Re: [webvr] [gamepad] Missing VRPose for tracked controllers

2016-05-24 Thread Florian Bösch
On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 8:50 PM, Brandon Jones  wrote:
> but Yaw probably just initializes to whatever position the user started
> with.
Applications for these kinds of controllers usually have some "reset
forward" thing. Sometimes the settings of the device do (as is the case
with Oculuses HMD), sometimes it's up to programmers of the application to
do it (as was the case with the dk1, dk2). The Razer Hydra had some
calibration utility. I'd expect Sixsense to come with an SDK where users
can configure their space.

Re: [webvr] Re: [gamepad] Missing VRPose for tracked controllers

2016-05-24 Thread Florian Bösch
You should discuss this on the WebVR ML as well, it's the main
communication channel for that, and since it has impact on their spec it
should be coordinated.

On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 9:22 AM, Sven Neuhaus  wrote:

> Hello Florian,
> Thanks for pointing out the WebVR spec draft.
> The WebVR draft dated April 1st contains a Gamepad interface expansion
> (§2.11), however it only extends it by a DisplayId.
> It should also add a VRPose for tracked controllers.
> I think adding a VRPose could have benefits for non-VR applications as
> well (think about the Nintendo Wii controllers!), however. So my
> suggestion to add it to the Gamepad API still stands.
> Regards,
> -Sven Neuhaus
> Am 23.05.2016 um 15:52 schrieb Florian Bösch:
> > The WebVR API models HMD pose and will model the gesture controllers.
> >
> >
> > On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 9:41 AM, Sven Neuhaus  > <>> wrote:
> > I read the gamepad API description at
> >
> >
> > I think the gamepad API should support a VRpose for gamepad
> controllers
> > like the ones included with the HTC Vive and the upcoming Oculus
> Touch
> > controllers.
> >
> > I suggest that you add a getPose() method that returns a VRPose
> object
> > for controllers that support tracking.
> >
> > The "orientation" property of the VRPose object could also be useful
> for
> > some gamepads that include IMUs for orientation tracking.

Re: [gamepad] Missing VRPose for tracked controllers

2016-05-23 Thread Florian Bösch
The WebVR API models HMD pose and will model the gesture controllers.

On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 9:41 AM, Sven Neuhaus  wrote:

> Hello,
> I read the gamepad API description at
> I think the gamepad API should support a VRpose for gamepad controllers
> like the ones included with the HTC Vive and the upcoming Oculus Touch
> controllers.
> I suggest that you add a getPose() method that returns a VRPose object
> for controllers that support tracking.
> The "orientation" property of the VRPose object could also be useful for
> some gamepads that include IMUs for orientation tracking.
> Best regards,
> -Sven Neuhaus

Re: [gamepad] New feature proposals: pose, touchpad, vibration

2016-04-25 Thread Florian Bösch
On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 4:31 AM, Chris Van Wiemeersch 
> If you take a look at all the content libraries out there for the Gamepad
> API, there's a ridiculous amount of logic and special casing web developers
> are having to do just between the Firefox and Chrome implementations - and
> between Windows and Mac.
The existing specification is not adhered to, or contains no fixed language
how things are done (where browsers do differ), maybe it should be added?

Re: File API - where are the missing parts?

2016-02-23 Thread Florian Bösch
On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 7:06 PM, Joshua Bell  wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 7:12 AM, Florian Bösch  wrote:
>> On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 2:48 AM, Jonas Sicking  wrote:
>>> Is the last bullet here really accurate? How can you use existing APIs
>>> to listen to file modifications?
>> I have not tested this on all UAs, but in Google Chrome what you can do
>> is to set an interval to check a files.lastModified date, and if a
>> modification is detected, read it in again with a FileReader and that works
>> fine.
> Huh... we should probably specify and/or fix that.
Specify rather than fix, please.

> There are also APIs implemented in several browsers for opening a whole
>>> directory of files from a webpage. This has been possible for some time in
>>> Chrome, and support was also recently added to Firefox and Edge. I'm not
>>> sure how interoperable these APIs are across browsers though :(
> IIRC, Edge's API[1] mimics Chrome's, and you can polyfill Firefox's API
> [2] on top of Chrome/Edge's[3]. So in theory if Firefox's pleases
> developers they can adopt the polyfill, and other browsers can transition
> to native support.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> ... or just read Ali's excellent summary:
> (But that's all a tangent to Florian's main use cases...)
It's good to know this on a standards track.

True, but if we determine that permissions must be granted then the API
> needs to be designed to handle it, e.g. entry points to the API surface are
> through a requestPermission() API, everything is async, etc.


> One concern is: what capabilities are granted by this action? Can the
> web-app re-save the file? Can it re-read the file? Does that permission
> persist across sessions? For example, if I save a document template from a
> site I would not expect the site to be able to read the file after I've
> edited with an unrelated file editor.
>>- Save many files to a user pickable folder: same as above
>>- Working directory: this is more something that would go on in the
>>background of a UA, it would have to establish a "working directory" per
>>tab rather than UA-wide. No UX issues with that.
>> Agreed. Likely doesn't even need to be specified - it'd just be a "least
> surprise" behavior by the UA.
The save to directory case is less easy to handle because it impinges on
overwrite. After some thought, I'd move that to the more difficult UX cases.

> * Since "File > Open" is supported today (via ) we must
> be careful about exposing functionality that has similar UX (i.e. a native
> file open dialog) but that implicitly grants extra permissions (e.g. being
> able to modify the file). This points to either additional UX during the
> action, UX when the app wants to write, or a more general permission
> granted to the origin for some scope (file? directory?).
I'd think this to be a non formative note on implementation for UAs. The
mechanism of denying an action by the API should be fairly straightforward.

> * Should permissions persist? If you're working in an editor and reload
> the tab, being hit with a flurry of permission prompts is less than ideal.
> But if you visit it again in a day or a year? And, similar to the
> "template" case above, what if you use a web-based editor to modify a file,
> then revisit the site a year later.
I don't think long persistence on file-location is a feasible idea. But the
option to choose persistence within a session seems a viable compromise.
You'll still need to click the dialog away once, but then you can work

Re: File API - where are the missing parts?

2016-02-23 Thread Florian Bösch
On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 2:48 AM, Jonas Sicking  wrote:

> Is the last bullet here really accurate? How can you use existing APIs to
> listen to file modifications?
I have not tested this on all UAs, but in Google Chrome what you can do is
to set an interval to check a files.lastModified date, and if a
modification is detected, read it in again with a FileReader and that works

> There are also APIs implemented in several browsers for opening a whole
> directory of files from a webpage. This has been possible for some time in
> Chrome, and support was also recently added to Firefox and Edge. I'm not
> sure how interoperable these APIs are across browsers though :(
There does not seem to be a standard about this, or is there? It's an
essential functionality to be able to import OBJ and Collada files because
they are composites of the main file and other files (such as material
definitions or textures).

> Another important missing capability is the ability to modify an existing
> file. I.e. write 10 bytes in the middle of a 1GB file, without having to
> re-write the whole 1GB to disk.
Good point

> However, before getting into such details, it is very important when
> discussing read/writing is to be precise about which files can be
> read/written.
> For example IndexedDB supports storing File (and Blob) objects inside
> IndexedDB. You can even get something very similar to incremental
> reads/writes by reading/writing slices.
> Here's a couple of libraries which implement filesystem APIs, which
> support incremental reading and writing, on top of IndexedDB:
> However, IndexedDB, and thus any libraries built on top of it, only
> supports reading and writing files inside a origin-specific
> browser-sandboxed directory.
> This is also true for the the Filesystem API implemented in Google Chrome
> APIs that you are linking to. And it applies to the Filesystem API proposal
> at [1].
> Writing files outside of any sandboxes requires not just an API
> specification, but also some sane, user understandable UX.
> So, to answer your questions, I would say:
> The APIs that you are linking to does not in fact meet the use cases that
> you are pointing to in your examples. Neither does [1], which is the
> closest thing that we have to a successor.
> The reason that no work has been done to meet the use cases that you are
> referring to, is that so far no credible solutions have been proposed for
> the UX problem. I.e. how do we make it clear to the user that they are
> granting access to the webpage to overwrite the contents of a file.
> [1]
To be clear, I'm referring specifically to the ability of a user to pick
any destination on his mass-storage device to manage his data. This might
not be as sexy and easy as IndexDB & Co. but it's an essential
functionality for users to be able to organize their files to where they
want to have them, with the minimum of fuss.

I'm aware that there's thorny questions regarding UX (although UX itself is
rarely if ever specified in a W3C standard is it?). But that does not
impact all missing pieces. Notably not these:

   - Save a file incrementally (and with the ability to abort): not a UX
   problem because the mechanism to save files exists, it's just
   insufficiently specified to allow for streaming writes.
   - Save as pickable destination: also not a UX problem, the standard
   solution here is to present the user with a standard operating system
   specific file save dialog.
   - Save many files to a user pickable folder: same as above
   - Working directory: this is more something that would go on in the
   background of a UA, it would have to establish a "working directory" per
   tab rather than UA-wide. No UX issues with that.

Additionally this should be minimally UX controversial:

   - Overwrite a file (either previously saved or opened): I think it'd be
   a legitimate implementation of the UX to show an appropriate dialog at the
   time of overwrite that indicates what is overwritten, it's just a
   fast-track to save as pick file (and the UX can be improved by persistence
   of choice if that is deemed an acceptable risk).

So it doesn't strike me that these missing features would create massive UX
problems, indeed, most of them create no UX problem at all.

Re: WS/Service Workers, TLS and future apps - [was Re: HTTP is just fine]

2015-12-02 Thread Florian Bösch
> In DTLS, each handshake message is assigned a specific sequence
>number within that handshake.  When a peer receives a handshake
>message, it can quickly determine whether that message is the next
>message it expects.  If it is, then it processes it.  If not, it
>queues it for future handling once all previous messages have been
The point of receiving UDP packets with fresh unqueued data is performance.
If you queue the packet for future handling, you've thrown that away, and
it begs the question, why don't you just use TCP/IP (which guarantees

On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 3:54 PM, Richard Barnes  wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 9:36 AM, Florian Bösch  wrote:
>> 1) Encryption between Alice and Bob by means of an asymmetric
>> public/private key exchange protocol cannot be secure if both also exchange
>> the keys and none has a method to verify the keys they got are the correct
>> ones. Chuck who might control the gateway over which either Alice or Bob
>> communicate can simply substitute his own public key for either of the two.
>> The whole point of certificates is that the sought out endpoint can provide
>> a set of credentials that're signed by a certificate authority, which is in
>> a chain of trust up to the root authority which is implicitly trusted.
>> 2) You cannot obtain the benefits of UDP (out of order packages as fast
>> as they come) and yet retain the benefits of asymmetric public/private key
>> encryption schemes which rely on packages arriving in order. Attempting to
>> get both will result in detrimental performance or non existent security.
> I think that if you read the DTLS spec, you'll see that it handles
> reordering just fine.
>> On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 2:05 PM, Aymeric Vitte 
>> wrote:
>>> Le 02/12/2015 13:18, Florian Bösch a écrit :
>>> > On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 12:50 PM, Aymeric Vitte >> > <>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Then you should follow your rules and apply this policy to WebRTC,
>>> ie
>>> > allow WebRTC to work only with http.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Just as a sidenote, WebRTC also does UDP and there's no TLS over UDP.
>>> > Also WebRTC does P2P, and there's no certificates/authorities there
>>> (you
>>> > could encrypt, but I don't think it does even when using TCP/IP (which
>>> > it doesn't in case of streaming video over UDP).
>>> See, WebRTC uses DTLS with
>>> self-signed certifcates + a third party mechanism supposed to secure the
>>> connection.
>>> As a matter of fact this is almost exactly the same mechanism used by
>>> the Tor network, where the CERTS cells use the long term ID key of a Tor
>>> node to make sure that you are discussing with that one.
>>> This does not prevent of course from discussing with a malicious node
>>> not identified as such with valid long term ID keys, which is not a
>>> problem for Tor (but is a problem for WebRTC), as long as it behaves as
>>> expected, and if it does not, this will be detected.
>>> The above mechanism is specific to the Tor network, for other uses of
>>> the Tor protocol an alternative is explained here:
>>> for WebRTC
>>> And again, adding a TLS layer on top of all this is of complete no use.
>>> --
>>> Get the torrent dynamic blocklist:
>>> Check the 10 M passwords list:
>>> Anti-spies and private torrents, dynamic blocklist:
>>> Peersm :
>>> torrent-live:
>>> node-Tor <> :
>>> GitHub :

Re: WS/Service Workers, TLS and future apps - [was Re: HTTP is just fine]

2015-12-02 Thread Florian Bösch
1) Encryption between Alice and Bob by means of an asymmetric
public/private key exchange protocol cannot be secure if both also exchange
the keys and none has a method to verify the keys they got are the correct
ones. Chuck who might control the gateway over which either Alice or Bob
communicate can simply substitute his own public key for either of the two.
The whole point of certificates is that the sought out endpoint can provide
a set of credentials that're signed by a certificate authority, which is in
a chain of trust up to the root authority which is implicitly trusted.

2) You cannot obtain the benefits of UDP (out of order packages as fast as
they come) and yet retain the benefits of asymmetric public/private key
encryption schemes which rely on packages arriving in order. Attempting to
get both will result in detrimental performance or non existent security.

On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 2:05 PM, Aymeric Vitte 

> Le 02/12/2015 13:18, Florian Bösch a écrit :
> > On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 12:50 PM, Aymeric Vitte  > <>> wrote:
> >
> > Then you should follow your rules and apply this policy to WebRTC, ie
> > allow WebRTC to work only with http.
> >
> >
> > Just as a sidenote, WebRTC also does UDP and there's no TLS over UDP.
> > Also WebRTC does P2P, and there's no certificates/authorities there (you
> > could encrypt, but I don't think it does even when using TCP/IP (which
> > it doesn't in case of streaming video over UDP).
> See, WebRTC uses DTLS with
> self-signed certifcates + a third party mechanism supposed to secure the
> connection.
> As a matter of fact this is almost exactly the same mechanism used by
> the Tor network, where the CERTS cells use the long term ID key of a Tor
> node to make sure that you are discussing with that one.
> This does not prevent of course from discussing with a malicious node
> not identified as such with valid long term ID keys, which is not a
> problem for Tor (but is a problem for WebRTC), as long as it behaves as
> expected, and if it does not, this will be detected.
> The above mechanism is specific to the Tor network, for other uses of
> the Tor protocol an alternative is explained here:
> for WebRTC
> And again, adding a TLS layer on top of all this is of complete no use.
> --
> Get the torrent dynamic blocklist:
> Check the 10 M passwords list:
> Anti-spies and private torrents, dynamic blocklist:
> Peersm :
> torrent-live:
> node-Tor :
> GitHub :

Re: WS/Service Workers, TLS and future apps - [was Re: HTTP is just fine]

2015-12-02 Thread Florian Bösch
On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 12:50 PM, Aymeric Vitte 
> Then you should follow your rules and apply this policy to WebRTC, ie
> allow WebRTC to work only with http.

Just as a sidenote, WebRTC also does UDP and there's no TLS over UDP. Also
WebRTC does P2P, and there's no certificates/authorities there (you could
encrypt, but I don't think it does even when using TCP/IP (which it doesn't
in case of streaming video over UDP).

Re: WS/Service Workers, TLS and future apps - [was Re: HTTP is just fine]

2015-11-30 Thread Florian Bösch
On Mon, Nov 30, 2015 at 10:45 PM, Richard Barnes 

> 1. Authentication: You know that you're talking to who you think you're
> talking to.

And then Dell installs a their own root authority on machines they ship, or
your CA of choice gets pwn'ed or the NSA uses some undisclosed backdoor in
the EC they managed to smuggle into the constants, or somebody combines a
DNS poison/grab with a non verified (because piss poor CA) double
certificate, or you hit one of the myriad of bugs that've plaqued TLS
implementations (particularly certain large and complex ones that're
basically one big ball of gnud which shall remain unnamed).

Re: [pointerlock] Oct 2015 Pointer Lock Status

2015-11-01 Thread Florian Bösch
On Sun, Nov 1, 2015 at 9:08 PM, Vincent Scheib  wrote:
> Thanks for clarifying. Basic usage is demonstrated in the wild but some
> edge cases should have clear demonstration in the test suite. I will
> generate those as other project priorities allow (and would of course
> review any from others).

One of the things that frequently go wrong with pointerlock in the wild is
that authors request it, but don't check the result of the authorization.
They then go on to write applications that only work right with pointerlock
(for example FPS controls), and UAs deny pointerlock (because the user
needs to click an allow button). The dialog to allow pointerlock is not
modal and it's also presented small at the top of the screen, so it's
frequently missed.

Re: Clipboard API: remove dangerous formats from mandatory data types

2015-06-25 Thread Florian Bösch
I think you underestimate the integrative need that web-apps will acquire
and the lengths they will go to faced with a business need to make it work
once "clipboard API" becomes common developer knowledge.

Re: Clipboard API: remove dangerous formats from mandatory data types

2015-06-25 Thread Florian Bösch
My point is that if you leave no other way out, that is what will happen.

On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 7:57 PM, Daniel Cheng  wrote:

> That's the case today already, and I haven't seen this happening.
> Daniel
> On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 10:48 AM Florian Bösch  wrote:
>> I'm sure you're aware that you can encode any binary blob as UTF-8
>> text/plain. If you don't support application/octet-stream, then that just
>> becomes the "dumping ground".
>> On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 7:39 PM, Daniel Cheng  wrote:
>>> No UA supports it today. No UA is likely to support it anytime soon.
>>> Daniel
>>> On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 10:38 AM Florian Bösch  wrote:
>>>> Yet you restrict mime-types AND you support application/octet-stream?
>>>> On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 7:34 PM, Daniel Cheng 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> For reasons I've already mentioned, this isn't going to happen because
>>>>> there is no so-called "dumping ground".
>>>>> No one is going to risk their paste turning into thousands of lines of
>>>>> gibberish because they tried to stuff binary data in text/plain.
>>>>> Daniel
>>>>> On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 8:23 AM Florian Bösch 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> No, what I'm saying is that if you restrict mime types (or don't
>>>>>> explicitly prohibit such restriction), but require
>>>>>> application/octet-stream, that application/octet-stream becomes the
>>>>>> "undesirable mime-type" dumping ground. And that would be bad because 
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> makes it much harder for applications to deal with content. But if that's
>>>>>> the only way UAs are going to act, then applications will work around 
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> by using elaborate guessing code based on magic bytes, and perhaps some
>>>>>> application developers will use their own mime-type annotation pretended 
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> the octet-stream.
>>>>>> If you inconvenience people, but don't make it impossible to work
>>>>>> around the inconvenience, then people will work around the inconvenience.
>>>>>> It can't be the intention to encourage them work around it. So you've got
>>>>>> to either not inconvenience them, or make working around impossible.
>>>>>> On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 5:07 PM, Wez  wrote:
>>>>>>> Florian, you keep referring to using application/octet-stream -
>>>>>>> that's not a format that all user agents support (although the spec says
>>>>>>> they should ;), nor is there any mention in the spec of what it means to
>>>>>>> place content on the clipboard in that format (given that platform 
>>>>>>> native
>>>>>>> clipboards each have their own content-type annotations).
>>>>>>> So it sounds like you're saying we should also remove
>>>>>>> application/octet-stream as a mandatory format?
>>>>>>> On Thu, 25 Jun 2015 at 15:55 Florian Bösch  wrote:
>>>>>>>> It's very simple. Applications need to know what's in the clipboard
>>>>>>>> to know what to do with it. There is also a vast variety of things that
>>>>>>>> could find itself in the clipboard in terms of formats, both formal and
>>>>>>>> informal. Mime types are one of these things that applications would 
>>>>>>>> use to
>>>>>>>> do that.
>>>>>>>> If a UA where to restict what mime type you can put into the
>>>>>>>> clipboard, that forces the clipboard user to use 
>>>>>>>> application/octet-stream.
>>>>>>>> And in consequence, that forces any such-willing application to forgoe 
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> mime-type information from the OS'es clipboard API and figure out 
>>>>>>>> what's in

Re: Clipboard API: remove dangerous formats from mandatory data types

2015-06-25 Thread Florian Bösch
I'm sure you're aware that you can encode any binary blob as UTF-8
text/plain. If you don't support application/octet-stream, then that just
becomes the "dumping ground".

On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 7:39 PM, Daniel Cheng  wrote:

> No UA supports it today. No UA is likely to support it anytime soon.
> Daniel
> On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 10:38 AM Florian Bösch  wrote:
>> Yet you restrict mime-types AND you support application/octet-stream?
>> On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 7:34 PM, Daniel Cheng  wrote:
>>> For reasons I've already mentioned, this isn't going to happen because
>>> there is no so-called "dumping ground".
>>> No one is going to risk their paste turning into thousands of lines of
>>> gibberish because they tried to stuff binary data in text/plain.
>>> Daniel
>>> On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 8:23 AM Florian Bösch  wrote:
>>>> No, what I'm saying is that if you restrict mime types (or don't
>>>> explicitly prohibit such restriction), but require
>>>> application/octet-stream, that application/octet-stream becomes the
>>>> "undesirable mime-type" dumping ground. And that would be bad because that
>>>> makes it much harder for applications to deal with content. But if that's
>>>> the only way UAs are going to act, then applications will work around that
>>>> by using elaborate guessing code based on magic bytes, and perhaps some
>>>> application developers will use their own mime-type annotation pretended to
>>>> the octet-stream.
>>>> If you inconvenience people, but don't make it impossible to work
>>>> around the inconvenience, then people will work around the inconvenience.
>>>> It can't be the intention to encourage them work around it. So you've got
>>>> to either not inconvenience them, or make working around impossible.
>>>> On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 5:07 PM, Wez  wrote:
>>>>> Florian, you keep referring to using application/octet-stream - that's
>>>>> not a format that all user agents support (although the spec says they
>>>>> should ;), nor is there any mention in the spec of what it means to place
>>>>> content on the clipboard in that format (given that platform native
>>>>> clipboards each have their own content-type annotations).
>>>>> So it sounds like you're saying we should also remove
>>>>> application/octet-stream as a mandatory format?
>>>>> On Thu, 25 Jun 2015 at 15:55 Florian Bösch  wrote:
>>>>>> It's very simple. Applications need to know what's in the clipboard
>>>>>> to know what to do with it. There is also a vast variety of things that
>>>>>> could find itself in the clipboard in terms of formats, both formal and
>>>>>> informal. Mime types are one of these things that applications would use 
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> do that.
>>>>>> If a UA where to restict what mime type you can put into the
>>>>>> clipboard, that forces the clipboard user to use 
>>>>>> application/octet-stream.
>>>>>> And in consequence, that forces any such-willing application to forgoe 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> mime-type information from the OS'es clipboard API and figure out what's 
>>>>>> in
>>>>>> it from the content. In turn this would give rise to another way to 
>>>>>> markup
>>>>>> mime-types in-line with the content. And once you've forced such ad-hoc
>>>>>> solutions to emerge for meddling with what people can put in the 
>>>>>> clipboard,
>>>>>> you'll have no standing to put that geenie back in the bottle, again,
>>>>>> relevant XKCD quote omitted.
>>>>>> On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 4:48 PM, Wez  wrote:
>>>>>>> You've mentioned "resorting to application/octet-stream" several
>>>>>>> times in the context of this discussion, where AFAICT the spec actually
>>>>>>> only describes using it as a fall-back for cases of file references on 
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> clipboard for wh

Re: Clipboard API: remove dangerous formats from mandatory data types

2015-06-25 Thread Florian Bösch
Yet you restrict mime-types AND you support application/octet-stream?

On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 7:34 PM, Daniel Cheng  wrote:

> For reasons I've already mentioned, this isn't going to happen because
> there is no so-called "dumping ground".
> No one is going to risk their paste turning into thousands of lines of
> gibberish because they tried to stuff binary data in text/plain.
> Daniel
> On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 8:23 AM Florian Bösch  wrote:
>> No, what I'm saying is that if you restrict mime types (or don't
>> explicitly prohibit such restriction), but require
>> application/octet-stream, that application/octet-stream becomes the
>> "undesirable mime-type" dumping ground. And that would be bad because that
>> makes it much harder for applications to deal with content. But if that's
>> the only way UAs are going to act, then applications will work around that
>> by using elaborate guessing code based on magic bytes, and perhaps some
>> application developers will use their own mime-type annotation pretended to
>> the octet-stream.
>> If you inconvenience people, but don't make it impossible to work around
>> the inconvenience, then people will work around the inconvenience. It can't
>> be the intention to encourage them work around it. So you've got to either
>> not inconvenience them, or make working around impossible.
>> On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 5:07 PM, Wez  wrote:
>>> Florian, you keep referring to using application/octet-stream - that's
>>> not a format that all user agents support (although the spec says they
>>> should ;), nor is there any mention in the spec of what it means to place
>>> content on the clipboard in that format (given that platform native
>>> clipboards each have their own content-type annotations).
>>> So it sounds like you're saying we should also remove
>>> application/octet-stream as a mandatory format?
>>> On Thu, 25 Jun 2015 at 15:55 Florian Bösch  wrote:
>>>> It's very simple. Applications need to know what's in the clipboard to
>>>> know what to do with it. There is also a vast variety of things that could
>>>> find itself in the clipboard in terms of formats, both formal and informal.
>>>> Mime types are one of these things that applications would use to do that.
>>>> If a UA where to restict what mime type you can put into the clipboard,
>>>> that forces the clipboard user to use application/octet-stream. And in
>>>> consequence, that forces any such-willing application to forgoe the
>>>> mime-type information from the OS'es clipboard API and figure out what's in
>>>> it from the content. In turn this would give rise to another way to markup
>>>> mime-types in-line with the content. And once you've forced such ad-hoc
>>>> solutions to emerge for meddling with what people can put in the clipboard,
>>>> you'll have no standing to put that geenie back in the bottle, again,
>>>> relevant XKCD quote omitted.
>>>> On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 4:48 PM, Wez  wrote:
>>>>> You've mentioned "resorting to application/octet-stream" several times
>>>>> in the context of this discussion, where AFAICT the spec actually only
>>>>> describes using it as a fall-back for cases of file references on the
>>>>> clipboard for which the user agent is unable to determine the file type.
>>>>> So IIUC you're suggesting that user agents should implement
>>>>> "application/octet-stream" (as is also mandated by the spec, albeit 
>>>>> without
>>>>> a clear indication of what it means in this context) by putting the 
>>>>> content
>>>>> on the clipboard as an un-typed file?
>>>>> Again, I'm unclear as to what the alternative is that you're proposing?
>>>>> On Thu, 25 Jun 2015 at 15:27 Florian Bösch  wrote:
>>>>>> Surely you realize that if the specification where to state to only
>>>>>> "safely" expose data to the clipboard, this can only be interpreted to 
>>>>>> deny
>>>>>> any formats but those a UA can interprete and deem well-formed. If such a
>>>>>> thing where to be done, that would leave any user of the clipboard no

Re: Clipboard API: remove dangerous formats from mandatory data types

2015-06-25 Thread Florian Bösch
No, what I'm saying is that if you restrict mime types (or don't explicitly
prohibit such restriction), but require application/octet-stream, that
application/octet-stream becomes the "undesirable mime-type" dumping
ground. And that would be bad because that makes it much harder for
applications to deal with content. But if that's the only way UAs are going
to act, then applications will work around that by using elaborate guessing
code based on magic bytes, and perhaps some application developers will use
their own mime-type annotation pretended to the octet-stream.

If you inconvenience people, but don't make it impossible to work around
the inconvenience, then people will work around the inconvenience. It can't
be the intention to encourage them work around it. So you've got to either
not inconvenience them, or make working around impossible.

On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 5:07 PM, Wez  wrote:

> Florian, you keep referring to using application/octet-stream - that's not
> a format that all user agents support (although the spec says they should
> ;), nor is there any mention in the spec of what it means to place content
> on the clipboard in that format (given that platform native clipboards each
> have their own content-type annotations).
> So it sounds like you're saying we should also remove
> application/octet-stream as a mandatory format?
> On Thu, 25 Jun 2015 at 15:55 Florian Bösch  wrote:
>> It's very simple. Applications need to know what's in the clipboard to
>> know what to do with it. There is also a vast variety of things that could
>> find itself in the clipboard in terms of formats, both formal and informal.
>> Mime types are one of these things that applications would use to do that.
>> If a UA where to restict what mime type you can put into the clipboard,
>> that forces the clipboard user to use application/octet-stream. And in
>> consequence, that forces any such-willing application to forgoe the
>> mime-type information from the OS'es clipboard API and figure out what's in
>> it from the content. In turn this would give rise to another way to markup
>> mime-types in-line with the content. And once you've forced such ad-hoc
>> solutions to emerge for meddling with what people can put in the clipboard,
>> you'll have no standing to put that geenie back in the bottle, again,
>> relevant XKCD quote omitted.
>> On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 4:48 PM, Wez  wrote:
>>> You've mentioned "resorting to application/octet-stream" several times
>>> in the context of this discussion, where AFAICT the spec actually only
>>> describes using it as a fall-back for cases of file references on the
>>> clipboard for which the user agent is unable to determine the file type.
>>> So IIUC you're suggesting that user agents should implement
>>> "application/octet-stream" (as is also mandated by the spec, albeit without
>>> a clear indication of what it means in this context) by putting the content
>>> on the clipboard as an un-typed file?
>>> Again, I'm unclear as to what the alternative is that you're proposing?
>>> On Thu, 25 Jun 2015 at 15:27 Florian Bösch  wrote:
>>>> Surely you realize that if the specification where to state to only
>>>> "safely" expose data to the clipboard, this can only be interpreted to deny
>>>> any formats but those a UA can interprete and deem well-formed. If such a
>>>> thing where to be done, that would leave any user of the clipboard no
>>>> recourse but to resort to "application/octett-stream" and ignore any other
>>>> metadata as the merry magic header guessing game gets underway. For all
>>>> you'd have achieved was to muddle any meaning of the mime-type and forced
>>>> applications to work around an unenforceable restriction.
>>>> On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 3:21 PM, Wez  wrote:
>>>>> And, again, I don't see what that has to do with whether the spec
>>>>> mandates that user agents let apps place JPEG, PNG or GIF directly on the
>>>>> local system clipboard. The spec doesn't currently mandate OpenEXR be
>>>>> supported, so it's currently up to individual user agents to decide 
>>>>> whether
>>>>> they can support that format safely.
>>>>> On Thu, 25 Jun 2015 at 14:16 Florian Bösch  wrote:
>>>>>> On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 3:13 PM, Wez  wrote:
>>>>>>> I think there's obvious value in support for arbitrary
>>>>>>> content-specific formats, but IMO the spec should at least give 
>>>>>>> guidance on
>>>>>>> how to present the capability in a safe way.
>>>>>> Which is exactly the core of my question. If you intend to make it
>>>>>> say, safe to put OpenEXR into the clipboard (as opposed to letting an app
>>>>>> just put any bytes there), the UA has to understand OpenEXR. Since I 
>>>>>> don't
>>>>>> see how the UA can understand every conceivable format in existence both
>>>>>> future and past, I don't see how that should work.

Re: Clipboard API: remove dangerous formats from mandatory data types

2015-06-25 Thread Florian Bösch
It's very simple. Applications need to know what's in the clipboard to know
what to do with it. There is also a vast variety of things that could find
itself in the clipboard in terms of formats, both formal and informal. Mime
types are one of these things that applications would use to do that.

If a UA where to restict what mime type you can put into the clipboard,
that forces the clipboard user to use application/octet-stream. And in
consequence, that forces any such-willing application to forgoe the
mime-type information from the OS'es clipboard API and figure out what's in
it from the content. In turn this would give rise to another way to markup
mime-types in-line with the content. And once you've forced such ad-hoc
solutions to emerge for meddling with what people can put in the clipboard,
you'll have no standing to put that geenie back in the bottle, again,
relevant XKCD quote omitted.

On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 4:48 PM, Wez  wrote:

> You've mentioned "resorting to application/octet-stream" several times in
> the context of this discussion, where AFAICT the spec actually only
> describes using it as a fall-back for cases of file references on the
> clipboard for which the user agent is unable to determine the file type.
> So IIUC you're suggesting that user agents should implement
> "application/octet-stream" (as is also mandated by the spec, albeit without
> a clear indication of what it means in this context) by putting the content
> on the clipboard as an un-typed file?
> Again, I'm unclear as to what the alternative is that you're proposing?
> On Thu, 25 Jun 2015 at 15:27 Florian Bösch  wrote:
>> Surely you realize that if the specification where to state to only
>> "safely" expose data to the clipboard, this can only be interpreted to deny
>> any formats but those a UA can interprete and deem well-formed. If such a
>> thing where to be done, that would leave any user of the clipboard no
>> recourse but to resort to "application/octett-stream" and ignore any other
>> metadata as the merry magic header guessing game gets underway. For all
>> you'd have achieved was to muddle any meaning of the mime-type and forced
>> applications to work around an unenforceable restriction.
>> On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 3:21 PM, Wez  wrote:
>>> And, again, I don't see what that has to do with whether the spec
>>> mandates that user agents let apps place JPEG, PNG or GIF directly on the
>>> local system clipboard. The spec doesn't currently mandate OpenEXR be
>>> supported, so it's currently up to individual user agents to decide whether
>>> they can support that format safely.
>>> On Thu, 25 Jun 2015 at 14:16 Florian Bösch  wrote:
>>>> On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 3:13 PM, Wez  wrote:
>>>>> I think there's obvious value in support for arbitrary
>>>>> content-specific formats, but IMO the spec should at least give guidance 
>>>>> on
>>>>> how to present the capability in a safe way.
>>>> Which is exactly the core of my question. If you intend to make it say,
>>>> safe to put OpenEXR into the clipboard (as opposed to letting an app just
>>>> put any bytes there), the UA has to understand OpenEXR. Since I don't see
>>>> how the UA can understand every conceivable format in existence both future
>>>> and past, I don't see how that should work.

Re: Clipboard API: remove dangerous formats from mandatory data types

2015-06-25 Thread Florian Bösch
Browsers are very visible applications. Most other applications in
existence tend to work around their foibles in one fashion or another. If
Browsers where to sprout another such foible as to force people to discard
mime-type specification for content because browsers don't let them, it
would give rise to widely confusing and homebrewn workarounds till out of
that broil another mime-type standard emerged that browsers sought to

On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 4:30 PM, Florian Bösch  wrote:

> I'm pretty sure it can't be in the interest of this specification to force
> application authors to bifurcate the mime-type into one that can't be used
> reliably, and another informal one that's prepended to the octet-stream.
> Relevant XKCD quote omitted.
> On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 4:27 PM, Florian Bösch  wrote:
>> Surely you realize that if the specification where to state to only
>> "safely" expose data to the clipboard, this can only be interpreted to deny
>> any formats but those a UA can interprete and deem well-formed. If such a
>> thing where to be done, that would leave any user of the clipboard no
>> recourse but to resort to "application/octett-stream" and ignore any other
>> metadata as the merry magic header guessing game gets underway. For all
>> you'd have achieved was to muddle any meaning of the mime-type and forced
>> applications to work around an unenforceable restriction.
>> On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 3:21 PM, Wez  wrote:
>>> And, again, I don't see what that has to do with whether the spec
>>> mandates that user agents let apps place JPEG, PNG or GIF directly on the
>>> local system clipboard. The spec doesn't currently mandate OpenEXR be
>>> supported, so it's currently up to individual user agents to decide whether
>>> they can support that format safely.
>>> On Thu, 25 Jun 2015 at 14:16 Florian Bösch  wrote:
>>>> On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 3:13 PM, Wez  wrote:
>>>>> I think there's obvious value in support for arbitrary
>>>>> content-specific formats, but IMO the spec should at least give guidance 
>>>>> on
>>>>> how to present the capability in a safe way.
>>>> Which is exactly the core of my question. If you intend to make it say,
>>>> safe to put OpenEXR into the clipboard (as opposed to letting an app just
>>>> put any bytes there), the UA has to understand OpenEXR. Since I don't see
>>>> how the UA can understand every conceivable format in existence both future
>>>> and past, I don't see how that should work.

Re: Clipboard API: remove dangerous formats from mandatory data types

2015-06-25 Thread Florian Bösch
I'm pretty sure it can't be in the interest of this specification to force
application authors to bifurcate the mime-type into one that can't be used
reliably, and another informal one that's prepended to the octet-stream.
Relevant XKCD quote omitted.

On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 4:27 PM, Florian Bösch  wrote:

> Surely you realize that if the specification where to state to only
> "safely" expose data to the clipboard, this can only be interpreted to deny
> any formats but those a UA can interprete and deem well-formed. If such a
> thing where to be done, that would leave any user of the clipboard no
> recourse but to resort to "application/octett-stream" and ignore any other
> metadata as the merry magic header guessing game gets underway. For all
> you'd have achieved was to muddle any meaning of the mime-type and forced
> applications to work around an unenforceable restriction.
> On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 3:21 PM, Wez  wrote:
>> And, again, I don't see what that has to do with whether the spec
>> mandates that user agents let apps place JPEG, PNG or GIF directly on the
>> local system clipboard. The spec doesn't currently mandate OpenEXR be
>> supported, so it's currently up to individual user agents to decide whether
>> they can support that format safely.
>> On Thu, 25 Jun 2015 at 14:16 Florian Bösch  wrote:
>>> On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 3:13 PM, Wez  wrote:
>>>> I think there's obvious value in support for arbitrary content-specific
>>>> formats, but IMO the spec should at least give guidance on how to present
>>>> the capability in a safe way.
>>> Which is exactly the core of my question. If you intend to make it say,
>>> safe to put OpenEXR into the clipboard (as opposed to letting an app just
>>> put any bytes there), the UA has to understand OpenEXR. Since I don't see
>>> how the UA can understand every conceivable format in existence both future
>>> and past, I don't see how that should work.

Re: Clipboard API: remove dangerous formats from mandatory data types

2015-06-25 Thread Florian Bösch
Surely you realize that if the specification where to state to only
"safely" expose data to the clipboard, this can only be interpreted to deny
any formats but those a UA can interprete and deem well-formed. If such a
thing where to be done, that would leave any user of the clipboard no
recourse but to resort to "application/octett-stream" and ignore any other
metadata as the merry magic header guessing game gets underway. For all
you'd have achieved was to muddle any meaning of the mime-type and forced
applications to work around an unenforceable restriction.

On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 3:21 PM, Wez  wrote:

> And, again, I don't see what that has to do with whether the spec mandates
> that user agents let apps place JPEG, PNG or GIF directly on the local
> system clipboard. The spec doesn't currently mandate OpenEXR be supported,
> so it's currently up to individual user agents to decide whether they can
> support that format safely.
> On Thu, 25 Jun 2015 at 14:16 Florian Bösch  wrote:
>> On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 3:13 PM, Wez  wrote:
>>> I think there's obvious value in support for arbitrary content-specific
>>> formats, but IMO the spec should at least give guidance on how to present
>>> the capability in a safe way.
>> Which is exactly the core of my question. If you intend to make it say,
>> safe to put OpenEXR into the clipboard (as opposed to letting an app just
>> put any bytes there), the UA has to understand OpenEXR. Since I don't see
>> how the UA can understand every conceivable format in existence both future
>> and past, I don't see how that should work.

Re: Clipboard API: remove dangerous formats from mandatory data types

2015-06-25 Thread Florian Bösch
On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 3:13 PM, Wez  wrote:

> I think there's obvious value in support for arbitrary content-specific
> formats, but IMO the spec should at least give guidance on how to present
> the capability in a safe way.
Which is exactly the core of my question. If you intend to make it say,
safe to put OpenEXR into the clipboard (as opposed to letting an app just
put any bytes there), the UA has to understand OpenEXR. Since I don't see
how the UA can understand every conceivable format in existence both future
and past, I don't see how that should work.

Re: Clipboard API: remove dangerous formats from mandatory data types

2015-06-25 Thread Florian Bösch
On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 2:58 PM, Florian Bösch  wrote:

> the magic bytes of an OpenEXR?

Which is 0x762f3101 btw.

Re: Clipboard API: remove dangerous formats from mandatory data types

2015-06-25 Thread Florian Bösch
Or should we just place that into "application/octet-stream" and hope
whoever listens for the clipboard scans the magic bytes of an OpenEXR?

On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 2:56 PM, Florian Bösch  wrote:

> Well let's say some webapp generates an OpenEXR and wants to put it into
> the clipboard as "image/x-exr" which would make sense cause any eventual
> program that'd support OpenEXR would probably look for that mime type.
> You've said you're going to restrict image types to jpeg, png and gif, and
> so my question is, how exactly do you intend to support OpenEXR?
> On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 2:51 PM, Wez  wrote:
>> Sorry Florian, but I don't see what that has to do with whether or not
>> the Clipboard Events spec mandates that web content can generate their own
>> JPEG or PNG and place it directly on the local system clipboard.
>> What is it that you're actually proposing?
>> On Thu, 25 Jun 2015 at 13:31 Florian Bösch  wrote:
>>> No idea. Also doesn't matter jack. There could be some now or in the
>>> future. There's a variety of programs that support HDRi (photoshop,
>>> lightroom, hdri-studio, etc.). It's fairly logical that at some point some
>>> or another variant of HDR format will make its way into clipboards. The
>>> same applies to pretty much any other data format be that a file or
>>> something else.

Re: Clipboard API: remove dangerous formats from mandatory data types

2015-06-25 Thread Florian Bösch
Well let's say some webapp generates an OpenEXR and wants to put it into
the clipboard as "image/x-exr" which would make sense cause any eventual
program that'd support OpenEXR would probably look for that mime type.
You've said you're going to restrict image types to jpeg, png and gif, and
so my question is, how exactly do you intend to support OpenEXR?

On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 2:51 PM, Wez  wrote:

> Sorry Florian, but I don't see what that has to do with whether or not the
> Clipboard Events spec mandates that web content can generate their own JPEG
> or PNG and place it directly on the local system clipboard.
> What is it that you're actually proposing?
> On Thu, 25 Jun 2015 at 13:31 Florian Bösch  wrote:
>> No idea. Also doesn't matter jack. There could be some now or in the
>> future. There's a variety of programs that support HDRi (photoshop,
>> lightroom, hdri-studio, etc.). It's fairly logical that at some point some
>> or another variant of HDR format will make its way into clipboards. The
>> same applies to pretty much any other data format be that a file or
>> something else.

Re: Clipboard API: remove dangerous formats from mandatory data types

2015-06-25 Thread Florian Bösch
No idea. Also doesn't matter jack. There could be some now or in the
future. There's a variety of programs that support HDRi (photoshop,
lightroom, hdri-studio, etc.). It's fairly logical that at some point some
or another variant of HDR format will make its way into clipboards. The
same applies to pretty much any other data format be that a file or
something else.

Re: Clipboard API: remove dangerous formats from mandatory data types

2015-06-24 Thread Florian Bösch
No, but the specification doesn't require you to exclude it. So how're
applications going to swap OpenEXR if you only let em stick in jpegs, pngs
and gifs?

On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 8:46 PM, Wez  wrote:

> I don't think OpenEXR is one of the formats required by the Clipboard
> Events spec, is it..?
> On Wed, Jun 24, 2015, 18:49 Florian Bösch  wrote:
>> And how exactly do you intend to support for instance OpenEXR?
>> On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 5:44 PM, Wez  wrote:
>>> Hallvord,
>>> Yes, content would be limited to providing text, image etc data to the
>>> user agent to place on the clipboard, and letting the user agent synthesize
>>> whatever formats (JPEG, PNG etc) other apps require. That has the advantage
>>> of preventing malicious content using esoteric flags or features to
>>> compromise recipients, but conversely means that legitimate content cannot
>>> use format-specific features, e.g. content would not be able to write a
>>> JPEG containing a comment block, geo tags or timestamp information.
>>> Wez
>>> On Sat, 13 Jun 2015 at 11:57 Hallvord Reiar Michaelsen Steen <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 7:51 PM, Wez  wrote:
>>>>> Hallvord,
>>>>> The proposal isn't to remove support for copying/pasting images, but
>>>>> to restrict web content from placing compressed image data in one of these
>>>>> formats on the clipboard directly - there's no issue with content pasting
>>>>> raw pixels from a canvas, for example, since scope for abusing that to
>>>>> compromise the recipient is extremely limited by comparison to JPEG, PNG 
>>>>> or
>>>>> GIF.
>>>> Well, but as far as I can tell we don't currently *have* a way JS can
>>>> place pixels from a canvas on the clipboard (except by putting a piece of
>>>> data labelled as image/png or similar there). So if you're pushing back
>>>> against the idea that JS can place random data on the clipboard and label
>>>> it image/png, how exactly would you propose JS-triggered copy of image data
>>>> to work? Say, from a CANVAS-based image editor?
>>>> -Hallvord

Re: Clipboard API: remove dangerous formats from mandatory data types

2015-06-24 Thread Florian Bösch
And how exactly do you intend to support for instance OpenEXR?

On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 5:44 PM, Wez  wrote:

> Hallvord,
> Yes, content would be limited to providing text, image etc data to the
> user agent to place on the clipboard, and letting the user agent synthesize
> whatever formats (JPEG, PNG etc) other apps require. That has the advantage
> of preventing malicious content using esoteric flags or features to
> compromise recipients, but conversely means that legitimate content cannot
> use format-specific features, e.g. content would not be able to write a
> JPEG containing a comment block, geo tags or timestamp information.
> Wez
> On Sat, 13 Jun 2015 at 11:57 Hallvord Reiar Michaelsen Steen <
>> wrote:
>> On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 7:51 PM, Wez  wrote:
>>> Hallvord,
>>> The proposal isn't to remove support for copying/pasting images, but to
>>> restrict web content from placing compressed image data in one of these
>>> formats on the clipboard directly - there's no issue with content pasting
>>> raw pixels from a canvas, for example, since scope for abusing that to
>>> compromise the recipient is extremely limited by comparison to JPEG, PNG or
>>> GIF.
>> Well, but as far as I can tell we don't currently *have* a way JS can
>> place pixels from a canvas on the clipboard (except by putting a piece of
>> data labelled as image/png or similar there). So if you're pushing back
>> against the idea that JS can place random data on the clipboard and label
>> it image/png, how exactly would you propose JS-triggered copy of image data
>> to work? Say, from a CANVAS-based image editor?
>> -Hallvord

Re: Clipboard API: remove dangerous formats from mandatory data types

2015-06-11 Thread Florian Bösch
On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 8:32 PM, Daniel Cheng  wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 11:13 AM Florian Bösch  wrote:
>> What about JPEG 2000, Exif, TIFF, RIF, BMP, PM, PGM, PBM, PNM, HDR, EXR,
>> BPG, psd, xcf, etc.?
> I'm not sure what you're trying to say here.
What about raster image formats the browser doesn't happen to implement.

Re: Clipboard API: remove dangerous formats from mandatory data types

2015-06-11 Thread Florian Bösch
What about JPEG 2000, Exif, TIFF, RIF, BMP, PM, PGM, PBM, PNM, HDR, EXR,
BPG, psd, xcf, etc.?

Re: Clipboard API: remove dangerous formats from mandatory data types

2015-06-11 Thread Florian Bösch
Besides, if html clipboards will be crippled beyond usability by security
paranoia, you'll just use good'ol flash to copy your random bytes to the
clipboard again.

Re: Clipboard API: remove dangerous formats from mandatory data types

2015-06-11 Thread Florian Bösch
If you can't put an image/png into a clipboard from JS, you just put it
into an application/octet-stream, which many image editors will load just
happily. If that doesn't work, you just stick your PNG into a plain/text,
which many image editors will still load just fine.

Re: Clipboard API: remove dangerous formats from mandatory data types

2015-06-11 Thread Florian Bösch
Oh, also while you're on crippling things, please also exclude copying any
text that contains "http://:"; cause that borks skype.

Re: Clipboard API: remove dangerous formats from mandatory data types

2015-06-11 Thread Florian Bösch
On a further note. If UAs (which are among the more prevalent applications
out there being used) intentionally disable declaring mime-types for some
classes of content, so that it can't be pasted into applications that might
not be equipped to handle those mimetypes, application programmers (such as
adobe, gimp etc.) will do something else:

   - The first 4 bytes of a PNG: \89PNG
   - Bytes 9 trough 13 of a JPEG: JFIF
   - etc.

Every notable non text format in common use today contains "magic" headers
that make it easy to identify what a file is without having the mimetype or
file extension.

Omission of metadata information is

   - not going to address your "security concern" since applications do
   routinely read in random bytes and figure out what they are
   - it's not going to make applications behave any more securely (or
   reliably) as it'll promote even more of them to resort to guessing because
   information is omitted

Re: Clipboard API: remove dangerous formats from mandatory data types

2015-06-11 Thread Florian Bösch
Wait, why are you talking about removing an ostensibly useful feature
(declaring a mimetype in a paste for certain mime types) because the end
result could land up in the users paste, where it could be pasted into
applications that're not equipped to handle random assemblages of bytes,
even though they are specifically written to handle random assemblages of

Wouldn't you have to remove ctrl+c,  ->  etc. from
the UA as well?

Re: PSA: publishing new WD of Gamepad on April 14

2015-04-10 Thread Florian Bösch
In principle I'm all for events on buttons, but here comes an additional
complication :).

Sometimes buttons are axes. They can be legitimate axes, like the triggers
on gamepads, or incidential axes, like every button on some weird steering
wheel I got. They can also be recognized as buttons by the driver/UA, or
they might wrongly recognized as just axes. The button might have a
physical trigger point (but still be an axis) or it might not have it.
Point is, it's messy.

Which means that it has to be possible to detect axis thresholds manually,
accurately. The driver/browser might do it, or it might not.

So events for axes as they come in from the driver are still useful. But in
order to satisfy both usecases (clearing the event queue for a frame and
getting convenient polled axis values) you need both the polling and the

I'd imagine it could work like this:

navigator.gamepads.onChange = function(event){
  event.gamepad instanceof Gamepad
  event.axis instanceof GamepadAxis
  event.button instanceof GamepadButton
  event.type either navigator.gamepads.UP | navigator.gamepads.DOWN |

var update = function(){
  var gamepads = navigator.gamepads.poll(); // here all the events get
  for(var i=0; i wrote:

> Well, how about just events for the pressable buttons then? That would
> alleviate most of my concerns with the polling model, and I think you're
> right it's harder to apply it to axes given that there are effectively two
> inputs working simultaneously.
> Ashley
> On 9 April 2015 at 22:29, Florian Bösch  wrote:
>> The polling model for axes has a significant advantage as I'll illustrate.
>> Suppose you're steering a cursor of some kind in 2 dimensions. That
>> cursor would also draw a trail/line whatever. Here's what happens if you
>> apply this logic on events per axis: You get a staircase. Why? Because the
>> X-axis event arrives, you move the cursor to the side, draw a line, then
>> the Y-axis event arrives, you move the cursor up, you draw a line -> a
>> staircase.
>> If you poll the position of all axes, this effect will not happen, you
>> draw the correct diagonal line.
>> In order to emulate the correct behavior with axis events, you'd have to
>> capture all events, and keep the value of axes separately so you can draw
>> to the appropriate position. But that can't work, because you don't have
>> control over the polling behavior, that is, you don't know when all events
>> are processed.
>> This problem is broadly in the category of correlated event updates, and
>> polling the status (of at least all axes) at a given time solves this
>> nicely. So this functionality should not go away. In fact, it could be well
>> argued that even if you do dispatch events (where they're primarily useful
>> as in buttons), you should still be able to initiate the poll as for when
>> all events are delivered (instead of having them delivered at an
>> unopportune/uncontrolled time).
>> The main drawback of not having events isn't that you'll have to keep the
>> state separately. That's easy. The main problem is that because multiple
>> events make up one final state, you can miss things, such as a button press.
>> On Thu, Apr 9, 2015 at 11:15 PM, Ashley Gullen  wrote:
>>> Why doesn't the Gamepad API fire events for button pushes or axis
>>> movements? For example when pressing a mouse button or moving the mouse the
>>> browser fires "mousedown" and "mousemove". The Gamepad API however requires
>>> you to passively poll the state regularly (probably in rAF) and look for
>>> changes yourself. Why does it not fire events like "gamepadbuttondown" or
>>> "gamepadaxischange"? This would have a few advantages:
>>> - it would be consistent with the way all other input events are handled
>>> on the web platform
>>> - it is easier to program for. As it stands since there is nothing like
>>> a "gamepadbuttondown" event, so if you want one, you have to implement it
>>> yourself by polling the state, keeping the previous polled state, and
>>> comparing the differences looking for a previously up but currently down
>>> state and then run your handler.
>>> - browsers have a couple of important features that can only work in a
>>> "user gesture", such as opening a popup window, copying to the clipboard,
>>> or - critically for games! - starting audio (or video) playback on mobile.
>>> Since the Gamepad API doe

Re: PSA: publishing new WD of Gamepad on April 14

2015-04-09 Thread Florian Bösch
The polling model for axes has a significant advantage as I'll illustrate.

Suppose you're steering a cursor of some kind in 2 dimensions. That cursor
would also draw a trail/line whatever. Here's what happens if you apply
this logic on events per axis: You get a staircase. Why? Because the X-axis
event arrives, you move the cursor to the side, draw a line, then the
Y-axis event arrives, you move the cursor up, you draw a line -> a

If you poll the position of all axes, this effect will not happen, you draw
the correct diagonal line.

In order to emulate the correct behavior with axis events, you'd have to
capture all events, and keep the value of axes separately so you can draw
to the appropriate position. But that can't work, because you don't have
control over the polling behavior, that is, you don't know when all events
are processed.

This problem is broadly in the category of correlated event updates, and
polling the status (of at least all axes) at a given time solves this
nicely. So this functionality should not go away. In fact, it could be well
argued that even if you do dispatch events (where they're primarily useful
as in buttons), you should still be able to initiate the poll as for when
all events are delivered (instead of having them delivered at an
unopportune/uncontrolled time).

The main drawback of not having events isn't that you'll have to keep the
state separately. That's easy. The main problem is that because multiple
events make up one final state, you can miss things, such as a button press.

On Thu, Apr 9, 2015 at 11:15 PM, Ashley Gullen  wrote:

> Why doesn't the Gamepad API fire events for button pushes or axis
> movements? For example when pressing a mouse button or moving the mouse the
> browser fires "mousedown" and "mousemove". The Gamepad API however requires
> you to passively poll the state regularly (probably in rAF) and look for
> changes yourself. Why does it not fire events like "gamepadbuttondown" or
> "gamepadaxischange"? This would have a few advantages:
> - it would be consistent with the way all other input events are handled
> on the web platform
> - it is easier to program for. As it stands since there is nothing like a
> "gamepadbuttondown" event, so if you want one, you have to implement it
> yourself by polling the state, keeping the previous polled state, and
> comparing the differences looking for a previously up but currently down
> state and then run your handler.
> - browsers have a couple of important features that can only work in a
> "user gesture", such as opening a popup window, copying to the clipboard,
> or - critically for games! - starting audio (or video) playback on mobile.
> Since the Gamepad API does not fire events, this does not integrate nicely
> with the existing "user gesture" model, and therefore currently no browser
> allows these features to be triggered by gamepad input. Considering the use
> case of a gamepad controlling a browser game on a tablet, it's pretty
> embarrassing that you can't play audio without resorting to some other kind
> of input, like regularly leaning forwards to touch the screen.
> This could involve significant changes to the spec, but I think it's
> necessary. It looks a bit like a first draft that never got reconsidered.
> Ashley Gullen
> On 9 April 2015 at 12:52, Arthur Barstow  wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> A new Working Draft publication of Gamepad is planned for April 14 using
>> the following version as the basis:
>> If anyone has any major concerns about this, please reply right away.
>> A few notes about this spec:
>> * This spec is now using Github  and the
>> ED is . PRs are welcome and
>> encouraged.
>> * The permissions of the spec's now obsolete Hg repository will be set to
>> read-only.
>> * After Ted copies the open Bugzilla bugs to Github, the spec's Bugzilla
>> component will be marked `Historical` and set to read-only.
>> -Thanks, ArtB

Re: PSA: publishing new WD of Gamepad on April 14

2015-04-09 Thread Florian Bösch
If my reading is correct, there is no provision to escape a mapping that
the UA would apply? I've observed in the past that the mappings can go
quite awry. Would it be possible to offer a way toggle off mapping on a

On Thu, Apr 9, 2015 at 1:52 PM, Arthur Barstow 

> Hi All,
> A new Working Draft publication of Gamepad is planned for April 14 using
> the following version as the basis:
> If anyone has any major concerns about this, please reply right away.
> A few notes about this spec:
> * This spec is now using Github  and the
> ED is . PRs are welcome and
> encouraged.
> * The permissions of the spec's now obsolete Hg repository will be set to
> read-only.
> * After Ted copies the open Bugzilla bugs to Github, the spec's Bugzilla
> component will be marked `Historical` and set to read-only.
> -Thanks, ArtB

Re: [W3C TCP and UDP Socket API]: Status and home for this specification

2015-04-02 Thread Florian Bösch
On Thu, Apr 2, 2015 at 2:40 PM, Anders Rundgren <> wrote:
> Obviously we need a model where the code is "vetted" for
> DoingTheRightThing(tm).

This is essentially about two things: trust and the capability to "vet".
Both of these things cannot be solved conclusively, or without severe
drawbacks as I'll show.

The prevailing model of trust for vetting apps is app-stores. There the
trust is hierarchical "I trust Apple, therefore I trust what they put in
the app-store".  A slightly more elaborate hierarchical trust scheme is
SSL, but it's really the same thing. This model has several problems:

   - If Apple gets pwned, everybody who trusted apple is screwed. This
   might be judged as a six-sigma event in the case of apple, but in the case
   of SSL certificate authority it's a frequent occurence.
   - The one on top of the (shallow or deep) hierarchy of trust gets to
   extract rent from everybody else. Apple takes a $99/year + 30% with some
   conditions. Certificate authorities charge anything between $10 and several
   thousands for their services.
   - Responsibility of vetting flows to the top, where it creates a vetting
   bottleneck. It's for this reason that it can take you weeks, or months if
   you're unlucky, to get your app in the app store. It's quite perplexing to
   be technically able to push updates a dozen times a day, yet you can't
   because every update is gonna cost you money and two weeks (tm) till it
   hits your audience.

The only alternative of a hierarchical trust system is a graph of trust
relationships which is used to aggregate trust between two nodes in it.
This is in principle a fine system, however, it too has a severe flaw. It
cannot account for "good" nodes that successfully pretend to be good, and
then one day turn bad. The revocation of trust in such a graph takes
considerable time since it depends on all connected nodes to adjust their
trust relationship. By the time that has happened, considerable damage may

It's for these reasons that trust/vetting based solutions cannot be used in
a heterogenous M:N market that the web finds itself in. It creates hard to
quantify risks, inconveniences everyone and puts up barriers to entry.

Re: [W3C TCP and UDP Socket API]: Status and home for this specification

2015-04-01 Thread Florian Bösch
On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 9:00 PM, Anders Rundgren <> wrote:
> Who would like to get something like that in their face when buying stuff
> on the web?

14% of users recognize changes in content of a security prompt. An MRI scan
shows that at the second security prompt in a session a clear drop in
visual processing occurs.

The authors of the study suggest that security prompts be made such that
they are as annoying and hard to habituate against as possible
(Permissionities syndrome on steroids).

This messages author suggests that if you do that, it's the fastest way to
annoy the heck out of everybody in no time flat and get them to stop using
whatever it is you're programming. Vista on steroids.

Re: [W3C TCP and UDP Socket API]: Status and home for this specification

2015-04-01 Thread Florian Bösch
It's a fair point, but without an origin authoritative opt-in it's not
gonna happen no matter what. Imagine say the displeasure of if trough some manner of XSS exploit (say in google
adds) suddenly millions of web-visitors connect to their email server

On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 6:44 PM, Jonas Sicking  wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 6:37 PM, Florian Bösch  wrote:
> > On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 6:02 PM, Jonas Sicking  wrote:
> >>
> >> Not saying that we can use CORS to solve this, or that we should
> >> extend CORS to solve this. My point is that CORS works because it was
> >> specified and implemented across browsers. If we'd do something like
> >> what Domenic proposes, I think that would be true here too.
> >>
> >> However, in my experience the use case for the TCPSocket and UDPSocket
> >> APIs is to connect to existing hardware and software systems. Like
> >> printers or mail servers. Server-side opt-in is generally not possible
> >> for them.
> >
> > Isn't the problem that these existing systems can't be changed (let's
> say an
> > IRC server) to support say WebSockets, and thus it'd be convenient to be
> > able to TCP to it. I think that is something CORS-like could actually
> solve.
> > You could deploy (on the same origin) a webserver that handles the opt-in
> > for that origin/port/protocol and then the webserver can open a
> connection
> > to it. For example:
> >
> > var socket = new Socket(); socket.connect('', 194);
> >
> > ->
> >
> > port: 194
> > host:
> >
> > ->
> >
> > HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> > Access-Control-Allow-Origin:
> >
> > -> browser opens a TCP connection to 194.
> >
> > So you don't need to upgrade the existing system for server
> authorization.
> > You just need to deploy a (http compatible) authorative source on the
> same
> > origin that can give a browser the answer it desires.
> Again, the use case here is to enable someone to develop, for example,
> a browser base mail client which has support for POP/IMAP/SMTP.
> It's going to be very hard for that email client to get any
> significant user base if their "install steps" are:
> 1. Go to
> 2. Contact your mail provider and ask them to install a http server on
> their mail server
> 3. There is no step three :)
> / Jonas

Re: [W3C TCP and UDP Socket API]: Status and home for this specification

2015-04-01 Thread Florian Bösch
On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 6:02 PM, Jonas Sicking  wrote:

> Not saying that we can use CORS to solve this, or that we should
> extend CORS to solve this. My point is that CORS works because it was
> specified and implemented across browsers. If we'd do something like
> what Domenic proposes, I think that would be true here too.
> However, in my experience the use case for the TCPSocket and UDPSocket
> APIs is to connect to existing hardware and software systems. Like
> printers or mail servers. Server-side opt-in is generally not possible
> for them.
Isn't the problem that these existing systems can't be changed (let's say
an IRC server) to support say WebSockets, and thus it'd be convenient to be
able to TCP to it. I think that is something CORS-like could actually
solve. You could deploy (on the same origin) a webserver that handles the
opt-in for that origin/port/protocol and then the webserver can open a
connection to it. For example:

var socket = new Socket(); socket.connect('', 194);


port: 194


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

-> browser opens a TCP connection to 194.

So you don't need to upgrade the existing system for server authorization.
You just need to deploy a (http compatible) authorative source on the same
origin that can give a browser the answer it desires.

Re: [W3C TCP and UDP Socket API]: Status and home for this specification

2015-04-01 Thread Florian Bösch
On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 11:22 AM, Nilsson, Claes1 <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Related to the recent mail thread about the SysApps WG and its
> deliverables I would like to make a report of the status of the TCP and UDP
> Socket API,
> Note that this specification is still being worked on. Latest merged PR
> was March 30. I think it is time for a new Public Working Draft.
> This API is used to send and receive data over the network using TCP or
> UDP.
> Examples of use cases for the API are:
>- An email client which communicates with SMTP, POP3 and IMAP servers
>- An irc client which communicates with irc servers
>- Implementing an ssh app
>- Communicating with existing consumer hardware, like internet
>connected TVs
>- Game servers
>- Peer-to-peer applications
>- Local network multicast service discovery, e.g. UPnP/SSDP and mDNS
> Some of these usecases are served suitably by WebSockets and WebRTC (once
it reaches good deployment state). Of course there's drawbacks to that (a
bit of overhead, some weird semantics, some restrictions and zero legacy

The TCP and UDP Socket API is a phase 1 deliverable of the SysApps WG.
> SysApps was originally chartered to provide a runtime and security model so
> that it would be possible to open up sensitive APIs to SysApps enabled
> runtimes. Accordingly, it was assumed that the TCP and UDP Socket API would
> be exposed to such a “trusted runtime”. Looking at existing TCP and UDP
> Socket APIs they are implemented in proprietary web runtimes, FFOS and
> Chrome, which provide a security model for installed packaged web runtimes.
I don't particularly like the idea of priviledged webapps unless absolutely

> I recently added “permission methods”, partly inspired by the W3C Push
> API. A webapp could for example request permission to create a TCP
> connection to a certain host. The ambition is to isolate the permission
> system from the socket interfaces specifications and the manner in which
> permission to use this API is given differs depending on the type of web
> runtime the API is implemented in. For example, a web runtime for secure
> installed web applications may be able to open up this API so that no
> explicit user content is needed, while an implementation in a web browser
> may use a combination of web security mechanisms, such as secure transport
> (https:), content security policies (CSP), signed manifest, certificate
> pinning, and user consent to open up the API.
I'd like to point out the permissionities syndrome. There are two parts to
this syndrome, the first is the use of an ever growing list of complex
permissions for users to manage. Good examples of that are: ,
, etc. The second part is recent research
has shown that showing people security prompts makes them turn off their
brain, literally,

Also note, most people don't know what a browser is, they certainly don't
know what a host is, and even if they knew, they couldn't gauge the
security implications of what it means they're saying yes to.

Re: Pointer lock spec

2015-04-01 Thread Florian Bösch
On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 1:49 AM, Vincent Scheib  wrote:
> You raised this point in 2011, resulting in my adding this spec section
> you reference. The relevant bit being:
> """
> ... a concern of specifying what units mouse movement data are provided
> in. This specification defines .movementX/Y precisely as the same values
> that could be recorded when the mouse is not under lock by changes in
> .screenX/Y. Implementations across multiple user agents and operating
> systems will easily be able to meet that requirement and provide
> application developers and users with a consistent experience. Further,
> users are expected to have already configured the full system of hardware
> input and operating system options resulting in a comfortable control the
> system mouse cursor. By specifying .movementX/Y in the same units mouse
> lock API applications will be instantly usable to all users because they
> have already settled their preferences.
> """
As of yet nobody has provided higher resolution values though.

> As an application developer I agree the unprocessed data would be nice to
> have, but I don't see it as essential. The benefits of system calibrated
> movement are high. Not requiring users to configure every application is
> good. And, as the Chrome implementation maintainer who has been in
> conversation with several application developers (Unity, Unreal,
> PlayCanvas, GooTechnologies, Verold, come to mind easily) this has not been
> raised yet as an issue.
I distinctly remember playing games (and reading articles about) mouse
coordinates in pixel-clamped ranges. Particularly when buying my first high
resolution mouse this was quite an issue with some games. As now I had a
very high precision pointing instrument, but viewpoint changes where pixel
clamped. To get better resolution, I had to go to the OS setting, and
ratched up mouse sensitivity to the max, then go to the game settings, and
counteract that sensitivity setting so it became operable, hence extracting
more ticks out of a flawed system. Of course once I closed the game again,
I had to undo the OS mouse sensitivity setting again in order to make the
desktop usable.

It might be less of an issue then back when 1024x786 was the state of the
art. But 1920x1080 is less than twice the horizontal/vertical resolution
than back then, so I'm pretty sure this is still a significant issue, and
pointers haven't gotten any less precise since then (however OSes haven't
gotten any smarter with pointers).

> I'm not certain how to address this in the specification. I agree that
> poor rendering latency will impact the use of an application drawn cursor
> or other use, and that some applications and devices may have poor
> experiences. That said, what should we change in the specification, or what
> notes would you suggest are added to FAQ on this topic?
This is essentially a whole-system integration issue. In order to fix it,
the whole stack (drivers, I/O systems, kernels, shells, browsers, hardware)
needs to get its act together:

   - I/O RTT latencies (input -> screen) of more than 10ms is not an
   appropriate state of affairs for the year 2015. The benchmark number would
   be OS cursors, which are around 30ms. Even native games struggle to get
   below 60ms, and for browsers it's usually worse.
   - *One* millisecond on a modern computer (PCIe, sandybridge, ssd drive)
   runs 6000 floating point operations, 16'000 transfers on the bus, 160'000
   cycles, ~40'000 ram load/stores
   - L1 latency ~0.25ms, ram latency ~0.8ms, SSD random access

So to put that into perspective, the I/O latencies we have today (let's go
with ~100ms for browsers) is  1.25x million times bigger than ram latency,
1000x bigger than permanent storage latency. It's about 8x longer than it
takes you to ping google across 6 hops. IO latencies in todays systems are
insanely high. And the numbers haven't gotten much better in the last 20
years (in fact you could argue they've gotten a lot worse, but that's a
topic for another day).

So I think if you're writing any specification dealing with I/O. It should
contain very strong language addressing latency. It can specify whole
system latency requirements as a "level of support" queries. If a whole
system is able to achieve < 10ms latencies, the API should be able to
indicate that fact (let's say support level gold), if it reaches < 60ms,
that's say silver, and > 60ms that's support level turd. What's simply not
sustainable is the frankly insane situation in regards to I/O latencies is
gone unmentioned, unfixed and not made transparent. We tried that for the
last oh 20 years. It. Doesn't. Work.

Re: File Save As

2015-03-29 Thread Florian Bösch
On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 2:38 PM, Jonas Sicking  wrote:

> On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 1:25 PM, Florian Bösch  wrote:
> > It's been over 2 years since I raised this issue the first time. The
> > specification has not been
> updated in
> > a year and it states that:
> >
> >> Work on this document has been discontinued and it should not be
> >> referenced or used as a basis for implementation.
> >
> >
> > The problem of how to:
> >
> > - Asynchronously write a large file (FileSaver & co.)
> The spec at [1] cover this use case. Mozilla is interested in
> implementing, and I've heard positive signals from other browser
> vendors. Though no commitment yet. [1] covers the same use-cases at
> the Google edited API that you are referring to. Which includes
> asynchronously writing a large file.
> [1]

Will review.

> > - Right click save-as
> This is doable using a blob:-URLs and  or  download>
It's not. In order to provide the blob you've got to have the data ready
and in blob form. The data could take a while to be prepared, it could
require streaming in from a worker, it could require reading back from the
GPU, and it could be large. It's not feasible to keep an up to date copy of
data in blob form at all times in case somebody desires to save as just in

You'd want to do three things:

   1. Be able to provide data asynchronously (for either click or right
   click -> save as)
   2. In case of longer running data productions have the option to provide
   a progress (and let the browser handle the d/l progress meter as usual)
   3. Be informed if a download is canncelled so you can stop producing
   needless bytes.

> - Overwrite (simple save)
> To my knowledge no serious proposals have been made for solving this
> problem. The problem isn't an API one, but a UX one. I.e. it's easy to
> design an API which would solve this use case. The hard part is
> displaying a UI to the user which makes the user understand that
> read/write access is granted to the website, rather than read-only
> access as the current filepicker allows.
> Once that UI problem is solved, it would be trivial to design an API,
> or reuse an existing API, to solve this.
I agree that this is a UX issue. However, please don't follow this pattern
of solving it:

Re: File Save As

2015-03-29 Thread Florian Bösch
It's been over 2 years since I raised this issue the first time. The
specification has not been updated in
a year and it states that:

Work on this document has been discontinued and it should not be referenced
> or used as a basis for implementation.

The problem of how to:

- Asynchronously write a large file (FileSaver & co.)
- Right click save-as
- Overwrite (simple save)

Is still not solved, and nobody tries to solve it. I find the status,
progress and abandonment of the topic unacceptable.

A variety of productivity applications (google docs, verold studio, fabric
engine, goo engine, etc.) exist now on the web (and more are added daily),
and they're all having the same problem, saving files conveniently for a
user is not possible. It should be possible, but it isn't for the failure
to specify and implement any kind of solution to it.

Re: Proposal for a Permissions API

2015-03-22 Thread Florian Bösch
On Sat, Mar 21, 2015 at 10:47 PM, Florian Bösch  wrote:

> 2) MRI scans show that user attention dramatically drops when presented
> with a security prompt:

It's also likely the case that (as others have suggested) if you're doing a
double security poll (or even a tripple one) ala:

   1. Hey we need this permission to get started, do you want to grant it?
   2. Click here to make us request this permission from you, remember to
   click the next dialog on "allow"
   3. Actual permission dialog asking the permission.

Then the attention loss effect is probably knocked on N-fold.

Re: Proposal for a Permissions API

2015-03-21 Thread Florian Bösch
Time to revise this topic. Two data points:

1) Particularly with pointerlock (but also with other permission prompts
that sneak up on the user) I often get the complaint from users along the
lines of "I tried your stuff, but it didn't work." or "I tried your stuff,
but it asked me to do X, I don't think it works".

2) MRI scans show that user attention dramatically drops when presented
with a security prompt:

Permission/Security prompts are bad UX. Particularly the kind you need to
prompt the user with along the way. And within that, even worse are the
ones that pop up again and again (like the fullscreen popup).

On Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 7:34 PM, Jeffrey Yasskin  wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 3:29 AM, Mounir Lamouri  wrote:
> > On Wed, 3 Sep 2014, at 04:41, Jonas Sicking wrote:
> >> I'm generally supportive of this direction.
> >>
> >> I'm not sure that that the PermissionStatus thing is needed. For
> >> example in order to support bluetooth is might be better to make the
> >> call look like:
> >>
> >> permissions.has("bluetooth", "fitbit").then(...);
> >
> > That's more Permission than PermissionStatus, right?
> >
> > What you proposed here would probably be something like that in WebIDL:
> > Promise<> has(PermissionName name, any options);
> >
> > But really, we could make that option bag be a dictionary because it
> > gives good context about what you are passing like what does "fitbit"
> > means here? Is that a black listed device or a white listed one? The one
> > you want to target?
> >
> > I agree that it might be unusual to have a required "name" than might
> > often be used alone but it makes the API way more javascript-y and self
> > explanatory. IMO, this call is nicer to read than the one you wrote
> > above:
> >   permissions.has({ name: 'bluetooth', devices: 'fitbit' });
> > because I understand what the call is trying to do. In addition, as you
> > pointed, it gives a lot of flexibility.
> Belatedly, I'd like to suggest a slightly different model. Instead of
> trying to stuff arbitrary queries into the permissions.has() call,
> maybe expose the current permissions as data, and let the application
> inspect them using custom code. This is likely to work better for
> Bluetooth, since we're planning to have pages request devices by the
> Services they expose, not their deviceIds, and a page may want to
> check for either an available device exposing some services, or that a
> device they've already opened hasn't been revoked.
> Getting permission revocation to update a UI correctly is also an
> interesting problem. You could expose an event on permission change,
> but given that templating frameworks are moving toward
> Object.observe() to update themselves in response to model object
> changes, that would require developers to write extra code to
> propagate the permission changes into their models.
> So what if navigator.permissions just _was_ a suitable model object?
> Make it, say, a Map from permission-name to an object defined by the
> permission's standard, and extend Map to expose enough synthetic
> change records that Object.observe(a_map) is useful.
> Jeffrey

Re: Pointer lock spec

2015-02-27 Thread Florian Bösch
I'd like to comment on the pointer lock functionality some.

12.4 notes that capturing a (a native) pointer inside of a rectangle is
difficult. I've done some research into this topic and I can attest that
it's not straightforward. Some platforms have support for this semantics,
others (I think it was OSX and Windows) would require repositioning the
pointer in an event loop which has some drawbacks.

12.5 states that there's difficulties in translation of
high-resolution/unaccelerated mouse pointer values to sensible units. While
I appreciate that concern, I don't think it matters nearly as much. The
first reason is that the user interaction with the pointing device isn't
aspect-distorted in the first place (that is a horizontal movement in the
pointing device covers the same distance on screen as a vertical movement).
What we're really discussing is mouse-sensitivity then, which could vary
greatly once mouse acceleration and sensitivity (by the OS) is taken out of
the picture. However, applications can (and will) provide their own
settings for these values. The reason to bypass acceleration/sensitivity of
the OS for a pointer is specifically because that treatment often doesn't
make sense (say for a camera control function in a 3D environment).

More general comments:

The specification does not discuss latency and pointer emulation. This is a
significant concern, as routinely native pointers have a latency of around
20-30ms, whereas the RTT for pointer-captured events and blit to display
have latencies between 70-150ms. This makes it difficult to use the pointer
lock API for emulating a mouse pointer (or indeed to use it for any kind of
pointing that requires accuracy and speed, like say FPS shooters).

A particular concern with a frequent usecase (3d interaction by mouse drag)
is the presence of pointerlock messages. Because we need native pointers
(in order to interact with DOM elements, to avoid high pointer input lag
and to allow a user to interact with things outside of the viewport (such
as tabs, file managers etc.)), it is desirable to stay out of a pointerlock
mode for general interaction. But when the application features a 3D
viewport (such as is found in CAD, 3D modelling etc.)  it is desirable to
enter pointer lock for mouse dragging in those viewports, as it avoids text
selection and screen border bump issues. A common way to do this is to
capture the mouse on mouse down, and release capture on mouse up. However,
this usecase faces some hurdles:

   1. If the user never entered pointerlock on the site, then pointerlock
   will not be entered until the user clicked "allow" in the confirmation
   dialog (this interaction is confusing to users)
   2. When he clicks allow, the mouse will be captured, but the release
   event might not have been dispatched, so that the event order suggests the
   pointer is captured, though that would run counter the semantic (I'm not
   sure what the current UA behavior there is, but this was the case in some
   UAs as of a year ago)
   3. Regardless of previous pointer capture confirmation, some UAs choose
   to display a popup with information everytime somebody enters pointerlock,
   which makes frequenty entry/exit fr

I'd also like to expand a bit on the topic of high resolution pointer
information, which means both high temporal and high spatial resolution.
For example The Razer Ouroboros mouse ( It supports a
polling frequency of 1000hz and has a resolution of 8200dpi. OSes (after
they're done mangling pointers trough their machinery) clamp pointer
positions to pixels, and they clamp frequency of events at least to pixel
crossover of the pointer and to no more than 60hz or so. It would be highly
desirable to get sub-pixel accuracy of a pointing device (as is supported
by nearly all mice produced in the last 10 years) as well as higher spatial
frequency than the one imposed by the OSes pointer machinations. These
things are desirable because they allow an application that runs say a 60hz
display frequency, to temporally sub-sample a pointer location from say 16
different events. So even though at the start and end of a frame, the
pointer might be in the same position again, a movement intra-frame could
still be registered, smoothed and used. More generally this is useful to
provide a smooth feel and rapid response to applications that deal with a
need to use pointers for fast and/or accurate pointing (such as for
instance FPS shooters).

On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 8:21 PM, Vincent Scheib  wrote:

> Thanks, Philip, changes made.
> On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 10:58 AM, Philip Jägenstedt 
> wrote:
>> Also, the EventHandler type should not be nullable, it's already
>> typedef'd to be nullable in
>> On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 1:56 AM, Philip Jägenstedt 
>> wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> > The section "Element Interf

Re: The futile war between Native and Web

2015-02-16 Thread Florian Bösch
On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 9:08 AM, Jeffrey Walton  wrote:

> I'd hardly consider an account holder's data as high value. Medium at
> best and likely low value. But that's just me.
Of course if the data is compromised it means that an attacker can also
remote-control your e-banking interface, and issue payments and so forth.
I'm sure that's not "high value" either?

Re: The futile war between Native and Web

2015-02-15 Thread Florian Bösch
On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 8:09 AM, Anders Rundgren <> wrote:

> Unfortunately this is wrong and is why I started this thread. Mobile
> banking applications in Europe are usually featured as "Apps".
> This has multiple reasons; one is that there's no way to deal with
> client-side PKI and secure key storage in the mobile web.

Well Postfinance, Credit Suisse and UBS all have browser based e-banking
solutions. Some of them have "Apps" (usually on iOS/Android) in the
app-stores, but these are usually just web-widgets put in a container so
they can put it on the store.

Re: The futile war between Native and Web

2015-02-15 Thread Florian Bösch
On Sun, Feb 15, 2015 at 10:59 PM, Jeffrey Walton  wrote:

> For the second point, and as a security architect, I regularly reject
> browser-based apps that operate on medium and high value data because
> we can't place the security controls needed to handle the data. The
> browser based apps are fine for low value data.
I'm not sure what "high value data" is. But I'm fairly sure that just about
any e-banking solution in existence is browser based. So I'm guessing your
definition of "high value data" doesn't include banking access. You work
for the NSA? Oh snap, the high value data just walked out there on a USB

Re: do not deprecate synchronous XMLHttpRequest

2015-02-10 Thread Florian Bösch
On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 4:24 PM, Glenn Adams  wrote:

> Morality should not be legislated!

Browser vendors can (and do) do whatever they please. You're free to start
your own browser and try getting it among the people. Legislation doesn't
enter the picture, you have free choice in every respect. It's every-bodies
pejorative to publish software both in source or compiled however they see
fit. Hyperbole much?

Re: do not deprecate synchronous XMLHttpRequest

2015-02-06 Thread Florian Bösch
On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 7:38 PM, Michaela Merz 

>  it would be the job of the browser development community to find a way
> to make such calls less harmful.
If there was a way to make synchronous calls less harmful, it'd have been
implemented a long time ago. There isn't.

You could service synchronous semantics with co-routine based schedulers.
It wouldn't block the main thread, but there'd still be nothing going on
while your single-threaded code waits for the XHR to complete, and so it's
still bad UX. Solving the bad UX would require you to deal with the
scheduler (spawn microthreads that do other things so it's not bad UX).
Regardless, ES-discuss isn't fond of co-routines, so that's not gonna

Re: do not deprecate synchronous XMLHttpRequest

2015-02-06 Thread Florian Bösch
> I had an Android device, but now I have an iPhone. In addition to the
> popup problem, and the fake "X" on ads, the iPhone browsers (Safari,
> Chrome, Opera) will start to show a site, then they will lock up for 10-30
> seconds before finally becoming responsive.

Via. Ask Slashdot:

Note: Starting with Gecko 30.0 (Firefox 30.0 / Thunderbird 30.0 / SeaMonkey
> 2.27), synchronous requests on the main thread have been deprecated due to
> the negative effects to the user experience.


Heads up! The XMLHttpRequest2 spec was recently changed to prohibit sending
> a synchronous request whenxhr.responseType is set. The idea behind the
> change is to help mitigate further usage of synchronous xhrs wherever
> possible.


Re: Allow custom headers (Websocket API)

2015-02-05 Thread Florian Bösch
On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 2:44 PM, Takeshi Yoshino  wrote:

> IIUC, CORS prevents clients from issuing non-simple cross-origin request
> (even idempotent methods) without verifying that the server understands
> CORS. That's realized by preflight.

Incorrect, the browser will perform idempotent requests (for instance 
or XHR GET) across domains without a preflight request. It will however not
make the data available to the client (javascript specifically) unless CORS
is satisfied (XHR GET will error out, and  will throw a glError on
gl.texImage2D if CORS isn't satisfied).

Re: Allow custom headers (Websocket API)

2015-02-05 Thread Florian Bösch
The websocket wire protocol only comes into effect after a successful
handshake. The handshake involves a request to the endpoint by the client
(typically a GET) and a response by the endpoint (101 switching protocols).

As such websockets themselves do not concern themselves with headers and
the other miscalnea of HTTP beyond the handshake protocol (which is tacked
onto HTTP).

CORS is also tacked onto HTTP, and so if you enforce CORS on http, this
will automatically apply to the handshake of a websocket, which goes over
HTTP. And so still no change is required to the websocket protocol.

On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 2:41 PM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 2:39 PM, Florian Bösch  wrote:
> > On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 2:35 PM, Anne van Kesteren 
> wrote:
> >> Wouldn't that require the endpoint to support two protocols? That
> >> sounds suboptimal.
> >
> > CORS and Websockets are two separate protocols which each work off and by
> > themselves, there is no change required to either to make one work with
> the
> > other, and both adequately deal with non-implementation by the endpoint.
> A
> > webserver with support for CORS and Websockets already implements both
> > protocols, and so no additional burden is imposed regardless.
> The protocols in question are HTTP and WebSocket... CORS is very much
> unrelated to most of this. It's just the solution we have for HTTP at
> the moment and WebSocket has something similar, just not for headers
> and that is the problem.
> --

Re: Allow custom headers (Websocket API)

2015-02-05 Thread Florian Bösch
On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 2:39 PM, Takeshi Yoshino  wrote:

> To prevent WebSocket from being abused to attack existing HTTP servers
> from malicious non-simple cross-origin requests, we need to have WebSocket
> clients to do some preflight to verify that the server is not an HTTP
> server that don't understand CORS. We could do e.g. when a custom header is
> specified,
No further specification is needed because CORS already covers the case of
endpoints that do not understand CORS (deny by default). Hence above
assertion is superfluous.

> So, anyway, I think we need to make some change on the WebSocket spec.
Also bogus assertion.

Re: Allow custom headers (Websocket API)

2015-02-05 Thread Florian Bösch
On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 2:35 PM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:

> Wouldn't that require the endpoint to support two protocols? That
> sounds suboptimal.

CORS and Websockets are two separate protocols which each work off and by
themselves, there is no change required to either to make one work with the
other, and both adequately deal with non-implementation by the endpoint. A
webserver with support for CORS and Websockets already implements both
protocols, and so no additional burden is imposed regardless.

Re: Allow custom headers (Websocket API)

2015-02-05 Thread Florian Bösch
On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 2:29 PM, Bjoern Hoehrmann  wrote:

> It seems to me that "pre-flight" requests would happen prior to opening
Pre-flight request will not be made for GET, HEAD and OPTIONS as is
customary for idempotent requests and as is specified by CORS.

Re: Allow custom headers (Websocket API)

2015-02-05 Thread Florian Bösch

1) Clients do apply CORS to WebSocket requests already (and might've
started doing so quite some time ago) and everything's fine and you don't
need to change anything.

2) Clients do not apply CORS to WebSocket requests, and you're screwed,
because any change you make will break existing deployments.

Either way, this will result in no change made, so you can burry it right

On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 2:12 PM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 1:27 PM, Florian Bösch  wrote:
> > CORS is an adequate protocol to allow for additional headers, and
> websocket
> > requests could be subjected to CORS (I'm not sure what the current client
> > behavior is in that regard, but I'm guessing they enforce CORS on
> websocket
> > requests as well).
> I think you're missing something. A WebSocket request is subject to
> the WebSocket protocol, which does not take the same precautions as
> the Fetch protocol does used elsewhere in the platform. And therefore
> we cannot provide this feature until the WebSocket protocol is fixed
> to take the same precautions.
> --

Re: Allow custom headers (Websocket API)

2015-02-05 Thread Florian Bösch
On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 1:22 PM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:
> I'm not sure how this is relevant. We are discussing adding the
> ability to the WebSocket API to set custom headers and whether the
> current protocol is adequate for that.

CORS is an adequate protocol to allow for additional headers, and websocket
requests could be subjected to CORS (I'm not sure what the current client
behavior is in that regard, but I'm guessing they enforce CORS on websocket
requests as well).

Re: Allow custom headers (Websocket API)

2015-02-05 Thread Florian Bösch
On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 12:59 PM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:

> That is not sufficient to allow custom headers. Cross-origin (and
> WebSocket is nearly always cross-origin I think) custom headers
> require a preflight and opt-in on a per-header basis.
Access-Control-Allow-Headers is not a preflight request per header, it's
one preflight request for all custom headers.

CORS allows idempotent requests to be made without a preflight request. A
websocket setup is a GET request with the necessary headers for the
handshake set.

Please don't break websockets and HTTP as they're specified and implemented
today. Thank you.

Re: [Gamepad] Completing spec work

2014-11-26 Thread Florian Bösch

On the polling vs. live object.

   - I'd be nice if there was a way to poll but not allocate a new object
   everytime. This has been relegated to "oh we'll get better GCs in JS
   eventually, let's not structure our API around not having a good GC". I
   can't say how realistic this is, but I keep hearing it year after year,
   - Polling has an advantage for realtime applications that wish to do
   "late polling". That is, first render a bunch of stuff, that could take
   say, 14ms, and then poll the input for stuff you can do at the last second.
   This reduces input -> output latency.

On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 3:40 PM, Ted Mielczarek  wrote:

> Hello,
> The Gamepad spec has been languishing for some time, and I take
> responsibility for that. However, on the bright side we have two
> implementations shipping (Firefox, Chrome), and another shipping in
> previews (IE) that, while not completely compatible, are usable in a
> compatible manner, which is a great thing.
> We've had some spec bugs filed as a result of implementors reading the
> spec, so those clearly need to be taken care of to finish the spec off.
> Some of them are small corner cases[1,2,3], while one is a fairly large
> oversight[4] that I've known about and haven't had time to spec
> (liveness of Gamepad objects).  The latter had significant discussion on
> the mailing list[5] and I know what I need to do, it's just going to
> require a fair bit of editing to spec it properly.
> Additionally, I met with some interested parties a few weeks ago at the
> Mozilla office and we identified a fairly small spec addition[6] that
> would help content libraries deal with the biggest interop issue that
> they currently deal with in practice. I would like to spec this as well
> before calling the spec done.
> My goal is to sit down and do some spec editing in the next month or
> two, finish up the remaining issues, and move the spec forward to match
> the reality of implementations.
> -Ted
> 1.
> 2.
> 3.
> 4.
> 5.
> 6.

Re: What I am missing

2014-11-18 Thread Florian Bösch
It gives you at least a sandboxed file system, which is about all you can
offer without a central authority to make infallible decisions, decisions
you'd pay for to get.

On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 8:35 AM, Jonas Sicking  wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 9:38 PM, Florian Bösch  wrote:
> >> or direct file access
> >
> >
> This is no more "direct file access" than IndexedDB is. IndexedDB also
> allow you to store File objects, but also doesn't allow you to access
> things like your photo or music library.
> / Jonas

Re: What I am missing

2014-11-18 Thread Florian Bösch
On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 7:54 AM, Marc Fawzi  wrote:
> So there is no way for an unsigned script to exploit security holes in a
> signed script?
Of course there's a way. But by the same token, there's a way a signed
script can exploit security holes in another signed script. Signing itself
doesn't establish any trust, or security.

> Funny you mention crypto currencies as an idea to get inspiration
> from..."Trust but verify" is detached from that... a browser can monitor
> what the signed scripts are doing and if it detects a potentially malicious
> pattern it can halt the execution of the script and let the user decide if
> they want to continue...
That's not working for a variety of reasons. The first reason is that
identifying what a piece of software does intelligently is one of those
really hard problems. As in Strong-AI hard. Failing that, you can monitor
what APIs a piece of software makes use of, and restrict access to those.
However, that's already satisfied without signing by sandboxing.
Furthermore, it doesn't entirely solve the problem as any android user will
know. You get a ginormeous list of premissions a given piece of software
would like to use and the user just clicks "yes". Alternatively, you get
malware that's not trustworthy, that nobody managed to properly review,
because the non trusty part was burried/hidden by the author somewhere deep
down, to activate only long after trust extension by fiat has happened.

But even if you'd assume that this somehow would be an acceptable model,
what do you define as "malicious"? Reformatting your machine would be
malicious, but so would be posting on your facebook wall. What constitutes
a malicious pattern is actually more of a social than a technical problem.

Re: What I am missing

2014-11-18 Thread Florian Bösch
There are some models that are a bit better than trust by royalty
(app-stores) and trust by hirarchy (TLS). One of them is trust flowing
along flow limited edges in a graph (as in Advogato). This model however
isn't free from fault, as when a highly trusted entity gets compromised,
there's no quick or easy way to revoke that trust for that entity. Also, a
trust graph such as this doesn't solve the problem of stake. We trust say,
the twitter API, because we know that twitter has staked a lot into it. If
they violate that trust, they suffer proportionally more. A graph doesn't
solve that problem, because it cannot offer a proof of stake.

Interestingly, there are way to provide a proof of stake (see various
cryptocurrencies that attempt to do that). Of course proof of stake
cryptocurrencies have their own problems, but that doesn't entirely
invalidate the idea. If you can prove you have a stake of a given size,
then you can enhance a flow limited trust graph insofar as to make it less
likely an entity gets compromised. The difficulty with that approach of
course is, it would make aquiring high levels of trust prohibitively
expensive (as in getting the priviledge to access the filesystem could run
you into millions of $ of stake shares).

Re: What I am missing

2014-11-18 Thread Florian Bösch
On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 6:35 AM, Michaela Merz 

>  Well .. it would be a "all scripts signed" or "no script signed" kind of
> a deal. You can download malicious code everywhere - not only as scripts.
> Signed code doesn't protect against malicious or bad code. It only
> guarantees that the code is actually from the the certificate owner .. and
> has not been altered without the signers consent.

On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 5:00 AM, Michaela Merz 
> it would make sense. Signed code would make script much more resistant to
> manipulation and therefore would help in environments where trust and/or
> security is important.
> We use script for much, much more than we did just a year or so ago.

On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 6:41 AM, Michaela Merz 
> TLS doesn't protect you against code that has been altered server side -
> without the signers consent. It would alert the user, if unsigned updates
> would be made available.

Signing allows you to verify that an entity did produce a run of bytes, and
not another entity. Entity here meaning the holder of the private key who
put his signature onto that run of bytes. How do you know this entity did
that? Said entity also broadcast their public key, so that the recipient
can compare.

TLS solves this problem somewhat by securing the delivery channel. It
doesn't sign content, but via TLS it is (at least proverbially) impossible
for somebody to deliver content over a channel you control.

Ajax downloads still require a download link (with the bloburl) to be
> displayed requiring an additional click. User clicks download .. ajax
> downloads the data, creates blob url as src which the user has to click to
> 'copy' the blob onto the userspace drive. Would be better to skip the final
> part.

Signing, technically would have an advantage where you wish to deliver
content over a channel that you cannot control. Such as over WebRTC, from
files, and so forth.

In regard to accept: I wasn't aware of the fact that I can accept a socket
> on port 80 to serve a HTTP session. You're saying I could with what's
> available today?

You cannot. You can however let the browser accept an incoming connection
under the condition that they're browsing the same origin. The port doesn't
matter as much, as WebRTC largely relegates it to an implementation detail
of the channel negotiator so that two of the same origins can communicate.

Suppose you get a piece of signed content, over whatever way it was
delivered. Suppose also that this content you got has the ability to read
all your private data, or reformat your machine. So it's basically about
trust. You need to establish a secure channel of communication to obtain a
public key that matches a signature, in such a way that an attackers
attempt to self-sign malicious content is foiled. And you need to have a
way to discover (after having established that the entity is the one who
was intended and that the signature is correct), that you indeed trust that

These are two very old problems in cryptography, and they cannot be solved
by cryptography. There are various approaches to this problem in use today:

   - TLS and its web of trust: The basic idea being that there is a
   hierarchy of signatories. It works like this. An entity provides a
   certificate for the connection, signing it with their private key. Since
   you cannot establish a connection without a public key that matches the
   private key, verifying the certificate is easy. This entity in turn, refers
   to another entity which provided the signature for that private key. They
   refer to another one, and so forth, until you arrive at the root. You
   implicitly trust root. This works, but it has some flaws. At the edge of
   the web, people are not allowed to self-sign, so they obtain their (pricey)
   key from the next tier up. But the next tier up can't go and bother the
   next tier up everytime they need to provide a new set of keys to the edge.
   So they get blanket permission to self-sign, implying that it's possible
   for the next tier up to establish and maintain a trust relationship to
   them. As is easily demonstratable, this can, and often does, go wrong,
   where some CA gets compromised. This is always bad news to whomever
   obtained a certificate from them, because now a malicious party can pass
   themselves off as them.
   - App-stores and trust royalty: This is really easy to describe, the app
   store you obtain something from signs the content, and you trust the
   app-store, and therefore you trust the content. This can, and often does go
   wrong, as android/iOS malware amply demonstrates.

TSL cannot work perfectly, because it is built on implied trust along the
chain, and this can get compromised. App-stores cannot work perfectly
because the ability to review content is quickly exceeded by the flood of
content. Even if app-stores where provided with the full source, they would
have no time to perform a proper review, 

Re: What I am missing

2014-11-18 Thread Florian Bösch
On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 5:00 AM, Michaela Merz 
> If signed code would allow
> special features - like true fullscreen

> or direct file access

Re: What I am missing

2014-11-18 Thread Florian Bösch
On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 4:26 AM, Michaela Merz 

> First: We need signed script code. We are doing a lot of stuff with
> script - we could safely do even more, if we would be able to safely
> deliver script that has some kind of a trust model.

TLS exists.

> I am thinking about
> signed JAR files - just like we did with java applets not too long ago.
> Maybe as an extension to the CSP enviroment .. and a nice frame around
> the browser telling the user that the site is providing trusted / signed
> code.

Which is different than TLS how?

> Signed code could allow more openness, like true full screen,

Fullscreen is possible today,

> or simpler ajax downloads.
Simpler how?

> Second: It would be great to finally be able to accept incoming
> connections.

WebRTC allows the browser to accept incoming connections. The WebRTC data
channel covers both TCP and UDP connectivity.

> There's access to cameras and microphones - why not allow
> us the ability to code servers in the browser?

You can. There's even P2P overlay networks being done with WebRTC. Although
they're mostly hampered by the existing support for WebRTC data channels,
which isn't great yet.

Re: [gamepad] Allow standard-mapped devices to have extra buttons or axes & allow multiple mappings per device

2014-10-15 Thread Florian Bösch
I've been looking into mapping input devices for a fair while, and I think
it's not a straighforward problem to solve for a UA (or even a OS).

Difficulties include, but are not limited to:

   - Buttons reported by the driver as axes
   - Axes reported by the driver as buttons
   - Buttons which are also axes (on the device)
   - What an app-developer would want to map an input as
   - Combos
   - New devices and browser update cycles (do you really want to
   disadvantage browsers with slower update cycles from using newer devices?)
   - Differences in how different OSes report devices
   - Devices which cannot be fit into standard mapping schemes (basically
   everything but gamepads, and even there it doesn't work)

It is my belief that UAs should leave mapping alone, and if mapping is
appplied, always make it possible for a developer to get the unmapped
inputs, so that the marketplace (of libraries/APIs/Services) can take care
of that problem.

Re: [gamepad] Add an event-based input mechanism

2014-10-13 Thread Florian Bösch
Note that events for axis input can (when wrongly handled) lead to
undesirable behavior. For instance, suppose you have a 2-axis input you use
to plot a line on screen. If you poll the positions and then draw a line
from the last position to the current position, you will get a smooth line.
However if you receive events for axes, each arriving separately, and use
each to plot a line, you will get a stepped/stairs line.

If nothing but an event based mechanism is present, this would force an
author to catch all axes events and collate them when no more events are
queued. That'd require knowing "when are no more events coming", which
cannot be done in a callback based mechanism (as the event queue can't be

It's conceivable that some use-cases of buttons can run into similar
scenarios (combos and whatnot). Although in these cases, a developer could
probably keep track of the pressed buttons themselves. However, this means
that not only button presses have to be provided, but also button releases,
such that combos could be reliably detected by the developer.

On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 9:03 AM, Chad Austin  wrote:

> Just as I mentioned in my previous email to this list, I recently was
> asked to review the Gamepad API draft specification.  My background is
> games though I've done some scientific computing with alternate input
> devices too.
> I'd like to make a second proposed change to the gamepad API, an
> event-based mechanism for receiving button and axis changes.
> The full rationale is explained in the linked article, but the summary is:
> 1) an event-based API entirely avoids the issue of missed button presses
> 2) event-based APIs don't require non-animating web pages to use
> requestAnimationFrame just to poll gamepad state
> 3) an event-based API could (and should!) give access to high-precision
> event timing information for use in gesture recognition and scientific
> computing
> 4) event-based APIs can reduce processing latency when a button changes
> state rapidly in low-frame-rate situations
> --
> Chad Austin

Re: Proposal for a Permissions API

2014-09-05 Thread Florian Bösch
On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 11:14 AM, Mounir Lamouri  wrote:

> Note that the Permissions API model isn't requiring all APIs to abide by
> its model. Having no permissions at all for an API is a decent model if
> possible. For example, having a permission concept for  type='file'> doesn't make much sense. Other APIs could use the
> permission model but have some UA mostly returning 'granted' because
> they have an opt-out model instead of opt-in, such as most
> implementations of fullscreen.

A thought on that. Entering fullscreen/pointerlock is still annoying
(because it comes up with that dialog). But the user has already signaled
his intent by pressing a button. The problem the dialogs show is to prevent
users from being tricked/clickjacked (at least somewhat). At least for
fullscreen this could be made smoother by having a permissible UI overlay
or something, of elements that you can't style but put into your webpage
(for instance a canonical fullscreen button). When the user clicks it,
fullscreen is entered, and no further prompts would be required.

Re: Proposal for a Permissions API

2014-09-04 Thread Florian Bösch
On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 10:36 PM, Jeffrey Walton  wrote:

> A site that continually prompts the user could negatively affect the
> user experience. If the designers of the site appreciate the fact,
> then they might ask for fewer permissions. They might even segregate
> functionality into different areas of the site with different
> permission requirements to lessen the burden on a user. Its kind of
> like a forced attrition into principal of least privilege.
> If there are no hurdles or obstacles, then sites will ask for
> everything whether they need it or not. The web will degenerate into
> an Android flashlight app.

Well, the motivation to ask for permission up front is so that you later
don't have to pester the user. Everytime you poll a user, there's a
possibility he'll not see the prompt (happens to me pretty frequently in
chrome and firefox) and stuff won't work and the site makes a sad face.
Putting it up front is one way to avoid a bad user experience. It's likely
APIs that require permissions will proliferate, which makes it more likely
to run into the bad cases.

There are other motivations to put permissions up-front though. For
instance if you enter pointerlock, then in order to click on the
permissions, the browser needs to throw the user out of pointerlock, but
you're not getting back into pointerlock by itself, so you need to reaquire
it, which necessitates a user interaction.

Sometimes a set of functionality (like say geolocation and user media) is
often requested together, so it makes it again more likely to run into the
bad cases. Pointerlock & fullscreen solved this issue by coalescing the
permission for both into a single dialog if both are requested.

Re: Proposal for a Permissions API

2014-09-04 Thread Florian Bösch
On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 10:18 PM, Marcos Caceres  wrote:

> This sets up an unrealistic straw-man. Are there any real sites that would
> need to show all of the above all at the same time?

Let's say you're writing a video editor, you'd like:

   - To get access to the locations API so that you can geotag the videos
   - Get access to the notifications API so that you can inform the user
   when rendering has finished.
   - Get user media to capture material
   - Put a window in fullscreen (perhaps on a second monitor) or to view
   footage without other decorations

Of course it's a bit contrived, but it's an example of where we're steering
to. APIs don't stop being introduced as of today, and some years down the
road, I'm sure more APIs that require permissions will be introduced, which
increases the likelihood of moving such an example from the realm of
unlikely to pretty common.

Re: Proposal for a Permissions API

2014-09-04 Thread Florian Bösch
This is an issue to use, for a user.

   - In firefox it's a succession of popup

It's also an issue to use for a developer, because the semantics and
methods for requesting, getting, being denied and managing permissions
differ. Sometimes permissions aren't queryable.

It's my stated opinion that ignoring these issue will not make them go
away. And delaying addressing UX and consistency issues just contributes to
a proliferation of bad UX and inconsistent and difficult to use APIs.

On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 9:05 PM, Kis, Zoltan  wrote:

> Hello,
> On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 8:23 PM, Edward O'Connor 
> wrote:
> > Mounir wrote:
> >
> >> Permissions API would be a single entry point for a web page to check
> >> if using API /foo/ would prompt, succeed or fail.
> >
> > It would be a mistake to add such an API to the platform. A unified API
> > for explicit permissioning is an attractive nuisance which future spec
> > authors will be drawn to.
> >
> > We should be avoiding adding features to the platform that have to
> > resort to explicit permissioning. Instead of adding features which
> > require prompting for permission, we should be designing features—like
> > drag & drop or —that don't require prompting for
> > permission at all.
> >
> > I don't think much has changed since this last came up, in the context
> > of Notifications:
> >
> >
> >
> This makes sense when applicable, but I think the number of uses cases
> where permissions can be inferred from user actions is rather small.
> Although I agree that too many prompts (and prompts in general) are
> annoying, the proposals in the referred minutes [1] actually address
> that annoyance by allowing apps to skip them, if they are playing
> along some rules. For both developers and users this gives enough
> incentive to be taken seriously.
> I like the idea presented in Mounir's doc about separating permission
> semantics from the API/mechanism of handling them. Granularity of
> needed permissions has always been a hard compromise to set, and would
> be difficult to standardize. For instance, take your example where you
> talk about separating permission grants (something I always hoped
> for). When the user can deny some of the permissions, it may cause
> dependency issues, which the apps could resolve either silently (in
> good case), or through a user dialog - but for the latter it would
> -again- need an API. Also, an API could help user decision, e.g. by
> the ability to give a short description on how exactly the feature is
> used (e.g. how/when the camera is used), and taking it further, if
> that could be expressed in a both presentable and formalized way, then
> it could be even enforced by the system. That is where the needed
> granularity plays an important role. Standardizing that would be hard,
> and it's not independent from the set of policies which need to be
> supported.
> Speaking about policies, choosing one (e.g. the "remember for a day"
> or similar) policy is not universal, and there may be smarter ones in
> a platform, e.g. an algorithm which chooses about prompting policy as
> referred in the mentioned minutes [1]. Probably we don't need to
> support an infinity of them either, but a certain set of "web"
> policies could be supported. Mounir's doc addresses some of the things
> needed for this, and fuels the slightly ambitious hope of
> standardizing a mechanism making possible to implement multiple
> policies (or no policies).
> Let's see, but I wouldn't like to see it cut off this early :).
> [1]
> Best regards,
> Zoltan

Re: Proposal for a Permissions API

2014-09-02 Thread Florian Bösch
I welcome this proposal because the permission dialog creep is certainly

Opponents of some kind of permission management have pointed out that
collated dialogs tend to just get ignored by users and blindly approved (as
an example they list Android permission handling).

While that may be true to some extent, this, for me isn't really about
educating users. Popping up a series of permission dialogs isn't any better
than a collated dialog (just more annoying to the user).

It's becoming sort of a dire situation, because permissions are required
today for:

   - Geo location API
   - Push API
   - Notifications API
   - Ability to store more than 5mb with WebSQL/IndexedDB/Filesystem
   - Use a webcam
   - Go into fullscreen
   - Capture the mouse pointer
   - Clipboard API
   - WebVR HMD access
   - and many more

Additionally, there are APIs which currently do not ask for permission for
UX reasons, and implement different means to get permission. For instance
the gamepad API, which derives permission from the user interacting with a
gamepad compatible device. These may benefit from a unified permission API.

There are also some challenges in permission handling due to legacy, where
the individualized way that apps handle permissions can create
incompatibilities. For instance, the fullscreen API polls the user for
permission, but it goes into fullscreen even so, but the user has to
dismiss the dialog with yes or no, in case of yes the dialog vanished, in
case of no, fullscreen is exited. The reason for this behavior has to do
with two contradictory requirements: Fullscreen (as in video for instance)
is a very common operation and it would be annoying from a UX point of view
to make a user poll a requirement to be able to enter it. However
fullscreen is also a security risk, because a malicious developer could
pretend to be the browser (by placing appropriate window decorations) and
then trick the user to enter confidential details.

As a short requirement I think these tasks should be taken over by a
permission framework:

   - Dialog for the user to manage permissions (and their persistence)
   - query of the list of permissions that can be requested of the current
   - query the status of the permissions of the current context
   - poll the user for a set of new permissions
   - get notified when permissions change during the runtime of a context
   outside of polling the user
   - Dialog for the user to grant permissions when requested, either all in
   one go, or individually, including the option to remember the choice.
   - get notified of the permissions status as a consequence of a user poll
   - a way to reconcile the particular idiosyncracies that currently exist
   in the variety of permission handling into a cohesive behavior that does
   not invalidate the original decision to implement the permission for a
   particular API in that fashion (otherwise the authors of these APIs will
   revolt, as often the solution that was arrived at was hard fought).

On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 11:10 PM, Dave Raggett  wrote:

> Hi Mounir,
> Have you considered making this return a promise, as per Nikhil's proposal:
> p.s. I will bring your idea to the trust & permissions in the open web
> platform meeting, we're holding in Paris this week, see:
> Cheers,
> On 02/09/14 14:51, Mounir Lamouri wrote:
>> TL;DR:
>> Permissions API would be a single entry point for a web page to check if
>> using API /foo/ would prompt, succeed or fail.
>> You can find the design document in [1].
>> # Use case #
>> The APIs on the platform are lacking a way to check whether the user has
>> granted them. Except the Notifications API, there is no API that I know
>> of that expose such information (arguably, somehow, the Quota API does).
>> The platform now has a lot of APIs using permissions which is expressed
>> as permission prompts in all browsers. Without the ability for web pages
>> to know whether a call will prompt, succeeded or fail beforehand,
>> creating user experience on par with native applications is fairly hard.
>> # Straw man proposal #
>> This proposal is on purpose minimalistic and only contains features that
>> should have straight consensus and strong use cases, the linked document
>> [1] contains ideas of optional additions and list of retired ideas.
>> ```
>> /* Note: WebIDL doesn’t allow partial enums so we might need to use a
>> DOMString
>>   * instead. The idea is that new API could extend the enum and add their
>>   own
>>   * entry.
>>   */
>> enum PermissionName {
>> };
>> /* Note: the idea is that some APIs would extend this dictionary to add
>> some
>>   * API-specific information like a “DOMString accuracy” for an
>>   hypothetical
>>   * geolocation api that would have different accuracy granularity.
>>   */
>> di

Re: [Gamepad] Liveness of Gamepad objects

2014-04-30 Thread Florian Bösch
There's two aspects that should not be overlooked.

   1. Some events only make sense in unison. For instance the input of a
   2-axis knob. On many OS implementations, change events for each axis arrive
   separately in short succession. However to an application programmer,
   getting first the X axis change, and then the Y axis change may not make
   sense. A common result of doing this would be that instead of getting a
   diagonal movement, a stepped movement is displayed. The technique employed
   by many native application programmers to this kind of problem is to
   coalesce events they deem to belong together into one event.
   2. Input -> Output latency is a significant concern for input devices
   used to produce an output. One way to minimize the latency is called "time
   warp" in which most of the frames tasks that are not directly influenced by
   the input are completed. Then the program idles till nearly the end of the
   frame, polls the input (which should arrive fresh) and then completes the
   rest of the (ideally constant time) tasks just before the frame runs out.

Re: [Gamepad] Liveness of Gamepad objects

2014-04-29 Thread Florian Bösch
I think both semantics are workable. I'd likely prefer the gamepad state to
be immutable from JS, because assigning state there is smelly. I'd also
prefer the option that incurs less GC overhead if possible. Beyond that, I
just think the implementations should be semantically and symbolically

On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 9:19 PM, Mark S. Miller  wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 11:07 AM, Boris Zbarsky  wrote:
>> On 4/29/14, 1:46 PM, Mark S. Miller wrote:
>>> How would either make GC observable?
>> Consider the following code:
>>   navigator.getGamepads()[0].foo = 5;
>>   var intervals = 0;
>>   var id = setInterval(function() {
>> ++intervals;
>> if (navigator.getGamepads()[0].foo != 5) {
>>   alert("What happened after " + intervals + " intervals?");
>>   clearInterval(id);
>> }
>>   }, 1000);
>> In Chrome's current implementation, where getGamepads() returns a new
>> object each time getGamepads()[0] is a new object each time this will
>> consistently alert "What happened after 1 intervals?".
>> In Firefox's current implementation this will not alert at all unless the
>> set of connected gamepads changes.
>> In an implementation which brokenly GCed and lazily recreated the JS
>> reflections of Gamepad objects, the alert could happen after some random
>> number of intervals, depending on GC timing.
> I see. Let's not do that then ;).
>> Does that help?
>> -Boris
> --
> Cheers,
> --MarkM

Re: [gamepad] Haptic Feedback/Controller Vibration

2014-04-04 Thread Florian Bösch
(note that when I list an inconceivable amount of ridiculous device APIs to
add, it's meant as satire of the idea that you should make a specialized
API for every assemblage of sensors, motors and displays)

On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 4:45 PM, Florian Bösch  wrote:

> On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 4:35 PM, Kostiainen, Anssi <
>> wrote:
>> One way to spec that would be to make Vibration its own interface, and
>> say GamePad implements Vibration. For more advanced use cases (borrowing
>> one from your list):
>> interface SteeringWheel {
>>   readonly attribute Vibration[] vibras;
>> };
> I think that the idea of a list of vibrators is fine. I'm explicitely
> against adding a specific device interface for every conceivable device
> configuration (of which there are probably thousands). I'd like the API to
> be simple and non monolythic*** and to concentrate on the components,
> of which there are about half a dozen, 2 being already covered (buttons and
> axes) and a 3rd being what this thread is about (vibrators), such that more
> could be added in the future.
>> Based on what I hear, it sounds like we'd likely need its own interface
>> that is more capable than the current Vibration.
> I don't know what the vibrators specification specifies, long as it's got
> speed that seems fine.

Re: [gamepad] Haptic Feedback/Controller Vibration

2014-04-04 Thread Florian Bösch
On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 4:35 PM, Kostiainen, Anssi <> wrote:

> One way to spec that would be to make Vibration its own interface, and say
> GamePad implements Vibration. For more advanced use cases (borrowing one
> from your list):
> interface SteeringWheel {
>   readonly attribute Vibration[] vibras;
> };

I think that the idea of a list of vibrators is fine. I'm explicitely
against adding a specific device interface for every conceivable device
configuration (of which there are probably thousands). I'd like the API to
be simple and non monolythic*** and to concentrate on the components,
of which there are about half a dozen, 2 being already covered (buttons and
axes) and a 3rd being what this thread is about (vibrators), such that more
could be added in the future.

> Based on what I hear, it sounds like we'd likely need its own interface
> that is more capable than the current Vibration.
I don't know what the vibrators specification specifies, long as it's got
speed that seems fine.

Re: [gamepad] Haptic Feedback/Controller Vibration

2014-04-04 Thread Florian Bösch
On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 4:15 PM, Ted Mielczarek  wrote:

>  Gamepad.vibrate method that works like navigator.vibrate. I don't know
> if this is what we want to do, but it's worth investigating so we don't
> reinvent the wheel if we don't have to.
How do you know which of the two (or more?) motors you want to vibrate?

Re: [gamepad] Haptic Feedback/Controller Vibration

2014-04-04 Thread Florian Bösch
On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 3:45 PM, Kostiainen, Anssi <> wrote:

> In the initial versions of the spec we indeed considered such reuse.
> Here's my recent summary:

If you have a  navigator.gamepads and a navigator.vibrator how do you know
which vibrator belongs to which gamepad? And do you want to end up with a
navigator.forcefeedback, navigator.flightPedals, navigator.spacemice,
navigator.hapticdevice, navigator.hotas, navigator.thrustquadrant,
navigator.artificialHorizons, navigator.radioPanels,
navigator.touchscreens, navigator.trimPanel, navigator.missileControl,
navigator.steeringWheel, navigator.carPedals, navigator.racingWheel,
navigator.gearStick, navigator.joyStick, navigator.etc? And how would you
know which of those belong together into one device?

Re: [gamepad] Haptic Feedback/Controller Vibration

2014-04-03 Thread Florian Bösch
On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 8:07 PM, Ted Mielczarek  wrote:

>  Note: DirectInput has been deprecated in favor of XInput, a much simpler
> API that maps directly to the Xbox 360 controller:

XInput is kinda useless for a wide variety of controllers.

> Trying to design an API that's everything to everyone is extremely hard
> and likely to produce unsatisfactory results. We chose to focus on the most
> useful subset of things that are common to all controllers. I believe the
> API we've spec'ed is useful in spite of not covering everything that exists
> in the world. I am not opposed to the idea of extending it to cover other
> common features of game controllers, but I do think we'll stick to concepts
> that are widely accepted (like vibration) and not bleeding-edge things
> supported by a single device (touchpads, colored LED). If these things gain
> traction then it makes sense to discuss spec'ing them. Otherwise you run
> the risk of spec'ing something that has only one hardware example, thus
> making the API hard to generalize to other devices that introduce similar
> (but not identical) features in the future.

I don't think you need to design an API that's everything to everyone. I
don't even think you need to be specific in the usecase, at all. The
concept of offering lists of axes and lists of buttons is, and should
remain to be, fairly generic and useful. It *today* support Joysticks, 3D
mice, the microsoft strategic commander, etc.

You can add rumble support in the same way that you enumerate other
capabilities. A device might have one or two rumbles, so you offer a list
of rumblers. In the future you could add a list of feedback servos, a list
of touchpads, a list of screens and so on.

Device class specificity in an API isn't a terribly good idea on the
support level. You can always prop up more specific APIs on top of the
underlying API. But if you fuck up the underlying API you make it hard for
the ecosystem to sort out convenient specific solutions.

Re: [gamepad] Haptic Feedback/Controller Vibration

2014-04-03 Thread Florian Bösch
Every controller is an assemblage of input and output hardware. It's vastly
much easier to to oversee what kind of devices you'll get which are:

   - Buttons (down or up)
   - Axes (scalar value)
   - Rumbles (speed)
   - Motors (negative/positive force and/or scalar value for position)
   - Screens (bitmap)
   - Lights (intensity and/or color)
   - Touchpads (touch events)
   - Text displays (text)

That's not a "monolythic API", that's how every other game controller API
in existence on any platform works (like evdev, DirectInput, etc.). The
attempt to wrap specific usecases is what is a monolythic monster API that
tries to be everything and the kitchensink in the end.

On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 5:55 PM, Patrick H. Lauke wrote:

> On 03/04/2014 16:43, Florian Bösch wrote:
>> But even so, what do you want to end up with?
> What do YOU want to end up with? A single monolithic API that covers each
> imaginable type of controller (which may also feature output components
> like additional lights, OLED displays, etc)?
> P
> --
> Patrick H. Lauke
> |
> |
> twitter: @patrick_h_lauke | skype: patrick_h_lauke

Re: [gamepad] Haptic Feedback/Controller Vibration

2014-04-03 Thread Florian Bösch
On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 5:19 PM, Ted Mielczarek  wrote:
> Spec'ing standard rumble motors that are found on all modern controllers
> seems sensible. Spec'ing a way to access a microphone/speaker that's
> present on a controller seems sensible. I think anything more complicated
> than that is likely out of scope.

 The gamepad API today supports Joysticks, Racing Wheels, Gamepads and a
variety of oddball devices. Do you want to restrict this to just gamepads?
If you do, you're still in trouble because:

   - The PS4 gamepad has a multi touch pad (up to 2 touches), a built in
   speaker and a configurable multicolor frontlight
   - The steam controller featured a multi touch pad and screen (not in the
   latest prototypes)
   - The Ouya controller has a single touch pad
   - The Razer Sabertooth comes with an integrated OLED screen

But even so, what do you want to end up with?

   - Jostick API
   - Racing Wheel API
   - Flight Simulator API
  - Sub API for pedals
  - Sub API for thrust quadrants
  - Sub API for instrument panels
  - Sub API for radio controls
  - Sub API for trim panel
  - Sub API for missile selection
  - Sub API for HUD knobs
   - Gamepad API
   - 3D mice API
   - Tablet API
   - Volume Knob API
   - Devices we don't know what they are yet API

Re: Proposal Virtual Reality "View Lock" Spec

2014-03-27 Thread Florian Bösch
Replied to Brandon Jones but not public, reposted below.

On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 7:18 PM, Brandon Jones  wrote:
> As for things like eye position and such, you'd want to query that
> separately (no sense in sending it with every device), along with other
> information about the device capabilities (Screen resolution, FOV, Lens
> distortion factors, etc, etc.) And you'll want to account for the scenario
> where there are more than one device connected to the browser.

There isn't an easy way to describe the FOV and lens distortion in a few
numbers. People are starting to experiment with 220° fresnel lens optics,
they'll have a distortion that's going to be really weird. I think you'll
want to have a device identifier so you always have a fallback you can hack
together manually for devices that couldn't spec themselves into
"distortion factors".

> Also, if this is going to be a high quality experience you'll want to be
> able to target rendering to the HMD directly and not rely on OS mirroring
> to render the image. This is a can of worms in and of itself: How do you
> reference the display? Can you manipulate a DOM tree on it, or is it
> limited to WebGL/Canvas2D? If you can render HTML there how do the
> appropriate distortions get applied, and how do things like depth get
> communicated? Does this new rendering surface share the same Javascript
> scope as the page that launched it? If the HMD refreshes at 90hz and your
> monitor refreshes at 60hz, when does requestAnimationFrame fire? These are
> not simple questions, and need to be considered carefully to make sure that
> any resulting API is useful.

The OS-mirror split-screen solution has a lot going for it.
Stereoscopic/multi-head rendering is pretty much a driver nightmare, and
it's slow as hell most of the time.

> Even if your code is rendering at a consistent 60hz that means you're
> seeing ~67ms of lag, which will result in a motion-sickness-inducing
> "swimming" effect where the world is constantly catching up to your head
> position. And that's not even taking into account the question of how well
> Javascript/WebGL can keep up with rendering two high resolution views of a
> moderately complex scene, something that even modern gaming PCs can
> struggle with.
I believe the lag to be substantially higher than 67ms in browsers.

> That's an awful lot of work for technology that, right now, does not have
> a large user base and for which the standards and conventions are still
> being defined. I think that you'll have a hard time drumming up support for
> such an API until the technology becomes a little more widespread.
The devkit 1 sold around 7000 units, over the campaign at a rate of about
one order every 3-4 minutes. The devkit 2 which only went on sale 7 days
ago, was announced to have sold 75'000 units the day before yesterday, so a
rate of around one every 5-6 seconds. I believe that's more devices than
google glass shifted in its entire multi-year history so far...

On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 7:18 PM, Brandon Jones  wrote:

> So there's a few things to consider regarding this. For one, I think your
> ViewEvent structure would need to look more like this:
> interface ViewEvent : UIEvent {
> readonly attribute Quaternion orientation; // Where Quaternion is 4
> floats. Prevents gimble lock.
> readonly attribute float offsetX; // offset X from the calibrated
> center 0 in millimeters
> readonly attribute float offsetY; // offset Y from the calibrated
> center 0 in millimeters
> readonly attribute float offsetZ; // offset Z from the calibrated
> center 0 in millimeters
> readonly attribute float accelerationX; // Acceleration along X axis
> in m/s^2
> readonly attribute float accelerationY; // Acceleration along Y axis
> in m/s^2
> readonly attribute float accelerationZ; // Acceleration along Z axis
> in m/s^2
> }
> You have to deal with explicit units for a case like this and not
> clamped/normalized values. What would a normalized offset of 1.0 mean? Am I
> slightly off center? At the other end of the room? It's meaningless without
> a frame of reference. Same goes for acceleration. You can argue that you
> can normalize to 1.0 == 9.8 m/s^2 but the accelerometers will happily
> report values outside that range, and at that point you might as well just
> report in a standard unit.
> As for things like eye position and such, you'd want to query that
> separately (no sense in sending it with every device), along with other
> information about the device capabilities (Screen resolution, FOV, Lens
> distortion factors, etc, etc.) And you'll want to account for the scenario
> where there are more than one device connected to the browser.
> Also, if this is going to be a high quality experience you'll want to be
> able to target rendering to the HMD directly and not rely on OS mirroring
> to render the image. This is a can of worms in and of itself: How do you
> reference the display? Can you manipula

Re: [fullscreen] Problems with mouse-edge scrolling and games

2014-02-24 Thread Florian Bösch
On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 8:21 PM, Glenn Maynard  wrote:
> I think that going fullscreen is the right approach, since locking the
> mouse into the window while not fullscreen is really weird and rare, at
> least in Windows.
It's quite common for games to have a cursor, grab the pointer and not be
fullscreen. Of course most games that allow for this, use software cursors,
and are apparently not having much problems with it.

>  By going fullscreen, this hooks into the same UI design to allow the user
> to "escape".  Even if this was supported in a window, there'd still have to
> be some UI to tell the user how to exit, which could end up having the same
> problem.
A sidenote, if you have more than one monitor, going fullscreen will not
lock the pointer on screen, obviously. It's not terribly common perhaps to
have more than one monitor, but it's also not that rare.

I've been annoyed by the edge-of-screen browser behavior too.  It's a part
> of the screen where you might want to put something, like navigation UI.  I
> haven't come up with a better solution, though.  I don't think having a
> "stronger" fullscreen mode that asks the user for more permission will fly.
>  Browsers try very hard to avoid asking for special permissions--people
> will just agree without reading it, then won't know how to escape from the
> app.
> I think that for your use case of edge scrolling, having a fullscreen
> notice appear at the top is OK (if a little ugly), as long as it's
> transparent to mouse events so you can still see the mouse moving around
> (or else you might see the mouse move to 20 pixels from the top, then never
> see it actually reach the top, so you'd never start scrolling).  Menus and
> address bars appearing seems like a bug.  That makes sense for the
> fullscreen you get by hitting F11 in Windows or Command-Shift-F in OSX, but
> application fullscreen should just act like a game, and keep as much as
> possible out of the way.

For a fast paced game where you might click and select and do whatnot,
having a slidedown from the top of the window when you hit the border is
not acceptable. People will click it accidentally a lot for instance when
doing a selection. Not being able to offer a fullscreen button in the game
is also bad UX. You end up with explanations for the user to "Please press
F11 to get into fullscreen". You should never have to explain to a user
what ritual he has to perform, if instead you can trigger that action
without the ritual.

Re: [fullscreen] Problems with mouse-edge scrolling and games

2014-02-24 Thread Florian Bösch
Right, so you'd CGAssociateMouseAndCursorPosition(false) and then use
CGWarpMouseCursorPosition or CGDisplayMouseCursorToPoint to move it where
you want it to be, but clamped inside the rect. As long as you keep pumping
the event loop separately that does this (as fast as possible) it shouldn't
be perceptively different from an OS cursor.

On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 7:41 PM, Vincent Scheib  wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 10:37 AM, Florian Bösch  wrote:
>> On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 7:07 PM, Vincent Scheib wrote:
>>> Windows has ClipCursor() and Linux has XGrabPointer(). Once we know we
>>> can implement the functionality, we can discuss how to express this in an
>>> API.
>> Would using Quarz CGWarpMouseCursorPosition work where you'd clamp the
>> passed position into the desired rectangle?
> I believe no, because it would allow the pointer to escape the region
> before being warped back, permitting escape if clicked at that time as well.

Re: [fullscreen] Problems with mouse-edge scrolling and games

2014-02-24 Thread Florian Bösch
On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 7:07 PM, Vincent Scheib  wrote:

> Windows has ClipCursor() and Linux has XGrabPointer(). Once we know we can
> implement the functionality, we can discuss how to express this in an API.

Would using Quarz CGWarpMouseCursorPosition work where you'd clamp the
passed position into the desired rectangle?

Re: [fullscreen] Problems with mouse-edge scrolling and games

2014-02-24 Thread Florian Bösch
On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 6:47 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

> Glenn Maynard wrote:
>> It's not the application's job to keep the mouse cursor responsive, it's
>> the system's.  Hiding the system mouse cursor and drawing one manually is
>> always a bad idea.
> Agreed!

Like I say, some usecases are fine with OS cursors. But that doesn't mean
that somehow, vendors are absolved from improving input -> output latency
issues even if pointerlock is updated to allow OS cursor showing, which I'm
all for.  There are a lot of usecases that involve pointing devices, and
pointing metaphors, or view controls, virtual helmets, and so forth, that
cannot properly function with a high input -> output latency. For this
reason it's imperative not only to address the ability to make the OS
cursor visible, but also to continue working on low latency input -> output.

> In the same vein, programmers cannot avoid GC pauses without relying on
> pause-free or at least incremental GC (which BTW some browsers' JS engines
> have already, e.g., SpiderMonkey in Firefox), or as a real alternative,
> cross-compiling C or C++ for example via Emscripten, to allocate heap
> memory from a typed array.

Florian, your goals are good, but the means to those ends must involve
> better runtimes or compilers -- not on JS programmers working harder to
> avoid GC while still somehow allocating objects frequently and even
> implicitly.

I agree that things aren't today how they should be for realtime
applications with GCs. And it's true that GCs are getting better. But, it
is the status of today, that a JS programmer has to work harder to make a
glitch/stutter/jerk free realtime applications. A better GC can improve
this situation. However, that doesn't mean that you can forget about GCing
and frame budgets. A realtime programmer will always have to be conscious
not to overload the GC even if it's incremental. Because when the
incremental GC would not manage to get rid of the garbage faster than it is
produced, it would have to resort to more drastic pauses to rectify that
situation. Fortunately the act of being GC conscious for a non incremental
GC, and for an incremental one, is very similar. You try to avoid
triggering it. So in that, you can start that work today, it will not be in
vain once GCs get better in some far flung future.

Re: [fullscreen] Problems with mouse-edge scrolling and games

2014-02-24 Thread Florian Bösch
On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 5:40 PM, Glenn Maynard  wrote:

> (More reasons: it's very likely that you'll end up implementing a cursor
> with different motion and acceleration, a different "feel", than the real
> mouse cursor.  It also breaks accessibility features, like mouse trails.)
Oh I agree, if your usecase fits a mouse cursor of the style that the OS
offers, it's definitely preferable to have the OS mouse cursor. And I
distinctly remember arguing prior to the pointerlock specification that it
would be immensely useful to have the ability to show the cursor, but
capture the pointer inside an area. And I was pointed, at the time, to the
solution to draw a software mouse cursor... So now what we're having this
discussion, I find appropriate to have pointed out as a possibility (to
draw the software cursor), which met some, let's call them "difficulties".
Now, I also just made a nice list which mentions 4 things to do, among
them, add this ability. I consider this now settled, because I think we all
agree on this. We might just need to agree on the limitations as they
partain to relative mouse movement reporting when you're showing the OS
cursor. And I think that's relatively easy to agree on, you can't rely on
relative motion outside of the constrained area if you show the OS cursor.

> This doesn't seem to relate to the discussion, which is about mouse
> pointers.
It is about input -> output, essentially. Intput as it comes from your
pointing device, and output, as it reflects in your application. The OS
mouse cursor is but one example of such reflection. There are many more
usecases that would like to benefit from a low input -> output latency, one
example of which is the variety of "software cursors" which may take the
shape of a picture, or something else completely. But moreover there are
usecases such as viewing controls that have the exact same need, notably
FPS shooters, for instance, or Oculus rift titles and so forth. So, it
matters a great deal to the, because you can alleviate some of the issues
while simultaneously solving a whole host of other issues.

Re: [fullscreen] Problems with mouse-edge scrolling and games

2014-02-24 Thread Florian Bösch
On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 5:18 PM, Glenn Maynard  wrote:
> It's not the application's job to keep the mouse cursor responsive, it's
> the system's.  Hiding the system mouse cursor and drawing one manually is
> always a bad idea.

That's a wonderful argument. And now we look at an FPS game,  or an Oculus
Rift title, or something that requires something else than a picture cursor
like say, an on terrain selection, a bounding box selection, a 3D ray
picking selection/cursor, or anything like that.

Always a bad idea, sure. How about you think about that again hm?

Re: [fullscreen] Problems with mouse-edge scrolling and games

2014-02-24 Thread Florian Bösch
On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 1:16 AM, Thibaut Despoulain

> I've written a test for this here:
>> My observation from testing on linux is that I can't distinguish latency
>> for the software cursor from the OS cursor (or not by much anyway) in
>> google chrome. In firefox however there's noticable lag. Mileage may vary
>> for other platforms.
> This is true, but sadly your test runs on an empty animation frame. If
> your main thread is doing a lot of work already (barely hitting the 60fps
> mark, as it is the case for demanding games), the lag will be much more
> perceptible as you will most likely drop a frame every now and then.

I regard dropping below 60fps as an application defect for a realtime
interactive application where the users input is time critical.

*Reasons things drop below 60fps*

   - You trigger GC-ing
   - Your JS main thread takes up more than 16ms
   - Your GPU processing time takes up more than 16ms

*Detecting the problem*

   - You'd detect GC-ing by measuring the rate at which
   requestAnimationFrame is fired. Gaps that appear periodically are typically
   GC related.
   - JS main thread time can be accurately measure with
   - GPU time will be measurable with EXT_disjoint_timer_query

*Solving the problem*

   - Incremental GCs for JS will help. But they're not here yet, so one way
   you can do something right now is to be very careful about the use of [],
   {}, function(){}, new, DOM, createElement, innerHTML etc. It is possible to
   eliminate GC caused frame drop almost entirely that way.
   - Set yourself a time budget for the JS-main thread (that's well below
   16ms) that you'll want to reach even on the lower-end of the expected
   hardware. First try to keep everything below that budget in tests. If
   something simply cannot be done in that time, split up into multi-frame
   processing or shuffle it out to a webworker. Finally, if you still run into
   the problem, keep constant tap on the JS time per frame, and when you run
   over it reduce some processing (as in LOD, quality degradation etc.)
   - EXT_disjoint_timer_query is not yet available, but once it does become
   available you can use it to perform accurate testing on the lower end of
   the hardware spectrum to identify rendering issues. And you can also use it
   to dynamically react to pending performance issues by dialing down the LOD.

*Critical features for this use-case vendors have to offer, and soon*

   - Showing the OS cursor, but containing it into a bounding region as
   determined by a dom element (such as body, other elements)
   - Implementing incremental GCs
   - Implementing EXT_disjoint_timer_query
   - Reducing input -> output lag

I will point out that I have consistently called for fixes in these areas
during the last 2-3 years on the various discussions/specs/tickets on these
topics. So it's not surprising to me that these are issues now somebody
actually tries to make a real world, real time application in a browser.
I'm very glad that Artillery is doing the fine work of pushing this
boundary. I'd also like to ask the vendors to go the last mile as quickly
as feasible. Solving these issues is in the end, not just crucial for
realtime applications. Web applications get a lot of criticism for not
being able to compete in quality with native applications. This stems in
large part, from the fact that it is hard to make web applications as
responsive and snappy as native applications.

Re: [fullscreen] Problems with mouse-edge scrolling and games

2014-02-23 Thread Florian Bösch
On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 4:18 PM, Brandon Jones  wrote:

> - it's possible to theme the OS cursor using custom images with CSS.
Although that doesn't absolve vendors from fixing the latency issue even if
native pointers where to be made available during pointerlock. The reason
is that cursors come in more flavors than an image. For example they could
come in some variety of 3D rendered representations useful for the game in

> - The reason the cursor is hidden when the pointer is locked is that some
> OSes don't have the ability to report relative mouse movement correctly at
> screen edges. This requires the cursors to constantly be reset to the
> center of the screen, which obviously would look strange if the cursor was
> visible.
Isn't that only a concern if you want to capture the cursor, not when you
display the OS cursor?

> - You already mentioned some issues with synthetic mouse events, but
> unfortunately it's worse than you suspect. For example: sending a synthetic
> click event to a checkbox doesn't actually change it's checked state. (Not
> the last time I tried anyway) select controls also have a hard time with
> synthetic events, and there's a whole host of other sub rely broken things.
> :(
Is there a motivation not to make it work? Clickjacking?

Re: [fullscreen] Problems with mouse-edge scrolling and games

2014-02-23 Thread Florian Bösch
On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 9:55 AM, Florian Bösch  wrote:

>>- Inability to use DOM elements with mouse events for a game
>> The test I've written here
> also tests mouse event
> synthesis (as hinted at by an example in the pointerlock spec) and it works
> satisfactory in chrome and firefox on linux. To get all subtleties right
> one would also have to do most other mouse events I guess (mouseover,
> mouseout, mousemove etc.).

I did some more testing on this. Synthetic mouse events are limited in that
they cannot trigger some state like hover styles. Other things like
focus/blur require special handling. It's also left to the synthetic event
creator to synthesize compound events like over/out/enter/leave and their
semantic as supplying the primitive mouse events (click, mousemove) doesn't
automatically synthesize the others.

Re: [fullscreen] Problems with mouse-edge scrolling and games

2014-02-23 Thread Florian Bösch
On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 1:57 AM, Thibaut Despoulain 

> The issue with pointerlock is that it requires the app to draw its own
> cursor instead of the OS cursor
I fully agree with motivation, it is usually preferrable to give the user
an OS-themed cursor (not always, but often).

>- Significant pointer lag between movement input and actual movement
>on screen compared to an OS-drawn cursor (yes, even at 60fps),
> I've written a test for this here:

My observation from testing on linux is that I can't distinguish latency
for the software cursor from the OS cursor (or not by much anyway) in
google chrome. In firefox however there's noticable lag. Mileage may vary
for other platforms.

>- Inability to use DOM elements with mouse events for a game
> The test I've written here 
> tests mouse event 
> synthesis (as hinted at by an example in the
pointerlock spec) and it works satisfactory in chrome and firefox on linux.
To get all subtleties right one would also have to do most other mouse
events I guess (mouseover, mouseout, mousemove etc.).

On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 2:15 AM, Brandon Jones  wrote:

> Chrome a software cursor will experience visible lag, which these types of
> games are highly sensitive to.

Not as much lag as I expected, see this test:

> I'm not sure about the latency of Firefox or others

Pretty bad, see this test:

> , but in general a hardware cursor is preferable any time you have a
> visible cursor. As a result this is still a use case worth considering.

It's not always preferrable (sometimes people want custom cursors). But in
general it is preferrable.

When providing the OS cursor there's several issues to be addressed:

   - If you are in fullscreen, capture the cursor to the viewport but show
   the OS cursor, that does *NOT* mean you'll want the annoying slide-down
   that some browsers provide if you hit the top edge. If you wanted that,
   you'd never have restricted the cursor in the first place. I would suggest
   as a resolution that if somebody requests cursor restriction, and gets it,
   that the slide down is never shown regardless if the OS cursor is shown or
   - It should be possible to show and hide the OS cursor separately, but
   retain pointerlock. The reason for that is that you might want to avoid
   synthesizing your own cursor, but you may also want to keep pointerlock
   because your game switched to some UI interaction for instance from an FPS
   interaction mode. I would suggest this could be resolved with an additional
   API call of the form: document.hideCursor() and document.showCursor() or
   something similar. If the sequence is myContainer.requestPointerLock();
   document.showCursor(); the cursor is shown, but confined to the container.
   Outside of being in pointerlock, these calls would have no effect.

Re: [fullscreen] Problems with mouse-edge scrolling and games

2014-02-22 Thread Florian Bösch
Pointerlock should solve these problems in the following fashion:

   - When the user clicks into the app, request pointerlock
   - Use it to give him a cursor drawn by you
   - That way you can keep the interaction inside your game and accurately
   detect borders etc.

I run and It also records the availability of
pointerlock. This is relative to everybody who has webgl and it currently
stands at 94.1%.

Caveat, I think Firefoxes implementaiton of the Pointerlock API might not
follow the specification yet to make it possible to have pointerlock
without fullscreen. I know that it's possible to get pointerlock in google
chrome without fullscreen.



On Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 2:00 AM, Ian Langworth  wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> We're building a console- and native-quality game in the browser using
> JavaScript and WebGL. You can see a very early version of the game in this
> video: . It's a realtime strategy (RTS)
> game, like StarCraft[1] or Command & Conquer[2], and moving the cursor to
> the edge of the screen is the primary way that users move around the map.
> We have a single requirement: Moving the cursor to, and possibly past, the
> edge of the window or screen should pan the camera in that direction.
> In windowed mode there are a couple of problems: Players might click
> outside the window accidentally, pixels outside the window are wasted
> screen real estate, mousemove events aren't fired when the cursor is
> outside the window, and sometimes the cursor moves so quickly that it
> misses the area of the window where we do edge detection.
> The better option is to go fullscreen with the Fullscreen API, but this
> has problems as well. There are certain behaviors that occur when moving
> the cursor to the top and bottom of the screen, which I've illustrated in
> the following videos using a quick edge-scrolling demo[3].. (Please ignore
> the problems with cursor detection in the Windows videos. It only occurred
> while the screen recording software was active.):
>Chrome, Windows 7
>The fullscreen notice appears every time the cursor is moved to the top.
>Chrome, Mac OS X
>A poor experience with the menu and address bars appearing at the top
> and Dock appearing at the bottom.
>Firefox, Windows 7
>No problems with the fullscreen experience!
>Firefox, Mac OS X
>Menu bar appears at top, along with some mysterious window chrome, and
> the Dock appears at the bottom as well.
> These behaviors are to remind the user about fullscreen and lessen the
> chance of phishing. But, as you might imagine, they are troublesome when
> you're in the heat of battle and are trying to crush your opponent. I would
> like to solicit the list for opinions on how we can improve the fullscreen
> UI for games and give players the best experience possible. Some options
> that come to mind:
>   (A) Provide an alternate fullscreen API or option which provides a more
> complete experience, but with more dire warnings to the user. For example,
> pass in a flag to requestFullscreen() which gives the page full control
> over the screen (no fullscreen reminder notifications, menu bars, or Docks)
> and even the keyboard (so games can use the Escape key), but entering this
> mode presents a much more intense warning to the user like the invalid
> certificate warnings.
>   (B) Maintain the current API, but put an option in the preferences or
> flags which makes the browser's fullscreen mode more complete and without
> interruption. Hardcore gamers will likely accept this extra step if it
> means getting an optimal experience.
>   (C) Propose a new Mouse-Edge Detection API, which might solve these
> problems and provide games with better cursor detection overall.
> I appreciate any and all feedback.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]

Re: [fullscreen] Problems with mouse-edge scrolling and games

2014-02-22 Thread Florian Bösch
On Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 11:22 PM, Florian Bösch  wrote:

> Caveat, I think Firefoxes implementaiton of the Pointerlock API might not
> follow the specification yet to make it possible to have pointerlock
> without fullscreen.

Just checked this against a test I wrote a while ago and consulted the
pointerlock stats for IE. You can get pointerlock in both firefox and
chrome without fullscreen (you can also get pointerlock and fullscreen
simultaneously). IE seems to support pointerlock in versions that have
webgl, but they seem to have added it only recently so support is still low

Re: [Gamepad] spec status

2013-05-08 Thread Florian Bösch
I think the user unfriendlyness derives from that you can't open that page
which you've played before and have it just work. Maybe the UA could
remember the devices you enabled?

Re: ZIP archive API?

2013-05-07 Thread Florian Bösch
On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 8:09 AM, Jonas Sicking  wrote:

> > You're arguing for allowing accessing files inside ZIPs by URL, which
> means
> > you're going to have to do the work anyway, since you'd be able to
> create a
> > blob URL, reference a file inside it using XHR, and get a Blob as a
> result.
> > This is a small subset of that.
> No, the work to write and maintain an API for ZIP
> compress/decompression is pretty orthogonal, implementation-wise, to a
> protocol handler for ZIP decompression.

In order to implement zip you would use one of the ready made libraries
supporting it, such as libzip (,
minizip (,

Both libraries (and any other library you might encounter) already defines
an API and an implementation. In order to support ZIP URLs you would use
the API. In order to support a JS zip API, you would expose the API. These
are not orthogonal, they are correlated.

  1   2   3   >