Re: Macro for double-digit day-of-month ?

2005-08-25 Thread Zygmunt Wereszczynski
On Friday, August 26, 2005, at 18:33:00 [UTC-0400] (Friday, August 26, 2005
00:33 my local time) Robert D. wrote:

> Recently, Marek Mikus squawked:

>> %DATE="ddmmyy"

> yes, OK, I see it DOES make a date that I like. However, it is
> "Today's" date and not the date of the email.

So, please use this form: %ODate="yymmdd". All these variants are described
in Help.

Best regards,
 Zygmunt Wereszczynski
 (Using The Bat! v3.60.03 Forerunner (Beta) in OTFE mode with BayesIt! 0.8.2
 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4)

How and what to do with "User parameters" in filters?

2005-06-12 Thread Zygmunt Wereszczynski
Hello all!

I tried many times to set and check "additional parameters" in filters, but
without success. How to use them according to common sense? How to reference
to the parameter which was set in another filter? Is it possible?

Did anybody successfully use this feature?

Best regards,
Zygmunt Wereszczynski
(Using The Bat! v3.5.26 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4
with BayesIt! 0.8.1)

Re: Export as.... filter

2005-05-14 Thread Zygmunt Wereszczynski
On Sunday, May 15, 2005, at 15:39:42 [UTC-0700] (Sunday, May 15, 2005 00:39
my local time) Paul F. Siebern wrote:

> What I would like to do is to have the subject of the message as the
> file name. Is there any way of doing this?

You should use macro %OSubj in the file name. It will be expanded to the
subject of filtered message.

Best regards,
Zygmunt Wereszczynski
(Using The Bat! v3.5 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4
with BayesIt! 0.8.1)

Re: Delete "original message" before receiving

2004-11-01 Thread Zygmunt Wereszczynski
On Monday, November 1, 2004, at 15:08:48 [UTC+0100] (Monday, November 1,
2004 15:08 my local time) Britt Malka wrote:

>> I'm not absolutely sure about the result of an account specific
>> macro in a common filter. (I guess you intend to use it as such.)

> Yes, I do.

> Is it possible to make a common filter now in version 3? This would be
> a great improvement. Actually I thought of copying the filter to all
> of my accounts.

Yes, common filters are working here, and I checked my filter as common one.
However, you should remember that all imported messages will be actually
imported into Inbox of main account, not to particular one.

Best regards,
Zygmunt Wereszczynski
(Using The Bat! v3.0.2.4 Rush on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4
with BayesIt! 0.7.4)

Re: Delete "original message" before receiving

2004-10-31 Thread Zygmunt Wereszczynski
On Sunday, October 31, 2004, at 18:38:18 [UTC+0100] (Sunday, October 31,
2004 18:38 my local time) Britt Malka wrote:

>> %SetPattRegExp="(?ism)(.*)^- Original Message
>> -.*"%RegexpMatch(%Text)

> This works, but how do I add more or less "-" and the Danish
> translations too?

You can use alternatives in regular expression, like this:

(?ism)(.*)^(-+\s*Original Message\s*-+.*|-+\s*Oprindelig meddelelse-+\s*.*)

I re-worked my filter to be more universal and attached it to this message
to avoid wrapping of long lines. Open attachment in Notepad (or another text
editor), Copy the filter and paste it into Read Message filters. It uses
Ctrl+F11 to trigger. See also on filter criteria. I used two alternatives
there, but it may be changed accordingly to your needs (for example single
"@" character presence in Sender may be sufficient).

Filter first export message in Unix format to file "C:\Temp\Unix_Msg.txt",
then export modified message to file "C:\Temp\export.msg", and then import
such modified message from file "C:\Temp\export.msg" using Unix format. It
seems a bit complicated, but due to such double conversion all kind of
messages can be processed. Finally, the file "C:\Temp\export.msg" is deleted
and original non-modified message is moved to Trash.

In attached text file you can find a replacement for %Quotes macro in your
reply template. This quotes only text without MS add-ons.

  [1] Remove_Original_MSG.txt

Best regards,
Zygmunt Wereszczynski
(Using The Bat! v3.0.2.4 Rush on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4
with BayesIt! 0.7.4) TB! Message Filter 
UID: [46366FC0.01C4BF72.0ED72447.1B28D568]
Name: Remove_Original_MSG
MoveMessage folder \5C\5C\5CTrash
ExportMessage OverwriteExist FmtUnix filename C:\5CTemp\5CUnix_Msg.txt
ExportMessage OverwriteExist FmtText filename C:\5CTemp\5Cexport.msg template 
RunExternal Wait CmdLine 

This is replacement for %Qutes macro in reply template:

%Quotes='%SetPattRegExp="(?ism)(.*)^(-+\s*Original Message\s*-+.*|-+\s*Oprindelig 

Re: Delete "original message" before receiving

2004-10-21 Thread Zygmunt Wereszczynski
On Thursday, October 21, 2004, at 21:59:35 [UTC+0200] (Thursday, October 21,
2004 21:59 my local time) Britt Malka wrote:

>> I don't seem to know what this is about.

> Lucky you :-)

But not me, because I know what you means :-)

As Alexey wrote, the best method will be a manually triggered filter of read
messages which exports message to text file (using template with macros that
cut all text after "-Oprindelig meddelelse-", inclusive). Then this
filter imports changed message from text file and deletes original one,
together with this file. As a result you will have only pure original reply
without MS add-ons.

The template used to export message to file "D:\export.txt" has following
simple form:

%SetPattRegExp="(?ism)(.*)^- Original Message -.*"%RegexpMatch(%Text)

Command line used to import text as a message is following:

C:\Program Files\The Bat!\thebat.exe 

Please note that message will be imported to "Inbox" folder of "Account"
from file "D:\export.txt" - you should change these parameters according to
your needs. The filter "Remove_Original_MSG" is attached as text to this
message to avoid long line breaks, so you can copy and paste it to your
Sorting Office. The filter checks if there is "- Original Message -"
phrase in message text, so please change this to "-Oprindelig meddelelse-"
or something else according to your language. You should also change this
phrase in export template. My filter is triggered by Ctrl+F11.

So, enjoy this!

Best regards,
Zygmunt Wereszczynski
(Using The Bat! v3.0.2.1 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4
with BayesIt! 0.7.4) TB! Message Filter 
UID: [5E6A6B40.01C4B7AA.72334DF4.4ADF1BCB]
Name: Remove_Original_MSG
Filter: {\0D\0A\20`4`0`-\20Original\20Message\20-\0D\0A}
ExportMessage OverwriteExist FmtText filename D:\5Cexport.txt template 
RunExternal Wait CmdLine 

Re: regexp help reqd

2004-09-01 Thread Zygmunt Wereszczynski
On Thursday, September 2, 2004, at 00:50:46 [UTC+0100] (Thursday, September
2, 2004 01:50 my local time) Colin Wilson wrote:

ZW>> Try to use following regexp: (?is)([EMAIL PROTECTED]){7,}
ZW>> It can be quite slowly because of many matches, but it should work.

> Thanks, i`ll give it a whirl...

Or, it may be simpler one: (?is)([EMAIL PROTECTED]){7,}

Best regards,
Zygmunt Wereszczynski
(Using The Bat! v3.0 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4)

Re: regexp help reqd

2004-09-01 Thread Zygmunt Wereszczynski
On Thursday, September 2, 2004, at 23:49:57 [UTC+0100] (Thursday, September
2, 2004 00:49 my local time) Colin Wilson wrote:

> This isn`t a problem with TheBat, but you guys might be able to assist
> - i`d like to be able to use a regexp with mailwasher to filter
> multiple addressees, so if there are more than say 6 email addresses
> in a TO: / CC: line, i`d like to mark it for deletion.

Try to use following regexp: (?is)([EMAIL PROTECTED]){7,}

It can be quite slowly because of many matches, but it should work.

Best regards,
Zygmunt Wereszczynski
(Using The Bat! v3.0 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4)

Re: PGP Mime

2004-07-18 Thread Zygmunt Wereszczynski
On Sunday, July 18, 2004, at 17:08:26 [UTC-0400] (Sunday, July 18, 2004
23:08 my local time) James Senick wrote:

> With Allie's help, I've begun using PGP/Mime signatures via
> macros in my templates. I like this as, IMO, it keeps the
> purpose of PGP sigs without the extra visual space.  However,
> some of my correspondents that use OE, are complaining about
> this. Predictably, they're assuming that TB is doing something
> incorrectly.  But perhaps I am doing something incorrectly or
> maybe OE just can't handle it correctly.

OE cannot recognize PGP/MIME. Please see several messages about this issue
on TBBETA list:


,-- [ mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
| LS> The combination Outlook and PGP pluging is not detecting the
| LS> mailbody as PGP encrypted text. This then has to be done manual by
| LS> saving the PGP/MIME attachment and decrypting it with functions
| LS> from the PGP tray-application.
| If I remember correctly, Outlook does not support PGP/MIME. With the
| PGP plug-in it will support inlined PGP. Keeping this in mind, you
| should always use inlined PGP when signing or encrypting/signing to
| your Outlook contacts.
| Its probably best to handle this in Address Book templates so you
| don't have to try and remember who supports PGP/MIME and who doesn't.

Best regards,
Zygmunt Wereszczynski
(Using The Bat! v2.12.00 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4)

Re: Semi-Automatic modification of the subject line

2004-07-08 Thread Zygmunt Wereszczynski
On Thursday, July 8, 2004, at 20:34:17 [UTC+0200] (Thursday, July 8, 2004
20:34 my local time) Zonnet wrote:

> I redirect the e-mail to an other account of mine via internal transport.
> I modify the subject line by copying the company name from the e-mail (highlight
> then Ctrl-C) and paste it in front of the subject line.

> So, high on my wish list is a keyboard short cut that would C&P the
> currently highlighted text in front of the existing subject line and save
> the e-mail to the outbox.

You should use forwarding, not redirecting, because The Bat! doesn't allow
to use any template for redirecting. Create following forward template:

%FROM="%OFromName <%OFromAddr>"%-
%REPLYTO="%OReplyName <%OReplyAddr>"%-

After highlighting a portion of text and Ctrl+C, you can use Forward button.
The highlighted text will appear in brackets before original subject.
Unfortunately, the original date is lost in forwarding mail and this may be
confusing if you need such information. I don't know how it will work in
more complicated MIME messages, so please test it thoroughly.

Best regards,
Zygmunt Wereszczynski
(Using The Bat! v2.12 Beta/7 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4)

Re: VF usage examples?

2004-05-11 Thread Zygmunt Wereszczynski
On Saturday, May 8, 2004, at 15:17:54 [UTC-0400 (EDT)] (Saturday, May 8,
2004 21:17 my local time) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Can yall offer me some examples of how you're using the virtual folders
> feature? I'm interested in ideas of how best to utilize it

I used to sort mail to different folders according to senders and/or
(sometime) subjects. However, there is a group of VIPs which are participated
in different projects, so I created VF for their messages and my replies.
Thus I have all interesting messages in one virtual place despite of
their real locations.

Best regards,
Zygmunt Wereszczynski
(Using The Bat! v2.10.03 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4)

Re: Macro help!

2004-03-14 Thread Zygmunt Wereszczynski
On Monday, March 15, 2004, at 23:04:43 [UTC-0800] (Monday, March 15,
2004 08:04 my local time) Grimnir wrote:

> I have this account set up to PGP sign everything. But I have one company
> I work with that has:


> But when I do that it bounces because of the PGP signing at the bottom. I
> know I can turn this off in the 'Privacy' settings. But I was wondering if
> there is a macro I could use in a templet?

There are pairs of macros which toggle PGP setting per account. They


The following macro pairs can also be useful:


So, use %NOSIGNCOMPLETE and your message will not be signed.

Best regards,
Zygmunt Wereszczynski
(Using The Bat! v2.05 Beta/1 on Windows 95 4.0 Build  b)

Re: using different smtps

2004-03-13 Thread Zygmunt Wereszczynski
On Saturday, March 13, 2004, at 23:03:49 [UTC+0530] (Saturday, March 13,
2004 18:33 my local time) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi,

> Saturday, March 13, 2004, 10:10:59 PM, Peter Fjelsten wrote:

KS>>> Whenever I type Al in account body just the email gets printed there in
KS>>> message body itself.

>> You need a "%" before the macro name:

>> %account="accountname"

> I have just this in a QT called Al,

> Still when I type Al in body of message and press ctrl-space nothing
> happens.
> What more is required?

Probably you did not marked the "Share with other accounts" option in
Quick Templates editor. Check this and it will work.

Best regards,
Zygmunt Wereszczynski
(Using The Bat! v2.05 Beta/1 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4)

Re: Mail-Followup-TO header

2004-02-08 Thread Zygmunt Wereszczynski
On Sunday, February 8, 2004, at 09:15:30 [UTC+0530] (Sunday, February 8,
2004 04:45 my local time) K Shantanu wrote:

> I still cannot get it down properly. Can you please check it with your
> setup. I have also uploaded some screenshots on my site for you to see.
> Can you please go through them and tell me what I am missing.

Please check the "This field is on address list" option. Then you can set
this field as follows:
 - globally visible in Viewer using main menu "View | Message header",
 - visible in editor using "View| menu in editor window.

Best regards,
Zygmunt Wereszczynski
(Using The Bat! v2.03 Beta/59 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4)

Re: Mail-Followup-TO header

2004-02-07 Thread Zygmunt Wereszczynski
On Saturday, February 7, 2004, at 08:45:17 [UTC+0530] (Saturday, February 7,
2004 04:15 my local time) K Shantanu wrote:

>> Headers". Having defined new field, you can display it in editor window and
>> insert there appropriate address.

> Yes I have version above 2.0. I went into "Options | Preferences |
> Message Headers" and added an header. A menu box opened where I had to
> state 2 things viz,
> - name which appears in editor box for that header - I put
>   MFT
> - rfc822 name where I put - Mail-Followup-To:

You should not use colon in filed names. Try to put only "Mail-Followup-To"
alone, without colon.

> But this does not work. I cannot see this field when I compose a new
> message. I tried putting just "MFT" for rfc822 field and then it worked,
> but in the mail sent, the header was described as,
> MFT: and not Mail-Followup-To: 

Visualisation of newly added field in header depends on its place on filed
list. It may be "hidden" on scrollable part. All properties can be set for
example in "View | Edit Headers" menu in editor window. I don't use MFT, but
other customised fields work correctly for me.

Best regards,
Zygmunt Wereszczynski
(Using The Bat! v2.03 Beta/59 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4)

Re: Mail-Followup-TO header

2004-02-06 Thread Zygmunt Wereszczynski
On Friday, February 6, 2004, at 19:59:24 [UTC+0530] (Friday, February 6,
2004 15:29 my local time) K. Shantanu  wrote:

> Can someone please tell me how to use Mail-Followup-TO header in The Bat.

Customising header is possible only in versions above 2.0. If you have such
version, you can add new header filed in "Options | Preferences | Message
Headers". Having defined new field, you can display it in editor window and
insert there appropriate address.

Best regards,
Zygmunt Wereszczynski
(Using The Bat! v2.03 Beta/53 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4)

Re: How to extract the "domain" part from a mail address

2004-02-05 Thread Zygmunt Wereszczynski
On Thursday, February 5, 2004, at 14:58:59 [UTC-0800] (Thursday, February 5,
2004 23:58 my local time) Januk Aggarwal wrote:
>> I tried it, but alas, no success. :-(

> It would probably work better using variables:

> %_Test="%-
> %%SETREGEXPPATT='.*?@('%-
Simply mistake, it should be %SETPATTREGEXP (this error comes from
copy of dAniel's message).

Best regards,
Zygmunt Wereszczynski
(Using The Bat! v2.03 Beta/53 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4)

Re: Language Definition wanted

2004-01-29 Thread Zygmunt Wereszczynski
On Thursday, January 29, 2004, at 15:37:50 [UTC+0500] (Thursday, January 29,
2004 11:37 my local time) Alexander Leschinsky wrote:

> I write now scripter-driven macro

> (i.e. %EXEC("script text of filename with source here"))

Great to see this shortly!

> and want add some favorite languages to available now PascalScript,
> CScript, BasicScript, JScript (Pascal and C will be enough _for me_,
> but... who knows, that is "best language of the world" :-)).

Excellent documentation for last version of Python is available at There is also general grammar
definition for this language given as a text file (unfortunately, only in
BNF notation): http://

Best regards,
Zygmunt Wereszczynski
(Using The Bat! v2.03.47 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4)

Re: Anomaly automatically generating my local time zone, when I reply to AOL user's messages

2004-01-09 Thread Zygmunt Wereszczynski
On Friday, January 9, 2004, at 19:55:23 [UTC+0100] (Friday, January 9, 2004
19:55 my local time) Mrten wrote:

> GMT is a perfectly valid name for a timezone, its just synonym for UTC.

It seems to be the synonym, but in fact, it is not. A quote from NIST site:

,-- [ ]
| With the advent of highly accurate atomic clocks, scientists and
| technologists recognized the inadequacy of timekeeping based on the motion
| of the Earth, which fluctuates in rate by a few thousandths of a second a
| day. The redefinition of the second in 1967 had provided an excellent
| reference for more accurate measurement of time intervals, but attempts to
| couple GMT (based on the Earth's motion) and this new definition proved to
| be highly unsatisfactory. A compromise time scale was eventually devised,
| and on January 1, 1972, the new Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) became
| effective internationally.

BTW, I use atomic clock which participates in UTC timescale.

Best regards,
Zygmunt Wereszczynski
(Using The Bat! v2.03 Beta/31 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4)

Re: Anomaly automatically generating my local time zone, when I reply to AOL user's messages

2004-01-09 Thread Zygmunt Wereszczynski
On Friday, January 9, 2004, at 21:37:54 [UTC+0500] (Friday, January 9, 2004
17:37 my local time) Alexander Leschinsky wrote:

> My "tzname" QT for converting numerical TZ to names

> You have use correct names and revert columns in data-engine

> -   ->  GMT

GMT time scale is invalid since many years. Despite of correct name is UTC
(Universal Time Scale), many of computer scientists write GMT abbreviation
that is wrong.

Best regards,
Zygmunt Wereszczynski
(Using The Bat! v2.03 Beta/28 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4)

Re: Template help Please!

2004-01-06 Thread Zygmunt Wereszczynski
On Wednesday, January 7, 2004, at 15:04:15 [UTC-0800] (Wednesday, January 7,
2004 00:04 my local time) Grimnir wrote:

> After finally getting tired of Alt-L on all my replies :), I tried out the
> 'Wrap' template by Januk Aggarwal which works great.

> But I also like to have all the extra stuff removed using the 'Quote
> Extraction' template by Marck.

> Is there anyway I can use both of these, at the same time, in a reply
> message?

Why not? Januk's "Wrap" template has a driver in following form:

=[Begin example driver]=
%Rem="This line is optional"%___%_Wrap_Limit="50"%-
=[ End  example driver]=

As you see, it uses text generated by macro %Quotes as an input for all
subsequent operation. This text is assigned to macro variable %_Wrap_Text.
If you replace the assigned value of this macro by the result of 'Quote
Extraction' template by Marck, then all should work as you wish.

So, it is simply. Modify first line of Marck's template to the following:


Modify also the driver for Januk's template:

=[Begin example driver]=
%QINCLUDE='Quote Extraction"%-
%Rem="This line is optional"%___%_Wrap_Limit="50"%-
=[ End  example driver]=

That's all! It should work (I didn't run it).

Best regards,
Zygmunt Wereszczynski
(Using The Bat! v2.03 Beta/28 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4)

Re: Changing texts in confirmation

2003-12-15 Thread Zygmunt Wereszczynski
On Monday, December 15, 2003, at 18:21:57 [UTC+0100] (Monday, December
15, 2003 18:21 my local time) Mark Partous wrote:

> Did anyone already make/use a system in which the text of the
> "confirmation"-message changes (but not at random) with every
> message someone sends you.

You have several possibilities to achieve such working of the
confirmation system. First, you should decide if the confirmation will
be generated only for messages with Reading Confirmation Request or
for all selected messages of some sort.

>   1st message -> confirmation text 1
>   2nd message -> confirmation text 2
>  etc.
>  10th message -> confirmation text 10
>  11th message -> confirmation text 1

Probably the best solution in such a case will be Filter Template and
10 independent text files containing different confirmation messages.
The Filter Template should be used in filter with option "Create
Reading Confirmation (forced)" if you want to confirm only the messages
with confirmation request). If you want to confirm messages without
such request, you should use this template in filter with option "Send

I suppose you can automatically distinguish the "number" of received
message (for example, if it contains the "number" in explicit form).
The template must use this "number" as the condition to include the
appropriate text file with true confirmation. In your exemplary scheme
the number of confirmation text file varies in "modulo 10" manner,
hence in the filter template you can use the following macros:


Here we assume the confirmation files are named according to the
following scheme:

0.txt, 1.txt, ..., 9.txt

The digits before extension are computed using macro
%CALC='message_number\10' (this is the modulo operation), and the
"message_number" must be known before this computation.

Please give the real examples of such messages and then it will be
possible to extract these message numbers.

Differentiate of confirmation text will be possible not only with
message numbers extracted from the messages. These numbers can be
generated by filters as well (for example, I am using the sequence
numbering of my messages on one of mailing list). In such a case the
additional templates and macros are required.

Best regards,
Zygmunt Wereszczynski
(Using The Bat! v2.03.6 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4)

Re: RFC for splitting messages

2003-10-31 Thread Zygmunt Wereszczynski
On Friday, October 31, 2003, at 21:08:21 [UTC+0100] (Friday, October
31, 2003 21:08 my local time) Krzysztof Kudlacik wrote:

> Who  knows which RFC describes method of splitting attachments, as in menu
> options <> splitt mesages if needed ...?

See RFC-1521 (section 7.3.2. The Message/Partial subtype) and also
newer RFCs devoted to MIME format (for example RFC-2046).

Best regards,
Zygmunt Wereszczynski
(Using The Bat! v2.01.20 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4)

Re: How can I filter mails with attachment

2003-10-06 Thread Zygmunt Wereszczynski
On Monday, October 6, 2003, at 12:50:38 [UTC+0200] (Monday, October 6,
2003 12:50 my local time) Juergen Lucka wrote:

> anyone a soloution to filter mails with attachments??

> I am not so fit in reg. expressions.

What kind of filtering you need? If you want to normal filtering (not
selective), then you have options regarding attachments in 'Advanced'
tab of filter properties window. Filters for selective downloading don't
analyse the attachments presence.

Regular expressions do not help in such filtering. The only indicator of
attachment presence in the message is the header field Content-Type:
multipart/mixed;. Unfortunately, the same header can be also used in HTML
messages, so you cannot rely on it. In fact, the attachment is an
integral part of message body,

Best regards,
Zygmunt Wereszczynski
(Using The Bat! v2.00.22 on Windows 95 4.0 Build  b)

Re: Not _

2003-08-09 Thread Zygmunt Wereszczynski
On Friday, August 8, 2003, at 11:13:51 [UTC+0200] (Friday, August 8,
2003 11:13 my local time) Mark Partous wrote:

> \w{40,}


> Is there an easy way to exclude the underscore character from the rule

The simplest method is the explicit use of character class like this one:


instead of \w{40,} expression. In RegExp "language" the symbol \w
means "all alphabetic characters and the underscore character".

Best regards,
Zygmunt Wereszczynski
(Using The Bat! v2.0 Beta/1 on Windows 95 4.0 Build  b)

Re: next line after symbol I know

2003-07-26 Thread Zygmunt Wereszczynski
On Saturday, July 26, 2003, at 18:58:09 [UTC+0300] (Saturday, July 26, 2003
17:58 my local time) Dr.GAD wrote:

> ten  days  ago I posted this message but no one helped me... maybe now
> someone will help me. plz :)

Try to use slightly modified version of template given by Januk:


Januk used %OTEXT macro which does not exists, but even with correct %TEXT
macro his template did not work. After the ")" character some whitespaces
can exist, hence I add the "\s*" part in the regexp.

Best regards,
Zygmunt Wereszczynski
(Using The Bat! v1.63 Beta/11 on Windows 98 4.10 Build  A )

Re: Condition %AttachFile

2003-06-20 Thread Zygmunt Wereszczynski
On Friday, June 20, 2003, at 15:27:52 [UTC+0530] (Friday, June 20, 2003
11:57 my local time) Anirban Das wrote:

> Option -1
> Option -2
> I tried using the above in 1.62r. None of the option worked :-(

I think you did make an error somewhere. To use mass mailing option from
address book you should prepare suitable quick template. In this
template you should use the lines from option 1 or 2, among other macros
or texts which create the text of your message. You must also check
option "Use for New messages/Mass mailing" in this quick template.
That's all!

Mass mailing from Address Book menu operates perfectly in 1.62 or 1.63
versions of TB! Do you have correctly named countries in your Address
Book? They should be the same as ones used in template (for example, if
"PL" is a country name in Address Book, then your expression in template
should be: %if:"%AbTOCountry"="PL":...etc.).

Best regards,
Zygmunt Wereszczynski
(Using The Bat! v1.63 Beta/11 on Windows 95 4.0 Build  b)

Re: Conditional Attachment

2003-06-18 Thread Zygmunt Wereszczynski
On Thursday, June 19, 2003, at 10:09:21 [UTC+0530] (Thursday, June 19, 2003
06:39 my local time) Anirban Das wrote:

> I wanted to do conditional attachment in TB. I gave the following
> command in the template

> %if:"%AbTOCountry"="a":"%attachfile=^d:\temp\acentres.xls^":"%-
> %if:'%AbTOCountry'='b':'%attachfile=^d:\temp\acentres-intl.xls^':'

You must add second quotation mark to the end of each expression:


In your template each "else" part of conditional macro is undefined due to
lack of second " or ' sign.

These macros can be also used without "else" part:


Best regards,
Zygmunt Wereszczynski
(Using The Bat! v1.63 Beta/11 on Windows 98 4.10 Build  A )