Re: [HACKERS] Horizontal scalability/sharding

2015-08-31 Thread Marc Munro
On Mon, 2015-08-31 at 22:21 +,  Robert Haas wrote:

> It seems to me that sharding consists of (1) breaking your data set up
> into shards, (2) possibly replicating some of those shards onto
> multiple machines, and then (3) being able to access the remote data
> from local queries. [...]

I believe there is another aspect to sharding that I have not yet seen
mentioned, which is one of connection routing.  

One use case that I have been involved in, is to simply partition the
application into entirely, or almost entirely, separate datasets running
on separate databases with little or no need for queries to access
remote data.

This allows each database to deal only with connections from clients
that actually want its local data, greatly reducing the number of
connections on any individual database.  If this works for your
application, your ability to scale is great.

The pain point comes from trying to route queries to the correct
database.  Inevitably, everyone taking this route builds custom
connection-selection layers into their apps.

It seems to me that even with the more sophisticated types of sharding
being discussed here, the ability to conditionally route a
query/connection to a suitable starting database could be quite

Although this is probably a job for the pgbouncer/pgpool developers
rather than the hackers on this list, this thread seems to be a good
place to mention it.


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[HACKERS] Re: [BUGS] BUG #11867: Strange behaviour with composite types after resetting database tablespace

2014-11-04 Thread Marc Munro
On Mon, 2014-11-03 at 22:08 -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
> Fascinating.


> I believe what is happening is:

[ . . . ]

> > This is not mission-critical for me but I'd be grateful for suggestions for
> > work-arounds.
> I don't see any workaround that's much easier than fixing the bug.
> But what's your use case that involves flipping databases from one
> tablespace to another and then back again within the life expectancy of
> unused shared-buffers pages?  It doesn't seem terribly surprising that
> nobody noticed this before ...

It's a completely unreal use case.  I am working on a diff tool, and
this was found as part of my test suite: build db x, drop db x,  build
db y, apply diff y->x, compare with original x, apply diff x->y, compare
with original y.

So this is a fairly minor inconvenience for me.


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Re: [HACKERS] [v9.4] row level security

2013-10-10 Thread Marc Munro
On Wed, 2013-09-04 at 14:35 +, Robert Haas wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 3:43 PM, Tom Lane  wrote:
> > I think it's entirely sensible to question whether we should reject
> (not
> > "hold up") RLS if it has major covert-channel problems.
> We've already had this argument before, about the security_barrier
[ . . . ]

Sorry for following up on this so late, I have just been trying to catch
up with the mailing lists.

I am the developer of Veil, which this thread mentioned a number of
times.  I wanted to state/confirm a number of things:

Veil is not up to date wrt Postgres versions.  I didn't release a new
version for 9.2, and when no-one complained I figured no-one other than
me was using it.  I'll happily update it if anyone wants it.

Veil makes no attempt to avoid covert channels.  It can't.

Veil is a low-level toolset designed for optimising queries about
privileges.  It allows you to build RLS with reasonable performance, but
it is not in itself a solution for RLS.

I wish the Postgres RLS project well and look forward to its release in
Postgres 9.4.  


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Re: [HACKERS] leakproof

2012-02-22 Thread Marc Munro
On Wed, 2012-02-22 at 12:44 -0400, Andrew Dunstan wrote:

> Returning to the original point, I've come to the conclusion that
> "pure" 
> isn't the right way to go. The trouble with "leakproof" is that it 
> doesn't point to what it is that's not leaking, which is information 
> rather than memory, as many might imagine (and I did) without further 
> hints. I'm not sure any single English word would be as descriptive as
> I'd like.

As the developer of veil I feel marginally qualified to bikeshed here:
how about "silent"?  A silent function being one that will not blab.

There are also quite a few synonyms in the thesaurus for trustworthy.  I
kind of like "honorable" or "righteous" myself.


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Re: [HACKERS] Schema grants for creating and dropping objects

2011-10-09 Thread Marc Munro
On Sun, 2011-10-09 at 11:58 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> Marc Munro  writes:
> > It seems that in order to create an object in a given schema, I must
> > have been granted create privilege on the schema.  But in order to drop
> > that object I require usage privilege.  
> > This means that with the right privilege settings I can create objects
> > that I cannot subsequently drop, or can drop an object that I cannot
> > recreate.
> Yeah.  So?  You can get similar effects with read-only or write-only
> directories in Unix filesystems.  Don't see why you find this surprising.

It's just that ordinarily as the owner of an object, I can do what I
like with it.  In this case, I can't.  In fact, once I've created the
table I can't access it.  I guess the surprising thing to me is that I'm
allowed to create it without usage privilege.

However, it is what it is, and as it is intended behaviour I will
happily work with it.  Perhaps some extra notes in the documentation of
the sql-grants section might be useful.

As a side note: creating a file in a write-only directory on Unix
doesn't work for me.

>   regards, tom lane

Thanks for the response.


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[HACKERS] Schema grants for creating and dropping objects

2011-10-08 Thread Marc Munro
It seems that in order to create an object in a given schema, I must
have been granted create privilege on the schema.  But in order to drop
that object I require usage privilege.  

This means that with the right privilege settings I can create objects
that I cannot subsequently drop, or can drop an object that I cannot

I assume this is a bug but if it's intended behaviour I'd love to hear
the rationale.

I checked this on 8.3, 8.4, 9.0 and 9.1 all with the same results.

Best regards.

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Re: [HACKERS] [GENERAL] Dropping extensions

2011-07-23 Thread Marc Munro
On Sat, 2011-07-23 at 11:08 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> > If I drop the extension veil_demo, I am left with the veil_demo version
> > of veil_init().
> > Is this a feature or a bug?  Is there a work-around?
> Hmm.  I don't think we have any code in there to prohibit the same
> object from being made a member of two different extensions ... but this
> example suggests that maybe we had better check that.
> In general, though, it is not intended that extension creation scripts
> use CREATE OR REPLACE, which I gather you must be doing.

That's right.  Ultimately I'd like to be able to create a number of
extensions, all further extending the base functionality of veil, with
each one further extending veil_init().  I could consider a more
generalised callback mechanism but that adds more complexity and
overhead without really buying me anything functionally.  I will look
into it though.

While it would be great to be able to return functions to their previous
definition automatically, other simpler mechanisms might suffice.  For
me, being able to run a post-drop script would probably be adequate.
For now, I will just add some notes to the documentation.

Thanks for the response.


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Re: [HACKERS] [GENERAL] Date conversion using day of week

2011-03-31 Thread Marc Munro
On Thu, 2011-03-31 at 08:00 -0700, Adrian Klaver wrote:
> On Wednesday, March 30, 2011 8:39:25 pm Brendan Jurd wrote:
> > On 31 March 2011 03:15, Steve Crawford  
> > wrote:
> > > On 03/29/2011 04:24 PM, Adrian Klaver wrote:
> > >> ...
> > >> Well the strange part is only fails for SUN:...
[. . .]
> > 
> > We *could* make the OP's query return the Sunday of ISO week 2011-13,
> > which would be properly written 2011-13-7, but I think the right move
> > here would be to throw the error for illegal mixture of format tokens.
> >  This is a trivial change -- just a matter of changing the from_date
> > type on the DAY, Day, day, DY, Dy, dy keys.
[. . .]
> Just to play Devils advocate here, but why not? The day name is the same 
> either 
> way, it is the index that changes. I am not sure why that could not be 
> context 
> specific?

Just to be clear, the reason I was mixing things in this way was that I
wanted to validate that the dayname being passed was valid for the
current locale, and I could find no easier way of doing it.  FTR, I have
now resorted to finding the given dayname in the results of this query:

select day, to_char(day, 'dy') as dayname, 
   extract('dow' from day) as dayno
  from (
select current_date + n as day 
  from generate_series(0, 6) as n) d;

If there is an easier way of doing this, please let me know.  As far as
the postgres API goes, exposing a function that would validate a dayname
returning a day number would resolve all of this for considerably less
complexity.  Also throwing an error in the to_date function for
unexpectedly mixed input formats seems quite reasonable.

Thanks for your time and attention.  The commercial RDBMS vendors could
learn a lot about customer support from this forum.

Marc Munro

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Re: [HACKERS] [PATCH] Fix leaky VIEWs for RLS

2010-06-04 Thread Marc Munro
On Fri, 2010-06-04 at 10:33 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> Hmm ... that's a mighty interesting example, because it shows that any
> well-meaning change in error handling might render seemingly-unrelated
> functions "unsafe".  And we're certainly not going to make error
> messages stop showing relevant information just because of this.

Although that looks like a show-stopper, I think it can be worked
around.  Errors in operations on security views could simply be caught
and conditionally rewritten.  The original error could still appear in
the logs but the full details need not be reported to unprivileged

If that can be done, then we would still need to be able to identify
trusted functions and views used for security purposes, and ensure that
(please excuse my terminology if it is incorrect) untrusted quals do not
get pushed down inside secured views.  If all of that can be done along
with the error trapping, then we may have a solution.

My big concern is still about performance, particularly when joining
between multiple security views and other objects.  I don't expect to
get security for free but I don't want to see unnecessary barriers to


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Re: [HACKERS] [pgsql-hackers] Daily digest v1.10705 (13 messages)

2010-06-03 Thread Marc Munro
On Thu, 2010-06-03 at 05:53 -0300,
> [ . . . ]
> In my current idea, when a qual-node that contains FuncExpr tries to
> reference a part of relations within a security view, its referencing
> relations will be expanded to whole of the security view at
> distribute_qual_to_rels().
> [ . . . ]

I may be missing something here but this seems a bit too simplistic and,
I think, fails to deal with an important use case.

Security views, that do anything useful at all, tend to introduce
performance issues.  I am concerned that placing a conceptual barrier
between the secured and unsecured parts of queries is going to
unnecessarily restrict what the optimiser can do.

For example consider that we have three secured views, each of the form:

  create view s_x as select * from x where i_can_see(x.key);

and consider the query:

  select stuff from s_x 
inner join s_y on s_y.key = s_x.key
inner join s_z on s_z.key = s_x.key  
  where fn(s_x.a) = 3;

The optimiser ought to be able to spot the fact that i_can_see() need
only be called once for each joined result.  By placing a barrier (if I
understand your proposal correctly) between the outermost joins and the
inner views, doesn't this optimisation become impossible?

I think a simpler solution may be possible here.  If you can tag the
function i_can_see() as a security function, at least in the context of
its use in the security views, and then create the rule that security
functions are always considered to be lower cost than user-defined
non-security functions, don't we achieve the result of preventing the
insecure function from seeing rows that it shouldn't?

I guess my concern is that a query may be constructed a=out of secured
and unsecured parts and the optimiser should be free to group all of the
secured parts together before considering the unsecured parts.

Sorry for the imprecise language and terminolgy, and also if I have
completely misunderstood the implications.

Best Wishes

Marc (the veil guy)

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[HACKERS] Hot Standby query cancellation and Streaming Replication integration

2010-03-02 Thread Marc Munro
On Mon, 2010-03-01 at 16:12 -0400,
> . . . 
> However there is a concern with max_standby_age. If you set it to,
> say, 300s. Then run a 300s query on the slave which causes the slave
> to fall 299s behind. Now you start a new query on the slave -- it gets
> a snapshot based on the point in time that the slave is currently at.
> If it hits a conflict it will only have 1s to finish before the
> conflict causes the query to be cancelled.
> In short in the current setup I think there is no safe value of
> max_standby_age which will prevent query cancellations short of -1. If
> the slave has a constant stream of queries and always has at least one
> concurrent query running then it's possible that the slave will run
> continuously max_standby_age-epsilon behind the master and cancel
> queries left and right, regardless of how large max_standby_age is.
> To resolve this I think you would have to introduce some chance for
> the slave to catch up. Something like refusing to use a snapshot older
> than max_standby_age/2  and instead wait until the existing queries
> finish and the slave gets a chance to catch up and see a more recent
> snapshot. The problem is that this would result in very unpredictable
> and variable response times from the slave. A single long-lived query
> could cause replay to pause for a big chunk of max_standby_age and
> prevent any new query from starting.
> Does anyone see any way to guarantee that the slave gets a chance to
> replay and new snapshots will become visible without freezing out new
> queries for extended periods of time?

At the risk of looking foolish, I have a hand-wavy,
unlikely-to-be-possible, not-going-to-make-it-for-9.0, and maybe
unoriginal idea that I'll share.

As Greg has identified, no matter what max_standby_age you select, a
sequence of overlapping queries will eventually exceed the
max_standby_delay threshold, and tuples that your query depends on would
then be modified underneath you.

IIUC this is only a problem for WAL from HOT updates and vacuums.  If no
vacuums or HOT updates have been performed, there is no risk of
returning bad data.  So WAL that does not contain HOT updates or vacuums
could be applied on the standby without risk, even if there are
long-running queries in play.  This is not a complete solution but may
reduce the likelihood of queries having to be cancelled.  I guess the
approach here would be to check WAL before applying it, and only cancel
queries if the WAL contains HOT updates or vacuums.

Taking the idea further, if WAL records contained the tid of the latest
tuples that were overwritten, even more WAL could be applied without
having to cancel queries.

To take it further still, if vacuum on the master could be prevented
from touching records that are less than max_standby_delay seconds old,
it would be safe to apply WAL from the very latest vacuum.  I guess HOT
could be handled similarly though that may eliminate much of the
advantage of HOT updates.

Apologies if this has already been covered, some of this discussion went
over my head.

/action Puts on asbestos underwear


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Re: [HACKERS] Using views for row-level access control is leaky

2009-10-22 Thread Marc Munro
Just to intoduce myself, I'm Marc Munro the developer of Veil, a
postgres add-in that allows you to implement virtual private databases
using views.

The problem we are discussing here is the existence of covert or
side-channels being available from functions that can leak information
about the rows they see, even though the end-user may not see those
rows.  These can be built-ins such as set_config() (thanks, Heikki) or

I assert that any attempt to use a secured-view's where-clause
conditions before any other conditions are applied will lead to poor

Here is a typical veil secured view definition:

create view parties as
SELECT party_id, client_id, party_type_id, username, party_name
FROM parties.parties
WHERE api.user_has_client_or_personal_privilege(client_id,
party_id, 'select parties') 
OR api.user_has_client_privilege(party_id, 'select clients');

A typical query against this would be:

select * from parties where party_id = 42;

The conditions in the view's where clause cannot generally be indexed.
Applying those conditions before the user-supplied conditions would mean
that a full-table scan would be required and performance would suck.  In
fact, this very suckiness also exposes a covert channel in that now we
can use the performance of the query to estimate the number of party

The most acceptable solution I have heard so far for this issue, is to
identify those functions which can leak information as 'insecure', and 
those views which are for security purpose as 'secured'.  Then it is
simply (hah!) a matter of planning the query of secured views so that
all insecure functions are called after all secure functions.  In this
way, they will only be able to leak what the user is entitled to see,
and performance will only be as badly affected as is strictly necessary.


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Re: [HACKERS] RFE: Transparent encryption on all fields

2009-04-23 Thread Marc Munro
On Thu, 2009-04-23 at 16:08 -0300,
> On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 10:38:55AM -0400, Bill Moran wrote:
> [...]
> > It's possible that this could be accomplished by something like
> Veil,
> Veil? Care to share an URL?

Veil is intended to enable implementation of virtual private databases.
It provides a bunch of primitives for managing bitmaps of privileges.
These privileges can be used to control access to individual rows within
a table.

In principle it could be used in the way that Bill Moran suggests though
I have never used it that way.  I am somewhat suspicious of passing
encryption keys to the database server as there is always the potential
for them to be leaked.  It is generally much safer to keep keys and the
decryption process on a separate server.


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Re: [HACKERS] [BUGS] Status of issue 4593

2009-01-12 Thread Marc Munro
On Mon, 2009-01-12 at 14:35 -0400, Jeff Davis wrote:
> ate: Mon, 12 Jan 2009 09:52:00 -0800

> On Mon, 2009-01-12 at 08:32 -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
> > That code has been working like this for eight or ten years now and
> this
> > is the first complaint, so taking away functionality on the grounds
> that
> > someone might happen to update the ordering column doesn't seem like
> the
> > answer to me.
> > 
> If they are using FOR UPDATE, they clearly expect concurrent updates.
> If they're using ORDER BY, they clearly expect the results to be in
> order.
> So who is the target user of this functionality we're trying to
> protect?

If by the question above you are asking for a rational use-case, I think
I can give you one.

In my Oracle days I used to use select for update order by, in order to
reduce the likelihood of deadlocks.  If locks are always taken in the
same order, deadlocks become considerably less likely.

Unfortunately, I took this construct, which as far as I know works fine
in Oracle, and continued to use it in Postgres just assuming that it
would work.

At least now the source of some of my more mysterious deadlocks is
apparent :-)

I'd second the request for at least a warning to be issued.

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Re: [HACKERS] Patch to eliminate duplicate b64 code from pgcrypto

2008-12-18 Thread Marc Munro
Oops, forgot to cc my reply to hackers:

On Thu, 2008-12-18 at 01:49 +0200, Marko Kreen wrote:
> On 12/16/08, Bruce Momjian  wrote:
> >  Would someone who understand pgcrypto please review this?
> >  Marc Munro wrote:
> > > I am attaching a patch to eliminate duplicate b64_encode and decode
> >  > functions from pgcrypto, and to expose those functions for use by
> >  > add-ins (I want to use them in Veil).
> Although your patch achieves the goal, it may make more sense to export
> pg_find_encoding() and struct pg_encoding, thus making all encoding
> algorithms available externally.

I had a very specific use-case in mind which was to eliminate the need
for Veil to re-implement b64_encode and b64_decode, so I took the path
of least effort.

> >  > The patch was made against CVS head today.  It compiles and tests
> >  > successfully.  Though I was unable to run pgrypto regression tests, I
> >  > did give the b64 encoding a sanity check.
> >  >
> >  > I also added a b64_char() function that is now used from pgcrypto.  This
> >  > allowed me to remove the duplicate _base64 character array.
> I think this can be avoided by using plain b64_encode() for those 3 bytes.
> That step is really not speed critical.

You are probably right: I was being somewhat timid and tried to make the
smallest set of changes that were possible.

Unfortunately I don't have the time right now to revisit the patch.  If
you or anyone else would like to re-implement it as you suggest I will
still be a happy camper.   If not, Veil has already re-implemented the
functions, for compatibility with current and older versions of
postgres, so I can live with that too.

Thanks very much for looking at it.  To be honest, I thought that it had
got lost in the transition to the new improved patch process so I was
expecting to have to resubmit it later when I have more time.  Kudos to
Bruce for tracking it down.


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[HACKERS] Re: Do we really want to migrate plproxy and citext into PG core distribution?

2008-07-21 Thread Marc Munro
On Mon, 2008-07-21 at 17:03 -0300, Tom Lane wrote:
> [. . .]  I think it
> would be a good idea to be open to reviewing pgfoundry code with the
> same standards we'd use if we were going to integrate it.  Perhaps
> commitfest is not the right venue for that, though, if only because
> of the possibility of confusion over what's supposed to happen.

I think this would be a great idea.  I would be overjoyed to have veil reviewed by postgres developers.


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[HACKERS] Patch to eliminate duplicate b64 code from pgcrypto

2008-07-17 Thread Marc Munro
I am attaching a patch to eliminate duplicate b64_encode and decode
functions from pgcrypto, and to expose those functions for use by
add-ins (I want to use them in Veil).

The patch was made against CVS head today.  It compiles and tests
successfully.  Though I was unable to run pgrypto regression tests, I
did give the b64 encoding a sanity check.

I also added a b64_char() function that is now used from pgcrypto.  This
allowed me to remove the duplicate _base64 character array.

I hope this is the correct place to submit the patch.  The wiki
( refers to
pgsql-patches but I believe that is now deprecated.

Index: contrib/pgcrypto/pgp-armor.c
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/contrib/pgcrypto/pgp-armor.c,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -c -r1.3 pgp-armor.c
*** contrib/pgcrypto/pgp-armor.c	15 Oct 2005 02:49:06 -	1.3
--- contrib/pgcrypto/pgp-armor.c	17 Jul 2008 22:37:27 -
*** 30,181 
  #include "postgres.h"
  #include "px.h"
  #include "mbuf.h"
  #include "pgp.h"
-  * BASE64 - duplicated :(
-  */
- static const unsigned char _base64[] =
- "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
- static int
- b64_encode(const uint8 *src, unsigned len, uint8 *dst)
- {
- 	uint8	   *p,
- 			   *lend = dst + 76;
- 	const uint8 *s,
- 			   *end = src + len;
- 	int			pos = 2;
- 	unsigned long buf = 0;
- 	s = src;
- 	p = dst;
- 	while (s < end)
- 	{
- 		buf |= *s << (pos << 3);
- 		pos--;
- 		s++;
- 		/*
- 		 * write it out
- 		 */
- 		if (pos < 0)
- 		{
- 			*p++ = _base64[(buf >> 18) & 0x3f];
- 			*p++ = _base64[(buf >> 12) & 0x3f];
- 			*p++ = _base64[(buf >> 6) & 0x3f];
- 			*p++ = _base64[buf & 0x3f];
- 			pos = 2;
- 			buf = 0;
- 		}
- 		if (p >= lend)
- 		{
- 			*p++ = '\n';
- 			lend = p + 76;
- 		}
- 	}
- 	if (pos != 2)
- 	{
- 		*p++ = _base64[(buf >> 18) & 0x3f];
- 		*p++ = _base64[(buf >> 12) & 0x3f];
- 		*p++ = (pos == 0) ? _base64[(buf >> 6) & 0x3f] : '=';
- 		*p++ = '=';
- 	}
- 	return p - dst;
- }
- /* probably should use lookup table */
- static int
- b64_decode(const uint8 *src, unsigned len, uint8 *dst)
- {
- 	const uint8 *srcend = src + len,
- 			   *s = src;
- 	uint8	   *p = dst;
- 	char		c;
- 	unsigned	b = 0;
- 	unsigned long buf = 0;
- 	int			pos = 0,
- end = 0;
- 	while (s < srcend)
- 	{
- 		c = *s++;
- 		if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
- 			b = c - 'A';
- 		else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
- 			b = c - 'a' + 26;
- 		else if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
- 			b = c - '0' + 52;
- 		else if (c == '+')
- 			b = 62;
- 		else if (c == '/')
- 			b = 63;
- 		else if (c == '=')
- 		{
- 			/*
- 			 * end sequence
- 			 */
- 			if (!end)
- 			{
- if (pos == 2)
- 	end = 1;
- else if (pos == 3)
- 	end = 2;
- else
- 			}
- 			b = 0;
- 		}
- 		else if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r')
- 			continue;
- 		else
- 		/*
- 		 * add it to buffer
- 		 */
- 		buf = (buf << 6) + b;
- 		pos++;
- 		if (pos == 4)
- 		{
- 			*p++ = (buf >> 16) & 255;
- 			if (end == 0 || end > 1)
- *p++ = (buf >> 8) & 255;
- 			if (end == 0 || end > 2)
- *p++ = buf & 255;
- 			buf = 0;
- 			pos = 0;
- 		}
- 	}
- 	if (pos != 0)
- 	return p - dst;
- }
- static unsigned
- b64_enc_len(unsigned srclen)
- {
- 	/*
- 	 * 3 bytes will be converted to 4, linefeed after 76 chars
- 	 */
- 	return (srclen + 2) * 4 / 3 + srclen / (76 * 3 / 4);
- }
- static unsigned
- b64_dec_len(unsigned srclen)
- {
- 	return (srclen * 3) >> 2;
- }
- /*
   * PGP armor
--- 30,42 
  #include "postgres.h"
+ #include "utils/builtins.h"
  #include "px.h"
  #include "mbuf.h"
  #include "pgp.h"
   * PGP armor
*** 215,234 
  	memcpy(pos, armor_header, n);
  	pos += n;
! 	n = b64_encode(src, len, pos);
  	pos += n;
  	if (*(pos - 1) != '\n')
  		*pos++ = '\n';
  	*pos++ = '=';
! 	pos[3] = _base64[crc & 0x3f];
  	crc >>= 6;
! 	pos[2] = _base64[crc & 0x3f];
  	crc >>= 6;
! 	pos[1] = _base64[crc & 0x3f];
  	crc >>= 6;
! 	pos[0] = _base64[crc & 0x3f];
  	pos += 4;
  	n = strlen(armor_footer);
--- 76,95 
  	memcpy(pos, armor_header, n);
  	pos += n;
! 	n = b64_encode((char *) src, len, (char *) pos);
  	pos += n;
  	if (*(pos - 1) != '\n')
  		*pos++ = '\n';
  	*pos++ = '=';
! 	pos[3] = b64_char(crc);
  	crc >>= 6;
! 	pos[2] = b64_char(crc);
  	crc >>= 6;
! 	pos[1] = b64_char(crc);
  	crc >>= 6;
! 	pos[0] = b64_char(crc);
  	pos += 4;
  	n = strlen(armor_footer);
*** 356,367 
  		goto out;
  	/* decode crc */
! 	if (b64_decode(p + 1, 4, buf) != 3)
  		goto out;
  	crc = (((long) buf[0]) << 16) + (((long) buf[1]) << 8) + (long) buf[2];
  	/* decode data */
! 	res = b64_decode(base64_start, base64_end - base6

Re: [HACKERS] b64_encode and decode

2008-06-12 Thread Marc Munro
On Thu, 2008-06-12 at 19:10 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> Marc Munro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > So, would there be any chance of redefining the base64 functions in
> > encode.c as extern to eliminate this redundancy?
> It'd only last until the next time Bruce runs his script that
> static-izes things that aren't used outside their own module ...

Hmmm.  Does that script look in contrib?  If so I'd be happy to provide
a patch to eliminate the redundancy there.  If not, maybe it could be
persuaded to be more inclusive?


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] b64_encode and decode

2008-06-12 Thread Marc Munro
On Thu, 2008-06-12 at 19:07 -0400, Andrew Dunstan wrote:
> Marc Munro wrote:
> > I require base64 or some similar encoding scheme from a C language. . .
> >
> > I know I could call these functions indirectly by calling binary_ecncode
> > through DirectFunctionCalln() but this is a whole lot more complexity
> > and overhead than I'd like. . .
> >
> Just how much complexity do you think calling binary_encode involves? 
> You can probably do the whole thing in one or two lines of code.

I'm sure that's true once I've got my head around the mechanism, but it
adds two levels of indirection that seem quite unnecessary, and given
that the author of pgcrypto has also wound up copying the functions I
guess I'm not the only one who'd rather avoid it.

If there are good reasons not to expose the functions, or if the hackers
just don't want to do it I'm fine with that.  For dealing with 8.3 and
earlier I will have to live with the redundancy.  For 8.4 I'd like not
to, but it's really not a big deal.

Thanks for the response though.  Being able to get a response from
developers means a lot.  I used to be an Oracle DBA and I have to say
the response I get from this group is light years ahead of what I used
to have to pay for.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

[HACKERS] b64_encode and decode

2008-06-12 Thread Marc Munro
I require base64 or some similar encoding scheme from a C language
extension and need it to be as fast as reasonably possible.  In 
src/backend/utils/adt/encode.c there are functions b64_encode and
b64_decode which would be ideal but these are defined static and so are
not available to my code.

I know I could call these functions indirectly by calling binary_ecncode
through DirectFunctionCalln() but this is a whole lot more complexity
and overhead than I'd like.

I note that /contrib/pgcrypto/pgp-armor.c appears to have its own copies
of these 2 functions and now I have elected to do the same.

So, would there be any chance of redefining the base64 functions in
encode.c as extern to eliminate this redundancy?


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] [0/4] Proposal of SE-PostgreSQL patches

2008-05-07 Thread Marc Munro
In a digest for Tue, 2008-05-06 at 22:57 -0300, Tom Lane wrote:
...[discussion of SE-PostgreSQL patch deleted]...
> (And of course the next question after that is why we should want to
> depend on SELinux at all, rather than implementing row filtering
> in the framework of SQL permissions...)

I would love to see something like this to replace Veil which I develop
and support.  What sort of row filtering did you have in mind?

As a database application developer I have found being able to define
access controls in terms of data relationships to be tremendously useful
and I would love to see something like this built into postgres.

As far as I have been able to understand SE-PostgreSQL, it is aimed at a
very security-conscious, and expert, customer base but it cannot offer
the sort of relationally-defined security access that Veil is intended
for (I'd be happy to be wrong about this).  On the other hand Veil is
not going to be able to provide the degree of certainty (provability?)
of SE-PostgreSQL.

As an example of relationally-defined security, suppose I want only the
members of a project team to be able to see project information:

In the veil demo application ( ) we can
assign a developer to a project by inserting into the assignments table
a record for that developer, the given project and a specific role.
Once assigned, the developer can see project_details for that project
that previously were unavailable.

If row filtering is to be implemented directly within Postgres, I would
like this sort of capability to be considered.  For the record, Veil was
written to provide similar functionality to Oracle's Virtual Private


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] function body actors (was: [PERFORM] viewing source code)

2007-12-21 Thread Marc Munro
On Fri, 2007-21-12 at 18:05 -0400, Andrew Sullivan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > > 2.  Protect the content of a field from _some_ users on a given
> system,
> > 
> > I would argue that (2) is reasonably well served today by setting up
> > separate databases for separate users. 
> I thought actually this was one of the use-cases we were hearing.
> Different people using the same database (because the same data), with
> rules about the different staff being able to see this or that
> function body.  I can easily imagine such a case, for instance, in a
> large organization with different departments and different
> responsibilities.  It seems a shame that the only answer we have there
> is, "Give them different databases."  

There is also Veil:


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] Feature freeze progress report

2007-05-02 Thread Marc Munro
On Wed, 2007-02-05 at 08:27 -0400, Andrew Dunstan wrote:
> Naz Gassiep wrote:
> > Andrew Dunstan wrote:
> >   
> >> Naz Gassiep wrote:
> >> 
> >>> I believe the suggestion was to have an automated process that only ran
> >>> on known, sane patches.
> >>>   
> >> How do we know in advance of reviewing them that they are sane?
> >> 
> > Same way as happens now. 
> >   
> The question was rhetorical ... there is no list of "certified sane but 
> unapplied" patches. You are proceeding on the basis of a faulty 
> understanding of how our processes work.

Why do we need to know the patch is sane?  If it does not apply cleanly
or causes regression tests to fail, the process would figure that out
quickly and cheaply.  There is little cost in attempting to apply a
non-sane patch.

I am not sure that I have explained exactly what I was suggesting.  Some
people seem to grok it, others seem to be talking something slightly
different.  To clarify, here it is in pseudo-code:

for each patch in the queue
  regression_success := false
  patch_success := attempt to apply patch to head
  if patch_success
regression_success := attempt to run regression tests
-- (On one machine only, not on the buildfarm)
  end if
  if this is a new patch
maybe mail the author and tell them patch_success and
if status is different from last time
  mail the author and tell them their patch has changed status
  record the status for this patch
end loop


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Re: [HACKERS] Feature freeze progress report

2007-05-01 Thread Marc Munro
On Tue, 2007-01-05 at 02:54 +0100, Gregory Stark wrote:
> "Naz Gassiep" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Even if the patch inventory wasn't kept right up to date, this system
> > could potentially help many regression issues or bugs to surface sooner,
> I just don't understand what this would accomplish. People run regressions
> before submitting anyways. They can't run them on all architectures but bugs
> that only affect some architectures are uncommon.

The intention is to help keep patches, which may remain in the queue for
extended lengths of time, reasonably current.   The mechanism aims to
help with these specific problems:

- patches accumulates bitrot and are consequently harder to apply and
- the author, by the time review occurs, no longer has the details of
the patch uppermost in their mind

If the author can be automatically prodded when the patch no longer
cleanly applies, or when it suddenly breaks regression tests, they will
be able to keep the patch current, may discover bugs in it themselves
prior to review, and it will remain more fresh in their minds.

For sure, there will be classes of patch for which this mechanism
provides no benefit.  For instance, where a patch contains code that is
for discussion only, or a patch that is dependant on another patch.  In
these cases, the mechanism would simply note that they don't apply
cleanly, or don't pass tests, and would do nothing further.  I can see
no harm here.

> This seems to be merely institutionalizing having a large backlog of patches
> which survive for long periods of time. But even in that situation I don't see
> what it buys us. Detecting bitrot isn't terribly helpful and it doesn't help
> us actually deal with the bitrot once it's happened.

I hope that it would not encourage reviewers to leave things in the
patch queue.  I don't see why it would, so don't think this would
institutionalize a backlog.  

I also disagree that detecting bitrot is not helpful.  If I had eagerly
submitted a patch, I would definitely want to fix any bitrot that
occurred and would be thankful to be automatically informed.

And to clarify, I do not think the buildfarm should be involved in this


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Re: [HACKERS] Feature freeze progress report

2007-04-30 Thread Marc Munro
On Mon, 2007-30-04 at 08:56 -0300, Heikki Linnakangaspgsql wrote:
> Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2007 09:18:36 +0100
> From: Heikki Linnakangas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: Dave Page <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Simon Riggs
>  Bruce Momjian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>  PostgreSQL-development 
> Subject: Re: Feature freeze progress report

> If we had a 1-2 lines status blurp attached to each patch in the
> queue, 
> like "waiting for review", "author is fixing issue XX", etc., that
> might 
> help. Bruce would need to do that if we keep the current patch queue 
> system unmodified otherwise, or we'd need to switch to something else.

Would it be possible to also automatically determine some sort of
bit-rot status?  What I had in mind was an automated process that would
apply each patch to HEAD on a daily basis and report whether the patch
still applies cleanly and still allows all regression tests to pass on
at least one platform.  If and when the result of these tests changes
from pass to fail, the patch submitter would be automatically

The patch status could then also show the last time at which the patch
applied cleanly, and the last time that regression tests ran


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Re: [HACKERS] Reducing likelihood of deadlocks (was referential Integrity and SHARE locks)

2007-02-13 Thread Marc Munro
On Tue, 2007-13-02 at 11:38 -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
> Marc Munro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > From an application developer's standpoint there are few options, none
> > of them ideal:
> How about
> 4) Make all the FK constraints deferred, so that they are only checked
> at end of transaction.  Then the locking order of transactions that only
> modify C is always C1, C2, ..., P.

Excellent suggestion.  Thank you.


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Re: [HACKERS] Reducing likelihood of deadlocks (was referential Integrity and SHARE locks)

2007-02-13 Thread Marc Munro
On Mon, 2007-12-02 at 00:10 -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
> Marc Munro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Consider a table C containing 2 child records C1 and C2, of parent P.
> > If transaction T1 updates C1 and C2, the locking order of the the
> > records will be C1, P, C2.  Another transaction, T2, that attempts to
> > update only C2, will lock the records in order C2, P.
> > The locks on C2 and P are taken in different orders by the two
> > transactions, leading to the possibility of deadlock.
> But the lock on P is shared, hence no deadlock.

Doh!  Yes, you are right.  It is not that simple.

For deadlock to occur, we need a transaction that takes an exclusive
lock on P as well as on one of the children.  Let us replace T2 with a
new transaction, T3, which is going to update P and only one of its

If T3 is going to update P and C1 without the possibility of deadlock
against T1, then it must take out the locks in the order C1, P.  If, on
the other hand, it is going to update P and C2, then the locks must be
taken in the order P, C2.

This means that there is no single strategy we can apply to T3 that will
guarantee to avoid deadlocks with transactions that update only C (ie
transactions, which to a developers point of view do nothing to P, and
so should be unable to deadlock with T3).

From an application developer's standpoint there are few options, none
of them ideal:

1) Insist on a locking policy that requires updates to first lock their
parent records.

This is horrible for so many reasons.  It should be unnecessary; it
causes exclusive locking on parent records, thereby eliminating the
gains made by introducing row share locks in 8.1; it is onerous on the
developers; it is error-prone; etc

2) Remove FK constraints to eliminate the possibility of RI-triggered


3) Encapsulate all transactions in some form of retry mechanism that
traps deadlocks and retries those transactions.

This may not be practicable, and incurs all of the overhead of
encountering and trapping deadlocks in the first place.  Also, as each
deadlock occurs, a number of locks will be left active before deadlock
detection kicks in, increasing the window for further deadlocks.  On a
busy system, the first deadlock may well trigger a cascade of further


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] Reducing likelihood of deadlocks (was referential Integrity and SHARE locks)

2007-02-11 Thread Marc Munro
On Sun, 2007-11-02 at 12:21 -0600, Jim C. Nasby wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 08, 2007 at 08:47:42AM -0800, Marc Munro wrote:
> > One of the causes of deadlocks in Postgres is that its referential
> > integrity triggers can take locks in inconsistent orders.  Generally a
> > child record will be locked before its parent, but not in all cases.
> Where would PostgreSQL lock the parent before the child? AFAIK the
> behavior should be consistent...

Consider a table C containing 2 child records C1 and C2, of parent P.
If transaction T1 updates C1 and C2, the locking order of the the
records will be C1, P, C2.  Another transaction, T2, that attempts to
update only C2, will lock the records in order C2, P.

The locks on C2 and P are taken in different orders by the two
transactions, leading to the possibility of deadlock.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] referential Integrity and SHARE locks

2007-02-08 Thread Marc Munro
On Thu, 2007-08-02 at 12:24 -0800, Stephan Szabo wrote:
> On Thu, 8 Feb 2007, Marc Munro wrote:
> > I don't think this does stop the second from continuing before the
> > first.  What will stop it, is the eventual lock that is taken on the
> > child (triggering) record.
> But at that point, you've already had to compose the new row in order to
> call the trigger for the ri check, right? So, one of those new rows will
> be out of date by the time it actually gets the lock. Presumably that
> means that you need to recalculate the new row, but you've already done a
> check and gotten a lock based on the old new row.

Yes.  That is tricky.  For my proposed scheme to work, I guess we'd have
to be able to drop those locks which were just acquired by the RI
triggers.  Not too simple, I guess.

> Also, another big problem is the fact that SQL requires that the action
> already have happened before the check in cases where the constraint
> references the same table.  The row being updated or inserted might
> reference a row that will be updated or inserted by a later action of the
> same statement.

Hmmm.  That does seem to be the final nail in the coffin.  Consider the
proposal withdrawn, and thanks for explaining it all to me.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] referential Integrity and SHARE locks

2007-02-08 Thread Marc Munro
On Thu, 2007-08-02 at 14:33 -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
> Marc Munro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Yes in this case, T1 must abort because the record it was going to
> > update has disappeared from underneath it.  I don't see how this is
> > significantly different from the same race for the record if the table
> > had no RI constraints.  The only difference that I can see, is that T1
> > now has some locks that it must relinquish as the transaction aborts.
> No, the difference is there would have been no error at all before;
> if the record were deleted before T1 got to it then it wouldn't have
> attempted to update it.  I really don't think you can make it work
> to perform updates or deletes on a record you have not yet locked.

The record would be locked before the update or delete is attempted,
however it would not be locked until the referential integrity
constraints have succeeded in acquiring their locks.

It is becoming clear to me that I am missing something but I still don't
know what it is.  If anyone can see it and explain it I'd really
appreciate it.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] referential Integrity and SHARE locks

2007-02-08 Thread Marc Munro
On Thu, 2007-08-02 at 10:06 -0800, Stephan Szabo wrote:
> On Thu, 8 Feb 2007, Marc Munro wrote:
. . .
> >
> > That other transaction, T1, would have run the same RI triggers and so
> > would have the same parent records locked.
> That's not true in the case of delete, since the referencing table
> triggers are on insert and update. . . .

Let me see if I have this scenario right: 

Transaction T1 updates child record C1, with RI causing the parent P1 to
be locked before the child.

In the meantime transaction T2, successfully deletes C1 as it has not
yet been locked.

(Please tell me if I have misunderstood what you are saying)

Yes in this case, T1 must abort because the record it was going to
update has disappeared from underneath it.  I don't see how this is
significantly different from the same race for the record if the table
had no RI constraints.  The only difference that I can see, is that T1
now has some locks that it must relinquish as the transaction aborts.

> . . .  Second, the parent record locks are not
> exclusive which means that both can be granted, so I don't see how this
> stops the second from continuing before the first.

I don't think this does stop the second from continuing before the
first.  What will stop it, is the eventual lock that is taken on the
child (triggering) record.  I am not proposing reducing the number of
locks taken, but rather changing the order in which the locks are taken.

 What am I missing? 


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] Reducing likelihood of deadlocks (was referential Integrity and SHARE locks)

2007-02-08 Thread Marc Munro
On Thu, 2007-08-02 at 18:06 +0100, Csaba Nagy wrote:

> The problem is that eliminating the deadlock is still not the complete
> cake... the interlocking still remains, possibly leading to degraded
> performance on high contention on very common parent rows. The real
> solution would be when an update on the parent table's non-referenced
> fields is not interlocking at all with updates of the child rows... and
> I think there were some proposals to do that.

Agreed.  There are two issues here, unnecessary blocking and deadlock.
These can be tackled separately.  My proposal deals only with the
deadlock issue. 

Even if if contention is reduced, for instance by implementing
column-level locking, there will still be the potential for deadlock
arising from inconsistent ordering of locks.  I continue to stand by my


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

[HACKERS] Reducing likelihood of deadlocks (was referential Integrity and SHARE locks)

2007-02-08 Thread Marc Munro
I am going to restate my earlier proposal, to clarify it and in the hope
of stimulating more discussion.

One of the causes of deadlocks in Postgres is that its referential
integrity triggers can take locks in inconsistent orders.  Generally a
child record will be locked before its parent, but not in all cases.

My proposal modifies the order in which locks are taken by referential
integrity triggers, so that parents are always locked before their

The proposal is, that referential integrity triggers should fire before
locking the tuple from which they are triggered.  I guess a new sort of
trigger is required for this, a before-lock trigger.

If this is a dumb idea, please tell me why.  If it would cause more
problems than it solves, ditto.  If it would be difficult to implement,
let's discuss and try to find solutions.


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Re: [HACKERS] referential Integrity and SHARE locks

2007-02-08 Thread Marc Munro
Oops, forgot to include pgsql-hackers when I responded to this the first

 On Tue, 2007-06-02 at 20:53 -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
> Marc Munro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > The RI triggers currently fire when a record is updated.  Under my
> > proposal they would fire in the same way but before the record is
> > rather than after.  Or am I missing your point?
> IOW, some other transaction could update or delete the tuple
> Doesn't seem very promising.

That other transaction, T1, would have run the same RI triggers and so
would have the same parent records locked.  The blocked transaction, T2,
once T1 has committed, would fail.

I don't see this as being much different from the current case, where T1
locks and deletes or updates a row, and T2 then tries to manipulate the
same row.  In both cases, locks manage the race for the row, and MVCC
ensures that T2 fails.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] referential Integrity and SHARE locks

2007-02-06 Thread Marc Munro
On Tue, 2007-06-02 at 23:47 +, Gregory Stark wrote:
> "Marc Munro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Proposal 1: Alter the way RI triggers fire, so that they complete before
> > locking the row against which they fire.
> It's kind of hard to know what records the user will choose to update before
> he actually does the update...

The RI triggers currently fire when a record is updated.  Under my
proposal they would fire in the same way but before the record is locked
rather than after.  Or am I missing your point?

> > Proposal 2: Lock the index associated with the parent record, rather
> > than the parent record itself.  
> That doesn't help in our case because each version of a record has an index
> entry. So even updates to unrelated fields imply index modifications. Worse,
> deleting and updating don't remove the old index entries so even if you've
> locked them you won't prevent people from doing exactly those operations
> you're trying to avoid.

I guess my proposal was incomplete.  Obviously, before deleting, or
updating an indexed column, a lock would have to be taken on the index.
I believe this would suffice to guarantee referential integrity without
blocking updates that leave the referred indexes unchanged.

What you say about each version of a record having an index entry
confuses me.  I thought there was one index entry that lead to a chain
of tuples.  If this is not the case, I don't see how the current
exclusive locks on indexes work to enforce uniqueness.  Could you point
me to somewhere in the code or the documentation that explains this?

It still seems to me that if we can lock an index entry to guarantee
uniqueness, we can also lock it to implement RI constraints.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] referential Integrity and SHARE locks

2007-02-06 Thread Marc Munro
Simon Riggs started this thread with the question:

  . . .
  Why do we need a SHARE lock at all, on the **referenc(ed)** table?
  . . .

The root problem addressed by this thread seems to be that using share
locks in this way increases the likelihood of deadlock, and causes
blocking when no blocking is actually needed.

I would like to make a few observations leading to two alternative
proposals for dealing with this issue.

Deadlocks arise because of differences in the order in which locks are
taken.  If we have a parent table P, and a child C, and we modify two
children of the same P, locks will be taken in the order C1, P, C2.
Another process modifying only C2, will cause locks to be taken in the
order C2, P, leading to the possibility of deadlock.  With the current
system of RI, this sort of deadlock arises far too easily with the
result that RI is often disabled.

It is solely the order in which the locks are taken that causes the
problem.  If the RI constraints could lock the parent records before
locking the child, the possibility of deadlock would be much reduced.  

Proposal 1: Alter the way RI triggers fire, so that they complete before
locking the row against which they fire.

Having a background in Oracle, I found myself considering how this is
not usually a problem with Oracle databases.  If I understand it
correctly, in Oracle the referential integrity constraints are
implemented by locking the index associated with the constraint, rather
than the records themselves.

Proposal 2: Lock the index associated with the parent record, rather
than the parent record itself.  Updates to indexed fields, and deletions
of records would need to also take such locks, but this should be enough
to allow non-referenced fields to be updated in a parent, even while
transactions are modifying its children.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] [PATCHES] New shared memory hooks proposal (was Re:

2006-10-15 Thread Marc Munro
On Sat, 2006-10-14 at 14:55 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> Marc Munro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > The attached patch provides add-ins with the means to register for
> > shared memory and LWLocks.
> I finally got around to reviewing this patch, and realized that it's got
> a pretty fundamental design flaw: it isn't useful under Windows (or any
> other EXEC_BACKEND platform), because there isn't any provision for
> backends to locate structs allocated by other backends by means of
> searching in shared memory.  AFAICS the code can only do something
> useful in a platform where allocations made in the postmaster process
> can be found by backends via fork inheritance of pointers.

Rats!  You are right.  I had quite overlooked the windows case.

> The right way to handle shmem allocations is to use ShmemInitStruct
> to either allocate a shared struct for the first time or attach to a
> previously made instance of the struct.  (This "struct" could be a
> memory allocation arena itself, but that's not the core code's problem.)
> Now we could extend the patch so that each "addin" has its own
> ShmemIndex within its private workspace, but I think that's probably
> overkill.  My inclination is to rip out ShmemAllocFromContext and expect
> addins to use ShmemInitStruct the same as everyone else.  The hook
> callable at shared_preload_libraries time should just serve to add
> the necessary amount to the computed size of the shared memory segment.

I think that works for me.

> RegisterAddinLWLock is broken in the same way: it could only be used
> safely if the registered lock ID were remembered in shared memory,
> but since shared memory doesn't exist at the time it's supposed to be
> called, there's no way to do that.  Again, it'd seem to work as long as
> the lock ID value were inherited via fork, but that's gonna fail on
> EXEC_BACKEND builds.  I think we should probably take this out in favor
> of something that just increments a counter that replaces
> NUM_USER_DEFINED_LWLOCKS, and expect people to use LWLockAssign() at an
> appropriate time while initializing their shared memory areas.


> It strikes me that there's a race condition here, which we've not seen
> in previous use because backends expect all standard shared memory
> structs to have already been initialized by the postmaster.  An add-on
> will instead have to operate under the regime of "first backend wanting
> to use the struct must init it".  Although ShmemInitStruct returns a
> "found" bool telling you you've got to init it, there's no interlock
> ensuring that you can do so before someone else comes along and tries to
> use the struct (which he'll assume is done because he sees found = true).
> And, per above discussion, an add-on can't solve this for itself using
> an add-on LWLock, because it really has to acquire its add-on locks
> while initializing that same shmem struct, which is where it's going to
> keep the locks' identity :-(
> So I think we need to provide a standard LWLock reserved for the purpose
> of synchronizing first-time use of a shmem struct.  The coding rules for
> an add-on would then look like:
> * in the shared_preload_libraries hook:
>   RequestAddinShmemSpace(size);
>   RequestAddinLWLocks(n);
> * in a backend, to access a shared memory struct:
>   static mystruct *ptr = NULL;
>   if (!ptr)
>   {
>   boolfound;
>   LWLockAcquire(AddinShmemInitLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
>   ptr = ShmemInitStruct("my struct name", size, &found);
>   if (!ptr)
>   elog(ERROR, "out of shared memory");
>   if (!found)
>   {
>   initialize contents of shmem area;
>   acquire any requested LWLocks using:
>   ptr->mylockid = LWLockAssign();
>   }
>   LWLockRelease(AddinShmemInitLock);
>   }
> Thoughts?

I am content that what you suggest is the right way to go.  I will work
on a new patch immediately, unless you would prefer to do this yourself.

It seems to me that these coding rules should be documented in the main
documentation, I guess in the section that describes Dynamic Loading.
Would you like me to take a stab at that?


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] [pgsql-hackers] Daily digest v1.6352 (22 messages)

2006-10-03 Thread Marc Munro
On Mon, 2006-10-02 at 12:02 -0300, Shaunak Godbole wrote:
> Hi,
> We are trying to introduce access control. For this we have to rewrite
> the
> input query by replacing each relation by its corresponding authorized
> view.

I assume from this that you are trying to implement something like
Oracle's Virtual Private Database.  

If you need access controls at the row or column level, and do not want
to implement this whole thing yourself, please take a look at Veil 
( which can already accomplish the
same sort of thing, though in a different way.

If Veil is insufficient for your needs in some way, I'd be interested to
hear about it.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] Making config file parser available to add-ins

2006-07-24 Thread Marc Munro
On Mon, 2006-07-24 at 15:17 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> No, being able to do that is exactly the point of the custom-GUC
> mechanism.

Excellent.  I shall study this and hope to bother you no further :-)


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] Making config file parser available to add-ins

2006-07-24 Thread Marc Munro
On Mon, 2006-07-24 at 14:44 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> Peter Eisentraut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Marc Munro wrote:
> >> I want Veil ( to be able to read
> >> configuration details from a configuration file.
> > What kind of details?  By the time any server-side module is loaded, the 
> > configuration file has already been read, so why would you need to read 
> > it again?
> Probably the correct question is whether Marc's problem isn't already
> solved by the "custom GUC variable" mechanism --- that is, whatever he
> wants to configure should be defined as "custom" GUCs within the
> existing configuration file.

I don't think it's already solved but I may be missing the point.  The
Veil shared library will be loaded by process_preload_libraries only
after the postgresql config file has been read.  I was assuming that at
this point it would be too late to specify custom GUCs.

Instead I want to load my own "veil.conf" file which would support the
same sort of syntax as postgresql.conf.

My proposal is to simply expose a new function processAddinConfigFile()
which would mimic ProcessConfigFile but would call a user-supplied
function to deal with each entry.  Obviously, this would be usable by
future add-ins and not just Veil.

If there is a better way to do this please tell me.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] Making config file parser available to add-ins

2006-07-24 Thread Marc Munro
On Mon, 2006-07-24 at 20:31 +0200, Peter Eisentraut wrote:
> Marc Munro wrote:
> > I want Veil ( to be able to read
> > configuration details from a configuration file.
> What kind of details?  By the time any server-side module is loaded, the 
> configuration file has already been read, so why would you need to read 
> it again?
I want to read a veil config file rather than the postgres config file.
Basically, I just want access to the rather nice config file parser that
already exists.

As for the kind of details:
- how much shared memory to allocate for veil
- the size of the hash tables for veil's shared variables


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

[HACKERS] Making config file parser available to add-ins

2006-07-24 Thread Marc Munro
I want Veil ( to be able to read
configuration details from a configuration file.  Rather than implement
my own config file parser, I'd like to be able to re-use the parser
defined in guc-file.l

If this is not contentious, I will submit a patch to make the parser
available to add-ins.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] Index corruption

2006-07-19 Thread Marc Munro
For the record, here are the results of our (ongoing) inevstigation into
the index/heap corruption problems I reported a couple of weeks ago.

We were able to trigger the problem with kernels 2.6.16, 2.6.17 and
2.6.18.rc1, with 2.6.16 seeming to be the most flaky.

By replacing the NFS-mounted netapp with a fibre-channel SAN, we have
eliminated the problem on all kernels.

From this, it would seem to be an NFS bug introduced post 2.6.14, though
we cannot rule out a postgres bug exposed by unusual timing issues.

Our starting systems are: 

Sun v40z 4 x Dual Core AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 875
Kernel #8 SMP x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux (and others)
kernel boot option: elevator=deadline
16 Gigs of RAM
Bonded e1000/tg3 NICs with 8192 MTU.
Slony 1.1.5

NetApp FAS270 OnTap 7.0.3
Mounted with the NFS options
Jumbo frames 8192 MTU.

All postgres data and logs are stored on the netapp.

All tests results were reproduced with postgres 8.0.8


On Fri, 2006-06-30 at 23:20 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> Marc Munro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > We tried all of these suggestions and still get the problem.  Nothing
> > interesting in the log file so I guess the Asserts did not fire.
> Not surprising, it was a long shot that any of those things were really
> broken.  But worth testing.
> > We are going to try experimenting with different kernels now.  Unless
> > anyone has any other suggestions.
> Right at the moment I have no better ideas :-(
>   regards, tom lane

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

[HACKERS] New shared memory hooks proposal (was Re: pre_load_libraries)

2006-07-13 Thread Marc Munro
On Thu, 2006-07-13 at 01:13 -0300, Tom Lane wrote:
> Marc Munro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > ...  A better solution from my point of view would be
> > to simply move the call to process_preload_libraries to a point
> after
> > shared memory has been set up.  Is there some reason this could not
> be
> > done?
> That would make it impossible for a preloaded library to request any
> shared memory of its own --- something that admittedly we don't have a
> hook to support, but do we want to foreclose it permanently?

That does sound like the right way to go.  Here is my new proposal:

Add-ins register their requirement for shared memory using a new
function: RegisterShmemRequirement(char *context_name, int size).  This
would be called by the init function called from

When shared memory is initialised, extra space is allocated for each
registered add-in.  Each add-in's registered allocation is a separate
memory context identified by the context_name parameter provided during

Add-ins allocate shared memory from their own context using a new
function ShemAddinAlloc(), which adds the context_name parameter to the
normal ShemAlloc parameter list.

This would save add-ins from having to manage their own shared memory
segements while providing a degree of separation and isolation so that
one add-in could not exhaust the shared memory of another or of the

If this is acceptable, I think it is within my skill level to implement.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] pre_load_libraries

2006-07-12 Thread Marc Munro
On Wed, 2006-07-12 at 02:18 -0300, I wrote:
> I am trying to create an initialisation function that is called using
> the  preload_libraries option.
> The purpose of this is to set up shared memory for Veil, independant
> of postgres' own shared memory.  Simple init functions work fine, but
> as soon as I place calls to ShemAlloc, or LWLockAssign, the server
> startup simply halts.

To answer my own question, yes I am being unreasonable.  Shared memory
has not been set up at the time that process_preload_libraries is

Since lwlocks are allocated from postgres shared memory, I cannot assign
an lwlock from Veil's initialisation code.  Instead, I can make the
allocation of the lwlock the responsibility of the first session that
uses a Veil function but I need a lock to prevent a race.

My current thinking is to simply subvert one of the existing lwlocks
while I assign my own.  A better solution from my point of view would be
to simply move the call to process_preload_libraries to a point after
shared memory has been set up.  Is there some reason this could not be

On a related note, I can see no way to release Veil's shared memory
segment when postgres is shut down.   Perhaps I should be thinking about
making the management of such shared memory segments something that
postgres does on behalf of its add-ins, though that seems presumptious.

I'd appreciate any suggestions, pointers, random thoughts, etc.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

[HACKERS] pre_load_libraries

2006-07-11 Thread Marc Munro
I am trying to create an initialisation function that is called using
the  preload_libraries option.

The purpose of this is to set up shared memory for Veil, independant of
postgres' own shared memory.  Simple init functions work fine, but as
soon as I place calls to ShemAlloc, or LWLockAssign, the server startup
simply halts.

Am I being unreasonable in trying to call these functions at this point
of the server startup, or is this just some stupid bug in my code?

I wish to call ShmemAlloc in order to simply create a shared reference
to the Veil shared memory segments that I will set up separately.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] Index corruption

2006-06-30 Thread Marc Munro
On Thu, 2006-06-29 at 21:47 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> One easy thing that would be worth trying is to build with
> --enable-cassert and see if any Asserts get provoked during the

> A couple other things to try, given that you can provoke the failure
> fairly easily:
> . . .
> 1. In studying the code, it bothers me a bit that P_NEW is the same as
> InvalidBlockNumber.  The intended uses of P_NEW appear to be adequately
> . . .
> 2. I'm also eyeing this bit of code in hio.c:
> If someone else has just extended the relation, it's possible that this
> will allow a process to get to the page before the intended extender has
> . . . 

We tried all of these suggestions and still get the problem.  Nothing
interesting in the log file so I guess the Asserts did not fire.

We are going to try experimenting with different kernels now.  Unless
anyone has any other suggestions.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] Index corruption

2006-06-29 Thread Marc Munro
On Thu, 2006-06-29 at 21:59 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> [ back to the start of the thread... ]
> BTW, a couple of thoughts here:
> * If my theory about the low-level cause is correct, then reindexing
> sl_log_1 would make the "duplicate key" errors go away, but nonetheless
> you'd have lost data --- the overwritten rows would be gone.  I suppose
> that this would result in the slave missing some rows that are present
> on the master.  Have you tried comparing slave and master databases to
> see if you can find any discrepancies?

Haven't done that yet - in test we tend to restart the old subscriber as
the new provider and rebuild the cluster.  I'll check the logs from our
production failure to figure out what to compare and see what I can

> * One way that the problem could happen would be if a race condition in
> the kernel allowed an lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END) to return a value less than
> the true end-of-file (as determined by another process' write()
> extending the EOF just slightly earlier --- ie, lseek fails to note the
> effects of the just-completed write, and returns the prior EOF value).
> PG does have internal locking that should guarantee that the lseek is
> not done until after the write completes ... but could there be a bug in
> the kernel allowing stale data to be returned?  The SMP hardware is
> relevant (maybe one processor sees different data than the other) and
> frankly I don't trust NFS very far at all for questions such as this.
> It'd be interesting to see if you can reproduce the problem in a
> database on local storage.

Unfortunately we haven't got any local storage that can stand the sort
of loads we are putting through.  With slower storage the CPUs mostly
sit idle and we are very unlikely to trigger a timing-based bug if
that's what it is.

I'll get back to you with kernel build information tomorrow.  We'll also
try to talk to some kernel hackers about this.

Many thanks for your efforts so far.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] Index corruption

2006-06-29 Thread Marc Munro
On Thu, 2006-06-29 at 21:47 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> One easy thing that would be worth trying is to build with
> --enable-cassert and see if any Asserts get provoked during the
> failure case.  I don't have a lot of hope for that, but it's
> something that would require only machine time not people time.

I'll try this tomorrow.

> A couple other things to try, given that you can provoke the failure
> fairly easily:
> 1. In studying the code, it bothers me a bit that P_NEW is the same as
> InvalidBlockNumber.  The intended uses of P_NEW appear to be adequately
> interlocked, but it's fairly easy to see how something like this could
> happen if there are any places where InvalidBlockNumber is
> unintentionally passed to ReadBuffer --- that would look like a P_NEW
> call and it *wouldn't* be interlocked.  So it would be worth changing
> P_NEW to "(-2)" (this should just take a change in bufmgr.h and
> recompile) and adding an "Assert(blockNum != InvalidBlockNumber)"
> at the head of ReadBufferInternal().  Then rebuild with asserts enabled
> and see if the failure case provokes that assert.

I'll try this too.

> 2. I'm also eyeing this bit of code in hio.c:
> /*
>  * If the FSM knows nothing of the rel, try the last page before
>  * we give up and extend.  This avoids one-tuple-per-page syndrome
>  * during bootstrapping or in a recently-started system.
>  */
> if (targetBlock == InvalidBlockNumber)
> {
> BlockNumber nblocks = RelationGetNumberOfBlocks(relation);
> if (nblocks > 0)
> targetBlock = nblocks - 1;
> }
> If someone else has just extended the relation, it's possible that this
> will allow a process to get to the page before the intended extender has
> finished initializing it.  AFAICT that's not harmful because the page
> will look like it has no free space ... but it seems a bit fragile.
> If you dike out the above-mentioned code, can you still provoke the
> failure?

By dike out, you mean remove?  Please confirm and I'll try it.

> A different line of attack is to see if you can make a self-contained
> test case so other people can try to reproduce it.  More eyeballs on the
> problem are always better.

Can't really see this being possible.  This is clearly a very unusual
problem and without similar hardware I doubt that anyone else will
trigger it.  We ran this system happily for nearly a year on the
previous kernel without experiencing this problem (tcp lockups are a
different matter).  Also the load is provided by a bunch of servers and
robots simulating rising and falling load.

> Lastly, it might be interesting to look at the WAL logs for the period
> leading up to a failure.  This would give us an idea of what was
> happening concurrently with the processes that seem directly involved.

Next time we reproduce it, I'll take a copy of the WAL files too.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] index corruption

2006-06-29 Thread Marc Munro
On Thu, 2006-06-29 at 19:59 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:

> Ummm ... you did restart the server?  "select version();" would be
> the definitive test.

Can't say I blame you for the skepticism but I have confirmed it again.

test=# select version();
 PostgreSQL 8.0.8 on x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC)
3.4.6 20060404 (Red Hat 3.4.6-3)
(1 row)


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

[HACKERS] [Re: Index corruption]

2006-06-29 Thread Marc Munro
Ooops: forgot to cc this to the list.

On Thu, 2006-06-29 at 19:27 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> Are you *certain* this slave isn't running 8.0.2 or older?  If you can
> verify that, then I guess we need to look for another mechanism that
> could cause the same kind of thing.

Certain.  We built new rpms for 8.0.8 and installed them on both
database servers (and I just checked them again to make sure).

If there's anything we can do to help debug this we will.  We can apply
patches, different build options, etc.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] Index corruption

2006-06-29 Thread Marc Munro
On Fri, 2006-06-30 at 00:37 +0300, Hannu Krosing wrote:
> Marc: do you have triggers on some replicated tables ?
We have a non-slony trigger on only 2 tables, neither of them involved
in this transaction.  We certainly have no circular trigger structures.

> I remember having some corruption in a database with weird circular
> trigger structures, some of them being slony log triggers. 
> The thing that seemed to mess up something inside there, was when change
> on parent rownt fired a trigger that changes child table rows and there
> rows fired another trigger that changed the same parent row again.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] Index corruption

2006-06-29 Thread Marc Munro
We have reproduced the problem again.  This time it looks like vacuum is
not part of the picture.  From the provider's log:

2006-06-29 14:02:41 CST DEBUG2 cleanupThread:  101.057 seconds for vacuuming

And from the subscriber's:

2006-06-29 13:00:43 PDT ERROR  remoteWorkerThread_1: "insert into 
"public"."table_trans_attribute" (table_transaction_id,attribute_type,value) 
values ('374740387','22008','4000');

If my maths is correct and the logs are honest, the vacuum would have
started at 14:01:00 CST (13:01:PDT), about 20 seconds after we first
encounter the problem.  The clocks on the two machines, though in
different timezones, are currently synced.

Tom, I will create another tarball of the sl_log_1 table and indexes.
Should be quite a bit smaller than the previous one.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] Index corruption

2006-06-29 Thread Marc Munro
On Thu, 2006-06-29 at 12:11 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> OK, so it's not an already-known problem.
> > We were able to corrupt the index within 90 minutes of starting up our
> > cluster.  A slony-induced vacuum was under way on the provider at the
> > time the subscriber failed.
> You still haven't given any details.  What do you mean by "corrupt the
> index" --- what actual symptoms are you seeing?

We have a two node slony cluster with load tests running againt the
provider node.

After resyncing the subscriber, and running load tests for about an
hour, the slony subscriber begins to fail.  From the log file:

2006-06-28 17:58:43 PDT ERROR  remoteWorkerThread_1: "insert into 
"public"."table_trans_attribute" (table_transaction_id,attribute_type,value) 
values ('374520943','22001','0');
insert into "public"."table_trans_attribute" 
(table_transaction_id,attribute_type,value) values ('374520943','22002','0');
insert into "public"."table_trans_attribute" 
(table_transaction_id,attribute_type,value) values ('374520943','22003','0');
insert into "public"."table_trans_attribute" 
(table_transaction_id,attribute_type,value) values ('374520943','22004','0');
insert into "public"."table_trans_attribute" 
(table_transaction_id,attribute_type,value) values ('374520943','22005','0');
insert into "public"."table_trans_attribute" 
(table_transaction_id,attribute_type,value) values ('374520943','22006','0');
insert into "public"."table_trans_attribute" 
(table_transaction_id,attribute_type,value) values ('374520943','22007','0');
insert into "public"."table_trans_attribute" 
(table_transaction_id,attribute_type,value) values ('374520943','22007','0');
insert into "public"."table_trans_attribute" 
(table_transaction_id,attribute_type,value) values ('374520942','22009','0');
insert into "public"."table_trans_attribute" 
(table_transaction_id,attribute_type,value) values ('374520942','22010','0');
" ERROR:  duplicate key violates unique constraint "table_trans_attr_pk"

As you see, slony is attempting to enter one tuple
('374520943','22007','0') two times.

Each previous time we have had this problem, rebuilding the indexes on
slony log table (sl_log_1) has fixed the problem.  I have not reindexed
the table this time as I do not want to destroy any usable evidence.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] Index corruption

2006-06-29 Thread Marc Munro
On Tom Lane's advice, we upgraded to Postgres 8.0.8.  We also upgraded
slony to 1.1.5, due to some rpm issues.  Apart from that everything is
as described below.

We were able to corrupt the index within 90 minutes of starting up our
cluster.  A slony-induced vacuum was under way on the provider at the
time the subscriber failed.

What can we do to help identify the cause of this?  We have a test
system that seems able to reproduce this fairly easily.


On Wed, 2006-06-28 at 09:28 -0700, Marc Munro wrote:
> We have now experienced index corruption on two separate but identical
> slony clusters.  In each case the slony subscriber failed after
> attempting to insert a duplicate record.  In each case reindexing the
> sl_log_1 table on the provider fixed the problem.
> The latest occurrence was on our production cluster yesterday.  This has
> only happened since we performed kernel upgrades and we are uncertain
> whether this represents a kernel bug, or a postgres bug exposed by
> different timings in the new kernel.
> Our systems are:
> Sun v40z 4 x Dual Core AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 875
> Kernel #8 SMP x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
> kernel boot option: elevator=deadline
> 16 Gigs of RAM
> postgresql-8.0.3-1PGDG
> Bonded e1000/tg3 NICs with 8192 MTU.
> Slony 1.1.0
> NetApp FAS270 OnTap 7.0.3
> Mounted with the NFS options
> rw,nfsvers=3,hard,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,timeo=600,tcp,noac
> Jumbo frames 8192 MTU.
> All postgres data and logs are stored on the netapp.
> In the latest episode, the index corruption was coincident with a
> slony-induced vacuum.  I don't know if this was the case with our test
> system failures.

> __
> Marc

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

[HACKERS] Index corruption

2006-06-28 Thread Marc Munro
We have now experienced index corruption on two separate but identical
slony clusters.  In each case the slony subscriber failed after
attempting to insert a duplicate record.  In each case reindexing the
sl_log_1 table on the provider fixed the problem.

The latest occurrence was on our production cluster yesterday.  This has
only happened since we performed kernel upgrades and we are uncertain
whether this represents a kernel bug, or a postgres bug exposed by
different timings in the new kernel.

Our systems are:

Sun v40z 4 x Dual Core AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 875
Kernel #8 SMP x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
kernel boot option: elevator=deadline
16 Gigs of RAM
Bonded e1000/tg3 NICs with 8192 MTU.
Slony 1.1.0

NetApp FAS270 OnTap 7.0.3
Mounted with the NFS options
Jumbo frames 8192 MTU.

All postgres data and logs are stored on the netapp.

In the latest episode, the index corruption was coincident with a
slony-induced vacuum.  I don't know if this was the case with our test
system failures.

What can we do to help identify the cause of this?  I believe we will be
able to reproduce this on a test system if there is some useful
investigation we can perform.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] New feature proposal

2006-05-23 Thread Marc Munro
On Fri, 2006-05-19 at 12:35 -0700, Marc Munro wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-05-19 at 14:44 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> > This could all be solved in a cleaner, more bulletproof way if you
> > simply require such add-ins to be preloaded into the postmaster process
> > using the existing preload_libraries hook.  Then, such an add-in would
> > allocate its own shmem segment independent of the main Postgres one.
> > This totally eliminates worries about one chunk of code eating the other
> > one's memory, which otherwise we'd have to have additional mechanism to
> > deal with.
> This is an interesting idea that I had not previously considered.  I
> will give it some thought.

I have give this idea some further thought and I agree; Tom's solution
is more bulletproof and is the right way to go.  My original proposal is

I am going to look into the best way to implement this but my gut
feeling is that I would like the support infrastructure for this to be
in Postgres rather than in Veil.

By support infrastructure, I mean APIs to create and access new shared
memory segments, and allocate chunks of memory from those shared

I think this code is better placed in Postgres rather than in specific
add-ins because: it is functionality that could benefit many add-ins; it
can make use of existing postgres code; and it can be easily tested in
the regression suite using the buildfarm.

I don't want to start working on this without knowing there is a chance
of the patch being acceptable, so feedback is invited.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] New feature proposal

2006-05-19 Thread Marc Munro
On Fri, 2006-05-19 at 14:44 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> Marc Munro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > My proposal makes it possible for properly configured add-ins to have a
> > guaranteed amount of shared memory available.
> This could all be solved in a cleaner, more bulletproof way if you
> simply require such add-ins to be preloaded into the postmaster process
> using the existing preload_libraries hook.  Then, such an add-in would
> allocate its own shmem segment independent of the main Postgres one.
> This totally eliminates worries about one chunk of code eating the other
> one's memory, which otherwise we'd have to have additional mechanism to
> deal with.

This is an interesting idea that I had not previously considered.  I
will give it some thought.

I'm not convinced that we actually do need to prevent add-ins from
eating each other's memory.  Just as existing add-ins that use palloc
are expected to use the appropriate memory context and behave
themselves, I would expect the same to be true for add-ins that require
shared memory.

> In a Unix environment, such a thing would Just Work because pointers to
> the new segment would be inherited through fork().  In the Windows port
> you'd need to do more pushups --- perhaps allocate a small amount of
> memory in the main Postgres shmem segment containing the ID of the other
> shmem segment, which a backend would use to reattach.

For me, adding windows-specific code to Veil is highly unappealling - I
have no easy way to build or test for windows, and no experience of
doing so, so the more I can leverage the existing functionality, the

I had hoped to simply piggyback on Postgres' existing memory management
with a very small change to effectively add an add-in shared memory

On the other hand, if this is the way we have to go, then perhaps it
could be added to Postgres as part of its api, rather than having Veil,
and perhaps other add-ins, implement it for themselves.



Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] New feature proposal

2006-05-19 Thread Marc Munro
On Fri, 2006-05-19 at 10:05 -0700, Josh Berkus wrote:
> Marc,
> > The add-in would not "know" how much had been allocated to it, but could
> > be told through it's own config file.  I envisage something like:
> >
> > in postgresql.conf
> >
> > # add_in_shmem = 0# Amount of shared mem to set aside for add-ins
> >   # in KBytes
> > add_in_shem = 64
> >
> >
> > in veil.conf
> >
> > veil_shmem = 32   # Amount of shared memory we can use from
> >   # the postgres add-ins shared memory pool
> >
> > I think this is better than add-ins simply stealing from, and contending
> > for, postgres shared memory which is the only real alternative right
> > now.
> H ... what would happen if I did:
> add_in_shmem = 64
> veil_shmem = 128
> or even:
> add_in_shmem = 128
> veil_shmem = 64
> plperl_shmem = 64
> pljava_shmem = 64

If that happens, one of the add-ins will be sadly disappointed when it
tries to use its allocation.  The same as would happen now, if Veil
attempted to allocate too large a chunk of shared memory.

My proposal makes it possible for properly configured add-ins to have a
guaranteed amount of shared memory available.  It allows add-ins to be
well-behaved in their use of shared memory, and it prevents them from
being able to exhaust postgres' own shared memory.

It doesn't prevent add-ins from over-allocating from the add-in memory
context, nor do I think it can or should do this.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] [pgsql-hackers] Daily digest v1.5943 (21 messages)

2006-05-19 Thread Marc Munro
On Fri, 2006-05-19 at 13:41 -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Marc Munro wrote:
> > Veil is currently not a very good
> > Postgres citizen.  It steals what little shared memory it needs from
> > postgres' shared memory using ShmemAlloc().
> > 
> > For Postgres 8.2 I would like Veil to be a better citizen and use
> only
> > what shared memory has been reserved for postgres add-ins.
> Why should this be individually restricted? AFAICS Veil's
> functionality 
> would be essential to access row level ACL controlled tables, so if
> it 
> fails for low mem conditions it's much like a backend failure.

The problem is that postgres currently has no way of knowing how much
shared memory Veil is likely to require, and so will not allocate space
for it.  Consequently if Veil needs a lot of shared memory, it is
unlikely to be able to get it.

My intention is to allow add-ins to use only shared memory that has been
allocated for their own use, to ensure that enough has been allocated,
to isolate postgres shared memory from abuse by add-ins, and to avoid
the need for add-ins to manage their own shared memory.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] New feature proposal

2006-05-19 Thread Marc Munro
On Fri, 2006-05-19 at 13:41 -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> On Thu, 2006-05-18 at 17:39 -0700, Marc Munro wrote:
> > For Postgres 8.2 I would like Veil to be a better citizen and use
> only
> > what shared memory has been reserved for postgres add-ins.
> How would Postgres ask the add-in how much memory it needs? How would
> the add-in know how much has been reserved for it? How would an add-in
> know whether it was the only add-in and whether it could take all of
> the
> allocation?

Postgres would not ask any add-ins how much they need, it would simply
allocate the extra amount defined in a GUC and not make that available
through the normal shared memory allocation mechanism.

The add-in would not "know" how much had been allocated to it, but could
be told through it's own config file.  I envisage something like:

in postgresql.conf

# add_in_shmem = 0# Amount of shared mem to set aside for add-ins
  # in KBytes
add_in_shem = 64

in veil.conf

veil_shmem = 32   # Amount of shared memory we can use from
  # the postgres add-ins shared memory pool

I think this is better than add-ins simply stealing from, and contending
for, postgres shared memory which is the only real alternative right


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

[HACKERS] New feature proposal

2006-05-18 Thread Marc Munro
Veil is currently not a very good
Postgres citizen.  It steals what little shared memory it needs from
postgres' shared memory using ShmemAlloc().

For Postgres 8.2 I would like Veil to be a better citizen and use only
what shared memory has been reserved for postgres add-ins.

So, I would like to propose:
1) that a new shared memory area for add-ins be created
2) that it should be accessible only to add-ins specifically requesting
its use
3) that the size of this add-in memory be controlled through a new GUC

If this proposal is acceptable, I'd like some suggestions for naming the
GUC.  If not we will be stuck with add_in_shmem, specified in Kbytes.

My expectation is that this would be a very small change and one that I
am probably competent to make myself, with a little review from my


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] audit table containing Select statements submitted

2006-05-14 Thread Marc Munro
You could do this using Veil,, or
something like it.  A Veil access function,, could be
used to record every row returned within a query to the user that
requested it.  Note that this operates at the level of fetches and not
the resultset, meaning that queries like:

select stuff from a where exists (select 1 from b where);

would record a fetch against b.

The basic trick is to replace table_that_you_want_audited with a view
that does something like: 

select * from table_that_you_want_audited 
where  audit_this_fetch(row_identifier);

You will also need instead-of triggers for insert, update and delete of
the view.


On Fri, 2006-05-12 at 14:19 -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> From: Hogan, James F. Jr. 
> Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 12:46 PM
> To: ''; ''
> Subject: audit table containing Select statements submitted
> No response from the pgsql-admin list so I though I would try cross
> posting here:
> I just know I am not the first to try and do this 
> Jim
> *
> Can anyone point me in a direction that may help me populate in real
> time a table that holds?
> Current_user
> Timestamp
> "The Select Statement Submitted by the User"
> I need to be able to determine who viewed what and when they viewed
> it.
> I have considered the fact that the result from SELECT yesterday may
> be
> different than the result set returned by the SAME SELECT statement
> today, but when used in conjunction with the INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
> audit logging I have already created, the answers to who viewed, what
> and when would be readily available. 
> I have been searching all morning and...
> The only thing I find on logging of Select statements is that the
> information can be held in the Log Files...if Logging is enabled.  
> As I am only interested in the statements presented against certain
> tables...
> Turning on logging gives me more than I need or care to look through. 
> I could write a script to parses the Log Files into a Database Table
> but
> would prefer to avoid enabling the file logging of statements if
> possible.
> Thanks for any reference or help you may be able to provide.
> Jim

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Re: [HACKERS] [pgsql-hackers] Daily digest v1.5568 (24 messages)

2005-11-21 Thread Marc Munro
I wonder if this idea might be taken a little further, to allow
read-only tablespaces?

This would allow old partitions in very large databases to be kept on
read-only media, and would allow normal backups to ignore this
unchanging set of data.

It also allows for certain specific optimisations for this type of data,
as the MVCC rules are now relaxed.  Inclusion of a row in a read-only
index is now enough to guarantee the visibility of that row to all
backends, and fetches based solely on the index now become possible.

FWIW, Oracle does something like this.  Just a thought.


On Mon, 2005-11-21 at 09:53 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Date: Sun, 20 Nov 2005 22:39:49 +0200 (EET)
> From: Heikki Linnakangas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> Subject: Data directory on read-only media
> Hi,
> I've been thinking about running postgres from read-only media. It's 
> handy for creating demo CDs etc. I hacked together a patch that
> allows 
> you to run Postgres without write permissions to the data directory.

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Re: [HACKERS] Supporting NULL elements in arrays

2005-11-09 Thread Marc Munro
How about representing null array elements with a special-case cast-like
null?  Something like {::null}


On Tue, 2005-11-08 at 23:30 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Date: Tue, 08 Nov 2005 19:21:34 -0500
> From: Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> Subject: Re: Supporting NULL elements in arrays 
> I wrote:
> > ... the most straightforward thing to do is define an empty element
> > as meaning a NULL.  But this might be objected to on a couple of
> grounds:
> I just thought of another, potentially fatal objection: it's ambiguous
> whether '{}'::text[] should be taken to mean an empty (zero-length)
> array or an array containing a single NULL element.
> For backwards compatibility it should mean an empty array, but then
> there's no way to represent ARRAY(NULL) in data dumps, which won't
> do either.
> The only workaround that comes to mind is to allow explicit
> specification of what's meant:  '[1:1]{}' would be needed to represent
> the one-null case.  Ugly.
> Ideas anyone?
> regards, tom lane

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

[HACKERS] Odd db lockup - investigation advice wanted

2005-11-07 Thread Marc Munro
Last week I managed to lock-up and then crash a development database.
I'm going to try to reproduce it today and would like to know what I can
do to further investigate the problem.

I am running Linux 2.6.9-11.ELsmp X86_64 on a Quad Dual-Core Opteron

I have the following postgres RPMs installed:


PGDATA is installed on a Netapp network storage device.

We are using slony 1.1.0 for replication.

The (provider) database locked-up after I killed a slony client process
(kill -9) on the subscriber.  Psql connections would not respond to \d
and simply locked up.  I was able to run a query to check for blocking
locks - this returned no rows.  There was a significant test load on the
database at the time.

I stopped the database but was unable to restart it.  I was unable to
kill a number of postgres processes and could not release postgres
shared memory.  Having decided that the database was toast, I discovered
that I could not even delete the database files, and eventually the only
solution was a full reboot.

This hardware was destined to be put into production in the next two
weeks but this crash has shaken our confidence somewhat.  Any advice on
how to further investigate this would be much appreciated

Here is an exerpt from the logs at the time of the failure:
LOG:  duration: 4143.996 ms  statement: execute wibble_transaction
( '2012416', '3410660', '2005-11-04 17:39:49 -0600', '20005', '3', '0',
'{8,0,0,0,2,1,0,7,2,23,26,0}' )
LOG:  duration: 4814.012 ms  statement: execute write_wibble
( '2048847',
LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection
LOG:  received fast shutdown request
LOG:  aborting any active transactions
LOG:  received immediate shutdown request
WARNING:  terminating connection because of crash of another server
DETAIL:  The postmaster has commanded this server process to roll back
the current transaction and exit, because another server process exited
abnormally and possibly corrupted shared memory.
HINT:  In a moment you should be able to reconnect to the database and
repeat your command.
WARNING:  terminating connection because of crash of another server
DETAIL:  The postmaster has commanded this server process to roll back
the current transaction and exit, because another server process exited
abnormally and possibly corrupted shared memory.
HINT:  In a moment you should be able to reconnect to the database and
repeat your command.

My lock checking query:

select d.datname || '.' || c.relname as object,
   l.transaction as trans,, l.mode, 
   case when b.blocked then b.blocker else null end as blocker
from  (
select as pid, as blocker, 't'::bool as blocked
from   pg_locks h, pg_locks w
where  h.granted 
andnot w.granted 
and   (   (h.relation = w.relation and h.database = w.database) 
   or  h.transaction = w.transaction)
select, null, 'f'::bool as blocked
from   pg_locks h, pg_locks w
where  h.granted 
andnot w.granted 
and   (   (h.relation = w.relation and h.database = w.database) 
   or  h.transaction = w.transaction)
   ) b,
   pg_locks l
left outer join pg_database d
 on d.oid = l.database
left outer join  pg_class c
 on c.oid = l.relation
where =
order by;

Thanks for any suggestions.


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Re: [HACKERS] dynamic loading of .so (originally from

2005-10-24 Thread Marc Munro
There are two problems, though maybe I came to the wrong solution.  I'm
not averse to changing it.

1) Veil starts from a user process and not from the postmaster.  This
means that any shared memory segments created can not necessarily be
mapped to the same address space in each process, which makes using such
shared memory a little more painful than just referencing pointers.

2) There is no simple way to close the shared memory segement when
postgres shuts down.

In an earlier version of Veil I did allocate my own shared memory and
could revive the code if we can overcome problem number 2.  I'd like to
also overcome problem 1 as it makes the code extremely ugly but it's no
show stopper.

Any thoughts?


On Mon, 2005-10-24 at 09:24 -0400, Bruce Momjian wrote:
> Uh, why does Veil have to allocate space from the backend shared memory
> pool rather than allocating its own shared memory segment?
> -------
> Marc Munro wrote:
> -- Start of PGP signed section.
> > Tom,
> > My project, Veil, steals some of this shared memory for itself.  I wan't
> > aware of the "slop factor" and was pleased that it just worked.  I guess
> > I should have been asking questions of this group.  Sorry.
> > 
> > I would like Veil to be a good citizen and place a legitimate request
> > for its shared memory (probably about 16K normally).
> > 
> > Veil is loaded as a shared library, which I would assume means that it
> > is not present during database startup, making contributing to the
> > sizing calculation and racing the lockmgr a little tricky.
> > 
> > I see a number of possibilities:
> > 
> > - Have a GUC to allocate shmem space for add-ons
> > - Have add-ons register themselves and provide hooks for sizing and
> > initial space allocation
> > - Let add-ons race with the lockmgr for the slop (ie leave as it is)
> > 
> > Thoughts?
> > 
> > I would be happy to work on this and provide whatever patches are
> > necessary.
> > 
> > Thanks.
> > __
> > Marc Munro
> > 
> > On Mon, 2005-10-17 at 10:34 -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > wrote:
> > > Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2005 00:42:17 -0400
> > > From: Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > To: Douglas McNaught <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > "" 
> > > Subject: Re: dynamic loading of .so 
> > > Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > 
> > > Douglas McNaught <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > >> are there any way to make them global for all the instances?
> > > 
> > > > Put them in shared memory.  This probably isn't trival, as all the
> > > > shared memory is allocated up front and used for existing purposes
> > > (at
> > > > least, as I understand it). 
> > > 
> > > There's a "slop factor" of 100KB or so in the shared memory size
> > > calculation, which means that an add-on library that requests space
> > > soon
> > > enough could probably get away with allocating up to a few KB without
> > > causing any problems.  (The slop is not totally useless, since for
> > > instance the lock manager might eat it up if more locks get requested
> > > than expected.)
> > > 
> > > In the long run it might be interesting to add hooks that allow
> > > preloaded libraries to contribute to the shmem sizing calculation and
> > > then to snarf up the space they've requested before it can get eaten
> > > by
> > > the lockmgr.
> > > 
> > > regards, tom lane
> > > 
> -- End of PGP section, PGP failed!

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Re: [HACKERS] dynamic loading of .so (originally from pgsql-general)

2005-10-17 Thread Marc Munro
My project, Veil, steals some of this shared memory for itself.  I wan't
aware of the "slop factor" and was pleased that it just worked.  I guess
I should have been asking questions of this group.  Sorry.

I would like Veil to be a good citizen and place a legitimate request
for its shared memory (probably about 16K normally).

Veil is loaded as a shared library, which I would assume means that it
is not present during database startup, making contributing to the
sizing calculation and racing the lockmgr a little tricky.

I see a number of possibilities:

- Have a GUC to allocate shmem space for add-ons
- Have add-ons register themselves and provide hooks for sizing and
initial space allocation
- Let add-ons race with the lockmgr for the slop (ie leave as it is)


I would be happy to work on this and provide whatever patches are

Marc Munro

On Mon, 2005-10-17 at 10:34 -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2005 00:42:17 -0400
> From: Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Douglas McNaught <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> "" 
> Subject: Re: dynamic loading of .so 
> Douglas McNaught <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> are there any way to make them global for all the instances?
> > Put them in shared memory.  This probably isn't trival, as all the
> > shared memory is allocated up front and used for existing purposes
> (at
> > least, as I understand it). 
> There's a "slop factor" of 100KB or so in the shared memory size
> calculation, which means that an add-on library that requests space
> soon
> enough could probably get away with allocating up to a few KB without
> causing any problems.  (The slop is not totally useless, since for
> instance the lock manager might eat it up if more locks get requested
> than expected.)
> In the long run it might be interesting to add hooks that allow
> preloaded libraries to contribute to the shmem sizing calculation and
> then to snarf up the space they've requested before it can get eaten
> by
> the lockmgr.
> regards, tom lane

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: User-assigned LWLocks (was Re: [HACKERS] Announcing Veil)

2005-10-09 Thread Marc Munro
For my part, I don't see any current need for extra locking here.

Veil ensures that only one session ever calls LWLockAssign(), and as the
Veil LWLock is allocated on the first piece of user-invoked SQL to call
a Veil function, I see no scope for races between Veil and the rest of

Maybe the correct thing to do is only allow 1 user-defined LWLock for
now, and place a comment with the definition of NUM_USER_DEFINED_LWLOCKS
to warn that locking should be implemented if more than 1 is ever


On Fri, 2005-10-07 at 16:21 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> Marc Munro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On the use of LWLockAssign():can anyone tell me if I should protect the
> > call using the ShmemLock spinlock?
> Hmm ... the comment for LWLockAssign is not meant to imply that the
> caller could do that; in the event of being out of LWLocks, the code
> would elog(FATAL) without releasing the spinlock, which would lock up
> the whole database.  If we were to do it that way we'd need the spinlock
> handling to be done inside LWLockAssign.  This would not be that bad,
> just a marginal slowdown during database startup, but given the low
> demand for this feature I'm not very eager to do it.
> The alternative though would seem to be to adopt some convention about
> another LWLock to take while trying to assign a new LWLock post-startup.
> None of the existing locks seem very appropriate for this, and putting
> the responsibility on callers might be unwise anyway.
> Thoughts?
>   regards, tom lane

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] Announcing Veil

2005-10-07 Thread Marc Munro
In response to both Bruce and Tom,
Thanks for this.  I am very happy that this patch will be going in.
Thanks also for pointing out the correct header to use.

As Tom points out, this will do nothing for users of 7.4 and 8.0.  For
these versions I propose to continue to use MMCacheLock.  As far as I
can see, this is safe in 7.4, and otherwise unused in 8.0.

On the use of LWLockAssign():can anyone tell me if I should protect the
call using the ShmemLock spinlock?

Marc Munro

On Fri, 2005-10-07 at 00:10 -0400, Bruce Momjian wrote:
> Tom Lane wrote:
> > Bruce Momjian  writes:
> > > Tom Lane wrote:
> > >> With only one known request for a user-allocate d lock, it's hard to
> > >> justify the overhead of a GUC variable.
> > 
> > > True, but are people going to recompile PostgreSQL to use this feature?
> > > Seems they would have to.
> > 
> > How you figure that?  The proposed default value was 4, which seems
> > fine to me, given that the known worldwide demand amounts to 1.
> Oh, so you are going to give him a few slots.  I thought we were going
> to default to 0 and he was going to have to bump it up to use his
> software.  That sounds fine to me.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] Announcing Veil

2005-10-05 Thread Marc Munro
Thanks for your reponse.  Unless I am missing your point, to add more
locks we require a minor code change to the postgres server.  I am happy
to submit a patch but this will not help Veil work with existing
versions of Postgres.  I am aiming for compatibility with 7.4 onward.
Your views on this would be appreciated.

Assuming that simply allocating a few extra LWLocks for user-defined
functions is acceptable, here are some patches:

*** ./src/backend/storage/lmgr/lwlock.c Sat Aug 20 16:26:24 2005
--- lwlock.cWed Oct  5 08:20:31 2005
*** 120,126 
numLocks += 2 * NUM_SLRU_BUFFERS;

!   /* Perhaps create a few more for use by user-defined modules? */

return numLocks;
--- 120,127 
numLocks += 2 * NUM_SLRU_BUFFERS;

!   /* Create a few more for use by user-defined modules. */

return numLocks;
*** ./src/include/storage/lwlock.h  Sat Aug 20 16:26:34 2005
--- lwlock.hWed Oct  5 08:22:26 2005
*** 53,58 
--- 53,62 
MaxDynamicLWLock = 10
  } LWLockId;
+ /*
+  * Allocate a few LWLocks for user-defined functions.
+  */

  typedef enum LWLockMode

Marc Munro

On Tue, 2005-10-04 at 22:51 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> Marc Munro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Since I was unable to dynamically assign a LWLock using
> > LWLockAssign (none available), I have fairly arbitrarily overloaded the
> > use of existing LWLocks.  When the flames die down perhaps we can
> > discuss making a small number (one would be enough for me) of LWLocks
> > available.
> Perhaps you missed the comment in NumLWLocks()?
>   regards, tom lane

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

[HACKERS] Announcing Veil

2005-10-04 Thread Marc Munro
This is to announce the first, Alpha, release of Veil, a database
security add-on for Postgres. It allows databases to be created with
efficient row-level access controls; different users have access to
different subsets of data.

Veil is hosted on pgfoundry at
Documentation is here:

If there is sufficient interest, I would ultimately like Veil to be
added to contrib - we will have to see how things pan out.

I am announcing this to the postgres hackers list as I hope for review
comments from a qualified community.  All comments will be welcomed.

If you would like somewhere controversial to start your review, take a
look at veil_shmem.c which hooks into the postgres shared memory
subsystem.  Since I was unable to dynamically assign a LWLock using
LWLockAssign (none available), I have fairly arbitrarily overloaded the
use of existing LWLocks.  When the flames die down perhaps we can
discuss making a small number (one would be enough for me) of LWLocks

Thank you.

Marc Munro

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [HACKERS] Incremental backup

2003-02-15 Thread Marc Munro
Hi.  I was looking into PITR for PostgreSQL myself about a year back but
life intervened.  I am an Oracle DBA so may be able to help you with an
understanding of how Oracle does this.

You wrote:
> Oracle has something they call "rollback segments" which I assume are
> separate bits of data that have enough information to reverse changes
> that were made to the database during a transaction, and I figured
> PITR would (or could) apply particular saved rollback segments to the
> current state in order to "roll back" a table, tablespace, or database
> to the state it was in at a particular point in time.
> As it is, it sounds like PITR is a bit less refined than I expected.

Actually Oracle uses its redo logs (like PostgreSQL' WAL) and
archivelogs (copies of old redo logs) rather than rollback segments.

The way it works, more or less, is that you start from a hot backup, and
roll-forward using archivelogs and redo logs to the point in time to
which you wish to recover.  The whole point of this is not so much that
we can restore our database to some point in the past, as that we can
recover to just before some disaster struck, from a starting point of a
previous hot backup.  In fact, the whole PITR thing for Oracle seems to
be simply an enabling technology for hot backups.  This seems to me to
be one of the killer enterprise features that PostgreSQL currently

> So the relevant question is: how is *our* PITR going to work?  In
> particular, how is it going to interact with our WAL files and the
> table store?  If I'm not mistaken, right now (well, as of 7.2 anyway)
> we round robin through a fixed set of WAL files.  For PITR, I assume
> we'd need an archivelog function that would copy the WAL files as
> they're checkpointed to some other location (with destination names
> that reflect their order in time), just for starters.

I believe that three things are needed:
1) filesystem-based hot backups.  It may be possible to simply copy the
database files even though they would be open.  Oracle places each
tablespace into a hot-backup mode prior to taking the copy. In this
mode, updates to the files are queued-up to be applied once the
tablespace is taken out of hot-backup mode.  This all seems quite tricky
and will slow the database down.

2) Auto-archiving of WAL files.  Just as you suggest.

3) A recovery controller that can figure out the state of the restored
database, and manage the reapplication of archived and current WAL
> It'd be *awfully* nice if you could issue a command to roll a table
> (or, perhaps, a tablespace, if you've got a bunch of foreign keys and
> such) back to a particular point in time, from the command line, with
> no significant advance preparation (so long as the required files are
> still around, and if they're not then abort the operation with the
> appropriate error message).  But it doesn't sound like that's what
> we're talking about when we talk about PITR...

Nice but lots of work for questionable benefit.  If your application
needs to keep track of history there are better ways to do it.  If not,
then PITR should be seen as an exceptional circumstance and so need not
be so easy to manage.
> I wouldn't expect the O* docs to be particularly revealing about
> how the database manages PITR at the file level, but if it does, would
> you happen to know where so I can look at it?  What I've seen so far
> is very basic and not very revealing at all...

The best Oracle documentation on this is available through Oracle
technet ( for which you will have to need to
register.  Look for documentation->Oracle 9i Documentation->list of
books->Backup and Recovery Concepts.


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