Re: [twitter-dev] Twitter Development platform - A Rant

2011-02-13 Thread M. Edward (Ed) Borasky
On Mon, 14 Feb 2011 01:21:29 -0500, Adam Green <> 

Good points. I think the basic confusion is the definition of
developer. It could mean someone who builds a web or mobile app and
tries to monetize it. That would be limited. I think it also means 

the consultants and in-house programmers who integrate Twitter into
existing websites and businesses. As I started responding CNN ran a
big button on the screen telling people to try their Twitter
integration on their website. I think that was built by a developer,
not Twitter HQ.

My impression is that this is exactly the sort of thing @anywhere was 
designed to do - make it possible for a CNN or even the Original Coffee 
Brake to incorporate Twitter into their web site with a budget of, say, 
8 hours of HTML editing time. ;-) I haven't kept up with how well 
@anywhere is fulfilling that promise, though. I ran it for a long time 
on my blog but shut it down because the trips to Twitter's servers were 
slowing down page loads. I should probably revisit that now that I'm 
starting to get traffic again.

Multiply that by every TV show, radio program,
newspaper, magazine, movie, real estate office, hospital, retailer,
you get the point. There are way more than 10,000 programmers who 

on websites and mobile apps around the world. They are all possible
Twitter developers, among other tasks they did.

I don't know about the rest of the world, but here in PDX, the skills 
that are in huge demand are HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript and user interface 
design. We've got a small collection of people who "do stuff with 
Twitter", but you don't see help wanted ads for Twitter API coding - 
that's something people do in their "spare time". Most folks use Twitter 
the old-fashioned way - from the web app or from a client - or license a 
monitoring platform that talks to Twitter and Facebook.

Too big an idea?
Maybe, but with the right assistance from Twitter, there would be
enough developers that when a competitor comes along Twitter would
have a base that would make it hard to switch. That is what we offer

I think it would be harder for a competitor to get Twitter's millions 
of active subscribers than to get thousands of developers. ;-) I was 
just looking at the Alexa statistics - Twitter is in 9th place 
world-wide now.

Who's ahead of us? Twitter is just below the huge Chinese site Neither Facebook nor Twitter is active in China, although I 
have seen accounts claiming to be from Guangzhou. Next up the ladder is 
Wikipedia. In short, it's been a long climb since March of 2006 to get 
there, and there's a lot of power above Twitter - 
Google/Youtube/Blogger, Yahoo, Microsoft, Facebook, Wikipedia and Twitter is, as they say, running with the big dogs. And we're 
ahead of Aol. ;-)

I have an idea. Why doesn't Twitter hire a developer relations 

Not a support person. Matt and Taylor do a good job of technical
support. I appreciate what they do. I mean someone who could run a
developer program. I haven't seen someone like that yet. Could some 

the $200 million pay that salary?

Maybe again I'm thinking small, but I have yet to run up against 
anything that Twitter did that seriously impacted me. Twitter's not like 
Microsoft, Android or Apple where you need a huge standardized SDK / 
MSDN-like library. The one thing I'd want as an independent developer 
would be some kind of keyword tools along the lines of what Google 
provides for webmasters. I can easily determine what people tweet about 
but I *can't* determine what they search for. Oh, yeah - a Streaming 
endpoint that delivers the overall tweets per minute every minute, so I 
can draw pretty graphs in real time like Carolyn Penner did on the 
Twitter blog.


"A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems." -- Paul 

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Re: [twitter-dev] Twitter Development platform - A Rant

2011-02-13 Thread Adam Green
> Well, I'm old enough but I was doing something radically different from
> Ashton-Tate at the time. This whole thread is starting to sound eerily
> similar to last year, when Fred Wilson made the infamous "filling holes"
> blog post, followed by Twitter buying Tweetie, followed by Chirp. I'd be
> surprised if the *Twitter* ecosystem could support 10,000 independent
> developers - they'd self-organize into businesses with some sort of power
> law size distribution, where the largest such business is Twitter itself.
> I don't know that Twitter "wants to be embedded into the infrastructure of
> corporations." It seems to me that Twitter is unique and not at all suited
> to intra-enterprise communications. Besides, there are dozens of enterprise
> software platforms that can do everything Twitter can do except talk to the
> hundreds of millions of Twitter users in real-time. ;-)
> Maybe I am thinking too small, but then again, people aren't coming to *me*
> with problems big enough to require whitelisting, or for that matter
> Cassandra, or MapReduce, or sending thousands of DMs a day. Even if they
> did, there's no way I could compete with Twitter. I really should save this
> for my blog - it's been a while since I wrote a post about Twitter, and
> that's what my search analytics tell me people read there. ;-)
Good points. I think the basic confusion is the definition of
developer. It could mean someone who builds a web or mobile app and
tries to monetize it. That would be limited. I think it also means all
the consultants and in-house programmers who integrate Twitter into
existing websites and businesses. As I started responding CNN ran a
big button on the screen telling people to try their Twitter
integration on their website. I think that was built by a developer,
not Twitter HQ. Multiply that by every TV show, radio program,
newspaper, magazine, movie, real estate office, hospital, retailer,
you get the point. There are way more than 10,000 programmers who work
on websites and mobile apps around the world. They are all possible
Twitter developers, among other tasks they did. Too big an idea?
Maybe, but with the right assistance from Twitter, there would be
enough developers that when a competitor comes along Twitter would
have a base that would make it hard to switch. That is what we offer

I have an idea. Why doesn't Twitter hire a developer relations person?
Not a support person. Matt and Taylor do a good job of technical
support. I appreciate what they do. I mean someone who could run a
developer program. I haven't seen someone like that yet. Could some of
the $200 million pay that salary?

I look forward to your blog post on this, Edward.

Adam Green
Twitter API Consultant and Trainer

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Re: [twitter-dev] Twitter Development platform - A Rant

2011-02-13 Thread M. Edward (Ed) Borasky
On Sun, 13 Feb 2011 14:16:30 -0500, Adam Green <> 

Edward, I'm going to jump in on the partner issue, since that is my
big point. I think you are thinking too small when you say " If you
want to be a "partner" with Twitter, *you* are the one who needs to
have something to offer *them* IMHO." One dev is very small compared
to Twitter. 10,000 devs is a labor force. 100,000 devs is a market
that protects Twitter from *any* competitor, including Google. We are
all partners, because we all make money. You look old enough to
remember dBASE. That was a huge labor force that protected 

for years when they had a product with technical limitations. Sound
familiar? Corporations and government agencies used dBASE not because
it was *best*, but because they could find many qualified developers.
Ashton-Tate started attacking their developers in 1988, when they 
one of the top 5 software companies. They were out of business 3 


If Twitter wants to be embedded into the infrastructure of
corporations around the world, they must have outside developers. If
they want it to be a cool toy for the Kardashians and Justin Beiber 

amuse their fans. They don't need us at all. It is their choice.

Well, I'm old enough but I was doing something radically different from 
Ashton-Tate at the time. This whole thread is starting to sound eerily 
similar to last year, when Fred Wilson made the infamous "filling holes" 
blog post, followed by Twitter buying Tweetie, followed by Chirp. I'd be 
surprised if the *Twitter* ecosystem could support 10,000 independent 
developers - they'd self-organize into businesses with some sort of 
power law size distribution, where the largest such business is Twitter 

I don't know that Twitter "wants to be embedded into the infrastructure 
of corporations." It seems to me that Twitter is unique and not at all 
suited to intra-enterprise communications. Besides, there are dozens of 
enterprise software platforms that can do everything Twitter can do 
except talk to the hundreds of millions of Twitter users in real-time. 

Maybe I am thinking too small, but then again, people aren't coming to 
*me* with problems big enough to require whitelisting, or for that 
matter Cassandra, or MapReduce, or sending thousands of DMs a day. Even 
if they did, there's no way I could compete with Twitter. I really 
should save this for my blog - it's been a while since I wrote a post 
about Twitter, and that's what my search analytics tell me people read 
there. ;-)


"A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems." -- Paul 

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Re: [twitter-dev] Twitter Development platform - A Rant

2011-02-13 Thread Andrew W. Donoho

On Feb 13, 2011, at 13:04 , M. Edward (Ed) Borasky wrote:

> On Sun, 13 Feb 2011 12:18:11 -0600, "Andrew W. Donoho" 
>  wrote:
>> It is clear from this thread that many developers made, perhaps
>> unwisely, product plans based on Twitter's continued support for white
>> listing. In my case as a client developer, the increase of my API
>> count from 150/hour to 350/hour due to moving to OAuth totally removed
>> my need for white listing. If user streams was supported, I could
>> easily live with 150/hour limit. If they would stand behind their user
>> streams API, I would switch to it immediately. (Beta status is not,
>> frankly, good enough. If they cannot make a commitment to their new
>> API, why should I? By my count, user streams has been in beta for
>> almost 6 months.)
> User Streams is in fact in production and has been for months. The only 
> restrictions on User Streams, other than what's documented in the technical 
> documentation, is that it is *only* for desktop *clients*, not servers or 
> mobile. I'm not sure where iPad fits in this spectrum, but for sure an iPhone 
> is mobile.
> *Site* Streams is designed for servers and it is still in beta. Perhaps you 
> need to be pitching your idea to Twitter and adapting your service to Site 
> Streams if it's a server-backed app, which I'm guessing an iPhone/iPad app 
> would be.

Mr. Borasky,

Any API where the very first line in the schema section says it is 
"subject to change" is not, in fact, in production. Now it may be due to sloppy 
documentation but I doubt it. Twitter's documentation process has become much 

IOW, user streams is in beta. If it is production worthy, then Twitter 
should commit to it. This API, until they version the route, should no longer 
be subject to change.

>> That said, Twitter's API evolution
>> practices, presumably approved by their CTO, Mr. Sarver, are not, in
>> my opinion, helping their partners grow with Twitter.
> [snip]
>> Another example is the closed roll-out of promoted tweets. I think
>> every third party app developer would love to find a way to further
>> monetize their Twitter application. Twitter did announce that they
>> would find a way to allow their developer partners to participate with
>> the promoted tweets program. That has not yet happened. Currently, as
>> Twitter has made a floor price of $0.00 for iOS apps, I have to resort
>> to Apple's iAds to capture revenue from my labors. I don't mind but it
>> does cut my other market-making partner, Twitter, out of the revenue
>> stream. As it reduces my revenue opportunities, I think this is
>> sub-optimal. I win when my partner wins.
> The key word in this rant is "partner".

Let me be very clear. The term "rant" was applied by the opening poster. 

I am pointing out what I think are concrete issues which we all, as business 
partners with Twitter should consider. That is not a rant.

> A *partner* is, IMHO, someone who has a *formal* partnership arrangement. 
> Sure, there's a certain formality when you accept Twitter's TOS, but I think 
> if you want to use Site Streams or Promoted content, you should be 
> negotiating as a business with Twitter as a business. What's in it for 
> Twitter?

The ToS is a contract. I've also based my business on Twitter's APIs. I view 
the APIs and other aspects of the relationship I have with Twitter to 
effectively be a partnership. Twitter, as the senior partner in this 
relationship, barely knows I exist.

As to what's in it for Twitter? They have support a public API because it makes 
their product better. And they do want people like me making their and my 
product better.

> Twitter has built a powerful brand. I was there in early 2007 when the vast 
> majority of pundits predicted that it would go nowhere - that it was just a 
> bunch of Ruby hackers with too much time on their hands, that it would 
> destroy flow, etc. It's now one of the top ten sites world wide according to 
> Alexa. If you want to be a "partner" with Twitter, *you* are the one who 
> needs to have something to offer *them* IMHO.

And, I believe I do. I suspect that you believe you offer them value and vice 
versa or you would not waste your time on this list. This email and those of 
other developers do improve their product. Every bug discovered helps their 

Are we suckers? Perhaps. Overall, I have profited from this arrangement. I wish 
Twitter well and I hope they improve their relationship with the developer 

> [snip]
>> Overall, everyone needs to remember that we are dealing with a
>> company that publicly claims to not yet be trying to capture revenue
>> from their platform.
> I seem to have missed that claim. As far as I know, they *are* trying to 
> capture revenue through a combination of Promoted Accounts, Tweets and Trends 
> with bundled analytics and data licensing.

"Stone, reacting to a question from TechEye, said that there was sti

Re: [twitter-dev] Twitter Development platform - A Rant

2011-02-13 Thread Umashankar Das
Andrew ,
   Thank you for such a measured response. I'm not looking at the immediate
action of stopping whitelisting by twitter. I must add, that, if a certain
feature requires an application process, I had doubts in my ability to
convince twitter, that, I really deserve to be in the list.

I believe I've also mentioned in my mail ,that , we, as a team/company, have
already made arrangements which does not require us to use whitelisting.
Perhaps, since, my initial mail was a rant, but, not a structured 'reply' it
got lost in whatever I said.

What I say is essentially this. Twitter seems to be discouraging developers
whose products have the potential who increasing their userbase. It almost
as If I'm hearing that, 'WE DONT WANT ANYMORE USERS' . We're tired of
managing the existing number.

I don't disagree that nobody should make plans on features which have no
guarantees [whitelisting], that, they will continue in future. But, by
putting such limits isn't Twitter running the risk of becoming just another

The creation of the facebook development platform was responsible in
spawning a market leader in gaming field i.e ZYNGA.But, These limits by
twitter dont allow someone to think about a new idea. He will stop thinking
that ; what if I get traffic ? Anyhow, twitter will block me if I cross
their rate limit. How can an innovator think in such an environment?

I'm not sure if you find this as conjecture. This , to me , is a logical
line of reasoning.

 We ,as a team , have planned on working with a worst case scenario.
twitter's search API is very important to us. We never planned for
whitelisting, we dont need it.  The only worry is if tomorrow, (hopefully),
if we generate traffic from our product, will twitter just stop the 'SEARCH
API' . We need to know that.

Clarity in this will go a long way.

I hope I haven't offended anybody here.  These are views , since, we as a
team , feel that we can create something path-breaking using twitter as our
backend resource. We will only help twitter that way.

Thanks & Regards
Umashankar Das

On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 11:48 PM, Andrew W. Donoho

> On Feb 13, 2011, at 08:53 , Umashankar Das wrote:
> Now, Twitter and it's API groups claim that, they, are putting artificial
> limits of rates to ensure proper delivery for regular service.
> Mr. Das,
> While you make many interesting points in your "rant", I think many of them
> are conjecture and opinion. As reasonable people can
> disagree about opinions, I've edited them out of my reply. I wish to focus
> on some unambiguous issues. We each have to make our business bets
> with respect to the Twitter platform. (I speak as the developer of ch@tter™,
> an iPad Twitter client. In many ways, Twitter destroyed my
> business opportunity when they purchased Tweetie and made it free. I mention
> this for context and not as a cause to rant at Twitter. I'm making plenty
> of money as a result of building ch@tter™. The iOS consulting business
> is very healthy.)
> It is clear from this thread that many developers made, perhaps unwisely,
> product plans based on Twitter's continued support for white listing. In my
> case as a client developer, the increase of my API count from 150/hour to
> 350/hour due to moving to OAuth totally removed my need for white listing.
> If user streams was supported, I could easily live with 150/hour limit. If
> they would stand behind their user streams API, I would switch to
> it immediately. (Beta status is not, frankly, good enough. If they cannot
> make a commitment to their new API, why should I? By my count, user streams
> has been in beta for almost 6 months.)
> Changing a platform's API is hard. Twitter is discovering this the
> hard way. Every developer has an investment they would like to preserve
> in the status quo. That said, Twitter's API evolution practices,
> presumably approved by their CTO, Mr. Sarver, are not, in my opinion,
> helping their partners grow with Twitter. That they are turning off white
> listing while not having yet made a production commitment to user streams,
> is a great example of an evolutionary stumble. That they haven't announced
> any other methods of enhancing Twitter's ability to scale while supporting
> functionality enabled by the large white lists is an oversight. The outrage
> expressed in this thread is good, unambiguous evidence of the stumble.
> Another example is the closed roll-out of promoted tweets. I think every
> third party app developer would love to find a way to further
> monetize their Twitter application. Twitter did announce that they would
> find a way to allow their developer partners to participate with the
> promoted tweets program. That has not yet happened. Currently, as Twitter
> has made a floor price of $0.00 for iOS apps, I have to resort to Apple's
> iAds to capture revenue from my labors. I don't mind but it does cut my
> other market-making partner, Twitter, out of the revenue stre

Re: [twitter-dev] Twitter Development platform - A Rant

2011-02-13 Thread Adam Green
Edward, I'm going to jump in on the partner issue, since that is my
big point. I think you are thinking too small when you say " If you
want to be a "partner" with Twitter, *you* are the one who needs to
have something to offer *them* IMHO." One dev is very small compared
to Twitter. 10,000 devs is a labor force. 100,000 devs is a market
that protects Twitter from *any* competitor, including Google. We are
all partners, because we all make money. You look old enough to
remember dBASE. That was a huge labor force that protected Ashton-Tate
for years when they had a product with technical limitations. Sound
familiar? Corporations and government agencies used dBASE not because
it was *best*, but because they could find many qualified developers.
Ashton-Tate started attacking their developers in 1988, when they were
one of the top 5 software companies. They were out of business 3 years

If Twitter wants to be embedded into the infrastructure of
corporations around the world, they must have outside developers. If
they want it to be a cool toy for the Kardashians and Justin Beiber to
amuse their fans. They don't need us at all. It is their choice.

On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 2:04 PM, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky
> On Sun, 13 Feb 2011 12:18:11 -0600, "Andrew W. Donoho"
>  wrote:
>> It is clear from this thread that many developers made, perhaps
>> unwisely, product plans based on Twitter's continued support for white
>> listing. In my case as a client developer, the increase of my API
>> count from 150/hour to 350/hour due to moving to OAuth totally removed
>> my need for white listing. If user streams was supported, I could
>> easily live with 150/hour limit. If they would stand behind their user
>> streams API, I would switch to it immediately. (Beta status is not,
>> frankly, good enough. If they cannot make a commitment to their new
>> API, why should I? By my count, user streams has been in beta for
>> almost 6 months.)
> User Streams is in fact in production and has been for months. The only
> restrictions on User Streams, other than what's documented in the technical
> documentation, is that it is *only* for desktop *clients*, not servers or
> mobile. I'm not sure where iPad fits in this spectrum, but for sure an
> iPhone is mobile.
> *Site* Streams is designed for servers and it is still in beta. Perhaps you
> need to be pitching your idea to Twitter and adapting your service to Site
> Streams if it's a server-backed app, which I'm guessing an iPhone/iPad app
> would be.
>> That said, Twitter's API evolution
>> practices, presumably approved by their CTO, Mr. Sarver, are not, in
>> my opinion, helping their partners grow with Twitter.
> [snip]
>> Another example is the closed roll-out of promoted tweets. I think
>> every third party app developer would love to find a way to further
>> monetize their Twitter application. Twitter did announce that they
>> would find a way to allow their developer partners to participate with
>> the promoted tweets program. That has not yet happened. Currently, as
>> Twitter has made a floor price of $0.00 for iOS apps, I have to resort
>> to Apple's iAds to capture revenue from my labors. I don't mind but it
>> does cut my other market-making partner, Twitter, out of the revenue
>> stream. As it reduces my revenue opportunities, I think this is
>> sub-optimal. I win when my partner wins.
> The key word in this rant is "partner". A *partner* is, IMHO, someone who
> has a *formal* partnership arrangement. Sure, there's a certain formality
> when you accept Twitter's TOS, but I think if you want to use Site Streams
> or Promoted content, you should be negotiating as a business with Twitter as
> a business. What's in it for Twitter?
> Twitter has built a powerful brand. I was there in early 2007 when the vast
> majority of pundits predicted that it would go nowhere - that it was just a
> bunch of Ruby hackers with too much time on their hands, that it would
> destroy flow, etc. It's now one of the top ten sites world wide according to
> Alexa. If you want to be a "partner" with Twitter, *you* are the one who
> needs to have something to offer *them* IMHO.
> [snip]
>> Overall, everyone needs to remember that we are dealing with a
>> company that publicly claims to not yet be trying to capture revenue
>> from their platform.
> I seem to have missed that claim. As far as I know, they *are* trying to
> capture revenue through a combination of Promoted Accounts, Tweets and
> Trends with bundled analytics and data licensing.
>> What do I want? I want a better developer experience. Both Apple and
>> Microsoft show what a good experience can be. I want user streams, a
>> promoted tweet API and annotations. I hope Twitter can deliver these
>> technical features to enable new business opportunities for themselves
>> and the Twitter app ecosystem. Myself included.
> I think you have User Streams, though it may not be suitable for your
> specific applicatio

Re: [twitter-dev] Twitter Development platform - A Rant

2011-02-13 Thread M. Edward (Ed) Borasky
On Sun, 13 Feb 2011 12:18:11 -0600, "Andrew W. Donoho" 

It is clear from this thread that many developers made, perhaps
unwisely, product plans based on Twitter's continued support for 

listing. In my case as a client developer, the increase of my API
count from 150/hour to 350/hour due to moving to OAuth totally 

my need for white listing. If user streams was supported, I could
easily live with 150/hour limit. If they would stand behind their 

streams API, I would switch to it immediately. (Beta status is not,
frankly, good enough. If they cannot make a commitment to their new
API, why should I? By my count, user streams has been in beta for
almost 6 months.)

User Streams is in fact in production and has been for months. The only 
restrictions on User Streams, other than what's documented in the 
technical documentation, is that it is *only* for desktop *clients*, not 
servers or mobile. I'm not sure where iPad fits in this spectrum, but 
for sure an iPhone is mobile.

*Site* Streams is designed for servers and it is still in beta. Perhaps 
you need to be pitching your idea to Twitter and adapting your service 
to Site Streams if it's a server-backed app, which I'm guessing an 
iPhone/iPad app would be.

That said, Twitter's API evolution
practices, presumably approved by their CTO, Mr. Sarver, are not, in
my opinion, helping their partners grow with Twitter.


Another example is the closed roll-out of promoted tweets. I think
every third party app developer would love to find a way to further
monetize their Twitter application. Twitter did announce that they
would find a way to allow their developer partners to participate 

the promoted tweets program. That has not yet happened. Currently, as
Twitter has made a floor price of $0.00 for iOS apps, I have to 
to Apple's iAds to capture revenue from my labors. I don't mind but 

does cut my other market-making partner, Twitter, out of the revenue
stream. As it reduces my revenue opportunities, I think this is
sub-optimal. I win when my partner wins.

The key word in this rant is "partner". A *partner* is, IMHO, someone 
who has a *formal* partnership arrangement. Sure, there's a certain 
formality when you accept Twitter's TOS, but I think if you want to use 
Site Streams or Promoted content, you should be negotiating as a 
business with Twitter as a business. What's in it for Twitter?

Twitter has built a powerful brand. I was there in early 2007 when the 
vast majority of pundits predicted that it would go nowhere - that it 
was just a bunch of Ruby hackers with too much time on their hands, that 
it would destroy flow, etc. It's now one of the top ten sites world wide 
according to Alexa. If you want to be a "partner" with Twitter, *you* 
are the one who needs to have something to offer *them* IMHO.


Overall, everyone needs to remember that we are dealing with a
company that publicly claims to not yet be trying to capture revenue
from their platform.

I seem to have missed that claim. As far as I know, they *are* trying 
to capture revenue through a combination of Promoted Accounts, Tweets 
and Trends with bundled analytics and data licensing.

What do I want? I want a better developer experience. Both Apple and
Microsoft show what a good experience can be. I want user streams, a
promoted tweet API and annotations. I hope Twitter can deliver these
technical features to enable new business opportunities for 

and the Twitter app ecosystem. Myself included.

I think you have User Streams, though it may not be suitable for your 
specific application. You may be eligible to get in the Site Streams 
beta, although I'm guessing that was invite-only. You can always ask - 
as a business negotiating a partnership with another business.

We'll have to wait and see about the Promoted products. Advertising 
sales is a fiercely competitive business and it's not something I 
personally want to deal with at the moment.

Annotations? That was definitely a case where Twitter's reach seems to 
have exceeded its grasp. The story I've heard is that there are people 
in Twitter hacking away on it but the priorities do get adjusted 
according to the demands of the marketplace. If it could be a 
breakthrough spam killer, I think they'd push it front and center in a 
big hurry. ;-)


"A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems." -- Paul 

Twitter developer documentation and resources:
API updates via Twitter:
Issues/Enhancements Tracker:
Change your membership to this group:

Re: [twitter-dev] Twitter Development platform - A Rant

2011-02-13 Thread Andrew W. Donoho

On Feb 13, 2011, at 08:53 , Umashankar Das wrote:

> Now, Twitter and it's API groups claim that, they, are putting artificial 
> limits of rates to ensure proper delivery for regular service. 

Mr. Das,

While you make many interesting points in your "rant", I think many of 
them are conjecture and opinion. As reasonable people can disagree about 
opinions, I've edited them out of my reply. I wish to focus on some unambiguous 
issues. We each have to make our business bets with respect to the Twitter 
platform. (I speak as the developer of ch@tter™, an iPad Twitter client. In 
many ways, Twitter destroyed my business opportunity when they purchased 
Tweetie and made it free. I mention this for context and not as a cause to rant 
at Twitter. I'm making plenty of money as a result of building ch@tter™. The 
iOS consulting business is very healthy.)

It is clear from this thread that many developers made, perhaps 
unwisely, product plans based on Twitter's continued support for white listing. 
In my case as a client developer, the increase of my API count from 150/hour to 
350/hour due to moving to OAuth totally removed my need for white listing. If 
user streams was supported, I could easily live with 150/hour limit. If they 
would stand behind their user streams API, I would switch to it immediately. 
(Beta status is not, frankly, good enough. If they cannot make a commitment to 
their new API, why should I? By my count, user streams has been in beta for 
almost 6 months.)

Changing a platform's API is hard. Twitter is discovering this the hard 
way. Every developer has an investment they would like to preserve in the 
status quo. That said, Twitter's API evolution practices, presumably approved 
by their CTO, Mr. Sarver, are not, in my opinion, helping their partners grow 
with Twitter. That they are turning off white listing while not having yet made 
a production commitment to user streams, is a great example of an evolutionary 
stumble. That they haven't announced any other methods of enhancing Twitter's 
ability to scale while supporting functionality enabled by the large white 
lists is an oversight. The outrage expressed in this thread is good, 
unambiguous evidence of the stumble. 

Another example is the closed roll-out of promoted tweets. I think 
every third party app developer would love to find a way to further monetize 
their Twitter application. Twitter did announce that they would find a way to 
allow their developer partners to participate with the promoted tweets program. 
That has not yet happened. Currently, as Twitter has made a floor price of 
$0.00 for iOS apps, I have to resort to Apple's iAds to capture revenue from my 
labors. I don't mind but it does cut my other market-making partner, Twitter, 
out of the revenue stream. As it reduces my revenue opportunities, I think this 
is sub-optimal. I win when my partner wins.

A third example is the annotation feature. I am sure all of us could 
find an excellent use for annotations. I have many ideas on how to use them. 
But I cannot.

A fourth example is Chirp? When is it? Will they hold it in a large 
enough venue? Or is it going to be like their announcement of #NewTwitter. A 
major announcement whose video was streamed by Robert Scoble? The sound was 
poor. The image sucked. And, BTW, thank you Robert Scoble. Without him Twitter 
could not have gotten their message quickly out.

In contrast to these missteps, I have to publicly thank Mr. Singletary, 
Mr. Kalucki and Mr. Harris. Without their constant engagement on this list, the 
Twitter ecosystem would not be what it is.

Overall, everyone needs to remember that we are dealing with a company 
that publicly claims to not yet be trying to capture revenue from their 
platform. We are seeing from their experiments the collateral damage. Rolling 
with the punches is painful. That is the cost of trying to access the almost 
200 million Twitter users.

What do I want? I want a better developer experience. Both Apple and 
Microsoft show what a good experience can be. I want user streams, a promoted 
tweet API and annotations. I hope Twitter can deliver these technical features 
to enable new business opportunities for themselves and the Twitter app 
ecosystem. Myself included.


Andrew W. Donoho
Donoho Design Group, L.L.C., +1 (512) 750-7596

Knowing is not enough; we must apply. 
Willing is not enough; we must do.
-- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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Re: [twitter-dev] Twitter Development platform - A Rant

2011-02-13 Thread Umashankar Das
While ,  being philosophical about loss of whitelisting, the recent
behaviour wsith regard to searches is not necessarily very postive for
Twitter's public profile.  Software history has shown that more than the
individual product , it is the ecosystem, which determines the future of the
product and the company.

The current debate on Nokia and it's viability has been a prime-example of
that. It is well-known that Java became popular despite efforts by various
forces to discourage it's widespread usage .

Now, Twitter and it's API groups claim that, they, are putting artificial
limits of rates to ensure proper delivery for regular service. Someone has
not studied the history of path-breaking products up there.  If the method
here is to discourage developers to invest in twitter to create
applications, it is not the best idea. There is a lot of talk in market ccts
that Twitter is looking at different ways to monetise it's huge userbase.
Somehow, the recent actions leads us to believe , that, with that kind of
focus you guys are losing track of what twitter can actually become.

Twitter is already a successful product. It was a great idea which has
changed the way people communicate with each other. Today, revolutions
happen in twitter.  With all these restrictive views and thought processes,
one believes that, perhaps, It does not think like a startup anymore. Guys,
your role model should be facebook. Even today, they think like startups. It
was facebook's open development platform which was the driver to more users
in it's 2nd phase of expansion.

We in our company view twitter as much larger than micro-blogging product.
We believe it can symbolise the next WWW. Our product lines are designed on
that.  We dont have whitelisting and we were not planning to apply for it.
We were willing to work around the different restrictions and come up with
innovative solutions. These restrictions have increased resource
requirements for the product we're building, but out here, we're happy about
it. They've got us people who have innovation which is essential to a
successful startup.

Somehow, the recent statements make me believe that twitter is losing it
here. I come from the domain of server technologies. I completely understand
that QoS (Quality of service) is a big issue. But, in times of peak load,
twitter still does go down. By putting artificial limits on querying
twitter, you're not allowing creation of the next generation of products.
All these limits indirectly makes one believe that twitter does not want
more users. That seems very contradictory for a company whose valuation of
8-10 Billion USD is a function of it's userbase.  If I were given the charge
of solving this problem i would add new servers . Our server
requirement[dedicated] costs us about 140 USD permonth/perserver.  It has
been said that you guys use Cassandra. Given Cassandra's performance
replication efficencies are fairly decent.  A fleet of 10 servers should be
enough to handle things for you guys for the near future. That will be less
than what you  guys pay a developer.

I'm sure lots of users will be happy to pay for this too. Although, the real
trick is to be free.

The future is about being open. Facebook was a means of bringing your social
experience online. But, there was a concept of exclusivity to it. Twitter
was diametrically opposite. It allowed people to talk to anybody.
Politically speaking, it was a very democratic experience.

I would like to see twitter bigger than Google someday. Blocking development
platforms is not the way to go.

Umashankar Das

On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 6:16 PM, Adam Green <> wrote:

> The behavior on this group has changed significantly since Ryan
> finally admitted that Whitelisting no longer exists. I've never seen
> anyone discuss methods of getting around TOS before, well there was
> Edward H., and we saw what happened to him. Now there are free flowing
> discussions of MTurk and other tricks to go way beyond the rate
> limits. I think this is great. Frankly, Twitter has done a good job of
> offering free resources to devs, which I thank them for, but there was
> way too much fear before. Now there are no extra benefits that can be
> given and withdrawn "on a case by case basis." Boy do I hate that
> phrase. Of course, they can ban people from this list, but maybe the
> irony of Twitter blocking free speech on their own forum may restrain
> that urge in the future.
> Personally, I've treated Whitelisting like Social Security. It ain't
> going to be there when I need it. That has turned out to be a winning
> strategy. I don't really violate TOS, since I'm not as spammer, but I
> have never tried building anything that would fail if Twitter didn't
> give me Whitelisting "after it got into production", which BTW was the
> most disrespectful thing I've seen from a platform vendor. Everyone
> should assume that you need to use what is there by default, and
> always be ready with a