Re: [osg-users] osgViewer::GraphicsWindowEmbeded causing OpenGL error

2011-11-10 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Joshua,

I don't know CAVElib personally so can't answer specifics about
integration with it.

A couple of general comments though:

  1) Is the CAVElib creating multiple graphics contexts?  If so there you'll
  need a GraphicsWindow on the OSG per context you can't reuse the
  same window per context.

 2) Do you really need to use CAVElib?  The OSG itself can render
 to a cave just by setting up the Viewer slave Camera appropriately.
 There is also integration with other 3rd party VR libs.


On 9 November 2011 20:53, Joshua Cook wrote:
 So, comes the hard part of my asignment.  I'm now tasked with taking the 
 wonderful viewer that I've written using OSG and making it play nice with 
 CAVElib.  Well, CAVElib does not like to play nice.  It must own the OpenGL 
 context and controll everything except the drawing of the objects.  Well, the 
 only way I could see to do this was use a GraphicsWindowEmbeded.  Now, if I 
 just run CAVElib in the background, so to speak, I can see the example .iv 
 file perfectly.  However, there is a constant barage of warnings that an 
 OpenGL error has been detected starting with Warning: detected OpenGL error 
 'invalid operation' at Before Renderer::compile, once for each pipe, and then 
 a constant stream of Warning: detected OpenGL error 'invalid operation' at 
 after RenderBin::draw(..).  If I let CAVElib determine my view frustrum and 
 look at matrix I get a screen of garbage because both frustrum and view 
 matrixes are identity matrixes which I attribute to the OpenGL issues.

 the simple code I'm running to show a .iv file is as follows


 osg::Node* node = NULL;
 osg::PositionAttitudeTransform* pat = NULL;
 std::vectorosgViewer::Viewer* viewVec;
 OpenThreads::Mutex m;
 osg::GraphicsContext* gc = NULL;

  void init()
  osgViewer::Viewer* viewer = NULL;
    OpenThreads::ScopedLockOpenThreads::Mutex lock(m);
    viewer = new osgViewer::Viewer();
    osg::ref_ptrosgViewer::GraphicsWindowEmbedded gw = 
 viewer-setUpViewerAsEmbeddedInWindow(100, 100, 500, 500);
    viewer-setCameraManipulator(new osgGA::TrackballManipulator);



 void display()
  //GLenum errorNo;



  int num = CAVEPipeNumber();
  osgViewer::Viewer* viewer = viewVec[num];



  //errorNo = glGetError();


 void frame()
    pat-setAttitude(pat-getAttitude() * osg::Quat(3.14 / 180.0, 

  pat-setPosition(osg::Vec3(-100, -100, -100));
  int num = CAVEPipeNumber();
  osgViewer::Viewer* viewer = viewVec[num];
  osg::Camera* cam = viewer-getCamera();
  int height = 0;
  int width = 0;
  int x = 0;
  int y = 0;
  CAVEGetViewport(x, y, width, height);
  cam-setViewport(x, y, width, height);

  float viewMatrixGL[16] = {0};
  float projMatrixGL[16] = {0};


  glGetFloatv( GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX , (float*)viewMatrixGL );
  glGetFloatv( GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, (float*)projMatrixGL );

  osg::Matrix viewMatrix(viewMatrixGL);
  osg::Matrix projMatrix(projMatrixGL);

  // set theproj
  // set the view


 int main(int argv, char** argc)
  node = osgDB::readNodeFile(test.iv);
  pat = new osg::PositionAttitudeTransform();

  CAVEConfigure(NULL, NULL, NULL);
  CAVEInitApplication(init, 0);
  CAVEDisplay(display, 0);
  CAVEFrameFunction(frame, 0);


 I can't find a solution to my problem and I've scoured the forums, net, 
 contacted Mechdyne who owns CAVElib, prayed, and even contemplated 
 sacrificing a virgin but the alter is in for cleaning.  So, any help, insite, 
 or the like would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: [osg-users] UFOManipulator not repsponding to key events

2011-11-10 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Andrew,

You don't need to add a camera manipulator as an event handler, as the
viewer will automatically call the manipulator on each frame.

I also wouldn't recommend using GLUT, the OSG has far more powerful
windowing support out of the box, no need to go complicating things
with an ancient windowing API that was never meant for anything more
than quick OpenGL demos.


On 9 November 2011 04:47, Andrew Inscore wrote:
 If I attempt to use the UFOManipulator  like so, it does not move the camera.

 osg::ref_ptrosgViewer::Viewer viewer = new osgViewer::Viewer;
 osgGA::UFOManipulator *fm = new osgGA::UFOManipulator();

 FlightManipulator works fine.  I am using GLUT windowing, so this code
 is slightly different than my own.  Other keyboard event handlers work
 fine(I turn them off when I try out UFOManipulator, so events are not
 captured).  Anyone have any experience or examples using
 UFOManipulator?  I am using version 3.0.1.


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[osg-users] Simple window on windoews

2011-11-10 Thread Paul Griffiths

Does anyone have a code snippet for building a simple window on windows?

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] Simple window on windoews

2011-11-10 Thread Paul Griffiths
ive created a window but cant draw anything 3d. any ideas why not?

#include osg/io_utils
#include osgWidget/Util
#include osgWidget/WindowManager
#include osg/ShapeDrawable
const unsigned int MASK_2D = 0xF000;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
osgViewer::Viewer viewer;

osgWidget::WindowManager* wm = new osgWidget::WindowManager(
// osgWidget::WindowManager::WM_USE_RENDERBINS |

osg::Group* root = new osg::Group;
osg::Geode* geode = new osg::Geode();

osg::StateSet* stateset = new osg::StateSet();  
stateset-setMode(GL_LIGHTING, osg::StateAttribute::ON);  
geode-setStateSet( stateset );
geode-addDrawable(new osg::ShapeDrawable(new osg::Box   
(osg::Vec3(-6,-5,-30), 1.0)));

root-addChild( geode );

viewer.setSceneData( root ); 

return osgWidget::createExample(viewer, wm);

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Re: [osg-users] Simple window on windoews

2011-11-10 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Paul,

The osgWidget NodeKit is just for placing gui elements into the scene
graph so that they can be part of the 3D graphics window, it's not for
creating the windows.  osgViewer is the library that creates graphics
windows and manages the viewer.

For examples of how to create windows see osgwindows and osgcamera
examples that illustrate how to set up the windows in a fine grained
way.  There are also convenience functions in osgViewer::View for
setting up graphics windows and cameras that allow you to create a
window in a single line of code, osgViewer::Viewer subclasses from
View so you get all this functionality in the standard viewer.

osgViewer::Viewer viewer;
viewer.setUpViewInWindow(100,100,600,500); // create window
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Stereo and Render to Texture effects

2011-11-10 Thread Kim Bale
Dear all,

A while back I had to write a dual depth peeling routine to deal with some
particularly troublesome transparency issues.

The effect worked well. However, in order to render this in stereo I had to
create separate frame buffer objects for each eye and then use node masks
control which were used for the left and right eyes.

The problem, which is particularly evident with dual depth peeling, is that
this uses an awful lot of video memory to store all the render targets.

Is there a way of reusing the FBOs so that I don't need to duplicate them
all for each eye?

I couldn't seem to find a way of doing that without the previous data being


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Re: [osg-users] osgviewerQt-Example

2011-11-10 Thread Patrick Buder

 #pragma once
 #include QtOSG.h
 #include osg/ShapeDrawable
 osg::Camera* createCamera(int x, int y, int w, int h, QTOSG* myQTOSG, const 
 std::string name=, bool windowDecoration=false)
   osg::DisplaySettings* ds = osg::DisplaySettings::instance().get();
 osg::ref_ptrosg::GraphicsContext::Traits traits = new 
 traits-windowName = name;
 traits-windowDecoration = windowDecoration;
 traits-x = x;
 traits-y = y;
 traits-width = w;
 traits-height = h;
 traits-doubleBuffer = true;
 traits-alpha = ds-getMinimumNumAlphaBits();
 traits-stencil = ds-getMinimumNumStencilBits();
 traits-sampleBuffers = ds-getMultiSamples();
 traits-samples = ds-getNumMultiSamples();
   traits-inheritedWindowData = new 
 osgQt::GraphicsWindowQt::WindowData(NULL, myQTOSG); 
 //neuer ref_ptr auf osg::Camera namens camera
 osg::ref_ptrosg::Camera camera = new osg::Camera;
   //neuer Pointer auf GraphicsWindowQt mit (traits) namens Window
   osgQt::GraphicsWindowQt* Window = new 
   //Setzt den GraphicsContext der camera auf Window
 camera-setGraphicsContext( Window );
 camera-setClearColor( osg::Vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.6, 1.0) );
 camera-setViewport( new osg::Viewport(0, 0, traits-width, 
 traits-height) );
 static_castdouble(traits-width)/static_castdouble(traits-height), 1.0f, 
 1.0f );
 return camera.release();
 QWidget* addViewWidget(osg::Camera* camera, osg::Node* scene)
   /*QTOSG* _QTOSG = new QTOSG();*/
   osgViewer::View* view = new osgViewer::View;
   osgViewer::CompositeViewer * cv = new osgViewer::CompositeViewer;
   cv-addView( view );
   view-addEventHandler(new osgViewer::StatsHandler);
   view-setCameraManipulator( new osgGA::TrackballManipulator);
   //Wenn camera auf ein GraphicsWindowQt zeigt, erhält man den gw-Zeiger, 
 der ein osgQt-zeiger ist, der auf osg::Camera zeigt. Schlägt der Cast fehl, 
 gibts einen Nullzeiger zurück.
   osgQt::GraphicsWindowQt* gw = 
   //wenn gw nicht NULL ist, return getGLWidget(), sonst return NULL
   return gw ? gw-getGLWidget() : NULL;
 QTOSG::QTOSG() : QWidget()
   root = new osg::Group();
   QWidget* widget1 = addViewWidget(createCamera(0,0,100,100, this), 
   QGridLayout* grid = new QGridLayout;
   grid-addWidget(widget1, 0, 0 );
   setLayout( grid );
 connect( _timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(update()) );
 _timer.start( 10 );
 void QTOSG::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event)
 osg::Node* QTOSG::createPILLE()
   /*osg::Node* on = new osg::Node();*/
   //Create a new geode node, derived from the osg::Node class, holds 
   osg::ref_ptrosg::Geode myshapegeode (new osg::Geode);
   //Create the Capsule
   osg::ref_ptrosg::Capsule myCapsule (new 
   osg::ref_ptrosg::ShapeDrawable capsuledrawable (new 
   //Capsule being added to the Scenegraph using the osg::Geode
   return root;

This is my current code; displays a grey window (not white anymore!!)
wheee help?

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] osg::Image pixel format conversion

2011-11-10 Thread Bradley Baker Searles
Hi Robert-

Yeah no worries, I just ended up mucking with the bits directly, I was just 
wanting to use built-in functions if they were available.

For anyone searching with a similar issue (this was in Windows btw), I ended up 
just setting all of the alpha elements to 0xFF within my GL_BGRA image. I was 
going to take it to GL_BGR, but the CF_DIB clipboard format wants a 4-byte 
aligned width, so instead of padding or cropping the original captured image, I 
just kept it in a 4-byte per-element format. 

If you were to keep it in BGR and you don't have it properly aligned the image 
will be sheared and look very wrong.


robertosfield wrote:
 Hi Baker,
 On 7 November 2011 19:32, Bradley Baker Searles 
  How would you use gluScaleImage to convert formats? It only takes
  one format parameter, and internally it uses that one format to
  compute the size of the before and after image? It seems suited only
  to scale the image, not change formats... Am I missing something?
 You are right I there is only one format parameter, I was thinking
 about the GLenum typeIn, typeOut parameters which are for the data
 type, so won't be suitable for your purpose.
 The include/osg/ImageUtils header contains a number help functions for
 processing image data so you could probably use this.  However, if you
 know that you have GL_RGBA and GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE then it would be
 easier to write a quick converter function that flips the 0 and 2
 bytes to give you GL_BGRA.
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[osg-users] ViewDependentShadowMap - Everything shadowed in subsequent panes.

2011-11-10 Thread Bradley Baker Searles
Hi Robert-

I built and tested the shiny new ViewDependentShadowMap code yesterday from 
trunk (r12877), in the hope that it would alleviate some issues we are seeing 
in a large scene with the LispSM technique (which works great most of the time, 
but from some camera angles the light source camera's mapping into the shadow 
texture goes haywire).

The new method works much better in our use case, as far as having a stable 
usage of the shadow texture is concerned.

One issue I'm seeing is that we can hop back and forth between a single window, 
and a multi-screen setup, and the first time I hop into multi-screen it's fine, 
but subsequent attempts will have the second window showing everything within 
the shadow volume as being in shadow.

This issue does not happen with LispSM.

We're using wxWidgets for our window management, along with wxGLCanvas. A slave 
camera does the render to the additional windows (just 1 extra in this case). 
We use custom shaders, and I have VDSM using texture channel 7 for the shadow 

I'd imagine there is an example that can bring up multiple windows (to see if 
it's a general issue, or ours), but one doesn't come to mind immediately. I did 
2 windows with osgViewer, but it doesn't appear you can take one down and then 
bring it back up again, like we're doing in our app. 

I apologize that I don't have concise repro steps here. I may be able to spend 
more time on this later, and I'll update this thread if I have more information.


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Re: [osg-users] Stereo and Render to Texture effects

2011-11-10 Thread Farshid Lashkari
Hi Kim,

On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 6:21 AM, Kim Bale wrote:

 Is there a way of reusing the FBOs so that I don't need to duplicate them
 all for each eye?

 I couldn't seem to find a way of doing that without the previous data
 being overwritten.

Which stereo mode are you using?

I run into this problem a lot as well. I believe the reason the previous
data gets overwritten is that osgUtil::SceneView explicitly calls
RenderStage::drawPreRenderStages() on both eyes, before drawing the main
render stage. You might be able to fix this by commenting out these calls
and letting RenderStage::draw() take care of the prerender stages,
depending on which stereo mode you are using.

I believe these explicit calls are necessary for the anaglyphic and
interlace stereo modes, because you wouldn't want the color/stencil mask
affecting the prerender stages. However, for the split and quad buffer
stereo modes, I don't believe these calls are necessary and it should be
safe to comment those lines out.

With a slight modification to SceneView::draw() it should be possible to
get this working with anaglyphics/interlace modes as well. This is
something that's been on my todo list for a while. Now might be a good time
to try and tackle the issue :)




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Re: [osg-users] Stereo and Render to Texture effects

2011-11-10 Thread Kim Bale
Hi Farshid,

Thanks for your reply. Fortunately I'm working with quad buffered stereo so
I'll have a dig around in the SceneView code and see if your idea works.



On 10 November 2011 16:14, Farshid Lashkari wrote:

 Hi Kim,

 On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 6:21 AM, Kim Bale wrote:

 Is there a way of reusing the FBOs so that I don't need to duplicate them
 all for each eye?

 I couldn't seem to find a way of doing that without the previous data
 being overwritten.

 Which stereo mode are you using?

 I run into this problem a lot as well. I believe the reason the previous
 data gets overwritten is that osgUtil::SceneView explicitly calls
 RenderStage::drawPreRenderStages() on both eyes, before drawing the main
 render stage. You might be able to fix this by commenting out these calls
 and letting RenderStage::draw() take care of the prerender stages,
 depending on which stereo mode you are using.

 I believe these explicit calls are necessary for the anaglyphic and
 interlace stereo modes, because you wouldn't want the color/stencil mask
 affecting the prerender stages. However, for the split and quad buffer
 stereo modes, I don't believe these calls are necessary and it should be
 safe to comment those lines out.

 With a slight modification to SceneView::draw() it should be possible to
 get this working with anaglyphics/interlace modes as well. This is
 something that's been on my todo list for a while. Now might be a good time
 to try and tackle the issue :)




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[osg-users] osgEarth binary builds now available.

2011-11-10 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
  I just wanted to mention that we've now added osgEarth binary builds to the automated 
build system and now have them available in 32 and 64-bit flavors for Linux, Mac and 
Windows (VC++ 2008 and 2010).

  It was quite labor intensive to produce and maintain these, given the number of complex 
dependencies. Since we don't really ever get any donations to help run the build and 
distribution system, for the time being the osgEarth binaries (and future osg-ecosystem 
packages like osgWorks, osgAudio, osgOcean, etc) will be available for download by paid 
monthly subscription.

  If anyone is interested in this, drop me a note.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere.
  Digital Imaging. OpenGL. Scene Graphs. GIS. GPS. Training. Consulting. 
There is no Truth. There is only Perception. To Perceive is to Exist. - 
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[osg-users] Gstreamer within OSG

2011-11-10 Thread Brad Huber
Hello all,


I am planning to write some code to allow blitting of gstreamer buffers into
osg textures.  Eg for playing a video file or a network stream on to OSG
primitives.  I did a preliminary search and did not see anyone having gone
down this path before.


I thought I would post a message in case anyone has been down this path and
knows any pertinent information.



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Re: [osg-users] Gstreamer within OSG

2011-11-10 Thread David Fries
On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 04:17:55PM -0700, Brad Huber wrote:
 I am planning to write some code to allow blitting of gstreamer buffers into
 osg textures.  Eg for playing a video file or a network stream on to OSG
 primitives.  I did a preliminary search and did not see anyone having gone
 down this path before.

OpenSceneGraph has basic support for using ffmpeg to render video into
textures and hand the audio out to the application.  I've fixed some
issues with the ffmpeg plugin myself, but others remain.  If you
haven't already looked at osg::AudioStream and osg::ImageStream you'll
want to see what you can do to match the API to allow programs to
have the same interface for the different back end renders.

I see the current ImageStream and AudioStream API as just for basic
playback and as such it isn't all that feature rich, and I don't think
it needs to be.  I would have looked at it myself, but I haven't had
time for it, but I think the most important addition is audio/video
synchronization.  The video has a reference time, but not the audio.
It also needs to give an indication how much audio is left to read
from the buffer.  The buffer length might be redundant if you know
what video frame the audio was supposed to play with.

I actually got myself into a bind playing a live multicast rtsp stream
with audio and video where I apparently wasn't reading audio fast
enough causing the video to freeze, because the ffmpeg audio buffers
must have filled up and it would stop decoding video.  I could do
without the audio in that case so I changed the code to just discard
audio fast enough to prevent that problem.

The other issue is the only way to get an audio stream is from the
ImageStream, and to use the ImageStream with ffmpeg you have to have
video.  That means we couldn't playback a stream that only had audio,
so we had to put some image frames in just to get the audio back out.

David Fries da...@fries.netPGP pub CB1EE8F0
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[osg-users] wrong calculation of bounding box

2011-11-10 Thread John Doves
Wrong calculation a bounding box of model which contains biped or bones. I'm 
used this code to calculate bounding box:


model = (osg::Geode*) osgDB::readNodeFile(testmodel.fbx);

//calculating bounding box of model
osg::ComputeBoundsVisitor cbbv; 

osg::BoundingBox bb = cbbv.getBoundingBox(); 
osg::Vec3f sz = bb._max - bb._min;

It returns double size of model which contains biped or bones. If model without 
biped or bones the size as expected. Does anyone have idea why so?



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