Re: [PHP] Image copying

2005-01-07 Thread Liam Gibbs
Richard, thanks. This made it much clearer. I read this, then stepped away
and thought about it later and it makes so much more sense. Basically, I
guess I ended up with the result  in my HTML.
Man, I thought I was telling it to print the results of the resource ID, but
it was printing it on its own. Now the problem is solved! Thanks so much.

And Jason's little bit helped as well. That was my jumping off point.

Thanks so much, guys! Now onto the next brow-beating

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[PHP] Image copying

2005-01-05 Thread Liam Gibbs

I'm having a real frustrating time with my problem here, which is to copy one 
JPEG to another resource. I'm not even sure where I'm going wrong, or how to 
find it out, because it seems that I'm getting all my resource IDs fine (when I 
echo them, I get 'resource ID #x'), and no error message pops up. Just a broken 
image is produced. I've been racking myself for so long now that my problem may 
be right under my nose, but my brain is so baked it's just not working. And 
I've tried to leave and come back to it, but... you know how it is. Here's what 
I'm doing.

What I'm trying to do is copy one JPEG to another JPEG (as mentioned) on the 
fly. I don't want to have a new file produced, just a modified JPEG (a few 
circles here and there) held in a resource. Here's how I call my function and 
how I display the image via HTML:


So I'm calling the function straight from the SRC attribute of the IMG tag. 
Here's what's in my function:

function copy_pic($sourcepic) {
   if(file_exists($sourcepic)) {
  $destinationpic = imagecreatetruecolor(imagesx($sourcepic), 
  imagecopy($destinationpic, $sourcepic, 0, 0, 0, 0, imagesx($sourcepic), 

   return $destinationpic;

After this, I'm going to be tampering with the pic, but I just wanted to make 
sure I'm getting something, which I'm not. All I get is a broken image. No 
error message, no nothing. Please tell me I'm not overlooking some really 
idiotic thing, but I'm just having one heckuva time with this.

Thanks, everyone.

[PHP] Weird search and replace

2005-01-05 Thread Liam Gibbs
I'm trying to do a search-and-replace for a certain string (#1) from a bigger 
string (#2), take that string (#1), do an SQL search, then do a little fiddling 
to make another string (#3), and put that string (#3) back into the big string 
(#2) to replace the certain string (#1).

Here's what I need. I have a string such as this:

"Yadda yadda yadda yadda '32'(l) yadda yadda yadda '2'(l) yadda '419'(l)." (#2)

I need to find the strings like '32'(l), '2'(l), and '419'(l), including the 
single quotes. Basically a '[0-9]*'(l). This is #1.

Take that string, look up a record in an SQL table based on the number in the 
single quotes. Take a field in the record (#3) and replace #1 with it. So 
basically, we have:

"Yadda yadda yadda yadda supplanted-string yadda yadda yadda supplanted-string 
yadda supplanted-string." (#2)

I really hope I'm explaining this properly, and after a few attempts, I have no 
clue where to restart. Does anyone have any ideas how to do this?

Re: [PHP] HTML equivalents of accented characters

2003-08-14 Thread Liam Gibbs
> I have no idea what might be the problem, what does your translation table
> look like?

Mine is still coming out as a single character. Here's my code, in case
anyone can spot any stupid human error blunder I'm making:

 $translationtable = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES);
 $string = htmlspecialchars($string);

Also, here's my setup, just in case:
PHP 4.3.1
Linux 2.2.19 #1 i586
Apache 1.3.27
MySQL 3.23.49 (don't know what this has to do with it, but just in case
there has been some interference with PHP and MySQL)
GD 2.0 compatible

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Re: [PHP] array looping

2003-08-14 Thread Liam Gibbs
> I get all the content of file, so everything is in array 0.  I need to
> somehow break up the array by the comma.

Wouldn't it be $file_contents = explode(",", $file_contents[0]);

as in you've forgotten the array element?

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Re: [PHP] HTML equivalents of accented characters

2003-08-14 Thread Liam Gibbs
> I bet they do, did you check the HTML source as well? My guess is that the
> source is reading the actual expected output, but your browser views "é",
> it should of course.

Sorry, should have mentioned. The source code reads the actual character,
not the é.

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Re: [PHP] HTML equivalents of accented characters

2003-08-14 Thread Liam Gibbs
> I think will do this.

Apparently it *is*, but it won't for me. Any problems with this code?

$result[] = "é";
$result[1] = htmlspecialchars($result[0]);
$result[2] = htmlentities($result[0]);

Both return the accented E unchanged.

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Re: [PHP] Simple cookie question

2003-08-14 Thread Liam Gibbs
> This may be a stupid question, but I'm trying to set up a system where I
> take a poll from visitors to my website and then set a cookie so that they
> can't vote more than once (until they clear their cookies at least).
> Problem is, I don't want to put it at the top of my page, because what if
> somebody opens up a poll but decides not to vote, then later changes his
> mind.  The cookie will prevent him from voting.  I want the cookie to be
> right after the user clicks the vote button, but every time I do that, I
> an error about headers already being sent.  Is there any way around this?

Does it have to be a cookie? I use the IP address and store that somewhere.

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[PHP] HTML equivalents of accented characters

2003-08-11 Thread Liam Gibbs
I don't think this has been discussed, although I'm not really sure what you would 
call these accented characters, so I haven't been able to do a complete search of the 
archives, so apologies if this has been previously discussed.

Is there a function that not only turns & into &, " into ", and the like, but 
also turns é into é and likewise with other accented characters? I know I could 
easily write one, but why if one already exists?

Re: [PHP] Problem with MySQL Query

2003-07-23 Thread Liam Gibbs
> >   $dbqueryshipping1 = "select * from tempuserpurchase where
> > (usersessionid=\"$User_Shopping_Id\") and day=\"1\" and
> > type<>'Meal Plans'
> >
> Tryed both methods and it is still not excluding anything matching Meal
> Plans

Been a short while since I used SQL with my PHP, but try putting NOT instead
of <>.

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Re: [PHP] Arrays and Alphabetical order

2003-07-22 Thread Liam Gibbs

Do a query, sorting by the field you need alphabetized. Then do this (and
tidy it up as you need):

echo "";
while($result = mysql_fetch_row$(query)) {
   if(substr($result, 0, 1) != $previousfirstletter) {
  $previousfirstletter = substr($result, 0, 1);
  echo "$previousfirstletter";
   echo "$result";

echo "";

It's untested, but I believe it will work.

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[PHP] Object-Oriented PHP with MySQL

2003-06-03 Thread Liam Gibbs
Is it efficient to load objects with data from MySQL for PHP? I'm looking into the 
OO-ness of PHP, and I have an idea of making objects, but would like the data loaded 
from a SQL source. Is this a good idea?

Re: [PHP] ^M

2003-04-04 Thread Liam Gibbs
> It looks like you are viewing a dos/windows file on unix. The ^M is
> carriage return, which is needed as part of a dos/window end of line
> sequence (carriage return, line feed) whereas unix uses just line feed.

Nope. They're UNIX-created and UNIX-modified. Does it matter if I downloaded
them onto my PC and then back onto the server? I don't think it should,
since I did a global search-and-replace of all those suckers.

> On unix (well, a full install of linux) there are the conversion
> programs dos2unix and unix2dos. If transferring by ftp, use ASCII not
> BINARY transfer.

Yeah, I had this problem a little while ago, and it's back, but doesn't seem
to be solvable this time for some reason. Someone suggested that last time,
as well, and I haven't been able to get onto it (the server isn't under my
control right now, and I'm still trying to get a gd/imagemagick on there).

Someone suggested posting some example code so I can show what's going on.
I'm going to do that when I have a little more time.

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[PHP] ^M

2003-04-03 Thread Liam Gibbs
So which is it that will keep my files from having ^M after PHP is finished fopen(), 
fputs(), and fclose() with them? \n, \r, and \n\r all seem to reinsert ^M at the ends 
of all my lines.

[PHP] 4 or 5 Fridays this month

2003-04-01 Thread Liam Gibbs
Is there any easy way of figuring out if there are 4 or if there are 5 Fridays in a 
given month? I have it figured out using a loop, but I was just wondering if there was 
a way that date() or strtotime() could do it.

Re: [PHP] Stylesheets, are they run?

2003-04-01 Thread Liam Gibbs
Cool. Thanks to all with the help on stylesheet running. I've gotten a few
responses to think about.

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[PHP] Stylesheets, are they run?

2003-04-01 Thread Liam Gibbs
Here I go again with the stylesheets. ;) Anyway, if a user has stylesheets turned off, 
is a stylesheet file even run? Like, if I have them turned off and I have a 
stylesheet, say, SS.php. Will SS.php run or will it be ignored altogether?

[PHP] Humour in programming?

2003-04-01 Thread Liam Gibbs
Sorry if this is OT, but... heheheh... has anyone taken a look at the PHP site? Check 
out the upper-left corner. Who is that? Nice to know the guys at PHP can have a laugh.

Re: [PHP] Is_readable()

2003-04-01 Thread Liam Gibbs
> Check that whole path leading up to the file is accessible (+x) and
> (+r) by the webserver.

No. I'm positive. I did the whole chmod 777 * -R at the public_html
directory, and did the proper grouping and ownership in the same way (with
the appropriate commands).

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[PHP] Is_readable()

2003-03-31 Thread Liam Gibbs
Is there anything I should know about is_readable? It seems to find a file unreadable 
whether the permissions are 000 or 777.

[PHP] Question on response time, SQL vs. PHP

2003-03-31 Thread Liam Gibbs
I'm trying to do a count(*) in SQL. Would it be faster to do a or b below?

a: just do a simple query, and use mysql_num_rows() to return the row count; or
b: do the count(*) and use mysql_fetch_row() to return the result.

I guess it would have to do more with SQL response time (is it faster to grab the 
count and then the row, or all rows in question and then do a count in PHP).

Re: [PHP] Date Problem - Last Day Of Month

2003-03-31 Thread Liam Gibbs
> Hi there, can anyone tell me how to fix my code so that on the last day of
> the month, my code doesn't repeat the months...

I'm not sure what you mean by this, but I can be a moron on this list
sometimes and the clear answer usually comes to me about 2 seconds after I
hit the send button. Do you mean that you don't want any months in the
SELECT control when it's the last of the month? Or you don't want the
SELECTED attribute in the OPTION tags? As far as I can tell, you're not
repeating any months, but you're only listing them once.

Try this (and IMHO a *slight* *slight* improvement in clarity, but again,
that's my HO):

" . date("F",mktime(0,0,0,$counter,date("d"),date("Y"))) .

I adjusted it so that you only print out the SELECTED attribute if it's the
current month, and I called $i as $counter, because, to me anyway, it makes
it clearer what is the $counter. If $i works for you, though, there's
nothing wrong with that, and it's not that it's unclear anyway, what with it
in the FOR loop only a few lines earlier. (I'll shut up now about $counter.)

Anyway, I added a comparison above that said if the current date is less
than the last day of the month, then print SELECTED. That's assuming I have
your question right in that you don't want to select the current month if
it's the last day of that month. Otherwise, if I'm wrong, you can take that
comparison and put it just about anywhere.

Help? Doesn't? Am I a complete goof?

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Re: [PHP] Parsing CSS files

2003-03-31 Thread Liam Gibbs
> Yeah... the same way you made your web server parse files with a .php
> extension. Just repeat the same procedure for a .css extension.

> if you have cpanel you can add the extension from there.

Yeah, I need to find out where to add the CSS extension to my list of
parsable files. I tried just sticking regular PHP code into a CSS file, and
it didn't come out properly. I can't find the place where I can specify what
files to parse, though.

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[PHP] Parsing CSS files

2003-03-30 Thread Liam Gibbs
Is there any way of making PHP parse files with a CSS extension?

Re: [PHP] Theme selector?

2003-03-29 Thread Liam Gibbs
> Hello, can anyone help me with a php theme selector? I want it like when
> the seletect a theme ?theme=green that it will go into a directory and
> load green.php or somthing like that please help. Thankyou

I'd store your themes in stylesheets instead.

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Re: [PHP] gd library + animated gif

2003-03-28 Thread Liam Gibbs
> > Can GD library produce animated gif's?

Sorry. Maybe I should read more carefully. I skipped 'animatd' for some
reason? Still, no, GD won't produce animated GIFs.

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Re: [PHP] gd library + animated gif

2003-03-28 Thread Liam Gibbs
> Can GD library produce animated gif's?

The PHP manual will tell you this. I'll save you the trouble, but next
time... well... the PHP manual will tell you stuff like this:

Since a certain version of PHP, GIFs are unsupported. I'm told they can be
read, but as far as producing new ones (resizing, changing, etc.) there's a
copyright issue over its encryption method. To use GD completely, go wtih
JPG or PNG. But, there is ImageMagick(?). Check that out. Anyone got a URL?

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[PHP] Strtotime weirdness

2003-03-26 Thread Liam Gibbs
When I have a date, March 31, 2003, and I want to subtract 1 month using strtotime, I 
find it will literally subtract a month, so March 31, 2003 minus one month will result 
in February 31, 2003, or rather, March 3, 2003. Is there any way of making March 31, 
2003 minus one month equal February 28/29, 2003?

Re: [PHP] Default setting garbage

2003-03-26 Thread Liam Gibbs
> I'll guess that you're trying to access $frequency outside of the
> function, after you've called it, right? If so, read up on variable
> scope in the manual.

No, I'm trying to access it inside the function. This is what I have (or an
example, since I don't have it right in front of me right now):

function func($a = 1, $b = 2) {

>From the above example, I get [] as output.

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Re: [PHP] Default setting garbage

2003-03-25 Thread Liam Gibbs

No, no. Not insulting at all. That's often my problem. But not in this case.
I even went to the 'trouble' of copying and pasting $frequency wherever I

Original problem:
> Why is it that when I send call this function:
> function GetNextDate($whichfriday, $month = "", $frequency = 1, $basedate
> "")
> with this line:
> GetNextDate("4", "2003-03", "5");
> that $frequency ends up ""? Whether I set it myself when I call the
> function, or I leave it blank and let the function set it itself, it ends
> with nothing in it. empty() returns 1, while isset() returns nothing on
> this.

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[PHP] Default setting garbage

2003-03-25 Thread Liam Gibbs
Why is it that when I send call this function:
function GetNextDate($whichfriday, $month = "", $frequency = 1, $basedate = "")

with this line:
GetNextDate("4", "2003-03", "5");

that $frequency ends up ""? Whether I set it myself when I call the function, or I 
leave it blank and let the function set it itself, it ends up with nothing in it. 
empty() returns 1, while isset() returns nothing on this.

Re: [PHP] Isset

2003-03-21 Thread Liam Gibbs
Responding to myself:


Conversely, what about empty(). Is that a better test for if a value could
be 0 or 1 or 2 or ABC?

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[PHP] Isset

2003-03-21 Thread Liam Gibbs
Is isset() better than $ != ""?

Often, I may have a 0 as values. While $ != "" doesn't recognize 0s (as in, that if 
would be false), isset() seems to work. Should I change all my $ != "" to isset()s, or 
are there other factors I should check?

[PHP] Carriage returns in e-mail

2003-03-21 Thread Liam Gibbs
I think I might have had this problem a long time ago, but it wasn't resolved, because 
here it is again. My carriage returns (\r\n) aren't getting e-mailed.

I have some text:
The quick brown fox\r\n\r\n
jumped over the whateverwhateverwhatever\r\n\r\n
yadda yadda yadda.

I want to create double-spacing between paragraphs. This works out fine onsite (I've 
seen the output, and it does the proper double-spacing). However, when I e-mail it, 
it's all crunched down into single-spacing, so everything is all jumbled together and 

Anyone have any idea why it's doing this?

Re: [PHP] Array_search wildcard

2003-03-21 Thread Liam Gibbs
> $found=array();
> foreach($array as $key => $value) {
> if(ereg('RE.+',$value)) {  // optionaly use eregi for case 
> insensitiveness
> }
> }

Thanks, Marek. With some minor adjustments, this worked out fine!

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[PHP] Array_search wildcard

2003-03-21 Thread Liam Gibbs
Is there such a thing as an array_search wildcard? Say I want to find anything 
beginning with RE and having zero or more characters following it, how would I do that?

Re: [PHP] Mail attachment

2003-03-18 Thread Liam Gibbs
> It may be that the mail receiver expects some content after you put this
> the header:
>  Content-Type: text/ascii; charset=iso-8859-1\n
> If you're sending plain text, and no special (read: non-western)
> characters, i don't think you need that part.

That was the fix. Yer a goldmine. Thanks!

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[PHP] Mail attachment

2003-03-18 Thread Liam Gibbs
I'm not sure why, but I get an attachment when sending out a mail with the following 
(see below). Well, I shouldn't say an attachment, but in Outlook I get that little 
paperclip, saying there is an attachment. But when I go to open the attachment, there 
is nothing there.I'm trying to send it to my Yahoo account, but it's not coming 
through there yet.

mail("[EMAIL PROTECTED]", "Website Notice",  "[messagebody]", "From: Liam [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]:[EMAIL PROTECTED]: text/ascii; charset=iso-8859-1\n");

If need be, I can post the message body, but I'm hoping someone can figure it out 
without the extra few K in everyone's mailbox.

[PHP] Re: Which is quicker, if-else statements

2003-03-18 Thread Liam Gibbs
> If you want clarity, why not:
> if($r == 0) {
>  ...
> } else { // $r != 0
> }

Hmm. That's a good idea. Yeah, I was sure the else-if method wasn't faster.
I just wasn't sure if it was slower, or if that really mattered. But your
method seems fine, and I have no idea why I didn't think of that.

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[PHP] Which is quicker, if-else statements

2003-03-18 Thread Liam Gibbs
Is it just as quick to do:

if($r == 0) {
} else if($r != 0) {

than to do:

if($r == 0) {
} else {

The reason I like the former method is because, in a large IF-ELSE block, it's clear 
what belongs to what IF and what's going on. But does this make it lag? And, if so, is 
it really all that noticeable?

Re: [PHP] Ereg sass

2003-03-18 Thread Liam Gibbs
> try two backslashes to escape php special characters

Tried that with the same result.

> I'm not sure why, but I can't include a period in my eregi statement:
> [A-Za-z0-9_-.]*
> For this, I get Warning: ereg() [function.ereg]: REG_ERANGE in
> /home/website/public_html/ on line 27
> The same goes for [A-Za-z0-9_-\.]*
> Anyone know why?

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[PHP] Ereg sass

2003-03-18 Thread Liam Gibbs
I'm not sure why, but I can't include a period in my eregi statement:


For this, I get Warning: ereg() [function.ereg]: REG_ERANGE in 
/home/website/public_html/ on line 27

The same goes for [A-Za-z0-9_-\.]*

Anyone know why?

Re: [PHP] What's this _FILE junk?

2003-03-17 Thread Liam Gibbs
> Is your form enctype set?

That might be it and I think it's it and OH yes that was it. Thanks.

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[PHP] What's this _FILE junk?

2003-03-17 Thread Liam Gibbs
This line: 

when clicking submit, produces nothing. I print_r $_FILES["imprintpicture"], I try to 
echo $_FILES["imprintpicture"]["name"] or ["tmp_name"] and nothing comes up. Any 

[PHP] Function/globalizing

2003-03-16 Thread Liam Gibbs
I have a function, such as this:

function encryptPassword($password, $salt = $encryptiontechnique) {

$encryptiontechnique is defined, obviously outside the function. How is it possible to 
make $encryptiontechnique global so that this will work?

Re: [PHP] checking $_POST variables

2003-03-14 Thread Liam Gibbs
> That's generally not a good idea because depending on the type of control
> empty input fields will not be available in the $_POST array (e.g.
> unchecked checkboxes are _not_ sent by the browser).
> You should rather have a list of input variables that need to be filled
> compare $_POST against this.

I'd agree with this, but just in case this is an absolute necessity, and a
sure thing, have you tried:

foreach($_POST as $key=>$value) {

I haven't tried that, but it may work.

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Re: [PHP] ^M in PHP

2003-03-13 Thread Liam Gibbs
> Use a decent text editor that'll save the files in Unix format... even
> if you're on a PC.

Yeah, I could use a decent text editor, but not everyone who uses my site
will use it. I need something that can edit them out after download.

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Re: [PHP] If 1 IF fails, do the rest anyway...

2003-03-13 Thread Liam Gibbs
> The more efficient compilers/parsers stop when one test fails, some do
> them all. I don't know which php does but surely it is irrelevant? If
> test1 fails, because of the "and" the "if" statement will not be
> executed. I wonder what the reason is for your wanting it to do test2
> and test3, maybe I'm missing something?

Upon downloading a file, I wanted to chmod, chgrp, and chown it. I wanted to
do it this way:

if((chmod) && (chgrp) && (chown)) {
} else {

but I wanted it to at least attempt all of them, so at least I can get most
of the work done there.

Someone metioned just to do them separately and if the results, so I did

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[PHP] If 1 IF fails, do the rest anyway...

2003-03-13 Thread Liam Gibbs
I know that in a case like this

if((test1) && (test2) && (test3)) {

if test1 fails, dear PHP won't bother doing test2 and 3. Am I correct? Is there a 
syntax that will make it carry on with test2 and 3 anyway, regardless of how test1 
came out?

[PHP] ^M in PHP

2003-03-13 Thread Liam Gibbs
I'm downloading a file from Windows to Linux through PHP. Understandably, there are 
^Ms at the end of my lines. Is there a PHP function I can use to delete them?

Re: [PHP] table cell space under image in IE

2003-03-13 Thread Liam Gibbs
> I know this is not exactly on topic but I produce all html by php and I
> don't want to go out and add myself to an html list (if there is such a
> thing).

There must be, but don't worry. Try stylesheets. Even if your Web site isn't
designed with them, I would suggest it. But there is also the image border.
I'm not sure if these two will solve your problem, but they may. Take note
that IE seems buggy with spacing, especially with stylesheets.

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Re: [PHP] how to force a refresh?

2003-03-12 Thread Liam Gibbs

There is an HTML solution, but I can't remember offhand what it is. HTML
would be the only way to go, I'd say, since once the page is in the
browser's hands, PHP can't do anything about it.

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Re: [PHP] Adding dates

2003-03-11 Thread Liam Gibbs

Thank you, Sebastian. I never even took a look at this function before. This
was a complete lifesaver!

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[PHP] Adding dates

2003-03-11 Thread Liam Gibbs
Does anyone know a link to find the recent discussion on this list about adding dates 
in PHP? I can't seem to find it in the archives, and the simple act of adding one week 
to a date seems to be a mindblowing headache using PHP mktime() and date().

Re: [PHP] fopen and PHP 4.3.x

2003-03-10 Thread Liam Gibbs
> This is the code around line 30.
> $local_file = $feed;
> $fp = fopen($local_file, "r");
> Anyone have any ideas?  I have looked over the manual and the only thing I
> could find similar to this is in the comments.  Apache was restarted.

I get the same thing so I'm working through it. But here are some ideas that
may work for you: What are the permissions of the file in question? And do
you know the exact path of the file? Also, is the first line above (line
29?) needed? Why not just use $feed as the filename?

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[PHP] true, false

2003-03-09 Thread Liam Gibbs
Why is it the following code produces nothing?

$responsesubmitted = FALSE;

I have an if statement that says if($responsesubmitted), but it doesn't work.

Re: [PHP] variable string names

2003-03-08 Thread Liam Gibbs
You could probably do this. Set up a $$where variable, which would contain
"where" . $i, $i being the iterator of your loop.

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Fw: [PHP] Resizing Images Uploaded to Web Page

2003-03-08 Thread Liam Gibbs
> You'll need to either use the gd functions, or my recommendation, get
> the imagick module and use it. Both should do an excellent job. iMagick
> is in PEAR.

How is PEAR making out? What makes it better than using the GD extension? I
will need to do image manipulation (much like the original question, I'll
have to make thumbnails of images on upload) and I want to know which is the
better option, in what circumstances, etc.

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Re: [PHP] Resizing Images Uploaded to Web Page

2003-03-08 Thread Liam Gibbs
> I have users uploading images to a server and need to have those files
> resized on upload. I looked under filesystem, but found nothing like that.
> Anyone?

Check the GD extension. You'll need that installed, and the images can't be
GIFs (must be JPEGs or TIFs, something like that). Anyway, there should be a
function in there called imagecopyresized() you'll want to check out.

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2003-03-07 Thread Liam Gibbs
First of all, thanks all who helped with the min and max functions (that works) and 
the dollar sign bit (which also works). Kudos. Couldn't have done it without y'all!

Here's the newest brain teaser: I have cookies disabled (well, I have IE set to the 
highest security mode, where it disables cookies). I understand that with cookies 
enabled, $PHPSESSID will return nothing when it works. However, it will return a value 
when cookies are disabled and the page is refreshed after a cookie is attempted. I'm 
still getting nothing either way. Anybody know why?

Re: [PHP] Min and max of array

2003-03-07 Thread Liam Gibbs
>you can sort it and get the values.

I would, but I need the array in the same order. I can't sort it.

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[PHP] Min and max of array

2003-03-07 Thread Liam Gibbs
Is there a way to find the minimum and maximum values of an array? min() and max() 
don't take arrays.

Re: [PHP] Stupid Question

2003-03-07 Thread Liam Gibbs
> How do you make a command not return a warning... I thought it was the
> @ sign, but i think i'm wrong, and everything i've tried hasn't worked,
> i want this for a switch command if that matters.

It's the @ sign. Put it right before the command, as in @fopen(). Show us
the line that is giving you the error message.

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Re: [PHP] javascript

2003-03-07 Thread Liam Gibbs
> If you want to validate form data before sending it, javascript is the
> choise.

Yeah, before sending it. Just wondering what the advantage is in validating
before sending.

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Re: [PHP] javascript

2003-03-07 Thread Liam Gibbs
> in my php script registration1.php, i have written
> javascript for form validation i.e. for checking if
> the mandatory fields are filled correctly or not.
> but on clicking the submit button, i get connected to
> the next page without the form getting validated!!

What's wrong with using PHP to validate?

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Re: [PHP] Dollar signs in values

2003-03-06 Thread Liam Gibbs
> I'll try the single quotation mark method first, though.

Single quotations didn't seem to work either.

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Re: [PHP] Dollar signs in values

2003-03-06 Thread Liam Gibbs
> Could you show some code to illustrate the unpredictable results that you

Here's what I have in my file:


It's first exploded() by ~, then those values are produced by print("")
statements, like this one:

print("\"" .
$information[1] . "\"");

I'll try the single quotation mark method first, though.

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Re: [PHP] Dollar signs in values

2003-03-06 Thread Liam Gibbs
> Escape them with a backslash:
> $text = "The amount is \$400.-";

All that does is print \$ in my HTML.

What's going on is that it will put, say, RR$T into a file when that's typed
into a textbox or any typable form control. That's properly saved in the

So the file will contain RR$T.

When it's output, it could be RR, or RR$T, depending on some unpredictable
factors (haven't figured it out).

By adding a slash, what gets saved in the file is RR\$T, but what gets
output could be RR\ or RR\$T, depending on those same factors.

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[PHP] Dollar signs in values

2003-03-06 Thread Liam Gibbs
How is it I can properly get PHP to represent dollar signs when putting it into HTML?

I know that dollar signs denote the beginning of a variable, like $reference or 
$ftpstream or whatever. However, I have a text file that contains (or can contain) 
values with $ in them. When I open the file and grab those values, then stick them 
onto my HTML page, they get unpredictable results. Is there a way I can escape them or 

Re: [PHP] Modifying a string

2003-03-06 Thread Liam Gibbs
> I need to modify a string that contains image links like  src="http://www.somedomain/directory/graphics/filename.jpg";> to
> image links like 

Maybe something like with str_replace()?

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Re: [PHP] updating pages with php

2003-03-05 Thread Liam Gibbs

Escape them by putting a slash in front of them. If you have a line of text
that says 'This is the problem area I don't want to screw up', put 'This is
the problem area I don\'t want to screw up'.

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Re: [PHP] updating pages with php

2003-03-05 Thread Liam Gibbs
> $Query = "UPDATE $TableName SET Intro_Title = '$Intro_Title', Intro =
> '$Intro' WHERE ID = '$ID'";

But what's being sent to SQL? What's contained in $TableName, $Intro_Title,
etc.? And what data types are all those fields?

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Re: [PHP] updating pages with php

2003-03-05 Thread Liam Gibbs
> What I have discovered is that I can manually type it in the mysql server
> with whatever characters I want, but when I try to update it with a sql
> or via the webpage I created with the comma's it gives me errors. I take
> them out of the sql text and webpage and it works fine.

The problem can't be with the commas. Post the query here, or try an SQL

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Re: [PHP] updating pages with php

2003-03-05 Thread Liam Gibbs

Don't forget to escape apostrophes and double quotation marks where needed.
Also, check the actual MySQL. If it contains things like double quotation
marks or greater- or less-than tags, it may be misinterpreted by your
browser when output. A line like:

could come out like:

<>$%#$" there
it is">

or even in non-form tags.

Try checking both MySQL and the output code in your browser.

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Re: [PHP] crontab

2003-03-04 Thread Liam Gibbs
> Can I run a php script in crontab?
> Do I echo or print?
> Anyone doing it?

Well, why don't I just completely misunderstand the question. Sorry,

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Re: [PHP] crontab

2003-03-04 Thread Liam Gibbs
> Can I run a php script in crontab?
> Do I echo or print?
> Anyone doing it?

This is a serious security hazard. However, what you could do is have a PHP
page set cron settings (such as name of file, location, frequency, and
importance), then have another cron job (running at a decent frequency) do
the organization. However, this is still a security flaw, as hackers can
just take a look at your cron jobs and get in and run their own in place of
yours. Probably no more a flaw than normal, though, as if a hacker can get
in to replace your cron job, they can get in and run any number of things
anyway. Make sure to hard code your cron jobs, as having a downloadable page
is a bigger security hazard. You don't want the PHP page to do this itself,
because it will have to run as root.

I did this one time, and if I'm allowed some time to get my page up, I can
e-mail you some instructions. What you'll need is a PHP page, a txt file
(for the settings) and a cron job that will read the file and do the
necessary steps to arrange the cron jobs itself.

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Re: [PHP] Number of rows

2003-03-04 Thread Liam Gibbs
> I am using the folling code to list all of my tables in a database:
> however, i would like to show the user how many rows there are in each
> (where i have put numrows), how could i do this?

This will be costly on process time, but you could just do a SELECT COUNT(*)
on all the tables. If you find a way to do it with a simple PHP command
(without a self-made function), I'd love to know.

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Re: [PHP] file uploads

2003-03-04 Thread Liam Gibbs
> 1) Do the temp files automatically delete, or do I
> need to put something in the code to delete them?

They do, and I believe it's until the end of the currently-running PHP

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[PHP] ICQ # validation

2003-03-03 Thread Liam Gibbs
Maybe I'm off my rocker, but I don't see how this can't work. I'm trying to validate 
an ICQ number, and assuming a valid one is between 7 and 9 numbers. My line of code is 

if(ereg("^[0-9]{7,9}$", $_REQUEST["icqnumber"])) {
} else {
print("error msg");

I've submitted the ICQ # 2264532680, but it validates. Any ideas?

[PHP] htmlentities()

2003-02-27 Thread Liam Gibbs
I seem to be having trouble with htmlentities(). Maybe someone has a clue I can 
borrow. Here's my function:

function FitForHTML($string) {
$asciitable = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES);
$string = htmlentities($string, ENT_COMPAT);
$string = str_replace($asciitable[chr(255)], "ÿ", $string);

return $string;

When calling this function with the following data: é[a club]+  <>
I get: é♣+  &

(I didn't send this as Unicode. The ♣ was originally a club character.)

Maybe I'm not looking in the correct area, but when I do a search in Google Groups, I 
get one message (well, two: one in English and one in German or some language that 
uses a lot of z's and c's), but that doesn't solve the problem.

[PHP] Chmod funk

2003-01-24 Thread Liam . Gibbs
This line of code:

if(!is_readable("")) chmod("", 0644);

Produces this error:

Warning: chmod() [function.chmod]: Operation not permitted in
/home/mastersite/public_html/index.php on line 6

What I'm trying to do is determine if is readable. If not, I
want to change its permissions. At this point, I'm not worried about if it
exists or not.

I'm not sure why I can't set it. The owner and group for the file are both
'mastersite', and my PHP is running as 'root' (I know, I know, not a good
idea, but I'm in the testing phase right now, and if it's hacked at the
moment, it's not a problem). Does anyone have a possible explanation? The
file perms for are currently set at executable for all.

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[PHP] Possible values for get_browser()->css

2003-01-22 Thread Liam . Gibbs
When I run, $r = get_browser(); and take a look at the css value, I get 2. I
would have figured that it could only be 0 (not supported) or 1 (supported).
What are the possible values for get_browser()'s css, and what do those
values mean?

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[PHP] Detecting posts from outside site

2003-01-21 Thread Liam . Gibbs
Also, speaking of detection, I made a small script that can protect against
people downloading your site's forms, modifying their new local copy (and
putting an absolute URL in the form's ACTION attribute), and then posting
data using the botched form. If it's bulletproof, then I figured this could
help some of you out. If not, I welcome comments (I'm a little bit hesitant
of calling things 'bulletproof'). $http_referer (lowercase) is the
parse_url() of $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]. Some local mucking up can give you
the format you want for it.

if((count($_POST) > 0) && (!stristr($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"],
$http_referer))) {
$evil = "postedfromoutsidepage";

Then, you can test for $evil when you need to print an error message or
decide whether or not the data is proper.

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[PHP] Detecting resolution

2003-01-21 Thread Liam . Gibbs
Does anyone know how to detect the resolution of someone's computer? Or is
this possible through 'browscapping'?

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RE: [PHP] search question

2002-11-27 Thread Liam . Gibbs

You could try any number of PHP functions, but the best ones would be
strchr/strstr/stristr (for locating the first occurrence of the string),
strpos (find the position of the first occurrence), or strrchr (to find the

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RE: [PHP] Who can tell me where I can get the cracked Zend Encode r3.0 ?

2002-11-01 Thread Liam . Gibbs

Disrespect or not, anyone ever copy a game? Or a CD or tape? Or a movie?
Anyone ever download anything off the Internet? It's all the same, and I
doubt any of the people on the list showing the same disrespect this person
may have showed have never done that. Again, cut this poster some slack and
let him or her move on. Maybe if the poster is still on the list, that same
person can save someone a lot of headache with the solution to a coding

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RE: [PHP] Who can tell me where I can get the cracked Zend Encoder3.0 ?

2002-11-01 Thread Liam . Gibbs
> > Who can tell me where I can get the cracked Zend Encoder 3.0 ?

>Are you a muppet?
>This list is run by the people who make Zend Encoder!

>Ah, my first laugh of the day.

Okay, that's enough. I'm incredibly disappointed in this list. It's very
helpful at times, but at other times can degenerate into immature
namecalling and fingerpointing like the above and other examples. So this
poster made a mistake. Cut him or her some slack. But I guess since none of
the fingerpointers here have ever made a mistake, then I guess you all have
the right to go ahead and make fun. This person made a post that he or she
shouldn't have made, and since then has been ridiculed on a public forum by
about four or five of us. If we all can look past this mistake and get back
to posting constructive comments, this poster can get back to feeling a
little sense of community here when needing legitimate help. So can we give
this poster a break, or should we continue and then respond to every
fingerpointer with the same lack of respect next time a mistake is made?

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RE: [PHP] Re: CSS pulls me back in

2002-10-31 Thread Liam . Gibbs

It's in the same directory. Maybe I have to make things global? Lemme check
on that.

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[PHP] CSS pulls me back in

2002-10-30 Thread Liam . Gibbs
Still having trouble with CSSs. Now it's a different error. Below is my CSS
code. For some reason, I can't get the CSS to access my file
to grab my constants. Any ideas? The line by which I get my CSS is:
print("  \n");

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RE: [PHP] Php web hosting

2002-10-30 Thread Liam . Gibbs
>Anyone out there have high volume sites with a feature rich hosting

I'd be interested, too, but especially in the free ones.

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RE: [PHP] Mutiple header statements?

2002-10-30 Thread Liam . Gibbs
Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but a possible solution could

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[PHP] Show indexes

2002-10-16 Thread Liam . Gibbs

Is there a way in PHP to list all of the indexes in an SQL database? Or is
it only through SQL that this can be done? (Or can it?)

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RE: [PHP] Drop down Menu

2002-10-08 Thread Liam . Gibbs


Well, to start you off, the select would have to be this:
SELECT salesman FROM salesman_database;
(You may have to check out a MySQL site for some specifics, such as what
other information do you need than the name--number? Department?--and are
there any filters you need--some have left?).

For the rest of it (as in how do you make your results into a dropdown list)
that's not a PHP question. You can spit it out by doing a
mysql_query/fetch_mysql_row combo, but that will be a straight HTML list.

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RE: [PHP] For my next bug... Upload filename gets blanked out

2002-10-08 Thread Liam . Gibbs


I don't think that's it. Tell me if I'm using it improperly, but I tried to
print out the filename:


Is that it?

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RE: [PHP] For my next bug... Upload filename gets blanked out

2002-10-08 Thread Liam . Gibbs


Hmm. Not sure about register_globals, but I'm not using $_FILES. I assume
its use is $_FILES["name_of_file || size_of_file"]? I'll check it out.

Is there a disadvantage to using it? Ie. If register_globals is on, will it
still work? If there's no disadvantage, I might just go with it anyway
Avoids the hassle the next time I reinstall or switch servers.

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[PHP] For my next bug... Upload filename gets blanked out

2002-10-08 Thread Liam . Gibbs

In the form below, when I specify a file to upload (in $filename), it gets
blanked out by the time I hit the Upload button and the page refreshes. My
test file is a text file that certainly does *not* exceed the max_file_size
(it goes to about 27 k).

Upload (filename): 


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RE: [PHP] Another problem

2002-10-08 Thread Liam . Gibbs


No, I've got the text/ascii header in there. I have it send an HTML and a
text version. Both look very different. The only problem with the text
version is that there are no line breaks... Until it encounters a P tag.
It's weird, but I have those completely stripped out, but the BR tags I have
replaced. The P tags should make no difference.

Oh yeah, and it *was* a typo. It really is \r\n.

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[PHP] Another problem

2002-10-08 Thread Liam . Gibbs

*sigh* They never stop.

I have a series of lines that I put through a function that strips tags and
replaces them with their best string equivalents (bold tags turn into *s and

For some reason, when I replace my  tags with \n\r and print the
resulting line on-screen, it works. But when I e-mail the lines, the \n\r
seems to disappear and all lines run into one another. For some reason, this
doesn't happen with P tags, but only with BR. My site is slowly becoming a

Can anyone help?

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RE: [PHP] Date to find next Friday

2002-10-08 Thread Liam . Gibbs

Responding to my own message. This is making me a little ticked. I can't
think it through. Here's exactly what I need:

There are a bunch of series of files (A series, B series, and so on) that
are to be released on the first, second, third, fourth, or (if it exists for
that month) fifth Friday of a given month. The A series does not necessarily
get released on the same Friday of each month as the B series, so the A
series could come out on the fourth Friday, while the B series comes out on
the third and the C on the fifth, etc. or whatever. I need to know the
Next_Release_Friday of a specified series.

If there are only four Fridays that month, all those fifth-Friday releases
happen on the fourth Friday.

Obviously, if a file is released on the first Friday and it so happens that
the first Friday for this month has passed, the Next_Release_Friday will be
next month, and if it's December, the Next_Release_Friday will be next
year's January.

Does everybody follow me? It's even confusing trying to ask the question,
let alone derive the proper date.

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[PHP] Date to find next Friday

2002-10-08 Thread Liam . Gibbs

Using the date function, what's the easiest way to find the date of the next

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