Re: [Server-devel] XS 0.5.1-dev03 with ejabberd goodness, kernel bling, Access Point workingness... looking for xmas testers

2009-01-02 Thread Martin Langhoff
2008/12/30 David Leeming :
> -  Installed 0.5 Nov 19th download on Toshiba notebook computer with
> black box prototype AA (USB)

> -  yum --enablerepo=olpcxs-testing update
> -  restart

Just to make double, triple-sure... can you tell us what the ouput of ...?

   rpm -qa ejabberd-xs

> -  One one of 4 XOs, log onto ejabberd web admin and set up shared
> roster "Online"
> -  restart
> -  start all four XOs and register, then restart

the restart here is just of the XOs, right?

> At this stage I cannot see any other XO...

Damn, this is so strange. Something else must be getting in the way here.

> Log attached

Thanks! I've reviewed the logs. They look very normal to me.

I'm a bit lost here. Something is subtly wrong somewhere. Either in
the procedure you're following or in the software. We need to find out
what it is...


-- -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] XS 0.5.1-dev03 with ejabberd goodness, kernel bling, Access Point workingness... looking for xmas testers

2009-01-01 Thread David Leeming
Hi Rueben,


Hope you had a nice time over Christmas and new Year! Sorry to bring this
down to earth again...but life goes on.. J 


I have reinstalled a fresh install. On starting, the server now shows

OLPC School Server release 9-0.5

Kernel on an i686 (tty1)


Everything done exactly as below. The XS has been configured and Online
roster created, server restarted. eJabberd running. The XOs have been
de-registered and rebooted, and then registered, and rebooted. This is what
happens when they have started up: 


(1)All four XOs are connected

(2)All have been registered - i.e. it told me "registration successful"

(3)olpc-netstatus shows that all are running Telepathy type gabble, but
the numbers of XOs shown varies from 3 to 5 on the XOs and the corresponding
incomplete population on the neighbourhood screen. The school server is
correctly shown, and config is shown as "school mesh" on all four. 

(4)Check - ejabberd running OK

(5)After a period of 30 mins, no change. I shut down 3 XOs and check Web
admin - it shows all four XOs registered. 

(6)I reboot everything inc server. After allowing a few minutes, I
check: ejabberd is running, all four XOs are connected, olpc-netstatus shows
them all running Telepathy gabble, school mesh, but XO = 2 (i.e. server and
XO). Neighbourhood screen remains unpopulated, even after 10 minutes. 

(7)Video chat starts up OK but you don't see any other XOs initially.
However, after 5 minutes some of the other XOs do start to appear on Video
Chat - even though they are not shown in the network view, and it is not
reliable or symmetric - i.e. XO-1 might see XO-2 but not vice versa. This
might be an important clue or symptom of what is happening



The work around is as before:

(1)Shut down all but one XO, log on to ejabberd Web Admin and delete all
users, reboot everything.

(2)Start everything up and it works fine (as you can see on Youtube),
but only for that session - I have to do this procedure each time to get it
working.. and even then you can't be sure of 100% collaboration between the
four XOs


The identical equipment all works fine with XS-0.4


David Leeming

Technical Advisor, People First Network, Honiara, Solomon Islands

Alternative email address: 



From: Reuben Caron [] On Behalf Of Reuben K.
Sent: Wednesday, 31 December 2008 3:30 a.m.
To: David Leeming
Cc: 'XS Devel'; 'Martin Langhoff'
Subject: Re: [Server-devel] XS 0.5.1-dev03 with ejabberd goodness, kernel
bling, Access Point workingness... looking for xmas testers



Thank you for the information.

Can you attempt to perform a clean install again with edits in line below.

David Leeming wrote: 

Hi Reuben
-  Installed 0.5 Nov 19th download on Toshiba notebook computer with
black box prototype AA (USB)
-  Fresh install (overwriting not upgrading the previously fully
working 0.4 installation
-  Set location Guadalcanal, use local time

(I did not change this in my tests; I doubt this has any effect but want to
note I left this at the default setting)

-  No optional application selected
-  Install.. restart
-  /etc/sysconfig/olpc-scripts/domain_config

After running domain_config

Then edit the file /etc/sysconfig/network and set hostname to (nano /etc/sysconfig/network)

Then restart (shutdown -r now)

-  chkconfig --level 345 ejabberd on
-  service ejabberd start

Wait a few minutes for ejabberd to completely startup. You can check it's
status by running: service ejabberd status

-  ejabberdctl register admin admin 

With a fresh install of 0.5.1 dev 3 you don't need the following from here

-  restart
-  yum --enablerepo=olpcxs-testing update
-  restart

to here <--

-  One one of 4 XOs, log onto ejabberd web admin and set up shared
roster "Online"
-  restart
-  start all four XOs and register, then restart

On the XOs are registering from a fresh OS install, 8.2? If the XOs have
been previously registered; you will need to clean out their registration by
removing the server fields in /home/olpc/.sugar/default/config. 

After removing these fields; restart the XOs
Then connect the XOs to the appropriate SSID or AA.
Then register the XO.
Then restart the XO.

I hope this helps. Please let us know.

At this stage I cannot see any other XO, and still had to do the work around
of removing all four users from the ejabberd webadmin and restarting
everything before I could see them in the neighbourhood views.  (as advised
by Martin):
(Martin wrote...) To avoid re-installing the XS to re-test the "just

Re: [Server-devel] XS 0.5.1-dev03 with ejabberd goodness, kernel bling, Access Point workingness... looking for xmas testers

2008-12-31 Thread Anna
2008/12/31 David Leeming 

> I want to do a new install but can you let me know if I can install Samba
> and how to set up access to a shared folder on a Windows PC on the LAN as I
> have a large content collection and it takes ages to copy it all again by
> flash drive. Or maybe there is a better way to do it.
I was curious about that, too, so I looked into other alternatives as Samba
can sometimes be a pain to configure.  It's also yet another service to run
on the XS.

I found an sshfs utility for Windows called Dokan.  And it's free for
non-commercial purposes!  This might make more sense than fooling with
Samba, especially if you only have one Windows machine to deal with.

The Dokan library and Doken SSHFS packages are at  I also had to install the Microsoft
Visual C++ package mentioned on that site, the .NET Framework (which was 55
MB), and Windows Installer 3.1.

There's a nice GUI to enter in your ssh login info and mount points.  I
connected and now /home/anna on the XS is mounted read/write on N: on an XP

Anna Schoolfield
Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] XS 0.5.1-dev03 with ejabberd goodness, kernel bling, Access Point workingness... looking for xmas testers

2008-12-30 Thread David Leeming
Hi Rueben,


. I did all that you mention in my previous install (I forgot to
tell you about editing /etc/sysconfig/network

. All the XOs were registered (from 8.2) and were repeatedly
deregistered and re-registered, I even deleted all the ejabberd data and
started again but still observe this issue

. I tried upgrading to 5.1 (the image dated Dec 24th) and that was
achieved successfully but then discovered that ejabberd is no longer running
(status reports : "Node ejabbe...@schoolserver1 is started. Status: started.
ejabbered is not running" (sic). The 4 laptops are all showing as connected
to school mesh, and can see each other, but are using Telepathy type
"salut". This happened before - I got it going again by deleting all the
ejabberd data.

. Ejabberd data deleted, all XO s deregistered and reregistered and
still no joy


I want to do a new install but can you let me know if I can install Samba
and how to set up access to a shared folder on a Windows PC on the LAN as I
have a large content collection and it takes ages to copy it all again by
flash drive. Or maybe there is a better way to do it. 


BTW downloading each new 500MB+ image is extremely difficult or impossible
in most of the 26 countries in the Pacific Islands. When I work in PNG you
have to stay in hotels in Port Moresby where there is no generally available
DSL and wireless access is only available at the hotels at USD 30 for 100MB.



David Leeming

Technical Advisor, People First Network, Honiara, Solomon Islands

Alternative email address: 



From: Reuben Caron [] On Behalf Of Reuben K.
Sent: Wednesday, 31 December 2008 3:30 a.m.
To: David Leeming
Cc: 'XS Devel'; 'Martin Langhoff'
Subject: Re: [Server-devel] XS 0.5.1-dev03 with ejabberd goodness, kernel
bling, Access Point workingness... looking for xmas testers



Thank you for the information.

Can you attempt to perform a clean install again with edits in line below.

David Leeming wrote: 

Hi Reuben
-  Installed 0.5 Nov 19th download on Toshiba notebook computer with
black box prototype AA (USB)
-  Fresh install (overwriting not upgrading the previously fully
working 0.4 installation
-  Set location Guadalcanal, use local time

(I did not change this in my tests; I doubt this has any effect but want to
note I left this at the default setting)

-  No optional application selected
-  Install.. restart
-  /etc/sysconfig/olpc-scripts/domain_config

After running domain_config

Then edit the file /etc/sysconfig/network and set hostname to (nano /etc/sysconfig/network)

Then restart (shutdown -r now)

-  chkconfig --level 345 ejabberd on
-  service ejabberd start

Wait a few minutes for ejabberd to completely startup. You can check it's
status by running: service ejabberd status

-  ejabberdctl register admin admin 

With a fresh install of 0.5.1 dev 3 you don't need the following from here

-  restart
-  yum --enablerepo=olpcxs-testing update
-  restart

to here <--

-  One one of 4 XOs, log onto ejabberd web admin and set up shared
roster "Online"
-  restart
-  start all four XOs and register, then restart

On the XOs are registering from a fresh OS install, 8.2? If the XOs have
been previously registered; you will need to clean out their registration by
removing the server fields in /home/olpc/.sugar/default/config. 

After removing these fields; restart the XOs
Then connect the XOs to the appropriate SSID or AA.
Then register the XO.
Then restart the XO.

I hope this helps. Please let us know.

At this stage I cannot see any other XO, and still had to do the work around
of removing all four users from the ejabberd webadmin and restarting
everything before I could see them in the neighbourhood views.  (as advised
by Martin):
(Martin wrote...) To avoid re-installing the XS to re-test the "just
registered" scenario you can
 - go with a webbrowser to the ejabberd admin panel, go into the
'schoolserver' vhost listed there and delete all the users registered
 - restart ejabberd
 - restart the laptops
This happens each time a laptop is restarted. 
However, once all going, it is fine: 
- All four show up in the eJabberd control panel as users
- All have the same correct results for olpc-netstatus 
- I tried sharing Memorize - all four OK
- Video chat is OK between any two
- Server access and Internet browsing all OK (updated them each online)
Log attached
David Leeming
Technical Advisor, People First Network, Honiara, Solomon Islands
Alternative email address: leem

Re: [Server-devel] XS 0.5.1-dev03 with ejabberd goodness, kernel bling, Access Point workingness... looking for xmas testers

2008-12-30 Thread Reuben K. Caron

Thank you for the information.

Can you attempt to perform a clean install again with edits in line below.

David Leeming wrote:
> Hi Reuben
> -  Installed 0.5 Nov 19th download on Toshiba notebook computer with
> black box prototype AA (USB)
> -  Fresh install (overwriting not upgrading the previously fully
> working 0.4 installation
> -  Set location Guadalcanal, use local time
(I did not change this in my tests; I doubt this has any effect but want
to note I left this at the default setting)

> -  No optional application selected
> -  Install.. restart
> -  /etc/sysconfig/olpc-scripts/domain_config
After running domain_config

Then edit the file /etc/sysconfig/network and set hostname to (nano /etc/sysconfig/network)

Then restart (shutdown -r now)

> -  chkconfig --level 345 ejabberd on
> -  service ejabberd start
Wait a few minutes for ejabberd to completely startup. You can check
it's status by running: service ejabberd status

> -  ejabberdctl register admin admin 

With a fresh install of 0.5.1 dev 3 you don't need the following from
here -->
> -  restart
> -  yum --enablerepo=olpcxs-testing update
> -  restart
to here <--

> -  One one of 4 XOs, log onto ejabberd web admin and set up shared
> roster "Online"
> -  restart
> -  start all four XOs and register, then restart
On the XOs are registering from a fresh OS install, 8.2? If the XOs have
been previously registered; you will need to clean out their
registration by removing the server fields in

After removing these fields; restart the XOs
Then connect the XOs to the appropriate SSID or AA.
Then register the XO.
Then restart the XO.

I hope this helps. Please let us know.

> At this stage I cannot see any other XO, and still had to do the work around
> of removing all four users from the ejabberd webadmin and restarting
> everything before I could see them in the neighbourhood views.  (as advised
> by Martin):
> (Martin wrote...) To avoid re-installing the XS to re-test the "just
> registered" scenario you can
>  - go with a webbrowser to the ejabberd admin panel, go into the
> 'schoolserver' vhost listed there and delete all the users registered
>  - restart ejabberd
>  - restart the laptops
> This happens each time a laptop is restarted. 
> However, once all going, it is fine: 
> - All four show up in the eJabberd control panel as users
> - All have the same correct results for olpc-netstatus 
> - I tried sharing Memorize - all four OK
> - Video chat is OK between any two
> - Server access and Internet browsing all OK (updated them each online)
> Log attached
> David Leeming
> Technical Advisor, People First Network, Honiara, Solomon Islands
> Alternative email address: 
> From: Reuben Caron [] On Behalf Of Reuben K.
> Caron
> Sent: Tuesday, 30 December 2008 12:15 p.m.
> To: David Leeming
> Cc: XS Devel; Martin Langhoff
> Subject: Re: [Server-devel] XS 0.5.1-dev03 with ejabberd goodness, kernel
> bling, Access Point workingness... looking for xmas testers
> Hmm..
> Are you upgrading or doing this from fresh install? 
> If upgrade from what previous version?
> If from fresh install can you give more detail to the exact steps you are
> performing?
> (pardon me if you provided this information earlier; I quickly reviewed the
> archive and could not find anything)
> Reuben
> Martin Langhoff wrote: 
> On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 10:04 PM, David Leeming
>  <>  wrote:
> It works but you have to run through the procedure below each time you start
> the XOs up with the server.
> Hmmm, well, that's definitely not normal procedure!
> - I have to log onto ejabberd web admin with all XOs turned off and delete
> all users (time consuming for a class of 40) and then start them up.
> Then it will work fine and the neighbourhood screens populate, until you
> want to start again. Next time you start everything up, you will not see the
> other XOs, until the procedure is repeated.
> I suspect there's 

Re: [Server-devel] XS 0.5.1-dev03 with ejabberd goodness, kernel bling, Access Point workingness... looking for xmas testers

2008-12-29 Thread Anna
2008/12/29 Reuben K. Caron 

>  Hmm..
> Are you upgrading or doing this from fresh install?
FWIW, I did a fresh install of the latest and greatest iso and ejabberd
worked as it should.  I registered two XOs, restarted Sugar, and both of
them showed up in the network neighborhood.

Anna Schoolfield
Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] XS 0.5.1-dev03 with ejabberd goodness, kernel bling, Access Point workingness... looking for xmas testers

2008-12-29 Thread Reuben K. Caron


Are you upgrading or doing this from fresh install?

If upgrade from what previous version?

If from fresh install can you give more detail to the exact steps you 
are performing?

(pardon me if you provided this information earlier; I quickly reviewed 
the archive and could not find anything)


Martin Langhoff wrote:

On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 10:04 PM, David Leeming

It works but you have to run through the procedure below each time you start
the XOs up with the server.

Hmmm, well, that's definitely not normal procedure!


- I have to log onto ejabberd web admin with all XOs turned off and delete
all users (time consuming for a class of 40) and then start them up.
Then it will work fine and the neighbourhood screens populate, until you
want to start again. Next time you start everything up, you will not see the
other XOs, until the procedure is repeated.

I suspect there's something else happening there... on the server
there should be a log for ejabberd, /var/log/ejabberd.log I think. Can
you post it to the list or to me? That should give us something to
chew on...



Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] XS 0.5.1-dev03 with ejabberd goodness, kernel bling, Access Point workingness... looking for xmas testers

2008-12-29 Thread Martin Langhoff
On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 10:04 PM, David Leeming
> It works but you have to run through the procedure below each time you start
> the XOs up with the server.

Hmmm, well, that's definitely not normal procedure!

> - I have to log onto ejabberd web admin with all XOs turned off and delete
> all users (time consuming for a class of 40) and then start them up.
> Then it will work fine and the neighbourhood screens populate, until you
> want to start again. Next time you start everything up, you will not see the
> other XOs, until the procedure is repeated.

I suspect there's something else happening there... on the server
there should be a log for ejabberd, /var/log/ejabberd.log I think. Can
you post it to the list or to me? That should give us something to
chew on...


-- -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] XS 0.5.1-dev03 with ejabberd goodness, kernel bling, Access Point workingness... looking for xmas testers

2008-12-29 Thread David Leeming
Hi Martin,

It works but you have to run through the procedure below each time you start
the XOs up with the server. 

- I have to log onto ejabberd web admin with all XOs turned off and delete
all users (time consuming for a class of 40) and then start them up.
Then it will work fine and the neighbourhood screens populate, until you
want to start again. Next time you start everything up, you will not see the
other XOs, until the procedure is repeated.

David Leeming
Technical Advisor, People First Network, Honiara, Solomon Islands
Alternative email address: 

-Original Message-
From: Martin Langhoff [] 
Sent: Tuesday, 30 December 2008 10:52 a.m.
To: David Leeming
Cc: XS Devel
Subject: Re: XS 0.5.1-dev03 with ejabberd goodness, kernel bling, Access
Point workingness... looking for xmas testers

On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 10:58 PM, David Leeming
> Installed the new update, got ejabberd going again by removing all the
> and now all is working again. I now have my two test C2s and two B4s
> connected and re-registered.


> Despite the update (which is definitely installed - if I repeat the
> it tells be it's already done and fully updated) I still had to do the
> around of removing all four users from the ejabberd webadmin and
> everything before I could see them in the neighbourhood views. This
> each time a laptop is restarted. I tried shutting everything down then
> starting up again - and the users have reappeared in Webadmin and I have
> delete them all again and restart before it works.

After you register, you _must_ restart the laptops.  But not the
server. That's a known limitation on the XO side (that for
registration to become effective you must restart).

Reuben has been testing it, and it seems to work for him (restrating
the laptops). Perhaps you could retest with this in mind...?

> However, it is almost there - Great work Martin and XS devel team - it's a
> brilliant project, and have a great Christmas!

Thanks! Your wishes are coming through -- this is perhasp the best
xmas and new years I've had in many many years.

And with a confirmation from you, we may bless this as the good 0.5.1
we all want :-)


-- -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first

Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] XS 0.5.1-dev03 with ejabberd goodness, kernel bling, Access Point workingness... looking for xmas testers

2008-12-29 Thread Martin Langhoff
On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 10:58 PM, David Leeming
> Installed the new update, got ejabberd going again by removing all the data
> and now all is working again. I now have my two test C2s and two B4s
> connected and re-registered.


> Despite the update (which is definitely installed - if I repeat the command
> it tells be it's already done and fully updated) I still had to do the work
> around of removing all four users from the ejabberd webadmin and restarting
> everything before I could see them in the neighbourhood views. This happens
> each time a laptop is restarted. I tried shutting everything down then
> starting up again - and the users have reappeared in Webadmin and I have to
> delete them all again and restart before it works.

After you register, you _must_ restart the laptops.  But not the
server. That's a known limitation on the XO side (that for
registration to become effective you must restart).

Reuben has been testing it, and it seems to work for him (restrating
the laptops). Perhaps you could retest with this in mind...?

> However, it is almost there - Great work Martin and XS devel team - it's a
> brilliant project, and have a great Christmas!

Thanks! Your wishes are coming through -- this is perhasp the best
xmas and new years I've had in many many years.

And with a confirmation from you, we may bless this as the good 0.5.1
we all want :-)


-- -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] XS 0.5.1-dev03 with ejabberd goodness, kernel bling, Access Point workingness... looking for xmas testers

2008-12-23 Thread David Leeming

Installed the new update, got ejabberd going again by removing all the data
and now all is working again. I now have my two test C2s and two B4s
connected and re-registered. 

Despite the update (which is definitely installed - if I repeat the command
it tells be it's already done and fully updated) I still had to do the work
around of removing all four users from the ejabberd webadmin and restarting
everything before I could see them in the neighbourhood views. This happens
each time a laptop is restarted. I tried shutting everything down then
starting up again - and the users have reappeared in Webadmin and I have to
delete them all again and restart before it works.

However, once all started up as above, it is fine: 

- All four show up in the eJabberd control panel as users
- All have the same correct results for olpc-netstatus 
- I tried sharing Memorize - all four OK
- Video chat is OK between any two
- Server access and Internet browsing all OK (updated them each online)

However, it is almost there - Great work Martin and XS devel team - it's a
brilliant project, and have a great Christmas!


David Leeming
Technical Advisor, People First Network, Honiara, Solomon Islands
Alternative email address: 

-Original Message-
From: Martin Langhoff [] 
Sent: Wednesday, 24 December 2008 8:47 a.m.
To: David Leeming
Cc: XS Devel
Subject: Re: XS 0.5.1-dev03 with ejabberd goodness, kernel bling, Access
Point workingness... looking for xmas testers

On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 7:20 PM, David Leeming
> Hi Martin, well done I installed that and restarted but still get


> Service ejabberd status
> Node ejabb...@schoolserver is started. Status: started.
> ejabberd is not running
> force reload does not help

there's something misconfigured with the domain name. Maybe you
changed domain name?

One way is to remove all the ejabberd data.

 - service ejabberd stop
 - rm /var/lib/ejabberd/spool/*
 - service ejabberd start

and then re-do the steps of creating the 'admin' acct for ejabberd,
and creating the 'Online' roster...

I've re-added the CC to the server-devel list so that the solution is
findable in case someone else hits this... hope that's ok!


-- -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first

Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] XS 0.5.1-dev03 with ejabberd goodness, kernel bling, Access Point workingness... looking for xmas testers

2008-12-23 Thread Martin Langhoff
On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 7:20 PM, David Leeming
> Hi Martin, well done I installed that and restarted but still get this:


> Service ejabberd status
> Node ejabb...@schoolserver is started. Status: started.
> ejabberd is not running
> force reload does not help

there's something misconfigured with the domain name. Maybe you
changed domain name?

One way is to remove all the ejabberd data.

 - service ejabberd stop
 - rm /var/lib/ejabberd/spool/*
 - service ejabberd start

and then re-do the steps of creating the 'admin' acct for ejabberd,
and creating the 'Online' roster...

I've re-added the CC to the server-devel list so that the solution is
findable in case someone else hits this... hope that's ok!


-- -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
Server-devel mailing list