Re: Indexed database API autoIncrement

2011-11-13 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 10/23/2011 3:04 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

Good catch! This definitely needs to be specified in the spec.

I have a weak preference for using 1. This has a smaller risk of
triggering edge cases in the client code since it's always truthy.
I.e. if someone tries to detect the presence of an id, they won't fail
due to the id being 0.
Looks like there was a [loose] consensus around one, but it's not 
specified as far as I can tell.  Should I file a bug or will it get 
magically fixed with this e-mail?



Re: [indexeddb] transaction commit failure

2011-08-15 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 8/15/2011 3:31 PM, Israel Hilerio wrote:

When the db is doing a commit after processing all records on the
transaction, if for some reason it fails, should we produce an error
event first and let the bubbling produce a transaction abort event or
should we only produce a transaction abort event. It seems that doing
the first approach would be more complete.
I agree; the first approach seems better and I can't think of any reason 
why it would be difficult to implement.

The catch is that calling `preventDefault` will not prevent the abort, 
which is (I think) different from how we handle other errors, right?



Re: [IndexedDB] Transaction Auto-Commit

2011-08-15 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 8/3/2011 10:33 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

IndexedDB does however not allow readers to start once a writing
transaction has started. I thought that that was common behavior even
for MVCC databases. Is that not the case? Is it more common that
readers can start whenever and always just see the data that was
committed by the time the reading transaction started?
This is one of the many benefits of MVCC (but Mozilla's implementation 
cannot provide this).



Re: [indexeddb] Using WebIDL Dictionary in IDBObjectStore.createIndex for optionalParameters

2011-06-13 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 6/6/2011 12:03 PM, Israel Hilerio wrote:

Have you considered using the WebIDL dictionary definition as a mechanism to 
define the optional parameters in the IDBDatabase.createObjectStore method?
I don't believe this was available when we added this.  Changing this 
seems sensible to me.



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Re: [IndexedDB] IDBDatabase.transaction needs to specify exception for invalid mode parameter (Bug# 11406)

2011-05-31 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 5/31/2011 10:56 AM, Israel Hilerio wrote:

Should I interpret the silence to mean we agree?

I believe that's a safe thing to do :)



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Re: [IndexedDB] Closing on bug 9903 (collations)

2011-05-09 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 5/6/2011 7:07 AM, timeless wrote:

I think that a stored procedure could be considered as a compiled
version of a serialized function. i.e. something which loses its scope
chain, and which loses access to its parent object. If it loses access
to its scope chain which includes the interesting globals, it will no
longer have access to fun things like DOM objects, roughly like
DOMWorkers but with even less exciting objects available. I'd hope
that a jit should be able to do a fairly reasonable job of optimizing
such a function given these constraints.

This may be what we go with, but not in version 1.



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Re: [IndexedDB] Spec Question on IDBFactory open method

2011-04-20 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 4/20/2011 1:33 PM, Israel Hilerio wrote:

The open method description in the IDBFactory talks about setting the source of the IDBRequest to "no 
source".  What does "no source" means ("undefined", "null", other)?

In addition, what should be the value of the transaction property in the IDBRequest 
object returned from the open method?  It seems this should be either 
"undefined" or null.

I think undefined makes sense for both of these.



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Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-06 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 4/6/2011 10:06 AM, Joran Greef wrote:

I bring up the iPad example because I had experience with a LocalStorage 
implementation (I think it was Safari) loading the contents of LocalStorage 
into memory synchronously on first access, blocking the UI thread. I am 
probably wrong on this one but I think I remember reading on Web Apps that this 
was one of the motivations behind limiting LocalStorage quota to around 10mb. 
At the time I was one of those who believed that LocalStorage would support 
storage of at least 10 GB as a matter of course. I hope you can understand my 
slight distrust of subsequent storage APIs (other than those of proven track 
record) in this light.
localStorage had a major design flaw that shipped and was then used 
before it was identified (at least that's my understanding of the 
timeline).  That flaw is that it requires disk I/O to happen before (in 
webkit's case onload) or during the call to the API.  IndexedDB (and 
WebSQL) were specifically designed to avoid this by doing the work 



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Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-06 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 4/6/2011 9:44 AM, Joran Greef wrote:

We only need one fixed version of SQLite to be shipped across Chrome, Safari, 
Opera, Firefox and IE. That in itself would represent a tremendous goal for 
IndexedDB to target and to try and achieve. When it actually does, and 
surpasses the fixed version of SQLite, those developers requiring the raw 
performance and reliability of SQLite could then switch over.
I don't believe any browser vendor would be interested in shipping two 
different version of SQLite (one for internal use, and one for the web). 
 I can say, with certainty, that Mozilla is not.



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Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-06 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 4/1/2011 3:23 PM, Keean Schupke wrote:

I would be interested in this. What would need to be done to make this a
Firefox plugin? I've done XPCOM stuff before in xulrunner if that's any
I think that this list isn't the best place to discuss this, so let's 
take this offline :)



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Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-06 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 4/4/2011 10:18 AM, Joran Greef wrote:

How would you create an index on an existing object store in IndexedDB 
containing more than 50,000 objects on an iPad, without incurring any object 
deserialization/serialization overhead, without being an order of magnitude 
slower than SQLite, and without bringing the iPad to its knees? If you can do 
it with even one IndexedDB implementation out there then kudos and hats off to 
you. :)
You keep bringing this point up, but only a naive implementation of 
IndexedDB would bring a device to it's knees (or a poorly implemented 
thread scheduler, which I don't expect the iPad to have).  The API is 
asynchronous, which means it doesn't need to (nor should it) happen on 
any thread that the UI is being drawn on.

You still have a point about it possibly taking longer, but even then, 
that will be implementation dependent.



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Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-06 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 4/4/2011 10:28 AM, Joran Greef wrote:

Do you think it would be wise then to advocate doing away with SQLite before 
IndexedDB has had a chance to prove itself? Surely two competing APIs would be 
the fastest way to bring IndexedDB up to speed?
Who is advocating doing away with it?  Note that I would not consider 
vendors not implementing it as "doing away with it".



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Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-06 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 4/4/2011 8:07 AM, Joran Greef wrote:

SQLite has a fantastic track record of maintaining backwards compatibility.
Sort of.  They didn't between SQLite 2 and SQLite 3.  There also have 
been some (albeit minor) backwards compatibility issues with SQLite 3.x 
releases.  The most serious of which deal with performance 
characteristics changing because they changed how the optimizer works.

These type of things are acceptable to deal with in browser code because 
you can change your code unlike on the web (unless you want to have 
different code for each browser, and then each browser version).  It's 
that, or browsers can ship one version of SQLite for all eternity.



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Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-01 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 4/1/2011 9:39 AM, Aryeh Gregor wrote:

IE6 is closed-source software written for a single platform.  SQLite
is in the public domain, works for all major operating systems and
lots of minor ones, and is already used (I think?) by every major
browser except IE.  That makes all the difference.  There's some
benefit to having multiple interoperable implementations even if the
reference implementation is public-domain, but enormously less than
when the only implementations are controlled by particular parties.
How, exactly, does it make all the difference?  I sure hope you aren't 
suggesting that the spec say "do what this code does."

So if the only objection to WebSQL is "there's no way we're going to
get a formal spec or two interoperable implementations", I'd really
encourage objectors to step back and ask themselves why they *want* a
formal spec and two interoperable implementations.  Those requirements
are not axiomatic, they're means to obtain practical ends like
allowing competitions and avoiding user lock-in.  How many of those
ends are really contrary to using SQLite as a de facto standard, and
do the remaining ones really outweigh the practical advantages?

That's not the only reason.  Mozilla laid out others ten months ago:



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Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-01 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 4/1/2011 5:40 AM, Nathan Kitchen wrote:

Are there any browser vendor representatives on the mailing list who would
care to comment on the criteria for implementing something akin to Keean's
RelationalDB  idea? What would need
to be in place to start work on such an implementation?
It wouldn't be terribly difficult to prototype this as an add-on for 
Firefox, I don't think (and I'd be happy to provide technical assistance 
to anyone wishing to do so).  Doing this would allow web developers to 
install the add-on and play with it, which can give us useful feedback.

I'm not saying we'd move it into the tree at that point, but it's a good 
first step to building a case to take it.

1. Opportunity to explore more solutions to "offline data" than *just *
There is also and (even if you don't like them, they 
are other solutions to the offline problem).  Browser vendors are not 
just looking at IndexedDB.

2. Many web developers have a working knowledge of SQL, so the concepts
of a relational database may be more familiar. If adoption could be
considered a proxy for the "success" of a standard, I'd suggest that aiming
for something the web development community understands would be a large
factor in adoption.
I don't really think IndexedDB is that dissimilar to a relational 
database.  There are a lot of one-to-one mappings of concepts of one to 
the other.

3. It's probably (!) easier to implement RelationalDB than IndexedDB, as
it maps fairly cleanly to existing relational database technologies. This
would allow vendors to implement it using Sqlite, Access, etc independent of
the spec.
Given that most vendors already have working implementations of 
IndexedDB, I don't think this is a good argument ;)



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Re: [IndexedDB] Design Flaws: Not Stateless, Not Treating Objects As Opaque

2011-03-31 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 3/31/2011 11:47 AM, Joran Greef wrote:

Let those who introduced these design flaws be among the first to take 
responsibility and fix them.
You aren't being constructive, and that's a surefire way to be ignored. 
 You have yet to convince the working group that these are "design 
flaws" in the first place.


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Re: [IndexedDB] Compound and multiple keys

2011-03-09 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 3/9/2011 3:02 AM, Keean Schupke wrote:

Looking at the requirements for IDB, BerkeleyDB would seem to be an ideal
candidate to port the API, its popular, widely used and has stood the test
of time, and is easy to use, and would be even easier in JavaScript with
garbage collection.
That makes sense since the original proposal was heavily based on BDB. 
It's shifted a bit as we have made tweaks to improve it for the web.



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Re: [IndexedDB] setVersion blocked on uncollected garbage IDBDatabases

2011-02-08 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 2/8/2011 11:51 AM, ben turner wrote:

I'm actually fine with keeping the setVersion from proceeding until
the old database is collected. First, this is probably a bug in the
web page, and the page should be fixed. Second, the new database that
is waiting for setVersion to proceed will get an onblocked event, so
the page should know that something is wrong.

I really don't think this is that big of a deal, and certainly not
worth changing the opt-in vs. opt-out behavior that we've settled on.




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Re: [Bug 11351] New: [IndexedDB] Should we have a maximum key size (or something like that)?

2011-02-07 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 2/7/2011 12:32 AM, Glenn Maynard wrote:

Is that a safe assumption to design around?  The API might later be bound to
other languages fortunate enough not to be stuck in UTF-16.
As I recall, we've already made design decisions based on the fact that 
the primary consumer of this API is going to be JavaScript on the web. 
(What those decisions were about, I don't recall offhand, however.)



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Re: [Bug 11351] New: [IndexedDB] Should we have a maximum key size (or something like that)?

2011-02-06 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 2/6/2011 12:42 PM, Jeremy Orlow wrote:

My current thinking is that we should have some relatively large
limitmaybe on the order of 64k?  It seems like it'd be very difficult to
hit such a limit with any sort of legitimate use case, and the chances of
some subtle data-dependent error would be much less.  But a 1GB key is just
not going to work well in any implementation (if it doesn't simply oom the
process!).  So despite what I said earlier, I guess I think we should have
some limit...but keep it an order of magnitude or two larger than what we
expect any legitimate usage to hit just to keep the system as flexible as

Does that sound reasonable to people?
Are we thinking about making this a MUST requirement, or a SHOULD?  I'm 
hesitant to spec an exact size as a MUST given how technology has a way 
of changing in unexpected ways that makes old constraints obsolete.  But 
then, I may just be overly concerned about this too.



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Re: [Bug 11948] New: index.openCursor's cursor should have a way to access the index's "value" (in addition to the index's key and objectStore's value)

2011-02-04 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 2/1/2011 11:00 AM, wrote:

As discussed in the mailing list thread from bug 11257, we should add some way
for index.openCursor cursors to access the primary key for the objectStore.
.indexValue, .objectStoreKey, or .primaryKey might be good names to use for it.

.objectStoreKey seems to be the most clear way to express this to me.



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Re: Quota API to query/request quota for offline storages (e.g. IndexedDB, FileSystem)

2011-02-03 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 2/3/2011 4:35 PM, João Eiras wrote:

Or adding unnecessary complication to the implementation.
I'm not looking to make my job easier (as an implementer); I'm looking 
to make it easy to use.  At least with IndexedDB, we generally choose 
the option that is easier for the consumer as long as it isn't extremely 
difficult to implement (which I do not see this being the case for quotas).



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Re: Quota API to query/request quota for offline storages (e.g. IndexedDB, FileSystem)

2011-02-03 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 2/3/2011 3:59 PM, João Eiras wrote:

Because the user agent needs to differentiate which api will use each
But why does a user agent need to do that?  It seems like that is adding 
unnecessary complication to the API.



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Re: [Bug 11348] New: [IndexedDB] Overhaul of the event model

2011-01-28 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 1/28/2011 1:07 AM, Axel Rauschmayer wrote:

Agreed. My only aside would be that for API design, it’s usually not a good 
idea to listen to web developers, but to someone who has experience with 
designing DB APIs (= not me, but possibly anyone of you or anyone at Mozilla, 
MS, Google).
It sounds like you are saying we aren't listening to people who have 
designed database APIs.  We certainly have (and have borrowed from 
models of existing APIs for other databases too).  It seems a bit 
disingenuous to not listen to feedback of web developers who are the 
primary target audience of this API.



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Re: [Bug 11348] New: [IndexedDB] Overhaul of the event model

2011-01-28 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 1/28/2011 1:15 AM, Axel Rauschmayer wrote:

All API invocations that I have seen relied on run-to-completion semantics and 
add a listener after the initial invocation. These now have to check the flag?
No, all that works just like it did before.  The flag just allows for 
some additional flexibility for authors.



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Re: [IndexedDB] Why rely on run-to-completion?

2010-12-30 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 12/29/2010 2:44 PM, Axel Rauschmayer wrote:

The pattern of assigning the success continuation after invoking the operation 
seems to be to closely tied to JavaScript’s current run-to-completion event 
handling. But what about future JavaScript environments, e.g. a multi-threaded 
Node.js with IndexedDB built in or Rhino with IndexedDB running in parallel? 
Wouldn’t a reliance on run-to-completion unnecessarily limit future 
Could you elaborate on how the current spec would fall-apart without 
run-to-completion semantics?  Preferably with specific examples.

Maybe it is just me, but I would like it better if the last argument was an 
object with the error and the success continuations (they could also be 
individual arguments). That is also how current JavaScript RPC APIs are 
designed, resulting in a familiar look. Are there any arguments *against* this 
Right now we support having multiple callbacks by registering multiple 
listeners for the event (with addEventListener).  Using an object would 
limit us to one callback.  There is a thread somewhere in this group 
where we decided to go with an event-based API instead of a callback one 
(I cannot recall the reasons off the top of my head).

Whatever the reasoning behind the design, I think it should be explained in the 
spec, because the current API is a bit tricky to understand for newbies.

I do not think that a spec is the right place to justify design decisions.



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Re: [Bug 11375] New: [IndexedDB] Error codes need to be assigned new numbers

2010-12-14 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 12/14/2010 4:16 PM, Jeremy Orlow wrote:

Shawn said NOT_FOUND_ERR.  NOT_ALLOWED_ERR seems slightly better to me.
  Shawn, what do you think?

I don't have a strong opinion either way.



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Re: [Bug 11398] New: [IndexedDB] Methods that take multiple optional parameters should instead take an options object

2010-12-10 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 12/10/2010 7:27 AM, Jeremy Orlow wrote:

We did all of these two weeks ago in Chromium and have gotten some feedback.
  The main downside is that typos are silently ignored by JavaScript.  We
considered throwing if someone passed in an option we didn't recognize, but
this would make it impossible to add more options later (which is one of the
main reasons for doing this change).  I think what we might do is just log
something in the console with this happens.  (Should the spec actually make
a recommendation to this effect?)  Besides that, I think overall we're happy
with the change.
I think logging should maybe be recommended by the spec, but probably 
not required.



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Re: [Bug 11375] New: [IndexedDB] Error codes need to be assigned new numbers

2010-12-10 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 12/10/2010 5:03 AM, Jeremy Orlow wrote:

Speaking of which, we use UNKNOWN_ERR for a bunch of other
internal consistency issues.  Is this OK by everyone, should we use another,
or should we create a new one?  (Ideally these issues will be few and far
between as we make things more robust.)

Would a CONSTRAINT_ERR make more sense?

What error code should we use for IDBCursor.update/delete when the cursor is
not currently on an item (or that item has been deleted)?

I think NOT_FOUND_ERR makes sense there.

TRANSIENT_ERR doesn't seem to be used anywhere in the spec.  Should it be

I can't think of anything that we'd actually want to use it for.

As for the numbering: does anyone object to me just starting from 1 and
going sequentially?  I.e. does anyone have a problem with them all getting
new numbers, or should I keep the numbers the same when possible.  (i.e.
would change number, but the ordering of those on the page would change.)
I think it is fine to just renumber.  If anyone is relying on the 
numbers being a certain thing now, I think it's probably best just to 
have a clean break instead of sometimes being right still.



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Re: [IndexedDB] Behavior of IDBObjectStore.get() and IDBObjectStore.delete() when record doesn't exist

2010-11-11 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 11/11/2010 11:44 AM, Jeremy Orlow wrote:

The email I responded to: "It would make sense if you make setting a key to
undefined semantically equivalent to deleting the value (and no error if it
does not exist), and return undefined on a get when no such key exists. That
way 'undefined' cannot exist as a value in the object store, and is a safe
marker for the key not existing in that index."

undefined should be symmetric.  If something not existing returns undefined
then passing in undefined should make it not exist.  Overloading the meaning
of a get returning undefined is ugly.  And simply disallowing a value also
seems a bit odd.  But I think this is pretty elegant semantically.
Sorry, but I disagree.  I feel that calling put results in a deletion to 
be highly counter-intuitive, even if it makes sense when you think about it.



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Re: [IndexedDB] Events and requests

2010-11-10 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 11/9/2010 12:35 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

One thing we could do is to move


to IDBRequest. Then make "success" and "error" events be simple events
which only implement the Event interface. I.e. we could get rid of the
IDBEvent, IDBSuccessEvent, IDBTransactionEvent and IDBErrorEvent

We'd still have to keep IDBVersionChangeEvent, but it can inherit
Event directly.

The request created from would return a IDBRequest
where .transaction and .source is null. We already fire a IDBEvent
where .source is null (actually, the spec currently doesn't define
what the source should be I see now).

This seems fine to me.

db.transaction(["foo"]).objectStore("foo").get(mykey).onsuccess = function(e) {

would turn into the slightly more verbose

db.transaction(["foo"]).objectStore("foo").get(mykey).onsuccess = function(e) {
The only difference is e.result vs, right?  I'm not sure 
we should worry about that little bit (and consumers can always use a 
local variable for that if it bothers them).



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Re: [Bug 10430] New: [IndexedDB] We need to make it more clear IDBRequests can be reused and spec readyState's behavior

2010-11-01 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 11/1/2010 5:29 AM, Jeremy Orlow wrote:

  If not, I think we should avoid adding surface area for something we don't
really understand very well.
I agree with this.  Less is better at this point I think (when 
appropriate, of course).



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Re: [Bug 11164] New: There is no way to get from an error event to other objectStores

2010-10-29 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 10/28/2010 10:44 PM, wrote:

If inserting data into an objectStore fails, and an error event is dispatched,
it is possible to get to the objectStore where the insertion failed, but from
there you can't get to the transaction and thus not to the other objectStores.

Hmm, what's the use case for this?



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Re: [IndexedDB] Calling setVersion while already in a setVersion transaction

2010-09-30 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 9/30/2010 2:16 AM, Jeremy Orlow wrote:

Hm.  Actually, I think I like Jonas' proposal better than 1 or 2 (and Shawn,
I see your point about why 2 is better than 1).  I also think that Shawn's
example of doing multiple schema upgrades should still work 3 since we fire
onsuccesses in the order that items were queued up.

I agree.  Three seems safer/better still!



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Re: [IndexedDB] Calling setVersion while already in a setVersion transaction

2010-09-29 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 9/29/2010 6:12 AM, Jeremy Orlow wrote:

Off the top of my head, I can think of two behaviors we might want to spec:
  1) Have the subsequent setVersion simply throw an error.  2) Have the
subsequent setVersion adopt the existing setVersion transaction and change
the version.  (i.e. whatever the last setVersion call sets as the version
string will win.)  Any others?  What do you guys think is the most sane
I think (2) is most consistent with how transactions work in other 
places.  I think it's sane too.  I can't come up with a good reason why 
we'd throw for subsequent setVersion calls either.

Thinking about it some more, this might make sense for someone who has 
had more than one version change.  They could first update the the 
version from "1" to "2", and then from "2" to "3".  Since it's possible 
that clients visiting the site could be on any of these three versions, 
it makes sense to have functions that only go from the previous version 
to the next, otherwise you'll end up with lots of logic to deal with 
every version combination.  Doing this all in the same transaction seems 
to make sense to me.



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Re: [IndexedDB] setVersion with multiple IDBDatabase objects

2010-09-28 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 9/28/2010 7:42 AM, Jeremy Orlow wrote:

What do we want to do if the user calls"myDB", "some
description") twice and stores the result as db1 and db2, calls
db1.setVersion(), and then in the success handler does
db2.createObjectStore?  In other words, is the setVersion transaction tied
to the database instance that setVersion was called on, or is it available
to any instance/object that points to that particular database for that
particular origin in that particular page/worker?
While I can see an argument either way, I think I'd prefer it to be tied 
to the instance.  I like this because then it works the same as it does 
being in different windows.  I don't have a strong opinion on this though.



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Re: [IndexedDB] IDBCursor.update for cursors returned from IDBIndex.openCursor

2010-09-22 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 9/17/2010 3:14 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

How do you then guarantee that a transaction that spans multiple
objectStores either fully succeeds or is fully rolled back? Especially
in the event of a crash during commit.
If you don't use write ahead logging, and connect to each database with 
ATTACH, SQLite makes sure it is atomic for you (I don't recall how 
offhand though).  Not using write ahead logging does mean that writers 
will block readers though.



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Re: [IndexedDB] Constants and interfaces

2010-08-31 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 8/31/2010 12:03 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

So IMHO we should heavily optimize for javascript, while ensuring that
other languages are possible.

Yes, please.



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Re: [IndexedDB] question about description argument of IDBFactory::open()

2010-08-09 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 8/9/2010 1:13 PM, Andrei Popescu wrote:

While implementing IDBFactory::open(), we thought that the
"description" argument is optional but we were surprised to find out
it's actually mandatory. Is there any reason not to make this argument
optional? And, assuming it is optional, should the default value be
the empty string? Also, how should the null and undefined values be
treated? My suggestion would be to treat them as if the argument
wasn't specified, so the description of the database would not change.
I think we want something there, because that is likely what the user 
agent is going to tell the user when it has to ask for space (if the 
user agent limits) or display if the user wants to see what a site is 
storing locally.

I think we should probably enforce a non-null string too because of 
this, although a null string for future connections meaning "do not 
change" seem fine to me.  I started a bug [1] a while back about what to 
do if it changes, but it went nowhere.




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Re: [IndexedDB] Implicit transactions

2010-08-04 Thread Shawn Wilsher

 On 8/4/2010 10:53 AM, Jeremy Orlow wrote:

Whoatransaction() is synchronous?!?  Ok, so I guess the entire premise
of my question was super confused.  :-)

It is certainly spec'd that way [1].  The locks do not get acquired 
until the first actual bit of work is done though.




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[IndexedDB] IndexedDB Sample Code & Documentation Tool

2010-08-04 Thread Shawn Wilsher

 Hey guys,

Someone just posted a link to this on one of our blog posts about 
IndexedDB and I figured I'd share it with the list since it's pretty 
darn neat:

It appears to be sample code + documentation mixed together.  It does 
seem to be a bit specific to our implementation, but I'm sure that can 
be improved.



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Re: [IndexedDB] Implicit transactions

2010-08-04 Thread Shawn Wilsher

 On 8/4/2010 8:42 AM, Jeremy Orlow wrote:

In the IndexedDB spec, there are two ways to create a transaction.  One is
explicit (by calling IDBDatabase.transaction()) and one is implicit (for
example, by calling IDBDatabase.objectStore.get("someKey")).  I have
questions about the latter, but before bringing these up, I think it might
be best to give a bit of background (as I understand it) to make sure we're
all on the same page:

If I recall correctly, the original proposal from us basically said that 
IDBDatabase.objectStore("foo", [mode]) was just a shortcut for 
IDBDatabase.transaction("foo", [mode]).getObjectStore("foo");  I'm not 
sure if putting some text like that would help make things clearer though.



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Re: [IndexedDB] Implicit transactions

2010-08-04 Thread Shawn Wilsher

 On 8/4/2010 10:24 AM, Jeremy Orlow wrote:

Jonas/Shawn: Since it seems you've been getting some feedback on your
implementation, do you have any data to suggest that implicit transactions
are being used and considered helpful in the wild?

I have not yet seen any specific feedback about it as of yet.



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[IndexedDB] Need a method to remove a database

2010-08-03 Thread Shawn Wilsher

Hey all,

Some of the feedback I've been seeing on the web is that there is no way 
to remove a database.  Examples seem to be "web page wants to allow the 
user to remove the data they stored".  A site can almost accomplish this 
now by removing all object stores, but we still end up storing some meta 
data (version number).  Does this seem like a legit request to everyone?



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Re: [IndexedDB] Current editor's draft

2010-07-09 Thread Shawn Wilsher

 On 7/9/2010 12:50 PM, Nikunj Mehta wrote:

The point is that we are talking of leaving out dynamic scope in v1, while, in the same 
vein, talking of making READ_ONLY the default _because_ it produces "good" 
performance. That is, IMHO, contradictory.
Dynamic scope == dynamic transactions, correct?  Can you please 
elaborate on how dynamic transactions improve performance?

This seems to be conveniently justified. A strict interpretation of the 
objective would not require the programmer to specify READ_WRITE even though 
that involves less mental (cognitive) and physical (typing) effort.
FWIW, this isn't constructive.  Your argument also seems to assume that 
writes are more common than reads, which hasn't been my experience with 
this API.

It should have worked right the first time. Why wait for a programmer to find 
out why their code didn't work?
Why make writing code with good performance characteristics the uncommon 
case?  We clearly have two different schools of thoughts here, and I'm 
not sure we are going to find a consensus...

There are many ways to get performance improvement, including dynamic 
transactions, which you seem not to be favorable towards. I don't see why 
READ_ONLY should be given special treatment.
It's unclear to me why you think READ_ONLY is getting special treatment 
(or what that even means in this context).

Various hints are used in SQL syntax, e.g., [1], to manage locks, a certain 
kind of B-tree behavior, or a level of isolation. These are all aimed at 
improving performance, but they are set as default behavior. My point is that 
expecting good performance from a single variable in database systems out of 
possibly hundreds is not all that helpful. It is also a slippery slope because 
it confuses performance with options. The database's job is to be fast at what 
it does, not play performance tricks using default values.
While I think this argument makes sense in some cases, I really don't 
feel like it applies at all in this situation.  Even the page you linked 
to says "Because the SQL Server query optimizer typically selects the 
best execution plan for a query..." which in most cases would be 
READ_ONLY (based on evidence the Mozilla team has from demos written).  
The default should represent the commonly used case.

I don't know that we can make the right performance decisions for 
people. What we can do is make things perform well and provide tools 
to improve performance.
We aren't making performance decisions though; we are just picking the 
default to be the most commonly used option.  It just happens to be the 
one to allow more concurrency.



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Re: [IndexedDB] Current editor's draft

2010-07-09 Thread Shawn Wilsher

 On 7/9/2010 11:05 AM, Nikunj Mehta wrote:

We would not make dynamic transactions be the default since they would produce 
more concurrency than static scoped transactions, correct?
I'm still of the opinion that dynamic transactions are a bad idea 
because it's too easy to hold a transaction open for a long period of 
time, making it easy for programmers to write incorrect/buggy code.

All along our primary objective with IndexedDB is to assist 
programmers who are not well versed with database programming to be 
able to write simple programs without errors. By that token, reducing 
the effort required for their use of IndexedDB seems to be the primary 
criteria and not great concurrency.
Er, I thought we were targeting libraries but still wanted this to be 
simple to use.  Regardless, allowing for more concurrency doesn't hurt 
ease of use in any of what we've discussed so far (as far as I can tell).

Another downside is that authors should specify lock-type
more often, for optimal performance, if we think that READ_ONLY is
more common.

You haven't provided any evidence about this yet.
I can assert that all the demos I've written (admittedly not many), 
simply reading from the database has been far more common than writing 
to it.  It's pretty much "write data in" but then do all operations on 
the local database.

It is quite common in various languages to specify as a performance or 
safety hint when someone desires a shared lock and use a read-write 
version by default.
You seem to have contradictory statements here.  Earlier you argued that 
"reducing the effort required for their [programmers] use of IndexedDB 
seems to be the primary criteria", but having them to read and know 
performance or safety hints seems to me like we are making the API more 
complicated.  Having simple clear API calls with sensible error messages 
on misuse is far better than having an API that you can use one way (the 
most common way) but would be more efficient if you use it another way.

For all we know, programmers would lock the entire database when they create a 
transaction. If dynamic transactions appear to be a non-v1 feature, then 
READ_ONLY being default appears out of place.
You asked Jonas for data backing up his claims, and now I'm going to ask 
the same of you.  It's been my experience and Ben Turner's experience 
that defaulting to READ_ONLY results in less code being written using 
this API.  Reads are far more common than writes (in databases in 
general, I think although edge cases certainly exist), so it makes sense 
to make that the default.



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Re: [IndexedDB] Current editor's draft

2010-07-07 Thread Shawn Wilsher

 On 7/7/2010 12:27 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

This interface allows asynchronously requesting more objectStores to
be locked. The author must take care whenever calling openObjectStores
that the request might fail due to deadlocks.

But as previously stated, I think this adds too much complexity and
too much racyness to the API. And so I'd prefer to not add this.
I feel like we should not be creating an API that allows for deadlocks 
to happen.  Especially with an API that allows for races to happen 
(which we have) such that it will be hard for web developers to test to 
ensure they do not have deadlocks.



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Re: [IndexedDB] Current editor's draft

2010-07-07 Thread Shawn Wilsher

 On 7/6/2010 6:31 PM, Nikunj Mehta wrote:

To begin with, 10052 shuts down the "users" of the database completely when
only one is changing its structure, i.e., adding or removing an object
store. How can we make it less draconian? Secondly, I don't see how that
approach can produce atomic changes to the database. Thirdly, we shouldn't
need to change version in order to perform database changes. Finally, I am
not sure why you consider the syntax proposal simpler. Note that I am not
averse to the version change event notification.
In what use case would you want to change the database structure without 
modifying the version?  That almost seems like a footgun for consumers.



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Re: [IndexedDB] Existence checking

2010-07-05 Thread Shawn Wilsher

 On 7/5/2010 3:19 AM, Nathan Kitchen wrote:

There are a couple of ways to do this:
I think you missed one.  IDBDatabase has a property objectStores [1] 
that is an array of object stores.  Additionally, IDBObjectStore has a 
property called indexNames [2] that is an array of indexes for the 
object store.  We should probably look into having the same naming 
convention for both of those (objectStores and indexes or 
objectStoreNames and indexNames probably?).

This accomplishes what you want, right?




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Re: [IndexedDB] IDBEvent and Event

2010-06-30 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 6/30/2010 8:25 AM, Andrei Popescu wrote:

Agreed. In WebKit, Jeremy already made it inherit from Event.

I filed bug 10056 [1] on this.




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Re: [IndexedDB] Computed indexes

2010-06-28 Thread Shawn Wilsher

 On 6/28/2010 4:59 PM, Jeremy Orlow wrote:

Gotcha.  Yeah, this technique can be used to replace any use case for
explicitly managed indexes.  And, for that reason, I think we should just
get rid of them now.


As for whether we should have a feature to compute index keys via
a function: I think we should put it on it on the back burner for now, but
use your proposal as the starting when we re-examine it.  I'd like to do
this after there's a working implementation in the wild that developers can
play with so we can address the biggest pain points--rather than just going
on our intuition.  If this does get punted past v1, I'd definitely like to
see it addressed in v2 though.
Once Firefox ships a beta for 4.0 (likely late this week or early next) 
we'll have something in the wild.  Nightlies currently have it (although 
we haven't been pushing it much).



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[IndexedDB] IDBEvent and Event

2010-06-25 Thread Shawn Wilsher

Hey all,

I think that IDBEvent needs to inherit from Event [1] in order for us to 
properly inherit from EventTarget in IDBRequest.  Specifically, 
EventTarget takes an EventListener [2] which has a method, handleEvent, 
that takes an Event object.  I'm not sure this makes sense for us 
though, so I figured I'd start a discussion before filing the bug.




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Re: [IndexedDB] Computed indexes

2010-06-24 Thread Shawn Wilsher

 On 6/24/2010 7:01 AM, Jeremy Orlow wrote:

So what your proposing is that the keyPath would essentially be a string of
the body of a function which runs for every index (on that objectStore) for
every value inserted into that object store?  This seems like half way
between the eval-like idea I mentioned earlier.  It certainly seems to have
advantages for complex keyPaths, but I'm still not so hot on having
boilerplate/assumptions (like needing "return" and assuming "value" is
present) present in every single keyPath.  Especially when the use cases
(while important) don't seem to be the common case.  (In fact, can you even
do this in SQL?  If not, I think it's pretty strong evidence against needing
to do arbitrary calculations in a keyPath.)

You can do something like this with triggers I think.



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Re: [IndexedDB] Changing the default overwrite behavior of Put

2010-06-17 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 6/17/2010 10:26 AM, Kris Zyp wrote:

My order of preference:
1. parameter-based:
put(record, {id: "some-id", overwrite: false, ... other parameters ..});
This leaves room for future parameters without a long positional
optional parameter list, which becomes terribly confusing and
difficult to read. In Dojo we generally try to avoid more than 2 or 3
positional parameters at most before going to named parameters, we
also avoid negatives as much as possible as they generally introduce
confusion (like noOverwrite).
2. Two methods called "put" and "create" (i.e. put(record, id) or
create(record, id))
3. Two methods called "put" and "add".
Agree with either (2) or (3).  I don't like (1) simply because I don't 
know any other web API that uses that form, and I think we shouldn't 
break the mold here.  Libraries certainly can, however.  Might prefer 
(3) over (2) only because add is shorter than create.



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Re: [IndexedDB] Changing the default overwrite behavior of Put

2010-06-16 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 6/16/2010 9:43 AM, Nikunj Mehta wrote:

There are three theoretical modes as you say. However, the second mode does not 
exist in practice. If you must overwrite, then you know that the record exists 
and hence don't need to specify that option.

To be clear, you are saying that there are only two modes in practice:
1) add
2) add or modify

But you don't believe that "modify" doesn't exist in practice?  In terms 
of SQL, these three concepts exists and get used all the time.  "add" 
maps to INSERT INTO, "add or modify" maps to INSERT OR REPLACE INTO, and 
"modify" maps to UPDATE.

So, in summary, I agree to splitting the put method in to two - put and 
putNoOverwrite. I am also in favor of retaining the name as put (contrasted 
with get). I would like to avoid bikeshedding on names even though there have 
been ample opportunities on this list lately with that.
I think you are completely ignoring the arguments in this thread about 
the issues with naming it put.  I don't think it is bikeshedding; these 
seem like legitimate concerns.



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Re: [IndexDB] Proposal for async API changes

2010-06-09 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 6/9/2010 3:36 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

At the very least, explicitly loading things into an honest-to-god
array can make it more obvious that you're eating memory in the form
of a big array, as opposed to just a "magically transform my blob of
data into something more convenient".
I'm sorry, but if a developer can't figure out that if they are given a 
big array (that is a proper Array in JavaScript) that it is the cause of 
large amounts of memory usage, I don't see how them populating it 
themselves is going to raise any additional flags.



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Re: [IndexDB] Proposal for async API changes

2010-06-09 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 6/9/2010 3:48 PM, Kris Zyp wrote:

Another option would be to have cursors essentially implement a JS
array-like API:

   // do something with each object
}).onsuccess = function(){
// all done

(Or perhaps the cursor with a forEach would be nested inside a
callback, not sure).

The standard "some" function is also useful if you know you probably
won't need to iterate through everything

   return == "John";
}).onsuccess = function(johnIsInDatabase){

This allows us to have an async interface (the callbacks can be called
at any time) and still follows normal JS array patterns, for
programmer convenience (so programmers wouldn't need to iterate over a
cursor and push the results into another array). I don't think anyone
would miss getAll() with this design, since cursors would already be
To me, this feels like we are basically doing what we expect a library 
to do: make the syntactic sugar work.  I don't see why a library 
couldn't provide a some or forEach method with the currently proposed API.



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[IndexedDB] Re: [Bug 9882] New: Behavior when attempting to write data to an objectStore opened as read only unspecified

2010-06-08 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 6/8/2010 10:22 AM, wrote:

When you open an objectStore with a read only mode, any subsequent write
operation should probably result in an error.  I don't see anywhere in the spec
that specifically says this or mentions what error code should be used.
Currently in the spec, writing with the noOverwrite flag set causes a
CONSTRAINT_ERR, so I'm guessing that's the best one to go with for this
condition as well?
What about just creating a new error code for this?  I don't like 
overloading error codes here for different meanings (while I can see how 
someone might view this as a constraint error, I think we could do 
better).  New error codes are cheap, right?



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Re: [IndexedDB] [Bug 9562] New: Opening a database with a different description is underspecified

2010-05-24 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 4/20/2010 11:46 AM, wrote:

The spec is unspecified as to what we should do when a database is opened with
a different description than it was previously opened. I'd assume we'd want to
update the description.

Does anybody else have thoughts on what the right behavior should be here?



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Re: [IndexedDB] Proposal for async API changes

2010-05-20 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 5/20/2010 7:34 AM, Shawn Wilsher wrote:

So far it's really just that joins are painful in IndexedDB. I'm working
on a blog post on this very topic though, and I'll be sure to point
everyone in this thread to it (I figure this is useful stuff to get out
to a wider audience).
And honestly, I thought that we had discussed joins on this list, but I 
only see a thread from Pablo mentioning it, but no real discussions. 
Should we start that?



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Re: [IndexedDB] Proposal for async API changes

2010-05-20 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 5/20/2010 12:19 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

I additionally like the naming convention. The async interfaces is
probably the interface that people will use first. Additionally that
interface is available both to workers and to the main thread. So it
makes sense to give the async interface the simpler name.
That is not how it is currently specified (and our proposal doesn't 
indicate either way).  The asynchronous versions are not available to 
worker threads.  I do recall discussion on this, however...



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Re: [IndexedDB] Proposal for async API changes

2010-05-20 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 5/20/2010 11:30 AM, Andrei Popescu wrote:

As someone new to this API, I thought the naming used in the current
draft is somewhat confusing. Consider the following interfaces:


Just by looking at this, it is pretty hard to understand what the
relationship between these interfaces really is and what role do they
play in the API. For instance, I thought that the IDBDatabaseRequest
is some type of Request when, in fact, it isn't a Request at all. It
also isn't immediately obvious what the difference between
IndexedDatabase and IDBDatabase really is, etc.
It should be noted that we did not want to rock the boat too much with 
our proposal, so we stuck with the existing names.  I think the current 
spec as written has the same issues.

- I know we need to keep the "IDB" prefix in order to avoid collisions
with other APIs. I would therefore think we should keep the IDB prefix
and make sure all the interfaces start with it (right now they don't).

I agree with this.  We should probably file a bug about this.

- The "Request" suffix is now used to denote the asynchronous versions
of the API interfaces. These interfaces aren't actually Requests of
any kind, so I would like to suggest changing this suffix. In fact, if
the primary usage of this API is via its async version, we could even
drop this suffix altogether and just add "Sync" to the synchronous
I agree that Request seems confusing and seems to be contrary to what 
other specs use.  We should try to follow what other specs do here.

- Some of the interfaces could have names that would more closely
reflect their roles in the API. For instance, IDBDatabase could be
renamed to IDBConnection, since in the spec it is described as "a
connection to the database". Likewise, IndexedDatabase could become
IDBFactory since it is used to create database connections or key

This sounds good as well.

In any case, I want to make it clear that the current naming works
once one takes the time to understand it. On the other hand, if we
make it easier for people to understand the API, we could hopefully
get feedback from more developers.
Making it easier for someone to look at the method names and just know 
how to use the API seems like a good goal in my book.



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Re: [IndexedDB] Proposal for async API changes

2010-05-20 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 5/20/2010 9:03 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

For what it's worth, one of the ideas behind object stores, rather
than rows+column stores, is to reduce the need for joins. I.e. in our
candy store example you could just as well store objects like:

{ id: 1, name: "Adam", sales: [{candyId: 1, date: "2010-01-02"}, ...]}
Well, if people care about the size of data on disk, they will likely 
want to normalize their object stores.  We had talked about doing joins 
before in indexedDB, but I believe we decided to punt on the issue for now.



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Re: [IndexedDB] Proposal for async API changes

2010-05-20 Thread Shawn Wilsher

 On 5/20/2010 2:55 AM, Jeremy Orlow wrote:

Thanks for taking the time to do this!

Can you maybe discuss the pros and cons you found in terms of implementing
something in WebSQLDatabase vs. IndexedDB?  I'm mainly interested in seeing
if there's any thing we can improve in IndexedDB that WebSQLDatabase already
does well.
So far it's really just that joins are painful in IndexedDB.  I'm 
working on a blog post on this very topic though, and I'll be sure to 
point everyone in this thread to it (I figure this is useful stuff to 
get out to a wider audience).



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Re: [IndexedDB] Proposal for async API changes

2010-05-19 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 5/19/2010 1:50 PM, Shawn Wilsher wrote:
Er, and I managed to botch the SQL in the last two examples.  Those 
should be (if my non-tested SQL-fu is right):

FROM kids INNER JOIN candySales
ON = candySales.kidId

FROM kids LEFT JOIN candySales
ON = candySales.kidId




Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [IndexedDB] Proposal for async API changes

2010-05-19 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 5/17/2010 6:15 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

We've created some examples of what using this proposed API would look like:

we've also implemented the same examples using the currently drafted API:
And I've gone ahead and converted these samples to WebDatabase language 
too for comparison purposes (I think, at least.  I haven't used it 
before, and these aren't actual fully runnable demos.  If you spot an 
error, let me know!)

It should be noted that WebDatabase fares much better when it comes to 
joins, but I suspect we all knew that.

// Initialize database

var db = window.openDatabase("CandyDB", "", "My candy store database",
if (db.version != "1") {
  db.changeVersion(db.version, "1", function(tx) {
// User's first visit.  Initialize database.
var tables = [
  { name: "kids", columns: ["id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY",
"name TEXT"]},
  { name: "candy", columns: ["id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY",
 "name TEXT"]},
  { name: "candySales", columns: ["kidId INTEGER",
  "candyId INTEGER",
  "date TEXT"]}

for (var index = 0; index < tables.length; index++) {
  var table = tables[index];
  tx.executeSql("CREATE TABLE " + + "(" +
table.columns.join(", ") + ");",
null, tableCreated);
  }, null, function() { loadData(db); });
else {
  // User has been here before, no initialization required.

function loadData(db) {
  // Do stuff!

// List kids

var db = window.openDatabase("CandyDB", "1", "My candy store database",
db.readTransaction(function(tx) {
  // Enumerate the entire table.
  tx.executeSql("SELECT * FROM kids", function(tx, results) {
var rows = results.rows;
for (var index = 0; index < rows.length; index++) {
  var item = rows.item(index);
  var element = document.createElement("div");
  element.textContent =;

// Store kids into database

var kids = [
  { name: "Anna" },
  { name: "Betty" },
  { name: "Christine" },

var db = window.openDatabase("CandyDB", "1", "My candy store database",
db.transaction(function(tx) {
  for (var index = 0; index < kids.length; index++) {
var kid = kids[index];
tx.executeSql("INSERT INTO kids (name) VALUES (:name);", [kid],
  function(tx, results) {
  document.getElementById("display").textContent =
  "Saved record for " + + " with id " + results.insertId;

// List kids who bought candy, and the number of purchases they made

var db = window.openDatabase("CandyDB", "1", "My candy store database",
db.readTransaction(function(tx) {
  tx.executeSql("SELECT name, count " +
"FROM kids " +
"INNER JOIN candySales " +
"ON = candySales.kidId;",
function(tx, results) {
var rows = results.rows;
for (var index = 0; index < rows.length; index++) {
  var item = rows.item(index);
  display.textContent += ", " + + "bought " +
 item.count + "pieces";

// List kids who bought candy, and the number of purchases they made
// (some may have bought 0)

var db = window.openDatabase("CandyDB", "1", "My candy store database",
db.readTransaction(function(tx) {
  tx.executeSql("SELECT name, count " +
"FROM kids " +
"LEFT JOIN candySales " +
"ON = candySales.kidId;",
function(tx, results) {
var rows = results.rows;
for (var index = 0; index < rows.length; index++) {
  var item = rows.item(index);
  display.textContent += ", " + + "bought " +
 item.count + "pieces";



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Re: [IndexedDB] What happens when the version changes?

2010-05-18 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 5/18/2010 1:02 PM, Nikunj Mehta wrote:

I won't talk about tabs and such. Let's make clarification questions be related 
to spec text.

Simply replace any instance of tabs with "database connections".

A database connection that locks the entire database cannot be opened if there 
is another database connection that locks at least one database object, e.g., 
an index or object store.
So basically, as long as some connection holds a database lock, you 
won't be able to do any upgrade.



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Re: [IndexedDB] Proposal for async API changes

2010-05-18 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 5/18/2010 7:20 AM, Jeremy Orlow wrote:

1. Once a database has been opened (a database connection has been
established) read access to meta-data, such as objectStore and index
names, is synchronous. Changes to such meta data, such as creating
objectStores and indexes, is still asynchronous.

I believe this is already how it's specced.  The IDBDatabase interface
already gives you synchronous access to all of this.
Mostly that is the same, with the exception of getting an object store 
or index which is now synchronous.

9. IDBKeyRanges are created using functions on IndexedDatabaseRequest.
We couldn't figure out how the old API allowed you to create a range
object without first having a range object.

In the spec, I see the following in examples:
var range = new IDBKeyRange.bound(2, 4);
var range = IDBKeyRange.leftBound(key);

I'm not particularly happy with hanging functions off of
IndexedDatabaseRequest for this.  Can it work something like what I listed
above?  If not, maybe we can find a better place to put them?  Or just
create multiple openCursor functions for each case?
I think one concern with the above syntax is that it's adding another 
object to the global scope.  I recall Ben Turner and I discussing the 
possibility of hanging it off of indexedDB, so:

var range = new indexedDB.KeyRange.bound(2, 4);

My concern with making multiple openCursor functions is that there is 
more API complexity there.  With that said, I don't have any strong 
opinions here either way.

10. You are allowed to have multiple transactions per database
connection. However if they use overlapping tables, only the first one
will receive events until it is finished (with the usual exceptions of
allowing multiple readers of the same table).

Can you please clarify what you mean here?  This seems like simply an
implementation detail to me, so maybe I'm missing something?
What this is trying to say is that you can have an object store being 
used in more than one transaction, but they cannot access it at the same 
time.  However, I think it's best for Jonas to chime in here because 
this doesn't quite seem right to me like it did yesterday.

5)  You have two IDBTransactionRequest.onaborts.  I think one is supposed to
be an ontimeout.

Whoops, I thought we fixed that before he sent this out :)

6)  What is the default limit for the getAll functions?  Should we make it 0
(and define any<=0 amount to mean infinity)?
I believe we intended the default to be infinity (as in, if you don't 
specify, you get it all).

7)  I expect "add or modify" to be more used than the add or the modify
methods.  As such, I wonder if it makes sense to optimize the naming for
that.  For example, addOrModify=>set, add=>add/insert,
modify=>modify/update/replace maybe?
We had a lot of internal debate over this very thing.  The problem we 
kept running into was that set could easily be read as doing just 
updating so it wouldn't be clear that you can also insert a new record 
there (without reading the spec or some tutorial).  The benefit with 
addOrModify is that it is very explicit in what it does.  We don't like 
how long it is, but we couldn't come up with a shorter name that doesn't 
have a fair amount of ambiguity.

8)   We can't leave deciding whether a cursor is pre-loaded up to UAs
since people will code for their favorite UA and then access
IDBCursorPreloadedRequest.count when some other UA does it as a
non-preloaded request.  Even in the same UA this will cause problems when
users have different datasets than developers are testing with.
I think that you might have been confused by our wording there.  Sorry 
about that!  IDBCursorPreloadedRequest is what you get if you pass 
sync=true into openCursor or openObjectCursor.  Basically, sync cursors 
will give you a count, whereas async ones will not.

interface IBDCursorRequest : IDBCursor {
   readonly attribute any key;

   readonly attribute any value;

   *readonly attribute unsigned long long estimatedCount;*

  * // Returns null if the cursor was updated synchronously.  Otherwise*
*  // will return an IDBRequest object whose result will be set to this*
*  // cursor on success.  Until onsuccess is called, any access of key*
*  // or value will raise an exception.  The first request MUST cause*
*  // an asynchronous request but the behavior of subsequent calls is*
*  // up to the UA.*
*  IDBRequest continue(in optional any key /* null */);*

   // Success fires IDBTransactionEvent, result == key
   IDBRequest update(in any value);

   // Success fires IDBTransactionEvent, result == null
   IDBRequest remove();

I'm not super happy with this interface, but I think it's a lot better for a
few reasons:
1) It's not all or nothing.  Even if a result can't be 100% loaded into
memory, it doesn't mean that we'll have to deal with the overhead of every
fetch causing an asynchronous firing of an event.

2) There's an estimated count even if it's not pre-loaded (which has been

Re: [IndexedDB] What happens when the version changes?

2010-05-13 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 5/13/2010 7:51 AM, Nikunj Mehta wrote:

If you search archives you will find a discussion on versioning and that we 
gave up on doing version management inside the browser and instead leave it to 
applications to do their own versioning and upgrades.
Right, I'm not saying we should manage it, but I want to make sure we 
don't end up making it very easy for apps to break themselves.  For example:
1) Site A has two different tabs (T1 and T2) open that were loaded such 
that one got a script (T1) with a newer indexedDB version than the other 
2) T1 upgrades the database in a way that T2 now gets a constraint 
violation on every operation (or some other error due to the database 

This could easily happen any time a site changes the version number on 
their database.  As the spec is written right now, there is no way for a 
site to know when the version changes without reopening the database 
since the version property is a sync getter, implementations would have 
to load it on open and cache it, or come up with some way to update all 
open databases (not so fun).



Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

[IndexedDB] What happens when the version changes?

2010-05-12 Thread Shawn Wilsher

Hey all,

A recent concern that we have come across at Mozilla is what happens 
when the version changes?  Do we silently continue to work and hope for 
the best?  Do we throw an error every time saying that the version this 
database was opened with is no longer the version of the database?  It's 
not at all clear on what we should be doing in the spec, so we'd love to 
hear thoughts on this.  (We don't have a solution we are happy with yet 
to this problem either, so other options would be great).



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Re: [IndexedDB] Changing the default overwrite behavior of Put

2010-05-10 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 5/10/2010 10:36 AM, Kris Zyp wrote:

I believe there are three useful modes:
overwrite: false - Must create a new record
overwrite: true - Must overwrite/update an existing record
(something else) - Create a new record or overwrite/update an existing
(depending on the key of course).
FWIW, right now the last two cases are the same (at least, how I'm 
reading the spec).



Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [IndexedDB] Changing the default overwrite behavior of Put

2010-05-10 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 5/10/2010 1:33 AM, Jeremy Orlow wrote:

Either sounds fine to me.  Please open something in the bug tracker?
Filed bug 9698 [1] on changing noOverwrite to overwrite.  I'm going to 
wait to file a bug about changing the default until we get more feedback.




Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

[IndexedDB] Changing the default overwrite behavior of Put

2010-05-07 Thread Shawn Wilsher

Hey all,

Per the current spec [1], noOverwrite defaults to false for put 
operations on an object store.  Ben Turner and I have been discussing 
changing the default of put to not allow overwriting by default.  We 
feel this is better behavior because simply omitting the flag should not 
result in destroying data.  Putting my application developer hat on, I'd 
much rather have to be explicit about destroying existing data instead 
of having it happen on accident.  We could also change the parameter to 
just overwrite and have it default to false.

What is everyone's thoughts on this?



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Re: [IndexedDB] Interaction between transactions and objects that allow multiple operations

2010-05-05 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 5/5/2010 1:09 PM, Jeremy Orlow wrote:

I'd also worry that if creating the transaction were completely transparent
to the user that they might not think to close it either.  (I'm mainly
thinking about copy-and-paste coders here.)
I should have been more clear.  That statement goes along with the 
suggestion to make everything work off of a transaction - object stores, 
indexes, cursors, etc.  They'd have to know about the transaction 
because they'd have to use it.



Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [IndexedDB] Interaction between transactions and objects that allow multiple operations

2010-05-05 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 5/5/2010 11:44 AM, Jeremy Orlow wrote:

On the other hand, a lot of even the most basic tasks probably should be
done within a transaction.  But if the easiest way to do something is to
just run it outside of a transaction, I'm guessing a good portion of users
(including tutorial websites, people giving advice on forums, etc) will just
do it that way.  Mandating transactions forces users to be cognizant of
them.  Maybe that's a good thing...
To be clear, I'm not disagreeing with that.  Mozilla would really love 
to reduce the amount of async steps to do anything with a database. 
Right now, to get something from an object store, we have three steps:

1) open database; wait for callback
2) open object store; wait for callback
3) get from object store; wait for callback

Adding the transaction stuff would result in four steps:
1) open database; wait for callback
2) open transaction; wait for callback
3) open object store; wait for callback
4) get from object store; wait for callback

Maybe we can get rid of this additional step by giving a transaction to 
the consumer immediately available after the call to open, and have a 
property on the connection to access the current transaction.  But that 
might complicate things more too.

This is complicated by the fact that each step blocks similar operations 
(can only open a database when another one is not in the process of 
opening, same with object stores, etc).  This problem goes away with my 
proposal in the past [1], but I'm not sure we have consensus on it (or 
the event based approach for that matter).




Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [IndexedDB] Interaction between transactions and objects that allow multiple operations

2010-05-05 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 5/4/2010 7:17 PM, Pablo Castro wrote:

c) require an explicit transaction always, along the lines Nikunj's original 
proposal had it. We would move most methods from database to transaction 
(except a few properties such as version and such, which it may still be ok to 
handle implicitly from the transactions perspective). This eliminates this 
whole problem altogether at the cost of an extra step required always.
I'm rather loath about adding more asynchronous steps to do even the 
most simplest of tasks here.  What about only doing this for cursor 
operations only?  Basically, openCursor would be on the transaction 
object instead of on the database object.



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Re: [IndexedDB] Granting storage quotas

2010-04-29 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 4/29/2010 1:08 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

When you say "per site" do you mean per subdomain, or per domain?  The
former is too permissive, the latter is too restrictive.
I believe he means per origin.  At least that's what I took from our 



Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [IndexedDB] Granting storage quotas

2010-04-28 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 4/28/2010 2:54 PM, Dumitru Daniliuc wrote:

shawn, did you have a chance to give this some thought? how would mozilla
like to handle cases like the ones jeremy and robin mentioned? how would you
like to manage quotas?
We chatted yesterday, but I haven't had a chance to get it down into 
writing.  Sorry about the delay, but I've had some other things come up. 
 Should be able to get it down in writing to this list this week.



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Re: [IndexedDB] Granting storage quotas

2010-04-23 Thread Shawn Wilsher

 On 4/23/2010 7:39 AM, Nikunj Mehta wrote:

Could we create an additional optional parameter for an open request with the 
type of permanence required? Or is it not a good idea?
I haven't talked to anyone at Mozilla that thinks that having permanent 
and non-permanent-but-possibly-long-lasting data to be a good idea.  
There does seem to be support for a session-only version of indexedDB.



Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [IndexedDB] Explaining Asynchronous event-style interface

2010-04-22 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 3/30/2010 1:37 PM, Shawn Wilsher wrote:

Having open return an IDBRequest and not having the request property on
IndexedDatabaseRequest would solve this problem. I'm going to prototype
an implementation in Mozilla this way to see if any issues come up, but
I don't currently foresee any.
Does anybody object to having all the asynchronous methods return an 
IDBRequest instead of having to access the property on the parent 
object?  This change greatly reduces the code complexity (Ben Turner has 
converted the sample code to it and it's much easier to read/follow). 
If not, I'll file a bug to have the spec updated.



Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [IndexedDB] Granting storage quotas

2010-04-20 Thread Shawn Wilsher

 On 4/20/2010 5:25 PM, Jeremy Orlow wrote:

It was kind of difficult to track.  The basic consensus was
that persistent data can and should not be deleted without explicit user
Hrm, I saw it as people went in with an opinion, and pretty much 
everyone left with the same opinion (I thought that you were the only 
one that was convinced by arguments, but maybe I missed something).



Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [IndexedDB] Granting storage quotas

2010-04-20 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 4/19/2010 10:08 PM, Jeremy Orlow wrote:

On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 3:09 AM, Mark Seaborn  wrote:

  2) It is too permissive because it enforces no limit on the amount of
space a web app can use:  A web app from can create an
unlimited number of puppet subdomains:,,
etc.  It can use's 5Mb allocation by loading a script
from in an iframe and communicating with it using

As far as I'm aware, no one (including Chromium) has a solution to at the
moment.  Which probably should be a cause for concern.  :-)
In the thread you linked to earlier, it was suggested that user agents 
could also factor in the top level domain into the cap (e.g. 
only gets 50MB of space).

But really, I don't see how any of this is testable in a deterministic 
matter, so I don't see the point in adding it to the spec.



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Re: [IndexedDB] Granting storage quotas

2010-04-20 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 4/20/2010 3:19 PM, Jeremy Orlow wrote:

This way of thinking is incompatible with offline web apps.  If I'm offline
and I "send" and email, it needs to stay queued up to send until I'm
reconnected to the internet.
I think a smart browser would include "am I offline" in it's heuristic 
for granting storage space.

Anyone wanting to debate whether or not the UA should be free to clean up
"persistent storage" without asking the user should read
the various other threads it spawned first and only re-start things if they
have new information to add.
I read it, but I don't see a consensus formed before it died off.  Am I 
missing something?



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Re: [IndexedDB] Bug/enhancement requests

2010-04-20 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 4/19/2010 11:29 PM, Nikunj Mehta wrote:

In order to have a sane process around processing feedback and keeping track of 
progress, may I request you to please use the W3 issue tracking system [1], 
when possible?
Do you want us to do this even for issues that have not been fleshed out 
on the mailing list (like API decisions)?  Just trying to get an 
understanding of what exactly you want bugs filed for, and what you want 
to happen on the discussion list.



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Re: [IndexedDB] Granting storage quotas

2010-04-20 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 4/20/2010 4:11 AM, Mark Seaborn wrote:

1) It doesn't allow a web app to ask for a storage allocation up front,
before it starts to consume the storage.

Why does that matter?

2) In Opera, the quota can only be increased in multiples of about 15, so it
takes three prompts to get up into the range of gigabytes.

But there is an unlimited option, yeah?

3) The web app can't choose when the question is put to the user.
4) The web app doesn't know how much storage has been allocated, so it
doesn't know when a question will be asked.
5) In Opera, if the user chooses "Reject", they don't get prompted again.
This means that asking the user at an appropriate time is important for the
continued functioning of the web app.  Prompting the user at the wrong time
will interrupt them with a page-modal dialog which they might want to get
rid of with "Reject", which would potentially break the web app by leaving
it unable to get more storage.
These all feel like user-agent specific worries on how the user agent 
wants to bring this to the attention of the user.



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Re: [IndexedDB] Granting storage quotas

2010-04-19 Thread Shawn Wilsher

 On 4/13/2010 8:53 AM, João Eiras wrote:
Not really. The user agent can ask for quota from the user when the 
limit is being hit without the webpage even having to worry about it. 
Opera 10.50 does that.

I agree with this, and do see the benefit of adding more to the spec.



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Re: [IndexedDB] Exceptions on

2010-03-31 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 3/31/2010 6:42 AM, Jeremy Orlow wrote:

I don't see any reason to special case this one method with synchronous
properties.  "If the name parameter is not valid" or any other error, I
think it should be returned via an error callback just like everywhere else.

I agree.



Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

[IndexedDB] Opening a database with a different description

2010-03-30 Thread Shawn Wilsher

Hey all,

The spec is unspecified as to what we should do when a database is 
opened with a different description than it was previously opened.  I'd 
assume we'd want to update it, but maybe folks have other ideas.



Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [IndexedDB] Explaining Asynchronous event-style interface

2010-03-30 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 3/22/2010 10:49 AM, Shawn Wilsher wrote:

On 3/13/2010 1:43 AM, Nikunj Mehta wrote:

As specced, it is possible to have multiple concurrent requests at
various API entry points, except for the IndexedDatabaseRequest
interface. In this particular case, you can only have one request to
open a database in a Window object. Given that this is setup kind of
work, it does not appear that this limitation amounts to much. If
multiple connections to a single DB are required, or if different DBs
have to be opened, that would have to be done sequentially, i.e., start
a new request only after the previous one completed.

This seems like an artificial constraint to me. Is there any reason why
we couldn't open up more than one database connection at a time (or at
least allow the possibility for a UA to do so).
In fact, I realized a use case today that makes this constraint 
difficult to work around.  Say you have two different libraries that use 
indexedDB.  You'll now have to be careful when you initialize each 
library so they don't try to open a database at the same time.  Even 
then, if they open up databases on the fly, you'd have to be very 
careful to make sure they don't stomp on each other.

Having open return an IDBRequest and not having the request property on 
IndexedDatabaseRequest would solve this problem.  I'm going to prototype 
an implementation in Mozilla this way to see if any issues come up, but 
I don't currently foresee any.



Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [IndexedDB] Detailed comments for the current draft

2010-03-25 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 1/31/2010 11:33 PM, Nikunj Mehta wrote:
a.   3.1.3: do we really need in-line + out-of-line keys? Besides 
the concept-count increase, we wonder whether out-of-line keys would 
cause trouble to generic libraries, as the values for the keys 
wouldn't be part of the values iterated when doing a "foreach" over 
the table.

Certainly it is a matter of prioritizing among various requirements. 
Out-of-line keys enable people to store simple persistent hash maps. I 
think it would be wrong to require that data be always stored as 
objects. A library can always elide the availability of out-of-line 
keys if that poses a problem to its users.
What about just supporting out-of-line keys?  If somebody wanted the key 
to be part of what they were iterating, they could still have the object 
contain the key.

With that said, wouldn't a persistent hash map be better done in local 
or session storage?  I really think we should drop one of these 
concepts.  I don't presently have a strong opinion on which.



Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [IndexedDB] Explaining Asynchronous event-style interface

2010-03-22 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 3/15/2010 11:01 AM, Jeremy Orlow wrote:

It'd be great if others (especially the proponents of the event based model)
could weigh in on whether they like this and/or what changes they might
Specifically, what was asked from us by various web developers was the 
event based model for two reasons (as I recall):
1) The ability to have more than one callback per operation without 
rolling your own way to do this.
2) Web developers are very familiar with event based APIs already, so 
there is some mindshare gain.

Now, I'll agree that (2) isn't a very strong reason, and I thought there 
were actually three reasons they gave us, buy my mind is a bit rusty.

With all that said, I implemented a callback-based API a year or two ago 
for Mozilla for our SQLite wrapper.  It isn't hard to implement, and I'm 
not sure if we've had a need for more than one callback being 
registered.  I'm only pushing for an event-based API really because 
that's the universal feedback we got from a variety of web developers. 
I'm not sure if any of them have had the opportunity to take a look at 
the current API however.

If I were trying to write code on the bare API, personally I would prefer a
callback based model, but perhaps I'm just odd.  On the other hand, I think
we've made it pretty clear that ease of use is a much lower priority
compared to making an API with a small surface area that is powerful and is
able to be wrapped by user friendly libraries.
I feel that the event-based API is more powerful, but maybe only 
marginally so.

So, in summary, I've actually been arguing against what will make my life
easiest.  But maybe we should just leave the async API as is and move on?
To be honest, I haven't been looking at the sync API much at all.  I 
figure the async API is more important first since not all UAs even 
implement workers at this time.  With that said, I hope to look at it in 
the next few weeks.



Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [IndexedDB] Explaining Asynchronous event-style interface

2010-03-22 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 3/13/2010 1:43 AM, Nikunj Mehta wrote:

As specced, it is possible to have multiple concurrent requests at
various API entry points, except for the IndexedDatabaseRequest
interface. In this particular case, you can only have one request to
open a database in a Window object. Given that this is setup kind of
work, it does not appear that this limitation amounts to much. If
multiple connections to a single DB are required, or if different DBs
have to be opened, that would have to be done sequentially, i.e., start
a new request only after the previous one completed.
This seems like an artificial constraint to me.  Is there any reason why 
we couldn't open up more than one database connection at a time (or at 
least allow the possibility for a UA to do so).

Once you have an IDBDatabaseRequest object, it is possible to make one
request at a time to open a cursor or create a transaction. It is
possible to do this concurrently with opening another database. If
multiple concurrent requests are to be made to create and/or open object
stores or indexes, different connections in the form of
IDBDatabaseRequest objects will be needed. Again, this appears largely
an initial set up kind of thing. Besides, given that it is possible to
check whether a request is in progress, developers can avoid getting
into trouble.
Being forced to have more than one database open to do concurrent work 
seems like an artificial constraint too.  It isn't just an initial setup 
task; there is a fair amount of complexity that the consumer would have 
to manage to know which connection to use.  It should be fairly trivial 
for the UA to manage the concurrency (even if the UA just serializes 
requests) and lets the consumer not have to concern itself with this.

One can create as many IDBIndexRequest and IDBObjectStoreRequest object
as required. Once these objects are created multiple operations can be
performed in parallel.

Only by opening more database connections though, right?



Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [IndexedDB] IDBRequest Interface Questions

2010-03-22 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 3/22/2010 10:05 AM, Jeremy Orlow wrote:

I also can't seem to figure out what the success event is supposed to be
for just about anything.  Am I just missing something, or is this not yet

When onsuccess fires, you can then start the next request.
Sorry, I guess I'm not being totally clear in what I'm asking.  In the 
Events [1] section, only IDBDatabaseError is specified.  I'm not sure 
what a success message should look like, and that's what I'm asking to 
be clarified.

Do you have anything to say regarding a callback based API vs. event one
that inherits from EventTarget?
By callback you mean passing a callback function into the API calls, 
correct?  Assuming that, I prefer the event based API, but I think the 
current spec could you some modifications to address some concerns that 
were brought up.

As I recall, the issue with the current event-based model is that you 
can only have one request in flight at a time.  I think we could solve 
this problem by having the asynchronous methods return an IDBRequest 
object instead of having a global one for a given context (not 
completely sure how to describe all the places where we have a request 
attribute but that is what I am talking about).  I'm not 100% sure yet 
if we'd need the request attribute on all of these things after doing 
this, or what it would be in each instance.



Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [IndexedDB] IDBRequest Interface Questions

2010-03-22 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 3/16/2010 2:27 PM, Shawn Wilsher wrote:

Hey all,

I'm starting to work on a prototype of the IndexedDB spec to get a
better understanding of it. While working with the IDBRequest I think I
understand why nobody likes the current event-based model. I'm also
seeing that as it is currently specified, it doesn't meet the
requirements of the web developers we had talked to were looking for in
an event based API (per the latest editors draft on March 16).
Essentially, what they wanted was a way to add more than one listener
for success or error, and it doesn't look like that is currently
possible unless you roll your own callback that manages this (which they
wanted to avoid doing). As they described it, they wanted to be able to
use something like addEventListener with the option of also just setting
onsuccess and onerror (much like how XHR works).
More specifically, I'm suggesting that IDBRequest inherit from 
EventTarget [1].




Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

[IndexedDB] IDBRequest Interface Questions

2010-03-16 Thread Shawn Wilsher

Hey all,

I'm starting to work on a prototype of the IndexedDB spec to get a 
better understanding of it.  While working with the IDBRequest I think I 
understand why nobody likes the current event-based model.  I'm also 
seeing that as it is currently specified, it doesn't meet the 
requirements of the web developers we had talked to were looking for in 
an event based API (per the latest editors draft on March 16). 
Essentially, what they wanted was a way to add more than one listener 
for success or error, and it doesn't look like that is currently 
possible unless you roll your own callback that manages this (which they 
wanted to avoid doing).  As they described it, they wanted to be able to 
use something like addEventListener with the option of also just setting 
onsuccess and onerror (much like how XHR works).

I also can't seem to figure out what the success event is supposed to be 
for just about anything.  Am I just missing something, or is this not 
yet specified?



Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [IndexedDB] API feedback

2010-03-12 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 3/12/2010 9:52 AM, Kris Zyp wrote:

Would it possibly be more appropriate and expedient to only provide a
sync API for now (and defer async support to possibly a later
version)? It seems like the design of IndexedDB is such that most
operations should occur in O(log n) time, and probably will be easily
done under 100ms the majority of the time, and often under 10ms
(especially with caching and such). With such short execution times,
asynchronous APIs seem less crucial (than XHR for example, that can be
very long-running) since IndexedDB blocking times are generally less
than a user can perceive (and the concurrency benefits of async would
largely be lost on single user browser apps). Anyway, I am not
necessarily opposed to an async API, just wondering about the value,
especially with the current design being pretty awkward to use as you
pointed out.
Mozilla is *not* interested in implementing a synchronous API on 
anything but a worker thread.  Disk I/O timing is non-deterministic from 
the applications perspective (another app can be writing a bunch of data 
to disk making your reads/writes slow, or fsyncs from another app can 
flush out the entire disk cache on some file systems, etc).

With that said, I think providing a worker-only API is not ideal.  Not 
all browsers currently implement workers yet, and doing a worker-only 
API would exclude them.



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Re: [IndexedDB] Promises (WAS: Seeking pre-LCWD comments for Indexed Database API; deadline February 2)

2010-03-11 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 3/5/2010 4:54 AM, Jeremy Orlow wrote:

For what it's worth, regardless of the answers to the above questions, I
think we should switch to a callback based model.  It's great to use
events when natural to do so, but this is a very unnatural use.  It
provides artificial limitations (only one request in flight at a time,
per request object).  It's ugly and confusing syntax wise (hard to keep
track of which request object is associated with which request method,
requires multiple statements to do each request, requires the handlers
to be placed prior to the actual call...which is why the async example
in is so difficult to read,
etc).  And there really isn't any precedent (that I'm aware of) for
using events like this.  And the web developers I've spoken to have all
been confused by the async API.
For what it is worth, all the web developers we've talked to have pushed 
for an event based API, which is why we've been pushing for it.  This 
happened with the file reader API as I understand it (Jonas or Arun 
would be able to say more).

Note that we didn't show them this exact API.



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Re: [WebSimpleDB] Flatting APIs to simplify primary cases

2009-11-24 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 11/19/09 12:25 PM, Pablo Castro wrote:

If this seems like a good idea to folks, we'd be happy to write up a more 
complete version that articulates the tweaks across all the WebSimpleDB APIs to 
make this happen.
I think this sounds like a good idea, but I'd like to see a more 
complete example and a bit more detailed spec about this proposal.  I 
agree that having two asynchronous callbacks to do anything useful is 
not terribly useful, and am interested in finding a good way to bring 
that down to just one.



Re: [WebSimpleDB] Allowing schema operations anywhere

2009-11-24 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 11/22/09 3:14 PM, Pablo Castro wrote:

Does this seem reasonable?
This seems reasonable to me.  The use case makes sense, and is something 
I've seen many times in real life.



Re: Web Storage & SQL

2009-04-12 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 4/10/09 1:53 PM, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

I don't think this one point should be decisive by itself. But I don't
think it should be given zero weight either. I do think the existence of
an implementation of the current spec and Web content using it somewhat
raises the burden of proof on anyone proposing a redesign.
I'm not so sure of the usefulness of that argument.  Just because 
company X implements and proposes feature Y, and convinces company Z to 
implement it on their site, it doesn't somehow get extra credibility 
(strictly a hypothetical situation).  If there are serious issues with 
the proposal, they should be looked at and not glossed over.  For what 
I've seen of this discussion, serious issues that are being raised are 
being glossed over or being dismissed as essentially "not our problem".

Note that one of the clients in question is the offline-enabled mobile
version of GMail. I think this demonstrates that the SQL-based Database
Storage can serve the needs of an advanced and polished Web application.
In addition, we have a rough demonstration that it is practically
implementable in a modern Web engine.
Just because an API serves the needs of an advanced and polished web 
application doesn't mean it's the right API.  We could let web authors 
write some form of assembly to do task X, and they could make it serve 
their needs, but it most certainly would not be the right API.  An 
exaggeration, sure, but this is an API we are going to have to live with 
for a long time.  We should take care to ensure that it's the right API 
for the web.

My biggest problem with this draft is that I still don't see an answer 
for why SQL was chosen, especially given the drawbacks that have already 
been highlighted.


fn:Shawn Wilsher
title:Platform Engineer

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