Quinta dos Três Rios

2015-04-17 Thread David Law

Hi Dave,

nice to speak to you just now.

The place I mentioned in Portugal is:
Quinta dos Três Rios 
...a treasure trove. :-)

Hope we'll be able to bump into you soon.

All the best,

Who the f*** is Stephen?

2014-05-31 Thread David Law

Hi Alex,

hope you're thriving.

I got a LinkedIn invitation from a Stephen Everson
who (I think...) I've never heard of.

I see he's one of your connections.
Any idea who he is & why he would be contacting me?


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Re: [ANN] Apache Tomcat 7.0.50 released

2014-01-12 Thread David Law

Thanks for that. :-)

You might like to correct this Typo under Tomcat 7.0.50 / Catalina:
"Streamline handling of WebSocket messages whe..."
to "when" or "where" for example.

All the best,

On 12/01/2014 11:15, Violeta Georgieva wrote:

The Apache Tomcat team announces the immediate availability of Apache
Tomcat 7.0.50.

Apache Tomcat is an open source software implementation of the Java
Servlet, JavaServer Pages and Java Expression Language technologies.

This release contains a number of bug fixes and improvements compared to
version 7.0.47.

Please refer to the change log for the complete list of changes:

Note: This version has 4 zip binaries: a generic one and
   three bundled with Tomcat native binaries for Windows operating
   systems running on different CPU architectures.

Note: Use of the JSR-356 Java WebSocket 1.0 implementation requires Java 7.

Note: If you use the APR/native AJP or HTTP connector you *must* upgrade
   to version 1.1.29 or later of the APR/native library.


Migration guides from Apache Tomcat 5.5.x and 6.0.x:

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Re: Compressed SVG support (*.svgz) in Tomcat

2014-01-02 Thread David Law


thanks for that. :-)

I'm starting a new project today, so I'll have
to wait til weekend to try out the Rule.

Marks Filter was nearly right: just needed to move the
chain.doFilter(request, response); // (invokes 

((HttpServletResponse) response).addHeader("Content-Encoding", "gzip");

Apart from that there's another workaround: I got a change
through in 2011 to PrimeFaces to allow setting Content-Encoding
for StreamedContent, so with a suitable BackingBean for
p:graphicImage it works since PrimeFaces v3.4.3.

All the Best,

On 01/01/2014 19:36, Christopher Schultz wrote:

Hash: SHA256


On 12/31/13, 10:43 AM, David Law wrote:

there's nothing to debate: the standard says svgz's need
Content-Encoding: gzip so thats what we have to do.

At this rate, we'll never get the Internet finished by Easter...


It just occurred to me that you could also use urlrewrite[1] to do
this. If you configure the Filter to match only .svgz files, then I
think you only need this configuration:


If you want to map the filter to more than that, then you'll want to
predicate the rule using :


I haven't tested any of this. It will probably require some tweaking.

I was going to add an enhancement request to Bugzilla for a Filter
like the one Mark wrote, but I figured that urlrewrite could do it,
too. Perhaps such a filter would still be a good example.


- -chris

[1] http://www.tuckey.org/urlrewrite/
Version: GnuPG v1
Comment: GPGTools - http://gpgtools.org
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/


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Re: Compressed SVG support (*.svgz) in Tomcat

2013-12-31 Thread David Law


there's nothing to debate: the standard says svgz's need
Content-Encoding: gzip
so thats what we have to do.

At this rate, we'll never get the Internet finished by Easter...

Happy New Year,

On 31/12/2013 15:23, Christopher Schultz wrote:

Hash: SHA256


On 12/31/13, 2:52 AM, David Law wrote:

these are 2 completely different issues.

svgz's should be served with the correct encoding (gzip) as
required by the W3C SVG standard.  ALWAYS.
http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/conform.html#ConformingSVGServers That
means, files with the extension .svgz will be served, as they are,
with the Content-Encoding header gzip. This is

The "correct" encoding is debatable: one can argue that web servers
shouldn't be adding the Content-Encoding:gzip to resources that the
server itself did not gzip. If web servers were to take .gz files from
the disk and set Content-Encoding:gzip, then the client would
decompress the data upon receipt instead of storing the compressed
bytes sent by the server originally. That has the effect of mutating
the original resource form the perspective of the client.

In this case, the SVG standard is asking "SVG servers" (presumably
distinct from "web servers") to behave differently than originally
expected. I think there's some wiggle-room here and its not as
black-and-white as you propose.

"The Patch" is something completely different: it serves a file
with a particular extension, say *.XXX, from *.XXX.gz, if present.
SOMETIMES (depending on the Servlet gzip-parameter). This will add
a certain overhead, server-side, for EVERY FILE served. (because
"if present" implies a resources lookup)

True, but irrelevant. This is no different from serving any file from
a web server.

svgz's have the extension .svgz, not .svg.gz or .svgz.gz or
anything else for that matter, so "The Patch" will not have any
effect, and should not, for that matter.

The extension is not terribly relevant, other than its what you chose
to check for. In order to serve .svgz files in the way you want, a
simple Filter can be used -- and markt already gave you the code to do so.

Your original message said "Any chance of getting this [feature] at
long last?" You make it seem like Tomcat is refusing to implement some
crucial capability hat only the container can provide. This is not
true for two reasons: first, it is not necessary for Tomcat to
implement this - it can be done trivially by the web application;
second, there is already a component in Tomcat that can be used to do
this (bug 54095) with a bit of a tweak -- looking for filenames other
than "*.gz".

In your case, it probably makes sense to simply use Mark's Filter
until the Tomcat committers decide what to do about this case. Perhaps
an "example Filter" is the best thing to do here since it's a fairly
specific use case and definitely would result in surprising behavior
to many people if used by default. It's also clear there is room for
improvement to Philippe's initial patch.

- -chris
Version: GnuPG v1
Comment: GPGTools - http://gpgtools.org
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/


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Re: Compressed SVG support (*.svgz) in Tomcat

2013-12-31 Thread David Law


regarding the "Content-Transfer-Encoding" header mentioned in:

Content-Transfer-Encoding (CTE) is specified in RFC 2045 (MIME):

RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) states, here "19.4.5 No Content-Transfer-Encoding":
"HTTP does not use the Content-Transfer-Encoding (CTE) field of RFC 2045."

Also, under RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) 19.4.4 & 19.4.6 respectively,
Content-Encoding & Transfer-Encoding are introduced.

Transfer-Encoding & Content-Transfer-Encoding are intended
for use in transmission only, so the data will arrive intact.
An example of such would be Base64:

I think we were right to choose Content-Encoding.

All the best,

On 30/12/2013 01:28, David Law wrote:

Hi André,

thats exactly what the JIRA Request is about:

We want a generic solution & not just something specific to *.svgz

Regarding the "Content-Transfer-Encoding header",
I'm afraid that's beyond me.
Maybe Mark has an opinion on that?


On 30/12/2013 00:18, André Warnier wrote:

Mark Thomas wrote:

On 28/12/2013 21:36, David Law wrote:

I just tried this in DefaultServlet:

if (contentType.equals("image/svg+xml")
&&  path.toLowerCase().endsWith(".svgz")) {
response.addHeader("Content-Encoding", "gzip");

"Quick & dirty", but Works fine as proof-of-concept.
We just need a DefaultServlet expert to do the "slow & clean" stuff.

I'd suggest simply using a filter mapped to *.svgz for now.

I believe a generic solution to be best though, long-term. 
Something like:

That would be my preference but would require a change from the Servlet
EG. I'm not sure if adding a element to  or adding a new
 element is the best solution. I created
https://java.net/jira/browse/SERVLET_SPEC-86 - feel free to add 

As a comment, I would like to add that the adding of a 
"Content-Encoding" header for certain data files served by Tomcat may 
be interesting for more types than just *.svgz files.
For example, in document-management or archive applications, it is 
interesting to store various types of documents on the server in an 
already-compressed format and serve them that way, yet have the 
client receive the information necessary to automatically uncompress 
the response content to handle the original format correctly, without 
having to use a specific servlet filter or document-retrieval servlet 
to do so.
The discussion about .svgz is equally applicable to all kinds of 
*.xxx.gz files for instance, where xxx may be PDF, MS-Office, plain 
text or whatever could be stored pre-compressed on the server. 
(Applications of the "store once, retrieve many times" model).

As another side-comment, there seems to exist an ambiguity/error in 
the following document : http://www.w3.org/TR/SVGTiny12/mimereg.html

In section "Security considerations", it says :


SVG documents may be transmitted in compressed form using gzip 
compression. For systems which employ MIME-like mechanisms, such as 
HTTP, this is indicated by the *Content-Transfer-Encoding header*; 
for systems which do not, ...

(emphasis mine)

but the HTTP specification in RFC 2616 does not have a 
"Content-Transfer-Encoding" header.
It has "Content-Encoding" and "Transfer-Encoding", as two distinct 
headers with distinct meanings.

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Re: Compressed SVG support (*.svgz) in Tomcat

2013-12-30 Thread David Law


these are 2 completely different issues.

svgz's should be served with the correct encoding (gzip)
as required by the W3C SVG standard.  ALWAYS.
That means, files with the extension .svgz will be served,
as they are, with the Content-Encoding header gzip.
This is performance-neutral.

"The Patch" is something completely different:
it serves a file with a particular extension, say *.XXX,
from *.XXX.gz, if present.  SOMETIMES (depending on the Servlet 

This will add a certain overhead, server-side, for EVERY FILE served.
(because "if present" implies a resources lookup)

svgz's have the extension .svgz, not .svg.gz or .svgz.gz
or anything else for that matter, so "The Patch" will not
have any effect, and should not, for that matter.

All the best,

On 30/12/2013 16:12, Christopher Schultz wrote:

Hash: SHA256


On 12/28/13, 3:20 PM, David Law wrote:

No Content-Encoding header is sent in the response. And that is
exactly the problem: DefaultServlet needs to be changed to serve up
svgz's with Content-Encoding gzip

Okay, so you would then need to use this:

If you want to serve pre-compressed content then you'll have to
do some work yourself (unless you are using Tomcat 8). There have
been a few discussions on the various lists over the past few
years. For example,


Tomcat 8.0.4-RC4+ should already support pre-compressed files:

I am aware of the changes made by Philippe Marschall (r1531115) &
Mark Thomas regarding gzip. This is quite useful but does not
address my Issue.

It should: your scenario is exactly the one targeted by the patch.

It could be used (as a workaround) if compressed SVG's had the
extension .svg.gz

What's wrong with .svgz? Tomcat's out-of-the-box MIME types include
mappings for .svg and .svgz, which appears to be appropriate.


I've also read http://kaioa.com/node/45 but the use of
Content-Encoding appears to be a hack: the SVG reader should accept
both uncompressed and gzip-compressed streams. It does not seem
reasonable for Tomcat itself to include this specific hack.

I'm still not sure why Phillipe's solution does not give you what you
need: it adds pre-compressed file-serving capabilities, which is
exactly what you want. You said above that it doesn't meet your needs:
in what was is that solution lacking?

But they don't: W3C specifies the extension as .svgz We just need
Tomcat to serve up svgz's with Content-Encoding gzip. Something
like this: if (contentType.equals("image/svg+xml") &&
path.toLowerCase().endsWith(".svgz")) {
response.addHeader("Content-Encoding", "gzip"); }

See markt's reply for an example filter.

- -chris
Version: GnuPG v1
Comment: GPGTools - http://gpgtools.org
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/


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Re: Compressed SVG support (*.svgz) in Tomcat

2013-12-29 Thread David Law

Hi André,

thats exactly what the JIRA Request is about:

We want a generic solution & not just something specific to *.svgz

Regarding the "Content-Transfer-Encoding header",
I'm afraid that's beyond me.
Maybe Mark has an opinion on that?


On 30/12/2013 00:18, André Warnier wrote:

Mark Thomas wrote:

On 28/12/2013 21:36, David Law wrote:

I just tried this in DefaultServlet:

if (contentType.equals("image/svg+xml")
&&  path.toLowerCase().endsWith(".svgz")) {
response.addHeader("Content-Encoding", "gzip");

"Quick & dirty", but Works fine as proof-of-concept.
We just need a DefaultServlet expert to do the "slow & clean" stuff.

I'd suggest simply using a filter mapped to *.svgz for now.

I believe a generic solution to be best though, long-term. Something 

That would be my preference but would require a change from the Servlet
EG. I'm not sure if adding a element to  or adding a new
 element is the best solution. I created
https://java.net/jira/browse/SERVLET_SPEC-86 - feel free to add 

As a comment, I would like to add that the adding of a 
"Content-Encoding" header for certain data files served by Tomcat may 
be interesting for more types than just *.svgz files.
For example, in document-management or archive applications, it is 
interesting to store various types of documents on the server in an 
already-compressed format and serve them that way, yet have the client 
receive the information necessary to automatically uncompress the 
response content to handle the original format correctly, without 
having to use a specific servlet filter or document-retrieval servlet 
to do so.
The discussion about .svgz is equally applicable to all kinds of 
*.xxx.gz files for instance, where xxx may be PDF, MS-Office, plain 
text or whatever could be stored pre-compressed on the server. 
(Applications of the "store once, retrieve many times" model).

As another side-comment, there seems to exist an ambiguity/error in 
the following document : http://www.w3.org/TR/SVGTiny12/mimereg.html

In section "Security considerations", it says :


SVG documents may be transmitted in compressed form using gzip 
compression. For systems which employ MIME-like mechanisms, such as 
HTTP, this is indicated by the *Content-Transfer-Encoding header*; for 
systems which do not, ...

(emphasis mine)

but the HTTP specification in RFC 2616 does not have a 
"Content-Transfer-Encoding" header.
It has "Content-Encoding" and "Transfer-Encoding", as two distinct 
headers with distinct meanings.

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Re: Compressed SVG support (*.svgz) in Tomcat

2013-12-29 Thread David Law

Hi André,

no.  I think Chris was semantically correct with
"[big enough to exceed your file size]"

Unfortunately, his answer had nothing to do with my posting.

Mark Thomas hit the nail on the head though:

All the best,

On 29/12/2013 14:10, André Warnier wrote:

Christopher Schultz wrote:

Hash: SHA256


On 12/28/13, 12:06 PM, David Law wrote:
Tomcat doesn't seem to serve compressed SVG's (*.svgz) correctly. 
The response should have a Content-Encoding header, value 'gzip'.

Any chance of getting this at long last? (a change to
org.apache.catalina.servlets.DefaultServlet, I presume)

Version: 7.0.47

What type of data do you have on the disk? What content-type? What
content-type and content-encoding are sent to the browser?

Tomcat's DefaultServlet should serve any file using gzip (with an
appropriate content-encoding) that matches the configured mime types
and isn't smaller than a certain size. All of these can be configured
with the compression, compressableMimeType, and compressionMinSize
attributes on your . Note that use of sendFile precludes
the use of gzip compression, so if you are using sendFile you aren't
going to get that kind of encoding.

- From a stock Tomcat install, to get .svg files served using
content-encoding:gzip, you'd need to modify your  to have
the following attributes:

   compressableMimeType=", image/svg+xml"
   compressionMinSize="[big enough to exceed your file size"

I believe that this should be instead : [small enough to *not* exceed 
you file size].

No ?

   sendFile="false" (if appropriate)

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Re: Compressed SVG support (*.svgz) in Tomcat

2013-12-29 Thread David Law

Hi Jan,

yes, that's the problem & plain-text SVG's are so bloated.

Opera does a stateful inspection of the stream to see
if its compressed or not, but the Spec states they must
be marked as gzip-Encoded in the Response Header, so we
can't really fault Firefox & co for adhering to that Spec.

The Internet Forums are full of entries from people
looking for a solution, so I hopethe JIRA  
<https://java.net/jira/browse/SERVLET_SPEC-86>  Mark created
will meet with approval.

All the best,

On 29/12/2013 11:18, Jan Tosovsky wrote:

On 2013-12-28 David Law wrote:

On 28/12/2013 19:34, Christopher Schultz wrote:

What type of data do you have on the disk?

Its all standard stuff.  As specified by W3C, compressed SVG's
are just SVG's (which are just XML) compressed with gzip, with
a Mime-Type of "image/svg+xml", and extension ".svgz"

Btw, I've stopped using compressed SVG variant for web recently as
1. stored on local disk couldn't be displayed in some browsers (works in 
Chrome, but not in FF or IE) - my files were intended for downloading by users 
hence this was a serious limitation.
2. all my web content is transferred to the client gzipped anyway so there is 
no gain in the 'content length'.
3. no additional settings was required


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Re: Compressed SVG support (*.svgz) in Tomcat

2013-12-29 Thread David Law


many, many thanks for your prompt action. :-)

I will add my thoughts to your JIRA 

I guess the matter is now out of our hands
& we have to hope the Servlet guys @ java.net
are open to our proposal.  I hope it won't take years,
as I have a feeling the adoption of SVG is threatened
by the lack of support for svgz's: there are an awful
lot of people trawling the internet for an answer.

Would it be too much trouble to detail
how such a Filter-Definition might look?
(I really am quite new to all this, being
 more at home with a mainframe)

There is another workaround: we got a change 
<http://code.google.com/p/primefaces/issues/detail?id=4264> to

PrimeFaces through in 2012 which was released
with 3.5 & retrospectively 3.4.3, so it is possible to
write a backing-bean to serve svgz's via p:graphicImage.

Thanks again,

On 29/12/2013 10:06, Mark Thomas wrote:

On 28/12/2013 21:36, David Law wrote:

I just tried this in DefaultServlet:

if (contentType.equals("image/svg+xml")
&&  path.toLowerCase().endsWith(".svgz")) {
 response.addHeader("Content-Encoding", "gzip");

"Quick & dirty", but Works fine as proof-of-concept.
We just need a DefaultServlet expert to do the "slow & clean" stuff.

I'd suggest simply using a filter mapped to *.svgz for now.

I believe a generic solution to be best though, long-term. Something like:

That would be my preference but would require a change from the Servlet
EG. I'm not sure if adding a element to  or adding a new
 element is the best solution. I created
https://java.net/jira/browse/SERVLET_SPEC-86 - feel free to add comments.


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Re: Compressed SVG support (*.svgz) in Tomcat

2013-12-28 Thread David Law

I just tried this in DefaultServlet:

if (contentType.equals("image/svg+xml")
&&  path.toLowerCase().endsWith(".svgz")) {
response.addHeader("Content-Encoding", "gzip");

"Quick & dirty", but Works fine as proof-of-concept.
We just need a DefaultServlet expert to do the "slow & clean" stuff.

I believe a generic solution to be best though, long-term. Something like:


...with a new Tag, for example: "encoding"

All the best,

On 28/12/2013 18:06, David Law wrote:


Tomcat doesn't seem to serve compressed SVG's (*.svgz) correctly.
The response should have a Content-Encoding header, value 'gzip'.

Any chance of getting this at long last?
(a change to org.apache.catalina.servlets.DefaultServlet, I presume)

Version: 7.0.47

All the best,

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Re: Compressed SVG support (*.svgz) in Tomcat

2013-12-28 Thread David Law

Hi Chris,

On 28/12/2013 19:34, Christopher Schultz wrote:

What type of data do you have on the disk?

Its all standard stuff.  As specified by W3C, compressed SVG's
are just SVG's (which are just XML) compressed with gzip, with
a Mime-Type of "image/svg+xml", and extension ".svgz"

What content-type?


  What content-type and content-encoding are sent to the browser?

Content-Type: image/svg+xml
Content-Encoding: not present

No Content-Encoding header is sent in the response.
And that is exactly the problem:
DefaultServlet needs to be changed to serve up svgz's with 
Content-Encoding gzip

Tomcat's DefaultServlet should serve any file using gzip (with an
appropriate content-encoding) that matches the configured mime types
and isn't smaller than a certain size. All of these can be configured
with the compression, compressableMimeType, and compressionMinSize
attributes on your .

I'm just using the xhtml  tag in a Facelet

Note that use of sendFile precludes
the use of gzip compression, so if you are using sendFile you aren't
going to get that kind of encoding.

I am not using sendFile.

- From a stock Tomcat install, to get .svg files served using
content-encoding:gzip, you'd need to modify your  to have
the following attributes:

compressableMimeType=", image/svg+xml"
compressionMinSize="[big enough to exceed your file size"
sendFile="false" (if appropriate)

If the file is already compressed, then Tomcat will not re-compress
it, and won't use the content-encoding:gzip header because it's not
appropriate: the server is serving compressed content, not merely
compressing the content for transfer.

If you want to serve pre-compressed content then you'll have to do
some work yourself (unless you are using Tomcat 8). There have been a
few discussions on the various lists over the past few years. For example,


Tomcat 8.0.4-RC4+ should already support pre-compressed files:
I am aware of the changes made by Philippe Marschall (r1531115) & Mark 
Thomas regarding gzip.

This is quite useful but does not address my Issue.
It could be used (as a workaround) if compressed SVG's had the extension 

But they don't: W3C specifies the extension as .svgz
We just need Tomcat to serve up svgz's with Content-Encoding gzip.
Something like this:
if (contentType.equals("image/svg+xml")
&&  path.toLowerCase().endsWith(".svgz")) {
response.addHeader("Content-Encoding", "gzip");

All the best,

- -chris
Version: GnuPG v1
Comment: GPGTools - http://gpgtools.org
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/


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Compressed SVG support (*.svgz) in Tomcat

2013-12-28 Thread David Law


Tomcat doesn't seem to serve compressed SVG's (*.svgz) correctly.
The response should have a Content-Encoding header, value 'gzip'.

Any chance of getting this at long last?
(a change to org.apache.catalina.servlets.DefaultServlet, I presume)

Version: 7.0.47

All the best,

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