Re: [PHP] Anyone using Aptana and Xdebug? Or other debugger recommendations besides Zend?

2009-11-09 Thread Bipin Upadhyay

On 11/9/2009 11:42 PM, Ali Asghar Toraby Parizy wrote:

On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 7:58 PM, Martin Scottawrote:


On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 1:04 PM, Arno Kuhl  wrote:


-Original Message-
From: Dave M G []
Sent: 09 November 2009 05:36 PM
Subject: [PHP] Anyone using Aptana and Xdebug? Or other debugger
recommendations besides Zend?

PHP List,

I won't go into a big rant about Zend, and instead simply say that while


was using Zend Studio to debug PHP pages since version 5.0. I was never
really all that happy with it. It seemed to be the most complete


environment for PHP, so I put up with it. I will say that the Studio
installation procedure has got better, but setting up a reliable


server has not.

Now, the current version of Zend Studio (7.0) is based on Eclipse (I


since v6.0), and so I'm just not sure what I'm paying for anymore.
Aptana Studio, also based on Eclipse has pretty much the exact same
interface and can even connect to a Zend server.

Since one of those is free, I can't see why I wouldn't switch. The issue
me is that paying for Zend hasn't really saved me much hassle, so even if
Aptana has difficulties, at least they are free difficulties.

The main failing point, so far as I can see, of Aptana/Xdebug, is a lack


good, clear, documentation (also note that Zend doesn't have great
documentation either). Especially on how to set it up.

I was wondering if anyone has used it and could provide a link or
instructions on how to get the debugging environment up and running.

Or, equally as valuable, would be recommendations on other debugging
environments. The key is finding one that has a clear set of instructions
for how to set it up (On Ubuntu/Debian Linux with a local LAMP server.)

Thanks for any advice.

Dave M G

Dave, take a look at PhpED from Nusphere. I've used the Windows version
happily for the last 6 years. There is a Linux version but I haven't


it so can't comment - from the forum I gather that most users use the
Windows version. Debugging in PhpED is brilliant, but so is the rest of


IDE. I also looked at Zend Studio every now and then over the last few
to see how it was progressing, but wasn't that impressed.


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Why anyone needs to buy a IDE for develop PHP code?

You can use any text editor.

I use SciTE. It is free and open source.
It does not provide any tool of any kind. It just allow me to write code,
and that's all I need.

Also there are a lot of tools for development.
And IDE is just a fat text editor with lot of tools on it, and in some
it can make your development slower.

You can improve your development with a set of lightweight tools, this is
the linux style.

Martin Scotta


What do you think IDE is?
Do you think you can build a real commercial application without debugging
and project management tools?

Okay, before the answers deviate from the topic, a few quick personal 

--> Zend IDE's good, but as you mention not _worth_ the price.
--> I use a number of editors based on which system I am using at the 
time, and they range from vim to NetBeans to EclipsePDT (and sometimes 
an unregistered demo version of Zend 7).
--> I prefer NetBeans-PHP and have it configured with XDebug. The 
configuration's fairly simple and documentation can help you do in 
several steps. Please search on NetBeans portal for the same.

IMHO, the same steps can be replicated for even an Eclipse based IDE.

--Bipin Upadhyay.

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Re: [PHP] How to pronounce PHP code over the phone?

2009-10-16 Thread Bipin Upadhyay

On 10/16/2009 9:31 PM, Dotan Cohen wrote:

Wow! Here goes:

Open-bracket, dollar item hypen greater-than, get service id, no all one word 
but with a capital S and I. Open and close brackets, question mark, dollar item 
again, then a hyphen and greater-than, that get service id and brackets bit 
again, exactly the same as last time; yes, capital S and I again. Colon, no the 
colon is the one with two dots, not dot and comma. Dollar item again, then 
hypen, greater-than, get id, with a capital I. Nope, no service bit this time. 
Now, open bracket and two closing brackets (I assumed the final two on your 
example were typos?!). now a semi-colon, yes the one with the comma.

That's pretty much how I could foresee me telling someone this on the phone, 
but to be honest, I'd really prefer an email ;)


So it really involves mentioning each character. I was hoping that
there would be a shared language for constructs such as ->  and the


There are, what you'd call, technical jargon for them.
However, it'd pretty obviously depend on the extent of knowledge of the 
person on other side of phone line. If she understands PHP objects, 
difference between OOP in PHP4 & PHP5, and ternary operator, things 
would be fairly simple.

In any case, Ashley's nailed the foolproof technique for sure :)


Dotan Cohen


--Bipin Upadhyay.

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Re: [PHP] RE: [Formaldehyde] The Most Basic Ajax - PHP Error Debugger

2009-09-11 Thread Bipin Upadhyay
I do use FirePHP and your project looks interesting to evaluate. Will 
check it out in a couple of days. It would be more interesting if they 
really are complimentary.

I think people who use FireBug's console API would be able to appreciate 
FirePHP/formaldehyde more. However, I do NOT deny the fact that not 
every project needs them.

--Bipin Upadhyay.

Andrea Giammarchi wrote:

So nobody here debugs interaction and nobody uses Selenium for application 
tests ... fair enough.

Would be nice to receive some response for those developers whose deal everyday 
with big/complex applications, 'cause here seems nobody i susing FirePHP or 
frameworks debuggers while numbers tell me the scenario is totally different.



Subject: RE: [PHP] RE: [Formaldehyde] The Most Basic Ajax - PHP Error  Debugger
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2009 15:39:12 +0100

On Fri, 2009-09-11 at 10:35 -0400, tedd wrote:

At 3:27 PM +0200 9/11/09, Andrea Giammarchi wrote:

That's a finished production site ... how did you debug during its
development? 'Cause Formaldehyde is for development, not for
production ... I guess you have implented your own error
manager/debugger, right?

What's to debug?

The site --

-- uses a very simple ajax script, namely:

Outside of that, everything else is done in php, html, and css, which
is completely separate from ajax. I can create a very extensive and
complicated site using that simple ajax routine without any
alteration whatsoever. I don't need a debugger because I never touch
the code.

Now maybe I'm not getting it, but from my perspective ajax is pretty
simple. The point I'm getting at is that ajax is simply a method of
communication -- you send stuff and you read stuff. You don't need to
rewrite the US Postal Service every time you send/receive a letter.




I agree. I tend to reuse the same basic functionality whenever I use
AJAX. With some half-decent unit-testing, you can debug the Javascript
parts easily enough.



Share your memories online with anyone you want.

Re: [PHP] Forcing a Post of data

2009-05-05 Thread Bipin Upadhyay

You could use auto form submission using javascript.
A quick search should help.

--Bipin Upadhyay.

Richard Kurth wrote:

How can I force this to be a POST and not a GET
 Add Customer 
or is the only way you can pass data with a POST is from a Form 

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Re: [PHP] Please Help Me ASAP

2009-04-10 Thread Bipin Upadhyay

kunal sharma wrote:

I'm building my own website without any knowledge of PHP, & i'm almost done
with my website works fine on my local server
but the same code is not working on server...n i'm rilli 'd of coz of

The error is :"PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in
/home/usang2me/public_html/sign_up.php on line 145"

"145" happens to be last line i:e "?>" , but here becoz of pattern..itz not
into its proper way...

After filling the sign up form correctly . it says ALL FIELD ARE
MANDATORYi dont understand ...y soi'm pasting my code here...please
help me asap ...
each and every suggestion will be appreciat'd

Here Is The Code:

echo " ";
echo " ";
echo " ";
echo " ";
echo " ";
echo " ";
echo " ";
echo " ";
echo " ";
echo "";
echo " Minimum length values for Username or Password or
Pincode or Mobile is missing. Please try again with correct
values.   ";
include 'signup.php';
//die("User/password was not long enough!");
}elseif (!is_numeric($code) || !is_numeric($phone)){
echo "";
echo " ";
echo " ";
echo " ";
echo " ";
echo " ";
echo " ";
echo " ";
echo " ";
echo " ";
echo "";
echo " Non Numeric Character Where only Numeric Value is
Allowed.   ";
include 'signup.php';
//}elseif (empty($username)|| empty($password1) || empty($password2) ||
empty($name) || empty($address) || empty($city) || empty($state) ||
empty($code) || //empty($phone) || empty($email) || empty($refer_id)){
//echo "";
//echo " ";
//echo " ";
//echo " ";
//echo " ";
//echo " ";
//echo " ";
//echo " ";
//echo " ";
//echo " ";
//echo "";
//echo " All fields are Mandatory
//include 'signup.php';
// checks if the username is in use
$checkuser = mysql_query("SELECT username FROM id_users WHERE
$username_exist = mysql_num_rows($checkuser);
$referid = mysql_query("SELECT username FROM id_users WHERE
$referid_exist = mysql_num_rows($referid);
if($username_exist != 0){
echo "";
echo " ";
echo " ";
echo " ";
echo " ";
echo " ";
echo " ";
echo " ";
echo " ";
echo " ";
echo "";
echo " I'm sorry but the username you specified has
already been taken. Please pick another one.
include 'signup.php';
}elseif($referid_exist > 0){
echo "";
echo " ";
echo " ";
echo " ";
echo " ";
echo " ";
echo " ";
echo " ";
echo " ";
echo " ";
echo "";
echo " I'm sorry but the referral id doesn't exist. Please
check the referral id or enter the valid one.
include 'signup.php';
// this makes sure both passwords entered match
if ($password1 != $password2) {
die('Your passwords did not match.');
// now we insert it into the database
//$password3 = md5($_POST['password1']);//
$insert = "INSERT INTO id_users (username, password, name, address, city,
state, code, phone, email, payment_status, member_status, total_member,
VALUES ('$username', '$password1', '$name', '$address', '$city', '$state',
'$code', '$phone', '$email', '0', '0', '0', '$refer_id'); UPDATE id_users
SET refer_id = '1' where username = 'refer_id';";
$queries =
foreach ($queries as $query){
if (strlen(trim($query)) != 0) mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
//mysql_query($insert) or die(mysql_error());

//$update = "update id_users set refer_id='1' where username='refer_id'";
//mysql_query($update) or die(mysql_error());
echo "";
echo " ";
echo " ";
echo " ";
echo " ";
echo " ";
echo " ";
echo " ";
echo " ";
echo " ";
echo "";
echo " You have successfully Registered, Please
Login   ";
include 'login.php';

Thanks Kunal



The trouble is the way you've commented things here (and in the 
following lines):

//}elseif (empty($username)|| empty($password1) || empty($password2) ||
empty($name) || empty($address) || empty($city) || empty($state) ||
empty($code) || //empty($phone) || empty($email) || empty($refer_id)){

Due to these comments, you are missing a semicolon.

On a very friendly note, here are a few comments:
1. The code is very ugly. Almost unmaintainable.
2. It seems to have almost every vulnerability I can think of -SQL 
Injection, XSS, etc.
3. You don't seem to be using an IDE. Any basic PHP IDE will at least 
eliminate these parsing related issues.

4. .

There are a few things that you'd need to learn before you can actually 
put your code in a live environment.

BTW, which book are you referring to write code?

--Bipin Upadhyay.

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Re: [PHP] Smarty Tips and Techniques

2009-03-19 Thread Bipin Upadhyay

Bob McConnell wrote:


the fireman. Going futher, using OOP let's you do all sorts of generic

Hi Rob,

Unfortunately, you still don't understand the problem I have. While it
takes a while to puzzle out the details, I don't have any trouble
reading, understanding or debugging code like this, even though you
skipped completely over several major components (*). I have even
modified existing methods and made minor adjustments to classes, _once
they have been written_.

What I can't do is take a problem description and turn it into classes
that will actually solve the problem. I can usually turn it into
procedures relatively quickly. I can and have built real-time,
multi-tasking and multi-threaded applications on a variety of kernels
and operating systems with no significant trouble. I have written device
drivers, interrupt service routines, message queues and I/O buffering
routines without spending a lot of time thinking about them.

But defining objects and then figuring out how to create and use them
completely escapes me. My mind simply won't map a problem into objects,
it only sees procedures. Even when I look at classes, they resolve only
as loose groupings of functions and variables, not as unified

If anyone knows how to fix that, please tell me. In the meantime, in my
continuing effort to eschew obfuscation, I will stick with procedural

Bob McConnell

(*) For example, "$this->" suggests you have added an array of pointers.
Some are pointers to functions (aka methods) others are pointers to
variables (aka members). But there is no indication where this array
came from, what it means, nor how it affects the code structure. From
experience I know that "$this->" is not always needed, but the C++ rules
for when it is or isn't are neither clear nor consistent. There are no
declarations nor assignments for it. It simply adds another level of
obfuscated dereferencing that needs to be done in my head to understand
what is going on.

You also failed to explain what "new" does, or "parent::__constructor".
What is the relationship between a class and an object? I get frustrated
because of the extra overhead required to instantiate an object with its
members before they can be referenced, instead of simply being able to
use them at any time from anywhere in my code. Likewise, having to pass
a pointer for one object to another object before the second can call
the first is also counter-intuitive. They're all part of the same
application, why doesn't the compiler take care of those details like it



One of the best books that can help attain a practical understanding of 
OOP is "Head First Java". Please do not be eluded by "Java" in the title.
I'd sincerely encourage you to borrow "Head First Java" from someone, 
and then buy "Head First Object Oriented Analysis & Design".

You'll find answer to most of the questions raised by you, and in pretty 
interesting ways.

Obviously, I don't expect answers for these questions, but hopefully
this will give you a better understanding of the greater issues
involved. This is a far cry from the Fortran IV I was taught in college
40 years ago. B.M.


Bipin Upadhyay.

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Re: [PHP] xss filter

2008-09-08 Thread Bipin Upadhyay
IMHO, the obvious choice (for PHP) should be HTML Purifier by Edward Yang.

--Bipin Upadhyay.

On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 5:46 PM, Emil Edeholt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> Do you know of any good ways to filter out javascript from html code? I've
> seen this code
> but I found some old discussions about it saying that it wasn't really
> secure.
> There most be some safe way to filter out xss without filtering out all
> html. Or...?
> Kind Regards Emil
> --
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I'd love to change the world,
but they won't gimme the source code.

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Re: [PHP] OpenID

2008-07-18 Thread Bipin Upadhyay
Clamshell --!Home


On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 1:36 AM, Alex Chamberlain
> Hi,
> Has anybody had any success implementing an OpenID server in PHP??
> Alex
> --
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-- Bipin Upadhyay
I'd love to change the world,
but they won't gimme the source code.

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Re: [PHP] PHP shell commands

2008-01-11 Thread Bipin Upadhyay

Daniel Brown wrote:

Just keep in
mind that anything that can be accessed by any means is never going to
be 100% secure.

I like the the line :)

--Bipin Upadhyay,

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Re: [PHP] PHP shell commands

2008-01-11 Thread Bipin Upadhyay

Lucas Prado Melo wrote:

Some php applications store database passwords into files which can be
read by the user www-data.
Why not keep them out of the web tree and inform the application 
regarding the same. I am sure almost all good applications would provide 
a simple way for doing it.

So, a malicious user which can write php scripts could read those passwords.
What should I do to prevent users from viewing those passwords?
I am not sure I understand this. Do you mean the attacker would upload 
scripts and execute them to read th config files? If yes then that's a 
different problem altogether.


Bipin Upadhyay.

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