[qubes-users] How to set up Internet Connection Sharing over USB..?

2016-09-14 Thread neilhardley
Is there any way to set up Internet Connection Sharing using USB..?

For example, with an Android phone, you can share its connection with a 
computer using so-called "tethering".

But I want to "tether" the Whonix VM's internet connection to another computer, 
using USB.

The purpose is to use Qubes as a dedicated Tor router, to take advantage of the 
VT-D protection, but then to use a separate computer to do web browsing, seeing 
as web browsers are so vulnerable, and I don't want Qubes to be hacked due to a 
web browser flaw. 

All I want to run on Qubes is Whonix VM and some kind of Internet sharing over 

How do I do this..?


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[qubes-users] Re: Is there any way to mount a Qubes volume from an external drive..?

2016-09-14 Thread neilhardley
I'm not trying to mount the external HDD itself.

I'm trying to mount the Qubes installation it. The encrypted Qubes OS that I 
have installed on the drive. I want to somehow decrypt and read the data from 
that itself.

It's not a VM backup format. It's the actual hard drive for Qubes itself on an 
external HDD.

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[qubes-users] Re: How to set up Internet Connection Sharing over USB..?

2016-09-14 Thread neilhardley
Alternatively, I could do this with Ethernet.

I know that you can right-click the network icon, click "edit connections", go 
to IPV4 settings, and edit it as network sharing for the WIRED connection.

However, this is only going to share the overall connection.

I am looking to explicitly share the Whonix/Tor connection only.


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[qubes-users] How to attach Ethernet to a VM other than sys-net..?

2016-09-17 Thread neilhardley
If I type "ifconfig" in "sys-net", it's clear that Ethernet is attached to the 
"sys-net" VM.

I would like to attach the Ethernet to the Whonix VM, so that I can use it as a 
Tor router to route the Tor connection into a 2nd laptop.

How do you attach Ethernet to a particular VM..? Does anyone know..?


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[qubes-users] Re: How to attach Ethernet to a VM other than sys-net..?

2016-09-18 Thread neilhardley

I came to the conclusion that this is all a waste of time.

A hacker (especially nation state) would hack your main home router.

Then hack your endpoint laptop.

Then they can see that both are connected to a dedicated Tor router in the 
middle, through its MAC address or other identifier, such as device name.

So they can see that both are connected to the same dedicated Tor router, and 
thus, they can see who you are that way.

So unless you are confident that you can secure your main home router, then 
this idea of a dedicated Tor router is hopeless.

You would be better off using a QUBES live disc and ONLY use Tor from the very 

As the internal NSA Snowden documents say, "one page request" is all it takes 
to hack you.. but note, they can only do this page request if you are actually 
connecting via your real IP address.

Therefore, use a QUBES live disc, use TOR ONLY (never mix it up with clearnet), 
and make sure your BIOS is freshly installed, and then just cross your fingers 
and hope you don't get hacked while using Tor browser. By all means, use 
NoScript etc.

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[qubes-users] WHERE is VT-D implemented..?

2016-09-19 Thread neilhardley
Quick question.

WHERE is VT-D protection against DMA attacks implemented..?

Is it implemented at a particular VM, such as




Or is this just built-in to the entire Qubes system regardless of which VM you 
are using..?

If I were to run something like

wget google.com

within "sys-net" terminal

Would that be protected by VT-D..?


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[qubes-users] How do you install external USB WiFi adapters..?

2016-09-20 Thread neilhardley
I plug in a USB WiFi adapter.

I go to sys-usb, and run "lsusb".

It shows up there as, "Bus 002 Device 028: ID 148f:3070 Ralink Technology, 
Corp. RT2870/RT3070 Wireless Adapter"

What happens next..?

How do I get this to the point where it can be used..?


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Re: [qubes-users] How do you install external USB WiFi adapters..?

2016-09-21 Thread neilhardley
When you say "restart", do you mean the entire OS, or just restart sys-net..?

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[qubes-users] If you change "sys-net" from Fedora to Debian template, will it break anything..?

2016-09-22 Thread neilhardley
I may need to change "sys-net" from the Fedora template VM, to the Debian 
template VM.

If I did this, would it break anything..? Or does it simply have to be Fedora..?


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[qubes-users] Can TeamViewer or similar work with Qubes..?

2016-09-22 Thread neilhardley
I am working on a project with someone.

And they want to remote into Qubes with TeamViewer.

Will this work at all... or is there any alternative software..? Thanks

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Re: [qubes-users] If you change "sys-net" from Fedora to Debian template, will it break anything..?

2016-09-22 Thread neilhardley
Can I also ask

Is it true to say

"enp0s1" is the sys-net equivalent of "eth0"

and "wlp0s0" is the sys-net equivalent of "wlan0"


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Re: [qubes-users] Can TeamViewer or similar work with Qubes..?

2016-09-22 Thread neilhardley
OK, that's pretty useless, because I want someone to connect to my PV, not to a 
win7 HVM.

Are there any other options at all..? I guess I could let someone SSH into my 

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[qubes-users] How to install DHCP in "sys-net"

2016-09-22 Thread neilhardley
I am doing a project with someone.

I need to install DHCP in "sys-net".

I did:

sudo dnf install dhcp


sudo dnf install dhcpcd


After this, I was asked to look for this file:



But it just hadn't been created.

I don't understand how to install DHCP in sys-net

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Re: [qubes-users] If you change "sys-net" from Fedora to Debian template, will it break anything..?

2016-09-22 Thread neilhardley
OK, now, I had real problems trying to switch to debian8.

I shut down sys-net and sys-firewall

Switched them both over to debian8

First thing, it said "Internet disconnected" in network manager, and simply 
wouldn't show any WiFi networks at all.

Second thing, it wouldn't even open the terminal for "sys-net".

So, this really did not work for me.

Chris Laprise, what did you do, other than shutting down VMs and changing to 

Did you have to shut down sys-usb as well..? 

Or do I have to do a bunch of other VMs or other stuff..?

This certainly didn't work smoothly for me at all. I've switched back over to 
Fedora just to type this.

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Re: [qubes-users] If you change "sys-net" from Fedora to Debian template, will it break anything..?

2016-09-22 Thread neilhardley
Yeah, what actually happened to me, is that Ethernet DOES work just fine.

But WiFi doesn't.

So this is actually I think related to this issue:


Wifi no longer recognised in Debian-based sys-net VM after 3.0 -> 3.1 upgrade

I have an Intel 3165 WiFi chip.

There is something where Debian in Qubes no longer works with WiFi or 
something. They say to downgrade to a lower kernel.. Errgh

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[qubes-users] Can't get WiFi driver to work in Debian 8

2016-09-22 Thread neilhardley
I am on Qubes 3.2 rc2.

I have an Intel 3165 WiFi driver.

It simply does not work.

It works fine in Fedora, but not Debian.

According to this:


There is something where Debian no longer recognises WiFi in Qubes Net VMs..?

Is this true..? 

If so, it says to downgrade to 3.18 kernel.

So I follow these instructions:


But then I try going to dom0, and running:

"sudo qubes-dom0-update grub2-xen"

and it returns:

"Cannot download rpm/grub2-xen-2.02beta2-3.fc23.x86_64.rpm: All mirrors were 

So I just don't get it.

Do I need to downgrade the kernel or not..? Does anyone have WiFi drivers 
working in a Debian8 Net VM..??

And if I do, why is this failing in dom0..? 


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[qubes-users] Re: Can't get WiFi driver to work in Debian 8

2016-09-22 Thread neilhardley
OK. I solved it. The solution is to get the jessie-backports .deb file and 
install it in the "debian-8" template VM:

Go here


Then here


Copy the file to debian-8


dpkg -i firmware-iwlwifi_20160110-1-bpo8+1_all.deb


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[qubes-users] Re: Can't get WiFi driver to work in Debian 8

2016-09-22 Thread neilhardley
Obviously restart the Template VM and Net VM afterwards.

All solved.

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Re: [qubes-users] If you change "sys-net" from Fedora to Debian template, will it break anything..?

2016-09-22 Thread neilhardley
OK. You need to install the jessie-backports verison of the Intel driver in 
order for it to work in Debian 8.

See my post here where I solved it:


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[qubes-users] Is it possible to have 2 Net VMs - one for Ethernet, another for WiFi..?

2016-09-23 Thread neilhardley
I want to have 2 Net VMs running at the same time.

One would hold Ethernet in "Devices"

The other would hold WiFi in "Devices"

Is this possible?

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[qubes-users] How to add a "sys-firewall" to a NetVM..?

2016-09-23 Thread neilhardley
I created a new NetVM to use debian8, rather than fedora-23

It all works fine.

But I noticed that the original "sys-net" has a "sys-firewall" tied to it.

Do I need to add something like this for my new Net VM, and if so, how do I do 


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[qubes-users] Why are Ethernet and WiFi in sys-net..?

2016-09-24 Thread neilhardley
Simple question: Why are Ethernet and WiFi in sys-net..?

Is it

(A) Just for easy access to the same network for all App VMs..?

(B) Because this is isolating Ethernet and WiFi from the rest of the system, to 
stop DMA attacks..?

It's not clear to me whether the VT-D protection is occurring because you are 
putting these devices in sys-net.

Or whether the VT-D is implemented regardless of which VM the Wifi/Ethernet are 

I ask this because I want to run some programs in sys-net, and wonder whether a 
DMA attack could screw up these programs.


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[qubes-users] What is the purpose of sys-firewall..?

2016-09-24 Thread neilhardley
What is the purpose of sys-firewall..?

I noticed that every App VM has its own "Firewall Rules" inside of VM Settings.

So therefore, what is the purpose of sys-firewall..?


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[qubes-users] "Carrying forward" a DMA attack..?

2016-09-24 Thread neilhardley
Let's say I have a Qubes machine connected to a 2nd laptop by Ethernet.

The Qubes machine is sharing its Internet connection.

Let's say the Qubes machine gets hit with a DMA attack.

The 2nd laptop is not a Qubes machine, and therefore doesn't have VT-D for DMA 

Can the DMA attack be "carried forward" to the 2nd laptop... or is it killed 
for good by the Qubes machine..?


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Re: [qubes-users] Why are Ethernet and WiFi in sys-net..?

2016-09-25 Thread neilhardley
OK, it's the original poster here.

The consensus so far is that anything I run inside sys-net should be 
vulnerable, and that it is advised not to run programs in sys-net.

So, in this case, how am I supposed to run my Ethernet Tor hotspot..?

I had somebody write me a script that lets Qubes connect by WiFi to my home 
router, and then serve out an Ethernet hotspot that runs everything through Tor.

The program works fine, but yes, it does run within sys-net.

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Re: [qubes-users] Why are Ethernet and WiFi in sys-net..?

2016-09-25 Thread neilhardley
OK.. here we go This is my question with a DIAGRAM to help you visualise it:


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Re: [qubes-users] Why are Ethernet and WiFi in sys-net..?

2016-09-25 Thread neilhardley
- WiFi device-
- Ethernet device-
- Tor ethernet hotspot script-
-Ethernet crossover cable
- -
- -
- -
-   Web browser, apps etc -
- -
- -
- -
- -


Could a DMA attack on WiFi device or Ethernet device then take over the entire 
Net VM, modify my Tor script, and then do whatever, like, leak my real IP, pass 
all data to the hacker, etc?

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Re: [qubes-users] Why are Ethernet and WiFi in sys-net..?

2016-09-25 Thread neilhardley
In terms of "hotspot" terminology, what it does is, quote from author of the 

"it bridges the two interfaces but uses NAT to achieve it"

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Re: [qubes-users] Why are Ethernet and WiFi in sys-net..?

2016-09-25 Thread neilhardley
OK, but I have already built the script. I have it running in Net VM. It works.

I am NOT asking you to make an alternative system.

I am simply asking whether an attack on the WiFi/Ethernet in the Net VM could 
also end up messing up my Tor script.

Look at the question again:


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Re: [qubes-users] Why are Ethernet and WiFi in sys-net..?

2016-09-25 Thread neilhardley
You said:

Now, if the compromised sys-net can somehow otherwise breach other
AppVM's or dom0, you're screwed.


Yeah... and surely this is exactly what can happen, no..?

We had 2 Xen exploits in the last 1 year.

Surely a compromised sys-net can just run a Xen exploit, and can then breach 
into any other VM, including dom0.

This is the whole reason why I decided to use 2 laptops.. because Xen is not 

So, I think the solution is to simply use a WiFi and Ethernet that do NOT have 
any bugs in the first place.

As far as I can tell, networking firmware in Linux is actually implemented in 
Linux, and not installed on the actual device itself.

Therefore, so long as the driver was open source, then surely it can be audited 
for any DMA bugs.

Here is a comparison of open source wireless drivers


Are there any particular WiFi chips on this list that anyone recommends..?

Are certain ones known to be more secure than others..?

Because to me, this is where this thread has now ended up.

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Re: [qubes-users] Why are Ethernet and WiFi in sys-net..?

2016-09-25 Thread neilhardley
OK, so the main takeaway from your answer:

"The card doesn't have a host CPU and so it doesn't require a firmware source"

that seems like the most interesting

the driver would still need to be bug-free though

who knows whether any of these have even been audited

thanks for your replies though... very detailed and very useful

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Re: [qubes-users] Why are Ethernet and WiFi in sys-net..?

2016-09-25 Thread neilhardley
I guess the only other thing I would add is.

With Firefox, you have a page "Security Advisories", which lists the history of 
Firefox exploits.

I wonder if such a thing exists for WiFi drivers + firmware.

Or even a list of any major audits of WiFi drivers + firmware.

If there is some really easy way to see which WiFi devices are the most secure.

Something like "security advisories", but for WiFi devices.

But I guess if no eyeballs are even looking at the code, then no one will find 
any bugs.

Ultimately, what's needed is a Truecrypt-style major audit.

If we could crowd-fund an audit of a major WiFi chip(s), that may be the key.

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Re: [qubes-users] Why are Ethernet and WiFi in sys-net..?

2016-09-25 Thread neilhardley
You should realise, I don't actually care if the 2nd laptop is hacked.

I'm only trying to protect WHO I am, and not WHAT I'm doing.

So I don't care about DMA attacks on the 2nd laptop.

I only aim to protect the Tor hotspot thing that is set up in the Qubes system.

And for this, I think the solution is to use a safe WiFi/Ethernet device, if 
these things even exist.

Of course, this means that I don't even really need Qubes at all, which you 
pointed out in an earlier post.

I originally thought I needed Qubes for this system but in fact, VT-D 
simply doesn't do what I originally thought it did.

I originally thought VT-D isolated the networking devices themselves.

But in fact, VT-D simply allows networking devices to be inside the Net VM. 

The Net VM still relies on Xen to separate itself from the rest of the Qubes 

Hence, it all comes back to Xen. Maybe Qubes 4.0 and SLAT will make Xen secure.

But for now, I think using 2 laptops is more secure, so long as we can be sure 
there are no bugs in the networking drivers.

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Re: [qubes-users] Why are Ethernet and WiFi in sys-net..?

2016-09-26 Thread neilhardley
Well, entr0py, you are correct.

It does indeed come down, to either Xen, or my networking stack.

Let me ask... what is the security like for Ethernet..?

Let's say I connected to my home router via Ethernet, and also served out the 
Tor connection to a 2nd laptop, over Ethernet.

In this setup, there is no WiFi at all.

Would that make things more secure..?

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Re: [qubes-users] Why are Ethernet and WiFi in sys-net..?

2016-09-26 Thread neilhardley
And yes, by all means, I will use Whonix's system rather than my own custom 

I originally created my own, because I saw that Whonix didn't have VT-D.

But then I learned that VT-D is nowhere near as good as I thought.

I originally thought VT-D isolates the devices from the Net VM itself. But in 
fact, VT-D only keeps the devices inside of Net VM... and the security of Net 
VM itself is still dependent on Xen.

So... yes I will definitely look into using Whonix for this rather than my 
own script.

But just to re-iterate my previous question.. do you think Ethernet is any more 
secure than WiFi.

In your answer, you explicitly say to get rid of WiFi, due to security 
problems... But how about Ethernet..?


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Re: [qubes-users] Why are Ethernet and WiFi in sys-net..?

2016-09-26 Thread neilhardley
Very useful info, but what I meant is whether the Ethernet drivers/firmware etc 
are more secure than the WiFi ones.

I wasn't really talking things like RF leakage etc.

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Re: [qubes-users] Why are Ethernet and WiFi in sys-net..?

2016-09-26 Thread neilhardley
Wow. Not even 4 GB of compiled drivers for the WiFi. You are saying it's 4 GB 
of raw plaintext source code..?


That's INSANELY complex.

A bit like how people have said phone basebands are incredibly complex, not to 
mention, closed source.

All this wireless stuff in general seems to be super super complex, and thus, 
prone to security problems.

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[qubes-users] Anything else to wipe other than HDD and BIOS..?

2016-09-27 Thread neilhardley
If I think a computer has been infected, is there anything else I should 
wipe/re-install other than

1. Hard Drive / Operating System


Is there anything else that a hacker could possibly infect that needs to be 


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Re: [qubes-users] Re: Anything else to wipe other than HDD and BIOS..?

2016-09-27 Thread neilhardley
How about Google Chromebooks which have a system to auto-restore the OS if it 
thinks it's been tampered with..?

Or what about a read-only BIOS in the first place..?

Is there any reason BIOS can't be read-only..?

I basically want a computer which is most easy to wipe/reinstall and then it's 
truly wiped.

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Re: [qubes-users] Re: Anything else to wipe other than HDD and BIOS..?

2016-09-27 Thread neilhardley
Yeah, Joanna is seriously epic.

How about Raspberry Pi..? That seems to have very few components.

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[qubes-users] Physical isolation using Whonix and Qubes..?

2016-09-28 Thread neilhardley
I am looking to use Qubes/Whonix as a dedicated Tor router.

And then route a laptop through my Qubes/Whonix system.

Main router => Qubes/Whonix computer that acts as a Tor-only router => My 
laptop for browsing web

I want to know how to share the connection of Whonix/Tor in Qubes, with a 
laptop that connects into the machine physically.

I tried asking this question on Whonix forums, but they told me to ask on 
qubes-users instead, because it is "unsupported".

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[qubes-users] How to get NetworkManager in anon-whonix..?

2016-09-29 Thread neilhardley
I would like to get NetworkManager to open up for anon-whonix.

How do I achieve this..?

I am trying to share an Internet connection that is Tor-only. Thus, I need to 
open the NetworkManager system tray applet thing in Whonix.


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[qubes-users] Set different NetVM for dom0

2016-09-29 Thread neilhardley
How do I change the NetVM used by dom0..?

I have sys-firewall as does everyone.

But I actually set up a new NetVM a while back, and sys-firewall no longer 
works for me.

Call it "NetVM2".

So I want to set the NetVM used by dom0 to "NetVM2", or whatever replace 
"NetVM2" with the name of the NetVM.


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[qubes-users] sys-firewall no longer works after creating new Net VM

2016-09-29 Thread neilhardley
I created a new Net VM, in order to use Debian, and it works fine.

But now I want to revert back to sys-net.

The problem is that my sys-firewall no longer works.

How do I get sys-firewall to work again?

It starts up fine, but simply doesn't work. Other App VMs are not getting data 
through it.


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[qubes-users] Failed to add USB controller to App VM

2016-09-29 Thread neilhardley
I am using Qubes 3.2 rc2

I need to use an external USB WiFI device.

I was told in a previous thread that I need to attach the entire USB 
controller, rather than just using qvm-usb -a


However, when I do this, I get the following error message:


Error starting VM 'anon-whonix': internal error: Unable to reset PCI device 
:00:14.0: no FLR, PM reset or bus reset available


What is the solution here..? I'm adding a USB controller to anon-whonix. Thanks.

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Re: [qubes-users] Failed to add USB controller to App VM

2016-09-30 Thread neilhardley
OK, this seems to be what I need.

One further question...



Accepted values: True, False

Control whether prevent assigning to VM a device which does not support any 
reset method. Generally such devices should not be assigned to any VM, because 
there will be no way to reset device state after VM shutdown, so the device 
could attack next VM to which it will be assigned. But in some cases it could 
make sense - for example when the VM to which it is assigned is trusted one, or 
is running all the time.



So... if you were to shut down and restart your entire computer (not just VMs), 
would the device state be reset to a safe state...?

Or is this just going to make it unsafe forever..?


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Re: [qubes-users] Failed to add USB controller to App VM

2016-09-30 Thread neilhardley
OK this works.

For anyone reading this in the future.. yes, it works.

You'll notice that sys-usb has False as its setting for this, hence how sys-usb 
is able to boot without this error message.

So yes, set it to False and now USB WiFi networking devices work.

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[qubes-users] A computer with read-only firmware..?

2016-10-01 Thread neilhardley
Does anyone know of any computer that has read-only firmware..?

I'm talking, just about anything that could have a virus written to it.

Stuff like


2. GPU

3. Ethernet

4. Mouse

5. Keyboard


I want this system because then if it is infected, then all I need to do is 
wipe the HDD and then it's clean again.

Ideally the system should only have HDD as persistently writable.

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[qubes-users] Would USB Ethernet be more secure than WiFi..?

2016-10-01 Thread neilhardley
There is talk that Ethernet is more secure than WiFi, due to the complexity of 

So, my laptop only has WiFi.

If I were to remove the WiFi chip, and use a USB Ethernet adapter, do you think 
that would be more secure..?

Something like this:



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[qubes-users] Detach a USB mic from sys-usb into dom0

2016-10-03 Thread neilhardley
I remember, before I had Qubes with the USB qube, my USB mic seemed to be in 

To the point where I could see the USB mic as an option in "Volume Control"/ 
pavucontrol in dom0.

In the volume control mixer, I would be able to select the VM from there, and 
choose the USB mic as the input device for a particular VM.

But now, because I have sys-usb, the USB mic is in sys-usb, and thus, I cannot 
select it from the dom0 volume mixer.

How do I get the USB mic to detach from sys-usb and go back into dom0...?

Or is there some way to direct a mic to a certain VM using sys-usb instead?


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[qubes-users] Re: Detach a USB mic from sys-usb into dom0

2016-10-03 Thread neilhardley
OK, here is the solution. I solved it myself.

You install "pavucontrol" in the internal VM.

Then ,if you look at it, you will see that the USB mic is actually detected 

So in fact, no need to detach anything, or disable any USB qube.

You just simply install "pavucontrol" inside the App VM.

The USB mic doesn't show up in dom0's pavucontrol

But it does show up in pavucontrol of the internal VM


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[qubes-users] Switch of DMA altogether..?

2016-10-07 Thread neilhardley
Qubes uses VT-D and a Net VM to attempt to isolate buggy WiFi adapters from the 
rest of the Qubes system.

But this isolation still depends on Xen not having bugs... And we know that Xen 
has bugs, and will likely continue to have more going forward.

So, instead of VT-D, why not just switch off DMA altogether..?

In Debian, you can edit "/etc/hdparms.conf", and do stuff like this:

/dev/hdc {
dma = on

Why not just do this for WiFi and Ethernet chips in Qubes, and thus, not have 
to rely on Xen for isolation?

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[qubes-users] Re: Switch of DMA altogether..?

2016-10-07 Thread neilhardley
Presumably through the CPU.

We know this option exists for hard drives for a facts.

So I see no reason you couldn't get Ethernet + WiFi chips without DMA.

Not all devices support switching off DMA, so I can see why Qubes decided to 
use VT-D + Xen instead.

But certainly, I think there are devices out there without DMA. I think you 
just need to search the market for a Ethernet/WiFi that supports non-DMA.

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Re: [qubes-users] Re: Switch of DMA altogether..?

2016-10-07 Thread neilhardley
So are you saying that VT-D does not actually depend on Xen...?

With a Xen bug, couldn't a hacked WiFi device just break out of sys-net..?

Or not..?

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Re: [qubes-users] Switch of DMA altogether..?

2016-10-07 Thread neilhardley
On Friday, 7 October 2016 19:37:50 UTC+1, Achim Patzner  wrote:
> I think I’ve still got a bunch of NE2000 and early RealTekNICs somewhere in 
> the cellar – how much do you want to offer?

Are you saying that these devices are non-DMA...?

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Re: [qubes-users] Switch of DMA altogether..?

2016-10-07 Thread neilhardley
The original cards, the NE1000 (8-bit ISA; announced as "E-Net adapter" in 
February 1987 for 495 USD) and NE2000 (16-bit ISA), and the corresponding use 
of limited 8-bit and later 16-bit DMA in the NE2000

That seems to say that DMA is in fact used in the NE2000.

By the way, will these cards support modern Ethernet cables, like cat5e...?

Do they support Ethernet crossover?


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Re: [qubes-users] Switch of DMA altogether..?

2016-10-07 Thread neilhardley
Another question...

Are DMA attacks on Ethernet are even plausible?

WiFi seems much more vulnerable than Ethernet, due to more complexity.

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Re: [qubes-users] Switch of DMA altogether..?

2016-10-07 Thread neilhardley
OK. This is getting confusing.

So you are now saying that you can't do a DMA attack over the web..?

If I had one computer connected to another via Ethernet crossover, could one 
computer infect the other via DMA by sending the DMA attack over the crossover 

Or can a computer only launch a DMA attack on itself?

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Re: [qubes-users] Switch of DMA altogether..?

2016-10-08 Thread neilhardley
OK, so we've gone from not do-able remotely, to "may or may not be possible", 
and "this is hard"

Are there any proven such attacks on Ethernet? Any proof of concepts?

Also, would USB Ethernet make this attack any easier..? Something like a USB 
Ethernet dongle?


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Re: [qubes-users] Switch of DMA altogether..?

2016-10-08 Thread neilhardley
OK, so we've gone from not do-able remotely, to "may or may not be possible", 
and "this is hard"
Are there any proven such attacks on Ethernet? Any proof of concepts?

Also, would USB Ethernet make this attack any easier..? Something like a USB 
Ethernet dongle?


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Re: [qubes-users] Switch of DMA altogether..?

2016-10-08 Thread neilhardley
This paper suggests it is definitely possible to attack a network card remotely

This is written by the French intelligence agency, "ANSSI - French Network and 
Information Security Agency"



In [8], we demonstrated how it is possible for an attacker to take full control 
of a computer by exploiting a vulnerability in the network adapter. This proof 
of concept shows how it is possible for an attacker to take full control of the 
adapter and to add a backdoor in the OS kernel using DMA accesses. The 
vulnerability was unconditionally exploitable when the ASF function was enabled 
on the network card to any attacker that would be able to send UDP packets to 
the victim.


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Re: [qubes-users] Switch of DMA altogether..?

2016-10-08 Thread neilhardley
I've been going through some of the networking modules on my Qubes system.

Some of them would indicate that DMA can be switched off entirely, and PIO used 

For example:


modinfo -F parm 

pio:Use PIO accesses by default: 0=DMA, 1=PIO (int)


so.. PIO here would suggest that it's possible to use non-DMA.


I guess my real question is... would switching off DMA make you safer anyway..?

For example, PIO is just going to transfer it to the CPU.

At this point, couldn't the CPU just infect your device rather than DMA..?

So I'm not even entirely convinced that uaing PIO would make you safer anyway.

What do people think..?

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Re: [qubes-users] Switch of DMA altogether..?

2016-10-08 Thread neilhardley
DMA allows network card to read/write RAM.

DMA attack allows one already-compromised VM to read the RAM of another VM, 
thus breaching Qubes isolation... unless you use VT-D, although flaws in VT-D 
have been shown.

Remote DMA attack allows packets sent to the network card directly over the 
web, not even having to compromise your VM first... as demonstrated in the 
paper by the French intel agency.

That is what I understand so far. Hence, why I am asking if using PIO rather 
than DMA would prevent such attacks.

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Re: [qubes-users] Switch of DMA altogether..?

2016-10-09 Thread neilhardley
OK, so how about using PIO purely..?

A device which can do PIO and PIO only.

Would this then be more secure..? Or would the attack just be carried out by 
the CPU rather than RAM..?

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[qubes-users] Restart sound card "state"..?

2016-10-14 Thread neilhardley
When I first installed Qubes, my webcam/mic was plugged in.

I have since removed the webcam/mic physically.

Since doing this, the sound no longer works on Qubes.

I tried booting Ubuntu live disc, and sound works.

So it's not a physical problem.

I feel like Qubes initially detected a certain "state" or some kind of hardware 

And now, it's different hardware, so it doesn't play sound anymore. Speakers, 
headphone sockets.. Simply no sound.

How do I re-detect the sound hardware.. or restart the state.. or something 
along these lines..? 

Something like what Qubes would do when first installing.. Detecting the 
hardware..? Something like that.

How do I do this?

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[qubes-users] Re: Restart sound card "state"..?

2016-10-15 Thread neilhardley
OK. Solved. It was muted in "output devices".

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[qubes-users] A list of computers that do not "hold state"..?

2016-10-22 Thread neilhardley
Does anyone have a list of computers with no writable firmware..?

If you get hacked, hackers can deeply infect the BIOS, GPU, WiFi and other 
components that "hold state".

Then, even if you wipe your hard drive after getting infected, you can still 
just get re-infected again, due to the deep firmware infections.

The Raspberry Pi is an example of a device that does not "hold state".

Every component on the Raspberry Pi has its firmware and drivers loaded in from 
an SD card.

Thus, if you wipe the SD card, you have truly wiped the device, and can be sure 
that it is totally clean.

Does anyone have a list of similar devices to the Pi, that do not "hold state" 
on ANY of the components...?


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[qubes-users] Screen recorder for Qubes..?

2016-11-07 Thread neilhardley
I see that dom0 has a screenshot tool, but how about a screen recorder tool..?

I.e. one that would record video.

Sound is not needed, but I certainly need to record many screenshots per 
second.. Many frames per second.


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Re: [qubes-users] Re: Screen recorder for Qubes..?

2016-11-07 Thread neilhardley
None of this makes any sense to me.

There is already a screenshot tool

This would just be multiple screenshots per second.

I don't see why it isn't possible

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Re: [qubes-users] Re: Screen recorder for Qubes..?

2016-11-08 Thread neilhardley
On Tuesday, 8 November 2016 12:49:53 UTC, Eva Star  wrote:
> It's not hard to integrate video capturing to my qubes screenshot tool 

What is the command name for your screenshot tool...? Can it be run on the 
command line..?

Because I'd be willing to just write a script to run it multiple times per 
second, and then view the JPG / PNG images individually

I'd be willing to write that script myself right now and not even integrate it 
into Qubes or anything... To just do it for myself.

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[qubes-users] QUBES 3.2 won't install... EFI_MEMMAP is not enabled... ESRT header is not in the memory map

2016-07-09 Thread neilhardley
I am trying to install QUBES 3.2-rc1

I get onto the screen with penguins, and it says

efi: EFI_MEMMAP is not enabled

esrt: ESRT header is not in the memory map


And then it just stays there and doesn't do anything.

Is this normal..?

Am I just supposed to wait..?

Or is there something wrong here...?


I am able to install QUBES 3.0 just perfectly but not 3.2-rc1

I was also getting stuck on this penguin screen when trying to install QUBES 
3.1 as well.

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[qubes-users] Qubes 3.0 won't install... "No bootable device"

2016-07-10 Thread neilhardley
I wrote the QUBES 3.0 ISO to an external HDD.

Then I ran the installation, to install QUBES to the local internal HDD.

Works fine. Tells me all done and restart.

Yet, it then says "no bootable device", and press ENTER to go back to BIOS boot 

Previously,  I tried installing QUBES 3.1, and I think I may have messed up the 
steps here


I messed up steps 6 to 10, so that may be the problem.

In any event... it's at the point where it just will not boot.

I don't know what to do.

I have a Windows recovery disc, so I am able to re-install Windows 8.1 whenever 
I want.

But I'm really trying to get rid of Windows 8.1 and install QUBES

I had no problems installing to an external HDD to test it out.. but now I want 
it on my main system... and it just won't boot.

What do I do...?? How do I get QUBES to boot??

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Re: [qubes-users] Qubes 3.0 won't install... "No bootable device"

2016-07-10 Thread neilhardley
My EUFI is disabled and i still get the message "bootable device was not found"

What do i do?

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Re: [qubes-users] Qubes 3.0 won't install... "No bootable device"

2016-07-10 Thread neilhardley
It was all disabled from the start.

It simply will not work.

As I say, it can install to an external HDD just fine. Just not the local drive.

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Re: [qubes-users] Qubes 3.0 won't install... "No bootable device"

2016-07-10 Thread neilhardley
In the installer, it shows the USB external HDD, and the local HDD.

I am currently in a Ubuntu live disc, and in the partition manager, it shows

partition -- file system -- size -- used -- flags

/dev/sda1 -- ext4 -- 500MB -- 155.12MB -- boot

/dev/sda2 -- crypt-luks -- 698.15GB -- N/A -- N/A

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Re: [qubes-users] Qubes 3.0 won't install... "No bootable device"

2016-07-10 Thread neilhardley
One thing I notice is that I used to be able to press F12, and get the HDD as a 
boot option.

Now it's just missing altogether.

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Re: [qubes-users] Qubes 3.0 won't install... "No bootable device"

2016-07-10 Thread neilhardley
OK... This is what I get

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt
mount: block device /dev/sda2 is write-protected, mounting read-only
NTFS signature is missing.
Failed to mount '/dev/sda2': Invalid argument
The device '/dev/sda2' doesn't seem to have a valid NTFS.
Maybe the wrong device is used? Or the whole disk instead of a
partition (e.g. /dev/sda, not /dev/sda1)? Or the other way around?

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Re: [qubes-users] Qubes 3.0 won't install... "No bootable device"

2016-07-10 Thread neilhardley
It may be possible that I'm following the EUFI guidelines incorrectly.

Replace existing Qubes entry with modified one. Replace  with entry number 
from previous step, /dev/sda with your disk name and -p 1 with /boot/efi 
partition number):

With this for example.. how am I supposed to know the /boot/efi partition 
number...? What would the number usually be? 

I have no clue.. errgh. Just my guess... I think I'll leave this one to the 
experts I am very confused.

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Re: [qubes-users] Qubes 3.0 won't install... "No bootable device"

2016-07-10 Thread neilhardley
OK... I have found a solution.

Just use QUBES 3.2

I followed the instructions on the "EUFI Troubleshooting" page for QUBES 3.2.

I simply couldn't understand the instructions for 3.1.

So instead, the instructions are much easier for 3.2.


In GRUB menu1 press e.

At the end of chainloader line add /mapbs /noexitboot.

Perform installation normally, but not reboot system at the end yet.

Go to tty2 (Ctrl-Alt-F2).

Edit /mnt/sysimage/boot/efi/EFI/qubes/xen.cfg (you can use vi editor) and add 
to every kernel section:


Note: You must add these parameters on two separate new lines (one paramater on 
each line) at the end of each section that includes a kernel line (i.e., all 
sections except the first one, since it doesn’t have a kernel line).
Now you can reboot the system by issuing reboot command.


That's it. Problem solved.

It was nothing to do with EUFI or legacy boot or anything like that.

As I said, I had already done all the BIOS stuff.

Thanks for the help anyway.

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Re: [qubes-users] Qubes 3.0 won't install... "No bootable device"

2016-07-11 Thread neilhardley
I have to say from a user experience... figuring that all out was hell.

When you look at what I did.. I essentially added 2 main bits to the code


I really just wonder.. if there's any reason QUBES developers couldn't just add 
these 2 lines themselves, so that the user doesn't have to do it.

I'm not an expert at all, so I could be totally wrong but I really wonder

Do any devs know the answer to this..?

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[qubes-users] Question about the SECURITY of backing up QUBES.

2016-07-11 Thread neilhardley
I have a question about the security of backing up QUBES.

I see that the VM backup procedure lets you back up both template VMs and App 
VMs, as well as dom0.

The question is... let's say that we find out about another Xen escape, like 
the one from October 2015.

At this point, surely we now the consider that the entire system was 

So let's then say that we download an entirely new version of QUBES, and 
upgrade to the latest Xen before doing anything else.

What is then the backup procedure for templates and App VMs..?

Surely this means that it's not safe to restore the backed up VMs.. seeing as 
they were present on the old compromised machine?

Or what..?

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Re: [qubes-users] Question about the SECURITY of backing up QUBES.

2016-07-11 Thread neilhardley
Is it possible that someone who compromised QUBES, could re-write the AppVM in 
a way that whenever it is loaded up, it re-infects the entire system all over 

In that case, the only safe thing would be to manually back up the files within 
the AppVM with some sort of Fedora backup tool.

Or is that not an issue... and it's safe to just back up the entire AppVM using 
the QUBES tool...?

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[qubes-users] Question on SECURITY of WHONIX VM

2016-07-12 Thread neilhardley
I have a question about the security of Whonix, which is used as the Tor VM in 
QUBES 3.2.

My question is... we know that the Tor Browser can be hacked, mainly based on 
Firefox exploits.

So it's very possible that when I'm using Whonix, the Tor Firefox browser gets 

So when this happens, and I restart the Whonix VM... is the hack now gone, or 
is it persistent..?

In other words, does the App VM load the browser itself from the Whonix 

Or, does the browser itself reside in the App VM..?

Presumably, if the browser is in the App VM, then the hack is persistent, and I 
would have to create the App VM all over again in order to clean it up.

But if it's in the template VM, then it's wiped clean whenever you restart the 
App VM.


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[qubes-users] Buying new laptop.. What check should I do in-store..?

2016-07-12 Thread neilhardley
I have QUBES running now, but my processor only has VT-X, and not VT-D.

So I'm thinking about buying a new laptop just to get VT-D.

I want to go into a physical store and try out the live USB for 3.1.. just to 
make sure that everything is working before I buy the laptop.

My question is... what checks should I do in-store..? 

What do you consider a full list of things that I should check for QUBES 

Obviously, check VT-X and VT-D.

Check whether Wifi works, sound works.

etc etc

I just wonder what you consider a full list of things to check.

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[qubes-users] Re: Buying new laptop.. What check should I do in-store..?

2016-07-12 Thread neilhardley
Is it worth checking for a BIOS compatible with coreboot or libreboot, or some 
kind of open source BIOS..?

Is it true that if I have a Intel ME processor, but a motherboard that isn't 
compatible.. that at least this prevents network access to Intel ME...? For 
example, in my current laptop, there is no mention of Intel ME in the BIOS at 

etc etc

So yeah, just looking for as many different compatibility checks as possible.

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[qubes-users] Attaching USB bus/device to VM.. What happens next?

2016-07-13 Thread neilhardley
So, let's say I follow the steps to attach my USB bus to a VM.

I go into VM Settings and see that it's attached.

What next..?

Where do I actually find the attached USB devices..?

Let's say that I have a USB disk plugged in. Where would I actually now find 
this device in the VM...?

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Re: [qubes-users] Attaching USB bus/device to VM.. What happens next?

2016-07-13 Thread neilhardley
Am I supposed to attach this Device before or after the VM has started..?

The problem is... when I assign it, I get this error message:

"Error starting VM. Requested operation is not valid. PCI device :00:1a.0 
is in use by driver xenlight", domain test"

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[qubes-users] Question on DMA attacks

2016-07-14 Thread neilhardley
>From the user FAQ:


"an attacker could always use a simple DMA attack to go from the NetVM to Dom0"

So what does this mean though..?

Can they launch this DMA attack from a compromised App VM..?

Could they simply do a browser exploit in an App VM, and then do a DMA attack 
from there to go to dom0..?

Or is it a lot harder than that..?

I'm just trying to work out whether it's really worth buying a new laptop just 
to get VT-D I currently have VT-X, but not VT-D.

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[qubes-users] Re: Question on DMA attacks

2016-07-14 Thread neilhardley
But it's still not clear how these malicious packets can be sent to the network 
card can these be sent after compromising an App VM (via something like a 
browser exploit)...?? 

Or can they be sent just purely over the internet itself to any device 
connected to the web...? Directly send packets just over the web?

Or does it require attacking the Net VM, and not just the App VM... however 
that would be done...?

I'm just trying to figure out FROM WHERE the network card could be attacked.

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[qubes-users] Re: Question on DMA attacks

2016-07-14 Thread neilhardley
Oh OK. I see you have now updated with a new answer.

"The main benefit would be to try and prevent dma attacks from the network card 
and the netvm,   which receives all the packets from the internet"

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[qubes-users] Re: Question on DMA attacks

2016-07-14 Thread neilhardley
So essentially, this is isolating the network card/Wifi from dom0..

Just like you create a USB qube, to isolate USB from dom0

But still.. no one has ever shown a proof of concept for this... You see plenty 
of videos of people exploiting browsers with Metasploit... but no videos of 
anyone doing DMA attacks

Still, I take Joanna's word for it that it's a real thing. 

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Re: [qubes-users] Question on DMA attacks

2016-07-15 Thread neilhardley
Wow.. Thanks Marek... That was a very clear explanation of DMA attacks... The 
best that I've ever seen.

Perhaps this should even be posted somewhere on the QUBES website.

I think that's convinced me that I definitely need to get VT-D.

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[qubes-users] MP3 support

2016-07-23 Thread neilhardley
What is the definitive guide for MP3 support in QUBES..?

I just want a list of command to type in the fedora-23 template VM.


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Re: [qubes-users] MP3 support

2016-07-23 Thread neilhardley
Yeah. I have a major problem with VLC though.

Whenever I close VLC, it causes all the windows for App VM to disappear from 
the task bar.

Then when I open another app, they all come back.

It also disables all future VLC playback. Once I close VLC once, it never works 
again after, until I restart the App VM.

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Re: [qubes-users] MP3 support

2016-07-24 Thread neilhardley
I have to say.. out of everything posted here... the only thing that worked was:

sudo dnf install xmms
sudo dnf install xmms-mp3

XMMS was the only media player that actually worked for me.

At least I got it working though.

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[qubes-users] QUBES 3.2 taskbar icons are useless - they only show padlock icon

2016-07-24 Thread neilhardley
In QUBES 3.2, the taskbar icons don't show the application icon.

They only show a padlock, coloured in the colour of the VM.

Google Chrome doesn't show the Chrome logo. It just shows a padlock.

This makes it very hard to actually open a window, because I have to go through 
loads of them to even find the right window.

Is there any solution to this?

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Re: [qubes-users] QUBES 3.2 taskbar icons are useless - they only show padlock icon

2016-07-24 Thread neilhardley
How about just being able to group windows by VM..?

Is there any way to do that?

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Re: [qubes-users] QUBES 3.2 taskbar icons are useless - they only show padlock icon

2016-07-24 Thread neilhardley
OK, but this only groups the programs next to each other, which means I have to 
go through each one one-by-one to find which program it is.

Is there any way to group them in a stacked way, like there was in QUBES 3.0..?

Where there would only be one menu per VM, and then you click it and it opens 
all the open windows in that VM..

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Re: [qubes-users] MP3 support

2016-07-25 Thread neilhardley
My logs look like this:

invalid PResizeInc for 0x540142c (0/0)
invalid PBaseSize for 0x540142c (0/0)
invalid PMinSize for 0x540142c (0/0)
invalid PMaxSize for 0x540007a (2/2)
invalid PMaxSize for 0x54010a3 (2147483647/2147483647)

It's just loads of errors with the following 4 errors

invalid PResizeInc
invalid PBaseSize
invalid PMinSize
invalid PMaxSize

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[qubes-users] Nautilus is broken

2016-07-26 Thread neilhardley
Nautilus is broken for me on the fedora-23 template

"nautilus: error while loading shared libraries: libicui18n.so.54: cannot open 
shared object file: No such file or directory"

I tried installing libicuil8n.so.54 in the template VM.

but it still has the same error message.

I did this after manually removing some packages, so this is definitely a screw 
up on my  part, and NOT a QUBES screw-up.

How can I get nautilus working again?

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