[No Thirst Software] Trouble Allocating Income

2009-06-02 Thread August West

I am entering the second month of using MoneyWell.  The first month
went great and I allocated and flowed as expected.  I get paid on the
10th and 25th and have used the last check of the month as money for
the beginning of the next month.  So, that money is in my "salary"
bucket and I thought that it would be allocated according to my
spending plan on the 1st.  It didn't get allocated.

In the individual expense buckets it shows that money flowed there on
the first but I don't know where it is coming from since my salary
bucket hasn't changed.

Can you help me understand what I am not understanding?

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[No Thirst Software] Allocating Income

2009-06-02 Thread August West

My question concerns allocating income.  I get paid twice a month
(10th & 25th) and last month my income from the 25th was deposited
into the salary bucket as expected.  However, that money was not
dispersed among my expense buckets as expected.  I then guessed that
it will do so on the 1st of the month (yesterday) but it still sits in
my salary bucket.  What am I not understanding, what do I need to do
to disperse this money.  I am confused.

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[No Thirst Software] Trouble allocating income

2009-06-02 Thread Chuck B

I'm a new user whose spent several hours with the tutorials, help
files, FAQ, and setting everything up, but I still don't quite seem to
get it.

I've made several income buckets because I have several sources of
income and I'd like to track each in the future as new money comes in.
At the same time, since I'm starting out and don't yet have new
deposits to put into my income buckets yet, I have the total amount of
money of my starting balances in my combined bank accounts that I've
put into an odd income bucket that I called "Initial Dough" that I
want now to flow into my expense buckets according to my spending
plan, which I've created. To do that, I assume that I click on the
Allocate Income button. But doing that just opens the allocate Income
dialogue box, which has a button to "Save Allocation," but no button
to flow the allocation to my expense buckets, as I'd expect. I don't
get this. Shouldn't I be able to automatically flow the money out of
my income bucket to all the expense buckets as I indicated in my
spending plan?

I know from the tutorial that I can drag the income bucket over each
expense bucket one at a time, but why would I want to do that? Too
much work. Shouldn't this process be combined and automated in one
step with the higher priority buckets getting more money and the lower
priority buckets getting less?

What don't I get?

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[No Thirst Software] Allocation of income using multiple income buckets

2009-06-02 Thread Larry

A question about the allocation of income.  If you have two salaries
you would like to track as income buckets and then allocate money from
each of those to certain expense buckets, how can the automatic
allocation be used effectively?  My wife and I have separate checking
accounts.  We divide up our bills so that she is paying all of some
things I am paying all of others.  Then we have buckets that we each
contribute money to from a budgeting perspective.  For example our
'Automobile: Gasoline' bucket we budget $400.  My wife $200 and me
$200 monthly.  In this case, we would allocate $200 from her income
bucket and $200 from my income bucket.  I see no way for the automated
allocation to address this... unless I am missing something.  The only
way I could see for this to work is to be able to dictate for a given
bucket the percentage of the spending plan and which income bucket to
get it from.  It seems to me that the automated allocation pulls from
one account until its gone then pulls from the next income bucket
(assuming they are part of the combined income).

I assume we could open a joint checking and pool our income and this
would not be an issue, but that is not how we prefer to operate.  Does
anyone have any suggestions or do anything like my wife and I are

Another question around allocation.  If you have some expense buckets
set up for the first half of a month and some for the second.  What is
the intended method to allocate each half of the month since the
allocation approach will only do one half at a time.  Is it intended
to do the first half... save the allocation... then come back in and
do the second half and save the allocation again?  This isn't very
clear to me how this is intended to work.  Being paid on a monthly
basis, I would like to have all the expense buckets allocated at the
beginning of the month so that I know how much income is left

Lastly, I saw a post where it was suggested that when allocating
income to the expense buckets each month, the remaining or overspent
balance should not be considered and that the planned allocation
should be the same each month.  My question would be why would you
want to ignore the surplus'.  It seems to me the fiscally responsible
approach would be to only allocate enough to meet the monthly plan and
take the "extra" (the amount left in the bucket that wasn't spent) and
put it in savings or contribute it to paying off debt.  Just curious.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
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[No Thirst Software] Re: Cash Flow Start Date issues

2009-06-02 Thread DigiAngel

> James,
> Ah, this is because you need to put the money in one bucket first. If  
> you want to spread it around prior to your first allocation, you can  
> by dragging and dropping that one income bucket to others and  
> assigning a money flow.
> MoneyWell just needs to know a bucket for the amount. When you are  
> allocating income, MoneyWell can grab it from several combined buckets.
> Peace,
> Kevin Hoctor
> ke...@nothirst.com
> No Thirst Software LLChttp://nothirst.comhttp://kevinhoctor.blogspot.com

Ah...ok then..that makes sense...thank you :)

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[No Thirst Software] Re: Newbie: Income bucket flows are one way. What am I doing wrong?

2009-06-02 Thread Kevin Hoctor
On Jun 2, 2009, at 1:36 AM, CarmineM wrote:

> On 31 Mag, 21:41, Terry Norton  wrote:
>> On May 31, 2009, at 1:30 PM, CarmineM wrote:
>>> Am I supposed to drag'n'drop from Salary bucket to destination  
>>> buckets
>>> for every spending transactions recorded in the checking account, or
>>> am I doing something wrong?
>> That's exactly the type of action that defines the bucket/envelope
>> method.
> I was perplexed because I started Importing my transactions from
> iBank3
> and I ended up with all my buckets with negative values, and the
> income
> bucket with a lot of money which, sadly, is not true at all :D
> I thought that since the filling of the income bucket happens
> automagically
> also its voiding should have happened the same way, that is, once the
> spending plan and the allocations has been set up.

Depending on the date you set for tracking cash flow (Edit > Change  
Cash Flow Start Date), your buckets will show totals of all  
transactions from that date. If you have it set to March 1, 2009 (you  
have to choose the first of the month) and you have three months of  
deposits and withdrawals history from that date forward, your buckets  
could have large positive or negative balances.

I recommend you start tracking your cash flow at a more recent date,  
say June 1, 2009. How do I tell MoneyWell how much money I have to  
spend at the start?

>> Now for your unexpected bucket behavior:
>>> The behaviour I expect is that, upon recording a transaction that
>>> moves $20 from the checking account to the "Fuel" bucket, this  
>>> bucket
>>> should show a "-$20". Indeed, it does.
>>> I also expect that the Salary bucket goes from 1223,85 to 1203,85  
>>> as a
>>> "side effect" of the above mentioned transacion. Instead, it remains
>>> steadily anchored to its original value.
>> You did not put any money into your "Fuel" bucket before you did the
>> transaction.  What happened is you spent money from the bucket that
>> wasn't there, so the bucket ended up with negative amount in it of  
>> -20.
> So far so good, and I understand this.
>> The Salary didn't decline by 20 because you hadn't taken $20 from it
>> and put it into the Fuel bucket.  You did do it after you recorded
>> that transaction by the drag'n'drop.
>> That's why you are suppose to allocate(distribute) your Salary into
>> your expense buckets before you pay your expenses, so that you know
>> before hand how much you have to spend for each expense.  Then, when
>> you record the transaction, like your Fuel, the bucket amount will go
>> from $20 to zero.
> Ok, this makes perfect sense! Thanks!
> I believe the "problem" is that I expect that, upon setting up the
> spending plan and the allocations, as well as
> the cash flow start date, the application should consider that I have
> allocated money for each month in the
> range ["cash flow start date", "today"] while it only allocates for
> the current month!
> It happens that the incoming transactions fill the income bucket
> correctly, even though they belong to the past.
> While the spending transactions quickly will bring spending buckets
> below 0 because the have money allocated
> only for the month being!
Please understand that your spending plan is equivalent to drawing  
"fill to here" lines on your buckets. It doesn't allocate any money  
and it won't drive automatic allocations. When you use Allocate  
Income, it will respect your spending plan lines and only fill to  
those amounts in each bucket but you have to click Allocate Income  
each time you have newly deposited money to spend.

> An example perhaps works better.
> I have only my checking account with a starting balance as of
> 31/12/2009 of 1000.
> The cash flow starting date is set to 01/01/2009 and the amount to
> 1000.
> The income bucket is therefore set to 1000.
> I set up the incoming transactions from January to June which will
> update the incoming bucket up to 7000.
> Now I go define the allocation plan for my only expense bucket and
> allocate 100/month.
> I expect that since I've set the cash flow to 01/01/2009 the
> allocation should consider that date and work its way
> through the current date. Thus, allocating 100 for each month from the
> cash flow start date to today, leading
> the expense bucket to have an amount of 600.
> At this point the income bucket should be of 7000 - 600 -> 6400, which
> doesn't happens because the application
> only allocates money for the current month and, thus, the income
> bucket gets reduced only by the current month allocation (100). So,
> its value is set to 7000 - 100 -> 6900.
No, this is not how MoneyWell works. It only allocates when you click  
Allocate Income. Check our our videos for more details and really  
consider your cash flow layer as a virtual layer on top of the banking  
layer. You don't have to start tracking cash flow as of January 1 just  
to have a clean cash flow system.

> The fact is that, to me, the applica

[No Thirst Software] Re: Direct Download

2009-06-02 Thread Kevin Hoctor
On Jun 2, 2009, at 1:12 PM, LineProphet wrote:

> I've been importing quicken files to my account, and just recently my
> bank showed up on direct download (woohooo!)
> Is there anyway to set how far back direct connect downloads? It's
> downloads an entire year's worth of stuff, and asks me to merge
> transactions... I say ok, and then my balances are off, I must be
> missing some transactions somewhere. Anyone else had this issue?

You can use the Reset button on the Account Detail to tell MoneyWell  
to download as many transactions as the bank offers but you can't  
limit it.

Check to make sure your starting balance transaction is correct. If  
you had one before downloading older transactions, it's probably stuck  
in the middle of your list.

How can I get my balance in MoneyWell to match my bank balance?


Kevin Hoctor
No Thirst Software LLC

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[No Thirst Software] Re: Newbie: Income bucket flows are one way. What am I doing wrong?

2009-06-02 Thread Terry Norton

On Jun 2, 2009, at 2:36 AM, CarmineM wrote:

> The fact is that, to me, the application expects that you start
> keeping track of your expenses on the very first day
> you start using it. This could work if you are willing to loose a
> year, or more, of statistical data.

You're making this too complicated.  It's really simple.  Moneyflows,  
allocating income into buckets, only deals with money you physically   
possess right now, today:  money in your mattress, checking account,  
savings account, cash in your pocket.  You cannot allocate money you  
don't have.

Trying to do allocations for past months is a total waste of energy  
because that's all history.

So, that means you want to start allocating from today.  Now this  
being only June 2nd, set your Cash Flow Start Date to June 1, 2009  
(yesterday), and pretend it today is June 1. Now allocate money you  
physically possessed on June 1.

> One more question. How am I supposed to track the expenses for which I
> can't (and don't want to) allocate any money?

You lost me here.  Why can't you allocate money for an expense?

> As of now, I have a bucket for each one of them which, of course,
> always goes negative. I can't drag'n'drop from the income bucket
> because I am not allocating money for them. Again, this will lead to
> an inconsistent income bucket amount...

Still lost.  I don't understand.  If you're paying an expense, why  
don't you want to put money in the bucket?

Terry Norton

I started off with nothing...I still have most of it left.

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[No Thirst Software] Re: Am I doing this right?

2009-06-02 Thread Kevin Hoctor

On Jun 2, 2009, at 2:13 PM, HenrikWL wrote:

> Ok, thanks. :)
> But why were all my buckets empty on the 1st? Was that because I had
> set the money flow start date to 14th of May when I started using MW?
> The amounts will roll over when July comes a' knockin', won't they,
> now that I've set the money flow start date to 1st of June?

You must start your cash flow tracking on the first of a month. Any  
transactions or money flows prior to that date are simply ignored.


Kevin Hoctor
No Thirst Software LLC

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[No Thirst Software] Re: balance wrong - credit card

2009-06-02 Thread Kevin Hoctor

On Jun 2, 2009, at 2:13 PM, ciara belle wrote:

> ok -so i had to open q up -  this is another argument for running
> balances...and get balances from there - and compare transactions- as
> that was the only way i could reconcile back to 1998... i only have e-
> statments to 2003... and no paper statements from ten plus years
> ago... looks like a bunch of the same type of transaction (payee) all
> imported as payment rather than charge... so i had to go month by
> month for all of 2001 - then i was finally able to reconcile it up to
> today...
> what a mess

Actually, I think this is an argument against running balances. Now  
I'm a programmer so I think in efficient algorithms but if I had 10+  
years of data (first I wouldn't keep it all on one document, I'd have  
a history document and a current one), I would split the list in half  
until I found the problem. I'd check the end transaction and then the  
first one. If the first is right and then end is wrong, I'd got to the  
middle. If the middle was right, then I'd split the list again in the  
first half.

I only check the daily balance at the bottom a few times until I  
isolate the day of the balance problem. Then I only have to fix that  
single day of transactions. This is very quick because 10,000  
transactions goes down to a handful in just a few iterations.


Kevin Hoctor
No Thirst Software LLC

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[No Thirst Software] Direct Download

2009-06-02 Thread LineProphet

I've been importing quicken files to my account, and just recently my
bank showed up on direct download (woohooo!)

Is there anyway to set how far back direct connect downloads? It's
downloads an entire year's worth of stuff, and asks me to merge
transactions... I say ok, and then my balances are off, I must be
missing some transactions somewhere. Anyone else had this issue?

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[No Thirst Software] Re: Deleting Allocated Income...

2009-06-02 Thread Terry Norton

On Jun 2, 2009, at 4:42 PM, Glenn B. wrote:

> Let's say that I deposited a check(in MoneyWell) and had it allocate
> to 10 different buckets. That check bounces a week later(once I get it
> to the bank). Now I have money in buckets(spendable) that really isn't
> there. The money has vanished. What should I do to remove the
> allocated fund so I don't spend money that isn't there?

What I would do:

1. Manually delete the deposit.  This will result in my Salary bucket  
declining of course.

2. If there's still money in my Salary bucket after the deposit is  
removed, STOP, I'm done.

3. If the Salary bucket is negative instead, then any expense bucket  
that has any money in it can be used to cover the decline in the  
Salary bucket to bring it back to zero.

Of course this may make some of my expense buckets too low to cover  
some expenses.  I may have to shuffle some money to cover expenses  
coming due the soonest.

> Or, I deposit in MoneyWell and accidentally fund the wrong buckets and
> need a "re-do" a day later...

Just move money from any bucket to any other bucket do get the amounts  
the way you want.  This isn't any different than if you used real  
envelopes and cash, take money from any envelope and put it in another.

> My thought is when I remove a deposit, it should "un-unallocate" the
> buckets it filled.

Too hard.  What if I did an auto allocation, then later changed my  
mind and moved money around?  Maybe the expense was paid before I   
remove the deposit.  The only way to do this is manually by me looking  
at my expenses and knowing which expenses are coming due, and making  
sure I've manually funded the buckets.

Terry Norton

I started off with nothing...I still have most of it left.

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[No Thirst Software] Re: Deleting Allocated Income...

2009-06-02 Thread Karen

Ah, yes. As others have said, in the case of allocation errors, you  
can delete (and add) bucket allocations in Bucket Detail (click on  
indiv. bucket..) under "Money Flows" at the bottom right. As for a  
bounced check, we'll probably need Kevin, but I'm wondering if you can  
use "Reset Cash Flow Date" for that. Or, use "Pending" in some way, so  
you'd at least have a record of the deposit...

Here's hoping you don't have to deal with bounced checks.

On 2-Jun-09, at 5:42 PM, Glenn B. wrote:

> Let's say that I deposited a check(in MoneyWell) and had it allocate
> to 10 different buckets. That check bounces a week later(once I get it
> to the bank). Now I have money in buckets(spendable) that really isn't
> there. The money has vanished. What should I do to remove the
> allocated fund so I don't spend money that isn't there?
> Or, I deposit in MoneyWell and accidentally fund the wrong buckets and
> need a "re-do" a day later...
> My thought is when I remove a deposit, it should "un-unallocate" the
> buckets it filled.
> On Jun 2, 1:55 pm, Karen  wrote:
>> Why would you want to do that, Glenn?
>> Karen
>> On 2-Jun-09, at 3:51 PM, Glenn B. wrote:
>>> If I enter a paycheck and allocate it, when I delete that paycheck,
>>> the bucket allocation doesn't reverse back(like it never happened).
>>> Instead, the paycheck bucket goes negative and the buckets keep the
>>> money. Am I doing something wrong or is this something that can be
>>> added as a preference?
>>> My thoughts are if you delete an income or deposit that has been
>>> allocated, it should pull that money back out of the buckets since
>>> technically, that money is no longer available.
> >

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[No Thirst Software] Re: Deleting Allocated Income...

2009-06-02 Thread Glenn B.

Let's say that I deposited a check(in MoneyWell) and had it allocate
to 10 different buckets. That check bounces a week later(once I get it
to the bank). Now I have money in buckets(spendable) that really isn't
there. The money has vanished. What should I do to remove the
allocated fund so I don't spend money that isn't there?

Or, I deposit in MoneyWell and accidentally fund the wrong buckets and
need a "re-do" a day later...

My thought is when I remove a deposit, it should "un-unallocate" the
buckets it filled.

On Jun 2, 1:55 pm, Karen  wrote:
> Why would you want to do that, Glenn?
> Karen
> On 2-Jun-09, at 3:51 PM, Glenn B. wrote:
> > If I enter a paycheck and allocate it, when I delete that paycheck,
> > the bucket allocation doesn't reverse back(like it never happened).
> > Instead, the paycheck bucket goes negative and the buckets keep the
> > money. Am I doing something wrong or is this something that can be
> > added as a preference?
> > My thoughts are if you delete an income or deposit that has been
> > allocated, it should pull that money back out of the buckets since
> > technically, that money is no longer available.
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[No Thirst Software] Re: Deleting Allocated Income...

2009-06-02 Thread Druzyne

> If I enter a paycheck and allocate it, when I delete that paycheck,
> the bucket allocation doesn't reverse back(like it never happened).
> Instead, the paycheck bucket goes negative and the buckets keep the
> money. Am I doing something wrong or is this something that can be
> added as a preference?

Allocations are basically Money Flows, or money transferring from one
bucket to another bucket, and Money Flows are not tied to bank
transactions. Bank transactions only increase or decrease a single
bucket, and properly do not affect the Money Flows for that bucket. To
get rid of Money Flows, you delete them from the panel in the bottom
of the transaction detail pane.

> My thoughts are if you delete an income or deposit that has been
> allocated, it should pull that money back out of the buckets since
> technically, that money is no longer available.

Makes sense, but it would be hard for MoneyWell to "read your mind" as
to which allocations to remove, for example if a paycheck weren't
fully allocated, or if multiple deposits fed one allocation.
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[No Thirst Software] Re: balance wrong - credit card

2009-06-02 Thread ciara belle

ok -so i had to open q up -  this is another argument for running
balances...and get balances from there - and compare transactions- as
that was the only way i could reconcile back to 1998... i only have e-
statments to 2003... and no paper statements from ten plus years
ago... looks like a bunch of the same type of transaction (payee) all
imported as payment rather than charge... so i had to go month by
month for all of 2001 - then i was finally able to reconcile it up to

what a mess


On Jun 2, 2:13 pm, ciara belle  wrote:
> sorry and the 1st transaction in the account is a negative - and is a
> transfer type...
> ml
> On Jun 2, 9:40 am, Kevin Hoctor  wrote:
> > On Jun 2, 2009, at 7:04 AM, ciara belle wrote:
> > > yes i am aware of the negative balance for credit cards -- the card is
> > > reconciled - the starting balance from years ago is negative (i think
> > > if the starting balance was wrong than it would not have reconciled).
> > > also the balance on the left hand acct info screen is correct (and in
> > > brackets show its negative - which is correct)
> > If the credit card has a negative balance, the amount in the accounts  
> > list will show up in parenthesis (U.S. formatting at least) and also  
> > show up in a red rounded rectangle badge.
> > > 1st - what does the greying signify on the left hand balance?
> > Gray for a credit card means a positive balance (you've overpaid or  
> > have reversed the starting balance).
> > > 2nd - it shows proper negative balance on right hand info but
> > > positive balance (in grey) on left hand accounts column, and positive
> > > balance on bottom info line.
> > This means you have your Charges and Payments reversed for at least  
> > the starting balance transaction. Click on it and look at the type in  
> > the Transaction Detail.
> > > correct balance is -454.58
> > > it shows a positive 1149.48 - which according to it is an overpayment
> > > of 694.90. which is not the case - since i have not paid the card
> > > since i brought it to zero back in April -- and then that was just
> > > under 200.00 payment.
> > > (btw - i have no idea where to set the starting balance - except in
> > > the 1st transaction.. but as i said it has been reconciling perfectly
> > > so i dont think its that)
> > You can reconcile a statement without having your account fully  
> > reconciled. Make sure you have the first transaction, which should be  
> > a starting balance transaction, as a Charge and confirm the amount.  
> > Next look at your first reconciled statement. The starting date should  
> > include the date of the starting transaction and the starting balance  
> > on that statement should be zero.
> > If you need more help, feel free to send me more information (your  
> > document or screen shots) directly to ke...@nothirst.com.
> > Peace,
> > Kevin Hoctor
> > ke...@nothirst.com
> > No Thirst Software LLChttp://nothirst.comhttp://kevinhoctor.blogspot.com
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[No Thirst Software] Re: Am I doing this right?

2009-06-02 Thread HenrikWL

Ok, thanks. :)

But why were all my buckets empty on the 1st? Was that because I had
set the money flow start date to 14th of May when I started using MW?
The amounts will roll over when July comes a' knockin', won't they,
now that I've set the money flow start date to 1st of June?

On Jun 1, 9:38 pm, Kevin Hoctor  wrote:
> On Jun 1, 2009, at 2:31 PM, HenrikWL wrote:
> > I'm loving MW, but there is something I'm wondering that I figured I'd
> > better get straight right away.
> > Here's the thing: I started using MoneyWell right after I'd changed
> > banks. The new accounts had their first transactions being the money
> > left over in my old bank accounts, so I totalled them up and set the
> > money flow start date to their date (14th of May) and added their
> > total to an income bucket. So far so good.
> Hi Henrik,
> Actually, MoneyWell requires you to start your cash flow on the first  
> of a month. A good choice is June 1, 2009.
> > I got my salary from my employer, assigned that transaction to the
> > Salary income bucket, and flowed the money into the expense buckets.
> > So far so good.
> > During the month, I was in total control of what I was spending where,
> > and how much I had left to spend on each category. No other personal
> > finance app I've tried has given me this clear and easy-to-access
> > information before. I'll definitely buy this app because of this.
> > Today, when I opened MW, all of my expense buckets were empty. I
> > scratched my head a bit, but found out that changing the money flow
> > start date to 1st of June (leaving the other two fields displaying
> > what they did when I set up MW in the second paragraph here) brought
> > the bucket amounts back to what they were yesterday. Now, my question
> > is: is this the right way to do it? Are you supposed to change the
> > money flow start date each month? Or will this lead to problems later?
> No, you only set your cash flow start date once. You can restart it at  
> anytime without losing data but you don't need to. If you have set it  
> to 6/1/2009 and assigned a starting amount, you should have money in  
> our primary income bucket and will see any spending done today as well.
> Peace,
> Kevin Hoctor
> ke...@nothirst.com
> No Thirst Software LLChttp://nothirst.comhttp://kevinhoctor.blogspot.com
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[No Thirst Software] Re: Soubts about buckets and multiple accounts

2009-06-02 Thread HenrikWL

I just had to chime in on this. This is exactly how me and my wife
arrange our household economy. We pool all of our earnings in one big
pool, but set aside an NQA bucket each every month that we use for
personal stuff. This makes it perfectly fair even though my income is
higher than hers, because our NQA buckets are equal in size.

So I say go for that arrangement, Drew! :D

On Jun 2, 8:07 pm, Karen  wrote:
> Wow, Drew. I'm impressed--a healthy money relationship before you even  
> get married!
> Love the NQA buckets. :-)
> Karen
> On 2-Jun-09, at 2:54 PM, Druzyne wrote:
> >> Currently I'm using 2 different documents, one for my personal
> >> accounts and another for my house accounts.
> >> If I use only one document for all the accounts, how the spending
> >> buckets will be treated? Do I have to duplicate buckets for the two
> >> accounts (Personal Restaurants and House Restaurants) or I can use
> >> just one (Restaurants) and I can view the bucket for the two
> >> accounts?
> > Oletros,
> > I personally think you'd be saving yourself a lot of extra work and
> > confusion by having just one document with both your personal and
> > joint accounts. For starters, you'd have a single transfer transaction
> > for contributions to the joint account - rather than having to open
> > another document and recreate the transaction. Also, you'll get the
> > benefit of being able to see all your money at once.
> > Since the separate accounts indicate separate purposes, it's not
> > inappropriate for there to be a bucket for each. How many "duplicates"
> > are there? If you're looking to consolidate buckets, you might be able
> > to combine some of the household expenses, or some of the personal
> > expenses in one bucket. For example, an "Entertainment" and a
> > "Vacation" bucket could be combined into a "Fun" bucket.
> > Soon I'll be joining my accounts with those of my fiancee, and I think
> > MoneyWell perfectly allows the independence many find in personal
> > accounts. Much like a virtual account, we each will have an NQA bucket
> > ("No Questions Asked") for personal discretionary spending. Whether we
> > save for big-ticket personal purchases, or blow it on a lot of small
> > things, is completely up to us individually. We think it will work
> > because we trust each other to stick to the limits, but we don't have
> > to justify these purchases to each other. That's the theory, anyways -
> > we'll see how it holds up in practice :)
> > //Drew
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[No Thirst Software] Re: Deleting Allocated Income...

2009-06-02 Thread Terry Norton
But the money is still available, it's still sitting in your buckets,  
it's still your money.  Just drag it back from the expense buckets to  
your Salary bucket until it reads zero again.

On Jun 2, 2009, at 2:51 PM, Glenn B. wrote:

> My thoughts are if you delete an income or deposit that has been
> allocated, it should pull that money back out of the buckets since
> technically, that money is no longer available.

Terry Norton

I started off with nothing...I still have most of it left.

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[No Thirst Software] Re: Deleting Allocated Income...

2009-06-02 Thread Karen

Why would you want to do that, Glenn?
On 2-Jun-09, at 3:51 PM, Glenn B. wrote:

> If I enter a paycheck and allocate it, when I delete that paycheck,
> the bucket allocation doesn't reverse back(like it never happened).
> Instead, the paycheck bucket goes negative and the buckets keep the
> money. Am I doing something wrong or is this something that can be
> added as a preference?
> My thoughts are if you delete an income or deposit that has been
> allocated, it should pull that money back out of the buckets since
> technically, that money is no longer available.
> >

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[No Thirst Software] Deleting Allocated Income...

2009-06-02 Thread Glenn B.

If I enter a paycheck and allocate it, when I delete that paycheck,
the bucket allocation doesn't reverse back(like it never happened).
Instead, the paycheck bucket goes negative and the buckets keep the
money. Am I doing something wrong or is this something that can be
added as a preference?

My thoughts are if you delete an income or deposit that has been
allocated, it should pull that money back out of the buckets since
technically, that money is no longer available.
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[No Thirst Software] Re: balance wrong - credit card

2009-06-02 Thread ciara belle

sorry and the 1st transaction in the account is a negative - and is a
transfer type...

On Jun 2, 9:40 am, Kevin Hoctor  wrote:
> On Jun 2, 2009, at 7:04 AM, ciara belle wrote:
> > yes i am aware of the negative balance for credit cards -- the card is
> > reconciled - the starting balance from years ago is negative (i think
> > if the starting balance was wrong than it would not have reconciled).
> > also the balance on the left hand acct info screen is correct (and in
> > brackets show its negative - which is correct)
> If the credit card has a negative balance, the amount in the accounts  
> list will show up in parenthesis (U.S. formatting at least) and also  
> show up in a red rounded rectangle badge.
> > 1st - what does the greying signify on the left hand balance?
> Gray for a credit card means a positive balance (you've overpaid or  
> have reversed the starting balance).
> > 2nd - it shows proper negative balance on right hand info but
> > positive balance (in grey) on left hand accounts column, and positive
> > balance on bottom info line.
> This means you have your Charges and Payments reversed for at least  
> the starting balance transaction. Click on it and look at the type in  
> the Transaction Detail.
> > correct balance is -454.58
> > it shows a positive 1149.48 - which according to it is an overpayment
> > of 694.90. which is not the case - since i have not paid the card
> > since i brought it to zero back in April -- and then that was just
> > under 200.00 payment.
> > (btw - i have no idea where to set the starting balance - except in
> > the 1st transaction.. but as i said it has been reconciling perfectly
> > so i dont think its that)
> You can reconcile a statement without having your account fully  
> reconciled. Make sure you have the first transaction, which should be  
> a starting balance transaction, as a Charge and confirm the amount.  
> Next look at your first reconciled statement. The starting date should  
> include the date of the starting transaction and the starting balance  
> on that statement should be zero.
> If you need more help, feel free to send me more information (your  
> document or screen shots) directly to ke...@nothirst.com.
> Peace,
> Kevin Hoctor
> ke...@nothirst.com
> No Thirst Software LLChttp://nothirst.comhttp://kevinhoctor.blogspot.com
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[No Thirst Software] Re: Soubts about buckets and multiple accounts

2009-06-02 Thread Karen

Wow, Drew. I'm impressed--a healthy money relationship before you even  
get married!
Love the NQA buckets. :-)

On 2-Jun-09, at 2:54 PM, Druzyne wrote:

>> Currently I'm using 2 different documents, one for my personal
>> accounts and another for my house accounts.
>> If I use only one document for all the accounts, how the spending
>> buckets will be treated? Do I have to duplicate buckets for the two
>> accounts (Personal Restaurants and House Restaurants) or I can use
>> just one (Restaurants) and I can view the bucket for the two
>> accounts?
> Oletros,
> I personally think you'd be saving yourself a lot of extra work and
> confusion by having just one document with both your personal and
> joint accounts. For starters, you'd have a single transfer transaction
> for contributions to the joint account - rather than having to open
> another document and recreate the transaction. Also, you'll get the
> benefit of being able to see all your money at once.
> Since the separate accounts indicate separate purposes, it's not
> inappropriate for there to be a bucket for each. How many "duplicates"
> are there? If you're looking to consolidate buckets, you might be able
> to combine some of the household expenses, or some of the personal
> expenses in one bucket. For example, an "Entertainment" and a
> "Vacation" bucket could be combined into a "Fun" bucket.
> Soon I'll be joining my accounts with those of my fiancee, and I think
> MoneyWell perfectly allows the independence many find in personal
> accounts. Much like a virtual account, we each will have an NQA bucket
> ("No Questions Asked") for personal discretionary spending. Whether we
> save for big-ticket personal purchases, or blow it on a lot of small
> things, is completely up to us individually. We think it will work
> because we trust each other to stick to the limits, but we don't have
> to justify these purchases to each other. That's the theory, anyways -
> we'll see how it holds up in practice :)
> //Drew
> >

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[No Thirst Software] Re: balance wrong - credit card

2009-06-02 Thread ciara belle

sorry and the 1st transaction in the account is a negative - and is a
transfer type...

On Jun 2, 9:40 am, Kevin Hoctor  wrote:
> On Jun 2, 2009, at 7:04 AM, ciara belle wrote:
> > yes i am aware of the negative balance for credit cards -- the card is
> > reconciled - the starting balance from years ago is negative (i think
> > if the starting balance was wrong than it would not have reconciled).
> > also the balance on the left hand acct info screen is correct (and in
> > brackets show its negative - which is correct)
> If the credit card has a negative balance, the amount in the accounts  
> list will show up in parenthesis (U.S. formatting at least) and also  
> show up in a red rounded rectangle badge.
> > 1st - what does the greying signify on the left hand balance?
> Gray for a credit card means a positive balance (you've overpaid or  
> have reversed the starting balance).
> > 2nd - it shows proper negative balance on right hand info but
> > positive balance (in grey) on left hand accounts column, and positive
> > balance on bottom info line.
> This means you have your Charges and Payments reversed for at least  
> the starting balance transaction. Click on it and look at the type in  
> the Transaction Detail.
> > correct balance is -454.58
> > it shows a positive 1149.48 - which according to it is an overpayment
> > of 694.90. which is not the case - since i have not paid the card
> > since i brought it to zero back in April -- and then that was just
> > under 200.00 payment.
> > (btw - i have no idea where to set the starting balance - except in
> > the 1st transaction.. but as i said it has been reconciling perfectly
> > so i dont think its that)
> You can reconcile a statement without having your account fully  
> reconciled. Make sure you have the first transaction, which should be  
> a starting balance transaction, as a Charge and confirm the amount.  
> Next look at your first reconciled statement. The starting date should  
> include the date of the starting transaction and the starting balance  
> on that statement should be zero.
> If you need more help, feel free to send me more information (your  
> document or screen shots) directly to ke...@nothirst.com.
> Peace,
> Kevin Hoctor
> ke...@nothirst.com
> No Thirst Software LLChttp://nothirst.comhttp://kevinhoctor.blogspot.com
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[No Thirst Software] Re: balance wrong - credit card

2009-06-02 Thread ciara belle

well the reconciled status must have been imported from q back when i
did the full import...cause everything had green checks... and i have
e-statements back to may 2003... but its the time before that i cannot
get to reconcile (now that i am going down that path)...  so is there
anyway i can force it to reconcile the older stuff?  we are talking
back to 1998... i don't want to delete the transactions... and q wont
show me the data from those data (odd...it exports it but wont show me
the transactions). (i did try from the start and ending balances i
have -- and it wont reconcile with that - out by 1098.72 (positive)
and there is not 'one' transaction for that amount - and i ensured
both starting and ending amounts are negatives)

On Jun 2, 9:40 am, Kevin Hoctor  wrote:
> On Jun 2, 2009, at 7:04 AM, ciara belle wrote:
> > yes i am aware of the negative balance for credit cards -- the card is
> > reconciled - the starting balance from years ago is negative (i think
> > if the starting balance was wrong than it would not have reconciled).
> > also the balance on the left hand acct info screen is correct (and in
> > brackets show its negative - which is correct)
> If the credit card has a negative balance, the amount in the accounts  
> list will show up in parenthesis (U.S. formatting at least) and also  
> show up in a red rounded rectangle badge.
> > 1st - what does the greying signify on the left hand balance?
> Gray for a credit card means a positive balance (you've overpaid or  
> have reversed the starting balance).
> > 2nd - it shows proper negative balance on right hand info but
> > positive balance (in grey) on left hand accounts column, and positive
> > balance on bottom info line.
> This means you have your Charges and Payments reversed for at least  
> the starting balance transaction. Click on it and look at the type in  
> the Transaction Detail.
> > correct balance is -454.58
> > it shows a positive 1149.48 - which according to it is an overpayment
> > of 694.90. which is not the case - since i have not paid the card
> > since i brought it to zero back in April -- and then that was just
> > under 200.00 payment.
> > (btw - i have no idea where to set the starting balance - except in
> > the 1st transaction.. but as i said it has been reconciling perfectly
> > so i dont think its that)
> You can reconcile a statement without having your account fully  
> reconciled. Make sure you have the first transaction, which should be  
> a starting balance transaction, as a Charge and confirm the amount.  
> Next look at your first reconciled statement. The starting date should  
> include the date of the starting transaction and the starting balance  
> on that statement should be zero.
> If you need more help, feel free to send me more information (your  
> document or screen shots) directly to ke...@nothirst.com.
> Peace,
> Kevin Hoctor
> ke...@nothirst.com
> No Thirst Software LLChttp://nothirst.comhttp://kevinhoctor.blogspot.com
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[No Thirst Software] Re: Soubts about buckets and multiple accounts

2009-06-02 Thread Druzyne

> Currently I'm using 2 different documents, one for my personal
> accounts and another for my house accounts.
> If I use only one document for all the accounts, how the spending
> buckets will be treated? Do I have to duplicate buckets for the two
> accounts (Personal Restaurants and House Restaurants) or I can use
> just one (Restaurants) and I can view the bucket for the two
> accounts?


I personally think you'd be saving yourself a lot of extra work and
confusion by having just one document with both your personal and
joint accounts. For starters, you'd have a single transfer transaction
for contributions to the joint account - rather than having to open
another document and recreate the transaction. Also, you'll get the
benefit of being able to see all your money at once.

Since the separate accounts indicate separate purposes, it's not
inappropriate for there to be a bucket for each. How many "duplicates"
are there? If you're looking to consolidate buckets, you might be able
to combine some of the household expenses, or some of the personal
expenses in one bucket. For example, an "Entertainment" and a
"Vacation" bucket could be combined into a "Fun" bucket.

Soon I'll be joining my accounts with those of my fiancee, and I think
MoneyWell perfectly allows the independence many find in personal
accounts. Much like a virtual account, we each will have an NQA bucket
("No Questions Asked") for personal discretionary spending. Whether we
save for big-ticket personal purchases, or blow it on a lot of small
things, is completely up to us individually. We think it will work
because we trust each other to stick to the limits, but we don't have
to justify these purchases to each other. That's the theory, anyways -
we'll see how it holds up in practice :)

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[No Thirst Software] Re: Budget forecasting - Question for a new user...

2009-06-02 Thread Karen

Yep, you don't get that with Quicken. :-)

On 2-Jun-09, at 12:59 PM, Reed wrote:

> Wow,  the Moneywell team is awesome!
> On Jun 2, 8:24 am, Kevin Hoctor  wrote:
>> On Jun 2, 2009, at 4:17 AM, Reed wrote:
>>> These new views are exactly what will make me a returning customer.
>>> What's your schedule for each new view please.  I'm trying to hang  
>>> in
>>> there with quicken mac 2007 and the soon :-) to be released Quicken
>>> for Life, which I'm becoming less excited about.
>> Sorry, I can't lock down actual dates at this time but please know
>> that new views are a top priority for both the 1.5 release (due late
>> summer) and the 2.0 release (due in 2010).
>> Peace,
>> Kevin Hoctor
>> ke...@nothirst.com
>> No Thirst Software LLChttp://nothirst.comhttp:// 
>> kevinhoctor.blogspot.com
> >

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[No Thirst Software] Re: Budget forecasting - Question for a new user...

2009-06-02 Thread Reed

Wow,  the Moneywell team is awesome!

On Jun 2, 8:24 am, Kevin Hoctor  wrote:
> On Jun 2, 2009, at 4:17 AM, Reed wrote:
> > These new views are exactly what will make me a returning customer.
> > What's your schedule for each new view please.  I'm trying to hang in
> > there with quicken mac 2007 and the soon :-) to be released Quicken
> > for Life, which I'm becoming less excited about.
> Sorry, I can't lock down actual dates at this time but please know  
> that new views are a top priority for both the 1.5 release (due late  
> summer) and the 2.0 release (due in 2010).
> Peace,
> Kevin Hoctor
> ke...@nothirst.com
> No Thirst Software LLChttp://nothirst.comhttp://kevinhoctor.blogspot.com
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[No Thirst Software] Re: Soubts about buckets and multiple accounts

2009-06-02 Thread Kevin Hoctor

On Jun 2, 2009, at 8:30 AM, Oletros wrote:

> The "Personal" account is my own account and I have my own buckets for
> my personal expenses.
> The "House" account is an account owned by my wife and I and we track
> the expenses we do in common.
> I have a bucket in my Personal document which is House Expenses where
> I transfer the money. Is like to withdraw from the account and put it
> on the Cash only.
> In the House document we have an Income bucket called House income
> where we transfer the money from our personal accounts.
> So, we have under control the buckets but my own expenses are
> independent from the common ones.

Well you certainly can do this with MoneyWell but it makes managing a  
budget a bit more tricky. It's easier to overspend when you have to  
deal with two or three levels of cash flow.


Kevin Hoctor
No Thirst Software LLC

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[No Thirst Software] Re: Cash Flow Start Date issues

2009-06-02 Thread Kevin Hoctor

On Jun 2, 2009, at 8:09 AM, DigiAngel wrote:

> I am using 1.4.8(248).  Also, I may not have explained it well with
> the income buckets.  When I go to change the start date I'm given the
> option of choosing an income bucket, but my question is why can't I
> choose Combined Income Buckets when I change the start date, whereas I
> CAN choose Combined Income Buckets when I setup a flow?  Thanks.


Ah, this is because you need to put the money in one bucket first. If  
you want to spread it around prior to your first allocation, you can  
by dragging and dropping that one income bucket to others and  
assigning a money flow.

MoneyWell just needs to know a bucket for the amount. When you are  
allocating income, MoneyWell can grab it from several combined buckets.


Kevin Hoctor
No Thirst Software LLC

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[No Thirst Software] Re: balance wrong - credit card

2009-06-02 Thread Kevin Hoctor

On Jun 2, 2009, at 7:04 AM, ciara belle wrote:

> yes i am aware of the negative balance for credit cards -- the card is
> reconciled - the starting balance from years ago is negative (i think
> if the starting balance was wrong than it would not have reconciled).
> also the balance on the left hand acct info screen is correct (and in
> brackets show its negative - which is correct)
If the credit card has a negative balance, the amount in the accounts  
list will show up in parenthesis (U.S. formatting at least) and also  
show up in a red rounded rectangle badge.

> 1st - what does the greying signify on the left hand balance?

Gray for a credit card means a positive balance (you've overpaid or  
have reversed the starting balance).

> 2nd - it shows proper negative balance on right hand info but
> positive balance (in grey) on left hand accounts column, and positive
> balance on bottom info line.
This means you have your Charges and Payments reversed for at least  
the starting balance transaction. Click on it and look at the type in  
the Transaction Detail.

> correct balance is -454.58
> it shows a positive 1149.48 - which according to it is an overpayment
> of 694.90. which is not the case - since i have not paid the card
> since i brought it to zero back in April -- and then that was just
> under 200.00 payment.
> (btw - i have no idea where to set the starting balance - except in
> the 1st transaction.. but as i said it has been reconciling perfectly
> so i dont think its that)

You can reconcile a statement without having your account fully  
reconciled. Make sure you have the first transaction, which should be  
a starting balance transaction, as a Charge and confirm the amount.  
Next look at your first reconciled statement. The starting date should  
include the date of the starting transaction and the starting balance  
on that statement should be zero.

If you need more help, feel free to send me more information (your  
document or screen shots) directly to ke...@nothirst.com.


Kevin Hoctor
No Thirst Software LLC

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[No Thirst Software] Re: Soubts about buckets and multiple accounts

2009-06-02 Thread Oletros

On Jun 2, 3:15 pm, Kevin Hoctor  wrote:

> Actually, I don't see the difference between "house" and "personal"  
> accounts. If you are trying to use an envelope budgeting system (or  
> any budget really), you can't break out accounts like this or you will  
> end up losing track of where you money is really spent. > Peace,
> Kevin Hoctor
> ke...@nothirst.com
> No Thirst Software LLChttp://nothirst.comhttp://kevinhoctor.blogspot.com

The "Personal" account is my own account and I have my own buckets for
my personal expenses.

The "House" account is an account owned by my wife and I and we track
the expenses we do in common.

I have a bucket in my Personal document which is House Expenses where
I transfer the money. Is like to withdraw from the account and put it
on the Cash only.

In the House document we have an Income bucket called House income
where we transfer the money from our personal accounts.

So, we have under control the buckets but my own expenses are
independent from the common ones.
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[No Thirst Software] Re: Budget forecasting - Question for a new user...

2009-06-02 Thread Kevin Hoctor

On Jun 2, 2009, at 4:17 AM, Reed wrote:

> These new views are exactly what will make me a returning customer.
> What's your schedule for each new view please.  I'm trying to hang in
> there with quicken mac 2007 and the soon :-) to be released Quicken
> for Life, which I'm becoming less excited about.

Sorry, I can't lock down actual dates at this time but please know  
that new views are a top priority for both the 1.5 release (due late  
summer) and the 2.0 release (due in 2010).


Kevin Hoctor
No Thirst Software LLC

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Thirst Software User Forum" group.
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[No Thirst Software] Re: Cash Flow Start Date issues

2009-06-02 Thread DigiAngel

> Hello,
> If you're using MoneyWell 1.4.8, the cash flow start date change  
> should be reflected immediately in your bucket amounts. The only time  
> this won't happen is if you have your view filtered to a specific  
> month by clicking a column on the cash flow graph. Simply click the  
> background of the graph to release this filter. If this isn't the  
> problem, let me know and give me your exact steps so I can try to  
> reproduce it.
> Why isn't the amount automatically added based on income buckets?  
> Because that may not be your available money to spend. Please read How  
> do I tell MoneyWell how much money I have to spend at the start? to  
> see if that helps. Thanks.
> Peace,
> Kevin Hoctor


I am using 1.4.8(248).  Also, I may not have explained it well with
the income buckets.  When I go to change the start date I'm given the
option of choosing an income bucket, but my question is why can't I
choose Combined Income Buckets when I change the start date, whereas I
CAN choose Combined Income Buckets when I setup a flow?  Thanks.

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[No Thirst Software] Re: Soubts about buckets and multiple accounts

2009-06-02 Thread Kevin Hoctor

On Jun 2, 2009, at 4:15 AM, Oletros wrote:

> Hi, I have some doubts about how MW works.
> Currently I'm using 2 different documents, one for my personal
> accounts and another for my house accounts.
> If I use only one document for all the accounts, how the spending
> buckets will be treated? Do I have to duplicate buckets for the two
> accounts (Personal Restaurants and House Restaurants) or I can use
> just one (Restaurants) and I can view the bucket for the two
> accounts?

Actually, I don't see the difference between "house" and "personal"  
accounts. If you are trying to use an envelope budgeting system (or  
any budget really), you can't break out accounts like this or you will  
end up losing track of where you money is really spent. The whole idea  
is to have one single set of buckets and only spend what has been  
allocated to the buckets so that you get away from viewing account  
balances as the source of your cash flow.

The exception to this rule is if you are running a business and you  
need to keep business spending 100 percent separate from personal.

> Will the iPhone version deal with multiple documents?

Yes, it will.


Kevin Hoctor
No Thirst Software LLC

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[No Thirst Software] Re: balance wrong - credit card

2009-06-02 Thread ciara belle

yes i am aware of the negative balance for credit cards -- the card is
reconciled - the starting balance from years ago is negative (i think
if the starting balance was wrong than it would not have reconciled).
also the balance on the left hand acct info screen is correct (and in
brackets show its negative - which is correct)

1st - what does the greying signify on the left hand balance?
2nd - it shows proper negative balance on right hand info but
positive balance (in grey) on left hand accounts column, and positive
balance on bottom info line.

correct balance is -454.58
it shows a positive 1149.48 - which according to it is an overpayment
of 694.90. which is not the case - since i have not paid the card
since i brought it to zero back in April -- and then that was just
under 200.00 payment.
(btw - i have no idea where to set the starting balance - except in
the 1st transaction.. but as i said it has been reconciling perfectly
so i dont think its that)


On Jun 1, 11:04 am, Kevin Hoctor  wrote:
> Is your starting balance for your credit card a "Charge" (negative)  
> transaction? The only time a credit card has a positive balance is if  
> you have overpaid the balance.
> Peace,
> Kevin Hoctor
> No Thirst Software LLC
> ke...@nothirst.comhttp://nothirst.comhttp://kevinhoctor.blogspot.com
> Check out our MoneyWell video 
> tutorials:http://nothirst.com/moneywell/tutorials/
> Join our user forum to learn about new 
> releases:http://groups.google.com/group/no-thirst-software
> On Jun 1, 2009, at 7:22 AM, ciara belle wrote:
> > no i don't think so - as i said i don't use this card - so the balance
> > has not been over 200 in nearly 2 years... so it stating a balance of
> > 1100 plus is way out to lunch..  whats worse is i Nearly paid it based
> > on that amount - thank goodness i did the math first.
> > On May 31, 8:59 pm, Karen  wrote:
> >> Could this have to do with the fact that, in most cases, the
> >> transaction and the actual posting dates are different? You may have
> >> paid the balance on one day but it would take longer for that payment
> >> to actually post on the cc side.
> >> On 31-May-09, at 9:09 PM, ciara belle wrote:
> >>> i just dl transactions for my mastercard (Canadian)..  and the
> >>> transactions show up fine... and it shows the correct balance in the
> >>> side account info... but on the other side (left with the account
> >>> list) it shows 694.90 too much (in debt)... and same on the bottom
> >>> info bar ..and that continues 'back' through the dates -- IE if i
> >>> click on 4/7 it shows reconciled balance as 1604.98 - when it was  
> >>> Zero
> >>> (cause i paid it that day)..)  today there are charges total of
> >>> 454.58... but it shows a end of day balance of 1149.48
> >>> lastly - the balance on the accounts list is greyed... i made sure i
> >>> am in 'all transactions' and that its not clicked on a certain month
> >>> or bucket etc.   basically i rarely  use this card - and its been  
> >>> zero
> >>> balance for some 15 months... so this is way off. i use the download
> >>> option from the bmo website. (previously reconciled may 8- to zero
> >>> balance)
> >>> screen shots avail.
> >>> ml
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[No Thirst Software] Soubts about buckets and multiple accounts

2009-06-02 Thread Oletros

Hi, I have some doubts about how MW works.

Currently I'm using 2 different documents, one for my personal
accounts and another for my house accounts.

If I use only one document for all the accounts, how the spending
buckets will be treated? Do I have to duplicate buckets for the two
accounts (Personal Restaurants and House Restaurants) or I can use
just one (Restaurants) and I can view the bucket for the two

Will the iPhone version deal with multiple documents?

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[No Thirst Software] Re: Budget forecasting - Question for a new user...

2009-06-02 Thread Reed

These new views are exactly what will make me a returning customer.
What's your schedule for each new view please.  I'm trying to hang in
there with quicken mac 2007 and the soon :-) to be released Quicken
for Life, which I'm becoming less excited about.

On Jun 1, 5:52 pm, Kevin Hoctor  wrote:
> On May 31, 2009, at 7:32 PM, Reed wrote:
> > If we could have the grapics for Cash Flow forecasts along with a
> > calender view, this would make Moneywell impossible to beat
> Many more views are coming. ;)
> Peace,
> Kevin Hoctor
> ke...@nothirst.com
> No Thirst Software LLChttp://nothirst.comhttp://kevinhoctor.blogspot.com
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[No Thirst Software] Re: Import CSV - number format not working

2009-06-02 Thread Terence

Hi Mike, I don't know if this will help, or if you have already found
the answer, but my problem was due to having a TYPE field in my import
file with data that did not match the codes in the DEPOSIT TYPES field
of the Import dialog. Search in the Help file for Deposit Types for
the details.


On May 31, 10:00 pm, Mike  wrote:
> > MoneyWell also uses your
> > number formats in your System Preferences > International panel. Sorry
> > for this problem.
> No worries, every software has bugs ;)
> But I'd prefer being able to override the stuff from the International
> panel with a custom format - for various reasons (i.e. using an US OSX
> but a German import file or the other way around).
> Thanks,
> Mike
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[No Thirst Software] Re: Import CSV - number format not working

2009-06-02 Thread Terence

Hi Mike, I don't know if this will help, or if you have already found
the answer, but my problem was due to having a TYPE field in my import
file with data that did not match the codes in the DEPOSIT TYPES field
of the Import dialog. Search in the Help file for Deposit Types for
the details.


On May 31, 10:00 pm, Mike  wrote:
> > MoneyWell also uses your
> > number formats in your System Preferences > International panel. Sorry
> > for this problem.
> No worries, every software has bugs ;)
> But I'd prefer being able to override the stuff from the International
> panel with a custom format - for various reasons (i.e. using an US OSX
> but a German import file or the other way around).
> Thanks,
> Mike
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