orion capsule, 
perhaps as early as 2021.

"This mission represents an unprecedented technological feat that will lead to 
new scientific discoveries and technological capabilities and help protect our 
home planet," NASA chief Charles Bolden said in a statement. 

The space agency is still working out how exactly to pull off the mission, 
which officials are calling the "Asteroid Initiative" or "Asteroid Retrieval 
and Utilization Mission" at the moment. But a few things are already clear.

For starters, the probe that will chase down and capture the 25-foot (8 meters) 
or so asteroid will be unmanned. And it will be powered by solar electric 
propulsion, which generates thrust by accelerating charged particles called 

Ion thrusters have been used on other NASA probes, including Dawn, which 
recently spent a year orbiting the huge asteroid Vesta before departing for the 
dwarf planet Ceres. But engineers will need to develop an advanced version for 
the Asteroid Initiative craft, since it will be towing a 500-ton space rock 
over millions of miles.

"This mission accelerates our technology development activities in high-powered 
solar electric propulsion," Michael Gazarik, NASA Associate Administrator for 
Space Technology, said in a statement.

Still, it may take several years for the probe to meet up with the asteroid. 
The spacecraft will then envelop the space rock with a bag of sorts, as a new 
video animation of NASA's Asteroid Initiative mission depicts, and de-spin the 
rock, likely using thrusters.

The asteroid will then be towed to a "stable orbit in the Earth-moon system 
where astronauts can visit and explore it," NASA officials wrote in a mission 
description Wednesday.

These visits will be made possible by Orion and the Space Launch System, which 
are slated to begin flying crews together by 2021. The NASA animation shows 
astronauts aboard Orion meeting up with the space rock, which the retrieval 
probe is still holding onto.

In the video, the astronauts spacewalk their way over to the asteroid, 
accessing it by unwrapping a small section of the bag. They grab some pieces 
using a hammer and other tools, then come home with the samples in an ocean 

The overall asteroid-retrieval idea is similar to one proposed by researchers 
based at Caltech's Keck Institute for Space Studies in Pasadena. In a 
feasibility study published last year, the Keck team estimated the total cost 
of robotic capture and return at $2.6 billion.

NASA hasn't released its own cost estimates yet, but agency officials think 
they can get it done for less than that.

"The Keck study didn't take into account all the activities we already have 
going on in our base, so we wouldn't need $2.6 billion in new money," 
NASA chief financial officer Elizabeth Robinson said during a press conference 

The Keck team also focused on grabbing a carbonaceous chondrite, she added. 
These asteroids are compositionally diverse, full of complex organic molecules, 
metals and volatile materials like water.

But carbonaceous chondrites also tend to be found farther away than other types 
of near-Earth asteroids, Robinson said, making their retrieval more 
time-consuming and expensive. At this point, NASA isn't so particular about the 
space rock it hopes to target.

"For those two reasons, we think that the price is likely to come in - of new 
money, new investment - at below that [$2.6 billion]," Robinson said.


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Re: [meteorite-list] Astrobiologists Find Stuff

2013-03-15 Thread Mark Ford
>>>Look deep underground (tough to do from Earth)>   -  That's fine if your 
>>>looking for Earth style microbes, but until we even formally define life 
>>>(and not just some grey area about self reproducing molecules) would we know 
>>>'it' if we saw it?

Seems to me if you chart the historical progress of the hunt for life on Mars 
it's getting a bit thin and desperate, in 100 years we have gone from theories 
of there being colonies of Martians with canals or forests to a small chance 
there may still be a few microbes hanging on deep underground near the equator, 
Nothing wrong with looking and we should, but at some point in the near future 
we should probably give up and start face to reality, and think about sending 
some resources elsewhere - where frankly the chances are a looking little bit 
higher, e.g Europa.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Michael 
Sent: 14 March 2013 19:04
To: Sterling K. Webb; Meteorite List
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Astrobiologists Find Stuff


Look deep underground (tough to do from Earth), any life remaining on Mars will 
likely be found there.

Michael in so. Cal.

On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 11:46 AM, Sterling K. Webb 
> Count,
> You said:
>> ...Asimov was making a wild ass guess as to the
>> 10,000 to one Oxygen/Chlorine ratio and he never  presented one paper 
>> to support his hypothesis.
> Asimov wasn't presenting a scientific paper. He was writing a popular 
> article in a popular magazine. There are no referencew in magazine 
> pieces. Again, he wasn't making hypotheses; he was presenting the 
> well-known science of the time. The cosmic abundances were being 
> determined for forty years before this article was writteen.
> Here's a current table of the values:
> and a bit clearer example at:
> Counting atoms for cosmic abundances is tricky. People have tried by 
> counting atoms in Earth's sea water, in the crustal rocks of the 
> Earth, by analyzing meteorite abundances, by spectroscopic analysis of 
> the Sun and of other stars.
> The table in the first reference gives figures for all of these 
> sources; water, rocks, meteorites, Sun, stars... (I don't know which 
> one Asimov was using.) It works because our star and rocks (planets) 
> are all made out of the same stuff and similar stars are made from 
> almost identical stuff.
> The ratios may have been refined since 1957, but they haven't changed 
> that much. And Isaac only mentions one "noble" gas:
> neon.
> As for Mars, I have another argument. Mars had a warm wet past. Any 
> simple life there probably started then. So, life has had 3-4 billion 
> years to get its act together. IF there is life on Mars, don't you 
> think it would evolve a little bit in all that time?
> Do something that would get our attention? Leave visible evidence of 
> its presence? Life expands, spreads, complicates.
> If there were life on Mars, wouldn't it have done SOMETHING in three 
> billion years?
> I don't believe in patient little microbes that do nothing for 
> billions of years. It says to me that there's nobody home...
> Sterling K. Webb

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Re: [meteorite-list] Astrobiologists Find Stuff

2013-03-14 Thread Mark Ford
Agreed,  at present what we [know] is our type of life needs water (along with 
millions of other things), but also at present we [know] it also needs 
something (presumably closely) resembling an Earth with all its associated 
environmental and physical parameters and history in order to evolve. What we 
don't know is what [minimum] components, level of conditions, time span etc is 
required for life to always start. Therefore implying that other worlds could 
well have life just because it has certain very basic components like water, is 
extrapolation and speculation, that's why I think we should be cautious about 
making claims that planets like mars have 'the building blocks of life', - 
every meteorite has most of the elemental building blocks of life in it so does 
the moon, in fact so does my wristwatch. what it doesn't have is the right 
circumstances or conditions or environmental factors that the Earth has. 
Environmental factors are every bit as important as chemistry, I just
  think it's a bit early for people to imply that Mars holds much hope of being 
a living planet, based finding a puddle of fossil water. But it is very 
exciting none the less, and I really hope we find bugs sometime soon!


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Michael 
Sent: 14 March 2013 04:53
To: Meteorite List
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Astrobiologists Find Stuff


In no way was I trying to imply that we know everything and there can only be 
one basis of life, but rather we only know of one living planet and that 
planet's life requires water.  Of course there could be any number of "alien" 
life forms, probably many, many types we haven't even began to imagine.  
There's one thing we can say about this universe we inhabit, and that's that it 
doesn't make things just once.  Billions of galaxies, billions of stars, 
billions of planets, and so billions of life forms would seem the natural 
progression.  Of course this also leads too billions of universes, as well.

Michael in so. Cal.

On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 9:46 PM, Sterling K. Webb 
> Guys, List,
> What life needs is a source of energy that can be stored and utilized 
> when needed. Without these energy exchanges there is no life. That's 
> why you have to eat breakfast.
> This energetic system requires elements that are cosmically abundant, 
> on planets large and cool enough to retain a gaseous reservoir of a 
> reactive element (called an atmosphere) and a fluid reservoir of a 
> working solvent to facilitate  and participate in those reactions 
> (called an ocean).
> There are many possible systems of energy exchange, but their 
> LIKELIHOOD depends on the cosmic abundance of the elements involved 
> and the likelihood of their entering into combinations with other 
> common elements.
> If you grab a fistful of solar nebula you have hydrogen, helium, and 
> as impurities, oxygen and nitrogen, BUT the oxygen and nitrogen 
> combine easily with hydrogen, so you end up with an atmosphere of 
> hydrogen, helium, with ammonia and methane as impurities.
> We represent a CHON life system, but fluorine is more energetic than 
> oxygen and yields more bang for the buck. So, why don't we have a CHFN 
> life system? The reason is that fluorine grabs on so tight it can't be 
> split off again with the energies available at a planetary surface. 
> Ammonia is a better solvent than water but its liquid range of fluid 
> temperatures is so narrow that it would make a lousy ocean.
> The reactive elements for life are all right there on the periodic 
> chart in a stack: fluorine, oxygen, chlorine, bromine, iodine. At 
> first blush, life could be based on any of them, but some are more 
> unlikely than others.
> Since I don't want to write twenty pages of chemistry, I suggest you 
> go the link given below;
> and download the PDF of this little 1957 book, "Only A  Trillion." 
> Read Chapter Six, "Planets Have An Air About Them," by Isaac Asimov 
> who, being both a chemist by trade and a better writer than I, can 
> explain the whole range of possible life systems and how they might 
> work in a marvelous fashion.
> Sterling K. Webb
> --
> - Original Message - From: "Richard Montgomery"
> To: "Michael Mulgrew" ; "Mark Ford"
> ; "Meteorite List"
> Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 7:16 PM
> Subject: [meteorite-list] Astrobiologists Find Stuff
>> Mich

Re: [meteorite-list] Astrobiologists Find Ancient Fossils inFireballFragments

2013-03-13 Thread Mark Ford
Sure and I don't deny finding water or evidence of it is very exciting, but 
what I question, is 'the building blocks of life claim'. This is pure hype. 
Sure water and amino acids are essential for life, but I would question exactly 
how certain life is to evolve when water alone is present. The answer is it's 
massively more complex than just having flowing water. So finding water does 
not immediately mean there is any life. From some of the recent press and Nasa 
coverage, you would get the impression that finding water on Mars automatically 
means the hunt for extraterrestrial life is nearly over, but the truth is very 
far from it! It just makes it a tiny tiny amount more likely..


-Original Message-
From: Count Deiro [] 
Sent: 13 March 2013 13:09
To: Mark Ford;
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Astrobiologists Find Ancient Fossils 

Hi List,

Mark has said "...I can't understand this fad for claims..." that... "we have 
found the building blocks of life" 

There is no "fad" to reveal, however so unscientifically and hysterically by 
some in academia and the media, that we have discovered copious amounts of 
water on planets and moons. It is a scientific discovery that is found exciting 
to some, and disconcerting and threatening to others, as the evidence piles up 
that what was once a theory is now, because of Curiosity's right out of the 
box, successful, directed search, a scientific fact. 

Where once one could only postulate that the "building blocks of life" might be 
on Mars because of what we "discovered" in Nakhla, AH84001 and recent NWAs, we 
now we know is a fact. And that information may not be remarkable to an 
educated you, even though you were clueless at one point in your studies, but 
to the masses it is big medicine and conjures up in billions of our fellow 
homonids the fear that their belief systems are losing the battle to scientific 
discovery. And the attitude adjustment ain't going to be pretty..especialy with 
meteorite worshipping Islam. 

Incidentally, I think you've got the chicken before the egg on what came first 
on this orb, "building blocks" or "life". And no, you can't say that "every 
shred of evidence we have implies life as we know it started right here" 
without defining what you consider "life".

Be patient just a few more sols, my friend. We are about to witness discoveries 
that are going to "shred" much of civilization's core religious theologies and 
of a much lessor importance, resolve our difference in opinion. 


Count Deiro
IMCA 3536   

-Original Message-
>From: Mark Ford 
>Sent: Mar 13, 2013 2:41 AM
>To: "" 
>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Astrobiologists Find Ancient Fossils 
>Yep, and I can't understand this fad for claims that go along the lines of 'we 
>have found the building blocks of life' , even yesterday the BBC announced 
>that NASA had found 'building blocks of life' on Mars in the latest Rover 
>sample, it turned out the BBC meant Hydrogen and Oxygen! - What 
>Hydrogen/Oxygen in space? Wow there's a revelation - NOT!
>And Amino acids are not 'the building blocks of life' either, they are nothing 
>like, they form quite naturally without ANY life being present.
>I never seen any evidence that life needed to seeded from outside the Earth, 
>every shred of evidence we have implies life as we know it started right here. 
>We could very well be the only life in the universe for all we know (although 
>I find that statistically unlikely).
>It's like the search for water on Mars, all very interesting but I bet there 
>are millions of planets in the universe with liquid water, and I'd bet most of 
>them don't have any life on..
>-Original Message-
>[] On Behalf Of 
>Galactic Stone & Ironworks
>Sent: 12 March 2013 19:40
>To: Count Deiro
>Cc: Mike Groetz; Meteorite List
>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Astrobiologists Find Ancient Fossils 
>Hi Count, Phil, List, and Innocent Bystanders,
>I have to chime in a bit here on a more serious note.
>I think there is merit to the idea of panspermia.  I am not convinced that 
>panspermia explains any of the lifeforms or living processes here on Earth, 
>but that does not mean the idea is baseless.
>We have been bombarded for billions of years by objects that contain water and 
>the precursors 

Re: [meteorite-list] Astrobiologists Find Ancient Fossils inFireballFragments

2013-03-13 Thread Mark Ford

Yep, and I can't understand this fad for claims that go along the lines of 'we 
have found the building blocks of life' , even yesterday the BBC announced that 
NASA had found 'building blocks of life' on Mars in the latest Rover sample, it 
turned out the BBC meant Hydrogen and Oxygen! - What Hydrogen/Oxygen in space? 
Wow there's a revelation - NOT!

And Amino acids are not 'the building blocks of life' either, they are nothing 
like, they form quite naturally without ANY life being present.

I never seen any evidence that life needed to seeded from outside the Earth, 
every shred of evidence we have implies life as we know it started right here. 
We could very well be the only life in the universe for all we know (although I 
find that statistically unlikely).
It's like the search for water on Mars, all very interesting but I bet there 
are millions of planets in the universe with liquid water, and I'd bet most of 
them don't have any life on..


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Galactic 
Stone & Ironworks
Sent: 12 March 2013 19:40
To: Count Deiro
Cc: Mike Groetz; Meteorite List
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Astrobiologists Find Ancient Fossils 

Hi Count, Phil, List, and Innocent Bystanders,

I have to chime in a bit here on a more serious note.

I think there is merit to the idea of panspermia.  I am not convinced that 
panspermia explains any of the lifeforms or living processes here on Earth, but 
that does not mean the idea is baseless.

We have been bombarded for billions of years by objects that contain water and 
the precursors of organic compounds, amino acids, etc.
Injecting this material into the crucible of primitive Earth could result in 
changes to the evolution of life that would not have occurred without the 
addition of those extraterrestrial ingredients.
We may owe our existence to comets and meteorites.  Or maybe not.

But, the most fervent proponents of the panspermia theory are throwing caution 
and scientific method to the wind.  They look for evidence to support their 
views and they find it.  They selectively ignore valid questions about their 
methodology and the integrity of their evidence.

Wickramasinghe is not doing the panspermia theory any favors.  Whether or not 
there is any validity to the theory is trumped by his questionable methods.  
Also, publishing anything at all in the so-called "Journal of Cosmology" is not 
the way to gain any respect or consideration.

A lot of people want to believe that panspermia played a role in the 
development of life on Earth and elsewhere - it's an enticing and romantic idea 
that opens many doors of possibility for the frequency of life in the cosmos.  
But Wickramasinghe is not convincing me of this.  I bet the credible proponents 
of the theory wish they could squelch this guy, because he is adding a lot 
noise to the panspermia signal.

Best regards,


PS - I do happen to believe in "panspermia", but please don't put me in 
Wickramasinghe's camp.  ;)

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On 3/12/13, Count Deiro  wrote:
> Hi Phil,
> I haven't read Wickramasinge. I do hold stock in panspermic theory. In
> particular, the findings of water, amino acids, etc. in the meteorites I
> mentioned. The NASA/JPL paper "New Evidence of Life Forms in Martian
> Meteorites" descibing and illustrating what seven of their best have
> concluded are life forms in Nakhla and AH84001 was particularly convincing
> to me.
> That SUV sized lab that we spent a few hundred million to put on Mars, was
> sent there for the admitted purpose of solving our disagreement for us. You
> may have watched and listened to the first report of Curiosity's findings
> today streamed on the web. The Nasa team was about to pee their pants having
> the opportunity to confirm that in the first drilling of a rock on Mars,
> they have proven an environment existed that would have beeen amiable to
> life.
> It will get better
> Regards,
> Guido
> -Original Message-
>>From: Joshua Tree Earth & Space Museum 
>>Sent: Mar 12, 2013 9:42 AM
>>To: Count Deiro , Galactic Stone & Ironworks
>>Cc: Mike Groetz , Meteorite List
>>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Astrobiologists Find Ancient Fossils
>> inFireballFragments
>>Hello Count,
>>All that stuff has been debunked long ago, no need to beat dead  horses.
>>That is unless some new evidence has been discovered. If you have new
>>evidence, I'd love to hear it.
>>Seriously, you think the work of Chandra Wickramasinghe is worthy of

Re: [meteorite-list] I have heard the Chelyabinsk Meteorite could be classified as a ........

2013-02-28 Thread Mark Ford
More like L5-6 imho... seems an awful lot of metal in some pics I've seen.. I 
reckon this one will be like NWA869 (L3.8-L9!) i.e. it will vary between finds, 
it's a big fall after all, which means it might be a little more varied than 

I'm disappointed but the lack of 'pointless speculation' on a classification on 
this list! -  normally this list has it classified, weighed and half sold off 
before it's even recovered! :)


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Shawn Alan
Sent: 28 February 2013 00:14
To: Meteorite Central
Subject: [meteorite-list] I have heard the Chelyabinsk Meteorite could be 
classified as a 

Hello Listers 

I have heard that the Chelyabinsk Meteorite fall could be a LL5?? Any 
thoughts on that. I for one do not have the eye for that, but I have been told 
that who did some slicing of this meteorite said from what they could tell that 
it could be an LL5 from looking at it in person.

Here are some images someone sent me of the Chelyabinsk Meteorite fragments

> nal.jpg
Shawn Alan
IMCA 1633
ebay store

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2013-02-27 Thread Mark Ford

I might be old fashioned but - my advice -  Just put out some good meteorites 
with good lighting and let them have a good look at it! There's nothing worse 
than walking through a display/museum with a token of artifacts around in badly 
lit cases and just seeing the kids playing around with the wooden wheels and 
bashing the buttons, they will enjoy it sure, but they won't learn anything and 
its forgotten 10 minutes later. Whereas I will always remember the first time I 
saw a large slab of Iron with the classic Widmanstatten pattern!

So many museums these days are basically turning into playgrounds for kids. 
Sure there's room for some fun exhibits but we shouldn't underestimate the 
power of just showing the raw truth (i.e not posters and PC screens) - nature 
is wonderful enough, it doesn't need a PC or laser lightshow to jazz it up.

The which rocks are from space and why' type display always seem to go down 
well, kids will always love magnets..


> Hi Darryl,
> Just a few quick thoughts:
> Scale model of the solar system
> Meteorite hunting in a "salted" strewn field with magnet canes digital 
> polarizing microscope with a cool thin section spectroscope Mars rover 
> race Make a comet telescope observing
> Many of these ideas may not work for you. Could you tell us more about 
> the event?
> Thanks,
> Peter
> __
> Visit the Archives at
> Meteorite-list mailing list


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[meteorite-list] - Re: Famous Dave / media coverage in general was better this time round.

2013-02-20 Thread Mark Ford
Having done quite a few interviews on this too I must admit I was quite 
impressed how the media do seem to be learning. They were making a genuine 
effort to ask rather than just speculating. And it was quite noticeable how 
facts like the casualty figures and bolide size and such were not too widely 
hyped upwards. If anything they were on the conservative side! There was a 
dreadfully slow news stream coming out of Russia, apart from the fantastic 
video footage, so this may have helped as essentially there was a limited 'pool 
of news' to draw from, so it all sounded quite similar.

Certainly in the UK there has been a resurgence of interest in astronomy over 
the last few years, and I think this has helped vastly improve peoples 
background knowledge. 


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: 20 February 2013 08:53
To: meteorite list
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] (OFFLIST) - Re: Famous Dave

I absolutely agree. As we all know, media exposure is a double-edged sword and 
those who take the risk have my full support and recognition.

If you distinguish between actual quotes and what the editors made up 
themselves then there is no question that Dave gave an excellent interview. As 
a matter of fact, he conveyed the fascination of meteorites in a very 
comprehensible and unpretentious way. And it speaks for Dave’s foresight that 
they didn’t get a quote of him involving actual figures of monetary value on 
the Russian material, which I’m sure, they tried.

Best regards


> Brandon  hat am 20. Februar 2013 um 02:55 geschrieben:
> Thanks Sean.
> Dave is very intelligent in the field and a good proponent of the 
> hobby/science. He does awesome outreach and his comments are 
> commendable. I applaud his appearance.
> Each individual who goes public with the passion is knowingly always 
> under the microscope by the community, but few make an intentional 
> effort to be selfless and de-emphasize the inflated prices of 
> meteorites the public may being be fed by the media around them.
> Congrats Dave on the spotlight and a beautiful pallasite :)
> My Best,
> Brandon D.
> On Feb 19, 2013, at 7:45 PM, "Sean T. Murray"  wrote:
> > Unfortunately, Dave did de-emphasize the hype on price - every time 
> > he was asked.  The actual session was much longer... but that sound 
> > bite was the only clip they used from the entire interview.  From 
> > his line of questioning, you can tell the reported really wanted to 
> > hear that it was worth bazillions.
> >
> > Sean.
> >
> > -Original Message- From: Galactic Stone & Ironworks
> > Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2013 7:19 PM
> > To: Kevin Kichinka
> > Cc:
> > Subject: [meteorite-list] (OFFLIST) - Re: Famous Dave
> >
> > I love your way of off-handedly giving out the medicine when it is needed.
> > LOL.
> >
> > I would have ranted at him and made a jackass of myself in the 
> > process.  You got the mission done with delicacy and measured means.
> > Well done sir.  ;)
> >
> > Best regards,
> >
> > MikeG
> >
> >
> >
> > On 2/19/13, Kevin Kichinka  wrote:
> >> Team Meteorite:
> >>
> >> I follow the list through the archives, so perhaps the link below 
> >> has already been posted.
> >>
> >> Our friend and team memeber Dave Gheesling just enjoyed his 
> >> 'fifteen minutes of fame'- well, probably 15 seconds anyway- on the 
> >> American NBC Nightly News last night which is watched by millions 
> >> around the world. He represented us well.
> >>
> >> As we've all noted watching the media attempt to describe the event 
> >> in Russia, they struggle to differentiate between meteors, 
> >> meteorites, bolides, fireballs and meteorite showers. And again, 
> >> there is the buzz of value $$ factor, "A piece of the meteorite is 
> >> said to be worth $10,000!" is proclaimed without suggesting how 
> >> large a piece that might be. The public doesn't know a chondrite 
> >> from a chondrule but they sure know what that rock is worth!
> >>
> >> I second a comment made by Mike Farmer during his interview with 
> >> National Geographic linked by another listee, that if any of us 
> >> ever get a chance to appear on the news, we de-emphasize the 
> >> monetary part of the hobby, and re-emphasize the scientific part.
> >>
> >> Here's Dave on TV, and I watched it on cable from my home in Costa Rica!
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> >From Nine Degrees North
> >>
> >> Kevin Kichinka
> >> Rio de Oro, Santa Ana, Costa Rica
> >>
> >> The Global Meteorite Price Report - 2013 
> >> __
> >>
> >> Visit the Archives at
> >> Meteorite-list mailing list
> >> Meteorite-lis

Re: [meteorite-list] (OFFLIST) - Re: Famous Dave / media coverage in general was better this time round.

2013-02-20 Thread Mark Ford
Having done quite a few interviews on this too I must admit I was quite 
impressed how the media do seem to be learning. They were making a genuine 
effort to ask rather than just speculating. And it was quite noticeable how 
facts like the casualty figures and bolide size and such were not too widely 
hyped upwards. If anything they were on the conservative side! There was a 
dreadfully slow news stream coming out of Russia, apart from the fantastic 
video footage, so this may have helped as essentially there was a limited 'pool 
of news' to draw from, so it all sounded quite similar.

Certainly in the UK there has been a resurgence of interest in astronomy over 
the last few years, and I think this has helped vastly improve peoples 
background knowledge. 


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: 20 February 2013 08:53
To: meteorite list
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] (OFFLIST) - Re: Famous Dave

I absolutely agree. As we all know, media exposure is a double-edged sword and 
those who take the risk have my full support and recognition.

If you distinguish between actual quotes and what the editors made up 
themselves then there is no question that Dave gave an excellent interview. As 
a matter of fact, he conveyed the fascination of meteorites in a very 
comprehensible and unpretentious way. And it speaks for Dave’s foresight that 
they didn’t get a quote of him involving actual figures of monetary value on 
the Russian material, which I’m sure, they tried.

Best regards


> Brandon  hat am 20. Februar 2013 um 02:55 geschrieben:
> Thanks Sean.
> Dave is very intelligent in the field and a good proponent of the 
> hobby/science. He does awesome outreach and his comments are 
> commendable. I applaud his appearance.
> Each individual who goes public with the passion is knowingly always 
> under the microscope by the community, but few make an intentional 
> effort to be selfless and de-emphasize the inflated prices of 
> meteorites the public may being be fed by the media around them. 
> Congrats Dave on the spotlight and a beautiful pallasite :)
> My Best,
> Brandon D.
> On Feb 19, 2013, at 7:45 PM, "Sean T. Murray"  wrote:
> > Unfortunately, Dave did de-emphasize the hype on price - every time 
> > he was asked.  The actual session was much longer... but that sound 
> > bite was the only clip they used from the entire interview.  From 
> > his line of questioning, you can tell the reported really wanted to 
> > hear that it was worth bazillions.
> >
> > Sean.
> >
> > -Original Message- From: Galactic Stone & Ironworks
> > Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2013 7:19 PM
> > To: Kevin Kichinka
> > Cc:
> > Subject: [meteorite-list] (OFFLIST) - Re: Famous Dave
> >
> > I love your way of off-handedly giving out the medicine when it is needed.
> > LOL.
> >
> > I would have ranted at him and made a jackass of myself in the 
> > process.  You got the mission done with delicacy and measured means.
> > Well done sir.  ;)
> >
> > Best regards,
> >
> > MikeG
> >
> >
> >
> > On 2/19/13, Kevin Kichinka  wrote:
> >> Team Meteorite:
> >>
> >> I follow the list through the archives, so perhaps the link below 
> >> has already been posted.
> >>
> >> Our friend and team memeber Dave Gheesling just enjoyed his 
> >> 'fifteen minutes of fame'- well, probably 15 seconds anyway- on the 
> >> American NBC Nightly News last night which is watched by millions 
> >> around the world. He represented us well.
> >>
> >> As we've all noted watching the media attempt to describe the event 
> >> in Russia, they struggle to differentiate between meteors, 
> >> meteorites, bolides, fireballs and meteorite showers. And again, 
> >> there is the buzz of value $$ factor, "A piece of the meteorite is 
> >> said to be worth $10,000!" is proclaimed without suggesting how 
> >> large a piece that might be. The public doesn't know a chondrite 
> >> from a chondrule but they sure know what that rock is worth!
> >>
> >> I second a comment made by Mike Farmer during his interview with 
> >> National Geographic linked by another listee, that if any of us 
> >> ever get a chance to appear on the news, we de-emphasize the 
> >> monetary part of the hobby, and re-emphasize the scientific part.
> >>
> >> Here's Dave on TV, and I watched it on cable from my home in Costa Rica!
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> >From Nine Degrees North
> >>
> >> Kevin Kichinka
> >> Rio de Oro, Santa Ana, Costa Rica
> >>
> >> The Global Meteorite Price Report - 2013 
> >> __
> >>
> >> Visit the Archives at
> >> Meteorite-list mailing list
> >> Meteorite-li

Re: [meteorite-list] NYT article on Chebarkul meteorite

2013-02-19 Thread Mark Ford
Since the NYT has accused us 'all' of undertaking 'largely illegal activities' 
by trading meteorites -  I say we bring a class action of libel.. ?


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Galactic 
Stone & Ironworks
Sent: 19 February 2013 16:38
To: Joshua Tree Earth & Space Museum
Cc: Meteorite list
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] NYT article on Chebarkul meteorite

The NYT is tabloid pseudo-news along the lines of the National Enquirer.  They 
are the same publication that put out that hit-piece against meteorites last 
year where all of us were declared as a "black market" of illegal activity.  It 
was little else besides slanderous statements, half-truths, and propaganda.  In 
my eyes, what shred of journalistic integrity the NYT had (and that of the 
article's author) went out the window after they published that mess.

I recall the IMCA even wrote a quasi-official (or official?) statement to rebut 
the lies and errors in the NYT article.  You know an article is really really 
bad when the meteorite community feels it necessary to put together and release 
an official rebuttal.

Of course, this NYT tripe will get picked up by tons of news wires and 
aggregators  who will republish and churn it back out endlessly.
While it's new, unknowing people will repost and "like" or "recommend"
the article Facebook, further spreading the misinformation via social media.  
It's like a dirty herpes virus and I'm sure I won't be the only today playing 
"damage control" on Facebook with this latest NYT torpedo-job.

This type of event is what makes me excited to wake up every morning and be 
involved in some small way with the world of meteorites and meteoritics.  It's 
the reason almost everyone reading this is a member of a mailing-list like this 
- because Cherbarkul is what meteorite falls are all about.  This is good good 
stuff and I loathe to see another rehash of the slanderous BS put out into the 
media.  So if you are reading this, and later on you see a discussion in a 
forum/list/site somewhere about this event and somebody is quoting or 
referencing these craptastic NYT articles - please chime in politely but firmly 
and correct the misconceptions.  It will be tedious, but it's necessary.

Best regards,


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On 2/19/13, Joshua Tree Earth & Space Museum  wrote:
> A quote from the article: "While trade in material from meteorites is
> largely illegal, there is a flourishing global market, with fragments widely
> available for sale on the Internet, usually at modest prices."
> Phil Whitmer
> Joshua Tree Earth & Space Museum
> __
> Visit the Archives at
> Meteorite-list mailing list

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Re: [meteorite-list] Wish list Meteorite choice (can only pick one)

2013-02-19 Thread Mark Ford

Aw, invoking shrodinger's cat is cheating!  :)

Ok, in this universe, i'll take the Russian, in the other one the Martian..


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Mendy Ouzillou
Sent: 19 February 2013 15:57
To: Michael Farmer; Matt Morgan
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Wish list Meteorite choice (can only pick one)

Agreed, they are both cool.

So if Schrodinger's cat can be dead and alive at the same time, I would ignore 
the rules and get both. 

Mendy Ouzillou

> From: Michael Farmer 
>To: Matt Morgan 
>Cc: "" 
>Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2013 7:35 AM
>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Wish list Meteorite choice (can only pick
>But one problem, the Russian fall is likely going to be relatively cheap, I am 
>sure hundreds of kilos will be found and the price will likely be low. For 
>$500 people will be able to buy one or many stones. $500 in black beauty gets 
>you a speck hardly identifiable as a meteorite.
>Both are very interesting meteorites, scientifically the Mars is more 
>interesting but dynamically the Russian fall is history-book material.
>No comparison in my opinion:)
>I'll be in Russia very soon, so get your pennies counted:) Michael 
>Sent from my iPhone
>On Feb 19, 2013, at 8:27 AM, Matt Morgan  wrote:
>> Why discriminate? Both are history-making meteorites in their own rights. 
>> Black Beauty is not just another Mars rock and the Russian fall is far from 
>> ordinary. We should see this as an opportunity (if there is the opportunity 
>> to own the Russian fall) and them both to our collections. 
>> Matt
>> Mark Ford  wrote:
>>> Given there is probably more tkw of black beauty than chebarkul at 
>>> the moment -  give me 'the Russian blonde'!  :)
>>> Mark
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of 
>>> Don Merchant
>>> Sent: 19 February 2013 13:14
>>> To:
>>> Cc: Don Merchant
>>> Subject: [meteorite-list] Wish list Meteorite choice (can only pick
>>> one)
>>> Hi List. What an exciting week in the world of meteorites/asteroids! 
>>> So here goes...If you had only the choice of picking one small 
>>> fragment for your collection what would it be. Here are the choices:
>>> Black Beauty Martian meteorite NWA 7034 or A fragment of the recent 
>>> and most historic event of the Russian meteorite in Chebarkul.
>>> Lets just say for ships and giggles that if you pick one you can 
>>> never have the other!
>>> Any thoughts?
>>> Sincerely
>>> Don Merchant
>>> Founder-Cosmic Treasures Celestial Wonders 
>>> IMCA #0960
>>> __
>>> Visit the Archives at
>>> Meteorite-list mailing list
>>> __
>>> Visit the Archives at
>>> Meteorite-list mailing list
>> --
>> Matt Morgan
>> Mile High Meteorites
>> PO Box 151293
>> Lakewood CO 80215 USA
>> Find Us on Facebook
>> __
>> Visit the Archives at
>> Meteorite-list mailing list
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Re: [meteorite-list] Wish list Meteorite choice (can only pick one)

2013-02-19 Thread Mark Ford
Given there is probably more tkw of black beauty than chebarkul at the moment - 
 give me 'the Russian blonde'!  :)


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Don Merchant
Sent: 19 February 2013 13:14
Cc: Don Merchant
Subject: [meteorite-list] Wish list Meteorite choice (can only pick one)

Hi List. What an exciting week in the world of meteorites/asteroids! So here 
goes...If you had only the choice of picking one small fragment for your 
collection what would it be. Here are the choices:

Black Beauty Martian meteorite NWA 7034
A fragment of the recent and most historic event of the Russian meteorite in 

Lets just say for ships and giggles that if you pick one you can never have the 

Any thoughts?

Don Merchant
Founder-Cosmic Treasures Celestial Wonders IMCA 


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Re: [meteorite-list] Somewhat larger Chebarkul pieces off Russia 24 TV now

2013-02-19 Thread Mark Ford
Thanks for posting those pics Bjørn. This fall has been amazing, but the most 
astounding thing is that no one in Russia seems to have a high resolution 
camera! :)


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Bjorn Sorheim
Sent: 19 February 2013 03:19
Subject: [meteorite-list] Somewhat larger Chebarkul pieces off Russia 24 TV now

I just photographed somewhat larger meteorites from Chelyabinsk/Chebarkul area 
off the russian TV channel Russia 24.
Not so big, but improving.

Starting with image 36 the two first is what local kids collected, the next 3 
is what a local woman had found. The last images is what state searchers 
collected probably from the lake.
Found here (copy the link to the browser):



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Re: [meteorite-list] Fragments Found From Russia Meteor Blast

2013-02-18 Thread Mark Ford

So, what are we talking then ..  an L6?

Anyone care to pointlessly speculate on a classification, from the limited 


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Re: [meteorite-list] Russian Meteor event?

2013-02-15 Thread Mark Ford
Latest casualties - 900 people!!!  (Sky News)

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Mark Ford
Sent: 15 February 2013 13:37
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Russian Meteor event?

I'm betting it's an Iron, Personally I don't think there's too much smoke, 
(look at the classic Skihote Alin painting for example!)

What is strange is that in quite a few videos of the fireball there seems to be 
some odd features what I can only describe as 'puffs of extra fast smoke' 
spontaneously appearing almost like mini explosions along the trajectory as it 
travels. Maybe these are just shock fronts or water vapour from the supersonic 
trail, but ive not seem them before...


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Marcin Cimala
Sent: 15 February 2013 13:25
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Russian Meteor event?

I dont know but this looks to me like big space junk, not a meteor. Too slow, 
too much smoke, no fragmentation like for example on Peekskill video.
This will be interesting what did they find on the ground. Anyway I hope it 
will be 10 ton lunar :D

-[ MARCIN CIMALA ]-[ I.M.C.A.#3667 ]- marcin(at)   marcin(at)  GSM: +48 (793) 567667
[ Member of Polish Meteoritical Society ]

> Most damage from shockwave so farinteresting pictures and comments 
> here...satellite picture and impact on lake possibleeven one 
> mentions bits for sale already
> Graham
> On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 7:59 AM, Robin Whittle  wrote:
>> The Russia Today page has video of the light of the meteor throwing 
>> moving shadows of buildings, in broad daylight.
>> There is a report of 100 people being injured, none seriously, and 
>> two photos of a "zinc factory" (maybe a galvanizing factory) which 
>> was hit and damaged.
>> This video shows the smoke trail:
>> Two YouTube videos which are better quality originals compared to the 
>> derivative versions in the news reports:
>>  - Robin
>> __
>> Visit the Archives at
>> Meteorite-list mailing list
> __
> Visit the Archives at
> Meteorite-list mailing list


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Re: [meteorite-list] Russian Meteor event?

2013-02-15 Thread Mark Ford
I'm betting it's an Iron, Personally I don't think there's too much smoke, 
(look at the classic Skihote Alin painting for example!)

What is strange is that in quite a few videos of the fireball there seems to be 
some odd features what I can only describe as 'puffs of extra fast smoke' 
spontaneously appearing almost like mini explosions along the trajectory as it 
travels. Maybe these are just shock fronts or water vapour from the supersonic 
trail, but ive not seem them before...


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Marcin Cimala
Sent: 15 February 2013 13:25
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Russian Meteor event?

I dont know but this looks to me like big space junk, not a meteor. Too slow, 
too much smoke, no fragmentation like for example on Peekskill video.
This will be interesting what did they find on the ground. Anyway I hope it 
will be 10 ton lunar :D

-[ MARCIN CIMALA ]-[ I.M.C.A.#3667 ]- marcin(at)   marcin(at)  GSM: +48 (793) 567667
[ Member of Polish Meteoritical Society ]

> Most damage from shockwave so farinteresting pictures and comments 
> here...satellite picture and impact on lake possibleeven one 
> mentions bits for sale already
> Graham
> On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 7:59 AM, Robin Whittle  wrote:
>> The Russia Today page has video of the light of the meteor throwing 
>> moving shadows of buildings, in broad daylight.
>> There is a report of 100 people being injured, none seriously, and 
>> two photos of a "zinc factory" (maybe a galvanizing factory) which 
>> was hit and damaged.
>> This video shows the smoke trail:
>> Two YouTube videos which are better quality originals compared to the 
>> derivative versions in the news reports:
>>  - Robin
>> __
>> Visit the Archives at
>> Meteorite-list mailing list
> __
> Visit the Archives at
> Meteorite-list mailing list


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Re: [meteorite-list] Russian Meteorite Event

2013-02-15 Thread Mark Ford
Casualties up to 525..

I've just done an interview with the Guardian :

Mark Ford


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[meteorite-list] Russian Meteor event?

2013-02-15 Thread Mark Ford

WOW - this Looks absolutely massive!

Major damage to entire buildings, causing fires and roof collapse. -  This 
could easily be the biggest fall in living memory!

Mark Ford

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Sterling K. 
Sent: 15 February 2013 07:17
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Russian Meteor event?

Pieces on the ground?
"The ministry said some fragments fell near the town of Satka, about 200 
kilometers (120 miles) from the regional capital city of Chelyabinsk."

Sterling K. Webb
- Original Message -
From: "Yinan Wang" 
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2013 11:40 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Russian Meteor event?

> Hey List,
> Anyone hearing reports of a major meteor in Russia in the past few 
> hours? Supposedly large shockwave blew out windows.
> Some interesting videos have been popping up on youtube, judge for
> yourself:
> -Yinan
> __
> Visit the Archives at
> Meteorite-list mailing list


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Re: [meteorite-list] OT James Webb Space Telescope

2011-07-08 Thread Mark Ford
Because it's based on expensive spy satellite technology!

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Yinan Wang
Sent: 08 July 2011 08:07
To: Sterling K. Webb
Cc: meteoritelist meteoritelist
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] OT James Webb Space Telescope

Not to be critical of space development, but can someone give a basic
cost breakdown of why this has cost $3,000,000,000.00 so far?


On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 12:59 AM, Sterling K. Webb
> The JWST has turned into a long-term project, stretching
> out its schedule to later and later launch dates. That is not
> a bad thing because the project improves as it does so. The
> loss of a year's funding needs to be partly reversed so that the
> project and personnel can be maintained until the return
> of funding. It wouldn't matter if it took an extra year to complete.
> We're already three billion dollars into the job. Of course,
> Congress could always simply throw that money away; they
> ARE stupid enough. It's not like the SSC which we abandoned
> after spending two billion (1993) dollars in it.
> Oh, wait! It is exactly like that.
> Sterling K. Webb
> --
> - Original Message - From: "Pete Pete" 
> To: "meteoritelist meteoritelist" 
> Sent: Friday, July 08, 2011 12:02 AM
> Subject: [meteorite-list] OT James Webb Space Telescope
> Bummer!
> Does anyone have Bill Gates' phone number?
> Canadian developed space telescope nixed by U.S. Congress
> By Amy Chung and Max Harrold
> OTTAWA - Space researchers were reeling Thursday over a decision in the U.S.
> Congress to axe funding for the James Webb Space Telescope - a Canadian and
> European joint effort with NASA that would peer deeper into space.
> Canada has earmarked $147 million for the project.
> The U.S. House of Representatives Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce,
> Justice and Science approved a yearly spending bill earlier in the day that
> includes no money for the JWST - the successor to the Earth-orbiting Hubble
> Telescope that was launched in 1990.
> __
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Re: [meteorite-list] Offtopic Filter

2011-07-06 Thread Mark Ford
There's off topic and there's off topic, Nasa sueing previous employees for 
stuff they have been given, COULD turn out to be relevant to meteorites, an 
awful lot of US institutions have traded state owned/Nasa materiel over the 
years for example..

Now and again doesn't hurt, and I prefer it to the bickering anytime


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Bob Loeffler
Sent: 06 July 2011 15:04
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Offtopic Filter

Hi Jim,

I think Sergei was trying to make a point.  :-)  There are too many people
on this list who do stray from the topic of meteorites.  NASA going after an
ex-astronaut to get an old camera back has NOTHING to do with meteorites.



-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Jim
Sent: Monday, July 04, 2011 1:43 PM
To: Sergei Schmalz
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Offtopic Filter


Most email clients, both online and computer based, such as Outlook,
etc. have just what you ask for.  You might try looking at your own


Jim Wooddell

On Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 11:28 AM, Sergei Schmalz  wrote:
> Greetings!
> Please, could we have a filter, which, when switched on for a particular
subscribed user, would filter out all offtopic non-meteorite messages
(marked, say, by OT)? It's becoming a big daily burden to have to delete
manually or even look through all these massive offtopic messages coming
into my email box. Come on, I really dont have a need of NASA suing someone
for a camera or Crabs out there on a METEORITE list! There's a plenty of
other astronomy discussion boards and lists for that purpose.
> Thank you.
> With best regards
> Sergei Schmalz
> __
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> Meteorite-list mailing list
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Re: [meteorite-list] NASA sues Moonwalker Astronaut

2011-07-04 Thread Mark Ford

* someone in the whitehouse really needs to take a good look east).

Opps typo 

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Mark Ford
Sent: 04 July 2011 16:57
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] NASA sues Moonwalker Astronaut

Couldn't agree more and i'm not even American! (It saddens me to see the US 
slowly sliding ever downward, someone in the whitehouse really needs to take a 
good east).

I never thought I would see the loss of US manned space flight in my lifetime,  
yet at the end of this week that will be it!

Wonder if all the meteorite museum trades will be in question if they started 
chasing all ex Nasa/Government material - one wonders where it would end, which 
is why its lunacy, (and probably the result of Lawyers and pen pushers taking 
over from where intelligent scientists, engineers and good people once stood...)


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Michael Gilmer
Sent: 04 July 2011 15:26
To: MexicoDoug
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] NASA sues Moonwalker Astronaut

Hi Doug and List,

Happy Fourth of July to our astronauts who are being harassed for
having garage sales!

What an absolute waste of taxpayer money and manpower (again).

At what point did our government go an Syd Barrett acid trip and not come back?

This kind of thing sickens me.  It makes me ashamed to be associated
in any way with our mentally-defective government.

Has all common sense and decency gone out the window in this day of
lawsuits and ignorance?

The elites and their sycophants don't care that people are losing
their homes, going hungry, and going without medical care in this
country.  But yet we can piss away vast sums of money to investigate,
harass, and prosecute people for selling dusty swatches of tape and
old obsolete cameras.  It's friggin disgusting.

I've been saying this for 20 years and now the people are finally
catching up with what I have been saying - this government needs to be
replaced from the ground up.  It's broken, it's been co-opted by
megalomaniac elitists, and the fed is being used as a tool to oppress
the people.  Our founding fathers are rolling over in their graves
over 1000 things, and now this campaign of astronaut harassment makes
it 1001 things.

What message does this send to science-inspired youngsters who might
pursue a career in the space program?  --->  "Hey kids!  You'll retire
poor and your pension won't cover your basic expenses, so when you try
to have a garage sale, you'll be harassed for it and threatened with
criminal charges so we can prevent the spread of dirty tape and
obsolete cameras!  God Bless America!"

I really need to stop reading or answering these posts before my
coffee kicks in.  Is my vitriol running too freely this morning?  LOL

Best regards and best of luck to our HERO astronauts,


Galactic Stone & Ironworks - Meteorites & Amber (Michael Gilmer)

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On 7/4/11, MexicoDoug  wrote:
> Dear list,
> This is a very relevant case to meteorites and should not be taken
> lightly.
> They're at it again ... rewriting history and after 40 years of NASA's
> permission to take mementos from the Apollo era - now suing the sixth
> man to walk on the moon, Edgar Mitchell of Apollo 11, for trying to
> sell the camera they allowed him to have ... the precedent, I suspect
> is the identical one to the dust on the tape, which didn't exist, but
> they are gunning for now.
> Again, we are faced with the erosion of sensible property rights, a
> violation of traditional English and Roman law regarding the importance
> of possession IMO, in an effort to legislation effort from the bench at
> its finest (sarcasm). The question at hand: Can we apply today's
> standards retroactively to say NASA was wrong to allow astronauts to
> have things that were of no use to NASA at the time and with the full
> knowledge of NASA allowed to be kept by those involved. After 40 years
> of knowledge that the astronaut possessed this camera and other sundry
> things, it becomes a precedent, a

Re: [meteorite-list] NASA sues Moonwalker Astronaut

2011-07-04 Thread Mark Ford

Couldn't agree more and i'm not even American! (It saddens me to see the US 
slowly sliding ever downward, someone in the whitehouse really needs to take a 
good east).

I never thought I would see the loss of US manned space flight in my lifetime,  
yet at the end of this week that will be it!

Wonder if all the meteorite museum trades will be in question if they started 
chasing all ex Nasa/Government material - one wonders where it would end, which 
is why its lunacy, (and probably the result of Lawyers and pen pushers taking 
over from where intelligent scientists, engineers and good people once stood...)


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Michael Gilmer
Sent: 04 July 2011 15:26
To: MexicoDoug
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] NASA sues Moonwalker Astronaut

Hi Doug and List,

Happy Fourth of July to our astronauts who are being harassed for
having garage sales!

What an absolute waste of taxpayer money and manpower (again).

At what point did our government go an Syd Barrett acid trip and not come back?

This kind of thing sickens me.  It makes me ashamed to be associated
in any way with our mentally-defective government.

Has all common sense and decency gone out the window in this day of
lawsuits and ignorance?

The elites and their sycophants don't care that people are losing
their homes, going hungry, and going without medical care in this
country.  But yet we can piss away vast sums of money to investigate,
harass, and prosecute people for selling dusty swatches of tape and
old obsolete cameras.  It's friggin disgusting.

I've been saying this for 20 years and now the people are finally
catching up with what I have been saying - this government needs to be
replaced from the ground up.  It's broken, it's been co-opted by
megalomaniac elitists, and the fed is being used as a tool to oppress
the people.  Our founding fathers are rolling over in their graves
over 1000 things, and now this campaign of astronaut harassment makes
it 1001 things.

What message does this send to science-inspired youngsters who might
pursue a career in the space program?  --->  "Hey kids!  You'll retire
poor and your pension won't cover your basic expenses, so when you try
to have a garage sale, you'll be harassed for it and threatened with
criminal charges so we can prevent the spread of dirty tape and
obsolete cameras!  God Bless America!"

I really need to stop reading or answering these posts before my
coffee kicks in.  Is my vitriol running too freely this morning?  LOL

Best regards and best of luck to our HERO astronauts,


Galactic Stone & Ironworks - Meteorites & Amber (Michael Gilmer)

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On 7/4/11, MexicoDoug  wrote:
> Dear list,
> This is a very relevant case to meteorites and should not be taken
> lightly.
> They're at it again ... rewriting history and after 40 years of NASA's
> permission to take mementos from the Apollo era - now suing the sixth
> man to walk on the moon, Edgar Mitchell of Apollo 11, for trying to
> sell the camera they allowed him to have ... the precedent, I suspect
> is the identical one to the dust on the tape, which didn't exist, but
> they are gunning for now.
> Again, we are faced with the erosion of sensible property rights, a
> violation of traditional English and Roman law regarding the importance
> of possession IMO, in an effort to legislation effort from the bench at
> its finest (sarcasm). The question at hand: Can we apply today's
> standards retroactively to say NASA was wrong to allow astronauts to
> have things that were of no use to NASA at the time and with the full
> knowledge of NASA allowed to be kept by those involved. After 40 years
> of knowledge that the astronaut possessed this camera and other sundry
> things, it becomes a precedent, and NASA is even painting an American
> hero with a scarlet letter of "T" for "Thief"
> From the article:
> "During the Apollo mission era, Mitchell said he and other astronauts
> got permission to take mementos from the spacecrafts. "We have dozens
> of pieces. All of us who flew to the moon," he said in a Palm Beach
> Post report.
> Mitchell's lawyer, Donald Jacobson, said, "Objects from the lunar trips
> to the moon were ultimately mounted and then presented to the
> astronauts as a gift after they had helped 

Re: [meteorite-list] NASA sues Moonwalker Astronaut

2011-07-04 Thread Mark Ford
Yes but why is it 'a legal one' now as opposed to 30 years ago?

-Original Message-
From: James Sleep [] 
Sent: 04 July 2011 14:38
To: Mark Ford
Subject: RE: [meteorite-list] NASA sues Moonwalker Astronaut

I think the problem is a simple legal one. It is probably like the owner of
a business using business stuff for personal use. It is illegal. It was
probably illegal to give away the camera, and other stuff, because it is
material that belongs to the business-NASA. NASA is probably determined by
law to sue to retrieve the objects or value of the objects. Just like the
owner of a trademark is legally obliged to sue someone who uses that
trademark illegally or risk losing the trademark. Sometimes it is the law
that requires you to sue


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Mark Ford
Sent: Monday, July 04, 2011 9:06 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] NASA sues Moonwalker Astronaut

Well spotted Hehe, (now who's rewriting history  ;) lol.

Seriously though I think the Astronauts should refuse to do any more PR work
for Nasa over this, it's disgraceful. (Assuming the press reports are true
of course).

 These Guys and girls put their lives on the line - Granted there's a
potentially difference from cadging some scrap stuff from work and being
officially awarded/given it in writing, but I can't help thinking this is
more about 'recovering valuable items', rather than anything else


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: 04 July 2011 13:52
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] NASA sues Moonwalker Astronaut

>>They're at it again ... rewriting  history and after 40 years of NASA's 
permission to take mementos from the  Apollo era - now suing the sixth 
man to walk on the moon, Edgar Mitchell of  Apollo 11, for trying to 
sell the camera they allowed him to have ...  <<

Edgar Mitchell wasn't on Apollo 11Michael Collins, Buzz  Aldrin and 
Neil Armstrong were. 

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Re: [meteorite-list] NASA sues Moonwalker Astronaut

2011-07-04 Thread Mark Ford

Well spotted Hehe, (now who's rewriting history  ;) lol.

Seriously though I think the Astronauts should refuse to do any more PR work 
for Nasa over this, it's disgraceful. (Assuming the press reports are true of 

 These Guys and girls put their lives on the line - Granted there's a 
potentially difference from cadging some scrap stuff from work and being 
officially awarded/given it in writing, but I can't help thinking this is more 
about 'recovering valuable items', rather than anything else


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: 04 July 2011 13:52
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] NASA sues Moonwalker Astronaut

>>They're at it again ... rewriting  history and after 40 years of NASA's 
permission to take mementos from the  Apollo era - now suing the sixth 
man to walk on the moon, Edgar Mitchell of  Apollo 11, for trying to 
sell the camera they allowed him to have ...  <<

Edgar Mitchell wasn't on Apollo 11Michael Collins, Buzz  Aldrin and 
Neil Armstrong were. 

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Re: [meteorite-list] NASA could sell...

2011-06-28 Thread Mark Ford

Hi Sterling and List,

Hmm, don't tempt me! (actually Iv'e already built a probe (well a Helium 
Baloon, with Gamma probe and electronics) to go to into Nearspace, but somehow 
I think a moon shot might take me a while!!

Maybe one day i'll get around to making a set of Massive Laser tweezers, and 
scoop some material off the lunar surface into an earth crossing trajectory!! ;)

Seriously though - I'm fairly sure that in my lifetime some corporation or 
other (probably from China) will do a private sample return mission, so maybe 
i'll just hold out!


-Original Message-
From: Sterling K. Webb [] 
Sent: 27 June 2011 21:43
To: Mark Ford;
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] NASA could sell...

Mark, List,

Go Get Your Own Moon Rocks!

What? You say you can't afford a small intra-planetary
vehicle, a little robot to go to the Moon and collect a few
kilos of Moon Rocks for you?

No problemo.

Then what you need is is to buy a share of a private
space company's Lunar Return Mission, right? Like:

All that is needed to secure a share of returned lunar
material is a 10% deposit (against a $7500/gm cost).

You say all you want is to put a micro-satellite into low
Earth orbit, you say? They have a satellite kit (with
launch included) for only $8,000:
You even get a free second launch if the first one fails.

More about them:
"IOS holds an active Office of Commercial Space
Transportation Launch License...  is currently working
on a line of launch vehicles aimed at winning the Google
Lunar X Prize. The company was also a competitor for
both the Ansari X-Prize and America's Space Prize..."

Sterling K. Webb

Disclaimer: All email purchase advice is worth no more
than the electrons used to send the emil, and my liability
is limited to the cost of said electrons, which I would refund
by mailing you a small, used button battery.
- Original Message - 
From: "Mark Ford" 
Sent: Monday, June 27, 2011 9:23 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] NASA could sell...

Personally I completely disagree with the cost estimate of 5-8 billion, 
a simple small robotic sample mission really ought to be not too 
difficult (Russia did Lunar sample return on a total shoestring in the 
60's).  I would send a simple, small lander, grab some rocks in a scoop 
then take off and return. (Turning the mission into a full rover 
prospecting mission is bound to increase the cost drastically!)

 The stardust mission for example cost around $200 Million (that was a 
sample return all be it a space capture). A lunar sample return would be 
much cheaper than a Martian one obviously, but small mars rocket motor 
designs and a return module have already been studied in several 
different NASA/ESA feasibility proposals, and I would be surprised if 
they cost anything like 5 Billion, I rekon it could be done for less 
than $500 Million, if it was a simple small grab and return system.

 I'd also do it using a cheaper and more fuel efficient return method 
than traditionally, such as Ion engine technology, it would take much 
longer but would require much less of a fuel payload than a conventional 
return to earth would, then I would advocate using the ISS as a capture 
and return lab, rather than risking a traditional re-entry, this would 
save money too, as you wouldn't be returning a complete re-entry vehicle 
back from mars!

I think you would easily sell a few kilos of Apollo moon rock with no 
trouble at all, there are enough rich billionaires (probably they would 
not even be meteorite collectors) out there who would snap it up, it 
would be a truly unique opportunity this would attract plenty of 
speculators -it would be a different market than meteorite samples.

Besides plenty of people would buy microscopic amounts (put me down for 
an Apollo 11 super-micro any time!!).


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Martin 
Sent: 27 June 2011 13:13
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] NASA could sell...

Hi Mark,

>I estimate we probably could fund an automatic sample return mission to
both mars [and] to the moon, just for >the 'cost' of a few off cut 
lunar chunks..

Well the cost estimation of an automatic Mars sample return mission, 
then a
cooperation between NASA & ESA - a rover probing different Martian rocks 
surface - and where 500grams shall be

Re: [meteorite-list] NASA could sell...

2011-06-27 Thread Mark Ford

Personally I completely disagree with the cost estimate of 5-8 billion, a 
simple small robotic sample mission really ought to be not too difficult 
(Russia did Lunar sample return on a total shoestring in the 60's).  I would 
send a simple, small lander, grab some rocks in a scoop then take off and 
return. (Turning the mission into a full rover prospecting mission is bound to 
increase the cost drastically!)

 The stardust mission for example cost around $200 Million (that was a sample 
return all be it a space capture). A lunar sample return would be much cheaper 
than a Martian one obviously, but small mars rocket motor designs and a return 
module have already been studied in several different NASA/ESA feasibility 
proposals, and I would be surprised if they cost anything like 5 Billion, I 
rekon it could be done for less than $500 Million, if it was a simple small 
grab and return system.

 I'd also do it using a cheaper and more fuel efficient return method than 
traditionally, such as Ion engine technology, it would take much longer but 
would require much less of a fuel payload than a conventional return to earth 
would, then I would advocate using the ISS as a capture and return lab, rather 
than risking a traditional re-entry, this would save money too, as you wouldn't 
be returning a complete re-entry vehicle back from mars!

I think you would easily sell a few kilos of Apollo moon rock with no trouble 
at all, there are enough rich billionaires (probably they would not even be 
meteorite collectors) out there who would snap it up, it would be a truly 
unique opportunity this would attract plenty of speculators -it would be a 
different market than meteorite samples. 

Besides plenty of people would buy microscopic amounts (put me down for an 
Apollo 11 super-micro any time!!).


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Martin Altmann
Sent: 27 June 2011 13:13
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] NASA could sell...

Hi Mark,

>I estimate we probably could fund an automatic sample return mission to
both mars [and] to the moon, just for >the 'cost' of a few off cut Apollo
lunar chunks..

Well the cost estimation of an automatic Mars sample return mission, then a
cooperation between NASA & ESA - a rover probing different Martian rocks on
surface - and where 500grams shall be expedited back to Earth - is estimated
in the 5-8 billion $ range.

Makes up a gram price, if you want to cover it with the sale of half of the
Apollo rocks, of something around 35k$.
(But who shall buy that stuff? - after 13 years STILL not all of DaG 400 is
sold, and that at current prices around 1k$/g - and that stone had only

Hmm, my last mail didn't made it through.


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[] Im Auftrag von Mark
Gesendet: Montag, 27. Juni 2011 13:41
Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] NASA could sell...

I certainly don't think NASA should sell all the moon rock, but I don't see
any harm in selling off a few very carefully selected waste pieces
(currently they even count back and store all the waste dust from cutting
losses!), there must be a large amount of material that is contaminated by
the terrestrial environment by processing/handling etc, that has no special
value to science (it's useless). Especially if this money was genuinely used
to further space research (naively assuming it really was used for this!),
it could actually be used to fund a lot more space/lunar research!

I estimate we probably could fund an automatic sample return mission to both
mars [and] to the moon, just for the 'cost' of a few off cut Apollo lunar


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Martin
Sent: 27 June 2011 08:59
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] NASA could sell...

To sell the Apollo rocks? Have you taken leave of your senses?!?

Those rocks, which the heroes of my youth brought back, risking their lives,
and in the greatest technical adventure of all times??

You're all watching too much TV! Too much science fiction!

We can't go around in the solar system in that way you're taking a cab!
Manned spaceflight is extremely difficult and extremely dangerous.

Look what we can do. At the moment we have an assemblage of tin cans in such
a low orbit, a kind of water ski in spaceflight, in a so low orbit, that the
grandmas call the police, whenever the ISS cross over their heads!
And more we cannot!

Now we are all trembling, that the little box called "Dawn" 

Re: [meteorite-list] NASA could sell...

2011-06-27 Thread Mark Ford

I certainly don't think NASA should sell all the moon rock, but I don't see any 
harm in selling off a few very carefully selected waste pieces (currently they 
even count back and store all the waste dust from cutting losses!), there must 
be a large amount of material that is contaminated by the terrestrial 
environment by processing/handling etc, that has no special value to science 
(it's useless). Especially if this money was genuinely used to further space 
research (naively assuming it really was used for this!), it could actually be 
used to fund a lot more space/lunar research!

I estimate we probably could fund an automatic sample return mission to both 
mars [and] to the moon, just for the 'cost' of a few off cut Apollo lunar 


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Martin Altmann
Sent: 27 June 2011 08:59
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] NASA could sell...

To sell the Apollo rocks? Have you taken leave of your senses?!?

Those rocks, which the heroes of my youth brought back, risking their lives,
and in the greatest technical adventure of all times??

You're all watching too much TV! Too much science fiction!

We can't go around in the solar system in that way you're taking a cab!
Manned spaceflight is extremely difficult and extremely dangerous.

Look what we can do. At the moment we have an assemblage of tin cans in such
a low orbit, a kind of water ski in spaceflight, in a so low orbit, that the
grandmas call the police, whenever the ISS cross over their heads!
And more we cannot!

Now we are all trembling, that the little box called "Dawn" will not fail
and send us some data from the front garden of our tiny solar system.

Lunar materials, think to the millions of man-hours spent in the deserts, to
assemble the tiny pile of lunar meteorites, so small and light-weighted,
that everyone of us can lift it without difficulties.
(And think about that, whenever your nose starts to wrinkle, when such a
specimen offered is lousy 100 bucks more expensive per gram than you

And although I feel still quite healthy, I won't live to see a man or woman
on Moon again (not to mention Mars).

Rather sell the Brooklyn Bridge. 

And which meteorites shall NASA sell?
Those from ANSMET?
That isn't possible because the Antarctic Treaty prevents that,

and hey - we're all buyers and sellers of meteorites, so we definitely know,
that the revenues would be out of absolutely all proportion to the expenses
paid to collect these meteorites.
And thus, it would be even probably elements of offence, a misappropriation.

Huh, we're just selling a brachinite, the freshest available, where in 36
years of Antarctic searches by all countries together not more than 3
different were found, together half a pound.
And we are selling that one in slices and not in bulk - and at a total,
wherefore you can pay having an ANSMET-Team exactly one single day on the
These are the relations.

It is absolutely necessary, that the ANSMET meteorites stay in the courtesy
of governmental institutes and universities - their acquisition was
expensive enough! (No offense, in my eyes these costs are fully justified).
To sell them on the market would bring in peanuts compared to that, what the
taxpayer had spent for them.

And Richard, who says, that NASA wouldn't buy meteorites?
Nasa consists of hundreds of departments - of course if you address to the
janitor, he won't buy a meteorite.
But those exploring the solar system do, of course.

And the abnormal opinion of people, pretending to be scientists interested
in meteorites, 
that a Moon or a chondrite is per se a crime,
that you found at best in countries with an underdeveloped meteorite
research like e.g. Australia or Oman,
but certainly not in USA.


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Re: [meteorite-list] Building Inspired by Meteorites

2011-06-22 Thread Mark Ford

Yes, sounds like they want meteorites that look like buildings rather than make 
a building to look like a meteorite! :)

Yuk - it really looks nothing like a meteorite IMHO - it's more like a 
collapsed tin can, - why not have jet black fusion crust over the exterior, 
which absorbs solar heat and saves energy bills?

The inside is a missed opportunity too - Personally I thought that the latest 
design trends in modern buildings were moving away from silver balls hanging in 
corridors and white 1960's tables..

Interesting though, thanks for the link.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Jan Bartels
Sent: 21 June 2011 19:25
To: Matthias Bärmann; Pete Pete; meteoritelist meteoritelist
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Building Inspired by Meteorites

Well I was invited on the grand opening today but unfortunatly couldn't make 
The Campo is there indeed but I can't really say where they placed it.
Funny thing is they called me last week for advise.. They wanted the 
Campo shine like silver when the sunbeams would hit it and asked me how to 
make it look like as shiny as possible. Of course I strongly advised them to 
keep it as natural as possibledoubt it if they did :-)
I'm going to visit them shortly and hopefully they didn't torture the poor 
thing too much...


- Original Message - 
From: "Matthias Bärmann" 
To: "Jan Bartels" ; "Pete Pete" ; 
"meteoritelist meteoritelist" 
Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2011 7:52 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Building Inspired by Meteorites

> That's pretty cool indeed, Jan. Is the Campo already there? I couldn't 
> find it on the photos.
> Btw. such kind of light performance was well known to the anonymous 
> architects of the medieval cathedrals:
> "One of the oldest Gothic cathedrals in France is Chartres cathedral. This 
> cathedral is aligned to the summer solstice. On the summer solstice the 
> Sun shines through the window of 'Saint Apollinaire' with a depiction of 
> the Roman sun god Apollo and its rays fall straight on an iron nail in the 
> floor of the cathedral."
> (see 
> , with photo)
> Best,
> Matthias
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Jan Bartels" 
> To: "Pete Pete" ; "meteoritelist meteoritelist" 
> Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2011 7:22 PM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Building Inspired by Meteorites
> Cool isn't it?
> I was asked by the owner if I could get them a 100 kilo Campo.
> This one is placed in a position in the building where the sun will shine
> through a tube like construction on the meteorite exactly on the moment 
> the
> astronomical summer begins. How cool is that?
> Best,
> Jan
> IMCA #9833
> Holland
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Pete Pete" 
> To: "meteoritelist meteoritelist" 
> Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2011 7:14 PM
> Subject: [meteorite-list] Building Inspired by Meteorites
> "Dutch Building Looks Like It Landed on the Surface of Mars
> Sam Biddle-Architecture firms tend to use their offices as a giant 
> business
> card they can work inside. Decos' is no exception-except it looks like an
> astronaut base, not a Dutch headquarters. Their inspiration? A meteorite
> impact." Snip
> __
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> __
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> __ Hinweis von ESET Smart Security, Signaturdatenbank-Version 6226 
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Re: [meteorite-list] 8.9 Quake in Japan, 10 meter Tsunami, Hope Dirk and others are ok

2011-03-17 Thread Mark Ford


> The facts are, as of a minute ago, that there has been no containment
vessel breach in any of the reactors. Therefore, there has been no
significant >release of radiation. Nobody...nobody.. has received an
exposure that would cause any measurable harm. I don't care what you've
read, seen, or heard.   

I wouldn't exactly call 1.06 Sv/hr 'no significant radiation' .. (this
was measured outside the plant). but your right, the media have been
making some pretty silly statements, but then it's not exactly helped by
the 'lack' of accurate info coming from the Government of Japan either!


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Count
Sent: 16 March 2011 05:43
To: John.L.Cabassi; 'Meteorite List'
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] 8.9 Quake in Japan, 10 meter Tsunami, Hope
Dirk and others are ok

Hello John and List,

I know it is difficult when the media, almost to a man, has opted to
sensationalize, rather than calmly release the facts. I haven't seen one
headline that hasn't promoted a panic in it's wording. Then, as I read
the body copy it becomes apparent through the use of qualifiers like,
maybe, possible and might, that what was touted hasn't actually
occurred. The headline doesn't turn out to be just's
actually a lie.

I was shocked at Sheppard Smith's opener yesterday on Fox. He all but
said we were going to die. And they sent this hysteric to Japan to
report on something he doesn't know anything about. Also, I didn't know
that our popular Japanese/American cosmologist with the salt and pepper
hair...I forgot his name...but he's on many a metoritic program, is a
blatantly anti-nuke. He gets on the air and calls for all nuke plants to
be shut down. I fell out of my chair. How could a guy with letters after
his name and so immersed in the study and teaching of the cosmos...which
owes it's existence to fission and fusion hold such a position? 

The facts are, as of a minute ago, that there has been no containment
vessel breach in any of the reactors. Therefore, there has been no
significant release of radiation. Nobody...nobody.. has received an
exposure that would cause any measurable harm. I don't care what you've
read, seen, or heard.   

What has happened, is that some fuel rod assemblies have been damaged by
loss of coolant and resulting overtemp. They can melt into each other,
but they can't burn through the vessel, or start a fire, as there is no
graphite in the GE design. The Japanese are faced with a cooling and
containment issue that is exacerbated by the loss of power, pumps,
valves, piping and coolant. But, industrious and versatile as they
are...they will handle it. And they'll do it wearing the correct color
uniform and helmet.   

So, my read in the face of all "the sky is falling" is that this is as
bad as it going to get and the worse is over. Plant personnel have
reduced temps everywhere and what little ionizing radiation released was
harmless before it got over the fence.

Watch..soon the media is going to realize that tens of thousands of
Japanese are dead by being drowned and squished...and the goddamn power
plant didn't kill any of them. 

Intelligent, thinking human beings with real pride and admiration for
the accomplishments of others would be championing the success of their
brothers and sisters in being able to design and construct a set of
reactors that could survive at the epicenter of one of the strongest
earthquakes in the history of the world and take a direct hit from a 20
meter high tsunami.

Too much to ask for?...Pass the iodine and get the meter out of the

Count Deiro
IMCA 3536  

-Original Message-
>From: "John.L.Cabassi" 
>Sent: Mar 15, 2011 9:08 PM
>To:, 'Meteorite List'

>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] 8.9 Quake in Japan, 10 meter Tsunami,
Hope Dirk and others are ok
>G'Day Count
>I've been watching your comments on the situation in Japan due to the
>earthquake and tsunami and what possible consequences could alleviate
>due to the nuclear reactors that generate power for Japan.  Your
>comments calmed me down on the prospects of a catastrophe. 
>But currently with information, not from news media but from close
>friends, this situation is not bright. I fear for the Japanese. It's
>good and I fear for the rest of us in this situation on all continents.
>Nuclear fusion as it may be a god send, it can also be the ultimate
>deterrent. I just hope things improve for those within the vicinity of
>these reactors. You cannot and never say they're ultimately safe. I'm
>not a nuclear scientist or any way involved in these situations. But
>there's a problem here and with your earlier posts, that everything's
>fine, I'm a little worried. I do this every day, not with radiation but
>with people's lives and I try to be to the point. I do not give them
>false hope, I give them the 

Re: [meteorite-list] NASA Finds New Life Form

2010-12-08 Thread Mark Ford

To be honest i'm not sure their paper is that much more flawed than many
papers of this type are -  after all the point of publishing a paper is
simply to initiate discussion, encourage people to repeat the experiment
and prompt for counter arguments. They can't answer all the questions in
one paper. I think the mistake many people make is attach too much
weight to one lonely science paper, rather, we should wait until others
have repeated/refuted the claims.

 I think the problem comes from a PR point of view when they do 'world
wide' announcements, that are over hyped up. They seemingly didn't learn
from the Martian meteorite life one did they.. 

The danger of using the 'NASA' name to seemingly add creedance to a
claim in this way, is at some point you are going to shoot yourself in
the foot, and when (if) they do ever find real alien life, is any one
going to believe it?


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: 08 December 2010 08:00
Subject: [meteorite-list] NASA Finds New Life Form

What's up with the NASA junk science? First it's psuedo-fossils in 
meteorites, now a phony not-new life form. What's next,  cold fusion?
For every action, there is an equal and opposite criticism. (SW)

Phil Whitmer

And, the blowback:

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Re: [meteorite-list] NASA Sets News Conference onAstrobiologyDiscovery

2010-11-30 Thread Mark Ford
You win!!

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Greg
Sent: 30 November 2010 04:02
To: Meteorite Central
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] NASA Sets News Conference

NWA 998 Main Mass:


- Original Message - 
From: "Jim Strope" 
To: "Meteorite Central" 
Sent: Monday, November 29, 2010 9:29 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] NASA Sets News Conference on 

> Listees...
> Sales of my remaining specimens of NWA 998 have been suspended until 
> further notice.
> Jim Strope
> 421 Fourth Street
> Glen Dale, WV 26038
> It must have leaked out that NWA 998 is the most fossil-rich meteorite

> ever
> found or perhaps they found some more in other Nahklites.
> It will be interesting to hear what the big boys have to say.
> Adam
> __
> Visit the Archives at 
> Meteorite-list mailing list

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Re: [meteorite-list] BLACK FRIDAY POP QUIZ Answer

2010-11-29 Thread Mark Ford

>>the NASA spin offs that many of us enjoy today including computers, 
>>velcrov, freeze dried foods and the list goes on in many ways I can't 
>>list have to also be taken into consideration.

Except that Computers, Velcro and Freeze dried foods where NOT invented
by Nasa for the space program!

- The hook-and-loop fastener (Velcro) was invented in 1941 by Swiss
engineer, George de Mestral from Commugny, Switzerland

- Computers where invented in the 1940's and already in widespread in
academia BEFORE the Apollo era.

- Freeze dried foods where used by the Inca's, and in Victorian England.

The often misquoted Lunar program spin offs where not nearly as
widespread as is often touted, granted there were many advances, but
using the few spin off's as sole justification for multibillion dollar
space programs is maybe stretching it..

We should go back to the moon though for sure!


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: 29 November 2010 08:21
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] BLACK FRIDAY POP QUIZ Answer

Hi Richard and all,

If one figures the cost of going to the moon the returned lunar 
material as the only benifit, then the cost of $44,537,594.97 would be 
correct. However there were many, many other benifits as well. All of 
the NASA spin offs that many of us enjoy today including computers, 
velcrov, freeze dried foods and the list goes on in many ways I can't 
list have to also be taken into consideration.

There are thousands of things that mankind has benifited from the space 
I would suggest that the cost of the lunar material coming from the 
moon to be only one of those benifits and the cost of the lunar 
material to be in the $50,000 to $200,000 per gram range. I have no 
effective way to figure exactly but my guess non the less.

Most respectfully

--AL Mitterling

Quoting Richard Kowalski :

> Below was my response to Shawn.
> Richard Kowalski
> ~~~
> Pretty easy one Shawn, but I'm not sure it'll be the one you are 
> thinking of, and I'm sure I won't be the 10th "correct" submission...
> Hadley Rille
> The Apollo missions cost, in 2005 dollars, ~170 Billion dollars.
> Returning with a total of 381.7 kg of material, thus each gram costs 
> a whopping $44,537,594.97, so this is the cost, per gram of Hadley 
> Rille, 5 years ago. The price has increased since then...
> Since Hadley Rille was an estimated in weight at 3 milligrams, the 
> total cost of the entire meteorite was, again in 2005 dollars, 
> $133,612.77

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Re: [meteorite-list] Ad - Black Friday Sale, 30-50% OFF, plus bonus freebies and more!

2010-11-26 Thread Mark Ford
I blame 'The Cabbage Patch Dolls' they started it...

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Galactic Stone & Ironworks
Sent: 26 November 2010 04:17
Subject: [meteorite-list] Ad - Black Friday Sale, 30-50% OFF,plus bonus
freebies and more!

Hi Listees,

For those of you outside the US or outside the influence of Western
materialism, we Americans go through a bizarre and sadomasochistic
ritual every year called "Black Friday".  In essence,
otherwise-rational people stampede each other in a mad rush to buy up
the latest electronic gadgets and trendy toys.

US retailers stoke the fires by offering a wide range of sales
gimmicks designed to make their offerings stand out from the
competition.  It's all insanity, but it is big business here and
everyone gets in on the madness, including small businesses.  I've
worked in corporate retail management, so I have seen this Black
Friday phenomenon from both sides - the consumer and the vendor.  One
thing I can state from experience, there are very few Black Friday
sales that are worth lining up for hours in the cold, waiting for the
store open, and most sensible buyers do their shopping on the internet
from the warmth of their homes.

In the spirit of Black Friday madness, I am offering some steep
discounts on everything in the store and some great freebie giveaways.
 Many of these items would make ideal "out of this world" gifts for
that friend or family member who has everything.  Why go out and
battle the crowds, when you can stay home and do your shopping online
at Galactic Stone?  So without further ado, here are the sale details

Discount #1 - 30% OFF everything in the store.  Use coupon code
"blackfri" at checkout.

Discount #2 - 50% OFF all NASA, Apollo and Space collectibles.  Use
coupon code "nasa" at checkout.

Freebie #1 - For every $25 spent, the buyer receives a free meteorite
micromount of their choice (any micromount regular price $10 or less)

Freebie #2 - One lucky buyer will be selected at random (from now
until midnight EST) to receive a free Mars Rock or Moon Rock display
(buyer's choice, a $49 value!)

Newest Offerings include - NWA 6290 diogenite, NWA 6077 brachinite,
NWA 6393 howardite, Tagish Lake C2-ung, Mount Egerton aubrite, Henbury
iron, NWA 6391 diogenite, NWA 6394 rumuruti chondrite, elemental
Iridium, and more.  See the latest items here -

Gift Ideas and Stocking Stuffers -

NASA and Apollo collectibles (50% OFF!) -

Stabilized Campo del Cielo irons (big high-quality specimens) -

Exclusive and exotic displays (great gifts!) -

Trinitite (Genuine Atom Bomb Glass) -

I ship worldwide and I ship promptly.  For ease of payment during the
holiday season, I accept checks, money orders, cash, livestock, and

If you have any problems with checkout or the discount coupons,
contact me via email -

Thanks for looking and have a great holiday weekend!


Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone & Ironworks Meteorites

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Re: [meteorite-list] [IMCA] meteorites of course

2010-11-25 Thread Mark Ford
I agree with Dave, there are loads of 'cleaned and treated' milli's
around, but ones that are among the first found and in un cleaned state
are probably unique so will likely have more value imho...


-Original Message-
From: [] On
Sent: 25 November 2010 12:39
To: Crystal Encounters
Subject: Re: [IMCA] meteorites of course


Leave it!



IMCA 0092
On 25/11/2010, Crystal Encounters  wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I need some advice on Millbillillie meteorites.
> I have just acquired a few that have been put away since they were
> found in the late 1960's.
> They all have the famous red stain on them, but some have loose soil
> attached.
> This soil makes them dull to look at but probably unique.
> Do I wash the dirt off?
> Regards,
> Frank Cheshire IMCA8213
Imca mailing list


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Re: [meteorite-list] I have a problem with some rusting meteorites

2010-10-26 Thread Mark Ford

The mistake many people make is they concentrate only on moisture
control (which is still very important), but we should also worry about
oxygen. The use of Oxygen scavengers has been standard in most museums
for years now -  I recommend them , they are little sachets that contain
oxygen absorbing chemical, they need to be replaced periodically, and
cannot be recharged like dessicant. Many food manufacturers use them by
the bucket load. This stops the other main ingredient of rust!

If someone can find out what chemical they use, you could probably buy
the chemical powder and make your own, for not much money.

Also a sacrificial piece of metal (magnesium or similar) would also eat
up free oxygen, which might be a cheap alternative.

There are also 'VCI sprays' and VCI foam pads which emit a thin film of
molecular oil which helps prevent air getting to the surface of the
iron, though these do work they are not all that effective. I did some
trials with them and didn't actually notice much of an effect long term
over no use.

As always dessicant is only effective if you change it regularly ,
remember that once it is saturated with moisture it is like having a
puddle of water in your cabinet when the humidity goes down a bit, the
water will re evaporate into the air again - so change it every few



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Re: [meteorite-list] Whites dfx good for meteorte hunting??

2010-10-25 Thread Mark Ford
> Hello, is this a good detector for meteorite hunting? Any other good 
> alternative?

Oh go on, let me..  .. 'You don't need a metal detector just go into 
the woods, find a forked stick...' 

(sorry just couldn't resist that one!)  :)


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of André Moutinho
Sent: 24 October 2010 20:09
Subject: [meteorite-list] Whites dfx good for meteorte hunting??

Hello, is this a good detector for meteorite hunting? Any other good 
I already use a Whites goldmaster gmt but would like to get a better one with 
bigger coil.
The cost to replace the GMT lead me to think in another detector.

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Re: [meteorite-list] Unconscious Ideomotor Response Test

2010-10-21 Thread Mark Ford

Thank you for the video links (that totally disprove dowsing works). You
can clearly see the right hand 'twitching/bending' almost intentionally
as she reaches over the iron!! The rest is just Momentum for sure.

I don't think ANYBODY denies bent rods will cross over objects what is
at issue here is do they do it in direct response to the object or in
response to the human stimulus of seeing or moving over the  object
(because they want it too).

I guarantee you wouldn't be able to find 10 buried iron meteorites
hidden in a ploughed field, (i'll bet half my meteorite collection on


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: 21 October 2010 00:32
Subject: [meteorite-list] Unconscious Ideomotor Response Test

Here are two examples of the unconscious ideomotor response in action.
female subject had never heard of dowsing, yet by pure coincidence her 
ideomotor responded the same as mine.¤t=Gi

"I know very well that many scientists consider dowsing as they do
astrology, as a type of ancient superstition. According to my conviction
this is, however, unjustified. The dowsing rod is a simple instrument
shows the reaction of the human nervous system to certain factors which
unknown to us at this time."
Albert Einstein

Phil Whitmer


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Re: [meteorite-list] OT: Dowsing is real, but exoplanets are dubious?!

2010-10-18 Thread Mark Ford

Strange that you are happy believe that a stick is able to point to a
meteorite all by itself, yet don't accept that lie detectors work
(despite a considerable weight of research), and think that the Steward
Observatory, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, the
European Southern Observatory, Leiden University in the Netherlands and
Germany's Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy, have ""photoshopped"" an
exoplanet pic??  

After all didn't you say..

>First off, let me say that all you naysaying dowser denialists need to
get off your high horses, come down 
>from your ivory towers and enter the realm of simple, reproducible,
empirical evidence-based experimental 
>scientific methodology instead of parroting dogmatic drivel and
appealing to the authority of idiots.



-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: 17 October 2010 23:53
Subject: [meteorite-list] OT: Dowsing is real, but exoplanets are

Those pictures look computer enhanced  (photo-shopped) to me, I was
more along the lines of something like this:

You know, real pictures.

Phil Whitmer

> I'm going to need to see a visible light photograph of an exoplanet to

> confirm their existence.

Here it is:

Next? Will the next in line please step forward?

Sterling K. Webb 

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Re: [meteorite-list] Stop Naysaying! (Was: Try divining rods over alarge iron)

2010-10-15 Thread Mark Ford
Hi Mike,

No need top apologise, I don't think discussing ways of finding
meteorites is off topic (on a meteorite forum), even if that means
discussing some of the more controversial methods. Even though I don't
personally think it works (yes I have tried it) I certainly think it was
still well worth a discuss.

I guess we go back to bickering and advertising giveaways now..


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Michael Murray
Sent: 14 October 2010 21:14
To: Chris Peterson
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Stop Naysaying! (Was: Try divining rods
over alarge iron)

Hi Chris, List
I for one, certainly appreciate your opinions.  I have a great deal of  
respect for your knowledge and abilities.  I'm glad you're willing to  
share the things you do with the List.  I would miss it if you  
didn't.  If I haven't thanked you before for the things you share, I  
will now.  Thank you.  And I mean that sincerely.

List, hopefully we have reviewed at least my original post about the  
use of the rods all we need to.  I have had someone contact me who did  
not elaborate but their wish was for me to "stop please".  I presume  
they are wanting fewer emails.  I intend to respect that wish at least  
on this topic.  I don't know exactly where the thread is off to now.   
Because I don't think some of what I see now being brought up actually  
pertains to my first post exactly.  I believe I will have to  
relinquish responsibility for the thread at this juncture.  I will  
apologize now for any headaches the number of emails to this point has  
caused anyone.  However I must admit, I have enjoyed the discussion  

Thanks all,

Mike in CO

On Oct 14, 2010, at 1:44 PM, Chris Peterson wrote:

> Actually, new ideas that are RIGHT have generally been accepted  
> fairly quickly. It is a myth of the pseudoscientist that so many  
> great minds have been considered wrong or crazy, and that the  
> establishment has usually been wrong. It is entirely appropriate  
> that new ideas be viewed with some skepticism before they are  
> accepted, however.
> In fact, it is science that tells us very clearly that divining rods  
> do not work. This is something that has been put to the test, and  
> failed that test. Nobody can actually demonstrate that they work any  
> better than random chance. Only a fool would ignore that reality in  
> favor of quotes (some of dubious origin).
> Divining rods, homeopathy, astrology... all these things are firmly  
> in the same category.
> Chris
> *
> Chris L Peterson
> Cloudbait Observatory
> - Original Message - From: "Meteorites USA"
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2010 1:32 PM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Stop Naysaying! (Was: Try divining  
> rods over a large iron)
> Chris, I fully support the eviction of superstition from the human  
> mind.
> BUT... Non believers and naysayers of radical ideas are typically,
> historically, and statistically, often wrong!
> People said the Wright brothers couldn't fly. But they did.
> People said you would die if you went faster than a few tens of MPH.
> They were wrong.
> People disbelieved DaVinci's inventions. But modern science proved  
> many
> to be possible.
> People said it wasn't possible to fly to the Moon. Be we did.
> People slammed Tesla, and persecuted him and his free wireless
> electricity. Yet today we know induction charging and energy
> transmission over distance is real.
> "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." -
> Thomas Edison
> "If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're
> right." - Henry Ford
> "Don't take counsel of your fears or naysayers." - General Colin  
> Powell
> "...The scientific man does not aim at an immediate result. He does  
> not
> expect that his advanced ideas will be readily taken up. His work is
> like that of the planter - for the future. His duty is to lay the
> foundation for those who are to come, and point the way. He lives and
> labors and hopes" Nikola Tesla
> Thomas Jefferson, with such a great mind on politics and human
> advancement still had problems and could be considered a naysayer when
> he said.
> "I would more easily believe that a Yankee professor would lie than  
> that
> stones would fall from heaven." - Thomas Jefferson
> Closedmindedness is the enemy of progress.
> Regards,
> Eric
> __
> Visit the Archives at
> Meteorite-list mailing list

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Re: [meteorite-list] Stop Naysaying! and go test it yourself!

2010-10-15 Thread Mark Ford

If you are going to bury an iron then be sure to bury it in two sealed
ziplock plastic bags, that way it won't harm it at all. I did this when
I was testing a new magnetometer system, I designed earlier in the year,
the Iron I buried is still rust free.

Mark F


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Re: [meteorite-list] Divining and dowsing-a question

2010-10-14 Thread Mark Ford
Well said that man.

 I recall a few years ago when BIMS did a meteorite exhibition, one of
the things we had on the stand was a classic meteorwrong (a piece of
weathered marcasite), it was in front of a bunch of real meteorites. A
women came up to the stand wearing various large beads around her neck,
and said she was interested in 'crystal healing'. She picked up the
nearest rock which unknown to her was the Marcasite!, and she said, wow
I can really feel the energy coming off this meteorite, they are much
more powerful than normal rocks you can always tell... this says it all


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of David
R. Vann
Sent: 14 October 2010 15:07
Subject: [meteorite-list] Divining and dowsing-a question

Without getting too deeply into word origins - divining means to
prophesy the
future - from God's lips to mine ears - and few dowsers claim to be so
connected - so 'divining rods' seems quite the misnomer -

Between those going back and forth as to whether a given set of
experiments was
'properly done' (which, among the lay, in my experience tends to mean
the results I like'), there seems to be an issue about the 'science' and
'scientists' who may or may not know anything about the field of

I would like to pose the following, non-scientific question:

If dowsing actually works, as claimed by some, why then can I not find a
for dowsing services in the Yellow Pages? Don't you think, that if this
worked, there would be a great demand for these highly specialized
leading to a well-regulated, credentialled and well-paid guild? I mean,
what has happened with every other skill that works...

Just sayin'

David R. Vann

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Re: [meteorite-list] Try divining rods over a large iron

2010-10-14 Thread Mark Ford

In my experience, divining really just doesn't work, trouble is we want
it to work, because it seems like it should, but if anyone has ever seen
a ""so called psychic"" using a pendulum, you can see just what's going
on. Positive reinforcement is a powerful thing!

Notice how a device that's supposed to find water holes now seems to be
able to find lay lines, gold, meteorites, water pipes, gas pipes, lost
dogs, mineral viens. Etc etc!!! -  dosen't this say something about
human nature? i.e We are capable to duping ourselves into believing
complete rubbish!

Which is why I don't [still] don't walk under ladders, despite being a
total skeptic!!



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Re: [meteorite-list] '.001 percent' chance for life on newlyfoundplanet?

2010-10-07 Thread Mark Ford

Sorry how can there be 100% chance of life???

The temperature is suspected to be very approx -20C on a good day, we
know nothing about any atmosphere (it could have lost it for all we
know), we know nothing about the chemical structure of the planet, and
we don't even have a highly accurate idea of the distances. 

Don't forget to read the fine print on these discoveries LIKE THE ERROR

Granted there is possibly more chance of life there than most places to
date we have seen but let's not go over the top here, (our moons in 'the
habitable zone' but doesn't have life last time I looked...)

The earth is still a statistically lucky place to live..



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Re: [meteorite-list] WG: Close-up of Iron Martian Meteorite

2010-10-06 Thread Mark Ford
Hi Martin,

Technically there are space treaty's that are already in place, though not 
everyone is signed up or ratified (as usual with treaty's!).  So no nation has 
recognized rights of ownership over space. (Basically this is a massive cop 
out), and as far as i'm concerned whoever recovers the rock is the owner, so 
any volunteers to go to Mars and get it?!

To be honest we are a long way off ownership disputes on Mars, as we can't even 
agree over who owns the oil under the Arctic!!

Nearer on the horizon is just wait till they start Harvesting He3 from the Moon 
- that will probably cause some clashes!!


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Martin Altmann
Sent: 06 October 2010 15:49
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] WG: Close-up of Iron Martian Meteorite


Also that rock, which is without any doubts an iron meteorite,
causes an intellectual problem for me.

You know, some people/countries state that one essential property, a
immanent property of any meteorite, whether found or not, is, that it is a
c u l t u r a l  heritage.

What shall we do now with this meteorite? If that legal definition is
correct, then it must be a cultural heritage.
But of whom?

And so far we have no evidence that once on that far planet Mars life had
exist, life at all, even not intelligent life, able to develop a culture.

So what shall we do with that lump? It's without doubts a meteorite.

Or is it in the end the counter-evidence, that the definition of meteorites
per se being cultural items, is wrong?


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[] Im Auftrag von Martin
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 6. Oktober 2010 16:31
Betreff: [meteorite-list] WG: Close-up of Iron Martian Meteorite

Uh Mike,

will you beat me up,
when I say, that for me in such pictures the soil around is always more
fascinating, hence Mars itself instead of Campo on Mars?



-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[] Im Auftrag von Mike
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 6. Oktober 2010 04:25
Betreff: [meteorite-list] Close-up of Iron Martian Meteorite

Sorry if this has already been posted, but this pic is incredible:

Mike Bandli
Historic Meteorites
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Re: [meteorite-list] New Meteorite Catering Book

2010-10-06 Thread Mark Ford
Haha - me too, I had to read it three times to see Cratering! Must be

Just for fun:  - There must be some 'edible' meteorite related cuisine,
I remember the classic Eclipse cakes during the last total eclipse in
Europe, rock cakes of course any more anyone?


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of e-mail
Sent: 06 October 2010 11:39
To: Dennis Miller
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] New Meteorite Cratering Book

Hi All,

Just had to share thiswhen this post came up after all the talk of
eating meteorites I completely misread it and thought there was
actually a new "Meteorite CATERING book"!!gave me a good laugh

So anyone got any recipes to go with the Tucson Auction Cake? Perhaps
we can put our own book together...

Franconia Frangipane served in a Gold Basin with a side order of
Tucson Ring doughnuts?

Must be nearly lunchtime  :-)

Graham, Nr Bar-well! UK

On 6 October 2010 02:13, Dennis Miller  wrote:
> Hello Anita and all I sent a post a few weeks ago about this
publication. It can
> be purchased through The Geological Society of America for $99 and if
you are a
> member of the GSA, it's only $70. 1-888-443-4472 This is just one of
many reasons
> to join the GSA. If more meteorite collectors were members, we would
have a
> better avenue, through the GSA, to change some of these vague laws for
> space material.
> Dennis Miller
> GSA Associate Member
>> Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2010 07:49:13 -0700
>> From:
>> To:
>> Subject: [meteorite-list] New Meteorite Cratering Book
>> Dear List:
>> I received notice of this new book on cratering. It's a little pricey
>> $112.92, but here's the link if you're interested:
>> Anita
>> __
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> __
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Re: [meteorite-list] AD - shame on you!

2010-09-22 Thread Mark Ford

So you'll be giving back all your NWA's will you?  

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Steve
Sent: 21 September 2010 22:20
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] AD - shame on you!

If you have a meteorite found on the school parking lot it belongs to
the school! Was the school or local government paid for the
stone?schools by law are state land and the state would be the owner.
Give it back to the school. Steve

On Tue Sep 21st, 2010 4:46 PM EDT The Tricottet Collection wrote:

>Dear list,
>I have several specimens with in situ pictures available for sale or
>* Villalbeto de la Pena, full slice of 3.3 grams
>* Holbrook fragments from 2007 find featured in Meteorite magazine (~40
>* Ash Creek stone of 5.5 grams
>* Ash Creek stone of 29.2 grams
>* Mifflin crusted fragment of 1.2 grams, found on Iowa Grant School
parking lot
>Also 15 shergottites, paired with NWA 2975 (total 6+ grams)
>most pictures here:
>Thank you
>The Tricottet Collection of Natural History Specimens
>(Minerals, Fossils & Meteorites)
>Facebook: The Tricottet Collection
>Twitter: TricottetColl
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Re: [meteorite-list] OT: Listening To Fermi

2010-09-17 Thread Mark Ford

Point is we can INFER there is a PROBABLILITY of OTHER life, but we
cannot say there is. There is a big difference. many people 'believe' in
all sorts of things, this doesn't make it true.

That said, however much we think science is black and white, science is
only really a glorified democracy, evidence only is evidence if enough
people 'believe' it. But it's all we've got, and it sort of works, as
soon as we say there's got to be aliens out there 'because we are here',
then all logic breaks down and we will be in a right mess.

We haven't seen aliens, we cannot infer their presence from ANY
observation - therefore at present we are alone in the universe.

Remember 'Statistically' we shouldn't be here at all! So scientifically
speaking Statistics is disproven as a method!


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Meteorites USA
Sent: 17 September 2010 05:56
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] OT: Listening To Fermi

Hi Phil, I agree completely with your sentiment, and respect your 
belief. However I  sincerely disagree that your conclusion that 
intelligent extra terrestrial life does NOT exist is based on evidenced 
fact. There is only a lack of evidence, and the best argument to the 
contrary is us. Humans are the biggest single evidence in this universe 
that the development of intelligent life forms is possible. (though the 
intelligent part is arguable)

I know you believe we're the only intelligent lifeform, and I know you 
think it's based on evidence, but it's actually lack of evidence to the 
contrary that you are basing your belief on.

You're merely repeating Fermi's "Where are they?" question. Saying show 
me... I've already given an analogy that very simply shows Fermi's 
Paradox is not a paradox at all because we haven't the information to 
quantify the question to begin with.

Lack of evidence is not evidence.

You'll be surprised to know, I don't "believe" in extraterrestrials. 
However I can conclude they "most probably" exist because we are "here",

and the chances of them not being "there" (wherever there is) are so 
minute it's statistically impossible considering the vastness and the 
age of the universe.

We could also phrase this as "when" they were. Or how we "will" be in 
1000 years, or 10,000 years. At the rate of technological advancement 
(if we don't destroy ourselves first) where will we be in 1000 years? 
That is curiously and seriously what I would like to know!

Even so, one can still safely use statistics and numbers to figure the 
probability. No, I'm not hanging my alien hat on the Drake equation. I 
wouldn't know how to read it any more than I could read War & Peace in 
one sitting. I'm saying One must take into account ALL the variables 
possible to form a conclusion. Still, probability won't make it so. We 
may never know, or we might find ET tomorrow.

I'll agree with Richard in that I believe that the universe is teaming 
with life. Intelligent life however is probably extremely rare.

But even that, like time itself is probably relative.


On 9/16/2010 9:19 PM, JoshuaTreeMuseum wrote:
> Hi Richard;
> That's an excellent argument for cancelling the silly SETI project.  
> The key word in your argument is "believe". You believe in the 
> existence of exo-life without any supporting evidence, I don't. So we 
> can agree to disagree.
> If life never existed on Mars, I can't see it existing anywhere else. 
> But, my beliefs are evidence based, I'll change them in a minute if 
> someone will just show me the money.
> ---
> Phil Whitmer

> Actually Phil, I'd disagree with that statement, even though I believe

> that the universe is filled to the brim with life, I think that 
> intelligent life is exceedingly rare.
> Personally I think that SETI is never going to find a signal, not 
> because there is no life out there, but that the circumstances 
> required to find a signal is exceedingly small. The analogy put forth 
> by others in this thread of a child looking out a window for 
> 32/1000ths of a second is a good one.
> Use ourselves as an example. Radio technology on earth is barely a 
> century old and we are already rapidly moving away from high powered 
> transmitters to low powered devices for communications. Our most 
> efficient long distance communications are already moving via fiber 
> optics, so require no radio transmissions whatsoever.
> Ask yourself what are/or were the most powerful transmitters used?
> The answer is Early Warning defense radar systems. In fact at those 
> frequencies Earth was brighter than the Sun. As the Cold War wound 
> down, and the technology improved, lower power transmitters could do 
> the same job. For about 40 years, Earth shined exceedingly bri

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite may have landed in Clare

2010-09-17 Thread Mark Ford
Someone send Astronomy Ireland a meteorite price list for gods sake..


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Thunder Stone
Sent: 15 September 2010 21:12
Subject: [meteorite-list] Meteorite may have landed in Clare


WOW! - Thanks looks like a Martian Meteorite to me!

Greg S.

Meteorite may have landed in Clare 

Wednesday, 15 September 2010 13:51

Scientists believe that a meteorite that landed in Ireland on September
1 may have touched down in north east Clare. According to Ireland's
foremost astronomer, David Moore, the September 1 meteorite is likely to
have landed in land along the border between Clare, Galway and
Tipperary. Moore, who is also the Chairman of Astronomy Ireland is
appealing to people who witnessed the fireball to contact the
association. The person who discovers the meteorite is also likely to
receive a major cash boost as fragments of meteorites are regularly sold
for 50 times their weight in gold.

Andrew Hamilton
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Re: [meteorite-list] FW: Rock identification??

2010-09-15 Thread Mark Ford

yes, that had been my first thought, mortar or concrete, however it has
numerous spherical glassy inclusions, and what look like larger melted
black glassy features. Some of the spherules are very glassy clear
red-brown some are opaque non glassy.  I think I have just found one
small metallic grain. Only thing is its not normal for concrete to have
perfectly spherical glassy features?

I've just  uploaded another pic showing a spherule.

The black inclusions in the pic are quite glassy looking, with vesicles
in them.

Any help appreciated with this one, it's a bit strange!


-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: 15 September 2010 14:35
To: Mark Ford;
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] FW: Rock identification??




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[meteorite-list] FW: Rock identification??

2010-09-15 Thread Mark Ford


I was recently sent a rock, the accompanying story was that it landed near 
someone with high velocity and was warm/hot to the touch. (Normally this story 
rings alarm bells as meteorites are generally not known to be warm especially 
small ones), however upon looking at the rock, it appears to have chondrules 
(or chondrule like objects), but has no fusion crust. 

 Its about 27mm x 19mm, and is very slightly attracted to a strong magnet, 
(enough for the rock to move when a magnet is put next to it.

I can't explain what i'm seeing, these chondrule like features are near perfect 
spherules!,  however I can't see any metal grains!

Under mag there are numerous spherules, and other unidentifiable  inclusions, 
the matrix is a grey to light beige colour.

Anyone care to take a stab at what this is?

Pics at :

(Click the pics for a bigger view)



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Re: [meteorite-list] Rust Question about my stone meteorite. BKF isthe best :)

2010-09-13 Thread Mark Ford
Hi Martin, 

I agree it doesn't sound like a good idea. Personally I wouldn't do this, at a 
pinch I would treat an Iron meteorite if it was the last hope of keeping it 

However this type of thing has actually been done for many years, other methods 
are also used such as galvanic cleaning, and my favourite pet hate- people 
putting on 'Kurust' rust stopper that turns the fusion crust jet black, they 
are all age old treatments. The same things happen in the mineral world, many 
crystals are oiled, polished and treated to enhance colour.

I suppose at least Bar Keepers Friend (or renamed: meteorite sellers enemy) 
only effects a thin outer layer of the rock, the washing and drying at 200 
degrees for several hours is probably much more destructive.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Martin Altmann
Sent: 13 September 2010 13:24
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Rust Question about my stone meteorite. BKF isthe 
best :)


No offense. It's absolutely you're private affair, what you're doing with
your meteorites.

Though in general I think it's a big No-No to manipulate stony meteorites
that way, to artificially bleach them. (Just was looking, "Bar Keeper
Friend"s main reactive agent is oxalic acid).
Stone meteorites are no irons. In my opinion such a treatment will make them
to a certain degree worthless,
as they can't be used anymore for scientific measurements.

What I would urgently expect, is to avoid, that such bleached chondrites
would be brought in circulation.
The meteorite sector, other than the minerals and fossils sector, all in all
was so far relatively spared from manipulated or fudged specimens.

It would be in my very personal opinion everything else than good, that W2,
W3, W4 material now would be pimped to be suggestive of being a W0 or a W1.

I hope we all can agree about?

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[] Im Auftrag von Shawn
Gesendet: Montag, 13. September 2010 07:59
Betreff: [meteorite-list] Rust Question about my stone meteorite. BKF is the
best :)

Jim k and the List,
I took your advice and used the Bar Keeper Friend on my L6 meteorite
fragment to remove the rust on the surface of the meteorite due to age and I
would have to say, wow, this stuff really works. The meteorite looks so much
better. I can see the true color of the meteorite, I can see the texture and
the gray matrix. I have a link down below of before and after images of the
meteorite :) Take a look and you will be amazed of the results.
Shawn Alan
IMCA 1633

[meteorite-list] Rust Question about my stone meteorite.
Jimski47 at Jimski47 at 
Sat Sep 11 07:38:57 EDT 2010 

Previous message: [meteorite-list] Tunkuska Tektites? 
Next message: [meteorite-list] Rocks from Space Picture of the Day -
September 11, 2010 
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Hi Shawn, 

I doubt that soaking a meteorite in alcohol will remove rust. I've used 
fine grit sandpaper to remove rust from slices. Lay the sandpaper on a hard 
flat surface and gently rub the meteorite onto the sandpaper. For removing 
rust from iron etched slices, I use a product called "Bar Keepers Friend", 
this can be found in most grocery stores cleaning supplies isle. It comes in

a powder form, so you have to make a thick liquid out of it. Wet the 
meteorite with warm water then apply the liquid BKF. Rub it onto the
with your finger gently. Rubbing to hard can damage the etch. After removing

the rust, rinse the piece, soak it in alcohol and bake it dry in an oven 
about 200 degrees for 2 hrs. 

You can try the BKF process on a chondrite fragment and use a toothbrush 
to scrub it. It should work but you might want to experiment with a cheap 
uncl. NWA first. 

Jim K 

In a message dated 9/10/2010 11:14:49 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
photophlow at writes: 
Hello Listers, 

I have a question about rust and how to clean it off your L6 meteorite. 
Now can you just soak the meteorite in a 99% alcohol bath for a couple days 
and the rust on the surface will some what come off the surface or are there

other steps? 

The the size of the L6 fragment is 3.45g, so I dont have much room to work 
with. I used a sand/finger nail file and sanded the surface, but not sure 
if that made a difference and it seems that the L6 meteorite surface is 
stronger than the sand paper on the finger nail file. 

If any

Re: [meteorite-list] Origin of Tektites

2010-09-10 Thread Mark Ford

Hi Ed.

At the risk of starting up the 'great Tektite wars' again, (second only
to the God Thread) I think it's now been very well established that they
are of Earth impact origin (i.e terrestrial). The lunar origin, is still
propagated by a small minority of people. The evidence for a lunar
origin just doesn't entirely stack up. Granted there are things we still
don't understand, but plenty of elemental studies have indicated they
have trace chemical signatures which match known Earth bedrock
formations. (hey, I've even seen a partially melted tektite with melted
sedimentary rock poking out of it?!)

I recommend Aubrey's excellent site for a start 

There is a good set of references to papers etc at


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Ed
Sent: 10 September 2010 06:06
Cc: RASCals Discussion List; MIAC List
Subject: [meteorite-list] Origin of Tektites

Are there any tektite experts on this list?  The formation of  
tektites has been a mystery to science.  Volcanic origin, Lunar  
ejecta, meteorite impact origin, explosive electrical discharge,  
etc.  The latter proposed by NASA experiments at an arc-jet  
facility.  What are the current theories on the formation of  
tektites.  Are there any papers on this that I could get my hands on?
Ed Majden
Courtenay, B.C.
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Re: [meteorite-list] Bristol Daytime Fireball? real or hoax?

2010-09-01 Thread Mark Ford
Nothing reported to us so far (British and Irish Meteorite Society) ..
which is strange, this image looks like it's done on photo shop to me??


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: 01 September 2010 04:07
To:; Global Meteor Observing Forum
Subject: [meteorite-list] Bristol Daytime Fireball? real or hoax?

Dear List,
  I have just posted:

Comments please.  Thank you.

Dirk Ross...Tokyo
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Re: [meteorite-list] Magnet canes are evil

2010-08-25 Thread Mark Ford
Yeah keep using magnets leave me all the lunars muhahahahaha.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Galactic Stone & Ironworks
Sent: 24 August 2010 19:44
To: Matson, Robert D.
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Magnet canes are evil

Hi List,

The evilness of magnet canes is well known throughout history.  In
fact, Satan uses a 3-pronged magnet cane that is often mistaken for a
pitchfork.  An old 14th century woodcut in the tome "Of Meteors and
Devils" (trans), a depiction of Satan is clearing seen and about his
feet are several imps who are pulling bits from the end of his magnet
cane and dancing about with them.  ;)

Best regards,


On 8/24/10, Matson, Robert D.  wrote:
> Mark wrote:
>> As soon as everyone stops using metal detectors and magnet canes
>> to look for meteorites then the first Lunars in Europe or USA
>> will eventually be found,  until then!
> I have never used a magnet cane, nor will I ever, and I always
> advise new hunters against their use. A magnet cane is basically
> an H-, L-, iron, and stony-iron filter. I sometimes carry an LL6
> with me to the desert on the off-chance I'll run into someone using
> a magnet cane. That usually "cures" them. ;-)
> --Rob
> __
> Visit the Archives at
> Meteorite-list mailing list


Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone & Ironworks Meteorites

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Re: [meteorite-list] Extremobacteria

2010-08-24 Thread Mark Ford
Granted but, the moon is still a relatively sheltered place though,
nothing like deep space. Additionally Virus's have a significantly lower
cross section to cosmic radiation than bacteria do.

A few hundred days in low earth orbit is nothing like a few hundred
million years, which is about  the time Martian rocks take to arrive
here, so are we any further forward in knowing the survivability of
microbes in meteorites?

It's interesting research, my only caveat is this doesn't necessarily
mean bacterial can thrive/survive long-term in [outer space].


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: 24 August 2010 14:35
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Extremobacteria

>>My only problem with it is we  are
talking low earth orbit not the far reaches of the solar system,  I'd
like to see them survive away from the protection of the earth's  mag
field before I get too excited...<<

I would like to agree  with you here, but to be honest, I believe it was

the surveyer moon probe that  sat on the moon for a few years before an
manned moon landing happened  nearby. The astronauts removed surveyors 
camera and brought it back and virus  that was attached to the insides
of the 
camera were revived.

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Re: [meteorite-list] Search for first U.S. lunar meteorite

2010-08-24 Thread Mark Ford
Yes it's got to be a massive factor in skewing the statistics, plus some
lunars from first glance look like some of the native rocks of the USA
and Europe which won't help. Factor all this in and it's the reason we
haven't found any yet, statistically 3 or 4 USA lunar finds is quite
easy to account for not being found. 

Remember Antarctica meteorites are often found visually rather than by
'magnet snap' this could maybe explain the reason there are more lunars
found up there.

>.  Most newbie hunters ignore anything that doesn't stick to
a magnet.  I wonder how many lunars have been passed over in favor of
an ugly, weathered OC?  LOL

yes very true, but I also even wonder how many O'C's have been passed
over that didn't stick to the cane (many small ones or LL types don't
immediately stick to a small magnet!).

if in doubt pick it up and bring it home I guess!


-Original Message-
From: Galactic Stone & Ironworks [] 
Sent: 24 August 2010 14:29
To: Mark Ford
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Search for first U.S. lunar meteorite

Hi Mark and List,

Good point.  Most newbie hunters ignore anything that doesn't stick to
a magnet.  I wonder how many lunars have been passed over in favor of
an ugly, weathered OC?  LOL

Best regards,


On 8/24/10, Mark Ford  wrote:
> As soon as everyone stops using metal detectors and magnet canes to
look for
> meteorites then the first Lunars in Europe or USA will eventually be
>  until then!
> Mark
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of
> Robert D.
> Sent: 23 August 2010 21:59
> To:
> Subject: [meteorite-list] Search for first U.S. lunar meteorite
> Hi All,
> When the first U.S. lunar is found, my bet is that the finder will
> be either Sonny Clary or Jason Utas. Both have demonstrated the
> ability to find non-ordinary-chondrite meteorites -- for instance,
> Blue Eagle (R3-6) and Moapa Valley (CM1) by Sonny, and Superior
> Valley 014 (acapulcoite) by Jason.
> Another name I've seen come up lately with non-OCs is Bill
> Sajkowicz:  Chocolate Mountains (ureilite), Cargo Muchacho
> Mountains (CO3), and Winterhaven (howardite). I find it remarkable
> that one person has found a ureilite, a howardite and a CO3, and
> yet I haven't found a record of any chondritic finds by him. This
> is statistically next to impossible -- Bill must have found a LOT
> of chondrites to have found these three.
> --Rob
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of
> Stone
> Sent: Monday, August 23, 2010 1:35 PM
> To: mike;
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] How Many Lunar Meteorites?
> Feldsparic breccias are very common throughout the SW deserts and (I
> believe) in many other areas, and these look very similar to luners.
> think it's going to have to have a fusion crust.  If its sandblasted
or very
> weathered, it may never be found.
> Greg S.
> __
> Visit the Archives at
> Meteorite-list mailing list
> This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential. If you
> not the intended recipient, please notify us. Email
> should not copy or use this email or attachment(s) for any purpose nor
> disclose their contents to any other person.
> Southern Scientific Ltd's computer systems may be monitored and
> communications carried on them recorded, to secure the effective
> of the system and for other lawful purposes.
> Registered address Rectory Farm Rd, Sompting, Lancing, W Sussex BN15
> Company No 1800317
> __
> Visit the Archives at
> Meteorite-list mailing list


Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone & Ironworks Meteorites


Re: [meteorite-list] Search for first U.S. lunar meteorite

2010-08-24 Thread Mark Ford

As soon as everyone stops using metal detectors and magnet canes to look for 
meteorites then the first Lunars in Europe or USA will eventually be found, 
 until then!


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Matson, 
Robert D.
Sent: 23 August 2010 21:59
Subject: [meteorite-list] Search for first U.S. lunar meteorite

Hi All,

When the first U.S. lunar is found, my bet is that the finder will
be either Sonny Clary or Jason Utas. Both have demonstrated the
ability to find non-ordinary-chondrite meteorites -- for instance,
Blue Eagle (R3-6) and Moapa Valley (CM1) by Sonny, and Superior
Valley 014 (acapulcoite) by Jason.

Another name I've seen come up lately with non-OCs is Bill
Sajkowicz:  Chocolate Mountains (ureilite), Cargo Muchacho
Mountains (CO3), and Winterhaven (howardite). I find it remarkable
that one person has found a ureilite, a howardite and a CO3, and
yet I haven't found a record of any chondritic finds by him. This
is statistically next to impossible -- Bill must have found a LOT
of chondrites to have found these three.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Thunder Stone
Sent: Monday, August 23, 2010 1:35 PM
To: mike;
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] How Many Lunar Meteorites?

Feldsparic breccias are very common throughout the SW deserts and (I believe) 
in many other areas, and these look very similar to luners.  I think it's going 
to have to have a fusion crust.  If its sandblasted or very weathered, it may 
never be found.

Greg S.
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Registered address Rectory Farm Rd, Sompting, Lancing, W Sussex BN15 0DP. 
Company No 1800317

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Re: [meteorite-list] Extremobacteria

2010-08-24 Thread Mark Ford
Yes this has been all over the news. My only problem with it is we are
talking low earth orbit not the far reaches of the solar system, I'd
like to see them survive away from the protection of the earth's mag
field before I get too excited...

Mark Ford

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: 23 August 2010 21:59
Subject: [meteorite-list] Extremobacteria

Hello List,

Timely video report on the ability of cyanobacteria to survive in space
for years:

Regards all,

Count Deiro
IMCA 3536
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Company No 1800317

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Re: [meteorite-list] Newcomers and the Meteorite world

2010-08-17 Thread Mark Ford

And ... a glass of water is interesting when put next to a powerful
magnet, the surface of the water bends as the magnet is brought near it-
It's quite spooky, and even works with a hard drive magnet.

Trouble with looking for magnetic moment alignment in planetary samples
is by the time a slice has been knocked about on a cutting wheel etc, it
has lost much of it's information. I have found that iron meteorites
magnetize very easily  even if you tap them sharply a few times, (just
by the earth's magnetic field).

Even sending something through the post, exposes it to all sorts of
fields and mechanical action.

(Plus nearly everyone slaps a rare earth magnet on a rock when they find
it, it's one of the 'is this a meteorite?' tests).

My guess is to get proper magnetic field information you would need a
freshly fallen piece that has been carefully handled and prepared in
such a way as to minimise the disturbance to 'the force'..


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Adam
Sent: 17 August 2010 03:45
To: Adam
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Newcomers and the Meteorite world

Hi Mike in CO,

Magnetic susceptibility is a difficult question to answer. A CEREGE
Geophysics and Planetologyscientist from France flew out here to
Laughlin, NV, 
U.S.A. to conduct magnetic susceptibility studies on several of our
pieces including NWA 5000.  He spent hours plotting hundred of points on
5000 to create a susceptibility map.  All I can tell you is that numbers
instruments measured were different for each and every point on the
rock.  I 
guess we will have to wait for the results and magnetic map to be

If you are asking how attracted it is to a magnet, then my answer is as
NWA 5000 contains more metal than any rock from the Moon discovered, yet
magnet will barley stick to it unless you are in direct contact with a
piece of 
elemental metal.  I have magnets so powerful that the small amount of
iron in 
breakfast cereal is enough to make the pieces of cereal stick to them,
same for 
dry dog food.  For the most part, planetary meteorites are not all that 
attracted to standard magnets. 

I recommend liberating a piece of a suspected planetary meteorite and
testing it with a magnet therefore preserving the rest of the mass for
study.  A magnet will orient some of the dipoles into a new North South 
direction making some future studies impossible.

Best Regards,


- Original Message 
From: Michael Murray 
To: Adam Hupe 
Cc: Adam 
Sent: Mon, August 16, 2010 2:02:36 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Newcomers and the Meteorite world

This is probably the 'dumb question of the year'  but, is there any
susceptibility detectable on NWA 5000 or, for that matter any of your
pieces?  See, told you it was going to be a dumb question.

Mike in CO

On Aug 16, 2010, at 11:43 AM, Adam Hupe wrote:

> Thank you, Greg,
> It is both a desert patina and fusion crust. The gray area is where
the fusion
> crust was etched very thin by the prevailing winds and sand over the
> period it spent in Western Sahara.  You can still observe contraction
> the gray areas where the crust is so thin that you can see the matrix
> it.  Most collectors do not realize that Lunar meteorites, for the
most part,
> have brown fusion crusts.  A few Mare pieces have smooth black fusion
> a few Highlands have translucent green fusion crusts. This is one of
> that we have a prospective Lunaite in front of us.  You will never see
> Eucrite-like black fusion crust on a lunar meteorite.
> Best Regards,
> Adam
> - Original Message 
> From: Thunder Stone 
> To: Adam Hupe ;
> Sent: Mon, August 16, 2010 10:27:33 AM
> Subject: RE: [meteorite-list] Newcomers and the Meteorite world
> Adam/Greg:
> Very impressive.
> Is that a fusion crust on NWA 5000 or desert varnish?
> Greg S.
>> Date: Sun, 15 Aug 2010 15:31:50 -0700
>> From:
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Newcomers and the Meteorite world
>> The question was presented. How many dealers have a personal
>> My brother Greg and I started out as collectors and continue to this
day. I
>> believe we have more planetary main masses than anybody in the world.
>> Here is an image of part of the Hupe Planetary Collection.
>> We have a few more planetary main masses that are not included in
this image,
>> either because they were out on loan or too small.
>> Enjoy and Best Regards,
>> Adam
>> __
>> Visit the Archive

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Rings

2010-08-16 Thread Mark Ford
Hi Jose,

If it's any help, for my other half a few years ago, I had a crescent
moon pendant made of out 18k Gold, complete with texture and craters on
the surface, one of which has a piece of DAG 400 (Lunar meteorite) set
into it, there was also a diamond in a separate crater on the tip of the
crescent (which gives a glint like the sun appearing behind the moon).

Looks really good, and she is very pleased with it. We have had no
problems with the DAG 400, they set it in the 'crater' on the pendant
both with jewellery adhesive and by burring over the gold (to make a
mechanical hold too).

You should have no trouble if the rock is well set into the gold, but I
would advise them to make sure it is held in physically rather than just
relying on adhesive/glue. 

Martian Shergottites should easily be robust enough, as long as it is
not too big..

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Jose
Sent: 16 August 2010 06:47
To: Meteorites
Subject: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Rings

Does anyone know how stable will be to have a wedding ring made out of
martian meteorite (Los Angeles) and white gold? Or does anyone ever try
to made a ring with a non-iron meteorite?

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Registered address Rectory Farm Rd, Sompting, Lancing, W Sussex BN15 0DP. 
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Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Rings

2010-08-16 Thread Mark Ford
And ... forgot to say -  treat it like you would an opal or emerald, i.e
keep it dry don't clean it in an ultrasonic bath..

One thing also to bear in mind with Iron meteorites, is as they contain
Nickel, this can irritate some peoples skin.. just bear in mind that's


-Original Message-----
From: Mark Ford 
Sent: 16 August 2010 13:37
To: 'Jose Villavicencio'; ''
Subject: RE: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Rings

Hi Jose,

If it's any help, for my other half a few years ago, I had a crescent
moon pendant made of out 18k Gold, complete with texture and craters on
the surface, one of which has a piece of DAG 400 (Lunar meteorite) set
into it, there was also a diamond in a separate crater on the tip of the
crescent (which gives a glint like the sun appearing behind the moon).

Looks really good, and she is very pleased with it. We have had no
problems with the DAG 400, they set it in the 'crater' on the pendant
both with jewellery adhesive and by burring over the gold (to make a
mechanical hold too).

You should have no trouble if the rock is well set into the gold, but I
would advise them to make sure it is held in physically rather than just
relying on adhesive/glue. 

Martian Shergottites should easily be robust enough, as long as it is
not too big..

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Jose
Sent: 16 August 2010 06:47
To: Meteorites
Subject: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Rings

Does anyone know how stable will be to have a wedding ring made out of
martian meteorite (Los Angeles) and white gold? Or does anyone ever try
to made a ring with a non-iron meteorite?

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Registered address Rectory Farm Rd, Sompting, Lancing, W Sussex BN15 0DP. 
Company No 1800317

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Re: [meteorite-list] Its official! NWA 6291 "The King ofAngrites" for sale -...

2010-07-23 Thread Mark Ford
No, the reverse - I think the quote actually means science has a lot
more 'faith' to it than most people realise!

Especially true these days..


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Meteorites USA
Sent: 23 July 2010 09:01
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Its official! NWA 6291 "The King
ofAngrites" for sale -...

Funny, I never realized there was "proof" of what faith believes. Only 
conjecture and subjective interpretation of observation.


On 7/23/2010 12:52 AM, Mark Ford wrote:
> Good quote.
> I also like:
> "Science is almost the same as faith, but just sometimes, once in a
> while, the level of required proof is taken up a notch"
> Mark
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of GREG
> Sent: 23 July 2010 04:31
> To:
> Cc: meteorite-list
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Its official! NWA 6291 "The King
> ofAngrites" for sale -...
>  Hello Greg,
>I've always loved science, but I do think that some in the
> community tend to stretch things a bit thin sometimes.  All kinds of
> theories about all kinds of things are thrown around with little to
> support them.  This reminds me of a quote by Mark Twain.  The quote
> follows:
>"There is something fascinating about science.  One gets such
> wholesale returns of conjecture out of such a trifling investment of
> fact."
>Something to think about
>Greg Lindh
>> From:
>> To:
>> Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2010 20:51:24 -0400
>> CC:;
>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Its official! NWA 6291 "The King of
> Angrites" for sale -...
>> Hello everyone,
>> Isn't 'science' just that, "Science"... Ever evolving as ground truth
>> comes in? Without open minds and hard work by many dedicated
>> individuals, 'science' would not get very far, especially in the
>> of meteortitics! Much of the initial work and/or thoughts are
>> suggestions which are meant to excite others in rational and
>> heated discussions, no matter what scientific focus is being
>> discussed. I won't even bring up the evolution talks of the past...
>> Best Regards,
>> Greg Hupe
>> On Jul 22, 2010, at 8:00 AM, "Rose, David MD"
>> wrote:
>>> I agree with Jeff completely. Same thing happens in Medicine. And
>>> even when the data is peer reviewed, that doesn't mean that it is
>>> rock solid truth. It's a process of continual evaluation and
>>> refinement.
>>> David
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: [mailto:meteorite-
>>>] On Behalf Of Jeff Grossman
>>> Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2010 7:40 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Its official! NWA 6291 "The King of
>>> Angrites" for sale -...
>>> Yikes! Abstracts to meetings are not peer reviewed!
>>> jeff
>>> On 7/21/2010 10:05 PM, Adam Hupe wrote:
>>>> Hi Jason and List,
>>>> I do not refute Melinda Hutson's article that was never peer
>>>> reviewed and
>>>> contains several errors according to the classifying scientists. I
>>>> asked
>>>> scientists about the article and they stated, it is obvious that
>>>> she didn't read
>>>> the original peer reviewed abstract carefully, even mistaking the
>>>> type of
>>>> petrology that was discussed using formulas that simply do not
>>>> apply to the
>>>> texture NWA 2999 exhibits.
>>>> There were several prestigious coauthors listed in the original
>>>> paper; Unique
>>>> Angrite NWA 2999: The Case For Samples From Mercury.
>>>> Who am I to argue with the world's best? I will keep an open mind
>>>> and hope for
>>>> s

Re: [meteorite-list] Its official! NWA 6291 "The King ofAngrites" for sale -...

2010-07-23 Thread Mark Ford
Good quote.

I also like:

"Science is almost the same as faith, but just sometimes, once in a
while, the level of required proof is taken up a notch"


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of GREG
Sent: 23 July 2010 04:31
Cc: meteorite-list
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Its official! NWA 6291 "The King
ofAngrites" for sale -...

Hello Greg,
  I've always loved science, but I do think that some in the scientific
community tend to stretch things a bit thin sometimes.  All kinds of
theories about all kinds of things are thrown around with little to
support them.  This reminds me of a quote by Mark Twain.  The quote
  "There is something fascinating about science.  One gets such
wholesale returns of conjecture out of such a trifling investment of
  Something to think about
  Greg Lindh

> From:
> To:
> Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2010 20:51:24 -0400
> CC:;
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Its official! NWA 6291 "The King of
Angrites" for sale -...
> Hello everyone,
> Isn't 'science' just that, "Science"... Ever evolving as ground truth 
> comes in? Without open minds and hard work by many dedicated 
> individuals, 'science' would not get very far, especially in the world

> of meteortitics! Much of the initial work and/or thoughts are educated

> suggestions which are meant to excite others in rational and sometimes

> heated discussions, no matter what scientific focus is being 
> discussed. I won't even bring up the evolution talks of the past...
> Best Regards,
> Greg Hupe
> On Jul 22, 2010, at 8:00 AM, "Rose, David MD"  
> wrote:
>> I agree with Jeff completely. Same thing happens in Medicine. And 
>> even when the data is peer reviewed, that doesn't mean that it is 
>> rock solid truth. It's a process of continual evaluation and 
>> refinement.
>> David
>> -Original Message-
>> From: [mailto:meteorite- 
>>] On Behalf Of Jeff Grossman
>> Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2010 7:40 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Its official! NWA 6291 "The King of 
>> Angrites" for sale -...
>> Yikes! Abstracts to meetings are not peer reviewed!
>> jeff
>> On 7/21/2010 10:05 PM, Adam Hupe wrote:
>>> Hi Jason and List,
>>> I do not refute Melinda Hutson's article that was never peer 
>>> reviewed and
>>> contains several errors according to the classifying scientists. I 
>>> asked
>>> scientists about the article and they stated, it is obvious that 
>>> she didn't read
>>> the original peer reviewed abstract carefully, even mistaking the 
>>> type of
>>> petrology that was discussed using formulas that simply do not 
>>> apply to the
>>> texture NWA 2999 exhibits.
>>> There were several prestigious coauthors listed in the original 
>>> paper; Unique
>>> Angrite NWA 2999: The Case For Samples From Mercury.
>>> Who am I to argue with the world's best? I will keep an open mind 
>>> and hope for
>>> some ground truth that will hopefully settle it once and for all. 
>>> I think the
>>> authors were making a point of having an open mind and that the 
>>> subject should
>>> be debated possibly stimulated more scientific interest in 
>>> Angrites. It took a
>>> long time to win over the scientific community that some of these 
>>> meteorites
>>> were actually from Mars. It was debated to death and now nobody 
>>> argues about
>>> the Shergottite parent body any more.
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Adam
>>> __
>>> Visit the Archives at
>>> Meteorite-list mailing list
>> __
>> Visit the Archives at
>> Meteorite-list mailing list
>> P Please consider the impact to the environment before printing this
>> email.
>> P Please consider the impact to the environment before printing this
>> email.
>> __
>> Visit the Archives at
>> Meteorite-list mailing list
> __
> Visit the Archives at
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite legistration

2010-05-19 Thread Mark Ford
Yes there are good and bad aspects to both sides of this eternal debate.

On the one hand you could argue it could depend on when the rock fell,
an old rock would have been there since before the land owner purchased
it, so it would naturally then be the landowners, whereas if it fell
yesterday then it is sorta like if someone throws your best coat onto
another person's land - the coat still belongs to you even though it's
on their land.

There is an argument for very recent falls being made the property of
the discoverer/finder as they have only just came from space (just coz
it touched their ground for a few hours should this make it theirs?)-
However and it is a big however - who the hell is going to let you hunt
on their land if they suddenly have no claim on the rocks you find ??

So for that reason I guess it's better that it just belongs to the
landowner by default. In any case if it all got too political the
government could just claim all space rocks to be state property! 

Let sleeping dogs lie...


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Michael Blood
Sent: 19 May 2010 00:48
To: Steve Dunklee;;;; Meteorite List
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite legistration

This would be fine on BLM land, but not on private property.

On 5/18/10 9:36 AM, "Steve Dunklee"  wrote:

> I believe it is time to lobby congress for a new law where any
meteorite found
> becomes the exclusive property of the finder. This law would reduce
> litigation on meteorite finds end encourage hunting on public lands.

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Re: [meteorite-list] Our next major source of meteorites?

2010-05-11 Thread Mark Ford
Well said Martin! -  policy makers and private hunting skeptics take note!  

Up side of no meteorite hunting/export regulations = many new finds
Down side of no meteorite regulations = higher prices/value (though this 
actually leads to more finds)

Up side of meteorite regulation = meteorites left in the ground
Downside of meteorite regulation = next to none available for study or 
collectors (i.e no one wins) the rocks carry on rusting!


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Martin Altmann
Sent: 10 May 2010 23:05
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Our next major source of meteorites?


Melanie, Australia was Eden, Mecca, El Dorado, Tara, Oh Ashley!, for
meteorites. So it has the potential. Unfortunately it felt due a wrong
policy into a dark age for the last 2 decades, but I'm confident, that I
still will live to see the renaissance of Australian meteorites.

You know Melanie, I read some weeks ago the annual report of the Western
Australia Museum of the period 2007/2008 - there it's said, that it is
planned to enlarge the meteorite collection,
Alas - in the same report is told, that in that period at the WA museum they
worked on and finally published only ONE single new Australian meteorite.

And that isn't acceptable, that's a declaration of bankruptcy.

Researchers and scientists have always to match with the work of researchers
in other countries, with colleagues of the scientific community to evaluate
the quality of their work.
And on the other hand researchers have to compete among each other for the
financial means for their research. If such a branch of science yields
almost no results, then sooner or later it will be abandoned, because it
isn't justified to spent public means for these purposes.
In Australia meteoritics maybe has survived that immense decline and
bleeding only so long, because of its rich tradition in meteoritics. Was
once together with USA meteorite nation #1.
Else, like it happened in other countries, after such a long unsuccessful
period meteoritics would have been stopped there more or less. But that
legacy can be also a burden, because it could force the Australian
meteoriticists to explain, why all the years before the "Dark Age" dozens of
new finds were made and now less than 1 find per year and why in so many
other countries with deserts, including USA, the find rates of new
meteorites exploded during the very same period.

Therefore I think the meteoriticists feel a certain pressure and things will
turn back to reason one day. In fact, there are already some Australian
scientists worried about, google around and you will find a proposal from a
gentleman from the Bathurst Observatory to ease the legal restrictions
regarding meteorites, so that finally there will be found some again.

The way to find back to old glory and to restore meteorite science in
Australia is very easy, as all pre-conditions are not only existent, but
I don't know the exact mechanisms regarding legislation there, whether you
need a petition ect. to amend existing laws (and that isn't my cup of tea),
but look Melanie, Australia has some very famous meteoriticists, Dr.Bevan
for instance - and I could imagine, that he wouldn't feel comfort to leave
Australian meteoritics behind in such a desolate estate and that he will
feel constraint to the once so famous meteorite tradition of Australia,
that he will put all the weight of his capacity and his name into the scale,
to improve the situation in Australia, wouldn't he?

The methods are clear, and the Aussies made their experiences already,
regarding the question, how new finds will be generated.
Just allow finding and a fair incentive for the owner, and you'll have your

Hunting by public financed expeditions could be somewhat too expensive, and
such hunts are always somewhat limited.
I read also a paper of one of the Euromet-hunts in Australia some weeks ago.
(Had no internet connetion for some days, would have to search it again,
don't know at the moment, whether it was 1993, was that one with Bevan,
Koeberl et al.)
There they were going in the known strewnfields, for training, found 7.5kgs
of Mundrabillas, 5 pounds of Millbillillies, a few Mulga-chondrites - and
then they found additionally 3kg new OCs or so.
Euromet, Melanie, was a consortium of European universities with the
objective to recover new meteorites.
Well, only the annual costs for personnel were around 20 millions of today's
USD. - well, you know, a Mundrabilla of the private sector costs today
0.5$-3.5$/g (rough specimen - perfectly brilliant etch) and a Millbillillie
5-15$/g (depending on size and quality) - btw. meteorites where export
clearances are available. Nja well and unclassified averagely weathered
chondrites, like they found else, you know them, as it's your slogan below
your posts, if they 

Re: [meteorite-list] Fake Lunar Landing Response

2010-04-26 Thread Mark Ford
You get cellphone coverage in area 51?? - You must be one of 'them' ;)

-Original Message-
From: Dennis Miller [] 
Sent: 26 April 2010 15:49
To: Mark Ford;
Subject: RE: [meteorite-list] Fake Lunar Landing Response

Hey, you forgot Santa Clause, The Easter Bunny and Leprechauns.  They
billions of dollars, just in candy and green beer! (Don't mix them
(From my iphone in area 51)  

> Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 09:29:48 +0100
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Fake Lunar Landing Response
> At the end of the day, many of the key people also perpetuate these
conspiracy myths because they sell an awful lot of books, plus it maybe
gains them the attention they probably never got as a kid. Imho it's the
same with the crop circles, UFO's, ghosts, yeti, bigfoot's, water
monsters etc. Usually it's often very intelligent but slightly deluded
people, who feed off other much more deluded people, and through
positive re-enforcement you end up with a community of people all firmly
believing in exactly the same thing and unable to accept the truth no
matter what anyone else says.
> People love being in groups with others of similar values it's as
simple as that (hey we all joined the met-list didn't we).
> Problem comes when these theories start to skew the rest of society's
view of the truth too, I firmly believe that these conspiracy theories
are not just 'harmless fun' they represent serious pollution and we
should be far less tolerant of many of them, so long as there is still
room for being sensibly open minded that is...
> Mark
> -Original Message-
> From:
[] On Behalf Of Paul
> Sent: 26 April 2010 03:34
> To:
> Subject: [meteorite-list] Fake Lunar Landing Response
> in Fake Lunar Landing Response at
> E. P. (Grondine) wrote:
> "In "theosophist" religions, the Moon, Mars, and other
> planets were all inhabited. One of these "theosophist"
> religions, the Lemurian Fellowship, was stolen by
> Richard Kieninger, who went into business with David
> Hatcher Childress."
> ...text deleted...
> "Insanity has a logic of its own, in this case a well
> developed framework of delusions. Why didn't the
> Apollo astronauts land on the Moon? Because they
> did not show the Moon dwellers' remains. It fits
> right in with the Face on Mars for them."
> It is not only the "theosophist" religions that have a theological
> basis for denying human beings having landed on the Moon.
> In addition, a minority of Hindus, who promote "Vedic science"
> and argue that the "deevolution" of human beings has been going
> for the last few billion years also are very strong proponents of the
> Moon Landing hoax claims. This position is based on what they
> consider to be the impossibility for the Apollo astronauts to have
> traveled to the Moon because of both physically or spiritual factors
> that they argue are clearly explained in the "Vedas." Their
> theological "arguments" against the Moon landings bring real are
> discussed in detail by a Hare Krishna web page, "Man On The
> Moon-A Colossal Hoax that Cost Billions of Dollars" at;
> For example, this web page states:
> "The Vedic account of our planetary system is
> already researched, concluded, and perfect. The
> Vedas state that the moon is 800,000 miles
> farther from the earth than the sun. Therefore,
> even if we accept the modern calculation of 93
> million miles as the distance from the earth to
> the sun, how could the "astronauts" have traveled
> to the moon-a distance of almost 94 million miles-
> in only 91 hours (the alleged elapsed time of the
> Apollo 11 moon trip)?"
> Further down it, the above web page states:
> "Another important reason why the manned moon
> landing must be a hoax is that, according to the
> Vedas, each planet has its particular standard of living
> and atmosphere, and no one can transfer from one
> planet to another without becoming properly qualified.
> This means that if someone wants to go to Mars, for
> instance, he has to give up his present gross material
> body and acquire another one suitable f

Re: [meteorite-list] Fake Lunar Landing Response

2010-04-26 Thread Mark Ford

At the end of the day, many of the key people also perpetuate these conspiracy 
myths because they sell an awful lot of books, plus it maybe gains them the 
attention they probably never got as a kid. Imho it's the same with the crop 
circles, UFO's, ghosts, yeti, bigfoot's, water monsters etc.  Usually it's 
often very intelligent but slightly deluded people, who feed off other much 
more deluded people, and through positive re-enforcement you end up with a 
community of people all firmly believing in exactly the same thing and unable 
to accept the truth no matter what anyone else says.

People love being in groups with others of similar values it's as simple as 
that (hey we all joined the met-list didn't we).

Problem comes when these theories start to skew the rest of society's view of 
the truth too, I firmly believe that these conspiracy theories are not just 
'harmless fun' they represent serious pollution and we should be far less 
tolerant of many of them, so long as there is still room for being sensibly 
open minded that is...


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Paul H.
Sent: 26 April 2010 03:34
Subject: [meteorite-list] Fake Lunar Landing Response

in Fake Lunar Landing Response at
E. P. (Grondine) wrote:

"In "theosophist" religions, the Moon, Mars, and other 
planets were all inhabited. One of these "theosophist" 
religions, the Lemurian Fellowship, was stolen by 
Richard Kieninger, who went into business with David 
Hatcher Childress."

...text deleted...

"Insanity has a logic of its own, in this case a well 
developed framework of delusions. Why didn't the 
Apollo astronauts land on the Moon? Because they 
did not show the Moon dwellers' remains. It fits 
right in with the Face on Mars for them."

It is not only the "theosophist" religions that have a theological 
basis for denying human beings having landed on the Moon. 
In addition, a minority of Hindus, who promote "Vedic science" 
and argue that the "deevolution" of  human beings has been going 
for the last few billion years also are very strong proponents of the 
Moon Landing hoax claims. This position is based on what they 
consider to be the impossibility for the Apollo astronauts to have 
traveled to the Moon because of both physically or spiritual factors 
that they argue are clearly explained in the "Vedas." Their 
theological "arguments" against the Moon landings bring real are
discussed in detail by a Hare Krishna web page, "Man On The 
Moon–A Colossal Hoax that Cost Billions of Dollars" at;

For example, this web page states:

"The Vedic account of our planetary system is 
already researched, concluded, and perfect. The 
Vedas state that the moon is 800,000 miles 
farther from the earth than the sun. Therefore, 
even if we accept the modern calculation of 93 
million miles as the distance from the earth to 
the sun, how could the “astronauts” have traveled 
to the moon–a distance of almost 94 million miles–
in only 91 hours (the alleged elapsed time of the 
Apollo 11 moon trip)?"

Further down it, the above web page states:

"Another important reason why the manned moon 
landing must be a hoax is that, according to the 
Vedas, each planet has its particular standard of living 
and atmosphere, and no one can transfer from one 
planet to another without becoming properly qualified. 
This means that if someone wants to go to Mars, for 
instance, he has to give up his present gross material 
body and acquire another one suitable for life on 
that particular planet."

Other revealing web pages are:

The Apollo Moon Landings are Science Fiction

The Moon Missions: Oh Ye of Little Faith

Moon Mission Web Pages

As in case of the antievolution fervor of various Young and Old 
creationists, I personally suspect that a significant force behind
the arguments behind the claims that the Moon Landings were
a hoax is a religious one. I also suspect that unlike the creationist 
antievolutionists, the promoters of the Moon Landing hoax have 
been for the most part, but not always, been careful to hide their 
religious motivations behind seemingly secular web sites. Of 
course as in case of antievolution, there are also a number of
conspiracy fans, who for purely secular, nonreligious reasons,
advocate and promote the fiction about there having been a 
Moon Landing hoax.


Paul H.
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Re: [meteorite-list] Possible Meteorite Value if used as Tools ($33, 040.00)

2010-03-03 Thread Mark Ford

Which is the 'tool'? -  the watch or the person that pays $33,000 for a 2mm x 
25mm slice of gibeon in an over polished gold case! -  Lol.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Shawn Alan
Sent: 03 March 2010 00:02
Subject: [meteorite-list] Possible Meteorite Value if used as Tools ($33,040.00)

Hello Listers,
Since we are on the topic of meteorites being used for tools, here is a 
$33,040.00 meteorite being used as a tool today, check it out.
Shawn  Alan
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[meteorite-list] meteorite images..

2009-11-27 Thread Mark Ford

Talking of websites:

I've always thought a library of royalty free (that is completely free
use) meteorite images would be good, often when giving a talk or writing
an article I often find I just cannot find decent photos that are truly
'free to use', you usually end up taking a pic yourself, or if it's for
a lecture just 'borrowing' the image of the net. Wouldn't it be great if
there was a legit way of using meteorite images anywhere without anyone
suing or complaining?

So those of you that have websites with nice images on them,  if any of
you don't mind anyone else using some/all your pics for any purpose, why
don't we come up with a special logo or wording phrase that can go on
your website that means 'my images are free for use'. I know there are
GNU, and other free use standards out there, but many state free for
non-commercial use with 3 page conditions etc, I'm talking about
condtion free images.

Just a thought, but whilst many images are commercially valuable which
is fine, some must surley come under the category ' I don't care who
uses them' so why not make them publically available by stating so, when
they are put online?.

Just a thought..


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Meteorites USA
Sent: 26 November 2009 18:04
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] POLL: What Do You Want In A Meteorite


Thank you all for the votes, Keep them coming everyone!

Think we can go for 100 votes so we can get a good idea of the general 
populaces opinion? Come on guys, you guys are meteorite junkies... Prove

it by voting. ;)

Tally so far: Total Voters: 22
What Do You Want In A Meteorite Website?
Vote Link:
(Poll is located in right sidebar menu)

More Meteorite Info: General (73%, 16 Votes)
More Meteorite Photos (73%, 16 Votes)
College & University Participation (64%, 14 Votes)
More Education Related To Meteorites (59%, 13 Votes)
More Educational Outreach (50%, 11 Votes)
More Meteorite Data: Meteorite classification data (45%, 10 Votes)
More Sharing of Information (45%, 10 Votes)
More Instructional Information (45%, 10 Votes)
More Meteorite Collecting Info: i.e. How To's & DIY (41%, 9 Votes)
More Meteorite Hunting Info: i.e. How To Find Meteorites (36%, 8 Votes)
Less Commercial & More Informational (36%, 8 Votes)
Would Volunteer To Help: Time (32%, 7 Votes)
Would Volunteer: PR & Advertising (32%, 7 Votes)
Orgainzational Participation (27%, 6 Votes)
More Public Awareness (27%, 6 Votes)
More User Participation: i.e. Forums Personal Messaging (18%, 4 Votes)
More Meteorite Videos (18%, 4 Votes)
Would Volunteer To Help: Monetary Contributions (14%, 3 Votes)
Less Public Awareness (5%, 1 Votes)
More Commercial & Less Informational (0%, 0 Votes)

This is really very helpful and this information is vital to the 
increase of knowledge of meteorites online.

Your participation is greatly appreciated and it only takes a minute.

Thanks guys, let's keep this going!!!

Eric Wichman
Meteorite Wiki

Meteorites USA wrote:
> Hi Listees & Meteorite People,
> I've created a poll for gathering some very important information. 
> This information is vital in determining the course of action and 
> direction the Meteorite Wiki website will take. The Poll is located on

> the meteorite blog website but is strictly for gathering information 
> on the Meteorite Wiki.
> What Do You Want In A Meteorite Website?
> Go here to Vote:
> Poll is located in the sidebar of the site
> 1 Question, 20 Answers and percentage based results. You are more than

> welcome to choose more than one answer and in fact are encouraged to 
> do so. Choose the answers that best fit what YOU would like to see in 
> a meteorite website.
> If you have something to add please feel free to send me an email with

> suggestions, opinions, gripes, or rants. ;) Questions are encouraged!
> Please take part in the poll, the more information we compile the 
> better the data will be!
> Thanks in advance for your participation.
> Regards,
> Eric Wichman
> Meteorite Wiki
> 904-236-5394
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

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Re: [meteorite-list] Dry Lakes in Australia

2009-10-15 Thread Mark Ford

>> For this reason I doubt that people go out specifically looking for 
>> Meteorites as it would cost a lot for zero reward.

Yep, a classic case of another country not thinking through it's meteorite 
collecting laws, you ban exports/free trade and strangely enough all the new 
finds dry up, (while the rocks rust away). There's a lesson there somewhere.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Aubrey Whymark
Sent: 15 October 2009 07:48
To: Greg Stanley; meteorite list
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Dry Lakes in Australia

Hi Greg

They certainly look for Australite Tektites on the dry lakes in WA. Australites 
can be picked up, kept, sold, sold abroad. You can't touch the Meteorites in 
Australia though. If you find one then report it to the Museum. For this reason 
I doubt that people go out specifically looking for Meteorites as it would cost 
a lot for zero reward.


Aubrey Whymark

--- On Wed, 14/10/09, Greg Stanley  wrote:

> From: Greg Stanley 
> Subject: [meteorite-list] Dry Lakes in Australia
> To:
> Date: Wednesday, 14 October, 2009, 10:41 PM
> List:
> The company I work for is doing a project in Australia and
> I'm coordinating the placement of some of our instruments. 
> As I looked at the map in GoogleEarth, I notice (what looks
> like dry lakes) throughout the country; does anyone look for
> meteorites on dry lakes in Australia?
> Greg S.
> _
> Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft’s powerful SPAM
> protection.
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

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Company No 1800317

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Bugs In Space!

2009-09-18 Thread Mark Ford

I did not say all life in the universe is from Earth, read my posts

I said the life we find on Earth originated from Earth that's all. 

As I said there is every possibility life has started else where too.

We are not the centre of the universe! I never said we are, please don't
misquote me.


-Original Message-
From: Meteorites USA [] 
Sent: 17 September 2009 16:18
To: Mark Ford;
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Bugs In Space!

Hello everyone,

Again I feel compelled to respond to such Earth centered thinking. We 
are NOT the center of everything. Our planet is merely a dot in billions

of trillions of other dots in this universe.

"...Sorry but imho panspermia is nothing more than religion by the back 

ok... Not really.

"...Some people just cannot accept that life doesn't automatically have 
to have come from outer space..."

Some people cannot except that life COULD come from out there.

"...where is the evidence to show that life cannot possibly start on 

There is lots of evidence to shows life could start here. But that does 
not mean ALL life is from here. This "Earth centered" idea is flawed in 
every way.

"...It has to start somewhere, and what better place than right here, 
where the conditions are warm/wet/cold/ideal?..."

Again, Earth centered and ultimately wrong. This is not to say that life

that is present today on this planet could not have started on this 
planet. Just because someone says that meteorites might have seeded 
Earth, does not mean that ALL life was seeded from elsewhere. It's 
flawed thinking because it leaves out the fact that SOME life could have

come from elsewhere. Just because someone says that rocks from space 
could have brought life to our planet does not mean it is all 
encompassing or empirical at all because there is evidence.

I believe the Panspermia theory may be flawed (or peoples understanding 
of Panspermia anyway) if they state that all life came from elsewhere 
simply because if all life came from elsewhere then where did 
"elsewhere" get the life to begin with?

It had to come into existence from somewhere. If you don't believe in 
evolution, then you believe in God, if you believe in God you most 
likely don't believe in evolution. But I ask you why you can't believe 
in both? (rhetorical, please do not answer this as it's NOT related to 
meteorites ;)) This is NOT the topic I want to get into so I will 
continue on...

So you believe the Earth is the Goldilocks planet. Given that you most 
likely also believe there is a good chance that there is another system 
out there with a star similar to our Sun and quite possibly another 
planet similar to ours that lies within what science calls the habitable

zone. Or is that too big of a stretch?

Let's just say for the sake of argument there is another planet out 
there nearby (relative to our system) that is in this zone and that 
there is life on that planet. One can safely assume that large 
asteroidal and cometary debris has at some time in the past slammed into

that planet. Perhaps even while life existed on it, thereby ejecting 
billions of tons of debris into space over time. Some of that debris 
would no doubt carry some form of microbial life that lives deep inside 
the soil and rock. (perhaps even insects) Protected from the harshness 
of the vacuum and cold of space.

Now we know that if there's a Goldilocks planet that there are most 
likely other planets in that system as well, perhaps more, perhaps less 
than our system, but our knowledge of solar system formation is one that

allows us to make an educated guess. The point is most of the debris 
would be sucked into the orbits and eventually the atmospheres of other 
planetary and larger bodies in that system. But. Not all of it would be.

Would it? Some of it would escape. Eventually...

Let's also say for sake of argument the Gliese 581 star system is home 
to our habitable planet. This system is 20 light years away. In other 
words it  takes light 20 years to travel to Earth. (speed of light is 
186,000 miles per second). A light year is 5,865,696,000,000 miles in 
distance. Remember that number...

The question now is, how fast will the debris that is able to escape the

system be traveling? Well, I wasn't sure and did a little digging and 
found this page which 
explains the speed of an orbiting asteroid to be at 47000 mph. Since I 
wanted to verify, I check around and found this too: which puts the speed 
of an orbiting asteroid at 67,000 mph. A difference of 20,000 mph. A BIG


Still not convinced of the accuracy of the speed, I wanted to know a 
more exact number I could app

Re: [meteorite-list] Bugs In Space!

2009-09-17 Thread Mark Ford

Agreed, and there is very likely to be life elsewhere, but that could
just as easily evolve entirely independently of us, doesn't mean all
life originates from just one place only. All life we know of though (so
far) comes from the earth, to assume it must come from 'out there' just
because out there is 'big' is to deny the evidence that is all around

I am not saying it only originated here and has spread out into the
universe, I am saying Earth based life originated here, and if there is
any life outside our solar system, it evolved there on it's own.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Becky
and Kirk
Sent: 17 September 2009 14:06
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Bugs In Space!

Hi Everyone,
  To me---believing that all life has originated here on Earth and
spread out from here is like saying that the Earth is still the center
the solar system or Universe. Andwe don't believe that anymore, now

Just my opinion of course.:-) I'm sure that here are many other
out there that are warm/wet/ideal/in the right placewe just need to
them, and we will.

Best to all,
----- Original Message - 
From: "Mark Ford" 
Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 7:48 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Bugs In Space!

> There is much documented evidence of microbes in the upper atmosphere
> region, I think the debatable bit though is the suggestion that life
> must have come from somewhere other than from Earth, - This is simply
> not the case. I have seen no evidence to suggest anything other than
> that every single life form we have ever found originated right here
> earth.
> Some people just cannot accept that life doesn't automatically have to
> have come from outer space, they are entitled to hold that view, but
> where is the evidence to show that life cannot possibly start on
> It has to start somewhere, and what better place than right here,
> the conditions are warm/wet/cold/ideal?
> Sorry but imho panspermia is nothing more than religion by the back
> door..
> Transfer of life from planet to planet via meteorites is more
> interesting, though even here we have the dilemma that just because
> highly evolved extreemophiles can potentially survive under controlled
> test conditions doesn't automatically mean they actually have, there
> many other complex variables to consider, many of which are still
> understood.
> Mark
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of
> and Kirk
> Sent: 17 September 2009 01:13
> To:
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Bugs In Space!
> Phil,
>How is this "junk" science
>  Kirk...
> - Original Message - 
> From: "JoshuaTreeMuseum" 
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 10:11 AM
> Subject: [meteorite-list] Bugs In Space!
>> G'day, Konnichiwa, Aloha, Top 'o the morning to ya!:
>> Microbes from outer space living in the upper atmosphere and bacteria
>> living for millions of years! If I only had more time to read junk
>> science!
>> Phil Whitmer
>> Hi listees,
>> Some interesting reading...
>> "...To test if meteorites might protect bacteria on their journey
>> through space, Horneck and her colleagues mixed samples of 50 million
>> spores with particles of clay, red sandstone, Martian meteorite, or
>> simulated Martian soil and made small lumps a centimeter in diameter.
>> Between 10,000 and 100,000 spores of the original 50 million survived
>> and when mixed with red sandstone, nearly all survived, suggesting
> that
>> even meteorites a centimeter in diameter can carry life from one
> planet
>> to another, if they completed the journey within a few years. In a
> rock
>> a meter across, bacteria could probably survive for millions of
> years"
>> Still don't believe?
>> __
>> Meteorite-list mailing list
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list
> ht

Re: [meteorite-list] Bugs In Space!

2009-09-17 Thread Mark Ford

There is much documented evidence of microbes in the upper atmosphere
region, I think the debatable bit though is the suggestion that life
must have come from somewhere other than from Earth, - This is simply
not the case. I have seen no evidence to suggest anything other than
that every single life form we have ever found originated right here on

Some people just cannot accept that life doesn't automatically have to
have come from outer space, they are entitled to hold that view, but
where is the evidence to show that life cannot possibly start on Earth?
It has to start somewhere, and what better place than right here, where
the conditions are warm/wet/cold/ideal? 

Sorry but imho panspermia is nothing more than religion by the back

Transfer of life from planet to planet via meteorites is more
interesting, though even here we have the dilemma that just because
highly evolved extreemophiles can potentially survive under controlled
test conditions doesn't automatically mean they actually have, there are
many other complex variables to consider, many of which are still poorly


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Becky
and Kirk
Sent: 17 September 2009 01:13
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Bugs In Space!

How is this "junk" science
- Original Message - 
From: "JoshuaTreeMuseum" 
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 10:11 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Bugs In Space!

> G'day, Konnichiwa, Aloha, Top 'o the morning to ya!:
> Microbes from outer space living in the upper atmosphere and bacteria 
> living for millions of years! If I only had more time to read junk 
> science!
> Phil Whitmer
> Hi listees,
> Some interesting reading...
> "...To test if meteorites might protect bacteria on their journey
> through space, Horneck and her colleagues mixed samples of 50 million
> spores with particles of clay, red sandstone, Martian meteorite, or
> simulated Martian soil and made small lumps a centimeter in diameter.
> Between 10,000 and 100,000 spores of the original 50 million survived
> and when mixed with red sandstone, nearly all survived, suggesting
> even meteorites a centimeter in diameter can carry life from one
> to another, if they completed the journey within a few years. In a
> a meter across, bacteria could probably survive for millions of
> Still don't believe?
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

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Re: [meteorite-list] Proud Tom Web site

2009-09-03 Thread Mark Ford
Sorry but the alien topic is far more constructive than 'proud bloody



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Re: [meteorite-list] ENOUGH Speed-of-light question

2009-08-27 Thread Mark Ford
Yeah anything's better than 100% adverts!


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Mike Hankey
Sent: 26 August 2009 22:55
To: Michael Blood
Cc: Meteorite List
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] ENOUGH Speed-of-light question

i hear ya, and agree about being on topic, but there seems to be a
good bit of interest in this topic, so i'd say let it roll...? you can
tell from the subject what its related to, so you can easily delete
the emails without reading them if you're not interested. its kind of
fun / enjoyable for me to follow along, if it was off list, i would
miss a lot of these replies, i think this is in the same category as
the alien discussion and matrix discussions... not really meteor
related, but interesting none the less. I think volume of replies
often suggests a good topic people are interested in. I'm also eagerly
awaiting Rob's answer.

Mike Hankey,

On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 5:09 PM, Michael Blood wrote:
> Please guys,
>        This is not exactly hard core meteorite related.
>        A few posts - ok  - hell, a dozen posts, ok. But this
> On and on and on and on is enough already!
>        Can those few of you obsessed with this take it off
> The list, please?
>        ( could be wrong - if there are dozens of List members
> Who want to see this stay on the list, go ahead and post to
> The list and in the subject line put "KEEP the SOL Q
> Going"
>        Not to be a bummer - Michael
> On 8/26/09 10:35 AM, "Darren Garrison"  wrote:
>> On Wed, 26 Aug 2009 11:49:01 -0400, you wrote:
>>> Ok, so what's the speed of dark?
>> "The speed of dark is known to be greater than that of light. It must be,
>> otherwise the dark wouldn¹t be able to get out of the light¹s way."
>> __
>> Meteorite-list mailing list
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list
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Re: [meteorite-list] Speed-of-light question

2009-08-26 Thread Mark Ford

Reminds me of a question I was asked a while back -  what's the average
time dilation of all mass/particles in the universe, due to the
expansion rate of the universe - i.e how much younger is the universe
now than it 'should be' if it was static? 

(I had to think about that one!)

I guess technically since time was created at T=0 then the answer is
simply 'now'!?


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Rob
Sent: 26 August 2009 08:28
To: Mexicodoug;
Subject: [meteorite-list] Speed-of-light question

Hi All,

Doug was first with the correct answer:  1/sqrt(2) * speed of light
or a little more than 70% of the speed of light.  I figured it
might come down to a race between Doug and Sterling.  ;-)

Here's an alternative way of looking at the problem which will
give you the correct answer almost immediately. The trick is to
assume that *ALL* objects travel at the same "velocity" in
4-dimensional space-time, and for convenience we'll call this
velocity "c". For simplicity, assume linear motion along just
one spatial axis -- let's just call it the X-axis and make it
horizontal. Now add a perpendicular axis (traditionally the
Y-axis) but instead we're going to call it the T-axis (the
velocity component in the time-axis direction):

T |

A vector representing the velocity of any object will have a
length of c. Any object traveling at the speed of light (e.g.
a photon) is represented by the vector of length c parallel
to the X-axis; in other words, time stands still for this
object. And any object at rest gets represented by a vector
of length c parallel to the T-axis; all the "motion" is in
the direction of time.

For our problem, we're looking for the vector that has equal
velocity components in both the X-axis and T-axis (X=T).
Obviously this is a 45-degree angle clockwise from +T (or
counterclockwise from +X). So the component of the 4-D velocity
that is in the spatial direction is C*COS(45), while the
component of the 4-D velocity that is in the time direction
is C*SIN(45). Voila!

When you accelerate from a stand-still, your 4D velocity vector
rotates away from vertical and toward horizontal (by a
miniscule amount). Using the simple system above, you can easily
figure out the required velocity in order to cover 2 light-years
distance in one year, 4 light-years in one year, etc.


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Re: [meteorite-list] Alien Contact Predicted

2009-08-25 Thread Mark Ford
Drake says:

N = R x Fp X ne X fl X Fi X fc X L

my reckoning:

1 = 1 X 30% X 0.1 X 40% X 40% X 29% X 1000


R = The number of stars in a similar class to ours born each year
Fp = Percentage of stars that for planets
Ne = Number of planets for each star that have the right conditions for
Fl = Percentage of planets with suitable conditions for life to exist,
which start life
Fi = Percentage of planets with life that go on to develop intelligent
Fc = Percentage intelligent planets that develop communication
L  = Number of years each civilization survives for (in a communicable

:. So no supprise we 'aint heard from no ET... (and imho, I'm being
fairly optimistic about planets forming life supporting conditions) 


> Eric:
> It's my belief that We Are Alone!  There's nobody out there.  Life and

> intelligence is a singularity, a miracle, call it what you will, it
> happened once, here on good old Planet Earth. We are the Seed that
> spread throughout the Universe by Space Migration.  It's our manifest 
> destiny and a matter of survival.  Nobody knows how or why it
happened, it 
> just did. It was either God or chance, take your pick.  There are
> who claim otherwise, but they have yet to provide even the thinnest
> of evidence.  Those who make extraordinary claims must provide some 
> extraordinary evidence to back it up.  And they never do! Not one
> abducted by ETs has ever grabbed  an alien cellphone or anything else
> prove they were aboard an intergalactic space ship.
> The argument for aliens goes something like this: "Well there's
> and billions of galaxies, one of them has to harbor life. It just has
> You know,   a billion monkeys typing for a billion years, and one of
> writes a Shakespearean Sonnet or the Book of Genesis, whatever. I
> they will just type gibberish for eternity. Life doesn't just pop up
> over the place. It can never be created in the laboratory. It's
> to make live stuff out of dead stuff! (Except for that one time.)
> This argument puts a lot of faith in Chance and the Laws of
> Might as well say Yahweh or Brahma did it.  Evolution guided by chance
> probability, how is that any different from chaos and total
> And why do the aliens always appear in trailer parks and never at
> Control, NAU,  or the JPL?
> Now if I could see one bit of hard evidence, I would change my mind in
> minute.
> Just my dos pesos,
> Phil Whitmer
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

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Re: [meteorite-list] Alien Contact Predicted

2009-08-25 Thread Mark Ford

>>That is just hogwash in my opinion---the Drake Equation proves that
>>MUST exist elsewhere.

Not quite - Actually most sensible values for the drake equation (and
subsequent improved variants) come up with surprisingly low values,
given the scale and size of the universe! In fact it's quite easy to get
values of 1! 

yes Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, but evidence of
absence is evidence of absence! If we search and find no other life in
our own solar system, it lowers the odds somewhat, since the earth is so
perfect for life, yet the similar sized planets that are very nearby are
totally sterile (it seems so far).


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Becky
and Kirk
Sent: 24 August 2009 22:10
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Alien Contact Predicted

That is just hogwash in my opinion---the Drake Equation proves that life

MUST exist elsewhere.
Even the SETI scientists agree that LIFE is probably abundant!
Absence of Evidence is NOT Evidence of Absence!!
- Original Message - 
From: "Phil Whitmer" 
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 11:17 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Alien Contact Predicted

> Eric:
> It's my belief that We Are Alone!  There's nobody out there.  Life and

> intelligence is a singularity, a miracle, call it what you will, it
> happened once, here on good old Planet Earth. We are the Seed that
> spread throughout the Universe by Space Migration.  It's our manifest 
> destiny and a matter of survival.  Nobody knows how or why it
happened, it 
> just did. It was either God or chance, take your pick.  There are
> who claim otherwise, but they have yet to provide even the thinnest
> of evidence.  Those who make extraordinary claims must provide some 
> extraordinary evidence to back it up.  And they never do! Not one
> abducted by ETs has ever grabbed  an alien cellphone or anything else
> prove they were aboard an intergalactic space ship.
> The argument for aliens goes something like this: "Well there's
> and billions of galaxies, one of them has to harbor life. It just has
> You know,   a billion monkeys typing for a billion years, and one of
> writes a Shakespearean Sonnet or the Book of Genesis, whatever. I
> they will just type gibberish for eternity. Life doesn't just pop up
> over the place. It can never be created in the laboratory. It's
> to make live stuff out of dead stuff! (Except for that one time.)
> This argument puts a lot of faith in Chance and the Laws of
> Might as well say Yahweh or Brahma did it.  Evolution guided by chance
> probability, how is that any different from chaos and total
> And why do the aliens always appear in trailer parks and never at
> Control, NAU,  or the JPL?
> Now if I could see one bit of hard evidence, I would change my mind in
> minute.
> Just my dos pesos,
> Phil Whitmer
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

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Re: [meteorite-list] Alien Contact Predicted

2009-08-25 Thread Mark Ford

Why does everyone always assume aliens are super intelligent?  based on
the earth model >99.999% of all life in the
universe (if there is any other) is actually not intelligent.

There is a massive difference between, intelligent life,
semi-intelligent life, and basic 'life'.

Add up all the life forms that have existed on earth in 3+ billion years
(it's a really rather large number), and consider that just 2 or 3 of
those trillions and trillions  of life forms actually invented a way of
communicating over large distances (i.e. using radio waves), and it took
billions of years for that to happen, that in itself is a mind boggling

That's exactly why we haven't received any communication from aliens.

 A) There are [very] few planets with life, far fewer that can actually
 b) The distances are just too vast. 
 c) Based on our own human civilization we are not even sending out
carefully directed messages, just mass radio pollution, - as someone
else said maybe the only other intelligent planet is just listening!)

My Guess is life is actually very rare, semi intelligent life is very,
very, very rare, and intelligent life is just us (maybe plus or minus a
remote planet or two somewhere very far away...)



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Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Limericks

2009-07-23 Thread Mark Ford
Especially for Mike..

There was a certain hunter from Tuscon,
Who found that his car had a bug on,
Everywhere that he went,
His location was sent,
So now he can't find rocks before you-can!



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Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Limericks

2009-07-23 Thread Mark Ford

Here's my coffee break attempt!

There was meteorite called Hambleton,
Twas' found by a track with some brambles on,
but when kept in the dry,
it's owners all cry,
.. as all of their slices have rust on!

There was a man from the west,
Who swore his collection was best,
Till it rolled down a hill,
And came to a stand still ,
Now it's a strewn field like all of the rest!

Mark Ford


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