Re: Defining a constructor for Element and friends

2015-01-09 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 1/9/15 8:01 PM, Domenic Denicola wrote:

I was writing up my ideas in an email but it kind of snowballed into something 
bigger so now it's a repo:

Domenic, thanks for putting this together.

Caveat: I won't get a chance to read through this carefully until 
Monday.  Responses below are based on just what's in the mail.

That said, I do have one question already: what does the term 
own-instances mean in that document?

whether it is acceptable to have an element whose name is a, namespace is the 
HTML namespace, and interface is Element

I'd like to understand what you mean by interface is Element here, 

One ugly point of my design is that the constructor signature is `new 
Element(localName, document, namespace, prefix)`, i.e. I require the document 
to be passed in. I am not sure this is necessary

It's necessary, but I think the document should be allowed, but not 
required.  As in, the signature should be:

  new Element(localName, namespace, prefix, document).

(though maybe prefix should come after document; hard to say).  If the 
document is undefined, then we get a document as follows: Element is a 
function, so has an associated Realm.  This Realm's [[globalThis]] is a 
Window.  This Window has a .document; use that.

The only reason we need the ability to specify a document at all is that 
there are documents around that are not inside a browsing context (XHR 
responseXML, for example) and we need to be able to create elements that 
have those documents as an ownerDocument.  But those document's don't 
have their own global/Realm and hence don't have separate instances of 
the Element constructor.

I commented on the github issue in a bit less detail.

what is the use case for producing something that extends HTMLImageElement (and 
presumably has its internal slots?) but doesn't have img as the tag name and 
hence will not have anything ever look at those internal slots?

Elsehwere on this thread or some related one IIRC he pointed out code that looks at the local name, finds 
img, and casts to the C++ backing representation of HTMLImageElement. So from what I am 
gathering in his view the parts of the platform that treat img elements specially currently work 
by checking explicitly that something has local name img (and HTML namespace).

Yes.  And that's true of not just implementations but also 
specifications.  The entire HTML specification is written in terms of 
local name tests, for example.

 From a naïve authoring point of view that seems suboptimal. I'd rather be able to do 
`class MyImg extends HTMLImageElement { constructor(document) { super(document); } }` and 
have MyImg instances treated specially by the platform in all the ways img 
currently is.

I don't quite see the issue here.  Presumably the HTMLImageElement 
constructor passes img as the localName to the HTMLElement 
constructor, so your MyImg would get img as the localName, right?

Can you explain what the concern is here?

Now I do think there's an authoring problem where if you want to do a 
fancyimage that's treated like img by the platform you have a 
problem.  But that doesn't seem to be what you're talking about... or 
are you?

Or, for an easier example, I'd like to be able to do `class MyQ extends HTMLQuoteElement 
{ constructor(document) { super(document); } }` and have `(new MyQ()).cite` actually 
work, instead of throw a cite getter incompatible with MyQ error because I 
didn't get the HTMLQuoteElement internal slots.

This should totally work, of course.  Why wouldn't it, exactly?  Given 
the subclassing proposal on the table in ES6 right now, it would work 
splendidly, since the HTMLQuoteElement constructor is what would perform 
the object allocation and it would pass along q as the localName. 
(Though actually, HTMLQuoteElement is excitingly complicated, because 
both q and blockquote would use that constructor, so it would need 
to either require one of those two strings be passed in, or default to 
q unless blockquote is passed in or something.)

The logical extension of this, then, is that if after that `document.registerElement` call I do 
`document.body.innerHTML = my-q cite=fooblah/my-q`

Ah, here we go.  This is the part where the trouble starts, indeed.

This is why custom elements currently uses q is=my-q for creating 
custom element subclasses of things that are more specific than 
HTMLElement.  Yes, it's ugly.  But the alternative is at least major 
rewrite of the HTML spec and at least large parts of Gecko/WebKit/Blink. 
 :( I can't speak to whether Trident is doing a bunch of localName 
checks internally.

However this idea that we'd like custom elements which inherit from existing 
elements to have their internal slots ties in to the whole upgrading mess

Right, which you get for free with the q is=my-q setup, since you 
just get the slots for q and then the upgrade just has to worry about 
your proto 

RE: Defining a constructor for Element and friends

2015-01-09 Thread Domenic Denicola
OK, so I've thought about this a lot, and there was some discussion on an 
unfortunately-TC39-private thread that I want to put out in the open. In [1] I 
outlined some initial thoughts, but that was actually a thread on a different 
topic, and my thinking has evolved.

I was writing up my ideas in an email but it kind of snowballed into something 
bigger so now it's a repo:

One primary concern of mine is the one you mention:

 whether it is acceptable to have an element whose name is a, namespace is 
 the HTML namespace, and interface is Element

I do not really think this is acceptable, and furthermore I think it is 

In the private thread Boris suggested a design where you can do `new 
Element(localName, namespace, prefix)`. This seems necessary to explain how 
`createElementNS` works, so we do want that. He also suggested the following 

1.  The localName and namespace of an element determine its set of internal 
2.  The return value of `new Foo` has `Foo.prototype` as the prototype.

I agree we should preserve these invariants, but added a few more to do with 
keeping the existing (localName, namespace) - constructor links solid.

I've outlined the added invariants in the readme of the above repo. Other 
points of interest:

- Explainer for a very-recently-agreed-upon ES6 feature that helps support the 
- Jump straight to the code:
- Jump straight to the examples of what works and what doesn't:

One ugly point of my design is that the constructor signature is `new 
Element(localName, document, namespace, prefix)`, i.e. I require the document 
to be passed in. I am not sure this is necessary but am playing it safe until 
someone with better understanding tells me one way or the other. See for that discussion.


As for how this applies to custom elements, in the private thread Boris asked: 

 what is the use case for producing something that extends HTMLImageElement 
 (and presumably has its internal slots?) but doesn't have img as the tag 
 name and hence will not have anything ever look at those internal slots?

Elsehwere on this thread or some related one IIRC he pointed out code that 
looks at the local name, finds img, and casts to the C++ backing 
representation of HTMLImageElement. So from what I am gathering in his view the 
parts of the platform that treat img elements specially currently work by 
checking explicitly that something has local name img (and HTML namespace).

From a naïve authoring point of view that seems suboptimal. I'd rather be able 
to do `class MyImg extends HTMLImageElement { constructor(document) { 
super(document); } }` and have MyImg instances treated specially by the 
platform in all the ways img currently is.

Or, for an easier example, I'd like to be able to do `class MyQ extends 
HTMLQuoteElement { constructor(document) { super(document); } }` and have `(new 
MyQ()).cite` actually work, instead of throw a cite getter incompatible with 
MyQ error because I didn't get the HTMLQuoteElement internal slots.

The logical extension of this, then, is that if after that 
`document.registerElement` call I do `document.body.innerHTML = my-q 
cite=fooblah/my-q` I'd really like to see 
`document.querySelector(my-q).cite` return `foo`.

However this idea that we'd like custom elements which inherit from existing 
elements to have their internal slots ties in to the whole upgrading mess, 
which seems quite hard to work around. So maybe it is not a good idea? On the 
other hand upgrading might be borked no matter what, i.e. it might not be 
possible at all to make upgraded elements behave anything like 
parsed-from-scratch elements. (I am planning to think harder about the 
upgrading problem but I am not hopeful.)

Re: [Pointer Lock] Comments

2015-01-09 Thread Vincent Scheib
Thank you again:

On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 6:43 PM, timeless wrote:

 1. w3c is en-us

 modelling - modeling


 2. Xlib

  Direct APIs do not exist on all platforms (Win, Mac, Linux) to bound the
 cursor to a specific rectangle, and prototypes have not yet been developed
 to demonstrate building that behavior by e.g. invisible windows with xlib
 or manual cursor movement on Mac.

 Xlib - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia --

Done. Linked to definition.

 Also note that Mac is not a proper term, it could be Mac OS (X),
 Macintosh ... or macs.

Done. Expanded to more formal names.

 3. Mouse capture

  Pointer Lock is related to Mouse Capture [MDN-SETCAPTURE].

 should be noted?


 MS should probably be referenced:
 since it's their fault...


 4. a11y/i18n

  An event generated by the user agent as a result of user interaction
 intended to interact with the page. e.g. click, but not mousemove.
  Engagement gestures are any events included in the definition of being
 allowed to show a popup with the addition of keypress and keyup.

 shift, or control+shift and similar things are often used to trigger
 an assistive technology, or an IME / language switch.

  turn StickyKeys on or off by by pressing the SHIFT key five times

  Switch between languages or keyboard layouts CTRL+SHIFT or left ALT+SHIFT

  When you press the APOSTROPHE (') key, QUOTATION MARK () key, ACCENT
 GRAVE (`) key, TILDE (~) key, ACCENT CIRCUMFLEX key, or CARET (^) key,
 nothing appears on the screen until you press the a second key. If you
 press one of the letters designated as eligible to receive an accent mark,
 the accented version of the letter appears. If you press an ineligible key,
 two separate characters appear. In other words, the US-International
 keyboard layout dynamic-link library (DLL) automatically accents letters
 that customarily receive an accent but does not automatically accent
 letters that do not customarily receive an accent.

 While it's nice to allow for keys to trigger a lock, keys that may
 eventually be handled by something outside the UA should probably not be
 eligible for this.

user interaction intended to interact - user interaction processed by
the user agent
Added: Note that operating system level accessibility and
internationalization features may intercept gestures before the user agent
processes them for interaction with a page. E.g. multiple key press codes
used to enter an extended international character.

 5. must

  Two events are used to communicate pointer lock state change or an error
 in changing state. They are named pointerlockchange and pointerlockerror.
 If pointer lock is entered or exited for any reason a pointerlockchange
 event must be sent.

 If I press ctrl-w/cmd-w (close window/tab), is the UA required to send
 these events?

 If an iframe has pointerlock, and its parent removes the iframe from the
 dom, is the UA required to send these events?
 If an iframe has pointerlock, and its parent changes the iframe's document
 url to another page, is the UA required to send these events?

Help me pin down language. For each case above: Yes, If the document exists
the events should be dispatched. Is more language needed to avoid the
alternative implied assumption that a document must live until the events
are dispatched?

 6. and

  (for example: mousemove, mousedown, mouseup, click, wheel)
  (for example: mouseover, mouseout, drag, drop).


 Please use and -- you do elsewhere:

  clientX, clientY, screenX, and screenY

 7. movement/focus

  Movement and button presses of 

Re: Shadow tree style isolation primitive

2015-01-09 Thread Brian Kardell
On Jan 9, 2015 8:43 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

 I'm wondering if it's feasible to provide developers with the
 primitive that the combination of Shadow DOM and CSS Scoping provides.
 Namely a way to isolate a subtree from selector matching (of document
 stylesheets, not necessarily user and user agent stylesheets) and
 requiring a special selector, such as , to pierce through the

 This is a bit different from the `all` property as that just changes
 the values of all properties, it does not make a selector such as
 div no longer match.

 So to be clear, the idea is that if you have a tree such as

   section class=example
 div ... /div

 Then a simple div selector would not match the innermost div if we
 isolated the section. Instead you would have to use section  div or
 some such. Or perhaps associate a set of selectors and style
 declarations with that subtree in some manner.


For clarity, are you suggesting you'd control the matching boundary via CSS
somehow or you'd need an indicator in the tree?  A new element/attribute or
something like a fragment root (sort of a shadowroot-lite)?

RE: Custom element lifecycle callbacks

2015-01-09 Thread Domenic Denicola
From: [] On Behalf Of 
Anne van Kesteren

 On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 3:30 AM, Adam Klein wrote:
 Do you have a proposal for where these symbols would be vended?

 My idea was to put them on Node or Element as statics, similar to the Symbol 
 object design. The discussion on public-script-coord is this bug:

In an alternate reality where modules were specced and implemented before 
symbols, they should go there. (Both for Symbol and for Node/Element; the 
placement of them on Symbol was a somewhat-last-minute hack when we realized 
modules were lagging symbols substantially.)

But yes, in this reality somewhere in the Element/Node/HTMLElement hierarchy 
makes sense. (I'd guess Element?) We might not want to take it as precedent 
though. Or maybe we do, for consistency.

Re: Shadow tree style isolation primitive

2015-01-09 Thread Brian Kardell
On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 10:49 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

 I wasn't suggesting anything since I'm not sure what the best way
 would be. It has to be some flag that eventually ends up on an element
 so when you do selector matching you know what subtrees to ignore. If
 you set that flag through a CSS property you'd get circular
 dependencies, but perhaps that can be avoided somehow. Setting it
 through an element or attribute would violate separation of style and

 Yeah, these are the reasons I ask - shadowRoot IMO kind of solves these
parts of the problem in really the only sensible way I can imagine, but I
think what you're saying is it's too much - and - is there a lesser
thing, something maybe underneath that proposal which just offers this
part.  That's why I say, kind of a fragment root of which maybe if we get
to shadow dom it could be a special type of?  I guess you're not proposing
that but I am saying what about a proposal like that would it answer your


Brian Kardell :: @briankardell ::

Re: Custom element lifecycle callbacks

2015-01-09 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 1/9/15 9:33 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 3:09 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

In any case, the fact that we're even _having_ this discussion and that it
needs careful reading of the HTML spec is my point.

It does seem however we could define this in a way that is safe.

If by this you mean cloning of file inputs, then obviously yes.  I 
never implied otherwise, as far as I can tell.

If by this you mean a change from the current behavior to delayed 
cloning steps, without auditing all the cloning steps to make sure we 
don't end up in weird inconsistent states, then I don't think so.  You 
really do have to carefully audit all the cloning steps in the spec, as 
well as any future cloning steps.


Re: Shadow tree style isolation primitive

2015-01-09 Thread Anne van Kesteren
On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 4:35 PM, Brian Kardell wrote:
 For clarity, are you suggesting you'd control the matching boundary via CSS
 somehow or you'd need an indicator in the tree?  A new element/attribute or
 something like a fragment root (sort of a shadowroot-lite)?

I wasn't suggesting anything since I'm not sure what the best way
would be. It has to be some flag that eventually ends up on an element
so when you do selector matching you know what subtrees to ignore. If
you set that flag through a CSS property you'd get circular
dependencies, but perhaps that can be avoided somehow. Setting it
through an element or attribute would violate separation of style and


Re: Shadow tree style isolation primitive

2015-01-09 Thread Dimitri Glazkov
For the record, I am a huge fan of exploring this. I tried a couple of
times, but was unable to extract this primitive from Shadow DOM in a clean
way. I talked with Tab late last year about restarting this effort, so this
is timely.


On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 7:49 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

 On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 4:35 PM, Brian Kardell wrote:
  For clarity, are you suggesting you'd control the matching boundary via
  somehow or you'd need an indicator in the tree?  A new element/attribute
  something like a fragment root (sort of a shadowroot-lite)?

 I wasn't suggesting anything since I'm not sure what the best way
 would be. It has to be some flag that eventually ends up on an element
 so when you do selector matching you know what subtrees to ignore. If
 you set that flag through a CSS property you'd get circular
 dependencies, but perhaps that can be avoided somehow. Setting it
 through an element or attribute would violate separation of style and


Re: Custom element lifecycle callbacks

2015-01-09 Thread Anne van Kesteren
On Thu, Jan 8, 2015 at 5:54 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
 On 1/8/15 10:56 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
 2) For normal elements we act directly when they are cloned or
 adopted. How much interest is there in delaying what happens for
 normal elements to align them with custom elements?

 Which things are we talking about delaying?

As much as possible.

 I'm pretty sure the prototype change that happens in Gecko on adopt right
 now is part of our security model and can't easily be delayed.

I think we did actually discuss delaying this as part of how we wanted
to solve this bug:

The idea was that for normal elements the callback would change the
prototype, but for custom elements the custom element would have to
write that implementation themselves. Thinking of this now however
makes me think that such a solution would not exactly be ideal for a
proper subclassing story (you would expect to inherit the callback
behavior of normal elements).

 The other
 main thing that happens sync on clone is state propagation (e.g. copying of
 values for inputs, right)?  There are some security considerations there too
 that would need to be considered for every bit of state that's propagated;

   var input = document.createElement(input);
   input.value = file:///etc/passwd;
   var newInput = input.cloneNode();
   newInput.type = file;

 I would like to see an actual list of the things we're considering delaying
 so we can think about the implications of doing that.

Note that in the above example cloning callbacks would happen after
the cloneNode() call but still before type is being set. So that might
be okay?

Custom elements have callbacks for these things (speculate ones marked with *):

* created
* attached
* detached
* attribute changed
* adopted*
* cloned*

So far I've only been looking at the implications for aligning the
last three. The first three seem a lot harder (and it's not entirely
clear to me the created design even works that well, see the
upgrading thread).


Re: Custom element lifecycle callbacks

2015-01-09 Thread Anne van Kesteren
On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 3:30 AM, Adam Klein wrote:
 Do you have a proposal for where these symbols would be vended? In ES,
 builtin symbols are available as properties on the Symbol object, but
 clearly WebIDL shouldn't be adding things there. This might be a good
 question for public-script-coord.

My idea was to put them on Node or Element as statics, similar to the
Symbol object design. The discussion on public-script-coord is this


Re: [Selection] Should selection.getRangeAt return a clone or a reference?

2015-01-09 Thread Mats Palmgren

On 01/07/2015 10:08 AM, Koji Ishii wrote:

While I agree that it's nice, I have mild preference to return a
clone. As Olii said, changing from clone to live would involve quite a
bit of code.

I don't think he said that.  He said implementing the live-ness properly
can be somewhat annoying, which I think refers to implementing updates
on Ranges in general.

As I wrote much of this code in Gecko I agree with what he is saying:
1. updating Ranges in response to DOM mutations is somewhat complex,
2. updating the selection though is simple - if you implement it as a set
   of Ranges you get it for free

I don't think supporting live Ranges here is hard or would involve
quite a bit of code (1 does, but not 2).  But UAs must implement 1. for
arbitrary Ranges anyway (per the DOM spec).


Re: [Selection] Should selection.getRangeAt return a clone or a reference?

2015-01-09 Thread Koji Ishii
Thank you Aryeh for the explanation to this newbie, I understand that
better now. That was a bit different from what I had in mind, but glad
to see you agree to return a value.

So, sounds like we're in consensus to change it to return a value?


On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 9:40 PM, Aryeh Gregor wrote:
 On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 12:32 AM, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:
 Trident (since IE10) and Gecko both return a live Range, which can be 
 modified to update selection.  WebKit and Blink both return a clone Range so 
 that any changes to the Range doesn't update the selection.

 It appears that there is a moderate interest at Mozilla to change Gecko's 
 behavior.  Does anyone have a strong opinion about this?

 The advantage of the IE/Gecko behavior is you can alter the selection
 using Range methods.  The advantage of the WebKit/Blink behavior is
 you can restrict the ranges in the selection in some sane fashion,
 e.g., not letting them be in detached nodes.  WebKit/Blink cannot
 change to return a reference unless they allow arbitrary ranges in
 selections, which last I checked they don't, and I'm guessing they
 would have trouble supporting it.  Whereas IE/Gecko could easily
 change, and authors who already supported WebKit/Blink wouldn't lose
 any features.  So I guess returning a value makes the most sense.

 (If you return a reference, you must allow arbitrary ranges, because
 the author could call setStart() on the returned range with any value
 you want, and they will expect that the range's new start will be
 exactly what they set it to.)

 On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 12:08 PM, Koji Ishii wrote:
 I also guess that we need to ask more work to the spec editor to
 support the liveness, such as:

 My old spec had no trouble answering these questions.  I don't think
 it's particularly complicated, except it requires allowing arbitrary
 ranges to be in selections, and I suspect WebKit/Blink would have
 trouble dealing with that.

 - What will happen to the live-object on removeAllRanges()?

 The range is detached from the selection, so further changes have no effect.

 - Would the live-object keeps the same reference for removeAllRanges()
 + addRanges()?

 No.  If you use addRange(), a reference to your existing range is put
 in the selection.

 - It may never happen, but when multiple ranges are supported, are
 they bound to index?

 Everyone wants to kill this feature, so it's moot.

 Specing them in detail and writing tests for all these cases would be
 quite a bit of work.

 I already wrote the spec and the tests, although I'm sure there are
 still some gaps.  I think WebKit/Blink are the bigger obstacle.

Re: Shadow tree style isolation primitive

2015-01-09 Thread Dimitri Glazkov
Here's an attempt from 2012. This approach doesn't work (the trivial
plumbing mentioned in the doc is actually highly non-trivial), but maybe
it will give some insights to find the right a proper solution:


On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 7:54 AM, Dimitri Glazkov wrote:

 For the record, I am a huge fan of exploring this. I tried a couple of
 times, but was unable to extract this primitive from Shadow DOM in a clean
 way. I talked with Tab late last year about restarting this effort, so this
 is timely.


 On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 7:49 AM, Anne van Kesteren

 On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 4:35 PM, Brian Kardell wrote:
  For clarity, are you suggesting you'd control the matching boundary via
  somehow or you'd need an indicator in the tree?  A new
 element/attribute or
  something like a fragment root (sort of a shadowroot-lite)?

 I wasn't suggesting anything since I'm not sure what the best way
 would be. It has to be some flag that eventually ends up on an element
 so when you do selector matching you know what subtrees to ignore. If
 you set that flag through a CSS property you'd get circular
 dependencies, but perhaps that can be avoided somehow. Setting it
 through an element or attribute would violate separation of style and


Re: [Selection] Should selection.getRangeAt return a clone or a reference?

2015-01-09 Thread Olivier Forget
On Fri Jan 09 2015 at 4:43:49 AM Aryeh Gregor wrote:

  - It may never happen, but when multiple ranges are supported, are
  they bound to index?

 Everyone wants to kill this feature, so it's moot.

Could you please point me to the discussion where this conclusion was
reached? I searched the mailing list but I only found a few ambivalent
threads, none indicating that everyone wants to kill this. Thanks.

Re: Shadow tree style isolation primitive

2015-01-09 Thread Tab Atkins Jr.
On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 8:08 AM, Dimitri Glazkov wrote:
 Here's an attempt from 2012. This approach doesn't work (the trivial
 plumbing mentioned in the doc is actually highly non-trivial), but maybe it
 will give some insights to find the right a proper solution:

tl;dr: Cramming a subtree into a TreeScope container and then hanging
that off the DOM would do the job for free (because it bakes all
that functionality in).

[Bug 26904] Introduce typedef for IDBKeyPath, use it

2015-01-09 Thread bugzilla

Joshua Bell changed:

   What|Removed |Added

 Resolution|LATER   |WONTFIX

You are receiving this mail because:
You are on the CC list for the bug.

Re: Custom element lifecycle callbacks

2015-01-09 Thread Anne van Kesteren
On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 12:29 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
 Ok, what about this testcase:

   var parent = document.createElement(x-my-element);
   var input = document.createElement(input);
   input.value = file:///etc/passwd;

 and then in the cloning callback for x-my-element, assuming newNode is the

   newNode.firstChild.type = file;

 That seems to me like it would do the type set before the cloning callback
 for the input runs, right?

Both parent and input need to be cloned in this case. While parent's
callback runs it changes the type of input, at which point input's
callback runs. So, yes.

It's a bit unclear to me why When an input element's type attribute
changes state does not sanitize this value in any way though or how
cloning it makes it a security concern.


Re: Custom element lifecycle callbacks

2015-01-09 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 1/9/15 8:46 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

As far as I can tell from the specification, when the value IDL
attribute is in the filename mode, any values that might be stored in
internal slots are ignored.

Hmm...  That was not obvious to me, but OK.  I guess it uses the list 
of selected files instead?  And then the claim is that the only 
sanitization that's needed is step 2 of When an input element's type 
attribute changes state, to lose the old value, which was being stored 
all this time, when changing out of the file upload state?

That's pretty bizarre, since it requires storing information that will 
never get used, but ok.

As far as I can tell from the specification you cannot influence the
value returned by input type=file.value in any way.

UAs do not seem to be interoperable here.  In particular, in some UAs 
cloning a file input copies the list of selected files, and in some it 
does not, with the spec seeming to side with the latter.  It's a bit 
weird that cloning would normally copy the value, but not for file inputs.

In any case, the fact that we're even _having_ this discussion and that 
it needs careful reading of the HTML spec is my point.


Re: Custom element lifecycle callbacks

2015-01-09 Thread Anne van Kesteren
On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 3:09 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
 In any case, the fact that we're even _having_ this discussion and that it
 needs careful reading of the HTML spec is my point.

It does seem however we could define this in a way that is safe.


Shadow tree style isolation primitive

2015-01-09 Thread Anne van Kesteren
I'm wondering if it's feasible to provide developers with the
primitive that the combination of Shadow DOM and CSS Scoping provides.
Namely a way to isolate a subtree from selector matching (of document
stylesheets, not necessarily user and user agent stylesheets) and
requiring a special selector, such as , to pierce through the

This is a bit different from the `all` property as that just changes
the values of all properties, it does not make a selector such as
div no longer match.

So to be clear, the idea is that if you have a tree such as

  section class=example
div ... /div

Then a simple div selector would not match the innermost div if we
isolated the section. Instead you would have to use section  div or
some such. Or perhaps associate a set of selectors and style
declarations with that subtree in some manner.


Re: Custom element lifecycle callbacks

2015-01-09 Thread Anne van Kesteren
On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 2:29 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
 On 1/9/15 7:14 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
 OK.  So just to be clear, the type will be set before the input's cloning
 callback runs, yes?


 It's a bit unclear to me why When an input element's type attribute
 changes state does not sanitize this value

 When the type changes it sanitizes the value of the input.  Though I see
 nothing in the spec to indicate this; I filed

As far as I can tell from the specification, when the value IDL
attribute is in the filename mode, any values that might be stored in
internal slots are ignored.

 Because if the cloning steps in HTML are left as-is but run after script can
 change the type, then you can create a file input with an arbitrary value
 filled in.  Which is a security concern.

As far as I can tell from the specification you cannot influence the
value returned by input type=file.value in any way.


Re: [Selection] Should selection.getRangeAt return a clone or a reference?

2015-01-09 Thread Aryeh Gregor
On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 12:32 AM, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:
 Trident (since IE10) and Gecko both return a live Range, which can be 
 modified to update selection.  WebKit and Blink both return a clone Range so 
 that any changes to the Range doesn't update the selection.

 It appears that there is a moderate interest at Mozilla to change Gecko's 
 behavior.  Does anyone have a strong opinion about this?

The advantage of the IE/Gecko behavior is you can alter the selection
using Range methods.  The advantage of the WebKit/Blink behavior is
you can restrict the ranges in the selection in some sane fashion,
e.g., not letting them be in detached nodes.  WebKit/Blink cannot
change to return a reference unless they allow arbitrary ranges in
selections, which last I checked they don't, and I'm guessing they
would have trouble supporting it.  Whereas IE/Gecko could easily
change, and authors who already supported WebKit/Blink wouldn't lose
any features.  So I guess returning a value makes the most sense.

(If you return a reference, you must allow arbitrary ranges, because
the author could call setStart() on the returned range with any value
you want, and they will expect that the range's new start will be
exactly what they set it to.)

On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 12:08 PM, Koji Ishii wrote:
 I also guess that we need to ask more work to the spec editor to
 support the liveness, such as:

My old spec had no trouble answering these questions.  I don't think
it's particularly complicated, except it requires allowing arbitrary
ranges to be in selections, and I suspect WebKit/Blink would have
trouble dealing with that.

 - What will happen to the live-object on removeAllRanges()?

The range is detached from the selection, so further changes have no effect.

 - Would the live-object keeps the same reference for removeAllRanges()
 + addRanges()?

No.  If you use addRange(), a reference to your existing range is put
in the selection.

 - It may never happen, but when multiple ranges are supported, are
 they bound to index?

Everyone wants to kill this feature, so it's moot.

 Specing them in detail and writing tests for all these cases would be
 quite a bit of work.

I already wrote the spec and the tests, although I'm sure there are
still some gaps.  I think WebKit/Blink are the bigger obstacle.

Re: Custom element lifecycle callbacks

2015-01-09 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 1/9/15 7:14 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

Both parent and input need to be cloned in this case. While parent's
callback runs it changes the type of input, at which point input's
callback runs. So, yes.

OK.  So just to be clear, the type will be set before the input's 
cloning callback runs, yes?

It's a bit unclear to me why When an input element's type attribute
changes state does not sanitize this value

When the type changes it sanitizes the value of the input.  Though I see 
nothing in the spec to indicate this; I filed

But in this case the value is not set yet when the type changes.  Then 
the cloning callback runs and sets the value on the now-file-type input, no?

In particular, the current spec for input says:

  The cloning steps for input elements must propagate the value, dirty
  value flag, checkedness, and dirty checkedness flag from the node
  being cloned to the copy.

This is not conditional on the input type in any way, unlike .value 
sets.  So if we allow the type to change before the cloning steps run, 
the cloning steps need to be adjusted to deal with this situation.

And in particular, all cloning steps need to be carefully audited to 
deal with issues like this.

or how cloning it makes it a security concern.

Because if the cloning steps in HTML are left as-is but run after script 
can change the type, then you can create a file input with an arbitrary 
value filled in.  Which is a security concern.


Re: Custom element lifecycle callbacks

2015-01-09 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 1/9/15 4:28 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

On Thu, Jan 8, 2015 at 5:54 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

   var input = document.createElement(input);
   input.value = file:///etc/passwd;
   var newInput = input.cloneNode();
   newInput.type = file;

Note that in the above example cloning callbacks would happen after
the cloneNode() call but still before type is being set. So that might
be okay?

Ok, what about this testcase:

  var parent = document.createElement(x-my-element);
  var input = document.createElement(input);
  input.value = file:///etc/passwd;

and then in the cloning callback for x-my-element, assuming newNode is 
the clone:

  newNode.firstChild.type = file;

That seems to me like it would do the type set before the cloning 
callback for the input runs, right?
