Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announce: ShairTunes2W - Airtunes on LMS (forked version with Windows support)

2022-12-16 Thread alnames

Just an update. 1.0.15 now works for me on my picoreplayer based LMS.
Thanks Philippe.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announce: ShairTunes2W - Airtunes on LMS (forked version with Windows support)

2022-12-10 Thread alnames

ShairTunes stopped working for me on my Raspberry Pi/Picoreplayer based
LMS with 1.0.13. This what the log says:


[22-12-10 10:54:10.6557] Plugins::ShairTunes2W::Plugin::createListenPort 
(399) Created listener on port 38173
  [22-12-10 10:54:10.6567] Plugins::ShairTunes2W::Plugin::publishPlayer (441) 
avahi-publish-player not in path
  [22-12-10 10:54:10.6573] Plugins::ShairTunes2W::Plugin::publishPlayer (450) 
dns-sd not in path
  [22-12-10 10:54:10.6580] Plugins::ShairTunes2W::Plugin::publishPlayer (459) 
mDNSPublish not in path
  [22-12-10 10:54:10.6586] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1325) Warning: 
[10:54:10.6582] Use of uninitialized value $shairtunes_helper in concatenation 
(.) or string at 
line 461.
  [22-12-10 10:54:10.6590] Plugins::ShairTunes2W::Plugin::publishPlayer (461) 
using built-in helper: 
  [22-12-10 10:54:10.6596] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1325) Warning: 
[10:54:10.6593] Use of uninitialized value $shairtunes_helper in concatenation 
(.) or string at 
line 466.
  [22-12-10 10:54:10.6600] Plugins::ShairTunes2W::Plugin::publishPlayer (466) 
start  failed
  [22-12-10 10:54:10.6606] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1325) Warning: 
[10:54:10.6602] Use of uninitialized value $daemons{"c8:3a:35:c7:26:eb"} in 
concatenation (.) or string at 
line 346.
  [22-12-10 10:54:10.6610] Plugins::ShairTunes2W::Plugin::addPlayer (346) 
create client Slim::Player::SqueezePlay=ARRAY(0x5a9f2a8) with proc 

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: PlayHLS Plugin - plugin to play Apple HLS m3u8 stream

2020-04-18 Thread alnames

bpa wrote: 
> What is wrong with using PlayHLS v1 ?
> A HLS stream without a Master playlist is not really a proper HLS
> stream.  Since you have authoring the stream you can easily create the
> MAster playlist.  It gives details such as which codec is being used.
> I can't even guess the problem since I can't play your stream and you
> have not provided any examples of your playlists nor any details of your
> system or the format / codecs used in your streams.
> edit:
> codec is important as PlayHLSv2 2.2 has some problem with MPEG2-ts MP3 
> and Packed-MP3 streams and cannot handle AC-3 or EH-3 streams.
> V2.2 also has issues with covert art /;video emebedded as a second track
> in MEPG2-ts and with packetised metadata in MPEG2-ts streams.
> So very detailed information is vital to solve your problem.
> edit 2:
> HLS v2.2 laso had problem with MPEG2-ts streams whcih depended on when
> the PMT section appeared in the stream.
> V2.3 correct a number of the above issues - I'll try to push it out
> later today.
> PlayHLSv1 is very flexible about formats & codecs - one user of a DVB-S
> with MP2 (not MP3) audio satellite streams found it worked with
> PlayHLSv1 because if ffmpeg encounters a failure, it tries other non
> standard alternatives.

Sorry for responding so late. Thanks for your detailed response. I use
LMS in picoreplayer on a Raspberry Pi3. I wanted to try v2 as v1 did not
install in LMS 8 (I've since gone back to 7.9.2 to use v1 and it works
fine). Not having to find the right ffmpeg version each time I want to
reinstall LMS from scratch would be nice. I use a script I found at that creates a server that serves
HLS streams for SiriusXM channels. Below is the beginning of an m3u8


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: PlayHLS Plugin - plugin to play Apple HLS m3u8 stream

2020-04-03 Thread alnames

I use a simple python script that creates a server that serves HLS
streams for SiriusXM channels that works with playHLS v1 (with ffmpeg)
but does not with playHLS v2. The server is on a Raspberry Pi and the
LMS is on another Pi running picoreplayer. The LMS log shows the
following when trying to use v2:

Not a Master media playlist - missing #EXT-X-STREAM-INF in url
Attempt to play Media playlist as EXTINF EXT-X-TARGETDURATION persent
for url http://192.168.*.*

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announce: ShairTunes2W - Airtunes on LMS (forked version with Windows support)

2018-11-23 Thread alnames

I use Shairtunes mainly to stream SiriusXM from an old Iphone to my
Picoreplayer based LMS running on a Pi 2 and played on a
Picoreplayer/Jivelite Pi 3 (and other Pi's around the house).  It works
well for the most part, however lately it has failed to fetch the
Artwork for any songs like it used to. I don't know if this is the APP
on the Iphone or something in the plugin.

The Server log only shows the following:
[18-11-22 14:01:47.3616]
Plugins::ShairTunes2W::Plugin::conn_handle_request (897) Helper output:
shairport_helper: VERSION: 0.103.3
[18-11-22 14:01:49.3360] Slim::Web::ImageProxy::__ANON__ (319) Artwork
resize for
[18-11-22 14:01:56.3508] Slim::Web::ImageProxy::__ANON__ (319) Artwork
resize for
[18-11-22 14:01:57.3584] Slim::Web::ImageProxy::__ANON__ (319) Artwork
resize for

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announce: ShairTunes2W - Airtunes on LMS (forked version with Windows support)

2018-06-16 Thread alnames

Updating to 91.3 broke the plugin for me on a Raspberry Pi running
picoreplayer. Removing plugin and alternate repository and installing
91.0 from LMS repository restored functionality.


[18-06-16 08:09:08.9967] main::init (387) Starting Logitech Media Server 
(v7.9.1, 1523349116, Tue Apr 10 10:51:54 CEST 2018) perl 5.024000 - 
  [18-06-16 08:09:11.8401] Plugins::ShairTunes2W::Plugin::initPlugin (203) 
cannot find system OpenSSL::RSA, trying local version
  [18-06-16 08:09:11.8407] Slim::Utils::PluginManager::load (393) Warning: 
Couldn't call Plugins::ShairTunes2W::Plugin->initPlugin: Attempt to reload 
Crypt/OpenSSL/ aborted.
  Compilation failed in require at 
line 204.
  [18-06-16 08:10:47.7145] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1252) Warning: 
[08:10:47.7138] Use of uninitialized value $mDNShelper in concatenation (.) or 
string at 
line 298.
  [18-06-16 08:10:47.7152] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1252) Warning: 
[08:10:47.7148] Use of uninitialized value $mDNShelper in concatenation (.) or 
string at 
line 305.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announce: ShairTunes2W - Airtunes on LMS (forked version with Windows support)

2017-09-23 Thread alnames

philippe_44 wrote: 
> Have you tried to see what is the CPU usage on picore at that time?

Hi Philippe,

I thought removing ShairTunes2W fixed my problem but it reoccurred
without it. Basically, my LMS became unresponsive for few seconds up to
a minute. Running TOP showed nothing unusual but the net effect was to
restart one of my "synced" players causing the song to skip to the next
one (either local songs on my NAS or via mysqueezenetwork for Pandora).
I worked on trying to pin down network issues, errant processes, and any
number of other causes without success (such as power supplies and SD

Finally, I started from scratch and reimaged a new SD card with
Picoreplayer and downloaded LMS, manually configuring both. This seems
to have fixed my issue. I ran 4 synced picoreplayer based Pi's (2 wired
and 2 wifi with one of the wired also hosting LMS) playing Pandora for a
couple of hours with no skips or LMS hangups. I then added Shairtunes2W
and have been playing it for the last couple of hours (streaming
SiriusXM from an Iphone 5S). 

Except for the usual weirdness (my first attempt producing no sound and
the occasional 2-5 second interruption), I've not experienced the
problems I had before. When LMS would hangup, Shairtunes2W would lose
the stream and go silent every few minutes.

Wish I could pinpoint the exact issue, but I don't think it was
Shairtunes2W. I apologize for implying that your plugin may have been
the culprit. Thanks for all your work.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announce: ShairTunes2W - Airtunes on LMS (forked version with Windows support)

2017-09-16 Thread alnames

Just curious if anyone else using a Picoreplayer based LMS on a
Raspberry Pi3 sees a significant lag in response with the ShareTunes2W
plugin enabled. My LMS would sometimes take up to a minute or more to
respond to command requests (ie playing Pandora stations or playing
local files). Sometimes the music would stop playing and resume a minute
or two later.

I only use Shairtunes2W and the Youtube plugins from the third party
options and removing the Shairtunes2W plugin restores my LMS to it's
usual responsive self. Pandora songs now finish before moving to the
next song (before they would sometimes not finish and jump to the next
song) and I can quickly access and play my local NAS served collection.
I don't think this was an issue on the older versions of the plugin from
a few months ago.

FYI, the plugin itself would usually function to stream from an Iphone
(I used it for SiriusXM), however, it also would sometimes suffer from
the same lag and would frequently stop altogether requiring restarting
the airplay stream from the Iphone. When these lags would occur, access
to LMS via the Web Browser or OrangeSqueeze in Android could take up to
a minute or more.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announce: ShairTunes2W - Airtunes on LMS (forked version with Windows support)

2017-08-16 Thread alnames

philippe_44 wrote: 
> Issue found - Set "use flac" option till I upload a correction

For what it's worth, I'm using picoreplayer 3.21 standard version with
"use flac" with developer Shairtunes2W and the audio is fine.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announce: ShairTunes2W - Airtunes on LMS (forked version with Windows support)

2017-08-15 Thread alnames

TroLoo wrote: 
> I can confirm that after update to 0.72.1 plugin loads ok to LMS on
> piCorePlayer v3.21 Audio.
> But... it doesn't work. Airplay devices show up properly, but when
> streaming to them all I can hear is noise.
> Am I the only one to have this issue now? I can try to re-install
> everything from scratch.

I think I figured out my issue. I was using a USB drive to store the
Cache and it appears that Shairtunes had a problem writing to it (hence,
I'm guessing the chmod error). I moved the Cache to the same sd card
hosting LMS and picoreplayer and it installed and works fine.

I did recently change USB cards and I left the vfat formatting. Should I
reformat it to something else (like ext4)? Everything else worked fine
with the USB card. 

My thanks to philippe and my sincerest apologies if I put you to a lot
of trouble.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announce: ShairTunes2W - Airtunes on LMS (forked version with Windows support)

2017-08-15 Thread alnames

alnames wrote: 
> Noticed in the log after failing to install plugin (rather than failing
> to load):
> error: Can't chmod()
> /usr/local/slimserver/Cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/ShairTunes2W/
> Operation not permitted 
> at /usr/local/slimserver/Slim/Utils/ line 854.

Still have the same issue after the update:

[17-08-15 11:23:09.6740] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1244) Warning:
[11:23:09.6704] error: Can't chmod()
Operation not permitted 
at /usr/local/slimserver/Slim/Utils/ line 854.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announce: ShairTunes2W - Airtunes on LMS (forked version with Windows support)

2017-08-13 Thread alnames

Noticed in the log after failing to install plugin (rather than failing
to load):

error: Can't chmod()
Operation not permitted 
at /usr/local/slimserver/Slim/Utils/ line 854.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announce: ShairTunes2W - Airtunes on LMS (forked version with Windows support)

2017-08-10 Thread alnames

philippe_44 wrote: 
> This is strange, here is why:
> The plugin needs some OpenSSL shared libraries. These are binary, not
> perl source, so there must be one per CPU architecture and per perl
> version. These are often not included with default perl or LMS. So, to
> avoid forcing user to mess up with that, I've included a few combination
> of CPU/perl. I realized that the 5.24 was missing so I added it (5.24.2)
> in 0.70.4 but it seems that 5.24.2 is not compatible with perl 5.24.0,
> at least this is what I thought in your case and because you said it was
> working before, I assumed that you had these libraries included. The
> error on my side was that my shared libraries were taking precedence
> over the installed one, if any and this is what I try to correct in
> 0.70.5, I made an error and then corrected that in 0.71.0. I'll check
> again 
> Envoyé de mon iPad en utilisant Tapatalk

Interesting. There is a way to add picore extensions to the picoreplayer
software and when I read your last replay, I attempted to load the
openssl extension, but the software informed me that it was already
installed. Maybe I did it before a long time ago and forgot about it, I
don't know.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announce: ShairTunes2W - Airtunes on LMS (forked version with Windows support)

2017-08-09 Thread alnames

philippe_44 wrote: 
> I made a mistake in that change but that will likely not solve your
> problem (now correcte din 0.71.0). You have likely upgraded your Perl
> version since last time you used the plugin. I'm providing binaries for
> a few Perl builds, but I can't do that for all of them. I've built for a
> 5.24.2 but it seems that you have a 5.24.0 and there is some
> incompatibilities. You have two options
> 1/ Update to 5.24.2
> 2/ install the libraries youself using CPAN. I don't know how piCore
> would let you do that
> 3/ find openSSL::RSA, openSSL::Random and openSSL::BigNum for 5.24.0
> somewhere and install them

Hmm. Well, I used the plugin on Monday successfully, saw there was a
plugin update in the LMS Server interface and restarted it. Now it won't
load. I haven't updated LMS since last March. I'll poke around to see
what I can do. Thanks for your help.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announce: ShairTunes2W - Airtunes on LMS (forked version with Windows support)

2017-08-09 Thread alnames

philippe_44 wrote: 
> Can you tell me what Perl version you exactly have (found in LMS
> settings, information tab)
> [edit]: I've pushed a version in the dev repository (see 1st post of
> this thread), can you tell me if it solves your problem?

Hi Philippe,

I tried your dev version (0.70.5) with no luck. I'm running Perl
Version: 5.24.0 - arm-linux-gnueabihf-thread-multi-64int on Logitech
Media Server Version: 7.9.0 - 1488878280 @ Wed Mar 8 14:07:50 UTC 2017
running on piCoreplayer version 3.21. I've been using previous versions
on the same Raspberry Pi2 for the last six months.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announce: ShairTunes2W - Airtunes on LMS (forked version with Windows support)

2017-08-08 Thread alnames

After updating to v0.70.4, the plugin failed to load. It worked fine on
my raspberry pi up until now. This was in the log:

Can't load
for module Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA:
undefined symbol: PL_curpad at
line 193.
line 33.
Compilation failed in require at
line 33.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
line 33.
Compilation failed in require at (eval 940) line 1.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 940) line 1.

[17-08-08 22:53:26.7433] Slim::Utils::PluginManager::load (323) Error:
Couldn't load Plugins::ShairTunes2W::Plugin

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: Alexa voice control (development thread)

2017-05-20 Thread alnames

mherger wrote: 
> > Experimental each on scalar is now forbidden at
> >
> /usr/local/slimserver/Cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/Alexa/
> > line 1115.
> Most likely a removed feature in Perl 5.24:
> Author needs to de-reference the scalar himself (most likely just 
> putting a @ in front of a variable name).
> -- 
> Michael

Thanks Michael. Your posts are always very helpful.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: Alexa voice control (development thread)

2017-05-20 Thread alnames

Everything else seems to work except the plugin (v0.2.0.3) on a
Raspberry Pi3 running Picorplayer v3.20 with LMS v7.9.0 - 1488878280.

This is what appears in the log:

Experimental each on scalar is now forbidden at
line 1115.
Compilation failed in require at
line 27.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
line 27.
Compilation failed in require at
line 30.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
line 30.
Compilation failed in require at (eval 873) line 1.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 873) line 1.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: PlayHLS Plugin - plugin to play Apple HLS m3u8 stream

2016-09-24 Thread alnames

Much thanks for all your hard work bpa

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: PlayHLS Plugin - plugin to play Apple HLS m3u8 stream

2016-09-05 Thread alnames

bpa wrote: 
> Google has changed access to google code as a part of its shutdown.
> I am moving the pluginsd to sourceforger but haven't managed to complete
> the move just yet.  I will post new repository URL when it's ready.

Just curious if you ever got a chance to move the PlayHLS plugin to

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: YouTube Plugin (API v3)

2016-07-10 Thread alnames

This is working for me on my picoreplayer running LMS. Great work.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: YouTube Plugin

2016-06-22 Thread alnames

FortFun wrote: 
> I am fairly certain it was working before but I finally followed the nag
> notice that the youtube plugin had been updated and rebooted.
> Now I can still search and find youtube links but it attempts to play
> and only goes about 4 seconds before resetting to 0:00 and stopping.  I
> upgraded to the most recent nightly of 7.9 but that didn't help.
> Kinda sucks as it was a nice plugin but I'm not going back to 7.8 or
> whatever the normal build is now.
> Let me know if there is anything I can provide to troubleshoot.
> Thanks.

This is also happening to me on my picoreplayer LMS. The server log

[16-06-22 00:15:23.0518] main::init (384) Starting Logitech Media Server
(v7.9.0, 1463778102, Tue May 24 04:08:29 UTC 2016) perl 5.022001 -
[16-06-22 00:15:29.0684] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1244) Warning:
[00:15:29.0670] Unescaped left brace in regex is deprecated, passed
through in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/
\(([a-z,]+)\){ <-- HERE ([^}]+)}
/ at
line 378.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: YouTube Plugin

2016-05-24 Thread alnames

I just upgraded LMS on my picoreplayer and the youtube app is now

I'm seeing "[16-05-24 21:52:35.5750] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1244)
Warning: [21:52:35.5716] error: Can't chmod()
Operation not permitted 
at /usr/local/slimserver/Slim/Utils/ line 854."

Anyone know what this means? The plugin is also missing under the
plugins tab and I'm being prompted to restart LMS for the changes to
take effect, which is no help.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: PlayHLS Plugin - plugin to play Apple HLS m3u8 stream

2016-05-22 Thread alnames

I also noticed that the old repo
""; shows as
"Bad repository - 404 Not
Found" under plugins (I installed it some time ago).

I use this plugin along with a python script to stream SiriusXM via LMS.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: YouTube Plugin

2015-04-19 Thread alnames

505 wrote: 
> Yes, berrage added one extra dependency: JSON. On Debian I could do
> "sudo apt-get install libjson-perl". On OSX, it's probably "sudo cpan
> It's only used for the from_json() function, and only once, so I'll have
> to see if I can replace it by something without a dependency.

This worked for me on a Raspberry Pi2 running Max2play with one
exception. I was still getting SSL errors and had to install Perl SSL
support as per an earlier suggestion by "caalami".

After running "apt-get install libio-socket-ssl-perl" it's now working
for me.

Thanks to caalami, berrage, 505, and of course Triode.

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