Re: pipelining

2008-06-23 Conversa Francisco J. Tsao Santin
On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 12:38:25PM +0200, Leandro Regueiro wrote:
> de ordenadores) pero a xente percibia esa multitarefa, ¿non? Estas
> técnicas úsanse noutros campos coma nos gráficos, o meu irmán sempre
> me está dando a vara con cantos pipelines soporta unha gpu en
> particular...

O pipelining xa estaba implantado no 80286 ;-)

Francisco J. Tsao Santín
1024D/71CF4D62  42 F1 53 35 EF 98 98 8A FC 6C 56 B3 4C A7 7D FB

Re: pipelining

2008-06-23 Conversa Leandro Regueiro
2008/6/20 Jacobo Tarrio :
> El jueves, 19 de junio de 2008 a las 23:46:28 +0200, Xosé escribía:
>> Na tradución existente de KMail "pipelining" traduce-se por "paralelismo". É
>> adecuada esta tradución?
>  Non. Pipelining é un sistema que se emprega para mellorar o rendemento
> aparente das aplicacións de rede. Basicamente consiste en que o cliente pode
> enviar varias solicitudes sen agardar a que o servidor remate de enviar
> respostas, e viceversa. Isto non significa, necesariamente, que se
> paralelice nada; as mensaxes de solicitude ou resposta transmítense unha a
> unha, non varias ao mesmo tempo.

Pero básicamente isto é o que parece para o usuario real, que as
cousas se estean facendo en paralelo. Tamén ata que apareceron os
procesadores de varios núcleos ou os ordenadores con varios
procesadores non habia computación en paralelo (quitando o das redes
de ordenadores) pero a xente percibia esa multitarefa, ¿non? Estas
técnicas úsanse noutros campos coma nos gráficos, o meu irmán sempre
me está dando a vara con cantos pipelines soporta unha gpu en

Ata logo,
Leandro Regueiro

Re: pipelining

2008-06-20 Conversa Jacobo Tarrio
El jueves, 19 de junio de 2008 a las 23:46:28 +0200, Xosé escribía:

> Na tradución existente de KMail "pipelining" traduce-se por "paralelismo". É 
> adecuada esta tradución?

 Non. Pipelining é un sistema que se emprega para mellorar o rendemento
aparente das aplicacións de rede. Basicamente consiste en que o cliente pode
enviar varias solicitudes sen agardar a que o servidor remate de enviar
respostas, e viceversa. Isto non significa, necesariamente, que se
paralelice nada; as mensaxes de solicitude ou resposta transmítense unha a
unha, non varias ao mesmo tempo.

   Jacobo Tarrío |

Re: pipelining

2008-06-20 Conversa Xosé
Entendo que pipelining neste contexto é o que se describe en

O problema é que "paralelismo" enténdoo como , que é algo diferente, 
que ás veces se traduce como "tubo" e outras se deixa como pipe.


On Thursday 19 June 2008 23:50:48 you wrote:
> uff... isto é o que me cuspe o qstardict cos diccionarios que lle teño
> (oxford idioms parece bastante acertado no contexto, pode ser?):
> The CMU Pronouncing Dictionary
> pipeline
> 'pai,plain
> Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
> pipeline
> n [C]
> 1 a line of connecting pipes, often under the ground, used for sending
> gas, oil etc over long distances:
> 2 be in the pipeline: if a plan, idea, or event is in the pipeline, it
> is being prepared and it will happen or be completed soon// --More job
> losses are in the pipeline.//
> Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
> pipeline
> noun
> a series of pipes that are usually underground and are used for
> carrying oil, gas, etc. over long distances:
> a gas / an oil pipeline
> in the pipeline something that is in the pipeline is being discussed,
> planned or prepared and will happen or exist soon:
> Important new laws are already in the pipeline.
> Collins Cobuild English Dictionary
> pipeline
> pipe.line
> pipeline pipelines
> A pipeline is a large pipe which is used for carrying oil or gas over
> a long distance, often underground.
> A consortium plans to build a natural-gas pipeline from Russia to
> supply eastern Germany.
> If something is in the pipeline, it has already been planned or begun.
> Already in the pipeline is a
> 9 per cent pay increase for teachers.
> PHRASE: v-link PHR, PHR after v
> CMU American English spelling
> pipeline
> ['paıp'laın]
> English - German
> pipelining
> pipelining [paipiːlainiŋ]
> Befehlsverknüpfung, Parallelverarbeitung
> WordNet
> pipeline
> pipeline
> n 1: gossip spread by spoken communication; "the news of their
> affair was spread by word of mouth" [syn: {grapevine}, {word
> of mouth}]
> 2: a pipe used to transport liquids or gases; "a pipeline runs
> from the wells to the seaport" [syn: {line}]
> Merrian Webster 10th dictionary
> pipeline
> noun
> 1 : a line of pipe with pumps, valves, and control devices for
> conveying liquids, gases, or finely divided solids
> 2 : a direct channel for information
> 3 : the processes through which supplies pass from or as if from source to
> user
> Moby Thesaurus II
> pipeline
> 67 Moby Thesaurus words for "pipeline":
> adjutage, bush telegraph, catheter, channel, coming, conduit,
> confidential information, connection, contact, conveyor, cooking,
> drainpipe, duct, efflux tube, fire hose, flue pipe, flume, funnel,
> garden hose, gas pipe, grapevine, grapevine telegraph, hose,
> hosepipe, imminent, in the offing, in the works, inside dope,
> inside information, insider, line, main, nipple, on the way,
> organ pipe, origin, passage, pipe, pipette, piping,
> put through channels, ready, reed, reed pipe, siamese,
> siamese connection, siphon, snorkel, soil pipe, source, standpipe,
> steam pipe, stem, straw, supplier, tap, the lowdown, tube, tubing,
> tubulation, tubule, tubulet, tubulure, under way, waste pipe,
> water pipe, wellspring
> 2008/6/19, Xosé :
> > Na tradución existente de KMail "pipelining" traduce-se por
> > "paralelismo". É adecuada esta tradución?
> >
> > Xosé
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > To unsubscribe, send mail to

Re: pipelining

2008-06-19 Conversa bandua
uff... isto é o que me cuspe o qstardict cos diccionarios que lle teño
(oxford idioms parece bastante acertado no contexto, pode ser?):

The CMU Pronouncing Dictionary

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
n [C]
1 a line of connecting pipes, often under the ground, used for sending
gas, oil etc over long distances:
2 be in the pipeline: if a plan, idea, or event is in the pipeline, it
is being prepared and it will happen or be completed soon// --More job
losses are in the pipeline.//

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
a series of pipes that are usually underground and are used for
carrying oil, gas, etc. over long distances:
a gas / an oil pipeline
in the pipeline something that is in the pipeline is being discussed,
planned or prepared and will happen or exist soon:
Important new laws are already in the pipeline.

Collins Cobuild English Dictionary
pipeline pipelines
A pipeline is a large pipe which is used for carrying oil or gas over
a long distance, often underground.
A consortium plans to build a natural-gas pipeline from Russia to
supply eastern Germany.
If something is in the pipeline, it has already been planned or begun.
Already in the pipeline is a
9 per cent pay increase for teachers.
PHRASE: v-link PHR, PHR after v

CMU American English spelling

English - German
pipelining [paipiːlainiŋ]
Befehlsverknüpfung, Parallelverarbeitung

n 1: gossip spread by spoken communication; "the news of their
affair was spread by word of mouth" [syn: {grapevine}, {word
of mouth}]
2: a pipe used to transport liquids or gases; "a pipeline runs
from the wells to the seaport" [syn: {line}]

Merrian Webster 10th dictionary
1 : a line of pipe with pumps, valves, and control devices for
conveying liquids, gases, or finely divided solids
2 : a direct channel for information
3 : the processes through which supplies pass from or as if from source to user

Moby Thesaurus II
67 Moby Thesaurus words for "pipeline":
adjutage, bush telegraph, catheter, channel, coming, conduit,
confidential information, connection, contact, conveyor, cooking,
drainpipe, duct, efflux tube, fire hose, flue pipe, flume, funnel,
garden hose, gas pipe, grapevine, grapevine telegraph, hose,
hosepipe, imminent, in the offing, in the works, inside dope,
inside information, insider, line, main, nipple, on the way,
organ pipe, origin, passage, pipe, pipette, piping,
put through channels, ready, reed, reed pipe, siamese,
siamese connection, siphon, snorkel, soil pipe, source, standpipe,
steam pipe, stem, straw, supplier, tap, the lowdown, tube, tubing,
tubulation, tubule, tubulet, tubulure, under way, waste pipe,
water pipe, wellspring

2008/6/19, Xosé :
> Na tradución existente de KMail "pipelining" traduce-se por "paralelismo". É
> adecuada esta tradución?
> Xosé
> --
> To unsubscribe, send mail to


2008-06-19 Conversa Xosé
Na tradución existente de KMail "pipelining" traduce-se por "paralelismo". É 
adecuada esta tradución?
