Re: [PHPTAL] New PHPTAL website!

2009-06-01 Thread Kornel Lesiński

How about now?

A bit more colorful. Everything is slightly smaller (with 1em kept  
only for large resolutions in browsers that support CSS media queries).

Any idea how to add color to headers? body of text?

regards, Kornel

PHPTAL mailing list

Re: [PHPTAL] New PHPTAL website!

2009-06-01 Thread Kornel Lesiński

On 01.06.2009, at 14:09, admirau wrote:

Starting from the top:
* Kerning in PHPTAL logo could be improved

What's wrong with it? Improved how? I thought that's browsers' job.

* Upper right gray area is unused == takes important place

I plan to put search box there.

But the main issue visible then is: too small line height.
Consolas is pretty in plain text, but for code it needs a lot of  

to be pretty and readable.)

I've increased line height.

* On Firefox 3.5, when hovering the menu, horizontal scrollbar is  

Could not reproduce.

* Syntax coloring looks better on dark background

No it doesn't ;P

* Link to validator shows errors

DTD sucks and doesn't support XML namespaces. I'll probably switch to  
HTML5 output at some point.

And one more feature request:
* PDF version of the manual would be nice.

I've tried that, but couldn't get xmlto to work. Help?

regards, Kornel

PHPTAL mailing list

Re: [PHPTAL] New PHPTAL website!

2009-06-01 Thread romtek
I support everything Werner said in his elaborated reply.

I think using 1em for font-size is correct as it uses the browser's
default value. If it's too much for somebody, he can reduce the
default value. But the default is there for a reason, and it's nice
for a web designer to respect users' wishes (I assume users are aware
that they can express their wishes by setting default values, and it's
not too much to assume among web designers :) )

The top bar and the menu bar could (and should) be reduced by about
50% to leave more space for the useful content.

I like the colors, overall. It's impossible to please everybody. What
can appear a happy color for one, may hurt someone else's eyes. For
example, I like blue color, but a lot of it makes my friend's eyes

> Is anyone going to be offended if website won't look pretty in IE older than 
> 8?

Considering the audience, I think it's OK to target only recent versions.


PHPTAL mailing list

Re: [PHPTAL] New PHPTAL website!

2009-06-01 Thread admirau

W dniu 2009-06-01 00:59, Kornel Lesiński pisze:
I welcome suggestions about the design, typography. I'd like some help 
integrating scripts&makefiles for manual and website together (svn 
exports + recursive make?)

In general: old one was better :)

Starting from the top:
* Kerning in PHPTAL logo could be improved
* Top takes 1/3 of the screen on my LCD (1440×900 - toolbars)
* Upper right gray area is unused == takes important place
* I prefer smaller text (when I press ctrl- twice to see the menu in 
reasonable size,

headers are still to big, while main text is a bit to small.
But the main issue visible then is: too small line height.
Consolas is pretty in plain text, but for code it needs a lot of whitespace
to be pretty and readable.)
* Too much gray (gray shadows, gray background, gray, menu, rollovers) - 
try with olive/Black/white/orange

* Headers shouldn't be uppercase
* Active tab needs left and right borders + the other menu items border 
bottom - then the tab becomes the part of the page

* On Firefox 3.5, when hovering the menu, horizontal scrollbar is moving
* Inline code blocks text should be slightly bigger (x-height is smaller)
* I prefer column-wide code blocks (now each one has different width)
* Syntax coloring looks better on dark background
* Uppercase italics looks strange
* Link to validator shows errors

And one more feature request:
* PDF version of the manual would be nice.

Do you know a good way to get syntax coloring for code snippets? I've 
tried GeSHi, but it's unsuitable for highlighting of in-line code and 
doesn't support mixing of languages (e.g. fragment with PHP, HTML and 
CSS will have only HTML parts highlighted properly).

Requires modification if you need:
But in my opinion, inline code does not need highlighting.
If it does, it shoud be code block.

Is anyone going to be offended if website won't look pretty in IE 
older than 8?

_pretty_ is a subjective term :)


PHPTAL mailing list

Re: [PHPTAL] New PHPTAL website!

2009-06-01 Thread Werner

Ok, allow me to elaborate a bit...

1) I like sites that are easy to read. Especially if it's of a technical 
nature, like PHPTAL.
2) I like sites that are center-aligned, and sites that can scale 
according to the viewport (like when I visit it om my mobile), or on my 
nice big monitor in the office.
3) I like sites that put the emphasis on the content, not on other 
frilly things, especially if it's of a technical nature.
4) I like sites with clear navigation, also showing you where you are 
atm, since a lot of people don't land on the home page, per se.
5) I like sites designed for the web, without shrapnel left overs from 
the print-based design era.
6) I just like to read a site without too much distraction from what I'm 
supposed to concentrate on.

All of the above is just my personal preference, as stated. I'm not a 
usability purist, just an everyday web user.

On the other hand, some colour would not hurt, I suppose, but I don't 
think it's necessary - I still like the way it's now ;)

Kind Regards,

Werner wrote:

Hehehehe - you're a tough customer :)

aaatoja wrote:

Ok, I can make it smaller. What would you change with the top?

Old site is pure and clean. When I first saw new one I thought "why is it so 
sad"? There's too much gray (unless it symbolizes the dullness of other projects), 
trifolium (?) should suggest live, bright and happy colors. I don't like transition 
between top and content - it looks strange to me. I don't know - maybe there is missing 
something to the left - some graphics, or maybe it's bad contrast. And I don't like hover 

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PHPTAL mailing list

PHPTAL mailing list

Re: [PHPTAL] New PHPTAL website!

2009-06-01 Thread Werner

Hehehehe - you're a tough customer :)

aaatoja wrote:

Ok, I can make it smaller. What would you change with the top?

Old site is pure and clean. When I first saw new one I thought "why is it so 
sad"? There's too much gray (unless it symbolizes the dullness of other projects), 
trifolium (?) should suggest live, bright and happy colors. I don't like transition 
between top and content - it looks strange to me. I don't know - maybe there is missing 
something to the left - some graphics, or maybe it's bad contrast. And I don't like hover 

PHPTAL mailing list


PHPTAL mailing list

Re: [PHPTAL] New PHPTAL website!

2009-06-01 Thread aaatoja
> Ok, I can make it smaller. What would you change with the top?
Old site is pure and clean. When I first saw new one I thought "why is it so 
sad"? There's too much gray (unless it symbolizes the dullness of other 
projects), trifolium (?) should suggest live, bright and happy colors. I don't 
like transition between top and content - it looks strange to me. I don't know 
- maybe there is missing something to the left - some graphics, or maybe it's 
bad contrast. And I don't like hover color.

PHPTAL mailing list

Re: [PHPTAL] New PHPTAL website!

2009-06-01 Thread Werner
I like it the way it is currently (larger font sizes) - I hate having to 
squint in order to read technical docs. I just like it's simplicity and 
scalability - just my 2 cents.

PS: Good job, Kornel!

Kornel Lesiński wrote:

Ok, I can make it smaller. What would you change with the top?

PHPTAL mailing list

Re: [PHPTAL] New PHPTAL website!

2009-06-01 Thread Kornel Lesiński

On 01-06-2009 at 06:27:36 aaatoja  wrote:

For syntax highlighting You can try:

It is google project used in so obviously doesn't work  
with application/xhtml+xml ;)

PHPTAL now supports HTML5 output mode, so this isn't a problem :)

I don't like gray top and I think font-size 16px for text is too large.

Ok, I can make it smaller. What would you change with the top?

Oh, btw. Could You fill conditional statements section with remaining  


regards, Kornel

PHPTAL mailing list

Re: [PHPTAL] New PHPTAL website!

2009-05-31 Thread Tjerk Meesters
Not sure where you see 16px, the browser default font size is being used afaik.

The grey top could be reduced though, as well as the menu bar height;
other than that, the reading area is wider which is good and it's
overall cleaner I find ;-)

On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 1:27 PM, aaatoja  wrote:
> For syntax highlighting You can try:
> It is google project used in so obviously doesn't work with 
> application/xhtml+xml ;)
> I don't like gray top and I think font-size 16px for text is too large. 
> Compare old manual with the new one. On 1024x768 I have only ~6 two-line 
> paragraphs on my screen. Oh, btw. Could You fill conditional statements 
> section with remaining expressions?
> 'not' => '!',
>        'ne'  => '!=',
>        'and' => '&&',
>        'or'  => '||',
>        'lt'  => '<',
>        'gt'  => '>',
>        'ge'  => '>=',
>        'le'  => '<=',
>        'eq'  => '=='
> ___
> PHPTAL mailing list


PHPTAL mailing list

Re: [PHPTAL] New PHPTAL website!

2009-05-31 Thread aaatoja
For syntax highlighting You can try:

It is google project used in so obviously doesn't work with 
application/xhtml+xml ;)

I don't like gray top and I think font-size 16px for text is too large. Compare 
old manual with the new one. On 1024x768 I have only ~6 two-line paragraphs on 
my screen. Oh, btw. Could You fill conditional statements section with 
remaining expressions?
'not' => '!', 
'ne'  => '!=', 
'and' => '&&',
'or'  => '||',
'lt'  => '<',
'gt'  => '>',
'ge'  => '>=',
'le'  => '<=',
'eq'  => '=='

PHPTAL mailing list