Re: CS tidbits - Less than accurate!

1998-08-10 Thread bjs1779
Did I do something wrong? I don't make or sell colloidal silver or machines that do. So if the info that I posted conflicts with someone eles's ideas or their business ventures, that was not my intent. I just thought the article had some merit and posted it for the purposes of evaluation. I made

Re: Chicken Pox

1998-08-06 Thread bjs1779
Candace Hawthorne wrote: Hello List! I am responding to a post from August 1, It is rare but there are cases of people getting Chicken Pox more than once without any intervention of CS. I know because I had them at the age of 24 a couple of years ago, and this is what the doctor told


1998-08-04 Thread bjs1779 wrote: OK, to all the sensitives who're - or will be - retaliating because I mentioned Texas in a sarcastic way, COOL IT... it's no big deal. I only meant that it's been so damn hot there lately one may do better in HELL. Besides, I live in Cleveland, so you can all

Re: Texas

1998-08-04 Thread bjs1779
M. G. Devour wrote: Dameon wrote: Thanks for that tid-bit about the world's population! I did *not* know that everyone could fit into the state of Texas... but *who* would want to live in *Texas*!! hehehehe I don't know, Dameon, the Texans I've met have been a little bit


1998-08-03 Thread bjs1779 wrote: cells do on their level. And did you know that when sperm enters a woman much of it is *immediately* treated as an intruder and destroyed? Yet we still have over-population. Dameon _ And did you know that you can take the worlds entire

Re: Silver and immunity

1998-07-31 Thread bjs1779
Debbie McDonald wrote: All, I was reading the silver topic on a pet related list today and someone that uses it said that she used it on her young daughter for chicken pox and the pox were gone in 48 hours BUT, she said this left the child with no immunity to the pox and she

Re: PLEASE READ: Summary and recommendations...

1998-07-31 Thread bjs1779
M. G. Devour wrote: bjs wrote: M. G. Devour wrote: Oops! sheepish I didn't mean to imply that I would force anyone to do anything. Everyone makes their own choices. If I am misreading the issue I want to be overruled. I should have made that clearer. I don't know. All of us are just

Re: Money...

1998-07-31 Thread bjs1779
Here's mine: Reid Smith 1407 N. Glendale Marion, IL 62959 Thank you all for understanding my situation and helping. Take Care Reid An here is mine as well! Jim Einert P.O. Box 10 Ozone, AR 72854 I think I know some people that are from

Re: PLEASE READ: Summary and recommendations...

1998-07-30 Thread bjs1779
M. G. Devour wrote: Pledges: I agree with those who want to keep the pledge funds separate. I think it's safe to say we're facing at least a couple weeks worth of work before we could have anything to test, assuming we are careful in selecting exactly what is to be tested. So whoever else

Re: Money...

1998-07-29 Thread bjs1779
M. G. Devour wrote: Hi all, Just so everyone understands, the request for contributions you got from Reid is one that I have approved of. He and Jim Einert are getting set up to be our resident microscopists and are going to be of great value to the whole program. Would it be helpful

Re: Research on CS

1998-07-29 Thread bjs1779
Jeff La Favre wrote: ... I wonder if there should be an effort to bring in individuals who do medical research for a living. ... I can't help feeling that CS will never be used widely unless its effectiveness is established by the medical community. The medical community does use

Re: CS five gallon plans???

1998-07-28 Thread bjs1779
Reid Smith wrote: DC Electricity.101 tells you that 3 batteries in series MUST be of the SAME electrical size as to voltage/amperage/capacity. This is a NO-NO!!! Of course it will work for awhile BUT the output volage/amperage will drop when the smaller battery is exhausted. Good

Re: CS five gallon plans???

1998-07-27 Thread bjs1779
Daniel Holly wrote: I have it on good authority that there is one factor missing from the plans. I had some private correspondence with Cisco until a few months ago... In it he revealed that he added a can of Hawaiian Grande beer to the CS solution as an accelerator.Spiking the five

Re: CS five gallon plans???

1998-07-27 Thread bjs1779 wrote: Greetings; DC Electricity.101 tells you that 3 batteries in series MUST be of the SAME electrical size as to voltage/amperage/capacity. This is a NO-NO!!! Of course it will work for awhile BUT the output volage/amperage will drop when the smaller


1998-07-25 Thread bjs1779
vibrnthealth wrote: Daniel Holly wrote: I too agree. Accelerate the workings of KarmaWow , I hope I can say Wow again , just because an idea doesn't work as fast as one would want don't destroy intention . Positive advice might be given

Re: CS and immune system (was GSE)

1998-07-25 Thread bjs1779
Philip Collins wrote: Far as I know, antibiotics do not destroy the immune system. Maybe, maybe not. A couple of things that is clear is that antibiotics do kill the friendliest bacterial and leave you open to fungal invaders that the freindlys held in check. Also man made antibiotics

Re: [Fwd: Question] From Stan on Cisco

1998-07-24 Thread bjs1779
Jennifer Ruby wrote: This is direct from Stan on the Cisco Situation. Wish I had better news. Hope this might settle the questions in peoples minds, and like Stan said, move on with Rife . Jennifer j --- Subject: Re:

Re: Boy - They got Plans for US!

1998-07-23 Thread bjs1779
Douglas McMurtrie wrote: I may not want anyone other than my doctor to know that I have cooties or whatever. Isn't that my right. Apparently not! What's going to happen if you refuse to provide your Medical Id to the doctor. Will he have to refuse you treatment? Fear and Loathing in the

God Speed

1998-07-23 Thread bjs1779
I always found this to be an interesting testimony over on the Cansema web site. I infer no conclusions. Just one of those curious things. bjs Case 0697: Cansema Capsules Greeings from Guam! I have both good and bad news to report! (1) The


1998-07-23 Thread bjs1779
Fidget wrote: * Brian, Barbara, Rifers and Silvers -- My first impression of this post was shock. It was rather difficult for me to believe that Cisco is or would be that kind of person. Let me tell you why... The man has come to a conclusion and admitted to the

Re: Cobalt Blue bottles ???

1998-07-22 Thread bjs1779 wrote: none of us stand a chance and we may as well buy our grave plots right now because of all the things assaulting us at every moment these days! Just walking down a city street we breathe about 2000 new chemicals a year! Dameon Some place in the bible it says

Re: CS Article: CS A Closer Look

1998-07-20 Thread bjs1779
chc wrote: Hi List; I went to their web site and was hoping I could find the article, to perhaps share it, but no luck. Not knowing what the copyright laws on-line are, I think we would need permission from them and I'd love Is this it chc?

Re: Copying Url's

1998-07-18 Thread bjs1779
Philip Collins wrote: Mike, I know you *said* you were kidding, but let me get the rules straight: did I actually commit an error by mentioning a phone co? I was just trying to think of something useful that bjs might not already know. Whitney Yea that's a bigie, what was the fine on

Re: Microhydrin

1998-07-17 Thread bjs1779
Philip Collins wrote: Charles, I am going to TRY to *accurately* give you a url for microhydrin. Fingers crossed, here goes: Whitney Collins Whitney; I have used Netscape and MS explorer. When I find a url and want to get it right, I just get the address

Re: Response to jbs on CS Testing Fundraising

1998-07-17 Thread bjs1779
Robert Wells wrote: I dread reading all the e-mail, Yes, I can see where you would. You just took maybe 12 lines of my communication and expanded it to a 60 line reply. I think being short and concise has its virtues. Please consider this as one of those G rating things. bjs Best

Re: MCT Update and MORE!!

1998-07-17 Thread bjs1779
Douglas McMurtrie wrote: So the short story is, we need to decide on the brewing process, cook some up, mail it to me and I'll get it to the lab for the test then I'll post the results. Then we and the MCT lab will have a much better idea of what we're using on the bug tests. That is


1998-07-15 Thread bjs1779 wrote: Yup! And he shrugged and asked what it is and what it does. When I told him, he snidely remarked that we've only known about most bacteria for a hundred years or so! Say WHAT?! How the HELL does that relate to people staying healthy from using it??!! See, *this*


1998-07-14 Thread bjs1779 wrote: By the way, list, I lost another in a long line of friends with my disease on Friday. He was only 27 and believed in and fully trusted his doctor - the same doctor I trusted for most of my years, Dameon Have you told your doctor about CS Dameon? Did you

Re: Doctors

1998-07-13 Thread bjs1779
Douglas McMurtrie wrote: Be careful with such a radically level and evenhanded position, we wouldn't want people to start thinking that there might actually be two sides to every coin now would we? Let me suggest the technique of tarring them all with the same brush. This is especially

Re: But the bulk of medical and scientific knowledge is valid, p

1998-07-12 Thread bjs1779
Thinks I Know That Work. Things. whiz kid. -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word

Re: But the bulk of medical and scientific knowledge is valid, p

1998-07-12 Thread bjs1779
W. D. Cavanaugh wrote: My point is: almost nobody I know has any knowledge of comfrey (which even works on my dogs and peafowl-- I didn't know that either. Maybe we need an off topic subject here about, Thinks I Know THAT WORK or something similar. Jump subjects: Is there such a

Re: TDS-1 What it actually does!

1998-07-11 Thread bjs1779
George Martin wrote: =It seems to me that I need to find a water lab that can tell me exactly =what I have and then I'll have to calculate a conversion factor to measure =my solution in the future. =If any of you experts out there has better information, or can give me some =direction, I'm

Re: Microbial Challenge Test Fund

1998-07-11 Thread bjs1779
MYCA, INC. wrote: If you decide to go with a commercially prepared cs,I will be happy to donate a 4oz. bottle of the product I distribute[COLL/AG-40,MILD SILVER PROTEIN,@40PPM and .001 microns in size,color-golden].Just let me know and I will ship it whereever you would like. HAVE AN

Re: TDS-1 What it actually does!

1998-07-10 Thread bjs1779 wrote: If any of you experts out there has better information, or can give me some direction, I'm anxious to hear from you. I think I had assumed that the TDS-1 would give me an accurate measurement of the ppm in my CS. Have a great weekend everybody. Bob Wells

Lyme Candida Test

1998-07-10 Thread bjs1779
Booklet Page #15 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH HUMAN SERVICES Public Health Service National Institutes of Health Rocky Mountain Laboratories Hamilton, Montana 59840 (406) 363-3211 FTS (700) 322-8400 January 13, 1995 Dear Sir:* This is to inform you that we have

Legal to prescribe already?

1998-07-09 Thread bjs1779
This is an interesting aricle at Joyce's web site. Almost sounds like it is legal to prescribe. bjs Clinical Use Report Of MSP Dr. Joseph J. Cardot Researchers have been warning the medical establishment for years that the indiscriminate use of antibiotics

Testing CS?

1998-07-09 Thread bjs1779
Dear List; I don't mean to throw a wet blanket on the noble efforts to get CS tested here. BUT, I think it would be misguided to think that it may somehow make CS mainstream if that is our intention. If it is for your own personal knowledge and all of that, that is fine. Now that I have upset

Re: Doctor bashing

1998-07-08 Thread bjs1779
Tom Young wrote: Nancy, Your point is well taken. I think my strong reaction reflects what I and many others feel about the general state of the Health Care System (which I would rename the Disease Management System). Disease Management Growth Fund System** ** Substantial

More Milk News

1998-07-06 Thread bjs1779
As threatned, I did another high tech test on milk. I put two four oz. glasses out in the garage on Friday. I put one teaspoon of CS in one of them. No signs of any smell or curlding as of this morning(Monday). The other untreated milk was FOUL smelling and curlded. So for the hell of it, I put

Re: The size of things

1998-07-04 Thread bjs1779
Tai-Pan wrote: Hi list, Was scanning some postings and my eye caught on some numbers. My brain likes numbers so my eyes are alert to them. A posting was talking about blood and said that a red blood cell was 7 mm in size. Since a red blood cell is really 0.0077 mm in size ,was wondering

Re: Testing CS or other anti-microbials

1998-07-01 Thread bjs1779
Sam Allen at the company responded with the following: Regarding testing procedures, these are quite standardized and reliable. Laboratories have to be accurate to get repeat business. Known strains of microorganisms are placed in vitro in measured quantities, and the germicide is

Re: Proposed rules from the FDA (long)

1998-06-30 Thread bjs1779
Charles L. Church wrote: . they also are literally killing their own people with the restriction on alternative medicines ...the churches are just as bad for suppressing information for 1500 years to keep people under their control . The Churches??? A little

Re: Proposed rules from the FDA (long)

1998-06-29 Thread bjs1779
brains wrote: M. G. Devour wrote: I'm forwarding this without studying it in great detail, but I agree with William Busser that it is worth examining. Each may respond as their conscience dictates... Mike D. well in reply to the FDA having that much power ...all

Re: Proposed rules from the FDA (long)

1998-06-29 Thread bjs1779
M. G. Devour wrote: I'm forwarding this without studying it in great detail, but I agree with William Busser that it is worth examining. Each may respond as their conscience dictates... Mike D. I wrote at least 5 different responses, none seem to fit, the only thing I can do is pray.

Re: CS - colon bacteria

1998-06-29 Thread bjs1779
Paul Andree wrote: wrote: Dan wrote: I heard a guy on the radio talking about how his IONIC silver was better than any colloidal silver.One drawback of IONIC that he did fess up to was that helpful bacteria in the gut would be wiped out. Folks, I'm starting

Re: yogurt and CS, AGAIN!

1998-06-29 Thread bjs1779
Michael C Slivinski wrote: Hello All, BJS, let me ask this question a diffrent way. When you look at the yogurt is that the good culture and you have also bad culture to compare it to. Where is this bad culture from. Or does yogurt contain mostly good and some bad and eventually yogurt

Re: yogurt and CS, AGAIN!

1998-06-28 Thread bjs1779
Michael C Slivinski wrote: Hello All, question! How do you designate or determine (criteria) of the good from the bad. Maybe you posted this earlier... but misseed it. Thanks mike slivinski Yogurt is good, right? bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal

Re: CS and yogurt

1998-06-26 Thread bjs1779 wrote: Hi List,I made a slide with a drop of this solution. It too was fairly active. Next I let both slides set for about 8 hours, and checked them again. This time the slide WITHOUT the CS was less active, and the slide WITH CS was more active. It did not kill the

Re: CS and Milk -- ATTN: BJS

1998-06-25 Thread bjs1779 wrote: Here's the site for WaterOz : Here's the woman I've been dealing with (very nice, but a bad typist): LillyLucas Lillian's toll-free #: 1-888-926-0220 WaterOz silver mineral water is $20 a pint and around

Re: In regards to the 650+ list

1998-06-25 Thread bjs1779
Harvey Flatbush wrote: Hi everybody, I placed the question of this alleged list before one of the leading Guru's. Here is the letter I wrote and the anwer. Harvey Flatbush wrote: Hi Peter, From one end to the other on the internet, a considerable number of the colloidal silver

Re: CS and Milk

1998-06-24 Thread bjs1779
Dean Woodward wrote: I tried the milk test as well, and my results were exactly the same as yours. My CS tested 15ppm on the Hanna WP-1, and I used one teaspoon in a half gallon of milk. Perhaps this is simply too little silver, or too much milk. Dean The CS I have made also does not


1998-06-20 Thread bjs1779 wrote: To all concerned, ESPECIALLY those with Cystic Fibrosis (it's a long one, so grab a snack!): Didn't you mention that you were drinking some ozone water awhile back? bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit

Re: Off topic y2k retreat

1998-06-18 Thread bjs1779
I am going to order some storable food. I bought some silver dollars, a little wood stove, and a generator. I just figured you can always eat the food, sell the silver dollars, and the wood stove and generator could of been of use to us on other occassions anyway. In congressonal hearings last

Re: ATTN: bjs1779: H2O2 C-SILVER?

1998-06-17 Thread bjs1779 wrote: I heard that H202 or OZONE can oxidize silver and *maybe* should be used at completely seperate times? Dameon ~ I think that is pretty much consistant with what I said. But they do put CS in h2o2 for the food industry. Just


1998-06-17 Thread bjs1779
Joyce Inouye wrote: It may be a good idea make ozone water. I wonder whether colloidal silver and ozone would work synergistically is getting rid of pathogens in our body? I've read that ozone kills HIV virus, and it's possible to reverse the condition in a month. But whenever a doctor


1998-06-17 Thread bjs1779
Charles L. Church wrote: Would anyone know of the possible dangers of O3's oxidizing effect in the negative sense? Doubtless there can be benefits from oxygenation, but being an oxidant, and therefore a free radical, couldn't O3 damage the body, such that it will deplete the availability


1998-06-16 Thread bjs1779
Tai-Pan wrote: h2o2 Its effective action as a bactericidal agent is questionable. Its nontoxic. The food industry uses it expressly for the pupose of its anti-bacterial properties. Now Ozone (O3) is quite toxic and used primarily as an industrial bleach. Its a strong oxidizing


1998-06-15 Thread bjs1779
Now that hepatitis has now been classified as a baby boomers disease there is a good link for those who do not already know of it. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an

re:FWD globalisem...DISREGAURD!!

1998-06-13 Thread bjs1779
DEAR List: The first part of it was interesting, but I jumped the gun on posting it. I did not read the final part of it before I posted. I am embarassed that my credibilty in doing that is no doubt, damaged. Offensive conspiracy talk is not my passion either. bjs -- The silver-list is a

[Fwd: Re: globalism under LITERAL attack as Rioters Erupt in Geneva]

1998-06-13 Thread bjs1779
---BeginMessage--- On Fri, 5 Jun 1998, John Hammell wrote: At 04:04 PM 6/4/98 -0700, you wrote: John, This just in: Geneva, Switzerland--In the worst public disturbances in Switzerland in memory, thousands of anti-globalist protesters rampaged through the streets here May 16-17,

Stomach Ulcers

1998-06-13 Thread bjs1779
Has anyone here know of anyone that has used CS on stomach ulcers with any favorable results? A lof of ulcers are now said to be caused by a bacteria. thanks bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an

Re: hello

1998-06-08 Thread bjs1779
bjs1779 wrote: Dean Woodward wrote: Hi BJS: Maybe we are all recovered from whatever ailed us. It is sure working for me, and I have a bunch of stuff to share with the group in the next week or so. I have been moving for the past week, and it is more than awful. We have moved from

Re: CS nasal spray / hair

1998-05-22 Thread bjs1779
Bill Kingsbury wrote: Does anyone know a practical, proven way to stop mites from living in pillows, pillow cases, mattresses, etc. (without removing and boiling them) ? Ozone -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or


1998-05-16 Thread bjs1779 wrote: Dear listers: This is an apology to all of you -- and ESPECIALLY Darryl -- for the way I over-reacted toward a fellow truth seeker. I felt attacked by his initial response to my possibly ignorant suggestion that drinking distilled water indefinitely COULD

Re: distilled water -- ATTN: Darryyll

1998-05-15 Thread bjs1779
SkiesKing1 wrote: I am glad he feels better I would hate to see him when he is Bad. You let him have it good and keep on keeping on you are inspiration to the learning how to survive with a fatal disease :) cindy (CALS) I think I know what you mean, but not exactly. Please clarify! You

Re: cs - little critters going away!

1998-05-09 Thread bjs1779
Michael C Slivinski wrote: Hello All, especially bjs, My thoughts were expressed with the spirit of the Law and not the letter of the law to endorse any paticular group!!! To bring up such a violent response/reaction doing harm to any one or paticular group because they made a suggestion

Hepititas C - Jovo

1998-05-09 Thread bjs1779
He has a large site Jim. This page should lead you to many things and his e-mail address. He is very nice and always replies. Best of luck bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or

Re: Collodial Silver and Hepatitis C

1998-05-08 Thread bjs1779 wrote: From: econ Subject: Collodial Silver and Hepatitis C Date: Fri, 8 May 1998 17:12:34 -0400 Reply-to: Does anyone have any information on Hepatitis C and

Re: cs - little critters going away!

1998-05-08 Thread bjs1779
Cisco wrote: Greetings, The UNICEF and one other organization got the boot from the SFM here because the innoculations of one island nearly killed the entire island. THe resultant sickness created by there well meaning injections too27 lives in three weeks. The Island Chiefs decided the

Re: cs - little critters going away!

1998-05-08 Thread bjs1779
/ red cross or who ever whatever, thoughts mike slivinski On 7 May 1998 at 9:01 PM, bjs1779 wrote: The UN don't care. They want to run lives, not save them. Don't ya know. Well, I suppose if one wanted to take a complex issue and boil it down to a simplistic level, one could say

Re: cs - little critters going away!

1998-05-07 Thread bjs1779
Dean Woodward wrote: Amen! Dean -Original Message- From: Michael C Slivinski [] Sent: Thursday, May 07, 1998 7:28 PM To: Subject:cs - little critters going away! Hello All, regarding Cisco work with CS, and

Re: Controlling Herxheimer reactions

1998-05-05 Thread bjs1779
Copied from the Rife List. Chris McFarlane wrote: Ozonated water is reported to assist as you mention. Lemon juice, probably diluted with distilled water, is said to help too, though people with MCS tend to not tolerate it well. Additionally, in others experience, activated carbon is

Re: (Fwd) Lyme site and argyria

1998-05-04 Thread bjs1779
. That article almost makes silver sound addictive too. uncontrolled ingestion of a silver-containing granular powder. Wonder what that means? It's been fun! bjs1779 [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian] [ ] [Speaking only for myself

Off topic:New Drugs Cancer

1998-05-04 Thread bjs1779
To: Hope no one minds if I repost this. I grabbed this off of the Rife List. bjs1779 List, Saw this in Sunday's NY Times. Pretty interesting even for 'Government' scientists. Jim M. *** Government scientists excited about cancer drugs Government scientists are excited about

Re: insight/herx/Reid

1998-05-02 Thread bjs1779
Reid Smith wrote: In the past when my nurves get to twitching real bad I've taken pills to make me sleep for 24-48 hours. That takes care of the problem for a few days. Take Care Reid Yes Reid, it sounds like that would. Sorry if I sound a like little smart ass, I just got off of

Re: New members...

1998-04-30 Thread bjs1779
M. G. Devour wrote: Okay! The feedback says we've been mentioned recently on the Rife list, the oxytherapy list, and! Thanks everybody! And thank you to the folks forwarding the info to those other forums. Be well, Mike D. How many are on this list Mike? --