Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] scripts/ fixes (#411)

2018-03-26 Thread Panu Matilainen
Also FWIW, regarding the second commit dropping the pkgconfig-requires: those 
dependencies exist for the parent directory, not the tool itself. Obviously eg 
a filesystem-style package could provide those directories too, in which case 
the requires would indeed be wrong, but traditionally the directories come from 
pkgconfig package. The technically correct solution would be requiring the 
directory in which the .pc's are placed, but file/directory dependencies are 
not very fashionable these days as they introduce other issues for depsolvers.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] scripts/ fixes (#411)

2018-03-26 Thread Florian Festi
Closed #411.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] scripts/ fixes (#411)

2018-03-26 Thread Florian Festi
I am closing this. This is not because these two changes are the wrong thing to 
do. But changing the default behaviour places a burden on the distributions on 
deciding. This is acceptable for very clear cut cases that will allow most 
distribution just dropping their patches they have for changing to the new 
default anyway.
The pure length of the discussion here is an indicator that this is bets left 
untouched upstream and handled by the distributions to their needs.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] scripts/ fixes (#411)

2018-03-19 Thread kloczek
May I ask the maintainer for the update about commit or refuse this PR? (if 
refuse .. why?)

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] scripts/ fixes (#411)

2018-03-13 Thread kloczek
> I'm sorry, are you obtuse? I know these are dynamic in Fedora. But Fedora 
> isn't the only RPM-based Linux distribution.

My comment started with "BTW". It means in this case that this comment has 
nothing to do with submitted PR patches. Those patches have nothing to do with 
what people are doing in OpenSuse and why they are doing this that way. Is it 
clear now?

Please focus on the topic of the PR.
I think that I've already delivered enough pieces of evidence that 
**generally** using --print-requires-private generates to broad dependencies as 
long as none of the open source projects packaged using rpm are using 
Requires.private using --print-requires-private option.
So far nothing that has been mentioned in the comments here is in contradiction 
with such claim.
The only impact which will cause remove --print-requires-private option will be 
dropping few thousands of dependencies which will not break any existing build 
procedures described in existing specs files.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] scripts/ fixes (#411)

2018-03-12 Thread ニール・ゴンパ
>This is an OpenSUSE problem that those packages provide only static libraries 
>in case of those packages. In libsolv.pc libsolv.a is offered by:
> `Libs: -L${libdir} -lsolv`

I'm well aware of the error in their pc file and CMakeLists. That is something 
I'm planning on correcting.

> BTW: in Fedora, those packages provide only shared libraries.

I'm sorry, are you obtuse? I _know_ these are dynamic in Fedora. But Fedora 
isn't the only RPM-based Linux distribution. If you're going to have a 
conversation about changing something upstream, you need to be cognizant that 
there are many other Linux distributions that rely on this functionality.

I know of at least four distribution families, and two of them have literally 
hundreds of derivatives between them, so it's a very wide impact that a change 
will make.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] scripts/ fixes (#411)

2018-03-12 Thread kloczek
> Also, openSUSE statically links libsolv to libzypp, and libdnf statically 
> links libsolv in openSUSE too. There are a number of packages that are, in 
> fact, statically linked, and static library subpackages are provided if 
> shared libraries are also provided.

This is an OpenSUSE problem that those packages provide only static libraries 
in case of those packages. In libsolv.pc libsolv.a is offered by:
`Libs: -L${libdir} -lsolv
And there is no Requires.private line. Sorry to say this but your example has 
nothing to do with what script does,

BTW: in Fedora, those packages provide only shared libraries.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] scripts/ fixes (#411)

2018-03-12 Thread kloczek
> Meanwhile you asked for a known case where libs.private is/was necessary: 
> statically linking rpm to neon was one such case.

You mean line:
This line is not about use by neon Libs.private from other packages by about 
providing by neon.pc file with what kind libraries need to be linked some other 
binary if it needs to be linked as the static binary.
This is not the case which is related to what does scripts/ 
1) in current version this script uses Requires and Requires and 
2) In all cases where rpm is used now, all distributions are trying to minimise 
distribution all static libraries all Libs.private and Requires.private are 
useless because all those distributions do not deliver those libraries.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] scripts/ fixes (#411)

2018-03-12 Thread ニール・ゴンパ
Also, openSUSE statically links libsolv to libzypp, and libdnf statically links 
libsolv in openSUSE too. There are a number of packages that are, in fact, 
statically linked, and static library subpackages are provided if shared 
libraries are also provided.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] scripts/ fixes (#411)

2018-03-12 Thread Jeff Johnson
Eliminating every static library build as well as every possible means to 
produce a static library using pkg-config is one way to justify the elimination 
of libs.private dependency extraction in rpm.

Meanwhile you asked for a known case where libs.private is/was necessary: 
statically linking rpm to neon was one such case.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] scripts/ fixes (#411)

2018-03-12 Thread kloczek
> There are surely many dependency errors with libs.private because static 
> linking is rarely attempted.

In distribution like Fedora, I'm not able to find even one case as none of the 
source trees uses {Libs,Requires}.private so this issue is nor about rarity.
As you see the case which you been thinking that it may be in the collision 
with what I've proposed is not something which could be used as the argument 
against fixes proposed in this PR :)

If anywhere are used {Libs,Requires}.private .pc files dependencies there must 
be only some custom made use cases which happen outside the area of any rpm 
based distributions.
This is why I'm trying to convince to remove use --print-requires-private from 
rpm vanilla source code.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] scripts/ fixes (#411)

2018-03-12 Thread Jeff Johnson
The usage case was statically linking rpm (for which a strong case persists: 
see discussions in fedora-devel re splitting upgrade transactions to ensure 
that "the rpm stack" is functional dragging in library dependencies).

At the time, the needed Kerberos gssapi linkage was _NOT_ included in *.pc 
files (so you are unlikely to find a deliberately not included dependency using 

There are surely many dependency errors with libs.private because static 
linking is rarely attempted.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] scripts/ fixes (#411)

2018-03-12 Thread kloczek
Juste checked neon source tree:

[tkloczko@domek neon-0.30.2]$ grep -ir libs.private
configure:   # pkg-config >= 0.18 will use "Libs.private" iff necessary,
ChangeLog:* Reorder Libs/Libs.private to fix static linking (Alan 
ChangeLog:* Define Libs.Private; use only NEON_PC_LIBS in Libs.
NEWS:* Use Libs.private in neon.pc for newer versions of pkg-config. @NEON_LIBS@   # pkg-config >= 0.18 will use "Libs.private" iff necessary,

[tkloczko@domek neon-0.30.2]$ grep -ir -- --libs | grep -i pkg
configure:  NE_SSL_LIBS=`$PKG_CONFIG --libs openssl`
configure:  NE_SSL_LIBS=`$PKG_CONFIG --libs gnutls`
configure:  NE_PK11_LIBS=`$PKG_CONFIG --libs pakchois`
configure:  NE_PXY_LIBS=`$PKG_CONFIG --libs libproxy-1.0`
macros/neon.m4:  $1_LIBS=`$PKG_CONFIG --libs $2`
So nothing in neon tree is using other libraries Libs.private.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] scripts/ fixes (#411)

2018-03-12 Thread kloczek
> The neon library used to use libs.private to hide a dependence on gssapi. I 
> don't know what the current state of affairs is.

I don't see anything in neon source tree about checking other libraries 
Can you point where you see this?
If your application is using neon API you don't need to link it with gssapi or 
you need those libraries only in case if your application is using gssapi as 
Nothing here needs to hidden.

Again: generating dependencies basing on ,pc file Libs.private and 
Requires.private is not about for example library described by this .pc file 
but about any applications which will be using such library described in such 
Please do not mix this case with any other possible cases where .pc files are 

BTW autoconf and m4 macros.
pkgconf provides pkg.m4 file with few PKG* macros. Those macros provides easy 
way to use pkgconfig based checks in other projects.
None of those macros are doing any checks against Libs.private.
In other words, any autoconf based build suit which is using pkg.m4 macros by 
definition does not even check/care what is in Libs.private or Requires.private 
.pc files.
So again: I'm 100% sure that all autoconf based build suits which are using 
macros from pkg.m4 are clean and for those projects generating rpm packages 
dependencies using --print-requires-private switch is the incorrect way of 
generating those dependencies.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] scripts/ fixes (#411)

2018-03-12 Thread Jeff Johnson
The neon library used to use libs.private to hide a dependence on gssapi. I 
don't know what the current state of affairs is.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] scripts/ fixes (#411)

2018-03-11 Thread kloczek
> You do know that not every distribution subpackages out static link 
> libraries, right? Fedora does it, but plenty don't. For example, Debian 
> doesn't (yes, I know Debian doesn't use RPM, but you said all Linux 
> distributions).

Trust me. I'm building packages more than 25 years (Solaris old SysV and IPS 
one, rpm and debs) and you can find traces of my work even in almost all rpm 
based distributions (just try on RH centos "rpm --qa --changelog | grep 
Exactly the same policy about not using static libraries is now present in 
Debian based distributions for the same reason which I've already mentioned. 
All those changes started more than 10 years ago after Solaris *BSD started 
applying this approach.
Currently, any *-static packages are provided not to use on building packages 
but because mainly some test frameworks usually executed in %check sections are 
using few static libraries.
As I said IMO sooner even these few remaining cases will disappear as someone 
will start fixing those test units.

Ths has no relation to the fact that at the moment NONE of the other packages 
is using pkg-config dependencies listed in Libs.provate and Requires.private.

> IMO if you want to remove those private requires, then you should make them 
> something like Requires: (pkgconfig(xxx) if $name-static), otherwise nack.

I don't want to remove anything. I have no idea of where did you took this.

Again: current scripts/ script by use --print-requires and 
--print-requires-private switches **together** causes adding cumulative static 
and dynamic libraries dependencies when almost all (with only a few remaining 
exceptions which IMO sooner or later will disappear as well) packages from all 
currently generated packages by any distributions are using only shared 
IMO at the moment using in .pc files Libs.private and Requires.private is 
pointless as so far I was not able to find even one source package which 
queries those fields. If you will find such example please let me know :)

In other words: script provided by rpm is generates wrong 
dependencies (way broader than it should be) using static libraries 
dependencies which do not exist in any distributions.

> That said, the top three build systems for software packaged as RPM all 
> prefer and will use pkg-config to find things if /usr/bin/pkg-config is 
> available: CMake, Meson, Autotools

Thre is no any straight connections between using those build framework,  script and rpm spec files (which are using autogenerated 
If CMake, Meson, Autotools based build framework are using pkg-config command 
and in spec file is implemented using those frameworks in this exact spec file 
should be added "BuildRequires: pkgconfig" or similar.
Currently autogenerated by script dependencies are **not other 
packages built time dependencies but packages listed in BuildRequires install 
time dependencies**.

It is yet another fact related to static libraries.
Sometimes people are using statically linked binaries because non-pic code 
sometimes is 15-20% faster.
Problem is that a few years ago most of the distributions started injecting 
-pic to gcc options by providing in gcc parameters -spec= in which by 
default is added use -pic/-pie.
Example from Fedora:

$ rpm --eval "%__global_compiler_flags"
-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 
-Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong 
-grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 
$ cat /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1
+ %{!r:%{!fpie:%{!fPIE:%{!fpic:%{!fPIC:%{!fno-pic:-fPIE}}
This causes that even if some package provides some static library .o files 
inside ar archiives are compiled as PIC/PIE code.
Other distributions slowly follow the same path.
This last remaining reason to use statically linked binaries already have been 
killed in distributions like EL7 and Fedora.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] scripts/ fixes (#411)

2018-03-11 Thread ニール・ゴンパ
> IMO if you want to remove those private requires, then you should make them 
> something like Requires: (pkgconfig(xxx) if $name-static), otherwise nack.

If this is done, it should be a downstream change, as static subpackage naming 
convention differs across distributions.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] scripts/ fixes (#411)

2018-03-11 Thread Igor Gnatenko
IMO if you want to remove those private requires, then you should make them 
something like `Requires: (pkgconfig(xxx) if $name-static)`, otherwise nack.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] scripts/ fixes (#411)

2018-03-11 Thread ニール・ゴンパ
> Static libraries do not exist in most of the distributions and it is not the 
> assumption.

You do know that not every distribution subpackages out static link libraries, 
right? Fedora does it, but plenty don't. For example, Debian doesn't (yes, I 
know Debian doesn't use RPM, but you said _all_ Linux distributions).

> Nevertheless, this workaround is not needed as current rpm-build package 
> requires pkgconfig.

Please tell me you're not making a judgment like this solely on Fedora's 
`rpm-build` package and that everyone packages the software they build? Also, 
this dep generator specifically pulls it `/usr/bin/pkg-config`, the tool used 
to utilize these. This is no different than the case of `-config` binaries 
from really old libraries. It's entirely possible to install devel subpackages 
without `rpm-build` being present on the system, precisely so that someone can 
do development against them...

That said, the top three build systems for software packaged as RPM all prefer 
and will use `pkg-config` to find things if `/usr/bin/pkg-config` is available:

* CMake
* Meson
* Autotools

And things fail in very strange ways when it's not there. Somehow you missed 
the huge change where most things now _do_ ship and use pc files via 
`pkg-config` to build software.

And prior to the dep generator automatically adding it, it was policy in most 
distributions to add it for _every_ package that ships `pkg-config` files to 
both BR and Req `/usr/bin/pkg-config`, so that dep generation works and that 
people can use it properly.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] scripts/ fixes (#411)

2018-03-11 Thread kloczek
Static libraries do not exist in most of the distributions and it is not the 
In this exact context adding today in .pc files Requires.private and 
Libs.private is pointless.
More than 14 years ago in first Solaris 10 distribution release have been no 
longer shipped libc and libm.
Currently, Solaris 11 has no at all static libraries with only a few exceptions 
like static flex library.
In Fedora static libraries are no longer widely used except few scenarios:
1. link static binaries used by some test suites
2. provide static libraries which have no stable ABI interface like binutils 

The main reason why static linking is no longer widely used are security 
reasons. In case of any CVEs in libraries used in some statically linked 
binaries, it is necessary to rebuild all those binaries In case libraries as 
DSO is only necessary to rebuild package which provides affected binary.
The second reason why static binaries should not be used are ABI changes. Using 
static linking makes those changes way harder to maintain.

Nevertheless, in all Linux, *BSD, Solaris and other systems distributions use 
Requires.private should be used only if someone is thinking that library A 
provided by package B might be used to produce statically linked binaries using 
the library A. Effectively this is no longer possible and if something is 
linking with the library A it means in ~99.99% dynamic linking.

Generate pkgconfig dependences for dynamic linking using static linking 
scenario produces redundant dependencies.
Adding automatically pkgconfig to package Requires is the second part of 
redundant dependencies generated by current scripts/ script.

The second change is just dumb, because the pkgconfig implementation is 
necessary for even using it, and ensures that build scripts that implicitly 
expect pkgconfig to be available for querying the file will work.
This is chicken and egg problem and the result of the assumption that if 
package A has "Provide: pkgconfig(foo)" it does not mean that this will be used 
in another package spec file *always* in form of "BuildRequires: 
pkgconfig(foo)". This is not the typical case because many packages still do 
not use pkgconfig on checking for example foo library.
The simple solution of this wrings solution is to add "BuildRequires: 
pkgconfig" if "BuuildRequires: pkgconfig(foo)" is used. Nevertheless, this 
workaround *is not needed* as current rpm-build package requires pkgconfig.
In other words on building any package from spec file which has "BuildRequires: 
pkgconfig(foo)" using rpmbuild command accessibility to pkg-conf command us 
guaranteed by rpm-build package Requires.
As long as install rpmbuild will cause instantly install pkgconfig spreading 
across many other packages "Requires: pkgconfig" is 100% redundant.

Many packages provides .pc files and they are not used on building other 

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] scripts/ fixes (#411)

2018-03-11 Thread ニール・ゴンパ
Conan-Kudo requested changes on this pull request.

NAK. These changes are unnecessarily harmful.

The first change makes the assumption that static link libraries don't exist in 
a distribution, and that they would be considered functionally useless. On top 
of it, without the private requires, certain linking situations actually break 
with more poorly designed dynamic link libraries (e.g. libraries that aren't 
properly opaque in their interfaces and leak in API requirements from 

The second change is just dumb, because the pkgconfig implementation is 
necessary for even using it, and ensures that build scripts that implicitly 
expect pkgconfig to be available for querying the file will work.

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[Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] scripts/ fixes (#411)

2018-03-11 Thread kloczek
1) remove --print-requires-private from $pkconfig parameters
It generates list of Requires when static linking is used:

$ pkg-config --help | grep -A1 -- --print-requires-private
  --print-requires-private  print required dependency frameworks for 
linking to stdout
By using this option generated list Requires is flooded static linking 
when all distributions now are trying to avoid even build and provide any 
static libraries.

2) Remove add pkgconfig to list of generated Requires is at least one .p…  …
…c file was found.

Provide .pc file by any package does not mean that it will be used.
Usually .pc files are used on building other packages.
By this redundant Requires in Fedora almost 750 packages packages requires 

$ dnf -qC repoquery --whatrequires pkgconfig --qf="%{name}"| wc -l

pkgconfig should be only in Requires if for example in autoconf .m4 macros is 
pkg-config (to provide the list of libs or cflags). In any other case pkgconfig 
or pkg-config
should be used only in BuildRequires.
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:

-- Commit Summary --

  * remove --print-requires-private frpm $pkconfig parameters
  * Remove add pkgconfig to list of generated Requires is at least one .pc file 
was found.

-- File Changes --

M scripts/ (4)

-- Patch Links --

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