Re: [Trisquel-users] Nouveau driver supports 3D acceleration with all GeForce GPUs

2013-01-04 Thread cyberhawk
Wait, what does that libdrm do that is apparently needed to run 3D acceleration? Is that some sort of firmware library that loads binary code that actually executes the 3D acceleration? There's definitely a package called libdrm2 installed on my Trisquel right now, but I'm unsure what it's

Re: [Trisquel-users] Nouveau driver supports 3D acceleration with all GeForce GPUs

2013-01-05 Thread cyberhawk
thanks for the clarification andermetalsh, could have thought of direct rendering manager myself, I've heard that before... Great news anyways. The more reverse engineering the community does, the more stupid the companies must feel by not publishing specs and documentation for all

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Trisquel 6 on a Thinkpad X230

2013-01-09 Thread cyberhawk
I think I've seen the x230, if it's what I think it is, congrats. Probably one of the best laptops you can get. Nice to hear it is working so well with Trisquel too.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Moral Dilemma With Gaming/Drivers

2013-03-07 Thread cyberhawk
If you need to use IE for testing a webpage, you don't have to install Windows just for that ;) PlayOnLinux is a really cool program, that acts as a frontend for Wine. You just browse the application list of PlayOnLinux, choose the IE version you need, and it installs everything

Re: [Trisquel-users] Moral Dilemma With Gaming/Drivers

2013-03-08 Thread cyberhawk
If you develop a webpage, you need to test it with the browser, that is being used by your target group. So if you want to test it with IE, you either have to install Windows in order to do that, or go the route I described. Do you think that's unethical to test a webpage with IE?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Moral Dilemma With Gaming/Drivers

2013-03-08 Thread cyberhawk
Wow, that's a neat idea. Never heard of browsershots before! Still, somewhere, someone has to run IE in order to make a screenshot. Won't help much if the site being tested is still in development and has to be made IE-compatible before release...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Moral Dilemma With Gaming/Drivers

2013-03-08 Thread cyberhawk
I did not want to steer anyone to running non-free software. That's the last thing I'd do, I really admire the philosophy Richard Stalman developed and I believe he is the greatest thinker of our time. But as Mark wrote, I want to use Windows because I need Internet Explorer to test my

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: trisquel 6

2013-05-09 Thread cyberhawk
Nice to hear that and welcome! Get ready for some rethinking though :) Linux is just the kernel, what you use right now is a distribution of GNU/Linux. The OS started out as GNU, but GNU didn't have a working kernel by the early 90s. Linus Torvalds however made a working kernel and released

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Intellectual Pooperty Law

2013-05-09 Thread cyberhawk
This is very different to the actual topic at hand. The zoo can't be copied and isn't a piece of digital information (where copying is one of the natural things that can be done with it). Even if it can't be considered stealing to copy a CD, it still might be wrong to not pay for going to

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Install Trisquel on non-PAE computer

2013-05-11 Thread cyberhawk
Why is it a problem that you have no PAE? If you got more than 4GB memory, choose the 64-Bit version of Trisquel. If your CPU can't compute in 64-Bit mode (pretty much impossible by now), use the 32-Bit version of Trisquel anyway (it will only see 4GB of memory in this case).

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Final Thesis: H-node

2013-05-11 Thread cyberhawk
Since it is your thesis, can't you just release it somewhere else under GFDL or whatever else? Just some other ressource on the net, but same thesis with another license. There are precedence cases with software where the same program is released under a proprietary license and GPL at the

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Install Trisquel on non-PAE computer

2013-05-12 Thread cyberhawk
I wasn't aware of that, thanks for the clarification!

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo and RuNet(russian segment of the Internet)

2013-05-12 Thread cyberhawk
What do you mean by irrelevant results? I'm Russian speaking too, I tried setting the region to Russia in DuckDuckGo and searched for stuff and it all came up how I would expect it. What irrelevant results do you get?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Install Trisquel on non-PAE computer

2013-05-12 Thread cyberhawk
OK, as Michał Masłowski stated all 32-Bit kernels of the newer Trisquel require PAE. Maybe you can install a 64-Bit kernel? Otherwise you'll be stuck with an older version of Trisquel. Have you tried 5.0 and 5.5 already?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Please, help me get rid of Skype.

2013-05-12 Thread cyberhawk
Did it work out well with QuteCom? Did you run into some difficulties or does it work well in both GNU/Linux and Windows?

Re: [Trisquel-users] new laptop

2013-05-13 Thread cyberhawk
Nice to hear you have such a good experience with it! Was it a machine from

Re: [Trisquel-users] Please, help me get rid of Skype.

2013-05-13 Thread cyberhawk
This is interesting, in my case I'd definitely need a program replacing skype though, just as the OP. The person whom I want to talk with uses Opera exclusively.

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: new laptop

2013-05-14 Thread cyberhawk
That's a pretty cool retailer who sells hardware that works with free software so well. What model is your laptop? Please add the information about your model working to to h-node, so everyone knows about it.

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: new laptop

2013-05-14 Thread cyberhawk
Once you get to the point, where all your hardware is fully compatible, everything works so much better than in Windows for example. I don't want to think about the difficulty of installing a Windows system ever again. I had to do this recently and boy, did I forget how shitty it was.

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: new laptop

2013-05-14 Thread cyberhawk
I never tried Windows 8, so can't comment on it.

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: new laptop

2013-05-14 Thread cyberhawk
I didn't want to start some discussion about what system is better ultimately (I thought we all agree Trisquel is best :P ), just commented on the fact how easily everything just works given all your hardware is fully compatible. I do think it is made for everyone, even if the distros

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Anyone able to stream this video without flash?

2013-05-15 Thread cyberhawk
Well, first there is Gnash and (if Gnash won't work) Linterna Magica. Those are the standard way of doing things. But there is a slightly more obscure way of watching videos than with Gnash (or other Flash-replacing plugins) and Linterna Magica. It's called Unplug. It's a plugin that can be

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Anyone able to stream this video without flash?

2013-05-15 Thread cyberhawk
Glad that I could help you. Linterna Magica not working with lightspark is probably due to LM being written for replacing what Gnash renders on a given page. If you disable Gnash without installing anything else, LM stops working too. If there is no way to play the video on it's original

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Please, help me get rid of Skype.

2013-05-15 Thread cyberhawk
Yes, that is perfectly true. However it can be very hard to convince people to use a different program. I've had that issue myself. Things like come on, no one will switch to your Pidgin/Gimp/insert-a-program, everyone is using [insert-proprietary-solution] and you have to as well or

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Please, help me get rid of Skype.

2013-05-16 Thread cyberhawk
I am familiar with case nr. 3... Sometimes I get the expression people are convinced all these freedoms only matter for developers and the thought, that there might be ethical principles involved, is too foreign for them to adopt. Personally, I think one shouldn't preach left and right about

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: dual boot with windows 7

2013-05-16 Thread cyberhawk
I don't want to offend anyone, but we should not be helping people run Windows alongside GNU/Linux or give any kind of support for Windows. This has been a tradition of these forum/mailing list for quite some time, I assume since the beginning. The real solution for any problem when

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: dual boot with windows 7

2013-05-16 Thread cyberhawk
You can hardly disagree that this forum has such a tradition, because it does. This site is for, beyond other things, promoting the free software movement. We should not create an impression that running non-free software in any shape or form is somehow acceptable by giving support in that

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Remove Main Menu icons

2013-05-21 Thread cyberhawk
One way of doing it would be to create a transparent .png picture in Gimp, 1x1 pixel. Then set it as the icon for all of the things in the main menu. You can edit the main menu here: System Settings - Main Menu. Or just rightclick on the main menu itself and click on Edit Menus.

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: gNewSense 3.0 beta 1

2013-05-21 Thread cyberhawk
I am not sure why one would need a 100% free version of an outdated Debian. It is easier to not use the non-free repositories and install Icecat as a replacement for Iceweasel than to try and update an outdated system completely. Debian is outdated enough as it is. I understand that RMS

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: gNewSense 3.0 beta 1

2013-05-22 Thread cyberhawk
This is exactly what I meant, if you want Debian, take Debian. It can't be recommended for newcomers, because it should not be the users job to double check if the software they use is fully without freedom issues, but then again Debian shouldn't be recommended for newcomers at all, that's

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Is Alpine non-free software?

2013-05-22 Thread cyberhawk
Jxself is on this forum too, he should be able clarify the issue. Maybe he actually looked at the sourcecode and found some pieces of binary hidden in there?

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: unreadable system notifications

2013-05-22 Thread cyberhawk
It probably has something to do with the theme you are using, did you change the desktop environment to, say, KDE or XFCE? What theme do you have selected right now?

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Debian GNU/Hurd 2013 released!

2013-05-22 Thread cyberhawk
Awesome, your link was broken, so here it is again: Debian GNU/Hurd released

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Debian GNU/Hurd 2013 released!

2013-05-22 Thread cyberhawk
They state they have 75% of the Debians repositories already ported and they are aiming for 100%

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Debian GNU/Hurd 2013 released!

2013-05-22 Thread cyberhawk
I suggest you try it out within a virtual machine, it may still be not as stable as GNU/Linux.

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: gNewSense 3.0 beta 1

2013-05-22 Thread cyberhawk
Certainly it's a good thing that there are programmers working on a fully free distribution. There is no arguing that it's a good thing FSF doesn't compromise their ideals for including Debian as a recommended distro. I agree with you there. FSF not including them will just mean Debian will,

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Privacy Security Tech to Watchful of: vPro

2013-05-23 Thread cyberhawk
Thanks a lot Chris! I already heard about a similar technology being used in Apples notebooks (but coulnd't believe it). Apparently, they can be found by Apple, if stolen. The webcam and microphone, beyond other things, will be accessable, also it is possible to determine the position of the

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why did you switch (or use) Free Software?

2013-05-30 Thread cyberhawk
Unfortunately it is kind of hard to remove Gnome. I didn't find a better solution than removing all packages by hand. KDE has a nice GUI front-end for package management, Apper. You can make it show all packages that are included in the Gnome desktop, then apply a filter of only installed

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why did you switch (or use) Free Software?

2013-05-30 Thread cyberhawk
Initially I just wanted to escape Windows in some way or form. I heard about Linux like everyone else of course, so that was naturally the first thing to try, as it didn't cost my anything. I formatted the drive and installed Suse 10. Too many things didn't work and I couldn't make them

Re: [Trisquel-users] Running latest version of KDE

2013-05-30 Thread cyberhawk
Ubuntu repos can be used, but there might be an occasional non-free package. There are main, restricted and universe, multiverse repos. Main and restricted, according to the licensing policy, are the closest thing to fully free software. Here is a link to their policy about including

Re: [Trisquel-users] Hi !

2013-05-30 Thread cyberhawk
Hello antarta, as far free software games go, there is Nexuiz (it's somewhat of a UT clone). I like to play it from time to time, if you want to join me, you should be able to see my personal email, feel free to use it. Also there is this 2D MMORPG called Mana, I just recently started

Re: [Trisquel-users] bonjour de Berlin

2013-05-30 Thread cyberhawk
Hello and welcome to this forum/mailing list! Always great to hear about people using free software. I have a friend who is a musician as well, he writes his music with MacOS however... Do you think using GNU/Linux as an OS for arranging/writing music gives you some advantages, or maybe

Re: [Trisquel-users] Recommened low end laptop

2013-05-30 Thread cyberhawk
It is very difficult to find free software compatible hardware, one that runs with fully free distros like Trisquel. If laptops from thinkpenguin are too expensive for you, here are some clues too look for: The machine actually boots with Trisquel (some motherboards make problems because

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Libre-software desktop

2013-05-31 Thread cyberhawk
If you want to go with an Intel motherboard, you should take the one with the most performant integrated GPU available. This would normally mean motherboards for the core i3-7 family. If it's too expensive, there is the GMA X4500 integrated graphicscard. To get it, you should look for

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Should the FSF financially support Trisquel?

2013-05-31 Thread cyberhawk
One of the aims of the FSF is to promote computer user freedom. They sponsor the GNU project, so it shouldn't surprise anyone if they sponsor another project as well. In my opinion, Trisquel is better than gNewSense in providing a fully free operating system. While the freedom aspect

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Running latest version of KDE

2013-05-31 Thread cyberhawk
Thanks for the correction!

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Default Music App

2013-05-31 Thread cyberhawk
I like music and am collecting records (at least a little amount of them). There are already really good audio players on GNU/Linux! Clementine as far Qt-interfaces go, gmusicbrowser and QuodLibet as far GTK-interfaces go. Clementine and gmusicbrowser are probably the best. There is also

Re: [Trisquel-users] Live peek at trisquel

2013-06-02 Thread cyberhawk
When Unplug recognizes a video on the page, you can sometimes open it in a new tab. Sometimes Abrowser will not play the video, but only offer to download it. If you just want to watch it though, choose the option Copy Link instead. Then open a video player (totem is preinstalled, but vlc

Re: [Trisquel-users] Lightweight freedom-friendly laptops

2013-07-02 Thread cyberhawk
The Yeeloongs would be kind of cool if not for all the downsides you mentioned. I think the Royal Penguin would be a really good choice. But if you are looking for something really lightweight, similar to the Leemote machines, there are also Acer netbooks. On H-Node there is a list of Acer

Re: [Trisquel-users] AMD processors for freedom friendly computers?

2013-07-02 Thread cyberhawk
Over 9000 might do it. Seriously though, AMD does not want to release the specs (or release the firmware themselves) because it will make workarounds on their DRM very easy. That was a statement of an AMD official on a forum, where people were talking about writing open source drivers for

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Trisquel partition

2013-07-02 Thread cyberhawk
GParted is a program from Trisquel repositories which can edit partitions on all harddrives. Install it by typing into a terminal window: sudo aptitude install gparted

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: New menu for XFCE

2013-07-02 Thread cyberhawk
This menu looks very similar to what KDE uses right now as the default menu. Very nice!

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Compromising the Services

2013-07-03 Thread cyberhawk
I am in the process of setting up my own mailserver. The webserver is already online and I'm testing it and filling it with interesting stuff, etc. The cost is minimal if you manage to get a cheap domain name like I did (like up to 10 EUR per year in some cases below that). Just a bit of

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Compromising the Services

2013-07-03 Thread cyberhawk
I wasn't aware of freedom issues on the Raspberry, thanks for the clarification. Since you can run Debian on it, I assumed there might be (at most) only some BIOS-like part which is unfree.

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Trisquel in Yeeloong Notebook

2013-07-04 Thread cyberhawk
Yeeloongs have a horrible battery time, because some hardware feature is not fully implemented yet. They also have no 2D/3D acceleration, because they use a graphicscard that requires proprietary firmware (it seems this makes every GUI you try to put on it extremely slow). I understand

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Can I install Opera on Trisquel (Triskel)?

2013-07-04 Thread cyberhawk
I'm guessing he chooses Opera because it integrates better into KDE. However, there are ways to make all GTK based apps look EXACTLY like the KDE theme one has in use. It also affects Abrowser. Besides, there is rekonq, a lightweight browser for KDE.

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Compromising the Services

2013-07-04 Thread cyberhawk
Darn! Now I'm kind of glad that I didn't buy it. The only non-free part my server has is just the BIOS. I wonder if coreboot will run there...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Sound error

2013-07-06 Thread cyberhawk
I'm not sure what causes this, but the answer might be updating the kernel. If it is a driver problem, there are chances it has been resolved in later version of the kernel. To update the kernel you can use the repository by jxself. Why exactly didn't Trisquel 6 work? What happened when

Re: [Trisquel-users] how do you feel using trisquel?

2013-07-07 Thread cyberhawk
I find Trisquel gives me a very good user experience. But only after buying the right hardware. Too many manufacturers don't want to allow for their hardware to work with free drivers. Before the update I had lots of problems with my videocard, but otherwise it was very good already. I

Re: [Trisquel-users] PRISM break with Trisquel and Free Software

2013-07-07 Thread cyberhawk
I feel that one should avoid using non-free software. I'm not the person to pressure people into switching from their favorite programs if they don't care about freedom issues. But I think you care, since you use Triskel. The software should be free, because only in that case it gives the

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: how do you feel using trisquel?

2013-07-09 Thread cyberhawk
If we talk about desktop computers, there is one very convenient choice. Motherboards with integrated graphics from Intel. You get full acceleration for desktop effects, almost all free software games work perfectly. It's the only graphics solution that has 100% free drivers. In notebooks

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: NVIDIA ( again yes ! )

2013-07-09 Thread cyberhawk
if you need to update your kernel, you can use the repository by jxself. What you need to type into the terminal to do that (Each line has to be typed in seperately, don't copy multiple lines of commands at once): sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list (put in your password obviously) add

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: how do you feel using trisquel?

2013-07-09 Thread cyberhawk
I'm helping out with the guide too. Updating the documentation with it won't be a problem because I've got editing rights for it.

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: The video problem

2013-07-09 Thread cyberhawk
There are also plugins for Abrowser that let you watch more videos. You can use Greasemonkey with the userscript Linterna Magicka, or use Unplug. Unplug will let you see the direct links to the video in question, copy it and open it in VLC or totem video player. Some videos remain

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: is there a program that does text and voice over xmpp?

2013-07-09 Thread cyberhawk
The Windows-port of Pidgin does only text. So if you want to set up a voice chat with a friend over Pidgin and your friend uses Windows, it will fail. For a long time it was unclear to me what the problem was, until I saw Pidgin running in Windows.

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Manually Compiling a Newer Kernel

2013-07-11 Thread cyberhawk
There are source tarballs of both Linux and Linux-libre. If you want to compile your own kernel, you can get fully-free versions from here.

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Libre-software desktop

2013-07-11 Thread cyberhawk
The webcam and the wireless card can be problematic. However, with Acer you have a higher chance of being able to install a mini PCIe card, this will solve the issue with wireless networking!

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Manually Compiling a Newer Kernel

2013-07-12 Thread cyberhawk
No problem! This place is where Trisquel gets the kernel from. I wonder why you would want to compile your kernel manually, it doesn't make the system faster like it used to (in kernel versions 2.2 afaik).

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Customizing Taskbar

2013-07-18 Thread cyberhawk
This does not look like a popup, is it really one or does it stay there for as long as some windows are open? It looks like the standard button-based application list, I don't remember the name of it right now. You should be able to remove it or move it to somewhere else just by

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Customizing Taskbar

2013-07-18 Thread cyberhawk
Sneaky! All those tabs about gNewSense and Richard Stallman, just to hide the Evil F. /joke

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: The trap of proprietary software - no money no upgrade - Ubuntu forum hacked

2013-07-22 Thread cyberhawk
This is really fishy, why would they use a proprietary forum software? They got a dev-team after all. I recon it is much easier to pay one person from the team to write a patch for an existing free program (if there really is something important missing) than to accept the burden of

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: which Diaspora site is good?

2013-07-22 Thread cyberhawk
German privacy laws are very likely just an illusion. After the NSA scandal has been talked over in the German news and there were several talks between the German Secretary of State and (if I'm not mistaken) Obama, the newest bit of info is, that Germany was using a version of NSAs spying

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: The trap of proprietary software - no money no upgrade - Ubuntu forum hacked

2013-07-23 Thread cyberhawk
This is sad to hear, was the place where I made my first steps with GNU/Linux (Ubuntu 6.04 I believe) and the community was very beginner-friendly, there were several users who knew a good deal about Linux and explained things or posted relevant links to the wiki located on the same

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: How do you get your music?

2013-07-23 Thread cyberhawk
I usually buy music and don't download it. Music can be had very cheap if you only go for used CDs and LPs (which I mostly do, my favorite music is almost always a decade or more old). There is one main problem with music downloaded from youtube. The quality is relatively low, at least for

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: LXDE moving from GTK to Qt

2013-07-24 Thread cyberhawk
Sounds awesome to me, I use KDE on my primary computer almost all the way since the change to Gnome 3. There are more Qt applications that I can't live without than GTK ones.

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Display issue with dual monitor Radeon HD6990, Trisquel 6.0

2013-07-24 Thread cyberhawk
I'm sorry to say, there is no easy solution. The problem is, that Radeon cards are not supported by fully free drivers. Ubuntu uses a kernel with so called binary blobs, that are loaded by the drivers during runtime. In the case of Radeon cards these blobs include what is needed to fully

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: How do I deblob an kernel build for ubuntu?

2013-07-24 Thread cyberhawk
What laptop do you have? There is an issue with brightness on ASUS 1005P, that can be solved by one line in the grub configuration file. Also, please be more precise when describing the issue and what hardware you use, otherwise it's pretty impossible to know what's wrong.

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Virtualbox-ose isn't cutting it (likely due to unrecognized hardware). I want to try VMware player.

2013-07-26 Thread cyberhawk
If you have performance and resolution issues, it means you need to install the VBox Guest Additions. It enables more resolutions, usage of opengl and shared folders. VMPlayer is not in the repos and might have extra dependencies that are cumbersome to install (or even non-free if you are

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: DSL modem

2013-07-26 Thread cyberhawk
The last link you provided is almost a complete computer! It even uses coreboot. Never seen something like that, it seems you would be able to use it as a router/modem/firewall device as long as your ISP supports the ADSL standards this thing understands (my ISP for example switched me to

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: How do you get your music?

2013-07-26 Thread cyberhawk
I wonder if you ever heard about NixiePixel.

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Virtualbox-ose isn't cutting it (likely due to unrecognized hardware). I want to try VMware player.

2013-07-26 Thread cyberhawk
Darn, was not aware of that! Thanks for the clarification. So if the GuestAdditions are non-free, the only ethical choice would be using VMPlayer, as long as it's all free software...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Display issue with dual monitor Radeon HD6990, Trisquel 6.0

2013-07-26 Thread cyberhawk
You're welcome. You can game a lot on Trisquel if you use the graphicscards I mentioned. The ones for Core i CPUs should be the most powerful, then goes the 9500GT, then the X4500. You can browse through here to see what games are included in the repos. Interesting idea: Try setting up a

Re: [Trisquel-users] Open Source Intel drivers for Trisquel have blobs ?

2013-07-31 Thread cyberhawk
The kernel of Trisquel, linux-libre, is de-blobbed. So if there are some blobs in any drivers, they are deleted. If a device is functioning correctly, it means there was no blob needed for it. If a device shows problems, you know it was dependent on a blob to some extent.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What distribution 100% libre=

2013-08-04 Thread cyberhawk
That's how I would sum it up too. Trisquel is faster to set up and ready for everyday computing needs. It is based on Ubuntu, this means it has the biggest pool of prepackaged software. Parabola is better if you want to really tweak the shit out of your OS and stay on the bleeding edge.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My conceptual problem with my computer.

2013-12-24 Thread cyberhawk
roboq6, are you making jokes here ;) Operating systems are among the most complicated things in the world of programming. They are not some high-level application, but include relatively high-level applications as well as very low-level applications as a kernel and various drivers. The

Re: [Trisquel-users] Buying a Trisquel laptop in France

2013-12-24 Thread cyberhawk
If having a 17 screen is not an important feature for you, look at the eeepc 1005PE from Asus. I am running Triskel (the KDE of Trisquel) on it and it's perfect. Plasma-netbook helps with the small screen a lot, no clattering with bars, panels and such. The keyboard perfectly utilizes the

Re: [Trisquel-users] Buying a Trisquel laptop in France

2013-12-24 Thread cyberhawk
Everything is very good with this laptop... It has one little dowside, which is the relatively dark screen. A BIOS update should make it better though. It may be necessary to keep Windows for the sake of updating the BIOS and only then to install Trisquel on top

Re: [Trisquel-users] Buying a Trisquel laptop in France

2013-12-24 Thread cyberhawk
I didn't try it, since I thought it just makes the brightness Fn-keys work properly (highest setting corresponds to highest brightness). I'll try that out right now.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Buying a Trisquel laptop in France

2013-12-25 Thread cyberhawk
ah, that's why I see no changes... I'll try that now.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel team keep up the good work

2013-12-25 Thread cyberhawk
While the GNU GPL does not tell anything about privacy and protection from unauthorized supervision, it doesn't mean everything is done by releasing software under the GNU GPL. There are many more things wrong in the world besides non-free software. The fact that special services can track

Re: [Trisquel-users] LightDM installer script

2013-12-30 Thread cyberhawk
What would be the benefit of installing LightDM anyway? I'm running KDE on my machines and using kdm.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Free Clarendon!

2013-12-30 Thread cyberhawk
Clarendon looks like a very good font, it's really pleasent to read. If someone owns the patent for Clarendon and sells it for $120 per license (right here) I can hardly imagine, that he will free it for $30K. Armworm, can you be completely sure the guy won't just take the money and keep

Re: [Trisquel-users] Buying a Trisquel laptop in France

2013-12-30 Thread cyberhawk
I bought mine used, got a great deal and a device in good condition, basically like new. There are different revisions of the eeepc laptop, I got the 1005PE.

Re: [Trisquel-users] [Off Topic] Work Christmas Party Gifts

2013-12-31 Thread cyberhawk
If you go to the Downloads page you can find a 3GB image for the Sources DVD. The other images do not include the sources, just binaries! For all intents and purposes however, it should be enough if one gets a link to the trisquel homepage. Abrowser has it already built-in, so there is no

Re: [Trisquel-users] cannot switch Between two keyboard layouts with shortcuts

2015-08-09 Thread cyberhawk
Maybe instead of running a VM or switching to another distro, you should try an easier solution - use Trisquel-mini? I'm running it and so far no problems switching between 3 keyboard layouts using a shortcut. Of course, if you really want to switch to BSD (because of security or whatever

Re: [Trisquel-users] Data protection vs useability

2015-08-03 Thread cyberhawk
what plugins exactly? You mean it will be possible to switch quality by right-clicking the video, choosing mp4 as a format and then choosing higher video quality?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Advertising Trisquel FLOSS

2015-07-27 Thread cyberhawk
I have set up a website (with my own personal server machine). Unfortunately, it runs on a Raspberry Pi, which isn't the 100% free software friendly solution to do this. Replacing the Raspberry with a similar, more free software friendly system is on my to-do list. Trisquel is definitely

Re: [Trisquel-users] Advertising Trisquel FLOSS

2015-07-27 Thread cyberhawk
My site is sort-of a visual throw back to a BBS and serves for sharing pictures that I take. It should not be mentioned on the marketing page. But maybe the pixelart rendition of the logo can be used by someone else?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-07-26 Thread cyberhawk
My desktop is basically the standard Trisquel-mini setup, but I have this background - a picture I took myself at my hometown. The car, unfortunately, is not mine :-D

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-07-26 Thread cyberhawk
I think it has to do with appretiation for a very old, antique object and how much time the cars actually spend on the road. Such an oldie is likely the special baby of the collector. I wouldn't be surprised if the owner washes and cleans the car more often than driving it.

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