[PEPIS] EU 'Super-President' prepares to destroy UK sovereignty

2012-05-06 Thread Tony Gosling
On this year's Bilderberg agenda perchance? EU Plot To Scrap Britain Britain will run from Brussels if Van Rompuy is replaced by a super EU president http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/318045/EU-plot-to-scrap-Britain Friday May 4,2012 - By Macer Hall EXCLUSIVE SENIOR Eurocrats are secretly

[PEPIS] Royal British Legion condemn Bilderberger Clarke's police state plans

2012-04-04 Thread Tony Gosling
Royal British Legion to Ken Clarke: Drop Monstrous Secret Hearings Now http://www.britishlegion.org.uk/about-us/media-centre/news/campaigning/royal-british-legion-to-ken-clarke-drop-%E2%80%9Cmonstrous%E2%80%9D-secret-hearings-now 04 April 2012 Bereaved Armed Forces families will benefit from

[PEPIS] Bilderberger Clarke's secret courts 'put government above the law'

2012-03-20 Thread Tony Gosling
Secret courts condemned - by the very lawyers who would have to run them http://www.911forum.org.uk/board/viewtopic.php?p=160529#160529 Security services claim they cannot defend themselves in open court without disclosing sensitive intelligence Medical negligence cases, inquests touching on

[PEPIS] AUDIO: A Bridge Not Far? The Bilderberg hotel revisited

2012-03-16 Thread Tony Gosling
Tonight's show has a couple of Bilderberg references September 1944's Operation Market Garden has several bizarre Bilderberg connections. Firstly Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands was actually with Monty, Browning etc. in Whitehall war planning in the run up to Market Garden in September

[PEPIS] CFR is a nest for doctrine of pure evil - here's how

2012-01-07 Thread Tony Gosling
If you want to know what pure evil looks like come here - intricately tied in with Bilderberg and our own Chatham House (RIIA) here in London. Below is a really good little summary report from news activist Aaron Hawkins. Earlier this week Iran announced it will block the Strait of Hormuz,

[PEPIS] Creepy Kissinger's predictions for Arab Winter, from BBC’s ‘Newsnight’

2011-12-20 Thread Tony Gosling
Merry Christmas from Satan's Claws - Uncle Henry Creepy Kissinger gives predictions for the Arab Winter, from BBC's 'Newsnight' plus Time to waterboard some four-star US Generals? Christmas message from Parliament Square peace and justice protester Barbara Tucker

[PEPIS] Prince Bernhardt spy in MARKET GARDEN planning 1944?

2011-12-11 Thread Tony Gosling
8 minutes in to this Urquhart says that Prince Bernhard was in on the planning of Market Garden Conversations with History: Brian Urquhart http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfuJ4W-wqI4 Then the first Bilderberg meeting took place 10 years later in the Oosterbeek hotel the former SS Prince

[PEPIS] Land and Money: The History Expunged From British Schools talk

2011-07-30 Thread Tony Gosling
The History Expunged From British Schools http://www.radio4all.net/index.php/program/53420 Privatising fundamental human needs A presentation by Tony Gosling This Island Nation has produced the biggest empire the world has ever seen. It was the most powerful country in the world for over two

[PEPIS] Real Decisions? Bilderberg vs. the SCO

2011-06-26 Thread Tony Gosling
Where are the Real Decisions Being Made? Bilderberg vs. the SCO By ERIC WALBERG - June 23, 2011 - Counterpunch http://www.counterpunch.org/walberg06232011.html? Last week's 10th Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit in the Kazakh capital Astana highlighted how the major rivals to

[PEPIS] Switzerland Italy complain over Bilderberg

2011-06-18 Thread Tony Gosling
Swiss member of national council crashes Bilderberg 2011 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEKM50CR1Ds Italy complains over Bilderberg incident http://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/politics/Italy_complains_over_Bilderberg_incident.html?cid=30444112 The Italian embassy in Bern has requested an enquiry into

[PEPIS] Italian MEP gets thumped - and Guardian's Bilderberg 2011 roundup

2011-06-16 Thread Tony Gosling
MEP 'bloodied' sneaking into Bilderberg hotel Italian MEP Mario Borghezio was reportedly given a bloody nose on Thursday as he attempted to sneak into the secretive Bilderberg conference in St. Moritz. http://www.thelocal.ch/national/20110610_310.html Bilderberg 2011: The Good, The Bad, and

[PEPIS] New book - 'Bilderberg People' - Routledge

2011-06-07 Thread Tony Gosling
+44 (0)7786 952037 http://www.youtube.com/user/PublicEnquiry/ http://www.thisweek.org.uk/ http://www.911forum.org.uk/ Capitalism is institutionalised bribery. _ www.abolishwar.org.uk http://www.elementary.org.ukwww.elementary.org.uk www.public-interest.co.uk

[PEPIS] Bilderberg 2011 - St. Moritz - picking politicians to front Iran war?

2011-06-01 Thread Tony Gosling
nb. FOUR PART YOUTUBE BRIEFING HAS BEEN RE-UPLOADED - NEW LINKS BELOW Bilderberg 2011 - St. Moritz - picking politicians to front Iran war? Well that appears to be the general idea at Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller's annual Bilderberg Conference coming up in a week or so in St. Moritz,

[PEPIS] Today's shadow appointment completes Bilderberg stranglehold on UK Treasury

2011-01-20 Thread Tony Gosling
.911forum.org.uk/board/viewtopic.php?p=153729#153729 https://secure.gn.apc.org/members/www.bilderberg.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=15767#15767 Tony Gosling www.bilderberg.org http://groups.google.com/group/pepis http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PEPIS/ http://www.bilderberg.org

[PEPIS] October's EU atheist/freemason summit 'very odd'.

2010-11-10 Thread Tony Gosling
Founder of Bilderberg, Josef Retinger Organiser of the last Bilderberg conference to take place in the UK Andrew Palmer plus Bill Clinton and many more Bilderbergers all freemasons Tony EU atheist-freemason summit 'very odd', says Europe's chief unbeliever http://euobserver.com/843/31066

[PEPIS] Cameron lauds Anti-Illuminati Tory Harry Beckhough

2010-10-13 Thread Tony Gosling
Is this David Cameron’s Harry Beckhough? October 8th, 2010 http://www.tom-watson.co.uk/2010/10/is-this-david-camerons-harry-beckhough/ I’ve been catching up with David Cameron’s speech from Wednesday and I was particularly interested to see him mention Harry Beckhough, a lifelong

[PEPIS] UK Bilderberg chief announces UK prison forced labour programme

2010-10-09 Thread Tony Gosling
Arbeit Macht Frei eh Ken Clarke? Now try to persuade us you're not a Nazi! UK's Bilderberger in chief Kenneth Clarke, now Justice Secretary and Lord Chancellor Ken Clarke to unveil plans for prisoners to work 40-hour week Justice secretary to end enforced idleness in jails with some of cash

[PEPIS] JFK assasination tapes - Jim Garrison

2010-10-01 Thread Tony Gosling
hi all Abridged and read by Edward Asner the files have now been uploaded to Radio 4 All Jim Garrison JFK tapes On the Trail of the Assassins in 2 parts http://www.radio4all.net/index.php/program/45807 v interesting too I think you;ll agree Tony +44

[PEPIS] Kissinger caught loitering outside Number 10

2010-09-18 Thread Tony Gosling
Kissinger caught loitering outside Number 10 http://www.911forum.org.uk/board/viewtopic.php?t=19632 From Downing Street on Tuesday morning came a deep, almost subterranean rumbling. Was it the Underground? Was the plumbing playing up again? Or had it come from the direction of little

[PEPIS] We Are Change Switzerland @ the Bilderberg meetings 2010 in Spain

2010-08-30 Thread by way of Tony Gosling t...@cultureshop.org.uk
greetings from switzerland we took the journey to sitges/spain to expose the secret and hidden bildbergers and their agenda. we are looking forward to spread this video on different channels to motivate normal citizens to take action and stand up for their individual freedom and liberties. here

[PEPIS] Bilderberg bankers Goldman Sachs gamble on starvation

2010-07-03 Thread Tony Gosling
Johann Hari: How Goldman gambled on starvation Speculators set up a casino where the chips were the stomachs of millions. What does it say about our system that we can so casually inflict so much pain?

[PEPIS] Willy Claus' historic interview exposes Bilderberg internal workings

2010-06-16 Thread Tony Gosling
VITAL ! BILDERBERG : CONFIRMATION : the former Belgian BILDERBERGER WILLY CLAES makes an important revelation in a radio interview : Bilderberg does have immense political power and makes plans which greatly impact on world events every year !

[PEPIS] Bilderberg launches own website? (with 2010 list)

2010-06-06 Thread Tony Gosling
http://www.bilderbergmeetings.org/governance.html Bilderberg Meetings Sitges, Spain 3-6 June 2010 Final List of Participants Honorary Chairman BELDavignon, EtienneVice Chairman, Suez-Tractebel DEU Ackermann, JosefChairman of the Management Board and the Group Executive Committee, Deutsche

[PEPIS] #129 Bilderberg's financial terrorists in Britain's new government

2010-05-12 Thread Tony Gosling
Financial terrorists appointed to Britain's new government by Tony Gosling - www.bilderberg.org BRISTOL 12th May 2010 - TWO senior 'Bilderbergers' have today been appointed to the new Conservative coalition cabinet under First Lord of the Treasury and Prime Minister, former Eton

[PEPIS] #126 - The Cult of Goldmine Sachs, bankers to Bilderberg

2010-04-27 Thread Tony Gosling
Goldman Sachs are the Bilderberg's Bankers and are finally facing criminal charges. If it were me I would suspend trading, freeze all their assets and arrest and bail the directors until evidence is forthcoming as to who did what. Full story and exposee below. If anybody is planning to organise a

[PEPIS] #126 - The Cult of Goldmine Sachs, bankers to Bilderberg

2010-04-27 Thread Tony Gosling
Goldman Sachs are the Bilderberg's Bankers and are finally facing criminal charges. If it were me I would suspend trading, freeze all their assets and arrest and bail the directors until evidence is forthcoming as to who did what. Full story and exposee below. If anybody is planning to organise a

[PEPIS] PEPIS#125 Bilderberg to meet in Spain

2010-04-13 Thread Tony Gosling
+44 (0)7786 952037 http://tonygosling.blip.tv/ http://www.thisweek.org.uk/ http://www.911forum.org.uk/ Capitalism is institutionalised bribery. _ www.abolishwar.org.uk http://www.elementary.org.ukwww.elementary.org.uk www.public-interest.co.uk

[PEPIS] #122 Theo Chalmers interviews Martin Summers Tony Gosling

2010-02-18 Thread Tony Gosling
Theo Chalmers interviews Martin Summers Tony Gosling for two hours on Edge Media TV this coming Monday 22nd February at 2pm GMT. Topics covered include: the orchestrated economic crisis, Obama administration's composition and motives, clandestine influence and objectives of the occult, Prescott

[PEPIS] PEPIS #119 Bilderberg book out for Christmas

2009-12-09 Thread Tony Gosling
PEPIS #119 Bilderberg book out for Christmas I couldn't find a single proper review. Make of that what you will. Amazon.com just had two contradictory ones. Which means somebody is bothering to put out disinfo. On the author's form alone it looks good this new one. Bilderberg Conspiracy, The:

[PEPIS] 3 BILDERBERGERS on Toronto NAFTA Panel Discussion

2009-11-12 Thread Tony Gosling
- F O R I M M E D I A T E R E L E A S E - TORONTO / MONTREAL Canada 10 November 2009 -- A VIDEO YOU MUST NOT MISS. JUST PRODUCED: Obama-The First Year in Office The Impact on Canada URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSkKDBNHzyQ This is a must-see video by NAUResistance.org in

[PEPIS] #115 - Dutroux witness X2: child abuse by Davignon Lippens

2009-09-02 Thread Tony Gosling
#115 - Dutroux witness X2: child abuse by Davignon Lippens Wikipedia - stealthily protecting the criminal elite. The pro-elitist anti-truth capabilities of Wikipedia most elegantly exposed here in article 3. Quotes here from the excellent, as ever, Project for the Exposure of Hidden

[PEPIS] PEPIS#111 New design against the New World Order

2009-07-07 Thread Tony Gosling
PEPIS#111 New design against the New World Order New design in the New World Order – Line. Women's or mens T-shirts for $20.00 The puppetmasters BILDERBERG GROUP T-Shirt Bilderberg group is said to have a bit too much to say about our economy. If you don’t know who they are just google it.

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