Re: [PD] recursive controls problem

2014-05-10 Thread Max
Hash: SHA1

On 2014? 05? 10? 23:56, plutek infinity wrote:
> since my slider is in a gui panel for the patch, with all the other
> code buried in subpatches, is there a way to get the slider's "send
> to float" out of view (other than just sticking it under the
> slider!)?

by turning it into an abstraction using Graph on parent (GOP)
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Re: [PD] Music notation in pure data

2014-04-28 Thread Max
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On 2014? 04? 29? 09:07, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:
> I think somebody had one using Gem and dynamic patching.

that someone is Ed Kelly

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Re: [PD] Arp emulation?

2014-03-18 Thread Max
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On 2014? 03? 15? 00:07, Dan Wilcox wrote:
> You have an Arp emulation patch? Can I get a copy?

Matthew Bielich has done an Arp Odyseey patch in Tom Erbes class at
the UCSD. I think you can find it online.


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Re: [PD] HD 1920 X 1080

2014-03-14 Thread Max
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On 2014? 03? 14? 17:06, wrote:
> What codec, it does a big difference on CPU usage. I use mjpeg with
> good result.

Also, the choice of codec would be a different one depending on what
you are going to do. If you are aiming to JUMP to specific frames in
the video or play it backwards you would choose a different codec than
if you just want to play it from the beginning to the end linearly.

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Re: [PD] Game Audio abstractions- how to publish?

2014-02-23 Thread Max
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Am 2014? 02? 20? 00:00, schrieb Filippo Beck Peccoz:
> I'll make help patches for all of the abstractions. As far as I
> know, it suffices to name the patch "/name/-help.pd", and put it in
> the same folder, right?

That's right!

> Also, where can I edit the metadata and what can you edit in there
> exactly?

I don't think there is a web resource explaining the format, but there
is this excellent patch you may look at:
which on my computer is to be found at
there is the standard anatomy of a help patch demonstrated including
the [pd META] subpatch containing the meta data.

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Re: [PD] libpd separating gui from core

2014-02-23 Thread Max
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ok, Dan, i can feel you there. but let's not mix up the GUI-core
separation with the GEM on OS X question. As much as their
consequences are similar, they are fundamentally different in their
implementation, no?

Questions that comes to my mind when I see the GUI-core separation
discussion is this: Let's assume - totally hypothetically spoken -
there is a company or individual who would sponsor this effort.
1. Is there someone capable of completing the task?
2. Would the result of this work be accepted by Miller and become vanilla?
3. How long would that take?


Am 2014년 02월 23일 21:37, schrieb Dan Wilcox:
> On Feb 23, 2014, at 2:11 AM, Jonathan Wilkes 
> wrote:
>> Do you have an example of a patch that suffers from Pd's current
>> single-threaded implementation that would be measurably improved
>> by using a multi-threaded approach?
> Ask any of the people who have to run two instances of Pd in order
> to have both GEM and audio without dropouts. And this is in 2014
> with modern computers orders of magnitude more capable than when Pd
> was first designed.
>> Also, what is the metric to use here?
> Mmm open a larger patch with audio running, momentary dropouts.
> Also, this is perhaps better to ask a beginner trying to pickup PD
> after starting with Max MSP, they may not give you "meaningful
> metrics" but their impression may be along the lines of "not only
> does this program look old, but it keeps clicking when I'm dragging
> things around". Etc etc
> Things maybe acceptable to us PD "grey beards", but at some point
> it would be nice to find a way to enter the modern, multicore
> multithreaded world. Moores law has shifted from clock speed to
> "just add more cores" years ago now, so it's not like "buy a faster
> machine" is going to magically solve single threaded speed issues.
> At the very least, we should be able to run a performance intensive
> GEM patch with real time audio without drop outs *while* editing.
> Oh wait, that's called Max MSP. :D And that is perhaps the
> reasonable stance taken by a certain teaching institution I just
> left who is really only interested in PD on places where Max
> currently can't be used, like Raspberry PI.
> enohp ym morf tnes -- Dan Wilcox 
> ___ 
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Re: [PD] Game Audio abstractions- how to publish?

2014-02-19 Thread Max
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Am 2014년 02월 17일 06:31, schrieb Filippo Beck Peccoz:

> Let me know if there is anything that can/should/must be improved
> in order for it to be of any use! I'd like to make help patches for
> the abstraction as well, but am not sure if they really need them
> since most of them are very simple. What do you think?

my 2ct:

I personally think help patches are always useful, no matter how
simple the abstraction is. the help patches also can serve as a
testbed to make sure the abstraction is doing what it is supposed to.

including [pd meta] information would be next on your list, so your
abstractions can be indexed by the search plugin.

also putting them on github may help lover the bar for contributions.

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Re: [PD] compiling Pd 0.45 on Linux

2014-02-07 Thread Max
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Am 2014? 02? 08? 02:50, schrieb Miller Puckette:
> On Sat, Feb 08, 2014 at 02:06:18AM +0900, Max wrote:
>> I need jack support in Pd, so I am trying to recompile 0.45-4 - -
>> libtool, libjack0 and libjack-dev are installed. I get this:
>> ./
> [thousands of lines deleted :)]


> The 'automake' system, although apparently vital for preparing Pd
> for distributions such as Debian, seems to be far too fragile for
> non-experts to use effectively.
> You can "just make" pd by cding to pd/src and typing:
> make -f makefile.gnu clean   # (not needed if a clean source
> tree) make -f makefile.gnu JACK=true
> The "makefile.gnu" solution is the one I always use.  It's
> completely independent of the automake setup.

ok, thanks miller, it compiles, but i have no jack support whatsoever.

make -f makefile.gnu JACK=true
test -d ../bin || mkdir -p ../bin
cd ../obj;  cc -Wl,-export-dynamic  -o ../bin/pd g_canvas.o g_graph.o
g_text.o g_rtext.o g_array.o g_template.o g_io.o g_scalar.o
g_traversal.o g_guiconnect.o g_readwrite.o g_editor.o g_all_guis.o
g_bang.o g_hdial.o g_hslider.o g_mycanvas.o g_numbox.o g_toggle.o
g_vdial.o g_vslider.o g_vumeter.o m_pd.o m_class.o m_obj.o m_atom.o
m_memory.o m_binbuf.o m_conf.o m_glob.o m_sched.o s_main.o s_inter.o
s_file.o s_print.o s_loader.o s_path.o s_entry.o s_audio.o s_midi.o
s_utf8.o s_audio_paring.o d_ugen.o d_ctl.o d_arithmetic.o d_osc.o
d_filter.o d_dac.o d_misc.o d_math.o d_fft.o d_fft_mayer.o
d_fftroutine.o d_array.o d_global.o d_delay.o d_resample.o
d_soundfile.o x_arithmetic.o x_connective.o x_interface.o x_midi.o
x_misc.o x_time.o x_acoustics.o x_net.o x_text.o x_gui.o x_list.o
x_array.o x_scalar.o s_midi_oss.o s_audio_alsa.o s_audio_alsamm.o
s_midi_alsa.o s_audio_jack.o s_audio_oss.o  -ldl -lm -lpthread
- -lasound -ljack
test -d ../bin || mkdir -p ../bin
- -DINSTALL_PREFIX=\"/usr/local\" -Wall -W -Wstrict-prototypes
- -Wno-unused -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-parentheses -Wno-switch
- -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing  -o
../bin/pd-watchdog s_watchdog.c
test -d ../bin || mkdir -p ../bin
- -DINSTALL_PREFIX=\"/usr/local\" -Wall -W -Wstrict-prototypes
- -Wno-unused -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-parentheses -Wno-switch
- -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing   -o
../bin/pdsend u_pdsend.c
test -d ../bin || mkdir -p ../bin
- -DINSTALL_PREFIX=\"/usr/local\" -Wall -W -Wstrict-prototypes
- -Wno-unused -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-parentheses -Wno-switch
- -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing   -o
../bin/pdreceive u_pdreceive.c
u_pdreceive.c: In function ?tcpmakeoutput?:
u_pdreceive.c:224:22: warning: ignoring return value of ?write?,
declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
 write(1, outbuf, outlen);
make -C ../extra/bonk~
make[1]: Betrete Verzeichnis '/home/max/Code/pd-0.45-4/extra/bonk~'
make[1]: Für das Ziel »all« ist nichts zu tun.
make[1]: Verlasse Verzeichnis '/home/max/Code/pd-0.45-4/extra/bonk~'
make -C ../extra/choice
make[1]: Betrete Verzeichnis '/home/max/Code/pd-0.45-4/extra/choice'
make[1]: Für das Ziel »all« ist nichts zu tun.
make[1]: Verlasse Verzeichnis '/home/max/Code/pd-0.45-4/extra/choice'
make -C ../extra/expr~
make[1]: Betrete Verzeichnis '/home/max/Code/pd-0.45-4/extra/expr~'
make[1]: Für das Ziel »all« ist nichts zu tun.
make[1]: Verlasse Verzeichnis '/home/max/Code/pd-0.45-4/extra/expr~'
make -C ../extra/fiddle~
make[1]: Betrete Verzeichnis '/home/max/Code/pd-0.45-4/extra/fiddle~'
make[1]: Für das Ziel »all« ist nichts zu tun.
make[1]: Verlasse Verzeichnis '/home/max/Code/pd-0.45-4/extra/fiddle~'
make -C ../extra/loop~
make[1]: Betrete Verzeichnis '/home/max/Code/pd-0.45-4/extra/loop~'
make[1]: Für das Ziel »all« ist nichts zu tun.
make[1]: Verlasse Verzeichnis '/home/max/Code/pd-0.45-4/extra/loop~'
make -C ../extra/lrshift~
make[1]: Betrete Verzeichnis '/home/max/Code/pd-0.45-4/extra/lrshift~'
make[1]: Für das Ziel »all« ist nichts zu tun.
make[1]: Verlasse Verzeichnis '/home/max/Code/pd-0.45-4/extra/lrshift~'
make -C ../extra/pique
make[1]: Betrete Verzeichnis 

Re: [PD] job offer in Weimar

2014-01-31 Thread Max
Hash: SHA1

Am 2014년 01월 31일 19:39, schrieb Dan Wilcox:

> Howdy Max,
> Out of curiosity, why did you leave? Find a better job elsewhere?
> Wanted to get out of sleepy Weimar?

It's certainly no secret, so I might as well respond on the list:
A yes/no answer isn't possible so I will elaborate a bit:
I enjoyed working here, it is a really nice setting, skilled, creative
and eager students, great colleagues, a lot of freedom in what and how
to teach, etc.
Weimar is sleepy, but it also has some benefits which are hard to find
elsewhere. I chose to live here, rather than in Berlin (like many
colleagues) because of reasons like the short distances and the nature
Positions at German universities like the one I had (and the one now
opened) are limited to 6 years, and non extensible. I had been working
for the Bauhaus-Universität for 5 years, so I started to look around
for other options.
I found one: since September I am Professor at the Yeungnam University
in Gyeongsan (Daegu), Korea.
It's very exciting to be there. I work with sculpture and painting
students, which is a great challenge for me, just like learning the


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[PD] job offer in Weimar

2014-01-31 Thread Max
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At the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is another position open. Since
understanding basic german is a requirement, the announcement follows
in german. This position is more or less what I was doing there when I
was employed there. Please also apply even if you don't fulfill the
requirements completely. And let me know if you applied.
An der Fakultät Medien der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar ist zum 1. April
2014 an der Professur Gestaltung medialer Umgebungen die Stelle

künstlerischen Mitarbeiterin/Mitarbeiters

zu besetzen. Die Stelle ist zunächst auf 3 Jahre befristet. Eine
Verlängerung ist nach den geltenden Regelungen des
Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetzes (WissZeitVG) möglich. Es handelt
sich um eine Teilzeitstelle. Die wöchentliche Arbeitszeit beträgt 24

Vorbereitung und Durchführung von Lehrveranstaltungen (8 LVS) im
Bereich der praktischen Medienkunst (Interaktion, Netz, Video,
Bioart). Mitarbeit bei den organisatorischen und forschenden
Aktivitäten der Professur. Die Professur verfügt über eine
Performance-Plattform und ein DIY Biolab, die in die Lehre eingebunden
werden sollen.


Abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium der Fachrichtung Medienkunst, Kunst
oder Design
Erfahrung in Grafikprogrammierung und Interfacegestaltung und/oder
Elektronik, Bioart, hohe künstlerische Kompetenz
Fremdsprachenkenntnisse (Englisch)
Berufliche Praxis, pädagogische Eignung, selbstständiges Arbeiten
Die Vergütung richtet sich nach den Bestimmungen des Tarifvertrages
für den öffentlichen Dienst der Länder (TV-L) entsprechend den
persönlichen Voraussetzungen bis zur Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L.

Die Bauhaus-Universität ist bestrebt, den Anteil von Frauen in Lehre
und Forschung zu erhöhen. Daher werden insbesondere Frauen gebeten,
sich zu bewerben.

Schwerbehinderte Menschen werden bei gleicher Eignung bevorzugt

Ihre Bewerbung, mit den üblichen aussagekräftigen Unterlagen richten
Sie bitte unter Angabe der Kennziffer M/WP-03/14 bis zum 23. Februar
2014 an:

Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Fakultät Medien
Professur Gestaltung medialer Umgebungen
Frau Prof. Ursula Damm
Marienstraße 5
99421 Weimar
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Re: [PD] compiling Pd 0.45 on Linux

2014-01-18 Thread Max
Hi Jack!

allright, libtool was missing indeed, it works now. That info is missing
in INSTALL.txt

Am 2014년 01월 18일 10:23, schrieb Jack:
> Hello Max,
> Did you install libtool ?
> ++
> Jack
> Le 18/01/2014 02:09, Max a écrit :
>> Hi List,
>> I am on Linux Mint 16 Cinnamon 64Bit and i want to compile Pd 0.45. Here
>> is my experience:
>> pd-0.45-3/
>> $ ./
>> autoreconf: Entering directory `.'
>> autoreconf: not using Gettext
>> autoreconf: running: aclocal --force -I m4/generated -I m4
>> autoreconf: tracing
>> autoreconf: adding subdirectory portaudio to autoreconf
>> autoreconf: Entering directory `portaudio'
>> autoreconf: not using Gettext
>> autoreconf: running: aclocal --force
>> aclocal: warning: autoconf input should be named '', not
>> ''
>> autoreconf: tracing
>> autoreconf: subdirectory bindings/cpp not present
>> autoreconf: not using Libtool
>> autoreconf: running: /usr/bin/autoconf --force
>> error: possibly undefined macro: AC_LIBTOOL_WIN32_DLL
>>   If this token and others are legitimate, please use m4_pattern_allow.
>>   See the Autoconf documentation.
>> error: possibly undefined macro: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL
>> autoreconf: /usr/bin/autoconf failed with exit status: 1
>> however as suggested in INSTALL.TXT the fallback method works with
>> make -f makefile.gnu
>> sudo make -f makefile.gnu install
>> (once the dependency libasound2-dev is installed)
>> yet when I run Pd, I get no sound
>> ./pd
>> oops: ALSA cards not reported in order?
>> oops: ALSA cards not reported in order?
>> oops: ALSA cards not reported in order?
>> oops: ALSA cards not reported in order?
>> oops: ALSA cards not reported in order?
>> oops: ALSA cards not reported in order?
>> The Pd package from the repositories has the same issue:
>> ALSA input error (snd_pcm_open): No such file or directory
>> ALSA output error (snd_pcm_open): No such file or directory
>> ALSA input error (snd_pcm_open): No such file or directory
>> ALSA output error (snd_pcm_open): No such file or directory
>> Seems I have a problem with ALSA.
>> Anyone has a clue where to start looking for this issue?
>> Thanks
>> m.
>> ___
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>> UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> 
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[PD] compiling Pd 0.45 on Linux

2014-01-17 Thread Max
Hi List,
I am on Linux Mint 16 Cinnamon 64Bit and i want to compile Pd 0.45. Here
is my experience:

$ ./
autoreconf: Entering directory `.'
autoreconf: not using Gettext
autoreconf: running: aclocal --force -I m4/generated -I m4
autoreconf: tracing
autoreconf: adding subdirectory portaudio to autoreconf
autoreconf: Entering directory `portaudio'
autoreconf: not using Gettext
autoreconf: running: aclocal --force
aclocal: warning: autoconf input should be named '', not
autoreconf: tracing
autoreconf: subdirectory bindings/cpp not present
autoreconf: not using Libtool
autoreconf: running: /usr/bin/autoconf --force error: possibly undefined macro: AC_LIBTOOL_WIN32_DLL
  If this token and others are legitimate, please use m4_pattern_allow.
  See the Autoconf documentation. error: possibly undefined macro: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL
autoreconf: /usr/bin/autoconf failed with exit status: 1

however as suggested in INSTALL.TXT the fallback method works with
make -f makefile.gnu
sudo make -f makefile.gnu install
(once the dependency libasound2-dev is installed)

yet when I run Pd, I get no sound
oops: ALSA cards not reported in order?
oops: ALSA cards not reported in order?
oops: ALSA cards not reported in order?
oops: ALSA cards not reported in order?
oops: ALSA cards not reported in order?
oops: ALSA cards not reported in order?

The Pd package from the repositories has the same issue:
ALSA input error (snd_pcm_open): No such file or directory
ALSA output error (snd_pcm_open): No such file or directory
ALSA input error (snd_pcm_open): No such file or directory
ALSA output error (snd_pcm_open): No such file or directory

Seems I have a problem with ALSA.
Anyone has a clue where to start looking for this issue?



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Re: [PD] Find distance to a line in 3d space

2013-12-25 Thread Max
Hi João,
I patched something for you, maybe it's useful.

Description: Binary data

Am 11.12.2013 um 02:30 schrieb João Pais :

> Am 06.12.2013, 00:51 Uhr, schrieb Claude Heiland-Allen :
>> On 05/12/13 23:40, João Pais wrote:
>>> Hello list,
>>> I had a doubt, will try to explain.
>>> I wanted to define a line in a 3d space through 2 points, and be able to
>>> find out the distance from another point to that line. Since I'm very
>>> bad at math, I wanted to know if anyone has done something similar, or
>>> knows how to get to it.
>> first example on the page, you just need to clamp u to [0..1] if you
>> want to make it work for a line segment instead of an infinite line.
> it looks interesting, and I also checked for more content with a similar 
> title. the thing is, my math/geometry skills are too bad, and I don't 
> understand where they get the formulas for the points and lines. I'll keep 
> watching the links, but I might not get it in time for the purpose I was 
> looking for.
> thanks anyway,
> João
> ___
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[PD] [PD-announce] Please kindly DON'T check this out

2013-10-31 Thread Max
Darshas previous email is phishing/spam. DON'T click.
She says she has no more control over her email.

Please don't click!

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Re: [PD] audio output AND input with the Rpi?

2013-10-31 Thread Max
Am 31.10.2013 um 17:33 schrieb Pierre Massat :
> I just took a quick look at the page on and noticed that my 
> soundcard (E-mu 0404 USB) is mentioned as "apparently [working]". For 
> clarity's sake i think it would be good to modify the page a bit so that it's 
> mentioned in the working soundcards. It's fully functional as far as i can 
> tell 
> Problem is, i don't know how to edit the page...

to everyone who is working with the Pi. please edit this page
just make an account and edit away.

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Re: [PD] age old multichannel sound card question...

2013-09-12 Thread Max
Am 13.09.2013 um 01:34 schrieb peiman khosravi :
> I think the RME USB and firewire interfaces don't work on linux 
> unfortunately. Or at least that's what I was told. 

I guess that should read: the RME interfaces which have both: USB AND FW ports 
on the same device.

While the FireWire doesn't seem to be working on those devices with ffado yet, 
the devices can be set to the USB Class Complinant (CC) mode. A bug in alsa 
prevented USB2 Class Compliant interfaces to work at all. That has been fixed 

It sucks a lot that you can't use all the fancy effects on the Fireface when 
using it in class compliant mode. Also only one lonely control (the master 
volume) gets exposed in ALSA mixer. I am not sure if this is a limitation of 
the USB Audio Class definition or laziness on the behalf or RME. I also don't 
understand why RME allows you to control the TotalMix software via OSC - it 
would make much more sense if one could send the OSC messages directly to the 
device, enabling all the functions also in CC mode.

The (current) OSC implementation of TotalMix is awkward to say the least.

I would not bother any more with FireWire, since this interface is already dead 
or will be dead soon. (That is if you are buying new hardware, computer or 
soundcard, today.)

And for the record:
Fireface 400 and Fireface 800 are listed as Full Support on the ffado page:

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Re: [PD] age old multichannel sound card question...

2013-09-12 Thread Max

Am 12.09.2013 um 15:36 schrieb Marian Weger :

> Am 12.09.13 00:13, schrieb Jaime E Oliver:
>> Do the latest RME cards (fire face UCX, UC, UFX) work under Linux? 
>> alsa/ffado?
>> Does anyone use the fireface 800 successfully with ffado?
> hi,
> The new firefaces (ufx, ucx) seem to be running perfectly well via usb2 under 
> linux, with "class compliant mode", without drivers.
> But i have not tested it personally.

I have the UCX running in CC mode, Alsamixer has only one control, the master 

You need a Kernel with at least 3.8 to get audio over USB2 devices at all 
because of some bug in ALSA.
The fix of the alsa /sound/usb/mixer.c is in kernel 3.8 which i have on the 

however the current kernel has some issues wich causes horrible crackles (I 
tried 44100 and 48000 Hz, they both give me different kind of crackles).


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Re: [PD] routeOSC crash

2013-08-29 Thread Max

Am 29.08.2013 um 18:17 schrieb Martin Peach :

> On 2013-08-28 19:21, Martin Peach wrote:
>> So that translates as
>> "#bundle",  timetag=0, size of first element = 12 "/" ,f 0
>> So it's opening a bundle with an element whose path is just "/" and a
>> float equal to zero.
>> It could be that totalMix opens the bundle and only closes it at the
>> end, which would probably make Pd crash since it expects to get the
>> entire bundle before processing it.
> Actually that's not true. The bundle is complete in that message. I tried 
> passing those numbers as a message [35 98 117 110 100 108 101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
> 0 0 0 0 12 47 0 0 0 44 102 0 0 0 0 0 0( through [unpackOSC] here and it 
> doesn't complain. So something else is wrong.

if i can do something to find out what's going on, then let me know asap. 
i will have no more access to a os x machine from tomorrow on.

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Re: [PD] routeOSC crash

2013-08-28 Thread Max
now suddenly it seems to crash when starting totalMix instead of quitting it.
I've started pd with -stderr and  it spills out:


Am 29.08.2013 um 00:12 schrieb Martin Peach :

> It sounds like TotalMix is sending something that is not OSC when it shuts 
> down.
> Can you provide the output of udpreceive when that happens? Maybe put a 
> [print] after [udpreceive].
> Martin
> On 2013-08-28 17:35, Max wrote:
>> when closing the sending TotalMix application Pd crashes because of routeOSC 
>> (?)
>> 0.44.0-extended-20130213 os x
>> Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue:
>> 0   routeOSC.pd_darwin   0x0af8c404 routeOSC_list + 16
>> 1   pd   0x0002a7d1 pd_defaultbang + 65
>> 2   pd   0x0002cedb outlet_bang + 59
>> 3   routeOSC.pd_darwin   0x0af8bf3c routeOSC_doanything + 509
>> 4   pd   0x0002b7f8 pd_typedmess + 824
>> 5   pd   0x0002d21d outlet_anything + 77
>> 6   unpackOSC.pd_darwin  0x09ff800c unpackOSC_list + 1298
>> 7   unpackOSC.pd_darwin  0x09ff7e4f unpackOSC_list + 853
>> 8   pd   0x0002d18d outlet_list + 77
>> 9   udpreceive.pd_darwin 0x09ff3ea3 udpreceive_read + 406
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[PD] 0.45 OSC via binary netsend

2013-08-28 Thread Max
Am 18.08.2013 um 03:51 schrieb Miller Puckette :
> binary netsend/netreceive (so you should no longer need an extern for OSC)

has someone tried this?

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[PD] routeOSC crash

2013-08-28 Thread Max
when closing the sending TotalMix application Pd crashes because of routeOSC (?)
0.44.0-extended-20130213 os x

Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue:
0   routeOSC.pd_darwin  0x0af8c404 routeOSC_list + 16
1   pd  0x0002a7d1 pd_defaultbang + 65
2   pd  0x0002cedb outlet_bang + 59
3   routeOSC.pd_darwin  0x0af8bf3c routeOSC_doanything + 509
4   pd  0x0002b7f8 pd_typedmess + 824
5   pd  0x0002d21d outlet_anything + 77
6   unpackOSC.pd_darwin 0x09ff800c unpackOSC_list + 1298
7   unpackOSC.pd_darwin 0x09ff7e4f unpackOSC_list + 853
8   pd  0x0002d18d outlet_list + 77
9   udpreceive.pd_darwin0x09ff3ea3 udpreceive_read + 406

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Re: [PD] RME TotalMix controlled with OSC

2013-08-28 Thread Max
oh, yes! that works.

Am 28.08.2013 um 22:42 schrieb Martin Peach :

> You can send ambiguous floats like this:
> [sendtyped /to/totalmix f 1{
> |
> [packOSC]
> Martin
> On 2013-08-28 14:33, Max wrote:
>> Hi List, has anyone used OSC o control RME's TotalMix application? The OSC 
>> support in there seems rather flawed, for instance the float messages seem 
>> to require 1.0 format and 1 will be wrong. How can I sent floats in Pd which 
>> have a zero decimal?
>> m.
>> ___
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Re: [PD] RME TotalMix controlled with OSC

2013-08-28 Thread Max
hm. since in Pd all numbers are floats printing a 1.0 will show 1
however I can use [makefilename %s.0] which seems to be a possible workaround.

Description: Binary data

Am 28.08.2013 um 21:58 schrieb Dan Wilcox :

> Sounds like they don't want ints and sending non decimal values as floats 
> results in an int type tag in the OSC message. Try forcing all values to be 
> floats with a [float] object.
> On Aug 28, 2013, at 3:34 PM, wrote:
>> From: Max 
>> Subject: [PD] RME TotalMix controlled with OSC
>> Date: August 28, 2013 2:33:32 PM EDT
>> To: PD list 
>> Hi List, has anyone used OSC o control RME's TotalMix application? The OSC 
>> support in there seems rather flawed, for instance the float messages seem 
>> to require 1.0 format and 1 will be wrong. How can I sent floats in Pd which 
>> have a zero decimal?
>> m.
> Dan Wilcox
> @danomatika
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[PD] RME TotalMix controlled with OSC

2013-08-28 Thread Max
Hi List, has anyone used OSC o control RME's TotalMix application? The OSC 
support in there seems rather flawed, for instance the float messages seem to 
require 1.0 format and 1 will be wrong. How can I sent floats in Pd which have 
a zero decimal?


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Re: [PD] [PD-announce] pd 0.45-0 released

2013-08-28 Thread Max
Am 23.08.2013 um 21:00 schrieb Miller Puckette :
> As always I'm sure there will be problems here and there - you're welcome
> to report them on the Pd mailing list ( which is always the
> fastest way to get me to see them.

There is a small bug for users of multiple monitors or resolutions (tested only 
on osx, but i guess that's platform independent).

Some Pd versions ago the patches saved on a bigger resolution screen were 
opening off-screen when opened with a smaller resolution or only one monitor. 
This has been addressed since.

In 0.45 if you have the main monitor on the right and a secondary on the left 
(thus having negative x values) if you save this patch on the secondary and 
open it again it will appear on the primary monitor, even if you have the 
second still attached.

Subpatches and abstractions do show an even stranger behavior: if you have a 
patch open on the primary monitor and drag a subpatch on the secondary monitor 
(placement relative to the primary monitor doesn't matter here) then save and 
close the subpatch, open the subpatch again: you can't. It has become 
inaccessible. In a performance situation this is not what you hope for, because 
you will only get that window back by re-opening the patch.


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Re: [PD] [PD-announce] pd 0.45-0 released

2013-08-28 Thread Max
Am 28.08.2013 um 09:33 schrieb IOhannes m zmölnig :
> On 08/27/13 20:37, Max wrote:
>> Am 27.08.2013 um 18:57 schrieb IOhannes m zmölnig :
>>> On 08/27/13 12:30, Max wrote:
>>>> There is one little annoyance:
>>>> if you select a GUI object, right click fro the properties and then go to 
>>>> change on of the fields in the dialog, you can't hit backspace, because 
>>>> this deletes the object and closes the properties dialog. Somehow the 
>>>> backspace takes effect on the canvas instead of the numbers of say 
>>>> changing the values of a slider.
>>> not on my pd-0.45.0.
>>> this is on debian with xfce4, focus-follows-mouse policy.
>> Are you sure the object is selected? the error is occurring for me on OS X 
>> 10.8, haven't tried other platforms.
> since you mentioned "slider" in the original bugreport, i did my initial
> test with [hsl], and i *am* sure that the slider is selected when
> deleting the, say, width-value of the slider in the properties dialog.
> no problems here.
> i now did another test with the traditional numberbox and there i *can*
> reproduce the problem.

Interesting. I have the phenomenon with any atom which has a properties window.

There is another odd thing:
While the properties window opens you can see that "Pd" in the Menu bar changes 
into "Apple" (?!)
Also: the first time you open a properties window after the lauch of Pd it 
takes significantly longer than subsequent times. (around 5 seconds vs. 0.1 


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Re: [PD] [PD-announce] pd 0.45-0 released

2013-08-27 Thread Max
Am 27.08.2013 um 18:57 schrieb IOhannes m zmölnig :
> On 08/27/13 12:30, Max wrote:
>> There is one little annoyance:
>> if you select a GUI object, right click fro the properties and then go to 
>> change on of the fields in the dialog, you can't hit backspace, because this 
>> deletes the object and closes the properties dialog. Somehow the backspace 
>> takes effect on the canvas instead of the numbers of say changing the values 
>> of a slider.
> not on my pd-0.45.0.
> this is on debian with xfce4, focus-follows-mouse policy.

Are you sure the object is selected? the error is occurring for me on OS X 
10.8, haven't tried other platforms.

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Re: [PD] [PD-announce] pd 0.45-0 released

2013-08-27 Thread Max
There is one little annoyance:
if you select a GUI object, right click fro the properties and then go to 
change on of the fields in the dialog, you can't hit backspace, because this 
deletes the object and closes the properties dialog. Somehow the backspace 
takes effect on the canvas instead of the numbers of say changing the values of 
a slider.

but generally: amazing, thank you miller.


Am 23.08.2013 um 21:00 schrieb Miller Puckette :

> Hi all,
> Pd version 0.45-0 is available on
> or via git from sourceforge:
>  git clone git://
>  cd pure-data
>  git checkout -b 0.45
> As always I'm sure there will be problems here and there - you're welcome
> to report them on the Pd mailing list ( which is always the
> fastest way to get me to see them.
> cheers
> Miller
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Re: [PD] midirealtimein error message, is it still needed?

2013-08-22 Thread Max
i can confirm it seems to work fine in 0.45-0 test3 on OS X

midirealtimein: works under MSW only

Am 14.12.2008 um 15:01 schrieb hard off :

> was just messing round with [midirealtimein] on linux.  no problem it seems.  
> my friend in berlin got it going fine on os x.  
> so, is there still any need for the 'error:  midirealtimein only works under 
> MSW' message that is sent to the console upon load?
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Re: [PD] midi sync

2013-08-01 Thread Max
to continue my Selbstgespräch:
this is a known bug Jan Baumgart reported on Pd-dev 5th of July and it might be 
fixed in git.
seems i need to recompile.


Am 01.08.2013 um 20:59 schrieb Max :

> found it: [midirealtimein]
> 250 for start
> 252 for stop
> 248 clock message 24 times per beat
> however, i get this error:
> warning: MIDI timing FIFO overflowed
> Am 01.08.2013 um 20:50 schrieb Max :
>> Hi list,
>> how do you sync Pd to a midi beat clock?
>> I only see sysexin but there is no message arriving.
>> m.
>> ___
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Re: [PD] midi sync

2013-08-01 Thread Max
found it: [midirealtimein]

250 for start
252 for stop
248 clock message 24 times per beat

however, i get this error:
warning: MIDI timing FIFO overflowed

Am 01.08.2013 um 20:50 schrieb Max :

> Hi list,
> how do you sync Pd to a midi beat clock?
> I only see sysexin but there is no message arriving.
> m.
> ___
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[PD] midi sync

2013-08-01 Thread Max
Hi list,

how do you sync Pd to a midi beat clock?

I only see sysexin but there is no message arriving.


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Re: [PD] msgfile and commas

2013-07-31 Thread Max
beautiful! thanks jack.

Am 31.07.2013 um 18:56 schrieb Jack :

> Le 31/07/2013 11:11, James Dunn a écrit :
>> What about something like this?
>> Quoth Max, on 30/07/2013 23:57:
>>> another escaping problem:
>>> any idea how the comma could be displayed correctly?
>>> ___
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> Since a while now, [text3d] accepts the 'string' method.
> So it is possible to simplify the patch using this message.
> See example attached.
> ++
> Jack
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Re: [PD] msgfile and commas

2013-07-31 Thread Max
oh yes! [any2bytes] to my rescue.
the only thing more elegant would be a proper escaping mechanism in Pd. ;)

Am 31.07.2013 um 11:11 schrieb James Dunn :

> What about something like this?
> Quoth Max, on 30/07/2013 23:57:
>> another escaping problem:
>> any idea how the comma could be displayed correctly?
>> ___
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Re: [PD] get dir of current pd

2013-07-30 Thread Max
Am 30.07.2013 um 23:32 schrieb Jonathan Wilkes :
> Max- Are you experiencing dropouts from the subprocess stalling, or are you 
> saying you're trying to avoid the possibility of dropouts.  If it's the 
> latter, then I'm having a hard time figuring out how two Pds connected 
> through netsend would avoid dropouts.  Also, what causes the freezes?

Cyrille has repeatedly said on this list that [pd~] is not the way to 
completely detach the two instances and that it one should use two instances 
instead. Never mind - I thought there was an elegant solution to launch another 
instance from a patch programmatically.

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[PD] msgfile and commas

2013-07-30 Thread Max
another escaping problem:
any idea how the comma could be displayed correctly?

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[PD] Netiquette (Was: Re: PLEASE HELP !)

2013-07-30 Thread Max
Hi Luca,

First off: A warm welcome to this list.
Imagine every mail on this list had a subject HELP!, Help me! Please Help! and 
so forth. The mailing list would be a lot more complicated to read than it 
already is. Please take a moment to read through the netiquette:



Am 30.07.2013 um 15:54 schrieb Luca Mani :

> To everybody, does anybody know if with ALSA is possible to run every kind of 
> multichannel sound card for recording audio on linux ? 
> Thanks. 
> ___
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Re: [PD] get dir of current pd

2013-07-30 Thread Max
pwd to a [ggee/shell] results always in /
(at least on OS X)

Am 18.07.2013 um 20:44 schrieb Iain Mott :

> there's the "shell" external - to which you can send a "pwd" message -
> but perhaps this only works on linux, maybe mac?
> Iain
> Em Wed, 2013-07-17 às 06:44 -0700, Max escreveu:
>> is there something like [ggee/getdir] but for getting the path of the 
>> currently running Pd binary?
>> m.
>> ___
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Re: [PD] get dir of current pd

2013-07-30 Thread Max
Am 30.07.2013 um 13:47 schrieb yvan volochine :
> On 17/07/13 15:44, Max wrote:
>> is there something like [ggee/getdir] but for getting the path of the 
>> currently running Pd binary?
> you mind explaining why you would need that?

off cause: In an attempt to divide two processes in Pd I am currently using 
[pd~]. This allows for the OS to distribute the load of the sub-process on 
another core. That way, you can get more performance and fewer clicks depending 
on what you do. However, as someone has pointed here already, if the sub 
process stalls, you still might get drop outs eventually, since both processes 
are tied together with the pipe. The [pd~] approach is my favorite, as it is 
quite portable (exept for windows).

The alternative to it would be to run two instances and use for example 
netsend/netreceive and/or the incredible powerful shmem (the later I also use 
in the [pd~] scenario).

If you are using two separate instances, then you either need to start them 
manually, create a shell script that does it, or (and this is finally why I was 
curious to know if there is a way from within Pd to know the path of the 
binary) launch the second instance from he first instance through a 
[ggee/shell] or [moonlib/popen].


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[PD] get dir of current pd

2013-07-17 Thread Max
is there something like [ggee/getdir] but for getting the path of the currently 
running Pd binary?

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Re: [PD] shmem shared memory allocation fails

2013-07-11 Thread Max
ok thanks for the explanation.
Another question:
If i want to have a flexible memory size, would you recommend to reserve a huge 
amount of space (60) just in case, or could I try to create the shmem 
object in the right size with dynamic patching?


Am 11.07.2013 um 11:49 schrieb Cyrille Henry :

> Hello,
> usually, it's because the program that allocate memorry did crash.
> So the memory is not free and can't be allocated by anyone else.
> possible solution are :
> -reboot
> - change mem Id
> - manually free the memory :
> ipcrm shm 1234 on a terminal
> cheers
> c
> Le 10/07/2013 22:27, Max a écrit :
>> what could be the causes that shmem fails to allocate the memory?
>> could not allocate shmem memory Id : 1234, size 60
>> thanks
>> max
>> ___
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[PD] shmem shared memory allocation fails

2013-07-10 Thread Max
what could be the causes that shmem fails to allocate the memory?
could not allocate shmem memory Id : 1234, size 60


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Re: [PD] [PD-announce] share-mem lib

2013-07-09 Thread Max
are those links dead?

Am 01.11.2012 um 16:30 schrieb Hans-Christoph Steiner :

> You can get binaries from any library in pure-data SVN based on the Library 
> Template from the Jenkins build server.  There will soon be a Windows builder 
> there too.  For example, here's a Mac OS X 32-bit i386 binary for 
> shmem.pd_darwin:
> You can browse available platforms here:
> Also, there is a shmem.pd_linux checked into SVN, that should be removed 
> since it can be generated by typing 'make'.
> .hc
> On Nov 1, 2012, at 7:15 AM, Nicolas Montgermont wrote:
>> btw : the object is still in development and may improve these days 
>> specially concerning the message syntax.
>> we may provide osx (and ubuntu) binaries after the testing period.
>> best,
>> n
>> Le 01/11/12 10:24, Cyrille Henry a écrit :
>>> hello,
>>> for now, you'll have to grab sources from svn and compile it yourself.
>>> examples should provide a quick overview of the usability.
>>> cheers
>>> c
>>> Le 01/11/2012 05:40, Phil Stone a écrit :
 Cyrille, this is very exciting. Where can we get more details?
 On 10/31/12 4:19 PM, Cyrille Henry wrote:
> hello,
> i just did a initial commit of share-mem, a lib dedicated to deal with 
> shared memory.
> background :
> pd / pd~ communication is really slow. by example, having a pd~ patch 
> with 8 audio in and 8 out, use about 50% cpu of a recent computer for 
> each process only to deal with audio communication.
> sending a large array from one process to the other is almost not 
> possible in RT.
> This really limit pd~ usability.
> -
> Thanks to share memory, communication between process can be greatly 
> improve.
> This lib is mainly composed of an external, and few abstraction and 
> examples.
> Everything look stable, at least on a ubuntu (12.04) and a osX laptop.
> Implementation follow POSIX standard, so it will unfortunately not work 
> on windows.
> everything that I need is there, even if lot's more work could be made. I 
> hope to have user feedback before making more development.
> Cheers
> Cyrille
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Re: [PD] Raspberry Pi USB2 audio fixed

2013-07-03 Thread Max
info added to the wiki:

Am 03.07.2013 um 20:56 schrieb Nick Burge :

> I also found that powering off a 2amp 5v usb hub gave dramatically better 
> results. Full duplex two channels at 44.1khz without dropouts.
> ___
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Re: [PD] Get path of patch ?

2013-06-26 Thread Max
the next one who will search the archive might find this first, so let's just 
write it down again: [ggee/getdir] might be what you need.

the amazing search plugin helps tremendously to find such things.


Am 26.06.2013 um 13:05 schrieb Jan Baumgart :

> Sorry for the noise.
> Should have looked in the archives first %-p
> On 26.6.13 13:03 , Jan Baumgart wrote:
>> Is there any way to retrieve the path, a patch is stored in?
>> Like "path" -> [thispatcher] in max?
>> thx & cheers,
>> Jan

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Re: [PD] Pd-extended GUI stuck in OS X

2013-06-18 Thread Max
I can confirm that this resolves the problem. Thanks for the hint.
I was using the reset preferences in the settings dialog and it's now working 
properly again.
When it gets stuck next time I'll compare the preferences before and after. May 
be that will tell more about what's the issue.

Am 18.06.2013 um 20:32 schrieb Philippe Boisnard :

> Hello Max
> I have the same problem since some weeks
> I have posted about that 
> My solution, when this symptom arrives, it's to trash all preferences in 
> library, and after no problem during some times...
> I don't know why we have soudainly this problem
> cheers
> p
> ___
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[PD] Pd-extended GUI stuck in OS X

2013-06-18 Thread Max
Dear List,

I have this odd issue since a while, and sometimes it goes away, sometimes it 
comes again. Because I couldn't figure it out more specific, I was not filing a 
bug report about it yet. AFAIK it only affects Pd-extended on OS X. I tried 
both, the Pd 0.44 and 0.43 branches.

These are the symptoms:
You can create objects, but then it's impossible to move them around.
When you click on a message box, the gray thick border stays there and it's 
stuck in the "pressed down" state.

Restarting Pd or the computer is no remedy, yet it sometimes starts to work 
normally again.
Anyone experiencing the same issue?

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Re: [PD] multiblob tracking in Gem while objects keep their IDs

2013-06-16 Thread Max
OK, my apologies to IOhannes for the rant, I was in the understanding that this 
is how the object works now.

Now that it's clarified that this is a bug, not a feature. It should be 
evaluated why it behaves differently and if it is worth it to keep the changes 
or we can go back to the original. Maybe ricoardo can tell us more about the 
changes? If the changes are worth to keep but can't be compatible to the 
original i see two options:
1. make ricardos version pix_multiblob2
2. send a message (and second argument) to pix_multiblob to set it to the 
alternative (ricardos) mode.

What can i do, to help fixing it? I didn't quite understand what you meant at 
the IRC.


Am 16.06.2013 um 12:19 schrieb Antoine Villeret :

> hi, 
> pix_multiblob algorithm changes just after the 0.93.3 release in november 2011
> Ricardo Fabbri made those changes so maybe he is the best person to help us 
> figuring out where the "bug" is, if this is really a bug
> since the algorithm changed I'm not so surprised that the same patch with the 
> same parameters doesn't work in both case
> if pix_multiblob should be backward compatible, could it be possible to 
> rename the Ricardo's version to pix_multiblob2 or something else and to 
> restore the 0.93.3's version in the Gem's main trunk ?
> or is it better to put the two algorithms in the same pix_multiblob object 
> and select it with a [mode( message or something else ?
> cheers
> a
> --
> do it yourself   
> 2013/6/15 IOhannes m zmölnig 
> On 06/15/13 16:03, Max wrote:
> > So that is a confirmed Gem problem. I don't see the point to work with that 
> > object any more, now that I know that the new version breaks backward 
> > compatibility. I want to be able to make a patch that works with whatever 
> > gem version : (
> i think that' a bitter conclusion to draw.
> obviously the object should be backwards compatible, and it being not is
> a bug.
> rather than ranting about "not seeing the point any mor" it would be
> good to help fix the bug.
> fgdstn
> IOhannes

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Re: [PD] multiblob tracking in Gem while objects keep their IDs

2013-06-15 Thread Max
IOhannes just confirmed that the pix_multiblob code has changed and thus broke 
the patch. Since i don't have the git version compiled I can't test here.
So that is a confirmed Gem problem. I don't see the point to work with that 
object any more, now that I know that the new version breaks backward 
compatibility. I want to be able to make a patch that works with whatever gem 
version : (

Am 10.06.2013 um 18:58 schrieb Max :

> Bonjour Antoine et merci beacuoup.
> Thanks a lot for testing this. A change in behavior between Gem release and 
> git is probably not intended, so that's where I hope IOhannes can have a look 
> into.
> max
> Am 10.06.2013 um 17:34 schrieb Antoine Villeret :
>> hi, 
>> it works on my machine (Ubuntu 64bit) with pd 0.44-extended-20130528 (Gem 
>> 93.3)
>> and I can also confirm it works with latest pd vanilla and Gem 0.93.3
>> and it doesn't with the latest Gem from Git but I don't know why yet...
>> +
>> a
>> --
>> do it yourself       
>> 2013/6/6 Max 
>> Am 06.06.2013 um 18:18 schrieb Jack :
>>> Hello Max,
>>> I have the same results than Antoine.
>>> A screenshot is attached.
>>> Configuration :
>>> Ubuntu 13.04, Pd 0.44.3, Gem ver: 0.93.git 374f713.
>> I just tested it with another machine
>> Windows Pd-ext 0.43 / Gem 0.92
>> Windows Pd-ext 0.44 / Gem 0.93.3
>> both work as expected.
>> I'm wondering if it really could be your unreleased Gem version. Could you 
>> try a precompiled stock version instead?

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Re: [PD] multiblob tracking in Gem while objects keep their IDs

2013-06-10 Thread Max
Bonjour Antoine et merci beacuoup.
Thanks a lot for testing this. A change in behavior between Gem release and git 
is probably not intended, so that's where I hope IOhannes can have a look into.


Am 10.06.2013 um 17:34 schrieb Antoine Villeret :

> hi, 
> it works on my machine (Ubuntu 64bit) with pd 0.44-extended-20130528 (Gem 
> 93.3)
> and I can also confirm it works with latest pd vanilla and Gem 0.93.3
> and it doesn't with the latest Gem from Git but I don't know why yet...
> +
> a
> --
> do it yourself   
> 2013/6/6 Max 
> Am 06.06.2013 um 18:18 schrieb Jack :
> > Hello Max,
> >
> > I have the same results than Antoine.
> > A screenshot is attached.
> > Configuration :
> > Ubuntu 13.04, Pd 0.44.3, Gem ver: 0.93.git 374f713.
> I just tested it with another machine
> Windows Pd-ext 0.43 / Gem 0.92
> Windows Pd-ext 0.44 / Gem 0.93.3
> both work as expected.
> I'm wondering if it really could be your unreleased Gem version. Could you 
> try a precompiled stock version instead?
> m.
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Re: [PD] sourceforge bugs

2013-06-07 Thread Max
Am 06.06.2013 um 22:00 schrieb IOhannes zmölnig :
> On 06/06/2013 09:15 PM, Max wrote:
>> Hello List,
>> it seems impossibe at the moment to submit bugs on the Pure Data sourceforge 
>> page. For other Sourceforge projects it works, so it must be some setting of 
>> the Pure Data project. Could eighthave, fbar, ggeiger, millerpuckette or 
>> zmoelnig have a look at that?
> thanks for reporting.
> i think it should work again.

It does. Thanks for fixing. They aren't automatically sent to Pd-dev though. 
And bugs are now called “tickets”.

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[PD] sourceforge bugs

2013-06-06 Thread Max
Hello List,

it seems impossibe at the moment to submit bugs on the Pure Data sourceforge 
page. For other Sourceforge projects it works, so it must be some setting of 
the Pure Data project. Could eighthave, fbar, ggeiger, millerpuckette or 
zmoelnig have a look at that?

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Re: [PD] multiblob tracking in Gem while objects keep their IDs

2013-06-06 Thread Max

Am 06.06.2013 um 18:18 schrieb Jack :
> Hello Max,
> I have the same results than Antoine.
> A screenshot is attached.
> Configuration :
> Ubuntu 13.04, Pd 0.44.3, Gem ver: 0.93.git 374f713.

I just tested it with another machine
Windows Pd-ext 0.43 / Gem 0.92
Windows Pd-ext 0.44 / Gem 0.93.3
both work as expected.

I'm wondering if it really could be your unreleased Gem version. Could you try 
a precompiled stock version instead?

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Re: [PD] multiblob tracking in Gem while objects keep their IDs

2013-06-06 Thread Max
Am 06.06.2013 um 18:33 schrieb Roman Haefeli :
>> I have the same results than Antoine.
>> A screenshot is attached.
>> Configuration :
>> Ubuntu 13.04, Pd 0.44.3, Gem ver: 0.93.git 374f713.
> Just an uneducated guess: Could it be that this is caused by objects
> being positioned on the same Z-plane (or quite close to each other) so
> that some overlapping occurs on some gfx cards, but not on some others?

no, the crosshairs should not be where they are on those screenshots. not a 
z-plane issue.
i'll try the git version of gem, maybe something changed in gem? that's my only 
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Re: [PD] multiblob tracking in Gem while objects keep their IDs

2013-06-05 Thread Max
wow, this looks so wrong! (your screenshot)
I have no idea why this is.

I just tried it under Linux mint 15 (through ssh- XY from os x)

Pd 0.43.2
GEM: ver: 0.93.3 
GEM: compiled: Sep  6 2012

and it works perfectly there.

on my other machine, os x
GEM: ver: 0.93.3 
GEM: compiled: Nov 10 2011

it also runs nicely.

I'm afraid I don't know why it isn't running on your machine.
can anyone else try it?


Am 04.06.2013 um 13:38 schrieb Antoine Villeret :

> hi,
> 2013/6/2 Max 
> Am 30.05.2013 um 14:06 schrieb Antoine Villeret :
> > hi,
> >
> > I'm sorry it still doesn't work
> > and I can't find values that works well on the video...
> >
> > I don't know why, tell me if you want more info or snapshots
> Did you download all of the files, especially the abstractions you'll need 
> for 07b-multi-blobtracker-IDs.pd?
> i've cloned the Bewegungsmelder repository 
> Were there any messages, errors, warnings in the console?
> nothing explaining that in the console, nothing in the terminal
> with quicktime4linux or gmerlin backend :
> [pix_film:audio_ffmpeg] Codec not found: FFmpeg Sonic decoder
> [pix_film]: loaded file: /home/antoine/pd/Bewegungsmelder/ with 
> 623 frames (480x320) at 25.00 fps
> What OS and Pd/Gem version are you using?
> Ubuntu 12.04
> Pd 44.2
> Gem  0.93.git f890f4d
> here is attached a screenshot of what i get
> I was guessing a video decompression artefact but I got the same result with 
> all the backends I have that can open (quicktime4linux and 
> gmerlin)
> but I got the same result with both...
> I also converted the video to mjpeg and to h264 and got the same...
> very strange...
> +
> a
> m.

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Re: [PD] multiblob tracking in Gem while objects keep their IDs

2013-06-02 Thread Max

Am 30.05.2013 um 14:06 schrieb Antoine Villeret :

> hi, 
> I'm sorry it still doesn't work
> and I can't find values that works well on the video...
> I don't know why, tell me if you want more info or snapshots

Did you download all of the files, especially the abstractions you'll need for 
Were there any messages, errors, warnings in the console?
What OS and Pd/Gem version are you using?

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Re: [PD] multiblob tracking in Gem while objects keep their IDs

2013-05-28 Thread Max
Am 27.05.2013 um 20:09 schrieb Antoine Villeret :
> I have a strange behavior here, some cross appear in the middle of nowhere...
> but the blobs are keeping their ID well

could you try again? I just changed the values of the settings.

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Re: [PD] multiblob tracking in Gem while objects keep their IDs

2013-05-27 Thread Max
Am 27.05.2013 um 20:09 schrieb Antoine Villeret :

> hi all, 
> thanks Max for sharing your (very good) work !

thanks, but the kudos should go to Jakob for that.

> I have a strange behavior here, some cross appear in the middle of nowhere...
> but the blobs are keeping their ID well

That should not be.
Can't test it at the moment because Gem is stuck with the beachball (OS X) when 
i try to access the webcam now. Very strange I didn't update or anything.. Even 
reboot didn't help (?!) If that stays like that I'll start another thread about 

> did you tried pix_opencv_blobtrack ?

Not yet. I'd like to extend the "Bewegungsmelder" patches with OpenCV examples, 
but at the moment i feel it is still not fail proof. I'd like to see pd-opencv 
as a package in debian/ubuntu/mint and also inside Pd-extended. At the moment 
those patches aim for being very distributable and only depend on Pd + gem.

> it's a work in progress and I know the parameters are quiet opaque
> but I didn't find any documentation about the blobtracker modules in OpenCV...
> nevertheless, it works quite good 
> I attached a pix_opencv_blobtrack based patch 
> it doesn't work exactly the same as yours but it keeps the IDs

I'll give it a try some time when i am at a Ubuntu machine. thanks!

> the main thing is to make the foreground detection module to not update to 
> quickly to keep static blob ID

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Re: [PD] multiblob tracking in Gem while objects keep their IDs

2013-05-26 Thread Max

Am 27.05.2013 um 02:57 schrieb Jack :

> Le 27/05/2013 02:32, Max a écrit :
>> Am 27.05.2013 um 02:24 schrieb Jack :
>>> Le 27/05/2013 01:26, Max a écrit :
>>>> Am 27.05.2013 um 01:00 schrieb Jack :
>>>>> Le 26/05/2013 20:56, Max a écrit :
>>>>>> hi list, a student of mine, Jakob Gomoll, did solve how to track 
>>>>>> multiple blobs while every blob keeps its ID.
>>>>>> Here is where i scratch my head: It works fine until you render the 
>>>>>> output of the multiblob tracker to a rectangle.
>>>>>> I'd like to understand why this is.
>>>>>> Is it a bug or a feature?
>>>>>> connect the tracker to the pix_texture (where the red line is) and it 
>>>>>> will mess up the result:
>>>>> Hello Max,
>>>>> This could be interesting for you :
>>>> Thanks Jack,
>>>> I know – I have posted on this thread too. We solved this problem 
>>>> differently. Because our application was microscopy and we had specimen 
>>>> who were stopping their movement for a while before moving on, the 
>>>> continuity approach wasn't working. Since we based the blob detection on 
>>>> frame differences [pix_movement] rather than background subtraction from a 
>>>> reference frame [pix_background] blobs who were resting for a few frames 
>>>> simply disappeared and got a new ID assigned.
>>>> Our approach is to set a time-out after we declare a blob dead. If it 
>>>> starts moving in the same region (size is settable too) again before the 
>>>> time-out, we pick up the old ID. So rather than using movement vectors as 
>>>> reference we used proximity. All data is stored in tables.
>>>> The patch works beautifully without any externals. Have you tried?
>>>> So this problem is already solved - my question was rather a Gem thing: 
>>>> why does is stop working when I want to render the image behind it? Do you 
>>>> know this?
>>>> Max
>>> Sorry, i didn't see your patch in your previous post.
>>> If I try to open it, i get :
>>> arraysize blob_ids
>>> ... couldn't create
>>> What is [arraysize] ?
>> oh, darn - seems it isn't completely vanilla then. it is an external by Juha 
>> Vehviläinen
> Ah ok, maybe with [expr size("table_name")].
> About the problem : you need to render the [rectangle] before "draw_blobs".
> See the patch attached…

thank you jack (but still scratching my head why exactly that is, will revisit 
updated here:

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Re: [PD] multiblob tracking in Gem while objects keep their IDs

2013-05-26 Thread Max

Am 27.05.2013 um 02:24 schrieb Jack :

> Le 27/05/2013 01:26, Max a écrit :
>> Am 27.05.2013 um 01:00 schrieb Jack :
>>> Le 26/05/2013 20:56, Max a écrit :
>>>> hi list, a student of mine, Jakob Gomoll, did solve how to track multiple 
>>>> blobs while every blob keeps its ID.
>>>> Here is where i scratch my head: It works fine until you render the output 
>>>> of the multiblob tracker to a rectangle.
>>>> I'd like to understand why this is.
>>>> Is it a bug or a feature?
>>>> connect the tracker to the pix_texture (where the red line is) and it will 
>>>> mess up the result:
>>> Hello Max,
>>> This could be interesting for you :
>> Thanks Jack,
>> I know – I have posted on this thread too. We solved this problem 
>> differently. Because our application was microscopy and we had specimen who 
>> were stopping their movement for a while before moving on, the continuity 
>> approach wasn't working. Since we based the blob detection on frame 
>> differences [pix_movement] rather than background subtraction from a 
>> reference frame [pix_background] blobs who were resting for a few frames 
>> simply disappeared and got a new ID assigned.
>> Our approach is to set a time-out after we declare a blob dead. If it starts 
>> moving in the same region (size is settable too) again before the time-out, 
>> we pick up the old ID. So rather than using movement vectors as reference we 
>> used proximity. All data is stored in tables.
>> The patch works beautifully without any externals. Have you tried?
>> So this problem is already solved - my question was rather a Gem thing: why 
>> does is stop working when I want to render the image behind it? Do you know 
>> this?
>> Max
> Sorry, i didn't see your patch in your previous post.
> If I try to open it, i get :
> arraysize blob_ids
> ... couldn't create
> What is [arraysize] ?

oh, darn - seems it isn't completely vanilla then. it is an external by Juha 
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Re: [PD] multiblob tracking in Gem while objects keep their IDs

2013-05-26 Thread Max
Am 27.05.2013 um 01:00 schrieb Jack :
> Le 26/05/2013 20:56, Max a écrit :
>> hi list, a student of mine, Jakob Gomoll, did solve how to track multiple 
>> blobs while every blob keeps its ID.
>> Here is where i scratch my head: It works fine until you render the output 
>> of the multiblob tracker to a rectangle.
>> I'd like to understand why this is.
>> Is it a bug or a feature?
>> connect the tracker to the pix_texture (where the red line is) and it will 
>> mess up the result:
> Hello Max,
> This could be interesting for you :

Thanks Jack,
I know – I have posted on this thread too. We solved this problem differently. 
Because our application was microscopy and we had specimen who were stopping 
their movement for a while before moving on, the continuity approach wasn't 
working. Since we based the blob detection on frame differences [pix_movement] 
rather than background subtraction from a reference frame [pix_background] 
blobs who were resting for a few frames simply disappeared and got a new ID 
Our approach is to set a time-out after we declare a blob dead. If it starts 
moving in the same region (size is settable too) again before the time-out, we 
pick up the old ID. So rather than using movement vectors as reference we used 
proximity. All data is stored in tables.

The patch works beautifully without any externals. Have you tried?

So this problem is already solved - my question was rather a Gem thing: why 
does is stop working when I want to render the image behind it? Do you know 


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Re: [PD] Equivalent of [f ] or [symbol] for a list?

2013-05-21 Thread Max
i think the keyboard didn't catch a 'd'

[list append]

is it.

Am 21.05.2013 um 20:25 schrieb Miller Puckette :

> Yep.. list appen does that (technically it 'appends' the
> list to a bang (empty list) but it's the most direct way to do it :)
> M
> On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 11:21:05AM -0700, JF wrote:
>> Is there a storage box that will hold a list?
>> List in left inlet to output
>> or 
>> set with list at right inlet and bang left to output

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Re: [PD] OT: raspberry pi

2013-05-16 Thread Max
hi patrick
Why don't you just use millers images with vanilla or the satellite-ccrma with 
pd-ext, both linked here:

Am 16.05.2013 um 15:39 schrieb Patrick Pagano :

> Hello
> i just received my first raspberry doo-hickey and i am wondering what distro 
> people are using.
> I tried the wheezy last night and it seems okay, i installed pd-extended 
> after a few tries
> I was unsuccessful with getting the CCRMA distro to load onto an 8GB chip
> i basically would like to have pd with pdp working, supercollider and i 
> assume omxplayer
> are there any other essentials i should try?
> i would like to use the pi for receiving network GOs for small video 
> projections on stage or to fire off small videos from other sources [arduino, 
> kinect, wii etc..]
> thanks in advance for any comments or help
> Patrick
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Re: [PD] Render a Gem window in [pd~] without dsp turned on

2013-05-10 Thread Max
You are right, it doesn't solve the a/v synchronization issues, just removes 
the glitches in the Audio. Basically you can choose if you want to have clicks 
in the audio or desynchronized video.
Or you use something like a epiphan grabber device.


Am 09.05.2013 um 20:46 schrieb J :

> Sorry, premature send.
> Are you sure this is always the case? I've had terrible sync issues between 
> video and sound, due to audio hiccups while recording.
> J
> On May 9, 2013, at 1:42 PM, J  wrote:
>>> i think in your scenario you should record from within Pd, e.g. using 
>>> writesf~ then even if you hear clips while you are recording they will not 
>>> be in the recording.
>>> m.

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Re: [PD] Render a Gem window in [pd~] without dsp turned on

2013-05-09 Thread Max
Am 08.05.2013 um 12:14 schrieb Antonio Roberts :
>> In order to make the pd~ process work without dsp you still need to do a 
>> loadbang [pd dsp 1(, but then you may switch dsp off again after a second or 
>> so.
>> this technique works well.
> I've tried this, and it's an improvement but it still causes clipping
> in the audio.
> Essentially, what I'm trying to do is a screen recording of myself
> using a patch. Nearly all screen recording software for Linux use Alsa
> so I'm unable to record audio, due to PD locking Alsa when it's
> running. So, I instead am using Jack and this script
> However, even by separating the audio and video using [pd~] I'm still
> getting clipping in the audio

i think in your scenario you should record from within Pd, e.g. using writesf~ 
then even if you hear clips while you are recording they will not be in the 

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Re: [PD] Render a Gem window in [pd~] without dsp turned on

2013-05-08 Thread Max
Am 08.05.2013 um 03:56 schrieb Simon Wise :

> On 08/05/13 07:20, Antonio Roberts wrote:
>> I'm using the [pd~] object to run a Gem window in a subprocess. I've
>> noticed that the Gem window won't start rendering until I turn dsp on
>> in both processes.
>> Is there any way to run Gem in a [pd~] subprocess without turning on dsp?
> you probably do not want to be using pd~ for this, it is designed for working 
> with DSP.
> For a separate thread for Gem you don't want that overhead, you just need a 
> new instance of pd ... communicate between them with sockets.

I disagree. For some uses it can be very practical to use pd~ to separate audio 
and video. And it has advantages, like not having to care about ports being 
still blocked from a previous crash and other things.
In order to make the pd~ process work without dsp you still need to do a 
loadbang [pd dsp 1(, but then you may switch dsp off again after a second or so.
this technique works well.


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Re: [PD] Cheap audio USB device with Raspberry PI -- works!

2013-04-30 Thread Max
i've added this info to
it has no vendor/brand name, but the model is: HY544

Am 30.04.2013 um 22:14 schrieb Alexandre Castonguay :

> Hi all,
> This card works (audio i/o) with the Raspberry PI (Raspbian).
> You just need to type 'amixer -c 1 set Mic 80% cap' in a term window to
> enable to Mic.  In PD, under preferences, choose 'Alsa' as output and
> under 'audio configuration', select 'input Generic AudioUSB Device
> (hardware) Channels 1' and 'output Generic USB Audio Device (plug-in)
> Channels 2'.
> This is the beast :-) ->
>  (2.80 USD!)
> Have fun,
> * Merci à André Girard!
> Alexandre
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Re: [PD] ubutu 13.04

2013-04-30 Thread Max
the related bugreport:

Am 30.04.2013 um 18:08 schrieb Miller Puckette :

> This is anecdotal, but Max Neupert told me yesterday that he installed
> 13.04 on a machine and found that he could no longer run skype.  Apparently
> the proprietary nvidia driver is to blame.  So if you have nvidia graphics
> (no matter what kind of CPU) beware!
> Miller
> On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 02:35:12PM +0200, stéfan piat wrote:
>> hello, I can confirm this bug, (intel GPU + xubuntu 13.04)
>> but this crash occured to me not only with pd :
>> random loggofs whith random apps (or browsing folders from thoses apps)
>> 2013/4/30 Cyrille Henry 
>>> Le 30/04/2013 14:05, me.grimm a écrit :
>>> hmmm all is ok on my 13.04 installs.
>>>> but im running pd-extended ... maybe the reason?
>>> well, it's a Xorg crash.not a pd crash.
>>> do you have an intel GPU?
>>> c
>>>> m
>>>> On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 5:49 AM, Cyrille Henry  wrote:
>>>>> hello,
>>>>> for ubuntu user : don't update to 13.04!
>>>>> on my computer and also on jack computer, pd can crash X server.
>>>>> when creating an object, the 4th letter typed on a object box make the
>>>>> screen goes black and the login screen to appear after few seconds...
>>>>> cheers
>>>>> c
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Re: [PD] Control a USB fan from Pd

2013-04-09 Thread Max
I would guess those devices only draw the electricity from the USB port and are 
otherwise not controllable at all. but may be that there are more intelligent 
devices out there which i haven't seen yet. Link to a product you are talking 

Am 09.04.2013 um 07:48 schrieb J Oliver :

> Hello everyone, 
> Would anyone know how to control a USB fan from Pd?
> best,
> Jaime
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Re: [PD] Nikon DSLR Capture with Pd

2013-04-04 Thread Max
Oh, that relies on system events. Alternatively you could also make an 
application through Automator and run this app from the shell in Pd. 


Am 04.04.2013 um 23:51 schrieb me.grimm :

> if interested here is an example that works with applescript. takes a
> pic with a dslr, saves to ~/Pictures, deletes from camera, opens in
> Gem window:
> m
> On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 10:56 AM, Max  wrote:
>> that's done conveniently through the [shell] or [motex/system] with 
>> applescript.
>> example: to open VLC player
>> send a message
>> osascript -e 'tell application "Finder" to open application file "" 
>> of folder "Applications" of startup disk' &
>> to [motex/system]
>> Am 02.04.2013 um 16:38 schrieb me.grimm :
>>> Has anyone been able to capture images from a Nikon DSLR with Pd?
>>> I have a student who is able to control her dslr with osx "image capture" 
>>> (space bar takes an image) but we can not seem to figure out how to capture 
>>> directly with/to pd OR even trigger "image capture" with pd might work also 
>>> for now
>>> BTW this is through the USB cable.
>>> thinking out loud - can pd send a system wide event like "space bar" though 
>>> shell maybe to "image capture"?
>>> that is if pd can not control dslr directly
>>> m
>>> --
>>> m.e.grimm | m.f.a | ed.m.
>>> _
>>> ___
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> -- 
> m.e.grimm | m.f.a | ed.m.
> _

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Re: [PD] Nikon DSLR Capture with Pd

2013-04-02 Thread Max
that's done conveniently through the [shell] or [motex/system] with applescript.

example: to open VLC player
send a message
osascript -e 'tell application "Finder" to open application file "" of 
folder "Applications" of startup disk' &
to [motex/system]

Am 02.04.2013 um 16:38 schrieb me.grimm :

> Has anyone been able to capture images from a Nikon DSLR with Pd?
> I have a student who is able to control her dslr with osx "image capture" 
> (space bar takes an image) but we can not seem to figure out how to capture 
> directly with/to pd OR even trigger "image capture" with pd might work also 
> for now
> BTW this is through the USB cable.
> thinking out loud - can pd send a system wide event like "space bar" though 
> shell maybe to "image capture"?
> that is if pd can not control dslr directly
> m
> -- 
> m.e.grimm | m.f.a | ed.m.
> _
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Re: [PD] More Sensor Questions inc libfreenect on the Rpi

2013-03-14 Thread Max
if you want it to work outside in sunlight, that's impossible with the kinect. 
the infrared from the sun is much stronger than the projector of the kinect and 
will turn the pattern invisible to the infrared camera on the kinect.

Am 14.03.2013 um 17:18 schrieb Julian Brooks :

> Hi again,
> So after some more research I've come to the conclusion that the ultrasonics 
> aren't going to do what I would like - not a wide enough beam and unnecessary 
> accuracy.
> Perhaps if I say what I would like 'something' to do, someone may say "oh, 
> you want one, two, n of these".
> I have a digital wind chime thingy that now works ok on the RPi.  What I 
> would like is to be able to put it outdoors with something that will see when 
> large objects, like people, are coming towards and moving away from it and 
> then I can make use of that data to send force in pmpd to the chimes and then 
> the chimes can klang into each other.
> Been looking at the kinects but it seems I'll need GEM to be able to explore 
> Matthias's very excellent looking freenect lib which is a no-no on the RPi 
> currently.
> My friend and I have rounded up a nice solar panel, we've got some old broken 
> soundstick speakers that we've hacked into and a weather-proof box plus a 
> pole to hang it all on.  Should be a nice little project when it's done but a 
> we're bit stuck on this problem at the moment...
> Any suggestions people?
> Cheers,
> Julian
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Re: [PD] Kinect help ?

2013-03-10 Thread Max
At lest the skeleton you can get easily also on windows. look at the 
application list here

Am 10.03.2013 um 19:23 schrieb "Pagano, Patrick" :

> I have not seen it work on windows. Mac and Linux yes, but not windows. 
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Mar 10, 2013, at 2:11 PM, "Фывапр Олджэвич"  wrote:
>> Dear List !
>> How to easily take data streams from Kinect xbox 360 to Windows PureData  ?
>> I need Depth map, skeleton, 3d-points map of objects and everything wich is 
>> possible !

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Re: [PD] completion-plugin in pd-extended

2013-02-25 Thread Max
if I can help by providing vnc access to an OS X machine, let me know.
imho auto completion would be a really cool feature to have (x-platform)!

Am 25.02.2013 um 20:16 schrieb yvan volochine :

> On 25/02/13 14:04, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
>> For something to be included in Pd-extended, it needs to work on all
>> platforms, and be stable both in terms of bugs and APIs/interface.  I would
>> love to see the completion plugin get to that point.
> oh I see..
> as I have no access to osx nor windows machines I guess it'll stay in the 
> wild on github for some more time then =)
> for example the bug reported here[1] is an OS one IIRC (i.e. users need to 
> manually update Tcl on osx and it needs some tweaks, etc so it might never 
> work out-of-the-box on osx...)
> cheers,
> y
> [1]
> -- 
> ___
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Re: [PD] GEMWIN creation / white frame

2013-02-25 Thread Max
sending a message [frame 30( should change the framerate with immediate effect.

Am 25.02.2013 um 17:40 schrieb William Brent :

> Hi all,
> I need to be able to change the framerate of a gemwin mid-performance,
> and can't seem to find a way to destroy, set framerate, then create
> without getting a white frame most of the time on either destruction
> or creation. Is there a trick to get around this, or something I could
> change in source and recompile? This is on a Macintosh OS 10.8, GEM
> 0.93.3.
> Thanks for any help!
> William
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Re: [PD] OsX - vanilla doesn't load libraries

2013-02-23 Thread Max
did you try resetting the preferences?
"use standard extensions"


Am 23.02.2013 um 10:14 schrieb João Pais :

> take 3 :)
> I uploaded the picture at
>> here is it. strange, it works for me.
>>> That URL doesnt' work.  Try attaching the image, or an image uploader that
>>> doesn't require login to view, like
>>> .hc
>>> On 02/22/2013 03:57 PM, João Pais wrote:
 does someone know how to solve the problem displayed in this image?¬if_t=photo_reply
> ___
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Re: [PD] closing Pd -nogui plus disabling Greek as main language

2013-02-04 Thread Max
Am 04.02.2013 um 13:45 schrieb Alexandros Drymonitis :
> Ok, just found the answer to my question, if I quit Terminal, Pd quits as 
> well…

Maybe instead of closing the Terminal you want to press cmd-. (command and 
point) to quit the process before.

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Re: [PD] file format for GEM

2013-02-03 Thread Max
Am 03.02.2013 um 21:11 schrieb "me.grimm" :
> I have always used 'photo-jpeg'
> Maybe try that?
> For those on osx:
> Unfortunately handbrake does not compress for that.
> I get students to compress from FCP or iMovie on the mac. Also apparently the 
> new FCP x requires compressor (extra 50$) to compress to pjpeg. I am also 
> curious to know an open-souce compression solution on Mac optimized for gem 
> playback if someone here might know. Preferably with the ease of handbrake.

open source:
not open source, looks a bit outdated but is very powerful: mpegstreamclip

some very special things you may only be able to do via shell using ffmpeg. you 
can install ffmpeg via homebrew, fink or macports

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Re: [PD] Apply missing

2013-02-01 Thread Max
Am 27.01.2012 um 17:39 schrieb Hans-Christoph Steiner :
> On Jan 27, 2012, at 11:26 AM, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:
>>> From: Max 
>>> Am 27.01.2012 um 02:50 schrieb Hans-Christoph Steiner:
>>>> On Wed, 2012-01-25 at 22:51 +0100, Max wrote:
>>>>> i noticed that in the current autobuilds of Pd-extended the property 
>>> dialogs for the gui-objects are missing the Apply-Button. Is that a bug or 
>>> a 
>>> feature?
>>>>> IMHO this is a bug - if you want to adjust for instance a canvas to be 
>>> the same size as another object of unknown size you can do that with a few 
>>> clicks and the help of the Apply button. If you have to click OK and then 
>>> go to 
>>> context menu->Properties, set the size, OK repeately to do that it's 
>>> simply annoying.
>>>> That seems like a good enough reason, I brought back the Apply button to
>>>> the iemgui Properties panel on Mac OS X.  It was originally moved since
>>>> the whole "OK, Apply, Cancel" is very Windows-like, but there 
>>> isn't an
>>>> easy way to make to work better, so the Apply button is back.  IMHO,
>>>> when you change the setting, it should take effect immediately.
>>> great. i agree that ideally i'd like to be able to see that change happen 
>>> immediately. even better: when grabbing the bottom-right corner i'd have an 
>>> anchor to scale the object (see Max/MSP for that)…
>> Also see: pd-l2ork
> I think you are referring to Ico trying to make the iemguis resizable live 
> with a handle.  I should finally get to releasing something useful form the 
> tkwidgets lib, since that also includes resizing with a handle.

I just had another Idea how to solve this: Two buttons: Cancel and OK when you 
change some properties in the Dialog the OK Button becomes labeled Apply. If 
clicked on Apply, the new properties are applied and the Button becomes labeled 
OK. If you click OK the Dialog is closed.
That way a double click on Apply will apply and close the dialog.

I haven't seen this anywhere before, so this might be strange to introduce a 
whole new button interaction concept, but I just wrote it down for someone to 
patent it. :)
(or maybe I haven't seen this before because it is already patented? could be 
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Re: [PD] BiDi-plugin

2013-02-01 Thread Max
Am 01.02.2013 um 20:09 schrieb Anas Ghrab :
> ‫‏في 2013/02/01، الساعة 7:57 م، كتب Max‎:
> ‬
>> I was wondering why the ligatures in the word الموسي (letters ل and م are 
>> joint) work in the second line of the text but in the first line they are 
>> written apart – or am I missing something?
> It's only a question of calligraphy. In the beginning of a word, just after 
> ال, you can write it الموسيقى or الـموسيقى. Both are correct.

I know - that's why I'm asking. My OS does create the ligature automatically 
(الموسيقى) and I can't write it without. So I guess your OS must handle that 
differently. But you are also on OS X it seems. Anyhow, this is probably 
totally unrelated to Pd :)


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Re: [PD] BiDi-plugin

2013-02-01 Thread Max

I was wondering why the ligatures in the word الموسي (letters ل and م are 
joint) work in the second line of the text but in the first line they are 
written apart – or am I missing something?

Unfortunately I think that's a very common problem that a 10 pt font in latin 
is very readable but 10 pt in arabic is way too small. I don't think this 
problem can or should be solved in Pd. I also have it in my mail reader.


Am 01.02.2013 um 16:56 schrieb Anas Ghrab :

> The first problem is that you can't delete a character witch is not the last 
> written character, because you can't place the cursor just after the wanted 
> one. So it's impossible to edit the comment-text.
> Second, all is align at left : the text should be right-aligned (even in the 
> canvas). An example is given in the joined-file.
> The default size in very small using the default police... in this example 
> the font-size used is 24.
> ---
> Anas
> ‫‏في 2013/02/01، الساعة 9:49 ص، كتب IOhannes zmölnig‎:
> ‬
>> On 01/31/2013 09:19 PM, Anas Ghrab wrote:
>>> Yes, good to know that...
>>> Is the solution for the problem of the cursor technically known and 
>>> difficult to realize ?
>> no idea.
>> Pd currently manually sets the cursor to be on certain positions, without 
>> being aware of RTL/LTR or multicharacter glyphs.
>> i guess this is the point where we have to investigate what is going wrong.
>> how annoying is the current behaviour in practice?
>> (i really have no clue)
>> fgamrd
>> IOhannes
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Re: [PD] Jack support on Windows

2013-01-28 Thread Max
idea: lobby bitwig to put Pd inside. it already supports jack

Am 28.01.2013 um 19:50 schrieb batinste :

> Oh, i've been using Pd AND Live together for some time now, it works quite ok 
> with the 42.5 (AFAIR). I understand that i shouldn't update Pd to the most 
> recent one if i want my setup to keep on working :/
> I meant Pd IN Live, aka pdvst, would be cool if it were effortless (no wild 
> build for starters, recent version)
> On 28/01/2013 18:56, Esteban Viveros wrote:
>> At this moment I can use ableton live and pd with jack with a custom 
>> compiled version of pd-extended.. You can try in your setup and 
>> relate if that work or you too..
>> You need:
>> pd-extended jack built: 
>> Jack Audio: Mixed 64/32 bit JACK 1.9.9 in
>> Read this:
>> To install Jack:
>> Probably you need Asio4All, at now the website of asio4all is out, but you 
>> can download it here for example:
>> After uncompress pd-extended, install correctly jack, you need to change UAC 
>> settings in your windows. In my case I'm using Windows 7 x64, and it solve 
>> all the problems with Ableton Live, Jack and pd sync.
>> To change UAC settings (disabling): 
>> Hope it's works!
>> 2013/1/28 batinste 
>> pd in Live... I'm drooling. Keep us posted about how well you make it work 
>> with a recent pd version, i'm very interested.
>> On 28/01/2013 12:45, Esteban Viveros wrote:
>>> That's sound very nice!
>>> I will try to install on Ableton pdvst again in the coming days. It will be 
>>> very good to get everything running cool place .. ;)
>>> I will also open a new topic to better organize the topic for future google 
>>> research .. Ok?
>>> 2013/1/27 Hans-Christoph Steiner 
>>> On 01/27/2013 01:49 PM, Patrice Colet wrote:
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >> De: "Esteban Viveros" 
>>> >
>>> >> Some time ago I tried to run pdvst without sucess.
>>> >
>>> > ah if you put the vststuff.dll into vstplugin directory, and the pdvst 
>>> > folder that contains vststuff.pd patches vststuff.pdv files along with 
>>> > the vst host executable (it should be 'Program' folder for Ableton Live) 
>>> > it should be ok.
>>> >
>>> > I've started some time ago to give a try into recompiling pdvst with a 
>>> > recent pd version, but no success yet.
>>> > It would be nice to have some patches to apply into pd-extended sources 
>>> > for having an actual pdvst version, but if I'm the only one interested 
>>> > into using this, it might not be worth the effort.
>>> I've never looked at those patches because I've never really used VSTs.  But
>>> post them here and I'll look at them.  If its possible to include them, I'm 
>>> up
>>> for it.  I think I remember that pdvst has a custom scheduler.  The best 
>>> thing
>>> then would be to port it to the new pluggable scheduler stuff used by pd~
>>> .hc
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>>> -- 
>>> Esteban Viveros
>>> (27) 8815 7170
>>> (27) 3066 0359
>>> (11) 95761 4125
>>> (11) 2738 7868
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>> -- 
>> Esteban Viveros
>> (27) 8815 7170
>> (27) 3066 0359
>> (11) 95761 4125
>> (11) 2738 7868
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[PD] zexy/time

2013-01-24 Thread Max
hi list,
do the code for the timezones in zexy/time follow this convention?
how does zexy deal with code like EST which exist twice (for US and for 
the helpfile is very brief about that.

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[PD] droidparty and GPS

2013-01-19 Thread Max
cris seems busy because i didn't get a reply on my mail. but maybe someone here 
knows about how to get the GPS data (or the google/android localisation 
information based on the wifi, networktower ID and gps) from within droidparty?

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Re: [PD] The third Japanese Pd-Book will be released on Feb.4.2013

2013-01-16 Thread Max
added to the list:

Am 16.01.2013 um 20:05 schrieb Chikashi Miyama :

> Dear Mailing List,
> Hello. My name is. Chikashi Miyama, a Japanese composer, living in Germany.
> I have just finished writing a book about Pure Data in Japanese. The book 
> will be relased on Feb. 4 .2013.
> This is the third book about Pd in Japanese and probably the biggest book 
> (463 pages)!! ( if you do not Interpret "Designing Sound" as a book about Pd 
> ; )
> The main target of the book is musicians  and artists who want to use Pd for 
> their artistic creations.
> The first part of the book includes 15 step-by-step tutorials. Through these 
> tutorials, the readers can learn how to program metronome, synthesizer,  
> sampler, granular sampler, drum machine, various time-domain and 
> frequency-domain effects, presets, data structure  and so on..
> The second part introduces 6 advanced ways to use Pd employing external 
> software and devices, such as Arduino, iPhone, Logic... It also explains how 
> to use GEM, how to connect multiple Pds over the network, and how to program 
> your own objects in C language with XCode. The third part is the object 
> dictionary, covering almost all Pd-vanilla objects with simple example patches
> Furthermore, the book includes interviews with three active artists using Pd 
> for their projects.
> You can pre-order the book now on amazon Japan the price is  4,725  JPY.
> The TOC and 12 sample pages are available on the website of the publisher.
> best regards,
> ===
> Dr. Chikashi Miyama
> Adjunct Instructor, Music College of Music and Dance,  Cologne Germany
> ___
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Re: [PD] Lighting glitch, [alpha]-object depth detection

2013-01-10 Thread Max

Am 10.01.2013 um 12:34 schrieb Jack :
> Le 10/01/2013 11:57, Klemens Schmiady a écrit :
>> Am 10.01.2013 11:40, schrieb Cyrille Henry:
>>> hello,
>>> i can't reproduce this.
>>> is there anything special to do in the patch?
>>> cheers
>>> c
>>> Le 10/01/2013 11:06, Klemens Schmiady a écrit :
>>>> Hey there,
>>>> the sphere in combination with the lighting leads to strange
>>>> artefacts as shown in the .jpg.
>>>> Looking for a solution.
> I think, this is because your viewpoint come too close to your geo (sphere).
> Put a [max 2] (for example) on your Z axis for the viewpoint to avoid
> collision.

i don't think it's that. i simplified the patch a bit more:

Description: Binary data

GEM: ver: 0.93.3 
GEM: compiled: Nov 10 2011
i have the same phenomenon here.___ mailing list
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Re: [PD] choose language

2013-01-09 Thread Max
i think this should be handled by the OS.
also there are apps for that:

Am 09.01.2013 um 14:50 schrieb batinste :

> language-plugin, anyone ? :)
> On 09/01/2013 14:23, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
>> The easiest way is to start it in the Terminal like this:
>> GNU/Linux: LANG=en pd-extended
>> Mac OS X:  LANG=en /Applications/
>> Windows (in cmd.exe):
>>  set LANG=en
>>  "%ProgramFiles%\pd\bin\pd"
>> If you want to force English, you can also delete the .msg files in the pd/po
>> folder.
>> .hc
>> On 01/09/2013 07:05 AM, João Pais wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> with the latest Pd version, Pd uses the system language as standard. The 
>>> thing
>>> is, I want to keep my Pd in english. How is it possible to set the language
>>> when starting Pd?
>>> Where can suggestions to the language be sent?
>>> Best,
>>> João

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Re: [PD] the next PdCon in...

2013-01-06 Thread Max
Ed, just be careful 9 months ahead of that date please.

Am 06.01.2013 um 11:09 schrieb Ed Kelly :

> AFAIK the week beginning the 22nd would be OK for most, although my 
> girlfriend tells me she starts in that week.
> Perhaps anyone else could chip in at this point if there's a problem with 
> those dates...
> Ed
> Gemnotes-0.2: Live music notation for Pure Data, now with dynamics!
> - Original Message -
>> From: Hans-Christoph Steiner 
>> To: Ed Kelly 
>> Cc: Pd List 
>> Sent: Sunday, 6 January 2013, 3:41
>> Subject: Re: [PD] the next PdCon in...
>> I had a feeling that was the case.  Would the week before be possible?
>> .hc
>> On Jan 4, 2013, at 8:51 PM, Ed Kelly wrote:
>>> The first week of October really sucks for anyone working in a UK 
>> university (it's the first week of the teaching year). Not sure about other 
>> European (sic) nations...
>>> Ed
>>> Gemnotes-0.2: Live music notation for Pure Data, now with dynamics!
>>> - Original Message -
 From: Hans-Christoph Steiner 
 To: Pd List 
 Sent: Wednesday, 2 January 2013, 22:04
 Subject: [PD] the next PdCon in...
 Hey all,
 Its time to start talking about the next PdCon! I was just talking with 
>> Golan 
 Levin and Dan Wilcox about the possibility of having the next PdCon at 
>> Carnegie 
 Mellon University in Pittsburgh.
 One possibility is having it coincide and partner with a local music 
>> and new 
 media festival in the first week of october:
 Is that workable for people?  Any other discussion about other possible 
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Re: [PD] translate the Start Here! page

2013-01-05 Thread Max
Am 03.01.2013 um 22:52 schrieb Hans-Christoph Steiner :
> I'm very much interested in maintaining the FLOSS manuals book, and I've
> contributed to it in the past.  These days, my time for Pd is quite limited.
> But I will try to find time to update key bits like that.

Derek has made me an admin of it, but I didn't have the time to look through it 
and do much with it. maybe we can do another sprint some time where we push it 
a bit.


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Re: [PD] Plugins-plugin bug

2012-12-27 Thread Max
i can confirm this bug for os x

Am 27.12.2012 um 20:26 schrieb Pierre-Olivier Boulant :
> I have a weird plug-in list in the plug-ins management window. It looks like 
> the content (list of items with check box and info button) is not centred 
> properly. The content is centred on the top left hand corner of the window 
> and not the centre of the actual window. I can just see a quarter of the 
> content window.

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Re: [PD] Raspberry Pi versus BeagleBoard ?

2012-12-20 Thread Max

Am 20.12.2012 um 16:09 schrieb Alexandros Drymonitis :

> I just tried out the latency.pd patch in 7.stuff/tools on my beagleboard and 
> [timer] shifts between 72.5 and 75.4, if this answers your question. I've 
> attended a workshop on the BB with Pd by the buys at CCRMA, it was a rather 
> nice one.

AFAIK you also need to say what the delay setting was in the audio properties 
of Pd. It makes a difference for the numbers you get.

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Re: [PD] Bug-Report

2012-12-19 Thread Max
to be precise the line   localhost
was missing in the file /private/etc/hosts
then Pd is just bounces in the dock a few times and then doesn't launch without 
anything useful in the console or crashreporter logs. we stumbled upon the 
hosts file issue by coincidence.

Am 19.12.2012 um 13:03 schrieb Benjamin Voßler :

> Hey all,
> sorry for responding this late. But I couldn't focuse the problem exactly, 
> too much work to do.
> However, Max Neupert and I solved the bug today (unsure to call it bug).
> My host file was broken, so my computer was not able to setup a localhost.
> We reset it and now Pd works fine. :-)
> greetings,
> Ben
> Am 19.11.2012 um 18:14 schrieb Max :
>> hi ben,
>> you told me that it used to work. did you try repairing the disk permissions?
>> make sure you use reply-all when answering this mail, so it gets to the list 
>> too.
>> max
>> Am 15.11.2012 um 17:03 schrieb Benjamin Voßler 
>> :
>>> Hey everyone,
>>> Mac OS X 10.8.2 offered a new bug in every Pd Version I tried.
>>> When I try to start Pd it looks like it will run (the icon in the Dock 
>>> bounces up and down as usual), but it breaks up at different points in 
>>> time, 
>>> before it comes to an point where the surface of the program is visual.
>>> Any suggestions?
>>> Annotation: last night it worked perfectly, this morning… not.
>>> greets,
>>> Ben

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Re: [PD] pd~ for MAX/MSP - is it for real?

2012-12-08 Thread Max
I could not get it to run in version 5 either. AFAIK pd~ was developed when Max 
was at version 4.something
Also it is now removed on Ted Apel's site

Am 08.12.2012 um 08:34 schrieb Alexandre Torres Porres :

> Hello, how's it going? 
> Recently I thought this computer music course and told MAX users they could 
> open Pd in it with the [pd~] object for MAX.
> We just couldn't make it happen. I don't have MAX, but I had tried a while 
> ago without success either, thinking I might have been doing something wrong. 
> Well, this time I was trying this with a few MAX users and it turns out the 
> object doesn't really instantiate. 
> I wonder if anyone has ever successfuly used this.
> I ask if it doesn't work on version 6 only.
> Anyway, it seems to me no one is actually tweaking and playing with Pd inside 
> MAX. Bummer.
> cheers
> ___
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Re: [PD] Increment/Decrement a number

2012-12-06 Thread Max
two more ways to add to the mix:

Description: Binary data

Am 06.12.2012 um 10:38 schrieb Ingo :

> Here's a counter that lets you count the same value from separate locations
> like counter buttons, incremental wheels, ext. midi input, etc.
> Ingo
> Von: [] Im Auftrag von
> Sebastian Valenzuela
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 6. Dezember 2012 05:56
> An: Pure Data Forum
> Betreff: [PD] Increment/Decrement a number
> Hi,
> Can anyone help me figure out how to increase a number by 1 by pressing a
> button, then decrease it by 1 by pressing a different button? I've attached
> my attempt, but it is acting strange :/
> Thank you,
> Sebastian
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Re: [PD] firewire is dead?

2012-11-27 Thread Max
oh really? that's interesting. The later numbers come from a Ubuntu machine 
which isn't set up for sound at all, so when I compare those with a os x 
machine and the "famous" rme drivers the numbers are still impressive.

Am 27.11.2012 um 17:47 schrieb Miller Puckette :

> If I'm reading rour post right, you're specifying 20 msec latency and getting
> about 22, which is OK, but I think you should be able to get lower latencies
> (i.e., I don't see that numbers like 21.9012 are too good to be true -
> those are typical Macintosh latencies but I think in linux you should be
> able to do much better.)
> cheers
> Miller
> On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 05:15:35PM +0100, Max wrote:
>> you are right - those numbers seem to be to good to be true. On the other 
>> hand I followed the instructions in the latency patch and don't know what 
>> could have been wrong.
>> Am 26.11.2012 um 19:04 schrieb Miller Puckette :
>>> Hmm - I'm getting latencies between 6 and 7 (Fedora 17, Core 7200, INTEL
>>> "HDA", latest Pd from git, but I think Pd 0.43 should do similar).
>>> cheers
>>> Miller
>>> On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 06:53:31PM +0100, Max wrote:
>>>> Am 26.11.2012 um 16:18 schrieb J Oliver :
>>>>> Hi Max, 
>>>>> Is it possible for you to test this same card in linux?
>>>>> J
>>>> I wanted to do this, but I don't have a linux machine with firewire, so i 
>>>> can't test the ffado driver for the card. I wanted to try out the class 
>>>> compliant mode, but there is a bug in ALSA which prevents it to work. see 
>>>> I didn't wanted to get started recompiling the kernel for this. sorry. So 
>>>> in theory it should work, but only if you remove the bug in the ALSA part.
>>>> for the record i compared the on board intel card of the linux machine, 
>>>> the result is quite impressive, i don't think it can get any better:
>>>> /doc/7.stuff/tools/latency.pd
>>>> Sampling rate 44100 Hz, delay 20 ms Blocksize 64
>>>> Ubuntu 12.04 Intel® Core™ i3 CPU 550 @ 3.20GHz × 4
>>>> Latency HDA Intel (hardware)
>>>> print: 21.9012
>>>> print: 21.9037
>>>> print: 21.9063
>>>> print: 21.9088
>>>> print: 21.9114
>>>> print: 21.914
>>>> print: 21.9165
>>>> print: 21.9191
>>>> print: 21.9217
>>>> print: 21.8834
>>>> print: 21.886
>>>> print: 21.8885
>>>> print: 21.891
>>>> print: 21.8936
>>>> print: 21.8961
>>>> print: 21.8986
>>>> print: 21.9012
>>>> print: 21.9037
>>>> ___
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Re: [PD] firewire is dead?

2012-11-27 Thread Max
Am 27.11.2012 um 17:02 schrieb J Oliver :
>>> for the record i compared the on board intel card of the linux machine, the 
>>> result is quite impressive, i don't think it can get any better:
> I have also gotten the HDA way lower than 20 ms in ubuntu 12.04...!

for comparability I've set the delay time in Pd to 20. So that's a constant you 
should subtract from the latency measured by the latency.pd patch. The rest of 
~1.9 ms is a little hard to believe.

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Re: [PD] firewire is dead?

2012-11-27 Thread Max
you are right - those numbers seem to be to good to be true. On the other hand 
I followed the instructions in the latency patch and don't know what could have 
been wrong.

Am 26.11.2012 um 19:04 schrieb Miller Puckette :

> Hmm - I'm getting latencies between 6 and 7 (Fedora 17, Core 7200, INTEL
> "HDA", latest Pd from git, but I think Pd 0.43 should do similar).
> cheers
> Miller
> On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 06:53:31PM +0100, Max wrote:
>> Am 26.11.2012 um 16:18 schrieb J Oliver :
>>> Hi Max, 
>>> Is it possible for you to test this same card in linux?
>>> J
>> I wanted to do this, but I don't have a linux machine with firewire, so i 
>> can't test the ffado driver for the card. I wanted to try out the class 
>> compliant mode, but there is a bug in ALSA which prevents it to work. see 
>> I didn't wanted to get started recompiling the kernel for this. sorry. So in 
>> theory it should work, but only if you remove the bug in the ALSA part.
>> for the record i compared the on board intel card of the linux machine, the 
>> result is quite impressive, i don't think it can get any better:
>> /doc/7.stuff/tools/latency.pd
>> Sampling rate 44100 Hz, delay 20 ms Blocksize 64
>> Ubuntu 12.04 Intel® Core™ i3 CPU 550 @ 3.20GHz × 4
>> Latency HDA Intel (hardware)
>> print: 21.9012
>> print: 21.9037
>> print: 21.9063
>> print: 21.9088
>> print: 21.9114
>> print: 21.914
>> print: 21.9165
>> print: 21.9191
>> print: 21.9217
>> print: 21.8834
>> print: 21.886
>> print: 21.8885
>> print: 21.891
>> print: 21.8936
>> print: 21.8961
>> print: 21.8986
>> print: 21.9012
>> print: 21.9037
>> ___
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Re: [PD] firewire is dead?

2012-11-26 Thread Max
Am 26.11.2012 um 16:18 schrieb J Oliver :

> Hi Max, 
> Is it possible for you to test this same card in linux?
> J

I wanted to do this, but I don't have a linux machine with firewire, so i can't 
test the ffado driver for the card. I wanted to try out the class compliant 
mode, but there is a bug in ALSA which prevents it to work. see
I didn't wanted to get started recompiling the kernel for this. sorry. So in 
theory it should work, but only if you remove the bug in the ALSA part.

for the record i compared the on board intel card of the linux machine, the 
result is quite impressive, i don't think it can get any better:

Sampling rate 44100 Hz, delay 20 ms Blocksize 64
Ubuntu 12.04 Intel® Core™ i3 CPU 550 @ 3.20GHz × 4
Latency HDA Intel (hardware)

print: 21.9012
print: 21.9037
print: 21.9063
print: 21.9088
print: 21.9114
print: 21.914
print: 21.9165
print: 21.9191
print: 21.9217
print: 21.8834
print: 21.886
print: 21.8885
print: 21.891
print: 21.8936
print: 21.8961
print: 21.8986
print: 21.9012
print: 21.9037
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Re: [PD] firewire is dead?

2012-11-26 Thread Max
I got a new Fireface UCX, updated drivers and did a fresh test (replacement for 
the first one which didn't work). It has three modes: Firewire, USB and USB in 
Class Compliant (Plug and Play) mode.
Interesting is, that Firewire is the worst when it comes to latency and Class 
Compliant is less than two milliseconds worse than the proprietary RME USB 
Driver. Bandwith might still be better in Firewire for multichannel setups, but 
I didn't test this. In my previous post on the topic the USB latency was wrong, 
it was a driver problem.

Tested with Pure Data 0.43.4-extended-20121101
Sampling rate 44100 Hz, delay 20 ms Blocksize 64, No callbacks 

OS X 10.8.2 Mac Book Pro 2 Ghz i7

latency of internal laptop soundcard ("Intel High Definition Audio") for 
print: 24.348
print: 24.3098
print: 24.3123
print: 24.3148
print: 24.3173
print: 24.3199
print: 24.3224
print: 24.3249
print: 24.3275
print: 24.33
print: 24.3326

latency Fireface UCX via Firewire, RME Driver
print: 27.8751
print: 27.8777
print: 27.8803
print: 27.8829
print: 27.8854
print: 27.8472
print: 27.8497
print: 27.8522
print: 27.8548
print: 27.8573
print: 27.8598
print: 27.8624
print: 27.8649
print: 27.8675
print: 27.87
print: 27.8726

latency of Fireface UCX via USB, RME Driver
print: 23.0024
print: 23.005
print: 23.0076
print: 23.0101
print: 22.9719
print: 22.9744
print: 22.9769
print: 22.9795
print: 22.982
print: 22.9845
print: 22.9871
print: 22.9896
print: 22.9922
print: 22.9947
print: 22.9973
print: 22.9998
print: 23.0024
print: 23.005

latency Fireface UCX via USB, Class Compliant Mode
print: 24.3173
print: 24.3199
print: 24.3224
print: 24.3249
print: 24.3275
print: 24.33
print: 24.3326
print: 24.3352
print: 24.3377
print: 24.3403
print: 24.3429
print: 24.3454
print: 24.348
print: 24.3098
print: 24.3123

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Re: [PD] peaks and bringing them down to be more in line with the overall average of the signal

2012-11-24 Thread Max
Rick T and i go bananas, you both send HTML mails which is discouraged in the 

HTML vs plain-text

Please post your messages in plain text format and avoid HTML formatted mail.

Many subscribers read their mail with a text based mailing software, which 
displays HTML directly. Not only is sending HTML mail considered unfriendly, 
you also risk getting ignored by these users. And it might be, that one of them 
is the only one who knows the answer to your question. So be nice and don't 
sent HTML, send plain text instead.


Am 24.11.2012 um 13:39 schrieb i go bananas :

> also, off topic, but why are your mails always in red?  it's bizarre and 
> upsetting
> ___
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