Re: [libreoffice-users] Measurement Units

2024-09-16 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Edwin,

Edwin Humphries schrieb am 15.09.2024 um 08:21:

Hi all

This is probably a really dumb question, but how do I change the image 
measurement units in Draw from inches to metric? Weirdly, they are 
already in metric in Word.

You are likely affected by bug 162467.

The fix should be contained in bug fix release 24.8.1. Do you have 
already the newest version?

In the meantime you can workaround the problem this way: In Tools > 
Options > Draw > General set the measure unit to something different 
than the desired one. Apply. Then set the measure unit to the desired 
one. Apply. OK.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: How to Change Hyperlink Color in Wrter

2024-09-15 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Geneva,

geneva schrieb am 15.09.2024 um 09:46:

Hello Team,

I hope you are all well.

Just asking how to change hyperlink color within Writer for all future 
document creations. I surveyed the application colors list, and found no 
option to change it.

Menu Tools > Options > LibreOffice > Application Colors.
Go to section "General". There you find the items "Unvisited links" and 
"Visited links".
Put the check box on the left ON, then select the desired color in the 
drop-down list at the right.
Finish the change with the "Apply" button at the bottom, otherwise you 
need to restart LibreOffice.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] How to move a Frame anchored to Page

2024-09-10 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi John,

John Kaufmann schrieb am 10.09.2024 um 17:41:

Hi Regina,

On 2024-09-10 06:26, Regina Henschel wrote:

John Kaufmann schrieb am 10.09.2024 um 08:28:

There are two ways to think about a Frame anchored to Page:
1) That its position is anchored relative to position on a page (for 
example, Top Center), any page.
2) That its position is anchored to a /particular/ page (but may be 
shifted on that page).

It is a common mistake to think, that positioning frame/image/shape 
relative to page needs the anchor "page". Therefore this option is now 

Writer seems to adopt the second sense, correct? That is, for example,
if anchored on page 20 of 24, the frame will remain with page 20 even 
if pages are inserted or deleted before page 20, correct?

Yes. And that use case is very, very seldom. I do not know any example.

Here is an example: A guidebook (for elections), which will probably be 
24 (or possibly 28) pages, containing seven /pairs/ of pages in which 
each pair addresses one topic that is best displayed at a glance -- that 
is, should be ideally on facing pages.

Then the first paragraph of the page has to specify a page break with 
the correct page style. For example the first paragraph of the left page 
of the pair defines a page break with page style "Left Page". Such 
paragraph could contain the topic of that section. The page style "Left 
Page" has set, that the following page has style "Right Page".

Then you anchor each frame (Why do you need frames?) to this paragraph. 
If you need a frame/image/shape on the right page, than the first 
paragraph of the right page needs an explicit page break with page style 
"Right Page". Then you can anchor the frame/image/shape to this paragraph.

You do this for all left/right pages pairs.

[Election officials have this document only for election day, a 16-hour 
day in which they need to be able to refer to the guidebook as occasions 
warrant. Therefore the document should be quickly consulted, and should 
lay out the issues with as much transparency and efficiency as possible. 
Thus the guidebook makes liberal use of page-anchored frames. (As 
currently laid out, those page pairs are 2-3, 6-7, 8-9, 12-13, 16-17, 
18-19, 22-23. Also, the front and back covers (first and last pages) 
have fixed content, so the page scope is fixed on 16 of the 24 (or 28) 
pages.) Changes in non-anchored content must not move the anchored 

As long as the paragraph to which the frame is anchored does not move to 
another page, the position will stay at that page and will not change 
inside that page. You do not want to anchor to page, but define position 
relative to page.

Perhaps the discussion would be easier, if you sent me such file.

Is that a fair use case?

So no, this is no use case, solution see above.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] How to move a Frame anchored to Page

2024-09-10 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi John,

John Kaufmann schrieb am 10.09.2024 um 08:28:

There are two ways to think about a Frame anchored to Page:i
1) That its position is anchored relative to position on a page (for 
example, Top Center), any page.
2) That its position is anchored to a /particular/ page (but may be 
shifted on that page).

It is a common mistake to think, that positioning frame/image/shape 
relative to page needs the anchor "page". Therefore this option is now 

Writer seems to adopt the second sense, correct? That is, for example,
if anchored on page 20 of 24, the frame will remain with page 20 even if 
pages are inserted or deleted before page 20, correct?

Yes. And that use case is very, very seldom. I do not know any example.

  In that case,
what is the recommended way to insert or delete pages of content before 
the Page-anchored Frame?

Do not use page-anchored Frames. Use anchor to paragraph or anchor to 
character. For positions relative to page you have the options in the 
right drop-down list in section "Position" of "Position and Size" page 
of the properties dialog.

If you really, really need anchor to page (Why?), then you need to adapt 
the anchor position. For that, do not try to move the object but switch 
to multi-page view and drag the anchor to the desired target page.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Keyboard pointer not mouse pointer

2024-07-28 Thread Regina Henschel

hi Brian,

Brian Quarterman schrieb am 28.07.2024 um 11:29:


Thanks to all that replied to my previous message.

Apologies I am new to this and mentioning pointer was obviously taken as the 
mouse pointer which is an OS setting.

I am looking for a way to make the “keyboard” insertion indicator, currently a 
faint vertical line, easier to see by changing the colour, shape or contrast.

For Windows it is a system setting. Type "Text cursor" in the search 
field of the settings. The "Text cursor" settings belong to the category 

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Forgotten password for Libre office Document(s)

2024-07-15 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Sara,

Šárka Horáková schrieb am 15.07.2024 um 15:47:


My problem is a forgotten password for documents in libre office. Each
document has its own password, but it is used the same password for all of
I just forgot it, is there any help you could give me?

Do you mean a password for encryption or a password for cell protection 
in Calc?

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Re: [libreoffice-users] vlookup help

2024-06-22 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi James,

James schrieb am 22.06.2024 um 22:12:

I am having trouble with vlookup.
I put a test file at:

The spreadsheet is:
One    $1    1%
Two    $2    2%
Three    $3    3%
current    $2    2%    #N/A

C4 contains =VLOOKUP(B4,B1:C3,2,0) which works.
D4 contains =VLOOKUP(C4,A1:C3,1,0) which displays #N/A but I want it to 
display whatever is in column A of the matching row.

"Two" in this case.

VLOOKUP cannot access a column that is before the left-most column of 
the lookup-range, and the left-most column of the lookup-range is always 
the column, where the value is searched.

Whatenever I change B4, D4 should display the matching row of column A/

This can be done with a combination of MATCH with OFFSET or a 
combination of MATCH with INDEX.

For the combination of MATCH with OFFSET you need to add a row of labels 
before your data.

  ColA colB ColC
Row1  labelA   labelB   labelC
Row2  One  $1   1%
Row3  Two  $2   2%
Row4  Three$3   3%
Row5  current  $2   see below

formula in cell C5
=OFFSET(A1; MATCH(B5;B2:B4;0);0)

A1 is the reference cell. To its position OFFSET adds the row difference 
and the column difference. MATCH returns 2. Thus the returned value is 
from cell column A+0, row 1+2, that is from cell A3.

For the combination of MATCH with INDEX you need no label row.
  ColA colB ColC
Row1  One  $1   1%
Row2  Two  $2   2%
Row3  Three$3   3%
Row4  current  $2   see below

formula in cell C4
= INDEX(A1:C3;MATCH(B4;B1:B3;0);1)
Index uses the position row|col whereby the left-top cell in the 
reference area A1:C3 has the position 1|1. Thus position 2|1 is the cell A2.

The upcoming version 24.8 will have a function XLOOKUP. With that 
function the lookup range and the return range are separated.

=XLOOKUP(B4; B1:B3; A1:A3)

(My parameter separator is a semicolon. You need to adapt the formulas 
to use your parameter separator.)

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Please your help to download

2024-06-21 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Jarek,

Jarek Krcmar schrieb am 21.06.2024 um 22:22:
Hello Libreoffice users, Today I found out that Libreoffice version 
24.2.4 is available. I want to download the portable version, but 
instead of the new version, I am offered an older version, namely 76.7. 
Could you please advise me which site should I visit to download the 
latest portable version? Regards

24.2.4 is too fresh, a portable version is not yet available. Currently 
you can get 24.2.3 as portable version.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Libreoffice Calc Enhancement Request

2024-06-15 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Curtis,

LibreOffice has named ranges, data ranges and scenarios. It is likely, 
that LibreOffice has already a suitable feature. To be able to help you 
finding a tool, you need to describe in more details what do you want to do.

Kind regards,

Curtis Tarazi schrieb am 15.06.2024 um 15:09:

Hello Libreoffice,

This email is not meant to complain, I am a user of your suite, and I love all 
the applications you can use, and that they are all free. I see all the effort 
that all the creators put in, and I love libre office. I recommend it to other 
people as well.

I use Libreoffice calc, and it is almost as good as excel. There is an 
important feature missing however that I would like to request that you add. In 
excel you can make tables, and they are the same throughout all the sheets. You 
can use them in drop down lists, and other stuff. It is a very useful feature, 
and it's the only thing I think is missing in calc that could make it better 
than excel.

So if you read this email, and even take it into consideration for the next 
update, I will grateful. I think many other users will be as well.

Thank you for the amazing office suite that you have provided us with for free.

Kind regrads and gratitude,

Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Error in Libre Office Calc for Windows

2024-05-28 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Ian,

OLIPHANT IAN schrieb am 28.05.2024 um 11:46:

To whom it may concern.
I wish to report an error in Libre Office Calc. I do not have a Bugzilla account nor do I have any intention of creating one.
The error is minor but inconvenient for me as I use the function quite a lot.
If I wish to delete a column in Libre Office Calc I select the column and right-click. I get presented with an options menu including keyboard shortcuts with the letter underlined.
The underlined letter for Delete Columns is the letter C. This is the same as the underlined letter for Cut.

You can use the shortcut Strg+X for "Cut" without menü.

If you press C a second time in the menu, the selection goes to "Delete".

Underline letters depend on language. Which flavor of English do you use?

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Re: [libreoffice-users] LO pptx-file cannot be opened in MS-Office

2024-05-02 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Harvey,

Harvey Nimmo schrieb am 30.04.2024 um 09:34:

Each month I have to prepare a contribution to a presentation.
I write my contribution in LO-Impress as .odp, save it and send it as
.pptx for a colleague to integrate it using MS-Office with other pptx.

This usually works well, but last month the colleague who does the pptx
integration could not open my file. Until last month the above
procedure worked well and failed in the last week of March.

Do you have a new LibreOffice version compared to the situation in February?

Is anyone able to put their finger on a possible cause/solution? >
I am using OpenSUSE Linux 15.5 with LO
Version: (X86_64) / LibreOffice Community
Build ID: 420(Build:2)
CPU threads: 2; OS: Linux 5.14; UI render: default; VCL: gtk3
Locale: en-GB (en_GB.UTF-8); UI: en-GB
Calc: threaded

You can try, whether the problem occurs too when using a LibreOffice 
7.6. Perhaps try it with a portable version.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Changing the user profile location

2024-04-10 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Eustace,

Eustace schrieb am 10.04.2024 um 11:51:
I would like to change the user profile from the AppData folder to the 
folder C:\\My Stuff\LibreOffice, where I moved the profile from another 
computer. How do I do this?

I know two ways to tell LibreOffice were the user profile is located: 
(1) Editing the file bootstrap.ini

(2) Call LibreOffice with a parameter
There might exist further ways.

The file bootstrap.ini is located in the programs folder in 
\LibreOffice\program. You can edited it with a simple editor. The file 
has a line like

In your case the entry needs to be

The %20 is for the space. BTW, you should not use folder names with 
spaces. If you need a distance for better readability, it is better to 
use an underscore instead of a space.

There exists some more $ variables. For example if you do not install 
LibreOffice in the programs folder but for example in the folder 
LibreOfficeTest, than with the setting

the user profile is created into the same folder as the program itself.

You do never start LibreOffice with double-click on a document or Open 
from context menu. In that case you can create a shortcut for 
LibreOffice e.g. on the Desktop. Such shortcut can contain the parameter 

To create a shortcut on the Desktop find the file soffice.exe in the 
programs folder in \LibreOffic\program. Right-click the file. The 
context menu has the item "Send to" and therein "Desktop (create 
shortcut)". On Windows 11 you need to extend the context menu with "Show 
more options".
Or you create the shortcut from "Create shortcut" and move it later to 
the target place.

When the shortcut is created, right-click it and use item 'Properties'. 
You will find a line "Target". It might have an entry like

"C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\program\soffice.exe"
After that text you add

The workflow is then to first start LibreOffice from this shortcut and 
then from inside LibreOffice open the documents.

The method (2) allows to use one LibreOffice installation with different 
user profiles, for example one with default English UI and one with 
customized toolbars or a different UI language.

Do not forget to make backups before you test any of these methods!

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Re: [libreoffice-users] e-mail to author of Libreoffice

2024-01-27 Thread Regina Henschel

Hello Jarek,

I cannot help for your concrete problem, but have three general hints:

There exists a special mailing list for accessibility: Low-volume discussions list 
specifically covering LibreOffice accessibility issues.

Digest subscription:

The TDF developer Michael Weghorn focuses on accessibility problems.
When you write a bug report, then make sure you have entered 
'accessibilty' in the 'Keywords:' field. He takes care of such bug reports.

You could ask as well on Ask:
Please use the tag 'accessibility' there in addition to other tags.

Kind regards,

Jarek.Krcmar schrieb am 27.01.2024 um 10:28:

Hello Libreoffice users,

I would like to write to libreoffice support because I have one problem 
that needs to be solved. In order to use Libreoffice, I have a screen 
reader installed. When I open a document saved in Libreoffice, it is 
read to me line by line, instead of to have it read to me from beginning 
to end. It's the same as if you only saw one line of text.Do you know a 
contact to the support of Libreoffice?

  Best regards


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Re: [libreoffice-users] resizing superscript/subscript

2024-01-21 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Jean-Louis,

Jean-Louis Oneto schrieb am 21.01.2024 um 17:20:

Hi, I would like to change the default relative size of superscript font. The 
default value of 58% is too small, a value around 70% or 80% would be better 
for my use. I know how to change that for one occurrence, but I need to change 
the default value, modifiing all the text already there. I expected I would be 
able to edit the corresponding style but I don't find the relevant one. Thanks 
a lot in advance, Jean-Louis Onetoemail :

In case you had beforehand created a character style for your settings 
and had superscript the characters by applying this character style, it 
would have been changing the value in the character style.

But from you description I guess, that you have used the icon in the 
toolbar or its short-cut Ctrl+Shift+P. In that case you can use the 
Find&Replace dialog from menu Edit.

Make a backup of your file before you try the following!

1. Set the cursor in the Find field in the Find&Replace dialog, but do 
not write anything.

2. Open the 'Other Options'.
3. Click on Attributes.
4. Select 'Position'.
5. Click on 'Format' in the Find&Replace dialog and make sure the 
settings in tab Position are the automatic ones. OK.
6. Back in Find&Replace dialog click on 'Find all'. You should get 
'found nn times' and the found characters are marked.

7. Set cursor in Replace field but do not write anything.
8. Check 'In selection only'.
9. Click on 'Format' and make your desired settings. OK.
10. Back in Find&Replace dialog click on 'Replace all'.

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[libreoffice-users] FYI: How to change the font in the Notes pane in the Presenter Console

2023-09-17 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi all,

I come across this problem and here is what I have found so far. (Hi 
experts, please correct me where I'm wrong.) Maybe it will help some of you.

Settings for the Presenter Console are available in
Tools > Options > LibreOffice > Advanced > Open Expert Configuration

Click on column header 'Preference Name'. That sorts the items 

Find the item org.openoffice.Office.PresenterScreen.

For example for using a different font in the Notes pane do this:
Expand PresenterScreen > Presenter > Themes > Theme_1 > ViewStyles > 
ViewStyle_2 > Font.

A double-click on an item opens an input dialog box to change the value.

I have tried e.g.
Style: Regular
FamilyName: Verdana

Size is available in the Presenter Console as + and -, no need to set it 

Changing the Color did not work for me. But you can change the color in 
the registrymodifications.xcu file, see below.

The settings for the Presenter Console are not in a special 
configuration file but in the registrymodifications.xcu file.

With above manipulations you get these entries there:

oor:path="/org.openoffice.Office.PresenterScreen/Presenter/Themes/org.openoffice.Office.PresenterScreen:PresenterTheme['Theme_1']/ViewStyles/org.openoffice.Office.PresenterScreen:ViewStyle['ViewStyle_2']/Font">oor:name="FamilyName" oor:op="fuse">Verdana

oor:path="/org.openoffice.Office.PresenterScreen/Presenter/Themes/org.openoffice.Office.PresenterScreen:PresenterTheme['Theme_1']/ViewStyles/org.openoffice.Office.PresenterScreen:ViewStyle['ViewStyle_2']/Font">oor:name="Style" oor:op="fuse">Regular

To set the font color for the Notes pane to White, you can add this item:
oor:path="/org.openoffice.Office.PresenterScreen/Presenter/Themes/org.openoffice.Office.PresenterScreen:PresenterTheme['Theme_1']/ViewStyles/org.openoffice.Office.PresenterScreen:ViewStyle['ViewStyle_2']/Font">oor:name="Color" oor:op="fuse">FF

Do not forget to make a backup of the registrymodifications.xcu file 
before you edit it!

The description of the properties is in
The default values for the properties are in

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Bump -> Rotated text on Line object?

2023-09-12 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi "bunk3m",

do not use an ordinary line but a straight connector.

Kind regards,

bunk3m schrieb am 12.09.2023 um 14:29:

Hello all,

As my message appears to have become lost, I am asking again.

I need some help figuring out how to format text on a line.

Is it possible to have text horizontal while the line drawn is at an 
angle?  If yes, how?

More details below.

Using LO 7.6 Draw on Mac.

I have a chart with many text boxes that have text centred inside. The 
boxes have an outline.

To show "flow" from one box to the next I have joined the boxes with 
lines with arrows.

When you double click the arrow line you can add text to the arrow line 
object.  This is great however the text for the line object ends up 
aligned ALONG the line.  So if the line is at 45 deg, the text is at 45 

To make the text easier to read the text, I'd like the text to be at 
aligned in the reading direction ie. horizontal Something like my line 
art diagram below


Is this is even possible?  If yes, where is the formatting command?  If 
no, I'll add an enhancement request.

Thanks in advance.

PS I'm on digest mode. Please reply to list and cc me directly

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Labels and Business Cards: where are user definitions stored?

2023-09-07 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi John,

John Kaufmann schrieb am 07.09.2023 um 05:33:
Under Writer, Labels and Business Cards are substantially identical 
functions: a page array of frames (optionally linked?) to serve as 
containers for printable data (text or images). [For labels, the data 
are typically (though not necessarily) entered via fields defined from a 
database.] Though these forms might be regarded as templates, they are 
not under the Templates manager. For several reasons, it would be nice 
to manage them more effectively, as a forms library. I would elaborate 
the reasons, but don't want to lengthen this post before getting to some 
basic information, like: Where are these definitions stored?

When you save them with "Save" on the "Format" tab of the wizard, you 
get a node in the registrymodifications.xcu






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Re: [libreoffice-users] Remove Standard Toolbar

2023-09-03 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi John,

John Jason Jordan schrieb am 03.09.2023 um 05:59:

LibreOffice: LibreOffice Community
Ubuntu package community

I regularly use Writer, but seldom any other part of the package. When
I use Writer I want as much vertical space on the screen as possible,


It's trivial to click and remove the Standard toolbar, but a few minutes
later it pops back up again. It also presents itself with every new
document and every time I open a document.

How can I permanently nuke this annoyance?

I would not try to remove or disable the "Standard" toolbar. But I would 
use it as "custom" toolbar. I would change its content so, that it only 
contains the icons you really need.

When you want a lot of vertical place for the document, then working 
with the sidebar will help. It contains already most of the things you 
might need. So only a few icons will be needed in the "Standard" 
toolbar, so that all of them will be visible when the toolbar is placed 
right or left of the edit window.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Split window on top of each other in Word 07-2003 from LibreOffice

2023-07-16 Thread Regina Henschel


Rainer Zielke schrieb am 16.07.2023 um 14:30:

*Dear Sir,*

*dear members of the mailing-list,*

*I would like to split the window on top of the other in order to be able
to edit 2 parts of the same document in parallel. Can you explain me how to
do it?*

Open the document. In menu "Window" item "New Window". Now the document 
is shown in two windows. Set the two windows to be not full screen. Then 
drag and resize them to the desired position.

The document is not doubled, but it is the same document. Changes made 
in one window exist in the other window as well.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Help please with multipage document.

2023-07-06 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Budge,

Budge schrieb am 06.07.2023 um 17:15:
I have downloaded a document from the VistitBritain/VisitEngland website 
which is in which is in a Windows 2007 .docx format.
When I open the document it LibreOffice Writer it opens to show 7 pages 
all at once and showing in the same window.

How may I break this down into individual pages within the document 
please so I may work on each page and then page down?

You can decide, whether to show bottom/top margins and a little distance 
between the pager or to show a continues text without bottom/top 
margins. That setting is in menu View > item Whitespace.

Further have a look at the right side of the status bar. There are the 
icons "Single page view", "Multi-page view" and "Book view". They 
determine how the pages are arranged in the working area.

When you click on the percent value of the zoom field in the status bar 
a dialog opens. There you can select between often used presets, e.g. 
"Fit width and height".

In all cases you come to the next page by scrolling of you use the PgUp 
and PgDn keys. If you want to jump to a specific page you can enter the 
page number in the Navigator in the side bar or use the shortcut Strg+G 
and enter the target page name there.

The text is a continues text and page breaks are calculated dynamically. 
Microsoft Word works the same way. That makes office suites different 
from desktop publishing applications.

Hope somebody can help me with this as I have never seen this format 

I hope when you play around with the settings you can solve your 
problem. If not, please make a screenshot available. You cannot attach 
it to the mail. Attachments are automatically removed for this mailing list.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Cutting a block of multi page text

2023-04-23 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Chris

Chris J. schrieb am 23.04.2023 um 20:08:


This would seem to be a common thing to do for a writer. I'm missing it.

I'm in LO Write. I need to cut a multi-page block of text between two 
bookmarks, save it and insert the text in a different chapter. The 
insert is easy part. >

How do I cut a block of text between two bookmarks without dragging the 
cursor over it?

I don't know a way to mark a part between bookmarks. But for selecting a 
large portion of text do this:

1. Set cursor at start of text part.
2. The status bar has a field for type of selection. Click on it and 
select "Extending Selection".

3. Set cursor at end of text part.
4. Cut/Copy the now marked text part.
5. Set type of selection back to "Standard Selection" in the status bar.
6. Do what you want with the clipboard.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Combining vertical text direction of page with ‘right-to-left’ text direction of a table

2023-04-11 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Eyal,

Eyal Rozenberg schrieb am 11.04.2023 um 11:59:
Anyway, with this being the state of affairs, I do not even know how the 
ODF spec _expects_ Vertical LTR or RTL text to be rendered - if at all. 
If you can point us to what it says about this, perhaps I could fully 

Text direction of the page and text direction of the table are both 
written with attribute style:writing-mode in the file markup. That is 
specified in 20.404 style:writing-mode in part 3.
The meaning is not directly specified in ODF but by reference to §7.27.7 
of [XSL]. That is

For rl-tb (RTL) XSL has: "Inline components and text within a line are 
written right-to-left. Lines and blocks are placed top-to-bottom."
For tb-rl (Asian, 'right-to-left (vertical)' in UI) XSL has: "Inline 
components and text within a line are written top-to-bottom. Lines and 
blocks are placed right-to-left."
And for use with tables it has: "Table-rows use the 
block-progression-direction as the row-stacking direction. The 
inline-progression-direction is used to determine the stacking direction 
for columns (and cell order within the row)."

If you take that literally, you would get a horizontal table on a 
vertical page, if the page is set to "right-to-left (vertical)" and the 
table to "right-to-left (RTL)".

But LibreOffice does not render it that way. Therefore my question 
whether the way LibreOffice renders it, is actually used. Or to be more 
specific: Do you use tables, were the origin of the table is 
bottom-right, the columns are stacked bottom-to-top and the rows are 
stacked from right-to-left?

Kind regards,

Hello Regina,

First, note that very few active RTL users are subscribed to the users' 
mailing list; at least - to my knowledge. For discussions of RTL 
considerations, it is often more useful to try:

Telegram Group "LibreOffice RTL"
Matrix room

(these are now all bridged together.)

Second (and again not answering your questions...) let let me give some 
context info.

To the best om my understanding, the "RTL Vertical" and "LTR Vertical" 
exist to accommodate CJK scripts in which the glyphs appear in columns, 
and RTL/LTR is about the order of the columns of glyphs. i.e. the 
vertical axis is minor and the horizontal is major. I am not aware of 
proper-RTL scripts in which glyphs are written from top to bottom.

An exception could be those RTL scripts which have common non-connected 
forms (Hebrew, N'Ko, Mende), where some vertical billboards can in 
theory show one glyph after another in vertical order. This is extremely 
rare for the case of Hebrew, and will certainly not be used for anything 
that's multi-line. I don't know people from Western Africa, so in theory 
they could have that. In Arabic and related scripts I am assuming - 
based on some, but partial, knowledge - that this is considered irrelevant.

It is more common however - but still rare - for RTL text to be rotated, 
so that the glyphs progress horizontally in their own coordinate system, 
but vertically in the page's coordinate system. This is what you get if 
you set the Text Direction to "Right-to-Left (Vertical)" in LO Writer. I 
actually believe that this is an inappropriate state of affairs, because 
in CJK, the glyphs are _not_ rotated in Vertical text direction. I would 
have filed a bug about this, but actually I just tried this today for 
the first time, since the vertical text direction is not offered for RTL 
unless you also enable CJK languages...

Anyway, with this being the state of affairs, I do not even know how the 
ODF spec _expects_ Vertical LTR or RTL text to be rendered - if at all. 
If you can point us to what it says about this, perhaps I could fully 

I will say, though, that in principle there is no reason why a CJK 
vertical-direction page of text cannot have a table with Hebrew or 
Arabic text. For example, a public space sign in an Asian country's 
airport might have vertical-direction progression and a small 
translation table of terms containing RTL text.

But I don't think that the RTL'ness itself is the real issue here, 
because almost all of the problems such situations present would also 
face us with LTR text.


Hi all,

I’m on working to specify the property “style:writing-mode” for ODF. 
That property is called “text direction” in the UI of LibreOffice.

A page in a text document has the setting “Text direction” in section 
“Paper Format” on tab “Page” of the “Page Style” dialog. Possible 
values are

Left-to-right (horizontal)
Right-to-left (horizontal)
Right-to-left (vertical)
Left-to-right (vertical)

A table has the setting “Text direction” in section “Properties” on 
tab “Table” in “Table Properties” dialog. Possible values are

Left-to-right (LTR)
Right-to-left (RTL)
Use superordinate object settings


Re: [libreoffice-users] Combining vertical text direction of page with ‘right-to-left’ text direction of a table

2023-04-10 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Dave,

Dave Howorth schrieb am 10.04.2023 um 21:46:

On Mon, 10 Apr 2023 18:38:18 +0200
Regina Henschel  wrote:

Hi all,

I’m on working to specify the property “style:writing-mode” for ODF.
That property is called “text direction” in the UI of LibreOffice.

A page in a text document has the setting “Text direction” in section
“Paper Format” on tab “Page” of the “Page Style” dialog. Possible
values are Left-to-right (horizontal)
Right-to-left (horizontal)
Right-to-left (vertical)
Left-to-right (vertical)

That doesn't sound very sensible. What if I'm writing a document that
includes text in an L-R language as well as text in an R-L language?
(both horizontal). Maybe one included as a quote in the other?

Mixing the horizontal LTR and RTL directions is no problem. There exists 
the bidi-algorithm of UNICODE, which specifies how to do that inside a 
paragraph and the writing-mode attribute of the paragraph to mix LTR and 
RTL paragraphs. LibreOffice follows the bidi-algorithm and has means to 
change direction of paragraphs. You might not have seen the options, 
because you need to enable "Complex text layout" in the language 
settings in the options.

The problem for specification is, when the page text direction and the 
table direction are orthogonal to each other.

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[libreoffice-users] Combining vertical text direction of page with ‘right-to-left’ text direction of a table

2023-04-10 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi all,

I’m on working to specify the property “style:writing-mode” for ODF. 
That property is called “text direction” in the UI of LibreOffice.

A page in a text document has the setting “Text direction” in section 
“Paper Format” on tab “Page” of the “Page Style” dialog. Possible values are

Left-to-right (horizontal)
Right-to-left (horizontal)
Right-to-left (vertical)
Left-to-right (vertical)

A table has the setting “Text direction” in section “Properties” on tab 
“Table” in “Table Properties” dialog. Possible values are

Left-to-right (LTR)
Right-to-left (RTL)
Use superordinate object settings

LibreOffice can combine a vertical text direction at the page with RTL 
text direction of the table.

Are such combinations actually used in documents?
Does LibreOffice render the texts in the way users need it?
What is the intended behavior of such combinations?

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Function acting on range

2023-03-16 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Michael,

Michael D. Setzer II schrieb am 16.03.2023 um 22:45:

On 16 Mar 2023 at 18:22, ady wrote:

Date sent:Thu, 16 Mar 2023 18:22:56 -0300
Subject:Re: [libreoffice-users] Function acting on

Hi Regina,

But you can use {=AVERAGE({ABS($Sheet1.B1:$Sheet1.B30)} for example.

Besides the typo, for that to work it would need to be all in the same
worksheet, which is contrary to the initial setup.

ISTM that using SUM() and COUNT() would be simpler, if the data is
already with the layout as described, in multiple sheets.

Don't see how just using SUM() and COUNT() would

Sum() and Count() work an ranges which include several sheets. So if you 
did not need Abs(), then Sum()/Count() would give the average.

Therefore the problem here is, that Steve needs the Abs() function, for 
what ever reason.

Unfortunately Sumif() does neither work on ranges over several sheets. 
So the solution
(Sumif(myRange;">0")-Sumif(myRange;"<0")/Count(myRange) will not work, 
if myRange goes over several sheets.

Inside one sheet there is no problem with abs or sumif using ranges.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Function acting on range

2023-03-16 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Steve,

Steve Edmonds schrieb am 16.03.2023 um 21:37:

On 16/03/2023 23:12, Regina Henschel wrote:

Hi Steve,

Steve Edmonds schrieb am 16.03.2023 um 01:13:
Hi, on the off chance I will be pleasantly surprised, can a function 
act on a range.

i.e can I do something like =AVERAGE(ABS($Sheet1.B28:$Sheet19.B28)) 
to average the absolute value of the numbers in the range.
The above seems to return only the last value of the range. I can 
achieve this with an intermediate column on every sheet.

Enter it as array-function. That is using "Ctrl-Shift-Enter" instead 
of "Enter" or mark the "Array" checkbox in the Function Wizard.

Kind regards,

Do you mean like {=AVERAGE(ABS($Sheet1.B30:$Sheet19.B30) )} as this 
gives a 504 error and =AVERAGE({ABS($Sheet1.B30:$Sheet19.B30)} ) and 
{=AVERAGE({ABS($Sheet1.B30:$Sheet19.B30)} )} both give a 539 error.

My fault. I now see, that you have a range over several sheets. That is 
not possible with array-function.

But you can use {=AVERAGE({ABS($Sheet1.B1:$Sheet1.B30)} for example.

The problem is the ABS function. Otherwise a simple
would work.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Function acting on range

2023-03-16 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Steve,

Steve Edmonds schrieb am 16.03.2023 um 01:13:
Hi, on the off chance I will be pleasantly surprised, can a function act 
on a range.

i.e can I do something like =AVERAGE(ABS($Sheet1.B28:$Sheet19.B28)) to 
average the absolute value of the numbers in the range.
The above seems to return only the last value of the range. I can 
achieve this with an intermediate column on every sheet.

Enter it as array-function. That is using "Ctrl-Shift-Enter" instead of 
"Enter" or mark the "Array" checkbox in the Function Wizard.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] IBM Line Drawing Font

2023-03-03 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi John,

John R. Sowden schrieb am 03.03.2023 um 21:23:
What is the name and location of a monospace font that includes the IBM 
line drawing set.

What is a "IBM line drawing set"? If that are some proprietary glyphs, 
you should not use them. Reader, who do not have the font, will not be 
able to read you document. Instead look at the Unicode charts, whether 
such symbols are included in Unicode and then look for a font, which 
covers that range.

Have a look at
Do you look for such characters?
If yes then "DejaVu Sans Mono" will likely work for you.

  I used it a lot for forms in WordStar/DOS and I want

to continue in LibreOffice.

If it is so old, then it is likely a bitmap font and LibreOffice cannot 
use it.

How do I install it?

That is outside of LibreOffice. Installing a font is done on level of 
your operating system. On Windows you will find "Install" in the context 
menu of the font file, for example.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Libre Office version (x64)

2023-02-23 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Jim,

Jim hebert schrieb am 23.02.2023 um 23:28:

One month ago I purchased a new Acer Predator Helios 300 PH317-55-59J9
laptop with Windows 11 Home. Libre Writer crashes many times and causes me
to lose all my work. While I am working the program locks up. I can not
highlight anything, I can't type anything. I can't close the page. The only
thing that works is the cursor. I can move it freely. After about a minute
of being locked, the screen goes blank. I then re-open another session and
a recovery prompt appears and I click it and it restores the page but all
of the fresh work I did is not there. I have an older laptop with the same
version of Libre Office and it crashes occasionally but not near as much as
on this new laptop. Also when it does a recovery on the older Acer Aspire 5
laptop, I don't lose any of my work. That makes it a lot less frustrating.
I have contacted Acer support and they had me do a command prompt with
administrative privileges  (sfc /scannow) and I also deleted Norton
anti-virus which I thought may have been using too much memory, but nothing
seemed to help. I don't know if it is a Windows 11 problem, a Laptop
problem or a Libre Office problem.

Try to use LibreOffice with disabled 'Skia'. That is in Tools > Options 
> LibreOffice > View. Is LibreOffice then more stable?

Or there is a problem with the NVIDIA graphic card. Some of our experts 
will likely know how to test that.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] hyphenation

2022-12-15 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Chis,

Chris J. schrieb am 15.12.2022 um 19:20:


I likely know the answer to this. I'm looking for verification or a 
better answer.

The only hyphenation ability in LO Write I'm seeing is for word 
splitting and end of a line.

What I'd really like is help with compound adjectives. Does anything 
like that exist in LO Writer?

It is likely that you use the wrong kind of hyphen. Please try menu 
Insert > Formatting Mark > Insert non-breaken hyphen.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Position references

2022-10-25 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Harald,

Harald Berger schrieb am 25.10.2022 um 12:57:

Hi Susanne and Regina,

in this post there is already a sketch by Mike Kaganski (is not so old 

Would that be usable?

I think it is not directly usable. You would need to explain e.g. that 
Gutter (which is missing in the image) + 1 + 4 + 6 is the area called 
"Left of page text area". For purpose of positing it is better to 
explain, that the solid gray line, which you see when "Formatting Marks" 
are "on", is the edge of the "page text area".

Of cause the sketch by Mike is value in itself to explain the settings, 
which influence page layout. Such info should be transferred to the 
WIKI, but is a topic of its own.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Position references

2022-10-25 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Harald, hi Susanne, schrieb am 25.10.2022 um 09:53:

Hello Susanne and Regina,

if you like I can put it in the wiki (incl. rework).

Susanne I would then send you a document template for the wiki text that 
I always use.

I have not read the topic very intensively now, but it is very 
interesting in any case.

I like the idea of having such Information in the Wiki. Ideally it would 
start with an English version, which can then be translated. In images 
the distances could be marked with A, B, C... so that it is not 
necessary to make new images for each language.

The topic needs indeed explanation, but is too large to put a detailed 
description into the user guide.

Kind regards

Kind regards

Am 25.10.2022 um 08:10 schrieb Susanne LO:

Hallo Regina,

Did you sent John such a document?
I will create a document for our german users with examples for the 
lot of positions. And explain it.

Where can i publish ist for the community?

And: in LO 7.4.1 the is no reference to page in the context menu, only 
wehen i use properties.


Susanne Mohn

Am 15.10.2022 um 21:57 schrieb Regina Henschel 

Hi John,

John Kaufmann schrieb am 15.10.2022 um 19:45:

Anchoring an entity (frame, box, image, ...) is done with respect to
position references:
 Paragraph area
 Paragraph text area
 Left paragraph border
 Right paragraph border
 Left page border
 Right page border
 Entire page
 Page text area

Please use a current daily build. The wording has changed.

"Entire page" = "Left of page text area" + "Page text area" + "Right of
page text area".

"Entire paragraph area" = "Left of paragraph text area" + "Paragraph
text area" + "Right of paragraph text area".

The "Left of page text area" is the sum of "Gutter" (if left) + "left
page margin" + "page border left" + "page padding left" as set in the
page properties dialog.

The "Left of paragraph text area" is the sum of "Indent before" +
"paragraph border" + "paragraph padding" as set in the paragraph
properties dialog.

Notice, that the column distance is not included in the "Entire
paragraph area".

Left, Center and Right use areas as reference.
"From left" takes the left edge of the area as reference line.

You should insert a small image and test the various positions.

In general the preview illustration describes it correctly. But some
bugs exist.

When using anchor "to character" you get some additional references.
Anchor "as character" has its own set of references. For testing these
anchors use a large font size, a line with different font sizes, a large
line spacing and a small image.

I'll sent you a document with some lines to indicate the horizontal
areas. In addition I will sent you an older document which I have
created for the ODF TC. Describing the reference areas is still a not
solved task in the ODF TC. A problem in all that descriptions is that
common using of terms like "margin" and "border" does not correspond to
the technical attributes "fo:margin" and "fo:border".

It would be really good to get a document with all that reference areas
and lines explained. I do not mean a technical one with ODF attributes
but a document for users about the kind of positioning possible in

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Position references

2022-10-15 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi John,

John Kaufmann schrieb am 15.10.2022 um 19:45:

Anchoring an entity (frame, box, image, ...) is done with respect to 
position references:

     Paragraph area
     Paragraph text area
     Left paragraph border
     Right paragraph border
     Left page border
     Right page border
     Entire page
     Page text area

Please use a current daily build. The wording has changed.

"Entire page" = "Left of page text area" + "Page text area" + "Right of 
page text area".

"Entire paragraph area" = "Left of paragraph text area" + "Paragraph 
text area" + "Right of paragraph text area".

The "Left of page text area" is the sum of "Gutter" (if left) + "left 
page margin" + "page border left" + "page padding left" as set in the 
page properties dialog.

The "Left of paragraph text area" is the sum of "Indent before" + 
"paragraph border" + "paragraph padding" as set in the paragraph 
properties dialog.

Notice, that the column distance is not included in the "Entire 
paragraph area".

Left, Center and Right use areas as reference.
"From left" takes the left edge of the area as reference line.

You should insert a small image and test the various positions.

In general the preview illustration describes it correctly. But some 
bugs exist.

When using anchor "to character" you get some additional references. 
Anchor "as character" has its own set of references. For testing these 
anchors use a large font size, a line with different font sizes, a large 
line spacing and a small image.

I'll sent you a document with some lines to indicate the horizontal 
areas. In addition I will sent you an older document which I have 
created for the ODF TC. Describing the reference areas is still a not 
solved task in the ODF TC. A problem in all that descriptions is that 
common using of terms like "margin" and "border" does not correspond to 
the technical attributes "fo:margin" and "fo:border".

It would be really good to get a document with all that reference areas 
and lines explained. I do not mean a technical one with ODF attributes 
but a document for users about the kind of positioning possible in 

Kind regards

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Bug report in calc, V.7.4

2022-08-28 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Matthias,

Matthias Lammer schrieb am 29.08.2022 um 00:24:

Dear LibreOffice team,

I want to file a very severe bug as follows:

I create a simple function in Basic:

Function myAdd(x, y, z)
   myAdd = x + y + z
End Function

Then I can call it as usual with =myAdd(...). Next, I want to update 
myAdd to subtract the values, I end up with:

Function myAdd(x, y, z)
   myAdd = x - y - z
End Function

I save my changes and press F9 for recalculation

That will not work. Neither any of the cells referenced as parameter nor 
the formula in the cell has changed. So F9 will not detect any change.

 but Calc still gives me

the value for the adding up the 3 values.

You need to use a 'Recalculate Hard' in this case, that is Strg+Shift+F9.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] "reverse solidus" not working in the find dialog box

2022-08-15 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Thomas,

and another try:
In the 'Find' field call the context menu. That is a right click or 
Context-menu key on the key board. Choose 'Special Character'. The 
Reverse Solidus is at code point U+5c. That is is group "Basic Latin".

I don't know whether a Japanese LibreOffice has a shortcut for the 
'Special Character' dialog. In an English LibreOffice it would be 

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Re: [libreoffice-users] "reverse solidus" not working in the find dialog box

2022-08-15 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Thomas,

Thomas Blasejewicz schrieb am 15.08.2022 um 17:02:

On 2022/08/15 19:07, Regina Henschel wrote:

Hi Thomas,


Are you sure \ is not on your keyboard? If I switch to a Japanese 
keyboard layout, I see a \ as left most key in the lower row and as 
right most key in the middle row.

You can install an additional language in Windows and then you can 
switch the keyboard layout.

Kind regards

Good evening
and I thank everybody for their help.
* Yes, my KB does have a backslash. But pressing it (no matter what KB 
layout it use) ALWAYS produces a \. They are supposed to be identical. > * I thought about inserting a backslash via symbols, but that alsow

produces a \; in the Find dialog it does not work.

You mean, your get a \ in a text document, but copy&paste it to the 
'Find' or to the 'Replace' field does not work?

* Neither does copying the "tab portion" from any piece of text.

That cannot work. You need to use \t in the 'Replace' field.

* I do not use Linux, so those commands do not help me.
* This operation apparently does not work in a text editor either.
* I thought about replacing "space[" with something like "spacekk" (with 
or without the space). THAT does not work either.

* I just tried to find simply "[" (without the quotes).
* Unchecking "Regular expressions" DOES find the brackets, but then 
inserts "\t[" (where the \ is a backslash). But that is not what I want 
.. and not helpful.

Does this really have to be so difficult?

I have no problem with the Find&Replace dialog.

Please try to use the English UI of Windows. Outside of LibreOffice go 
to Settings > Time and Language > Language.
If you not have done it already install "English (United States)". 
Restart Windows.
Again in Settings > Time and Language > Language in the field "Windows 
display language" select "English (Unites States)". Restart Windows.

Now try again the Find&Replace dialog in LibreOffice.

To replace a space followed by [ with a tab you need, with 'Regular 
Expression' checked, in the 'Find' field (before the \ is a space):


and in the 'Replace' field

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Re: [libreoffice-users] "reverse solidus" not working in the find dialog box

2022-08-15 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Thomas,


Are you sure \ is not on your keyboard? If I switch to a Japanese 
keyboard layout, I see a \ as left most key in the lower row and as 
right most key in the middle row.

You can install an additional language in Windows and then you can 
switch the keyboard layout.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] "reverse solidus" not working in the find dialog box

2022-08-15 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Thomas,

Thomas Blasejewicz schrieb am 15.08.2022 um 09:04:

Good afternoon from Japan
Actually, I have asked about this in 2018 and a number of things were 

Unfortunately none did solve the problem.
I have a long file with about 3,500 lines (each line = item) looking like:
HKES    良知良能 [りょうちりょうのう] /(n) xx/

where I would like to replace the "space[" and "]space" with tabs
so that I can import the file into Calc.

However, working with Japanese Windows 10, Japanese keyboard etc. 
NOTHING I tried so far
allowed me to enter a \t (=> THIS is supposed to be a backslash) as a 
regular expression, telling

the computer to replace the space[ with a tab.

Is there a trick telling the computer to replace any key sequence with a 

Because [ and ] are part of the syntax of a regular expression, you need 
to use \u005b and \u005d instead.
If the \ is not available on your keyboard, you can insert it in a text 
document in Writer by using the character map. It is at decimal 92. Then 
bring it to the dialog via copy&paste.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] export data from Calc, import to Base

2022-08-08 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Harvey,

my answer is older and I have not checked, whether the methods still 
work, but perhaps you try it?

Kind regards

Harvey Nimmo schrieb am 08.08.2022 um 21:16:

Dear formum,

I believe my objective should be rather simple, but I need to be
pointed in the right direction.

I have a column of text data (unique values) in Calc that I want to
transfer to a Base table. The Base table has been set up with three
columns, two of which I expect to remain empty after the data import.
The one column of unique values will be the primary key.

I thought that the best way to implement the data transfer would be to
create a .csv file from the column of data, but I need help to find out
how Calc supports this. Can anyone help? One idea I had, was to copy
the data column (which contains more than 7000 values, incidentally) to
a text file. Unfortunately, I do not understand enough about regular
expressions to add two commas before each linefeed. Help there would be

(For completeness, the Base Table is a front end to a backend Mysql
database, and I expect the import to be done using phpMyAdmin)


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Re: [libreoffice-users] No local help and limited Tools/Options screen -

2022-05-05 Thread Regina Henschel


In regard to the offline help: Are you sure the offline help files are 
at the correct location? There is an explicit warning to install the 
help into the same folder as the main program on Windows. But I don't 
know what the correct location is for Linux. Perhaps you download the 
offline help files again, de-install the old one and install the new and 
carefully read the texts.

The offline help should be shown in your default browser.

Kind regards,
Regina schrieb am 05.05.2022 um 13:50:

I upgraded to LibreOffice_7.3.2.2 using Linux deb but have no built-in 
help. F1 produces neither help nor an error message.  I have a help 
directory and beneath that files plus en-US and media directories.

Additionally, I have limited choices on the Tools/Options screen.  While 
I can access settings for LibreOffice, I cannot access:

  * Load/Save
  * Language Settings
  * LibreOffice Calc
  * LibreOffice Base
  * Charts
  * Internet

I've been using a much older LibreOffice version but had local help and 
could access everything listed above.  Thoughts?

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Using the Gallery - removing the descriptive text

2022-04-25 Thread Regina Henschel

Dave Barton schrieb am 25.04.2022 um 20:07:

On 25/04/2022 17:18, wrote:

Hi Dave, Regina, John,

see below, as already mentioned in my last e-mail:

Am 25.04.2022 um 17:18 schrieb Dave Barton:

the PNG graphic cannot be directly edited from within LO.

Right-click on the inserted object (bracket) and then select "Break".
The text can now be edited.

Kind regards


Kind Regards


Look into the source code and you will see that the gallery flowcharts
in Writer are PNG bitmaps and in Draw they are metafile vectors, which
is the reason break works in  Draw (a vector graphics module), but does
not in Writer.

I have tested it with version 7.3.2 and version 7.4, both on Windows. 
The items "left brace" and "right brace" are surely shapes. Drag them 
from the Gallery to a Writer document. You can even use their handles.

What version of LO do you use? Might it be, that a Linux distributor 
packs a different version of the Gallery theme?

Kind regards,

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Using the Gallery - removing the descriptive text

2022-04-25 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Dave,

Dave Barton schrieb am 25.04.2022 um 17:18:

On 25/04/2022 09:25, Regina Henschel wrote:
Hi Regina,

I think the two PNG graphics in the Writer Gallery John is referring to
are left and right curly braces.

Left and right curly braces are no PNG graphics but true shapes. Only 
'Insert' from the context menu in the Gallery inserts it as image. If 
you drag&drop it from the Gallery to your document you get it as shape 
with editable text.

"Writer Gallery"
The Gallery is not specific to a module, but common to all modules.

 Both have the word "Callout" ("attached

descriptive text") drawn within the bitmap image, not editable text.

See above. It seems the difference needs to be added to "Inserting 
Objects From the Gallery" to the help.

The F2 text addition facility you describe works for the Draw Gallery,
but not for the Writer Gallery and in both cases the word "Callout" in
the PNG graphic cannot be directly edited from within LO.

F2 is one of the method to set a shape into edit mode. It is a tool on 
the already inserted shape, not a tool of the Gallery.

Double-click is the other method to set a shape into edit mode.

But it would indeed be good to have "Edit shape text" in the context 
menu. Neither F2 nor double-click is known to users, which come from MS 
Office. There it is single-click on the text or 'Edit text' in the 
context menu.

If I have understood John's original request correctly, "Insert -> Shape
-> Symbol Shapes" -> "Left Brace" or "Right Brace", then anchor,
position and size should satisfy his requirements.

It is the same kind of shape in the Gallery and in the toolbar. Only 
that the Gallery gives a hint to the user, that it is possible to add 
text to the shape.

Kind regards,

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Using the Gallery - removing the descriptive text

2022-04-25 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi John,

John Kaufmann schrieb am 25.04.2022 um 17:37:

I'm sure there's a lot of history behind why those two approaches 
coexist, apparently independently.

An ancestor of LibreOffice is StarOffice from about 1997, which has 
already a Gallery. So indeed, it has a long history.

 Are they in fact independent?

The dependencies have decreased significantly, but there are still 
pieces of code that use the Gallery. There are parts in the Gallery, 
which are hidden from the user as long as you do not set a special 
environment variable, but used by the code.

 Is this
a case where one would prune/rationalize the tools to a common base 
(maybe with multiple entry points in the user interface) if time 
allowed, or is there a positive benefit from maintaining both the Shapes 
menu and the Gallery as separate graphics libraries?

You need both, the Gallery and the shapes in the Drawing toolbar.

The Gallery is a kind of library. One purpose of the Gallery was to 
provide clip-arts, background images and sound. That was necessary in 
times where you cannot get such things free or with suitable licenses 
from the Web.

The Gallery allows the user to collect personal shapes, images and other 
media. The gallery is a convenient way to make drawing objects created 
with Draw available to the other modules and retain them for a longer 
period of time, independent of a particular document. That has always 
been a purpose of the Gallery.

A second aspect is, that you can get a lot of ready-to-use Gallery 
themes for special interests. And we hope that users share their shape 
collections. See for example[]=49

The shapes in the Drawing toolbar are special because they have code 
associated, which can convert them to other file formats. Import/Export 
with binary MS Office formats (doc, ppt) works well. Exchange with OOXML 
formats (pptx, docx) works well for those shapes, which have a directly 
corresponding shape in the OOXML standard. Most of the shapes in the 
Drawing toolbar are of that kind.

 If the latter, how

do you decide where to add a new graphic or collection of graphics?

If special code is associated, they are in the Drawing toolbar. Shapes 
were Design-team think they are useful for lot of users go to the 
Gallery. The content of the Gallery has changed over time. The content 
is subject to fashion. But you can still get older Gallery themes, in 
case you miss something which exists in earlier versions.

Kind regards,

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Using the Gallery - removing the descriptive text

2022-04-25 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi John,

Additions: Inside a group the short F2 might not work to bring the 
object in edit mode. Try double-click on the text.

Kind regards,

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Using the Gallery - removing the descriptive text

2022-04-25 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi John,

John Kaufmann schrieb am 24.04.2022 um 14:52:
In years of using OO/LO (now @, I have never been interested in 
the Gallery of multimedia objects. Now I have an application for it, and 
can't see how to execute a simple inclusion of a graphic without its 
attached descriptive text.

Do you mean the text, which is included in shapes of theme "Flow chart"? 
Insert the object and mark it. Then press key F2 to enter edit mode. Now 
you can delete the text with backspace key. Some of the objects in the 
"Flow chart" gallery theme are groups. In that case you first need to 
enter the group (see item in context menu) and then you can select the 
object, which actually has the text.

If you do not mean the above, please describe in more detail, what you 
mean with "attached descriptive text".

Kind regards,

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Re: [libreoffice-users] lines and movement with arrow keys

2022-03-09 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Carl,

Carl Paulsen schrieb am 09.03.2022 um 23:00:
I have inserted a line into a text document and have a few questions. 
First, I need to make sure it is horizontal.

Press the Shift-key while creating the line. Then it is horizontal.

Or use Ctrl + Click on icon. That inserts a default line in the middle 
of the window. That one is horizontal too.

  Is there a way to ensure
it is perfectly horizontal and won't print with the offsets for diagonal 
placement? I am unable to see if it is perfect.

Use item "Position and Size" from the context menu of the line. That 
dialog has a tab "Rotation", where you can verify that the rotation 
angle is 0° and correct it if necessary.

  I have done this in the
past using tab spaces with a right justified tab, but LO won't underline 
tab spaces.

You will not get a line but a sequence of underscore characters. If it 
does not work for you, than perhaps the fill character is not set for 
that tab stop? You find the setting in the page "Tabs" of the paragraph 
properties dialog.

Second, I need to move the line up slightly.  If I select the line and 
tap the arrow keys, it jumps an entire text line or more (it looks 
greater than the font size for that line, e.g. 12 pts).

The smallest movement with arrow keys is achieved, when you press the 
Alt-key while using the arrow keys. You get movement by pixel then. If 
you use a high zoom in addition, the movement is really tiny.

For an exact position use the above mentioned dialog "Position and Size"

 It's as if it is

snapping to a grid.

Such might be. Is option "Snap to grid" enabled? You find the setting in 
menu Tools > Options > Writer > Grid, in the upper part. Clear the checkbox.

  I want to be able to move the line in very small


It would be good, if you describe the purpose of such line. There might 
exist a totally different solution for your goal.

Kind regards,

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Problemy z formatowaniem tekstu

2022-02-03 Thread Regina Henschel

Hello Agata,

Right pages always have odd page numbers. Left pages always have even 
page numbers. If a right page is immediately followed by a right page, a 
blank left page is inserted. This is necessary for double-sided 
printing. If you want to print only on one side, use the page layout 
setting "right and left".

The orange font appears because you have enabled the "Record changes" 

Polish language support is available through the mailing list.

Translated by DeepL:

Prawe strony zawsze mają nieparzyste numery stron. Lewe strony mają 
zawsze parzyste numery stron. Jeśli bezpośrednio po prawej stronie 
następuje prawa strona, wstawiana jest pusta lewa strona. Jest to 
konieczne w przypadku drukowania dwustronnego. Jeśli chcesz drukować 
tylko po jednej stronie, użyj ustawienia układu strony "prawa i lewa".

Pomarańczowa czcionka pojawia się, ponieważ włączyłeś opcję "Zapisuj 

Wsparcie w języku polskim można uzyskać poprzez listę mailingową

Kind regards,
Regina schrieb am 03.02.2022 um 07:23:

Dzień dobry,
Piszę do Państwa  w celu uzyskania pomocy technicznej w programie. Niestety gdy 
zaczęłam wprowadzać stronę pierwszą numeracja stron zaczęła działać 
nieprawidłowo. Tuż po 5 stronie pojawiła się 7, z pominięciem strony 6. Co 
więcej mimo że kolor czcionki wybrany jest na czarny to w edytorze pojawia się 
pomarańczowa czcionka. Problemy występują niezależnie od tego czy pracuję już 
na gotowym pliku tekstowym, czy też dopiero tworzę nowy plik. Prosiłabym 
również o możliwość konsultacji z Polskim Native Speakerem.
Z góry dziękuję za pomoc,
Z wyrazami szacunku,
Agata Maroszek

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Re: [libreoffice-users] presentation mode question

2021-09-14 Thread Regina Henschel


the setting is in menu 'Slide Show' > 'Slide Show Settings' > part 
'Presentation Mode'. Choose option 'In a window'.

Kind regards

Nilton Jose Rizzo schrieb am 14.09.2021 um 17:44:

Hi all,

is my first question here.

Sorry if this was answered before, but I couldn't find any email
messages in the archives. Can I open a presentation mode in the window
and not in full screen mode? When I need to use presentation mode in an
online conference, I lose the video conference screen (meet, zoom, Jitsi
or whatever). I only use one monitor because I don't have space in place
to put another one. My Libreoffice version is: Version: /
LibreOffice Community Build ID: 20(Build:4) CPU threads: 12; OS: FreeBSD
14.0; UI render: default; VCL: qt5 (cairo+xcb) Locale: pt-BR (C.UTF-8);
UI: pt-BR Calc: threaded

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[libreoffice-users] Problems with filtering by font color

2021-08-16 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi all,

LibreOffice has got the new feature in 7.3 to filter by font color 
(strings and numbers) in Calc.

Such color can be determined by
a) direct style assignment, including direct formatting
b) by number-format, e.g. red for negative numbers
c) by conditional formatting

Filtering is not just a layout operation, but effects the values in the 
spreadsheet via the function SUBTOTAL. Therefore, it is important to 
define the filtering precisely so that all applications produce the same 

Unfortunately currently the behavior is:
LibreOffice: supports a)
Excel: supports a) and c)
Google spreadsheet: supports a), b) and c)
Gnumeric: not yet implemented, but wants to support a), b) and c).

How do you think filtering by font color should be specified in the ODF 

With kind regards
Regina Henschel
(Member of the ODF Technical Committee)

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Writer Callout Style settings

2021-07-25 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi John,

John Kaufmann schrieb am 25.07.2021 um 15:49:

Hi Regina,

On 2021-07-23 20:30, Regina Henschel wrote:

Steve Edmonds schrieb am 18.07.2021 um 23:05:

Is it possible to set Writer callout text paragraph style (or default 
settings, if so where please.
This is to avoid having to change the font and left hand offset in 
every line callout one at a time.

No, it is not possible. Using the legacy callouts or the custom shape 
callouts makes no difference. You get always a shape and in Writer 
neither for the shape itself nor for the text in the shape styles are 
possible. You can only use direct formatting in Writer.

Your distinction between legacy callouts and custom shape callouts 
implies that the basic idea has been around for some time, and special 
callout shapes were added later. Do you recall when it started, and at 
what point someone was moved to add custom shapes?

The legacy callouts are a kind of text box. They exists from the 
beginning in StarOffice. Custom shapes are introduced in 
2.0. They are part of the change from OpenOffice XML to ODF 1.0.

 In order to
understand the issue (and any possible deficiencies) further, I would 
like to:
  (4) try to understand when and why Vertical Callouts were added to the 
Drawing toolbar (but not made visible).

They are visible, if you have enabled support for East Asian languages 
in Tools > Options > Language Settings > Languages > Asian.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Writer Callout Style settings

2021-07-23 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Steve,

Steve Edmonds schrieb am 18.07.2021 um 23:05:

Is it possible to set Writer callout text paragraph style (or default 
settings, if so where please.
This is to avoid having to change the font and left hand offset in every 
line callout one at a time.

No, it is not possible. Using the legacy callouts or the custom shape 
callouts makes no difference. You get always a shape and in Writer 
neither for the shape itself nor for the text in the shape styles are 
possible. You can only use direct formatting in Writer.

Kind regards

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Connect to .accdb files

2021-07-23 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Dave,

which operating system do you use?

Kind regards

dboland9 schrieb am 23.07.2021 um 22:08:

I read that LO Base can open the Access 2007/2010 files. The instructions say 
to select the Access 2007 connection. Well, there are no Access connections. 
Only JDBC, Thunderbird, spreadsheet, dBase, Firebird, Text, MySQL, ODBC, 
PostgreSQL, and Writer. Any ideas?

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Open two sheets from the same spreadsheet on Mac

2021-07-14 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Eric,

Eric Beversluis schrieb am 15.07.2021 um 00:24:

Is there a way to keep two sheets from the same spreadsheet open at the same 
time, both live?

Use menu "Window" > "New Window".

Using LO on Mac 10.12.6.

I use Windows, I cannot text Mac.

Kind regards

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Multiple references to footnote?

2021-06-02 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Gary,

Gary Collins schrieb am 02.06.2021 um 17:27:

HiI have a document in writer in whicj itvwould be helpful to refer to the same 
footnote from different parts of the text (to avoid multiple copies of the 
footnote) but i cant seem to find how to do it. Is it even possible?Lo

a link from document to footnote is no problem. Set cursor where the 
number of the footnote should appear. Go to menu Insert > 
Cross-Reference. In section 'Type' choose 'Footnotes'. Then select the 
footnote in section 'Selection'. Then choose 'Reference' in section 
'Insert reference to'. Click 'Insert' and 'Close'.

The reference is inserted as normal text. To give it the same appearance 
than the others, mark it, then open the character styles in the side bar 
and double-click the style 'Footnote Anchor' to assign it.

The link from footnote to text can of cause only go that place, where 
the footnote was originally inserted.

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[libreoffice-users] BASIC view cursor does not work as expected

2021-04-20 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi all,

I want to use a view cursor to detect layout errors. Thereby I have 
found the problems I have 
written it as bug to be able to show you a document with the macro in 

Problem B is either a problem in the documentation or a bug with the 
view cursor.

But I'm not sure about problem A. Is the method "gotoEndOfLine()" 
intended to work with a view cursor? I have seen it in the macro book of 
Thomas Krumbein.

Kind regards

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Re: [libreoffice-users] How to round corners of rectangle shape in Draw?

2021-04-10 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Dave,

it is a longer mail, but hopefully it is clearer then.

Dave Barton schrieb am 10.04.2021 um 18:35:

Hi Regina,

Thanks for taking the time to reply, but I must be naturally stupid or
blind, because I cannot locate these "Custom Shapes" and "Legacy

Rectangles" you refer to.

As a member of the documentation team I am working to assist in the
creation of the Draw User Guide for LO 7.1, but your answer leaves me
and I am sure other members of the team, unsure how we can explain these
"Custom Shapes" and "Legacy Rectangles" to our users. Any pointers you
feel able to offer in this respect would be much appreciated.

In the "Position and Size" Dialog there is no control for the corner
radius of "Rounded Rectangle" shapes. Yes, it's possible to grab and
drag the radius handle for the object on the page, but this provides
zero accuracy for the adjustment.

I have only been a user of this software for 20+ years and an advocate
of LO for 10+ years and now I feel that I no longer understand it.

Remember back to 1.0. At that time none of those shapes 
like "Moon" or "Diamond" exists. They were introduced in OOo2.0. 
OOo1.1.5 had only got the ability to show them, but could not work on them.

This new added type of shapes are written to file as element 
. They have an own chapter "10.6 Custom Shape" in the 
ODF specification. The term "custom shape" does rarely appear in the UI, 
but I use it as umbrella term, because they are named in file and spec 
that way. The only place were I know "Custom shape" in the UI, is the 
"Text" tab of a Drawing style.

These 'custom shapes' are grouped in toolboxes e.g. "Basic Shapes", 
"Block Arrows" and "Stars and Banners". Those you should know. If you 
are unsure, whether a shape is a 'custom shape' or not, you can look at 
the icon "Toggle extrusion". It is only enabled for 'custom shapes'.

In the beginning the Drawing toolbar had icons for the rectangle and 
ellipse known from OOo1.0. The toolbox "Basic Shapes" contains 
rectangles and ellipses among others too. That results in lot of 
confusions, like you are confused. Therefore rectangle and ellipse from 
OOo1.0 were removed form the Drawing toolbar, so that they are hidden. 
These shapes from OOo1.0 were collected in two toolbars "Legacy 
Rectangles" and "Legacy Circles and Ovals". The term 'legacy' indicates, 
that these are shapes from OOo1.0. You find these toolbars same as other 
toolbars in menu View > Toolbars.

If you want to integrate these legacy shapes into the Drawing toolbar, 
that is possible via Tools > Customize. Search for "rectangle" and use 
that one, that has command .uno:RectangleToolbox in the description, and 
search for "ellipse" and use that one, that has command 
.uno:EllipseToolbox in the description.

There had been some discussions, what to do with the "rounded corner" 
part of the "Position&Size" dialog, if it is not applicable. It has been 
decided, only to disable it. I would have preferred, that it is hidden.

In the beginning, there exists no UI at all for numerically setting the 
handles of the 'custom shapes'. In the meantime you have a section in 
the lower part of the "Slant and Corner Radius" tab of the 
"Position&Size" dialog. The "Control point" fields can be used in most 
cases to numerically set the position of a custom shape handle. Only 
more than three handles and radial handles (those modify an angle) 
cannot be set with these fields. The values are coordinates relative to 
the left/top corner of the rectangle/parallelogram, which you see, when 
you have selected the shape.

I consider it a deficit in the Draw User Guide, that it does not clearly 
distinguish the different kind of shapes.

And in regard to 'custom shapes', there is so much to say about them for 
advanced users, that it would make an entire book. See for example the 
wiki page, 
or for example, do you know, that the "Fontwork" shapes are 'custom 
shapes' too, or do you know how to make your own 'custom shape'?

In regard to the Drawing guide: I'm sure you're a better writer than I 
am. But if you need background knowledge on a special topic, I can most 
likely help you.

Kind regards

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Re: [libreoffice-users] How to round corners of rectangle shape in Draw?

2021-04-10 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Dave,

Dave Barton schrieb am 10.04.2021 um 16:03:

Version: (x64) / LibreOffice Community
Build ID: 8a45595d069ef5570103caea1b71cc9d82b2aae4
CPU threads: 8; OS: Windows 10.0 Build 19042; UI render: Skia/Raster;
Also TDF created Linux edition.

In Draw I select a *RECTANGLE* shape from the Draw Functions toolbar and
draw a *RECTANGLE* shape on the page. With the *RECTANGLE* shape
selected, I open the "Position and Size" Dialog and select the "Slant &
Corner Radius" tab and find the "Corner Radius" option disabled.

In current versions the "Rectangle" in the Drawing toolbar is a custom 
shape. Custom shapes are those shapes, for which the "Toggle extrusion" 
icon is enabled. The feature "Rounded Rectangle" in the "Position and 
Size" dialog can only be used with rectangles from the toolbox "Legacy 
Rectangles" and text shapes from the toolbox "Text".

I always customize the drawing toolbar so, that I delete all the single 
shape icons and insert the toolboxes "Legacy Rectangles", "Legacy 
Circles and Ovals" and "Text box".

The "Rectangle" and "Ellipse" shapes, which are currently in the Drawing 
toolbar as single shape icons, are still available in the toolbox "Basic 

To get rounded corners you can use the legacy rectangle or you use the 
"rounded rectangle" shape from the "Basic Shapes" toolbar.

The "legacy" shapes and the "custom" shapes are very different in their 

Kind regards

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Align left side of fraction in math

2021-03-28 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Marcelo,

Marcelo Laia schrieb am 29.03.2021 um 00:08:


I'm trying to vertical center the left side of bellow math equation:

f  = { v } over { { h } times { %pi } times { { DAP^2 } over { 4 } } }

What do you try to improve? The part 'f=' is correctly at the same 
vertical position as the main fraction bar.

Kind regards

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Can't create folders in document directory

2021-03-22 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Peggy,

Peggy schrieb am 23.03.2021 um 01:21:

I am having a major problem that started a few weeks ago.

Documents Directory is selected. I click on “New Folder” at top or click on
documents and choose new folder from the menu, the try to name the folder.

Consistent error message:

“Can’t find the specified file.

Make Sure you specify the correct path and file name.”

When I click try again I get a message that the file or folder does not

So weird since I’m not looking for a file! And the error messages make no

Please tell us, which operating system do you use, and whether you use 
the dialogs from the operating system or the dialogs provided by 
LibreOffice. And you should tell us, which version of LibreOffice do you 

Creating folders depends on operating system.

I’ve checked a few folders in my document directory and they are “read
only” Documents inside are readable, but I can’t make a new folder to put
them into.

Have you already tried to set the folders to writeable?

Uninstalled LibreOffice and reinstalled: same problem.

Should I look for another open source writer?

No. First you should check, whether it is a problem with settings in 
your operating system.

Kind regards

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Basic macro to insert a custom shape into a page ?

2021-02-11 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Mauricio,

I have translated the steps to C++ with createInstance => new
and keeping setPropertyValue or using method MergeDefaultAttributes.
The custom shape is generated, but the faulty method (for which I have 
the patch) is not touched.

It seems, it is needed, that the custom shape is generated with the mouse.

At least I now know, how to generate a custom shape in a Basic macro. :)

Kind regards

Mauricio Baeza schrieb am 11.02.2021 um 19:26:

On Thu, 2021-02-11 at 19:08 +0100, Regina Henschel wrote:

Hi all,

does someone has a basic macro snippet for to insert a custom shape
(e.g. a smiley) into a page?

Background: For a unit test I need to insert a custom shape via code
similar to as it is done via mouse. But I have no idea how to code
it. A
macro might give me an initial stage for a solution.

Kind regards

For Calc, for example:

Sub Main
Dim size As New
Dim args(0) As New

 doc = ThisComponent
 sheet = doc.getCurrentController.getActiveSheet()
 dp = sheet.getDrawPage()

 shape =

 size.Width = 5000
 size.Height = 5000

 args(0).Name = "Type"
 args(0).Value = "smiley"
 shape.setPropertyValue("CustomShapeGeometry", args)

End Sub

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Basic macro to insert a custom shape into a page ?

2021-02-11 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Mauricio,

Mauricio Baeza schrieb am 11.02.2021 um 19:26:

On Thu, 2021-02-11 at 19:08 +0100, Regina Henschel wrote:

Hi all,

does someone has a basic macro snippet for to insert a custom shape
(e.g. a smiley) into a page?

Background: For a unit test I need to insert a custom shape via code
similar to as it is done via mouse. But I have no idea how to code
it. A
macro might give me an initial stage for a solution.

Kind regards

For Calc, for example:

Sub Main
Dim size As New
Dim args(0) As New

 doc = ThisComponent
 sheet = doc.getCurrentController.getActiveSheet()
 dp = sheet.getDrawPage()

 shape =

 size.Width = 5000
 size.Height = 5000

 args(0).Name = "Type"
 args(0).Value = "smiley"
 shape.setPropertyValue("CustomShapeGeometry", args)

End Sub

Aha! That means, that Size and Type are set after the object is added to 
the draw page.

Unfortunately using this macro, does not show the error, which I'm going 
to fix. Nevertheless I will test in code, whether creating with a ctor 
with new ... (which corresponds to createInstance) and then applying the 
properties will work. But I will need some time for that.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Basic macro to insert a custom shape into a page ?

2021-02-11 Thread Regina Henschel

Andrew Pitonyak schrieb am 11.02.2021 um 20:06:

This might seem obvious, but:

1. What document type?


2. What is a "custom" shape? Do you mean


Not that I have never used Cutom Shapes in any way in LibreOffice, but i have 
written a Macro at least once. :-)

I have written code that adds things such as lines (and other shapes) into 

I might have looked at something in LO that allows me to have a bunch of 
shapes. On my computer, I use

View > Gallery

Too open it. From there it looks like I can drag objects out of the "gallery" 
and onto a document.

That makes a kind of copy&paste. I need an object newly created with the 

When you click on a shape icon in the toolbar and then click and drag 
with the mouse to create the shape, then the created custom shape is on 
a wrong layer. You notice in the "Drawing object properties"-toolbar, 
that both "To Foreground" and "To Background" are enabled. "To 
Foreground" should not be enabled, because when you create a custom 
shape with the mouse, you are working already in the "Foreground". I 
have a patch for it, but struggle with the unit test.

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[libreoffice-users] Basic macro to insert a custom shape into a page ?

2021-02-11 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi all,

does someone has a basic macro snippet for to insert a custom shape 
(e.g. a smiley) into a page?

Background: For a unit test I need to insert a custom shape via code 
similar to as it is done via mouse. But I have no idea how to code it. A 
macro might give me an initial stage for a solution.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] multiple templates path and group policies

2021-02-01 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Susanne,

Susanne Mohn schrieb am 01.02.2021 um 14:00:


Why i wan't to do thsi?
I have my personal templates and in a network folder the templates for the 
Strg + shift + n open the template manager- but the categories are only from 
the templates folder in c:\user\appdata \\\templates.
And not from a network folder  G:\company \department etc.

I would do it in two steps:

First do all the necessary steps locally for a single user. That way you 
know the needed folder structure and what steps are needed in the UI. 
You can see in registrymodifications.xcu of that user which entries are 

Second you use an ADMX file to change the registry.
Please have a look at the video. It gives a good overview, what is 
possible. The ADMX example file is available from

I can only help you in the first step.
Let consider the following tree
myoffice (folder)
autotext (folder)
mytemplates (folder)
   Susanne (folder)
   myCalcMap.ots (file)
   myDinA6.otw (file)
   presnt (folder)
   my24x16.otp (file)
   DinA5quer.otg (file)
workbook (folder)

Go to Options > LibreOffice > Paths > Templates and click Edit... button.
In Add... you add the folder 'mytemplates'. Restart LibreOffice!

Now click on Templates. You should see the files "myCalcMap", "myDinA6" 
and "my24x16" among all the templates which come from the "share" folder 
in the starting window.

Now open the Template Manager and look into the category-dropdown. You 
should see a category "Susanne" but no category "presnt". The files in 
"presnt" are shown together with the files from "share" in the category 
"Presentation". "presnt" is the file identifier for what is called 
"Presentation" in the UI. Look into share/templates how the folders of 
the existing categories are named.

Now open the category "My Templates". You should see "DinA5quer". In "My 
Templates" you will find all files, which are directly contained in the 
folder you have added. Here are all such files collected. If you add 
another folder in Paths > Templates, files from there are listed here too.

The Template Manager collects files from different sources in a category.

If you have a structure
mytemplates (folder)
   Susanne (folder)
   Tabellen (folder)
myCalcMap.ots (file)
   Texte (folder)
myDinA6.otw (file)

you will neither get "myCalcMap" nor "myDinA6" in the Template Manager, 
because only first sublevel folders of the added path "mytemplates" are 

Perhaps you try it again and note every single step, which you do. And 
if you still do not get the templates from the network folder, then post 
your steps and the folder structure. Perhaps we can then see what goes 

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[libreoffice-users] Making a 3D star

2021-01-17 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi all,

in a Christmas blog post 
(German) I have shortly described, how to make a 3D star. I have now 
described this in more detail and in English. Find the article at

If you find spelling errors or unsuitable wording, simple correct them. 
It is a Wiki. If you have questions and you think something needs to be 
better explained, use the Discussion page and drop me a mail.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Excel compatibility

2021-01-04 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Ian,

Ian West schrieb am 04.01.2021 um 02:42:

When I open an Excel file in Libre Calc I seem to lose some functionality.

The Excel file has several columns in a table. When you add data and get 
to the last column in the the table,  a new line is added, and the 
cursor returns to the beginning of that new line. All the formulas are 
copied down as well.

If you enter values into the cells of a row and you go with Tab-key 
instead of Enter-key to the next column, then when you use Enter-key for 
the last cell of the row, the cursor is set to the first cell of the 
next row.

Formulas are not copied automatically. But when you set the cell cursor 
on to a cell which has the formula, then you can use a double-click on 
the little black rectangle bottom, right on the cell cursor frame, to 
copy the formula down to the last filled row in a column left or right 
from it. So first enter all data, and when finished copy the formulas.

When opened in Libreoffice this no longer happens. How can I fix this?

LibreOffice is not a clone of MS Office. You should not expect that 
things always work the same way. Some parts work even better in 
LibreOffice than in Excel (for example: Automatic detection of needed 
range for results of matrix operations).

My MS  Office 2007 has spat the dummy, and frankly I don't want to spend 
big dollars on replacing it. LibreOffice seems to be a good alternative, 
however, I need to fix this problem.Maybe I'm just getting too old!
LibreOffice is a very powerful Office application. You can surely do all 
things in it you need, only sometimes in a different way.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Print all sheets

2020-10-10 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Bill,
william schrieb am 10-Oct-20 um 13:31:

Is there an easy way to print all sheets in a spreadsheet?

The print dialog has in section "Ranges and Copies" a field "more". Open 
it and select "Print all sheets" from the "From which" drop-down list.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Graphics with Libre Draw or Writer

2020-09-22 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Charles,

charles meyer schrieb am 21-Sep-20 um 21:38:

My esteemed listmates,

I need to work on graphics on my personal laptop which does not have MS
Publisher on it. I can't work on graphics online so Office 365 is not an

What kind of graphics do you work on?

I thought I might use Libre Draw (sometimes Writer is good like
changing background colors) as a substitute for MS Publisher but it seems
to have its own methods/learning curve.

LibreOffice Draw is more like Corel Draw.

I don't see where you find Starbursts or thought balloons like one can in
Publisher. Is that possible in Draw?

Draw has a several kind of predefined shapes. Shapes similar to those 
known from MS Office are "custom shapes". You find them grouped in 
sublists in the Drawing toolbar or in the menu Shape > Insert or in the 
"Shapes" pane of the sidebar.

Besides these shapes you can use Bézier curves and path objects, 
primitive rectangles and ellipses, text boxes, connectors, measure lines 
and more complex objects like charts, math equations or tables. You can 
insert media, especially pictures in a lot of formats.

Draw is indeed a very rich tool.

Has anyone found a comparison chart of how to do a function in MS Publisher
-vs- how to do that same function in Libre Draw?

I've Googled it and not found any.

I don't know, what is possible in Publisher or Visio. But I guess, Draw 
is more like Visio.

What is not possible in Draw:
Linked text frames, so that content flows from one frame to the other.
Text wrap, so that a shape influence the text in another shape.
For that, you would need to use Writer.

After the wordprocessor battles were won by MS, MS released a chart for
former WordPerfect users displaying you how you used to do a function in
WordPerfect and how you do that same function in Word. Anything like that
for Draw?

MS Office has no module, which is comparable to Draw. Therefore such 
comparison cannot exist.

Or maybe there's a free (cheap), easy to learn and use (not GIMP) graphic
program you've found as a viable substitute for MS Publisher?

Scribus is free but has an equivalent learning curve to GIMP - and if you
don't use GIMP regularly it's onerous to recall how to do tasks.

All those applications are not "simple" and you have to learn, how to 
use them. You should start with a small project and ask if necessary. If 
there is a concrete problem it is easier to say, whether it is possible 
or not.

Do you have got files made by Publisher? In that case you can try, how 
well the import filter of Draw works for them.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Create a relative hyperlink to file?

2020-09-19 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Dave,

I have now used an English UI, and now the correct fields. Open 
Hyperlink-dialog, click Document. Click "Open File" button at the ride 
side of the Document Path field.

I have tried with system open file dialog and with LO's own dialog. It 
works in both cases. Ctrl-click opens e.g. a linked .odt file in 

I work on Windows 10. What OS do you use? Perhaps there is an error in 

Kind regards

DaveB schrieb am 19-Sep-20 um 23:22:

On 19/09/2020 20:01, Robert Großkopf wrote:

Hi Dave,

I am trying to create a Writer document with a number of links to files
in the same directory as the odt file itself. Using absolute paths
everything works perfectly, but relative links (eg. file://
always fail with a "not an *absolute* URL" error.

The links will be saved als relative links in the file. Try to move the
file to another folder - together with the other documents. It will work.

Have a look in the *.odt-file in content.xml:

Hi Robert,

Many thanks for taking the time to reply.

If you look at my original post and my reply to Regina the odt file and
the hyperlinked files are are already in the same directory, so I see no
reason why moving them to another location would change anything.

It really doesn't matter what appears in content.xml. The critical point
is that keyboard Ctrl+click on the hyperlink in the odt file generates a
"not an *absolute* URL" error.

Sorry if I have misunderstood or misinterpreted the explanation you and
Regina have kindly given, but I need to clearly explain this for
inexperienced users in the next edition of the official LibreOffice
Writer Guide.

Kind Regards

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Create a relative hyperlink to file?

2020-09-19 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Dave,

please excuse, same in English:

Regina Henschel schrieb am 19-Sep-20 um 20:47:

Hi Dave,

Dave Barton schrieb am 19-Sep-20 um 16:33:

I am trying to create a Writer document with a number of links to files
in the same directory as the odt file itself. Using absolute paths
everything works perfectly, but relative links (eg. file://
always fail with a "not an *absolute* URL" error.

You create the hyperlink with Ctrl+K and then Document?

Do not try to manually enter the link, but _always_ use the button at 
the right side of the Target input field. Of cause the target needs to 
be already in the same folder as the text file.

Be not confused by the shown text. It does not show, what is stored in 
the file. The link is stored as relative. Such links are usually stored 
as relativ, even if not in the same folder. Only if a target is on a 
different drive, the link is absolute.

If you are unsure about the saved text, open the file e.g. with 7Zip and 
look into the content.xml. You will find the link starting with ../

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Create a relative hyperlink to file?

2020-09-19 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Dave,

Dave Barton schrieb am 19-Sep-20 um 16:33:

I am trying to create a Writer document with a number of links to files
in the same directory as the odt file itself. Using absolute paths
everything works perfectly, but relative links (eg. file://
always fail with a "not an *absolute* URL" error.

Du erzeugst den Hyperlink mit Strg+K und dann Dokument?

Versuche nicht den Link von Hand einzugeben sondern benutze _immer_ den 
Dateiauswahl-Button rechts vom Sprungziel-Eingabefeld. Dazu muss die zu 
verlinkende Datei natürlich schon mit der Textdatei zusammen im gleichen 
Ordner liegen. Lass dich nicht von der Anzeige täuschen. Sie zeigt nicht 
den gespeicherten Text. In der Datei ist der Link relativ gespeichert. 
Solche Links sind eigentlich immer relativ, außer der Weg geht über 
Laufwerksgrenzen hinaus.

Wenn du nicht sicher bist, was dort gespeichert ist, dann öffne die 
Datei z.B. mit 7Zip und gucke in die content.xml hinein.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Calc: how do I?

2020-09-16 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Dan,
Dan Lewis schrieb am 16-Sep-20 um 16:29:
I have a dBase database with several tables. How do I open this database 
in Calc so that each table will have its own sheet?

Here something different than simple copy:

1. You make a .odb file for the dBase database and register it. That is 
in File > New > Database. Make sure, that you have set the correct 
character set in Edit > Database Properties > Additional Settings.

2. You open the spreadsheet and show "Data Sources". That is menu Edit 
or Ctrl+Shift+F4. You should now see an area above the sheet, which has 
on the left side an overview over your database files.

3. Drag a table (or query or view) from there to cell A1 on an empty 
sheet. That will import the table. That is not a simple import, but the 
spreadsheet is linked to the database table. It has generated a "data 
range". Look in menu Data. You will see the import in "Select Range" 
-and more important- you can use "Refresh Range" to bring changes from 
the database table to the spreadsheet.
In case the database is not "connected" right-click the database name 
and choose item "Registered databases" and select it.

And yet another way to copy:
Open the .dbf file in Calc and resave it with a different name.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] line width setting on Calc 7?

2020-09-13 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Dave,

Dave Stevens schrieb am 14-Sep-20 um 01:46:

I've looked for a way to make graph lines thinner on Calc 7 charts but
no luck. Can someone refer me to docs? or a method?

The line width is a property of the series. Double-click the chart and 
then click on the line. In the context menu there should be something 
like 'Format Series'. Or select the series from the drop-down list in 
the toolbar and then click on the button right from the drop-down list.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] From Draw to Impress?

2020-09-12 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi "bunk3m",

it is easier as you think:
Start with File Open.
Select your Draw document.
Then -still in the file open dialog- open the drop-down list to select 
the file type. Chose item "ODF Drawing (Impress) (*.odg)".

Notice the "(Impress)" in the item. It is the item directly after "ODF 
Presentation Template (*.otp)"

Kind regards

bunk3m schrieb am 12-Sep-20 um 22:21:

Hello all.

I am really pleased with the PDF open & edit in Draw but was wondering 
how to get content from Draw into Impress without having to copy and paste.

I couldn't find the my original presentation but had a pdf version of 
the presentation.

So I opened it in Draw.  That allowed me to make some small changes and 
yes, I can save again to PDF.

But what I wanted was to use Impress to present the reworked presentation.

There is no "Save as" to go to odp but I was hoping I could somehow get 
the Draw document into a presentation again.

Is there a way to do this?

Thanks in advance.


PS on digest mode.  Please cc me directly.  Thanks!

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[libreoffice-users] Accessibility of LibreOffice for visually impaired users

2020-08-22 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi all,

we have had some discussion about bugs with screen readers on the German 
mailing list. That has resulted in some bugreports [1]. Unfortunately 
most of them are still unconfirmed. Perhaps you have some experience 
with screen readers and can confirm the bugs?


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Re: [libreoffice-users] OTM documents

2020-08-19 Thread Regina Henschel

toki schrieb am 19-Aug-20 um 03:35:


How does one construct an .OTM document?

That is a document template for master documents.

You start with making a master document. File > New > Master Document.
If you would make a normal Master Document, you would save it as "ODF 
Master Document (*.odm)".
To get a document template instead, use File > Templates > 'Save as 
template...'. Using that way, it is automatically managed by the 
Template Manager and master documents created from this template will 
have a link to the template.
Or you use File > 'Save as...' and select the type "ODF Master Document 
Template (*.otm)". You can still create a master document from this 
template, but it will not be linked to the template.

All that is the same as for other kind of document templates. In general 
the file name extension ot* is used for document templates and od* for 
normal documents.

The master document template belongs to the ODF 1.3 standard, which is 
supported by LibreOffice starting with version 7.0.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Underline Color different than Characters color

2020-08-15 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Charles,

charles meyer schrieb am 15-Aug-20 um 22:56:

I've Googled this to no avail.

If I Right-Click the U on the toolbar for underlining I can then underline
but it provides the same color as the text I've written.

I want the text to appear white but the underline to be red.

I right clicked U and then chose Edit and then Color but it changed the
lettering (word) to red so both the underline and the word became red.

Do not use the toolbar icon. Select the text and then use the dialog. 
You get the dialog:

A) Menu Format > Character... > Tab Fonteffect.
B) Sidebar, pane Properties, section Character. Open the drop-down of 
the Underline icon and choose item 'More Options...'
In the dialog, you can set the underline color independently from the 
font color.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Page number field in Writer

2020-07-09 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Philip,

Philip Jackson schrieb am 09-Jul-20 um 22:37:
I have the page number field in the footer of my template. This template 
will be used for a series of small documents to be issued in pdf form. 
My intention is to use Writer to export to pdf and then use pdf-shuffler 
or similar to append a first page as title page without any page number 
and prepared in different software.

Why not use Writer for the first page?

In anticipation , I edited the page no. field to have an offset of 1 so 
that my page numbering in Writer would start at 2.

That is the wrong tool for your purpose. Go to the very first paragraph 
of the page. Open the properties of that paragraph. Go to tab "Text 
flow". Enable Breaks "Insert". Enable "With page style". Enable "Page 
number". Enter 2.

The tool "Offset" has a totally different use case. It is used in letter 
for the information in the footer, that this page of the letter has a 
following page. And for this use case it is the correct behavior, that 
it is empty for the last page of the letter.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] How to include a graphic element as part of a page definition in LO Writer?

2020-07-08 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Philipp,

Philip Jackson schrieb am 08-Jul-20 um 14:59:

Using Writer

I drew a colour filled polygon at the top of a page where the header 
would normally be. I saved this as a template and then went to use it 
for a new document.

The new document had the graphic on the first page but not on subsequent 
pages. Clearly, the graphic element did not form part of the page 
description and I cannot find a way to make it stick so all new pages 
with that template automatically include the graphic.

Does anyone have suggestions for how this could be achieved in Writer 
other than by the hard labour method of copy and pasting the element to 
each  new page?

You need to enable the header and then anchor the graphic to the 
paragraph in the header. It is not necessary that this paragraph has any 

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Confused with Macro results??

2020-07-04 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Michael,

your post is hard to understand. Please write, what you want to achieve 
with your macro.

Kind regards

Michael D. Setzer II schrieb am 05-Jul-20 um 00:30:

Been doing a lot of googling, but finding lots of stuff, but nothing that works?
Have done a lot of versions and this is the latest one.
The record process does not allow for the use of the F2 key, so as is, it
results in the original args1(0).Value being in the cell?
After the macro ends, I've found that if I manually press F2 then a space and
enter it puts the formula as I originally wanted? F2 and enter does nothing??
I've also found that if I manually do F2 F9 Enter Enter, it will place just the
final text result in cell.

Seems there use to be a Keypress option, that would allow for simulating
keys, but that has been deprecated?
Also, found pages that talk about API stuff to modify cells, but the two I tried
did nothing?

Am I missing something??

Note: In string I replaced the original "s with _ because it kept giving me
messages about unbalanced ()?? That got rid of the errors, and then just
converted them back?

Not and important macro, but was just hoping to find a way to make it work
the way I originally planned. Just playing around with stuff.

Thanks. Perhaps I am overlooking something very simple..

sub Z1
rem --
rem define variables
dim document   as object
dim dispatcher as object
rem --
rem get access to the document
document   = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
dispatcher = createUnoService("")

rem --
dim sText
sText = InputBox ("Please enter Date Cells Example D2,D1:")

rem --
dim args1(0) as new
args1(0).Name = "StringName"
args1(0).Value =
A1,_y_)=1,_1 Year _,DATEDIF(A2,A1,_y_)&_ Years
2)=1,_1 Month _,MOD(DATEDIF(A2,A1,_m_),12)&_ Months
_),__)&IF(DATEDIF(A2,A1,_md_),IF(DATEDIF(A2,A1,_md_)=1,_1 Day
_,DATEDIF(A2,A1,_md_)&_ Days_),__)"",""A2,A1""," & chr$(34) & sText &
chr$(34) & "),""_"",CHAR(34))"

dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:EnterString", "", 0, args1())

rem --
dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:Copy", "", 0, Array())

rem --
REM Cut contents of cell to avoid the overwrite message
dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:Cut", "", 0, Array())

rem --
dim args2(5) as new
args2(0).Name = "Flags"
args2(0).Value = "SVD"
args2(1).Name = "FormulaCommand"
args2(1).Value = 0
args2(2).Name = "SkipEmptyCells"
args2(2).Value = false
args2(3).Name = "Transpose"
args2(3).Value = false
args2(4).Name = "AsLink"
args2(4).Value = false
args2(5).Name = "MoveMode"
args2(5).Value = 4

dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:InsertContents", "", 0, args2())
msgbox ("To complete process,"+chr$(13)+" Formula Press F2 then Space
then Enter" + chr$(13)+"For Text Result Press F2 then F9 then Enter then

end sub

  Michael D. Setzer II - Computer Science Instructor (Retired)
  Guam - Where America's Day Begins
  G4L Disk Imaging Project maintainer

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[libreoffice-users] Arabic in Math editor

2020-06-21 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi all,

a user has problems writing in Arabic in Math editor.

I'm using German and English in operating system and LibreOffice. I 
cannot confirm the problem. Is there someone out there, who can use 
Arabic and help?

You would need to follow the steps in the bug report and see, whether 
you get the same problems. And in addition compare your settings with 
those of the bug reporter.

Kind regards

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Re: [libreoffice-users] What is different about Character styles "%" attribute?

2020-06-04 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi John,

John Kaufmann schrieb am 04-Jun-20 um 20:50:
Though I resent the inevitable complications caused by the MS-workalike 
practice of Paragraph styles containing Font specifications,

I like to have a central place to set font properties. The character 
specific settings in the paragraph style work as default for all cases a 
portion of text has no own character style assigned.

 I had
always thought of Character styles as a way to at least mitigate the 
problem, by defining attributes with respect to the Paragraph style to 
which they are applied.

No, character styles have no reference to a paragraph styles.

 As the LibreOffice Writer 6.0 Guide puts it on

page 204:

Character styles provide exceptions to the formatting in a paragraph 
style. They are applied to groups of characters, rather than whole 
paragraphs. They are mainly used when you want to change the 
appearance or attributes of parts of a paragraph without affecting 
other parts. ...

One key (as I understand it) is in the phrase "provide exceptions". 
"Exceptions" can be attributes that either:
 (1)  modify the Paragraph style's Font specification (like bold or 
italic), or
 (2) replace the Paragraph style's Font specification (like a new 
Font specification).

Yes, using a character style means, that no longer a default attribute 
value from paragraph is used, but the attribute from the character style 
is active.

Unfortunately, (1) and (2) are semantically inconsistent (a necessary 
consequence of Paragraph styles containing Font specifications),


inconsistent with respect to font design because so many font families 
contain bold and italic variants that are separate font faces.

Then you need to select the corresponding font.

 But the
designers have done a good job of allowing users to ignore those fine 


... right up to the problem of the Font tab's "Size /%" 
attribute.  By specifying a %-size, it appears to modify, rather than 
replace, the Paragraph style's Font specification.

Not at all. The % in font size in a _character_ style refers to a parent 
_character_ style. There exist bugs

 Except that it does
not: % modifies some other fixed font size not in the Paragraph 
style (and specifying "100%" will always revert to a fixed size).

Yes, wrong handling of 100% is a known problem
Use 101% or 99%.

So, for example, in a Character style that specifies two attributes -- 
like adding /Italic/ and making a relative size change (like 90%) -- the 
/Italic/ modifies the Paragraph Font, but the % modifies something 
else.  This means that if I go back to the Paragraph style and modify 
the base Font face, then part of the Character style (/Italic/) will 
immediately reflect the new font face, and part (%) will not.

See above mentioned bugs.

Put another way: the Paragraph style is the parent for only part of the 
Character style;

The paragraph style is not a "parent" to the character style, but 
provides default values for those attributes, which are not set in the 
parent hierarchy of character styles. First the character style parents 
are search for a property value and only if no value was found the 
paragraph parent hierarchy is searched through.

The description of the hierarchy and the search algorithm is in

 something else is the parent for the %-size attribute.
One solution appears to be to create a tree of Character styles with a 
complete Font specification at the root style;

Then you would need to apply this root character style to content of all 
paragraphs to prevent LibreOffice from using defaults.

 then every other
Character style based on that root can modify with the % 
attribute. Unfortunately, that only seems to work until the document is 
saved, then reopened -- and then the % attribute (and /only that/ 
attribute) is no longer attached to the base Character style, but 
reverts to modifying some other fixed font size.

In case the parent character style has set a fixed font size, that 
should not happen. I see the wrong size after reload too, that is a bug.

  Is there a clean way

to handle this?

No. There are currently too many bugs in LibreOffice in regard to font size.

[Note: While researching this problem, I found a great discussion 
between ajlittoz and Regina Henschel on this from four years ago. It was 
[closed] with an answer but no clean resolution.  As I read the spec 

Re: [libreoffice-users] Logic of headers (and footers) or my lack of it!

2020-06-01 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Harvey,

Harvey Nimmo schrieb am 31-May-20 um 21:16:

Hello Regina,

Thanks for taking the trouble to offer help.

Perhaps if I describe my 'case' it will help to see where I am coming
from. I wanted to define a header for each page that is either a
copy of the previous header or a new one.

The application in my current case is collection of handwritten court
papers (from 1813) that I want to transcribe. The originals are in
jpeg. Some are just single sheets, some sheets are left and right pages
together, some are just snippets. Obviously the order is
important, and the source names of the jpeg files serve very well as a
header that should not of itself belong the the transcription text.
hence my simple requirement.

It was a deliberate choice to try to use the header feature (rather
than headings within the body of the text) because it made sense to me
to keep the metadata (i.e. file names of each sheet) separate from the
actual content of each sheet. In the end, I would have a complete LO
text document in which each page was headed with the file name to
identify its source and a page full of text showing the textual content
of each sheet. The resulting document would evidently contain 29 pages
with about 20 different headers.

I would go with true headings of style 'Heading 1' or other styles with 
outline level 1.

Start each transcribing of a document on a new page and put the heading 
as very first paragraph on that page.

Then you can add a field to the header. It will show this heading until 
it comes to a new page with a different heading. That way you only need 
one page style for all.
To get the needed field open the Fields dialog by Ctrl+F2. In tab 
"Document" select item "Chapter". You likely need format "Chapter name".

If you do not like having a file name as heading, you can fake hiding 
it. Set the font size to 2pt and the font color to white.

Using true headings has the advantage, that you can generate a table of 
contents and you can generate a tagged PDF.

To get "Table of contents" in the header, set the outline level of style 
"Contents Headings" to "Level 1" and make sure, that the table of 
contents starts on a new page.

From content, I would not use a file name, but would use a short text, 
that describes the source. I like the idea from Drew to insert a caption 
to each image. Such caption would be a good place for the reference to 
the source of the image and - as Drew mentioned - allows to generate a 
"Table of Figures". Here you would need to set style "Figure Index 
Heading" to outline level "Level 1" to get the correct text into the header.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Logic of headers (and footers) or my lack of it!

2020-05-30 Thread Regina Henschel

Harvey Nimmo schrieb am 30-May-20 um 18:54:

My intention was to use the header function to describe each page of a
29 page document separately, with a couple of exceptions where two
pages may have the same header.

What do you mean by "describe"? There exists some variables like chapter 
number and text, that will adapt automatically to the content of the page.

I thought that it would just be a simple question of telling the header
of each page to copy (or not) the header of the previous page. How
mistaken could I be?!!

?? You really need to describe more detailed the desired content of the 

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Localized Basic macros

2020-05-10 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Johnny,

Johnny Rosenberg schrieb am 10-May-20 um 14:35:

I'm playing a little with macros (my level is probably one step or two
above beginner) and making extensions out of them. I found a few examples
online and I got it to work.

I don't know if I'm going to share anything in the future (because I don't
think my extensions will fulfil anyone else's needs than my own and they
are probably poorly written anyway), but if I want to do that, there's a
minor problem: My macros interact with the user (usually me) in Swedish,
and I guess it would be a good idea to at least write an English version
for sharing with others.

However, it would be nice if the extension adapts to the user's locale when
installed (and falls back to English when the user's locale is not
available, that is in most cases). Is that possible? A link to some guide
of some sort would be appreciated. I found nothing so far.

Perhaps start with the help

Info from might be still valid:

There had been some issues with localization of dialogs:
According to 
you need at least LO version 6.4.

And this issue is not yet solved:
It contains a test document.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] The bootstraprc/bootstrap.ini configuration variables

2020-04-15 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi John,

John Kaufmann schrieb am 15-Apr-20 um 05:18:

Thank you! - taken together, a perfect introduction to the topic. As I 
failed so miserably, in the spirit of teaching me how to fish, can you 
tell me the terms of your "quick search"?

I don't remember the exact ways, but one was with the variable names you 
have mentioned


Because I know, that it is somewhere in the OpenOffice-Wiki, this one 
will work too


I search using Google.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] The bootstraprc/bootstrap.ini configuration variables

2020-04-14 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi John,

John Kaufmann schrieb am 14-Apr-20 um 07:28:
For "Installing several versions of LibreOffice in parallel" 
, the wiki 
discusses editing bootstraprc (Linux) or bootstrap.ini (Windows), 
changing the "UserInstallation" variable using configuration variables 

The implication of the discussion seems to be that these variables are 
part of a configuration language that is familiar to the reader.  But 
it's not familiar to me, and I'm having trouble to find the 
documentation (probably because my terminology is imprecise). Can 
someone point me in the right direction?

A quick search gives me

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Validation combobox

2020-02-23 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Johnny,

Johnny Rosenberg schrieb am 23-Feb-20 um 21:08:

Am I the only one who things the new behaviour of the cell validation box
is extremely annoying?
I use LibreOffice and I use those cell validation combo box things
all the time. When I want to input something in a validated cell, I hit
Alt+↓ to see the list and then I use ↓ and ↑ to look through the list and
then ↵ to select the currently selected item.

It works as you describe it in LibreOffice 7. Are you sure your Calc key 
binding is set to "Default"? Or is it " legacy" accidentely?

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Expandable brackets in writer document, formula maybe?

2020-02-23 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi John,

John Jason Jordan schrieb am 23-Feb-20 um 19:55:

Thanks, I found the bracket symbols, but 1) the corners are rounded

When you have drawn the bracket and click on it to make it active, you 
should see a handle. If you drag the handle upward, the corners will 
become sharp.

If that does not work for, I can make you a bracket. I would need to 
sent it to you private, because the mailing list does not allow attachments.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Expandable brackets in writer document, formula maybe?

2020-02-22 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi John,

John Jason Jordan schrieb am 23-Feb-20 um 01:58:

On Sun, 23 Feb 2020 00:42:38 +0100
Regina Henschel  dijo:

left [ stack{""+"consonantal"#""-"voice"#""+"continuant} right none

That line didn't work.

My fault. Missed one quotation mark
left [ stack{""+"consonantal"#""-"voice"#""+"continuant"} right none

This looks like it might be lots easier than messing with formulas, but
I don't have a Symbols toolbar. When I installed LO I thought I
installed absolutely everything, but maybe I missed something.

No you missed nothing. Look in the Standard toolbar. There should be an 
icon "Show Drawing Functions" somewhere on the right end of the Standard 
toolbar. Click it. It opens the toolbar "Drawing". It is likely docked 
to the bottom or to the left side. On this toolbar you see a Smiley with 
a little triangle, click the triangle to open the sub-toolbar "Symbol 

But if you are not familiar with these toolbars, it might be easier for 
you to use the menu: Insert > Shape > Symbol Shapes. There you find the 

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Expandable brackets in writer document, formula maybe?

2020-02-22 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi John,

John Jason Jordan schrieb am 22-Feb-20 um 23:50:

LO Writer in on Xubuntu 18.04 up to date, installed from the
PPA, from LO.

I know this can be done, but the how escapes me. I need to produce
expandable brackets in Writer like the following (but here in the e-mail
I have to use single brackets - just assume that they are all one left
and one right bracket):

[ +consonantal  ]
[ -voice]
[ +continuant   ]

I need the words aligned vertically, as you would decimal align numbers
in a table.

I tried Insert > Object > Formula with the following:

left [ +consonantal
+continuant right ]

But it all came out on a single line.

left [ stack{ "+ consonantal"#"- voice"#"+ continuant" } right none

In case you like mathematical + and - you need to provide a dummy left 

left [ stack{""+"consonantal"#""-"voice"#""+"continuant} right none

 Furthermore, I managed to change

the font to the same font that I am using for the document

For text in quotations marks as above, it would be inside the formula 
editor menu Format > Fonts... > Modify > Text

, but I can't

figure out how to set the point size for it.

The font size is inside formula editor menu Format > Font Size. It is 
likely that you only need to adapt "Base size".

Any ideas?

Write the lines as normal single line paragraphs and use text flow "keep 
with next" or write them as one paragraph with line feeds. Insert a 
bracket-shape at the start of the first line and anchor it "at 
character". The bracket-shapes are in the sub-list "Symbol Shapes".

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Re: [libreoffice-users] bold String is fods file

2020-02-14 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Thufir

thufir schrieb am 14-Feb-20 um 10:13:
where is a String marked as bold?  I'm not finding documentation 
explaining where this accomplished.

See also:

All styles are in  elements and are referenced by name. 
Find the style "ce15", it should contain the property "bold".

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Capital letters in dates (in calc)

2020-01-22 Thread Regina Henschel


please have a look at the sort lists in Tools > Options > Calc > Sort 
Lists. Do have the month and days names small letters too?

Kind regards

TheJoe schrieb am 22-Jan-20 um 22:23:

I have a small issue that i could not solve. First of all i'm sorry for my
bad English... i'm Italian.

I'm using LibreOffice with Italian localization.

I'm trying to format a date in Calc... What i'm getting right now is:
lunedì 2 settembre 2024

I would like instead to have every word starting with a capitali letter:
Lunedì 2 Settembre 2024

Also "Format" - "Text" - "CAPITALS" doesn't work.

The thing i don't want to do is reformat the cell to text (it must be a

Do you think it's possible?

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Re: [libreoffice-users] filter bank transactions and then sum

2020-01-13 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi James,

you can use the function SUBTOTAL.

Kind regards

James schrieb am 14-Jan-20 um 00:10:
I've got a spreadsheet of all my bank transactions and I want to filter 
them by type and them the results.

Tran Type Amount
1 A   1.5
2 B   2.0
3 A   3.5

I can use Data/More Filters/Standard Filer to get:
Tran Type Amount
1 A   1.5
3 A   3.5

but sum(C1:C3) gives 7.0 (the sum of the unfiltered spreadsheet.

I can copy but filtered rows but that is too easy. :-)
What is the hardest overkill way? :-)
Maybe a template or macro that I can reuse.
I just want to filter them so I can add up the interest I got.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Problem with chapter numbering and TOC.

2019-11-17 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Dave,

Dave Barton schrieb am 17-Nov-19 um 09:19:

I have created a sample document with a near identical structure and
made it available at:

It would be much appreciated if someone could take a look at this
document and offer any suggestions about why the automatically generated
chapter headings are not appearing in the TOC.

Your headings have no content. You need to write at least a blank.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Writer - Changing text from horizontal to vertical

2019-11-12 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Charles,

charles meyer schrieb am 12-Nov-19 um 16:04:

I’ve got Libre Office version running on an old desktop running
Windows 7.> 

You should use the last one of a family. For LO 5.1 that would be 
If I click the Help tab, it tries connecting to the net. >

I prefer working off-line.

You need to install the helppack of your language too. Open the win 
folder in above link, then the folder x86_64 for a 64-bit Windows and 
x86 for a 32-bit Windows. Now you will see the helppack files.

How does one format text to vertical in my Libre Writer version?

First you need to enable "Asian". Go to Tools > Options > Language 
Settings > Languages. It is in section "Default Languages for Documents".

Now there exists several options.
You can set vertical for the all pages of a style. Open Styles section 
of the side bar, tab 'Pages Styles'. Right-click your style and click 
Modify. In that dialog, on tab Page select "Right-to-left (vertical" 
from field 'Text direction'.

For a frame, go to 'Frame Styles' and click Modify. On tab Options you 
will find the field 'Text direction'.

For a graphical Textbox (which can be rotated in contrast to a frame), 
you should use the icon 'Vertical Text' directly.

For a labeled shape, go into edit mode of the shape. If the 'Text 
Object' toolbar is not yet open, open it via View > Toolbars. It should 
have an icon 'Text direction from top to bottom'.

For a table open the table properties, tab 'Text Flow'. There you will 
find the field 'Text orientation'.

You cannot set a single paragraph to vertical direction in a horizontal 
orientated environment. But you need to have the paragraph outside the 
normal text flow, e.g. by a frame, table or shape.
But you can rotate a selection of characters. That is in Format > 
Characters, tab 'Position'. First select the portion of text, then set 
it to 90° or 270°.

Is this done easier in a more recent Libre version?


What other functions/features have others found – in *your* experience -
Libre Writer does easier/better/or at all in more updated versions?

The import/export with OOXML (docx, pptx, xslx) has been improved a lot.

Do more recent versions of Libre have a built-in Help function so you can
obtain help without connecting to the net?

The old integrated help viewer is removed. The help texts are shown in 
your default browser. But the files themselves can be locally on your PC.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] special characters from keyboard?

2019-08-09 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Gary,

if you want to go with macros, the following will work:
The general part once (you might need to correct line breaks):

Sub lcl_InsertCharacter_Writer(byval sChar as string)
Dim oDoc as variant
oDoc = ThisComponent
Dim oCurrentController as variant
oCurrentController = oDoc.getCurrentController()

msgbox("only for text documents")
exit sub
end if
Dim oTextViewCursor as variant
oTextViewCursor = oCurrentController.getViewCursor()
Dim oText as variant
If IsEmpty(oTextViewCursor.Cell) Then
End If
End Sub

And then for each desired character, for example:

sub S_Lower_Hatchek
end sub

sub C_Upper_Cedilla
end sub

Of cause you need to adapt the number "&H0161" or "&Hc7" to your 
character. You can assign a short-cut to macros. Macros are at the 
bottom of the Category list in the Keyboard tab of the Customize dialog.

I found it difficult to remember short-cuts. Therefore I had made an own 
toolbar for these characters, where I used the character itself as name 
for the icon. I had added the macros and the toolbar to a document 
template. I had used it many yours ago for my pupils, so that they could 
easily write French texts. But with the new special character dialog, 
such is not really needed nowadays.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Libreoffice extension XML tags

2019-07-16 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Michael,

Michael H schrieb am 15-Jul-19 um 16:59:
(which I'm assuming means it (will) require renaming to something
like text:contextual-spacing) 

not 'text::contextual-spacing' but 'style:contextual-spacing'. It will 
belong to "style-paragraph-properties-attlist". You will find it in

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Libreoffice extension XML tags

2019-07-16 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Michael,

the extended schema is in

The standard itself is working in progress. You can follow it in

Kind regards

Michael H schrieb am 15-Jul-19 um 16:59:

I've got custom built files that are failing ODT validation. One of these
failures is for loext:contextual-spacing

Is there documentation similar to the ODF specification for Libre Office
extensions?  All I'm finding are discussions about the issue, and actual
code that is apparently what's IN libreoffice.  I'm looking for the spec
that shows what tags this field is allowed under, and what the allowed
values are. I see mentions this field is confirmed to be part of the ODF
1.3 spec (which I'm assuming means it (will) require renaming to something
like text:contextual-spacing) , but I don't see any list or syntax for ODF


Michael Hart

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Convert .wps into Ms Word format

2019-07-13 Thread Regina Henschel

charles meyer schrieb am 13-Jul-19 um 21:29:

HI all,

I was sent a .wps file (about 3-5 pages). It's from a trustworthy person
who has really old software and not computer savvy.

It is a Microsoft Works Document or a Kingsoft Writer Document?

I've read a plethora of Google results and none have worked to convert that
file format into readable format. Word pad came the closes but still a lot
of unrecognized characters.

I've read Zamar online is not to be trusted.

Has anyone used Libre Writer or Draw or any downloadable free program to
convert .wps files?

Why not simple try it? You need not install LibreOffice, but can use a 
portable version.

Why do you want MS Word format? If someone, who has only MS Office and 
wants MS Word format, and the file is indeed a Microsoft Works Document, 
then "Microsoft Works 6–9 File Converter" might be an option too.

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