Re: [Mpls] campaign finance

2005-12-08 Thread Matty Lang

Tim Bonham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  I've been Treasurer for many party units, candidates, and joint 
campaigns over the years.

I just can't see that public financed campaigns would solve all these 
problems.  Just change to different problems.

Here's some that I see:

  ML :  (see previous post for list of problems)  
  There is a state-level proposal that seems to make a lot of sense that  
addresses many of Tim's concerns:  Fair and Clean Elections  (FACE).  A similar 
system might be workable at the city level  too.  
  We'd still have independent expenditures and candidates choosing to  forgoe 
public money in order to spend away their opponents, but  choosing this route 
looks even more unattractive with viable  alternative funding sources 
available.  It might be a challenge to  figure out the funding source at the 
city level, but consider it a  public investment in voter education and 
  Rather than attempt to run through this complicated issue here, I'll  point 
interested parties to the following link to learn more:
  Would this model work for Minneapolis?  
  Does it adequately address Tim's concerns?  
  What say you, Minneapolis?  What the heck, East Minneapolis can chime in too. 
  Matty Lang, 

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Re: [Mpls] Re: "brt"?

2005-12-06 Thread Matty Lang

Bruce Gaarder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  David Greene say that the links 
supplied by Matty Lang are from a
group with a bias.  Maybe the name lightrailnow says it all.
You can also read their comments on prt.  Just imagine, they also
seem to be biased, and you won't be able to imagine what that bias
is .

Bruce Gaarder
Highland Park  Saint Paul  MN
  Ah, I'm busted.  Figured out.   My bias is clear:   I support rail transit.  
Thanks for posting the links to the site, they provided 
some helpful clarification of  where your point of view is comming from, an 
automobile.  I am  biased.  I don't believe the auto dominated examples of Los  
Angeles and Atlanta are the right models for Minneapolis/St.  Paul.  
 I didn't see much on the Wendell Cox websites  about buss transit, however.  
He seemed fixated on the automobile  and its apparent ability to democratize 
prosperity.  I remember my  automobile negatively affecting my prosperity.  
Maybe the fumes  were getting to me.  Check out the following link to see where 
BRT  is comming from:
  I have to wonder if BRT is "effective transit" or just an effective way  to 
thwart transit.  Thanks for offering resources that reinforced  my view on BRT. 
  Matty Lang, 

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Re: [Mpls] FW: Financial contributions to the City of Minneapolis

2005-12-01 Thread Matty Lang
   My apologies for the cut and paste technical error.  This should be easier 
to read--and to challenge.  
  Thanks to Patrick for the helpful information.  And thanks to Sheldon for the 
great  suggestion.  Minneapolis  can rest assured that the check is in the mail 
as soon as this months' payroll  clears--Monday for sure.  Don't expect  much, 
however, as my gift will be based on my ability to pay.  No  matter how many 
times I ask them, my financial institution of choice  (sorry Bill, it has the 
word 'union' in its name!) will unfortunately  not allow me to write checks 
that my account can't cash. 
  There  are a number of reasons--with which I will not bore 
this list--for my  desire to make a financial contribution to the city.  The  
main reason is so that the next time a friend (or foe), during a  rational 
conversation about the state of our city, suggests that I  should volunteer to 
have my "taxes" raised to foot the bill for a  better X,  I can reply that 
I've been  there and done that.  On to the next idea  please. 
  The suggestion that voluntary contributions are equal to  
taxes is false.  As we learned long ago  (Was there a School House Rock tune on 
taxes and if so what was the tone?  I  don't remember) taxes are involuntary 
assessments while contributions  are voluntary gifts also going by the name of 
donations.  No  matter how hard our governor tried to convince us otherwise in 
the  recent past, taxes are like fees especially in the sense that one is  
expected to pay.  By their very nature  donations are not expected; they are 
asked for on top of normal  expectations and thusly are not given at a high 
  Many organizations ask for donations.  That's the number one 
reason that individuals  and businesses give donations--because somebody asked 
them to give.  Minnesotans (especially Minneapolitans) are  very generous with 
their giving.  For  this, I commend all of the givers in this list's 
membership.  The state offers us the chance each year to  make a financial 
contribution in addition to our tax assessment.  They make this offer in 
writing.  In other words, they ask us to  contribute.  Without  checking the 
stats, I'll bet the house (I really don't like to gamble)  that less than 10% 
of us generous Minnesotans take the state up on its  offer.  Granted, this is a 
weak ask as the  state would increase their compliance rate by investing in a 
more  elaborate relationship building program for prospective donors, but is  
this what it or the City of Minneapolis should be spending its time and  
resources doing?  I argue no.   Patrick  confirmed my suspicion that the
 needs to expend considerable  resources to properly process a donation--even 
an unsolicited donation.  Most  effective organizations work to reduce their 
fundraising overhead as  the city (us) does by assessing taxes rather than 
organizing bake sales.   This allows the city to efficiently collect its (our 
collective)  resources. 
  So how much does   Minneapolis  take in each year in 
donations?  In  the spirit of brevity I won't trot out the census stats to do 
the math,  but in my nine plus years of fundraising from individuals and  
businesses the average gift of a first time donors is in the $20-$25  range 
while donors who already have a giving history with the  organization average 
in the $30-$40 range.  For  most organizations these averages are achieved by 
soliciting many small  contributions and a very few large contributions--based 
on the givers'  ability to pay.  These  donors, of course, were asked to give.  
 The City of Minneapolis  has not asked anyone to make a donation to my 
knowledge so we'll  drastically drop the 10% giving rate to 5% for these 
purposes.   One doesn't even need to do the math to   imagine what we could NOT 
fund  with a donation mechanism in Minneapolis.
  Matty Lang,
  Not usually making random donations in Central

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Re: [Mpls] FW: Financial contributions to the City of Minneapolis

2005-12-01 Thread Matty Lang
Thanks to Patrick for the helpful information.  And thanks to Sheldon for 
the great  suggestion.  Minneapolis  can rest assured that the check is in the 
mail as soon as this months’ payroll  clears—Monday for sure.  Don’t 
expect  much, however, as my gift will be based on my ability to pay.  No 
matter how many times I ask them, my  financial institution of choice (sorry 
Bill, it has the word ‘union’ in its  name!) will unfortunately not allow 
me to write checks that my account can’t  cash.  
  There are a number of reasons—with which I will not bore  this 
list—for my desire to make a financial contribution to the city.  The main 
reason is so that the next time a  friend (or foe), during a rational 
conversation about the state of our city,  suggests that I should volunteer to 
have my “taxes” raised to foot the bill for  a better X,  I can reply that 
I’ve been  there and done that.  On to the next idea  please.  
  The suggestion that voluntary contributions are equal to  taxes is 
false.  As we learned long ago  (Was there a School House Rock tune on taxes 
and if so what was the tone?  I don’t remember) taxes are involuntary  
assessments while contributions are voluntary gifts also going by the name of  
donations.  No matter how hard our  governor tried to convince us otherwise in 
the recent past, taxes are like fees  especially in the sense that one is 
expected to pay.  By their very nature donations are not  expected; they are 
asked for on top of normal expectations and thusly are not  given at a high 
  Many organizations ask for donations.  That’s the number one reason 
that individuals  and businesses give donations—because somebody asked them 
to give.  Minnesotans (especially Minneapolitans) are  very generous with their 
giving.  For  this, I commend all of the givers in this list’s membership.  
The state offers us the chance each year to  make a financial contribution in 
addition to our tax assessment.  They make this offer in writing.  In other 
words, they ask us to  contribute.  Without checking the stats,  I’ll bet the 
house (I really don’t like to gamble) that less than 10% of us  generous 
Minnesotans take the state up on its offer.  Granted, this is a weak ask as the 
state  would increase their compliance rate by investing in a more elaborate  
relationship building program for prospective donors, but is this what it or  
the City of Minneapolis should be spending its time and resources doing?  I 
argue no.   Patrick confirmed my suspicion that the c
 needs to expend  considerable resources to properly process a donation—even 
an unsolicited  donation.  Most effective organizations  work to reduce their 
fundraising overhead as the city (us) does by assessing  taxes rather than 
organizing bake sales.   This allows the city to efficiently collect its (our 
collective)  resources. 
  So how much does Minneapolis  take in each year in donations?  In the 
 spirit of brevity I won’t trot out the census stats to do the math, but in 
my  nine plus years of fundraising from individuals and businesses the average 
gift  of a first time donors is in the $20-$25 range while donors who already 
have a  giving history with the organization average in the $30-$40 range.  For 
most organizations these averages are  achieved by soliciting many small 
contributions and a very few large contributions—based  on the givers’ 
ability to pay.  These  donors, of course, were asked to give.   The City of 
Minneapolis has  not asked anyone to make a donation to my knowledge so we’ll 
drastically drop  the 10% giving rate to 5% for these purposes.   One doesn’t 
even need to do the math to imagine what we could NOT fund  with a donation 
mechanism in Minneapolis.
  Matty Lang,
  Not usually making random donations in Central


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Re: [Mpls] Property Tax: Progressive or Regressive?

2005-11-29 Thread Matty Lang

Michael Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Mike Thompson
If you don't think your taxes are high enough, write out a check 

  ML:  In all seriousness, I was thinking about doing this  today.  But, to 
whom do I write the check?  The Minneapolis  Finance Department?  If I wrote 
and sent an unsolicited check to  the City would it deposit it?  Would the City 
Council need to take  an official action to accept my gift?  Would I be able to 
earmark  my gift to a department/program of my choice?  
  I just searched the City's website without luck.  I entered a  number of 
different phrases into the search engine about paying exta  taxes and making 
contributions to the City without finding instructions  on how to do so.  I 
even checked the Minneapolis One Stop page  without success.  
  Any help would be welcome.  
  Matty Lang, 

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[Mpls] PRT becomes "SkyWeb Express"

2005-11-25 Thread Matty Lang
Maybe Taxi 2000 was threatened with a lawsuit by Pacific Regeneration  
Technologies, INC (PRT)--I can't say for sure.  More likely, Taxi  2000 just 
wasn't convincing anyone and needed an image upgrade.   Regardless, the result 
is still the same for me--not convincing.  
  Another well documented reason to question PRT is to look at a couple  of its 
biggest local supporters:  Michelle Bachman and Phil  Krinkie--not the greatest 
friends of public transit the last time I  checked.  As Taxi 2000 admits, the 
whole thing can be done  privately.  If your goal is to dismantle public 
transportation  then PRT or SkyWeb Express seems to be a good way to do it.  I  
can't help but think of Hollywoodian examples of public endeavors being  
privatized with literally smashing results:  see Robocop and its  sequels as an 
example of a privatized, automated police force.  Do  a quick search for "PRT" 
and you will find Taxi 2000's site as well as  websites critical of Personal 
Rapid Transit or SkyWeb  Express.   
  A brief scan of the SWE website makes me think of a world resembling  that of 
"The Jetsons" based on a Wal-Mart style economy.  It's so  cheap.  You just 
swipe a card and type a destination!  No  transit employees to bother you.  No 
jobs at all from the look of  it.  And, as the SWE website proclaims, the cars 
are much like the  back seat of a taxi (complete with whatever one normally 
finds in the  back seats of taxis left by other passengers--yum!)  
  Matty Lang, 
  Just returned from a nice bicycle ride alongside slow auto traffic in Central 

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Re: [Mpls] "brt"?

2005-11-25 Thread Matty Lang

In regard to:

Message: 12
Date: Thu, 24 Nov 2005 13:09:32 -0600 (CST)
From: Bruce Gaarder 
Subject: [Mpls] Re:  Central corridor lrt and SW lrt (long)
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=us-ascii

can anyone tell me more about "brt"?

Neal E. Simons
Prospect Park

  Neal and list members, 

The following link has information on BRT:

The link to the BRT analyses is in the left coulmn.  Scroll down to the  
"Streetcars Making a Vigorous Comback" Comentary.  The link is just to  the 
left.  Some great images of busses passing by empty stations.  Very  inspiring. 

Matty Lang, 

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Re: [Mpls] Re: Central Corridor / LRT in Minneapolis

2005-11-22 Thread Matty Lang

Becca Vargo Daggett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Traffic has shifted from Hiawatha to Minnehaha and the River Road,  
and through Minneahaha Falls park. That's bad for neighborhoods.

I'm agnostic on this. I love the idea of LRT in the same way some  
people love the idea of stadiums for their sports teams. But it makes  
no sense. The Pi-Press article yesterday indicated that the capital  
costs are 4 times higher than BRT and the annual operations are about  
the same.

At least if we're going to do it, and if we're going to do it in the  
name of economic revitalization, we should pay something to the  
existing businesses that are going to lose business during the  
construction period. . .

  Is this agnosticism directed towards transit in general or LRT?BRT would 
surely affect auto traffic and bicycle traffic ;) (in the  negative sense of 
getting in the way) just as much if not more than  LRT--unless we build a 
subway system or an elevated freeway (just  imagine, wide enough for a rapid 
bus in each direction) for the  busses.  All of this with less passengers on 
board than LRT.   
  (Side note:  I believe rail transit will be the most economical  mode of 
transit in the long run.  That said, streetcar lines (much  less expensive and 
intrusive) are appropriate rather than full blown  LRT in many cases, IMO).  
  Our region will gain over 1 million new residents in the near future  and 
they will have to live somewhere.  Without transit, how will  they get around?  
(I've given up on getting everyone on  bicycles).  
  On the small business side, I agree that we should do all that we can  to 
ensure their survival.  In my neighborhood many small  businesses recently 
endured (or soon will) a major reconstruction  project about which I was 
somewhat agnostic.  I know that Smith  Parker was hired by someone (the 
County?) to do a "we're open for  business" marketing campaign.  Was there 
anything else done for  Lake Street businesses?  I don't know.  If we can get 
these  businesses through the construction, my crystal ball says they won't  
remember why they ever questioned the line as long as it's rail, that  is.  
  I'm glad that the Pioneer Press on-line (very scientific ;) poll showed  a 
large majority supporting the transit line yesterday.  
  Matty Lang

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Re: [Mpls] Southwest LRT - Why so much effort to leave out Uptown, and others?

2005-11-22 Thread Matty Lang

  One of the good things that could result from choosing to run the SW  LRT 
line between the lakes is a Streetcar line in the Midtown Greenway  connecting 
SW LRT to the Hiawatha line.  This would likely result  in Streetcar stations 
at Chowen, Hennepin, Lake, Nicolett, 5th Ave,  Chicago Ave (Midtown Exchange), 
Bloomington Ave and a terminus at the  Lake Street station at Hiawatha.  This 
scenario allows the  suburban commuters to take the "as the crow flies" more 
direct route  downtown while the streetcar line would serve Uptown (and 
Midtown) very  well.   
  When I think of the SW LRT line comming through the Midtown Greenway  and 
North under Nicollet Ave, I can't help but think about the Midtown  
neighborhoods being ignored once again. 
  Matty Lang

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Re: [Mpls] Tall Buildings In Minneapolis

2005-11-18 Thread Matty Lang

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Today's Star Tribune editorial argues that 
Minneapolis residents have to  get 
over their problems with tall buildings along transit corridors  such as the 
Midtown Greenway and Lake Street if the city is to continue to draw  
tax-paying professionals and aging empty- nesters back into the city.
"For Minneapolis to continue its generally forward momentum and its  
progressive political traditions, residents must get over their phobia about  
buildings." . . . 
I wholeheartedly agree with this editorial position.
Bill Dooley

I'm  glad to see that the Star Tribune editorial board is being consistent  
with it's earlier writings on Vancouver and its status as the "most  livable" 
city in the world.  Vancouver got over its height phobia  over 40 years ago and 
today is reaping the benefits.  
  I feel like the editorial board somehow recorded my thoughts exactly and 
published them without my permission.  ;)  
  I guess that means that I, too, agree wholeheartedly.  
  Matty Lang,

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Re: [Mpls] Gubernatorial Candidates and Minneapolis

2005-11-18 Thread Matty Lang

Jason McGrath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  To bring the question of 
gubernatorial candidates back to Mpls issues:
In an MPR interview the day after the municipal elections,  Mayor
Rybak and Mayor-elect Coleman both voiced strong support for the
proposed University Ave. corridor light rail line, and RT went further
in saying that he didn't just want to see a new line every decade or
so but a comprehensive investment in a whole network (like 3
additional lines instead of one) at once. He pointed out that this
would benefit the whole region and should be funded in part by a
multi-county metro area sales tax, presumably in addition to whatever
state and federal funds can be mustered. It seems obvious that a
piecemeal approach of a line every decade or two is not going to solve
the transit problems of the growing Twin Cities metro area in the 21st
century, and I for one will be paying close attention to which
gubernatorial candidates (and those for the state and national
legislatures) make this kind of comprehensive commitment to a regional
light/commuter rail system a priority. In fact, if the proposed Twins
stadium at the hub of present and future rail lines helps to increase
statewide support for investment in mass rail transit, then the
stadium funding itself becomes more palatable. I have yet to hear the
gubernatorial candidates weigh in on any of these issues (though maybe
they have and the media hasn't covered it).

Jason McGrath
Corcoran, Mpls

  Good for the Mayor--that is exactly the type of gusto we need in the  
transportation debate.  Jason mentioned the proposed baseball  stadium.  I'll 
add in the proposed football stadium in  Blaine.  Now, I wouldn't necessarily 
shed a tear for Blaine if the  Sunday traffic on 35W moved North, but isn't the 
type of mixed use  development Mr. Wilf is proposing perfect for rail transit?  
I  would shed a tear if such a project was built without rail transit  
connecting it to the rest of the region.  As far as I know the  parcels of land 
he is purchasing are well to the East of the Northstar  line.  If Zygi plays 
guitar well enough, we may be stuck with  another "Golden Triangle" of car 
exhaust and congestion to our North as  well as to our West.  
  Sales tax to fund it?  I don't like that as much as a long overdue  increase 
in the gas tax dedicated to transit to foot the bill.  In  order to help more 
people choose to get out of their cars we have to  invest in a transit system 
that is attractive (rail), competitive in  the time sense (rail), and competive 
in the price sense (rail--if the  true costs of cars are factored in).  
  How does the saying go--you get what you pay for.  BRT will not  get enough 
people out of their cars--rail is proven to be far more  attractive.  And 
dedicated bus lanes can and could be easily  oppend up to car traffic in the 
future.  Buses sharing right of  way with cars take away the time savings and 
don't address on site  polution either.  Buses can be used for local travel at 
the  neighborhood level although Streetcars (rail) would be even better. 
  Both Mayor Rybak and Commissioner McLaughlin would do well to push for  a 
larger and quicker investment in transit (rail)--wich would save the  City, the 
region , and the State an obscene amount of time and money  when we desperately 
need it.  To do this they can reach out to  Suburban Mayors, city councils and 
county Commissioners to build  support that can be shown at the State level.  
Gubernatorial  candidates should recognize that investment in the "Cadilac" of 
transit  systems is not just good for Minneapolis and St. Paul, but for the  
entire region and State.  
  Matty Lang, counting as one less car (even in the winter and without a 
sufficient transit system) in Central 

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Re: [Mpls] Candidates who Question or Equivocate on Smoking Ban are Defeated?

2005-11-16 Thread Matty Lang
Come on folks, the market will take care of  everything, right?  I can tell the 
list that the smoking scene in  Minneapolis bars is far from dead--you just 
need to know where to  go.  It's like New York after the smoking ban there--if 
you knew  where to go it was only a matter of time before the bouncer would 
light  up a smoke and then before one knew what happened, cigarettes a blazin  
all around the bar.  
  I'm not old enough to have experienced it myself (although I dream in  the 
50's often) but didn't we used to have medical doctors endorsing  their 
preferred brand of cigarettes on television and the radio?   Times change and 
we need to change with them.  
  And after a long day of being over worked, under compensated,  
underappreciated and less than celebrated, I am still very happy to  belly up 
to the bar and have a beer (and maybe even a shot!) to  unwind--all without the 
cigarette that used to accompany said beer and  shot.  If the ban didn't help 
me to quit smoking, I would be fine  with stepping outside to filter some fresh 
air through my burning stick  of tobacco too.  
  Matty Lang, 

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RE: [Mpls] Snicker shock?

2005-11-14 Thread Matty Lang

Diane Wiley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: The main question I have is whether 
people who have
less incomes are being hit harder.  That would not be good.  If we want to
have a decent city, we're going to have to pay for it.  I will buy $300 less
of some kind of thing that I probably don't really "need", and that seems a
small sacrifice to pay for a better city.  I just would want to know that
families with less income are not going without food or heat in order to pay
their mortgages.

Diane Wiley, perhaps idealistic to a fault in Tangletown...
  I'll let you know how it went come Spring.  On the same day that I  received 
my letter from Hennepin County, I believe the Strib also ran a  story on 
climbing mortgage interest rates.  I don't recall (I  don't want to think about 
it) if my taxes increased by 10 or 20 % this  year as the notice was part of an 
increasing white noise of negative  economic news.  
  At some point last year, New Jersey considered (and passed?) a  millionaires' 
tax to reduce local property taxes as well as to buttress  funding for health 
care and education.  Being taxed on the ability  to pay taxes, now that's a 
novel idea.  The guv could call it a  Millionaires' fee and pick up some votes 
in Minneapolis.  
  Matty Lang, 
  Hoping hard for a 3% raise in 06 but not holding my breath in Central  

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Re: [Mpls] Chicago Style gun shot detecting cameras for Minneapolis?

2005-11-12 Thread Matty Lang
Alight.  It does look a little much, but it should be
worth it.  Here's the url to their website:

Matty Lang, 

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Re: [Mpls] Chicago Style gun shot detecting cameras for Minneapolis?

2005-11-12 Thread Matty Lang

--- David Strand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> One of the more interesting questions raised during
> the campaign was regarding the gun shot detecting
> cameras which focus in and record upon "hearing" a
> gun
> shot being fired.  

I understand the Shot Spotter system to be more like
microphones than cameras. Nonetheless they apparently
can tell the difference between a gun shot and
fireworks/car backfires.  If funded and installed,
police would be able to know the exact point from
which a gun shot was fired within 10 seconds of the
shot being fired.  

Although I've been lucky enough to avoid gun shots
myself, I'd rather not rely on luck.  Getting guns off
the streets relies on Police being able to catch the
offenders in the act.  The Shot Spotter would allow
Police to respond rapidly to the exact location.  
I've heard statistics cited from other cities using
this technology that show up to an 80% decrease in
shots fired.  I think we should fund it.  I think this
one should be paid for by the city.  Let's get it
installed on both the North and South sides.  

Matty Lang, 

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Re: [Mpls] Re: Minneapolis and the State Legislature

2005-11-11 Thread Matty Lang

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> With all the new condos built and condo proposals on
> the board, will  
> Minneapolis show a net gain for the foreseeable
> future or will the condo  development 
> be offset by the remainder of Minneapolis moderates
> and Republicans  leaving 
> for the suburbs? Or, will the condo buyers merely
> replace renters who  will 
> forced to the suburbs in a Paris-type situation?
> Bill Dooley
> Kenny

I don't know, but I've been told 
there are more condos on the market than have ever
been sold (in one year).  

This could be the answer to the affordable housing
crisis:  over saturation of the market with high-end
condos in order to depress prices.  Luxury affordable
housing, now that's the ticket.  ;)

In all seriousness, we must add to the building of
more housing units a massive investment in transit and
other non-car oriented transportation infrastructure
or people will continue to flee to the suburbs.  

Not all Republicans like the suburbs and the suburban
lifestyle so I doubt they'll all leave.  

As for Paris, yes we need to guard against the
Ghettoization of our neighborhoods.  In Paris the
Ghettos are in the burbs, but they are Ghettos.  As
Minneapolis grows (hopefully) we need to ensure that
our less monied citizens are not just priced out of
our neighborhoods and into Ghettos wherever they are

It is possible, especially since we don't have a huge 
streak of extreme Nationalism and a history of
Colonialism running through us Americans.  Opps can't
really say that.  I'll try again, at least we don't
currently show a huge streak of Nationalism and. .
.Ah, foiled again, it just goes by a different name
today:  Jingoism and Cultural and Economic

Matty Lang, 

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[Mpls] Minneapolis and the State Legislature

2005-11-11 Thread Matty Lang

--- Eva Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I actually think it's a good use of time for
> Minneapolis residents to pick candidates and help
> some
> of these special election candidates.  The more we
> can
> counter the anti-Minneapolis sentiment in the
> legislature the better.  


Great idea.  I'll repeat another idea I've heard

Let's increase the population of Minneapolis (and St.
Paul).  One does not have to look very long to see the
contempt for the city coming from the Capitol.  The
cultural wedge issues are a great example of this
contempt and the mega-church rally in EP is the ugly
proof.  If the Suburbs continue to gain the largest
share of population growth in MN, the legislature will
continue to slice and dice the inner city.  The fact
of the matter is that Minneapolis has lost
representation as publicly subsidized and facilitated
urban sprawl has grown the Suburbs at the expense of
the city.  Let's reverse this process and take back
the legislature in the process.  Heck, let's go for
another seat in Congress as well.  

Matty Lang, 

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Re: [Mpls] Election post mortem

2005-11-09 Thread Matty Lang

--- Erik Riese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In the inner core where government's impact is
> probably most 
> heavily felt the turnout was the lowest. In Wards 3,
> 5, and 6 barely 
> 3,000 folks voted! What is up with this?
> We, the opinion leaders of the city must take
> responsibility for this 
> failure. 


It looks like you've answered your own question. 
Those with access to information tend to vote as they
more fully understand the consequences of the
decisions of decision makers.  The barriers to
information have been discussed ad nauseum on this
list and range from access to a quality public
education to access to the very medium we are using to
share ideas in this forum.  

Therefore, as Erik suggests, the arm-chair savants
among us must fill the gap and provide access to
information and the tools necessary to digest it.  The
hard work that needs to happen to remedy this problem
goes by the name of organizing.  In the core city we
feel the consequences of our decision makers'
decisions on a daily basis.  When we more fully
understand these consequences and how they came to be
we will finally take control of our neighborhoods and
together, turn them around for good.  Nobody will do
it for us.  

So, knowing that a better Midtown Phillips means a
better Kenwood and a more livable Minneapolis means a
more livable region and state let's increase access to
information and let the power chips fall where they
may.  I'm willing to bet the newly empowered
underprivileged win in that election which means we
all win.  

Isn't that just so meta-narrative?  ;)

We have less than a year to wait before we get to play
the election game once again.  As I've heard it said: 
Let's continue to do the hard work that democracy

Matty Lang, 

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Re: [Mpls] Election Day

2005-11-08 Thread Matty Lang
Ah ha!  I was wondering who was behind my power outage
this morning.  At first I thought it was that pesky
FBI blimp trying to prevent me from voting by
preventing my alarm from sounding.  After a couple of
seconds that theory just seemed too Oliver Stone for
me and I stopped just short of tying it to the Lake
Street reconstruction which seemed even more Oliver
Stoneish.  ;)  

On another note, our election judges are paying
attention.  I was suspected of having already voted as
I was sporting a "Vote!" sticker that looks similar to
the "I Voted" sticker.  After a brief debate on the
merits of voting early and often I convinced the judge
that I had not yet voted and he proceeded to make way
for democracy.  

I was voter number 41 at about a quarter to nine this
morning at Ward 8, precint 3.  Unlike primary day, I
did not feel "so alone" as all voting booths were full
except for the kiddy booths.  

Matty Lang, 

--- wmmarks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I came in right behind K. Forbes (I was 238) during
> a minor lull in 
> activity. One of the long time judges told me that
> earlier in the day 
> the electricity had gone out and voters had to vote
> by candle light. How 
> romantic--not. Seems one of the guys working on the
> Lake St. Repaving 
> Project had hit something and knocked out power
> between the east side of 
> Portland and Chicago. It didn't affect the voting
> machine, though, it 
> has a battery backup that kicks in in an emergency.
> Who knew?
> WizardMarks, Central

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[Mpls] Strib photos clarify Mayoral contest

2005-11-07 Thread Matty Lang
For those who still haven't decided where their
mayoral vote will go, I suggest looking at the photos
published by the Star Tribune today.  I think the
photographer, Kyndell Harkness captured it perfectly. 
Two different images.

Matty Lang, 

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Re: [Mpls] Transportation Justice for the 25% of Mpls Householdswithout Cars

2005-11-03 Thread Matty Lang

--- "Timothy J. Salo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Michael Thompson asks:
> > ... Did someone slip another justice in on us
> sometime, without
> > letting us know? ...
> Apparently, some readers aren't taking
> "transportation justice"
> as seriously as others believe they ought.  If they
> don't, upon hearing
> the term, immediately believe in the rightness of
> the cause, the
> correctness of the analysis, and the necessity for
> immediate action,
> they risk being labeled "transportationist".  Of
> course, this may
> leave them wondering whether this is closer to being
> an 
> environmentalist or a classist.
> (Actually, this may be another example of "plays
> well with the 
> base", but sounds peculiar [at best] to a broader
> audience.
> I guess it depends on who your intended audience is
> and what your
> objectives are.)
> Tim Salo
> Mac-Groveland/Dinkytown

If Michael and Tim don't understand the economic and
social impacts of one's ability to be mobile I guess I
can't help them.  But, I will, give you an opposite
perspective on the transportation justice issue if it
makes you feel better.  Maybe those of us without cars
are the privileged?  

>From Energy and Equity by Ivan Illich

The typical American male devotes more than 1,600
hours a year to his car. He sits in it while it goes
and while it stands idling. He parks it and searches
for it. He earns the money to put down on it and to
meet the monthly installments. He works to pay for
petrol, tolls, insurance, taxes and tickets. He spends
four of his sixteen waking hours on the road or
gathering resources for it. And this figure does not
take account of the time consumed by other activities
dictated by transport: time spent in hospitals,
traffic courts and garages: time spent watching
automobile commercials or attending consumer education
meetings to improve quality of the next buy. The model
American puts in 1,600 hours to get 7,500 miles: less
than five miles an hour.

End quote

Matty Lang, 
Wishing I had a vacation home in Dinkytown

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Re: [Mpls] Ward 3 in the news - who's "greener?"

2005-11-02 Thread Matty Lang

> --- Aaron Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Can the Greens survive the DFL's attention?
> >
> ML asks:  Is the "2005 Minneapolis City Election
> Round-up" section of this article written by
> multiple
> people?  Once again, I'm confused.  
> About the Ward 6 race the writer declairs,
> is dead set against the controversial 35-W access
> project, while Zimmermann suggests it could be done
> without destroying existing homes."
> It's apparently not an issue in ward 8.  
> And in Ward 10?  Bill Lindeke and/or The Pulse
> writes,
> "Persons seems more willing to compromise with
> developers. For example, he’s quite in favor of the
> controversial 35-W “access project,” that would
> remove
> some freeway-side houses to add new on ramps to an
> expanded Lake Street."
> Lilligren gets ripped for opposing the 35 W access
> project while Persons gets ripped for supporting it.
> Zimmermann gets a pass.  And the smoking ban decides
> it in ward 8.  This is the kind of help I'm talkin
> about.  
> Keep it comming.  
> Matty Lang, 
> Central  

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RE: [Mpls] Sierra Club endorsement of RT

2005-11-02 Thread Matty Lang
--- David BrauBrauerlsmplslist.tcq> wrote:

> Both men are environmentalists; neither is Satan
> wielding a catalytic
> converter.

That's a good one!  I was thinking similar thoughts
(different metaphor) earlier today.  Let's stop
harping on how "bad" some candidates' records are.  At
least on this list, as members have aired enough
criticisms for the rest of us to have adequate chance
to investigate further and make up our own minds. (New
revelations are OK, though) This goes for all races,
not just the City Council and Mayoral contests.  

Now, I've definitely made up my mind as to where my
precious votes are going, but that doesn't mean a
reasoned argument can't persuade me.  Besides, I'm
just dying to let my closest friends and neighbors
know why I'm supporting my candidates.  A good example
of something that a candidate did in the past that is
unacceptable or less than ideal will get their
attention.  A reasoned and positive argument of how my
candidate will guide the future of Minneapolis in the
proper direction will get them to the polls to vote
for my candidates.  I won't post my choices here,
however, as it wouldn't do much good in my estimation.

That said, I will challenge all candidates, campaigns
, and those who are publicly supporting specific
candidates to change course and help the rest of us
more effectively reach non-list members with effective
content.  No implied endorsement, but I'll use Peter's
announcement yesterday of his plan for a new city
department as an example of what I'm talking about. 
Lay out concrete policy that you/your candidate will
introduce and/or support.  You can probably tell by
now that I'd like to see more on transportation from
the candidates.  How will you keep Minneapolis (yes,
and the region by influencing and working with other
governmental bodies) moving without choking?  Be
honest now.  And I'm not thinking about cigarette
smoke at the moment. 

Matty Lang, 

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RE: [Mpls] On the smoking ban and Porter's--off topic

2005-11-01 Thread Matty Lang
I started this thread to point out that Porter's
likely didn't close due to the smoking ban--that's it.
 The course has been changed and I think run into a
brick wall.  The best idea that resulted from this
thread so far was Dan's suggestion that we ban meat
too.  Or did I slip off that darned slippery slope

Matty Lang, 

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Re: [Mpls] Nicollet Island,BOOM

2005-10-31 Thread Matty Lang
--- Sean Ryan  wrote:

> The island in 1935, look no freeway or jersey 

ML:  I must admit that the streetcars look beautiful
and very practical.  Still, given the current state of
the Island, I prefer that no stadium be added.  We can
do better than this.  

Matty Lang, 
Not very elite, and not very monied in Central

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Re: [Mpls] Fw: Commentary -- Our Current Development Process: Money Talks

2005-10-30 Thread Matty Lang
That is just embarrassing.  Late nights and early
mornings don't go well together.  My apologies to all.

Matty Lang, 

--- Dorie Rae Gallagher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This commentary is Kevin McDonald's  that appeared
> in the Strib on Sat.
> I only passed it on ...last sentence!
> Good post however...
> dorie gallagher/nokomis
> Subject: Re: [Mpls] Fw: Commentary -- Our Current
> Development Process: Money 
> Talk
> >
> >   Sometimes I'm confused myself.  Let's
> > talk through the confusion.
> >
> > Matty Lang,
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > __
> > Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in
> one click.
> >
> > 

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Re: [Mpls] Fw: Commentary -- Our Current Development Process: Money Talks

2005-10-30 Thread Matty Lang
Below, Dorie writes about two issues:  campaign
finance and land use. Personally, I'd love to see 100%
public financing of political campaigns.  As I've
heard someone say before, "bring it on!"  

On development Dorie mentions Steve Berg's writings on
Vancouver.  I would suggest that high density
development around transportation corridors (that have
transit lines like Hiawatha) is exactly what
Minneapolis needs to move towards a model similar to
Vancouver or other world class livable cities.  

Of course, this development must be done right. 
Density for density's sake could turn out to be dense.
 I really believe that most Minneapolitans on either
side of the development debate have the same end in
mind.  I've talked about transit oriented development
with many in agreement and then have seen the same
individuals rail (pun intended) against proposed
developments that fit the transit oriented model.  

In my conversations with others, it usually boils down
to two issues:  the height of the building and the
resulting  traffic impacts for the surrounding
neighborhoods.  If  you want less traffic/parking
issues in the neighborhood you need high quality
transit.  If you  want high quality transit, you need
high density development around transit lines.  If you
want to maintain livability in our growing
neighborhoods you need to merge land-use planning with
transportation planning.  

I believe we can have higher density along with
livable neighborhoods.  Using the Ackerberg proposal
for the Lagoon theater as an example we have two
choices for that site if everyone agrees that higher
density is appropriate.  The choices are a taller
building with   public open space or a shorter
building filling up the entire land parcel with no
public open space and no space for a transit station. 
Both scenarios can achieve the same density, but the
impacts on the surrounding neighborhoods are vastly
different.  A transitless, no open space for
pedestrians to circulate model would result in the
exact opposite of what Vancouver has achieved.  

Maybe the city should create zoning overlay districts
for our major transportation corridors that guide
their development more closely.  Maybe this already
exists?  I doubt it.  At the very least we need to
continue this conversation so that Minneapolitans know
exactly what trade-offs we're talking about when
discussing development.  

I've copied the three paragraphs that led to the above
rambling below.  Sometimes I'm confused myself.  Let's
talk through the confusion.   

Matty Lang, 

--- Dorie Rae Gallagher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   Minneapolis may not quite have reached the point
> of Albuquerque, but we desperately need to reform
> how we finance municipal elections. This summer, the
> Star Tribune featured a Steve Berg commentary about
> how Vancouver bucked development trends to build a
> vibrant, healthy city with a focus on
> neighborhood-friendly, pedestrian-oriented
> development. In other words, we need reform not just
> because of ethical considerations, but because of
> the results we want to achieve.
>   While the practice of city council candidates
> bankrolling their campaigns with developers' money
> is perfectly legal, it is plainly wrong and is also
> a bad way to do development. Continuing along this
> path will yield ill-planned development that doesn't
> fit the character of our neighborhoods, and
> increases traffic congestion and parking problems.
>   Our city politics have become so entangled with
> the interests of developers that former Council
> President Dan Cohen believes a moratorium on new
> development is needed to give Minneapolis time to
> straighten out its campaign finance system.

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[Mpls] On the smoking ban and Porter's

2005-10-28 Thread Matty Lang
On October 3, 2005 a precinct 5 inspector attended a
public meeting about safety concerns at my office
building in the Whittier neighborhood.  At the meeting
we were told that they were close to shutting down
Porter's due to drug activity and that it was likely
that the owner would preemptively shut down and cite
the smoking ban as the reason.  Think Joe's Chicken
Shack.  As a former smoker who credits the smoking ban
as one of the multiple  factors in my ability to quit
the habit I find this deception appalling.  

Matty Lang, 

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[Mpls] City seeks input on 10-Year Transportation Plan

2005-10-26 Thread Matty Lang

The last of three workshops is scheduled for tonight
at Sabathani.  I just became aware of this yesterday. 
Come on over to the Central neighborhood tonight to
give sought input.  More information:

Matty Lang, 

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[Mpls] City Pages: 8th Ward white fight

2005-10-24 Thread Matty Lang

Mark Anderson replies to ML:
Yes, I guess you're right that it's a big "wow" in
Minneapolis.  . . .  Electing someone to office
because of their race trivializes their other
(more important) traits. . .


I'm not suggesting that one votes based on race.  I'm
simply suggesting that a city council made up of a
group that is representative of the city (in many
ways) is desirable. 

The title of the article is ironic, I think.  Read it
three times quickly and see if a phantom "l" shows up

Matty Lang,


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Re: [Mpls] Building A Better Bike Path

2005-10-18 Thread Matty Lang
I second all of the warm fuzzies about the  silver
lining withing the Federal transportaion bill.  To get
all of the details check out the following link on
Transit for Livable Communities web site:

Matty Lang, Central
(dreaming of the day when we'll be debating the merits
of expanding bicycle lanes to accomodate congestion on
the paths).  

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RE: [Mpls] City Pages: 8th Ward white fight

2005-10-17 Thread Matty Lang

> Mark Anderson replies:
 Instead of bemoaning the lack of a Black
> winner in a Ward where
> Whites are in the minority, we should happy that
> people are looking beyond
> such trivialities. 

ML asks:  

Is Black representation on the Minneapolis City
Council a triviality?  Wow.  

Matty Lang, 

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Re: [Mpls] Clarification City council and Latino businesses

2005-10-11 Thread Matty Lang
I must say that I'd love to see this city move on from
the 1950's once and for all.  (That statement isn't
just about food and liquor licenses).  Food until 3:00
am is just fine with me.  I would even go so far as to
argue that the more legitamate activities we have
going on throughout this city at any hour of the night
the less illegitimate activities we'll have going on
throughout this city at any hour of the night.  Let's
make Minneapolis a 24-hour city.

Matty Lang, 

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Re: [Mpls] Blimp above Minneapolis

2005-10-10 Thread Matty Lang
Since we're throwing out guesses here:  

The Blimp is full of FBI agents dutifully eyeing our
city's elected officials.  Watch out.  The Blimps had

Matty Lang, Central 

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Re: [Mpls] Dyna Sluter posts: Long before we heard of "E85", over a decade ago, under

2005-10-06 Thread Matty Lang

While experiencing this thread I'll urge list members to make sure to think 
about the example it uses:  E85 and Hybrid automobiles.  


I'm not the first to pose the question, but is the road to Hell paved with 
Hybrid automobiles?  I believe it was John Tierney writing in the NY Times a 
couple of months ago about California opening up HOV lanes to Hybrid vehicles 
who worded the thought so well.  


Automobiles have dominated human lives for such a short period of time.  Let's 
not fall into the trap of thinking that bettering a wrong-headed infrastructure 
switch (away from rail to automobiles) is the answer.  E85 and Hybrid vehicles 
could just prolong the use of fossil fuels alowing the fossil fuel and auto 
industries to eek out a lot more profit and a bit more life before their 
inevitable collapse.  All resulting in the same amount of fuel burned and 
emmissions emitted just over a longer period of time.  


Let's stop the building of freeways to nowhere and continue building trains to 
nowhere (except high levels of ridership).  Then we can focus on that pesky 
electric grid--it's really not that complicated.  Maybe Minneapolis should add 
a municiple power grid along side a municiple Wi-Fi network.  I realize this is 
in stark contrast to the direction our State leaders are currently pointing us. 
 Will our potential city leaders chart a similar course?  


Matty Lang, Central 

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Re: [Mpls] N4N Candidate Forum

2005-09-30 Thread Matty Lang

As one who crys quite regularly in public settings, I applaud the showing of 
one's passion for their community in a public way.  John Waters and Johnny Depp 
aside, we need more Crybabies in public office.  You go cry guys.  


Matty Lang, Central

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Re: [Mpls] Safe neighborhoods, indeed!

2005-09-13 Thread Matty Lang
Fredric, Constance, List, 
With all do respect, a political candidate (or any citizen canvassing for that 
matter) is quite different than a thief.  We can surely agree on this.  
I believe it was  back in the early 1940's (please correct the date if I'm off) 
when our United States Supreme Court ruled that an individual knocking on doors 
and ringing bells unannounced to talk politics is the price we pay to combat 
"slothful ignorance" to paraphrase Justice Black, I believe.  
At least it differs greatly from an assault and burglary, no?  It was stated 
that Fredric refused to answer his door.  I would argue that this ability 
allows Fredric to enjoy his privacy.  Unless the canvassers were busting down 
the door demanding to talk rather than moving on to the next door as I suspect 
they were, they should not have been removed from the building.  
There was a somewhat publicized court case involving a well-known religious 
organization that reaffirmed this right a couple of years ago.  If there is a 
city ordinance or state law prohibiting the canvassing of multi-unit dwellings 
(can anyone help on this?) I would hope somebody gets cited and challenges it 
Matty Lang, Central

Fredric Markus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Yes, we apparently showed some intruders the door last evening here at our
senior highrise. They were none other than the mayor and his too-numerous
entourage, who were asked to leave, I'm told, because they insisted on
knocking on our individual doors. 

I refused to answer my door - nothing new there - but jeepers, one would
think that repeated requests not to disturb our elderly residents wouldn't
fall on such tin ears. 

Speaking of tin ears, we had another bad incident where the perpetrators
parked in our lot and then one of them jumped an elderly resident when he
was en route from his car to the front door. This old gent takes a drug that
thins his blood as a preventative against blood clots and he bled profusely.
A life-threatening incident from the sound of it. I do hope our civic
leadership, whomever they turn out to be, can embrace the notion that
seniors have the right to peaceful enjoyment of their "golden" years. 

Putting these two examples of selective deafness together would make a nifty
editorial cartoon had I only the drawing skills to render same. 

Fred Markus, Phillips West

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Re: [Mpls] Feels Like Low Turnout

2005-09-13 Thread Matty Lang
Ouch.  In ward 8, precinct 3 at roughly 9:30 am, I was lucky number 14 to vote. 
 I felt so alone.  
Matty Lang, Central

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Re: [Mpls] Cost of Stadium and Tuition at D

2005-09-02 Thread Matty Lang

Greg Abbott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Perhaps the point I made was too obscure -- the nature of DeLaSalle 
is irrelevant to the debate over the stadium, so there's no point in 
arguing about it. The only meaningful question is whether there's a 
net public benefit, or not. (With the caveat that the benefit to 
DeLaSalle is not a public benefit).

ML says:  
Greg, I think you answered your own question.  Unless, of course, you consider 
the loss of public park land beneficial to the public.  
Matty Lang, Central 

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[Mpls] Fearing violence? Try communication and a plastic bag

2005-08-30 Thread Matty Lang
Completely unnecessary full disclosure:  
The following story does not apply to all situations.  Communicate at your own 
risk in relation to skill level.  Say hello to someone as they pass you on the 
sidewalk--even if you have to do it from the window of your car.  


It’s a beautiful day on the Southside.  After my daily bike commute home, I 
greeted the dog, picked up the leash and headed towards the door.  “Don’t 
forget the convenient bag that once protected your daily dose of local 
mainstream print media as it patiently awaited its digestion on the front 
stoop”, I thought to myself.  I would need it.  


It can be adventurous these days taking a walk in the Park—especially with a 
young, rather large dog.  He draws attention.  I didn’t finish my descent of 
the slope into Powderhorn Park before I heard loud announcements from the rear. 
 I turned to see a mother, a young woman (twelve years old according to her 
mom), and their dog.  They too were out for a walk in the park.  Just beyond 
this group was the source of the proclamations to make way.  Surrounded by 
plenty of expletives, three young men (probably around 14 years old) demanded 
that folks clear the trail as they approached on their bicycles.  


The mother, daughter, and dog cleared the trail.  I wanted to commend the young 
men for riding bicycles, but they were moving to fast to speak.  Truman (the 
dog), however, had other ideas—he wanted to play.  As the young men approached 
Truman lunged forward and they swerved quickly.  Two passed, but one stopped, 
ordering me to “hold on to that thing!”  I caught myself raising my voice and 
telling the young man that if he slowed down before passing the dog wouldn’t 
get so excited.  The young man descended from his bicycle.  


Eyes wide, he demanded that I repeat myself to make sure that he heard me 
clearly.  The others stopped too.  By this time the woman, daughter and smaller 
dog caught up to us.  The woman proceeded to demand an apology from the three 
young men for cursing profusely in front of her daughter.  To be clear, I 
understand this woman’s frustration—I felt it myself.  


As voices, heart rates and blood pressures rose, I decided to once again raise 
my voice.  This time I demanded that the three young men (who were still partly 
distracted by the large dog that they called a small horse) calm down a bit and 
then I’d talk with them about the dog.  I suggested that they probably had much 
more important matters to get worked up about and that they should slow down.  


The first young man to stop declared that I was correct.  The young men 
relaxed, smiled, and moved towards the large dog.  The woman continued 
exchanging words with one of the young men as I continued to attempt to draw 
his attention.  His friends urged him to stop fighting and join the 
conversation about the large dog.  He did, even managing to yell an apology (I 
admit, it might not have been completely genuine) towards the woman, daughter, 
and smaller dog as they continued their walk.  The boys asked many questions 
about Truman.  Their jaws dropped many times in wonder.  The encounter ended 
with me inviting the young men to stop and talk with me any time.  They said 
they would.  


Were these three young men of the young, angry and violent portion of our 
city’s residency recently engaging in serious crime?  Were they Gang members?  
I have no idea.  We talked about a large Great Dane.   


Matty Lang, 



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Re: [Mpls] Naming the Bridge

2005-08-23 Thread Matty Lang
I'll comment on the bridge.  As far as I know, the Park Board has nothing to do 
with it.  Nevertheless, with all due respect to Martin (of whom I'm a big fan 
and very grateful for his work) I think naming the bridge the "Midtown Greenway 
Bridge" makes some sense.  Just a thought.  (I know it's a little late as I 
think the City Council approved the name at last Friday's meeting).  
Matty Lang

Ray Marshall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I haven't commented yet on the proposal to name the $4,000,000 bicycle
overpass at Hiawatha and 27th (or so) after Martin Sabo.  I don't like 
idea of naming things after living people, especially living people 
still in
office.  But, being it's probably the Park Board involved, I understand 
it's hard to tell them what to do.  But they should be reminded that 
likes to use his middle name all the time so that folks will know that 

Ray Marshall

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[Mpls] Minneapolis, Exurbia, Development and the NY Times

2005-08-15 Thread Matty Lang
The New York Times is running a series, starting today, called "Far And Away, 
America's Newest Suburbs".  This piece focuses on Florida, however, it's not a 
stretch to see the same phenomenon closer to home.  
I'd ask folks to think about Shakoppee (I belive the fastest growing area of 
our state currently) while reading this.  Also, think about Minneapolis and our 
political strength at the State and Federal level.  
When you're done reading, try not to have nightmares about Valley Fair becoming 
the next Disney World complete with it's own private police force and city 
council.  The following is a link to the article:
Matty Lang

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[Mpls] Re: DeLaSalle Stadium Debate

2005-08-12 Thread Matty Lang
Please don't forget about those of us who don't live on the Island.  We too 
might have some questions about this potential arrangement.  
I am, indeed, interested in preserving public open space in our urban core.  I 
feel it is vital to the success of not only our city but our entire region and 
state as we continue to grow.  Cities and regions that prosper have ample 
public open space and public green space to allow urban residents opportunities 
to stay in touch with the land upon which they depend.  This results in 
healthier, happier, more productive, and less violent citizens.  To take a 
piece of this public resource and give quasi-exclusive use to a private 
institution demands a thourough questioning.  
I am, indeed, questioning the appropriateness of the Park Board dealing in this 
way with a private educational institution.  This amounts to a public handout 
to a private educational institution.  I feel our public educational 
institutions should be the ones receiving more public handouts.  The deal with 
the residents on the Island differs in many ways from a deal with De La 
Salle--it involved more than the use of public land at taxpayers expense.  
If De La Salle were offering to compensate the Park Board at fair market value 
for expanded use of the park land, I'd be objecting less.  That said, it still 
may be a poor choice for the overall park system.  And if it is an overall bad 
choice for the park system of this city, I think De La Salle as a resident 
should accept and respect that and search for alternatives to meet their needs. 
 We need to do the old cost/benefit analysis and do it honestly.  I think the 
Public Open park space wins in this case.  
These aren't easy questions, but looking at this from outside of De La Salle 
and off the Island these are questions that are pretty clear.  
Matty Lang
Taxpayer, Central


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Re: [Mpls] RE: Mayoral Candidate Don Johnson....

2005-08-09 Thread Matty Lang
>From the Don Johnson for mayor website:  
"Building ever more hi-rise housing is going to bring more congestion, crowding 
and pollution and encourage more immigration into our city."
 "But, of course, foot and bicycle are better ways to move about the city. We 
should be encouraging or rewarding people who don't use internal combustion 
Matty Lang
Gary Hoover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Mayoral candidate Don Johnson had a table and was handing out flyers at 
Lynnhurst Park at the Neighborhood Festival the other night, along with other 
candidates for Mayor and City Council.

I guess Don Johnson is spending about a thousand bucks on his campaign. How 
much are other Mayoral Candidates spending, and on what?

Mr. Johnson has some good visionary ideas available at: 

The Observer did a blurb on his campaign here: 

I'm curious to know what list members think of Mr. Johnson's rather visionary 
candidacy as compared to others.

Does he raise important issues? Could Minneapolis be heading down the wrong 
path in terms of ecological and economic development? Could Minneapolitans 
choose truly ecological economic development even if we wanted to do so? Do 
most Minneapolitans care enough to make sustainable development an issue?

-- pedaling for peace and ecojustice from Lynnhurst --
Gary Hoover
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Re: [Mpls] DeLaSalle Alumni

2005-08-08 Thread Matty Lang
Very well said, wizardmarks.  It must be something in the water here in 
Central.  Green Central Park (Public) Stadium anyone?  
Matty Lang

wmmarks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>So everyone that opposes your plan or votes against your wishes is doing so 
>NOT because they think it is best, but because they are corrupt?
That's a pretty self-serving way to place the question, Mr. Thompson. 
The issue revolves around what is the MPRB's responsibility, in this 
instance, to take care of Nicollet Island, a Mpls. park. Nowhere in the 
MPRB role could you conceivably connect conveying Nicollet Island park 
land to a private school as filling the role of taking care of Nicollet 

I don't have much sympathy either for the Islanders or for deLaSalle: 
two groups of highly privileged people going at it hammer and tongs does 
not move me to side with the one or the other. But the island itself, 
now that's another story. It's a pretty delicate piece of property which 
has been much abused for a century and a half. (Funny how the Indians 
could live with it for thousands of years and it looked absolutely 
pristine when Hennepin and Nicollet paddled up to it--or so their 
diaries and letters would indicate.)

I think the term 'conflict of interest' is very fuzzy and fails to plumb 
the depths of the real problem. To wit: why is the park board giving 
away an eco-delicate park to deLaSalle who says it will bring in 
hundreds more cars and the people in them, put down astroturf, build 
bleachers, put in screaming big lights, concession stands, locker rooms, 
and, in general, torture the environment. That is the first concern in 
this issue and neither the MPRB nor deLaSalle has addressed it. People 
on this list (and elsewhere, no doubt) have jumped up and down on 
conflict of interest in the legal sense of the term, but not in either 
the ecological sense of the term or the political sense of the term as 
it relates to the MPRB.

Political sense of conflict of mission as it relates to the MPRB's 
interest: Though we be deep in the heart of Denial, MN, the park board 
still proposes to give away a chunk of land to a religious institution 
in a country that makes a lotta noise about the righteousness of the 
separation of church and state. I doubt there could be a clearer 
instance of offending that principle around at the moment.

Ecological conflict of interest: From the position of the MPRB, the 
ecobest they can do is to say a pox on both the islanders and the 
school. This is park land, this is a very delicate piece of land, this 
is a part of MN history for eons (probably since the glaciers), and both 
the residents and the school can keep their grubby mitts off it! It 
already has more pressure than it should have to endure. Head races and 
tail races that no longer operate, miles of defunct tunnel, a lock and 
dam, a hydropower plant, a restaurant, a school, a hulking replacement 
bridge, a small bridge, a railroad bridge, and a foot bridge, and 
whatever else. It's a little island with a tough history and an already 
tough job to do.

There are lots of parks in Mpls. and a case can be made for the unique 
qualities of every one of them; but this one, this little island in the 
stream, is so precious that the idea of putting a football 
stadium/field/whoopie ground with Astroturf on it (Astroturf! of all the 
ignorant &%*#+&^% !) is outrageous on its face.

We have no business giving up even an inch of land on the islands in the 
Mississippi to any private entity and certainly not if it offends a 
founding principle of this nation state.

So, no, Mr. Thompson, it may be that various posters have missed the 
bull's eye here, but conveying land to deLaSalle is a conflict of 
interest on a couple of very important levels.

>WizardMarks, Central
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[Mpls] Barbiedollfiti

2005-07-26 Thread Matty Lang
I have a few Barbie Dolls hanging by string over a power line inbetween my home 
and a neighbor's.  I always took this as a protest against gender roles and 
unrealistic physical standards for women perpetuated by American Pop Culture.  
If it has something to do with Drug dealing I don't know.  
I have, however, heard a theory that the shoes hanging on power lines are a 
tribute to fallen comrades.  
Most importantly:  Xcel energy should, indeed, put more resources into 
preventative maintenance.  A little investment upfront can do wonders.  
Matthew Lang

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[Mpls] That wasn't Bubby Brister

2005-07-22 Thread Matty Lang
I didn't intend for that to happen!
Matthew Lang

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