Re: [Mutopia-discuss] Renaming file names of movements

2014-05-14 Thread Federico Bruni
I would not "hard-code" the numbers in the names. If you have a file for the 
whole suite, which includes all the movements in the right order, you have 
already defined the order. Cleaner and more flexible, in my opinion.

On 14 maggio 2014 04:46:22 CEST, Knute Snortum  wrote:
>I brought up the problem here of how to present a set of movements that
>be individually downloaded and yet allow the user to play the suite as
>whole in the correct order.  The easiest solution was deemed the best,
>is, rename the movements with numbers as the beginning of their name so
>that the order is evident.
>To that effect, I'd like to propose the renaming of these files.
>First, from
>Second, from
>Knute Snortum
>(via Gmail)
>Mutopia-discuss mailing list

-- Federico___
Mutopia-discuss mailing list

Re: [Mutopia-discuss] Renaming file names of movements

2014-05-14 Thread Knute Snortum
I agree.  My original idea was to do this: put the music into includable
files, e.g. allegro.ily, andante.ily, presto.ily.  Then use the ily files
to create individual movements and the suite or sonate:,,,  That way if the music has to be changed,
it will change in the individual file and the aggregate file.

What I'm trying to avoid is a which is just a cut and paste of
the movements.

Knute Snortum
(via Gmail)

On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 1:07 AM, Federico Bruni  wrote:

> I would not "hard-code" the numbers in the names. If you have a file for
> the whole suite, which includes all the movements in the right order, you
> have already defined the order. Cleaner and more flexible, in my opinion.
> On 14 maggio 2014 04:46:22 CEST, Knute Snortum  wrote:
>> I brought up the problem here of how to present a set of movements that
>> can be individually downloaded and yet allow the user to play the suite as
>> a whole in the correct order.  The easiest solution was deemed the best,
>> that is, rename the movements with numbers as the beginning of their name
>> so that the order is evident.
>> To that effect, I'd like to propose the renaming of these files.
>> First, from
>> The-Mutopia-Project\ftp\BachJS\BWV814\french-suite-3\french-suite-3-lys
>> Second, from
>> The-Mutopia-Project\ftp\BachJS\BWV817\french-suite-6\french-suite-6-lys
>> Knute Snortum
>> (via Gmail)
>> --
>> Mutopia-discuss mailing list
> -- Federico
Mutopia-discuss mailing list

Re: [Mutopia-discuss] Renaming file names of movements

2014-05-14 Thread Knute Snortum
This is how I propose to have the movements and the suite:

Knute Snortum
(via Gmail)

On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 4:44 AM, Knute Snortum  wrote:

> I agree.  My original idea was to do this: put the music into includable
> files, e.g. allegro.ily, andante.ily, presto.ily.  Then use the ily files
> to create individual movements and the suite or sonate:,
>,,  That way if the music has to be
> changed, it will change in the individual file and the aggregate file.
> What I'm trying to avoid is a which is just a cut and paste of
> the movements.
> Knute Snortum
> (via Gmail)
> On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 1:07 AM, Federico Bruni wrote:
>> I would not "hard-code" the numbers in the names. If you have a file for
>> the whole suite, which includes all the movements in the right order, you
>> have already defined the order. Cleaner and more flexible, in my opinion.
>> On 14 maggio 2014 04:46:22 CEST, Knute Snortum 
>> wrote:
>>>  I brought up the problem here of how to present a set of movements
>>> that can be individually downloaded and yet allow the user to play the
>>> suite as a whole in the correct order.  The easiest solution was deemed the
>>> best, that is, rename the movements with numbers as the beginning of their
>>> name so that the order is evident.
>>> To that effect, I'd like to propose the renaming of these files.
>>> First, from
>>> The-Mutopia-Project\ftp\BachJS\BWV814\french-suite-3\french-suite-3-lys
>>> Second, from
>>> The-Mutopia-Project\ftp\BachJS\BWV817\french-suite-6\french-suite-6-lys
>>> Knute Snortum
>>> (via Gmail)
>>> --
>>> Mutopia-discuss mailing list
>> -- Federico
Mutopia-discuss mailing list

Re: [Mutopia-discuss] Renaming file names of movements

2014-05-14 Thread Federico Bruni

Il 14.05.2014 14:43 Knute Snortum ha scritto:

This is how I propose to have the movements and the suite:

A couple of comments:

- your file, which includes all the movements, doesn't print 
the titles of each movement.
You may use print-all-headers, but I think that it's better using 

- personally I don't like splitting each piece in two files (one for the 
music definitions and one for the \score block), unless it's really 

I've changed the suite file and the first two pieces.
This is how I would do it, but of course others may have different 
opinions.\version "2.18.2"
\language "english"

\header {
  title= "French Suite no. 6 in E major"
  composer = "J. S. Bach (1685-1750)"
  opus = "BWV 817"
  style= "Baroque"
  license  = "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0"
  enteredby= "Knute Snortum"
  lastupdated  = "2014/Apr/28"
  date = "1722"
  source   = "Bach-Gesellschaft, 1863"

  mutopiatitle   = "French Suite no. 6 in E major"
  mutopiacomposer= "BachJS"
  mutopiaopus= "BWV 817"
  mutopiainstrument  = "Harpsichord, Piano"
  maintainer = "Knute Snortum"
  maintainerEmail= "knute (at) snortum (dot) net"
  maintainerWeb  = "";

 footer = "Mutopia-2014/04/27-1935"
 copyright =  \markup { \override #'(baseline-skip . 0 ) \right-column { \sans 
\bold \with-url #""; { \abs-fontsize #9  "Mutopia " 
\concat { \abs-fontsize #12 \with-color #white \char ##x01C0 \abs-fontsize #9 
"Project " } } } \override #'(baseline-skip . 0 ) \center-column { 
\abs-fontsize #12 \with-color #grey \bold { \char ##x01C0 \char ##x01C0 } } 
\override #'(baseline-skip . 0 ) \column { \abs-fontsize #8 \sans \concat { " 
Typeset using " \with-url #""; "LilyPond " \char ##x00A9 
" " 2014 " by " \maintainer " " \char ##x2014 " " \footer } \concat { \concat { 
\abs-fontsize #8 \sans{ " " \with-url 
#""; "Creative Commons Attribution 
ShareAlike 4.0 International License " \char ##x2014 " free to distribute, 
modify, and perform" } } \abs-fontsize #13 \with-color #white \char ##x01C0 } } 
 tagline = ##f

\include ""
\include ""
%\include "bach-french-suite-6-sarabande.ily"
%\include "bach-french-suite-6-gavotte.ily"
%\include "bach-french-suite-6-polonaise.ily"
%\include "bach-french-suite-6-bourree.ily"
%\include "bach-french-suite-6-menuet.ily"
%\include "bach-french-suite-6-gigue.ily"
%%% Include file for and

\version "2.18.2"

% Repeat 1

alleHighVoiceOne = \relative c'' {
  \partial 16 b16
  | gs16 ( a b e ) e, e' fs, e' gs, ( a b e ) e, e' fs, e' 
  | gs,16 ( e' fs gs ) a, ( gs' fs e ) ds ( e fs b ) b, b' d, b'
  | cs,16 ds e a a, a' cs, a' b, a' e gs a, b cs fs
  | gs,16 e' b e fs, gs a ds e4 ~ e16 gs ds fs
  | e16 ds cs e gs cs, e b as gs fs as cs fs, e' fs,
  | ds'16 cs b ds fs b, ds a gs fs e fs b e, ds' e,
  | cs'16 ds e gs fs e ds cs b' as gs fs e ds e cs
  \barNumberCheck #8
  | ds8. \prall e16 cs8. \mordent b16 b8 fs' ds fs16 as,
  | b8 ds16 gs, a8 b16 fs gs8 e'4 cs8
  | as8 fs'4 ds8 b gs' ~ gs16 as b gs
  | e16 ds e8 ~ e16 gs fs e ds cs b gs' b,8 as16. b32
  | b16 cs ds fs b fs ds fs b,4. r16 \break % partial, -1/16

alleLowVoiceOne = \relative c {
  \partial 16 r16
  | r8 e gs b e e, gs b
  | e ds cs a b a gs e
  | a8 gs fs e ds e cs a
  | b8 gs a b r16 e, gs b e8 bs
  | cs8 gs' e cs fs fs, as cs
  | b8 fs' ds b e e, gs b
  | e8 cs ds e fs gs as fs
  \barNumberCheck #8
  | b8 e, fs fs, b16 cs ds fs b fs b e,
  | ds16 e fs b b, b' ds, b' e, fs gs cs cs, cs' e, cs'
  | fs,16 gs as ds ds, ds' fs, ds' gs, as b e e, e' gs, e'
  | as,16 b cs fs fs, fs' as, fs' b,8 gs e fs
  | b2 ~ b16 fs ds fs b,8. \break % partial, -1/16

% Repeat two

alleHighVoiceTwo = \relative c'' {
fs16 % partial bar
  | ds16 e fs b b, b'cs, b' ds, e fs b b, b' cs, b'
  | ds,16 fs gs a b, a' gs fs gs fs e gs b, gs' gs, gs'
  | as,16 bs cs fs ds fs bs, fs' e ds cs e gs, e' e, e'
  \barNumberCheck #16
  | fs,16 gs a d b d gs, d' cs a b cs fs cs a' cs,
  | d16 e fs a d, fs a, d fs, e d fs a fs d' a
  | ds16 e fs a ds, fs bs, ds fs, e ds fs bs fs ds' bs
  | gs'16 fs e gs cs, gs' a, gs' fs e ds fs bs, fs' gs, fs'
  | e16 ds cs e gs, cs ds bs cs8 gs'16 e cs8 e16 gs,
  | a8 cs16 a fs8 a16 cs, ds8 fs'16 ds b8 ds16 fs,
  | gs8 b16 gs e8 gs16 b, cs8 a'4 fs8
  | ds8 b'4 gs8 e cs' ~ cs16 ds e cs
  \barNumberCheck #24
  | a gs a8 ~ a16 cs b a gs fs e cs' fs,8. \trill e16
  | e16 ( fs gs a ) b e, d' e, cs' b a cs e a, cs gs
  | fs16 ( gs as b ) cs fs, e' fs, ds' cs b ds fs ds a' fs
  | ds16 e fs a gs fs e ds b' a gs fs e ds cs b
  | e16 b cs a gs e' fs, ds' e4. r16 % partial, -1/16

alleLowVoiceTwo = \relative c {

Re: [Mutopia-discuss] Renaming file names of movements

2014-05-14 Thread Knute Snortum
I love it.  A while ago I asked how to create a single all-movements suite
file and this is exactly what I needed to see.

Now I need to know how to submit this.  One branch and pull request for
each movement separately and one for the suite?

Knute Snortum
(via Gmail)

On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 6:37 AM, Federico Bruni  wrote:

> Il 14.05.2014 14:43 Knute Snortum ha scritto:
>> This is how I propose to have the movements and the suite:
>> sharing
>> [21]
> A couple of comments:
> - your file, which includes all the movements, doesn't print
> the titles of each movement.
> You may use print-all-headers, but I think that it's better using \bookpart
> - personally I don't like splitting each piece in two files (one for the
> music definitions and one for the \score block), unless it's really
> necessary
> I've changed the suite file and the first two pieces.
> This is how I would do it, but of course others may have different
> opinions.
Mutopia-discuss mailing list

Re: [Mutopia-discuss] Renaming file names of movements

2014-05-14 Thread Knute Snortum
I would put all the changes into one pull request (I wouldn't even use a
branch) but Glen has said (and this document [1] implies) that there should
be one file per branch per pull request.  I admit that this seems strange
but I'm trying to do things the Mutopia way.


Knute Snortum
(via Gmail)

On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 7:55 AM, Federico Bruni  wrote:

> Il 14.05.2014 16:20 Knute Snortum ha scritto:
>  I love it.  A while ago I asked how to create a single all-movements
>> suite file and this is exactly what I needed to see.
> Great!
>  Now I need to know how to submit this.  One branch and pull request
>> for each movement separately and one for the suite?
> Why splitting in two pull requests? The suite file is quite trivial
> (there's only the header to check).
> I would use one branch for everything, hence one pull request.
Mutopia-discuss mailing list

Re: [Mutopia-discuss] Renaming file names of movements

2014-05-14 Thread Federico Bruni
Il 14.05.2014 17:02 Knute Snortum ha scritto:
> I would put all the changes into one pull request (I wouldn't even use
> a branch) but Glen has said (and this document [1] implies) that there
> should be one file per branch per pull request.  I admit that this
> seems strange but I'm trying to do things the Mutopia way.
> [1] 
> [1]

I don't know where in the link above you read that there should be one 
file per branch per pull request.
I would say that every branch is always connected to the same pull 
request (see the Notes at the bottom of the wiki page above). Which 
means that you must create a new branch when you want to submit a new 
pull request (a new set of work).

You can change as many files as you need, as long as they belong to the 
same kind of work you are doing in your topic branch. If the topic 
branch is updating the tagline of all the Mutopia pieces, then you'll 
work on a lot of files in different directories. If you are updating a 
piece, you'll probably have just one or more files in a single 

Mutopia-discuss mailing list

Re: [Mutopia-discuss] Renaming file names of movements

2014-05-14 Thread Javier Ruiz-Alma
Hi Knute,

The issue of collections, availability of a consolidated PDF including all 
pieces as well as individual pieces, maintainability, and support within the 
current structure and automation is a great topic to discuss.

I've created a discussion topic in github to collect proposals and discuss 

Specific to your proposal, one issue is having all source files that produce 
individual and consolidated PDF in same folder.  I believe we don't support 
multiple (published) pieces to reside in same folder.

Leveraging Lilypond music source to produce multiple docs is possible 
(individual print vs. collection edition), but it certainly doesn't come for 
free with respect to added complexity and future maintainability.
On Wednesday, May 14, 2014 9:19 AM, Federico Bruni  wrote:
Il 14.05.2014 17:02 Knute Snortum ha scritto:
>> I would put all the changes into one pull request (I wouldn't even use
>> a branch) but Glen has said (and this document [1] implies) that there
>> should be one file per branch per pull request.  I admit that this
>> seems strange but I'm trying to do things the Mutopia way.
>> [1] 
>> [1]
>I don't know where in the link above you read that there should be one 
>file per branch per pull request.
>I would say that every branch is always connected to the same pull 
>request (see the Notes at the bottom of the wiki page above). Which 
>means that you must create a new branch when you want to submit a new 
>pull request (a new set of work).
>You can change as many files as you need, as long as they belong to the 
>same kind of work you are doing in your topic branch. If the topic 
>branch is updating the tagline of all the Mutopia pieces, then you'll 
>work on a lot of files in different directories. If you are updating a 
>piece, you'll probably have just one or more files in a single 
>Mutopia-discuss mailing list
Mutopia-discuss mailing list