Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Replay Gain: how can Peak > 1? And how to create headroom for Gain>0

2020-09-03 Thread MainSqueeze

rbl wrote: 
> So basically another 6dB headroom would capture pretty much everything,
> and I would have thought that is within the SB3's 24bit DAC and noise
> floor of a decent system.
> Would be great if LMS had a pre-gain feature of some sort to help with
> this. But I guess I can either use 'loudgain'
> ( as suggested by MainSqueeze, or
> just subtract 6.00 from all the existing RGs which presumably amounts to
> the same thing and my CPU will thank me!

For standards compliance and compatibility I'd be inclined to keep to
either -18 or -23LUFS. If you do decide to set your own target, tailored
to one particular playback device and scenario, this 10-year-old thread
on 'using MP3Tag to batch process RG values'
might be of interest. (And your CPU will love -that-.)

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Replay Gain: how can Peak > 1? And how to create headroom for Gain>0

2020-09-03 Thread MainSqueeze

slartibartfast wrote: 
> If LMS cannot apply the required replaygain value because the peak of
> the waveform is already full scale then turning off replaygain won't
> make any difference.

True. Luckily, I don't have any classical music that's mastered like
that. The Schoenberg "track" that I referred to in my earlier post, for
example, has an RG peak -- if that's the word -- of 0.039185, which
without RG is very unlikely to clip. (I quite like the idea of asking
'Iggy Pop to remaster'
Schoenberg and Webern, though. Anton, Anton, I can tell / Your pretty
face is going to hell...)

slartibartfast wrote: 
> Foobar 2000 also has a clipping prevention feature but it doesn't appear
> to work. I have an album with Album gain +2.47 dB and an Album peak of
> 1.000 whether calculated with clipping prevention enabled or not. I must
> be missing something.

I don't use Foobar myself, so I really don't know, I'm afraid. That
might be a question for 'hydrogenaudio'
(, where I think much of the
discussion around Foobar takes place.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Replay Gain: how can Peak > 1? And how to create headroom for Gain>0

2020-09-02 Thread MainSqueeze

LMS's clipping prevention considers two factors: the track peak and the
amount of positive gain calcuated by ReplayGain. If those two add up to
more than 0dBFS (or 1.0 on the ReplayGain scale), then LMS limits the
gain to keep below that threshold.

LMS's clipping prevention doesn't consider any additional headroom you
might create, for instance by lowering the volume on your Touch or other

Foobar calculates ReplayGain for a target level of -18LUFS (roughly
equivalent to -89dB). That's fine for contemporary pop, rock, R&B,
hip-hop and jazz, even reissues of (say) 1960s jazz, because most of
those will have negative RG values.

For classical music, which will often need positive gain to reach
-18LUFS (as much as 27.53dB, e.g. for Schoenberg's "Kleine
Klavierstücke", with similar values for Webern, Debussy and Stravinsky),
you have two options:

You can either use a more conservative RG setting. The excellent
'loudgain' (, for example, allows
you to set the target level at -23LUFS, which would allow an additional
5dB or so in positive gain. (-23LUFS is from the original EBU R128
specification, while Foobar's -18LUFS is a compromise for the sake of
compatibility with the old RG standard and modern consumer electronics,
incl. mobile phones).

Or you can switch off RG whenever you play classical music (and anything
else with serious dynamics, for that matter). That's the approach I
ended up with, partly because I don't have any classical playlists (I
almost always play whole works), partly because I hesitate to apply
-23LUFS attenuation in the digital domain, when I'll often have to
compensate for that by turning up the analogue volume (i.e. I doubt it
makes sense to first lower SNR only to then amplify the result), and
partly because my amp comes with a handy sensitivity switch that adds
6dB in gain.

Oh, and by the way, you may find peaks greater than 1 in FLAC files as
well, especially when you use a ReplayGain scanner that aims to detect 
intersample "true peak" values.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Using Sox to parametrically equalizing I'm losing seek functionality. Could it work?

2020-07-09 Thread MainSqueeze

Well, the short version is: I can extend gorman’s custom-convert to
apply equalizer settings to remote streams as well, but in doing so I’m
losing the ability to seek within individual streams. The long version

My test case is a Bandcamp URL:


This is the URL that LMS opens when you play back that particular
Bandcamp tune (Fela Kuti’s “Sorrow, tears and blood”) via Michael’s
Band’s Campout plugin. (It seems that these URLs change over time, but
for testing purposes you can use any URL that you find in
your server log while playing back a Bandcamp tune.)

I’ve chosen Bandcamp because I’ve been using it since 2010; unlike
others I've tried in the past, e.g. Spotify, Tidal, Deezer, it has the
sort of music I like and haven’t yet got in my collection. The URL opens
a 128-bit MP3 stream, so sending it through any sort of equalizer or
effect is a bit silly. But for a proof of concept it'll do.

First I wanted to check if playback, transcoding and seek worked outside
LMS, so I tried:


  # Playback works
  # Transcoding and seek work
  ffmpeg -ss 2:00 -to 3:00 -i 
 -f wav output.wav
  # Transcoding, seek and piping the results to sox works
  ffmpeg -loglevel quiet -ss 2:00 -to 3:00 -i 
 -f wav - | sox -t wav - -t flac test.flac gain -6 bass -20
  # Transcoding, seek, piping through sox and playback on stdout work
  ffmpeg -loglevel quiet -ss 2:00 -to 3:00 -i 
 -f wav - | sox -t wav - -t flac - gain -6 bass -20 | play -

But when I try to apply this to LMS’s custom-convert, I come unstuck. No
matter what stream mode I choose (I or R) and whether I use $PATH$ or
$FILE$ substitution strings, the results are the same: LMS applies the
SoX effects to the stream but when I try to seek within the track,
playback pauses – the log reports a “jumpToTime” – then resumes from the
beginning of the track.

The custom-converts I’ve tested:


  # version 1
  mp3 flc * 00:00:00:00:00:00
# F:{PATH=%f}R:{PATH=%F}T:{START=-ss %t}
[ffmpeg] -loglevel quiet $START$ -i $PATH$ -f wav - | [sox] -D -q -t 
wav - -t flac -C 0 -b 24 - bass -20
  # version 2, replacing separate F and R variables with FR and $PATH$ with 
  mp3 flc * 00:00:00:00:00:00
# FRT:{START=-ss %t}
[ffmpeg] -loglevel quiet $START$ -i $FILE$ -f wav - | [sox] -D -q -t 
wav - -t flac -C 0 -b 24 - bass -20
  # version 3, adding an END variable
  mp3 flc * 00:00:00:00:00:00
# FRT:{START=-ss %t}U:{END=-to %v}
[ffmpeg] -loglevel quiet $START$ $END$ -i $FILE$ -f wav - | [sox] -D -q 
-t wav - -t flac -C 0 -b 24 - bass -20

Searching the forums for "jumpToTime", Google finds only two pages of
results, none of which appear relevant.

I've attached a server log that shows two "jumpToTime" events. 

What am I missing? (It wouldn’t be the first time I’m missing something
obvious.) Or is this simply something that can’t (yet) be done?

|Filename: jumpToTime.txt   |

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Using Sox to parametrically equalizing I'm losing seek functionality. Could it work?

2020-07-06 Thread MainSqueeze

gorman wrote: 
> Hi! Did you survive the pub? Waiting for new debug lines :-)

Easy, Buster. I've got a few other things on, too, you know. ;)

Anyway, I've already discovered that not all remote streams are in fact
remote. Plugins apparently are "streamMode: I" rather than "R", even
though they present a URL as their $PATH$. I think. Anyway, I'm making
progress, and hope to have something for you guys to test and laugh at
within the next couple of days.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Using Sox to parametrically equalizing I'm losing seek functionality. Could it work?

2020-07-04 Thread MainSqueeze

gorman wrote: 
> As for your question above, with the player.source debug log active, try
> to play an mp3 stream of your choice and post the tokenized command
> here. From there we can work it out, I hope.

Great. Sounds like a plan. What I'd like to do is see how far we can
take custom-convert (for equalization, room correction, or personal
preference, to compensate for room boundaries when positioning speakers,
or even just to add reverb to every file played back through LMS if
that's what it takes to bring down Babylon), then document what we've
learned and post that either here or in a separate thread.

But before I can do that I now have to go down the pub, get drunk and
catch Covid-19 because Boris Johnson tells me that's the only way to
save the economy...

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Using Sox to parametrically equalizing I'm losing seek functionality. Could it work?

2020-07-04 Thread MainSqueeze

gorman was so right when he said, in post 20 above:

gorman wrote: 
> Convert.conf still is some sort of black magic stuff under many
> aspects... it's good to have clarifications on the forums, when
> possible. For future reference.

Black magic indeed. Each little bit you learn only gives you a better
idea of how much you don't yet know. 

Suppose, for future reference, one wanted to use convert-conf to
transcode (and equalize) not only local files but also remote MP3
streams. That would require capability R, but how would one integrate
that, for instance, with the two lines that work for transcoding local

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Using Sox to parametrically equalizing I'm losing seek functionality. Could it work?

2020-07-04 Thread MainSqueeze

One more question, if I may, to add to my little custom-convert
documentation project: the default convert.conf file lists only three
"current" device types: slimp3, squeezebox and * (for all types). Do you
know how one might specify more recent models, e.g. Boom and Touch? What
are their device type codes?

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Using Sox to parametrically equalizing I'm losing seek functionality. Could it work?

2020-07-04 Thread MainSqueeze

I swear I searched that manual on Sourceforge several times for "-C". It
turns out the manual uses en dashes rather than just ordinary

Still, now that I've recovered from the embarrassment: if "-C" specifies
the compression rate, in this case for output to FLAC, then it should be
safe, on a modern machine, to omit that option from the custom-convert
command and go with SoX's default rate of 5, shouldn't it?

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Using Sox to parametrically equalizing I'm losing seek functionality. Could it work?

2020-07-04 Thread MainSqueeze

I've now updated my custom-convert file, checked the server logs once
more, and it's all good. No more "rejecting" this line or that, just
"found command" and "matched", and the tokenized command on seeking
within a track now reads:


  Tokenized command: "/usr/share/squeezeboxserver/Bin/x86_64-linux/flac" -dcs 
--skip=0:28.86 -- "/home/michael/Music/Library/Rock & pop/Richman, 
Jonathan/1985 - Rockin' and romance/03 - Richman, Jonathan - Down in 
Bermuda.flac" | "/usr/share/squeezeboxserver/Bin/x86_64-linux/sox" -D -q -t wav 
- -t flac -C 0 -b 24 - equalizer 40.8 5q -11.4 equalizer 62.8 2.487q -11.3 
equalizer 87.7 5q -3.2 equalizer 263 5q -7.4 & |

Once again, thank you both. Like I said, I feel privileged to have had
the support of two such knowledgeable forum members.

Incidentally, you'll see that I've left in the "-C 0" option for now
because, having gone through the documentation once more, I couldn't
find any mention of it in the SoX or the FLAC manuals; does either of
you know what "-C 0" actually does?

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Using Sox to parametrically equalizing I'm losing seek functionality. Could it work?

2020-07-03 Thread MainSqueeze

bpa wrote: 
> Now you need to wonder - did you ever notice the lack of equalisation
> :-)

Ha. I had a feeling you might say that. ;)

The equalization only takes care of four bass peaks that acoustic
treatment (which, besides several Squeezeboxes, was my best "HiFi
component" ever) couldn't quite eliminate, and as long as I didn't
search within tracks it worked, didn't it?

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Using Sox to parametrically equalizing I'm losing seek functionality. Could it work?

2020-07-03 Thread MainSqueeze

Thank you! 

So just to make sure I've understood:

The missing "capability T" is precisely the ability to "seek to a start
time offset" that's defined in convert.conf, I suppose. The one I
thought I could do without. ;)

When LMS comes across a command that lacks a required capability (e.g.
my sox string), it then executes the closest match it can find, e.g. the
command you highlighted in red:


  [flac] -dcs $START$ $END$ -- $FILE$ | [sox] -q -t wav - -t flac -C 0 

which is basically LMS's default FLAC-to-FLAC transcode command as per

So if I want SoX equalization to work reliably, even when I'm advancing
or rewinding a track, I need to use the custom-convert that gorman
documented a couple of pages above.

Is that correct? And thanks again for taking the time to look into this.
I feel very privileged.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Using Sox to parametrically equalizing I'm losing seek functionality. Could it work?

2020-07-03 Thread MainSqueeze

I've attached the log; I hope you can make more sense of it than I can.
Worryingly, there are several instances of this:


  [20-07-03 17:15:44.3276] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (252)   
Found command: [sox] -q -t flac $FILE$ -b 24 -t flac - equalizer 40.8 5q -11.4 
equalizer 62.8 2.487q -11.3 equalizer 87.7 5q -3.2 equalizer 263 5q -7.4
  [20-07-03 17:15:44.3279] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 
(382) Rejecting [sox] -q -t flac $FILE$ -b 24 -t flac - equalizer 40.8 5q -11.4 
equalizer 62.8 2.487q -11.3 equalizer 87.7 5q -3.2 equalizer 263 5q -7.4 
because required capability T not supported:

Does that mean that LMS is ignoring the whole [sox] string? Or rejecting
the custom-convert altogether? And what's "capability T"? Please let me
know what you make of the log; I'd really appreciate it.


|Filename: Server log 20200703.txt  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Using Sox to parametrically equalizing I'm losing seek functionality. Could it work?

2020-07-03 Thread MainSqueeze

bpa wrote: 
> Can you do a player.source log set to DEBUG when you use WebUI to jump
> to a mid way point in a track.

Will do but it'll be a couple hours or so before I'll get round to it,
I'm afraid. Which log set should I choose from the dropdown at the top
of the logging page? Or is choosing "Debug" for the player.source by
itself enough?

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Using Sox to parametrically equalizing I'm losing seek functionality. Could it work?

2020-07-03 Thread MainSqueeze

Just to confirm, I can both skip tracks (i.e. go to the next/previous
track) and navigate to specific points in individual tracks (what in
analogue days, we might have called RWD and FWD).

I'm controlling playback via the web UI (mostly), iPeng (sometimes) and
the touch interface of a Squeezebox Touch. All of them support
navigating to individual points in a track.

The one thing I can't do -- I've just tested all the use cases again, to
be quite sure -- is use a Squeezebox Touch remote to RWD or FWD. When I
press the respective buttons on the remote, playback does indeed skip to
the previous or next track.

But all other interfaces allow me to point the cursor or my finger
wherever in the track I want playback to resume.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Using Sox to parametrically equalizing I'm losing seek functionality. Could it work?

2020-07-02 Thread MainSqueeze

gorman wrote: 
> Can you skip with that line?

Yes, I can skip (i.e. go to the next/previous track) as well as go to
particular points in individual tracks using a Squeezebox Touch, the web
UI (with Material Skin) or iPeng.

Then again, I'm running LMS on Debian and using the Squeezelite version
in the repositories, while you're on Windows, so perhaps that explains
the different outcomes?

If your approach (decode flac and mp3 to wav, pipe wav to sox, apply
effects, then re-encode and output flac) works for you, I'd leave well
alone (except that, for simplicity's sake, you may want to delete "-C 0"
from the output specifications, as SoX's default FLAC compression of 5
will do just as well).

Anyway thank you so much for documenting this; I've learned something

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Using Sox to parametrically equalizing I'm losing seek functionality. Could it work?

2020-07-01 Thread MainSqueeze

gorman wrote: 
> Ok, found solution for MP3s as well. Since I have music only in flac and
> mp3 my solution is complete.
> > 

  >   > 
  > mp3 flc * bc:5f:f4:bf:3e:70
  > # FT:{START=-ss %t}
  > [ffmpeg] -loglevel quiet $START$ -i $FILE$ -f wav - | [sox] -D -q -t 
wav - -t flac -C 0 -b 24 - gain -6.9 equalizer 30 0.43q +6.2 equalizer 699 
2.00q +1.0 equalizer 2924 4.11q -1.7 equalizer 6031 5.05q -6.2 equalizer 9825 
4.08q +2.2 equalizer 83 4.24q +1.3 equalizer 209 1.54q -1.2 equalizer 2842 0.1q 
+0.2 equalizer 12443 1.29q +2.7 equalizer 19698 0.46q -11.8

> > 
> I had to use ffmpeg because, as far as I can see, LAME does not accept
> time offsets when decoding
> ( Don't know how
> the internal functionality of mp3 transcoding works (when lowering
> bitrates) because that is capable of seeking but the convert.conf line
> does not show any instruction for that. I could probably be using
> ffmpeg for flac files too but I guess there's no point or added
> value.
> If there are mistakes in my solution above, please do point them out.
> Edit: can anybody explain the use of the --until=v% command when using
> flac decoding? With the above line in ffmpeg I've got complete seek
> functionality and I don't get if I'm missing something and what would
> that be.
> Edit 2: since bpa asked for it, this is now the finalized portion in
> custom-convert.conf
> > 

  >   > 
  > #Headphones
  > flc flc * bc:5f:f4:bf:3e:70
  > # FT:{START=--skip=%t}U:{END=--until=%v}
  > [flac] -dcs $START$ $END$ -- $FILE$ | [sox] -D -q -t wav - -t flac -C 0 
-b 24 - gain -6.9 equalizer 30 0.43q +6.2 equalizer 699 2.00q +1.0 equalizer 
2924 4.11q -1.7 equalizer 6031 5.05q -6.2 equalizer 9825 4.08q +2.2 equalizer 
83 4.24q +1.3 equalizer 209 1.54q -1.2 equalizer 2842 0.1q +0.2 equalizer 12443 
1.29q +2.7 equalizer 19698 0.46q -11.8
  > mp3 flc * bc:5f:f4:bf:3e:70
  > # FT:{START=-ss %t}
  > [ffmpeg] -loglevel quiet $START$ -i $FILE$ -f wav - | [sox] -D -q -t 
wav - -t flac -C 0 -b 24 - gain -6.9 equalizer 30 0.43q +6.2 equalizer 699 
2.00q +1.0 equalizer 2924 4.11q -1.7 equalizer 6031 5.05q -6.2 equalizer 9825 
4.08q +2.2 equalizer 83 4.24q +1.3 equalizer 209 1.54q -1.2 equalizer 2842 0.1q 
+0.2 equalizer 12443 1.29q +2.7 equalizer 19698 0.46q -11.8

> > 
> If somebody is privy to the inner workings of sox, I wonder about two
> things:
> 1) The need to use the -D argument for no dithering.
> 2) The need to use the -b 24 argument for 24-bit output. This makes
> sense to me as it provides headroom for all equalization calculations.
> But I might be mistaken.

As to your two questions, here's what I concluded when I looked into
this a couple of years ago:

1. I don't think the -D option is needed when you've specified 24-bit
output. Here's what the SoX manual says:

"[B]y default, SoX automatically adds TPDF dither when the output
bit-depth is less than 24 and any of the following are true:
• bit-depth reduction has been specified explicitly using a command-line
• the output file format supports only bit-depths lower than that of the
input file format
• an effect has increased effective bit-depth within the internal
processing chain"

2. SoX uses 32-bit processing internally for its effects, incl.
equalization, so that already offers plenty of headroom. But if you
didn't specify "-b 24", then SoX would apply dither to the output file,
esp. if the input file, like a lot of CD-quality music, is 16 bit. That
said, I gather that savage wars have been fought over dithering,
noise-shaping, etc., so I wouldn't want to comment any further.

With that out the way, I have to admit that I've never seen the point of
the commented line (# FT:{START=...) and the first part of the following
line, up to the pipe that sends output to SoX. Instead, I've been using
this stripped-back custom-convert for equalization for almost two years


flc flc * 00:00:00:00:00:00
  [sox] -q -t flac $FILE$ -b 24 -t flac - equalizer 40.8 5q -11.4 equalizer 
62.8 2.487q -11.3 equalizer 87.7 5q -3.2 equalizer 263 5q -7.4

This works just fine, without the additional code. So what have I been

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Manually installing plugin zips

2019-01-31 Thread MainSqueeze

Well, here we are, still installing plugins a good two years after
preparing for Armageddon. :) 

Because who'd want to sit through the apocalypse without Wagner in
high-res FLAC piped to [sox] -G bass +11...

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