Re: [osg-users] Suggestion for Cuda + OSG, smooth particle hydrodynamic

2011-10-25 Thread brian tse
Hi, Thank you very very much for your reply. I will post the algorithm up once I got it up and running. From your suggestion, at least now I have a better direction to search for the solution. I can't really do the CUDA inside the osg loop, mainly because i need the cuda to run as fast as

[osg-users] Suggestion for Cuda + OSG, smooth particle hydrodynamic

2011-10-23 Thread brian tse
Hi, I am very new to CUDA and OSG, please accept my apologies if this is a stupid questions. I am trying to build SPH algorithm using Cuda to calculate the particle forces and update its position. I would like to ask is there a way in Cuda to pass the position array to OSG without doing a

Re: [osg-users] Blending Multiple Texture on one triangle mesh with coordinate control

2010-09-27 Thread Brian Tse
thank you very much for your reply Robert. Sorry to reply late. I finally got it working. At the end i used texture3D instead of texture2D. One problem i had with texture was shadowing. Originally, i used ShadowMap, but some reason, the second texture never show up. the shadowmap doesn't seems

Re: [osg-users] Blending Multiple Texture on one triangle mesh with coordinate control

2010-09-18 Thread Brian Tse
Hi Alberto Thank you very much for your quick response. One of the reason our team has to do it via open scene graph is because our program has to modified the triangle mesh in real time, this include additional or removal or triangles. Therefore, (I may be wrong, because i m very new to 3D

[osg-users] Blending Multiple Texture on one triangle mesh with coordinate control

2010-09-16 Thread Brian Tse
Hi All I am very new to Open Scene Graph and please accept my apology if this is a very obvious question. Your answer is grateful appreciated. Currently, I build a triangle mesh in osg (eg. triangle mesh is a teddy bear model) I want to implement 2 texture (eg. hair.jpg and skin.jpg) Is there