unexpected syntax errors

2013-05-07 Thread Robin Becker

A user is getting this error

New issue 8: bad raise syntax

  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/svg2rlg.py", line 16, in 
from reportlab.graphics import renderPDF
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/reportlab/graphics/renderPDF.py", 
line 168
raise ValueError, 'bad value for textAnchor '+str(text_anchor)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

however, I believe that this older syntax is allowed in python 2.7. We've had 
other issues like this raised from various distros which are apparently making 
changes to 2.7 which change the external behaviour eg spelling corrections to 
attribute names. Could this be one of those?

Robin Becker


Re: Writing Extensions for Python 3 in C

2013-06-19 Thread Robin Becker

On 18/06/2013 11:24, Aditya Avinash wrote:

Hi. This is the last place where I want to ask a question. I have searched
for lots of tutorials and documentation on the web but, didn't find a
decent one to develop extensions for Python 3 using a custom compiler
(mingw32, nvcc). Please help me.
PS: Don't point me to Python Documentation. It is not good for beginners.
It doesn't elaborate about calls and implementation.

Try getting the source code for the Python you intend to build for. Then look in 
the Modules directory for the sample extensions xxlimited.c, xxmodule.c & 
xxsubtype.c. They may give you some idea of how to proceed. Of course all the 
other .c codes in there are the actual extensions that Python uses so they are 
also good examples.

I started with "Extending and Embedding the Python Interpreter" from the python 
documentation though.

Robin Becker


substituting proxy

2013-07-29 Thread Robin Becker
Before attempting to reinvent the wheel has anyone created an http(s) proxy that 
can replace the content for specific requests.

Context: I have access to the client's test site, but a lot of the  requests are 
dynamic and save html complete etc etc doesn't work properly. In addition lots 
of the content comes from a cloud server which seems to object unless I take 
great care over spoofing of host names & referrers etc.

I would like to debug stuff we supply, but that's hard unless I have the whole 
kit & kaboodle. I thought a proxy that could substitute for our javascript 
file(s) might work.

Has anyone done this in twisted pymiproxy etc etc?
Robin Becker


looping versus comprehension

2013-01-30 Thread Robin Becker
An email in reportlab-us...@reportlab.com claimed that the following loop in a 
charting module was taking a long time

I use ReportLab 2.6 but I also found the problem in ReportLab daily from 
01/29/2013 in /src/reportlab/graphics/charts/lineplots.py:
276  # Iterate over data columns.
277  if self.joinedLines:
278  points = []
279  for xy in row:
280  points += [xy[0], xy[1]]

If I use a list comprehension instead, the plot is generated within seconds or 
278  points = [[xy[0], xy[1]] for xy in row]

however, when I tried an experiment in python 2.7 using the script below I find 
that the looping algorithms perform better. A naive loop using list += list 
would appear to be an O(n**2) operation, but python seems to be doing better 
than that. Also why does the append version fail so dismally. Is my test coded 
wrongly or is pre-allocation of the list making this better than expected?

C:\code\tests>tpoints 86000 86
 START n=86000 
existing algorithm took 0.08 seconds
existing algorithm using list took 0.12 seconds
existing algorithm using list assuming length 2 took 0.12 seconds
map(list,row) took 0.16 seconds
[list(xy) for xy in row] took 0.28 seconds
[[xy[0],xy[1]] for xy in row] took 0.22 seconds
append algorithm took 0.19 seconds
 END   n=86000 

 START n=86 
existing algorithm took 0.86 seconds
existing algorithm using list took 1.33 seconds
existing algorithm using list assuming length 2 took 1.25 seconds
map(list,row) took 3.44 seconds
[list(xy) for xy in row] took 3.03 seconds
[[xy[0],xy[1]] for xy in row] took 2.70 seconds
append algorithm took 2.48 seconds
 END   n=86 

import sys, time
def main(n):
print 20*'#','START n=%s'%n,20*'#'
row = [(i,i+1) for i in xrange(2*n)]
print 'existing algorithm',
t0 = time.time()
points = []
for xy in row:
points += [xy[0],xy[1]]
t1 = time.time()
print 'took %.2f seconds' % (t1-t0)

print 'existing algorithm using list',
t0 = time.time()
points = []
for xy in row:
points += list(xy[:2])
t1 = time.time()
print 'took %.2f seconds' % (t1-t0)

print 'existing algorithm using list assuming length 2',
t0 = time.time()
points = []
for xy in row:
points += list(xy)
t1 = time.time()
print 'took %.2f seconds' % (t1-t0)

print 'map(list,row)',
t0 = time.time()
points = map(list,row)
t1 = time.time()
print 'took %.2f seconds' % (t1-t0)

print '[list(xy) for xy in row]',
t0 = time.time()
points = [list(xy) for xy in row]
t1 = time.time()
print 'took %.2f seconds' % (t1-t0)

print '[[xy[0],xy[1]] for xy in row]',
t0 = time.time()
points = [[xy[0],xy[1]] for xy in row]
t1 = time.time()
print 'took %.2f seconds' % (t1-t0)

print 'append algorithm',
t0 = time.time()
points = [].append
for xy in row:
points = points.__self__
t1 = time.time()
print 'took %.2f seconds' % (t1-t0)

print 20*'#','END   n=%s'%n,20*'#','\n\n'

if __name__=='__main__':
if len(sys.argv)==1:
N = [86000]
N = map(int,sys.argv[1:])
for n in N:
Robin Becker


Re: looping versus comprehension

2013-01-30 Thread Robin Becker

On 30/01/2013 15:49, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 1:58 AM, Robin Becker  wrote:

however, when I tried an experiment in python 2.7 using the script below I
find that the looping algorithms perform better. A naive loop using list +=
list would appear to be an O(n**2) operation, but python seems to be doing
better than that. Also why does the append version fail so dismally. Is my
test coded wrongly or is pre-allocation of the list making this better than

First off, are you aware that your first three blocks of code and your
last four produce different results? The first ones flatten the list,
the others simply convert tuples to lists. With n = 3:

points = []
for xy in row:

 points += [xy[0],xy[1]]


[0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6]


[[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4], [4, 5], [5, 6]]

Once that's sorted out, then timings can be played with. But it's
worth noting that list appending is not going to be O(N*N), because
it's going to allow room for expansion.


No I missed that :( the list is a flattened one.

That'll teach me not to copy the code from the users without checking. Now you 
point it out it's clear that his code is doing something different. Presumably 
it's not drawing the same thing at all :) no wonder it got much faster.

Robin Becker

client ssl verification

2012-03-15 Thread Robin Becker
I'm trying to do client ssl verification with code that looks like the sample 
below. I am able to reach and read urls that are secure and have no client 
certificate requirement OK. If I set explicit_check to True then verbose output 
indicates that the server certs are being checked fine ie I see the correct cert 
details and am able to check them.

However, when I try to reach an apache location like

sslverifyclient require
sslverifydepth 10

I am getting an error from  urllib2 that goes like this

urllib2.py", line 1148, in do_open
raise URLError(err)
URLError: routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:tlsv1 alert unknown ca

I am using the server.crt and server.key (both in PEM format) from the target 
server itself; I reasoned that should be the easiest combo for the client & 
server to match, but I am obviously wrong. Any obvious stupidities to be pointed 
out? I suppose I could create a new cert/key based on a self signed ca, but that 
would not work properly for the other parts of the server.

import socket, ssl, fnmatch, datetime, urllib2, httplib

# wraps https connections with ssl certificate verification
class SecuredHTTPSHandler(urllib2.HTTPSHandler):
class SecuredHTTPSConnection(httplib.HTTPSConnection):
  def connect(self):
# overrides the version in httplib so that we do
#  certificate verification
sock = socket.create_connection((self.host, self.port), self.timeout)
if self._tunnel_host:
  self.sock = sock
# wrap the socket using verification with the root
#  certs in ca_certs
if verbose:
  print ca_certs, key_file, cert_file
self.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock,
if explicit_check:
  cert = self.sock.getpeercert()
  if verbose:
import pprint
  for key,field in cert.iteritems():
if key=='subject':
  sd = dict([x[0] for x in field])
  certhost = sd.get('commonName')
  if not fnmatch.fnmatch(self.host,certhost):
raise ssl.SSLError("Host name '%s' doesn't match certificate host 
 % (self.host, certhost))
  if verbose:
print 'matched "%s" to "%s"'  % (self.host,certhost)
elif key=='notAfter':
  now = datetime.datetime.now()
  crttime = datetime.datetime.strptime(field,'%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %Z')
  if verbose:
print 'crttime=%s now=%s' % (crttime,now)
  if now>=crttime:
raise ssl.SSLError("Host '%s' certificate expired on %s"
   % (self.host, field))
self.specialized_conn_class = SecuredHTTPSConnection

  def https_open(self, req):
return self.do_open(self.specialized_conn_class, req)

def secureDataGet(uri,ca_certs='cacert.pem',key_file=None,cert_file=None, 
  https_handler = SecuredHTTPSHandler(key_file=key_file,cert_file=cert_file,
  url_opener = urllib2.build_opener(https_handler)
  handle = url_opener.open(uri)
  response = handle.readlines()
  return response

Robin Becker


How good is security via hashing

2011-06-07 Thread Robin Becker

A python web process is producing files that are given randomized names of the 


where rrr.. is a 128bit random number (encoded as base62). The intent of the 
random part is to prevent recipients of one file from being able to guess the 
names of others.

The process was originally a cgi script which meant each random number was 
produced thusly

pid is process id, dur is 4 bytes from /dev/urandom.

rrr = random.getrandbits(128)

is this algorithm safe? Is it safe if the process is switched to fastcgi and the 
initialization is only carried out once and then say 50 rrr values are generated.

Robin Becker


Re: How good is security via hashing

2011-06-07 Thread Robin Becker

On 07/06/2011 11:26, Nitin Pawar wrote:

Have you tried using UUID module?

Its pretty handy and comes with base64 encoding function which gives
extremely high quality randon strings


I didn't actually ask for a suitable method for doing this; I assumed that Tim 
Peters' algorithm (at least I think he's behind most of the python random 
support) is pretty good so that the bits produced are indeed fairly good 
approximations to random.

I guess what I'm asking is whether any sequence that's using random to generate 
random numbers is predictable if enough samples are drawn. In this case assuming 
that fastcgi is being used can I observe a sequence of generated numbers and 
work out the state of the generator. If that is possible then the sequence 
becomes deterministic and such a scheme is useless. If I use cgi then we're 
re-initializing the sequence hopefully using some other unrelated randomness for 
each number.

Uuid apparently uses machine internals etc etc to try and produce randomness, 
but urandom and similar can block so are probably not entirely suitable.

Robin Becker


Re: How good is security via hashing

2011-06-07 Thread Robin Becker

/dev/urandom does not block, that's the point of it as compared to /


my mistake, I thought it was the other way round, on FreeBSD they're the same 
anyway which is what we test on.

Robin Becker


Re: How good is security via hashing

2011-06-07 Thread Robin Becker

On 07/06/2011 12:40, Jean-Paul Calderone wrote:
astcgi and the

initialization is only carried out once and then say 50 rrr values are 

How much randomness do you actually have in this scheme?  The PID is
probably difficult
for an attacker to know, but it's allocated roughly monotonically with
a known
wrap-around value.  The time is probably roughly known, so it also
contributes less
than its full bits to the randomness.  Only dur is really
unpredictable.  So you have
something somewhat above 4 bytes of randomness in your seed - perhaps
8 or 10.  That's
much less than even the fairly small 16 bytes of "randomness" you
expose in the

I'm sure you're right about the limited amount of entropy in the initial state, 
but how much state can be in the prng?

The random module is entirely deterministic, so once the seed is known
the value you
produce is known too.

Is 10 bytes enough to thwart your attackers?  Hard to say, what does
an attack look like?
An attacker could try to gain information from seeing others' results by 
guessing the filename.

an attack would consist of generating a sample file via a web query which might 
take 1 or 2 seconds; the sequence number could then be seen and if the state 
established future filenames could be guessed if fastcgi is in operation.

In a cgi type scheme that requires searching over the pid space, the time space 
and some random bits from the OS.

I'm not sure such an attack is realistic given the size of the space even in the 
initial seed.

If you want the full 16 bytes of unpredictability, why don't you just
read 16 bytes from
/dev/urandom and forget about all the other stuff?

I have a vague memory that the original author felt that entropy might run out 
or something like that so reading from /dev/urandom always was not a good idea.

FreeBSD re-uses the entropy, but the end target is Solaris so I'm not really 
sure about the details of /dev/urandom.

Robin Becker


Re: How good is security via hashing

2011-06-08 Thread Robin Becker

On 07/06/2011 21:42, Paul Rubin wrote:

geremy condra  writes:

# adds random junk to the filename- should make it hard to guess
rrr = os.urandom(16)
fname += base64.b64encode(rrr)

Don't use b64 output in a filename -- it can have slashes in it!  :-(

Simplest is to use old fashioned hexadeimal for stuff like that, unless
the number of chars is a significant problem.  Go for a more complicated
encoding if you must.

we have been using base62 ie 0-9A-Za-z just to reduce the name length.
Robin Becker


Re: How to read barcoded value from PDF

2011-06-28 Thread Robin Becker

On 28/06/2011 06:59, Asif Jamadar wrote:



In Reportlab I can do the following code to generate barcode and to get the 
value of that barcode


 bc = Paragraph("Barcode value: %s" % barcode.value, STYLES['Normal'])


But how can I achieve this from the existing PDF document??


you might consider asking on the reportlab list as there is considerable 
experience there about pdf in general.

It's unlikely that you will be able to easily discern which string/text in the 
pdf corresponds to the barcode values that you are interested in.

PDF does allow things called annotations which reportlab can generate.

Alternatively you can generate an invisible string which may make more sense 
than the simple barcode value. So when you draw the barcode you also need to add 
the magic string using some prefix/postfix that allows easy extraction with 
pypdf or similar eg

"===radamajfisa===123456789===radamajfisa===". Your text extractor should be 
able to find this without too much trouble.

Robin Becker


Re: Implicit initialization is EVIL!

2011-07-05 Thread Robin Becker

On 03/07/2011 23:21, Chris Angelico wrote:

var(0x14205359) x   # Don't forget to provide an address where the
object will be located

did you forget to specify the memory bank and computer (and presumably planet 
etc etc)

-molly-coddled-ly yrs-
Robin Becker

Re: Implicit initialization is EVIL!

2011-07-05 Thread Robin Becker

On 05/07/2011 16:33, nn wrote:

Ah, I see we have a mainframe programmer among us ... :-)

so long since I manipulated the switches of that old pdp-8
-anciently yrs-
Robin Becker


Re: reportlab import error after dundled using py2exe

2011-07-25 Thread Robin Becker

On 22/07/2011 03:55, SANKAR . wrote:

Hi all,

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "DELchek.py", line 12, in
File "reportlab\pdfgen\canvas.pyc", line 25, in<
File "reportlab\pdfbase\pdfdoc.pyc", line 22, in
File "reportlab\pdfbase\pdfmetrics.pyc", line 23,
File "reportlab\pdfbase\_fontdata.pyc", line 158,
ImportError: No module named _fontdata_enc_winansi

But I could see the '_fontdata_enc_winansi' module in reportlab folder.
Could someone help me to fix this.

You can try asking this in the reportlab list


but perhaps this is more about py2exe than reportlab. The modules 
_fontdata_enc_* & _fontdata_widths_* are imported dynamically in _fontdata.py 
rather than explicitly. I suspect that py2exe needs to be given a hint that this 
is going on. However, I'm uncertain as to why this should be required since even 
if the imports are being dynamically imported that is done as soon as _fontdata 
is imported (ie it's part of the module code) so those modules should be seen by 
the setup.py.

If you don't have reportlab explicitly imported as part of the packages try 
adding this to the packages list



that's what we use to make the distributions and seems to work.
Robin Becker


Re: arbitrary precision linear algebra

2011-03-02 Thread Robin Becker

On 02/03/2011 16:39, Ben123 wrote:

Languages can't support infinitely large or small numbers, so try to
multiply the inner variables by 10^n to increase their values if this
will not involve on the method. For example, I did this when was
calculating geometric means of computer benchmarks.

Currently I have values between 1 and 1E-300 (not infinitely small). I
don't see how scaling by powers of 10 will increase precision.

In such way you will be storing the number of zeros as n.

Are you saying python cares whether I express a number as 0.001 or
scaled by 10^5 to read 100? If this is the case, I'm still stuck. I
need the full range of eigenvalues from 1 to 1E-300, so the entire
range could be scaled by 1E300 but I would still need better precision
than 1E19


If you enter a number as 1e-19 then python will treat as a float; by default I 
think that float is IEEE double precision so you're getting a 48 bit mantissa 
(others may have better details). That means you've already lost any idea of 
arbitrary precision.

When you say you have numbers like 1E-300 are those actually numerically zero or 
have you some valid inputs that vary over a huge range. It should be possible to 
compute determinants/inverses etc to arbitrary precision as those are known to 
be polynomial functions of the input elements. However, eigenvalues are not.


[0 2]
[1 0]

has eigenvalues +/- sqrt(2) so even though you can represent the matrix in 
finite precision the eigenvalues require infinite precision.

Eigenvalues are roots of a polynomial in the elements and root solving may 
require an infinite number of steps so it will be difficult with arbitrary 
matrices to keep arbitrary precision.

Robin Becker


Re: Generate PDF with Tamil font problem

2011-03-08 Thread Robin Becker

On 05/03/2011 05:20, sathe...@e-ndicus.com wrote:

Hi All,

I am using python's reportlab to print some unicode Tamil characters
'பே'. I added necessary unicode font to reportlab. But It
prints the output as 'ேப' (in reverse order). This issue
happens for multi-byte characters, whereas for character 'ப' is
printed as it is.
I am struggling to figure out the issue. Any help would see me on track.


you can ask at the reportlab mailing list reportlab-us...@reportlab.com; the use 
of numeric entities is supported in paragraph text, but not in canvas.drawString 
and similar. There you need to use either  unicode or a utf8 encoded byte string.

Robin Becker

full reload of fastcgi

2011-04-12 Thread Robin Becker
A recent problem with a fastcgi script leads me to ask if there's any well 
defined way to fully reload a python fastcgi process. I know that people do 
tricks like unloading/reloading all modules, but it seems there's no obvious way 
to get python to restart itself. I believe that the server is apache based with 

The script in question suffers from two problems

1) it runs out of a zip file and the software can be upgraded by moving a new 
zip file into place.

2) A cron job pulls new data into place which the script should notice.

The last is easy we can just re-read the data files before acting on the 
request, but it seems much harder to reload all modules from the zipfile.

An easy way out is to just halt the running script when a software change is 
detected. That means we must run with the old software for at least one request 
and could be dangerous if an import is required during the last request.

Normally the upgrade process is supposed to move software into place and then 
new data and then restart the fastcgi scripts; for whatever reason the error 
seems to have been that the process was restarted with old data around.

Any ideas?
Robin Becker


Re: Abandoning Python

2011-05-23 Thread Robin Becker

On 21/05/2011 16:49, John J Lee wrote:

I still like Python after using it for over a decade, but there are
things I don't like.

a relatively new one that's going about is cobra, http://cobra-language.com/, it 
appears to have some of the features you indicate eg speed, some kind of 
interfaces (contracts I think), but it needs net or mono.

Robin Becker


windows 8 versus urllib2 certificate verify

2017-09-11 Thread Robin Becker

I have an application built on 32 bit windows 7 with python 2.7.10.
The application runs fine on windows 7 and older windows machines, but it is 
failing to connect properly using urllib2 when run on windows 8.

The error CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED indcates this is some issue with urllib2 not 
being able to verify the remote certificate.

This is pyinstaller so the python and python library seem to be constant. I 
thought I understood that python uses its own cert path, but obviously I am wrong.

Googling sort of implies I might need certifi to be installed, but is that true?

Why does this fail only on windows 8?
Robin Becker


Re: windows 8 versus urllib2 certificate verify

2017-09-12 Thread Robin Becker

On 12/09/2017 08:35, dieter wrote:

Robin Becker  writes:
Certificate verification generally depends on local configuration:
specifically, the set of installed trusted root certificates.

I do not know about Windows, but often the root certificates installed
for other packages, e.g. the browser, are used. And different
versions of the same package may install different sets of trusted
certificates. It might also be that your new environment lacks
one of the packages from your old environment - and it has provided
the required root certificate.

Of course, the problem might also be caused by a general problem.
Try to access a "common" https site via urllib2, one you do not have
any problems to connect with a browser (or another "http" utility
like "wget" or "curl") from the same machines.
If this works, the problem is assiciated with the specific certificate.

The certs are fine at least in all the browsers I have access to.

It's pretty hard to use the python that's built in to a pyinstaller exe so I 
have used the certifi method and passed certifi.where() into the urlopen calls.

That seems to work, but obviously if the compiled in root certs become too old 
problems will recur.

Robin Becker


Re: How do I check all variables returned buy the functions exists

2017-09-20 Thread Robin Becker

On 16/09/2017 01:58, Steve D'Aprano wrote:

If you want to test for None specifically:

if any(v is None for v in values):
 print "at least one value was None"


for some reason that seems slow on my machine when compared with

if None in values:

C:\usr\share\robin\pythonDoc>python -m timeit -s"values=(1,2,None)" "any(v is None 
for v in values)"
100 loops, best of 3: 0.62 usec per loop

C:\usr\share\robin\pythonDoc>python -m timeit -s"values=(None,2,None)" "any(v is 
None for v in values)"
100 loops, best of 3: 0.504 usec per loop

C:\usr\share\robin\pythonDoc>python -m timeit -s"values=(None,2,None)" "None in 
1000 loops, best of 3: 0.0309 usec per loop

C:\usr\share\robin\pythonDoc>python -m timeit -s"values=(1,2,None)" "None in 
1000 loops, best of 3: 0.097 usec per loop

it also seems a bit less obvious
Robin Becker


Re: Even Older Man Yells At Whippersnappers

2017-09-27 Thread Robin Becker

On 20/09/2017 10:54, Chris Angelico wrote:

What, you take silicon that someone else created?!


well I had germanium for flipflops and dekatron tubes with neon for counters 
never built anything digital with valves though

Robin Becker


Re: The "loop and a half"

2017-10-04 Thread Robin Becker
Given the prevalence of the loop and a half idea in python I wonder why we don't 
have a "do" or "loop" statement to start loops without a test.

C:\Python27\Lib>grep "while True" *.py | wc -l

C:\Python27\Lib>grep "while 1" *.py | wc -l

C:\Python36\Lib>grep "while True" *.py | wc -l

C:\Python36\Lib>grep "while 1" *.py | wc -l

How much does the while True actually cost compared to nothing?
Robin Becker


Re: The "loop and a half"

2017-10-04 Thread Robin Becker

On 04/10/2017 11:57, Rhodri James wrote:

On 04/10/17 10:01, Robin Becker wrote:
Given the prevalence of the loop and a half idea in python I wonder why we 
don't have a "do" or "loop" statement to start loops without a test.

See PEP 315.  Guido's rejection note is here:

seems fair enough; I suppose the cost is negligible or perhaps there's peephole 
optimization for this common case.

Robin Becker


Re: why del is not a function or method?

2017-10-18 Thread Robin Becker

On 16/10/2017 16:37, Xue Feng via Python-list wrote:

    I wonder why 'del' is not a function or method. Most operations can be used 
as follows

But, I think
     del team[2]
is somewhat uncommon. Why does not it take a syntax we are famillar with?

It can look like a function

x = 3

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
NameError: name 'x' is not defined

Robin Becker


efficient way to get a sufficient set of identifying attributes

2017-10-19 Thread Robin Becker
Given a list of objects with attributes a0, a1, a2,an-1 is there an 
efficient way to find sets of attributes which can be used to distinguish 
members of the list?

As example a list of people might have

firstName, lastName, nationality, postcode, phonenumber,

as attributes. The probe items may have some of these attributes, but which 
should be used to test. Presumably the information in any attribute is highest 
if the number of distinct occurrences is the the same as the list length and 
pairs of attributes are more likely to be unique, but is there some proper way 
to go about determining what tests to use?

A particular problem might be dynamic in that the list may be being constructed 
from the probes.

Robin Becker


Re: efficient way to get a sufficient set of identifying attributes

2017-10-19 Thread Robin Becker

On 19/10/2017 16:42, Stefan Ram wrote:

Robin Becker  writes:

Presumably the information in any attribute is highest
if the number of distinct occurrences is the the same as the list length and
pairs of attributes are more likely to be unique, but is there some proper way
to go about determining what tests to use?

   When there is a list

|>>> list = [ 'b', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'c', 'b' ]
|>>> l = len( list )

   , the length of its set can be obtained:

|>>> s = len( set( list ))

   . The entries are unique if the length of the set is the
   length of the list

|>>> l == s

   And the ratio between the length of the set and the length
   of the list can be used to quantify the amount of repetiton.

|>>> s / l

this sort of makes sense for single attributes, but ignores the possibility of 
combining the attributes to make the checks more discerning.

Robin Becker


Re: efficient way to get a sufficient set of identifying attributes

2017-10-20 Thread Robin Becker

On 19/10/2017 17:50, Stefan Ram wrote:

Robin Becker  writes:

this sort of makes sense for single attributes, but ignores the possibility of
combining the attributes to make the checks more discerning.

   What I wrote also applies to compound attributes
   (sets of base attributes).

   When there are n base attributes, one can form 2^n-1
   compound attributes from them, or 2^n-1-n proper compound
   attributes. Therefore, a combinatoric explosion might impede
   the brute-force approach. A heuristics might start to
   explore combinations of keys with the best s/l ratio first
   and/or use preferences for certain fields set by a human.

all good

   In database design, the keys are usually chosen by a
   human database designer using world knowledge. It sounds
   as if you want to have the computer make such a choice
   using only the information in the table as knowledge.

I think I am tending towards the chosen by real world knowledge approach :(

   Your "identifying attributes" are called "super keys"
   in database science. You probably want minimal
   identifying attribute sets (without unneeded attributes),
   which are called "candidate keys".

thanks for this and the reference below.

   So, now you can find and read literature, such as:

Journal of Al-Nahrain University
Vol.13 (2), June, 2010, pp.247-255
Automatic Discovery Of Candidate In The Relational
 Databases Keys By Using Attributes Sets Closure
Yasmeen F. Al-ward
Department of Computer Science, College of Science,
Al-Nahrain University.

   (The title was copied by me as found, the contents is
   in the web and makes more sense than the title.)

Robin Becker


Re: Let's talk about debuggers!

2017-10-27 Thread Robin Becker

On 25/10/2017 15:08, Michele Simionato wrote:

pdb plus plus: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pdbpp

I like the idea, but in putty at least changing the terminal size causes pdb++ 
to detach immediately from the process and mess up the screen. I think this is 
caused by (5, 'Input/output error') here

in tcsetattr

def copy(self):
return self.__class__(self.as_list())
def tcgetattr(fd):
return TermState(termios.tcgetattr(fd))
def tcsetattr(fd, when, attrs):
termios.tcsetattr(fd, when, attrs.as_list())

 error is here

class Term(TermState):
TS__init__ = TermState.__init__
def __init__(self, fd=0):
self.fd = fd

Robin Becker


headless python app for android/ios

2017-10-27 Thread Robin Becker
In the past we have developed reportlab applications for use on android/ios 
devices. We used Kivy for the gui and the kivy setup did allow us to create a 
working reportlab pdf producer under the kivy gui. It was not exactly easy, but 
in the end we had a working PDF producer.

A possible requirement is for pdf production using reportlab, but with others 
providing the gui using possible something called electron.

I know very little about what is actually possible to provide api's in python 
under ios/android. Can the front end spawn a python process or must we run some 
kind of background app with  listening sockets etc etc? Can applications call 
out to the world to download updated templates and so on?

Any pointers would be useful.
Robin Becker


Re: Python Templating Language

2017-12-20 Thread Robin Becker

On 17/12/2017 06:41, Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer wrote:

Hi all,

Can somebody point out to me some py-based template languages interpreters

Thank you !

Robin Becker


unicode direction control characters

2018-01-02 Thread Robin Becker

I'm seeing some strange characters in web responses eg


for a date of birth. The code \u200e is LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK according to 
unicodedata.name.  I tried unicodedata.normalize, but it leaves those characters 
there. Is there any standard way to deal with these?

I assume that some browser+settings combination is putting these in eg perhaps 
the language is normally right to left but numbers are not.

Robin Becker


Re: unicode direction control characters

2018-01-02 Thread Robin Becker

On 02/01/2018 15:18, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Wed, Jan 3, 2018 at 1:30 AM, Robin Becker  wrote:

I'm seeing some strange characters in web responses eg


for a date of birth. The code \u200e is LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK according to
unicodedata.name.  I tried unicodedata.normalize, but it leaves those
characters there. Is there any standard way to deal with these?

I assume that some browser+settings combination is putting these in eg
perhaps the language is normally right to left but numbers are not.

Unicode normalization is a different beast altogether. You could
probably just remove the LTR marks and run with the rest, though, as
they don't seem to be important in this string.


I guess I'm really wondering whether the BIDI control characters have any 
semantic meaning. Most numbers seem to be LTR.

If I saw u'\u200f12' it seems to imply that the characters should be displayed 
'21', but I don't know whether the number is 12 or 21.

Robin Becker


Re: Tips or strategies to understanding how CPython works under the hood

2018-01-10 Thread Robin Becker

Robin Becker


py2exe output flagged as malware

2018-02-28 Thread Robin Becker
I see this has happened to others in the past. I'm using 32 bit python 2.7.10 with py2exe 3.3 on windows 7. The exes work fine, 
but when I try to download into windows 10 I'm getting the exes immediately removed as malware.

Is there any way to prevent this. It's very bad for python programs to get this 
kind of reputation.

Anyone know if the same happens with PyInstaller etc etc?
Robin Becker


Re: py2exe output flagged as malware

2018-02-28 Thread Robin Becker

On 28/02/2018 11:46, alister via Python-list wrote:

On Wed, 28 Feb 2018 09:53:09 +, Robin Becker wrote:

I see this has happened to others in the past. I'm using 32 bit python
2.7.10 with py2exe 3.3 on windows 7. The exes work fine,
but when I try to download into windows 10 I'm getting the exes
immediately removed as malware.

Is there any way to prevent this. It's very bad for python programs to
get this kind of reputation.

Anyone know if the same happens with PyInstaller etc etc?

I would suggest you contact the Anti-virus vendor,
Are you sure you have download a clean copy of py2exe.

The anti-virus vendor is Microsoft; I imagine I will get short shrift from them 
regarding this issue.

Turns out my py2exe script was just pyinstaller under the hood. Apologies to 

I guess someone changed the build script script to use a different python 

I upgraded pyinstaller using the very latest pip and now the version of pyinstaller at least is 3.3.1. I don't actually know how 
to check the validity of the installed code or the binary stubs.

After rebuilding with 3.3.1 the new exe is 10 bytes shorter and is not 
recognized as malware by windows 10.
Robin Becker


Re: py2exe output flagged as malware

2018-02-28 Thread Robin Becker

On 28/02/2018 16:25, Hartmut Goebel wrote:

Am 28.02.2018 um 16:47 schrieb Robin Becker:

I upgraded pyinstaller using the very latest pip and now the version
of pyinstaller at least is 3.3.1. I don't actually know how to check
the validity of the installed code or the binary stubs.

The current archives are PyPI are PGP/GnuPG-signed, as the ones at github.

so presumably I can locate the downloaded tar zip and hash it to check. Of 
course if pip is already busted it can out fox me anyhow.
Robin Becker


is mypy failing here

2022-11-24 Thread Robin Becker

I haven't used dataclasses or typing very much, but while playing about I found 
this didn't give me an expected error

(.py312) robin@minikat:~/devel/reportlab
$ cat tmp/examples/tdc.py && python tmp/examples/tdc.py && mypy 
from dataclasses import dataclass

class DC:
a: str
b: str

def main():
dc = DC(DC, "B")

if __name__ == "__main__":
DC(a=, b='B')
Success: no issues found in 1 source file
(.py312) robin@minikat:~/devel/reportlab

DC.a is supposed to be a str and I expected mypy to indicate a type error

should typing work for this case?
Robin Becker

Re: is mypy failing here

2022-11-25 Thread Robin Becker

On 24/11/2022 14:10, Thomas Passin wrote:

C:\temp\python>py -V
Python 3.10.4

C:\temp\python>py tdc.py
DC(a=, b='B')

C:\temp\python>mypy tdc.py
tdc.py:10: error: Argument 1 to "DC" has incompatible type "Type[DC]"; expected 
"str"  [arg-type]
Found 1 error in 1 file (checked 1 source file)

Forgot the mypy version:

C:\Users\tom>mypy --version
mypy 0.910

interesting; I'm on archlinux and neither the system python 3.10.8 / mypy 0.982 gives an error. I did try running in my 
self build 3.10.8 with latest mypy 0.991 and mypy 0.910 and I still don't get an error.

I'll break out the windows 10 laptop and see what happens there.

You ran with the py runner. I wonder if that does something special.
Robin Becker

Re: is mypy failing here

2022-11-25 Thread Robin Becker

On 24/11/2022 13:50, Kirill Ratkin via Python-list wrote:

mypy --strict gives you detail info.

Thanks Kirill,

it seems --strict does find the errors. One of those is that on line 9 I have 
to add a return type ie

def main() -> None:

if that is added then mypy without --strict also finds the real typing error.

So it seems the tool fails in the simplest cases if you forget some typing.

Interesting that it works in windows without --strict though.
Robin Becker

C extension custom types in abi3 module

2022-12-08 Thread Robin Becker

I am trying to split off reportlab C extensions to simplify installations and 
make use of more advanced packages.

A simple extension is easily converted to being an abi3 module. However, another has a custom type which uses the old 
style mechanisms here


I made a simple setup based on this abi3 example modified to allow switching 
between abi3 and normal build


I made a tiny change to the code example in the newtypes tutorial page the code 
is here


In a python 3.7 - 3.12a3 environment I find I can build the wheel OK with

  ABI3_WHEEL=0 pip wheel -w dist .

but I get lots of compile errors if I switch to an abi3 build with

  ABI3_WHEEL=1 pip wheel -w dist .

looking at the errors

 src/_custom.c:10:1: error: variable ‘CustomType’ has initializer but 
incomplete type
 10 | static PyTypeObject CustomType = {
| ^~
  In file included from 
   from src/_custom.c:2:
  /home/robin/LOCAL/3.7.16/include/python3.7m/object.h:90:5: error: extra 
brace group at end of initializer
 90 | { PyObject_HEAD_INIT(type) size },
| ^
  src/_custom.c:11:9: note: in expansion of macro ‘PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT’
 11 | PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)

it looks like I have to use a different mechanism to setup custom types in the 
abi3 world.

I looked in Modules/xxlimited_35.c, but that seems much more complex and 
provides for a type which supports GC.

Are there any ABI3 examples using the old style strategy?
Robin Becker

Re: C extension custom types in abi3 module

2022-12-08 Thread Robin Becker

On 08/12/2022 12:52, Robin Becker wrote:

I am trying to split off reportlab C extensions to simplify installations and 
make use of more advanced packages.

A simple extension is easily converted to being an abi3 module. However, another has a custom type which uses the old 
style mechanisms here

it looks like I have to use a different mechanism to setup custom types in the 
abi3 world.

In the docs I see this

"Also, since PyTypeObject is only part of the Limited API as an opaque struct, any extension modules using static types 
must be compiled for a specific Python minor version."

So it seems I must switch to using a heap allocated type or keep compiling in 
the old way.

I looked in Modules/xxlimited_35.c, but that seems much more complex and 
provides for a type which supports GC.

Are there any ABI3 examples using the old style strategy?
Robin Becker

Robin Becker


lxml with python-3.12.0a5

2023-02-23 Thread Robin Becker

I'm trying to test python-3.12.0a5 and need to install lxml.

My wheel build for lxml fails with errors like this

src/lxml/etree.c: In function ‘__Pyx_PyIndex_AsSsize_t’:
src/lxml/etree.c:270404:45: error: ‘PyLongObject’ {aka ‘struct _longobject’} 
has no member named ‘ob_digit’
270404 | const digit* digits = ((PyLongObject*)b)->ob_digit;
   | ^~

I'm using archlinux which has gcc 12.2.1. I tested and lxml will build with 

I imagine this is part of ongoing changes to the python core, but perhaps 
there's some simple workaround.

Anyone know how to get around this problem. I did try rebuilding the cpython 
stuff using make, but that also failed.

Robin Becker

Re: lxml with python-3.12.0a5

2023-02-24 Thread Robin Becker

On 23/02/2023 18:09, Mats Wichmann wrote:

I seem to always have trouble with lxml (which I know doesn't help).

The cause would seem to be this:

 GH-101291: Refactor the `PyLongObject` struct into object header and 
PyLongValue struct. (GH-101292)

So it looks to me like cython was affected, and has patched themselves. It's possible regenerating with a patched cython 
will clear up the build problem (something which the lxml project takes pains to tell you that you don't really want to 
do :)

Thanks Mats,

I build a cython wheel from git latest and after installing into 
python-3.12.0a5 I used latest lxml source and

 python setup.py bdist_wheel --with-cython

which built without error. The installed lxml seems fine (at least for 
reportlab tests).
Robin Becker

Re: Python 3.12.0 alpha 6 released

2023-03-09 Thread Robin Becker

On 08/03/2023 04:37, Thomas Wouters wrote:

I'm pleased to announce the release of Python 3.12 alpha 6.


*This is an early developer preview of Python 3.12.*
Major new features of the 3.12 series, compared to 3.11

I was able to test reportlab with the 3.12.0a5 release (I build following the Archlinux pkgbuild), but am unable to do 
so with 3.12.0a6 because of problems with cython/lxml/freetype-py (I think).

With an optimized build of a6 I was getting segfaults which I think were caused by incompatible C extensions from the 
pip cache so decided to rebuild the requirements.

With latest cython git (allegedly 3.0.0b1) I see errors related to tstate eg

Cython/Compiler/Parsing.c:86861:34: error: ‘PyThreadState’ {aka ‘struct _ts’} 
has no member named ‘curexc_traceback’
86861 | PyObject* tmp_tb = tstate->curexc_traceback;

I guess that this is caused by changes in what we are allowed to see of Python 
internal structure.

If anyone knows of a way to advance further I can try to experiment.

Python 3.12 is still in development. This release, 3.12.0a6 is the sixth of
seven planned alpha releases.

Alpha releases are intended to make it easier to test the current state of
new features and bug fixes and to test the release process.

During the alpha phase, features may be added up until the start of the
beta phase (2023-05-08) and, if necessary, may be modified or deleted up
until the release candidate phase (2023-07-31). Please keep in mind that
this is a preview release and its use is not recommended for production

Many new features for Python 3.12 are still being planned and written.
Among the new major new features and changes so far:

Your release team,
Thomas Wouters
Ned Deily
Steve Dower

Robin Becker

Re: [RELEASE] Python 3.12.0 beta 1 released.

2023-05-25 Thread Robin Becker

On 22/05/2023 22:04, Thomas Wouters wrote:
> I'm pleased to announce the release of Python 3.12 beta 1 (and feature
> freeze for Python 3.12).
I see a major difference between 3.12.0a7 and 3.12.0b1

Basically in preppy an importer is defined to handle imports of '.prep' files.

This worked as expected in the a7 version and fails in the b1. I put in some prints in the code and I see these calls 
for the a7 run> $ ~/LOCAL/3.12.0a7/bin/python3 test_import.py
> sys.meta_path.insert(.PreppyImporter object at 0x7fa870b84080>) --> 
[.PreppyImporter object at 0x7fa870b84080>, <_distutils_hack.DistutilsMetaFinder object 
at 0x7fa871290fb0>, , , '_frozen_importlib_external.PathFinder'>]

> PreppyImporter.find_module('sample001',None)
> PreppyImporter.load_module('sample001')
> 4
> .
> --
> Ran 1 test in 0.004s
> OK

In 3.12.0b1 although the importer is inserted into sys.meta_path the 
find_module/load_module methods are never called.
and the import fails.

So is this an expected change in the way importers behave or a bug?

> $ ~/LOCAL/3.12.0b1/bin/python3 test_import.py
> sys.meta_path.insert(.PreppyImporter object at 0x7fc866ecb110>) --> 
[.PreppyImporter object at 0x7fc866ecb110>, , 
, ]

> E
> ==
> ERROR: testImport1 (__main__.ImportTestCase.testImport1)
> --
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/robin/devel/reportlab/REPOS/preppy/tmp/test_import.py", line 
13, in testImport1
> import sample001
> ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'sample001'
> --
> Ran 1 test in 0.001s
> FAILED (errors=1)

> Your release team,
> Thomas Wouters
> Ned Deily
> Steve Dower


Re: [RELEASE] Python 3.12.0 beta 1 released.

2023-05-25 Thread Robin Becker

On 25/05/2023 12:23, Robin Becker wrote:

On 22/05/2023 22:04, Thomas Wouters wrote:
 > I'm pleased to announce the release of Python 3.12 beta 1 (and feature
 > freeze for Python 3.12).
I see a major difference between 3.12.0a7 and 3.12.0b1

Basically in preppy an importer is defined to handle imports of '.prep' files.

This worked as expected in the a7 version and fails in the b1. I put in some prints in the code and I see these calls 
for the a7 run> $ ~/LOCAL/3.12.0a7/bin/python3 test_import.py
 > sys.meta_path.insert(.PreppyImporter object at 0x7fa870b84080>) --> 


I think this might be caused by the removal of the find_module method of importlib.abc.MetaPathFinder. So I guess I have 
to implement a modernised importer. Apologies for noise if that is the case.

Robin Becker


advice on debugging a segfault

2021-01-17 Thread Robin Becker
I have a segfault in the 3.10 alpha 4 when running the reportlab document generation; all the other tests seem to have 
worked. I would like to ask experts here how to approach getting the location of the problem. I run recent archlinux.

Below is the output of  a test run with -Xdev -Xtracemalloc; the main process is almost finished so the error appears to 
come from trying to free resources

$ python -Xdev -Xtracemalloc genuserguide.py 
/home/robin/devel/reportlab/.py310/lib/python3.10/distutils/__init__.py:1: DeprecationWarning: the imp module is deprecated in favour of importlib; see the module's documentation for alternative uses

  import imp
Built story contains 1843 flowables...
Saved "/home/robin/devel/reportlab/REPOS/reportlab/docs/reportlab-userguide.pdf"
[ Top 10 ]
:630: size=10.5 MiB, count=105832, 
average=104 B
/home/robin/devel/reportlab/reportlab/lib/abag.py:19: size=7161 KiB, 
count=27126, average=270 B
/home/robin/devel/reportlab/reportlab/platypus/paraparser.py:3141: size=3364 
KiB, count=5980, average=576 B
 size=2905 KiB, count=41797, average=71 B
/home/robin/devel/reportlab/reportlab/platypus/paragraph.py:776: size=1386 KiB, 
count=32208, average=44 B
/home/robin/devel/reportlab/reportlab/platypus/paragraph.py:92: size=1384 KiB, 
count=26248, average=54 B
/home/robin/devel/reportlab/.py310/lib/python3.10/copy.py:280: size=1232 KiB, 
count=8827, average=143 B
/home/robin/devel/reportlab/reportlab/platypus/frames.py:155: size=1101 KiB, 
count=1173, average=962 B
:241: size=915 KiB, count=8146, average=115 B
/home/robin/devel/reportlab/reportlab/platypus/paragraph.py:773: size=881 KiB, 
count=16104, average=56 B
sys:1: ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.BufferedReader 
sys:1: ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.BufferedReader 
Debug memory block at address p=0x5617c33effe0: API ''
0 bytes originally requested
The 7 pad bytes at p-7 are not all FORBIDDENBYTE (0xfd):
at p-7: 0x00 *** OUCH
at p-6: 0x00 *** OUCH
at p-5: 0x00 *** OUCH
at p-4: 0x00 *** OUCH
at p-3: 0x00 *** OUCH
at p-2: 0x00 *** OUCH
at p-1: 0x00 *** OUCH
Because memory is corrupted at the start, the count of bytes requested
   may be bogus, and checking the trailing pad bytes may segfault.
The 8 pad bytes at tail=0x5617c33effe0 are not all FORBIDDENBYTE (0xfd):
at tail+0: 0x00 *** OUCH
at tail+1: 0x00 *** OUCH
at tail+2: 0x00 *** OUCH
at tail+3: 0x00 *** OUCH
at tail+4: 0x00 *** OUCH
at tail+5: 0x00 *** OUCH
at tail+6: 0x00 *** OUCH
at tail+7: 0x00 *** OUCH

Enable tracemalloc to get the memory block allocation traceback

Fatal Python error: _PyMem_DebugRawFree: bad ID: Allocated using API '', 
verified using API 'o'
Python runtime state: finalizing (tstate=0x5617c53c8b30)

Current thread 0x7fd5742b3740 (most recent call first):

Aborted (core dumped)

for comparison here is the 3.9.1 output> $ python -Xdev -Xtracemalloc 

DeprecationWarning: the imp module is deprecated in favour of importlib; see 
the module's documentation for alternative uses
  import imp
 DeprecationWarning: The py23 module has been deprecated and will be removed in 
the next release. Please update your code.
Built story contains 1843 flowables...
Saved "/home/robin/devel/reportlab/REPOS/reportlab/docs/reportlab-userguide.pdf"
[ Top 10 ]
:587: size=12.4 MiB, count=128010, 
average=102 B
/home/robin/devel/reportlab/reportlab/lib/abag.py:19: size=7132 KiB, 
count=26951, average=271 B
/home/robin/devel/reportlab/reportlab/platypus/paraparser.py:3141: size=3364 
KiB, count=5980, average=576 B
 size=2905 KiB, count=41797, average=71 B
/home/robin/devel/reportlab/reportlab/platypus/paragraph.py:776: size=1386 KiB, 
count=32208, average=44 B
/home/robin/devel/reportlab/reportlab/platypus/paragraph.py:92: size=1384 KiB, 
count=26248, average=54 B
/home/robin/devel/reportlab/.py39/lib/python3.9/copy.py:279: size=1230 KiB, 
count=8827, average=143 B
/home/robin/devel/reportlab/reportlab/platypus/frames.py:155: size=1039 KiB, 
count=957, average=1112 B
:228: size=959 KiB, count=8503, average=116 B
/home/robin/devel/reportlab/reportlab/platypus/paragraph.py:773: size=881 KiB, 
count=16104, average=56 B
sys:1: ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.BufferedReader 
sys:1: ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.BufferedReader 


Re: advice on debugging a segfault

2021-01-18 Thread Robin Becker

On 17/01/2021 21:35, Stestagg wrote:

I would normally agree, except...

This is a refcount issue (I was able to reproduce the problem, gbd shows a
free error )

And I wouldn't recommend DGBing a refcount issue as a beginner to debugging.

The other mailing list identified a PIL bug that messes up the refcount for
True, but this refcount issue is for some tuple object, so may possibly be
a different problem.


thanks for all the advice and apologies for the noise. It turns out that Victor Stinner's recommendation in the dev list 
was the solution as I don't see the segfault with pillow built from latest git

Pillow @ 

I did realize that this must be a late issue in the process as the pdf was being produced and written as expected and 
that is normally the end of things

not segfaulting-ly yrs Robin Becker

idlelib re-use

2021-01-28 Thread Robin Becker
I googled in vain for instances where parts of idlelib are re-used in a simplistic way. I would like to use the editor 
functionality in a tkinter window and also probably run code in a subprocess.

Are there any examples around that do these sorts of things?
Robin Becker


Re: idlelib re-use

2021-01-29 Thread Robin Becker


On 28/01/2021 19:57, Terry Reedy wrote:

On 1/28/2021 5:53 AM, Robin Becker wrote:
I googled in vain for instances where parts of idlelib are re-used in a simplistic way. I would like to use the editor 
functionality in a tkinter window and also probably run code in a subprocess.

Are there any examples around that do these sorts of things?

turtledemo reuses IDLE's colorizer and read-only textviews.  I have seen occasional hints on stackoverflow of other such 

One barrier to reuse is that the parts are highly interconnected, with numerous import loops.  (Changing the form of 
some imports from 'import x' to 'from x import y' can make IDLE startup fail.)  Some objects, like EditorWindow, are too 
monolithic.  You cannot put a toplevel inside another toplevel.

yes I found this out trying to reuse the editor window and shell.

Another, for those thinking long term, is that implementation modules in idlelib are defined as private since 3.6 
(PEP-434, idlelib.__init__).  I pushed for this in order to be able to refactor to reduce interconnections, and break 
some things apart, and also to switch to ttk widgets.

For instance, breaking EditorFrame apart from EditorWindow would allow me to put multiple editors on multiple tabs of a 
notebook in an application window.  It would also allow others to put an editor window in their tkinter window.

Robin Becker


new match statement and types

2021-03-15 Thread Robin Becker
I'm trying out new features in 3.10.0a6 looking at the new match statement I tried it with various cases. Knowing that 
the class of a class is 'type' I tried using match to distinguish between classes and instances so I tried various 
versions of

class A:

class B:

def tmc(C):
match C:
case type(__name__='A'):
print(f'{C} is an A' )
case type():
print(f'{C} is a type' )
case A():
print(f'{C} is an A instance')
case _:
print(f'{C} is an instance')

if __name__=='__main__':

the above seems to work and produces

 is an A
 is a type
<__main__.A object at 0x7fe5a2248fd0> is an A instance
<__main__.B object at 0x7fe5a2248fd0> is an instance

is this the right approach to this problem of distinguishing instances ?
Robin Becker


Re: Python script accessing own source code

2021-05-12 Thread Robin Becker


with open(__file__) as myself:
     print(myself.read(), end='')

very nice, but accessing code that's already seems quite easy. I think the real problem is to get a python script name 
that creates and writes itself. So I would ask if any one has the solution to the self writing script

python find-tomorrows-lotto-numbers.py

since GvR has been shown to have time traveling abilities such a script could 
paradoxically appear acausally.
Robin Becker

Re: Python script accessing own source code

2021-05-13 Thread Robin Becker

On 12/05/2021 20:17, Mirko via Python-list wrote:

Am 12.05.2021 um 20:41 schrieb Robin Becker:



since GvR has been shown to have time traveling abilities such a
script could paradoxically appear acausally.
Robin Becker

Not sure, if that's what you mean, but writing a self-replicating
script is easy too:

actually I was really joking about self creating scripts that do something 
useful like finding future lotto numbers.

the artificial programmer servant is some way off

import os
import sys

with open(os.path.abspath(__file__)) as myself:
 with open(sys.argv[1], "w") as yourself:

Give it a filename as a command-line argument and it will write
itself to that file.

Robin Becker

error from pypa build

2021-08-05 Thread Robin Becker

I'm building a pure python wheel in a python3.9 virtualenv.

If I use python setup.py bdist_wheel I do get a wheel named


I'm trying out building a modern python 3 only wheel so I followed instructions 


and see the error below which is not very informative. Any ideas of what's wrong? I still get the error even after 
upgrading pip so I don't think that is the problem.

> (.py39) user@pc:~/devel/reportlab/REPOS/rlextra
> $ pip install build
> Collecting build
>   Downloading build-0.5.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (15 kB)
> Collecting pep517>=0.9.1
> ..
> Installing collected packages: tomli, pyparsing, toml, pep517, packaging, 
> Successfully installed build-0.5.1 packaging-21.0 pep517-0.11.0 
pyparsing-2.4.7 toml-0.10.2 tomli-1.2.0
> WARNING: You are using pip version 21.1.3; however, version 21.2.2 is 
> You should consider upgrading via the '/home/user/devel/reportlab/.py39/bin/python39 -m pip install --upgrade pip' 

> (.py39) user@pc:~/devel/reportlab/REPOS/rlextra
> $ ls
> build  dist  docs  examples  LICENSE.txt  README.txt  setup.cfg  setup.py  
src  tests  tmp
> (.py39) user@pc:~/devel/reportlab/REPOS/rlextra
> $ python -m build --wheel
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File 
line 302, in main
> build_call(args.srcdir, outdir, distributions, config_settings, not 
args.no_isolation, args.skip_dependency_check)
>   File 
line 145, in build_package
> _build(isolation, builder, outdir, distribution, config_settings, 
>   File 
line 101, in _build
> return _build_in_isolated_env(builder, outdir, distribution, 
>   File "/home/user/devel/reportlab/.py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/build/__main__.py", line 77, in 

> with IsolatedEnvBuilder() as env:
>   File 
"/home/user/devel/reportlab/.py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/build/env.py", line 
92, in __enter__
> executable, scripts_dir = _create_isolated_env_venv(self._path)
>   File "/home/user/devel/reportlab/.py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/build/env.py", line 221, in 

> pip_distribution = next(iter(metadata.distributions(name='pip', 
> StopIteration
> (.py39) user@pc:~/devel/reportlab/REPOS/rlextra

thanks for any assistance
Robin Becker


basic auth request

2021-08-17 Thread Robin Becker

While porting an ap from python2.7 to python3 I see this

base64string = base64.b64encode('%s:%s' % (wsemail, wspassword))
request.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64string)

in python3.x I find this works

base64string = base64.b64encode(('%s:%s' % (wsemail, 
request.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64string)

but I find the conversion to and from ascii irksome. Is there a more direct way 
to create the basic auth value?

As an additional issue I find I have no clear idea what encoding is allowed for 
the components of a basic auth input.
Robin Becker


Re: basic auth request

2021-08-18 Thread Robin Becker

On 17/08/2021 22:47, Jon Ribbens via Python-list wrote:

That's only true if you're not using HTTPS - and you should *never*
not be using HTTPS, and that goes double if forms are being filled
in and double again if passwords are being supplied.

I think I agree with most of the replies; I understood from reading the rfc that the charset is utf8 (presumably without 
':') and that basic auth is considered insecure. It is being used over https so should avoid the simplest net scanning.

I googled a bunch of ways to do this, but many come down to 1) using the requests package or 2) setting up an opener. 
Both of these seem to be much more complex than is required to add the header.

I thought there might be a shortcut or more elegant way to replace the old 
code, but it seems not

Robin Becker


what to do with multiple BOMs

2021-08-19 Thread Robin Becker

Channeling unicode text experts and xml people:

I have xml entity with initial bytes ff fe ff fe which the file command says is
UTF-16, little-endian text.

I agree, but what should be done about the additional BOM.

A test output made many years ago seems to keep the extra BOM. The xml context 

xml file 014.xml


which implies seems as though the extra BOM in the entity has been kept and 
processed into a different BOM meaning utf8.

I think the test file is wrong and that multiple BOM chars in the entiry should 
have been removed.

Am I right?
Robin Becker


c extension finding the module in object initialization

2021-09-21 Thread Robin Becker

I have a c extension which is intended to implement a module the looks 
structurally like this

a = 1
b = 2

class T:
def __init__(self):
self.a = a
self.b = b

so when an object of type T is instantiated it can set up defaults based on the 
current module values of a and b.

In the past using old style single phase module creation the init function for the type could look up the module by 
using the PyState_FindModule function. In the new world where we can implement c extensions which might work with 
multiple interpreters (multi-phase creation). The docs say PyState_FindModule won't work for those and indeed it returns 
NULL so is useless.

Is there a way I can set the current module onto the type definition during the module's exec function? I thought it 
would be easy to add at the point in the exec where I'm doing this to the module, m,

TType.tp_base = &PyBaseObject_Type;
if(PyType_Ready(&TType)<0) goto fail;
if(PyModule_AddObject(m,"T", (PyObject *)&TType)<0) goto fail;

but I don't see the place in the type where I can add these sorts of dynamic attributes. The basic_size is for the 
created objects.

The created type does have a __dict__ which is a mappingproxy. I wondered when 
that actually gets instantiated.

I can see that the type has a __module__ attribute after the module is imported and I suppose if I can find the 
'current' interpreter I might use the __module__ to locate the module object via PyImport_GetModuleDict.

Any expertise or advice gratefully received.
Robin Becker


Re: c extension finding the module in object initialization

2021-09-27 Thread Robin Becker

Hi Marc,

Thanks for the suggestion,

On 27/09/2021 09:38, Marc-Andre Lemburg wrote:

Hi Robin,

seeing that no one replied to your question, I'd suggest to ask this
on the Python C-API ML:


That's where the experts are, including the ones who implemented
the mutli-phase logic.


I think I have this working using ob=PyImport_GetModuleDict() followed by PyDict_GetItemString(ob,"modulename"), but I 
will ask there to see if there's a more direct route.

In Python >=3.7 there's PyImport_GetModule, but that seems more complex than is actually required for this simple case 
and has to wait until 3.6 dies for me :(

Robin Becker


lxml parsing with validation and target?

2021-11-02 Thread Robin Becker
I'm having a problem using lxml.etree to make a treebuilding parser that validates; I have test code where invalid xml 
is detected and an error raised when the line below target=ET.TreeBuilder(), is commented out.

The validation error looks as expected >  python tlxml.py invalid.rml

Resolving url='../rml.dtd' context= dtdPath='rml.dtd'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/robin/devel/reportlab/REPOS/rlextra/tmp/tlxml.py", line 78, in 

tree = ET.parse(sys.argv[1],parser)
  File "src/lxml/etree.pyx", line 3521, in lxml.etree.parse
  File "src/lxml/parser.pxi", line 1859, in lxml.etree._parseDocument
  File "src/lxml/parser.pxi", line 1885, in lxml.etree._parseDocumentFromURL
  File "src/lxml/parser.pxi", line 1789, in lxml.etree._parseDocFromFile
  File "src/lxml/parser.pxi", line 1177, in 
  File "src/lxml/parser.pxi", line 615, in 
  File "src/lxml/parser.pxi", line 725, in lxml.etree._handleParseResult
  File "src/lxml/parser.pxi", line 654, in lxml.etree._raiseParseError
  File "invalid.rml", line 23
lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError: No declaration for attribute x of element place1, 
line 23, column 55

when I have the target=etree.TreeBuilder() active the validation does not work and the tree is formed and passed to the 
primitive tuple tree builder so the output looks like
$ python tlxml.py invalid.rml 
Resolving url='../rml.dtd' context= dtdPath='rml.dtd'

 {'filename': 'test_000_simple.pdf', 'invariant': '1'},



If I use the standard example EchoTarget the validation also fails. So I assume that the target argument makes the 
validation fail. Is there a way to get validation to work with a target?

The code is
from pprint import pprint
from lxml import etree as ET
import sys, os, re
from rlextra.rml2pdf.rml2pdf import CompatibleDTDNames as rmlDTDPat
rmlDTDPat = re.compile('^.*(?:\\W|\\b)(?P%s)$' % '|'.join((re.escape(_) for 
_ in rmlDTDPat)),re.M)

class TT:
def __init__(self):

def __call__(self,e):
return (e.tag,e.attrib or None,self.content(e),e.sourceline)

def content(self,e):
t = e.text
if len(e)==0 and t is None:
return t
r = [].append
if t is not None: r(t)
for c in e:
t = c.tail
if t is not None:
return r.__self__

class RMLDTDResolver(ET.Resolver):
__dtds = None
def resolve(self, url, id, context):
m = rmlDTDPat.match(url)
if m:
if self.__dtds is None:
from rlextra import rml2pdf
self.__dtds = {}
for fn in ('rml.dtd','dynamic_rml.dtd'):
open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(rml2pdf.__file__),fn),'r') as _:
self.__dtds[fn] = _.read()
fn = m.group('fn')
dtdPath = 'rml.dtd' if fn.startswith('rml') else 'dynamic.dtd'
print(f"Resolving url={url!r} context={context!r} {dtdPath=}")
return self.resolve_string(
return None

parser = ET.XMLParser(
target=ET.TreeBuilder(),   #if commented the parser 
tree = ET.parse(sys.argv[1],parser)

Re: lxml parsing with validation and target?

2021-11-03 Thread Robin Becker

On 02/11/2021 12:55, Robin Becker wrote:
I'm having a problem using lxml.etree to make a treebuilding parser that validates; I have test code where invalid xml 
is detected and an error raised when the line below target=ET.TreeBuilder(), is commented out.


I managed to overcome this problem by utilizing the non-targeted parser with returns an _ElementTree object. I can then 
convert to tuple tree using code like this

class TT:
def __init__(self):

def __call__(self,tree):
if not tree: return
return self.maketuple(next(tree.iter()))

def maketuple(self,e):
return (e.tag,e.attrib or None,self.content(e),e.sourceline)

def content(self,e):
t = e.text
kids = e.getchildren()
if len(kids)==0 and t is None:
return t
r = [].append
if t is not None: r(t)
for c in kids:
t = c.tail
if t is not None:
return r.__self__

Robin Becker

preserving entities with lxml

2022-01-12 Thread Robin Becker
I have a puzzle over how lxml & entities should be 'preserved' code below illustrates. To preserve I change & --> & 
in the source and add resolve_entities=False to the parser definition. The escaping means we only have one kind of 
entity & which means lxml will preserve it. For whatever reason lxml won't preserve character entities eg !.

The simple parse from string and conversion tostring shows that the parsing at 
least took notice of it.

However, I want to create a tuple tree so have to use tree.text, 
tree.getchildren() and tree.tail for access.

When I use those I expected to have to undo the escaping to get back the original entities, but it seems they are 
already done.

Good for me, but if the tree knows how it was created (tostring shows that) why 
is it ignored with attribute access?

if __name__=='__main__':
from lxml import etree as ET
#initial xml
xml = b'a &mysym; < & > 
! A'
#escaped xml
xxml = xml.replace(b'&',b'&')

myparser = ET.XMLParser(resolve_entities=False)
tree = ET.fromstring(xxml,parser=myparser)

#use tostring
print(f'using tostring\n{xxml=!r}\n{ET.tostring(tree)=!r}\n')

#now access the items using text & children & text

when run I see this

$ python tmp/tlp.py
using tostring
xxml=b'a &mysym; &lt; &amp; &gt; 
&#33; A'
ET.tostring(tree)=b'a &mysym; &lt; &amp; 
&gt; &#33; A'

using attributes
tree.text='a &mysym; < & > ! A'
Robin Becker

Re: preserving entities with lxml

2022-01-13 Thread Robin Becker

On 12/01/2022 20:49, Dieter Maurer wrote:

when run I see this

$ python tmp/tlp.py
using tostring
xxml=b'a &mysym; 
< & >
! A'
&mysym; < &
> ! A'

using attributes
tree.text='a &mysym; < & > ! A'

Apparently, the `resolve_entities=False` was not effective: otherwise,
your tree content should have more structure (especially some
entity reference children).

except that the tree knows not to expand the entities using ET.tostring so in some circumstances resolve_entities=False 
does work.

I expected that the tree would contain the parsed (unexpanded) values, but referencing the actual tree.text/tail/attrib 
doesn't give the expected results. There's no criticism here, it makes my life a bit easier. If I had wanted the 
unexpanded values in the attrib/text/tail it would be more of a problem.

`&#` is not an entity reference but a character reference.
It may rightfully be treated differently from entity references.
I understand the difference, but lxml (and perhaps libxml2) doesn't provide a way to turn off character reference 
expansion. This makes using lxml for source transformation a bit harder since the original text is not preserved.


Re: preserving entities with lxml

2022-01-13 Thread Robin Becker

On 13/01/2022 09:29, Dieter Maurer wrote:

Robin Becker wrote at 2022-1-13 09:13 +:

On 12/01/2022 20:49, Dieter Maurer wrote:

Apparently, the `resolve_entities=False` was not effective: otherwise,
your tree content should have more structure (especially some
entity reference children).

except that the tree knows not to expand the entities using ET.tostring so in 
some circumstances resolve_entities=False
does work.

I think this is a misunderstanding: `tostring` will represent the text character 
`&` as `&`.


thanks I see now. So tostring is actually restoring some of the entities which on input are normally expanded. If that 
means resolve_entities=False does not work at all then I guess there's no need to use it at all. The initial transform

& --> &

does what I need as it is reversed on output of the tree fragments.

Wonder what resolve_entities is actually used for then? All the docs seem to say

resolve_entities - replace entities by their text value (default: True)

I assumed False would mean that they would pass through the parse
Robin Becker


lxml empty versus self closed tag

2022-03-02 Thread Robin Becker

I'm using lxml.etree.XMLParser and would like to distinguish


I seem to have e.getchildren()==[] and e.text==None for both cases. Is there a 
way to get the first to have e.text==''
Robin Becker

Re: lxml empty versus self closed tag

2022-03-03 Thread Robin Becker

On 02/03/2022 18:39, Dieter Maurer wrote:

Robin Becker wrote at 2022-3-2 15:32 +:

I'm using lxml.etree.XMLParser and would like to distinguish


I seem to have e.getchildren()==[] and e.text==None for both cases. Is there a 
way to get the first to have e.text==''

I do not think so (at least not without a DTD):

I have a DTD which has

so I guess the empty case is allowed as well as the self closed.

I am converting from an older parser which has text=='' for  and text==None for the self closed version. I 
don't think I really need to make the distinction. However, I wonder how lxml can present an empty string content 
deliberately or if that always has to be a semantic decision.


ag/>' is just a shorthand notation for '' and

the difference has no influence on the DOM.

Note that `lxml` is just a Python binding for `libxml2`.
All the parsing is done by this library.

yes I think I knew that

strange problem building non-pure wheel for apple M1 arm64

2022-03-07 Thread Robin Becker
I use cibuildwheel to build extensions with a github action. For the macos 11.0 arm64 build I get a strange message from 
the load command. So I am looking for assistance to try and figure out what is going wrong.

The cibuild action uses the latest pip 21.2.4 and latest setuptools etc.

I use brew to install freetype version 2.11.1.

The compilations look like this
gcc -Wno-unused-result -Wsign-compare -Wunreachable-code -fno-common -dynamic -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O3 -Wall -g -arch 
-Isrc/rl_addons/renderPM/libart_lgpl -Isrc/rl_addons/renderPM/gt1 -I/usr/local/include/freetype2 
-I/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/include/python3.9 -c src/rl_addons/renderPM/_renderPM.c -o 

this is the load command on multiple lines for readability the strange error is

gcc -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup -g -arch arm64

'''''''other compiled code

-lfreetype -o 

ld: warning: ignoring file /usr/local/lib/libfreetype.dylib, building for macOS-arm64 but attempting to link with file 
built for macOS-x86_64

The above message seems bizarre; everything is compiled for arm64, but gcc 
doesn't want to use an arm64 dylib.

Can macos experts assist?
Robin Becker

Re: strange problem building non-pure wheel for apple M1 arm64

2022-03-08 Thread Robin Becker

On 08/03/2022 16:08, Christian Gollwitzer wrote:

Am 07.03.22 um 17:22 schrieb Robin Becker:

I use brew to install freetype version 2.11.1.
I find via google that homebrew/apple have split the installation of intel and arm64 into /usr/local and /opt/homebrew 
so I must modify the include_dirs & library_dirs in setup.py

Robin Becker


Re: Reportlab / platypus bug?

2022-03-15 Thread Robin Becker

On 14/03/2022 18:17, Les wrote:

Unfortunately, the reportlab-users mailing list is unavailable (I cannot
subscribe). There is paid support but since I already have a workaround, I
won't pay for this. I think this is a documentation error of the reportlab
package. (They do not mention that stories cannot be reused.)

I think we can say that my original problem is solved, because I have a
workaround that always works.

Schachner, Joseph  ezt írta (időpont: 2022.
márc. 14., H 19:09):

Hi Les, so far as I know the reportlab-users list is still running it is hosted 
(nad has been for many years) at


is that the address you used? I see messages in the archives so some people can 
use it.--
Robin Becker

Re: Reportlab / platypus bug?

2022-03-15 Thread Robin Becker


Hi Les, so far as I know the reportlab-users list is still running it is hosted 
(nad has been for many years) at


is that the address you used? I see messages in the archives so some people can 
use it.--
Robin Becker

as a test I subscribed under my private email address and the list responded pretty quickly; the request confirmation 
email ended up in spam though. I believe the list is a fairly old version of mailman, but I don't have any access to the 

Robin Becker

Re: Reportlab / platypus bug?

2022-03-15 Thread Robin Becker

On 15/03/2022 13:20, Les wrote:

Robin Becker  ezt írta (időpont: 2022. márc. 15., K,

Hi Les, so far as I know the reportlab-users list is still running it is
hosted (nad has been for many years) at


is that the address you used? I see messages in the archives so some
people can use it.--

Yes, it is. I tried to subscribe (twice), but never got the confirmation
email. Checked in the spam folder too, but it is nowhere to be found.

Hi again, Les. I just looked at the list using the admin login and find you are 
already a member

Laszlo Nagy

in fact you are number 1 in the N's.

Perhaps you could just try sending a test email.
Robin Becker

Re: How to split value where is comma ?

2016-09-08 Thread Robin Becker

On 08/09/2016 03:54, D'Arcy J.M. Cain wrote:

On Wed, 7 Sep 2016 16:04:40 +
Joaquin Alzola  wrote:


This email is confidential and may be subject to privilege. If you
are not the intended recipient, please do not copy or disclose its
content but contact the sender immediately upon receipt.

Do you realize how stupid it is to put this on a message sent all around
the world?

I have worked places where they put stuff like this at the bottom of emails sent 
to the person sitting next to them :)

-raising entropy-ly yrs-
Robin Becker


Re: [Python-ideas] Inconsistencies

2016-09-12 Thread Robin Becker

On 11/09/2016 21:30, Sven R. Kunze wrote:

On 10.09.2016 15:00, Chris Angelico wrote:

Some things are absolute hard facts. There is no way in which 1 will
ever be greater than 2, ergo "1 is less than 2" is strictly true, and
not a matter of opinion. If you hear someone trying to claim
otherwise, would you let him have his opinion, or would you treat it
as incorrect?

I don't know exactly if it's clear that one would need to make a distinction
between real/physical-world facts and pure-logic facts.

"1 < 2" is by definition "true" (construction of natural numbers) not by
real-world evidence. IIRC, the quote is about real-world matters.

as I understand it, the universe is said by some to be a long lived random 
fluctuation of nothing and it is said that observers make a real difference to 
reality. The existence of arithmetic etc is somewhat moot under such assumptions.

Also presumably there are other constructions of 'our' familiar arithmetic. 
Perhaps someone could probably make an arithmetic where most of standard ZF is 
true except for 1<2.  Gödel definitely says there are holes in arithmetic :)

-possibly non-existently yrs-
Robin Becker


Re: [RELEASE] Python 3.6.0b2 is now available

2016-10-12 Thread Robin Becker

On 11/10/2016 02:12, Ned Deily wrote:

On behalf of the Python development community and the Python 3.6 release
team, I'm happy to announce the availability of Python 3.6.0b2. 3.6.0b2
is the second of four planned beta releases of Python 3.6, the next major
release of Python, and marks the end of the feature development phase
for 3.6.



  Ned Deily
  n...@python.org -- []

I notice an extra space at the windows command prompt compared with 3.5, is that 

Python 3.5.0 (v3.5.0:374f501f4567, Sep 13 2015, 02:27:37) [MSC v.1900 64 bit 
(AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

import sys

Python 3.6.0b2 (default, Oct 10 2016, 21:15:32) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)] on 
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

 import sys

Robin Becker


htmlparser charrefs

2016-12-22 Thread Robin Becker
For various reasons I am using HTMLParser to do transcription of some xml. I 
need to keep charrefs as is so for Python > 3.4 I pass in

convert_charrefs =False

to the constructor.

This seems to work as intended for data, but I notice that a change in Python 
3.4 prevents me from keeping the charrefs which are in attribute strings.

Is it intentional that we can no longer use HTMLParser.unescape? It seems to 
prevent correct interpretation of the convert_charrefs constructor argument.

The unescaping is done, but in a module level function which means I can no 
longer override that functionality safely.

Robin Becker


Re: [RELEASE] Python 3.6.0 is released!

2016-12-23 Thread Robin Becker

On 23/12/2016 10:34, Ned Deily wrote:

On behalf of the Python development community and the Python 3.6 release
team, I am pleased to announce the availability of Python 3.6.0.  Python
3.6.0 is the newest major release of the Python language, and it contains
many new features and optimizations.  See the "What’s New In Python 3.6"
document for more information:


You can download Python 3.6.0 here:


Also, most third-party distributors of Python should be making 3.6.0
packages available soon.

Maintenance releases for the 3.6 series will follow at regular intervals
starting in the first quarter of 2017.

We hope you enjoy Python 3.6.0!

Thanks for this release; makes my Christmas just a bit more stressed :( or 
perhaps happier :)

Anyhow I am trying to figure out this error when building windows versions

C:\ux\XB33\py36_x86\lib\site-packages\wheel\pep425tags.py:77: RuntimeWarning: 
Config variable 'Py_DEBUG' is unset, Python ABI tag may be incorrect

  warn=(impl == 'cp')):
C:\ux\XB33\py36_x86\lib\site-packages\wheel\pep425tags.py:81: RuntimeWarning: 
Config variable 'WITH_PYMALLOC' is unset,

Python ABI tag may be incorrect
  warn=(impl == 'cp')):

I guess this must mean I need to set something somewhere, but what?
Robin Becker


Re: Enumerating all 3-tuples

2018-03-12 Thread Robin Becker
It's possible to generalize the cantor pairing function to triples, but that may not give you what you want. Effectively you can 
generate an arbitrary number of triples using an iterative method. My sample code looked like this

import math

def cantor_pair(k1,k2):
return (((k1+k2)*(k1+k2+1))>>1) + k2

def inverse_cantor_pair(z):
w = int((math.sqrt(8*z+1)-1)/2.0)
t = (w*(w+1))>>1
j = z - t
i = w - j
return i, j

def cantor_triple(i,j,k):
return cantor_pair(cantor_pair(i,j),k)

def inverse_cantor_triple(z):
j,k = inverse_cantor_pair(z)
i,j = inverse_cantor_pair(j)
return i,j,k

if __name__=='__main__':
for z in xrange(100):
i,j,k = inverse_cantor_triple(z)
print z, repr((i,j,k))

or changing the construction

import math

def cantor_pair(k1,k2):
return (((k1+k2)*(k1+k2+1))>>1) + k2

def inverse_cantor_pair(z):
w = int((math.sqrt(8*z+1)-1)/2.0)
t = (w*(w+1))>>1
j = z - t
i = w - j
return i, j

def cantor_triple(i,j,k):
return cantor_pair(i,cantor_pair(j,k))

def inverse_cantor_triple(z):
i,k = inverse_cantor_pair(z)
j,k = inverse_cantor_pair(k)
return i,j,k

if __name__=='__main__':
for z in xrange(100):
i,j,k = inverse_cantor_triple(z)
print z, repr((i,j,k)), cantor_triple(i,j,k)==z

this give different outcomes, but both appear to be a correct mapping of 
non-negative integers to triplets.
Robin Becker


Re: Enumerating all 3-tuples

2018-03-12 Thread Robin Becker

On 12/03/2018 13:17, Robin Becker wrote:
It's possible to generalize the cantor pairing function to triples, but that may not give you what you want. Effectively you can 
generate an arbitrary number of triples using an iterative method. My sample code looked like this

ct mapping of non-negative integers to triplets.

An alternative approach gives more orderly sequences using a variable base 
number construction

class Tupilator(object):
def __init__(self,degree=3):
self.i = 0
self.n = 2
self.degree = degree

def next(self):
x = self.i
v = []
a =v.append
n = self.n
if not x: a(0)
while x>0:
x, d = divmod(x,n)
if sum(v)==self.degree*(n-1):
self.n += 1
pad = self.degree - len(v)
if pad>0:
v += pad*[0]
self.i += 1
return tuple(v)

if __name__=='__main__':
t = Tupilator()
for z in xrange(100):
print z, t.next()

0 (0, 0, 0)
1 (1, 0, 0)
2 (0, 1, 0)
3 (1, 1, 0)
4 (0, 0, 1)
5 (1, 0, 1)
6 (0, 1, 1)
7 (1, 1, 1)
8 (2, 2, 0)
9 (0, 0, 1)
10 (1, 0, 1)
11 (2, 0, 1)
12 (0, 1, 1)
13 (1, 1, 1)
14 (2, 1, 1)
15 (0, 2, 1)
16 (1, 2, 1)
17 (2, 2, 1)
18 (0, 0, 2)
19 (1, 0, 2)
20 (2, 0, 2)
21 (0, 1, 2)
22 (1, 1, 2)
23 (2, 1, 2)
24 (0, 2, 2)
25 (1, 2, 2)
26 (2, 2, 2)
27 (3, 2, 1)
28 (0, 3, 1)
29 (1, 3, 1)
30 (2, 3, 1)
31 (3, 3, 1)
32 (0, 0, 2)
33 (1, 0, 2)
34 (2, 0, 2)
35 (3, 0, 2)
36 (0, 1, 2)
37 (1, 1, 2)
38 (2, 1, 2)
39 (3, 1, 2)
40 (0, 2, 2)

80 (0, 1, 3)
81 (1, 1, 3)
82 (2, 1, 3)
83 (3, 1, 3)
84 (4, 1, 3)
85 (0, 2, 3)
86 (1, 2, 3)
87 (2, 2, 3)
88 (3, 2, 3)
89 (4, 2, 3)
90 (0, 3, 3)
91 (1, 3, 3)
92 (2, 3, 3)
93 (3, 3, 3)
94 (4, 3, 3)
95 (0, 4, 3)
96 (1, 4, 3)
97 (2, 4, 3)
98 (3, 4, 3)
99 (4, 4, 3)

Robin Becker


Re: Enumerating all 3-tuples

2018-03-13 Thread Robin Becker

On 12/03/2018 18:05, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 2:54 AM, Robin Becker  wrote:

On 12/03/2018 13:17, Robin Becker wrote:
An alternative approach gives more orderly sequences using a variable base
number construction

4 (0, 0, 1)
9 (0, 0, 1)
18 (0, 0, 2)
32 (0, 0, 2)

I spy duplicates.


oh well there goes that idea :(

Robin Becker


Re: Enumerating all 3-tuples

2018-03-13 Thread Robin Becker

On 13/03/2018 11:14, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Mon, 12 Mar 2018 13:17:15 +0000, Robin Becker wrote:

It's possible to generalize the cantor pairing function to triples, but
that may not give you what you want. Effectively you can generate an
arbitrary number of triples using an iterative method. My sample code
looked like this

import math

def cantor_pair(k1,k2):
return (((k1+k2)*(k1+k2+1))>>1) + k2

def inverse_cantor_pair(z):
w = int((math.sqrt(8*z+1)-1)/2.0)
t = (w*(w+1))>>1
j = z - t
i = w - j
return i, j

I definitely want to avoid any round trips through float in order to use

But thanks for the code, I'll certainly steal it, er I mean study it for
future reference :-)

well I guess Cantor didn't worry about rounding errors :)

For high z there's an integer square root function which seems to work pretty 
well here

I'm not sure if there are any other sensible invertible pairing functions on non-negative integers; this page mentions a couple 
implemented in matlab


and this describes the elegant pairing more


It seems reasonable that a mapping N x N --> N should require a square root in 
the inverse.
Robin Becker


curious asymmetry in range limiting

2018-03-20 Thread Robin Becker

I don't know how I never came across this before, but there's a curious 
asymmetry in the way ranges are limited

Python 3.6.0 (v3.6.0:41df79263a11, Dec 23 2016, 08:06:12) [MSC v.1900 64 bit 
(AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> s = '0123456789'
>>> print(repr(s[-5:5]))
>>> print(repr(s[5:15]))

why is the underflow start index treated so differently from the limit index overflow? I suppose there must be some reason, but it 
eludes me.

Robin Becker


Re: curious asymmetry in range limiting

2018-03-20 Thread Robin Becker

So eventually I tried this



and the light dawned :) seems the negative indexes rules apply to both

On 20/03/2018 14:21, Robin Becker wrote:

I don't know how I never came across this before, but there's a curious 
asymmetry in the way ranges are limited

Python 3.6.0 (v3.6.0:41df79263a11, Dec 23 2016, 08:06:12) [MSC v.1900 64 bit 
(AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
 >>> s = '0123456789'
 >>> print(repr(s[-5:5]))
 >>> print(repr(s[5:15]))

why is the underflow start index treated so differently from the limit index overflow? I suppose there must be some reason, but it 
eludes me.

Robin Becker


Re: Enumerating all 3-tuples

2018-03-21 Thread Robin Becker

On 21/03/2018 05:14, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Tue, 13 Mar 2018 23:56:37 +0100, Denis Kasak wrote:


The triples can be viewed as a pair of a pair and a natural number:

(1,1),1 (1,1),2 (1,1),3 ...
(2,1),1 (2,1),2 (2,1),3 ...
(1,2),1 (1,2),2 (1,2),3 ...


This leads fairly naturally to the implementation.

  from itertools import accumulate, count

  def c(i):


That looks interesting, I haven't had a chance to play with it in a lot
of detail yet, but it looks to me like every time you generate a triple,
it starts counting up from 1.

So iterating over c3(1), c3(2), c3(4), ... c3(something big) is going to
have O(N**2) performance. It's like the old joke about the Polish painter:

This cantor inverse is much faster; it uses the integer sqrt from here


so far as I can tell it works for the cantor below

def cantor(k1,k2):
return (((k1+k2)*(k1+k2+1))>>1) + k2

def isqrt(x):
if x < 0:
raise ValueError('square root not defined for negative numbers')
n = int(x)
if n == 0:
return 0
a, b = divmod(n.bit_length(), 2)
x = 2**(a+b)
while True:
y = (x + n//x)//2
if y >= x:
return x
x = y

def inverse_cantor(z):
w = int((isqrt(8*z+1)-1)//2)
t = (w*(w+1))>>1
j = z - t
i = w - j
return i, j

but it doesn't agree with Denis' inverse I guess because this is defined on non-negative integers, but his functions are defined 
on positive integers.


Since that's exactly what I need to do, that might be a problem.

On the other hand, I doubt I'll need to generate more than a few thousand
of these, so it might be fast enough. I guess I have to run some
benchmarks to find out.

But however they turn out, I appreciate your time and code. Thanks heaps!

Robin Becker


Re: Multi-threading with a simple timer?

2018-07-03 Thread Robin Becker

On 03/07/2018 07:12, Gregory Ewing wrote:

import signal, sys

def timeout(*args):
 print("Too late!")

signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, timeout)
signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, 15)
data = input("Enter something: ")
print("You entered: ", data)

This doesn't work in windows (SIGALRM not available see

For completeness I think it needs the handler restoring; this seemed to work for me in linux; I did try using SIG_DFL, but 
apparently that just prints 'Alarm clock' and exits at least

import signal, sys, time

def timeout(*args):
print("Too late!")

signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, timeout)
signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, 15)
data = input("Enter something: ")
print("You entered: ", data)
for i in reversed(xrange(15)):
print i

print 'finished!'

if I leave out the signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM,signal.SIG_IGN) then the 
timeout function gets called anyway.
Robin Becker


Python 3.7 configuration issue

2018-07-03 Thread Robin Becker

On a Ubuntu trusty system I ran

./configure --prefix=/home/rptlab/PYTHON

make && make install

and get an error related to the ctypes module not being importable.

I needed to do

sudo apt-get install libffi-dev
./configure --prefix=/home/rptlab/PYTHON --with-system-ffi
make && make install

Something in setup.py seems to want ctypes irrespective of what I give to configure; I don't actually know what the alternative to 
--with-system-ffi does, but it didn't work for me.

Robin Becker


Re: Python 3.7 configuration issue

2018-07-04 Thread Robin Becker

On 04/07/2018 05:59, dieter wrote:

"libffi" contains the so called "foreign function interface"
(an interface that allows code written in one language to call
code written in another language). Likely, "ctypes" depends
on it.

Since some time, "ctypes" is part of Python's standard library.
It is likely, that the Python test suite contains tests verifying
that it could be build successfully.

Your observations seem to indicate that "ctypes" contains its
own "foreign function interface" specification and that this
specification does not fit to the libraries available on your
system. The "with-system-ffi" likely tells the Python generation
process to use the system "foreign function interface" rather
than its own.

I don't disagree with the above. I think the issue is that the configure process did not say anything about this. If ctypes is 
required and cannot be built then ./configure .. should probably tell me; if that's not possible then the make step should do 
so and fail to complete. Failing at make install seems a bit late.

I have to admit that I no longer understand how python builds its extensions; there used to be a step where you configured 
Modules/Setup*, but that seems no longer required.

Any how as an experiment it seems that if I do have the libffi-dev package installed then the with-system-ffi flag is not required 
and the make install does work. It might be that make silently allows extension builds to fail even if they are 'required' and 
that later causes an error in the install phase.

Robin Becker


Re: about main()

2018-07-06 Thread Robin Becker

On 05/07/2018 21:43, Jim Lee wrote:


identifying the poisonous berries.

I would respect your analogy more if every compiler used today were
forty years old and not being developed by anyone other than its
original creator(s).


It's not about compilers - it's about skills.  As programming becomes more and more specialized, it becomes harder and harder to 
find programmers with a skill set broad enough to be adaptable to a different task.


I suspect compiler writing is a task that an AI could be taught. The villagers will shout "hey siri I need a compiler" and one 
will be provided, of course by that time they will all have forgotten about eating berries in favour of soma or equivalent.

Robin Becker


test for absence of infinite loop

2018-07-17 Thread Robin Becker
A user reported an infinite loop in reportlab. I determined a possible cause and fix and would like to test for absence of the 
loop. Is there any way to check for presence/absence of an infinite loop in python? I imagine we could do something like call an 
external process and see if it takes too long, but that seems a bit flaky.

Robin Becker


Re: test for absence of infinite loop

2018-07-17 Thread Robin Becker

On 17/07/2018 10:32, Chris Angelico wrote:

All you gotta do is solve the halting problem...



ah so it's easy :)
Robin Becker


Re: test for absence of infinite loop

2018-07-17 Thread Robin Becker

On 17/07/2018 12:16, Cameron Simpson wrote:

On 17Jul2018 10:10, Robin Becker  wrote:
A user reported an infinite loop in reportlab. I determined a possible cause and fix and would like to test for absence of the 
loop. Is there any way to check for presence/absence of an infinite loop in python? I imagine we could do something like call an 
external process and see if it takes too long, but that seems a bit flaky.

While others have kindly pointed you at the halting problem (unsolvable in the general case) you can usually verify that the 
specific problem you fixed is fixed. Can you figure out how long the task should run with your fix in a test case? Not as time, 
but in loop iterations? Put a counter in the loop and check that its value doesn't exceed that.

well I understand the problem about not halting. However as you point out in a fixed case I know that the test should take 
fractions of a second to complete. I certainly don't want to put instrumentation into the source code. It's relatively easy to 
imagine polling termination of a separate thread/process, but that's not particularly reliable. I don't know if there is a way to 
ask a python interpeter how many instructions it has carried out.

Robin Becker


Are dicts supposed to raise comparison errors

2018-07-31 Thread Robin Becker

A bitbucket user complains that python 3.6.6 with -Wall -b prints warnings for 
some reportlab code; the
example boils down to the following

C:\code\hg-repos\reportlab\tmp>cat tb.py
if __name__=='__main__':
d[b'a'] = d['a']

C:\code\hg-repos\reportlab\tmp>\python36\python -Wall -b tb.py
tb.py:3: BytesWarning: Comparison between bytes and string
  d[b'a'] = d['a']

I had always assumed that dicts didn't care about the type of keys although some types might cause issue with hashability, but 
obviously the implementation seems to be comparing b'a' with 'a' (I suppose because they hash to the same chain).

Is this code erroneous or is the warning spurious or wrong?
Robin Becker


Re: Are dicts supposed to raise comparison errors

2018-07-31 Thread Robin Becker

On 31/07/2018 09:16, Paul Moore wrote:

On 31 July 2018 at 08:40, Robin Becker  wrote:

A bitbucket user complains that python 3.6.6 with -Wall -b prints warnings
for some reportlab code; the
example boils down to the following

C:\code\hg-repos\reportlab\tmp>cat tb.py
if __name__=='__main__':
 d[b'a'] = d['a']

v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
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b'a' == 'a'


b'a' == u'a'


which is basically the sort of thing that -b should warn about.
Specifically the quoted code would end up with a dictionary with 2
entries on Python 3, but 1 entry on Python 2.


yes but I didn't do the compare so this warning seems entirely spurious and wrong. It's not an error to put 1 and 1.0 and 'a' into 
a dict. Should I get a warning if the hashes of two different types happen to clash so that an int needs to be checked against a 

Robin Becker


Re: Are dicts supposed to raise comparison errors

2018-08-01 Thread Robin Becker

On 31/07/2018 16:52, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 1:28 AM, MRAB  wrote:

On 2018-07-31 08:40, Robin Becker wrote:

A bitbucket user complains that python 3.6.6 with -Wall -b prints warnings


The warning looks wrong to be.

In Python 2, u'a' and b'a' would be treated as the same key, but in Python 3
they are distinct and can co-exist.

Something for Python's bug tracker, I think!

It's a warning specifically requested by the -b option. The two keys
in question have the same hash, which means they have to be compared
directly; they will compare unequal, but because of the -b flag, the
comparison triggers a warning. If that warning is spurious, *don't use
the -b option*.


I looked at the language documentation for 3.7 mappings

These represent finite sets of objects indexed by nearly arbitrary values. The 
only types of values not acceptable as keys are values containing lists or 
dictionaries or other mutable types that are compared by value rather than by 
object identity, the reason being that the efficient implementation of 
dictionaries requires a key’s hash value to remain constant. Numeric types used 
for keys obey the normal rules for numeric comparison: if two numbers compare 
equal (e.g., 1 and 1.0) then they can be used interchangeably to index the same 
dictionary entry.

it says explicitly that numeric keys will use numeric comparison, but no mention is made of strings/bytes etc etc and there's an 
implication that object identity is used rather than comparison. In python 3.x b'a' is not the same as 'a' either the 
documentation is lacking some reference to strings/bytes or the warning is wrong. Using the excuse that normal comparison is being 
used seems a bit feeble. It would clearly improve speed if object identity were to be used, but I suppose that's not the case for 
other reasons.

Robin Becker


Re: Are dicts supposed to raise comparison errors

2018-08-01 Thread Robin Becker

On 01/08/2018 09:52, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 6:36 PM, Robin Becker  wrote:

On 31/07/2018 16:52, Chris Angelico wrote:


it says explicitly that numeric keys will use numeric comparison, but no


Technically, the comparison used is:

a is b or a == b

in other words, identity will match, but mainly, equality is used. The
identity check improves performance in many common cases, and also
avoids pathological cases involving float("nan"), but in general
discussion, it's assumed that value rather than identity is the
comparison used.


If the testing were done in that order then no comparison warning would occur 
as inspection shows 'a' is not b'a'

 > C:\code\hg-repos\reportlab\tmp>\python37\python.exe -b -Wall

Python 3.7.0 (v3.7.0:1bf9cc5093, Jun 27 2018, 04:59:51) [MSC v.1914 64 bit 
(AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

'a' is b'a'


so presumably the testing goes something like

a is b or (a==b if comparable(a,b) else False)

even so I still think errors/warnings created internally by implementers should not be exposed. It's not a big deal. I'm a bit 
surprised that we don't have a mapping which uses only identity as that would be faster.

Robin Becker


Re: Are dicts supposed to raise comparison errors

2018-08-01 Thread Robin Becker


Nope, that would be the effect of "and", not "or".

"a" is b"b" and "fallback"


"a" is b"b" or "fallback"


You seem to be caught in your wrong mental model. I recommend that you let
the matter rest for a day or so, and then look at it with a fresh eye.

my bad; not worrying enough about real problems

Robin Becker


Re: Are dicts supposed to raise comparison errors

2018-08-01 Thread Robin Becker

messing with bytes I discover that this doesn't warn with python -b

if __name__=='__main__':
class nbytes(bytes):
def __eq__(self,other):
return bytes.__eq__(self,other) if isinstance(other,bytes) else 
def __hash__(self):
return bytes.__hash__(self)
d[nbytes(b'a')] = d['a']
d['a'] = d[b'a']

C:\code\hg-repos\reportlab\tmp>\python37\python -b tb1.py
{'a': 1, b'a': 1}
{b'a': 1, 'a': 1}

I expected one of the assignments to warn.
Robin Becker


Re: Are dicts supposed to raise comparison errors

2018-08-01 Thread Robin Becker

On 01/08/2018 14:38, Chris Angelico wrote:

t's a warning designed to help people port code from Py2 to Py3. It's
not meant to catch every possible comparison. Unless you are actually
porting Py2 code and are worried that you'll be accidentally comparing
bytes and text, just*don't use the -b switch*  and there will be no

I don't understand what the issue is here.

I don't either, I have never used the  -b flag until the issue was raised on bitbucket. If someone is testing a program with 
reportlab and uses that flag then they get a lot of warnings from this dictionary assignment. Probably the code needs tightening 
so that we insist on using native strings everywhere; that's quite hard for py2/3 compatible code.

Robin Becker


Re: Are dicts supposed to raise comparison errors

2018-08-02 Thread Robin Becker

On 01/08/2018 18:19, Peter Otten wrote:

I've looked into the actual code which has

# paraparser.py
f = isPy3 and asBytes or asUnicode
K = list(known_entities.keys())
for k in K:
 known_entities[f(k)] = known_entities[k]

It looks like known_entities starts out with the default string type, i. e.
unicode in py3 and bytes in py2.

While in py2 the code has no effect in py3 it adds the corresponding keys of
type bytes. However, known_entities is then used in
HTMLParser.handle_entity_ref(self, name) which passes the name as unicode in
 > I didn't try, but I would suspect that the module keeps working as expected
when you remove the lines quoted above.

I did try and all the tests pass in 2.7.x & >=3.3; the commit message says "fix entityref handling" and happened during the python 
3.x porting.
I suppose there was some issue, but its entirely probable that some later change (eg parser) has fixed the original problem and 
made this code redundant.

If I'm correct running the program with the -b flag has at least helped in
cleaning up the code in this case.

and I will try running all tests under that flag; it's sure to find more issues.

In other cases it might detect sources of bugs, so IMHO it's better to have
a close look at and possibly rewrite code that triggers the warning rather
than to disable it.

Robin Becker


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