[Proto-Scripty] Re: Ajax.Request unload

2009-01-08 Thread joe t.
Thanks for responding, and checking the code. i guess i should have noted: i'm also using FirePHP, so there are lines in place sending debug log lines back to Firebug. However, on only this particular call, absolutely nothing gets sent back from the server. Not even a log line saying the PHP

[Proto-Scripty] Re: Ajax.Request unload

2009-01-08 Thread joe t.
i presume the page hasn't already unloaded, because the document is still visible, Firebug can still break at my designated markers, the alert('Wait!') line still executes AFTER the Ajax call, and only after i clear the alert does the page actually clear. Being that i'm setting

[Proto-Scripty] Re: Ajax.Request unload

2009-01-08 Thread joe t.
DAMMIT! i found the bugger. It was a similar piece of PHP in a different file that gets called when the page LOADS! Everything was getting cleaned up before the piece i'm examining could ever happen. By the way, Firebug WAS reporting the FirePHP logs. It just happens that it was displaying them