Re: [TCP] apologies

2010-09-13 Thread Melissa Nelson
don't think apologies are necessary. I can't find anything of the sort in my mail (and I save everything - yay Gmail!). On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 12:26 PM, Melissa Nelson wrote: I wanted to apologize. I forwarded an email about a position someone was discussing on here

Re: [TCP] apologies

2010-09-13 Thread Melissa Nelson
filter based on the subject line prefix [TCP]). On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 4:06 PM, Melissa Nelson wrote: Thanks for letting me know. For some reason when she replied it went to the mailbox I have set up for this list. -- Bill Swallow Twitter: @techcommdood Blog: http

Re: [TCP] where are you from, what do you do?

2007-11-06 Thread Melissa Nelson
I also heard about this list from Techwr-L. I work for a NATO NBC (Nuclear, Biological and Chemical) Contractor in Maryland. I write a little bit of everything, mainly User Guides and SVDs (Software Version Descriptions) and Requirements docs. I also keep an Acronym Dictionary and a company

Re: [TCP] Scrumming blog

2007-09-13 Thread Melissa Nelson
I was helping out with HR a couple of weeks ago and someone came in to interview for a developer position. His resume said he was a Scrum-master and did Extreme Programming. Those terms just cracked me up. I was terribly disappointed to learn that being an Extreme Programmer does not mean he

Re: [TCP] Tools: Acrobat

2007-09-06 Thread Melissa Nelson
I am sure someone on here has a much better solution for this, but I have had to reformat pdf's into two columns for a pda program we have and start the editing process using smartpdfconverter, which is available at This takes the pdf and converts it to rich text

Re: [TCP] update

2007-08-01 Thread Melissa Nelson
While doing some research for work today, I came upon a job board I had completely forgot about, which has some interesting positions on it. There are federal jobs, as well as federal contractor positions. The site is Hope it helps :) Melissa From: Lisa Gielczyk (TCP)

Re: [TCP] Technical writers may shape future of American lit

2007-06-13 Thread Melissa Nelson
I think the boss is always right in the same way the customer is always right! Often times, both are wrong, but often times to keep them happy...we do not point out how wrong they are. I think it is really a case of picking your battles. Some battles are not worth the cost of a customer or job.

[TCP] Whoopsy doo

2007-06-13 Thread Melissa Nelson
Sorry I am covering the phones today and for some reason they are ringing off the wall. I got confused and replied to the wrong email...this was meant to be a Boss is always right reply! :) Is it Friday yet? Melissa From: Melissa Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Subject

Re: [TCP] Technical writers may shape future of American lit

2007-06-07 Thread Melissa Nelson
Interesting article. My cousin Christine just had her first novel published (after winning a few contests) and she is a technical writer in Utah. I just finished the novel and could see the discipline, as well as some of the structure that came out of her technical writing background. It

Re: [TCP] Urge for a Career Change? [Was: STC Conference this past week]

2007-05-29 Thread Melissa Nelson
This is kind of a second career for me. Before and while I went back to school I worked at a nursing home. The pay sucked and the work was incredibly difficult, but there are still a lot of times that I miss it! I miss working and helping people in that direct of a manner. I miss the fun and

Re: [TCP] looking for tech comm goofs and funnies

2007-05-07 Thread Melissa Nelson
__ Author Help files and create printed documentation with Doc-To-Help. New release adds Team Authoring Support, enhanced Web-based help technology and PDF output. Learn more at DOCUMENTATION TRAINING WEST 07: THE USER

Re: [TCP] first time for everything

2007-05-01 Thread Melissa Nelson
__ Author Help files and create printed documentation with Doc-To-Help. New release adds Team Authoring Support, enhanced Web-based help technology and PDF output. Learn more at DOCUMENTATION TRAINING WEST 07: THE USER

Re: [TCP] pseudoADMIN STC and Certification

2007-02-28 Thread Melissa Nelson
I like Tom's idea of a blog. However until then, I just use the delete key on replies to threads that are too long or not what I am interested in. Delete keys are wondeful things...that being said, I can think of more than one time when a long thread turned into another thread that was

Re: [TCP] Introduce a list with colon + dash, history

2007-02-06 Thread Melissa Nelson
I am laughing at this being a UK boss in Toronto used to put that on bulleted lists of things for me to do...I had never seen it before and always assumed he was trying to make the following smiley :-) and just forgot to put the mouth on there! Now I know better...see you do learn

Re: [TCP] equipment for the job (Was: mouse recommendations)

2007-01-31 Thread Melissa Nelson
I'm trying to get another monitor so I can have a dual-monitor setup,but so far, no luck. I have a dual monitor setup at is the greatest thing since sliced bread! It is worth any fighting you have to do to get it. The only thing is now when I am at home doing something on the

Re: [TCP] Communication and behavior

2007-01-17 Thread Melissa Nelson
I think we have all had the respect issue at one time or another on a job. I know I felt it when I first came to the position I have now, espcecially from developers. I just did my work and the lack of respect they showed at time was noticed by my superiors, without me having to say much about

Re: [TCP] resumes on job boards

2007-01-11 Thread Melissa Nelson
I have found my last two position through recruiters who found my resume on Monster. I have not updated my resume on there since getting my present position nearly a year and a half ago, but I still occasionally get a call from a recruiter. Good luck! Melissa Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2007

Re: [TCP] Painful

2006-12-01 Thread Melissa Nelson
At least you still get snow...I lived in the UP of Michigan for 17 years and now live in Baltimore...I not only long to dig tunnels for my three dachshunds...I also long to use my XC so desperate that the last big storm we had I skiied around the neighborhood...while all the