[talk-au] Fw: Log bollard fence tagging

2018-10-30 Thread reube...@yahoo.com
 I sent this to the tagging list a month ago and got no response so I am going 
to forward it here.

   - Forwarded message -Sent: Monday, 1 October 2018, 11:17:26 pm 
AESTSubject: Log bollard fence tagging
 I am just wondering what the best way to tag barriers like this:

It is closest in design to a split rail fence however it is not a linear 
barrier (you can walk between them), and it doesn't seem right to use to use 
log bollard.
Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Correcting inland water features

2018-10-30 Thread Joel H.
I noticed this dataset too, but could never figure out how to open it
with JOSM.

Andrew Harvey, have you checked out these files? And do you have any
plans to convert them?

If we plan on doing a wider scale import I would suggest separating each
stream into its own .osm file so we could check each waterway and make a
decision to replace or not.

On 30/10/18 10:25 pm, nwastra wrote:
> /Hi/
> /Regarding GeoScience Australia Surface Hydrology datasets /
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Australian_Data_Catalogue 
> https://ecat.ga.gov.au/geonetwork/srv/eng/catalog.search?node=srv#/metadata/1186e898-14b5-812e-e053-10a3070a76f0'
>   and the polygons and points layers
> The watercources are flagged as perennial or not.
> Should all non-perennial be tagged as intermittent?
> ___
> Talk-au mailing list
> Talk-au@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-au
Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] PSMA Administrative Boundaries

2018-10-30 Thread Joel H.
Thanks for expressing interest!

The integration will mostly involve... (and I'm going to specify this on
the wiki when I get a chance.)

- Changing the place=* tags on the boundaries to match the nodes that
are already in OSM (e.g. Gold Coast should be changed from
place=municipality to place=city)

- Adding the nodes into the relation with the role being set to "label"

- Reconsider the placement of the node (make sure it is over the town

- Add a place=* node if one is missing

- Reconsider the place=* value (Is it really a village or a suburb? Is
it really a city or is it a town?)

The biggest issue with iD is that it won't load big areas very well. But
if you can deal with that help would be excellent.

Again I will add this plan to the wiki when I get a chance.

On 31/10/18 6:37 am, Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote:
> Hi Joel
> Happy to help with Gold Coast area if there's anything I can do.
> I only use iD though, not JOSM, so don't know if that's a problem?
> Thanks
> Graeme
> On Tue, 30 Oct 2018 at 21:13, Joel H.  > wrote:
> I've put my self down for integration in QLD. 
Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Correcting inland water features

2018-10-30 Thread Andrew Harvey
On Wed, 31 Oct 2018 at 06:53, Andrew Davidson  wrote:
> Perennial streams are pretty rare in Australia. If you used the literal never 
> stops flowing definition, there would be almost none.

Downstream of dams are commonly perennial since the dam will often let
through a constant flow to maintain creek health.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] migrer les amenity=swimming_pool (déprécié)

2018-10-30 Thread marc marc
J'en ai migré 700 à la main (=vérif visuelle) de l'ancien
vers le nouveau schéma (une confusion bassin<>piscine)

En séparant la migration de tag de l'ancien schéma vers le nouveau.
il y a 0 risque de dégradation. si c'était faux avant,
cela reste faux, si c'était juste, cela reste juste.
cette étape permet juste d'avoir un tag pour les bassins
au lieu d'en avoir 2, ce qui participe aussi à la confusion.

Paul proposait exclure aussi les nœuds
cela va avec ce critère en plus ?
j'ai l'impression qu'on est entrain de mélanger les 2
à bloquer la suppression de l'ancien schéma pour une question
de confusion de sens qui n'a aucun lien avec ancien/nouveau schéma.
Au rythme où cela va, dans 60 jours, il seront tous fait à la main.
Ou bien je passe à autre chose + utile que de les vérifier tous :)
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] confusion entre la piscine=le bassin avec l'eau et la piscine=le lieu contenant un ou plusieurs bassins

2018-10-30 Thread marc marc
Je pense toujours qu'il faut scinder (et donc je scinde mon message) :

- la correction d'erreur de sens (confusion entre la piscine=le bassin 
avec l'eau et la piscine=le lieu contenant un ou plusieurs bassins,
un vestiaire, etc...) et qui existe tant dans l'ancien que le nouveau 
schéma (peut-être des preset mal traduit dans iD et josm)
Osmose est sans doute le meilleur allié une fois un critère trouvé et 
donc ce serrait utile de lister les critères si quelqu'un est motivé 
pour le coder :
- un bassin avec un site web, téléphone, wikipedia ou de + de x m2 est 
probablement une piscine
- un bassin dans un bassin est probablement un bassin dans un piscine 
(mais cela peux être un doublon)
mais est-ce utile ? on a déjà 8000 alertes osmose que personne ne semble 
motivé à traité (donc l'utilité première est sans doute juste le bleu 
sur la carte)

- frilosité pour la migration de tag "bassin" de l'ancien schéma
vers le nouveau -> autre sujet


Le 29. 10. 18 à 20:54, Noémie Lehuby a écrit :
> Hello,
> J'ai fait une passe sur les amenity=swimming_pool (ainsi que les 
> leisure=swimming_pool) avec phone, website et wikidata.
> J'ai aussi essayé opening_hours mais ce n'est pas assez discriminant, il 
> y avait beaucoup de faux positifs (où le bassin et la piscine sont 
> présents tous les deux, tous deux avec les tags opening_hours, pas 
> toujours avec les mêmes valeurs d'ailleurs).
> -- 
> Noémie Lehuby
> Le 27/10/2018 à 19:28, Paul Desgranges a écrit :
>> Normalement tu ne devrais plus trouver de "amenity=swimming_pool ayant 
>> un tag leisure/name/building", puisque justement c'était l'étape d'avant
>> Par contre j'ai cherché à l'instant les "amenity=swimming_pool" de 
>> type node seulement sur overpass-turbo https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/D9Q
>> et les premiers cas regardés ne peuvent pas être transformés 
>> directement en "leisure=swimming_pool"  !
>> - https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/1820461288 celui-ci c'est un 
>> "leisure=sports_centre + sport=swimming"
>> - https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/3648626536 celui-ci c'est un 
>> "leisure=sports_centre + sport=swimming"
>> - https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/1904181893 celui-ci c'est un 
>> bassin, mais il est déjà taggué comme bassin, et il est à coté d'un 
>> établissement qui n'est
>> pas taggué comme  "leisure=sports_centre + sport=swimming", et c'est 
>> plutôt ça qu'il faudrait faire du coup
>> -  et les autres que j'ai regardé aussi ...
>> Donc je crains que la conversion massive soit un peu risquée.
>> Il faudrait au moins couper en deux le traitement :
>>  - les nodes d'un coté (il y en a 102 
>> ), par nature on ne peut pas 
>> connaître leur superficie :  j'ai l'impression qu'il faudrait regarder 
>> chacun des cas ? et dans n'y aurait-il pas un outil qui permettrait de 
>> se répartir la charge ?
>>  - les ways d'un autre coté (il y en a 6120 
>> ), il faut les traiter en fonction de 
>> leur superficie
>>    -- les grandes superficies sont à regarder au cas par cas (par 
>> exemple https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/129407009
>>  est à transformer en "leisure=swimming_area")
>>    -- les petites superficies je ne sais pas en fait, regarder si on 
>> ne peut pas exploiter la présence d'un autre tag : 'phone=*' ou 
>> 'access=customers' ou 'covered=yes' ?
>> Je pars une semaine, donc je ne pourrais pas participer à la suite de 
>> ceci la semaine prochaine en tout cas.
>> A bientôt
>> Paul
>> >Le 27/10/2018 /à 17:51:09 2018/, Marc marc a écrit :
>> > J'avais déjà passé en revue le critère des 2000m2 mais
>> > il peux toujours y avoir de nouveaux cas entre temps.
>> >De toute façon, je proposais de le faire avec ceinture
>> >et bretelles. et donc ces cas sont ignorés dans ma correction.
>> >Si personne n'a plus d'objection, je ferrai la conversion
>> > des amenity=swimming_pool n'ayant pas de tag leisure/name/building,
>> >ayant une surface < 2000m2 et situé en France
>> >en leisure=swimming_pool
>> Le 27/10/2018 à 15:55, Paul Desgranges a écrit :
>>> Voilà ! J'ai fait ce dont on avait parlé (voir ci-dessous), donc il 
>>> n'y a plus de "amenity=swimming_pool + name=*" ni de 
>>> "amenity=swimming_pool + building=*" (sauf erreur ?)
>>> (l'occasion à chaque fois de faire un peu de micromapping autour de 
>>> ces établissements...)
>>> Ce que je n'ai pas fait, c'est le traitement de tous les 
>>> "amenity=swimming_pool" qui auraient une surperficie assez grande 
>>> pour suspecter un "leisure=sports_centre",
>>> cela reste une étape supplémentaire à faire avant le changement 
>>> massif des autres "amenity=swimming_pool" ?
>>> Bonne journée
>>> Paul
 je regarde de mon coté tous les cas qui sont exclus de l'édition de 
 Si je devais le faire
> 1- Je corrigerais d'abord 

Re: [Talk-ca] Nova Scotia imports, and boundary=land_area

2018-10-30 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 10/30/18 19:15, wambac...@posteo.de wrote:
> last week there was a (short) discussion at talk-ca about
> https://osm.org/user/Darthmouthmapper

Now known as "Darthmouthmapmaker", though not currently making any maps
because of


I hope he will explain himself here. I will also consider reverting some
of the most unusual contributions in so far as I can determine them


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-de] Werdet Mitglied in der OSM Foundation!

2018-10-30 Thread Michael Reichert
Crossposting zu https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewtopic.php?id=64288

TL;DR Bitte werdet Mitglied in der OSM Foundation, bevor die OSM
Foundation von einer Beschützungs- und Rechtehaltungsorganisation für
OSM zu einer Interessenvertretung amerikanischer Firmen und HOT wird. Am
Ende der Mail steht, wie man Mitglied wird. Es kostet 15 Britische Pfund
und ist kein Abo.

Liebe Mitmapper/innen und OSM-Interessierte,

ich bin seit sieben Jahren bei OSM aktiv und seit zwei Jahren
OSMF-Mitglied, weil ich mitbestimmen möchte, was mit dem passiert, in
das ich viel Zeit gesteckt habe. Da sich die gelebte Praxis in der OSMF
jedoch immer mehr von meinen Vorstellungen als Craftmapper entfernt,
möchte ich euch bitten, ebenfalls Mitglied in der Foundation zu werden
und dafür zu sorgen, dass die Interessen der Craftmapper ausreichend
stark vertreten sind.

Die OSMF gerät immer mehr in den Einfluss kommerzieller,
US-amerikanischer Interessen. Von den sieben Vorständen stehen vier dem
US-amerikanischen Big Business nahe und ein Fünfter, mein Vorgesetzter,
verdient auch sein Geld mit OSM [1]. Zwar kommen knapp 40 Prozent der
Mitglieder aus den USA und Kanada, 48 Prozent aus Europa, wovon aber
mancher amerikanische/kommerzielle Interessen vertritt bzw. für sie
eintritt. Dieses Verhältnis entspricht aber nicht dem Verhältnis der
Beiträge zu OSM. [2]

Die Interessen dieser Gruppen an Amerikanern weichen in vielen
grundsätzlichen Fragen deutlich von den Interessen der freiwilligen
(v.a. in Europa ansässigen) Craftmapper ab, die OSM aufgebaut und groß
gemacht haben, ab. Die Amerikaner, die sich intensiv in der OSMF
engagieren, sind auf Seiten US-amerikanischer Firmen und HOT US Inc.

Dank der Mitgliedsbeiträge der Firmenmitgliedschaften brauchen wir zwar
keine jährlichen Spendenaufrufe mehr, machen uns aber abhängig. Aufgrund
dieser Nähe zu Firmen mangelt es der OSMF und ihrem Vorstand an der
nötigen Distanz im Umgang mit diesen Firmen. Daher sollten wenigstens
die Mitglieder als Korrektiv agieren können und schlechte Beschlüsse
während der Diskussion im Vorfeld deutlich und mehrstimmig kritisieren
und, falls es soweit kommt, bei einem Mitgliederentscheid ablehnen können.

Die Dominanz bringt u.a. folgende Probleme mit sich:

(1) Ich mache mit, weil ich die Sache gut finde und etwas zurückgeben
möchte. Den Unternehmen geht es um ihr Geschäft – das liegt ja in ihrer
Natur. Sie sehen in OSM eine Datenbank, in die man seine Daten kippen
kann, weniger eine Community, die eine Datenbank pflegt. Bots bzw.
automatische Datenerfassung im Allgemeinen ist für diese Firmen das
heiße Ding. Leider sind viele Firmen zu Beginn mit Qualitätsmängeln
aufgefallen. Qualitativ gutes Mapping wird erst geleistet, wenn Druck
gemacht wird und Sperren drohen.

Der Vorstand hat vor gut einem Jahr die Data Working Group beauftragt,
eine Richtlinie dafür auszuarbeiten. Die DWG hat dazu im Herbst letzten
Jahres eine Community-Umfrage durchgeführt und basierend auf den
Ergebnissen einen  Richtlinienentwurf verfasst. Dieser wurde
anschließend auf der Mailingliste OSMF-Talk von einem Chor an
HOT-Aktivisten und Vertretern amerikanischer Geschäftsinteressen,
kaputtkritisiert. HOT wäre von der Richtlinie nämlich auch betroffen.
Das Archiv der HOT-Mailingliste ist reich an Beschwerden über
qualitative Mängel von HOT-Mappingaktionen. [3]

Anstatt der DWG den Rücken zu stärken, hat der Vorstand nichts getan.
Ein neuen Entwurf der DWG liegt mittlerweile vor. Es ist nur noch
Empfehlung. Keine seiner Regel ist verbindlich und stellt Interessen der
Firmen über die Interessen der freiwilligen Craftmapper. Ob selbst
dieser weichgespülte Entwurf vom Vorstand beschlossen wird, ist fraglich!

Die Richtlinienentwürfe (einschließlich der deutschen Übersetzungen) und
die Umfrage sind unter

(2) Die zu große Nähe zu Firmen führt dazu, dass Firmen Rechte
eingeräumt werdern, die sie nicht haben sollten. Wenn eine Firma gewisse
Dinge über ihre Mappingaktivität geheim halten möchte, wird ihr das
gestattet. Apple durfte auf der letzten State of the Map in Mailand
einen Vortrag halten, der nicht aufgezeichnet wurde.

Wer Firmen, die OSM nutzen oder gar selber mappen (lassen), kritisiert,
wird für die Kritik kritisiert, selbst wenn ihre Nutzung oder ihre
Beiträge für OSM kein Gewinn sind, z.B. eine Vearmung der
Software-Vielfalt, Aufmerksamkeits-Trittbrettfahrer, kontroverse
Datenimporte. (Beispiel siehe [4])

(3) Es ist im Sinne der Firmen, mit einer OSMF zu interagieren, die
"professionell" ist. Was der Chef sagt, wird gemacht. OSM ist zum Glück
noch weit davon entfernt. Wenn aber oft genug genügend viele Leute ohne
großen Widerspruch "OSM sollte (einen) Führer haben" rufen, glauben das
irgendwann auch alle – v.a. die Außenstehenden.

Eine professionelle OSMF macht zwar Mappingvorschriften, was mancher von
euch begrüßen würde, aber sie nimmt der Basis die Freiheit, Nein zu
sagen. Wenn Vorschriften 

Re: [Talk-it] Editing di strada all'interno di un bosco

2018-10-30 Thread Federico Cortese
On Tue, Oct 30, 2018 at 11:46 AM Martin Koppenhoefer
> Io in generale sarei per lasciare un buco.
Anche io sarei per lasciare il vuoto se la foresta è attraversata da
una strada, anche del tipo unclassified.

> Tutto sommando, posso capire che sembra troppo lavoro di spezzare le foreste 
> così, ma riunirle mi sembra una cattiveria ;-)


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [talk-au] PSMA Administrative Boundaries

2018-10-30 Thread Graeme Fitzpatrick
Hi Joel

Happy to help with Gold Coast area if there's anything I can do.

I only use iD though, not JOSM, so don't know if that's a problem?



On Tue, 30 Oct 2018 at 21:13, Joel H.  wrote:

> I've put my self down for integration in QLD.
Talk-au mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] hotel che è anche ristorante

2018-10-30 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
Am Di., 30. Okt. 2018 um 18:25 Uhr schrieb Volker Schmidt :

> On Tue, 30 Oct 2018 at 18:14, Martin Koppenhoefer 
> wrote:
>> l'albergo non lo puoi mappare insieme alla porta, perché la porta si
>> trova sul perimetro dell'edificio.
> ... e dove metto il civico dell'albergo, che in Italia dovrebbe essere
> sulla porta?

lo metti sulla porta.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Carte vectoriel des transports en commun

2018-10-30 Thread Nicolas Bétheuil

J'ai avancé sur l'affichage des transports. J'ai réussi à le faire au
niveau monde.
Il y a plus de 30k lignes compartimentées en 65k rectangle de ~5km. Les
données sont stockées chez 5apps, 750Mo dont 2/3 de pbf, le reste sont les

Certaines lignes sont trop longues (forcément) et du coup ça a planté
(entre les timeout et les crash overpass).
En passant par les relations route_master puis par leurs id, c'est "assez"

Désolé pour les crash que j'ai pu occasionner sur overpass.

Encore beaucoup de choses à faire pour par exemple rendre les bus
exploitable mais ça peut être intéressant pour se rendre compte du travail
déjà accompli sur la carto les transports.

Le lun. 30 avr. 2018 à 22:41, Nicolas Bétheuil  a écrit :

> Bonsoir,
> Je viens de pousser en ligne la carte du métro sur paris & tram en ile
> de france (pour l'instant)
> https://wadouk.github.io/osm-public-transports/
> C'est en vectoriel, donc cliquable.
> Les couleurs sont celles d'osm.
> Les éléments en bordeaux sont ceux où je n'ai pas réussi à déterminer
> la bonne couleur ni par les attributs, ni par les relations.
> https://github.com/wadouk/osm-public-transports/blob/5375a4256eb4f1ea6e2faea646fc70d188974341/index.html#L38
> Les bus, c'est intéressant, mais c'est beaucoup trop gros, même sur
> paris uniquement.
> http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/yoM
> Il faut que j'avance sur la séparation (split) des fichiers de jeu de
> données.
> Les données sont extraites par la requête overpass ci dessus et
> télécharger en geojson : l'idée est d'avoir un post traitement de
> simplification pour alléger les données mais on verra ça plus tard.
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] Mappa Mercia thursday

2018-10-30 Thread Brian Prangle
I'll be there

On Mon, 29 Oct 2018 at 20:42, Rob Nickerson 

> Hi all,
> First Thursday of the month this week which means Mappa Mercia meeting.
> Are you able to join us this Thursday? The Bull, Price Street, Birmingham.
> From around 7:30pm.
> Thanks,
> *Rob*
> ___
> Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list
> Talk-gb-westmidlands@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-gb-westmidlands
Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Correcting inland water features

2018-10-30 Thread Andrew Davidson
On Wed, 31 Oct 2018 00:05 nwastra,  wrote:

> *Should all those flagged as non-perennial be tagged as intermittent?


Seems to be too few perennial but as others have mentioned Australian
> watercourses are predominantly intermittent.

Perennial streams are pretty rare in Australia. If you used the literal
never stops flowing definition, there would be almost none.

Talk-au mailing list

[OSM-talk] Amazon Logistics (WAS: Short ways added to substitute barriers)

2018-10-30 Thread Michael Reichert
Hi Jem,

Am 29.10.18 um 04:08 schrieb Jem:
> Re: https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/634085262 and several more like it in
> the area.
> It seems that new, short ways have been introduced to replicate the purpose
> of the existing barrier nodes. i.e. to prevent routing for vehicular
> traffic. I believe it is incorrect and just adds complexity.
> I plan to contact the user to discuss, but want to make sure I'm right. Can
> any experienced members please advise?

This is an edit of an employee or contractor of Amazon Logistics editing
OSM. They documented themselves on the OSM wiki a few days ago after one
email by myself and two by the DWG. (I had escalated the case to DWG
because they continued editing in Germany without a documentation)


My comments about the wiki page:

I would like to see the driver feedback directly, not the edits only in
order   to be able to analyse the whether the editing errors come from
the staff or if the reports are a useful source at all.

It is unlikely that all the errors they fix have been reported by
drivers or are derived from GPS traces. I assume that they do some
automated QA checks, e.g. for routing islands. Its results should be
published. This might help themselves because they can get feedback
from the community to improve the rules the QA software applies. I am
happy to help putting the results into OSMI or an instance of Osmoscope
if they are able to give me a shape file, SpatiaLite database or
anything else OGR can read.

They should publish the training material in order that other companies
can learn how the training should be improved. Yes, that leaks business
secrets but the OSM community and their work is more important.

I have observed the following issues with their edits:

(1) They add very short ways to substitute barriers (e.g.
https://openstreetmap.org/changeset/63524103): This should not be done.

(2) They add access=no/private inside closed areas where all roads
leading to the facility are access=no/private. This looks good to me.

(3) They add or remove oneway=yes or change the direction of ways. It
seems to be good in most cases but proper judgement is only possible
with local knowledge. Are they aware of the frequent exemptions for
bicycles and public transport?

(4) They "fix" the same locations they had fixed in spring this year
before I reverted all their edits in Europe due to too many quality
issues. https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/58217008
I have not evaluated yet if their second attempt to fix these "errors"
really hits the root cause of the issues or if it hides the root causes
again. (Fixing without hitting the root cause means that they make their
QA software not showing any error any more)

(5) Sometimes their edits are good but in many cases they either lack
local knowledge (or experience with German roads?) or the experience
with the access tagging schema and many other ways how OSM works. For
example, one of them recently revived a razed:highway=* by adding
highway= in a construction in the centre of Karlsruhe [1].
Nearby landuse=construction polygons, a changed layout of the
intersection and razed:highway=* (highway=* missing) did not keep them
from editing the way and having unlimited trust in Mapillary imagery. I
wonder if they trained their staff properly w.r.t. the risks of

(6) Editing access restrictions of streets based on the visibility of
cars on satellite imagery: This should not be done with satellite
imagery only. It is too likely that the edit harms more than it helps
because the individual cars are explicitly permitted to use the road or
the imagery shows drivers violating traffic rules (but we usually map
the signs).

This trouble is one of the reasons why OSM should have a strong code
of conduct for paid and organised editing activities protecting
craftmappers and their work and ensuring that companies respect the work
of volunteers.

Best regards


[1] The construction sites of our two new tunnels in Karlsruhe make the
road layout change every few days. Any aerial image and Mapillary
imagery is outdated.

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talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] osm.kyblsoft.cz statistiky

2018-10-30 Thread majka
Otázka je, jestli je bezpodmínečně nutné duplikovat třeba tohle
Fakt je, že s GDPR si to hlavu moc neláme, člověk tam zjistí věci až se

On Tue, 30 Oct 2018 at 20:17, Marián Kyral  wrote:

> On 30. 10. 18 19:51, r00t wrote:
> > Ahoj,
> >
> > Po delsi dobe jsem se chtel podivat na statistiky uzivatelu v CZ a zda
> se ze je tam
> > nejaka chyba, posledni tyden/mesic je prazdny. Sel jsem do minulosti v
> historii
> > a prvni dny kdy to zacalo blbnout jsou nekde na konci kvetna:
> >
> http://osm.kyblsoft.cz/statistiky/aktivita-uzivatelu?zobraz_jako_dne=2018-05-29
> > Od te doby to tedy asi nefunguje. Ale asi to nikomu nevadilo dost na to
> aby se ozval :)
> >
> Ahoj,
> už jsem hlásil Alešovi před měsícem. Souvisí to s GDPR a změnou
> struktury extraktů - skrytí autorů.
> Na nápravě se pracuje, je potřeba začít zpracovávat jiný soubor, tak to
> asi bude ještě chvíli trvat.
> Marián
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz
> https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] osm.kyblsoft.cz statistiky

2018-10-30 Thread mahdi1234
Pro ciste mesicni statistiky muzes pouzit i toto
https://osmand.net/osm_live --> OSM contribution a vyberes zemi etc ...


r00t wrote on 10/30/2018 07:51 PM:
> Ahoj,
> Po delsi dobe jsem se chtel podivat na statistiky uzivatelu v CZ a zda se ze 
> je tam
> nejaka chyba, posledni tyden/mesic je prazdny. Sel jsem do minulosti v 
> historii
> a prvni dny kdy to zacalo blbnout jsou nekde na konci kvetna:
> http://osm.kyblsoft.cz/statistiky/aktivita-uzivatelu?zobraz_jako_dne=2018-05-29
> Od te doby to tedy asi nefunguje. Ale asi to nikomu nevadilo dost na to aby 
> se ozval :)
> r00t
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz
> https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] osm.kyblsoft.cz statistiky

2018-10-30 Thread Marián Kyral
On 30. 10. 18 19:51, r00t wrote:
> Ahoj,
> Po delsi dobe jsem se chtel podivat na statistiky uzivatelu v CZ a zda se ze 
> je tam
> nejaka chyba, posledni tyden/mesic je prazdny. Sel jsem do minulosti v 
> historii
> a prvni dny kdy to zacalo blbnout jsou nekde na konci kvetna:
> http://osm.kyblsoft.cz/statistiky/aktivita-uzivatelu?zobraz_jako_dne=2018-05-29
> Od te doby to tedy asi nefunguje. Ale asi to nikomu nevadilo dost na to aby 
> se ozval :)
už jsem hlásil Alešovi před měsícem. Souvisí to s GDPR a změnou
struktury extraktů - skrytí autorů.
Na nápravě se pracuje, je potřeba začít zpracovávat jiný soubor, tak to
asi bude ještě chvíli trvat.


Talk-cz mailing list

[Talk-cz] osm.kyblsoft.cz statistiky

2018-10-30 Thread r00t

Po delsi dobe jsem se chtel podivat na statistiky uzivatelu v CZ a zda se ze je 
nejaka chyba, posledni tyden/mesic je prazdny. Sel jsem do minulosti v historii
a prvni dny kdy to zacalo blbnout jsou nekde na konci kvetna:
Od te doby to tedy asi nefunguje. Ale asi to nikomu nevadilo dost na to aby se 
ozval :)


Talk-cz mailing list

[Talk-ca] Nova Scotia imports, and boundary=land_area

2018-10-30 Thread wambacher

last week there was a (short) discussion at talk-ca about


Unfortunately nothing happened until now. The user (or users?) is still
going on doing very strange stuff including severe errors.

Is DWG working on that? or do you need more details about "his" stuff?



My projects:

Admin Boundaries of the World 
Missing Boundaries

Emergency Map 
Postal Code Map (Germany only) 
Fools (QA for zipcodes in Germany) 
Postcode Boundaries of Germany 
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Wikimedia Community Wishlist 2019

2018-10-30 Thread Yuri Astrakhan
Stefano, thanks!  One important aspect - it seems a single generic request
with guidance gets done much better than multiple smaller items. I highly
recommend uniting behind the general "improve maps" request to get WMF to
commit to maps full time, rather than "throwing us a bone" (creating a
small task-oriented team with a limited time duration).  The current
proposal that is already gaining a lot of discussion momentum is at

On Tue, Oct 30, 2018 at 11:25 AM Stefano  wrote:

> Dear all,
> WMF has started the call for proposals for next year implementations.
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Community_Wishlist_Survey_2019
> Since the OSM community had some 'feature requests' for wiki* projects
> (example: the Map internationalization without using directly OSM), I
> suggest to contribute to these requests now (end of the call November 11th).
> https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Maps/Status_of_map_styles
> Thanks,
> Stefano
> ___
> talk mailing list
> talk@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] hotel che è anche ristorante

2018-10-30 Thread Volker Schmidt
On Tue, 30 Oct 2018 at 18:14, Martin Koppenhoefer 

> l'albergo non lo puoi mappare insieme alla porta, perché la porta si trova
> sul perimetro dell'edificio.
... e dove metto il civico dell'albergo, che in Italia dovrebbe essere
sulla porta?
Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-GB] Plumb Center (etc)

2018-10-30 Thread Ed Loach
I originally sent this from an unsubscribed email address. If the
list maintainer sees this, please don't release the original copy.


-Original Message-
From: Ed Loach 
Sent: 28 October 2018 10:32
To: talk-gb@openstreetmap.org
Subject: Plumb Center (etc)

After spotting that the Clacton store has re-branded to Wolseley I
noticed on their website [1] this is national:
"Wolseley replaces these 5 brands: Plumb Center, Parts Center, Drain
Center, Pipe Center, Climate Center" (logos replaced by plain text).

I thought I'd mention it in case anyone here has a store local to
them that needs checking for the rebranding completing.


[1] https://www.wolseley.co.uk

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] hotel che è anche ristorante

2018-10-30 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
Am So., 28. Okt. 2018 um 12:51 Uhr schrieb Volker Schmidt :

> puoi fare due nodi ...
> ... solo se sono due porte con due civici diversi (o sbaglio?)

non saprei? Metti che non ci sta porta, che fai, non metti l'albergo ;-)?

l'albergo non lo puoi mappare insieme alla porta, perché la porta si trova
sul perimetro dell'edificio.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Cedência dos dados de cartografia da IPPUC de Curitiba / Importação de numeração predial

2018-10-30 Thread Nelson A. de Oliveira
On Sun, Oct 28, 2018 at 2:50 PM Peter Krauss  wrote:
> hum... Parece que houve boa intensão e disposição de fazer a coisa certa, mas 
> por hora meu entendimento é que ainda não expressou o que foi solicitado. A 
> frase "Em complemento, concordamos com a disponibilização dos dados de 
> mapeamento do IPPUC sob os termos da liença ODC Open Database License" 
> infelizmente não consta no texto assinado.

Pra mim parece válido.
Tem muita coisa que a comunidade já conseguiu na base da conversa
(pessoalmente), e-mail, LAI, etc, sem documento formal assinado.

Nesse caso ele assinou um documento inicial que tinha alguns pontos
incertos; posteriormente esclareceu e disse que pode usar sob a ODbL.
Pra mim parece certo.

Não creio que deve haver problema, já que todo o fluxo da conversa e
esclarecimento está documentado.

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] it seems josm.openstreetmap.de is down

2018-10-30 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev

Yes, I recalled it now. I did see the announcement. Thank you.
Best regards,
On 30.10.18 18:40, James wrote:
if you read josm announcement (start of josm) there's maintenance for 
a couple hours

On Tue., Oct. 30, 2018, 12:33 p.m. Oleksiy Muzalyev, 
mailto:oleksiy.muzal...@bluewin.ch>> wrote:

I cannot open the link https://josm.openstreetmap.de/ and I cannot
launch the JOSM application on macOS.

I do not know if these two issues are connected.

Best regards,


talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] it seems josm.openstreetmap.de is down

2018-10-30 Thread Maarten Deen

On 2018-10-30 17:29, Oleksiy Muzalyev wrote:

I cannot open the link https://josm.openstreetmap.de/ and I cannot
launch the JOSM application on macOS.

I do not know if these two issues are connected.

I believe there is some maintenance going on. I think they planned a few 
hours of downtime.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] it seems josm.openstreetmap.de is down

2018-10-30 Thread James
if you read josm announcement (start of josm) there's maintenance for a
couple hours

On Tue., Oct. 30, 2018, 12:33 p.m. Oleksiy Muzalyev, <
oleksiy.muzal...@bluewin.ch> wrote:

> I cannot open the link https://josm.openstreetmap.de/ and I cannot
> launch the JOSM application on macOS.
> I do not know if these two issues are connected.
> Best regards,
> O.
> ___
> talk mailing list
> talk@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk
talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] it seems josm.openstreetmap.de is down

2018-10-30 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev
I cannot open the link https://josm.openstreetmap.de/ and I cannot 
launch the JOSM application on macOS.

I do not know if these two issues are connected.

Best regards,


talk mailing list

[Talk-de] LKW-Maut

2018-10-30 Thread Martin Scholtes
Moin Moin,

gestern ist mir beim mappen in der Heimat wieder das taggen von Mautstrecken in 
den Sinn gekommen.
Nach Recherche im Wiki sind die Ausführungen im englischen doch recht kurz.
Der deutsche Teil ist da schon ausführlicher:
Aufgrund der neuen Bestimmungen kann seit 07/2018 die akutelle Mautsituation in 
DE nicht abgebildet werden. Grund sind die derzeit genutzten Key´s.
toll:N2 gilt für gewerbeliche Fahrzeuge von 3.5t bis 12t.
toll:N3 gilt für gewerbeliche Fahrzeuge mit mehr als 12t.

Dahingehen würde ich gerne den Key toll:N2.5 einführen. In Anlehung an die 
"UNECE categories" soll dieser Key für gewerbeliche Fahrzeuge von 7.5t bis 12t 
stehen. Dadurch würde die symetrie beibehalten und für DE geltener Fall bestens 

Wie sind euere Meinungen dazu?

Schönen Gruß

Talk-de mailing list

[OSM-talk] Wikimedia Community Wishlist 2019

2018-10-30 Thread Stefano
Dear all,
WMF has started the call for proposals for next year implementations.

Since the OSM community had some 'feature requests' for wiki* projects
(example: the Map internationalization without using directly OSM), I
suggest to contribute to these requests now (end of the call November 11th).


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] [Tagging] alberi (era albereri monumentali: quale licenza?)

2018-10-30 Thread Sergio Manzi
... è, benché sia vero che abbiamo al 99% abbiamo indicate delle "species", 
guarda caso abbiamo anche delle cose tipo "Cedrus atlantica (Endl) Carrière 
*var. glauca*" che sarebbe _semanticamente errato indicare come species_.

Inoltre un import come questo può essere l'occasione per *promuovere l'uso di 
taxon*, così come in passato hanno fatto altri (/che, a mio avviso, "hanno 
visto la luce/").

On 2018-10-30 15:21, Sergio Manzi wrote:
> No, questo è errato: "taxon" _non dice di meno_, perché è il valore associato 
> a taxon "a dire" di cosa stiamo parlando, non il nome del tag!
> On 2018-10-30 15:12, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
>> Ma il termine "taxon" è più flessibile, perché ci permette di 
>> identificare un "individuo" come appartenente ad un livello qualsiasi della 
>> gerarchia tassonomica, sia essa più generica o più specifica di "genus" o 
>> "species".
>> si, e di conseguenza dice anche di meno. Comunque, mi sembra di aver capito 
>> che qui abbiamo una lista di alberi con la loro specie, perché non dirlo?

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-es] Voluntarios para mapaton en Pamplona (Universidad Pública de Navarra)

2018-10-30 Thread Miguel Sevilla-Callejo

Una profesora de la Universidad Pública de Navarra se ha puesto con
contacto conmigo para saber si habría algún voluntario dispuesto a
colaborar en un mapaton que van a realizar en la universidad, en Pamplona,
junto a Médicos sin fronteras, la tarde del día 16 de noviembre.

Si no recuerdo mal no hay mucha gente "geoinquieta" o grupos de editores de
OSM por Pamplona pero si alguien está interesado en ayudar que lo diga. A
priori es para poder disponer de contribuidores con experiencia para poder
realizar la verificación de las ediciones que se lleven a cabo ese día.


*Miguel Sevilla-Callejo*
Doctor en Geografía
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] [Tagging] alberi (era albereri monumentali: quale licenza?)

2018-10-30 Thread Sergio Manzi
No, questo è errato: "taxon" _non dice di meno_, perché è il valore associato a 
taxon "a dire" di cosa stiamo parlando, non il nome del tag!

On 2018-10-30 15:12, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> Ma il termine "taxon" è più flessibile, perché ci permette di 
> identificare un "individuo" come appartenente ad un livello qualsiasi della 
> gerarchia tassonomica, sia essa più generica o più specifica di "genus" o 
> "species".
> si, e di conseguenza dice anche di meno. Comunque, mi sembra di aver capito 
> che qui abbiamo una lista di alberi con la loro specie, perché non dirlo?

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] [Tagging] alberi (era albereri monumentali: quale licenza?)

2018-10-30 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
Am Di., 30. Okt. 2018 um 14:37 Uhr schrieb Sergio Manzi :

> Martin,
> premesso che su queste cose (*la tassonomia*) gente ben più qualificata
> di me e (*suppongo*) te si scorna ormai da centinaia di anni senza
> arrivare a conclusioni definitive e che quindi sarà assai difficile
> arrivare ad un consenso,

sarà vero che ci siano questioni aperti, ma non credo che diventerà un
problema per noi.

> come ho già detto il mio criterio di preferenza di *taxon *su *species *non
> è di natura quantitativa, ma qualitativa

lo puoi fare tranquillamente, ogni uno decide per se, ma per un import non
vale questa regola. Abbiamo 2 tags, "species" usato da più tempo, 5 volte
tanto, con più crescità, con un significato ben definito e più spefico di
taxon, francamente non capisco perché stiamo ancora discutendo. Con
preferenza "qualitativa" intendi dire che il tag "taxon" è usato più volte
secondo la sua definizione e il tag "species" meno volte? E' anche più
facile, perché la definizione di Taxon dice che puoi inserire qualsiasi
livello di classificazione, mentre "species" in teoria dice che puoi
inserire solo la species. Questo vuol dire che per evaluare "taxon"
dovresti comunque impiegare lo stesso metodo che dovresti impiegare per
evaluare "species" per non perdere valori di altri livelli tassonomici
"malinseriti", in altre parole, il vantaggio di "taxon" è sopratutto al
livello semantico (dice che puoi inserire tutto, mentre species non lo
dice, ma la gente lo fa lo stesso), al livello pratico non ci facilita

e, ritengo, basato su solidi argomenti, che, mi scuserai, ritengo opportuno
> ripetere:
> Inequivocabilmente si definisce come taxon "*un raggruppamento di
> organismi reali, distinguibili morfologicamente e geneticamente da altri e
> riconoscibili come unità sistematica, posizionata all'interno della
> struttura gerarchica della classificazione scientifica*" [1] e, sempre in
> [1], "*Fin da Carlo Linneo, per classificare gli organismi, la tassonomia
> utilizza un sistema gerarchico. In questo schema organizzativo, ogni gruppo
> di organismi particolari è un taxón, e il livello gerarchico nel quale lo
> si situa è la sua categoria.  ...  "famiglia", "genere" e "specie" sono
> categorie tassonomiche, mentre Rosaceae, "Rosa" e "Rosa canina" sono un
> esempio di taxa di queste categorie.*"

lo ripeto anch'io:
Inequivocabilmente si definisce come taxon "*un raggruppamento di organismi
reali, distinguibili morfologicamente e geneticamente da altri e
riconoscibili come unità sistematica, posizionata all'interno della
struttura gerarchica della classificazione scientifica*" [1] e, sempre in
[1], "*Fin da Carlo Linneo, per classificare gli organismi, la tassonomia
utilizza un sistema gerarchico. In questo schema organizzativo, ogni gruppo
di organismi particolari è un taxón, e il livello gerarchico nel quale lo
si situa è la sua categoria.  ...  "famiglia", "genere" e "specie" sono
categorie tassonomiche, mentre Rosaceae, "Rosa" e "Rosa canina" sono un
esempio di taxa di queste categorie.*"

> "genus" e "species" sono solo due tra i vari livelli (*categorie
> tassonomiche*) che compongono questa organizzazione gerarchica.
> Utilizzarli, non è sbagliato, quando associati ad un valore congruente con
> quel particolare livello.

si. Anche se classificazioni più grezzi di "genus" non ci danno moltissima
informazione (per gli alberi).

> Ma il termine "taxon" è più flessibile, perché ci permette di identificare
> un "individuo" come appartenente ad un livello qualsiasi della gerarchia
> tassonomica, sia essa più generica o più specifica di "genus" o "species".

si, e di conseguenza dice anche di meno. Comunque, mi sembra di aver capito
che qui abbiamo una lista di alberi con la loro specie, perché non dirlo?

> In alternativa dovremmo, oltre a "*genus*" e "*species*", prevedere altry
> tag corrispondenti ai vari livelli di categorizzazione tassonomica, come,
> per esempio, "family", "variety" o "form": mi sembra più semplice usare
> "taxon" e tanti saluti...

no, non dovremmo, potremmo, se fosse ritenuto utile dal mappatore lo puo
fare, ma non credo succederà. Lo storico è andato così: c'era il tag
"species", gente inseriva di tutto, in inglese, italiano, ecc. Avevamo
scritto nel wiki di mettere il nome in latino, e nomi comuni in alternativa
in "species:it", ecc. C'era poi gente che diceva che species non andava
bene per il tag se l'indicazione era soltanto al livello di genus, quindi
hanno inventato "genus" (inutilmente al mio parere, tanto di più se pensi
che 60% degli oggetti con Genus hanno anche un "species", probabilmente
sono prevalentemente derivanti da import).

Per evitare che qualcuno inventasse anche family ecc. hanno proposto
"taxon", che non indica più il livello di tassonomia (come anche proposto
per "species" inizialmente).

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Borne de puisage

2018-10-30 Thread Christian Quest

Le 29/10/2018 à 18:42, Gwenaël Jouvin a écrit :


Merci pour ce tuyau (d’arrosage) !

J’ai récemment ajouté un « poteau incendie » dont je me demandais pourquoi il 
était vert et si peu visible dans l’ombre… ce serait donc une borne de puisage 
? Pourtant, c’est physiquement un poteau utilisé ailleurs pour les points d’eau 
incendie de la région.
J’avais aussi ajouté color=green :-)

D'après ce que j'ai compris, certaines poteaux verts sont équipés d'un 
compteur, et ils peuvent aussi être utilisés par les pompiers (gros 
raccords sans compteur).

Pour les véritables poteaux incendie, attention j’en ai déjà vu avec un 
demi-capot jaune et l’autre rouge, impossible de savoir si c’est de la haute 
pression dedans.

Poteau demi jaune ? C'est un demi pression !

Ok... ->  []

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] [Tagging] alberi (era albereri monumentali: quale licenza?)

2018-10-30 Thread Sergio Manzi
On 2018-10-30 14:36, Sergio Manzi wrote:
> come, per esempio, "family", "variety" o "form"

*Errore:* per consistenza (/nome del livello tassonomico in latino/) dovrebbero 
essere "/familia/", "/varietas/" o "/forma/"

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-es] Mapa de la península para OruxMaps y OSMAnd con datos OSM de 4umaps

2018-10-30 Thread Alberto Llorente

He compilado toda la península en un mapa para Oruxmaps y otro para OSMAnd.
Lo he hecho con MOBAC partiendo del WMS que deja 4Umaps.eu (los créditos
para ell@s).

La ventaja de estos mapas es que renderizan los senderos junto con su nivel
de dificultad SAC y su nivel BTT, indicándolo claramente en texto al lado
del sendero (los que tienen dicha etiqueta). También se indica la
visibilidad del camino(en 2 niveles). En otros utilizan simplemente
colores. No he encontrado otros mapas que rendericen tan bien dicha info (y
agradecería si sabéis alguno).

Para mi es una ayuda, tanto para maquinar rutas de montaña como para ver
las deficiencias de etiquetado en dificultad y visibilidad de algunas rutas.

Por si a alguien le interesa, los he subido a:

Mapa para Oruxmaps:

Mapa para OSMAnd:

Realmente me lo he hecho también para mi viejo Oziexplorer, que sigo usando
en el PC, pero ocupa la tira... si alguien está muy interesado que me
escriba y me lo organizo.

Listos para copiar y pegar en la carpeta del móvil que tengamos
configurada. Se admiten y agradecen sugerencias. La montaña no se me da
mal, pero en ésto no soy experto como veo que vosotros 
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] [Tagging] alberi (era albereri monumentali: quale licenza?)

2018-10-30 Thread Sergio Manzi

premesso che su queste cose (/la tassonomia/) gente ben più qualificata di me e 
(/suppongo/) te si scorna ormai da centinaia di anni senza arrivare a 
conclusioni definitive e che quindi sarà assai difficile arrivare ad un 
consenso, come ho già detto il mio criterio di preferenza di /taxon /su 
/species /non è di natura quantitativa, ma qualitativa e, ritengo, basato su 
solidi argomenti, che, mi scuserai, ritengo opportuno ripetere:

Inequivocabilmente si definisce come taxon "/un raggruppamento di organismi 
reali, distinguibili morfologicamente e geneticamente da altri e riconoscibili 
come unità sistematica, posizionata all'interno della struttura gerarchica 
della classificazione scientifica/" [1] e, sempre in [1], "/Fin da Carlo 
Linneo, per classificare gli organismi, la tassonomia utilizza un sistema 
gerarchico. In questo schema organizzativo, *ogni gruppo di organismi 
particolari è un taxón*, e il livello gerarchico nel quale lo si situa è la sua 
categoria.  ...  "famiglia", "genere" e "specie" sono categorie tassonomiche, 
mentre Rosaceae, "Rosa" e "Rosa canina" sono un esempio di taxa di queste 

"genus" e "species" sono solo due tra i vari livelli (/categorie tassonomiche/) 
che compongono questa organizzazione gerarchica. Utilizzarli, non è sbagliato, 
quando associati ad un valore congruente con quel particolare livello.

Ma il termine "taxon" è più flessibile, perché ci permette di identificare un 
"individuo" come appartenente ad un livello qualsiasi della gerarchia 
tassonomica, sia essa più generica o più specifica di "genus" o "species".

In alternativa dovremmo, oltre a "/genus/" e "/species/", prevedere altry tag 
corrispondenti ai vari livelli di categorizzazione tassonomica, come, per 
esempio, "family", "variety" o "form": mi sembra più semplice usare "taxon" e 
tanti saluti...



[1] https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taxon

On 2018-10-29 22:53, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> sent from a phone
> On 29. Oct 2018, at 11:17, Sergio Manzi mailto:s...@smz.it>> 
> wrote:
>> Prova anche a fare un overpass-turbo per /taxon /(/puoi limitarti ai nodes/) 
>> su Vienna, Londra o Parigi e vedi cosa salta fuori.
> guardando l’andamento è ancora molto più chiaro che taxon quasi non è stato 
> usato tranne 2 imports:
> image1.png
> Ciao, Martin 
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
> Talk-it@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Correcting inland water features

2018-10-30 Thread nwastra
More specifically...

The watercourses are flagged as perennial or non-perennial or null

*Should all those flagged as non-perennial be tagged as intermittent?

Seems to be too few perennial but as others have mentioned Australian 
watercourses are predominantly intermittent.
Talk-au mailing list

Re: [OSM-ja] トンネルの銘板

2018-10-30 Thread info

# なんだか、国道メーリングリストっぽくなってきたぞ(笑

** Ras and Road **
Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] GPX pro chybejici a castecne schranky Ceske Posty

2018-10-30 Thread Petr Schönmann
Ano, Jedná se o soubor pro Garmina, proto zčásti objevuješ kolo. Pro převod
lze použít gpsbabel.
Chápu že někdo bude chtít jen GPX soubory.

út 30. 10. 2018 v 13:24 odesílatel Tom Ka  napsal:

> Ahoj, vim ze jsi neco delal ale mel jsem za to ze je to vicemene jen
> pro Garmin a nez to nejak konvertovat, to je pro mne jednodussi to
> udelat takhle. Nebo se pletu?
> Bye
> út 30. 10. 2018 v 13:10 odesílatel Petr Schönmann 
> napsal:
> >
> > Ahoj, zčásti objevuješ kolo :)
> > https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz/c2451#mcf24c1
> >
> > út 30. 10. 2018 v 11:10 odesílatel Tom Ka 
> napsal:
> >>
> >> Ahoj,
> >>
> >> napsal jsem si  skript, co stahuje GPX pro missing a partial schranky
> >> ze statistik od Mariana z http://josm.poloha.net/cz_pbox/, vysledek
> >> (aktualne pro depa 56707 a vys tj. Moravska) najdete na:
> >>
> >> https://kasparkovi.net/gc/cpost.zip
> >>
> >> Aktualizuje se kazdy den 6:20 po prepocitani statistik. Treba bude
> >> nekomu uzitecne.
> >>
> >> Bye
> >>
> >> ___
> >> Talk-cz mailing list
> >> Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
> >> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz
> >> https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz
> >
> > ___
> > Talk-cz mailing list
> > Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
> > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz
> > https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz
> https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-ja] トンネルの銘板

2018-10-30 Thread tomoya muramoto

銘板には「幅員 4.5m」とあり、


Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [OSM-ja] トンネルの銘板

2018-10-30 Thread tomoya muramoto




Talk-ja mailing list

[talk-au] Correcting inland water features

2018-10-30 Thread nwastra
Regarding GeoScience Australia Surface Hydrology datasets 

  and the polygons and points layers

The watercources are flagged as perennial or not.
Should all non-perennial be tagged as intermittent?

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] GPX pro chybejici a castecne schranky Ceske Posty

2018-10-30 Thread Tom Ka
Ahoj, vim ze jsi neco delal ale mel jsem za to ze je to vicemene jen
pro Garmin a nez to nejak konvertovat, to je pro mne jednodussi to
udelat takhle. Nebo se pletu?

út 30. 10. 2018 v 13:10 odesílatel Petr Schönmann  napsal:
> Ahoj, zčásti objevuješ kolo :)
> https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz/c2451#mcf24c1
> út 30. 10. 2018 v 11:10 odesílatel Tom Ka  napsal:
>> Ahoj,
>> napsal jsem si  skript, co stahuje GPX pro missing a partial schranky
>> ze statistik od Mariana z http://josm.poloha.net/cz_pbox/, vysledek
>> (aktualne pro depa 56707 a vys tj. Moravska) najdete na:
>> https://kasparkovi.net/gc/cpost.zip
>> Aktualizuje se kazdy den 6:20 po prepocitani statistik. Treba bude
>> nekomu uzitecne.
>> Bye
>> ___
>> Talk-cz mailing list
>> Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz
>> https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz
> https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] GPX pro chybejici a castecne schranky Ceske Posty

2018-10-30 Thread Petr Schönmann
Ahoj, zčásti objevuješ kolo :)

út 30. 10. 2018 v 11:10 odesílatel Tom Ka  napsal:

> Ahoj,
> napsal jsem si  skript, co stahuje GPX pro missing a partial schranky
> ze statistik od Mariana z http://josm.poloha.net/cz_pbox/, vysledek
> (aktualne pro depa 56707 a vys tj. Moravska) najdete na:
> https://kasparkovi.net/gc/cpost.zip
> Aktualizuje se kazdy den 6:20 po prepocitani statistik. Treba bude
> nekomu uzitecne.
> Bye
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz
> https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz
Talk-cz mailing list

[Talk-cz] Registrace na SotM CZ 2018!

2018-10-30 Thread Tom Ka
Ahoj, pripominam, ze zajemci o tricka se musi kvuli stihnuti vyroby
zaregistrovat nejpozdeji zitra!
I ostatni prosim o co nejdrivejsi registraci kvuli organizaci akce.

web: https://openstreetmap.cz/sotm/2018


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [talk-au] PSMA Administrative Boundaries

2018-10-30 Thread Joel H.
I have edited the wiki with a table relating to the team approach, It's
rough but it shows who is doing what.

I have enlisted Andrew Harvey as the uploader/account holder. I've put
my self down for integration in QLD. I'm hoping that others can handle
integration in their own states and put names down on the wiki.



On 23/10/18 10:25 am, Andrew Harvey wrote:
> I see, thanks. It's in the original non-simplified files too. It can
> be manually fixed, but just adding a shared node is not the right fix,
> we need to snap the nodes and then removed the shared ways.
> We should be able to fix this in the processing scripts by increasing
> the tolerance that things get snapped together. In this case here, the
> two ways/nodes are 0.1m apart.
> On Sun, 21 Oct 2018 at 12:33, Joel H.  wrote:
>> On 19/10/18 5:01 pm, Andrew Harvey wrote:
>>> Is there a problem with crossing ways? Why do they need a shared node
>>> when they are different admin levels?
>> Yes jump to the position I told you and zoom right in to the
>> intersection, there is a crossover between two level 10 admin areas.
>> I don't know if this was introduced in the simplification or it was an
>> error with PSMA. But there is only 26 of these errors in QLD so I would
>> hardly call this an issue, you can easily fix these manually.
>> ___
>> Talk-au mailing list
>> Talk-au@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-au
> ___
> Talk-au mailing list
> Talk-au@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-au

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Openstreetmap.cz, vrstva chybných rozcestníků - cyklo rozcestníky

2018-10-30 Thread Tom Ka
po 29. 10. 2018 v 13:18 odesílatel majka  napsal:
> V těch chybných rozcestnících - tedy konkrétně u exportu gpx - bych byla pro 
> to, u blíže neurčených rozcestníků (momentálně označených jen id bodu, třeba 
> n5171260568) přidat do názvu minimálně typ, pokud ho to v OSM má - tj. 
> hiking/bicycle/ski, takže by to vypadalo nějak takhle n5171260568 
> (bicycle) nebo n291205540 (ski) , aby bylo lépe vidět, co 
> hledat. Na webu si můžu zobrazit podrobnosti, v tom exportu to vidět v 
> současné době nijak není a může to napovědět v tom, co a kde konkrétně to po 
> okolí musím hledat.

hotovo, zatim ve jmenu, jeste zvazuju to presunout do decriptions aby
to nestrasilo pri beznem pouziti ale uvidime, mrknete a dejte vedet co
je podle vas lepsi.


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Editing di strada all'interno di un bosco

2018-10-30 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
Am Mo., 29. Okt. 2018 um 16:15 Uhr schrieb Alessandro Sarretta <

> Grazie Giovanni.
> In realtà, indipendentemente dall'esatta localizzazione della strada,
> chiedevo essenzialmente se abbia senso lasciare un "buco" nella mappatura
> di un landuse=forest in corrispondenza di una strada. Mi sembra poco utile,
> poco realistico e assai poco gestibile...

Io in generale sarei per lasciare un buco. Più che le foreste (copertura
con alberi) sono divise in aree piccole, più facilmente sono gestibili: le
aree grandi diventano poco chiari, lunghi e lenti da caricare e modificare,
ad un certo punto (più di 2000 punti) impossibili da modificare (devono
essere spezzati per forza per via dell'API, un limite voluto). Più piccole
che sono le aree, meno si scarica inutilmente per fare una piccola
modifica, meno danno crea un vandalo (che non hanno tanta pazienza di
solito), più facile sono da capire e da modificare. E anche le strade sono
più gestibili senza avere linee di confine foresta sovrapposte. Pensando al
dettaglio ci sono spesso punti lungo la strada dove gli alberi lasciano un
po' di spazio, e avendo 2 poligoni separati si fa molto prima ad inserirli
(altrimenti non saranno probabilmente inseriti).

Certo, dipende anche dal tipo di modifica (vuoi inserire più dettaglio per
il perimetro, oppure devi spostare il tutto perché posizionato male), e ci
sono anche delle modifiche che sono più noiose se devi spostare/modificare
3 linee invece di una.

Tutto sommando, posso capire che sembra troppo lavoro di spezzare le
foreste così, ma riunirle mi sembra una cattiveria ;-)

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-cz] GPX pro chybejici a castecne schranky Ceske Posty

2018-10-30 Thread Tom Ka

napsal jsem si  skript, co stahuje GPX pro missing a partial schranky
ze statistik od Mariana z http://josm.poloha.net/cz_pbox/, vysledek
(aktualne pro depa 56707 a vys tj. Moravska) najdete na:


Aktualizuje se kazdy den 6:20 po prepocitani statistik. Treba bude
nekomu uzitecne.


Talk-cz mailing list