[Trisquel-users] Authentication failed when attempting to upgrade to 6.0

2013-08-08 Thread xnchgyqk
Hi. I attempted to upgrade to 6.0 using the Update Manager but I encountered this problem: It starts the Downloading the release upgrade too process, but a few seconds in it gives an error message. The error message is titled Authentication failed and the full text is Authenticating the

Re: [Trisquel-users] What exactly is the installation procedure for installing 32-bit compatibility libraries?

2013-10-11 Thread xnchgyqk
I'm trying to install Replicant on my phone, for the exact same ideological reasons I run Trisquel on my PC. I ran into some problems during the installation, and posted about it here: http://redmine.replicant.us/boards/3/topics/603 During discussion in that thread, it came to seem that the

Re: [Trisquel-users] What exactly is the installation procedure for installing 32-bit compatibility libraries?

2013-10-12 Thread xnchgyqk
Okay, I tried your suggestion... First step of three, an error message about unment dependencies. Specifically, ia32-libs : Depends: ia32-libs-multiarch but it is not installable Moving on to step two, there is no such directory as /usr/share/libcapi20-3 Not sure how to proceed...

Re: [Trisquel-users] What exactly is the installation procedure for installing 32-bit compatibility libraries?

2013-10-31 Thread xnchgyqk
So after I wrote that last post, I went in Nautilus to go look at the directories where the script would change the changelogs to ending with .old, and low and behold, they were already .old. What I realize now is, first I did steps 1 through 4, then realized I had forgotten to do the

Re: [Trisquel-users] What exactly is the installation procedure for installing 32-bit compatibility libraries?

2013-11-02 Thread xnchgyqk
Yes indeed, Armworm your suggestion of booting from a 32 bit Trisquel live cd worked and I have now successfully installed Replicant. Thank you very much for all the help you have given me to reach this point. leny2010, thank you very much for your suggestion as well. Now that I've

[Trisquel-users] Problem with dual boot

2013-11-18 Thread xnchgyqk
In the past, whenever I've installed GNU/Linux to run along side another operating system (specifically I have installed Ubuntu this way in the past), it has been very easy. The installer has had an option install Ubuntu along side ___. However, I am currently trying to install

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problem with dual boot

2013-11-19 Thread xnchgyqk
Hmm it sounds like this is my problem because indeed Windows is already using 4 partitions. First, one that Windows calls Recovery Partition. It's 16GB, with 16GB free. Second, one that Windows calls System, Active, Primary Partition. It's 200MB with 166MB free. Third, one that

Re: [Trisquel-users] Update Manager Not Working

2014-09-03 Thread xnchgyqk
I've been having this problem for a few weeks now in 6.0.1. I'm concerned about my system not being up to date. Attached is an image of the update manager. The screenshot program actually failed to capture one detail accurately: the curser in reality is the round spinning curser, not the

Re: [Trisquel-users] Update Manager Not Working

2014-09-03 Thread xnchgyqk
I ran sudo apt-get upgrade as suggested by Magic Banana and this fixed the problem *for me*. Thank you Magic Banana :) Please don't anyone close the bug report on the basis of SVTony's and my experience! There are lots of non-technical users who don't know any other way to update

Re: [Trisquel-users] When is proprietary software bad?

2014-09-03 Thread xnchgyqk
I'd like to point out that Skype users did *NOT* agree to being tracked. Let's explicitly state a fact that in our hearts pretty much all of us already know: Having clicked I agree or whatever to 50 pages or however much dense legalese in order to use a free program does not validly

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where are all the security updates?

2014-09-03 Thread xnchgyqk
Thanks to everyone who works on Trisquel! Some feedback: The most important priority for any operating system should be security. I think it's pretty obvious that no one wants their system remotely tampered with by bad people. If a supported Trisquel release is not getting all the

Re: [Trisquel-users] Update Manager Not Working

2014-09-21 Thread xnchgyqk
It's the same for me. I still can't install updates using the graphical update mananger due to this problem. Recently the update manager showed thirty something updates available. I opened the update manager and experienced the problem this thread is about. So I ran sudo apt-get upgrade.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Update Manager Not Working

2014-09-21 Thread xnchgyqk
Right after I made this post I tried sudo apt-get dist-upgrade (thanks Christianity) and that installed the last two updates. So where it stands now, I do have a way to install all the updates via the terminal, but the update manager is broken and I have no fix for it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to disable mouse clicks with touchpad on Trisquel 7

2015-01-26 Thread xnchgyqk
Thank you for these replies. I didn't find the solution per se, but it's not causing me a problem anymore... I had installed Trisquel Mini and I decided to install the full thing instead. Once I installed the full, non Mini version of Trisquel, the setting was right there under mouse and

[Trisquel-users] How to disable mouse clicks with touchpad on Trisquel 7

2015-01-25 Thread xnchgyqk
Hello. You know the feature where if you tap the touchpad, it clicks? I don't want it. To me, it's just a risk of clicking on things accidentally. On every GNU/Linux distribution I've used so far, I've been able to disable this feature. In Trisquel 6.01, I went to settings, Mouse and

Re: [Trisquel-users] Location bar suggestions in Abrowser

2015-03-21 Thread xnchgyqk
Hi lembas, thank's for the suggestion. Yes I already tried that. Actually I've made a bunch of changes to the settings and I don't seem to be having the problem any more. I'm not sure what exactly fixed it. I like to keep my settings on Use custom, Always use private browsing mode,

Re: [Trisquel-users] IceDove replaced Thunderbird.

2015-03-21 Thread xnchgyqk
I'd have to say the transition is not going smoothly so far. Just as an example, take the case of a new user of Trisquel 7.0 who is accustomed to installing software from Add/Remove Applications. He goes to Add/Remove Applications, and searches for Thunderbird (because he's used it in the

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to Arrange Items in Files 3.10.1?

2015-03-05 Thread xnchgyqk
Thank you, onpon4, that's exactly what I was looking for.

[Trisquel-users] LibreOffice going banannas

2015-03-03 Thread xnchgyqk
I'm experiencing a horrifying bug in LibreOffice on Trisquel 7. It has two parts. First, when deleting text using the backspace key, it only deletes slowly, one letter at a time (even when I press the key much more frequently or hold it down). But then, once I've released the

[Trisquel-users] How to Arrange Items in Files 3.10.1?

2015-03-03 Thread xnchgyqk
Hello. I used to use Trisquel 6.0.1, which had Nautilus 3.4.2. In that version of Nautilus, I could right click in a directory, and select Arrange Items, and then any of Manually, By Name, By Size, By Type, or By Modification Date. This was great. Now I use Trisquel 7, which has Files

[Trisquel-users] Location bar suggestions in Abrowser

2015-03-03 Thread xnchgyqk
Hi. I'm using Abrowser in Trisquel 7. In the preferences, I've selected When using the location bar, suggest: Bookmarks. And yet, when I use the location bar, it suggests history as well as bookmarks. Why? What can be done?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Files slow to load network locations, sometimes

2015-04-17 Thread xnchgyqk
Hi leny2010, thanks for the reply. Samba is already installed. If it weren't, networking with SMB networks wouldn't work at all, poorly or otherwise. Still looking for a solution to this issue. Thanks. Boaz

Re: [Trisquel-users] How Does linux work? is it fair to all women?

2015-04-17 Thread xnchgyqk
Okay, I guess you're probably right.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why are some packages not trustworthy?

2015-04-07 Thread xnchgyqk
I was also having this problem (when installing software, warning saying the packages cannot be authenticated). This was on Trisquel 7. I had not made any changes to the default software sources, mirror, trusted signing key, or any other Software Updates settings. The default mirror

Re: [Trisquel-users] Files slow to load network locations, sometimes

2015-04-07 Thread xnchgyqk
Hello, Any thoughts at all will be greatly appreciated. This is causing me significant problems. Thanks!

Re: [Trisquel-users] How Does linux work? is it fair to all women?

2015-04-07 Thread xnchgyqk
No, it doesn't. I like to assume good faith, so I assume that this was a sincere question. To which my answer would be, if your daughter is capable of using Microsoft Windows or Mac OS, then she is most likely capable of using Trisquel and will most likely find it satisfactory.

Re: [Trisquel-users] IceDove replaced Thunderbird.

2015-04-07 Thread xnchgyqk
This is such a terrible attitude. The vast majority of computer users will *never* type anything into a command line, ever. The vast majority of computer users simply will not use an operating system the use of which requires them to type anything into a command line, and nothing anyone

Re: [Trisquel-users] IceDove replaced Thunderbird.

2015-04-07 Thread xnchgyqk
By the way, I did indeed install Icedove using the terminal. My original post was a general commentary about the transition to Icedove, not a request for help. Perhaps that was not clear and if so I appologize. My point here is that just use the terminal is not a good answer from a

[Trisquel-users] Accept credit or debit cards without using proprietary software?

2015-06-14 Thread xnchgyqk
Does anyone know of a way to accept credit or debit cards (in person) without needing to install proprietary software on a device? Most of the systems that I've found so far for accepting credit or debit cards in person involve a dongle plugged into a smart phone - coupled with a

Re: [Trisquel-users] Computer will not shut down

2019-07-29 Thread xnchgyqk
Libreshop: Lock screen and logout both work normally. Reboot causes the same problem as shut down. loldier: Pressing esc did exactly what you said it would! I did this several times and each time this is what I got each time (except once, see below). [ OK ] Started Show Plymouth

Re: [Trisquel-users] Computer will not shut down

2019-08-08 Thread xnchgyqk
I am happy to report that after installing the package linux-image-generic-hwe-8.0 this problem is solved. Thank you so much to Magic Banana and to all who commented. It's hard to express how helpful this has been. Thank you so much.

[Trisquel-users] Computer will not shut down

2019-07-18 Thread xnchgyqk
I recently purchased a Librem 13 laptop and installed Trisquel 8 on it. Everything works great except: The computer will not shut down. It hangs indefinitely on the screen with the pulsing Trisquel logo. This happens the same using the shut down button in the desktop GUI or using the

Re: [Trisquel-users] Computer will not shut down

2019-07-24 Thread xnchgyqk
Libreshop, thank you for your suggestions and link to the article about different commands for shutting down. Yes I did contact Puri.sm and they suggested that it could be an issue with systemd, or the swap partition, and suggested I run the poweroff command and see if I get any error

Re: [Trisquel-users] Workspace switcher crashed

2019-12-10 Thread xnchgyqk
Hi chaosmonk. This worked like a charm. I just added the crashed components back to the panel as you suggested, no problem. This thing happened once more, much, much later, and I just chose the "reload" option and everything was fine. Thank for you help.

[Trisquel-users] How to encrypt non-boot drive

2019-12-10 Thread xnchgyqk
Hi. I'm trying to encrypt a hard drive which is not the boot drive (the boot drive is already encrypted). I tried doing this with "Disks". I selected the drive in question and formatted it GPT. Then I added a partition LUKS + Ext4 and chose a name and passphrase. Now the partition is

[Trisquel-users] Workspace switcher crashed

2019-10-14 Thread xnchgyqk
I got an error message, now I wish I could remember the exact message, it was something about the workspace switcher crashed. There were two options, one was something like reload workspace switcher, and the other was don't or whatever. Again, I wish I could remember the exact messages.