Re: [openstack-dev] [Sahara] Swift authentication and backwards compatibility

2014-08-18 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
Hello people,

>> I think backward compatibility is a good idea.  We can make the
>> user/pass inputs for data objects optional (they are required
>> currently), maybe even gray them out in the UI with a checkbox to turn
>> them on, or something like that.
> This is similar to what I was thinking. We would allow the username and
> password inputs to accept a blank input.

I like the idea of keeping backward compatibility by supporting
username/password. And also I really dislike one more config (domain
for temp users) to be mandatory. So supporting old behaviour here also
simplifies deployment, which is good especially for new users.



2014-08-15 18:04 GMT+04:00 mike mccune :
> thanks for the thoughts Trevor,
> On 08/15/2014 09:32 AM, Trevor McKay wrote:
>> I think backward compatibility is a good idea.  We can make the
>> user/pass inputs for data objects optional (they are required
>> currently), maybe even gray them out in the UI with a checkbox to turn
>> them on, or something like that.
> This is similar to what I was thinking. We would allow the username and
> password inputs to accept a blank input.
> I also like the idea of giving some sort of visual reference, like graying
> out the fields.
>> Sahara can detect whether or not the proxy domain is there, and whether
>> or not it can be created.  If Sahara ends up in a situation where it
>> thinks user/pass are required, but the data objects don't have them,
>> we can return a meaningful error.
> I think it sounds like we are going to avoid having Sahara attempt to create
> a domain. It will be the duty of a stack administrator to create the domain
> and give it's name in the sahara.conf file.
> Agreed about meaning errors.
>> The job manager can key off of the values supplied for the data source
>> objects (no user/pass? must be proxy) and/or cluster configs (for
>> instance, a new cluster config could be added -- if it's absent we
>> assume "old" cluster and therefore old hadoop swfit plugin).  Workflow
>> can be generated accordingly.
> This sounds good. If there is some way to determine the version of the
> hadoop-swiftfs on the cluster that would be ideal.
>> The hadoop swift plugin can look at the config values provided, as you
>> noted yesterday, and get auth tokens in either manor.
> exactly.
> mike
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list

OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] [Fuel] Doc team working with bugs

2014-09-08 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
Hello Fuelers,

On the previous meeting a topic was raised on how Fuel doc team should
work with bugs, see [1] for details. We agreed to move the discussion
into the mailing list.

The thing is there are two members in the team at the moment (Meg and
Irina) and they need to distribute work among themselves. The natural
way to distribute load is to assign bugs. But frequently they document
bugs which are in the process of being fixed, so they are already
assigned to an engineer. I.e. a bug needs to be assigned to an
engineer and a tech writer at the same time.

I've proposed to create a separate series 'docs' in launchpad (it is
the thing like '5.0.x', '5.1.x'). If bug affects several series, a
different engineer could be assigned on each of them. So doc team will
be free to assign bugs to themselves within this new series.

Mike Scherbakov and Dmitry Borodaenko objected creating another series
in launchpad. Instead they proposed to mark bugs with tags like
'docs-irina' and 'docs-meg' thus assigning them.

What do you think is the best way to handle this? As for me, I don't
have strong preference there.

One last note: the question applies to two launchpad projects
actually: Fuel and MOS. But naturally we want to do this the same way
in both projects.




OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] [Fuel] Working on 6.0 and new releases in general

2014-09-08 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
Hello Fuelers,

Right now we have the following policy in place: the branches for a
release are opened only after its 'parent' release have reached hard
code freeze (HCF). Say, 5.1 release is parent releases for 5.1.1 and

And that is the problem: if parent release is delayed, we can't
properly start development of a child release because we don't have
branches to commit. That is current issue with 6.0: we already started
to work on pushing Juno in to 6.0, but if we are to make changes to
our deployment code we have nowhere to store them.

IMHO the issue could easily be resolved by creation of pre-release
branches, which are merged together with parent branches once the
parent reaches HCF. Say, we use branch 'pre-6.0' for initial
development of 6.0. Once 5.1 reaches HCF, we merge pre-6.0 into master
and continue development here. After that pre-6.0 is abandoned.

What do you think?



OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [heat][hadoop][template] Does anyone has a hadoop template

2013-11-29 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
Hello Jay,

Just in case you've missed it, there is a project Savanna dedicated to
deploying Hadoop clusters on OpenStack:


2013/11/29 Jay Lau 

> Hi,
> I'm now trying to deploy a hadoop cluster with heat, just wondering if
> someone who has a heat template which can help me do the work.
> Thanks,
> Jay
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [savanna] This request was rate-limited. (HTTP 413)

2013-12-05 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
Hello Arindam,

While deploying Hadoop cluster Savanna does pretty many API requests to
Nova. Naturally, the number of requests is directly proportional to the
size of the cluster.

On the other hand Nova has a protection agains users abusing API with too
many requests. It is called rate limiting. You need to set limits higher
than they are right now if you want to spin-up a cluster of that size. You
can find details in the Nova docs:


2013/12/5 Arindam Choudhury 

> Hi,
> When I try to create a big hadoop cluster (21 nodes), sometimes I am
> getting this error:
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 ERROR savanna.context [-] Thread
> 'cluster-creating-8d093d9b-c675-4222-b53a-3319d54bc61f' fails with
> exception: 'This request was rate-limited. (HTTP 413)'
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.context Traceback (most recent
> call last):
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.context   File
> "/root/savanna/savanna/", line 128, in wrapper
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.context func(*args,
> **kwargs)
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.context   File
> "/root/savanna/savanna/service/", line 123, in _provision_cluster
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.context
> i.create_cluster(cluster)
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.context   File
> "/root/savanna/savanna/service/", line 56, in create_cluster
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.context
> _rollback_cluster_creation(cluster, ex)
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.context   File
> "/usr/lib64/python2.6/", line 23, in __exit__
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.context
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.context   File
> "/root/savanna/savanna/service/", line 36, in create_cluster
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.context
> _create_instances(cluster)
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.context   File
> "/root/savanna/savanna/service/", line 111, in _create_instances
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.context
> _run_instance(cluster, node_group, idx, aa_groups, userdata)
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.context   File
> "/root/savanna/savanna/service/", line 173, in _run_instance
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.context
> key_name=cluster.user_keypair_id)
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.context   File
> "/root/savanna/.tox/venv/lib/python2.6/site-packages/novaclient/v1_1/",
> line 658, in create
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.context **boot_kwargs)
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.context   File
> "/root/savanna/.tox/venv/lib/python2.6/site-packages/novaclient/",
> line 402, in _boot
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.context
> return_raw=return_raw, **kwargs)
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.context   File
> "/root/savanna/.tox/venv/lib/python2.6/site-packages/novaclient/",
> line 145, in _create
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.context _resp, body =
>, body=body)
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.context   File
> "/root/savanna/.tox/venv/lib/python2.6/site-packages/novaclient/",
> line 232, in post
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.context return
> self._cs_request(url, 'POST', **kwargs)
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.context   File
> "/root/savanna/.tox/venv/lib/python2.6/site-packages/novaclient/",
> line 213, in _cs_request
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.context **kwargs)
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.context   File
> "/root/savanna/.tox/venv/lib/python2.6/site-packages/novaclient/",
> line 195, in _time_request
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.context resp, body =
> self.request(url, method, **kwargs)
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.context   File
> "/root/savanna/.tox/venv/lib/python2.6/site-packages/novaclient/",
> line 189, in request
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.context raise
> exceptions.from_response(resp, body, url, method)
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.context OverLimit: This
> request was rate-limited. (HTTP 413)
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.context
> How I can prevent this to happen? Any help will be highly appreciated.
> Regards,
> Arindam
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [savanna] Anti-affinity

2013-12-05 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov

It is not achievable with the current Savanna. The anti-affinity feature
allows to run one VM per compute-node only. It can not evenly distribute
VMs in case the number of compute nodes is lower than the desired size of
Hadoop cluster.


2013/12/5 Arindam Choudhury 

> HI,
> I have 11 compute nodes. I want to create a hadoop cluster with 1
> master(namenode+jobtracker) with 20 worker (datanode+tasktracker).
> How to configure the Anti-affinty so I can run the master in one host,
> while others will be hosting two worker?
> I tried some configuration, but I can not achieve it.
> Regards,
> Arindam
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [savanna] This request was rate-limited. (HTTP 413)

2013-12-05 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
Hmm, not sure, I am not an expert in Nova. By the way the link I gave you
is for Grizzly. If you are running a different release, take a look at that
release doc as configuration might look different here.


2013/12/5 Arindam Choudhury 

> Hi,
> I introduced this in my nova api-paste.ini:
> [pipeline:openstack_compute_api_v2]
> pipeline = faultwrap authtoken keystonecontext ratelimit
> osapi_compute_app_v2
> [pipeline:openstack_volume_api_v1]
> pipeline = faultwrap authtoken keystonecontext ratelimit
> osapi_volume_app_v1
> [filter:ratelimit]
> paste.filter_factory =
> nova.api.openstack.compute.limits:RateLimitingMiddleware.factory
> limits =(POST, "*", .*, 100, MINUTE);(POST, "*/servers", ^/servers, 500,
> DAY);(PUT, "*", .*, 100, MINUTE);(GET, "*changes-since*",
> .*changes-since.*, 30, MINUTE);(DELETE, "*", .*, 100, MINUTE)
> I am getting this error when I try to restart openstack-nova-api:
> 2013-12-05 12:51:20.035 2350 ERROR nova.wsgi [-] Ambiguous section names
> ['composite:openstack_compute_api_v2', 'pipeline:openstack_compute_api_v2']
> for section 'openstack_compute_api_v2' (prefixed by 'app' or 'application'
> or 'composite' or 'composit' or 'pipeline' or 'filter-app') found in config
> /etc/nova/api-paste.ini
> 2013-12-05 12:51:20.044 2549 INFO nova.ec2.wsgi.server [-] (2549) wsgi
> starting up on
> 2013-12-05 12:51:20.045 2350 CRITICAL nova [-] Could not load paste app
> 'osapi_compute' from /etc/nova/api-paste.ini
> 2013-12-05 12:51:20.045 2350 TRACE nova Traceback (most recent call last):
> 2013-12-05 12:51:20.045 2350 TRACE nova   File "/usr/bin/nova-api", line
> 61, in 
> 2013-12-05 12:51:20.045 2350 TRACE nova server =
> service.WSGIService(api, use_ssl=should_use_ssl)
> 2013-12-05 12:51:20.045 2350 TRACE nova   File
> "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/nova/", line 598, in __init__
> 2013-12-05 12:51:20.045 2350 TRACE nova =
> self.loader.load_app(name)
> 2013-12-05 12:51:20.045 2350 TRACE nova   File
> "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/nova/", line 485, in load_app
> 2013-12-05 12:51:20.045 2350 TRACE nova raise
> exception.PasteAppNotFound(name=name, path=self.config_path)
> 2013-12-05 12:51:20.045 2350 TRACE nova PasteAppNotFound: Could not load
> paste app 'osapi_compute' from /etc/nova/api-paste.ini
> 2013-12-05 12:51:20.045 2350 TRACE nova
> 2013-12-05 12:51:20.407 2549 INFO nova.service [-] Parent process has died
> unexpectedly, exiting
> Regards,
> Arindam
> --
> Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2013 15:37:21 +0400
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [savanna] This request was rate-limited.
> (HTTP 413)
> Hello Arindam,
> While deploying Hadoop cluster Savanna does pretty many API requests to
> Nova. Naturally, the number of requests is directly proportional to the
> size of the cluster.
> On the other hand Nova has a protection agains users abusing API with too
> many requests. It is called rate limiting. You need to set limits higher
> than they are right now if you want to spin-up a cluster of that size. You
> can find details in the Nova docs:
> Dmitry
> 2013/12/5 Arindam Choudhury 
> Hi,
> When I try to create a big hadoop cluster (21 nodes), sometimes I am
> getting this error:
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 ERROR savanna.context [-] Thread
> 'cluster-creating-8d093d9b-c675-4222-b53a-3319d54bc61f' fails with
> exception: 'This request was rate-limited. (HTTP 413)'
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.context Traceback (most recent
> call last):
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.context   File
> "/root/savanna/savanna/", line 128, in wrapper
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.context func(*args,
> **kwargs)
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.context   File
> "/root/savanna/savanna/service/", line 123, in _provision_cluster
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.context
> i.create_cluster(cluster)
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.context   File
> "/root/savanna/savanna/service/", line 56, in create_cluster
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.context
> _rollback_cluster_creation(cluster, ex)
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.context   File
> "/usr/lib64/python2.6/", line 23, in __exit__
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.context
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.context   File
> "/root/savanna/savanna/service/", line 36, in create_cluster
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.context
> _create_instances(cluster)
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.context   File
> "/root/savanna/savanna/service/", line 111, in _create_instances
> 2013-12-05 12:17:57.920 29553 TRACE savanna.con

Re: [openstack-dev] [savanna] Anti-affinity

2013-12-05 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
No, anti-affinity does not work that way. It allows to distribute nodes
running the same process, but you can't separate nodes running different
processes (i.e. master and workers).


2013/12/5 Arindam Choudhury 

> Hi,
> Is it possible using anti-affinity to reserve a compute node only for
> master(namenode+jobtracker)?
> Regards,
> Arindam
> --
> From:
> To:
> Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2013 12:52:23 +0100
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [savanna] Anti-affinity
> Hi,
> Thanks a lot for your reply.
> Regards,
> Arindam
> --
> Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2013 15:41:33 +0400
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [savanna] Anti-affinity
> Arindam,
> It is not achievable with the current Savanna. The anti-affinity feature
> allows to run one VM per compute-node only. It can not evenly distribute
> VMs in case the number of compute nodes is lower than the desired size of
> Hadoop cluster.
> Dmitry
> 2013/12/5 Arindam Choudhury 
> HI,
> I have 11 compute nodes. I want to create a hadoop cluster with 1
> master(namenode+jobtracker) with 20 worker (datanode+tasktracker).
> How to configure the Anti-affinty so I can run the master in one host,
> while others will be hosting two worker?
> I tried some configuration, but I can not achieve it.
> Regards,
> Arindam
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
> ___ OpenStack-dev mailing list
> ___ OpenStack-dev mailing list
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] Unified Guest Agent proposal

2013-12-06 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
Hello all,

We would like to push further the discussion on unified guest agent. You
may find the details of our proposal at [1].

Also let me clarify why we started this conversation. Savanna currently
utilizes SSH to install/configure Hadoop on VMs. We were happy with that
approach until recently we realized that in many OpenStack deployments VMs
are not accessible from controller. That brought us to idea to use guest
agent for VM configuration instead. That approach is already used by Trove,
Murano and Heat and we can do the same.

Uniting the efforts on a single guest agent brings a couple advantages:
1. Code reuse across several projects.
2. Simplified deployment of OpenStack. Guest agent requires additional
facilities for transport like message queue or something similar. Sharing
agent means projects can share transport/config and hence ease life of

We see it is a library and we think that Oslo is a good place for it.

Naturally, since this is going to be a _unified_ agent we seek input from
all interested parties.



OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Unified Guest Agent proposal

2013-12-09 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
2013/12/9 Clint Byrum 

> Excerpts from Steven Dake's message of 2013-12-09 09:41:06 -0800:
> > On 12/09/2013 09:41 AM, David Boucha wrote:
> > > On Sat, Dec 7, 2013 at 11:09 PM, Monty Taylor  > > > wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > On 12/08/2013 07:36 AM, Robert Collins wrote:
> > > > On 8 December 2013 17:23, Monty Taylor  > > > wrote:
> > > >>
> > > >
> > > >> I suggested salt because we could very easily make trove and
> > > savana into
> > > >> salt masters (if we wanted to) just by having them import salt
> > > library
> > > >> and run an api call. When they spin up nodes using heat, we
> > > could easily
> > > >> have that to the cert exchange - and the admins of the site
> > > need not
> > > >> know _anything_ about salt, puppet or chef - only about trove
> > > or savana.
> > > >
> > > > Are salt masters multi-master / HA safe?
> > > >
> > > > E.g. if I've deployed 5 savanna API servers to handle load, and
> they
> > > > all do this 'just import', does that work?
> > > >
> > > > If not, and we have to have one special one, what happens when it
> > > > fails / is redeployed?
> > >
> > > Yes. You can have multiple salt masters.
> > >
> > > > Can salt minions affect each other? Could one pretend to be a
> > > master,
> > > > or snoop requests/responses to another minion?
> > >
> > > Yes and no. By default no - and this is protected by key
> > > encryption and
> > > whatnot. They can affect each other if you choose to explicitly
> grant
> > > them the ability to. That is - you can give a minion an acl to
> > > allow it
> > > inject specific command requests back up into the master. We use
> > > this in
> > > the infra systems to let a jenkins slave send a signal to our salt
> > > system to trigger a puppet run. That's all that slave can do
> though -
> > > send the signal that the puppet run needs to happen.
> > >
> > > However - I don't think we'd really want to use that in this case,
> > > so I
> > > think they answer you're looking for is no.
> > >
> > > > Is salt limited: is it possible to assert that we *cannot* run
> > > > arbitrary code over salt?
> > >
> > > In as much as it is possible to assert that about any piece of
> > > software
> > > (bugs, of course, blah blah) But the messages that salt sends to a
> > > minion are "run this thing that you have a local definition for"
> > > rather
> > > than "here, have some python and run it"
> > >
> > > Monty
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Salt was originally designed to be a unified agent for a system like
> > > openstack. In fact, many people use it for this purpose right now.
> > >
> > > I discussed this with our team management and this is something
> > > SaltStack wants to support.
> > >
> > > Are there any specifics things that the salt minion lacks right now to
> > > support this use case?
> > >
> >
> > David,
> >
> > If I am correct of my parsing of the salt nomenclature, Salt provides a
> > Master (eg a server) and minions (eg agents that connect to the salt
> > server).  The salt server tells the minions what to do.
> >
> > This is not desirable for a unified agent (atleast in the case of Heat).
> >
> > The bar is very very very high for introducing new *mandatory* *server*
> > dependencies into OpenStack.  Requiring a salt master (or a puppet
> > master, etc) in my view is a non-starter for a unified guest agent
> > proposal.  Now if a heat user wants to use puppet, and can provide a
> > puppet master in their cloud environment, that is fine, as long as it is
> > optional.
> >
> What if we taught Heat to speak salt-master-ese? AFAIK it is basically
> an RPC system. I think right now it is 0mq, so it would be relatively
> straight forward to just have Heat start talking to the agents in 0mq.
> > A guest agent should have the following properties:
> > * minimal library dependency chain
> > * no third-party server dependencies
> > * packaged in relevant cloudy distributions
> >
> That last one only matters if the distributions won't add things like
> agents to their images post-release. I am pretty sure "work well in
> OpenStack" is important for server distributions and thus this is at
> least something we don't have to freak out about too much.
> > In terms of features:
> > * run shell commands
> > * install files (with selinux properties as well)
> > * create users and groups (with selinux properties as well)
> > * install packages via yum, apt-get, rpm, pypi
> > * start and enable system services for systemd or sysvinit
> > * Install and unpack source tarballs
> > * run scripts
> > * Allow grouping, selection, and ordering of all of the above operations
> >
> All of those things are general purpose low level system configuration
> features. None of them will be needed for Trove or Savanna. 

Re: [openstack-dev] Unified Guest Agent proposal

2013-12-09 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
2013/12/9 Kurt Griffiths 

>  This list of features makes me *very* nervous from a security
> standpoint. Are we talking about giving an agent an arbitrary shell command
> or file to install, and it goes and does that, or are we simply triggering
> a preconfigured action (at the time the agent itself was installed)?
I believe the agent must execute only a set of preconfigured actions
exactly due to security reasons. It should be up to the using project
(Savanna/Trove) to decide which actions must be exposed by the agent.

>   From: Steven Dake 
> Reply-To: OpenStack Dev 
> Date: Monday, December 9, 2013 at 11:41 AM
> To: OpenStack Dev 
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] Unified Guest Agent proposal
>  In terms of features:
> * run shell commands
> * install files (with selinux properties as well)
> * create users and groups (with selinux properties as well)
> * install packages via yum, apt-get, rpm, pypi
> * start and enable system services for systemd or sysvinit
> * Install and unpack source tarballs
> * run scripts
> * Allow grouping, selection, and ordering of all of the above operations
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Unified Guest Agent proposal

2013-12-10 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov

I see two major trends in the thread:

 * use Salt
 * write our own solution with architecture similar to Salt or MCollective

There were points raised pro and contra both solutions. But I have a
concern which I believe was not covered yet. Both solutions use either
ZeroMQ or message queues (AMQP/STOMP) as a transport. The thing is there is
going to be a shared facility between all the tenants. And unlike all other
OpenStack services, this facility will be directly accessible from VMs,
which leaves tenants very vulnerable to each other. Harm the facility from
your VM, and the whole Region/Cell/Availability Zone will be left out of

Do you think that is solvable, or maybe I overestimate the threat?



2013/12/9 Dmitry Mescheryakov 

> 2013/12/9 Kurt Griffiths 
>>  This list of features makes me *very* nervous from a security
>> standpoint. Are we talking about giving an agent an arbitrary shell command
>> or file to install, and it goes and does that, or are we simply triggering
>> a preconfigured action (at the time the agent itself was installed)?
> I believe the agent must execute only a set of preconfigured actions
> exactly due to security reasons. It should be up to the using project
> (Savanna/Trove) to decide which actions must be exposed by the agent.
>>   From: Steven Dake 
>> Reply-To: OpenStack Dev 
>> Date: Monday, December 9, 2013 at 11:41 AM
>> To: OpenStack Dev 
>> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] Unified Guest Agent proposal
>>  In terms of features:
>> * run shell commands
>> * install files (with selinux properties as well)
>> * create users and groups (with selinux properties as well)
>> * install packages via yum, apt-get, rpm, pypi
>> * start and enable system services for systemd or sysvinit
>> * Install and unpack source tarballs
>> * run scripts
>> * Allow grouping, selection, and ordering of all of the above operations
>> ___
>> OpenStack-dev mailing list
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Unified Guest Agent proposal

2013-12-10 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
And one more thing,

Sandy Walsh pointed to the client Rackspace developed and use - [1], [2].
Its design is somewhat different and can be expressed by the following

App -> Host (XenStore) <-> Guest Agent

(taken from the wiki [3])

It has an obvious disadvantage - it is hypervisor dependent and currently
implemented for Xen only. On the other hand such design should not have
shared facility vulnerability as Agent accesses the server not directly but
via XenStore (which AFAIU is compute node based).




2013/12/10 Dmitry Mescheryakov 

> Guys,
> I see two major trends in the thread:
>  * use Salt
>  * write our own solution with architecture similar to Salt or MCollective
> There were points raised pro and contra both solutions. But I have a
> concern which I believe was not covered yet. Both solutions use either
> ZeroMQ or message queues (AMQP/STOMP) as a transport. The thing is there is
> going to be a shared facility between all the tenants. And unlike all other
> OpenStack services, this facility will be directly accessible from VMs,
> which leaves tenants very vulnerable to each other. Harm the facility from
> your VM, and the whole Region/Cell/Availability Zone will be left out of
> service.
> Do you think that is solvable, or maybe I overestimate the threat?
> Thanks,
> Dmitry
> 2013/12/9 Dmitry Mescheryakov 
>> 2013/12/9 Kurt Griffiths 
>>>  This list of features makes me *very* nervous from a security
>>> standpoint. Are we talking about giving an agent an arbitrary shell command
>>> or file to install, and it goes and does that, or are we simply triggering
>>> a preconfigured action (at the time the agent itself was installed)?
>> I believe the agent must execute only a set of preconfigured actions
>> exactly due to security reasons. It should be up to the using project
>> (Savanna/Trove) to decide which actions must be exposed by the agent.
>>>   From: Steven Dake 
>>> Reply-To: OpenStack Dev 
>>> Date: Monday, December 9, 2013 at 11:41 AM
>>> To: OpenStack Dev 
>>> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] Unified Guest Agent proposal
>>>  In terms of features:
>>> * run shell commands
>>> * install files (with selinux properties as well)
>>> * create users and groups (with selinux properties as well)
>>> * install packages via yum, apt-get, rpm, pypi
>>> * start and enable system services for systemd or sysvinit
>>> * Install and unpack source tarballs
>>> * run scripts
>>> * Allow grouping, selection, and ordering of all of the above operations
>>> ___
>>> OpenStack-dev mailing list
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Unified Guest Agent proposal

2013-12-10 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
2013/12/10 Clint Byrum 

> Excerpts from Dmitry Mescheryakov's message of 2013-12-10 08:25:26 -0800:
> > And one more thing,
> >
> > Sandy Walsh pointed to the client Rackspace developed and use - [1], [2].
> > Its design is somewhat different and can be expressed by the following
> > formulae:
> >
> > App -> Host (XenStore) <-> Guest Agent
> >
> > (taken from the wiki [3])
> >
> > It has an obvious disadvantage - it is hypervisor dependent and currently
> > implemented for Xen only. On the other hand such design should not have
> > shared facility vulnerability as Agent accesses the server not directly
> but
> > via XenStore (which AFAIU is compute node based).
> >
> I don't actually see any advantage to this approach. It seems to me that
> it would be simpler to expose and manage a single network protocol than
> it would be to expose hypervisor level communications for all hypervisors.

I think the Rackspace agent design could be expanded as follows:

Controller (Savanna/Trove) <-> AMQP/ZeroMQ <-> Agent on Compute host <->
XenStore <-> Guest Agent

That is somewhat speculative because if I understood it correctly the
opened code covers only the second part of exchange:

Python API / CMD interface <-> XenStore <-> Guest Agent

Assuming I got it right:
While more complex, such design removes pressure from AMQP/ZeroMQ
providers: on the 'Agent on Compute' you can easily control the amount of
messages emitted by Guest with throttling. It is easy since such agent runs
on a compute host. In the worst case, if it is happened to be abused by a
guest, it affect this compute host only and not the whole segment of

> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Unified Guest Agent proposal

2013-12-10 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
>> What is the exact scenario you're trying to avoid?

It is DDoS attack on either transport (AMQP / ZeroMQ provider) or server
(Salt / Our own self-written server). Looking at the design, it doesn't
look like the attack could be somehow contained within a tenant it is
coming from.

In the current OpenStack design I see only one similarly vulnerable
component - metadata server. Keeping that in mind, maybe I just
overestimate the threat?

2013/12/10 Clint Byrum 

> Excerpts from Dmitry Mescheryakov's message of 2013-12-10 11:08:58 -0800:
> > 2013/12/10 Clint Byrum 
> >
> > > Excerpts from Dmitry Mescheryakov's message of 2013-12-10 08:25:26
> -0800:
> > > > And one more thing,
> > > >
> > > > Sandy Walsh pointed to the client Rackspace developed and use - [1],
> [2].
> > > > Its design is somewhat different and can be expressed by the
> following
> > > > formulae:
> > > >
> > > > App -> Host (XenStore) <-> Guest Agent
> > > >
> > > > (taken from the wiki [3])
> > > >
> > > > It has an obvious disadvantage - it is hypervisor dependent and
> currently
> > > > implemented for Xen only. On the other hand such design should not
> have
> > > > shared facility vulnerability as Agent accesses the server not
> directly
> > > but
> > > > via XenStore (which AFAIU is compute node based).
> > > >
> > >
> > > I don't actually see any advantage to this approach. It seems to me
> that
> > > it would be simpler to expose and manage a single network protocol than
> > > it would be to expose hypervisor level communications for all
> hypervisors.
> > >
> >
> > I think the Rackspace agent design could be expanded as follows:
> >
> > Controller (Savanna/Trove) <-> AMQP/ZeroMQ <-> Agent on Compute host <->
> > XenStore <-> Guest Agent
> >
> > That is somewhat speculative because if I understood it correctly the
> > opened code covers only the second part of exchange:
> >
> > Python API / CMD interface <-> XenStore <-> Guest Agent
> >
> > Assuming I got it right:
> > While more complex, such design removes pressure from AMQP/ZeroMQ
> > providers: on the 'Agent on Compute' you can easily control the amount of
> > messages emitted by Guest with throttling. It is easy since such agent
> runs
> > on a compute host. In the worst case, if it is happened to be abused by a
> > guest, it affect this compute host only and not the whole segment of
> > OpenStack.
> >
> This still requires that we also write a backend to talk to the host
> for all virt drivers. It also means that any OS we haven't written an
> implementation for needs to be hypervisor-aware. That sounds like a
> never ending battle.
> If it is just a network API, it works the same for everybody. This
> makes it simpler, and thus easier to scale out independently of compute
> hosts. It is also something we already support and can very easily expand
> by just adding a tiny bit of functionality to neutron-metadata-agent.
> In fact we can even push routes via DHCP to send agent traffic through
> a different neutron-metadata-agent, so I don't see any issue where we
> are piling anything on top of an overstressed single resource. We can
> have neutron route this traffic directly to the Heat API which hosts it,
> and that can be load balanced and etc. etc. What is the exact scenario
> you're trying to avoid?
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Unified Guest Agent proposal

2013-12-12 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
Clint, Kevin,

Thanks for reassuring me :-) I just wanted to make sure that having direct
access from VMs to a single facility is not a dead end in terms of security
and extensibility. And since it is not, I agree it is much simpler (and
hence better) than hypervisor-dependent design.

Then returning to two major suggestions made:
 * Salt
 * Custom solution specific to our needs

The custom solution could be made on top of oslo.messaging. That gives us
RPC working on different messaging systems. And that is what we really need
- an RPC into guest supporting various transports. What it lacks at the
moment is security - it has neither authentication nor ACL.

Salt also provides RPC service, but it has a couple of disadvantages: it is
tightly coupled with ZeroMQ and it needs a server process to run. A single
transport option (ZeroMQ) is a limitation we really want to avoid.
OpenStack could be deployed with various messaging providers, and we can't
limit the choice to a single option in the guest agent. Though it could be
changed in the future, it is an obstacle to consider.

Running yet another server process within OpenStack, as it was already
pointed out, is expensive. It means another server to deploy and take care
of, +1 to overall OpenStack complexity. And it does not look it could be
fixed any time soon.

For given reasons I give favor to an agent based on oslo.messaging.



2013/12/11 Fox, Kevin M 

> Yeah. Its likely that the metadata server stuff will get more
> scalable/hardened over time. If it isn't enough now, lets fix it rather
> then coming up with a new system to work around it.
> I like the idea of using the network since all the hypervisors have to
> support network drivers already. They also already have to support talking
> to the metadata server. This keeps OpenStack out of the hypervisor driver
> business.
> Kevin
> From: Clint Byrum []
> Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2013 1:02 PM
> To: openstack-dev
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] Unified Guest Agent proposal
> Excerpts from Dmitry Mescheryakov's message of 2013-12-10 12:37:37 -0800:
> > >> What is the exact scenario you're trying to avoid?
> >
> > It is DDoS attack on either transport (AMQP / ZeroMQ provider) or server
> > (Salt / Our own self-written server). Looking at the design, it doesn't
> > look like the attack could be somehow contained within a tenant it is
> > coming from.
> >
> We can push a tenant-specific route for the metadata server, and a tenant
> specific endpoint for in-agent things. Still simpler than hypervisor-aware
> guests. I haven't seen anybody ask for this yet, though I'm sure if they
> run into these problems it will be the next logical step.
> > In the current OpenStack design I see only one similarly vulnerable
> > component - metadata server. Keeping that in mind, maybe I just
> > overestimate the threat?
> >
> Anything you expose to the users is "vulnerable". By using the localized
> hypervisor scheme you're now making the compute node itself vulnerable.
> Only now you're asking that an already complicated thing (nova-compute)
> add another job, rate limiting.
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Unified Guest Agent proposal

2013-12-12 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov

Thanks for the suggestion, but hypervisor-dependent solution is exactly
what scares off people in the thread :-)



2013/12/11 Vladik Romanovsky 

> Maybe it will be useful to use Ovirt guest agent as a base.
> It is already working well on linux and windows and has a lot of
> functionality.
> However, currently it is using virtio-serial for communication, but I
> think it can be extended for other bindings.
> Vladik
> - Original Message -
> > From: "Clint Byrum" 
> > To: "openstack-dev" 
> > Sent: Tuesday, 10 December, 2013 4:02:41 PM
> > Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] Unified Guest Agent proposal
> >
> > Excerpts from Dmitry Mescheryakov's message of 2013-12-10 12:37:37 -0800:
> > > >> What is the exact scenario you're trying to avoid?
> > >
> > > It is DDoS attack on either transport (AMQP / ZeroMQ provider) or
> server
> > > (Salt / Our own self-written server). Looking at the design, it doesn't
> > > look like the attack could be somehow contained within a tenant it is
> > > coming from.
> > >
> >
> > We can push a tenant-specific route for the metadata server, and a tenant
> > specific endpoint for in-agent things. Still simpler than
> hypervisor-aware
> > guests. I haven't seen anybody ask for this yet, though I'm sure if they
> > run into these problems it will be the next logical step.
> >
> > > In the current OpenStack design I see only one similarly vulnerable
> > > component - metadata server. Keeping that in mind, maybe I just
> > > overestimate the threat?
> > >
> >
> > Anything you expose to the users is "vulnerable". By using the localized
> > hypervisor scheme you're now making the compute node itself vulnerable.
> > Only now you're asking that an already complicated thing (nova-compute)
> > add another job, rate limiting.
> >
> > ___
> > OpenStack-dev mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Unified Guest Agent proposal

2013-12-13 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
Still, what about one more server process users will have to run? I see
unified agent as library which can be easily adopted by both exiting and
new OpenStack projects. The need to configure and maintain Salt server
process is big burden for end users. That idea will definitely scare off
adoption of the agent. And at the same time what are the gains of having
that server process? I don't really see to many of them.

2013/12/12 Clint Byrum 

> Excerpts from Dmitry Mescheryakov's message of 2013-12-12 09:24:13 -0800:
> > Clint, Kevin,
> >
> > Thanks for reassuring me :-) I just wanted to make sure that having
> direct
> > access from VMs to a single facility is not a dead end in terms of
> security
> > and extensibility. And since it is not, I agree it is much simpler (and
> > hence better) than hypervisor-dependent design.
> >
> >
> > Then returning to two major suggestions made:
> >  * Salt
> >  * Custom solution specific to our needs
> >
> > The custom solution could be made on top of oslo.messaging. That gives us
> > RPC working on different messaging systems. And that is what we really
> need
> > - an RPC into guest supporting various transports. What it lacks at the
> > moment is security - it has neither authentication nor ACL.
> >
> I bet salt would be super open to modularizing their RPC. Since
> oslo.messaging includes ZeroMQ, and is a library now, I see no reason to
> avoid opening that subject with our fine friends in the Salt community.
> Perhaps a few of them are even paying attention right here. :)
> The benefit there is that we get everything except the plugins we want
> to write already done. And we could start now with the ZeroMQ-only
> salt agent if we could at least get an agreement on principle that Salt
> wouldn't mind using an abstraction layer for RPC.
> That does make the "poke a hole out of private networks" conversation
> _slightly_ more complex. It is one thing to just let ZeroMQ out, another
> to let all of oslo.messaging's backends out. But I think in general
> they'll all share the same thing: you want an address+port to be routed
> intelligently out of the private network into something running under
> the cloud.
> Next steps (all can be done in parallel, as all are interdependent):
> * Ask Salt if oslo.messaging is a path they'll walk with us
> * Experiment with communicating with salt agents from an existing
>   OpenStack service (Savanna, Trove, Heat, etc)
> * Deep-dive into Salt to see if it is feasible
> As I have no cycles for this, I can't promise to do any, but I will
> try to offer assistance if I can.
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Unified Guest Agent proposal

2013-12-13 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
2013/12/13 Fox, Kevin M 

> Yeah, I think the extra nic is unnecessary too. There already is a working
> route to, and a metadata proxy -> server running on it.
> So... lets brainstorm for a minute and see if there are enough pieces
> already to do most of the work.
> We already have:
>   * An http channel out from private vm's, past network namespaces all the
> way to the node running the neutron-metadata-agent.
> We need:
>   * Some way to send a command, plus arguments to the vm to execute some
> action and get a response back.
> OpenStack has focused on REST api's for most things and I think that is a
> great tradition to continue. This allows the custom agent plugins to be
> written in any language that can speak http (All of them?) on any platform.
> A REST api running in the vm wouldn't be accessible from the outside
> though on a private network.
> Random thought, can some glue "unified guest agent" be written to bridge
> the gap?
> How about something like the following:
> The "unified guest agent" starts up, makes an http request to
> If at any time the connection returns, it will auto reconnect.
> It will block as long as possible and the data returned will be an http
> request. The request will have a special header with a request id.
> The http request will be forwarded to localhost:
> and the response will be posted to
> The neutron-proxy-server would need to be modified slightly so that, if it
> sees a /unified-agent//* request it:
> looks in its config file, unified-agent section, and finds the ip/port to
> contact for a given ', and forwards the request to that server,
> instead of the regular metadata one.
> Once this is in place, savana or trove can have their webapi registered
> with the proxy as the server for the "savana" or "trove" cnc_type. They
> will be contacted by the clients as they come up, and will be able to make
> web requests to them, an get responses back.
> What do you think?
> Thanks,
> Kevin

Kevin, frankly that sound like a _big_ overkill and wheel re-invention. The
idea you propose is similar to HTTP long polling. It actually works in the
browsers. But I think people use it not because it is very scalable,
easy-implemented or something else. It is simply one of the few
technologies available when you need to implement server push in the web.

In our use-case we don't have a limitation 'that must work with a bare
browser on client side' and hence we can use technologies which much better
suite to message passing like AMQP, STOMP or others.

> From: Ian Wells []
> Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2013 11:02 AM
> To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] Unified Guest Agent proposal
> On 12 December 2013 19:48, Clint Byrum>> wrote:
> Excerpts from Jay Pipes's message of 2013-12-12 10:15:13 -0800:
> > On 12/10/2013 03:49 PM, Ian Wells wrote:
> > > On 10 December 2013 20:55, Clint Byrum>
> > > >> wrote:
> > I've read through this email thread with quite a bit of curiosity, and I
> > have to say what Ian says above makes a lot of sense to me. If Neutron
> > can handle the creation of a "management vNIC" that has some associated
> > iptables rules governing it that provides a level of security for guest
> > <-> host and guest <-> $OpenStackService, then the transport problem
> > domain is essentially solved, and Neutron can be happily ignorant (as it
> > should be) of any guest agent communication with anything else.
> >
> Indeed I think it could work, however I think the NIC is unnecessary.
> Seems likely even with a second NIC that said address will be something
> like (or the ipv6 equivalent?).
> There *is* no ipv6 equivalent, which is one standing problem.  Another is
> that (and admittedly you can quibble about this problem's significance) you
> need a router on a network to be able to get to - I raise
> that because the obvious use case for multiple networks is to have a net
> which is *not* attached to the outside world so that you can layer e.g. a
> private DB service behind your app servers.
> Neither of these are criticisms of your suggestion as much as they are
> standing issues with the current architecture.
> --
> Ian.
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Unified Guest Agent proposal

2013-12-13 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
2013/12/13 Sylvain Bauza 

> Why the notifications couldn't be handled by Marconi ?
> That would be up to Marconi's team to handle security issues while it is
> part of their mission statement to deliver a messaging service in between
> VMs.

Sylvain, very interesting suggestion! Marconi definitely can complement
transports provided by oslo.messaging. Together they will provide a good
diversity in OpenStack deployment options.

>  Le 12 déc. 2013 22:09, "Fox, Kevin M"  a écrit :
> Yeah, I think the extra nic is unnecessary too. There already is a working
>> route to, and a metadata proxy -> server running on it.
>> So... lets brainstorm for a minute and see if there are enough pieces
>> already to do most of the work.
>> We already have:
>>   * An http channel out from private vm's, past network namespaces all
>> the way to the node running the neutron-metadata-agent.
>> We need:
>>   * Some way to send a command, plus arguments to the vm to execute some
>> action and get a response back.
>> OpenStack has focused on REST api's for most things and I think that is a
>> great tradition to continue. This allows the custom agent plugins to be
>> written in any language that can speak http (All of them?) on any platform.
>> A REST api running in the vm wouldn't be accessible from the outside
>> though on a private network.
>> Random thought, can some glue "unified guest agent" be written to bridge
>> the gap?
>> How about something like the following:
>> The "unified guest agent" starts up, makes an http request to
>> If at any time the connection returns, it will auto reconnect.
>> It will block as long as possible and the data returned will be an http
>> request. The request will have a special header with a request id.
>> The http request will be forwarded to localhost:
>> and the response will be posted to
>> The neutron-proxy-server would need to be modified slightly so that, if
>> it sees a /unified-agent//* request it:
>> looks in its config file, unified-agent section, and finds the ip/port to
>> contact for a given ', and forwards the request to that server,
>> instead of the regular metadata one.
>> Once this is in place, savana or trove can have their webapi registered
>> with the proxy as the server for the "savana" or "trove" cnc_type. They
>> will be contacted by the clients as they come up, and will be able to make
>> web requests to them, an get responses back.
>> What do you think?
>> Thanks,
>> Kevin
>> From: Ian Wells []
>> Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2013 11:02 AM
>> To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
>> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] Unified Guest Agent proposal
>> On 12 December 2013 19:48, Clint Byrum >>> wrote:
>> Excerpts from Jay Pipes's message of 2013-12-12 10:15:13 -0800:
>> > On 12/10/2013 03:49 PM, Ian Wells wrote:
>> > > On 10 December 2013 20:55, Clint Byrum >>
>> > > >> wrote:
>> > I've read through this email thread with quite a bit of curiosity, and I
>> > have to say what Ian says above makes a lot of sense to me. If Neutron
>> > can handle the creation of a "management vNIC" that has some associated
>> > iptables rules governing it that provides a level of security for guest
>> > <-> host and guest <-> $OpenStackService, then the transport problem
>> > domain is essentially solved, and Neutron can be happily ignorant (as it
>> > should be) of any guest agent communication with anything else.
>> >
>> Indeed I think it could work, however I think the NIC is unnecessary.
>> Seems likely even with a second NIC that said address will be something
>> like (or the ipv6 equivalent?).
>> There *is* no ipv6 equivalent, which is one standing problem.  Another is
>> that (and admittedly you can quibble about this problem's significance) you
>> need a router on a network to be able to get to - I raise
>> that because the obvious use case for multiple networks is to have a net
>> which is *not* attached to the outside world so that you can layer e.g. a
>> private DB service behind your app servers.
>> Neither of these are criticisms of your suggestion as much as they are
>> standing issues with the current architecture.
>> --
>> Ian.
>> ___
>> OpenStack-dev mailing list
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Unified Guest Agent proposal

2013-12-13 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
2013/12/13 Alessandro Pilotti 

> Hi guys,
> This seems to become a pretty long thread with quite a lot of ideas. What
> do you think about setting up a meeting on IRC to talk about what direction
> to take?
> IMO this has the potential of becoming a completely separated project to
> be hosted on stackforge or similar.
> Generally speaking, we already use Cloudbase-Init, which beside being the
> de facto standard Windows "Cloud-Init type feature” (Apache 2 licensed)
> has been recently used as a base to provide the same functionality on
> FreeBSD.
> For reference: and
> We’re seriously thinking if we should transform Cloudbase-init into an
> agent or if we should keep it on line with the current “init only, let the
> guest to the rest” approach which fits pretty
> well with the most common deployment approaches (Heat, Puppet / Chef,
> Salt, etc). Last time I spoke with Scott about this agent stuff for
> cloud-init, the general intention was
> to keep the init approach as well (please correct me if I missed something
> in the meantime).
> The limitations that we see, independently from which direction and tool
> will be adopted for the agent, are mainly in the metadata services and the
> way OpenStack users employ them to
> communicate with Nova, Heat and the rest of the pack as orchestration
> requirements complexity increases:
> 1) We need a way to post back small amounts of data (e.g. like we already
> do for the encrypted Windows password) for status updates,
> so that the users know how things are going and can be properly notified
> in case of post-boot errors. This might be irrelevant as long as you just
> create a user and deploy some SSH keys,
> but becomes very important for most orchestration templates.
> 2) The HTTP metadata service accessible from the guest with its magic
> number is IMO quite far from an optimal solution. Since every hypervisor
> commonly
> used in OpenStack (e.g. KVM, XenServer, Hyper-V, ESXi) provides guest /
> host communication services, we could define a common abstraction layer
> which will
> include a guest side (to be included in cloud-init, cloudbase-init, etc)
> and a hypervisor side, to be implemented for each hypervisor and included
> in the related Nova drivers.
> This has already been proposed / implemented in various third party
> scenarios, but never under the OpenStack umbrella for multiple hypervisors.
> Metadata info can be at that point retrieved and posted by the Nova driver
> in a secure way and proxied to / from the guest whithout needing to expose
> the metadata
> service to the guest itself. This would also simplify Neutron, as we could
> get rid of the complexity of the Neutron metadata proxy.
The idea was discussed in the thread with name 'hypervisor-dependent
agent'. A couple existing agents were proposed: Rackspace agent for Xen
[1][2] and oVirt agent for Qemu [3].

Many people prefer the idea of hypervisor independent agent which will
communicate over network (network agent). The main disadvantage of
hypervisor-dependent agent is obviously the number of implementations need
to be made for different hypervisors/OSes. Also it needs a daemon (in fact
- another agent) running on each Compute host.

IMHO these are very strong arguments for network-based agent. If we start
with hypervisor-dependent agent, it will just take too much time to do
enough implementations. On the other hand, these two types of agents can
share some code. So if need arise, people can write hypervisor-dependent
agent based on network one, or behaving the same way. AFAIK, that is how
Trove is deployed in Rackspace. Trove has network-based agent, and
Rackspace replaces it with their own implementation.


> Alessandro
> On 13 Dec 2013, at 16:28 , Scott Moser  wrote:
> > On Tue, 10 Dec 2013, Ian Wells wrote:
> >
> >> On 10 December 2013 20:55, Clint Byrum  wrote:
> >>
> >>> If it is just a network API, it works the same for everybody. This
> >>> makes it simpler, and thus easier to scale out independently of compute
> >>> hosts. It is also something we already support and can very easily
> expand
> >>> by just adding a tiny bit of functionality to neutron-metadata-agent.
> >>>
> >>> In fact we can even push routes via DHCP to send agent traffic through
> >>> a different neutron-metadata-agent, so I don't see any issue where we
> >>> are piling anything on top of an overstressed single resource. We can
> >>> have neutron route this traffic directly to the Heat API which hosts
> it,
> >>> and that can be load balanced and etc. etc. What is the exact scenario
> >>> you're trying to avoid?
> >>>
> >>
> >> You may be making even this harder than it needs to be.  You can cre

Re: [openstack-dev] Unified Guest Agent proposal

2013-12-17 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov

The discussion didn't result in a consensus, but it did revealed a great
number of things to be accounted. I've tried to summarize top-level points
in the etherpad [1]. It lists only items everyone (as it seems to me)
agrees on, or suggested options where there was no consensus. Let me know
if i misunderstood or missed something. The etherpad does not list
advantages/disadvantages of options, otherwise it just would be too long.
Interested people might search the thread for the arguments :-) .

I've thought it over and I agree with people saying we need to move
further. Savanna needs the agent and I am going to write a PoC for it. Sure
the PoC will be implemented in project-independent way. I still think that
Salt limitations overweight its advantages, so the PoC will be done on top
of oslo.messaging without Salt. At least we'll have an example on how it
might look.

Most probably I will have more questions in the process, for instance we
didn't finish discussion on enabling networking for the agent yet. In that
case I will start a new, more specific thread in the list.



OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Unified Guest Agent proposal

2013-12-17 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
Hello Thomas,

I do understand your feelings. The problem is there were already many
points raised both pro and contra adopting Salt as an agent. And so far no
consensus was reached on that matter. Maybe someone else is willing to step
out and write a PoC for Salt-based agent? Then we can agree on a
functionality PoC should implement and compare the implementations. The
PoCs also can reveal limitations we currently don't see.



2013/12/17 Thomas Herve 

> > The discussion didn't result in a consensus, but it did revealed a great
> > number of things to be accounted. I've tried to summarize top-level
> points
> > in the etherpad [1]. It lists only items everyone (as it seems to me)
> agrees
> > on, or suggested options where there was no consensus. Let me know if i
> > misunderstood or missed something. The etherpad does not list
> > advantages/disadvantages of options, otherwise it just would be too long.
> > Interested people might search the thread for the arguments :-) .
> >
> > I've thought it over and I agree with people saying we need to move
> further.
> > Savanna needs the agent and I am going to write a PoC for it. Sure the
> PoC
> > will be implemented in project-independent way. I still think that Salt
> > limitations overweight its advantages, so the PoC will be done on top of
> > oslo.messaging without Salt. At least we'll have an example on how it
> might
> > look.
> >
> > Most probably I will have more questions in the process, for instance we
> > didn't finish discussion on enabling networking for the agent yet. In
> that
> > case I will start a new, more specific thread in the list.
> Hi Dimitri,
> While I agree that using Salt's transport may be wrong for us, the module
> system they have is really interesting, and a pretty big ecosystem already.
> It solved things like system-specific information, and it has a simple
> internal API to create modules. Redoing something from scratch
> Openstack-specific sounds like a mistake to me. As Salt seems to be able to
> work in a standalone mode, I think it'd be interesting to investigate that.
> Maybe it's worth separating the discussion between how to deliver messages
> to the servers (oslo.messaging, Marconi, etc), and what to do on the
> servers (where I think Salt is a great contender).
> --
> Thomas
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Unified Guest Agent proposal

2013-12-18 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
Clint, do you mean
  * use os-collect-config and its HTTP transport as a base for the PoC
  * migrate os-collect-config on PoC after it is implemented on

I presume the later, but could you clarify?

2013/12/18 Clint Byrum 

> Excerpts from Dmitry Mescheryakov's message of 2013-12-17 08:01:38 -0800:
> > Folks,
> >
> > The discussion didn't result in a consensus, but it did revealed a great
> > number of things to be accounted. I've tried to summarize top-level
> points
> > in the etherpad [1]. It lists only items everyone (as it seems to me)
> > agrees on, or suggested options where there was no consensus. Let me know
> > if i misunderstood or missed something. The etherpad does not list
> > advantages/disadvantages of options, otherwise it just would be too long.
> > Interested people might search the thread for the arguments :-) .
> >
> > I've thought it over and I agree with people saying we need to move
> > further. Savanna needs the agent and I am going to write a PoC for it.
> Sure
> > the PoC will be implemented in project-independent way. I still think
> that
> > Salt limitations overweight its advantages, so the PoC will be done on
> top
> > of oslo.messaging without Salt. At least we'll have an example on how it
> > might look.
> >
> > Most probably I will have more questions in the process, for instance we
> > didn't finish discussion on enabling networking for the agent yet. In
> that
> > case I will start a new, more specific thread in the list.
> If you're not going to investigate using salt, can I suggest you base
> your POC on os-collect-config? It it would not take much to add two-way
> communication to it.
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [trove] My thoughts on the Unified Guest Agent

2013-12-18 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov

The unified agent we proposing is based on the following ideas:
  * the core agent has _no_ functionality at all. It is a pure RPC
mechanism with the ability to add whichever API needed on top of it.
  * the API is organized into modules which could be reused across
different projects.
  * there will be no single package: each project (Trove/Savanna/Others)
assembles its own agent based on API project needs.

I hope that covers your concerns.


2013/12/18 Tim Simpson 

>  I've been following the Unified Agent mailing list thread for awhile now
> and, as someone who has written a fair amount of code for both of the two
> existing Trove agents, thought I should give my opinion about it. I like
> the idea of a unified agent, but believe that forcing Trove to adopt this
> agent for use as its by default will stifle innovation and harm the project.
> There are reasons Trove has more than one agent currently. While everyone
> knows about the "Reference Agent" written in Python, Rackspace uses a
> different agent written in C++ because it takes up less memory. The
> concerns which led to the C++ agent would not be addressed by a unified
> agent, which if anything would be larger than the Reference Agent is
> currently.
> I also believe a unified agent represents the wrong approach
> philosophically. An agent by design needs to be lightweight, capable of
> doing exactly what it needs to and no more. This is especially true for a
> project like Trove whose goal is to not to provide overly general PAAS
> capabilities but simply installation and maintenance of different
> datastores. Currently, the Trove daemons handle most logic and leave the
> agents themselves to do relatively little. This takes some effort as many
> of the first iterations of Trove features have too much logic put into the
> guest agents. However through perseverance the subsequent designs are
> usually cleaner and simpler to follow. A community approved, "do
> everything" agent would endorse the wrong balance and lead to developers
> piling up logic on the guest side. Over time, features would become
> dependent on the Unified Agent, making it impossible to run or even
> contemplate light-weight agents.
> Trove's interface to agents today is fairly loose and could stand to be
> made stricter. However, it is flexible and works well enough. Essentially,
> the duck typed interface of the trove.guestagent.api.API class is used to
> send messages, and Trove conductor is used to receive them at which point
> it updates the database. Because both of these components can be swapped
> out if necessary, the code could support the Unified Agent when it appears
> as well as future agents.
> It would be a mistake however to alter Trove's standard method of
> communication to please the new Unified Agent. In general, we should try to
> keep Trove speaking to guest agents in Trove's terms alone to prevent bloat.
> Thanks,
> Tim
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [trove] My thoughts on the Unified Guest Agent

2013-12-18 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
2013/12/18 Steven Dake 

>  On 12/18/2013 08:34 AM, Tim Simpson wrote:
> I've been following the Unified Agent mailing list thread for awhile now
> and, as someone who has written a fair amount of code for both of the two
> existing Trove agents, thought I should give my opinion about it. I like
> the idea of a unified agent, but believe that forcing Trove to adopt this
> agent for use as its by default will stifle innovation and harm the project.
> There are reasons Trove has more than one agent currently. While everyone
> knows about the "Reference Agent" written in Python, Rackspace uses a
> different agent written in C++ because it takes up less memory. The
> concerns which led to the C++ agent would not be addressed by a unified
> agent, which if anything would be larger than the Reference Agent is
> currently.
> I also believe a unified agent represents the wrong approach
> philosophically. An agent by design needs to be lightweight, capable of
> doing exactly what it needs to and no more. This is especially true for a
> project like Trove whose goal is to not to provide overly general PAAS
> capabilities but simply installation and maintenance of different
> datastores. Currently, the Trove daemons handle most logic and leave the
> agents themselves to do relatively little. This takes some effort as many
> of the first iterations of Trove features have too much logic put into the
> guest agents. However through perseverance the subsequent designs are
> usually cleaner and simpler to follow. A community approved, "do
> everything" agent would endorse the wrong balance and lead to developers
> piling up logic on the guest side. Over time, features would become
> dependent on the Unified Agent, making it impossible to run or even
> contemplate light-weight agents.
> Trove's interface to agents today is fairly loose and could stand to be
> made stricter. However, it is flexible and works well enough. Essentially,
> the duck typed interface of the trove.guestagent.api.API class is used to
> send messages, and Trove conductor is used to receive them at which point
> it updates the database. Because both of these components can be swapped
> out if necessary, the code could support the Unified Agent when it appears
> as well as future agents.
> It would be a mistake however to alter Trove's standard method of
> communication to please the new Unified Agent. In general, we should try to
> keep Trove speaking to guest agents in Trove's terms alone to prevent bloat.
> Thanks,
> Tim
> Tim,
> You raise very valid points that I'll summarize into bullet points:
> * memory footprint of a python-based agent
> * guest-agent feature bloat with no clear path to refactoring
> * an agent should do one thing and do it well
> The competing viewpoint is from downstream:
> * How do you get those various agents into the various linux distributions
> cloud images and maintain them
> A unified agent addresses the downstream viewpoint well, which is "There
> is only one agent to package and maintain, and it supports all the
> integrated OpenStack Program projects".
> Putting on my Fedora Hat for a moment, I'm not a big fan of an agent per
> OpenStack project going into the Fedora 21 cloud images.
> Another option that we really haven't discussed on this long long thread
> is injecting the per-project agents into the vm on bootstrapping of the
> vm.  If we developed common code for this sort of operation and placed it
> into oslo, *and* agreed to use it as our common unifying mechanism of agent
> support, each project would be free to ship whatever agents they wanted in
> their packaging, use the proposed oslo.bootstrap code to bootstrap the VM
> via cloudinit with the appropriate agents installed in the proper
> locations, whamo, problem solved for everyone.

Funny thing is, the same idea was proposed and discussed among my
colleagues and me recently. We saw it as a Heat extension which could be
requested to inject guest agent into the VM. The list of required modules
could be passed as a request parameter. That can ease life of us, Savanna
devs, because we will not have to pre-install the agent on our images.

> Regards
> -steve
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing 
> listOpenStack-dev@lists.openstack.org
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Unified Guest Agent proposal

2013-12-18 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
That sounds like a very good idea, I'll do it.

2013/12/18 Clint Byrum 

> Excerpts from Dmitry Mescheryakov's message of 2013-12-18 09:32:30 -0800:
> > Clint, do you mean
> >   * use os-collect-config and its HTTP transport as a base for the PoC
> > or
> >   * migrate os-collect-config on PoC after it is implemented on
> > oslo.messaging
> >
> > I presume the later, but could you clarify?
> >
> os-collect-config speaks two HTTP API's: EC2 metadata and
> CloudFormation. I am suggesting that it would be fairly easy to teach
> it to also speak oslo.messaging. It currently doesn't have a two-way
> communication method, but that is only because we haven't needed that.
> It wouldn't be difficult at all to have responders instead of collectors
> and send back a response after the command is run.
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [trove] My thoughts on the Unified Guest Agent

2013-12-18 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
Tim, we definitely don't want to force projects to migrate to the unified
agent. I've started making the PoC with the idea that Savanna needs the
agent anyway, and we want it to be ready for Icehouse. On the other side, I
believe, it will be much easier to drive the discussion further with the
PoC ready, as we will have something material to talk over.


2013/12/18 Tim Simpson 

>  Thanks for the summary Dmitry. I'm ok with these ideas, and while I
> still disagree with having a single, forced standard for RPC communication,
> I should probably let things pan out a bit before being too concerned.
> - Tim
>  ------
> *From:* Dmitry Mescheryakov []
> *Sent:* Wednesday, December 18, 2013 11:51 AM
> *To:* OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
> *Subject:* Re: [openstack-dev] [trove] My thoughts on the Unified Guest
> Agent
>   Tim,
>  The unified agent we proposing is based on the following ideas:
>   * the core agent has _no_ functionality at all. It is a pure RPC
> mechanism with the ability to add whichever API needed on top of it.
>   * the API is organized into modules which could be reused across
> different projects.
>   * there will be no single package: each project (Trove/Savanna/Others)
> assembles its own agent based on API project needs.
>  I hope that covers your concerns.
>  Dmitry
> 2013/12/18 Tim Simpson 
>>  I've been following the Unified Agent mailing list thread for awhile
>> now and, as someone who has written a fair amount of code for both of the
>> two existing Trove agents, thought I should give my opinion about it. I
>> like the idea of a unified agent, but believe that forcing Trove to adopt
>> this agent for use as its by default will stifle innovation and harm the
>> project.
>> There are reasons Trove has more than one agent currently. While everyone
>> knows about the "Reference Agent" written in Python, Rackspace uses a
>> different agent written in C++ because it takes up less memory. The
>> concerns which led to the C++ agent would not be addressed by a unified
>> agent, which if anything would be larger than the Reference Agent is
>> currently.
>> I also believe a unified agent represents the wrong approach
>> philosophically. An agent by design needs to be lightweight, capable of
>> doing exactly what it needs to and no more. This is especially true for a
>> project like Trove whose goal is to not to provide overly general PAAS
>> capabilities but simply installation and maintenance of different
>> datastores. Currently, the Trove daemons handle most logic and leave the
>> agents themselves to do relatively little. This takes some effort as many
>> of the first iterations of Trove features have too much logic put into the
>> guest agents. However through perseverance the subsequent designs are
>> usually cleaner and simpler to follow. A community approved, "do
>> everything" agent would endorse the wrong balance and lead to developers
>> piling up logic on the guest side. Over time, features would become
>> dependent on the Unified Agent, making it impossible to run or even
>> contemplate light-weight agents.
>> Trove's interface to agents today is fairly loose and could stand to be
>> made stricter. However, it is flexible and works well enough. Essentially,
>> the duck typed interface of the trove.guestagent.api.API class is used to
>> send messages, and Trove conductor is used to receive them at which point
>> it updates the database. Because both of these components can be swapped
>> out if necessary, the code could support the Unified Agent when it appears
>> as well as future agents.
>> It would be a mistake however to alter Trove's standard method of
>> communication to please the new Unified Agent. In general, we should try to
>> keep Trove speaking to guest agents in Trove's terms alone to prevent bloat.
>> Thanks,
>> Tim
>> ___
>> OpenStack-dev mailing list
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Heat] [Trove] [Savanna] [Oslo] Unified Agents - what is the actual problem?

2013-12-19 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
I agree that enabling communication between guest and cloud service is a
common problem for most agent designs. The only exception is agent based on
hypervisor provided transport. But as far as I understand many people are
interested in network-based agent, so indeed we can start a thread (or
continue discussion in this on) on the problem.


2013/12/19 Clint Byrum 

> So I've seen a lot of really great discussion of the unified agents, and
> it has made me think a lot about the problem that we're trying to solve.
> I just wanted to reiterate that we should be trying to solve real problems
> and not get distracted by doing things "right" or even "better".
> I actually think there are three problems to solve.
> * Private network guest to cloud service communication.
> * Narrow scope highly responsive lean guest agents (Trove, Savanna).
> * General purpose in-instance management agent (Heat).
> Since the private network guests problem is the only one they all share,
> perhaps this is where the three projects should collaborate, and the
> other pieces should be left to another discussion.
> Thoughts?
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [trove] My thoughts on the Unified Guest Agent

2013-12-19 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
2013/12/19 Fox, Kevin M 

> How about a different approach then... OpenStack has thus far been very
> successful providing an API and plugins for dealing with things that cloud
> providers need to be able to switch out to suit their needs.
> There seems to be two different parts to the unified agent issue:
>  * How to get rpc messages to/from the VM from the thing needing to
> control it.
>  * How to write a plugin to go from a generic rpc mechanism, to doing
> something useful in the vm.
> How about standardising what a plugin looks like, "python api, c++ api,
> etc". It won't have to deal with transport at all.
> Also standardize the api the controller uses to talk to the system, rest
> or amqp.

I think that is what we discussed when we tried to select between Salt +
oslo.messaging and pure oslo.messaging
framework for the agent. As you can see, we didn't came to agreement so far
:-) Also Clint started a new thread to discuss what, I believe, you defined
as the first part of unified agent issue. For clarity, the thread I am
referring to is

> Then the mechanism is an implementation detail. If rackspace wants to do a
> VM serial driver, thats cool. If you want to use the network, that works
> too. Savanna/Trove/etc don't have to care which mechanism is used, only the
> cloud provider.

Its not quite as good as one and only one implementation to rule them all,
> but would allow providers to choose what's best for their situation and get
> as much code shared as can be.
> What do you think?
> Thanks,
> Kevin
> From: Tim Simpson []
> Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2013 11:34 AM
> To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [trove] My thoughts on the Unified Guest Agent
> Thanks for the summary Dmitry. I'm ok with these ideas, and while I still
> disagree with having a single, forced standard for RPC communication, I
> should probably let things pan out a bit before being too concerned.
> - Tim
> From: Dmitry Mescheryakov []
> Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2013 11:51 AM
> To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [trove] My thoughts on the Unified Guest Agent
> Tim,
> The unified agent we proposing is based on the following ideas:
>   * the core agent has _no_ functionality at all. It is a pure RPC
> mechanism with the ability to add whichever API needed on top of it.
>   * the API is organized into modules which could be reused across
> different projects.
>   * there will be no single package: each project (Trove/Savanna/Others)
> assembles its own agent based on API project needs.
> I hope that covers your concerns.
> Dmitry
> 2013/12/18 Tim Simpson>>
> I've been following the Unified Agent mailing list thread for awhile now
> and, as someone who has written a fair amount of code for both of the two
> existing Trove agents, thought I should give my opinion about it. I like
> the idea of a unified agent, but believe that forcing Trove to adopt this
> agent for use as its by default will stifle innovation and harm the project.
> There are reasons Trove has more than one agent currently. While everyone
> knows about the "Reference Agent" written in Python, Rackspace uses a
> different agent written in C++ because it takes up less memory. The
> concerns which led to the C++ agent would not be addressed by a unified
> agent, which if anything would be larger than the Reference Agent is
> currently.
> I also believe a unified agent represents the wrong approach
> philosophically. An agent by design needs to be lightweight, capable of
> doing exactly what it needs to and no more. This is especially true for a
> project like Trove whose goal is to not to provide overly general PAAS
> capabilities but simply installation and maintenance of different
> datastores. Currently, the Trove daemons handle most logic and leave the
> agents themselves to do relatively little. This takes some effort as many
> of the first iterations of Trove features have too much logic put into the
> guest agents. However through perseverance the subsequent designs are
> usually cleaner and simpler to follow. A community approved, "do
> everything" agent would endorse the wrong balance and lead to developers
> piling up logic on the guest side. Over time, features would become
> dependent on the Unified Agent, making it imp

Re: [openstack-dev] [Heat] [Trove] [Savanna] [Oslo] Unified Agents - what is the actual problem?

2013-12-19 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov

IMHO network-based and hypervisor-based agents definitely can co-exist.
What I wanted to say is that the problem of enabling communication between
guest and cloud service is not relevant for hypervisor-based agents. They
simply don't need network access into a VM.


2013/12/19 Tim Simpson 

> >> I agree that enabling communication between guest and cloud service is
> a common problem for most agent designs. The only exception is agent based
> on hypervisor provided transport. But as far as I understand many people
> are interested in network-based agent, so indeed we can start a thread (or
> continue discussion in this on) on the problem.
> Can't they co-exist?
> Let's say the interface to talk to an agent is simply some class loaded
> from a config file, the way it is in Trove. So we have a class which has
> the methods "add_user", "get_filesystem_stats".
> The first, and let's say default, implementation sends a message over
> Rabbit using oslo.rpc or something like it. All the arguments turn into a
> JSON object and are deserialized on the agent side using oslo.rpc or some
> C++ code capable of reading JSON.
> If someone wants to add a hypervisor provided transport, they could do so
> by instead changing this API class to one which contacts a service on the
> hypervisor node (using oslo.rpc) with arguments that include the guest
> agent ID and "args", which is just a dictionary of the original arguments.
> This service would then shell out to execute some hypervisor specific
> command to talk to the given guest.
> That's what I meant when I said I liked how Trove handled this now-
> because it uses a simple, non-prescriptive interface, it's easy to swap out
> yet still easy to use.
> That would mean the job of a unified agent framework would be to offer up
> libraries to ease up the creation of the "API" class by offering Python
> code to send messages in various styles / formats, as well as Python or C++
> code to read and interpret those messages.
> Of course, we'd still settle on one "default" (probably network based)
> which would become the standard way of sending messages to guests so that
> package maintainers, the Infra team, and newbies to OpenStack wouldn't have
> to deal with dozens of different ways of doing things, but the important
> thing is that other methods of communication would still be possible.
> Thanks,
> Tim
> From: Dmitry Mescheryakov []
> Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2013 7:15 AM
> To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Heat] [Trove] [Savanna] [Oslo] Unified
> Agents - what is the actual problem?
> I agree that enabling communication between guest and cloud service is a
> common problem for most agent designs. The only exception is agent based on
> hypervisor provided transport. But as far as I understand many people are
> interested in network-based agent, so indeed we can start a thread (or
> continue discussion in this on) on the problem.
> Dmitry
> 2013/12/19 Clint Byrum 
> So I've seen a lot of really great discussion of the unified agents, and
> it has made me think a lot about the problem that we're trying to solve.
> I just wanted to reiterate that we should be trying to solve real problems
> and not get distracted by doing things "right" or even "better".
> I actually think there are three problems to solve.
> * Private network guest to cloud service communication.
> * Narrow scope highly responsive lean guest agents (Trove, Savanna).
> * General purpose in-instance management agent (Heat).
> Since the private network guests problem is the only one they all share,
> perhaps this is where the three projects should collaborate, and the
> other pieces should be left to another discussion.
> Thoughts?
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] Unified Guest Agent, PoC for os-collect-config

2014-01-21 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
Hello folks,

At the end of the previous discussion on the topic [1] I've decided to make
a PoC based on oslo.messaging. Clint suggested and I agreed to make it for
os-collect-config. Actually I've made a PoC for Savanna first :-) but
anyway here is the one for os-collect-config [2].

I've made a couple of observations:

First, the os-collect-config naturally becomes an RPC server. That gives an
advantage of having feedback, i.e. knowing that the desired config was
actually received and applied.

Second, with the oslo.messaging approach seems like there is almost nothing
to extract to common code. It is rather well seen on the minimal example
like os-config-apply. I thought there would be something to share between
projects using the agent, but so far it
looks like oslo.messaging already covers all the needs. Which IMHO is great!

So, any thoughts?

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [savanna] Choosing provisioning engine during cluster launch

2014-01-30 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
I agree with Andrew. I see no value in letting users select how their
cluster is provisioned, it will only make interface a little bit more


2014/1/30 Andrew Lazarev 

> Alexander,
> What is the purpose of exposing this to user side? Both engines must do
> exactly the same thing and they exist in the same time only for transition
> period until heat engine is stabilized. I don't see any value in proposed
> option.
> Andrew.
> On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 8:44 PM, Alexander Ignatov 
> wrote:
>> Today Savanna has two provisioning engines, heat and old one known as
>> 'direct'.
>> Users can choose which engine will be used by setting special parameter
>> in 'savanna.conf'.
>> I have an idea to give an ability for users to define provisioning engine
>> not only when savanna is started but when new cluster is launched. The
>> idea is simple.
>> We will just add new field 'provisioning_engine' to 'cluster' and
>> 'cluster_template'
>> objects. And profit is obvious, users can easily switch from one engine
>> to another without
>> restarting savanna service. Of course, this parameter can be omitted and
>> the default value
>> from the 'savanna.conf' will be applied.
>> Is this viable? What do you think?
>> Regards,
>> Alexander Ignatov
>> ___
>> OpenStack-dev mailing list
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] Unified Guest Agent in Savanna

2014-02-24 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
Hello folks,

Not long ago we had a discussion on unified guest agent [1] - a way for
performing actions 'inside' VMs. Such thing is needed for PaaS projects for
tasks such as application reconfiguration and user requests pass-through.

As a proof of concept I've made os_collect_config as a guest agent [2]
based on the design proposed in [1].

Now I am focused on making an agent for Savanna. I'd like to invite
everyone to review the initial my initial CR [3]. All subsequent changes
will be listed as dependent on this one.

This is going to be a more complex thing then os_collect_config rewrite.
For instance, here we need to handle agent installation and configuration.
Also I am going to check what can be done for more fine grained

Also Sergey Lukjanov and me proposed a talk on the agent, so feel free to
vote for it in case you're interested.



OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] [Sahara] Split sahara-api into api and engine

2014-05-07 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
Hello people,

The following patch set splits monolithic sahara-api process into two
- sahara-api and sahara-engine:

After the change is merged, there will be three binaries to run Sahara:
 * sahara-all - runs Sahara all-in-one (like sahara-api does right now)
 * sahara-api - runs Sahara API endpoint, offloads 'heavy' tasks to
 * sahara-engine - executes tasks which are either 'heavy' or require
remote connection to VMs

Most probably you will want to keep running all-in-one process in your
dev environment, so you need to switch using sahara-all instead of
sahara-api. To make transition smooth, we've merged another change
which adds sahara-all process as an alias to sahara-api. That means
that you can switch to using sahara-all right now, so when the patch
is merged, you will not notice that.



OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [sahara] 2014.1.1 preparation

2014-06-03 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
I agree with Andrew and actually think that we do need to have (Fix running EDP job on
transient cluster) fixed in stable branch.

We also might want to add
(Create trusts for admin user with correct tenant name). This is
another fix for transient clusters, but it is not even merged into
master branch yet.



2014-06-03 13:27 GMT+04:00 Sergey Lukjanov :
> Here is etherpad to track preparation -
> On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 10:08 AM, Sergey Lukjanov  
> wrote:
>> /me proposing to backport:
>> Docs:
>> Change IRC channel name to
>> #openstack-sahara
>> Added validate_edp method to
>> Plugin SPI doc
>> Updated architecture diagram in docs
>> EDP:
>> On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 10:03 AM, Sergey Lukjanov  
>> wrote:
>>> Hey folks,
>>> this Thu, June 5 is the date for 2014.1.1 release. We already have
>>> some back ported patches to the stable/icehouse branch, so, the
>>> question is do we need some more patches to back port? Please, propose
>>> them here.
>>> 2014.1 - stable/icehouse diff:
>>> Thanks.
>>> --
>>> Sincerely yours,
>>> Sergey Lukjanov
>>> Sahara Technical Lead
>>> (OpenStack Data Processing)
>>> Principal Software Engineer
>>> Mirantis Inc.
>> --
>> Sincerely yours,
>> Sergey Lukjanov
>> Sahara Technical Lead
>> (OpenStack Data Processing)
>> Principal Software Engineer
>> Mirantis Inc.
> --
> Sincerely yours,
> Sergey Lukjanov
> Sahara Technical Lead
> (OpenStack Data Processing)
> Principal Software Engineer
> Mirantis Inc.
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list

OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] [Oslo] oslo.messaging on VMs

2014-03-06 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
Hello folks,

A number of OpenStack and related projects have a need to perform
operations inside VMs running on OpenStack. A natural solution would
be an agent running inside the VM and performing tasks.

One of the key questions here is how to communicate with the agent. An
idea which was discussed some time ago is to use oslo.messaging for
that. That is an RPC framework - what is needed. You can use different
transports (RabbitMQ, Qpid, ZeroMQ) depending on your preference or
connectivity your OpenStack networking can provide. At the same time
there is a number of things to consider, like networking, security,
packaging, etc.

So, messaging people, what is your opinion on that idea? I've already
raised that question in the list [1], but seems like not everybody who
has something to say participated. So I am resending with the
different topic. For example, yesterday we started discussing security
of the solution in the openstack-oslo channel. Doug Hellmann at the
start raised two questions: is it possible to separate different
tenants or applications with credentials and ACL so that they use
different queues? My opinion that it is possible using RabbitMQ/Qpid
management interface: for each application we can automatically create
a new user with permission to access only her queues. Another question
raised by Doug is how to mitigate a DOS attack coming from one tenant
so that it does not affect another tenant. The thing is though
different applications will use different queues, they are going to
use a single broker.

Do you share Doug's concerns or maybe you have your own?




OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] I am taking sick leave for today

2014-03-07 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov

Сегодня я опять беру выходной по болезни. Начал поправляться но все
еще чувствую себя неуверенно. Надеюсь вылечиться целиком ко вторнику.

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] I am taking sick leave for today

2014-03-07 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
Ooops, sorry, wrong recepient :-)

7 марта 2014 г., 14:13 пользователь Dmitry Mescheryakov
> Коллеги,
> Сегодня я опять беру выходной по болезни. Начал поправляться но все
> еще чувствую себя неуверенно. Надеюсь вылечиться целиком ко вторнику.
> Дмитрий
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova][novaclient] How to get user's credentials for using novaclient API?

2014-03-11 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
Hello Nader,

You should use python-keystoneclient [1] to obtain the token. You can
find example usage in helper script [2].



2014-03-10 21:25 GMT+04:00 Nader Lahouti :
> Hi All,
> I have a question regarding using novaclient API.
> I need to use it for getting a list of instances for an user/project.
> In oder to do that I tried to use :
> from novaclient.v1_1 import client
> nc = client.Client(username,token_id, project_id, auth_url,insecure,cacert)
> nc.servers.list()
> ( however, the comment on the code/document says different thing which as
> far as tried it didn't work.
> so it seems token_id has to be provided.
> I can get the token_id using keystone REST API
> (http://localhost:5000/v2.0/tokens …-d ' the credentials …username and
> password'.
> And my question is: how to get credentials for an user in the code when
> using the keystone's REST API? Is there any api to get such an info?
> Appreciate your comments.
> Regards,
> Nader.
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [TripleO] os-cloud-config ssh access to cloud

2014-03-11 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
For what it's worth in Sahara (former Savanna) we inject the second
key by userdata. I.e. we add
echo "${public_key}" >> ${user_home}/.ssh/authorized_keys

to the other stuff we do in userdata.


2014-03-10 17:10 GMT+04:00 Jiří Stránský :
> On 7.3.2014 14:50, Imre Farkas wrote:
>> On 03/07/2014 10:30 AM, Jiří Stránský wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> there's one step in cloud initialization that is performed over SSH --
>>> calling "keystone-manage pki_setup". Here's the relevant code in
>>> keystone-init [1], here's a review for moving the functionality to
>>> os-cloud-config [2].
>>> The consequence of this is that Tuskar will need passwordless ssh key to
>>> access overcloud controller. I consider this suboptimal for two reasons:
>>> * It creates another security concern.
>>> * AFAIK nova is only capable of injecting one public SSH key into
>>> authorized_keys on the deployed machine, which means we can either give
>>> it Tuskar's public key and allow Tuskar to initialize overcloud, or we
>>> can give it admin's custom public key and allow admin to ssh into
>>> overcloud, but not both. (Please correct me if i'm mistaken.) We could
>>> probably work around this issue by having Tuskar do the user key
>>> injection as part of os-cloud-config, but it's a bit clumsy.
>>> This goes outside the scope of my current knowledge, i'm hoping someone
>>> knows the answer: Could pki_setup be run by combining powers of Heat and
>>> os-config-refresh? (I presume there's some reason why we're not doing
>>> this already.) I think it would help us a good bit if we could avoid
>>> having to SSH from Tuskar to overcloud.
>> Yeah, it came up a couple times on the list. The current solution is
>> because if you have an HA setup, the nodes can't decide on its own,
>> which one should run pki_setup.
>> Robert described this topic and why it needs to be initialized
>> externally during a weekly meeting in last December. Check the topic
>> 'After heat stack-create init operations (lsmola)':
> Thanks for the reply Imre. Yeah i vaguely remember that meeting :)
> I guess to do HA init we'd need to pick one of the controllers and run the
> init just there (set some parameter that would then be recognized by
> os-refresh-config). I couldn't find if Heat can do something like this on
> it's own, probably we'd need to deploy one of the controller nodes with
> different parameter set, which feels a bit weird.
> Hmm so unless someone comes up with something groundbreaking, we'll probably
> keep doing what we're doing. Having the ability to inject multiple keys to
> instances [1] would help us get rid of the Tuskar vs. admin key issue i
> mentioned in the initial e-mail. We might try asking a fellow Nova developer
> to help us out here.
> Jirka
> [1]
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Oslo] [Marconi] oslo.messaging on VMs

2014-03-12 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
Hey folks,

Just wanted to thank you all for the input, it is really valuable.
Indeed it seems like overall Marconi does what is needed, so I'll
experiment with it.



2014-03-07 0:16 GMT+04:00 Georgy Okrokvertskhov :
> As a result of this discussion, I think we need also involve Marconi  team
> to this discussion. (I am sorry for changing the Subject).
> I am not very familiar with Marconi project details, but at first look it
> looks like it can help to setup separate MQ infrastructure for agent <->
> service communication.
> I don't have any specific design suggestions and I hope Marconi team will
> help us to find a right approach.
> It looks like that option with oslo.message framework has now lower priority
> due to security reasons.
> Thanks
> Georgy
> On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 11:33 AM, Steven Dake  wrote:
>> On 03/06/2014 10:24 AM, Daniel P. Berrange wrote:
>>> On Thu, Mar 06, 2014 at 07:25:37PM +0400, Dmitry Mescheryakov wrote:
>>>> Hello folks,
>>>> A number of OpenStack and related projects have a need to perform
>>>> operations inside VMs running on OpenStack. A natural solution would
>>>> be an agent running inside the VM and performing tasks.
>>>> One of the key questions here is how to communicate with the agent. An
>>>> idea which was discussed some time ago is to use oslo.messaging for
>>>> that. That is an RPC framework - what is needed. You can use different
>>>> transports (RabbitMQ, Qpid, ZeroMQ) depending on your preference or
>>>> connectivity your OpenStack networking can provide. At the same time
>>>> there is a number of things to consider, like networking, security,
>>>> packaging, etc.
>>>> So, messaging people, what is your opinion on that idea? I've already
>>>> raised that question in the list [1], but seems like not everybody who
>>>> has something to say participated. So I am resending with the
>>>> different topic. For example, yesterday we started discussing security
>>>> of the solution in the openstack-oslo channel. Doug Hellmann at the
>>>> start raised two questions: is it possible to separate different
>>>> tenants or applications with credentials and ACL so that they use
>>>> different queues? My opinion that it is possible using RabbitMQ/Qpid
>>>> management interface: for each application we can automatically create
>>>> a new user with permission to access only her queues. Another question
>>>> raised by Doug is how to mitigate a DOS attack coming from one tenant
>>>> so that it does not affect another tenant. The thing is though
>>>> different applications will use different queues, they are going to
>>>> use a single broker.
>>> Looking at it from the security POV, I'd absolutely not want to
>>> have any tenant VMs connected to the message bus that openstack
>>> is using between its hosts. Even if you have security policies
>>> in place, the inherent architectural risk of such a design is
>>> just far too great. One small bug or misconfiguration and it
>>> opens the door to a guest owning the entire cloud infrastructure.
>>> Any channel between a guest and host should be isolated per guest,
>>> so there's no possibility of guest messages finding their way out
>>> to either the host or to other guests.
>>> If there was still a desire to use oslo.messaging, then at the
>>> very least you'd want a completely isolated message bus for guest
>>> comms, with no connection to the message bus used between hosts.
>>> Ideally the message bus would be separate per guest too, which
>>> means it ceases to be a bus really - just a point-to-point link
>>> between the virt host + guest OS that happens to use the oslo.messaging
>>> wire format.
>>> Regards,
>>> Daniel
>> I agree and have raised this in the past.
>> IMO oslo.messaging is a complete nonstarter for guest communication
>> because of security concerns.
>> We do not want guests communicating on the same message bus as
>> infrastructure.  The response to that was "well just have all the guests
>> communicate on their own unique messaging server infrastructure".  The
>> downside of this is one guests activity could damage a different guest
>> because of a lack of isolation and the nature in which message buses work.
>> Th

Re: [openstack-dev] auto-delete in amqp "reply_*" queues in OpenStack

2014-03-24 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov

In oslo.messaging a single reply queue is used to gather results from
all the calls. It is created lazily on the first call and is used
until the process is killed. I did a quick look at oslo.rpc from
oslo-incubator and it seems like it uses the same pattern, which is
not surprising since oslo.messaging descends from oslo.rpc. So if you
restart some process which does rpc calls (nova-api, I guess), you
should see one reply queue gone and another one created instead after
some time.


2014-03-24 7:55 GMT+04:00 Chris Friesen :
> Hi,
> If I run "rabbitmqadmin list queues" on my controller node I see 28 queues
> with names of the form "reply_".
> From what I've been reading, these queues are supposed to be used for the
> replies to rpc "calls", they're not "durable', and they all have auto_delete
> set to "True".
> Given the above, I would have expected that queues with names of that form
> would only exist for in-flight rpc operations, and that subsequent listings
> of the queues would show mostly different ones, but these 28 seem to be
> fairly persistent.
> Is this expected or do I have something unusual going on?
> Chris
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] auto-delete in amqp "reply_*" queues in OpenStack

2014-03-24 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
I see two possible explanations for these 5 remaining queues:

 * They were indeed recreated by 'compute' services. I.e. controller
service send some command over rpc and then it was shut down. Its
reply queue was automatically deleted, since its only consumer was
disconnected. The compute services replied after that and so recreated
the queue. According to Rabbit MQ docs, such queue will be stuck alive
indefinitely, since it will never have a consumer.

 * Possibly there are services on compute nodes which initiate RPC
calls themselves. I don't know OpenStack architecture enough to say if
services running on compute nodes do so. In that case these 5 queues
are still used by compute services.

Do Rabbit MQ management tools (web or cli) allow to view active
consumers for queues? If yes, then you can find out which of the cases
above you encountered. Or it maybe be some third case I didn't account
for :-)

> I assume that those 5 queues are (re)created by the services running on the
> compute nodes, but if that's the case then how would the services running on
> the controller node find out about the names of the queues?

When process initiating rpc call is restarted, there is no way for it
to know about queue it used before for receiving replies. The replies
simply never got back. On the other hand, the restarted process does
not know about calls it did before the restart, so it is not a big
loss anyway.

For clarity, here is a simplified algorithm RPC client (the one
initiating RPC call) uses:

msg_id = uuid.uuid4().hex

if not self.reply_q:
self.reply_q = 'reply_' + uuid.uuid4().hex

message = {
'msg_id': msg_id,
'reply_q': self.reply_q,
'payload': payload,}


reply = wait_for_reply(queue=self.reply_q, msg_id=msg_id)


2014-03-24 19:52 GMT+04:00 Chris Friesen :
> On 03/24/2014 02:59 AM, Dmitry Mescheryakov wrote:
>> Chris,
>> In oslo.messaging a single reply queue is used to gather results from
>> all the calls. It is created lazily on the first call and is used
>> until the process is killed. I did a quick look at oslo.rpc from
>> oslo-incubator and it seems like it uses the same pattern, which is
>> not surprising since oslo.messaging descends from oslo.rpc. So if you
>> restart some process which does rpc calls (nova-api, I guess), you
>> should see one reply queue gone and another one created instead after
>> some time.
> Okay, that makes a certain amount of sense.
> How does it work for queues used by both the controller and the compute
> node?
> If I do a controlled switchover from one controller to another (killing and
> restarting rabbit, nova-api, nova-conductor, nova-scheduler, neutron,
> cinder, etc.) I see that the number of reply queues drops from 28 down to 5,
> but those 5 are all ones that existed before.
> I assume that those 5 queues are (re)created by the services running on the
> compute nodes, but if that's the case then how would the services running on
> the controller node find out about the names of the queues?
> Chris
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] auto-delete in amqp "reply_*" queues in OpenStack

2014-03-25 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
Ok, assuming that you've run that query against the 5 stuck queues I
would expect the following results:

 * if an active listener for a queue lives on one of compute hosts:
that queue was created by compute service initiating rpc command.
Since you didn't restart them during switchover, the compute services
still use the same queues.
 * if queue does not have a listener: the queue was created by the
controller which was active before the switchover. That queue could
have become stuck not exactly at previous switchover, but as well at
some other switchover occurred in the past.

2014-03-25 0:33 GMT+04:00 Chris Friesen :
> On 03/24/2014 01:27 PM, Dmitry Mescheryakov wrote:
>> I see two possible explanations for these 5 remaining queues:
>>   * They were indeed recreated by 'compute' services. I.e. controller
>> service send some command over rpc and then it was shut down. Its
>> reply queue was automatically deleted, since its only consumer was
>> disconnected. The compute services replied after that and so recreated
>> the queue. According to Rabbit MQ docs, such queue will be stuck alive
>> indefinitely, since it will never have a consumer.
>>   * Possibly there are services on compute nodes which initiate RPC
>> calls themselves. I don't know OpenStack architecture enough to say if
>> services running on compute nodes do so. In that case these 5 queues
>> are still used by compute services.
>> Do Rabbit MQ management tools (web or cli) allow to view active
>> consumers for queues? If yes, then you can find out which of the cases
>> above you encountered. Or it maybe be some third case I didn't account
>> for :-)
> It appears that the cli tools do not provide a way to print the info, but if
> you query a single queue via the web API it will give the IP address and
> port of the consumers for the queue.  The vhost needs to be URL-encoded, so
> the query looks something like this:
> curl -i -u guest:guest
> Chris
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [olso][neutron] proxying oslo.messaging from management network into tenant network/VMs

2014-04-09 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
Hello Isaku,

Thanks for sharing this! Right now in Sahara project we think to use
Marconi as a mean to communicate with VM. Seems like you are familiar
with the discussions happened so far. If not, please see links at the
bottom of UnifiedGuestAgent [1] wiki page. In short we see Marconi's
supports for multi-tenancy as a huge advantage over other MQ
solutions. Our agent is network-based, so tenant isolation is a real
issue here. For clarity, here is the overview scheme of network based

server <-> MQ (Marconi) <-> agent

All communication goes over network. I've made a PoC of the Marconi
driver for oslo.messaging, you can find it at [2]

We also considered 'hypervisor-dependent' agents (as I called them in
the initial thread) like the one you propose. They also provide tenant
isolation. But the drawback is _much_ bigger development cost and more
fragile and complex deployment.

In case of network-based agent all the code is
 * Marconi driver for RPC library (oslo.messaging)
 * thin client for server to make calls
 * a guest agent with thin server-side
If you write your agent on python, it will work on any OS with any
host hypervisor.

For hypervisor dependent-agent it becomes much more complex. You need
one more additional component - a proxy-agent running on Compute host,
which makes deployment harder. You also need to support various
transports for various hypervisors: virtio-serial for KVM, XenStore
for Xen, something for Hyper-V, etc. Moreover guest OS must have
driver for these transports and you will probably need to write
different implementation for different OSes.

Also you mention that in some cases a second proxy-agent is needed and
again in some cases only cast operations could be used. Using cast
only is not an option for Sahara, as we do need feedback from the
agent and sometimes getting the return value is the main reason to
make an RPC call.

I didn't see a discussion in Neutron on which approach to use (if it
was, I missed it). I see simplicity of network-based agent as a huge
advantage. Could you please clarify why you've picked design depending
on hypervisor?




2014-04-09 12:33 GMT+04:00 Isaku Yamahata :
> Hello developers.
> As discussed many times so far[1], there are many projects that needs
> to propagate RPC messages into VMs running on OpenStack. Neutron in my case.
> My idea is to relay RPC messages from management network into tenant
> network over file-like object. By file-like object, I mean virtio-serial,
> unix domain socket, unix pipe and so on.
> I've wrote some code based on oslo.messaging[2][3] and a documentation
> on use cases.[4][5]
> Only file-like transport and proxying messages would be in oslo.messaging
> and agent side code wouldn't be a part of oslo.messaging.
> use cases:([5] for more figures)
> file-like object: virtio-serial, unix domain socket, unix pipe
>   server <-> AMQP <-> agent in host <-virtio serial-> guest agent in VM
>   per VM
>   server <-> AMQP <-> agent in host <-unix socket/pipe->
>  agent in tenant network <-> guest agent in VM
> So far there are security concerns to forward oslo.messaging from management
> network into tenant network. One approach is to allow only cast-RPC from
> server to guest agent in VM so that guest agent in VM only receives messages
> and can't send anything to servers. With unix pipe, it's write-only
> for server, read-only for guest agent.
> Thoughts? comments?
> Details of Neutron NFV use case[6]:
> Neutron services so far typically runs agents in host, the host agent
> in host receives RPCs from neutron server, then it executes necessary
> operations. Sometimes the agent in host issues RPC to neutron server
> periodically.(e.g. status report etc)
> It's desirable to make such services virtualized as Network Function
> Virtualizaton(NFV), i.e. make those features run in VMs. So it's quite
> natural approach to propagate those RPC message into agents into VMs.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> [6]
> --
> Isaku Yamahata 

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [olso][neutron] proxying oslo.messaging from management network into tenant network/VMs

2014-04-09 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
> I agree those arguments.
> But I don't see how network-based agent approach works with Neutron
> network for now. Can you please elaborate on it?

Here is the scheme of network-based agent:

server <-> MQ (Marconi) <-> agent

As Doug said, Marconi exposes REST API, just like any other OpenStack
service. The services it provides are similar to the MQ ones (Rabbit
MQ, Qpid, etc.). I.e. very simply there are methods:
 * put_message(queue_name, message_payload)
 * get_message(queue_name)

Multi-tenancy is provided by the same means as in the other OpenStack
projects - user supplies Keystone token in the request and it
determines the tenant used.

As for the network, a networking-based agent requires tcp connection
to Marconi. I.e. you need an agent running on the VM to be able to
connect to Marconi, but not vice versa. That does not sound like a
harsh requirement.

The standard MQ solutions like Rabbit and Qpid actually could be used
here instead of Marconi with one drawback - it is really hard to
reliably implement tenant isolation with them.



2014-04-09 17:38 GMT+04:00 Isaku Yamahata :
> Hello Dmitry. Thank you for reply.
> On Wed, Apr 09, 2014 at 03:19:10PM +0400,
> Dmitry Mescheryakov  wrote:
>> Hello Isaku,
>> Thanks for sharing this! Right now in Sahara project we think to use
>> Marconi as a mean to communicate with VM. Seems like you are familiar
>> with the discussions happened so far. If not, please see links at the
>> bottom of UnifiedGuestAgent [1] wiki page. In short we see Marconi's
>> supports for multi-tenancy as a huge advantage over other MQ
>> solutions. Our agent is network-based, so tenant isolation is a real
>> issue here. For clarity, here is the overview scheme of network based
>> agent:
>> server <-> MQ (Marconi) <-> agent
>> All communication goes over network. I've made a PoC of the Marconi
>> driver for oslo.messaging, you can find it at [2]
> I'm not familiar with Marconi, so please enlighten me first.
> How does MQ(Marconi) communicates both to management network and
> tenant network?
> Does it work with Neutron network? not nova-network.
> Neutron network isolates not only tenant networks each other,
> but also management network at L2. So openstack servers can't send
> any packets to VMs. VMs can't to openstack servers.
> This is the reason why neutron introduced HTTP proxy for instance metadata.
> It is also the reason why I choose to introduce new agent on host.
> If Marconi (or other porjects like sahara) already solved those issues,
> that's great.
>> We also considered 'hypervisor-dependent' agents (as I called them in
>> the initial thread) like the one you propose. They also provide tenant
>> isolation. But the drawback is _much_ bigger development cost and more
>> fragile and complex deployment.
>> In case of network-based agent all the code is
>>  * Marconi driver for RPC library (oslo.messaging)
>>  * thin client for server to make calls
>>  * a guest agent with thin server-side
>> If you write your agent on python, it will work on any OS with any
>> host hypervisor.
>> For hypervisor dependent-agent it becomes much more complex. You need
>> one more additional component - a proxy-agent running on Compute host,
>> which makes deployment harder. You also need to support various
>> transports for various hypervisors: virtio-serial for KVM, XenStore
>> for Xen, something for Hyper-V, etc. Moreover guest OS must have
>> driver for these transports and you will probably need to write
>> different implementation for different OSes.
>> Also you mention that in some cases a second proxy-agent is needed and
>> again in some cases only cast operations could be used. Using cast
>> only is not an option for Sahara, as we do need feedback from the
>> agent and sometimes getting the return value is the main reason to
>> make an RPC call.
>> I didn't see a discussion in Neutron on which approach to use (if it
>> was, I missed it). I see simplicity of network-based agent as a huge
>> advantage. Could you please clarify why you've picked design depending
>> on hypervisor?
> I agree those arguments.
> But I don't see how network-based agent approach works with Neutron
> network for now. Can you please elaborate on it?
> thanks,
>> Thanks,
>> Dmitry
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> 2014-04-09 12:33 GMT+04:00 Isaku Yamahata :

Re: [openstack-dev] [Sahara][Doc] Updating documentation for overview; Needs changing image

2014-09-22 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov

I used google docs to create the initial image. If you want to edit that
one, copy the doc[1] to your drive and edit it. It is not the latest
version of the image, but the only difference is that this one has the very
first project name EHO in place of Sahara.




2014-09-22 16:29 GMT+04:00 Sharan Kumar M :

> Hi all,
> The bug on updating documentation for overview / details
> also requires the changing
> of image openstack-interop.png. So is there any specific tool used for
> creating the image? Since I am working on fixing this bug, I thought I
> could also update the image.
> Thanks,
> Sharan Kumar M
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [keystone][swift] Has anybody considered storing tokens in Swift?

2014-09-29 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
Hey Jay,

Did you consider Swift's eventual consistency? The general use case for
many OpenStack application is:
 1. obtain the token from Keystone
 2. perform some operation in OpenStack providing token as credentials.

As a result of operation #1 the token will be saved into Swift by the
Keystone. But due to eventual consistency it could happen that validation
of token in operation #2 will not see the saved token. Probability depends
on time gap between ops #1 and #2: the smaller the gap, the higher is
probability (less time to sync). Also it depends on Swift installation
size: the bigger is installation, the higher is probability (bigger 'space'
for inconsistency).

I believe that I've seen such inconsistency in Rackspace Cloud Files a
couple of years ago. We uploaded a file using an application into the
Files, but saw it in browser only a couple minutes later.

It is my understanding that Ceph exposing Swift API is not affected though,
as it is strongly consistent.



2014-09-29 20:12 GMT+04:00 Jay Pipes :

> Hey Stackers,
> So, I had a thought this morning (uh-oh, I know...).
> What if we wrote a token driver in Keystone that uses Swift for backend
> storage?
> I have long been an advocate of the memcache token driver versus the SQL
> driver for performance reasons. However, the problem with the memcache
> token driver is that if you want to run multiple OpenStack regions, you
> could share the identity data in Keystone using replicated database
> technology (mysql galera/PXC, pgpool II, or even standard mysql
> master/slave), but each region needs to have its own memcache service for
> tokens. This means that tokens are not shared across regions, which means
> that users have to log in separately to each region's dashboard.
> I personally considered this a tradeoff worth accepting. But then, today,
> I thought... what about storing tokens in a globally-distributed Swift
> cluster? That would take care of the replication needs automatically, since
> Swift would do the needful. And, add to that, Swift was designed for
> storing lots of small objects, which tokens are...
> Thoughts? I think it would be a cool dogfooding effort if nothing else,
> and give users yet another choice in how they handle multi-region tokens.
> Best,
> -jay
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] [Fuel] Default templates for Sahara feature in 6.0

2014-11-12 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
Hello fuelers,

I would like to request you merging CR [1] which implements blueprint [2].
It is a nice UX feature we really would like to have in 6.0. On the other
side, the implementation is really small: it is a small piece of puppet
which runs a shell script. The script always exits with 0, so the change
should not be dangerous. Other files in the change are used in the shell
script only. Please consider reviewing and merging this though we've
already reached FF.



OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Default templates for Sahara feature in 6.0

2014-11-14 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
Oops, the last line should be read as
"On the other side, it is a nice UX feature we really want to have 6.0"


2014-11-15 3:50 GMT+03:00 Dmitry Mescheryakov :

> Dmitry,
> Lets review the CR from the point of danger to current deployment process:
> in the essence it is 43 lines of change in puppet module. The module calls
> a shell script which always returns 0. So whatever happens inside, the
> deployment will not fail.
> The only changes (non-get requests) the script does, it does to Sahara. It
> tries to upload cluster and node-group templates. That is not dangerous
> operation for Sahara - in the worst case the templates will just not be
> created and that is all. It will not affect Sahara correctness in any way.
> On the other side, it is a nice UX feature we really want to have 5.1.1.
> Thanks,
> Dmitry
> 2014-11-15 3:04 GMT+03:00 Dmitry Borodaenko :
>> +286 lines a week after Feature Freeze, IMHO it's too late to make an
>> exception for this one.
>> On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 7:37 AM, Dmitry Mescheryakov
>>  wrote:
>> > Hello fuelers,
>> >
>> > I would like to request you merging CR [1] which implements blueprint
>> [2].
>> > It is a nice UX feature we really would like to have in 6.0. On the
>> other
>> > side, the implementation is really small: it is a small piece of puppet
>> > which runs a shell script. The script always exits with 0, so the change
>> > should not be dangerous. Other files in the change are used in the shell
>> > script only. Please consider reviewing and merging this though we've
>> already
>> > reached FF.
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> >
>> > Dmitry
>> >
>> > [1]
>> > [2]
>> >
>> >
>> > ___
>> > OpenStack-dev mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> --
>> Dmitry Borodaenko
>> ___
>> OpenStack-dev mailing list
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Default templates for Sahara feature in 6.0

2014-11-14 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov

Lets review the CR from the point of danger to current deployment process:
in the essence it is 43 lines of change in puppet module. The module calls
a shell script which always returns 0. So whatever happens inside, the
deployment will not fail.

The only changes (non-get requests) the script does, it does to Sahara. It
tries to upload cluster and node-group templates. That is not dangerous
operation for Sahara - in the worst case the templates will just not be
created and that is all. It will not affect Sahara correctness in any way.

On the other side, it is a nice UX feature we really want to have 5.1.1.



2014-11-15 3:04 GMT+03:00 Dmitry Borodaenko :

> +286 lines a week after Feature Freeze, IMHO it's too late to make an
> exception for this one.
> On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 7:37 AM, Dmitry Mescheryakov
>  wrote:
> > Hello fuelers,
> >
> > I would like to request you merging CR [1] which implements blueprint
> [2].
> > It is a nice UX feature we really would like to have in 6.0. On the other
> > side, the implementation is really small: it is a small piece of puppet
> > which runs a shell script. The script always exits with 0, so the change
> > should not be dangerous. Other files in the change are used in the shell
> > script only. Please consider reviewing and merging this though we've
> already
> > reached FF.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Dmitry
> >
> > [1]
> > [2]
> >
> >
> > ___
> > OpenStack-dev mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Dmitry Borodaenko
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
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[openstack-dev] [sahara] team meeting minutes July 3

2014-07-03 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
Again, thanks everyone who have joined Sahara meeting. Below are the
logs from the meeting.




OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Savanna] error in cluster launch: instance count gets to three, status=waiting, before going to error status

2013-09-17 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov

The error occurs at the following line:

The reason is that Savanna detects that one of instances it spawned entered
'Error' state. I.e. the problem is either in your OpenStack or in a way
Savanna spawns instances. The instances are spawned by the following piece
of code:

Right now Savanna uses rather dummy policy: if anything goes wrong during
cluster start, Savanna completely rolls back startup and terminates spawned
instances. If you comment the following line:

, you should see one of cluster instances in 'Error' state after cluster
startup fails.


2013/9/17 kesten broughton 

> I have applied the proposed patch for the setattr launch error
> I patch works, but the launch still fails.
> The stack trace just says the creation failed.
> - - [16/Sep/2013 12:21:20] "POST 
> /v1.0/2c8b2627a169458e8ab875690a51eabd/clusters HTTP/1.1" 202 1877 1.441746
> 2013-09-16 12:21:42.592 47355 WARNING savanna.service.instances [-] Can't 
> start cluster 'cluster-1' (reason: node cluster-1-workers-002 has error 
> status)
> 2013-09-16 12:21:51.369 47355 ERROR savanna.context [-] Thread 
> 'cluster-creating-057ae8f2-ce41-4508-9696-3affe064178d' fails with exception: 
> 'node cluster-1-workers-002 has error status'
> 2013-09-16 12:21:51.369 47355 TRACE savanna.context Traceback (most recent 
> call last):
> 2013-09-16 12:21:51.369 47355 TRACE savanna.context   File 
> "/home/stack/savanna-venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/savanna/",
>  line 93, in wrapper
> 2013-09-16 12:21:51.369 47355 TRACE savanna.context func(*args, **kwargs)
> 2013-09-16 12:21:51.369 47355 TRACE savanna.context   File 
> "/home/stack/savanna-venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/savanna/service/",
>  line 137, in _provision_cluster
> 2013-09-16 12:21:51.369 47355 TRACE savanna.context 
> i.create_cluster(cluster)
> 2013-09-16 12:21:51.369 47355 TRACE savanna.context   File 
> "/home/stack/savanna-venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/savanna/service/",
>  line 63, in create_cluster
> 2013-09-16 12:21:51.369 47355 TRACE savanna.context 
> _rollback_cluster_creation(cluster, ex)
> 2013-09-16 12:21:51.369 47355 TRACE savanna.context   File 
> "/home/stack/savanna-venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/savanna/openstack/common/",
>  line 70, in __exit__
> 2013-09-16 12:21:51.369 47355 TRACE savanna.context 
> six.reraise(self.type_, self.value, self.tb)
> 2013-09-16 12:21:51.369 47355 TRACE savanna.context   File 
> "/home/stack/savanna-venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/savanna/service/",
>  line 45, in create_cluster
> 2013-09-16 12:21:51.369 47355 TRACE savanna.context cluster = 
> _await_instances(cluster)
> complete details here:
> I can see in horizon that it makes it past the "waiting" log message.
> My suspicion is with volumes.attach() below since the output from the
> cluster_create contains
> "volume_mount_prefix": "/volumes/disk",
> I am using the vmware machine as configured in the guide, but
> locate /volumes/disk returns nothing.
> --- here is where the exception is thrown
> def create_cluster(cluster):
> ctx = context.ctx()
> try:
> # create all instances
> conductor.cluster_update(ctx, cluster, {"status": "Spawning"})
> _create_instances(cluster)
> # wait for all instances are up and accessible
> cluster = conductor.cluster_update(ctx, cluster, {"status":
> "Waiting"})
> cluster = _await_instances(cluster)
> # attach volumes
> volumes.attach(cluster)
> # prepare all instances
> cluster = conductor.cluster_update(ctx, cluster,
>{"status": "Preparing"})
> _configure_instances(cluster)
> except Exception as ex:
> LOG.warn("Can't start cluster '%s' (reason: %s)",,
> ex)
> tips to debug?
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Savanna] Savanna on Bare Metal and Base Requirements

2013-10-25 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
Hello Travis,

We didn't researched Savanna on bare metal, though we considered it some
time ago. I know little of bare metal provisioning, so I am rather unsure
what problems you might experience.

My main concern are images: does bare metal provisioning work with qcow2
images? Vanilla plugin (which installs Vanilla Apache Hadoop) requires a
pre-built Linux images with Hadoop, so if qcow2 does not work for bare
metal, you will need to somehow build images in required format. On the
other hand HDP plugin (which installs Hortonworks Data Platform), does not
require pre-built images, but works only on Red Hat OSes, as far as I know.

Another concern: does bare metal support cloud-init? Savanna relies on it
and reimplementing that functionality some other way might take some time.

As for your concern on which API calls Savanna makes: it is a pretty small
list of requests. Mainly authentication with keystone, basic operations
with VMs via nova (create, list, terminate), basic operations with images
(list, set/get attributes). Snapshots are not used. That is for basic
functionality. Other than that, some features might require additional API
calls. For instance Cinder support naturally requires calls for volume



2013/10/25 Tripp, Travis S 

>  Hello Savanna team,
> ** **
> I’ve just skimmed through the online documentation and I’m very interested
> in this project. We have a grizzly environment with all the latest patches
> as well as several Havana backports applied. We are are doing bare metal
> provisioning through Nova.  It is limited to flat networking.
> ** **
> Would Savanna work in this environment?  What are the requirements?  What
> are the minimum set of API calls that need to supported (for example, we
> can’t support snapshots)?
> ** **
> Thank you,
> Travis
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Fwd: [Openstack-Dev] Announcement of the Compass Deployment project

2013-11-01 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
I've noticed you list "Remote install and configure a Hadoop cluster
(synergy with Savanna?)" among possible use cases. Recently there was a
discussion about Savanna on bare metal provisioning through Nova (see
thread [1]). Nobody tested that yet, but it was concluded that it should
work without any changes in Savanna code.

So if Compass could set up baremetal provisioning with Nova, possibly
Savanna will work on top of that out of the box.



2013/11/1 Robert Collins 

> On 1 November 2013 20:41, Rochelle Grober  wrote:
> >
> > A message from my associate as he wings to the Icehouse OpenStack summit
> > (and yes, we're psyched):
> > Our project, code named Compass is a Restful API driven deployment
> platform
> > that performs discovery of the physical machines attached to a specified
> set
> > of switches. It then customizes configurations for machines you identify
> and
> > installs the systems and networks to your configuration specs. Besides
> > presenting the technical internals and design decisions of Compass  at
> the
> > Icehouse summit, we will also have a  demo session.
> Cool - when is it? I'd like to get along.
> ...
> > We look forward to showing the community our project, receiving and
> > incorporating, brainstorming what else it could do, and integrating it
> into
> > the OpenStack family .  We are a part of the OpenStack community and
> want to
> > support it both with core participation and with Compass.
> I'm /particularly/ interested in the interaction with Neutron and
> network modelling - do you use Neutron for the physical switch
> interrogation, do you inform Neutron about the topology and so on.
> Anyhow, lets make sure we can connect and see where we can collaborate!
> Cheers,
> Rob
> --
> Robert Collins 
> Distinguished Technologist
> HP Converged Cloud
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [savanna] Loading of savanna.conf properties

2013-11-10 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
Hey Jon,

Can you post your code as a work in progress review? Maybe we can perceive
from the code what is wrong.



2013/11/10 Jon Maron 

> Hi,
>   I am debugging an issue with the swift integration - I see os_auth_url
> with a value of, indicating that at the time the swift helper is
> invoked the default value for auth host is being leveraged rather than the
> value in the savanna.conf file.  Any ideas how that may happen?
> More detail:
>   We are invoking the swift_helper to configure the swift associated
> properties and ending up with the following in core-site.xml:
> fs.swift.service.savanna.auth.url
>   Which, as expected, yields the following when running on a tasktracker
> VM:
> org.apache.pig.impl.plan.VisitorException: ERROR 6000:
>  Output Location Validation Failed for:
> 'swift://jmaron.savanna/output More info to follow:
> POST failed on exception:
> Connection refused; For more details see:
> -- Jon
> --
> NOTICE: This message is intended for the use of the individual or entity to
> which it is addressed and may contain information that is confidential,
> privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader
> of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that
> any printing, copying, dissemination, distribution, disclosure or
> forwarding of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have
> received this communication in error, please contact the sender immediately
> and delete it from your system. Thank You.
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [savanna] Loading of savanna.conf properties

2013-11-10 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
I've got two guesses why it does not work properly:

1. Savanna does not consume config file at all and the defaults (by
coincidence) do not work for swift only.

2. you invoke swift_helper.get_swift_configs() at the top level of some
module like that:
  SWIFT_CONFIG = swift_helper.get_swift_configs()
The oslo.config is not initialized at module load time (that is true for
any module), so that is why you see the defaults instead of the supplied

Still, if you share the code, some other ideas might pop-up.


2013/11/10 Jon Maron 

> I'm not sure that would help - all my code changes are runtime changes
> associated with EDP actions (i.e. the cluster and its configuration are
> already set).  I was looking for help in trying to ascertain why the
> swift_helper would not return the savanna.conf value at provisioning time.
> -- Jon
> On Nov 10, 2013, at 3:53 AM, Dmitry Mescheryakov <
>> wrote:
> Hey Jon,
> Can you post your code as a work in progress review? Maybe we can perceive
> from the code what is wrong.
> Thanks,
> Dmitry
> 2013/11/10 Jon Maron 
>> Hi,
>>   I am debugging an issue with the swift integration - I see os_auth_url
>> with a value of, indicating that at the time the swift helper is
>> invoked the default value for auth host is being leveraged rather than the
>> value in the savanna.conf file.  Any ideas how that may happen?
>> More detail:
>>   We are invoking the swift_helper to configure the swift associated
>> properties and ending up with the following in core-site.xml:
>> fs.swift.service.savanna.auth.url
>>   Which, as expected, yields the following when running on a tasktracker
>> VM:
>> org.apache.pig.impl.plan.VisitorException: ERROR 6000:
>>  Output Location Validation Failed for: '
>> swift://jmaron.savanna/output More info to follow:
>> POST failed on exception:
>> Connection refused; For more details see:
>> -- Jon
>> --
>> NOTICE: This message is intended for the use of the individual or entity
>> to
>> which it is addressed and may contain information that is confidential,
>> privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader
>> of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified
>> that
>> any printing, copying, dissemination, distribution, disclosure or
>> forwarding of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have
>> received this communication in error, please contact the sender
>> immediately
>> and delete it from your system. Thank You.
>> ___
>> OpenStack-dev mailing list
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
> NOTICE: This message is intended for the use of the individual or entity
> to which it is addressed and may contain information that is confidential,
> privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader
> of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that
> any printing, copying, dissemination, distribution, disclosure or
> forwarding of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have
> received this communication in error, please contact the sender immediately
> and delete it from your system. Thank You.
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Savanna] How to manage Hadoop configurations

2013-07-17 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov

You may find examples of REST requests here:

To get the full list of supported configs, send GET request to the
following URL

Note that each config has 'scope' parameter. Configs with 'node' scope
should be declared in node group (or node group template). With 'cluster' -
in cluster (or cluster template).


2013/7/17 Arindam Choudhury 

> Hi,
> Sorry for posting in wrong mailing list.
> Thanks for your reply. I want to know how to do it from CLI using directly
> the API.
> I think I have put it in the ng_master_template_create.json and
> ng_worker_template_create.json(from the quickstart). But I am confused
> about the syntax.
> Regards,
> Arindam
> --
> Subject: Re: [Savanna-all] How to manage Hadoop configurations
> From:
> Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 14:09:24 +0400
> CC:;
> To:
> Hi Arindam,
> you can specify all Hadoop configurations in node group and cluster
> templates (after choosing node processes).
> P.S. We are now using openstack-dev mailing list instead of savanna-all.
> Sincerely yours,
> Sergey Lukjanov
> Savanna Technical Lead
> Mirantis Inc.
> On Jul 17, 2013, at 14:07, Arindam Choudhury  wrote:
> Hi,
> Savanna is working very good. I can create a hadoop cluster and launch
> hadoop jobs. Using the "Quick Start" tutorial I have a basic understanding
> of the API. But I can not figure out how to manage hadoop configurations
> e.g. data split size, java heap size. If someone put a light on it, it will
> be very helpful.
> Thanks,
> Arindam
> --
> Mailing list:
> Post to :
> Unsubscribe :
> More help   :
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
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Re: [openstack-dev] [Savanna] Cluster launch error

2013-08-07 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov

Sorry for taking so long to respond.  The cluster machines were removed by
rollback which was caused by exception:
2013-08-04 11:08:33.907 3542 INFO savanna.service.instances [-] Cluster
'cluster-test-01' creation rollback (reason: unexpected type  for addr arg)

Looks like currently code hides the exception stacktrace, so I can't tell
what caused it. My suggestion would be to change the code to print the
stacktrace. That way it will be much easier to diagnose the issue.


2013/8/4 Linus Nova 

> HI,
> I installed OpenStack Savanna in OpenStack Grizzely release. As you can
> see in savanna.log, the savanna-api start and operates correctly.
> When I launch the cluster, the VMs start correctly but soon after they are
> removed as shown in the log file.
> Do you have any ideas on what is happening?
> Best regards.
> Linus Nova
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [savanna] Program name and Mission statement

2013-09-11 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
Mike, and if you looked up 'compute' in dictionary, you would never guess
what OpenStack Compute does :-).

I think that 'Data Processing' is a good name which in short describes what
Savanna is going to be. The name 'MapReduce' for the program does not cover
whole functionality provided by Savanna. Todays Hadoop distributions
include not only MapReduce frameworks, but also a bunch of other products,
not all of which are based on MapReduce. In fact the core of Hadoop 2.0,
YARN, was built with idea of supporting other, non-MapReduce frameworks.
For instance Twitter Storm was ported on YARN recently.

I am also +1 on Matthew's mission proposal:
>> Mission: To provide the OpenStack community with an open, cutting edge,
performant and scalable data processing stack and associated management


2013/9/10 Mike Spreitzer 

> A quick dictionary lookup of "data processing" yields the following.  I
> wonder if you mean something more specific.
> data processing |ˈˌdædə ˈprɑsɛsɪŋ|
> noun
> a series of operations on data, esp. by a computer, to retrieve,
> transform, or classify information.
> From:Matthew Farrellee 
> To:OpenStack Development Mailing List <
> Date:09/10/2013 09:53 AM
> Subject:Re: [openstack-dev] [savanna] Program name and Mission
> statement
> --
> Rough cut -
> Program: OpenStack Data Processing
> Mission: To provide the OpenStack community with an open, cutting edge,
> performant and scalable data processing stack and associated management
> interfaces.
> On 09/10/2013 09:26 AM, Sergey Lukjanov wrote:
> > It sounds too broad IMO. Looks like we need to define Mission Statement
> > first.
> >
> > Sincerely yours,
> > Sergey Lukjanov
> > Savanna Technical Lead
> > Mirantis Inc.
> >
> > On Sep 10, 2013, at 17:09, Alexander Kuznetsov  > > wrote:
> >
> >> My suggestion OpenStack Data Processing.
> >>
> >>
> >> On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 4:15 PM, Sergey Lukjanov
> >>  >> >
> wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi folks,
> >>
> >> due to the Incubator Application we should prepare Program name
> >> and Mission statement for Savanna, so, I want to start mailing
> >> thread about it.
> >>
> >> Please, provide any ideas here.
> >>
> >> P.S. List of existing programs:
> >>
> >> P.P.S.
> >>
> >> Sincerely yours,
> >> Sergey Lukjanov
> >> Savanna Technical Lead
> >> Mirantis Inc.
> >>
> >>
> >> ___
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> >>  >
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[openstack-dev] [Fuel] Disabling HA for RPC queues in RabbitMQ

2015-12-01 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
Hello guys,

I would like to propose to disable HA for OpenStack RPC queues. The
rationale is to reduce load on RabbitMQ by removing necessity for it to
replicate messages across the cluster. You can find more details about
proposal in spec [1].

To what is in the spec I can add that I've ran a test on scale which
confirms that there is at least one case where our messaging stack is
bottleneck currently. That is a Rally boot_and_delete_server_with_secgroups
run against setup with Neutron VXLAN with DVR. Just removing HA policy
reduces the test time 2 times and increases message throughput 2-3 times. I
think that is a very clear indication of benefit we can get.

I do understand that we are almost in Feature Freeze, so I will request a
feature freeze exception for that change in a separate thread with detailed



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[openstack-dev] [Fuel][FFE] Disabling HA for RPC queues in RabbitMQ

2015-12-01 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov

I would like to request feature freeze exception for disabling HA for RPC
queues in RabbitMQ [1].

As I already wrote in another thread [2], I've conducted tests which
clearly show benefit we will get from that change. The change itself is a
very small patch [3]. The only thing which I want to do before proposing to
merge this change is to conduct destructive tests against it in order to
make sure that we do not have a regression here. That should take just
several days, so if there will be no other objections, we will be able to
merge the change in a week or two timeframe.



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Re: [openstack-dev] [Fuel][FFE] Disabling HA for RPC queues in RabbitMQ

2015-12-02 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
2015-12-02 12:48 GMT+03:00 Sergii Golovatiuk :

> Hi,
> On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 11:34 PM, Peter Lemenkov 
> wrote:
>> Hello All!
>> Well, side-effects (or any other effects) are quite obvious and
>> predictable - this will decrease availability of RPC queues a bit.
>> That's for sure.
> Imagine the case when user creates VM instance, and some nova messages are
> lost. I am not sure we want half-created instances. Who is going to clean
> up them? Since we do not have results of destructive tests, I vote -2 for
> FFE for this feature.

Sergii, actually messaging layer can not provide any guarantee that it will
not happen even if all messages are preserved. Assume the following

 * nova-scheduler (or conductor?) sends request to nova-compute to spawn a
 * nova-compute receives the message and spawned the VM
 * due to some reason (rabbitmq unavailable, nova-compute lagged)
nova-compute did not respond within timeout (1 minute, I think)
 * nova-scheduler does not get response within 1 minute and marks the VM
with Error status.

In that scenario no message was lost, but still we have a VM half spawned
and it is up to Nova to handle the error and do the cleanup in that case.

Such issue already happens here and there when something glitches. For
instance our favorite MessagingTimeout exception could be caused by such
scenario. Specifically, in that example when nova-scheduler times out
waiting for reply, it will throw exactly that exception.

My point is simple - lets increase our architecture scalability by 2-3
times by _maybe_ causing more errors for users during failover. The
failover time itself should not get worse (to be tested by me) and errors
should be correctly handler by services anyway.

>> However, Dmitry's guess is that the overall messaging backplane
>> stability increase (RabitMQ won't fail too often in some cases) would
>> compensate for this change. This issue is very much real - speaking of
>> me I've seen an awful cluster's performance degradation when a failing
>> RabbitMQ node was killed by some watchdog application (or even worse
>> wasn't killed at all). One of these issues was quite recently, and I'd
>> love to see them less frequently.
>> That said I'm uncertain about the stability impact of this change, yet
>> I see a reasoning worth discussing behind it.
>> 2015-12-01 20:53 GMT+01:00 Sergii Golovatiuk :
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > -1 for FFE for disabling HA for RPC queue as we do not know all side
>> effects
>> > in HA scenarios.
>> >
>> > On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 7:34 PM, Dmitry Mescheryakov
>> >  wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Folks,
>> >>
>> >> I would like to request feature freeze exception for disabling HA for
>> RPC
>> >> queues in RabbitMQ [1].
>> >>
>> >> As I already wrote in another thread [2], I've conducted tests which
>> >> clearly show benefit we will get from that change. The change itself
>> is a
>> >> very small patch [3]. The only thing which I want to do before
>> proposing to
>> >> merge this change is to conduct destructive tests against it in order
>> to
>> >> make sure that we do not have a regression here. That should take just
>> >> several days, so if there will be no other objections, we will be able
>> to
>> >> merge the change in a week or two timeframe.
>> >>
>> >> Thanks,
>> >>
>> >> Dmitry
>> >>
>> >> [1]
>> >> [2]
>> >>
>> >> [3]
>> >>
>> >>
>> __
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>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> >
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>> >
>> >
>> --
>> With best regards, Peter Lemenkov.

Re: [openstack-dev] [Fuel][FFE] Disabling HA for RPC queues in RabbitMQ

2015-12-02 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
2015-12-02 13:11 GMT+03:00 Bogdan Dobrelya :

> On 01.12.2015 23:34, Peter Lemenkov wrote:
> > Hello All!
> >
> > Well, side-effects (or any other effects) are quite obvious and
> > predictable - this will decrease availability of RPC queues a bit.
> > That's for sure.
> And consistency. Without messages and queues being synced between all of
> the rabbit_hosts, how exactly dispatching rpc calls would work then
> workers connected to different AMQP urls?

There will be no problem with consistency here. Since we will disable HA,
queues will not be synced across the cluster and there will be exactly one
node hosting messages for a queue.

> Perhaps that change would only raise the partitions tolerance to the
> very high degree? But this should be clearly shown by load tests - under
> network partitions with mirroring against network partitions w/o
> mirroring. Rally could help here a lot.

Nope, the change will not increase partitioning tolerance at all. What I
expect is that it will not get worse. Regarding tests, sure we are going to
perform destructive testing to verify that there is no regression in
recovery time.

> >
> > However, Dmitry's guess is that the overall messaging backplane
> > stability increase (RabitMQ won't fail too often in some cases) would
> > compensate for this change. This issue is very much real - speaking of
> Agree, that should be proven by (rally) tests for the specific case I
> described in the spec [0]. Please correct it as I may understand things
> wrong, but here it is:
> - client 1 submits RPC call request R to the server 1 connected to the
> AMQP host X
> - worker A listens for jobs topic to the AMQP host X
> - worker B listens for jobs topic to the AMQP host Y
> - a job by the R was dispatched to the worker B
> Q: would the B never receive its job message because it just cannot see
> messages at the X?
> Q: timeout failure as the result.
> And things may go even much more weird for more complex scenarios.

Yes, in the described scenario B will receive the job. Node Y will proxy B
listening to node X. So, we will not experience timeout. Also, I have
replied in the review.

> [0]
> > me I've seen an awful cluster's performance degradation when a failing
> > RabbitMQ node was killed by some watchdog application (or even worse
> > wasn't killed at all). One of these issues was quite recently, and I'd
> > love to see them less frequently.
> >
> > That said I'm uncertain about the stability impact of this change, yet
> > I see a reasoning worth discussing behind it.
> I would support this to the 8.0 if only proven by the load tests within
> scenario I described plus standard destructive tests

As I said in my initial email, I've run boot_and_delete_server_with_secgroups
Rally scenario to verify my change. I think I should provide more details:

Scale team considers this test to be the worst case we have for RabbitMQ.
I've ran the test on 200 nodes lab and what I saw is that when I disable
HA, test time becomes 2 times smaller. That clearly shows that there is a
test where our current messaging system is bottleneck and just tuning it
considerably improves performance of OpenStack as a whole. Also while there
was small fail rate for HA mode (around 1-2%), in non-HA mode all tests
always completed successfully.

Overall, I think current results are already enough to consider the change
useful. What is left is to confirm that it does not make our failover worse.

> >
> > 2015-12-01 20:53 GMT+01:00 Sergii Golovatiuk :
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> -1 for FFE for disabling HA for RPC queue as we do not know all side
> effects
> >> in HA scenarios.
> >>
> >> On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 7:34 PM, Dmitry Mescheryakov
> >>  wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Folks,
> >>>
> >>> I would like to request feature freeze exception for disabling HA for
> >>> queues in RabbitMQ [1].
> >>>
> >>> As I already wrote in another thread [2], I've conducted tests which
> >>> clearly show benefit we will get from that change. The change itself
> is a
> >>> very small patch [3]. The only thing which I want to do before
> proposing to
> >>> merge this change is to conduct destructive tests against it in order
> to
> >>> make sure that we do not have a regression here. That should take just
> >>> several days, so if there will be no other objections, we will be able
> to
> >>> merge the change in a week or two timeframe.
> >>>
> >>> Thanks,

Re: [openstack-dev] [Fuel][FFE] Disabling HA for RPC queues in RabbitMQ

2015-12-02 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
2015-12-02 16:52 GMT+03:00 Jordan Pittier :

> On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 1:05 PM, Dmitry Mescheryakov <
>> wrote:
>> My point is simple - lets increase our architecture scalability by 2-3
>> times by _maybe_ causing more errors for users during failover. The
>> failover time itself should not get worse (to be tested by me) and errors
>> should be correctly handler by services anyway.
> Scalability is great, but what about correctness ?

Jordan, users will encounter problems only when some of RabbitMQ nodes go
down. Under normal circumstances it will not cause any additional errors.
And when RabbitMQ goes down and oslo.messaging fails over to alive hosts,
we anyway have couple minutes messaging downtime at the moment, which
disrupts almost all RPC calls. On the other side, disabling mirroring
greatly reduces chances a RabbitMQ node goes down due to high load.

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[openstack-dev] [Fuel] Extend FFE for "Disable queue mirroring for RPC queues in RabbitMQ"

2015-12-07 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
Hello folks,

I'd like to request extension of current FFE for the feature [1]. During
the three FFE days we merged the spec [2] after big discussion and made a
couple iterations over the implementation [3]. We had a chat with Bogdan on
how to progress and here are the action items still need to be done:
 * part of the change responsible for RabbitMQ policy need to be upstreamed
first to RabbitMQ repo.
 * the change needs to be review and merged by our library folks.

Overall I think that 2-3 more days should be enough to finish it.

What do you think folks?


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Re: [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Extend FFE for "Disable queue mirroring for RPC queues in RabbitMQ"

2015-12-11 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov

First, let me report current feature status: we continued the work with
Bogdan Dobrelya and Sergii Golovatiuk. I have incorporated their feedback
into the change. Also, I have fully tested it on custom ISO and Fuel CI
passes successfully. Also, I have an approval from Bogdan on the
implementation of the change (see his +2 before he casted -2 because of FF).

Now, I still would like to ask the change to be merged into 8.0 due to the
following reasons:
1. It is small and isolated
2. It is disabled by default and marked as experimental
3. It promises big value by reducing load on RabbitMQ, which becomes
bottleneck on big environments



The CR:

2015-12-08 13:11 GMT+03:00 Igor Kalnitsky :

> Hey Dmitry,
> Despite the fact the feature promises performance boost (IIUC) and
> it's really nice to have it, I agree with Mike's opinion - it's late
> to continue working on features. Each delay means less time to test
> it, and we need to focus on quality.
> I'm sorry, but I have to say "No" on requested exception.
> - Igor
> On Tue, Dec 8, 2015 at 9:55 AM, Mike Scherbakov
>  wrote:
> > Hi Dmitry,
> > as much as I support the change, and glad that we got time for it, my
> > opinion is that we should not extend a FFE. I have following reasons to
> > think this way:
> >
> > 1) Feature Freeze is time based milestone, with the rational "FF ensures
> > that sufficient share of the ReleaseCycle is dedicated to QA, until we
> > produce the first release candidates. Limiting the changes that affect
> the
> > behavior of the software allow for consistent testing and efficient
> > bugfixing" [1]. Even though this feature will be disabled by default, it
> is
> > important to note the first part of this rationale - we need to focus on
> > stability now, not on features.
> > 2) 7 FFEs for Fuel [2] I'd subjectively consider as high number, as in
> total
> > there are ~25 major blueprints to be delivered. Dmitry, our PTL,
> > unfortunately is absent for a couple of weeks, but his opinion is quite
> > similar: "The list of exceptions is much longer than I'd like, and some
> have
> > larger impact than I'd like, lets all of us make sure we don't come to
> > regret granting these exceptions." [3]. Taking any exception further
> means
> > moving FF, in fact. That means moving of release date, which I don't
> think
> > we should even consider doing.
> > 3) Exception to exception, in my opinion, should only be allowed in
> > extremely rare cases for essential features only. When it becomes clear
> that
> > the whole release has a major gap or serious issue, which can only be
> > resolved by finishing an essential feature. I have no evidence to think
> that
> > this functionality, which will be disabled by default, can fall into this
> > category.
> > 4) Changeset [4] has a change to the packaging spec. Any small change to
> > packaging after FF imposes additional risk, as there is no good test
> > automation for such kind of changes. Even if it's just include of a new
> > file. In case of regression, we may easily lose a day for figuring out
> what
> > is wrong and reverting a change.
> >
> > I'd like to hear component leads while PTL is absent these days
> >
> > [1]
> > [2]
> >
> > [3]
> >
> > [4]
> >
> > On Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 2:30 PM Adam Heczko  wrote:
> >>
> >> Hello Dmitry,
> >> I like this idea and very much appreciate it.
> >> +1 from me :)
> >>
> >> A.
> >>
> >> On Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 9:48 PM, Dmitry Mescheryakov
> >>  wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Hello folks,
> >>>
> >>> I'd like to request extension of current FFE for the feature [1].
> During
> >>> the three FFE days we merged the spec [2] after big discussion and
> made a
> >>> couple iterations over the implementation [3]. We had a chat with
> Bogdan on
> >>> how to progress and here are the action items still need to be done:
> >>>  * part of the change responsible for RabbitMQ policy need to be
> >>> upstreamed first to RabbitMQ repo.
> >>>  * the change needs to be review and merged by our library folks.
> >>>
> &g

Re: [openstack-dev] [fuel][plugins] Detached components plugin update requirement

2016-01-20 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov

I am curious - does it mean that the plugins will stop working with older
versions of Fuel?



2016-01-20 19:58 GMT+03:00 Sergii Golovatiuk :

> Hi,
> Recently I merged the change to master and 8.0 that moves one task from
> Nailgun to Library [1]. Actually, it replaces [2] to allow operator more
> flexibility with repository management.  However, it affects the detached
> components as they will require one more task to add as written at [3].
> Please adapt your plugin accordingly.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> --
> Best regards,
> Sergii Golovatiuk,
> Skype #golserge
> IRC #holser
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Re: [openstack-dev] [fuel][plugins] Detached components plugin update requirement

2016-01-20 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
2016-01-20 22:34 GMT+03:00 Sergii Golovatiuk :

> Plugin master branch won't be compatible with older versions. Though the
> plugin developer may create stable branch to have compatibility with older
> versions.

Got it, thank you for clarifying this.


> --
> Best regards,
> Sergii Golovatiuk,
> Skype #golserge
> IRC #holser
> On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 6:41 PM, Dmitry Mescheryakov <
>> wrote:
>> Sergii,
>> I am curious - does it mean that the plugins will stop working with older
>> versions of Fuel?
>> Thanks,
>> Dmitry
>> 2016-01-20 19:58 GMT+03:00 Sergii Golovatiuk :
>>> Hi,
>>> Recently I merged the change to master and 8.0 that moves one task from
>>> Nailgun to Library [1]. Actually, it replaces [2] to allow operator more
>>> flexibility with repository management.  However, it affects the detached
>>> components as they will require one more task to add as written at [3].
>>> Please adapt your plugin accordingly.
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> [3]
>>> --
>>> Best regards,
>>> Sergii Golovatiuk,
>>> Skype #golserge
>>> IRC #holser
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Re: [openstack-dev] [Fuel][RabbitMQ][puppet] Kilo status of the heartbeats implementation

2015-07-28 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov

Answering your questions, in MOS 7.0 source code heartbeats are enabled by
default (with heartbeat_timeout_threshold value set to 60). We patched our
version of upstream stable/kilo to do so. So, in installed env heartbeats
are enabled for every component except Neutron, for which puppet manifests
explicitly disable heartbeats, as you already noted.

Regarding how should we proceed, right now we are testing how upstream
implementation performs in our environments. I suggest to postpone the
decision until we have enough data.



2015-07-28 12:06 GMT+03:00 Bogdan Dobrelya :

> Folks, it seems the situation with Kilo support for RabbitMQ heartbeats
> should be elaborated.
> There is a bug [0] and a ML [1] related. The questions are:
> a) Should Fuel 7.0 with Kilo *explicitly* disable via puppet the
> upstream implementation of heartbeats for all OpenStack components
> (Neutron example [2]) and keep the MOS specific implementation of
> heartbeats configured the same way as it was for Juno?
> b) Or should we change nothing additionally allowing Oslo defaults for
> Kilo being populated for heartbeats settings out of box? Related
> question - what are upstream heartbeat defaults in MOS, do they differ
> to upstream ones?
> [0]
> [1]
> [2]
> --
> Best regards,
> Bogdan Dobrelya,
> Irc #bogdando
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Re: [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Plugins] Plugin deployment questions

2015-10-19 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
Hello folks,

I second Patrick's idea. In our case we would like to install standalone
RabbitMQ cluster with Fuel reference architecture to perform destructive
tests on it. Requirement to install controller is an excessive burden in
that case.



2015-10-19 13:44 GMT+03:00 Patrick Petit :

> Hi There,
> There are situations where we’d like to deploy only Fuel plugins in an
> environment.
> That’s typically the case with Elasticsearch and InfluxDB plugins of LMA
> tools.
> Currently it’s not possible because you need to at least have one
> controller.
> What exactly is making that limitation? How hard would it be to have it
> removed?
> Thanks
> Patrick
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Re: [openstack-dev] [Requirements] Freeze

2017-01-30 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
Hello Matthew,

I see that you have frozen my CR ,
but it is for stable/newton. Should not freeze apply to master only?



On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 12:22 AM, Matthew Thode 

> We are going to be freezing Thursday at ~20:00 UTC.
> So if you need any changes we'll be needing needing them in soon, with
> reasoning.  Thanks.
> --
> Matthew Thode (prometheanfire)
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Re: [openstack-dev] [Requirements] Freeze

2017-01-30 Thread Dmitry Mescheryakov
No worries, good to know I did not miss anything about release procedures



On Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 6:51 PM, Matthew Thode 

> On 01/30/2017 03:24 AM, Dmitry Mescheryakov wrote:
> > Hello Matthew,
> >
> > I see that you have frozen my
> > CR , but it is for
> > stable/newton. Should not freeze apply to master only?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Dmitry
> >
> Yep, fixed, sorry about that.
> --
> Matthew Thode (prometheanfire)
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