Re: [NTG-context] XML command synonyms

2003-09-27 Thread Pawel Jackowski na Onet

From: "Simon Pepping" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> >P: How to define '' as a synonym of 'subsubsubsubsection' without
> >P:  the same code twice?
> From DocbookInContext:
> %D A \type{\let} for XML environments
> \def\letXMLenvironment#1#2%
>   {\letvaluevalue{\@@XMLelement:#1/}{\@@XMLelement:#2/}%
> Works for XMLenvironment.
> Regards, Simon

Thanks a lot, but I'm afraid that doesn't work. TeX complains about
undefined control sequence:

ConTeXt  ver: 2002.5.24  fmt: 2003.9.3  int: english  mes: english

! Undefined control sequence.
\letXMLenvironment #1#2->\letvaluevalue

l.15 \letXMLenvironment{chapter}{X}

! Emergency stop.
\letXMLenvironment #1#2->\letvaluevalue

l.15 \letXMLenvironment{chapter}{X}

End of file on the terminal!

Is my ConTeXt to old?


ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Re: substitute for hangafter

2003-09-27 Thread Patrick Gundlach
Hans Hagen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> i can add to this:
>{\hangafter=-2\hangindent=5em \noindent\input tufte\relax}
> will not work, but
>{\hangafter=-2\hangindent=5em \noindent\input tufte\relax\par}
> will

But that is not strictly ConTeXt related, is it? It is more a matter
of local/global values before \par is complete?!

You are your own rainbow!
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Re: Support bei Einstieg in ConText

2003-09-27 Thread Willi Egger
Sorry to have initiated this. This is of course not the meaning to keep this
thread open nor to write in German! It is my fault that I wrote the message
by means of reply instead of directing the mail to the addres of the sender.


- Original Message - 
From: "Patrick Gundlach" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2003 7:32 AM
Subject: [NTG-context] Re: Support bei Einstieg in ConText

> Steffen Wolfrum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi,
> > Gibt es etwa Bücher zum Thema ConTeXt?
> come on, guys. Posting in a wrong language can happen. So what.
> Answering (an obviously private mail posted in the ML) here in the
> same language on this mailinglist is not the best thing, but this can
> too. But we should not keep up this german thread. It is not polite
> for the other non-german speaking people out there, that get
> completely bored. So I'd suggest:
> \if\language\en\postonthismailinglist=1
>\dontexpand & \keepitprivate
> \fi
> Patrick
> -- 
> You are your own rainbow!
> ___
> ntg-context mailing list

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Re: Support bei Einstieg in ConText

2003-09-27 Thread Hans Hagen
At 07:32 27/09/2003 +0200, you wrote:

  \dontexpand & \keepitprivate

for the rest: I agree -)

% \ifx\language\problem \WeCanMakeAnExtraList \fi


  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: +31 (0)38 477 53 69 | fax: +31 (0)38 477 53 74 |
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] XML command synonyms

2003-09-27 Thread Hans Hagen
At 07:41 27/09/2003 +0200, you wrote:

From: "Simon Pepping" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> >P: How to define '' as a synonym of 'subsubsubsubsection' without
> >P:  the same code twice?
> From DocbookInContext:
> %D A \type{\let} for XML environments
> \def\letXMLenvironment#1#2%
>   {\letvaluevalue{\@@XMLelement:#1/}{\@@XMLelement:#2/}%


etc, but before you enter that track, what exactly do you want?

  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: +31 (0)38 477 53 69 | fax: +31 (0)38 477 53 74 |
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Re: substitute for hangafter

2003-09-27 Thread Hans Hagen
At 09:56 27/09/2003 +0200, you wrote:

>{\hangafter=-2\hangindent=5em \noindent\input tufte\relax\par}
> will
But that is not strictly ConTeXt related, is it? It is more a matter
of local/global values before \par is complete?!
indeed, i'm told that in this aspect, tex behaves like msword (or the 
opposite) -)


  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: +31 (0)38 477 53 69 | fax: +31 (0)38 477 53 74 |
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Re: Support ... (was: Support bei Einstieg in ConText)

2003-09-27 Thread Steffen Wolfrum
>The following message was sent by Patrick Gundlach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Sat, 27 Sep 
>2003 07:32:02 +0200.
>> Steffen Wolfrum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Hi,
>> > Gibt es etwa B¸cher zum Thema ConTeXt?
>> come on, guys. Posting in a wrong language can happen. So what.
>> Answering (an obviously private mail posted in the ML) here in the
>> same language on this mailinglist is not the best thing, but this can happen,
>> too. But we should not keep up this german thread. It is not polite
>> for the other non-german speaking people out there, that get
>> completely bored. So I'd suggest:
>> \if\language\en\postonthismailinglist=1 
>>\dontexpand & \keepitprivate
>> \fi
>> Patrick
>> -- 
>> You are your own rainbow!

Hi Patrick,

Somehow I really felt like walking on thin ice when I wrote the email you mention.
Well, I knew it will be difficult to serve the different aims of communication:

- politeness and
- political correctness

I asked some friends, and we discussed on this topic, trying to find a suitable way,
to get the message transferred, and not to hurt anybodies feelings - as the later is 
very quickly done, and it's a pity, cause often quite unnecessary.

So finally, after carefully looking at the pro and cons, I decided to write a 
bi-lingual answer, exactly one sentence each:

> Gibt es etwa Bücher zum Thema ConTeXt?

> (Did you ment editing books *on* ConTeXt?)

Sure, I have to admit that I used brackets for the second sentence.
Btw.: Why didn't you quote that second sentence?

So it might have given you the feeling that I made a *main* answer and a less 
But my intention was only to stay in the logical structure of the mail I was answering 

- Jörg once started a threat in German - ok, as you told him this was an initial 
- Willi (a typical multilingual Dutch) also answered in German

So I wrote my contribution also in the main language of this thread,
AND, to stay in the rules of the mailing list, I translated it, as best as I could, 
into a kind of international English.

Obviously  my mistake were the brackets.

I knew I am walking on thin ice ... and so I forgot to look on my orthography 

Thank you Patrick for pointing me to that.


P.S. Who got bored?

ntg-context mailing list

Re: Fwd: [NTG-context] Re: Which Beta Version ?

2003-09-27 Thread Steffen Wolfrum
>The following message was sent by Patrick Gundlach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Sat, 27 Sep 
>2003 08:32:27 +0200.
>> Hi,
>> > But in which file is a note which version this beta actually is -
>> > in order to know before installing that it is the recent one?
>> in context.tex:
>> \def\contextversion{2003.9.24}
>> Patrick
>> -- 
>> I really should post my ConTeXt-install-o-matic

Hmm, looking at this gives me \contextversion{2003.9.25}.

Hans's website offers

> ConTeXt Beta Version
> size: 2015146
> date: 2003. 

Can I be sure now to have the current version?

Or even a super-current version...


(P.S. I asked cause my modem is to slow for downloading wrong versions)
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Re: Again: How to make empty pages by default empty?

2003-09-27 Thread Steffen Wolfrum
Hi Hans,

may I also ask you for an idea or a statement on this old problem?

It is about numbered empty pages that are generated when using a front-, body-, 
backmatter project structure.

Thank you,


- Original Message - 
>> >  > Hans Hagen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >  >
>> >  > >  At 10:05 19/09/2003 +0200, you wrote:
>> >  > >  >Hi Steffen,
>> >  > >
>> >  > >
>> >  > >
>> >  > >  > > \definepagebreak
>> >  > >  > > [chapter]
>> >  > >  > > [yes,header,right]
>> >  > >
>> >  > >  \definepagebreak
>> >  > > [chapter]
>> >  > > [empty,header,right]
>> >  >
>> >  >
>> >  > Sorry, but that doesn't work.
>> >  >
>> >  > When changed the minimal example to...
>> >  >
>> >  > \definepagebreak
>> >  > [chapter]
>> >  > [empty,header,right]
>> >  >
>> >  > \setuphead
>> >  > [chapter]
>> >  > [page=chapter,]
>> >  >
>> >  > \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided]
>> >  >
>> >  > \starttext
>> >  > \startfrontmatter
>> >  > \completecontent
>> >  > \stopfrontmatter
>> >  > \startbodymatter
>> >  > \chapter {test} \dorecurse{10}{\input tufte }
>> >  > \chapter {test} \dorecurse{10}{\input tufte }
>> >  > \chapter {test} \dorecurse{10}{\input tufte }
>> >  > \stopbodymatter
>> >  >
>> >  > \stoptext
>> >  >
>> >  >
>> >  > ... we have page numbers on (empty) page number 4, 18 and 19!
>> >  >
>> >  > Plus there are two strange empty empty pages before the TOC?!
>> >
>> >  If you want to get a doublesided tzpeset document you should add also
>> >  \setuplayout[location=doublesided].
>> >
>> >  I am not shure, whether the following is correct!
>> >
>> >  Empty pages at the beginning:
>> >
>> >  You start the frontmatters with the \completecontent. - I could imagine
>> >  that
>> >  this is a consequence of the fact that the TOC starts always on a
>> >  page. - Thus at the  moment of \startbodymatter tex is already on the
>> >  page. But after identifying the \completecontents command will create
>> >  page breaks in order to be able to typeset the TOC on a righthand page.
>> >
>> >  Pagenumbers on empty pages before starting a new chapter
>> >
>> >  Chapters begin on a right hand page. If the lefthand page is empty,
>> >  is
>> >  correctly still the pagenumber. I do not know whether it is possible to
>> >  check whether the page before a new chapter is completely empty.
>> Hi Willi, I hope that it can't be to difficult:
>> Cause the page before a new chapter is actually completely empty JUST
>> BECAUSE it is generated by (Con)TeX(t) - for chapters should begin on
>> a right page.
>> So I only ask for empty pages (without pagenumbers) that are
>> generated by (Con)TeX(t).
>> That's not possible in ConTeXt?
>> Steffen
>Try the following:
>[yes,header,right] % yes instead of emtpy taken from the sources
>page-ini.tex line 1611
>This worsk for me, if no \startfrontmatter and \startbodymatter and and the
>\stop... equivalents are used.
>If I use the \startfrontmatter cum suis then there is a numbered page after
>the TOC and the last page if even and empty is also numbered. Inside the
>\startbodymatter \stopbodymatter the emptypages at new chapters are empty
>pages with an empty header, thus no pagenumber.
>Instead o placeing \completecontents you might want to use \placecontent
>which prevents the empty pages discussed before.
>ntg-context mailing list

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Re: Support bei Einstieg in ConText

2003-09-27 Thread Patrick Gundlach
Hans Hagen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> % \ifx\language\problem \WeCanMakeAnExtraList \fi

Then we might get the following error

Underfull \inbox (23.14839msgs too few) ...

You are your own rainbow!
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Which Beta Version ?

2003-09-27 Thread Patrick Gundlach

> Can I be sure now to have the current version?

at this time:
Sat Sep 27 14:02:40 CEST 2003

You are your own rainbow!
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Re: Support ...

2003-09-27 Thread Patrick Gundlach

Steffen Wolfrum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I asked some friends, and we discussed on this topic, trying to find
> a suitable way, to get the message transferred, 

did they suggest to write english on an english mailinglist?

> Btw.: Why didn't you quote that second sentence?

I was in a "don't quote the other sentence" mood.

> So I wrote my contribution also in the main language of this thread,

which is clearly off topic. 

Let us not be too verbose on this unimportant stuff. Lets go forth
now and create masterpieces of digital typography. There are better
discussions to spend time.

You are your own rainbow!
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Which Beta Version ?

2003-09-27 Thread Steffen Wolfrum
>> Can I be sure now to have the current version?
>at this time:
>Sat Sep 27 14:02:40 CEST 2003
>You are your own rainbow!

Wow, where do you see these numbers?

I have been at right now, with various browsers,
and all show me the same (website's text copied):

> The ConTeXt Beta Page 
> beta manuals, code and tools 
>ConTeXt Beta Version
> size: 2015146
>  date: 2003.  
> PRAGMA ADE | Ridderstraat 27 | 8061GH Hasselt | Netherlands | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | 
> +31 (0)38 477 53 69 


ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Re: Which Beta Version ?

2003-09-27 Thread Patrick Gundlach
Steffen Wolfrum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Steffen,

> Wow, where do you see these numbers?

in my install-log. Since I have a strong urge to up to date with
Hans' development, I have just downloaded and installed the version.
Which takes just a few keystrokes...

> I have been at right now, with various browsers,
> and all show me the same (website's text copied):

Don't believe what is written on a package. Look inside and judge
yourself ;-)

{\de Denn nur wo Nutella draufsteht ist auch Nutella drin.}
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Re: Support bei Einstieg in ConText

2003-09-27 Thread Matthew Huggett
Patrick Gundlach wrote:

Steffen Wolfrum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:



Gibt es etwa Bücher zum Thema ConTeXt?

come on, guys. Posting in a wrong language can happen. So what.
Answering (an obviously private mail posted in the ML) here in the
same language on this mailinglist is not the best thing, but this can happen,
too. But we should not keep up this german thread. It is not polite
for the other non-german speaking people out there, that get
completely bored. 

I never understand half of what gets written on this list anyway ;-)
It's all German to me. 

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] minimal button width

2003-09-27 Thread Peter Rolf
I want some small empty buttons with exact dimensions. Is there a way to do
this with \button or must I use fields (ughh) instead?

% interface=en output=pdftex

\setupbuttons[strut=no, offset=overlay, framecolor=green, empty=yes]

The minimum width of a button depends on the actual bodyfont size.
I'm sure that there are good reasons for it.
But I want smaller {\bf empty} \textreference[test]{test}buttons!
\button[width=25mm, height=2.5mm]{Please, print me!}[test]
\button[width=2.5mm, height=25mm]{Not this time!}[test]
Help at 40pt...
\button[width=25mm, height=2.5mm]{Now?}[test]
\button[width=2.5mm, height=25mm]{Nope!}[test]



ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Re: minimal button width

2003-09-27 Thread Patrick Gundlach
Peter Rolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I want some small empty buttons with exact dimensions. Is there a way to do
> this with \button or must I use fields (ughh) instead?

Hello Peter,

with your code + 

\button[width=2.5mm, height=2.5mm]{Please, print me!}[test]
\button[width=2.5mm, height=2.5mm]{Not this time!}[test]

I get two empty square buttons which look about 2.5 mm wide and high. I
could send you a screenshot or the resulting pdf file.

I tried the ConTeXt version 2003.9.24. But maybe I don't understand
your question.

You are your own rainbow!
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Re: Pagebreaks

2003-09-27 Thread Thomas A . Schmitz
Hi Patrick,
feeling a bit grumpy this morning, are we? ;-)
Well, it is kind of difficult to provide a minmal example because, as 
the nature of the problem involves, it would necessarily be more than 
~2-4 pages of text. If you're interested, I can send you a file 
off-list, but I don't think I should bother everybody here with long 
Thanks for your interest, and best wishes

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Re: Support ... (was: Support bei Einstieg in ConText)

2003-09-27 Thread Steffen Wolfrum
>The following message was sent by Patrick Gundlach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Sat, 27 Sep 
>2003 07:32:02 +0200.
>> Steffen Wolfrum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Hi,
>> > Gibt es etwa B¸cher zum Thema ConTeXt?
>> come on, guys. Posting in a wrong language can happen. So what.
>> Answering (an obviously private mail posted in the ML) here in the
>> same language on this mailinglist is not the best thing, but this can happen,
>> too. But we should not keep up this german thread. It is not polite
>> for the other non-german speaking people out there, that get
>> completely bored. So I'd suggest:
>> \if\language\en\postonthismailinglist=1 
>>\dontexpand & \keepitprivate
>> \fi
>> Patrick
>> -- 
>> You are your own rainbow!

Hi Patrick,

Somehow I really felt like walking on thin ice when I wrote the email you mention.
Well, I knew it will be difficult to serve the different aims of communication:

- politeness and
- political correctness

I asked some friends, and we discussed on this topic, trying to find a suitable way,
to get the message transferred, and not to hurt anybodies feelings - as the later is 
very quickly done, and it's a pity, cause often quite unnecessary.

So finally, after carefully looking at the pro and cons, I decided to write a 
bi-lingual answer, exactly one sentence each:

> Gibt es etwa Bücher zum Thema ConTeXt?

> (Did you ment editing books *on* ConTeXt?)

Sure, I have to admit that I used brackets for the second sentence.
Btw.: Why didn't you quote that second sentence?

So it might have given you the feeling that I made a *main* answer and a less 
But my intention was only to stay in the logical structure of the mail I was answering 

- Jörg once started a threat in German - ok, as you told him this was an initial 
- Willi (a typical multilingual Dutch) also answered in German

So I wrote my contribution also in the main language of this thread,
AND, to stay in the rules of the mailing list, I translated it, as best as I could, 
into a kind of international English.

Obviously  my mistake were the brackets.

I knew I am walking on thin ice ... and so I forgot to look on my orthography 

Thank you Patrick for pointing me to that.


P.S. Who got bored?

ntg-context mailing list

Re: Fwd: [NTG-context] Re: Which Beta Version ?

2003-09-27 Thread Steffen Wolfrum
>The following message was sent by Patrick Gundlach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Sat, 27 Sep 
>2003 08:32:27 +0200.
>> Hi,
>> > But in which file is a note which version this beta actually is -
>> > in order to know before installing that it is the recent one?
>> in context.tex:
>> \def\contextversion{2003.9.24}
>> Patrick
>> -- 
>> I really should post my ConTeXt-install-o-matic

Hmm, looking at this gives me \contextversion{2003.9.25}.

Hans's website offers

> ConTeXt Beta Version
> size: 2015146
> date: 2003. 

Can I be sure now to have the current version?

Or even a super-current version...


(P.S. I asked cause my modem is to slow for downloading wrong versions)
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Re: Pagebreaks

2003-09-27 Thread Patrick Gundlach
"Thomas A.Schmitz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> feeling a bit grumpy this morning, are we? ;-)

No. Not really. Do I make such an impression? ;-) Perhaps it is my

> Well, it is kind of difficult to provide a minmal example because, as
> the nature of the problem involves, it would necessarily be more than
> ~2-4 pages of text. 

there is always \dorecurse{#}{what} and \input myfavoritefile 

> If you're interested, I can send you a file off-list, but I don't
> think I should bother everybody here with long excerpts.

You can do that. 

You are your own rainbow!
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Re: Three basic questions on alignment

2003-09-27 Thread Patrick Gundlach
Hello Steffen,

> 1) \setuppagenumbering [alternative=doublesided,location={header,inmargin}]

> The page number is aligned left on a right page and vice versa. 
> How can I change this to align left on left pages and right on right pages?
> (So the page number doesn't rag when flipping from page 1 to 100)

Could you please be more verbose where exaclty you want the
pagenumber? Please check with 

\dorecurse{40}{\input tufte }

where and how should the 1 be aligned? You want it in the margin, but
how far to the right?

> 2) \setupheader[style=\MyStyle] \setupheadertexts[section][][][chapter]
> The chapter title behaves like the pagenumber. How can I change the
> alignment from inner to outer here? 

outer of what? 

\input tufte 
\dorecurse{5}{\section{crazy section} 
\input tufte }}

> 3) \setupfootnotedefinition[location=inleft]
Sorry, can't help you here. don't know anything about footnotes.
Please provide an example.

And a note: please provide minimal but complete (!!!) examples. It
saves much time on giving me (and others) an idea of what you want.
And be more specific about inner/outer and alignment. 

To emphasize the importance (for me) once again:

And a note: please provide minimal but complete (!!!) examples. It
saves much time on giving me (and others) an idea of what you want.
And be more specific about inner/outer and alignment. 

You are your own rainbow!
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] XML command synonyms

2003-09-27 Thread Pawel Jackowski na Onet

From: "Hans Hagen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> etc, but before you enter that track, what exactly do you want?

In example; assume that 'subsubsubsubsection' is already defined part of a


Now I would like to define some abbreviations like '' (or '' or even
'S4') in the way that


will work as well as


Of course I can rewrie environment definitions for each needed abbreviation,
but it doesn't seems to be clever way...

Another simple example;


How  defne 'mid' tag as a synonym of 'center' without rewriting


So the question is how to define synonyms for XML elements,
singular commands, entities...

Regards, Pawe/l

ntg-context mailing list