[Prototype-core] Re: JavaScriptLint formatting for Prototype

2009-01-20 Thread Nick Stakenburg

I remember the last time this discussion was brought up it ended in
Prototype is perfectly valid Javascript, we don't need to conform to
JSLint. I still believe there's no need to pass Crockford's
validation, it would take the style out of Prototype.



On 17 jan, 22:38, avillad avill...@gmail.com wrote:

 I've been using Prototype for a year or so now and think it is very
 useful.  I have a web project currently underway, and I have been
 integrating JavaScriptLint (www.javascriptlint.com) validation into my
 build/test cycle and I run JSL with almost all options turned on after
 reading Douglas Crockford's JSLint website and book (Javascript: The
 Good Parts).

 When I cranked up all the options on JavaScriptLint (jsl), I found
 that the Prototype library was producing a number of minor errors and
 warnings, from missing semicolons at the end of lines to unbracketed
 if clauses.  Nothing huge, but my tests were failing.  I find that
 having all the code checks enabled has helped me catch errors in my
 own JS in the past and I like to have all my JS code checked,
 including open source libs.

 I've submitted a patch (Lighthouse ticket #525) to the current version
 of Prototype which fixes all errors and warnings.  The ticket includes
 the details, including regression tests.  Tobie Langel suggested that
 I bring up the topic of JSL/JSLint validation on this mailing list.
 Apparently fixing the warnings has been suggested in the past but no
 action was ever taken.  I hope this patch will be seriously
 considered: I have already done the work to fix the warnings so it
 passes the lint tests.

 From a question of code style, my personal opinion is that the
 benefits of strict lint checking outweigh the additional burden of
 slightly more verbose code.  For example,

 if (foo  0) bar = undefined; // JSL warning


 if (foo  0) { bar = undefined; } // no warning

 I've tried to keep with the code style present in the baseline as much
 as possible.  I realize I have introduced a few more substantial
 structural changes, converting

 while(foo = list.next()) { ... }

 loops to

 for(foo = list.next(); foo; foo = list.next())

 in order to avoid assignments within tests, but I agree with Crockford
 that this more explicit coding style improves the ease with which the
 code can be read and understood.

 Please understand that I'm not trying to start a coding-style holy war
 here.  It seems like more and more blogs are writing about lint for
 javascript so I thought others might like to have a version of
 Prototype which passed all the tests.

 I hope this patch is accepted and committed to the main Prototype

 Thanks again for the great work on Prototype.

 -Dane Avilla
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[Prototype-core] Re: Style Guide for rewrite branch

2008-11-15 Thread Nick Stakenburg

 You mean return function someNamed() { ... }, right? That's fine by the 

Love it.

 Let's not prematurely optimize.

My proposal isn't just an optimization but a different approach for
the more complex tests used throughout the library. You asked for
feedback on how to handle feature testing, I think we could do better
then simply wrapping everything in closures. Here's what is comes down

// complex test upfront in 'foo' closure.
var foo = (function(){

// ...

  if (test == simple) {
return function simpleWorkaround() {
  // ..
return function complexWorkaround() {
  // ..

Compared to Feature proposal:

// Reused complex test outside 'foo' closure.
var foo = (function() {

  if (test == simple) {
return function simpleWorkaround() {
  // ..
  if (Feature.test('REUSED_COMPLEX_FEATURETEST')) {
return function complexWorkaround() {
  // ..
  // ..

The optimizations are just an added bonus.

 I actually don't think these should be made public.

What's the harm there? Like with Prototype.BrowserFeatures it would
only make things easier internally.

It seems like you favour placing everything inside the different
closures as in my first example. What about complex tests used in more
then one place (dom, selector, array, etc.)?

A namespace like Feature could solve that issue. Perhaps it's not even
an issue right now though but having complex feature tests in one
place with documentation seems more maintainable in the long run.

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[Prototype-core] Re: Style Guide for rewrite branch

2008-11-15 Thread Nick Stakenburg

 Whenever you make something public, you have to continue supporting
 it. This makes refactoring more complex.

Yeah, but if those tests are in one place there's not much complexity
to it.

If Prototype itself was wrapped in a closure beautifying the internals
would become so much easier, these things would be a non-issue.
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[Prototype-core] Re: Style Guide for rewrite branch

2008-11-14 Thread Nick Stakenburg

If a feature test ends up being used in various sections (dom, event,
string..) deciding on proper placement could become a problem. I think
it's easier to keep feature tests in one place.

Prototype.BrowserFeatures doesn't seem like the right place for those
tests since both features and bugs are tested for. The content of
Prototype.BrowserFeatures is currently camelcase, that wouldn't play
well with the uppercase names.

How about not having to run every single one of those tests upfront?
If tests are defined in let's say Feature.tests they can be run only
when required instead of upfront. That would prevent running complex
tests you don't end up using.

Here's a possible implementation using some of kangax' tests:


With this approach, running a feature test would look like this and
the result will be cached for future use.



On 13 nov, 23:59, kangax [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Nov 13, 2:25 pm, Andrew Dupont [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Here's what this would look like when genericized into an imaginary

  A couple of things:

  (1) I'm altogether in favor of this new approach, but it will result
  in less implicit organization of code. A reader of the code will
  likely find it harder to scan for the specific method they're looking
  for. We'll probably have to address this by marking code sections
  with comments.

 I would be in favor of having every non-trivial method declaration in
 a separate wrapper function. This would make it easier to
 distinguish methods and keep all the implementation details in one
 scope (avoiding accidental name clashes, etc.). In other words, keep
 only one method declaration (together with all the supplementary tests/
 methods) in one anonymous function. If we do that, it also becomes
 possible to get rid of `Object.extend` and a returning object:

 NativeObject.prototype.method = (function(){

   var isBugPresent = (function(){
 // feature test something...

   function original(){};
   function workaround(){};

   if (isBugPresent) {
 return workaround;
   return original;


 On the other hand, there are so many possibilities here that I think
 we should do what makes more sense. E.g. if two methods need to use
 one helper function or one test, they should probably be combined
 under one wrapper:


   var isBuggy = (function(){
 // ...

   function originalEscape(){};
   function originalUnescape(){};

   function workaroundEscape(){};
   function workaroundUnescape(){};

   if (isBuggy) {
 String.prototype.escapeHTML = workaroundEscape;
 String.prototype.unescapeHTML = workaroundUnescape;
   // ...


 My only concern about this pattern is memory usage. There are many
 functions created during branching process, yet only one is returned/
 assigned (and is then used throughout the rest of the application
 life). Those alternative functions are stored in a closure (e.g. in a
 closure of final function) and so consume memory; every method has a
 burden of its branching environment (memory-wise). This wouldn't
 happen if we were to use function expressions (rather than function
 declarations), but then our methods wouldn't have identifiers:

 var someMethod = (function(){
   if (doTest()) {
 return function(){
   // original function
   else return function(){
 // alternative version


 I've never found this to be a problem (i.e. lack of function names)
 but Tobie says that having those is useful for debugging. I'm still
 not sure if such clarity/convenience worth memory loss. Perhaps this
 loss is a non-issue and I'm just being overly paranoid : ) I
 definitely like how clean and maintainable such pattern looks, though.

 [snip PDoc section]

  (3) Simple capability/quirk checks, as in the String#escapeHTML
  example, can go directly into the conditional. More complex checks,
  like the kind kangax has been working on, will need to be wrapped in
  anonymous functions and distilled into booleans. I'd prefer these
  booleans to have the naming conventions of constants (e.g.,
  recognized easily in the code.

 Agreed about capital names. I'm not sure where we should keep feature
 tests, though. On one hand, it makes sense to keep them all under
 `Prototype.BrowserFeatures`. On the other - it might be a bit
 disturbing not to see the actual test implementation in the
 appropriate method declaration (where all the branching occurs).



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[Prototype-core] Re: Prototype Selector Engine

2008-10-22 Thread Nick Stakenburg

Sizzle[1] is probably closer to a stable release, John mentioned
releasing it before the end of the month. Looking at those benchmarks,
having something similar wouldn't hurt (1.6.1?).

[1] http://github.com/jeresig/sizzle/tree/master


On 22 okt, 15:58, Simon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi everyone,
 recently I heard about Peppy (http://jamesdonaghue.com/?p=40), a new
 selector engine that is definetly one of the fastest around (http://

 I was wondering if there was a main reason why prototype is so slow
 compared to it, is it all about extending resulting nodes or is it
 that our engine is a bit obsolete. Plus, is there actually some people
 in charge of the rewritting of this module and if not, is there a
 possibility to port some routine of Peppy to Prototype to benefit from
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[Prototype-core] Re: mouseleave and mouseenter

2008-10-01 Thread Nick Stakenburg

On 1 okt, 19:15, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 here's a version that uses custom 

Calling invoke('observe') and invoke('stopObserving') like that is
overkill. The patch I've posted is much easier on the browser since it
observes what's needed only once. It also doesn't errors on Firefox
when you mouseover the input elements.

Custom events are not the best way to implement this since custom
events bubble. See the Lighthouse ticket for more details

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[Prototype-core] Re: IE onmouseleave

2008-06-12 Thread Nick Stakenburg

Diego, on IE custom events can't be cancelled. fireEvent will always
fire an event that bubbles. 

That's why I'm for making Element#observe handle mouseenter/leave in
the core. Firing and then filtering custom events goes against the
point of making this easy to use. These events should not bubble, this
can't be done with custom events, therefore the observe approach is
the better one.

I've been saying this for some time but custom events seem to be used
as an excuse not to implement this properly, like other frameworks
have done. Of course it can be done with custom events but it's
clearly not the best approach. Ah well, I guess this needs more time
before others draw the same conclusion.


On 11 jun, 03:08, Diego Perini [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am probably missing something, but...

 Why not use mouseover / mouseout on all browser and then use
 event.stopPropagation() method or event.cancelBubble=true for IE ?

 Are there browsers where the bubbling phase of these events can't be
 cancelled ?

 Diego Perini

 On 10 Giu, 21:58, Nick Stakenburg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Andrew has a script that shows how to do it with custom 

  It's not as convenient as real mouseenter/mouseleave behaviour,
  because these event will bubble. Child elements will fire mouse:enter/
  mouse:leave events onto their parent. You'd have to filter out these
  unwanted event before this will work.

  I'd prefer something similar as the patch Ken posted implemented into
  core. It doesn't have the overhead and is much more convenient since
  it allows you to do this:
  $(element).observe('mouseleave', handler);

  jQuery and Mootools use a similar approach. It's much closer to the
  spec, since it doesn't involve event bubbling like the real mouseenter/
  mouseleave events.

  On 10 jun, 21:10, Alex K [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi Guys, I've suffered IE weird bug:

this browser sends onmouseout events even if the mouse is actually
   within the scope of the element, this happens when the mouse is over
   the child element. There is a way to solve this, IE send the proper
   event with name 'mouseleave', so my code looks like:

   //one more weird IE bug
   var mouse_out_event_name =

   Just a thought that it can be handled by the lib to save time of other
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[Prototype-core] Re: IE onmouseleave

2008-06-10 Thread Nick Stakenburg

Andrew has a script that shows how to do it with custom events:

It's not as convenient as real mouseenter/mouseleave behaviour,
because these event will bubble. Child elements will fire mouse:enter/
mouse:leave events onto their parent. You'd have to filter out these
unwanted event before this will work.

I'd prefer something similar as the patch Ken posted implemented into
core. It doesn't have the overhead and is much more convenient since
it allows you to do this:
$(element).observe('mouseleave', handler);

jQuery and Mootools use a similar approach. It's much closer to the
spec, since it doesn't involve event bubbling like the real mouseenter/
mouseleave events.

On 10 jun, 21:10, Alex K [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Guys, I've suffered IE weird bug:

  this browser sends onmouseout events even if the mouse is actually
 within the scope of the element, this happens when the mouse is over
 the child element. There is a way to solve this, IE send the proper
 event with name 'mouseleave', so my code looks like:

 //one more weird IE bug
 var mouse_out_event_name =

 Just a thought that it can be handled by the lib to save time of other
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[Prototype-core] Re: DOMContentLoaded for IE

2008-05-12 Thread Nick Stakenburg

Thanks John.

My point is that dom:loaded should ensure a successful appendChild on
document.body in all cases, not throwing the random IE Operating
Aborted. Using the scroll approach ensures this, it's more accurate
then the current implementation and will prevent having to use those

On 12 mei, 03:26, John-David Dalton [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 A little OT (non-related to Prototype) but here is more info on your
 issue of IE operation aborted.
 I had to patch it for the PHP framework we use.

 Fix IE Operation Aborted bug by inserting script elements at the
 bottom of the body 

 - JDD
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[Prototype-core] Re: Opera 9.5 and document.viewport

2008-03-08 Thread Nick Stakenburg

It's good to see Opera is trying to be more like the other browsers.
But we'll still have to add backwards compatibility for the older

Luckily version targetting in Opera is easy since later version all
have window.opera.version(). I've added a patch to the ticket using it
to fix the problem.

Nick Stakenburg

On 6 mrt, 06:07, Matthew [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The relevant code in version is:

 dimensions[d] = (B.WebKit  !document.evaluate) ? self['inner' + D] :
 (B.Opera) ? document.body['client' + D] :
 document.documentElement['client' + D];

 Here Opera 9.5 in strict mode behaves just like Firefox and IE 6 in
 strict mode, so the above code will not work. Under Opera 9.5 strict,
 the current code will return the height of the body, not the viewport.
 But in Opera 6 to 9, document.body.clientHeight is always the height
 of the viewport, so a generic browser check won't suffice.

 So to summarize, viewport.getDimensions() is broken under Opera 9.5
 strict but works fine in Opera 9.5 quirks, which is the opposite of
 what one would expect. I know Opera 9.5 is a beta, but surely its new
 behavior is intentional.

 Matthew Leverton
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[Prototype-core] Re: Cross-browser Event.simulateMouse [bump via kangax]

2008-02-04 Thread Nick Stakenburg

 Yes there might be a better/more complete possibility, and someone might do
 it in the future

 I think I'd rather see an incremental fix now; AND wait for someone to write
 an even better version later.

 Perhaps once this patch is in, someone else will look at it

You could be that someone ;)

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[Prototype-core] Re: Adding Prototype.Revision

2008-02-04 Thread Nick Stakenburg

Based on Mislavs function here's on that also handles special cases
like _rc1.

function vnum(vstring) {
  var v = vstring.replace(/_.*|\./g, '');
  v = parseInt(v + '0'.times(4-v.length));
  return vstring.indexOf('_')  -1 ? v-1 : v;

vnum('1.6.0')  vnum('1.6.0_rc1') //- true
vnum('1.6.0') //- 1600
vnum('') //- 1602
vnum('1.6.0_rc1') //- 1599
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[Prototype-core] Adding Prototype.Revision

2008-02-03 Thread Nick Stakenburg

I recently wrote a patch for Scriptaculous that allows version
checking beyond the x.x.x scope. It allows to check for
instead of just 1.6.0, this will help to inform people when they use
incompatible version of prototype/scriptaculous.


Tobie suggested to add the svn changeset number to Prototype. I think
that is a much better way to go. Adding something like
Prototype.Revision will help Scriptaculous and other extensions to
write proper version checks. What do you think, is it something worth
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[Prototype-core] Re: Adding Prototype.Revision

2008-02-03 Thread Nick Stakenburg

A build number based on both version and svn changeset could prevent
those issues with backported bugfixes.
A suggestion: Prototype.Build: 1602.8769

On 3 feb, 17:13, Tobie Langel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Artemy,

 The version number is just a pain to parse.

 A build number also happens to be much more machine readable, which
 is the use case here.

 I'd like to have other core members' opinion on this.

 And contrary to what I mentioned earlier, I'm not sure if the svn
 changset number is the way to go as we sometimes backport bug fixes to
 earlier versions of Prototype.



 On Feb 3, 4:39 pm, artemy tregoubenko [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Latest Prototype 
  has following lines at the top:
  var Prototype = {
 Version: '',

  Isn't this enough?

  I think using revision number is mostly replacing one readable number with 
  another unreadable. I believe versions are already mapped to specific 
  revisions, and using intermediate revisions is a dangerous way to go.

  But if someone really needs this - why not? Except that usually such 
  specific needs aren't put in the core, afaik.

   I recently wrote a patch for Scriptaculous that allows version
   checking beyond the x.x.x scope. It allows to check for
   instead of just 1.6.0, this will help to inform people when they use
   incompatible version of prototype/scriptaculous.


   Tobie suggested to add the svn changeset number to Prototype. I think
   that is a much better way to go. Adding something like
   Prototype.Revision will help Scriptaculous and other extensions to
   write proper version checks. What do you think, is it something worth

  arty (http://arty.name)
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[Prototype-core] Re: Adding Prototype.Revision

2008-02-03 Thread Nick Stakenburg

 I think we should have both version string and SVN revision from which it
 was built.

 Also, Prototype versions could simply be compared like integers in this
 function vnum(vstring) { return parseInt(vstring.replace(/\./g, '') +
 '0'.times(4-(vstring.length/2).ceil())) }
 vnum('1.6') //- 1600
 vnum('') //- 1602

 That is because none of the version fragments will ever be bigger than 9.

That's nice. I went into more trouble to make so Scriptaculous'
version could be checked, it sometimes has '_pre1' or '_beta2' in it's
version string. But I see a little more regex could do the same there,
good idea.

Even though it could be that simple, a build number will make this
more user friendly. You could then simply do:
Prototype.Build  Prototype.Build = 1602
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[Prototype-core] Re: Adding Prototype.Revision

2008-02-03 Thread Nick Stakenburg

 However I don't see a reason for Nicks patch. If you need to check the 4th
 digit of version number due to compatibility issues then we have an

 .: Fabian

A lot of questions on irc #prototype relate to people not using the
correct version of prototype/scriptaculous together. Even though
Scriptaculous packs the latest build of Prototype, not everyone uses
that one. So informing them to upgrade for everything to work
correctly is important.

Another example is that in some of my extensions I require to
get document.viewport.getDimensions to work correctly.

The 4 digit releases are just as important.

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[Prototype-core] Re: Staring noconflict support - putting $() into a namespace [reposted from Spinoffs group]

2008-01-30 Thread Nick Stakenburg

Is it worth the extra bloat so that some people can use noConflict? I
don't think so, most people never use noConflict. People who want to
have multiple frameworks play together should think twice.

Maybe that's just me, but I wouldn't want to stimulate people into
mixing frameworks.
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[Prototype-core] Re: Staring noconflict support - putting $() into a namespace [reposted from Spinoffs group]

2008-01-30 Thread Nick Stakenburg

On 30 jan, 17:22, Dr Nic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Alternately, can I have permission to make unittest independent of
 prototype? :P

 I did look at it _very briefly_ and realised that I just needed to
 cleanup the use of $.

If multi framework unittests is what you want, you should have a look
at Ext.js adapters. Writing something similar for your unittests is
easier then getting every framework to implement noConflict.

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[Prototype-core] Improving document.viewport.getDimensions()

2007-11-13 Thread Nick Stakenburg

I'm hoping document.viewport.getDimensions() can be improved.
At the moment I'm using a patched version in a href='http://
www.nickstakenburg.com/projects/prototip'Prototip/a to keep
tooltips within the viewport, as it works better then the method from
trunk. Mootools uses a similar approach.

To point out the issues in the current function I've added unit tests.
They show that resizing an element { position: absolute; top: 0; left:
0; } to the viewport causes change in document properties. Those
properties should not be affected.

When resizing and showing overlay layers for example (lightbox), this
will add extra scrollbars in browsers where those document properties
are affected. The unit test I've added will run this example as a

Patch and Unit test: a href='http://dev.rubyonrails.org/ticket/

Thanks for checking it out,


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