Re: [PAYCO] SAd news

2014-11-14 Thread chargein461
Comrade Fikiswa

Pls contact cde Sebenzile for lift at 0713501073 or sms your contacts to me 

Sent from my Nokia phone

--Original message--
From: Fikiswa Ntshwanti 
To: "payco" 
Date: Thursday, November 13, 2014 7:45:57 AM GMT+0200
Subject: Re: [PAYCO] SAd news

Izwe lethu MaÁfrika amahle. Ndicela ilift kwabayayo from Gauteng.

On 12 November 2014 11:26,   wrote:
> Comrades,
> The funeral of comrade Clarence Mayekiso (Hadebe) will be held at the Roman 
> Catholic Church in town, Port Shepstone in KZN on Saturday, 15 November 2014:
> Hamba kakuhle, son of the soil!  You have served, suffered and sacrificed for 
> the African Cause.
> Izwe Lethu
>  --
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[PAYCO] SAd news

2014-11-12 Thread chargein461

The funeral of comrade Clarence Mayekiso (Hadebe) will be held at the Roman 
Catholic Church in town, Port Shepstone in KZN on Saturday, 15 November 2014:

Hamba kakuhle, son of the soil!  You have served, suffered and sacrificed for 
the African Cause. 

Izwe Lethu

Sent from my Nokia phone

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2014-11-10 Thread chargein461
Comrade Clarence Mayekiso (Hadebe)-former PASO Secretary-General-is late. Death 
has, once again, robbed us a great fighter. He passed away yesterday afternoon 
after short illness. He phoned me at 13:00 sounding well and 2hours later he 
was at Thembisa hospital. It's schocking!  

Izwe Lethu!

Charge-in Mabaso

Sent from my Nokia phone

--Original message--
Date: Friday, October 31, 2014 4:14:36 AM GMT+
Subject: Re: [PAYCO] The 27th--28th September Conference Report


There are some PAC members who are going around busy holding secret meetings 
with PAM members desguised as unity talks in line with cde Fihla's advice in 
one of his emails. In those meetings, instead of talking about unity, they beg 
PAM members to join PAC branches as individuals. The latest meeting was called 
by Acting PAC President, Mbinda in Cape Town this week. A president of another 
party stoops so low! It's mischievious and dishonest to do so. He got what he 
deserves.. His nefarious plan did not work. Instead, it backfired. It means PAC 
members are undermining the intellect of PAM members. It is not PAM that wants 
this unity so desperately, but PAC. Let's not fool each other on this one. We 
are happy where we are. It is PAC which has many parallel structures, not PAM. 
We are only interested in unity of genuine Pan Africanists in South Africa in 
line with 1st Aim of PAC of 1959: To rally and unite the African people into 
one national front..., not with PAC reformists, careerists and opportunists.  
That is all we are interested in. We know uniting with current reformist PAC 
that has off-ramped from the revolutionary path is going to be a nightmare. It 
is already a nightmare for genuine PAC members now. Current developments and 
our experience are a bady testimonyy to our fears. We have not forgotten the 
way we were manhandled in PAC. ONCE BEATEN TWICE SHY! We know we are being 
invited to go into the Dingane's kraal so that history can repeat itself. 
Certain PAC member will agree with me.

Izwe Lethu!

Sent from my Nokia phone

--Original message--
From: Nkrumah Raymond Kgagudi 
 Raymond Kgagudi" 
Date: Wednesday, October 29, 2014 2:56:13 PM GMT+0200
Subject: [PAYCO] The 27th--28th September Conference Report

Izwe lethu M'Afrika

Today from 3:00 am I was reading the report (attached) presented by PAC
Secretary General Narius Moloto at Botshabelo Stadium Arena on the 27th
-28th September factional Conference. This report was supposed to be both
organisational and political report which accounts ad explains about the
PAC's progress to advance the 1959 Pan Africanist Manifesto summed as the
five (5) Aims and Objectives of the PAC. The organisational and political
report should go further to objectively propose and recommend actions that
must be undertaken to unite and strengthen the PAC's fighting capacity to
propagate and advance Pan Africanist ideas in Azania and at Pan African
scope, but the report dismally fails to adopt a constructive attitude and
approach but it energy and resources were spent (wasted) to wage personal
attacks and reporting about the ANC! It is time that PAC members and
branches should unite and focus on propagating and advancing Pan Africanist
ideas as articulated by the President Kwame Nkrumah and the founders of PAC
in 1959. 

Haai M'Afrika, it is indeed tough and has become the darkest moments of PAC,
simply because the worst rot and decay has taken toll, in my life -more than
24 years from PASO to PASMA to PAC, I have never seen such form of a
national report which does nothing but sharpens internal party antagonisms
and aims at heightening internal feuding in the party! This report does
nothing but mobilises those who attended the Botshabelo September 2014
Conference to sharpen their claws in the factional battles. 

Almost majority of pages and content of the report is personality attacks
and failures of this or NEC members. The report when summed up, it says PAC
is a hopeless party, this you can easily read once again on page 34-35! It
is PAC Conference which should consider and deliberate on PAC' ideological,
political and organisational progress since 2012 July Umtata-Butterworth
National Congress and also recommendations as to what must be done to unite,
rebuild and advance Pan Africanism but the report there are more pages
dedicated on justifying internal factional feuding and ANC Activities!

The report fails to reflect and analyse the daily struggles faced and waged
by the labouring African majority. The report does not further explain that
the current epoch of people's suffering is a direct consequence of
neo-colonialism which is nothing but a manifestation of stranglehold of
capitalism and white supremacy, whose destruc

Re: [PAYCO] The 27th--28th September Conference Report

2014-10-30 Thread chargein461

There are some PAC members who are going around busy holding secret meetings 
with PAM members desguised as unity talks in line with cde Fihla's advice in 
one of his emails. In those meetings, instead of talking about unity, they beg 
PAM members to join PAC branches as individuals. The latest meeting was called 
by Acting PAC President, Mbinda in Cape Town this week. A president of another 
party stoops so low! It's mischievious and dishonest to do so. He got what he 
deserves.. His nefarious plan did not work. Instead, it backfired. It means PAC 
members are undermining the intellect of PAM members. It is not PAM that wants 
this unity so desperately, but PAC. Let's not fool each other on this one. We 
are happy where we are. It is PAC which has many parallel structures, not PAM. 
We are only interested in unity of genuine Pan Africanists in South Africa in 
line with 1st Aim of PAC of 1959: To rally and unite the African people into 
one national front..., not with PAC reformists, careerists and opportunists.  
That is all we are interested in. We know uniting with current reformist PAC 
that has off-ramped from the revolutionary path is going to be a nightmare. It 
is already a nightmare for genuine PAC members now. Current developments and 
our experience are a bady testimonyy to our fears. We have not forgotten the 
way we were manhandled in PAC. ONCE BEATEN TWICE SHY! We know we are being 
invited to go into the Dingane's kraal so that history can repeat itself. 
Certain PAC member will agree with me.

Izwe Lethu!

Sent from my Nokia phone

--Original message--
From: Nkrumah Raymond Kgagudi 
 Raymond Kgagudi" 
Date: Wednesday, October 29, 2014 2:56:13 PM GMT+0200
Subject: [PAYCO] The 27th--28th September Conference Report

Izwe lethu M'Afrika

Today from 3:00 am I was reading the report (attached) presented by PAC
Secretary General Narius Moloto at Botshabelo Stadium Arena on the 27th
-28th September factional Conference. This report was supposed to be both
organisational and political report which accounts ad explains about the
PAC's progress to advance the 1959 Pan Africanist Manifesto summed as the
five (5) Aims and Objectives of the PAC. The organisational and political
report should go further to objectively propose and recommend actions that
must be undertaken to unite and strengthen the PAC's fighting capacity to
propagate and advance Pan Africanist ideas in Azania and at Pan African
scope, but the report dismally fails to adopt a constructive attitude and
approach but it energy and resources were spent (wasted) to wage personal
attacks and reporting about the ANC! It is time that PAC members and
branches should unite and focus on propagating and advancing Pan Africanist
ideas as articulated by the President Kwame Nkrumah and the founders of PAC
in 1959. 

Haai M'Afrika, it is indeed tough and has become the darkest moments of PAC,
simply because the worst rot and decay has taken toll, in my life -more than
24 years from PASO to PASMA to PAC, I have never seen such form of a
national report which does nothing but sharpens internal party antagonisms
and aims at heightening internal feuding in the party! This report does
nothing but mobilises those who attended the Botshabelo September 2014
Conference to sharpen their claws in the factional battles. 

Almost majority of pages and content of the report is personality attacks
and failures of this or NEC members. The report when summed up, it says PAC
is a hopeless party, this you can easily read once again on page 34-35! It
is PAC Conference which should consider and deliberate on PAC' ideological,
political and organisational progress since 2012 July Umtata-Butterworth
National Congress and also recommendations as to what must be done to unite,
rebuild and advance Pan Africanism but the report there are more pages
dedicated on justifying internal factional feuding and ANC Activities!

The report fails to reflect and analyse the daily struggles faced and waged
by the labouring African majority. The report does not further explain that
the current epoch of people's suffering is a direct consequence of
neo-colonialism which is nothing but a manifestation of stranglehold of
capitalism and white supremacy, whose destruction requires the party to
focus and deepen mobilisation and organisation of the most downtrodden and
toiling labouring African majority on an socialist programme! Surely, the
report was supposed to confirm what Chairman John Nyathi Pokela once uttered
that settler colonial apartheid system cannot be reformed but must
dismantled by total overthrow by all means necessary, and that 1994 did
vokol however reformed an oppressive and exploitative capitalist and white
supremacist system! 

The report fails to explain and reflect on the s

Re: [PAYCO] coup is the only solution for PAC

2014-09-16 Thread chargein461

Former US President, John F Kennedy rightly said, "Those who make nonviolent 
revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable" . His powerful 
advice was not taken serious by his successors up to Obama. In effect, they 
defied him. When Gaddafi and Assad in Libya and Syria, respectively, ask for 
dialogue, US led imperialism looked aside and bombed them. 

The current international politics is biased to interests of US-led 
imperialism. Typical example are: 
1. Nuclear crisis in Iran and North Korea. India, Israel and Pakistan  test 
their and US is just winking,

2. Iraq invaded Kuiwait and US retariated and "liberated" Kuwait. Israel bombed 
Gaza while US was busy winking,  

3. Crimea called for a referendum to break from Ukraine and condomned by US led 
imperiialism. Tommorrow Scoland goes for referundum to break from UK. America 
is again winkng,

4. US-led imperialism condomns Russia for supporting pro Russian rebels in 
Ukraine when same imperialists are supporting militarily Ukraine government and 
rebels in Syria in broad daylight. The same ISIS and Al Qaeda are product of US 

5. The list is endless.   

South Africa must take the advice seriously. If nonviolent revolution cannot 
resolved the National Question (Land and Economic Question), violent revolution 
is inveitable in SA. Malema knows this fact and is exploiting it for his own 
agenda. Our country cannot afford to follow suite of what is happening 
worldwide after our bad experience with Apartheid regime's destruction in our 
lifetime. It doesnt whether is ANC government in power, it's our government. 
When crisis erupts, African people will have no option but to stand up in great 
numbers and join the revolutionary camp as they did to Apartheid, just like in 
Eastern Ukraine.  What happened in Palstine, Syria, Ukraine, Iraq and Libya 
will be like a picnic compared to SA crisis. Spontaniety of the masses in 
marakana, SANDF strike, services delivery protests, etc sent clear signals to 
all serious-minded leaders. Associated militancy says it all. Killing PAC will 
not stop the revolution path SA must take. 

SA government must also be clear where it stands in international politics,  
either with or against US-led imperialism. Stop being dubious! Fence-sitters 
are always on the line of cross fire. Third World War is on the cards under 
current developments in the world. Remember: when two elephants fight (US & 
Russia), it is the grass that suffers most. 

Izwe Lethu!   


Sent from my Nokia phone

--Original message--
From: 'gift fuzane' via Pan Africanist Youth Congress 
Date: Sunday, September 14, 2014 1:21:17 PM GMT+0100
Subject: [PAYCO] coup is the only solution for PAC

This daily dialogues PAC members are busy with is not working. If my mind serve 
me well, this have been going on since from 80's. PAC is full of agents. Infact 
should I rather say PAC is an agent organization. Every leaders elected turns 
to work against the organization. 

Conference seems to fail in electing leaders cause these agents leaders are 
sponsored. The only solution to this problem we are facing is a coup. We retake 
PAC from people that thinks they own it. Appoint leaders that we think can 
unite the organization. We give them plan of action. Any one that is against 
our actions or takes us to courts will b assassinated. In order for us to fix 
PAC we need to take radical actions, period. 

Let us fix the organization once and for all.

United PAC
Zandisile aka Gift Fuzane 

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Re: [PAYCO] coup is the only solution for PAC

2014-09-14 Thread chargein461
The enemy is prepared even to bomb genuine PAC members who will win the fight 
at the end group with Hamas, Zanu-PF, ISIS, etc. Nato may here already to deal 
with genuine PAC members. But, the kind of action 

Sent from my Nokia phone

--Original message--
From: 'gift fuzane' via Pan Africanist Youth Congress 
Date: Sunday, September 14, 2014 1:21:17 PM GMT+0100
Subject: [PAYCO] coup is the only solution for PAC

This daily dialogues PAC members are busy with is not working. If my mind serve 
me well, this have been going on since from 80's. PAC is full of agents. Infact 
should I rather say PAC is an agent organization. Every leaders elected turns 
to work against the organization. 

Conference seems to fail in electing leaders cause these agents leaders are 
sponsored. The only solution to this problem we are facing is a coup. We retake 
PAC from people that thinks they own it. Appoint leaders that we think can 
unite the organization. We give them plan of action. Any one that is against 
our actions or takes us to courts will b assassinated. In order for us to fix 
PAC we need to take radical actions, period. 

Let us fix the organization once and for all.

United PAC
Zandisile aka Gift Fuzane 

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Re: [PAYCO] coup is the only solution for PAC

2014-09-14 Thread chargein461
Comrade Gift

My first input on this discussion was that to rescue PAC from current maximum 
infiltration is to take extraordinary actions unfortunately at a human cost. I 
agree with you totally in your sentiments. PAC has been hijacked from us at gun 
point. We cannot get it back to us without a bitter fight. 

Sent from my Nokia phone

--Original message--
From: 'gift fuzane' via Pan Africanist Youth Congress 
Date: Sunday, September 14, 2014 1:21:17 PM GMT+0100
Subject: [PAYCO] coup is the only solution for PAC

This daily dialogues PAC members are busy with is not working. If my mind serve 
me well, this have been going on since from 80's. PAC is full of agents. Infact 
should I rather say PAC is an agent organization. Every leaders elected turns 
to work against the organization. 

Conference seems to fail in electing leaders cause these agents leaders are 
sponsored. The only solution to this problem we are facing is a coup. We retake 
PAC from people that thinks they own it. Appoint leaders that we think can 
unite the organization. We give them plan of action. Any one that is against 
our actions or takes us to courts will b assassinated. In order for us to fix 
PAC we need to take radical actions, period. 

Let us fix the organization once and for all.

United PAC
Zandisile aka Gift Fuzane 

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[PAYCO] Re: d: Submission of Resolutions for the National Conference

2014-09-08 Thread chargein461

My point is proposed amendments on Asic Documents can be discussed in a 
conference but final amendments can only be forwarded to congress for adoption. 
Constitution stipulates which documents can be adopted in a conference (refer 
to clause 5.10 of constituton). Amenments to DC are not included in the clause. 
 Amendments to PAC Basic Documents (Constitution, Manifesto & Disciplinary 
Code) cannot be adopted by a lower structure, the conference. But by supreme- 
national congress- highest decision body with supervisory, deliberative, and 
determinative powers to lay down policies and programmes of PAC and its 
decisions are binding on all members (clause 5.1 & 5.3). That is why I say such 
adoption of amengments by lower structure is unconstitutional. If you disagree, 
quote the clause which empowers conference to do so. Adoption of amendments in 
a conference is clear violation of PAC Constitution which  stipulates powers of 
all PAC structures. 

Izwe Lethu!  

Sent from my Nokia phone

--Original message--
From: Sbusiso Xaba 
Date: Monday, September 8, 2014 2:04:54 PM GMT+0200
Subject: Re: [PAYCO] Re: d: Submission of Resolutions for the National 

The Disciplinary Code is a policy not Constitution or a constitutional
clause. Therefore, within the Annual National Conference competence.

The proposal is not anti democratic centralism. It in fact reinforces it.
On Sep 8, 2014 8:07 AM,  wrote:

> Comrades
> Removal of Clause 14 (Democratic Centtralism) is suicidal. This is clause
> encompasses democratic centralism and collective leadership intended to
> uproot factionalism and ensure unity and cohesion. Its violation does not
> warrant its removal from Disciplinary Code.
> Comrades should remember annual confereces do not adopt amendments but
> make recommendations to the supreme organ (highest decision making) of the
> Party - the National Congress- for adoption.  Failing which, such
> amendments are unconstitutional, invalid and illegal
> Izwe Lethu!
> Sent from my Nokia phone
> --Original message--
> From: Sbusiso Xaba 
> To: 
> Date: Sunday, September 7, 2014 1:55:50 PM GMT+0200
> Subject: [PAYCO] Fwd: Submission of Resolutions for the National Conference
> Tshwane lobbies your support. In the coming conference.
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: "Sbusiso Xaba" 
> Date: Aug 4, 2014 10:10 PM
> Subject: Submission of Resolutions for the National Conference
> To: "Narius Moloto" , "DSG @ PAC" 
> Cc: "Admin @ Pac" , "Tumediso Modise" <
>>, "mashao reuben" ,
> "Lekgathi" <>, "Albert Mokoena" <
> Dear Secretary General
> In response to the updated conference notice dated 01 August 2014, the
> Tshwane Region hereby submit the proposed resolution for the Annual
> National Conference of 26 - 28 September 2014.  The region submits two
> discussion documents (proposed resolutions) namely *Delegation of Authority
> Code* and* Public Office Secondment Code*. The region believes that the
> lack of regulations around this area is main source of conflict.
> Furthermore, the Tshwane Region hereby adds an agenda point:* removal of
> democratic centralism section (clause 14) of the disciplinary code*. The
> region believes that this clause can be replaced be a new code such as the
> delegation of authority code.
> Revolutionary regards,
> Sbusiso Xaba
> Tshwane Regional Chairman
> --
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[PAYCO] Re: focused practical action

2014-09-08 Thread chargein461

People who are genuine about the unity of the Party are not concerned about 
having unity talks with PAM. Currently, there are ongoing unity talks between 
PAM and PAC in Eastern Cape and Western Cape. The recent unity talk between PAM 
and PAC led to PAM members invited to attend yesterday's reburrial in Lady 
Frere of PAC cadre who died in exile.  The reburial was addressed, among 
others, by PAC President Mphethi, comrade Makwetu, and Teenage Nyhontso. Unity 
of PAC and PAM was emphasized at reburial by all speakers.

It must be noted that not all members of both PAC and PAM want unity of two 
parties for different reeasons best known to them. It must be also noted that 
many PAM members are skeptical about these unity talks because of our past 
experience with some PAC membes. I personally survived many assassination 
attempts in the process. We are taking a serious risk about these talks having 
that in our subconscious mind because of love for PAC.  Our love for PAC may 
blind us to fall in a trap of finding ourselves one day in Dingane's kraal. 
That is why we treat this talks as a minefield. We are not prepared to rejoin 
PAC as individuals. We left PAC not as individuals. If our position is not 
acceptable to PAC, we are willing to end the talks before we enter to unholy 
marriage of convimience. PAM can survive on its own in SA politics. EFF proved 
many skeptics wrong in this regards. PAM can do it too.  

Izwe Lethu!
Sent from my Nokia phone

--Original message--
From: Nkrumah Raymond Kgagudi 
To: "Mbulelo Raymond" 
Cc: ,"Johnson Mlambo" 
 Nkoana" ,,"Malesela 
 Mahlangu" ,,"Nkrumah Raymond 
Date: Monday, September 8, 2014 12:57:48 PM GMT+0200
Subject: RE: [PAYCO] Re: focused practical action

M’Afrika Fihla


We should not fall victim of pulling barriers by design or default which 
possesses the potential to arrest any and all forward movement to unite and 
rebuild the PAC. If comrades agree to return and re-join PAC, they complete PAC 
membership forms as individual persons! Some of the comrades in PAM argue they 
were coerced out of PAC! Some advance ideological reasons to explain their 
movement to PAM! While others were Nicodemiously suspended and expelled 
un-constitutionally!  The notion “we have joined the PAC as individuals and not 
as groups” cannot necessarily apply if we focus on the merits and demerits of 
what compelled some if not most former PAC comrades to PAM.


If we can reconcile and unite with those who have done the worse damage and 
erosion of PAC politically and organisationally, these characters are also 
forming and fuelling feuding in the PAC, why can’t we close ranks with former 
PAC comrades in PAM? And it can’t be refuted that PAM is a PAC splinter group, 
hence the logic of their inclusion in the party unification process.  


Addressing your question directly, I know Charge-in has been consistent in 
Payco google group and has demonstrated keen interested on the resolution of 
PAC Affairs hence the proposal, if it’s not Charge-in, then it can any comrade 
from PAM, who shall play the role to draw PAM comrades into the fold, the 
thrust is PAC Must Unite and Advance its Revolutionary Pan Africanist Agenda. 
If you are not comfortable with Charge-in, then you can recommend any comrade! 
What is Supreme is to Achieve The Principled Unity and RE-Organisation of PAC! 


Shango lashu



From: Mbulelo Raymond [] 
Sent: 08 September 2014 12:19 PM
To: Nkrumah Raymond Kgagudi
Cc:; Johnson Mlambo;;; david mabitsela;;;;;;;;; Mapula Nkoana;; Malesela 
Mogashwa;;;;;;; Mbuyiselo Kantso;;;;;;;;;
Subject: RE: [PAYCO] Re: focused practical action


Son of the soil, I have no problem with position. My concern is the language 
used. It is wrong  to say add Chargein on behalf of PAM.  Everything we say and 
do here is on behalf of the PAC and no other political grouping. I was at a 
certain point, expelled by Mphahlele and I seized the earliest opportunity to 
be back in the fold of the PAC once Mphahlele was out.  Why then must Chargein 
be involved on behalf of PAM. Again, we have joined the PAC as individuals and 
not as groups. Members of PAM can rejoin the PAC as individuals

[PAYCO] Re: d: Submission of Resolutions for the National Conference

2014-09-07 Thread chargein461

Removal of Clause 14 (Democratic Centtralism) is suicidal. This is clause 
encompasses democratic centralism and collective leadership intended to uproot 
factionalism and ensure unity and cohesion. Its violation does not warrant its 
removal from Disciplinary Code. 

Comrades should remember annual confereces do not adopt amendments but make 
recommendations to the supreme organ (highest decision making) of the Party - 
the National Congress- for adoption.  Failing which, such amendments are 
unconstitutional, invalid and illegal  

Izwe Lethu!

Sent from my Nokia phone

--Original message--
From: Sbusiso Xaba 
Date: Sunday, September 7, 2014 1:55:50 PM GMT+0200
Subject: [PAYCO] Fwd: Submission of Resolutions for the National Conference

Tshwane lobbies your support. In the coming conference.
-- Forwarded message --
From: "Sbusiso Xaba" 
Date: Aug 4, 2014 10:10 PM
Subject: Submission of Resolutions for the National Conference
To: "Narius Moloto" , "DSG @ PAC" 
Cc: "Admin @ Pac" , "Tumediso Modise" <>, "mashao reuben" ,
"Lekgathi" <>, "Albert Mokoena" <>

Dear Secretary General

In response to the updated conference notice dated 01 August 2014, the
Tshwane Region hereby submit the proposed resolution for the Annual
National Conference of 26 - 28 September 2014.  The region submits two
discussion documents (proposed resolutions) namely *Delegation of Authority
Code* and* Public Office Secondment Code*. The region believes that the
lack of regulations around this area is main source of conflict.

Furthermore, the Tshwane Region hereby adds an agenda point:* removal of
democratic centralism section (clause 14) of the disciplinary code*. The
region believes that this clause can be replaced be a new code such as the
delegation of authority code.

Revolutionary regards,

Sbusiso Xaba
Tshwane Regional Chairman

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Re: [PAYCO] FW: attack on party annual conference

2014-09-04 Thread chargein461
I have been following your discussions attentively. Everyone is concerned even 
us who are outside PAC. We are what we are because of teaching and skills 
invested to us by PAC. We are expected to celebrate when PAC is in deep crisis 
and claim to vindicated. Instead, we are deeply hurt when people are making  
PAC a laughing stock. President Zuma offended me when said on live television, 
"Where is PAC?" and then laughed. We know the enemies of African people are 
celebrating for job well done. Continued divisions works in their favour.

Comrades, action speaks more than words. It is not easy to rescue PAC without 
extraordinary means. We must jointly rational thinking more than emotions. 
Blame game will take us to nowhere. Fighting each other did not take us 
anywhere. I believe a well thought roadmap is the only answer to ''Rebuild the 
Broken Walls" of Pan Africanism in South Africa. The time is now or never! The 
only way to draw up this roadmap as I see it is to convene a Mammelodi-type of 
Convention  of all Pan Africanists, not conference or caucus. That is my 
suggestion. I may be wrong. I see no other avenue. To me, it is only in a 
convention where we can do thorough introspection without factions competing 
for leadershp position. Election of  NEC, we have seen, will take PAC nowhere 
but further division. That is my oinion! It's not gospel truth but just a 
suggestion in positive direction. 

Some people will ask why I am concerned about  PAC matters? My answer is, I 
took a conscious decision to join PAC of 1959 and grew up in PAC because I 
believe it was the only vehicle for liberation in this country. That is why we 
fought so hard for PAM to adopt PAC Basic Documents because we still regard 
ourselves as members of PAC of Sobukwe in self-imposed exile in response to PAC 
crisis. Those who feel threatened by unity will disagree with me for their own 
reasons. It's their choice.

Comrades, whether we like it or not, PAM outside there is seen as PAC in 
disguise. We cant the voters, rivals  and enemies. When they see comrade 
Makwetu in PAM they all say there is PAC. It's fact! 

Izwe Lethu!

Sent from my Nokia phone

--Original message--
From: Nkrumah Raymond Kgagudi 
To: ,"Kutie Thondlana" 
Cc: "mrfihla08" 
Date: Thursday, September 4, 2014 1:06:19 PM GMT+0200
Subject: RE: [PAYCO] FW: attack on party annual conference



I fully agree with M'Afrika Kutie the enemies of PAC are more happier given
the rate of disintegration of PAC. This disintegration must be arrested late
as it might be! At a principled level, I disagree with the notion that PAC
branches and members are fighting Cde Moloto for such a notion create an
illusion that all is well in the PAC. Constitutionally PAC NEC has
disintegrated and cannot execute any constitutional roles without being
questioned, there are three NEC groupings claiming legitimacy. As PAC we are
facing parallel structures across the country including in APLAMVA and


PAC NEC elected at Butterworth Congress in July 2012 no longer constitutes a
quorum for it has split into three unequal and  non-quorating parts!
According to e-mails and letters we saw since 11 May 2013, Cde Letlapa has
been suspended and expelled, Cde Moloto has been suspended and expelled (By
Cde Letlapa and now recently by acting President Mpethi), and allegedly Cde
Mpethi has also being suspended! There are other NEC members equally
suspended. So comrades in the NEC have resorted to suspending and expelling
each other, while refusing to account to PAC branches and members at an
inclusive national conference.


There is no attack on the party's annual conference but an attack to
factional feuding and weakening of the PAC!


This feuding which weakens the PAC must be arrested, and only an inclusive
national conference can take the PAC towards a lasting political and
organisational solution.


Shango lashu



From: [] 
Sent: 04 September 2014 12:42 PM
To: Kutie Thondlana;
Cc: mrfihla08;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; goqwana.san...

[PAYCO] Re: umrhabulo kaBenny Bunsee

2014-08-28 Thread chargein461
It is tough in Parliament nowdays! It's really HO! 

Sent from my Nokia phone

--Original message--
From: Clarence Mayekiso 
To: "Chargein Mabaso" 
Date: Wednesday, August 27, 2014 1:47:05 PM GMT+0200
Subject: Fwd: umrhabulo kaBenny Bunsee

-- Forwarded message --
From: Mawabo Sijila 
Date: Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 12:32 PM
Subject: umrhabulo kaBenny Bunsee
To: Clarence Mayekiso 


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[PAYCO] 4 wire Cablelink Speaker

2014-07-19 Thread chargein461
Comrades, I am lookng for cable for attached speaker. Check if for me around.   

Sent from my Nokia phone

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