Re: [PHP] Re: Sort with PHP or SQL?

2002-07-06 Thread Alberto Serra


Pekka Saarinen wrote:
> Also, many virtual hosts share MySQL server(s), so offering a choice to 
> use PHP for pagination and sorting on "own server RAM/CPU" may by 
> beneficial. I also believe that anything that produces less load to 
> MySQL is good.

Absolutely true. First time a customer of mine wanted to host in the 
States he got offered Oracle on dedicated machine. Looked quite good, as 
usually having DB server on a dedicated machine performs *much* better.

Eventually, we found out that the yanks had *one* db server for 
something like 50 overloaded webservers. The poor dbbox was actually 
serving an incredible amount of MySql dbs, too.

So poor configuration must be taken into account. Especially when you 
are hired into a project and cannot really choose who the provider is 
going to be. In that case an oracle instance was *much* slower than a 
PHP sort out of a plain text file. And we are talking about a ridicolous 
amount of rows...

Everything may happen...




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Re: [PHP] Re: Sort with PHP or SQL?

2002-07-06 Thread Pekka Saarinen

At 7/6/2002, you wrote:

I mean LIMIT and ORDER BY of course
Time for some more coffee.

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Re: [PHP] Re: Sort with PHP or SQL?

2002-07-06 Thread Pekka Saarinen

At 7/5/2002, you wrote:
> >I'm working on a way to pull menus/pages from a database.  Currently I have
> >this working on 2 levels - Topic headers & actual page titles - & it prints
> >it out fairly nice & doesn't take long to load.  What I need to do is add a
> >level between the 2, a sub-header.
> >
> >I'm running both the apache server & mysql server on the same linux box as
> >the current load isn't very high.  I'm wondering whether it would be
> >better/easier to Load all the topic headers into an array, then any possible
> >sub-headers into a 2nd array, then the pages into a 3rd array (or even into
> >a multidimensional array?).  Then go through the arrays & match the pages.
> >Or would it be easier to write 1 huge SQL statement & have the SQL server
> >run the whole query?
>*ANY* time you can sort/search in SQL, or you can do it in PHP, the SQL way
>will be faster.
>I'm sure there's an exception to this rule, but I've never seen it :-)


I have here a beta of my gallery software (normalized to fourth normal form 
and good use of indexes) where I did a user-selectable limit where you 
decide if pagination and sorting (SORT BY and ORDER by)  are done by PHP or 
by MySQL.

Especially ORDER BY is quite slow compared to other SQL commands and 
optimizing it may not always be easy:

In Apache/MySQL under Windows XP the difference is small result sets is 
quite big (e.g. 0.07s vs. 0.12s), and in Linux box it is much smaller but 
still noticeable.  When result set gets bigger MySQL gains speed. The MySQL 
method also varies more in speed. So,  offer a "treshold" value choice from 
"use always PHP" to "use always SLQ"  and few steps in between, because 
there is no way of knowing which way works best in each server and image 
amount, without testing it.

Also, many virtual hosts share MySQL server(s), so offering a choice to use 
PHP for pagination and sorting on "own server RAM/CPU" may by beneficial. I 
also believe that anything that produces less load to MySQL is good.

This is just my experience: I believe in empirical research :)


Pekka Saarinen

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Re: [PHP] Re: Sort with PHP or SQL?

2002-07-06 Thread Miguel Cruz

On Sat, 6 Jul 2002, Patrick Teague wrote:
> $query = "SELECT * " .
>  "FROM Headers LEFT JOIN Pages ON (Headers.Header_ID=Pages.Header_ID) " .
>  "ORDER BY HeaderOrder DESC, Header, PageOrder DESC, PageTitle;";
> Any ideas on optimizing this?  DB stuff doesn't come near the top of things
> I'm good at :)  The other problem is that any pages that end up having no
> Header "disappear", which is a good thing on the menu, but a bad thing on
> the admin pages when you're trying to connect all of them.

SELECT from pages and use LEFT OUTER JOIN if you want to include pages
with no header.


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Re: [PHP] Re: Sort with PHP or SQL?

2002-07-05 Thread Alberto Serra


> Any suggestions on how to do this?  


*DO* look around and find yourself some text about normalization. I 
mean, paper. Something you can hold in your hands without rushing to 
try-and-code it. Then get yourself a sigarette (if you are a smoker) and 
spend two hours of your life making sure you perfectly understand what 
data modeling is like. If you miss this step there is almost nothing 
that people can do to help you.

Look for a list that specializes in data-modeling. That's definitely OT 
here. Not that I don't want to talk about it, but reading this list will 
not give you much in that direction.

> Any ideas on optimizing this?  DB stuff doesn't come near the top of things
> I'm good at :)  

> The other problem is that any pages that end up having no
> Header "disappear", which is a good thing on the menu, but a bad thing on
> the admin pages when you're trying to connect all of them.

See point 1).




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Re: [PHP] Re: Sort with PHP or SQL?

2002-07-05 Thread Patrick Teague

> *ANY* time you can sort/search in SQL, or you can do it in PHP, the SQL
> will be faster.

< and >

> Grouping and sorting is something databases specialize in.

Any suggestions on how to do this?  Currently I have a table with Headers &
another table with Pages...  Should I create yet another table for
Sub-Headers?  The other thing I've thought of is putting everything in 1
table, but this seems slightly daunting.  Here are the SQL statements I used
to make the 2 tables I currently have -

 Header VARCHAR(25),
 HeaderOrder INT NOT NULL,
 HeaderInfo TEXT,

 PageTitle VARCHAR(25),
 PageOrder INT NOT NULL,
 PageContent TEXT,

& then my current sql statement for php -

$query = "SELECT * " .
 "FROM Headers LEFT JOIN Pages ON (Headers.Header_ID=Pages.Header_ID) " .
 "ORDER BY HeaderOrder DESC, Header, PageOrder DESC, PageTitle;";

Any ideas on optimizing this?  DB stuff doesn't come near the top of things
I'm good at :)  The other problem is that any pages that end up having no
Header "disappear", which is a good thing on the menu, but a bad thing on
the admin pages when you're trying to connect all of them.


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