Re: [PPIBelgia] K.A.U: Siaran pers: Utang luar negeri menyebabkan hilangnya harga diri dan kedaulatan bangsa.]

2009-04-08 Terurut Topik endang suhendar
dear all,
mungkin kita bisa jadwalkan diskusi kecil mengenai masalah external debt dan 
atau masalah-masalah lainnya, yang hasilnya bisa kita distribusikan sebagai 
sumbangan pemikiran dari PPI Belgia. Bagaimana?

Endang Suhendar

From: Sulistiono Kertawacana
Sent: Tuesday, April 7, 2009 8:10:12 PM
Subject: [PPIBelgia] K.A.U: Siaran pers: Utang luar negeri menyebabkan 
hilangnya harga diri dan kedaulatan bangsa.]

mungkin ada yg memiliki perspektif lain dalam hal utang Luar Negeri?

 Original Message  
Subject: [LISI] FW: K.A.U: Siaran pers: Utang luar negeri menyebabkan hilangnya 
harga diri dan kedaulatan bangsa. 
Date: Tue, 07 Apr 2009 19:28:12 +0200 
From: arif.harsana@ t-online. de arif.harsana@ t-online. de 
Reply-To: l...@yahoogroups. com 
To: temu_eropa temu_er...@yahoogro, indonesia_damai indonesia_damai@ 
yahoogroups. com, LISI l...@yahoogroups. com, HKSIS hk...@yahoogroups. 
com, sastra-pembebasan sastra-pembebasan@ yahoogroups. com 

** Berbalik dengan pernyataan SBY, Koalisi Anti Utang memandang bahwa
transaksi utang luar negeri selama ini justeru menyebabkan hilangnya
harga diri bangsa dan kedaulatan ekonomi nasional. Indonesia selama ini
dipaksa terus membayar utang-utang haram warisan orde baru dan
melaksanakan kebijakan liberalisasi ekonomi menurut kehendak kreditor.
Padahal, yang harus dilakukan adalah mengurangi beban utang dengan cara
menegosiasikan penghapusan utang haram dan tidak sah kepada pihak
kreditor. Langkah tersebut harus diikuti dengan komitmen untuk
menghentikan ketergantungan terhadap utang luar negeri baru. Hal ini
merupakan agenda prioritas yang harus dilakukan semua partai politik
atau calon presiden hasil pemilu 2009. Jika tidak, maka amanat
konstitusi untuk mensejahterakan rakyat sulit diwujudkan. Karena itu,
Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono perlu belajar dari pengalaman negara-negara
lain seperti Nigeria, Argentina, dan Ekuador yang telah mengambil
penghapusan utang.

 - - - - - -

KOALISI ANTI UTANG: Transaksi utang luar negeri selama ini menyebabkan
hilangnya harga diri bangsa dan kedaulatan ekonomi nasional.

Penegasan Ketua Dewan Pembina Partai Demokrat, sekaligus Presiden
Republik Indoenesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) bahwa menghindari
kewajiban membayar utang luar negeri tidak mencerminkan harga diri
bangsa merupakan statemen yang tidak mendasar. Dalam kampanye nasional
Partai Demokrat di Magelang, Jawa Tengah (05/04/09), Yudhoyono juga
mengatakan bahwa perbuatan ?ngemplang? utang luar negeri sebagai
tindakan yang tidak punya harga diri dan tidak punya kehormatan.

Koalisi Anti Utang menilai, pernyataan SBY tidak didasari pemahaman yang
benar atas praktek penyaluran utang luar negeri yang buruk dan tidak
adil di Indonesia selama ini. Pernyataan tersebut lebih merupakan
pembelaan terhadap pihak kreditor yang selama ini diuntungkan lewat
transaksi pembayaran utang ketimbang mendahulukan kepentingan rakyat
banyak. Padahal banyak dari perjanjian-perjanji an utang luar negeri
dibuat dengan sengaja melenceng dari aturan Undang Undang Dasar Negara
Republik Indonesia. Yaitu dengan cara mendorong agenda-agenda
?perampokan ekonomi? melalui privatisasi BUMN strategis, penguasaan
sektor-sektor strategis seperti Minyak dan Gas, Hutan, Pertambangan
Mineral dan Batubara oleh perusahaan multinasional.

Yudhoyono juga telah abai membaca fakta-fakta serta temuan Badan
Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) dan Komisi Pemberantas Korupsi (KPK), yang
menyatakan bahwa sejak 1967 ? 2005 pemerintah baru memanfaatkan utang
negara sebanyak 44 persen. Sisanya, tidak pernah dimanfaatkan oleh
pemerintah untuk pembangunan.

Koalisi Anti Utang juga menyayangkan, pernyataan Susilo Bambang
Yudhoyono tersebut menghiraukan fakta bahwa beban pembayaran utang
selama ini telah menjadi penyebab bagi memburuknya kwalitas kehidupan
rakyat di sektor pendidikan, kesehatan dan perlindungan jaminan sosial
bagi rakyat. Transaksi utang luar negeri memaksa Indonesia untuk terus
melaksanakan kewajiban pembayaran pinjaman luar negerinya meskipun
sumber keuangan negara terbatas. Hal ini menjadi bukti bahwa Indonesia
tengah berada dalam posisi keterjebakan utang (debt trap) yang sangat
parah. Sejak tahun 2004 sampai dengan tahun 2008, pembayaran bunga dan
cicilan pokok utang luar negeri menunjukkan tren yang meningkat. Sejak
awal masa pemerintahan presiden SBY di tahun 2005 sampai dengan
September 2008 total pembayaran bunga dan cicilan pokok pinjaman luar
negeri sebesar Rp277 triliun. Sedangkan total penarikan pinjaman luar
negeri baru dari tahun 2005 sampai dengan September 2008 sebesar
Rp101,9 triliun.

Outstanding Utang luar negeri Indonesia sejak tahun 2004 ? 2009 juga
terus meningkat dari Rp1275 triliun menjadi Rp1667 triliun (www.dmo.or.
id). Ditambah dengan peningkatan secara signifikan total utang dalam
negeri dari Rp662 triliun (2004) 

Re: [PPIBelgia] suasana pemilu 1955 .....

2009-04-08 Terurut Topik rezki amalia
makasih bang 
baru sekarang lihat wajah DN. Aidit,,, hehehe

From: Sulistiono Kertawacana
Sent: Wednesday, April 8, 2009 11:14:53 AM
Subject: [PPIBelgia] suasana pemilu 1955 .

banyak yangbelum lahir kita2 ini hehhe

Kind regards,
Sulistiono Kertawacana
http://sulistionoke rtawacana. blogspot. com/


[PPIBelgia] press release IAP ttg Bencana Situ Gintung

2009-04-08 Terurut Topik wahyudiAgung
turut berduka atas korban² dari pecahnya bendungan situ gintung
smoga amalan baik almarhum/ah diterima di sisi-Nya 

 berikut ini merupakan press release dari IAP (ikatan Ahli Perencanaan 

Subject: Press Release IAP Mengenai Bencana Situ Gintung
Date: Wednesday, April 1, 2009, 2:46 AM

Terkait dengan kejadian bencana di Situ Gintung, Ikatan Ahli Perencanaan 
Indonesia (IAP) menggelar konferensi pers
yang menjelaskan tentang sikap dan pandangan IAP terhadap kejadian tersebut.

Acara tersebut telah diselenggarakan pada Hari Selasa, 31 Maret 2009 di Hotel 
Ambhara, Jl Iskandarsyah Raya No 1. 

Ketua Umum IAP, Ir.Iman Soedradjat,MPM, sedang mewakili Indonesia di
acara UN-Habitat di Nairobi Kenya, maka IAP pada konferensi pers
tersebut diwakili Sekjen IAP yaitu Ir.Bernardus Djonoputro yang
didampingi oleh beberapa pengurus PN-IAP, yaitu :
Ir.Yayat Supriyatna,MT (Ketua Bidang Kajian IAP)
Ir.Teti Armiati Argo, PhD (Ketua Bidang Hubungan Internasional IAP)
Ir.Renny Windyawati, MSc (Bendahara IAP)
Dhani M. Muttaqin, ST (Direktur Eksekutif IAP)

Release lengkap dapat dilihat di link berikut :

Acara dihadiri oleh belasan media cetak dan 3 media elektronik nasional, 
diantaranya SCTV, TV One
dan Metro TV.

Berikut beberapa ulasan di media :
SCTV :,20090331-167537,id.html,20090331-167550,id.html

sikap dan pandangan IAP ini menjadi sebuah pencerdasan bagi publik dan
solusi jangka panjang untuk mencegah terjadinya bencana serupa yang
diakibatkan oleh kesalahan dan kelalaian perencanaan dan implementasi
rencana tata ruang.

Terima Kasih

Dhani M. Muttaqin, ST
Direktur Eksekutif IAP



[PPIBelgia] Salam kenal

2009-04-08 Terurut Topik Deazy
Halo, nama saya Deazy. Kalo boleh, mo ikut nimbrung di sini. Saya baru sekitar 
6 bulan berada di Belgia karena menikah dengan orang Belgia. Sekarang tinggal 
di Rotselaar, ngga terlalu jauh dari Leuven. Kegiatan saya sehari-hari sekarang 
kursus bahasa Belanda (sumpah, susah banget! hehehe). Kalau misalnya ada 
kumpul2 dengan sesama teman Indonesia, saya mau dong diajak, apalagi kalo 
ngumpulnya di sekitar Bondgenotenlaan, saya gampang naik bisa menuju sana, 
habis sepertinya saya ngga pernah ngeliat orang-orang Indonesia di sekitar sana.

Oya, sekalian mo tanya.  Ada yang pernah urus temporary ID card Belgia ngga? 
Kok saya ngurus, udah lebih dari sebulan, belum dapet2 ya?  Mau dong di bagi2 

Thanks a lot...


[PPIBelgia] Pemilu 2009 Live!

2009-04-08 Terurut Topik Herbhayu AN
Reminder: PPLN Brussel menyelenggarakan Pemilu Legislatif 2009 hari ini di
Avenue de Tervueren 294, 1150 Brussel dari pukul 08.00-18.00 CET

  Penghitungan Suara akan dilakukan secara live streaming
dari website KBRI Brussel ( pada pukul 18.00 CET

  Pemilih dapat melakukan verifikasi datanya untuk Daftar
Pemilih Sementara Pemilihan Presiden di tempat

  Kantin Selera Nusantara menjual aneka snack dan makan




Re: [PPIBelgia] Pemilu 2009 Live!

2009-04-08 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
selamat memilih rekan2...

 yg sudah nyontreng 

From: Herbhayu AN
Sent: Thursday, April 9, 2009 7:38:01 AM
Subject: [PPIBelgia] Pemilu 2009 Live!

Reminder: PPLN Brussel menyelenggarakan Pemilu Legislatif 2009
hari ini di Avenue de Tervueren 294, 1150 Brussel dari pukul 08.00-18.00 CET
Suara akan dilakukan secara live streaming dari website KBRI Brussel 
(www.embassyofindone pada
pukul 18.00 CET
Pemilih dapat melakukan verifikasi datanya untuk Daftar Pemilih Sementara 
Presiden di tempat
Kantin Selera Nusantara menjual aneka snack dan makan siang 



[PPIBelgia] [info] PhD Theoretical Chemistry / Chemical Physics (2x2 years)

2009-04-08 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
  Within the research Group Theoretical Chemistry 
		of Hasselt University, the following position (m/f) is available:
		PhD Theoretical Chemistry / Chemical Physics (2x2 years)
		(mandate SBG/2009/001)
		Job description
		The candidate will prepare a PhD thesis within the framework of a 
		project entitled "From orbital imaging to molecular quantum similarity 
		in momentum space" (financial support by the Fund for scientific 
		Research _ Flanders and the University of Hasselt). The first goal of 
		the project is to develop and apply theoretical methods for quantitative 
		interpretations of advanced “orbital imaging” experiments employing 
		Electron Momentum Spectroscopy (EMS), taking into into account 
		conformational mobility as well as electron correlation and relaxation - 
		EMS is a powerful technique which enables straightforward determinations 
		of orbital momentum densities from an angular analysis of 
		electron-impact ionization  scattering cross-sections. A second aspect 
		of the project pertains to the calculation from these densities of new 
		criteria of molecular similarity, of relevance for the pharmaceutical 
		industry, and of efficient descriptors of the chemical reactivity, in 
		collaboration with the division of quantum chemistry at the University 
		of Ghent (Prof. P. Bultinck). This proposed research project is a 
		continuation of a PhD thesis that has been awarded by the International 
		Union of Pure and Applied Chemists. 
		Academic license (4 years), master (5 years) of equivalent diploma (bvb. 
		DEA) in chemistry, physics, or materials sciences, or civil engineering 
		in chemistry, physics, or materials sciences. Students who will complete 
		their study this year can also apply. 
		Scholarship for a PhD in Theoretical Chemistry / Chemical Physics within 
		the research group of Michael S. Deleuze (awards by the World 
		Association of Theoretically Oriented Chemists and by the Royal Flemisch 
		Academy of Belgium for Sciences and Arts). The scholarship is available 
		for a period of 4 years. It consists of a first appointment of 2 years, 
		followed by a prolongation of 2 years unless negative evaluation of the 
		first period. The scholarship is subject to social security. Important 
		computer facilities and a supporting research environment are available 
		for the candidate (for more information on our research activities, 
		visit our website:
		Further information 
			Content job responsibilities: prof. dr. 
			Michael S. Deleuze, +32-11-26 83 03,
			Content terms of employment and selection 
			procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 011-26 80 80,
  Applicants must use the official application forms

  which are available at the
  Rectoraat of Hasselt University, Campus Diepenbeek, Agoralaan - 
  building D, B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 11 - 26 80 03
  or which can be downloaded here
  / Word format. 

  The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned 
  address no later than Wednesday, July 1st 2009.
  Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration 
  when sent to the following address:   


[PPIBelgia] [info] PhD Sensor technology

2009-04-08 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
  PhD Sensor technology (2x2 years)
		(mandate WNI/2008/016-HO2)
		Job description
		The PhD student will conduct scientific research within the framework of 
		development of sensor platforms for electronic characterisation of DNA 
		mutations and related problems. More specifically, sensor arrays will be 
		developed based on impedimetric and isocap-based sensor concepts. An 
		important issue is the analysis of electric field and band structure 
		effects at the interface between aqueous phases, molecular layers and 
		semiconductor surfaces. Furthermore, attention will be focussed on the 
		optimisation of the performance of the sensor arrays.
		Profile and diploma
		Master degree (or equivalent) in either physics, applied sciences, 
		electronics, physical chemistry, nano- and microtechnology or materials 
		science. Students who graduate this year can also apply.
		The appointment has a duration of 2x2 years (assessment after 2 years).
		Further information
			Content job responsibilities:
Prof. dr. Ward De Ceuninck, tel. 
+32-11-26 88 72, 

Prof. dr. Patrick Wagner, tel. +32–11-26 88 95,

Prof. dr. Marc D’Olieslaeger (IMO), 
+32–11–26 88 15,
			Content terms of employment and selection 
			procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 011-26 80 80,
  Applicants must use the official application forms

  which are available at the Rectoraat of 
			Hasselt University, Campus Diepenbeek, Agoralaan - building D, 
			B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 11 - 26 80 03
  or which can be downloaded here
  / Word format. 

  The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned address 
			no later than Wednesday, July 15th 2009.
  Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration 
  when sent to the following address:   


Re: [PPIBelgia] Pemilu 2009 Live!

2009-04-08 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Kan dikirim pake pos he2..nyontreng di kasur hehehe


From: Furqon Azis
Sent: Thursday, April 9, 2009 7:45:12 AM
Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] Pemilu 2009 Live!

kang, pagi pagi gini dah milih?? rajin amirrr
takut keabisan partai nya

yang belum nyontreng n mau bentar lagi

From: Setio Pramono hafidz...@yahoo. com
To: ppibel...@yahoogrou
Sent: Thursday, April 9, 2009 7:42:52 AM
Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] Pemilu 2009 Live!

selamat memilih rekan2...

 yg sudah nyontreng 

From: Herbhayu AN herbh...@kbri-
To: ppibel...@yahoogrou
Sent: Thursday, April 9, 2009 7:38:01 AM
Subject: [PPIBelgia] Pemilu 2009 Live!

Reminder: PPLN Brussel menyelenggarakan Pemilu Legislatif 2009
hari ini di Avenue de Tervueren 294, 1150 Brussel dari pukul 08.00-18.00 CET
Suara akan dilakukan secara live streaming dari website KBRI Brussel 
(www.embassyofindone pada
pukul 18.00 CET
Pemilih dapat melakukan verifikasi datanya untuk Daftar Pemilih Sementara 
Presiden di tempat
Kantin Selera Nusantara menjual aneka snack dan makan siang 




[PPIBelgia] [info] PhD in Mathematics (Dynamical Systems)(2x2 years)

2009-04-08 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
  PhD in Mathematics (Dynamical Systems)(2x2 years) 
		(mandate WNI/2008/007)
		Job description
		The candidate is expected to prepare a PhD thesis in the context of 
		singularly perturbed vector fields, more precisely of planar singularly 
		perturbed Liénard systems. The Dynamical Systems group at Hasselt 
		University has a strong background on singular perturbation problems and 
		Liénard systems. The candidate is expected to collaborate with different 
		members of the group.
		Master in Mathematics or equivalent diploma in mathematics. Students who 
		will complete their study this year can also apply. There is no need for 
		the candidate to speak Dutch, however a sufficient knowledge of English 
		is required.
		The scholarship is available for a period of 4 years. It consists of a 
		first appointment of 2 years, which can be followed by a prolongation of 
		2 years after an evaluation of the progress of the scholarship.
		Further information
			Content job responsibilities:
prof. dr. P. De Maesschalck, (+32)11-26 82 23,

prof. dr. F. Dumortier, (+32)11-26 82 
			Content terms of employment and selection 
			procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 011-26 80 80,
  Applicants must use the official application forms

  which are available at the Rectoraat of 
			Hasselt University, Campus Diepenbeek, Agoralaan - building D, 
			B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 11 - 26 80 03
  or which can be downloaded here
  / Word format. 

  The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned address 
			no later than Friday, May 8th 2009.
  Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration 
  when sent to the following address:   


[PPIBelgia] [info] PhD (2x2 years) ”Statistical Method ology in Vaccine and Infectious Disease Resea rch”

2009-04-08 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
  PhD (2x2 years) ”Statistical Methodology in Vaccine and Infectious 
		Disease Research”
		(mandate WNI/2008/008)
		Job description
		PhD in statistical methodology in vaccine and infectious disease 
		research. The research activities are part of an interuniversity 
		collaboration between the Institute VAXINFECTIO of the University of 
		Antwerp, and the Center for Statistics, Hasselt University. The main 
		interdisciplinary research themes are i) to improve and/or increase the 
		understanding of the immune system, ii) to develop strategies for the 
		containment of antibiotic resistance and iii) to develop new methodology 
		in modeling infectious disease spread.
			You have a strong quantitative background;
			You are intrinsically motivated, think 
			analytically and creatively, and work in an organised and focused 
			manner ;
			You enjoy working in an multidisciplinary 
			environment (statistics, epidemiology, medical sciences, life 
			Experience in the use of statistical/mathematical 
			software such as SAS, R, etc., is a plus.
		Licentiate, Master, or equivalent degree in (bio)statistics, mathematics, 
		physics or related field. Students that graduate this year can also 
		The appointment takes effect from July 1, 2009 for a period of 2 years, 
		extendable to a total period of 4 years.
		Further information
			Content job responsibilities:
Prof. dr. Niel Hens, +32 11-26 82 32,

Prof. dr. Marc Aerts, +32 11-26 82 47,
			Content terms of employment and selection 
			procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 011-26 80 80,
  Applicants must use the official application forms

  which are available at the Rectoraat of 
			Hasselt University, Campus Diepenbeek, Agoralaan - building D, 
			B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 11 - 26 80 03
  or which can be downloaded here
  / Word format. 

  The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned address 
			no later than Monday, June 1st 2009.
  Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration 
  when sent to the following address:   


[PPIBelgia] [info] PhD student (2x2 years) in charge transfer in semiconducting polymer / CVD diamond heterostructures

2009-04-08 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
  PhD student (2x2 years) in charge transfer in semiconducting polymer 
		/ CVD diamond heterostructures
		(mandate WNI/2009/002)
		Job description
		The PhD student will conduct research within the BOF-project “Formation 
		and charge transfer mechanism in semiconducting polymer / CVD diamond 
		heterostructures – POLYDIAM”. In collaboration between different 
		research groups of the Institute for Materials Research (IMO), various 
		small molecules and conducting oligomers/polymers will be combined with 
		CVD diamond films to form heterostructures. The candidate will focus on 
		chemical bonding procedures, developing photo and electrochemical 
		coupling procedures of short chain molecules to diamond surfaces. He/she 
		will perform morphological and structural characterisation of the formed 
		heterostructures, followed by a thorough electronic and optoelectronic 
		characterisation using highly sensitive techniques studying the charge 
		transfer mechanism present in said structures. The nature of the project 
		is highly cross-disciplinary and requires a candidate with good 
		communication skills and a keen interest in team work.
		Master degree (or equivalent) in physics, chemistry, engineering or 
		materials science. A background in any of the fields mentioned in the 
		job description will be considered a plus. Students who will obtain 
		their diploma at the end of this academic year, are also invited to 
		The appointment has a duration of 2x2 years (assessment after 2 years).
		Further information
			Content job responsibilities:
Prof. dr. Miloš Nesládek, (IMO), +32 - 11 - 26 88 33, 

Prof. dr. Ken Haenen, (IMO), +32 - 11 - 26 88 75,

Prof. dr. Marc D’Olieslaeger, +32 – 11 – 26 88 15,
			Content terms of employment and selection 
			procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 011-26 80 80,
  Applicants must use the official application forms

  which are available at the Rectoraat of 
			Hasselt University, Campus Diepenbeek, Agoralaan - building D, 
			B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 11 - 26 80 03
  or which can be downloaded here
  / Word format. 

  The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned address 
			no later than Wednesday, July 15th 2009.
  Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration 
  when sent to the following address:   


[PPIBelgia] [info] PhD student (2x2 years) in formation of semiconducting polymer / CVD diamond heterostructures

2009-04-08 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
  PhD student (2x2 years) in formation of semiconducting polymer / CVD 
		diamond heterostructures
		(mandate WNI/2009/003)
		Job description
		The PhD student will conduct research within the BOF-project “Formation 
		and charge transfer mechanism in semiconducting polymer / CVD diamond 
		heterostructures – POLYDIAM”. In collaboration between different 
		research groups of the Institute for Materials Research (IMO), various 
		small molecules and conducting oligomers/polymers will be combined with 
		CVD diamond films to form heterostructures. The candidate will perform 
		all nano and microcrystalline CVD diamond growth, and diamond surface 
		structuring requested in the project. He/she will also study deposition 
		methods leading to physical bonding between polymers and the diamond 
		surface, such as spin-coating and UHV thermal evaporation, followed by 
		an investigation of the growth mode with advanced morphological and 
		structural characterisation. The nature of the project is highly 
		cross-disciplinary and requires a candidate with good communication 
		skills and a keen interest in team work.
		Master degree (or equivalent) in physics, chemistry, engineering or 
		materials science. A background in any of the fields mentioned in the 
		job description will be considered a plus. Students who will obtain 
		their diploma at the end of this academic year, are also invited to 
		The appointment has a duration of 2x2 years (assessment after 2 years).
		Further information
			Content job responsibilities:
Prof. dr. Miloš Nesládek, (IMO), +32 - 11 - 26 88 33, 

Prof. dr. Ken Haenen, (IMO), +32 - 11 - 26 88 75,

Prof. dr. Marc D’Olieslaeger, +32 – 11 – 26 88 15,
			Content terms of employment and selection 
			procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 011-26 80 80,
  Applicants must use the official application forms

  which are available at the Rectoraat of 
			Hasselt University, Campus Diepenbeek, Agoralaan - building D, 
			B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 11 - 26 80 03
  or which can be downloaded here
  / Word format. 

  The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned address 
			no later than Wednesday, July 15th 2009.
  Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration 
  when sent to the following address: