Re: [OSM-talk] sending location from a smart phone.

2019-08-17 Per discussione Yves
This does exist, of course, ans open source: Le 18 août 2019 05:26:02 GMT+02:00, stevea a écrit : >This feels like an

Re: [Talk-at] Österreichs Hausnummern in OpenStreetMap unvollständig

2019-08-17 Per discussione Johann Haag
Am Samstag, 17. August 2019 schrieb Johann Haag : > > > Am Mi., 14. Aug. 2019 um 12:19 Uhr schrieb realadry via Talk-at < >>: > >> Hallo, >> >> Das Adressregister ist öffentlich zugänglich und ist rechtlich gesehen >> die Datenquelle für Adressen. Somit kann jeder

Re: [talk-au] Tagging of Aboriginal flag

2019-08-17 Per discussione Andrew Harvey
On Sun., 18 Aug. 2019, 2:21 pm Andrew Davidson, wrote: > On 17/8/19 9:29 am, Andrew Harvey wrote: > > According to the wiki > > you can use > > flag:wikidata to specify the exact flag. The Australian Aboriginal Flag > > is

Re: [talk-au] Tagging of Aboriginal flag

2019-08-17 Per discussione Andrew Davidson
On 17/8/19 9:29 am, Andrew Harvey wrote: According to the wiki you can use flag:wikidata to specify the exact flag. The Australian Aboriginal Flag is and the Torres Strait Islander Flag is

Re: [talk-au] play ground locations and much more from open data source but how?

2019-08-17 Per discussione Andrew Davidson
On 18/8/19 11:07 am, Herbert.Remi via Talk-au wrote: how to do this? Step 1 read this: I want to upload the play ground locations to OSM. It's not just a case of "uploading". A large number of playgrounds in Canberra have already been

Re: [OSM-talk] sending location from a smart phone.

2019-08-17 Per discussione stevea
This feels like an interesting side project for OSM to keep its hands warm, rubbing over the campfire, ready to toss in a shoulder of help if needed. Warin (below) says "a few years" yet I think with some good communication, coordination among countries, 112 / E911 / 999 communities, mutual

Re: [OSM-talk] sending location from a smart phone.

2019-08-17 Per discussione Warin
On the SMS front, it is not a question of an app but the receiving organisation Internationally 112 is the single number that is allocated to emergency services from cell phones. In some countries that gets you a call centre that then sends you off to the police, fire or ambulance. in other

Re: [OSM-talk] sending location from a smart phone.

2019-08-17 Per discussione Phil Wyatt
For IOS it would appear GPS2SMS version 2 does exactly that Cheers - Phil, On the road with his iPad > On 18 Aug 2019, at 12:06 pm, stevea wrote: > > John's on the path here: let's eliminate a potential cut-and-paste (or > remember "too many digits" step). If there isn't an app (Android,

Re: [OSM-talk] sending location from a smart phone.

2019-08-17 Per discussione stevea
As I think about it, there's likely E911 (in the USA) organizations (standards bodies, coordinating mutual aid people...) who either are talking about this or already have. I imagine an app which is smart enough to "burst off to all possible channels of communication, whatever your emergency

Re: [OSM-talk] sending location from a smart phone.

2019-08-17 Per discussione stevea
John's on the path here: let's eliminate a potential cut-and-paste (or remember "too many digits" step). If there isn't an app (Android, iOS...) for "tap this button to ask the GPS to put my lat-lon into a (decimal) text string and prompt me for the phone # of an SMS that sends it (with my

Re: [OSM-talk] sending location from a smart phone.

2019-08-17 Per discussione Rodrigo Rodríguez
On 17/8/19 19:22, John Whelan wrote: > Apparently some Fire brigades ask people who are lost on moors etc to > download What3words then tell them their location. > > Isn't there a simpler way?  Perhaps to get a text message sent with the > long and lat? Geographic coordinates may be the

Re: [OSM-talk] sending location from a smart phone.

2019-08-17 Per discussione Warin
On 18/08/19 11:22, John Whelan wrote: Apparently some Fire brigades ask people who are lost on moors etc to download What3words then tell them their location. Isn't there a simpler way?  Perhaps to get a text message sent with the long and lat? ref

[OSM-talk] sending location from a smart phone.

2019-08-17 Per discussione John Whelan
Apparently some Fire brigades ask people who are lost on moors etc to download What3words then tell them their location. Isn't there a simpler way?  Perhaps to get a text message sent with the long and lat? ref Thanks John -- Sent from Postbox

[talk-au] play ground locations and much more from open data source but how?

2019-08-17 Per discussione Herbert.Remi via Talk-au
how to do this? I want to upload the play ground locations to OSM. There is plenty more data where this came from. Just need to work out how to do it? Can you help. SOURCE: Open data sharing from ACT Government GeoHub How to upload single points to OSM. Example: Play Grounds

Re: [talk-au] OpenStreetMap Wiki page Australian Tagging Guidelines has been changed by Ewen Hill

2019-08-17 Per discussione Graeme Fitzpatrick
Nice work Ewen! I just corrected one very minor typo by adding a comma. I'm not sure that these bits read quite right though? "Data-sets that contain First Nation details need extra vigilance and discussion with elders above the standard import process" "beyond the standard ..." perhaps?

Re: [Talk-GB] OSMTracker for Android - detailed survey of paths & tracks layout

2019-08-17 Per discussione Rob Nickerson
Sure I get that from a code point of view, although I was surprised Google allowed 2 almost identical versions (name and logo) on the store. Personally I was coming from a marketing and user friendliness point of view. It's confusing for users and will probably cost the new developer time in the

[Talk-it] Crediti

2019-08-17 Per discussione Lorenzo Pesci
Ho scritto alla redazione repubblica...@repubblica.itper chiedere di citare il copyright omesso relativamente a solite )Lorenzo Pesci 

Re: [Talk-at] Relationschaos nach Landesstraßenanpassung (Kreisverkehr Erstellung)

2019-08-17 Per discussione Robert Grübler
Andreas wrote: > Gibt es dazu einen leichteren Weg, oder ist es einfach mit den Relationen so > kompliziert? Freut mich, dass du so aufmerksam auf die Relationen geachtet hast. Ja, man kann sich die Sache leichter machen, indem man keine neuen Wege anlegt, sondern vorhandene umformt. Damit

[Talk-it] Fwd: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - protection_class=* (Words, not numeric codes)

2019-08-17 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
Vi vorrei segnalare questa proposta (in fase di sviluppo) che tenta di sostituire le classi di protezione numeriche con classi espresse con parole. Qualcuno di voi si intende della situazione italiana di aree di protezione naturali ed altri, che potrebbe contribuire al sistema per trovare una

[Talk-de] Kurorte, Luftkurorte, Seebäder und Ähnliche

2019-08-17 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
Gibt es schon tagging für Kurorte? Gemeint sind ausgezeichnete Orte, die als Kurorte in Deutschland oder Österreich (oder wo es vergleichbare Gesetze gibt) anerkannt sind. Ggf. bräuchte man unterschiedliche tags für unterschiedliche Arten von Kurorten, z.B. Seebäder, Luftkurorte, Badekurorte

[Talk-es] Direcciones postales sin número (s/n)

2019-08-17 Per discussione dcapillae
Buenas noches. Recientemente han documentado en el wiki una nueva etiqueta, «nohousenumber=yes», que se usa para indicar que la dirección postal de una característica carece de número de portal [1]. Este caso es muy común en España, direcciones del tipo «Calle Miraflores, s/n». El «sin número» o

Re: [Talk-de] OSM Lizenzverstoß bei Kraichgau-Stromberg Tourismus e.V.

2019-08-17 Per discussione Christoph Hormann
On Tuesday 25 June 2019, Sven Geggus wrote: > > der Nakaner hatte es schon geahnt und ich konnte es jetzt in einer > Gegend die ich maßgeblich gemappt habe problemlos verifizieren. > > Der Kraichgau-Stromberg Tourismus e.V. hat 86 öffentlich geförderte > Wandertafeln mit Openstreetmap Karten ohne

Re: [Talk-at] highway=trunk in Österreich

2019-08-17 Per discussione Friedrich Volkmann
On 17.08.19 15:26, PPete wrote: ich bin darauf aufmerksam geworden das in diesem Changeset die Straße B1 im Norden Lambachs von "highway=primary" auf "highway=trunk" umgeändert wurde. Es handelt sich dabei in diesem Abschnitt um eine erst vor

[OSM-talk-be] Dodentocht

2019-08-17 Per discussione rodeo .be
Hey all, first message to this mailing list ! Last week I supported for some friends in the Dodentocht (a 100km walk around Bornem). Positive thing: the organisation uses openstreetmap in their follow tool: Negative thing: the maps were very slow (background not

Re: [Talk-it] Revisione fermate GTT con MapRoulette

2019-08-17 Per discussione Andrea Musuruane
Ciao Ferruccio, la query che trova i bus_stop con il tag GTT:Revised ma senza ref o gtfs_id è la seguente: Il changeset incriminato sembra essere questo, fatto da DavideF1986: con commento "removed gtfs_id on

Re: [Talk-it] Revisione fermate GTT con MapRoulette

2019-08-17 Per discussione canfe
Carissimo Andrea, mi sa che qualcuno ha già fatto dei pasticci. Ecco due query che evidenziano la rimozione dei tag citati. Si potrebbe andare in history e rimetterli, ma sono incerto e preferirei che se ne occupasse qualcuno che ha seguito l'import fin dai tempi lontani. Dal canto mio do la

Re: [Talk-GB] OSMTracker for Android - detailed survey of paths & tracks layout

2019-08-17 Per discussione Mark Thomas
Nice to have a chance to try out your layout file - I've been intending to do something similar for ages. It looks far more useful to me than the default layout. My only problem with it are that the icons are far too big for my phone - I get a huge icon with the centre of yours displayed very

Re: [Talk-at] highway=trunk in Österreich

2019-08-17 Per discussione Rudolf Mayer
Hi, Ich habe keine ultimative Empfehlung, aber so wie ich das bisher in Ö gesehen habe, sind einerseit "alte" Schnellstraßen als trunk road markiert, also solche die evtl. nicht mit dem "Autobahn" Zeichen ausgeschildert sind aber oft von der Asfinag betrieben werden, also die evtl 2+2 ohne

Re: [Talk-GB] OSMTracker for Android - detailed survey of paths & tracks layout

2019-08-17 Per discussione Simon Poole
The first one is the original that is no longer maintained (was announced two years back or so). The 2nd one is a fork that seems to be reasonably current. Technically it is not possible to replace an existing app without access to the certificate used for signing it and the dev account, so fixing

[Talk-at] highway=trunk in Österreich

2019-08-17 Per discussione PPete
Hallo, ich bin darauf aufmerksam geworden das in diesem Changeset die Straße B1 im Norden Lambachs von "highway=primary" auf "highway=trunk" umgeändert wurde. Es handelt sich dabei in diesem Abschnitt um eine erst vor wenigen Jahre

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Y'en a marre de

2019-08-17 Per discussione Simon Réau
Bonjour, Je me suis peut-être mal exprimé sur le commentaire de ce changeset. Les comtes Geovelo, Simon_geovelo ... Sont des comptes des employés de Geovelo. Nous essayons au maximum de respecter les bonnes pratiques d'OpenStreetMap. Dans ce cas précis, un rappel des règles a été fait à l'employé

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Y'en a marre de

2019-08-17 Per discussione Simon Réau
Bonjour, Je me présente, Simon de Geovelo. C'est moi qui est principalement en charge des données OpenStreetMap chez Geovelo. Désolé pour les délais de réponse. Pour cause de vacance le suivi de la liste de diffusion et des contributions a pris un peux de retard chez nous. Voici comment

Re: [Talk-GB] Talk-GB Digest, Vol 155, Issue 20

2019-08-17 Per discussione Tadeusz Cantwell
and (this one's now a > little out of date and refers to the other version of OSMTracker). > > To find a PROW that needs a survey, take a look at > and make sure you have a tick in 'Public > Rights of Way'. >

Re: [Talk-GB] OSMTracker for Android - detailed survey of paths & tracks layout

2019-08-17 Per discussione Andy Townsend
> Why on earth are there 2 versions of OSMTracker for Android on the Play store?! It's open source software, so it's fairly technically straightforward to "clone, modify and resubmit".  What restrictions Google put on this sort of thing currently I don't know, but I suspect they're mostly limited

Re: [Talk-GB] OSMTracker for Android - detailed survey of paths & tracks layout

2019-08-17 Per discussione Rob Nickerson
Why on earth are there 2 versions of OSMTracker for Android on the Play store?! How is that in any way user friendly? Which is the right one and how to get an old one removed?

Re: [Talk-es] Error en la importación de b5m del addr:city

2019-08-17 Per discussione dazer
Es fácil: bajas todo en JOSM, haces una búsqueda (ctrl+F) que te seleccione los elementos con el valor viejo, y los editas por el nuevo. Los acabo de cambiar a "Donostia / San Sebastián", con espacios, tal y como está en el nodo de la ciudad. -- Sent from:

Re: [Talk-at] Österreichs Hausnummern in OpenStreetMap unvollständig

2019-08-17 Per discussione realadry via Talk-at
Hallo, um dein Beispiel anzusprechen: Wenn ich "Wiener Neustädter Straße 76" bei in die Suche eintippe, wird mit sofort "Bad Vöslau (Gainfarn), Wiener Neustädter Straße 76" vorgeschlagen. Diese Adresse befindet sich genau dort wo sie in OSM eingetragen ist. (Natürlich nicht am

Re: [Talk-it] osmc:symbol per sentieri Val d'Aosta

2019-08-17 Per discussione Alfredo Gattai
Ciao, prima di scegliere quelli piu' adatti ti conviene fare un'inventario dei segni usati veramente sul terreno e provare come vengono poi visualizzati. Tieni presente che osmc:symbol e' usato principalmente per il rendering quindi e' sempre preferibile laddove ci sia indicato anche il numero

Re: [Talk-at] Österreichs Hausnummern in OpenStreetMap unvollständig

2019-08-17 Per discussione Johann Haag
Am Mi., 14. Aug. 2019 um 12:19 Uhr schrieb realadry via Talk-at <>: > Hallo, > > Das Adressregister ist öffentlich zugänglich und ist rechtlich gesehen > die Datenquelle für Adressen. Somit kann jeder Eintrag überprüft werden. > Ich prüfe gerade mittels

Re: [Talk-at] Österreichs Hausnummern in OpenStreetMap unvollständig

2019-08-17 Per discussione Johann Haag
Am Fr., 16. Aug. 2019 um 11:19 Uhr schrieb Andreas via Talk-at <>: > Am 15.08.19 um 16:49 schrieb Johann Haag: > > > > > > Am Do., 15. Aug. 2019 um 13:49 Uhr schrieb Kevin Kofler > >>>: > > > > Johann Haag wrote: > > > Ergänzung:

[Talk-et] MapWithAI (RapiD) available in Ethiopia

2019-08-17 Per discussione Alex (
Hello, the Facebook AI team no provides data for Ethiopia for the use in RapiD, an AI powered version of the OpenStreetMap iD editor. It autodetects roads and needs human confirmation to add them to the map. Basic information about the project: Check it out here and help to