Re: mais dubidas

2007-07-20 Conversa dmunhiz

Respondo no texto.

Leandro Regueiro escribiu:

hai un anaco estiven revisando a wiki de Trasno e vin que non
especifica o que hai que poñer na cabeceira dos ficheiros .po no campo
"Language-Team:". Eu aquí poñíalle "Galician
", pero igual agora hai que usar outro
enderezo máis actual, ou non?

Supoño que agora será
"Galician "

Por outra banda aquí tedes unhas cantas dúbidas que atopei:

wildcard: comodín?
time out (verbo) reducir? (opentran)
redirect redireccionar(opentran)
thread: fio (opentran)
benchmark: banco de probas (opentran)

Tamén vin que manage/manager poderíanse traducir coma
administrar/administrador, que vos parece?

precisamente eu hoxe (reminderfox)traducino como xestionar

Ata logo,
   Leandro Regueiro


Re: mais dubidas

2007-07-20 Conversa mvillarino
O Venres, 20 de Xullo de 2007 17:34, Leandro Regueiro escribiu:
> Ola,
> hai un anaco estiven revisando a wiki de Trasno e vin que non
> especifica o que hai que poñer na cabeceira dos ficheiros .po no campo
> "Language-Team:". Eu aquí poñíalle "Galician
> ", pero igual agora hai que usar outro
> enderezo máis actual, ou non?

eu poño esta lista de correo

> Por outra banda aquí tedes unhas cantas dúbidas que atopei:
> wildcard
Atarece co glosario de mancomún. (Caracter de) comodín
Tamén foi traducido como "caracter de substitución)
> time out (verbo)
"timed out": Excedeuse o tempo de espera|agarda, conexión esgotada,
> redirect
> thread
fío (de execución dun cómputo, ou dunha parte dun cómputo)
> benchmark
proba de avaliación 
Definition:  A procedure using a set of programs prepared to evaluate the 
performance of the hardware and software of a computer in a particular 
> Tamén vin que manage/manager poderíanse traducir coma
> administrar/administrador, que vos parece?
Correcto para estas cousas da "PIM", onde se refere a un persoal da empresa.
Best regards
><º> ¸.·´¯`·... ><º> ¸.·´¯`·...¸ ><º> ¸.·´¯`·...¸ ><º>
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mais dubidas

2007-07-20 Conversa Leandro Regueiro

hai un anaco estiven revisando a wiki de Trasno e vin que non
especifica o que hai que poñer na cabeceira dos ficheiros .po no campo
"Language-Team:". Eu aquí poñíalle "Galician
", pero igual agora hai que usar outro
enderezo máis actual, ou non?

Por outra banda aquí tedes unhas cantas dúbidas que atopei:

time out (verbo)

Tamén vin que manage/manager poderíanse traducir coma
administrar/administrador, que vos parece?

Ata logo,
   Leandro Regueiro

mais dubidas ainda

2004-07-19 Conversa unho

Enviovos outras poucas dubidas. Estas corresponden ao USB Flash Memory 
Howto. Traduzoo porque teño problemas co meu pendrive (ou como queira que 
sexa como se lle chame en Galego) e este documento solucionoumas case todas 
(excepto como se recompila o kernel. Se alguen ao ler isto pensa en axudarme 
co kernel, que non me axude por agora porque non teño tempo nin para 
traducir e menos para amañar un problemiña). Como vin que hai bastante xente 
co mesmo problema ca min decidin traducilo. 

Este howto e relativamente novo (a primeira revision e de outubro do 2003) 
porque o problema tamen o e. A ultima version estable esta no LDP: 
por se necesitades buscar o contexto. As dubidas estan segundo as atopei (a 
de enriba de todo e a primeira, e do fondo foi a ultima, polo de agora). 
Cheguei ata a paxina seis (incluida) da version HTML. A mais importante e a 
primeira porque aparece repetida unha chea de veces. Ata o howto se poderia 
chamar "Linux Memory Stick Howto": 

memory stick 

explanation of the command options 

setting up a ext2 filesystem 

setting up a dual partition 

making a dual ext2/vfat system 

hotplugging and naming 



procedures for implementing USB Flash Memory devices 

making over-the-counter devices, pre-formatted for the MS Windows system, 
work on Linux 

formatting the device in the ext2 filesystem on a single partition and 
making it work 

The purpose of this is for situations where Linux + Linux and Linux + 
Windows are possible 

The procedures will not work if the write facility of the device is disabled 
(i.e. if the write protect switch is on). 

Neither has any attention been paid to adaptation of the procedures to other 
related operating systems. 

Use the camera's built-in menu system to do this reformatting for you. 

memory sticks or keychains 


notebook computers 

an extension cable and a keychain. The latter provides a safe and with-it 
way of transporting the device. 

Over-the-counter memory sticks are usually formatted in vfat (msdos) 

The screen-like displays are precise copies of what appeared on my screen. 

The following support, relevant to this document, was compiled into the 
kernel. A modular approach may also be followed. 

Preliminary USB device filesystem (CONFIG_USB_DEVICEFS) 

In the lists above the entities in uppercase refer to the variable names to 
be found in the .config file in the upper level directory of the kernel 
source (/usr/src/linux/). The entities xxx.o refer to the modules created 
when a modular approach is followed. When there is no reference to a module, 
the option can only be hard-compiled into the kernel. 

Different kernel versions may have different indications of options when, 
for example, make menuconfig or make xconfig are run. Variables such as 
CONFIG_USB, which can be gleaned from the various help options, may be a 
more reliable indication. 

Very recent Linux distributions such as RedHat and SuSE probably have the 
appropriate kernel options compiled in. 

Under USB-support, options for a number of digital cameras are available. 

In this section we discuss in a very brief manner, 

The /proc filesystem serves as a window through which we can see the 
workings of a Linux setup. The objects of most interest for this document 
are the directories /proc/bus/usb/ and /proc/scsi/. These will be used to 
verify that the kernel had been set up properly for our purpose. 

SCSI disk devices are mapped to the /dev (devices) directory under /dev/sda 
, /dev/sdb , ... 

What will happen when both devices are present at boot-up, is not known. An 
overview of the partitions relevant to this document, the file 
/proc/partitions may be consulted. 

Under the Linux-2.6 series of kernels this problem may be very neatly 

as root, indicated by the hash 

The USB device filesystem.   This dynamically generated filesystem should be 
mounted at /proc/bus/usb/ 

It is most versatile and sophisticated, carrying with it permissions 
(read-write-execute, who is permitted to do what), ownership (user, group, 
others), a timestamp (when last modified), etc. 

mount -t ext2 /dev/sda1 /mnt/memstick   Mount in filetype ext2, device 
sda1 at mountpoint /mnt/memstick 

ls -l   Make a complete list (modes, ownerships, etc.) 

mkdosfs -F 32 /dev/sda1   Create an ms-dos filesystem, FAT-size 32, on 
the partition /dev/sda1

ln -s /dev/sda1 /dev/flash   link, symbolically, the existing /dev/sda1 
to the symbolic /dev/flash 

mkdir -m 777 /mnt/memstick/superdircreate a new directory with mode 
rwx for user, group and others 

dumpe2fs -h /dev/sda1Show the header of the ext2 partition /dev/sda1 

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