[twitter-dev] Re: Can someone suggest a VB.NET Twitter API Interface that works?

2009-08-26 Thread killacam1981

try replacing the space character with +

so before setting your update something like this

tweet = Replace(tweet," ","+")

the problem you are having is probably related to url encoding of the
transmitted message

On Aug 13, 7:23 pm, catcalls  wrote:
> Oh, the problem is the DLL. I mean, how many ways can you encode a
> space?
> I can use the DLL to search, follow, and update a single word to my
> twitter account - but as soon as I use a space it fails. Believe me,
> it's the DLL. Furthermore, the update to the DLL (which he claims
> works) does not compile on my machine.
> Finally, I am his client, because I am using his wares. If you are
> coding for yourself, you do not release it onto the net. You only do
> that to get people like me, as clients.
> I offer support on all my open source work. I frequently release code
> - but the difference is - I test my code before release.
> As for your other suggestions - they are BETA - I want something that
> actually works and is at least 1.0
> On Aug 13, 11:27 pm, Mark Turner  wrote:
> > On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 2:48 PM, catcalls wrote:
> > > I've been using a free Twitter API Interface that was coded in C# and
> > > I imported the DLL and it was working fine until I discovered I cannot
> > > post spaces to twitter updates! I mean, WHAT!?
> > I'm willing to bet that the problem is not the DLL.
> > > So, I have basically coded this application with full interaction with
> > > this DLL and wasted the past three days of my time because the
> > > original coder was too lazy to get it to work for his clients.
> > Rude. If you got it for free don't complain, nobody works on
> > open-source/free libraries for anyone but themselves. The take the
> > time out of their day to package it up and put it out there so other
> > people can try to save time or headache or use their sweet ass code.
> > They don't have to help you in any way, shape or form unless the
> > choose to do so.
> > And I sincerely doubt he would call you his 'client'.
> > > So, can someone recommend a library that they used and was really
> > > pleased with - I don't mind paying a small fee for something that
> > > actually works you see.
> > > I have a complete app coded that just needs the API Interface to work.
> > > I tried rewriting some OAuth code but kept getting nonce errors so I
> > > gave up. I might go back to that again though if this request fails as
> > > a last resort.
> > A whole four seconds of googling brought up a page full of libraries
> > and examples in a large amount of languages including .net ones.
> >http://oauth.net/code
> > And here is something that look promising:
> > Main:http://code.google.com/p/oauth-dot-net/
> > Source:http://code.google.com/p/oauth-dot-net/wiki/SourceNotice?tm=4
> > Docs:http://lab.madgex.com/oauth-net/gettingatarted01.aspx/
> > Demos:http://lab.madgex.com/oauth-net/
> > Would you please stop asking for oauth+vb.net help here, its clogging
> > up the 7gb that google gives me. Head over tohttp://oauth.netfor
> > help.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

[twitter-dev] Re: Can someone suggest a VB.NET Twitter API Interface that works?

2009-08-23 Thread Joe Mayo

Hi Catcalls,

Not sure if you tried my library, LINQ to Twitter (http://
linqtotwitter.codeplex.com/).  I recently found a bug that was keeping
it from working for VB because of the way that the compiler was
generating code, so it's possible that I'm the lazy coder you're
trashing and being rude to.   My primary language is C#, so I
would like to get more VB programmers to use the library and give me
feedback.  I can't guarantee that I'll fix everything immediately, but
over time I can help make the library more useful.  Also, if you're
using OAuth, Andrew Arnott has integrated his DotNetOpenAuth (http://
dotnetopenauth.net:8000/), which is an excellent library itself.


On Aug 13, 3:48 pm, catcalls  wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been using a free Twitter API Interface that was coded in C# and
> I imported the DLL and it was working fine until I discovered I cannot
> post spaces to twitter updates! I mean, WHAT!?
> So, I have basically coded this application with full interaction with
> this DLL and wasted the past three days of my time because the
> original coder was too lazy to get it to work for his clients.
> So, can someone recommend a library that they used and was really
> pleased with - I don't mind paying a small fee for something that
> actually works you see.
> I have a complete app coded that just needs the API Interface to work.
> I tried rewriting some OAuth code but kept getting nonce errors so I
> gave up. I might go back to that again though if this request fails as
> a last resort.
> I now understand the API authentication procedure a lot more now - and
> remember the mistakes I was making previously. I might be able to
> actually code a working class in VB.nET now with my expanded knowledge
> of the OAuth authentication procedure.
> But, in the meantime, any one know of a good API for VB.NET to use in
> the form of a DLL that is Open Source too? This is because I'd really
> like to take a look at working OAuth/Twitter API code in visual
> basic .net 2005.
> Thank you in advance.
> catcalls

[twitter-dev] Re: Can someone suggest a VB.NET Twitter API Interface that works?

2009-08-13 Thread Bojan Rajkovic
Hi all,
After the recent furor over my OAuth implementation, I've decided to end the
project. I don't have the time to maintain it currently (real life work is
keeping me busy), and upon some reflection after today's outburst, I've come
to feel like I've wasted my time working on the project.

If you'd like the source code, just shoot me an e-mail, I'd be more than
happy to send you a current SVN checkout (that you can import into another
repo and continue working from, if you want, though I can't guarantee
anything about the commit history. If you know of a way to export history,
please let me know).

Many thanks to everyone who's helped me and who's supported me in these


On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 8:39 PM, Duane Roelands wrote:

> Catcalls,
> Check out Quitter: http://code.google.com/p/quitter-client/
> Quitter is a Twitter client that's 100% Visual Basic.NET with a
> working implementation of OAuth.  The classes that are specifically
> for talking to Twitter are in the "TwitterVB" namespace/folder.
> Everything else is the client that I've built on those components.
> For the record, I started out using the excellent c# "Twitterizer"
> library (http://code.google.com/p/twitterizer/).  I wanted to add
> OAuth, so I ported Twitterizer to VB.NET and implemented OAuth
> afterwards.
> Regards,
> --Duane Roelands
> On Aug 13, 5:48 pm, catcalls  wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I've been using a free Twitter API Interface that was coded in C# and
> > I imported the DLL and it was working fine until I discovered I cannot
> > post spaces to twitter updates! I mean, WHAT!?
> >
> > So, I have basically coded this application with full interaction with
> > this DLL and wasted the past three days of my time because the
> > original coder was too lazy to get it to work for his clients.
> >
> > So, can someone recommend a library that they used and was really
> > pleased with - I don't mind paying a small fee for something that
> > actually works you see.
> >
> > I have a complete app coded that just needs the API Interface to work.
> > I tried rewriting some OAuth code but kept getting nonce errors so I
> > gave up. I might go back to that again though if this request fails as
> > a last resort.
> >
> > I now understand the API authentication procedure a lot more now - and
> > remember the mistakes I was making previously. I might be able to
> > actually code a working class in VB.nET now with my expanded knowledge
> > of the OAuth authentication procedure.
> >
> > But, in the meantime, any one know of a good API for VB.NET to use in
> > the form of a DLL that is Open Source too? This is because I'd really
> > like to take a look at working OAuth/Twitter API code in visual
> > basic .net 2005.
> >
> > Thank you in advance.
> >
> > catcalls

[twitter-dev] Re: Can someone suggest a VB.NET Twitter API Interface that works?

2009-08-13 Thread Duane Roelands


Check out Quitter: http://code.google.com/p/quitter-client/

Quitter is a Twitter client that's 100% Visual Basic.NET with a
working implementation of OAuth.  The classes that are specifically
for talking to Twitter are in the "TwitterVB" namespace/folder.
Everything else is the client that I've built on those components.

For the record, I started out using the excellent c# "Twitterizer"
library (http://code.google.com/p/twitterizer/).  I wanted to add
OAuth, so I ported Twitterizer to VB.NET and implemented OAuth

--Duane Roelands

On Aug 13, 5:48 pm, catcalls  wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been using a free Twitter API Interface that was coded in C# and
> I imported the DLL and it was working fine until I discovered I cannot
> post spaces to twitter updates! I mean, WHAT!?
> So, I have basically coded this application with full interaction with
> this DLL and wasted the past three days of my time because the
> original coder was too lazy to get it to work for his clients.
> So, can someone recommend a library that they used and was really
> pleased with - I don't mind paying a small fee for something that
> actually works you see.
> I have a complete app coded that just needs the API Interface to work.
> I tried rewriting some OAuth code but kept getting nonce errors so I
> gave up. I might go back to that again though if this request fails as
> a last resort.
> I now understand the API authentication procedure a lot more now - and
> remember the mistakes I was making previously. I might be able to
> actually code a working class in VB.nET now with my expanded knowledge
> of the OAuth authentication procedure.
> But, in the meantime, any one know of a good API for VB.NET to use in
> the form of a DLL that is Open Source too? This is because I'd really
> like to take a look at working OAuth/Twitter API code in visual
> basic .net 2005.
> Thank you in advance.
> catcalls

[twitter-dev] Re: Can someone suggest a VB.NET Twitter API Interface that works?

2009-08-13 Thread Stuart

2009/8/14 Andrew Badera :
> On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 7:23 PM, catcalls wrote:
>> I want something that
>> actually works and is at least 1.0
> And I want whirled peaz, Giselle Bundchen and a 12 figure bank account ...

I have that last one, but all the zeros are at the wrong end of the number :(

"catcalls"... Please stop complaining. It's clear from your posts in
this thread and others that you really don't have the first clue what
you're talking about, whether it's related to writing code or how to
be polite to other people who are actually trying very hard to help
you. Nobody owes you anything. From where I'm sitting you have a
number of options...

1) Put some real effort into getting the latest version of your chosen
library to work - complaining that an old version is broken is not
smart. Refusing to use the latest version is worse. Continuing to be
rude and obnoxious after you've been treated with undeserved respect
is indefensible.

2) Write your own library - everything you need to do this is readily
available and it's not particularly difficult to get something
working, but it is difficult to get it "right". Once you've done this
you might appreciate the work of others a bit more.

3) Find another library and try that - but please don't complain that
it doesn't work unless you've either paid for it or the author has
actually asked for your opinion. And even if you've paid for it please
allow for the possibility that you might be getting it wrong. My first
assumption is always that I've done something wrong and that's served
me well over the years.

4) Put your keyboard and mouse down then go outside and play with the
other children.

I think we'd all give a collective sigh of relief if you chose option
number 4, but unfortunately I really don't see it happening.



[twitter-dev] Re: Can someone suggest a VB.NET Twitter API Interface that works?

2009-08-13 Thread Andrew Badera

On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 7:23 PM, catcalls wrote:
> I want something that
> actually works and is at least 1.0

And I want whirled peaz, Giselle Bundchen and a 12 figure bank account ...

[twitter-dev] Re: Can someone suggest a VB.NET Twitter API Interface that works?

2009-08-13 Thread catcalls

Oh, the problem is the DLL. I mean, how many ways can you encode a

I can use the DLL to search, follow, and update a single word to my
twitter account - but as soon as I use a space it fails. Believe me,
it's the DLL. Furthermore, the update to the DLL (which he claims
works) does not compile on my machine.

Finally, I am his client, because I am using his wares. If you are
coding for yourself, you do not release it onto the net. You only do
that to get people like me, as clients.

I offer support on all my open source work. I frequently release code
- but the difference is - I test my code before release.

As for your other suggestions - they are BETA - I want something that
actually works and is at least 1.0

On Aug 13, 11:27 pm, Mark Turner  wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 2:48 PM, catcalls wrote:
> > I've been using a free Twitter API Interface that was coded in C# and
> > I imported the DLL and it was working fine until I discovered I cannot
> > post spaces to twitter updates! I mean, WHAT!?
> I'm willing to bet that the problem is not the DLL.
> > So, I have basically coded this application with full interaction with
> > this DLL and wasted the past three days of my time because the
> > original coder was too lazy to get it to work for his clients.
> Rude. If you got it for free don't complain, nobody works on
> open-source/free libraries for anyone but themselves. The take the
> time out of their day to package it up and put it out there so other
> people can try to save time or headache or use their sweet ass code.
> They don't have to help you in any way, shape or form unless the
> choose to do so.
> And I sincerely doubt he would call you his 'client'.
> > So, can someone recommend a library that they used and was really
> > pleased with - I don't mind paying a small fee for something that
> > actually works you see.
> > I have a complete app coded that just needs the API Interface to work.
> > I tried rewriting some OAuth code but kept getting nonce errors so I
> > gave up. I might go back to that again though if this request fails as
> > a last resort.
> A whole four seconds of googling brought up a page full of libraries
> and examples in a large amount of languages including .net ones.
> http://oauth.net/code
> And here is something that look promising:
> Main:http://code.google.com/p/oauth-dot-net/
> Source:http://code.google.com/p/oauth-dot-net/wiki/SourceNotice?tm=4
> Docs:http://lab.madgex.com/oauth-net/gettingatarted01.aspx/
> Demos:http://lab.madgex.com/oauth-net/
> Would you please stop asking for oauth+vb.net help here, its clogging
> up the 7gb that google gives me. Head over tohttp://oauth.netfor
> help.

[twitter-dev] Re: Can someone suggest a VB.NET Twitter API Interface that works?

2009-08-13 Thread Mark Turner

On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 2:48 PM, catcalls wrote:
> I've been using a free Twitter API Interface that was coded in C# and
> I imported the DLL and it was working fine until I discovered I cannot
> post spaces to twitter updates! I mean, WHAT!?

I'm willing to bet that the problem is not the DLL.

> So, I have basically coded this application with full interaction with
> this DLL and wasted the past three days of my time because the
> original coder was too lazy to get it to work for his clients.

Rude. If you got it for free don't complain, nobody works on
open-source/free libraries for anyone but themselves. The take the
time out of their day to package it up and put it out there so other
people can try to save time or headache or use their sweet ass code.
They don't have to help you in any way, shape or form unless the
choose to do so.

And I sincerely doubt he would call you his 'client'.

> So, can someone recommend a library that they used and was really
> pleased with - I don't mind paying a small fee for something that
> actually works you see.
> I have a complete app coded that just needs the API Interface to work.
> I tried rewriting some OAuth code but kept getting nonce errors so I
> gave up. I might go back to that again though if this request fails as
> a last resort.

A whole four seconds of googling brought up a page full of libraries
and examples in a large amount of languages including .net ones.


And here is something that look promising:

Main: http://code.google.com/p/oauth-dot-net/
Source: http://code.google.com/p/oauth-dot-net/wiki/SourceNotice?tm=4
Docs: http://lab.madgex.com/oauth-net/gettingatarted01.aspx/
Demos: http://lab.madgex.com/oauth-net/

Would you please stop asking for oauth+vb.net help here, its clogging
up the 7gb that google gives me. Head over to http://oauth.net for

[twitter-dev] Re: Can someone suggest a VB.NET Twitter API Interface that works?

2009-08-13 Thread Andrew Badera

On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 5:48 PM, catcalls wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been using a free Twitter API Interface that was coded in C# and
> I imported the DLL and it was working fine until I discovered I cannot
> post spaces to twitter updates! I mean, WHAT!?
> So, I have basically coded this application with full interaction with
> this DLL and wasted the past three days of my time because the
> original coder was too lazy to get it to work for his clients.
> So, can someone recommend a library that they used and was really
> pleased with - I don't mind paying a small fee for something that
> actually works you see.
> I have a complete app coded that just needs the API Interface to work.
> I tried rewriting some OAuth code but kept getting nonce errors so I
> gave up. I might go back to that again though if this request fails as
> a last resort.
> I now understand the API authentication procedure a lot more now - and
> remember the mistakes I was making previously. I might be able to
> actually code a working class in VB.nET now with my expanded knowledge
> of the OAuth authentication procedure.
> But, in the meantime, any one know of a good API for VB.NET to use in
> the form of a DLL that is Open Source too? This is because I'd really
> like to take a look at working OAuth/Twitter API code in visual
> basic .net 2005.
> Thank you in advance.
> catcalls

I think you'll find something your speed at www.DLLsformonkeys.com

∞ Andy Badera
∞ This email is: [ ] bloggable [x] ask first [ ] private
∞ Google me: http://www.google.com/search?q=(andrew+badera)+OR+(andy+badera)