[NTG-context] Re: pdf output problem

2003-12-04 Thread Ed L Cashin
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>(Walter Harms) writes:

> Hi list,
> i found some strange effect with the Chart environment.
> This is part of a larger flowchart.
>  \startFLOWcell
> \location {1,6}
> \name {end-auftrag}
> \shape {5}
> \text {DB freigeben ;\\ return 1;\\}
> \stopFLOWcell
> $ texexec  --output=test --pdf modem.tex
> The resulting pdf file is missing the 1 from 
> \text {DB freigeben ;\\ return 1;}
> changing 1 into 0 shows a 0.

I had a problem like that in metapost a long time ago.

--Ed L Cashin|   PGP public key:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|   http://noserose.net/e/pgp/

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Examples for letters, articles, books?

2003-11-20 Thread Ed L Cashin
Ralph Pöllath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> But that leads me to another question: What's with the naming scheme?
> It sure doesn't make it easier to memorize which of the many
> documentation PDFs covers what - unless there is in fact a reason
> behind it, in which case I'd like to know :-)

A lot of TeX-philes still use 8-character name + 3-character extension
filenames.  I think it's for compatibility with DOS.

--Ed L Cashin|   PGP public key:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|   http://noserose.net/e/pgp/

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Permission denied

2003-11-19 Thread Ed L Cashin
Giuseppe Bilotta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Thursday, November 13, 2003 Idris S Hamid wrote:
>> I think I found the problem:
>> I backed up some stuff on a cd; when I transferred the files to my other
>> computer all the file properties read "read-only", so whenever eomega tried
>> to modify a temporary file (fls, log, etc) it was denied permission.
>> Is there a way in windows to globally change every file in a given directory
>> from read-only?
> If all the files are in the same directory, just select them
> all, right click and deselect the read-only attribute.
> Otherwise, get the shareware filemanager "Total Commander" from
> www.ghisler.com; it has a "flat" view that allows you to see
> all files in all subdirectories of a particular directory and
> manipulate them all together.

Or if you have an interest, you can install the Cygnus tools and from
the command line do,

  cd my_directory
  find . ! -perm -0200 -print0 | xargs -0 chmod u+w

... which says, find everything under this subdirectory that doesn't
have write permission for the file owner, and turn on write permission
for the file owner on those files.

--Ed L Cashin|   PGP public key:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|   http://noserose.net/e/pgp/

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] things I do when I get bored...

2003-10-24 Thread Ed L Cashin
Patrick Gundlach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> But, you can -- if you are brave -- try out the new-on-the-www port of
> texshow, the ConTeXt command browser. As a bonus, comments can be added
> to the commands (as in etexshow), but since you are not alone on the
> www, you can share and enjoy! One day I will add a section for
> examples. You can then share your favorite examples with all the
> other ConTeXt users out there.
> Here is the url:
> http://members.ping.de:8061/

I am brave.  This looks very nice!

It reminds me of something I've been wondering for a while, though.
Why are certain commands, like startitemize, absent from the list of
texshow commands? 

Is there a way to add commands to the web version?

--Ed L Cashin|   PGP public key:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|   http://noserose.net/e/pgp/

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] installation: "-jobname" pdfetex option

2003-10-23 Thread Ed L Cashin
Ed L Cashin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Texexec still just shows a usage message.  I bet I have to change
> something in texexec.ini, but I couldn't find it last time I looked.
> I'll look again.  
> Now by doing "pdfetex \&cont-en test.tex" I'm able to see the example
> that made me want to upgrade.  

It turned out that when I copied the new perl files to the bin
directory, there were some old symlinks there, and texutil was
overwriting texexec.

That was hard to figure out!  ... but only because I wasn't reading
the usage message carefully.  It did say "texutil".  :)

--Ed L Cashin|   PGP public key:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|   http://noserose.net/e/pgp/

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] installation: "-jobname" pdfetex option

2003-10-17 Thread Ed L Cashin
Ed L Cashin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Just to see what would happen, I then got pdftex 14h and unzipped it
> in the bin dir, moving the pool files to texmf/web2c.  Then I did
> mktexlsr and fmtutil --all, but I see this error message in the
> output: 
>   running `pdfetex -ini   -jobname=cont-en -progname=context *cont-en.ini' ...
>   pdfetex: unrecognized option `-jobname=cont-en'

I hacked fmtutil and now all the formats get generated:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] texmf# diff -u `which fmtutil`  `which fmtutil`.hack
--- /opt/tetex-2.0.2/bin/fmtutilThu Oct 16 12:03:07 2003
+++ /opt/tetex-2.0.2/bin/fmtutil.hack   Fri Oct 17 11:30:54 2003
@@ -555,7 +555,7 @@
-  jobswitch="-jobname=$format"
+  jobswitch=""
   case "$format" in
 metafun) prgswitch=-progname=mpost;;
 cont-??) prgswitch=-progname=context;;

> I tried "texexec --make", but texexec is still just showing a usage
> message and exiting.  The --verbose option doesn't change that.

Texexec still just shows a usage message.  I bet I have to change
something in texexec.ini, but I couldn't find it last time I looked.
I'll look again.  

Now by doing "pdfetex \&cont-en test.tex" I'm able to see the example
that made me want to upgrade.  

Hey, Hans!  That is very impressive.  You were absolutely right when
you said, "Got you."  How did you do it?  It sounded like a hard

--Ed L Cashin|   PGP public key:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|   http://noserose.net/e/pgp/

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] installation: "-jobname" pdfetex option (was Re: [NTG-context] columns and alignment at the bottom)

2003-10-17 Thread Ed L Cashin
Hans Hagen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> At 18:54 15/10/2003, you wrote:
>>TeXExec 3.3 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1997-2003
> this should be no problem but we have 4.0 now
>This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.14159-13d-2.1 (Web2C 7.3.1)
>>   entering extended mode
> but version 13d is asking for problems and around that ime column sets
> were not there
> just pick up the zip mentioned in an earlier mail and try that one
> (new binaries, new tex)

I looked around a bit in the archives, but I'm not sure which zip that
is, so I decided to go ahead and upgrade my whole tetex to 2.0.2.  I
went to pragma-ade and followed the links to find pdftex 14h. 

By the way, I am a little confused about the stable pdftex numbering
scheme (like 1.11a) and how it relates to the 14h numbering scheme.

I got the cont-tmf-20030925.zip and unpacked it in my texmf directory.
I copied each foo.pl file in context/perltk to ../bin/foo (no ".pl"
extension), made sure /opt/tetex-2.0.2/bin was in my $PATH, made sure
texexec.ini was there, ran fmtutil --edit to activate the context
formats, ran fmtutil --all to generate the formats.

OK, but texexec was just showing the usage.  I read the minstall.pdf
document to see if I missed anything, but I couldn't find anything.

Just to see what would happen, I then got pdftex 14h and unzipped it
in the bin dir, moving the pool files to texmf/web2c.  Then I did
mktexlsr and fmtutil --all, but I see this error message in the

  running `pdfetex -ini   -jobname=cont-en -progname=context *cont-en.ini' ...
  pdfetex: unrecognized option `-jobname=cont-en'
  Try `pdfetex --help' for more information.
  Error: `pdfetex -ini  -jobname=cont-en -progname=context *cont-en.ini' failed
  This is a summary of all `failed' messages and warnings:
  `pdftex -ini -jobname=pdftex -progname=pdftex pdftex.ini' failed
  `pdftex -ini -jobname=pdflatex -progname=pdflatex pdflatex.ini' failed
  `pdfetex -ini -jobname=pdfetex -progname=pdfetex *pdfetex.ini' failed
  `pdfetex -ini -jobname=pdfelatex -progname=pdfelatex *pdfelatex.ini' failed
  `pdfetex -ini -jobname=cont-en -progname=context *cont-en.ini' failed
  `pdfetex -ini -jobname=cont-nl -progname=context *cont-nl.ini' failed
  `pdfetex -ini -jobname=cont-uk -progname=context *cont-uk.ini' failed
  `pdfetex -ini  -jobname=mptopdf -progname=mptopdf mptopdf.tex' failed

I tried "texexec --make", but texexec is still just showing a usage
message and exiting.  The --verbose option doesn't change that.

Any suggestions or pointers would be most appreciated.  

--Ed L Cashin|   PGP public key:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|   http://noserose.net/e/pgp/

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] columns and alignment at the bottom

2003-10-15 Thread Ed L Cashin
Hans Hagen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> At 22:50 12/10/2003, Ed L Cashin wrote:
>>Some months ago another columns implementation came out, but if I
>>recall correctly, when you have columns of vboxes separated by very
>>stretchy glue, the new columns implementation can't bottom-align them
> got you:
> \starttext
> \startcolumnset
> \dorecurse{100}
>   [width=\hsize,height=fit,align=normal]
>   {\getrandomnumber\whatever{1}{9}%
>\dorecurse\whatever{\strut test \recurselevel\endgraf}}
> \vfilll}
> \stopcolumnset
> \stoptext

Oh, I can't wait to see what that example does!  Does it show that I
am not recalling correctly?  I hope so.  

The example, though, doesn't result in a pdf file for me when I put it
into a file, "test.tex", and run "texexec --pdf test".

Acrobat Reader 4.0 says, "There was an error opening this document.
Could not repair file."

  [EMAIL PROTECTED] tmp$ PATH=/opt/teTeX-1.0.7/bin:$PATH texexec --pdf test
   TeXExec 3.3 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1997-2003
  executable : pdfetex
  format : cont-en
   inputfile : test
  output : pdftex
   interface : en
current mode : none
 TeX run : 1
  This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.14159-13d-2.1 (Web2C 7.3.1)
  entering extended mode
  pdftex : needs map file: original-vogel-symbol.map
  systems: begin file test at line 1
  systems: randomizer starts with 903229090
  [1.1[/opt/teTeX-1.0.7/share/texmf/dvips/config/pdftex.map]] [2.2]
 return code : 11
run time : 2 seconds
  total run time : 2 seconds
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] tmp$ acroread test.pdf

--Ed L Cashin|   PGP public key:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|   http://noserose.net/e/pgp/

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] columns and alignment at the bottom

2003-10-12 Thread Ed L Cashin
Alexander Klink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi,
> I am trying to typeset a text which should look roughly like that:
> |-|  |-| |--|
> |text |  |text | |text  |
> | |  |-| |  |
> |-|  |  | 
>  |-| |  |
> |-|  |text | |  |
> |text |  |-| |--|
> | |  
> | |  |-| |--|
> | |  |text | |text  |
> |-|  |-| |--|  
> So I have a frames with some text (actually, addresses - Hans, maybe
> you remember the address booklet I showed you here in Darmstadt) in
> three columns. So I tried something like:
> \startcolumns[n=3]
> \framed{first address...}
> \vskip 0.5cm plus 1fill
> \framed{second address...}
> \vskip 0.5cm plus 1fill
> \framed{third address...}
> .
> .
> .
> \stopcolumns
> Which (obviously because I use TeX code inside ConTeXt - shame on me)
> fails, the frames are not aligned at the bottom.

This isn't so obvious, IMHO.  I tried to do the same thing back in
1998 or 1999 to create a directory for a college.  I made the glue
between the boxes very stretchable, so that context would be able to
put as much space as necessary between the directory entries in order
to have the columns line up at the bottom.

>From a user standpoint, it should work.  However, it turns out that
columns, from an implementation standpoint, are not easy at all in
tex.  It has to do with subtleties in the page output routine that I
don't really grasp.

> So I'm looking for a way to typeset them with a distance of at least
> 0.5cm and align at the bottom - the remaining space should be spread
> equally...
> I hope the question is understandable and I hope someone has already
> done something like this...

Some months ago another columns implementation came out, but if I
recall correctly, when you have columns of vboxes separated by very
stretchy glue, the new columns implementation can't bottom-align them

--Ed L Cashin PGP public key: http://noserose.net/e/pgp/

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Re: combination figures

2003-10-09 Thread Ed L Cashin
Ed L Cashin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi.  I have the following code in my source, to try to get a
> combination of two figures in one:
> \placefigure
>  {10,000 random|-|value pixels added}
>  \startcombination[2]
>  {\externalfigure[noise1][height=.4\textwidth]}{image 1}
>  {\externalfigure[noise2][height=.4\textwidth]}{image 2}
>  \stopcombination
> ... but I get an error, so I am probably doing something wrong.  The
> whole log is below.  My context version is pretty new, as the
> transcript shows.

On a hunch I put curly braces around the second argument to
placefigure, and it works now.

 {10,000 random|-|value pixels added}
 {\externalfigure[noise1][height=.4\textwidth]}{image 1}
 {\externalfigure[noise2][height=.4\textwidth]}{image 2}

That's great!  

--Ed L Cashin|   PGP public key:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|   http://noserose.net/e/pgp/

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] combination figures

2003-10-09 Thread Ed L Cashin
Hi.  I have the following code in my source, to try to get a
combination of two figures in one:

 {10,000 random|-|value pixels added}
 {\externalfigure[noise1][height=.4\textwidth]}{image 1}
 {\externalfigure[noise2][height=.4\textwidth]}{image 2}

... but I get an error, so I am probably doing something wrong.  The
whole log is below.  My context version is pretty new, as the
transcript shows.

Thanks for any advice!

system : cont-new loaded
systems: beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.tex!
system : cont-old loaded
loading: Context Old Macros
system : cont-fil loaded
loading: Context File Synonyms
bodyfont   : 12pt rm is loaded
language   : patterns 2:2-en-2 3:2-uk-2 4:2-de-2 5:2-fr-2 7:2-it-2 2-nl-2 l
specials   : tex,postscript,rokicki loaded
system : p.top loaded
specials   : loading definition file tpd
systems: please update your pdfTeX binaries
specials   : loading definition file fdf

system (E-TEX) : [line 1907] \ifcsname 
specials   : fdf loaded
specials   : fdf,tpd loaded
pdftex : needs map file: original-context-symbol.map
pdftex : needs map file: pl0-ams-cmr.map
pdftex : needs map file: original-vogel-symbol.map
(./p.tuo) (./p.tuo) (./p.tuo) (./p.tuo) (./p.tuo) (./p.tuo) (./p.tuo) (./p.tuo)
(./p.tuo) (./p.tuo) (./p.tuo) (./p.tuo) (./p.tuo) (./p.tuo)
systems: begin file p at line 6
section: 1 Image Conditioning
subsection : 1.1 Noise addition
! Missing { inserted.
\noshowargumenterror ->\let 
\expectedarguments \noexpectedarguments 
\dodoubleempty #1->\noshowargumenterror 
\doifnextcharelse [{\dodoubletestemp...
l.27  \startcombination
! Emergency stop.
\noshowargumenterror ->\let 
\expectedarguments \noexpectedarguments 
\dodoubleempty #1->\noshowargumenterror 
\doifnextcharelse [{\dodoubletestemp...
l.27  \startcombination
!  ==> Fatal error occurred, the output PDF file not finished!
Transcript written on p.log.

   return code : 256
  run time : 1 seconds

total run time : 1 seconds
make: *** [p.pdf] Error 1

Compilation exited abnormally with code 2 at Thu Oct  9 11:19:52

--Ed L Cashin|   PGP public key:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|   http://noserose.net/e/pgp/

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Re: lines in tabulate tables

2003-10-03 Thread Ed L Cashin
Hans Hagen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> At 20:52 01/10/2003, you wrote:
>> > My second question is how do I make vertical lines in tabulate tables?
>>without thinking about it I'd say: you can't.
> indeed, it's on my to do list (i.e. when i need it); dirty trick (only
> non pars):
> \starttabulate[|b{\vl\quad}a{\quad\vl}|b{\vl\quad}a{\quad\vl}|]
> \NC test \NC test \NC \NR
> \NC test \NC test \NC \NR
> \stoptabulate

Thanks for the dirty trick.  My major professor made fun of my use of
context when he found out that I couldn't easily put a vertical line
in a table.  :)  

--Ed L Cashin|   PGP public key:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|   http://noserose.net/e/pgp/

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Re: lines in tabulate tables

2003-10-02 Thread Ed L Cashin
Patrick Gundlach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi,
> Ed L Cashin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Hi.  I have two questions, really.  I know that I can get a horizontal
>> line with \ML in a tabulate table.  \HL doesn't seem to work for me,
>> though.
> your ConTeXt version is either too old or too new. Depends on how you
> look at it. \HL was deactivated a few weeks ago (when?), and now
> partly reintroduced, but not 100% compatible as before. There was a
> discussion on this topic a couple days ago.

I bet it's too new.  The original post includes the exact version if
anyone wants to check.

>> My second question is how do I make vertical lines in tabulate tables? 
> without thinking about it I'd say: you can't. 

I hope it's supported.  Tabulate is a very sophisticated environment
with fancy features.  Vertical lines seem like a basic feature.

--Ed L Cashin|   PGP public key:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|   http://noserose.net/e/pgp/

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] lines in tabulate tables

2003-10-01 Thread Ed L Cashin
Hi.  I have two questions, really.  I know that I can get a horizontal
line with \ML in a tabulate table.  \HL doesn't seem to work for me,

  [EMAIL PROTECTED] tmp$ cat test.tex
  \NC hi \NC there \NC \NR
  \NC yo \NC there \NC \NR
  \NC whassup \NC there \NC \NR
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] tmp$ texexec --pdf test < /dev/null
   TeXExec 3.3 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1997-2003
  executable : pdfetex
  format : cont-en
   inputfile : test
  output : pdftex
   interface : en
current mode : none
 TeX run : 1
  This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.14159-13d-2.1 (Web2C 7.3.1)
  entering extended mode

  ConTeXt  ver: 2003.8.21  fmt: 2003.9.12  int: english  mes: english

The resulting test.pdf has only one horizontal line.  It's above
"whassup there".

My second question is how do I make vertical lines in tabulate tables? 

--Ed L Cashin|   PGP public key:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|   http://noserose.net/e/pgp/

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] double-lined Z for meaning "integers"

2003-09-12 Thread Ed L Cashin
Giuseppe Bilotta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Wednesday, September 10, 2003 Ed L Cashin wrote:
>> I went grepping around for the commands that you and Giuseppe Bilotta
>> refer to, but I couldn't find them.  Perhaps my context version is too
>> old? 
>>   [EMAIL PROTECTED] tmp$ texexec --version
>>TeXExec 1.9 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1997-2000
> (yes :))

I apologize for offending everyone by using this old version.  :) 

After a long-overdue upgrade, it works with "\integers". 

--Ed L Cashin|   PGP public key:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|   http://noserose.net/e/pgp/

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] double-lined Z for meaning "integers"

2003-09-10 Thread Ed L Cashin
Hans Hagen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> math-tex defined:
> \definemathcommand [integers]   {\mfunction{Z}}
> \definemathcommand [reals]  {\mfunction{R}}
> \definemathcommand [rationals]  {\mfunction{Q}}
> \definemathcommand [naturalnumbers] {\mfunction{N}}
> \definemathcommand [complexes]  {\mfunction{C}}
> \definemathcommand [primes] {\mfunction{P}}
> support for blackboard letters depends on the fonts you use, so
> math-ams defined:
> \definemathcommand [integers]   {\blackboard{Z}}
> \definemathcommand [reals]  {\blackboard{R}}
> \definemathcommand [rationals]  {\blackboard{Q}}
> \definemathcommand [naturalnumbers] {\blackboard{N}}
> \definemathcommand [complexes]  {\blackboard{C}}
> \definemathcommand [primes] {\blackboard{P}}
> so .. if you use the ams fonts, $\integers$ and $\rationals$ should work

I went grepping around for the commands that you and Giuseppe Bilotta
refer to, but I couldn't find them.  Perhaps my context version is too

  [EMAIL PROTECTED] tmp$ texexec --version
   TeXExec 1.9 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1997-2000

--Ed L Cashin|   PGP public key:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|   http://noserose.net/e/pgp/

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] double-lined Z for meaning "integers"

2003-09-09 Thread Ed L Cashin
Hi.  I am having trouble finding the right incantation for summoning
the correct Z.  There are some doubly-lined versions of N, Z, Q, and
R, that are used often to signify the sets of natural numbers,
integers, rational numbers, and reals, respectively.

Does anyone know how to get those?  Here's a pic of the Z and Q.  Note
that there's white between the lines -- not fill.

----/ \-
///   | \
   ///|  \
  /// |   \
  |   / | |   |
 /|/  |\
// |  ||
   //  |  ||
  //   |  ||
 //\  |/
//  | |   |
||  \ |   /
   //\\  /
  //  \   |\-
 //-\ /- \
---  -\

--Ed L Cashin|   PGP public key:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|   http://noserose.net/e/pgp/

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] parse trees

2003-08-25 Thread Ed L Cashin
Matthew Huggett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello:
> I'm making some notes on English grammar for some students and I want
> to analyze a few sentences using parse trees.  Is there a way to do
> trees in ConTeXt?  I guess I'd need to use Metapost.  Any pointers
> would be appreciated.

Please let us know if you find anything.  I was in a linguistics class
and would have tackled this myself if there had been more time.

I don't think it would be too bad in MetaPost.  I haven't quite gotten
the hang of ConTeXt's MetaPost integration to the degree where I'd
know how to make use of both their features in a practical way.

--Ed L Cashin
  help make electronic forums easier to use:

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Double bar means hyphen?

2003-06-13 Thread Ed L Cashin
On Fri, Jun 13, 2003 at 02:50:53PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Fri, 13 Jun 2003 15:31:41 -0400
> John Culleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > In some of the sample texts that come with Context (Zapf etc.) the
> > double bar is used to indicate a hyphen, perhaps an unbreakable
> > hyphen. In pdftex it translated to an em? dash instead.
> > 
> > Is this combination documented somewhere?  ||
> The default is supposed to be an en-dash, but this can be changed. See
> section 7.8 "Composed words" in "ConTeXt the Manual".

I always use explicit hyphen like this:

  Don't second|-|guess me.

--Ed L Cashin|   PGP public key:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|   http://noserose.net/e/pgp/
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] texexec

2003-06-12 Thread Ed L Cashin
On Thu, Jun 12, 2003 at 03:18:01PM +0200, Raimund Kohl wrote:
> Hello there,
> I love working with ConTeXt, and never had to think about it much since SuSE 
> makes it realy easy ... but now I switched to Debian, and all of a sudden 
> have to face some trouble :-))
> I run Debian Woody 3.01r and if I call

I've been a debian woody user for a long time, now, 
and the conclusion I eventually came to was this:

  * debian's strict adherence to directory structure 
conventions has made the tetex package difficult
to maintain, since it's split into many parts, 
spread all over the filesystem.  (This is really
just an inference of mine.)

  * context has never worked for me in debian, and 
submitting a bug report looks hopeless, given the
long length of the bug list.  I haven't checked
in a long time, though.

  * I wasn't able to use the "equivs" package to get 
the debian packaging system to accept my own tetex 
installation, so I could not install, e.g., the
docbook-xsl-st package.

  * finally, I settled on this: install the debian
tetex packages but don't use them directly.  Also
install teTeX from source in /opt, and set my 
PATH so that when I say texexec I get the real
tetex and not debian's broken tetex.

Luckily, the price of disk space continues to drop. ;)

--Ed L Cashin|   PGP public key:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|   http://noserose.net/e/pgp/
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