[PHP] Regex for Advanced search feature

2007-10-19 Thread Kevin Murphy
I'm trying to create an advanced search feature for my site, and I  
have it mostly working the way I want. I take whatever search term  
($searchkey) that the user submits, explodes if off any spaces  
between words, and then use that to search for each word separately.

$keys = explode(" ",$searchkey);

So the search phrase of:

Dog Cat Horse

would output :

[0] => Dog
[1] => Cat
[2] => Horse

However, I would like to add the ability to have phrases in there  
indicated by " marks. So, if the search phrase was this:

"Dog Cat" Horse

It would output:

[0] => Dog Cat
[1] => Horse

My concept to solve this is right before I explode the keys as above,  
to replace any spaces within " marks with a garbage string of  
characters (say XX) using a regular expression, and then  
later replace it back with a space. However, I suck at regular  
expressions and can't figure it out.

Anyone have a way for me to accomplish this with a regular expression  
or with another method?

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada College

P.S. Please note that my e-mail and website address have changed from  
wncc.edu to wnc.edu.

Re: [PHP] count vs mysql_num_rows

2007-10-08 Thread Kevin Murphy

Is this a joke?  You are using a LIMIT 1, so your count is always  
going to be 1.

No, its not a joke. The answer is not going to always 1, its going to  
be 1 (the value exists in the DB at least once) or 0 (the value  
doesn't exist in the DB), that's what I am trying to test for. I  
don't need to know how many times something exists, just if it does.

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada College

[PHP] count vs mysql_num_rows

2007-10-08 Thread Kevin Murphy
I've got a little function that just checks to see if something is in  
a mysql db. There are several ways to do this and was curious as to  
the best way. The following are 2 (simplified) versions that work  
just fine. If these are the best ways, which of the following is  
better from a performance standpoint. And if there is a way that is  
better than one of these, I'd love to know what that is.

$query = "SELECT count(id) as count FROM wncci_intranet.iAdmin_users  
WHERE name = '$name' LIMIT 1";

$results = mysql_query($query);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($results);
$count = $row["count"];
return $count;


$query = "SELECT id FROM wncci_intranet.iAdmin_users WHERE name =  
'$name' LIMIT 1";

$results = mysql_query($query);
$count = mysql_num_rows($results);
return $count;


Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada College

P.S. Please note that my e-mail and website address have changed from  
wncc.edu to wnc.edu.

Re: [PHP] Re: strpos error (I'm missing something obvious)

2007-10-02 Thread Kevin Murphy
Thanks for the info. I've modified the script to reflect that. I  
actually ended up reversing it, and so I used !== 0 which should work  
just the same.

All this is a minor portion of a much larger security scheme for an  
intranet site (which is protected by an LDAP server), where I am just  
trying to keep images outside the web directory, and want to prevent  
people from linking directly to an image... the only way an image  
displays is if they view the page, and not link directly to the  
image. Not foolproof, I know, but I'm not dealing with the general  
population here, just internal employees some of whom are more  
computer savvy than others.

Thanks all for your help. It seems to be working now.

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada College

P.S. Please note that my e-mail and website address have changed from  
wncc.edu to wnc.edu.

On Oct 2, 2007, at 8:32 AM, Andrew Ballard wrote:

I'd suggest the following *slight* enhancement to make sure that the
HTTP_REFERER actually *begins* with the site name, not simply contains

// prevents visits from pages like
if (strpos($referer, $site) === 0)
echo 'yes';

(or, if you like the preg solution)
if (preg_match("%^$site%", $referer))

However, I'd argue that the effectiveness of checking the referrer
itself could be considered "negligible", and hardly "foolproof". The
header is easily spoofed in scripts, and may not even be sent at all
by legitimate clients because of various browser and/or personal
firewall options.


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Re: [PHP] strpos error (I'm missing something obvious)

2007-10-01 Thread Kevin Murphy
I fixed this by changing === TRUE to !== FALSE, so I think I am good  
to go now. But would still like to know why TRUE doesn't work. Thanks.

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada College

P.S. Please note that my e-mail and website address have changed from  
wncc.edu to wnc.edu.

On Oct 1, 2007, at 2:23 PM, Kevin Murphy wrote:

Overly simplified version of my code.

$site = "http://www.wnc.edu";;
$referer = $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"];

echo $referer;  // the output is correct at: http://www.wnc.edu/test/

if (strpos($referer,$site) === TRUE)
echo "yes";

Why doesn't it echo out "yes"? I know I am doing something stupid  
here, but it doesn't seem to work  :-)

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada College

P.S. Please note that my e-mail and website address have changed  
from wncc.edu to wnc.edu.

[PHP] strpos error (I'm missing something obvious)

2007-10-01 Thread Kevin Murphy

Overly simplified version of my code.

$site = "http://www.wnc.edu";;
$referer = $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"];

echo $referer;  // the output is correct at: http://www.wnc.edu/test/

if (strpos($referer,$site) === TRUE)
echo "yes";

Why doesn't it echo out "yes"? I know I am doing something stupid  
here, but it doesn't seem to work  :-)

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada College

P.S. Please note that my e-mail and website address have changed from  
wncc.edu to wnc.edu.

[PHP] Secure Image Storage

2007-10-01 Thread Kevin Murphy

Hello all,

Following up with my success last week with putting downloadable  
files in a directory above the web root and then using a combination  
of fopen and stuff to download the file, I am now trying to do  
something similar with images.

However, what I am trying to do is to put an image file above the web  
root, then use PHP to display that image in the web page, and not  
download it. I have the feeling that this isn't possible (all  
solutions I've seen involve using header() function, which won't work  
since this is midway down the page), but I wanted to make sure. This  
will return the binary source of the file:

print file_get_contents($file_path);

but doesn't display the image. Is there any way to have this (or  
something else) generate the image?

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada College

P.S. Please note that my e-mail and website address have changed from  
wncc.edu to wnc.edu.

Re: [PHP] Re: Strategy for Secure File Storage

2007-09-24 Thread Kevin Murphy
Ok, I'm almost there. I took what everyone said (and a few Google  
searches later) and built this, which works great on Firefox and  
Safari (both mac and PC). The $path leads to a directory outside the  
web root, and there is also an array with all the mime types in it  

$file_path = $path."/".$file;

$ext = explode(".",$file);

$filesize = filesize($file_path);

$extension = $mimetypes["$ext[1]"];

header("Content-type: $extension");
header("Content-length: $filesize");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$file\"");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
$file = file_get_contents($file_path);
echo ($file);

The problem is IE7. All browsers work with this code as is but IE  
says "Internet Explorer cannot download test.pdf from XXX"

Any suggestions?

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada College

P.S. Please note that my e-mail and website address have changed from  
wncc.edu to wnc.edu. 

[PHP] Strategy for Secure File Storage

2007-09-24 Thread Kevin Murphy
I'm working on a intranet site that uses an LDAP server to  
authenticate users and then a integrated CMS (kind of like a wiki  
with security features so only certain people can post things or  
upload files) runs the whole thing. (The CMS is custom built with PHP).

I've got a need to make certain files secured so that if someone  
uploads a file they can specify that no one except certain people can  
view the file. I've got all the security features set up, what I need  
to do is come up with the best way of securing those files. Obviously  
the link won't show to those files if the user doesn't have access to  
it, but I'm worried that someone might know the link and be able to  
access the file that they are not supposed be able to see.

This doesn't need to be NSA level security, but I do need to protect  
against some computer savvy users. So, I'm pondering the following  
ideas for hiding those files. Any insight on the best method would be  

1) Write secure files to MySQL as a blob (only secure files would be  
written there)

2) Write secure files to the level below the web root and come up  
with a way of copying the files over to a temporary directory for  
access, then delete the files as soon as they are accessed.

3) Use Unix passwords to protect a folder in the web level and then  
the CMS knows the password and can pass the password for access (so  
that the user doesn't know this password, but the CMS does).

4) Some various forms of link obfuscation, where the CMS goes through  
all the secure files once an hour or so and rewrites the file name  
with a random string.

5) Or ???? I'm open to suggestions.

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada College

P.S. Please note that my e-mail and website address have changed from  
wncc.edu to wnc.edu. 

[PHP] PHPSESSID in links

2007-09-17 Thread Kevin Murphy
I've got a site (password protected, sorry) where I have this in the  
top of my template:

$iSessionId = session_id();
$iSessionName = session_name();

Then I have a bunch of links like this in the site:

echo "Departments";

The first time, and only the first time you load the page, that link  
is transformed in the HTML output to be this:


But if I reload the page, or go to any other page, I will get this:


which is what I want. Obviously I could do something where if it  
detects the PHPSESSID in the URL, it forces the page to reload, but I  
was thinking that there would be another way to do this without  
adding another page load into the mix. Is there?

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada College

P.S. Please note that my e-mail and website address have changed from  
wncc.edu to wnc.edu. 

Re: [PHP] IE Not Following Header("Location: /path/to/file.php");

2007-09-06 Thread Kevin Murphy
Also, turn on error reporting and see if an error is being generated  
before the header is sent.

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada College

P.S. Please note that my e-mail and website address have changed from  
wncc.edu to wnc.edu.

On Sep 6, 2007, at 11:44 AM, Edward Kay wrote:

Scott Wilcox wrote:

hey folks.

I have a strange problem with IE sometimes. It doesn't seem to accept
and follow a header sent to the browser. The action occurs when a  

logs in, then is sent this header.

Any hints/ideas appreciated.


Get Microsoft's (free) Fiddler Tool and look at the exact info been  
sent and received:



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Re: [PHP] manual vs. meta refresh

2007-08-13 Thread Kevin Murphy

On Aug 13, 2007, at 2:16 PM, Richard Lynch wrote:

Of course, the question of whether it's a Good Idea to show something
different for a manual Refresh versus META refresh springs to mind...

I can't see why you'd want to do this for anything other than
educational purposes...

Well, as the OP, I can first tell you all that I don't actually need  
to do this anymore quite like this. Basically, what I was trying to  
accomplish was that I have an application that has access to  
sensitive student data (like grades and stuff), and I wanted to write  
it so that it would log you out and display a different screen after  
a specified period of time just in case the instructor walked  
away from their computer we didn't want it displaying whatever the  
instructor was last looking at forever.

So what I was doing was refreshing the page every 31 minutes and  
comparing with the last time the page was accessed (set via a session  
variable), and if longer than 30 minutes, it would log you out and  
show you a login form rather than the page you were looking at. The  
problem came in the fact that if you had 2 windows open  
simultaneously, the PHP couldn't tell if it was the background window  
or the front window doing the loading, so therefore it would never  
log you our.

The solution, which came to me from some of the early comments, was  
to create a new page that the META refresh sent to (logout.php) and  
then anytime you hit that page, it logs you out. So if the background  
or foreground window now refreshes and gets sent to that page.

Thanks everyone for their help on this.

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada College

P.S. Please note that my e-mail and website address have changed from  
wncc.edu to wnc.edu.

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[PHP] Date Problem with \n

2007-08-13 Thread Kevin Murphy

Small issue with formatting a date. If I type in this:

echo date("g:i:s a \o\n l F j, Y");

the "n" character in the word "on" doesn't appear, but instead what I  
get is a new line in the source code. If I type it as:

echo date("g:i:s a \on l F j, Y");

I get the number 8 (current month) where the n is supposed to be.

Is there any way to get an "n" in there?

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada College

P.S. Please note that my e-mail and website address have changed from  
wncc.edu to wnc.edu.

[PHP] manual vs. meta refresh

2007-08-10 Thread Kevin Murphy
I doubt this, but is there any way to determine via PHP if a browser  
was refreshed automatically via a META tag vs the person clicking the  
refresh button?

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada College

P.S. Please note that my e-mail and website address have changed from  
wncc.edu to wnc.edu.

[PHP] Problem with filemtime

2007-07-31 Thread Kevin Murphy
I'm running the following script (simplified for discussion) to  
create a CSV file. My problem here is that the first filemtime and  
the last filemtime always equal each other. What I am trying to get  
is the filemtime ($new_last_modified) of the file that was just  
executed 3 lines earlier. Is there something I need to do  
differently? I tried putting a sleep(20) after the fclose, but that  
didn't seem to help.

$csv_file = "myFile.csv";
$last_modified_csv = filemtime($csv_file);

$fh = fopen($csv_file, 'w') or die("can't open file");
fwrite($fh, "Data Goes Here");

$new_last_modified = filemtime($csv_file);

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada College

Re: [PHP] Checking Phone Numbers

2007-06-14 Thread Kevin Murphy
Well, in my context where this is an application to apply to a  
community college, I think I can safely exclude non-us phone  
numbers. :-)

The code that Robert supplied seems to work just great. Thanks.

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada College

On Jun 14, 2007, at 10:25 AM, Daniel Brown wrote:

On 6/14/07, Edward Kay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> -Original Message-
> From: Kevin Murphy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 14 June 2007 16:38
> To: php
> Subject: [PHP] Checking Phone Numbers
> I collect phone numbers via a web form that breaks the phone number
> up into 3 parts (3-digit area, 3-digit prefix, etc).  
Occasionally, I

> am having people put in a phone number such as 999-999- or
> 000-000- or other numbers that are all the same. How would I go
> about comparing those three fields to see if they are all the same
> numbers. I can't just exclude it anytime that the numbers all  
> for example 444 is a valid area code. It should only fail if all  

> numbers are exactly the same.
> All the processes I've come up with seem to be rather  
convoluted. Is

> there a simple way to test for this?
> --
> Kevin Murphy
> Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
> Western Nevada College
> www.wnc.edu
> 775-445-3326

Whilst there are several ways to do this, it's not going to make  
entering dummy data give you their real phone number. They'll just  
another one that bypasses your check, e.g. 111-222- or  

I'd also caution about forcing any specific format on telephone  
numbers. I'm

in the UK and our phone numbers are in the format -xxx-,
xxx-- or x-xx. This would not work with your form.  
If people
are happy to give you their number, let them type it how it is. It  

even include other characters, e.g. +44 (0)1234 567890 ex 324


PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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   My suggestion is that we require the United Kingdom and other
countries around the world to conform to our standards of telephone
numbers.  After all, isn't that what we do in America; change the
world to meet our expectations or choose to shun them for not doing

   Nevermind that would go far beyond list topics and wy too
far into the realm of political dissent.

Daniel P. Brown
[office] (570-) 587-7080 Ext. 272
[mobile] (570-) 766-8107

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] Checking Phone Numbers

2007-06-14 Thread Kevin Murphy
I collect phone numbers via a web form that breaks the phone number  
up into 3 parts (3-digit area, 3-digit prefix, etc). Occasionally, I  
am having people put in a phone number such as 999-999- or  
000-000- or other numbers that are all the same. How would I go  
about comparing those three fields to see if they are all the same  
numbers. I can't just exclude it anytime that the numbers all match,  
for example 444 is a valid area code. It should only fail if all the  
numbers are exactly the same.

All the processes I've come up with seem to be rather convoluted. Is  
there a simple way to test for this?

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada College

Re: [PHP] Include file questions

2007-05-23 Thread Kevin Murphy

.inc files have a disadvantage in that if you view the file:


you can see the php code. I prefer not to use those just on the off  
chance that someone can see my code and use that as the basis for  
figuring out a way to exploit it (especially true of password files,  

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College

On May 23, 2007, at 1:48 PM, Stephen wrote:

1) Does the filename extension matter? I prefer *.inc? It seems to  
work fine, but I only see others using *.php

  2) Does the include file need an opening  ?

  Not big issues, but I am curious.


Re: [PHP] format date field

2007-05-23 Thread Kevin Murphy
Leave the date as is, its a MySQL thing. To format it on your page,  
use the date function:

$formattedDate = date("m-d-Y",strtotime($row["open"]));


Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College

On May 23, 2007, at 9:45 AM, Mike Ryan wrote:

I am reading in a date field from a mysql database the field on the  

shows up as 2007-05-01  on the screen I would like the field to show
05-01-2007  currently I am issueing the following command  print
$row['open']; how can I format this field???

while I am at it how can I accept the date field as 05-01-2007;

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Re: [PHP] Banner rotation with links

2007-02-15 Thread Kevin Murphy
On my home page i have all my banners in a MySQL database which  
includes the image path, the link, and the description as separate  
fields. The then do a MySQL query with a query that will look  
something like this:

$query = "select * FROM banner ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1";

Seems to work just fine.

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College

On Feb 14, 2007, at 8:29 AM, Chris Carter wrote:

How can I rotate a banner as well as the link in it within a page  
using PHP.
This can be done as a include file php. Anybody please supply some  
code or a

link for this.

Thanks in advance.

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Banner-rotation- 

Sent from the PHP - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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[PHP] To many connections error message

2007-01-23 Thread Kevin Murphy
I'm working with my host to resolve why I am getting these error  
messages, but in the meantime, I am getting this message on the website:

Warning: mysql_connect(): Too many connections in /path/number/user/ 
code/connect.php on line 10
Sorry: Could not connect to database. Please contact the webmaster at  

Where my connection code is:

$con = mysql_connect($host, $dbuser, $pw)
		or die("Sorry: Could not connect to database. Please contact the  
webmaster at [EMAIL PROTECTED]");


The questions is, since I don't have error reporting turned on, why  
am I getting an error message that includes the complete path to my  
connect script something I would like to not be telling the  
general public? Is there a way to suppress that?

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College

Re: [PHP] dynamic lists

2007-01-17 Thread Kevin Murphy

On Jan 17, 2007, at 2:20 PM, Jochem Maas wrote:

Kevin Murphy wrote:

On Jan 17, 2007, at 1:39 PM, Brad Fuller wrote:

-Original Message-
From: Jay Blanchard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2007 4:05 PM
To: Don; php-general@lists.php.net
Subject: RE: [PHP] dynamic lists

By dynamic drop list I mean the type where the options
contained in the subsequent list depend on what was picked in
the previous list without clicking submit.

PHP is server side, you need to do this with AJAX or Javascript

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unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php


There's a few different ways to do this.

#1) Submit the form (to itself) when a user chooses an option  
from the

list (using onChange=form.submit()) then with PHP query the database
for the
second set of options.

#2) Use JavaScript to store all the values and pop them in when  
the user
chooses an option from the first list (using onChange=someFunction 

I like #2.  If you need a starting point, google for "javascript  

select list"

Hope that helps,


FYI... Neither #1 or #2 are considered good practice for
Accessibility/ADA compliance. If you are using a keyboard or screen
reader to view your website, it will always pick the first one in the
list and you won't have the option of even seeing the rest of the  

Basically, anything that uses onchange or onselect will cause
accessibility issues. The only way to accomplish this is using  

or submitting the form.

that stance basically negates everything 'ajax', flash, video and  
considered to be remotely 'web2.0' - is the 'low-common- 
denominator' case

always the correct choice?

I understand the importance of accessibility but the practicality  
of most
peoples' job in this sector means satisfying the requirements of a  
that demands such dynamic functionality such as the auto-selection  

given here.

is there not an argument that screen-reader and [braille] keyboard  
are somwhat responsible for being capable of 'keeping up' - given  
that an

onclick can be handled why not an 'onchange' (in theory)?

Not saying I disagree with you. which is why i tossed it out  
there as an FYI rather than anything else. But its something that you  
should be aware of when designing a site and weighing your options.  
For me, working for a governmental institution, I really don't have a  
choice. I can't throw anything into the website that has a negative  
ADA impact unless of course I have an alternate way of  
accomplishing the same thing.

And yes, there is an argument that screen-readers should keep up with  
the technology, and I totally agree with you. but that's not   
reality. Target.com got sued recently for lack of ADA compliance on  
their website. The screen reading software company wasn't the one sued.


Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College

Re: [PHP] dynamic lists

2007-01-17 Thread Kevin Murphy

On Jan 17, 2007, at 1:39 PM, Brad Fuller wrote:

-Original Message-
From: Jay Blanchard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2007 4:05 PM
To: Don; php-general@lists.php.net
Subject: RE: [PHP] dynamic lists

By dynamic drop list I mean the type where the options
contained in the subsequent list depend on what was picked in
the previous list without clicking submit.

PHP is server side, you need to do this with AJAX or Javascript

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To
unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php


There's a few different ways to do this.

#1) Submit the form (to itself) when a user chooses an option from  
the first
list (using onChange=form.submit()) then with PHP query the  
database for the

second set of options.

#2) Use JavaScript to store all the values and pop them in when the  
chooses an option from the first list (using onChange=someFunction 

I like #2.  If you need a starting point, google for "javascript  

select list"

Hope that helps,


FYI... Neither #1 or #2 are considered good practice for  
Accessibility/ADA compliance. If you are using a keyboard or screen  
reader to view your website, it will always pick the first one in the  
list and you won't have the option of even seeing the rest of the  
list. Basically, anything that uses onchange or onselect will cause  
accessibility issues. The only way to accomplish this is using  
onclick or submitting the form.

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College

[PHP] Re: SOLVED: [PHP] Sort Array not working

2007-01-09 Thread Kevin Murphy
Once you see it in email, sometimes the obvious jumps out at you.  
Fixed this on my own.

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College

On Jan 9, 2007, at 10:41 AM, Kevin Murphy wrote:

I'm having trouble sorting an array. When I do, it empties the  
array for some reason. Take the following code:

$data = "bird,dog,cat,dog,,horse,bird,bird,bird,lizard";

$array = explode(",",$data);  // Create the array
$array = array_diff($array, array(""));   // Drop the empty elements
$array = array_unique($array);  // Drop the duplicate elements
$array = array_merge($array);   // Reset the array keys

print_r ($array);

Up to here it works great. The resulting output is:

Array ( [0] => bird [1] => dog [2] => cat [3] => horse [4] => lizard )

Then if I do this:

$array = sort($array);  // Sorts the array

print_r ($array);

The output is "1". I've tried asort, rsort in the place of sort and  
get the same results. I've also tried putting the sort in between  
the first 4 steps and that doesn't work either. Obviously I'm doing  
something wrong here. I'm using PHP 4.3.4. Any suggestions?

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College

[PHP] Sort Array not working

2007-01-09 Thread Kevin Murphy
I'm having trouble sorting an array. When I do, it empties the array  
for some reason. Take the following code:

$data = "bird,dog,cat,dog,,horse,bird,bird,bird,lizard";

$array = explode(",",$data);  // Create the array
$array = array_diff($array, array(""));   // Drop the empty elements
$array = array_unique($array);  // Drop the duplicate elements
$array = array_merge($array);   // Reset the array keys

print_r ($array);

Up to here it works great. The resulting output is:

Array ( [0] => bird [1] => dog [2] => cat [3] => horse [4] => lizard )

Then if I do this:

$array = sort($array);  // Sorts the array

print_r ($array);

The output is "1". I've tried asort, rsort in the place of sort and  
get the same results. I've also tried putting the sort in between the  
first 4 steps and that doesn't work either. Obviously I'm doing  
something wrong here. I'm using PHP 4.3.4. Any suggestions?

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College

[PHP] Count empty array

2006-12-21 Thread Kevin Murphy

I'm wondering why this is.

$data = "";
$array = explode(",",$data);
$count = count($array);
$count will = 1

$data = "Test";
$array = explode(",",$data);
$count = count($array);
$count will = 1

$data = "Test,Test";
$array = explode(",",$data);
$count = count($array);
$count will = 2

Why doesn't the first one give me an answer of 0 instead of 1. I know  
I could do a IF $data ==  "[empty]" and then not count if its empty  
and just set it to 0, but am wondering if there was a better way.

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College

Re: [PHP] Preg_match - Find URL and convert to lower case

2006-12-01 Thread Kevin Murphy

On Dec 1, 2006, at 1:56 PM, Richard Lynch wrote:

On Thu, November 30, 2006 5:04 pm, Kevin Murphy wrote:

Well the problem would be then that the entire string would be lower
case, and I only can have the link as lower case. Is there a way to
apply strtolower into the preg_match?

Why not use lower(link) in SQL to get the link out in the first place?

Also, the domain part cannot be case-sensitive, so you needn't worry
about that part.

For the 10% that don't work, a quick check with common variants on
capitalization might help to fix those up.

Since these are mostly instructor's websites, that last 10% I figure  
it would be easier to just ask the instructors to change their site  

Since these are in the middle of the text, I don't think that lower  
will work. Doesn't it just do the same thing as strtolower? The query  
as is right now is (edited) "select note_text as note_text from  
classes"  where note_text is many lines of text and in the middle of  
some are links and emails.

What I ended up with, is this, which takes care of website addresses  
and emails as well (although those stay all-caps). The str_replace is  
there because some have the HTTP and some don't and I figured it was  
easier to just wipe them all out first.

$section_notes = str_replace("HTTP://","",$section_notes);
$section_notes = preg_replace('/WWW.(.*?) /e', '"www." . strtolower("$1") . "\" target=\"_blank\">http://www."; .  
strtolower("$1") . ""', $section_notes);
$section_notes = eregi_replace("(([a-z0-9_]|\\-|\\.)+@([^[:space:]]*) 
([[:alnum:]-]))", "mailto:\\1\";>\\1",$section_notes);

Anyone have a better idea on how to accomplish the same thing?

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College

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Re: [PHP] Re: Preg_match - Find URL and convert to lower case

2006-12-01 Thread Kevin Murphy

On Nov 30, 2006, at 7:50 PM, Jonesy wrote:

On Thu, 30 Nov 2006 14:16:16 -0800, Kevin Murphy wrote:

I have some text that comes out of a database all in uppercase (old
IBM Mainframe that only supports uppercase characters).

I see via other followups that you have your kludge working.  *But* ,

What do you mean by "old IBM Mainframe that only supports uppercase
characters"?  The EBCDIC codes X'81' > X'89' (a-i), X'91' >  
X'99' (j-r),
and X'A2' > X'A9' (s-z) have been defined and used since probably  

you were born.  I have in front of me my first IBM Green Card (IBM
System/360 Reference Data, GX20-1703-3) from 1966 which debunks that
urban legend.

If the data in the mainframe database is all upper case, it was sloppy
programming or sloppy design that got it there.  If it _is_ stored in
the mainframe database in proper UC/lc form, then it is probably a
sloppy extraction procedure that is to blame for your input.

  Marvin L Jones| jonz  | W3DHJ  | linux
   38.24N  104.55W  |  @ config.com | Jonesy |  OS/2
*** Killfiling google posts: 

Yeah, that would be the problem. My website and its MySQL database  
are totally seperate from this data (its class schedule data). All  
the data in the database is uppercase and I've been told that all the  
data must remain as uppercase only. Why? I have no idea. Can I change  
that? Nope. Welcome to my world and the joys of working with  
governmental institutions.

So I did misspeak before. The mainframe itself probably supports UC/ 
lc, but whatever program is on it, or maybe its just a procedure  
issue (its _always_ been done this way so we _must_ continue doing it  
that way). But, the data I see in my extract is all upper case  
and that's what I am dealing with.

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College

[PHP] Re: SOLVED: [PHP] Preg_match - Find URL and convert to lower case

2006-11-30 Thread Kevin Murphy
$section_notes = preg_replace('/WWW.(.*?) /e', '"www." . strtolower("$1") . "\" target=\"_blank\">http://www."; .  
strtolower("$1") . ""', $section_notes);

For some reason I can't get it to work if I decare those items as  
variables. They have to be inside the preg_replace as written. But,  
it works now. Thanks for the help.

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College

On Nov 30, 2006, at 3:04 PM, Kevin Murphy wrote:

Well the problem would be then that the entire string would be  
lower case, and I only can have the link as lower case. Is there a  
way to apply strtolower into the preg_match?

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College

On Nov 30, 2006, at 2:26 PM, Dave Goodchild wrote:

Why not use strtolower on the string after the replacements have  
been made?


Re: [PHP] Preg_match - Find URL and convert to lower case

2006-11-30 Thread Kevin Murphy
Well the problem would be then that the entire string would be lower  
case, and I only can have the link as lower case. Is there a way to  
apply strtolower into the preg_match?

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College

On Nov 30, 2006, at 2:26 PM, Dave Goodchild wrote:

Why not use strtolower on the string after the replacements have  
been made?


[PHP] Preg_match - Find URL and convert to lower case

2006-11-30 Thread Kevin Murphy
I have some text that comes out of a database all in uppercase (old  
IBM Mainframe that only supports uppercase characters).

Occasionally there are web addresses in this text and so I am trying  
to find them, convert them to a link, and convert them all to all  
lower case. Yes, I know that will not work for all links. However, it  
will work for about 90% of the links I have (vs. about 10% of them now).

So anyway, here is my first stab at this, but it only finds the link  
and converts the first part to lowercase and converts it to a link.  
Is there anyway to convert the output to all lowercase by doing  
something like this? Or is there a better way?

$pattern = "/WWW.(.*?) /i";
$replace = "http://www.\\1\";>http://www.\\1";
$section_notes = preg_replace($pattern,$replace,$section_notes);

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College

Re: [PHP] Remove Spaces from Middle of String

2006-10-03 Thread Kevin Murphy

Works perfect! Thanks.

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College

On Oct 3, 2006, at 3:30 PM, Robert Cummings wrote:

On Tue, 2006-10-03 at 15:17 -0500, Richard Lynch wrote:

On Tue, October 3, 2006 1:47 pm, Richard Lynch wrote:

If you have this, it's better:
$data = preg_replace("/  /", $data);


$data = preg_replace("/  /", " ", $data);

Doesn't work on 3+ spaces in a row ;)

$data = preg_replace("/ +/", " ", $data);

| InterJinn Application Framework - http://www.interjinn.com |
| An application and templating framework for PHP. Boasting  |
| a powerful, scalable system for accessing system services  |
| such as forms, properties, sessions, and caches. InterJinn |
| also provides an extremely flexible architecture for   |
| creating re-usable components quickly and easily.  |

[PHP] Remove Spaces from Middle of String

2006-10-03 Thread Kevin Murphy
This works, but I was wondering if this was the best way to  
accomplish this or not. I'm trying to remove any extra spaces (not  
whitespace like carriage returns) from the middle of a string  
mainly for times where people put extra spaces after periods in  

while(preg_match('/  /',$data))
{   $data = str_replace("  "," ",$data);}

Is there a better way to accomplish this same task? (PHP 4.x). Thanks.

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College

Re: [PHP] Mail Problem

2006-09-26 Thread Kevin Murphy
Why not validate the email address before you send. I use something  
like this to kick back an error that says you put in a bad email  
address. It won't tell you about a wrong email address, but it will  
tell you if they forgot to put in the @ sign and stuff.

if  (!preg_match("/^(.+)@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+$/si", $data))
{   $email_error = "yes"; }

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College

On Sep 26, 2006, at 9:09 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have an issue with sending email via PHP which may be a  
configuration problem with either PHP, Apache, or possibly a  
Sendmail, but I don't know which yet.  I figured I'd start here first.

Here's the situation.  I have several webpages that send email to  
users for various reasons.  We have our webserver, an intranet  
webserver, configured to connect to our smtp server which sits on a  
different box. The script looks like this:

This works great when it works. Users receive email as expected and  
when they hit reply it goes back to the webmaster email address.   
The problem is if the to email address isn't a valid one.  When  
this happens, the mail server bounces the message back to  

I've tried adding reply-to to the mail headers and that doesn't  
work either.  We tried sending the same failed message using webmin  
and that worked great, which is why I believe this to be a PHP or  
Apache problem.

Any ideas?


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Re: [PHP] Reverse of date("w")

2006-09-19 Thread Kevin Murphy

Kevin Murphy wrote:

Not really. If it were always "today" that would work, but in this
case, I was thinking of storing a day of the week in a database
("3"), and then display the info based on that digit. So assuming
that the number was in fact 3, then:

echo date("D","3");

Would return "Wed".

Is there any function like that? Oh, and it has to run on PHP 4.

Any reason you wouldn't write it yourself?

No reason. and its what I was planning on. I just was hoping that  
there was a pre-built function that I was just not seeing. Your  
solution above is probably the best one. Thanks.

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] Reverse of date("w")

2006-09-18 Thread Kevin Murphy
Not really. If it were always "today" that would work, but in this  
case, I was thinking of storing a day of the week in a database  
("3"), and then display the info based on that digit. So assuming  
that the number was in fact 3, then:

echo date("D","3");

Would return "Wed".

Is there any function like that? Oh, and it has to run on PHP 4.

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College

On Sep 18, 2006, at 3:18 PM, Jay Blanchard wrote:

I'm looking for something that will convert a the opposite of the date
("w") function. In other words, if I have the number "3", I would
like it to return "Wednesday". Is there such a beast out there
besides writing a switch or array or something?

Perhaps http://www.php.net/idate

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[PHP] Reverse of date("w")

2006-09-18 Thread Kevin Murphy
I'm looking for something that will convert a the opposite of the date 
("w") function. In other words, if I have the number "3", I would  
like it to return "Wednesday". Is there such a beast out there  
besides writing a switch or array or something?

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College

[PHP] Filter MS Word Garbage

2006-09-12 Thread Kevin Murphy
I have a web form where trusted people will be inputing information  
that they usually copy/paste out of MS Word. While the people are  
trusted... MS Word isn't. I keep getting garbage characters in there,  
usually associated with Smart Quotes. If I take the content out of  
the DB, throw it into BBEdit and use the convert to ASCII command  
that solves the problem.

Is there some way I can filter/convert this information before it  
gets to the mysql database?

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College

Re: [PHP] if statement with or comparison (newbie)

2006-09-08 Thread Kevin Murphy

Shouldn't that be this instead:

 if (($_REQUEST['id'] != "black") OR ($_REQUEST['id'] !=  
"white")) {

 echo "wrong color";

     } else {

 echo "right color";


Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College

On Sep 8, 2006, at 2:28 PM, Prathaban Mookiah wrote:

Let me rephrase it. Your color should be black or white to be the  

colour. Is this correct?

In that case you should change it to

 if ($_REQUEST['id'] != "black" AND $_REQUEST['id'] != "white") {

 echo "wrong color";

 } else (

 echo "right color";


- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2006 5:03 PM
Subject: [PHP] if statement with or comparison (newbie)

I'm trying to set up a simple conditional, something like this:

If my_variable is NOT equal to (black or white)
   echo "wrong color"
   echo "right color"

Here is what I have tried:

if ($_REQUEST['id'] != ("black" or "white")) {

echo "wrong color";

} else (

echo "right color";


However, no matter what I enter, I always get response "right color".

I should add that if I change the if statement to:

if ($_REQUEST['id'] != ("black"))

then I get "right color" when I enter "black" and "wrong color" for
everything else.

Would you please point out what's the trivial thing I'm missing  


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Re: [PHP] Format of Encrypted Password

2006-09-07 Thread Kevin Murphy
Yup, that's got it. It didn't occur to me that its a MySQL thing  
I'm used to doing this as a PHP thing and inserting an already  
encrypted password into MySQL.

Anyone have any thoughts one way or another as to if this mysql  
password function is better/worse than doing it all in PHP?

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College

On Sep 7, 2006, at 12:50 PM, Eric Butera wrote:

On 9/5/06, Kevin Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
$query = "select name from table where name = '$authuser' and
password = password('$auth_pw')";

If you haven't tried this you can probably create accounts yourself  
manually in MySQL like this:

INSERT INTO table (name, password) VALUES ('user', PASSWORD('pass'));

Re: [PHP] Format of Encrypted Password

2006-09-05 Thread Kevin Murphy

The only thing I can find anywhere in the code is this:

$auth_user = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'];
$auth_pw = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']; 
$query = "select name from table where name = '$authuser' and  
password = password('$auth_pw')";

I've never seen that password('$auth_pw') part before. Is that a  
mysql part that I am not familiar with and that I should know? I've  
been known to miss obvious stuff before.

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College

On Sep 5, 2006, at 4:25 PM, Chris W. Parker wrote:

Kevin Murphy <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
on Tuesday, September 05, 2006 3:27 PM said:

The passwords are called in the application by:


Is there any way to tell how these passwords were encrypted?

Have you tried searching the entire codebase for that string? Might  

you some clues.

From the commandline (and at the root of the codebase):

# grep -R PHP_AUTH_PW *


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Re: [PHP] Format of Encrypted Password

2006-09-05 Thread Kevin Murphy

On Sep 5, 2006, at 4:14 PM, Robert Cummings wrote:

On Tue, 2006-09-05 at 15:27 -0700, Kevin Murphy wrote:

I've inherited this website and there is an application that is
running on it that has a bunch of passwords stored in a mysql table.
The problem is, the previous webmaster didn't leave me any
instructions on how they encrypted those passwords. I don't need to
figure out what the old passwords were, I just need to be able to
generate my own (until such time as I can rebuild this portion of the

The passwords are called in the application by:


The passwords appear to be 16 character strings that predominately
have numbers in them (rather than letters) and don't appear to have
any punctuation (although it could be just the few I am looking at
that don't).

Is there any way to tell how these passwords were encrypted?

Yes, find the spot in the code responsible for creating new  
accounts or

updating account passwords. Right there is where you'll find the
information. Unless of course he used some kind of command line  
tool to

manually add accounts --- which I doubt.

Unfortunately, thats precisely what it appears that they did. There  
is no code anywhere I can find for updating/adding accounts. As far  
as I can tell the only place that the accounts exist or can be edited  
is directly into the mysql database, with the password all ready  

Of course, I could be missing something. I'll keep looking.

| InterJinn Application Framework - http://www.interjinn.com |
| An application and templating framework for PHP. Boasting  |
| a powerful, scalable system for accessing system services  |
| such as forms, properties, sessions, and caches. InterJinn |
| also provides an extremely flexible architecture for   |
| creating re-usable components quickly and easily.  |

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PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] Format of Encrypted Password

2006-09-05 Thread Kevin Murphy
I've inherited this website and there is an application that is  
running on it that has a bunch of passwords stored in a mysql table.  
The problem is, the previous webmaster didn't leave me any  
instructions on how they encrypted those passwords. I don't need to  
figure out what the old passwords were, I just need to be able to  
generate my own (until such time as I can rebuild this portion of the  

The passwords are called in the application by:


The passwords appear to be 16 character strings that predominately  
have numbers in them (rather than letters) and don't appear to have  
any punctuation (although it could be just the few I am looking at  
that don't).

Is there any way to tell how these passwords were encrypted?

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College

[PHP] Re: [css-d] Where CSS, XHTML and Javascript meet

2006-08-21 Thread Kevin Murphy

Don't forget that you can also do the CSS inline:

And then also in the CSS file have all the other declarations for the  
body tag.

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College

On Aug 21, 2006, at 12:50 PM, Dave Goodchild wrote:

You're right, a bit off-topic, as is my answer. You could use php,  
ie have

more contro, as it's server-side ie

the php array

$classes = array('class1', 'class2', 'class3'); ?>

the xhtml with php dynamics

then in the css, for example

body .class1 {
background: url(/images/class1.jpg);

body .class2 {
background: url(/images/class2.jpg);

...let me know if this is a viable approach for you and we can  
continue off


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7b2 testing hub -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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Re: [PHP] Dividing, and keeping, text from the first space

2006-08-09 Thread Kevin Murphy

On Aug 8, 2006, at 11:30 PM, Dave M G wrote:

PHP List,

This regular expression stuff is way tricky.

Thanks to help from this list, I have an expression that will  
select the first word of a string, up to the first white space:


But after some consideration, I realized that I wanted to keep both  
parts of the original text. The first word, and then everything  
that came after it, should be divided and stored in separate  

Now, I would do this different. Probably "wrong" but instead of a  
regular expression here, I would do something like this:

$array = explode(" ",$string);
$first_word = $array[0];
$rest_words = substr_replace($string,"",0,strlen($first_word));

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College

[PHP] Multiple Includes vs. One Long Include (Functions)

2006-08-08 Thread Kevin Murphy
I was just wondering if there was any thought one way or another on  
the best practice for doing this.

Lets say I have 10 functions that I want to reuse on my site. Not  
every page needs every function. So I move the function to an  
external page and then require it for the page.

The question is, is it better to have all 10 of those functions in a  
single file that is called once from each PHP page, even though some  
will not be used, or is it better to put one function per include and  
then on each PHP page call just the functions that I need for that page?

require ("all10.php"); // one long page, but only called once.


require ("function1.php");// multiple short pages with multiple calls.
require ("function2.php");
require ("function4.php");
require ("function6.php");
require ("function8.php");

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College

[PHP] Formatting of a.m. and p.m.

2006-05-23 Thread Kevin Murphy

date("a");  > output = AM

Is there any easy way to change the formatting of the output of above  
from "am" to "a.m." in order to conform to AP style?

Something like this below would work, but I'm wondering if there is  
something I could do differently in the date() fuction to make it work:

$date = date("a");
if ($date == "am")
{ echo "a.m." }
elseif ($date == "pm")
{ echo "p.m." }

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College

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Re: [PHP] Handling Large Check Box Data

2006-05-17 Thread Kevin Murphy
I did something similar recently. Basically I have one MySQL field to  
handle several dozen checkboxes, my situation though was where the  
checkboxes are numerically sequential though so I am not sure if this  
helps. I also had only a couple hours to do this from start to finish  
so I am sure there is a better way, but maybe this helps.

 I wrote a function that generates the row of checkboxes, then a  
function that combines them all into one field and so the status of  
every checkbox is in one field.

Function generates the checkboxes and checks in the array if that  
checkbox is checked or not.

function row_generator($row,$number,$array)
echo "\n";
echo "\n\tRow $row";

$i = 1;
while ($i <= "$number")

if ($i < "10")
{   $row_number = "{$row}-0{$i}"; }
{   $row_number = "{$row}-{$i}";  }

echo "\n\t";
		echo "\"";

if (strstr($array,$row_number) === FALSE)
{   echo "";  }
{   echo " CHECKED";  }

echo ">";
echo "";
echo $i;
echo "";

echo "\n";

In use:

$seats = $row['seats'];

Collect the posted Data and then later this gets input into a database

$poster_A = "";
$i = 1;
while ($i <= "30")
if ($i < "10") 
{   $r = "0{$i}"; }
{   $r = $i;}
if (isset($_POST["A-$r"]))
{   $poster_A .= "A-$r";  
$poster_A .= ":"; }

$seats = ("{$poster_A}{$poster_B} etc");
$query = "UPDATE seating_chart SET
seats = '$seats'
WHERE season = '2006'";

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College

On May 17, 2006, at 11:21 AM, Rahul S. Johari wrote:


I’m a little confused as to what’s the best way to handle this.
I have a form which, apart from lots of other fields, has a set of  
25 – 30
Check Boxes, each of which asks the user for some kind of  
information which

the user can check or leave unchecked.
The information each Check Box collects will also appear in the  

for users to view once the user has completed & submitted the form.
Furthermore, there is an Advanced Search also available to users  
which will
also provide the same 25 - 30 check boxes which define the search  

I’m not sure what’s the best, most efficient way to do this.

The tedious way to do this is to make 30 fields in the mySQL  
database, and
if the check box is checked, the data goes into the corresponding  
And similarly listing the data from the field if field is non- 
empty And

similarly including each field in the Search options.

I want suggestions for a better/faster way to do this. I did think  
creating a single field and storing the data from each ‘checked’  
check box
as comma separated values in the single field. I’m not sure how to  
do that
and if that’s the best way But even if I can, I’m not sure how  
to get
the data to display separately out of that field in the Listings  
view and

more importantly how to include that data in the Search options.

Any help would be appreciated.


Rahul S. Johari
Coordinator, Internet & Administration
Informed Marketing Services Inc.
500 Federal Street, Suite 201
Troy NY 12180

Tel: (518) 687-6700 x154
Fax: (518) 687-6799

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[PHP] Query for two fields with the same name

2006-04-19 Thread Kevin Murphy
This is probably a simple question, but I can't seem to find the  
answer online.

I'm using this query:

$connection = "select * from connection, pr WHERE connection.area_id  
= '$gateway_link' and connection.pr_id = pr.id";

Both tables have a field called ID but they have different  
information in them. $row['id'] gets me the one from the table called  
"pr" but I need to call the ID from the table connection.

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College

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[PHP] Join - Two Columns with the same name

2006-04-13 Thread Kevin Murphy
This is probably basic, but I can't seem to find the answer. Is there  
a way to specify in a join a specific column when the two tables have  
columns with the same name?

Something like:

$row['table1.id'] vs $row['table2.id']

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College

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[PHP] File Types for Upload

2006-03-31 Thread Kevin Murphy

For an expression such as this.


I'm looking for an up to date list of all the other media formats  
(non-images), such as Video and Audio. Does anyone have a list handy  
they could direct me to.

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College

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Re: [PHP] $i vs. $r

2006-03-27 Thread Kevin Murphy

Hello all

I simplified the code a bit, and I am guessing that it was too much.  
Below is the complete code that works fine. The weird part is, the  
part that I have the question on, is if I change $r to $i, it doesn't  
work anymore. $i doesn't count up as it should and instead gives me  
some unpredictible results. as it goes down the list sometimes  
its sequential (1,2,3 but never more than 3), other times its just  
the number 2 over and over).

$r = 1;

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($website_result))
if (is_int(($r+2)/3))
{   echo ("\n");}
echo ("\n");

		include("$site_path/common/code/directory_format_name.php"); //  
Gets the name Formatter
		echo ("\nimages/directory/".$row['sup_picture']."\" border=\"0\">");
		echo ("$full_namea>");

echo ("\n");

if (($r >= "$website_total") AND (is_int(($r+2)/3)))
{   echo ("  ");   }
elseif (($r >= "$website_total") AND (is_int(($r+1)/3)))
{   echo (" ");  }   
elseif (is_int(($r)/3))
echo ("\n");


echo ("");

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster - Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College
(775) 445-3326

On Mar 27, 2006, at 3:11 PM, Jasper Bryant-Greene wrote:

Kevin Murphy wrote:

Does anyone have a clue why using this code doesn't work:

Please specify what "doesn't work" means in this case :)

$i = 0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
{   echo ("Blah blah blah");

$r = 0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
{   echo ("Blah blah blah");

Those two blocks of code are for all intents and purposes  
identical, and indeed probably end up as exactly the same opcodes.


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[PHP] $i vs. $r

2006-03-27 Thread Kevin Murphy

Does anyone have a clue why using this code doesn't work:

$i = 0;

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))

echo ("Blah blah blah");

but this code does?

$r = 0;

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))

echo ("Blah blah blah");

I don't use $i anywhere else on the page.

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster - Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College
(775) 445-3326

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Re: [PHP] MySQL NOT IN Query not working

2006-03-16 Thread Kevin Murphy

Yup. Thats the problem. I'm running 4.0.21. Thanks.

Kevin Murphy

Webmaster - Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College
(775) 445-3326

On Mar 16, 2006, at 4:48 PM, Miles Thompson wrote:

At 08:41 PM 3/16/2006, Kevin Murphy wrote:

Anyone want to point me to why this isn't working:

$hr_query = "select dp_lname,dp_fname,dp_id
FROM dir_all
WHERE dp_id NOT IN (SELECT sup_id FROM  

ORDER BY dp_lname";

There are two tables, dir_all (the main list of everyone) and
dir_title2 (supplemental). If someone is in dir_title2 then the
sup_id is the same as their dp_id. What I am trying to do is get a
list of every person in dir_all that is NOT in dir_title2. Any
thoughts as to what am doing wrong?

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster - Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College
(775) 445-3326


Looks like an older version of MySQL.
Check your version: subqueries were not supported until ver 4.1.

The older docs at MySQL give a work around.


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[PHP] MySQL NOT IN Query not working

2006-03-16 Thread Kevin Murphy

Anyone want to point me to why this isn't working:

$hr_query = "select dp_lname,dp_fname,dp_id
FROM dir_all
WHERE dp_id NOT IN (SELECT sup_id FROM dir_title2)
ORDER BY dp_lname";

There are two tables, dir_all (the main list of everyone) and  
dir_title2 (supplemental). If someone is in dir_title2 then the  
sup_id is the same as their dp_id. What I am trying to do is get a  
list of every person in dir_all that is NOT in dir_title2. Any  
thoughts as to what am doing wrong?

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster - Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College
(775) 445-3326

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Re: [PHP] Re: Incremental Date Based ID

2006-03-08 Thread Kevin Murphy
I think I have it all figured out now, so as promised, here is the  
code. Thanks everyone for your suggestions.

$id_query = "select id from  WHERE id LIKE '$post_date%' ORDER  

$id_results = mysql_query($id_query,$conn);
$id_row = mysql_fetch_array($id_results);
$id_num_rows = mysql_num_rows($id_results);

if ($id_num_rows != "0")
$id_last = $id_row["id"];
$id_letter = ord(ltrim($id_last,"\0..9,-"));
$new_id = $post_date;
$new_id .= chr($id_letter+1);
$new_id = $post_date;
$new_id .= "a";

So, it calls the database, gets the last rows with this date as part  
of the id (2006-05-08d), strips out the date part, adds one to the  
letter and outputs back the next ID (2006-05-08e).

On Mar 8, 2006, at 8:39 AM, Kevin Murphy wrote:

Thanks for the info, but I think you are misunderstanding what I am  
trying to do. I am simply trying to create a sequential ID based on  
a Date and a Letter (or number, if I have to) field that will be  
used as part of the link. After they are created, they will not  
change. And Its not about how they appear on the page in the HTML  
(I know how to make those be sequential in that way), I am more  
concerned with the ID making them unique.

And yes, people do care about the way the link works. People, say  
for example, like my bosses, whom I am trying to accommodate. :-)  
And some SEO people will tell you that the link does indeed matter  
when doing that kind of stuff.

I think I have figured it out using a combination of MAX and Limit  
to check to see what the last one is and then write the next one.  
Thanks all for your help. If I figure it out, I will post the code  
for future reference.

On Mar 8, 2006, at 12:00 AM, Paul Novitski wrote:

At 05:05 PM 3/7/2006, Kevin Murphy wrote:
Well, part of the issue is that I want to be able to use this as  

of the link:


With respect, I too think you should re-examine your reasons for  
wanting to number (or letter) the links consecutively in the  

To whom does the spelling of an URL really matter?  I believe that  
website visitors rarely care; they care about how things are  
labelled in the foreground and they want to get to the correct  
page, but I don't think many people really study the details of  
the address bar and even fewer make judgements about the quality  
or completeness of website content on that basis.

There are in fact solid reasons for NOT changing URLs once they're  
established -- for example, the persistence of bookmarks, links  
from other websites, and search engine memory.  Once you establish  
an URL pointing to a particular page it's going to be recorded,  
stored, and repeated by many other entities on the internet.  If  
you're whimsically changing URLs at random intervals, old URLs  
will no longer point to the same content.  You'll be doing your  
own material a disservice by frustrating one of the most powerful  
assets the internet can lend you: its persistence of vision.

I wonder if your desire for contiguously lettered URLs can be  
satisfied by simply assigning consecutive letters to the display  
text that links to the articles:


   Title of  
   Title of  
   Title of  

   list-style-type: lower-alpha;

a. Title of article
b. Title of article
c. Title of article

As others have pointed out, the sequence in which the URLs spill  
out from the database can be controlled by a timestamp in each  
record.  The lettering of the articles a-z can be controlled by  
the ordered list for the benefit of the visitor.  When an article  
is inserted into or deleted from the list, the list retains its  
contiguity IN THE PRESENTATION and you aren't put in the inelegant  
position of trying to renumber records in a database.

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Re: [PHP] Re: Incremental Date Based ID

2006-03-08 Thread Kevin Murphy
Thanks for the info, but I think you are misunderstanding what I am  
trying to do. I am simply trying to create a sequential ID based on a  
Date and a Letter (or number, if I have to) field that will be used  
as part of the link. After they are created, they will not change.  
And Its not about how they appear on the page in the HTML (I know how  
to make those be sequential in that way), I am more concerned with  
the ID making them unique.

And yes, people do care about the way the link works. People, say for  
example, like my bosses, whom I am trying to accommodate. :-) And  
some SEO people will tell you that the link does indeed matter when  
doing that kind of stuff.

I think I have figured it out using a combination of MAX and Limit to  
check to see what the last one is and then write the next one. Thanks  
all for your help. If I figure it out, I will post the code for  
future reference.

On Mar 8, 2006, at 12:00 AM, Paul Novitski wrote:

At 05:05 PM 3/7/2006, Kevin Murphy wrote:

Well, part of the issue is that I want to be able to use this as part
of the link:


With respect, I too think you should re-examine your reasons for  
wanting to number (or letter) the links consecutively in the database.

To whom does the spelling of an URL really matter?  I believe that  
website visitors rarely care; they care about how things are  
labelled in the foreground and they want to get to the correct  
page, but I don't think many people really study the details of the  
address bar and even fewer make judgements about the quality or  
completeness of website content on that basis.

There are in fact solid reasons for NOT changing URLs once they're  
established -- for example, the persistence of bookmarks, links  
from other websites, and search engine memory.  Once you establish  
an URL pointing to a particular page it's going to be recorded,  
stored, and repeated by many other entities on the internet.  If  
you're whimsically changing URLs at random intervals, old URLs will  
no longer point to the same content.  You'll be doing your own  
material a disservice by frustrating one of the most powerful  
assets the internet can lend you: its persistence of vision.

I wonder if your desire for contiguously lettered URLs can be  
satisfied by simply assigning consecutive letters to the display  
text that links to the articles:


   Title of  
   Title of  
   Title of  

   list-style-type: lower-alpha;

a. Title of article
b. Title of article
c. Title of article

As others have pointed out, the sequence in which the URLs spill  
out from the database can be controlled by a timestamp in each  
record.  The lettering of the articles a-z can be controlled by the  
ordered list for the benefit of the visitor.  When an article is  
inserted into or deleted from the list, the list retains its  
contiguity IN THE PRESENTATION and you aren't put in the inelegant  
position of trying to renumber records in a database.

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Re: [PHP] Re: Incremental Date Based ID

2006-03-07 Thread Kevin Murphy
Well, part of the issue is that I want to be able to use this as part  
of the link:


which i will eventually do a htacess rewrite to make it look like


I don't think I can do that with just the Unix timestamp.

On Mar 7, 2006, at 4:56 PM, Al wrote:

Kevin Murphy wrote:
I'm trying to set up an ID field that works like this for news  
articles that are posted to a website.

I know how to generate the date, and I am pretty sure I can  
generate the letter code based on counting the number of rows and  
then assigning the next letter (we will never have more than 26 in  
a day... usually its closer to 1 or 2 per day).

The problem is if there has been something deleted.
If I then Count the rows with this date I get an answer of 2, and  
so the next letter should be "c" but there already is a "c"  
because "b" got deleted.
So, is there any way of generating this style ID number  

--Kevin Murphy
Webmaster - Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College
(775) 445-3326

Why not simply use the Unix time stamp. time() If more than one can  
arrive within the same second, append a letter.

If users need to see the key, use date() to decode it for them

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[PHP] Incremental Date Based ID

2006-03-07 Thread Kevin Murphy
I'm trying to set up an ID field that works like this for news  
articles that are posted to a website.


I know how to generate the date, and I am pretty sure I can generate  
the letter code based on counting the number of rows and then  
assigning the next letter (we will never have more than 26 in a  
day... usually its closer to 1 or 2 per day).

The problem is if there has been something deleted.


If I then Count the rows with this date I get an answer of 2, and so  
the next letter should be "c" but there already is a "c" because "b"  
got deleted.

So, is there any way of generating this style ID number automatically?

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster - Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College
(775) 445-3326

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Re: [PHP] mkdir after mkdir

2004-06-06 Thread Kevin Murphy
I'm still kind of a newbie at this, but couldn't you accomplish this by 
doing each MKDIR separately with a series of ELSE/IF statements. The 
basic logic would be:

Check if parent DIR exists.
If not, create one and then go on
If yes:
Check if Child DIR Exists
If Not, Create one,
if yes, go on....
Kevin Murphy
Web Designer - Stubborn Donkey Productions
On Jun 6, 2004, at 11:08 AM, Gerben wrote:
Unfortunately my server has no ftp (but SSH).
It makes much sence what you said, but how can PHP (with uid=48) make a
directory with uid=1042.
both folder are (to be) made the same script, but only one is (with
This is what makes it very peculiar.
I think I have skip the idea of creating 2 nested folders.
Thanks anyway
"Marek Kilimajer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
Gerben wrote:
I have a problem with the mkdir function.
I'm trying to make a seperate folder every photoalbum. inside I want 
create another folder ('.../thumbnails/') for, you can guess, the

At first it didn't work at all:

Warning: mkdir() failed (Permission denied) in
/home/virtual/site43/fst/var/www/html/beheer/albums/index.php on 
line 42

When I changed the rights of the folder I wanted to create the new
folder in
to chmod 0777, the first MKDIR did work, but the second did not.

SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 1042 is not
allowed to access
by uid 48 in
on line 43
this is very strange because the folders are both made in the same
Another strange thing is that I user mkdir($dir, 0777), but when I 
the created folder it is 0755 and I can not change it.
That's pritty much my problem. Your help would be very much 

The first directory your script creates is owned by the uid apache 
under (48 in your case). Safe mode allows access only to files and
directories owned by the uid of the executing script (1042 in your 

The workaround is to use ftp functions to create the directories. 
  use your ftp username and password to login to localhost and create
the directories.

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Re: [PHP] Newbie error with cookies and headers already declared

2004-05-21 Thread Kevin Murphy
I'm a newbie to PHP too, but
I think its the HTML tag. Move it down below the PHP and see what 

Kevin Murphy
Web Designer - Stubborn Donkey Productions
On May 21, 2004, at 1:28 PM, GodFoca wrote:
I'm getting this error:
Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by 
started at /home/tiempodemaria/main.php:3) in 
on line 11

With this code in "main.php":

 $has_visited = isset($_COOKIE["TdM_visited"]);
 if (!$has_visited) {
  (string) (time() + OFFSET_WITH_GMT),
  // the above (not blank) is line 11
 } else {
  $latestVisit = (int) $_COOKIE["TdM_visited"];
  (string) (time() + OFFSET_WITH_GMT),

Does anybody knows what's going on? I don't understand which header is 
sent before the setting of the cookie, and I don't understand the ":3" 
the error description. This page is a frame, so I don't have any head 
does that matter to php?

Thanks in advance,
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