Re: Getting to Knockree

2011-05-12 Thread Nick Burch

On Thu, 12 May 2011, Mohammad Nour El-Din wrote:

I am arriving at Dublin Airport at 17:25, so I think it is better for
me to take public transportation and then walk to the hostel.

If you want a lift from Bray (or even the bus stop), give us a call when 
you're a little way out. Otherwise we'll see you when you get there!


Re: Car Hire from Knockree on Sunday morning?

2011-03-24 Thread Nick Burch

On Thu, 24 Mar 2011, Hyrum K Wright wrote:
I'd still like to know of taxi or car hire service is available from the 
hostel.  While I haven't ruled out renting a car for the entire stay, 
knowing the availability and cost of a taxi would help make that 
decision.  Does anybody know how to get that information?  (Or, does 
anybody have the contact information of the hostel, so I could ask them 

You can try phoning the hostel, they're generally very friendly and 
helpful. You could even email them if the timezone difference isn't great 
for phoning, but they tend not to check their email every day...

From the main retreat site:
You can get a link to the hostel site:
Which has their phone number, address, email etc on it :)


Re: Car Hire from Knockree on Sunday morning?

2011-03-18 Thread Nick Burch

On Fri, 18 Mar 2011, Hyrum K Wright wrote:
I'm looking forward to the 2nd Apache retreat at the Knockree Hostel. As 
is my habit, I'll be attending Church services in Bray the Sunday of the 
retreat.  As the services start at 11:00am, the busses into Bray on 
Sundays don't start running early enough to get me there in time.  Does 
anybody know if either a Taxi or a private car is available from the 
hostel to Bray that morning?

We're planning to have at least 4 cars available to help shuttle people 
between Knockree and Bray. (There'll probably be a few more, if people get 
their work to pay for them, but that's how many we're expecting to pay 

So, one option is that you volunteer to be one of the drivers, then you 
can give yourself (+anyone else who wants one) a lift in on the Sunday.

(We're looking for volunteers for this. It'd probably involve a couple of 
round trips on the Friday afternoon and Monday morning, likely one on each 
of Saturday and Sunday, plus taking people with you when you head from/to 
the airport/ferry terminal)

Also, it might be worth checking if the church in Enniskerry is a suitable 
demonination for you, as that's only half the distance.


Apache Knockree Retreat 2011 - May 13-16

2011-03-02 Thread Nick Burch

Hi All

ConCom are pleased to announce our second Apache Retreat in Knockree (Ireland) 
will be on Friday 13th - Monday 16th May

For those who haven't been to an Apache Retreat before, they're a weekend long 
event when Apache committers and community members get together to hack on 
code, attend un-conference sessions, put faces to names and generally have a 
fun time. As with previous retreats, we'll be running a BarCamp unconference in 
the day, and a few projects will also be hosting hackathons. The event is open 
to everyone from all projects, so do come along if you can!

For those who are users of Apache software, rather than committers, we'd 
love for you to come along in the day on the Saturday. We're running a 
BarCamp in the day, and it'll be great chance to learn more about new 
Apache projects, how the Apache Way leads us to develop software, as well 
as to talk about your current projects.

For more information on the event, including what's likely to happen, what the 
venue is like, and how to sign up, please see the event site:
(It's also all linked from the ApacheCon wiki)

If financial concerns are putting anyone off attending, then the good news is 
that the Travel Assistance Committee are supporting the event. Please visit for more information, and to apply - 
the deadline is Saturday 12th March so don't delay!

Otherwise, we're looking forward to seeing you in Ireland in May!

Your Apache Retreat planning team

Re: Arrival in dublin

2011-03-02 Thread Nick Burch

On Wed, 2 Mar 2011, Igor Galić wrote:
Given the fact that Orbitz says it's roughly 2 times cheaper, I'm much 
considering to fly in on Thursday, arriving in the evening in Dublin. Is 
this be possible or sensible? Will there be a place at the hostel?

We don't have the hostel booked on the Thursday night, but it'll be open 
as normal. You'd just need to book a spot on their website. (And share 
with a non Apache person!)

If it were me though, I'd find a different hostel in Dublin on the 
Thursday night, and see a bit of the city. You ought to be able to get a 
hostel in the city for not too much more.

Being there early, I'll volunteer to help out - is there a need?

The main thing for Friday afternoon is likely to be driving to Bray and 
back to pick up people from the BART, and also to let anyone who forgot 
anything buy it!

My plan is to arrive at the hostel for around lunchtime on the Friday. If 
you're there before that, then dig out your hiking boots and enjoy the 
surrounding countryside :)


Re: Upcoming Retreats - co-organisers needed!

2010-11-23 Thread Nick Burch

On Thu, 18 Nov 2010, Pid wrote:

I can probably help with announcements, websitage & the on-site stuff
for Knockree.

On Sat, 20 Nov 2010, zoe slattery wrote:
Count me in for help with organising venue, food, registration and being 
there :-)

Yey, thanks for that. Looks like we've enough to kick off the planning for 

Still need some more people to help with the DC one, any volunteers?


Upcoming Retreats - co-organisers needed!

2010-11-17 Thread Nick Burch

Hi All

There are currently two retreats in the planning stages, both for 
early(ish) next year. One is proposed for the Washington DC area around 
March, the other is a planned return to Knockree in Ireland in April/May.

Both of these events are still at the planning stage, and both need help 
to happen. There are two main ways people can help out, one of which 
is suitable for people who'll be coming, the other is available to 

Firstly, we're looking for volunteers to help organise the event. These 
will be people who'll help out with getting the venue, will help draw up 
the website, write announcements etc. They'll then come along to the 
event, help with registration, help run the barcamp, and all that jazz. 
It's not actually too much work, and is great fun :)

Secondly, we're looking for people who can help get the word out, but this 
doesn't have to be restricted to only volunteers who can make the event. 
One thing that has been discovered through recent retreats is that they 
work best if around half the people coming are from a small number of PMCs 
that are aiming for a big meetup, and the other half are a wide range of 
local committers. So, we're looking for volunteers who can help work with 
PMCs to identify good locations for a meetup, then get those PMCs to 
spread the word about a given retreat. This role would therefore be a mix 
of writing up guidelines, helping write the event website, making contact 
with PMCs, and generally driving things through.

Helping out with one of these events is very much recommended for people 
who are considering running their own BarCampApache event or Retreats. So, 
if you were thinking of organising either of those for your own local 
area, do please volunteer to help out!

So, is anyone able to help out in either role for either event?


Re: Apache Retreat - Hursley

2010-09-15 Thread Nick Burch

On Wed, 15 Sep 2010, Johan Corveleyn wrote:

Also: I have my return flight at 19:00 on Sunday (need to be at the
airport around 17:50). Right now I'm planning to take the train again
from Winchester to London Heathrow, but that takes 3h30mins :-(. So
I'll have to leave around noon to catch a train around 14:00. Is there
another way that will get me to London faster?

There's engineering works on Sunday, so it may be quicker to head back 
from Southampton rather than Winchester. There's also the national express 
bus between Winchester and Heathrow, which takes about 90 minutes and runs 
roughly every two hours


Apache Retreat in Hursley, UK - 17-19th September

2010-08-05 Thread Nick Burch

Hi All

Just a reminder that our next Apache Retreat will be in Hursley in the UK, 
from the 17th - 19th September. That's a little over a month away now!

If you're an Apache Committer, we'd like to invite you to come for the 
whole weekend. We've booked Tipis to stay in(!), catering on-site, we've 
conference facilities sorted for running a BarCamp both days, we'll be 
doing lightning talks, socialising, hacking etc.

If you're a user of Apache software, we'd love for you to come along in 
the day on the Saturday. We're running a BarCamp in the day, and it'll be 
great chance to learn more about new Apache projects, how the Apache Way 
leads us to develop software, as well as to talk about your current 

More details on the event, and a link to the signup site are available 
from the ApacheCon wiki:
(Signup is available now for the whole retreat, and he barcamp signup will 
open on Monday)

Also, if funding would be an issue to stop you attending, then the Travel 
Assistance Committee are accepting applications for assistance to attend 
until Wednesday 11th. More details, and a link to the applications site 
are available from:


Applications for Travel Assistance for the Apache Retreat in Hursley now Open

2010-07-18 Thread Nick Burch
The Travel Assistance Committee is now taking in applications for those 
wanting to attend the Apache Retreat in Hursley in the UK, which is taking 
place between the 17th and 19th September.

The Travel Assistance Committee is looking for people who would like to be 
able to attend the Retreat, but who need some financial support in order 
to be able to get there. There are limited places available, and all 
applications will be scored on their individual merit. Applications are 
open to all open source developers, both Apache Committers wishing to 
attend the whole event, and other developers wishing to attend the one-day 
Bar Camp.

Financial assistance is available to cover travel to the event, either in 
part or in full, depending on circumstances. However, the support 
available for those attending only the barcamp is smaller than that for 
people attending the whole event. The Travel Assistance Committee aims to 
support all ApacheCons, and cross-project events, and so it may be prudent 
for those in Asia and the Americas to wait for an event closer to them.

Please note that for this event, assistance with visa applications is not 
available. People who don't currently have permission to travel to the UK 
are advised to wait for ApacheCon NA (or a later local retreat), and 
indicate in their application for that conference that they were unable to 
attend the retreat.

More information can be found on the main Apache website at - where you will also find a link 
to the online application and details for submitting.

Applications for applying for travel assistance have just opened, and will 
close on the 1st of August 2010.

Good luck to all those that will apply.


Nick, on behalf of the Travel Assistance Committee