Re: [PEDA] single pin nets

2001-09-19 Thread Dwight Harm

You're right, of course.  Looks like either a bug in the program, or
incorrect documentation (the one sentence there is).  (A copy of this is
going to Protel support.)

On Design | Rules | Other, "Un-connected Pin Constraint" says "Detects pins
that have no connecting tracks."  There's no mention of it mattering whether
or not the pin is listed in a net.  Also, the help file does not document
this rule at all. (It does list the other 2 rules on the "Other" tab.)

I hope Protel support will comment on what they believe this rule is

Dwight Harm
Trax Softworks, Inc.

-Original Message-
From: Richard Sumner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 10:36 AM
To: Protel EDA Forum
Subject: Re: [PEDA] single pin nets

I tried that, it finds all unconnected pins (which I have a lot of) and
did  not find a named net with only one connection (just a net name on only
one unused pin).  The single pin net does appear in the netlist (generated
from the pcb), so it isn't flagged as an unconnected pin.


At 11:58 AM 9/18/2001 Tuesday, you wrote:
>This might get you what you want... go to Design | Rules | Other, add
>"unconnected pin constraint" with a scope of Whole Board.  Then on Tools |
>DRC, check "unconnected pins", & you'll get a list of violations for pins
>that have no connecting tracks.
>Dwight Harm
>Trax Softworks, Inc.
>-Original Message-
>From: Richard Sumner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 8:03 AM
>Does anyone know a simple way to find single pin nets on the pcb?  I want
>to find named nets that have only one pin. I can (and do) export the
>netlist from the pcb and look at it, and I really should write a simple
>program to do this, but it would be nice if protel could give me a list of
>single pin nets. I could probably do it on the schematic using the erc, but
>then I would have to put a no erc on all unused pins. That would be a pain
>because I do a lot of pin swapping (fpga's are great!) to simplify routing.
>Any ideas?

Cheesecote Mountain CAMAC
24 Halley Drive; Pomona, NY 10970
845 364 0211,

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Re: [PEDA] single pin nets

2001-09-18 Thread Richard Sumner

>Thanks for the replies. While reading and testing them, I realized that 
>there is a relatively simple way to get protel to help.

First, get the netlist status report, and import it into excel, starting on 
row 3. use spaces and colon (:) as delimiters. Select everything and sort 
on the column with the length (f). Nets with zero length are now at the top 
of the list. This is what I want to find, nets that have never been routed, 
but don't show as unrouted nets in the drc.  This is fairly quick, and no 
harder than exporting the netlist and running a special program.

thanks again for the replies


>* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Cheesecote Mountain CAMAC
24 Halley Drive; Pomona, NY 10970
845 364 0211,

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Re: [PEDA] single pin nets

2001-09-18 Thread Colby Siemer

One way I can think of would be to open the netlist manager highlight the
All Nets class and just start keying through the nets listed.

The pins connected to it will be shown in the window and single pin nets are
very easy to spot there.

There may be a better way... but I don't have Protel installed... so I can't
check :(


Colby Siemer

- Original Message -
From: Richard Sumner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Protel EDA Forum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 11:36 AM
Subject: Re: [PEDA] single pin nets

> I tried that, it finds all unconnected pins (which I have a lot of) and
> did  not find a named net with only one connection (just a net name on
> one unused pin).  The single pin net does appear in the netlist (generated
> from the pcb), so it isn't flagged as an unconnected pin.
> thanks,
> Richard
> At 11:58 AM 9/18/2001 Tuesday, you wrote:
> >Richard,
> >This might get you what you want... go to Design | Rules | Other, add
> >"unconnected pin constraint" with a scope of Whole Board.  Then on Tools
> >DRC, check "unconnected pins", & you'll get a list of violations for pins
> >that have no connecting tracks.
> >
> >Dwight Harm
> >Trax Softworks, Inc.
> >
> >-Original Message-
> >From: Richard Sumner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 8:03 AM
> >
> >Does anyone know a simple way to find single pin nets on the pcb?  I want
> >to find named nets that have only one pin. I can (and do) export the
> >netlist from the pcb and look at it, and I really should write a simple
> >program to do this, but it would be nice if protel could give me a list
> >single pin nets. I could probably do it on the schematic using the erc,
> >then I would have to put a no erc on all unused pins. That would be a
> >because I do a lot of pin swapping (fpga's are great!) to simplify
> >Any ideas?
> >
> >thanks,
> >Richard
> Cheesecote Mountain CAMAC
> 24 Halley Drive; Pomona, NY 10970
> 845 364 0211,

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Re: [PEDA] single pin nets

2001-09-18 Thread Chris Mackensen

here's a script:

one can download perl for windoze from you may also
need the microsoft installer (msi).

I would imagine that the perl script might look something like this:


print "\n\nProtel single pin net report v1.0\n\n";

#usage: C:\> perl protel_netlist.txt > results.txt

#concatenate each line in one single string including new-lines
$line .= $_;

#squash the packaging section of the netlist
#(things in square brackets)
$line =~ s/\[.+\]//gs;

#get each net that begins with an open paren
@nets = split(/\(/, $line);

#shift off the first null net from above split
shift @nets;

#iterate through each net in the @nets list
foreach $net (@nets)
#sqaush the net name
$net =~ s/(.+)\n//m;
$net_name = $1;#save the net name

$net =~ s/\)$//s;  #squash the ending paren for giggles

#split the nets on newline/carriage returns
@net_pins = split(m/\n/m, $net);

#print if the number of nets split above is less than 2
print "Single pin: @net_pins on Net $net_name\n" if $#net_pins < 2;


$count = $#nets + 1;

print "\n\nSearched $count total nets\ndone.\n";

-Original Message-
From: Richard Sumner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 1:36 PM
To: Protel EDA Forum
Subject: Re: [PEDA] single pin nets

I tried that, it finds all unconnected pins (which I have a lot of) and
did  not find a named net with only one connection (just a net name on only
one unused pin).  The single pin net does appear in the netlist (generated
from the pcb), so it isn't flagged as an unconnected pin.


At 11:58 AM 9/18/2001 Tuesday, you wrote:
>This might get you what you want... go to Design | Rules | Other, add
>"unconnected pin constraint" with a scope of Whole Board.  Then on Tools |
>DRC, check "unconnected pins", & you'll get a list of violations for pins
>that have no connecting tracks.
>Dwight Harm
>Trax Softworks, Inc.
>-Original Message-
>From: Richard Sumner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 8:03 AM
>Does anyone know a simple way to find single pin nets on the pcb?  I want
>to find named nets that have only one pin. I can (and do) export the
>netlist from the pcb and look at it, and I really should write a simple
>program to do this, but it would be nice if protel could give me a list of
>single pin nets. I could probably do it on the schematic using the erc, but
>then I would have to put a no erc on all unused pins. That would be a pain
>because I do a lot of pin swapping (fpga's are great!) to simplify routing.
>Any ideas?

Cheesecote Mountain CAMAC
24 Halley Drive; Pomona, NY 10970
845 364 0211,

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Re: [PEDA] single pin nets

2001-09-18 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 01:36 PM 9/18/01 -0400, Richard Sumner wrote:
>I tried that, it finds all unconnected pins (which I have a lot of) and 
>did  not find a named net with only one connection (just a net name on 
>only one unused pin).  The single pin net does appear in the netlist 
>(generated from the pcb), so it isn't flagged as an unconnected pin.

Which could be a problem, since checking the NC pin list is a very good 
place to begin to find possible errors. I was taught this twenty years ago, 
even before I used a net list (we'd examine a board with all layers in 
superposition; unconnected pads were easy to spot). Later, I used to 
routinely deliver the NC pin list with jobs, encouraging the engineer to 
look it over.

One solution to the problem is to remove the net assignments (in Schematic) 
(net labels) from pins without connections. Thus "single-net" pins will 
become no-net pins and will appear on the NC report. Schematics with 
single-net pins can be very confusing to read, since one may look elsewhere 
on the schematic, trying to find the connection. It is difficult to 
distinguish between a deliberately single-net pin and one accidentally 
unconnected, perhaps because of a minor variation in name.

Note that there is an "unconnected" parameter in the ERC matrix in 
Schematic; it is thus possible to generate errors or warnings from 
single-net pins, which will be treated, as I recall, the same as if there 
were no net on them. Then the "errors" which are deliberate, whether they 
are from NC pins with a net name or without, can be suppressed with No-ERC 
directives. This is my standard practice, I recommend it.

This would lead also to another standard practice: place all sections of 
multipart components, even if only on an additional "unused section" area 
or page. This is useful for a lot of reasons.

I think of many implications and possible reasons why one might want to 
keep those single-net pins, and for each one of them I imagine I have a 
better way to suggest, but I'll leave it here for now.

But if one insists, I'd recommend generating a net list, massage the net 
list into a format that will provide one record per net and one field per 
pin name, and load the formatted net list into Excel or the like. If the 
field that would hole the second pin name in a net is the third field, then 
sort the list on the third field; all records with an empty third field 
will represent single-pin nets and there you have your list.

Abdulrahman Lomax
Easthampton, Massachusetts USA

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Re: [PEDA] single pin nets

2001-09-18 Thread Richard Sumner

I tried that, it finds all unconnected pins (which I have a lot of) and 
did  not find a named net with only one connection (just a net name on only 
one unused pin).  The single pin net does appear in the netlist (generated 
from the pcb), so it isn't flagged as an unconnected pin.


At 11:58 AM 9/18/2001 Tuesday, you wrote:
>This might get you what you want... go to Design | Rules | Other, add
>"unconnected pin constraint" with a scope of Whole Board.  Then on Tools |
>DRC, check "unconnected pins", & you'll get a list of violations for pins
>that have no connecting tracks.
>Dwight Harm
>Trax Softworks, Inc.
>-Original Message-
>From: Richard Sumner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 8:03 AM
>Does anyone know a simple way to find single pin nets on the pcb?  I want
>to find named nets that have only one pin. I can (and do) export the
>netlist from the pcb and look at it, and I really should write a simple
>program to do this, but it would be nice if protel could give me a list of
>single pin nets. I could probably do it on the schematic using the erc, but
>then I would have to put a no erc on all unused pins. That would be a pain
>because I do a lot of pin swapping (fpga's are great!) to simplify routing.
>Any ideas?

Cheesecote Mountain CAMAC
24 Halley Drive; Pomona, NY 10970
845 364 0211,

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Re: [PEDA] single pin nets

2001-09-18 Thread Dwight Harm

This might get you what you want... go to Design | Rules | Other, add
"unconnected pin constraint" with a scope of Whole Board.  Then on Tools |
DRC, check "unconnected pins", & you'll get a list of violations for pins
that have no connecting tracks.

Dwight Harm
Trax Softworks, Inc.

-Original Message-
From: Richard Sumner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 8:03 AM

Does anyone know a simple way to find single pin nets on the pcb?  I want
to find named nets that have only one pin. I can (and do) export the
netlist from the pcb and look at it, and I really should write a simple
program to do this, but it would be nice if protel could give me a list of
single pin nets. I could probably do it on the schematic using the erc, but
then I would have to put a no erc on all unused pins. That would be a pain
because I do a lot of pin swapping (fpga's are great!) to simplify routing.
Any ideas?


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