IllegalArgumentException within WicketURLDecoder

2011-10-07 Thread Patrick Petermair
Hi! From time to time we are getting an IllegalArgumentException within WicketURLDecoder (see below). We can't reproduce the error and it seems to not bother the users since we haven't had any reports about errors in the UI or so .. yet it keeps showing up in our logs. Could it be some

Session values not stored using chrome

2011-06-07 Thread Patrick Petermair
Hi! Our wicket application has the following scenario: -) save myValue in the session -) redirect the user to an external page (using getRequestCycle().setRequestTarget()) -) the external pages redirects back to our webapp after the user entered some data -) read myValue from the session and

Provide the user with immediate feedback

2011-02-01 Thread Patrick Petermair
Hey! In our wicket application we are using a lot of Ajax links/forms. Sometimes, those requests take a second or two. We now want to give the user some feedback, that his request is being processed (to avoid double clicking or the impression that the webapp is slow). What would be the best

correct way to get css classes of component

2011-01-31 Thread Patrick Petermair
Hi! I was trying to solve the problem of replacing a specific css class of a wicket component with another css class. Google pointed me to the following thread: The nice and simple

wicket:message inside html title

2011-01-17 Thread Patrick Petermair
Hi! We are using wicket:message for i18n of our html pages. It all works fine except for the html title. I have the following html: head title wicket:message key=page.titlemyTitle/wicket:message /title /head In the properties files I have page.title set to German Title and English

Re: wicket:message inside html title

2011-01-17 Thread Patrick Petermair
Thank you! Works like a charm!! Am 2011-01-17 12:10, schrieb Matthias Gasser: Hello Patrick, I guess the following will do the Job: - To

Re: Preventing user input script-injection attacks

2010-11-25 Thread Patrick Petermair
Am 2010-11-25 16:15, schrieb Ian Marshall: If a user has entered some HTML in a TextField or TextAreaString when I do not want HTML to be entered, what is a good way to prevent this? In our project we are using OWASP Antisamy to prevent XSS attacks. It is easy to use, has a couple templates

Edit whole ListItem via Ajax

2010-11-12 Thread Patrick Petermair
Hey list! I have a ListView and each ListItem has multiple labels. I want to add an edit button at the end of each line so that the user can switch into an edit mode, edit every label and then save them all at once. So far, I've used AjaxEditableLabel for a single label and it works great.

FeedbackPanel for each ListItem in ListView

2010-10-15 Thread Patrick Petermair
Hey! I have ListView and every ListItem has multiple AjaxEditableLabels and one FeedbackPanel added to it. Each FeedbackPanel should only show messages that were reported within the same listitem. I tried the following but it didn't work: protected void populateItem(final ListItem item) {

Re: autocomplete for AjaxEditableLabel

2010-08-30 Thread Patrick Petermair
Is there a way to enable autocomplete for AjaxEditableLabel (just like AutoCompleteTextField)? I was going through AutoCompleteTextField as a reference and wrote my own behavior for autocompletion. The new behavior works perfectly for a TextField, but not for AjaxEditableLabel. Answering my

autocomplete for AjaxEditableLabel

2010-08-27 Thread Patrick Petermair
Hi! Is there a way to enable autocomplete for AjaxEditableLabel (just like AutoCompleteTextField)? I was going through AutoCompleteTextField as a reference and wrote my own behavior for autocompletion. The new behavior works perfectly for a TextField, but not for AjaxEditableLabel. Any

Re: Best practice for component interaction

2010-08-25 Thread Patrick Petermair
Igor Vaynberg schrieb: onclick(final AjaxRequestTarget target) { getPage().visitChildren(CaresAboutMyAjaxEvent.class, new IVisitorCaresAboutMyAjaxEvent () { Object visit(CaresAboutMyAjaxEent object) { object.onMyAjaxEvent(target); }}} Interesting. A colleague

Best practice for component interaction

2010-08-24 Thread Patrick Petermair
Hi! Let's say I have a page with 2 panels. CalendarPanel shows a simple calendar, FormPanel a basic form. Whenever the user clicks on a date in the calendar, the textfield of the form should show the selected date. What is the best practice for this kind of interaction? Right now we hold a


2010-08-19 Thread Patrick Petermair
Hi! Is it possible to get the AutoCompleteTextField to return a list of all available choices when the user presses the downward key? I tried to return an iterator for the full list when the input of getChoices(String input) is empty, but this only works when the user presses the space key.

Re: AutoCompleteTextField

2010-08-19 Thread Patrick Petermair
armandoxxx schrieb: You need to be able to select multiple items from autocomplete dropdown list with just DOWN key ??? No, I want to select a single item - but out of a list of all the items. Take the example at: The user starts

Re: AutoCompleteTextField

2010-08-19 Thread Patrick Petermair
Matthias Keller schrieb: Use: AutoCompleteSettings settings = new AutoCompleteSettings(); settings.setShowListOnEmptyInput(true); settings.setShowListOnFocusGain(true); // and possibly other settings as needed And then specify those settings in the constructor.. Thanks! Works like a charm.