Re: [HACKERS] One process per session lack of sharing

2016-07-19 Thread AMatveev

> Using TLS will slow down things noticeably though. So if we were to go
> there, we'd have to make up for some constant slowdown.
I can not understand why?

I've read
The results are quite straightforward: no overhead at all.

 0x00404f40 <+0>: incDWORD PTR [rip+0x202382]
 0x00404f50 <+0>: incDWORD PTR fs:0xfffc

It's clear.

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Re: [HACKERS] One process per session lack of sharing

2016-07-18 Thread AMatveev

>So  I  think  as long as  process and thread have different function in OS,
>use process like thread will have overhead in practice.

But  There  are  other  negative  things.  I think parallel oriented
library usually do not work with process.
So Jvm integration is not exception. It is regularity.

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Re: [HACKERS] One process per session lack of sharing

2016-07-18 Thread AMatveev

> In other words, there's no theoretical reason you couldn't have adapt
> a JVM to create a large shared memory segment using mmap or SysV
I  think  even  if  I  was  the  leader in OS development, I could not
correctly answer your question.
So just let discuss.
Ok, I agree with you that there is no " theoretical reason "
But  in  practice  I  think  the  main  reason  that OS(VM) developers
implement this things differently.

>there's no theoretical reason you couldn't
Why does Os developers make threads?
If there is no reason the use of thread just waste?
Why do most(any) common web server or balancer use thread?
May be they are bad theoretical?
and so on

But to be more constructive.
I  just  don't know  how to make between process things that we can easily do
between threads, in most os.

I don't know how to share mutable execution code.
so i just cant imagine how to implement
in optimal way.

I  don't understand why mutex has overhead compare to critical section
for windows.

And so on.

So  I  think  as long as  process and thread have different function in OS,
use process like thread will have overhead in practice.

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Re: [HACKERS] One process per session lack of sharing

2016-07-18 Thread AMatveev

> This is a very old project
> that did work at one time which attempted to do RPC calls to the jvm to 
> address exactly this problem.

> However "cheaply" calling jvm from sql or vice-versa is not really possible.
> I do like the idea of the background worker and shared memory though.

It's not opposite concepts. It's like two level cache.
Somethingis   best   with   shared memory.
When "a sharing of upper layer" is best with shared process.
And there is something that should not sharing at all.
Any deviation is always overhead.

But to be honest I  really do not like "sharing".
It is against human nature. 
And  I  will  be  really happy when there are processors with infinite
performance and memory with infinite size.

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Re: [HACKERS] One process per session lack of sharing

2016-07-18 Thread AMatveev

> There's that enables to call C
> functions without resorting to writing JNI wrappers.
I have not said that you are wrong.
It's the dark side of "like seprate process"
They can cheaply call sql from jvm.
And they can't cheaply call jvm from sql.

Jvm in oracle  appeared a long time ago.
May by when java thread model had many faults.(befor jvm 1.6 for example)
Nowadays it seems to have sense only for compatibility.

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Re: [HACKERS] One process per session lack of sharing

2016-07-18 Thread AMatveev

> I admit that it is risky, but I think there are things that could be
> done to limit the risk.  I don't believe we can indefinitely continue
> to ignore the potential performance benefits of making a switch like
> this.  Breaking a thirty-year old code base irretrievably would be
> sad, but letting it fade into irrelevance because we're not willing to
> make the architecture changes that are needed to remain relevant would
> be sad, too.

I can add, that nowadays it seems
that the paralleling processing is the only way to scale.
They  can't  wait  that  CPU  Clock  Speeds Increased in in the coming

I understand that use of thread has some difficulties.
I can not understand why use of thread can have disadvantages.
Actually  I  think  that  parallelling  using threads is much easy than
parallelling  using processes.

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Re: [HACKERS] One process per session lack of sharing

2016-07-18 Thread AMatveev

> The issue here is an architectural mismatch between PostgreSQL and
> the JVM, made worse by the user's very stored-proc-heavy code. Some
> other runtime that's designed to co-operate with a multiprocessing
> environment could well be fine, but the JVM isn't. At least, the 
> Sun/Oracle/OpenJDK JVM isn't.

Actually  the  lack of threads make any vm quite limit in some aspects of 
The  desire  to  use  jvm  is  the  result  that there is no desire to
reinvent the wheel.

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Re: [HACKERS] One process per session lack of sharing

2016-07-18 Thread AMatveev

>  Such a host delegate process could be explicitly built with
> multithread support and not 'infect' the rest of the code with its 
> requirements.
>  Using granular RPC is nice for isolation but I am concerned that the 
> latencies might be high.
I agree with you.
Moreover I think that some decision have not sense with this "thread model" in 
any way.
For example Embedded oracle XML DB applications:
You can run a Java servlet.
Servlets work better as the top-level entry point into Oracle Database, and 
require using HTTP(S) as the protocol to access Oracle Database.

> What I know about Oracle, PL/SQL, Java - all is executed as
> outprocess calls. I am sure, so PL doesn't share process with SQL engine there

It's better to say that java is executed like outprocess calls.
It's done for wide libraries support.
But it is not separate  process.
The JDBC server-side internal driver,
the Oracle JVM, the database, and the SQL engine all run within the same 
address space, and therefore, the issue of network round-trips is irrelevant

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Re: [HACKERS] One process per session lack of sharing

2016-07-15 Thread AMatveev

> This is true, only when data are immutable and in memory. Elsewhere it is 
> false idea.

For   case   whenthe  server  works  24x7  and you need ability to
fix bugs(or update) on the fly in any app code. It's usual.

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Re: [HACKERS] One process per session lack of sharing

2016-07-15 Thread AMatveev

> but parallel processing doesn't requires threading support - see PostgreSQL 
> 9.6 features.

To   share  dynamic  execution  code between threads much more easy(If sharing 
this code between process is possible).
There  is  many  other  interaction techniques  between threads which is
absence between process.

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Re: [HACKERS] One process per session lack of sharing

2016-07-15 Thread AMatveev

> If amatveev (username, unsure of full name) wants to improve
> PL/PgSQL performance and the ability of a JVM to share resources
> between backends, then it would be more productive to focus on that than on 
> threading.

Note, I've statred this post with

Oracle: about 5M
MSSqlServer: about 4M
postgreSql: about 160М

It's 11K loc of pgSql.

And our code base is more than 4000k(for pgSql) lines of code.

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Re: [HACKERS] One process per session lack of sharing

2016-07-15 Thread AMatveev

> Can be nice, if we can help to all Oracle users - but it is not
> possible in this world :( - there is lot of barriers - threading is
> only one, second should be different design of PL/SQL - it is based
> on out processed, next can be libraries, JAVA integration, and lot
> of others. I believe so lot of users can be simple migrated, NTT has
> statistics - 60% is migrated just with using Orafce. But still there
> will be 10% where migration is not possible without significant
> refactoring.

The most of our customers now use oracle enterprise edition.
You can know better how important this is.

But I agree with you that in other cases we can use PostgreSql.
We  can  use  postgreSql  with some disadvantages of pgBouncer anywhare
where  the  scalability  is not main risk.(Such customers usually don't
buy Enterprise)

>I don't believe so is cheaper to modify Postgres to
> support threads than modify some Oracle applications.

The key is Scaling.
Some parallels processing just can not be divorced from data without reducing 
It  very  difficult  question  would  be  it  possible  at  all to get
comparable performance at application server for such cases.
If we "inject" applications server to postgreSql for that scalability and 
functionality we need multithreading.

If customization for every project is not big.
It's may be tuned. But from some point the tuning is not profitable.
(The database works in 24x7 and we need the ability to fix bugs on the fly)
So If for some reason we would start to use postgresql.
There is always a question what to choose funcionality or scalability.
And usually our customers need both.

>I don't believe so is cheaper
For us it's may be not cheaper. It's just imposible.

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Re: [HACKERS] One process per session lack of sharing

2016-07-15 Thread AMatveev

> I disagree - there is lot of possible targets with much higher
> benefits - columns storage, effective execution - compiled
> execution, implementation of temporal databases, better support for
> dynamic structures, better support for XML, JSON, integration of connection 
> pooling, ...
Off course  the  task is different so optimal configuration is different too.
So the best balance between process per thread can change.
But now he is in one extreme point.

> There is only few use cases - mostly related to Oracle emulation
It's few cases for one and it's most cases for others.
> when multi threading is necessary - and few can be solved better -
> PLpgSQL to C compilation and similar techniques.
It's few cases for one and it's most cases for others.
In our cases we just buy oracle and it's would be cheeper.
Off  course  if  our customers for some reason would agree to pay  for that
technique. We have nothing against.

> The organization of work is hard, but pretty harder is doing this
> work - and doing it without impact on current code base, current
> users. MySQL is thread based database - is better than Postgres, or
> there is more users migrated from Orace? Not.

We want to decide our task by PostgreSql as easy as by Oracle.
So you can say  You should buy oracle and You will be right.

I'm just interested if this is the position of the majority.

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Re: [HACKERS] One process per session lack of sharing

2016-07-15 Thread AMatveev

 Is  there  any  plan  to  implement  "session  per  thread" or "shared
 sessions between thread"?

> I'm personally not absolutely opposed to threading, but you'll find
> it hard to convince anyone it's worth the huge work required to
> ensure that everything in PostgreSQL is done thread-safely
It's  clear  for  me, I understand that organizing that work is really very
hard. It's work for new segment of market in long perspective.
For   most  open  source  project this is very difficult. In some case
it may be not possible at all.

But  in the most cases there is proverb: "We make the road by walking on it"

It's very important just to start.

And may be the right start is to fix the Faq
>Why does PostgreSQL use so much memory?
>Despite appearances, this is absolutely normal
It's not normal. It's "as is". You should use pgBouncer. See "Re: [HACKERS] One 
process per session lack of sharing"
And it is why
>there are workloads where it
>fails badly - and competing database products survive a number of
>scenarios where we just fall on our face

> Er yeah, it really is. It's not just the mechanical changes.
> It's verifying that everything's correct on all the supported
> platforms. Ensuring that all the C library stuff we do is
> thread-safe, all the SSL stuff, etc. Getting rid of all the
> function-static variable use. Lots more.
In the most cases the work can be done part by part.
May be there is such parts. It's not necessary to do everything at once.

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Re: [HACKERS] One process per session lack of sharing

2016-07-14 Thread AMatveev

>  It's mostly working, but there are workloads where it
> fails badly - and competing database products survive a number of
> scenarios where we just fall on our face.

> So, I actually think it would be a good idea to think about this.

Just to think.

The pl/sql has 18-th position.
Where is pgSql.

I've  looked  up the Ide for pgSql. If compare with oracle I can say
there  is  not  tools  which  can  compete  with "PlSql developer" for
example. (functinality / price)
May it because choosing another database is more profitable?

I can't say for others, but for us:
Offcourse We can implement some of our task in postgreSql.
But when I think on full migration, it's just not real.
We can contribute something but we can't work against postgreSql architecture.
Our  calculation  shows  that  it is cheaper to implement "Session per
thread"   themselfs for example.   But  it's more cheaper to buy Oracle(Even if 
would write from scratch).
And there is just no customers which want to pay for that.
Note, we don't have enough skill at postgreSql and the think that postgresql 
core team may do for a month, we can do for years.
So  in  our  layer  we just can't attract resource for that task.

At  other side there is people who have infrastructure, skills and experience 
but they
fill comfortable as is ""

> there's not that much motivation to do a ton of work inside the database
> to solve it there.
It's clear, they work on there task. We all work on our task.
But it's just a wall.
It's sad.

There is proverbial in russia: "It's shine and poverty of open source"

May be it is this case :)

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Re: [HACKERS] One process per session lack of sharing

2016-07-14 Thread AMatveev

> On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 9:18 AM, Tom Lane  wrote:
>> writes:
>>> Is  there  any  plan  to  implement  "session  per  thread" or "shared
>>> sessions between thread"?
>> so
>> there's not that much motivation to do a ton of work inside the database
>> to solve it there.

> I agree that there's not really a plan to implement this, but I don't
> ...

> So, I actually think it would be a good idea to think about this.

I just want to note that converting global variables to  thread-specific 
It's large work offcourse.
But it's not seemed to be a ton of work.
And it's the most part of refactoring for  "session  per  thread".
Offcourse that's not all.
But it  seemed to be the most valuable reason not to do that work.

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Re: [HACKERS] One process per session lack of sharing

2016-07-12 Thread AMatveev

> writes:
>> Is  there  any  plan  to  implement  "session  per  thread" or "shared
>> sessions between thread"?

> No, not really.  The amount of overhead that would add --- eg, the need
> for locking on what used to be single-use caches --- makes the benefit
> highly questionable.
A two-layer cache is the best answer.
>  Also, most people who need this find that sticking
> a connection pooler in front of the database solves their problem
It has some disadvantages. Lack of temporary table for example
Practical  usage  of  that  table  with  connection  poller is  highly
And so on.
> , so
> there's not that much motivation to do a ton of work inside the database
> to solve it there.
It is clear. Thank you.


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[HACKERS] One process per session lack of sharing

2016-07-12 Thread AMatveev

Is  there  any  plan  to  implement  "session  per  thread" or "shared
sessions between thread"?
We  have analyzed  the  ability to contribute  pgSql to jvm bytecode compiler 
but with
current   thread   model  this  idea  is  far  from optimal.(Vm can be 
different of course.
But currently we use oracle and jvm is important for us)

We have faced with some lack of sharing resources.
So in our test memory usage per session:
Oracle: about 5M
MSSqlServer: about 4M
postgreSql: about 160М

It's discussed on

>I think the "problem" that he is having is fixable only by changing how
>PostgreSQL itself works. His problem is a PL/pgSQL function which is 11K
>lines in length. When invoked, this function is "compiled" into a large
>tokenized parse tree. This parse tree is only usable in the session which
>invoked the the function. Apparently this parse tree takes a lot of memory.
>And "n" concurrent users of this, highly used, function will therefore
>require "n" times as much memory because the parse tree is _not_
>shareable.  This is explained in:

Next  interesting  answer(from  Karl  Czajkowskiin
>  But, I search the
> archives of the mailing list, and when others have previously
> suggested such caching or reuse, it was immediately shot down by core
> developers.

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