2 questions on S12

2008-04-21 Thread John M. Dlugosz
Question 1:

What is meant by: 
   has $attribute   # lexical alias for $!attribute.

Here is more concrete example.  There is none in S12.

class C {
   has $a;
   method foo () 
my $y = $a;  # is the correct?

In that scope, is $a really a shortcut for $self!a ?
If so, is that really a good idea?
If not, please clarify.

Question 2:

Here is summary of what is said in S12 concerning these declarators, used 
inside a class:

my $.var – class attribute, plus generates accessor, not inheritable.  (The 
variable itself or the accessor is not inheritable?)
my $!var – class attribute, no accessor,  not inheritable.  How is this 
different from a normal lexical variable?  Role composition can show 
our $.var – class attribute, accessor, inheritable.
our $!var – class attribute, no accessor, inheritable.

my $var – lexically scoped variable
our $attribute – class attributes.

What do you mean by "inheritable"?  Does the form  our $!var  make sense or is 
that an oxymoron?  How is  my $var  with no metaclass involvement different in 
functionality from my $.var ?  Likewise for 'our' with and without a twigil.  6 
ways to define class attributes -- TIMTOYTDI for sure.

I can take the issue to think through the details and write it up.  But, what 
central point is it trying to embody?  Here is a first cut:

   * my and our *always* work in the usual way for the declared symbol.  Don't 
worry about funny twigil names or the fact that it's inside a class.
   * the . twigil makes an accessor in the class itself for that value.
   *? so, the ! twigil doesn't seem to accomplish anything in this situation


Re: Context and return types question

2008-04-21 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH allbery-at-ece.cmu.edu |Perl 6| wrote:

 my ($x, :$named) = foo;   # or something like that

That looks to me like a form of positional extraction.  (Of course, my 
hit rate on p6 stuff has been remarkably low of late...)

It's not just positional, but allows for named arguments too.  It is 
exactly like calling a function: named arguments match to parameters 
with those names, then any left over are positional.

Re: Class names are virtual

2008-04-21 Thread John M. Dlugosz

TSa Thomas.Sandlass-at-barco.com |Perl 6| wrote:

Second, I don't like the concept of a virtual method that returns
a type. That horribly mixes type level and value level. From the

They are mixed!  Perl treats types as first-class objects.  For 
functions, types don't need to be treated specially from other arguments 
as in C++.

OUTER::C is lexical.  But it sounds like the explanation you are giving 
is the same.

Re: Context and return types question

2008-04-21 Thread Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH

On Apr 21, 2008, at 9:39 , John M. Dlugosz wrote:

TSa Thomas.Sandlass-at-barco.com |Perl 6| wrote:
I think the type is just :( $: :named$ ) if you want to extract  
the invocant with a $ prefix. Otherwise it would be :( $, :named 
$ ) and you

extract the item positionally with prefix @ or .[].

I don't want to have to "extract" it.  I want to be able to say

 $x = foo

and get the single value return from foo, and only dress it up if I  
want the optional secondary returns

 my ($x, :$named) = foo;   # or something like that

That looks to me like a form of positional extraction.  (Of course,  
my hit rate on p6 stuff has been remarkably low of late...)

brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon universityKF8NH

Re: Class names are virtual

2008-04-21 Thread TSa


John M. Dlugosz wrote:

I hope you have a few minutes to look it over.

I started to think it through. There are two quick remarks.

 module M
class C { ... }
class D
# lexical region where C refers to M::C
method m1 () { my C $x; my Int $y; ... }
class C { ... }
# lexical region where C refers to D::C
method m2 () { my C $x; ... }

I would make the use of C in m1 of D an error because otherwise
the scope D is split into two at the point where D::C is defined.
In other words D::C is not the innermost definition everywhere in
D. This is a serious source of subtle errors. If this is what you
want than write M::C in m1. Scopes should be one-dimensional along
the lines of inner versus outer. An additional dimension before
versus after should be used only for error checking. That is in m1
C is parsed provisionally as M::C and this fails when D::C is seen

Second, I don't like the concept of a virtual method that returns
a type. That horribly mixes type level and value level. From the
namespace POV we have M::D::foo and P::E::foo bound to the same
implementation. In both cases C is OUTER::C. The "magic" should
happen when an invocation of foo is created. That is the moment when
the scope of OUTER::C can be bound by 'my C $b' through $x and $y

Regards, TSa.

"The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity"
  -- C.A.R. Hoare

Re: method hiding (or not) in derived classes

2008-04-21 Thread TSa


John M. Dlugosz wrote:

TSa Thomas.Sandlass-at-barco.com |Perl 6| wrote:

"Candidate set" would be a better term. It is a subset of all long names
of a multi in a lexical scope.

List, not set, because it is ordered.  nextsame/nextwith/etc. are 
described as invoking the next candidate on the list.  Therefore, there 
is a list.

Hmm, the term candidate should be after the applicability check and
before specificity check. The latter results in a partially ordered
list of targets. If there's more than one most specific target, we
have an ambiguity error. As a consequence there might not be a unique
next method on the target list and a nextsame might fail. I agree
that the synopsis conflate these details into the term "candidate list".
But I hope you are more rigorous.

What about ordinary methods (and ordinary parameters of multis)?
Does the candidate list hold every method name that matches, or does
it do simpler parameter matching based on number of arguments,
required named arguments, etc.?

There is hopefully a complete specification what constitutes
applicability. There can hardly be differing simpler versions.
In other words there is only one subtype relation that is used
whenever a binding takes place.

I have no idea what you said.

OK, here's my vision of dispatch. First there's a syntactic distinction
between MMD and class dispatch.

  meth $obj: |$args;

These pull out the candidate set from $obj. Everything else
collects the candidate set from a namespace scan. Next, all candidates
are checked to allow a binding of $obj and |$args. The ones that
fail are dropped. If the candidate set is now empty we have a failure. 
The remaining set is now sorted into a list of sets by applying the

subtype relation in the dispatch relevant parameter positions. If the
first element of that list is a set with a single element we have a
successful dispatch. Otherwise there's an ambiguity error. The .? avoids
the no target error, .+ avoids the ambiguity error and .* never fails.
I would leave the order in which sets of targets are called unspecified.
If one needs more control the .WALK method can be used. If class
dispatch fails because there's no applicable method then a MMD is

I guess the answer to your question concerning hiding a method in a
derived class depends on the set of candidates the $obj.HOW comes up
with in the first step. If it delivers superclass methods and subclass
methods fail the applicability test then the dispatch goes to a
superclass method that can handle the dispatch. Would you favor a
type error then?

If that is the case, then a derived method might not hide a base
class method if the parameter list is seriously incompatible.

That is a natural and welcome consequence of type based dispatch.
Classes are for implementation sharing, not for transitive typing.

I'm talking about non-multi's here.

Me too. As stated above the candidate set is up to the class that
created the object. If this class can prevent the failover to MMD
I don't know.

Regards, TSa.

"The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity"
  -- C.A.R. Hoare

Re: progress report

2008-04-21 Thread whiteringmoon
On Apr 20, 8:38 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> "John M. Dlugosz" and I have both replied to "whiteringmoon"'s query, so I
> don't think anyone else need to. (If he's genuine, we don't want to
> bombard him with multiple replies, and if not, let's not give out too much
> spambait.)
> --
> Email and shopping with the feelgood factor!
> 55% of income to good causes.http://www.ippimail.com

I honestly had not considered computer languages in my perameters of
But because it is a common language used by a large number of people,
and it's intent of meaning is constant it may be a perfect language.
From what I understand about computer languages is this that they are
based on
a binary language consisting of zero and one and with thoes two
numbers all the language that exists, the instructions that the
computer will follow so that it can communicate with every other

Again thank you both for answering my questions.  I'm going to read
the information and add it the list of languages.


Re: method hiding (or not) in derived classes

2008-04-21 Thread Larry Wall
On Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 08:00:07AM -, John M. Dlugosz wrote:
: Perl 6 has a concept of a "candidate list".  The candidate list are those 
that could handle the call, typically inherited methods and multi variations.  
: It seems that multi variations, at least with respect to the semicolon 
parameters, compare the actual type and drop out of the list if any don't match.

When you drop those candidates that "can never match" is mostly a
matter of optimization, I suspect.

: What about ordinary methods (and ordinary parameters of multis)?  Does the 
candidate list hold every method name that matches, or does it do simpler 
parameter matching based on number of arguments, required named arguments, etc.?

For those parameters, it matters only whether they can be bound when the
candidate is called.  The parameters need not be considered at all when
generating the candidate list (but see "optimization" above--though
perhaps this view is oversimplified if we have to do tie determination,
since ties are supposed to fail before the final call, and we'd have
to weed out non-bindable sigs before declaring a tie).

: If that is the case, then a derived method might not hide a base class method 
if the parameter list is seriously incompatible.  More interestingly, 
left-to-right ordering of multiply-inherited base classes will be checked for 
applicability rather than  arbitrarily taking the leftmost.

"only" methods use only short name, and methods, like subs, default to
"only".  And as it is currently specced, the class is dispatched on
the short name before any any of its multis, and long names are not
considered until the class is dispatched to.  The invariant is that
single dispatch is always under the control of the invocant's object
system, while multiple dispatch never is.  In my mind the policy
distinction is clarified by considered what happens if a foreign
language defines some of the classes.  Under single dispatch the
language that defined the object gets the dispatch.  Under multiple
dispatch, all objects are treated as Perl objects with Perl types,
and the type system gets to decide which candidate to call.  It is
important to be able to look at a call and determine which kind of
call is being made; this is why we give single dispatch a syntax that
is distinct from multiple dispatch.

So if you use "multi method" declarations within a class, they appear
only to be a single method from outside the class, because that is all
the foreign language interface can support.  You can only use multi
methods within a class if the language supports the concept, and Perl
6 only supports it out the scope of the current class.  Basically,
multi methods are just treated as multi subs inside a class, except
the invocant is predecided and doesn't make any difference to the
dispatch within the class.


Re: Context and return types question

2008-04-21 Thread TSa


John M. Dlugosz wrote:

I don't want to have to "extract" it.  I want to be able to say

 $x = foo

I guess that does not collapse the capture that foo returns. So
it goes into $x unaltered. If you later use $x as an invocant
of a method this extracts the invocant slot from the capture.
And $x works as expected.

and get the single value return from foo, and only dress it up if I want 
the optional secondary returns

 my ($x, :$named) = foo;   # or something like that

Should work.

Sorry, you lost me again.

Single-assignment is a feature from constraint programming e.g. in Oz.
There you have a single-assignment store. I interpreted Larry's comment
on my coro question as making single-assignment semantics first-class
and everything else second-class.

A capture can contain an array that later on can change its content:

  @a = 1,2,3;
  @b = 4,5,6;
  @c = 7,8,9;
  $cap = \(@a,@b);

  $cap[0]   = @c; # error
  $cap[0][] = @c; # ok, @a now 7,8,9

Writing into a container is contra-variant. Reading is co-variant.
So a capture has to be invariant. Assume A <: B <: C and regard

my A $a;
my C $c;

my B $ba := $a; # ok for reading from $a
my B $bc := $c; # ok for writing into $c

Both bindings are type errors. If captures were recursively immutable
you could allow bindings ala $ba. Well, or we interpret $a and $b as
typed views of whatever value they lead to. This insures that there
will never be assignment or binding type errors.

Regards, TSa.

"The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity"
  -- C.A.R. Hoare

Re: method hiding (or not) in derived classes

2008-04-21 Thread John M. Dlugosz

TSa Thomas.Sandlass-at-barco.com |Perl 6| wrote:

"Candidate set" would be a better term. It is a subset of all long names
of a multi in a lexical scope.

List, not set, because it is ordered.  nextsame/nextwith/etc. are 
described as invoking the next candidate on the list.  Therefore, there 
is a list.

What about ordinary methods (and ordinary parameters of multis)?
Does the candidate list hold every method name that matches, or does
it do simpler parameter matching based on number of arguments,
required named arguments, etc.?

There is hopefully a complete specification what constitutes
applicability. There can hardly be differing simpler versions.
In other words there is only one subtype relation that is used
whenever a binding takes place.

I have no idea what you said.

If that is the case, then a derived method might not hide a base
class method if the parameter list is seriously incompatible.

That is a natural and welcome consequence of type based dispatch.
Classes are for implementation sharing, not for transitive typing.

I'm talking about non-multi's here.

interestingly, left-to-right ordering of multiply-inherited base
classes will be checked for applicability rather than  arbitrarily
taking the leftmost.

Indeed, I would hope that order of inheritance doesn't matter.

Sounds more role-like, now that you mention it.

Regards, TSa.

Re: Context and return types question

2008-04-21 Thread John M. Dlugosz

TSa Thomas.Sandlass-at-barco.com |Perl 6| wrote:

I guess with strong you mean as lossless as possible?

I think the type is just :( $: :named$ ) if you want to extract the 
invocant with a $ prefix. Otherwise it would be :( $, :named$ ) and you
extract the item positionally with prefix @ or .[]. 

I don't want to have to "extract" it.  I want to be able to say

 $x = foo

and get the single value return from foo, and only dress it up if I want 
the optional secondary returns

 my ($x, :$named) = foo;   # or something like that

Note that Captures
are immutable and therefore nicely covariant. Except of course that
containers are captured as containers and can be mutated. But Larry
revealed that single assignment semantics are aspired and mutability
is a historic artifact or so.

Regards, TSa.

Sorry, you lost me again.

Re: use of ::?CLASS

2008-04-21 Thread John M. Dlugosz

TSa Thomas.Sandlass-at-barco.com |Perl 6| wrote:

You are right and I didn't address this, sorry. Actually the
only solution I see is dropping the ::? twigil altogether and
specify that CLASS is lexically declared by the compiler.
Otherwise we have to make a special case exception out of
::? variables.

All twigiled variables.  No longer special case: it only applies to 
non-qualified names with no twigil.

But doit is not a type.  I think you were talking something like that 
earlier and I didn't follow.

It is an arrow type, like foo: Int --> Int and bar: Int --> Int.
These are structurally identical. The fun thing is that the Perl 6
type system is supposed to be nominal. Thus foo and bar are different
types. But contradictory to that you can use foo and bar wherever
an Int --> Int is expected. I love this self contradiction of Perl ;)
Well, and you can't neither use foo nor bar to denote the arrow type.

doit =has= a signature.  Yes, I expect functions will be typechecked 
when you try and assign one to a variable that declares a function 
type.  But the function is a value of that type, just like 5 is a value 
of type Int, not itself a type.


Re: Are coroutines still there?

2008-04-21 Thread TSa


Mark J. Reed wrote:

? Multiple-assignment second-class?  I don't see how you get that out
of Larry's message...

Well, he explicitly says that loop is second-class because
it uses multi-assignment. Actually he says it "tends to
violate single-assignment". But I interpret that sort of
intensionally as being worse than an outright violation. That
is already the tendency of violation means second-class ;)

Regards, TSa.

"The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity"
  -- C.A.R. Hoare

Re: Are coroutines still there?

2008-04-21 Thread Mark J. Reed
? Multiple-assignment second-class?  I don't see how you get that out
of Larry's message...

On 4/21/08, TSa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> HaloO,
> Larry Wall wrote:
> > That is, coro and loop tend to violate single-assignment semantics, and
> > single-assignment semantics are easier to map into functional semantics.
> >
> > So if we do allow coro in Perl 6, it'll probably be a second-class
> > citizen like loop and goto and die (and anything else considered
> > harmful but useful).  But I don't see much use for it offhand.
> Does that imply that multiple assignment is second-class, too?
> And that with a language that provides the concept of eternal
> equality with ===, or checking of referential identity with =:=.
> Big surprise that is.
> Regards, TSa.
> --
> "The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity"
>-- C.A.R. Hoare

Sent from Gmail for mobile | mobile.google.com


Re: method hiding (or not) in derived classes

2008-04-21 Thread TSa


John M. Dlugosz wrote:

Perl 6 has a concept of a "candidate list".  The candidate list are
those that could handle the call, typically inherited methods and
multi variations.

"Candidate set" would be a better term. It is a subset of all long names
of a multi in a lexical scope.

It seems that multi variations, at least with respect to the
semicolon parameters, compare the actual type and drop out of the
list if any don't match.

I'm not sure what you are asking. But if a candidate is applicable
it competes with the other candidates for specificity. That is what
the semicolons are for. And even if a candidate is voted out it still
can vote out others.

What about ordinary methods (and ordinary parameters of multis)?
Does the candidate list hold every method name that matches, or does
it do simpler parameter matching based on number of arguments,
required named arguments, etc.?

There is hopefully a complete specification what constitutes
applicability. There can hardly be differing simpler versions.
In other words there is only one subtype relation that is used
whenever a binding takes place.

If that is the case, then a derived method might not hide a base
class method if the parameter list is seriously incompatible.

That is a natural and welcome consequence of type based dispatch.
Classes are for implementation sharing, not for transitive typing.

interestingly, left-to-right ordering of multiply-inherited base
classes will be checked for applicability rather than  arbitrarily
taking the leftmost.

Indeed, I would hope that order of inheritance doesn't matter.

Regards, TSa.

"The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity"
  -- C.A.R. Hoare

Re: Are coroutines still there?

2008-04-21 Thread TSa


Larry Wall wrote:

That is, coro and loop tend to violate single-assignment semantics, and
single-assignment semantics are easier to map into functional semantics.

So if we do allow coro in Perl 6, it'll probably be a second-class
citizen like loop and goto and die (and anything else considered
harmful but useful).  But I don't see much use for it offhand.

Does that imply that multiple assignment is second-class, too?
And that with a language that provides the concept of eternal
equality with ===, or checking of referential identity with =:=.
Big surprise that is.

Regards, TSa.

"The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity"
  -- C.A.R. Hoare

Re: progress report

2008-04-21 Thread ajr
"John M. Dlugosz" and I have both replied to "whiteringmoon"'s query, so I
don't think anyone else need to. (If he's genuine, we don't want to
bombard him with multiple replies, and if not, let's not give out too much


Email and shopping with the feelgood factor!
55% of income to good causes. http://www.ippimail.com

Re: Context and return types question

2008-04-21 Thread TSa


John M. Dlugosz wrote:
Great.  So the flip side is, what do I return from a function so that it 
gives a single value if called simply, but provides optional named 
returns that are there if you catch them?  As a capture with one 
positional and one named argument?

Yeah, just that.

And how do you declare =that= return type ("of" type) to be strongly typed?

I guess with strong you mean as lossless as possible?

I think the type is just :( $: :named$ ) if you want to extract the 
invocant with a $ prefix. Otherwise it would be :( $, :named$ ) and you

extract the item positionally with prefix @ or .[]. Note that Captures
are immutable and therefore nicely covariant. Except of course that
containers are captured as containers and can be mutated. But Larry
revealed that single assignment semantics are aspired and mutability
is a historic artifact or so.

Regards, TSa.

"The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity"
  -- C.A.R. Hoare

Re: Context and return types question

2008-04-21 Thread TSa


Larry Wall wrote:

In general, we're trying to get away from want-based context dependency
and instead attempting to encourage lazy semantic constructs such
as Captures that can behave with a wide dynamic range when actually
bound later.

Shouldn't we then change the heading of the respective section
from "Advanced Subroutine Features" to "Deprecated Subroutine

For instance, Arrays now behave such that, if you use one in numeric
context, you get the number of elements, so unlike in Perl 5, you need
not decide at return time whether the array is in item or list context.
You just return the array, and it will act much like it does in Perl 5
if you use it in a numeric or boolean context.  Since the default
return type is Capture, it doesn't matter if you declare the "of"
type as Array or not, since the Capture doesn't force either item or
list context on the Array either.  It should behave much the same in
either case, except that if you declare the "of" type as Array, you
give the compiler/optimizer/type inferencer more information to work
with at compile time.

Note that this implies Seq <: Num <: Item <: Seq which is a cycle!
Dealing with cycles is not within the reach of type system because
these need <: to be transitive.

Regards, TSa.

"The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity"
  -- C.A.R. Hoare

Re: Context and return types question

2008-04-21 Thread TSa


John M. Dlugosz wrote:

How about sub foo (--> Seq^Item) {...}?

Interesting idea, but that doesn't tell the compiler that the return is 
keyed to the context.  The compiler should know what return type to 
expect, if only I could explain it.

Sorry, the type has nothing to do with how the function comes up with
its return value. In that respect you must regard the context as part
of the input of the function that of course influences its output.

I don't see how Seq^Item as a type is any different than Seq|Item.  It 
can only hold one at a time anyway.

A type is a type. There is nothing that varies or holds a value or some
such. Seq|Item means to me that there are three cases: Seq only, Item
only and both. Seq^Item excludes the latter. That is Seq^Item is the
disjoint union of Seq and Item. Larry's reply essentially means
Item <: Seq that is Seq subsumes Item. But that has problems of its
own---see my reply there.

Regards, TSa.

"The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity"
  -- C.A.R. Hoare

Re: use of ::?CLASS

2008-04-21 Thread TSa


John M. Dlugosz wrote:

I do see that the use in a role is like a generic.

But you would use the sigil every time, e.g.

   method doit (::?CLASS $self: ::?CLASS $other --> ::?CLASS)

that is not three separate generics with conflicting names, but the same 
thing.  With generics you can only use the sigil on the first use.

You are right and I didn't address this, sorry. Actually the
only solution I see is dropping the ::? twigil altogether and
specify that CLASS is lexically declared by the compiler.
Otherwise we have to make a special case exception out of
::? variables.

That is all methods in a role are parametric on ::?CLASS just
as all methods in a class are parametric on ::?SELF

   class B is A;

instanciates a new type &doit:(B $self: $a, $b, $c). This nicely

But doit is not a type.  I think you were talking something like that 
earlier and I didn't follow.

It is an arrow type, like foo: Int --> Int and bar: Int --> Int.
These are structurally identical. The fun thing is that the Perl 6
type system is supposed to be nominal. Thus foo and bar are different
types. But contradictory to that you can use foo and bar wherever
an Int --> Int is expected. I love this self contradiction of Perl ;)
Well, and you can't neither use foo nor bar to denote the arrow type.

Note that I consider myself a knowledgeable bystander with the
knowledgeable being debatable ;)

Regards, TSa.

"The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity"
  -- C.A.R. Hoare