wiquery vs wicket-jquery-ui

2013-03-08 Thread Oscar Besga Arcauz
Hi wickers

I was searching for a wicket + query-ui libraries and I found
* wiquery -> https://github.com/WiQuery/wiquery
* wicket-jquery-ui -> https://github.com/sebfz1/wicket-jquery-ui

Trying to not make controversy, have anyone used any ?
Have anyone tested both and chose one ? Why ?

I found wiquery more mature and matched with last wicket libraries;
but wicket-jquery-ui more active recently.

What do you think ?

> > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < < 
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Wicket modal

2013-03-07 Thread Oscar Besga Arcauz
 Hi wickers !

I'm using a ModalWindow to show a simple phrase where a form is sent to the 

I used 

ModalWindow wModal = new ModalWindow("ventanaModal");

But when I show the wModal (with wModal.show(target);  ), the inner panel gets 
a 200px heigth, hardcoded into style. Width is ok.
Is this ok ? How can I get a autoheigth ?

I tried with fixed size, in order to get a it , I must do:

Isn't this a little complicated ?
But I really don't like fixed sizes into HTML...


> > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < < 
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Re: Error with Hidden Field and its enum value

2013-03-04 Thread Oscar Besga Arcauz
Thanks Andrea !!

Yes, I could store the value on the Panel which holds the form - but then I 
couldn't use it as stateless. Or in WebSession, but it's not adequate...
Also. I could use a String and make the conversion hardcoded..

But I searched the converters, and I tried this (maybe a little complicated) 
and it worked allright !

public class MyWebApplication extends WebApplication {

    protected IConverterLocator newConverterLocator() {
    ConverterLocator locator = (ConverterLocator) 
    locator.set(MyEnum.class, new MyEnumConverter());
    return locator;


   public class MyEnumConverter implements IConverter {

   public MyEnumconvertToObject(String s, Locale locale) {
   try {
return MyEnum.valueOf(s);
} catch (Exception e) {
log_error("MyEnum.valueOf(s) " + s, e);
return null;

   public String convertToString(MyEnum myEnum, Locale locale) {
   return myEnum.name();

    > > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < < 

-Andrea Del Bene  escribió: -
Para: users@wicket.apache.org
De: Andrea Del Bene 
Fecha: 01/03/2013  17:55
Asunto: Re: Error with Hidden Field and its enum value

The error occurs because Wicket convert your enum to a string when the 
form is rendered, then it tries to do the opposite converting the string 
to your enum. And here we have the problem. Wicket doesn't fin a valid 
converter (see JAvaDoc of FormComponent.convertInput) to obtain your 
enum from its string value. But the real question is: do you really need 
to have such hidden field in your form? Why can't you simply get rid of it?
>   Hi wickers  !!
> I've a problem with a form and a hidden field.
> The form has a CompoundPropertyModel of a data class. This class has an enum 
> propertiy, which I want to store into a HiddenField and later retrieve (with 
> the whole data class and the rest of the data).
> When the panel is rendered, the hidden field gets the correct value - the 
> enum name() (or toString()? ) value.
> But when I retrieve the form, with the AjaxSubmitLink, I get this error in 
> the feedback messagges
>      DEBUG - FeedbackMessages           - Adding feedback message 
> '[FeedbackMessage message = "The value of 'myType' is not a valid MyType.", 
> reporter = myType, level = ERROR]'
> Any ideas ?
> Thanks a lot
>      > > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < <
> //Enumerated
> public enum MyType { myTypeOne, myTypeTwo, andSoOn }
> // Data class
> public class MyData implements Serializable { 
>   MyType myType;
> }
> //Panel with form
> public class MyPanel extends Panel {
>      public MyPanel(String id) {
>          super(id);
>   MyData data = new MyData();
>   data.myType = MyType.myTypeTwo;
>          Form form = new Form("form",new 
> CompoundPropertyModel(data));
>   form.add(new HiddenField("myType"); //data
>          AjaxSubmitLink submit = new AjaxSubmitLink("Submit"){
>              @Override
>              protected void onError(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form) {
>                  //ALWAYS GETS ME AN ERROR !!!
>       super.onError(target,form);
>              }
>              @Override
>              protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form) {
>                  super.onSubmit(target, form);
>              }
>          };   
>      }
> }
>      > > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < <
> -
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Error with Hidden Field and its enum value

2013-03-01 Thread Oscar Besga Arcauz
 Hi wickers  !!

I've a problem with a form and a hidden field.
The form has a CompoundPropertyModel of a data class. This class has an enum 
propertiy, which I want to store into a HiddenField and later retrieve (with 
the whole data class and the rest of the data).

When the panel is rendered, the hidden field gets the correct value - the enum 
name() (or toString()? ) value.
But when I retrieve the form, with the AjaxSubmitLink, I get this error in the 
feedback messagges

DEBUG - FeedbackMessages   - Adding feedback message 
'[FeedbackMessage message = "The value of 'myType' is not a valid MyType.", 
reporter = myType, level = ERROR]'

Any ideas ?

Thanks a lot


> > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < < 


public enum MyType { myTypeOne, myTypeTwo, andSoOn }

// Data class
public class MyData implements Serializable {   
MyType myType;

//Panel with form
public class MyPanel extends Panel {

public MyPanel(String id) {
MyData data = new MyData();
data.myType = MyType.myTypeTwo;
Form form = new Form("form",new 
form.add(new HiddenField("myType"); //data
AjaxSubmitLink submit = new AjaxSubmitLink("Submit"){

protected void onError(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form) {

protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form) {
super.onSubmit(target, form);


> > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < < 
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2013-02-26 Thread Oscar Besga Arcauz
 Hi wickers !

First, I'd like to thank all the people that have helped me from this forum: 

Second, I've created a github repo to place a pair of classes that I'm using in 
my projects.


This code is based on the work of vmontane, at 
( Also, special thanks to vmontane )

There are two classes:
- A link that changes the hash of the url, the AnchorAjaxLink (really it has no 
ajax action)
- A behaviour to capture, via ajax, the changes made to the hash of the url, 

They are based on jQuery and they are working in my code, so feel free to use 

The examples can be found in this repo


Any suggestion or enhacement is wellcome !!

Thanks !!!

    > > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < < 
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Re: Request scoped variables, in ajaxrequesttarget

2013-02-13 Thread Oscar Besga Arcauz
Yes, this works ok !

> why do you need to fire a custom event?
I've four main panels in my app, in order to communicate each other withour 

>Can't you just use AJAX event triggered by ART?
Maybe ApplicationRuntime

Ok, that's what I want to use, the AJAX event, but I want to have shared data 
in the request within the components

Thanks !!!

> public class MyEventData {
>  static  MetaDataKey METAKEY_MYEVENTDATA = new 
> MetaDataKey(){};
>  String s = "";
>  public MyEventData(){}
>  public MyEventData(String s) {
>  this.s = s;
>  }
>  public void setIntoRequest(RequestCycle rc){
>  rc.setMetaData(METAKEY_MYEVENTDATA,this);
>  }
>  public static MyEventData getFromRequest(RequestCycle rc){
>  return rc.getMetaData(METAKEY_MYEVENTDATA);
>  }
> }

> > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < < 

-Bas Gooren  escribió: -
Para: users@wicket.apache.org
De: Bas Gooren 
Fecha: 13/02/2013  15:35
Asunto: Re: Request scoped variables, in ajaxrequesttarget

Well, it's a lot simpler than that.

Simply call rc.setMetaData( METAKEY_MYEVENTDATA, this );

Wicket handles the actual storage details (like storing your data in a 
MetaDataEntry array etc).
Nothing you need to think about :-)

Met vriendelijke groet,
Kind regards,

Bas Gooren

Op 13-2-2013 15:31, schreef Oscar Besga Arcauz:
> Ok, it's a little complicated to create the metadata
> If I'm rigth, the process is - for example when click on an AjaxLink into the 
> page
> 1- Execute the method onClick of the AjaxLink
> 2- Send an event to all the components of the page (the page itself included, 
> on first place, but not other pages ?),
>     - The source of the event is the page itself
>     - The type of broadcast is BREADTH
>     - The payload is the AjaxRequestTarget (from the onclick method call)
> public class MyEventData {
>      static  MetaDataKey METAKEY_MYEVENTDATA = new 
> MetaDataKey(){};
>      String s = "";
>      public MyEventData(){}
>      public MyEventData(String s) {
>          this.s = s;
>      }
>      public MetaDataKey getWicketMetadataData(){
>          // A little complicated
>          MetaDataKey key = new MetaDataKey(){};
>          MetaDataEntry metaDataEntry = new 
> MetaDataEntry(key,this);
>          MetaDataEntry[] arrayMetaDataEntry =  new 
> MetaDataEntry[]{metaDataEntry};
>          key.set(arrayMetaDataEntry,this);
>          return key;
>      }
>      public void setIntoRequest(RequestCycle rc){
>          rc.setMetaData(getWicketMetadataData(),this);
>      }
>      public static MyEventData getFromRequest(RequestCycle rc){
>          return rc.getMetaData(METAKEY_MYEVENTDATA);
>      }
> }
>      > > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < <
> -Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro  escribió: -
> Para: users@wicket.apache.org
> De: Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro 
> Fecha: 13/02/2013  13:00
> Asunto: Re: Request scoped variables, in ajaxrequesttarget
> Hi Oscar,
> On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 12:54 PM, Oscar Besga Arcauz wrote:
>>   Hi wickers !
>> I was wondering If there's any method to have request-scoped variables (
>> as HttpServletRequest.get/setAttributes )
>> Specially with AjaxRequestTarget, in AJAX calls.
> Maybe RequestCycle#setMetaData might be useful for that.
> Regards - Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro
> Antilia Soft
> http://antiliasoft.com/ <http://antiliasoft.com/antilia>
> -
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Re: Request scoped variables, in ajaxrequesttarget

2013-02-13 Thread Oscar Besga Arcauz
Ok, it's a little complicated to create the metadata

If I'm rigth, the process is - for example when click on an AjaxLink into the 

1- Execute the method onClick of the AjaxLink
2- Send an event to all the components of the page (the page itself included, 
on first place, but not other pages ?),
   - The source of the event is the page itself
   - The type of broadcast is BREADTH 
   - The payload is the AjaxRequestTarget (from the onclick method call)

public class MyEventData {
    static  MetaDataKey METAKEY_MYEVENTDATA = new 
    String s = "";

    public MyEventData(){}
    public MyEventData(String s) {
    this.s = s;

    public MetaDataKey getWicketMetadataData(){
    // A little complicated
    MetaDataKey key = new MetaDataKey(){};
    MetaDataEntry metaDataEntry = new 
    MetaDataEntry[] arrayMetaDataEntry =  new 
    return key;
    public void setIntoRequest(RequestCycle rc){
    public static MyEventData getFromRequest(RequestCycle rc){
    return rc.getMetaData(METAKEY_MYEVENTDATA);

    > > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < < 

-Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro  escribió: -
Para: users@wicket.apache.org
De: Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro 
Fecha: 13/02/2013  13:00
Asunto: Re: Request scoped variables, in ajaxrequesttarget

Hi Oscar,

On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 12:54 PM, Oscar Besga Arcauz wrote:

>  Hi wickers !
> I was wondering If there's any method to have request-scoped variables (
> as HttpServletRequest.get/setAttributes )
> Specially with AjaxRequestTarget, in AJAX calls.
Maybe RequestCycle#setMetaData might be useful for that.

Regards - Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro
Antilia Soft
http://antiliasoft.com/ <http://antiliasoft.com/antilia>

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Request scoped variables, in ajaxrequesttarget

2013-02-13 Thread Oscar Besga Arcauz
 Hi wickers !

I was wondering If there's any method to have request-scoped variables ( as 
HttpServletRequest.get/setAttributes )
Specially with AjaxRequestTarget, in AJAX calls. 

I'm  using my own events within ajax calls. I know that an ajax call fires  an 
event into every component of a application; and I'd like to use this  event 
and avoid sending a second custom event.
Because of that, I want to attach some data to the request - to the 
AjaxRequestTarget maybe.

For  I've read in the forum, the way to do it could be a transient variable  
into the page which is nullyfied on the onDetach method.
But I find it not very elegant

Any ideas ?


> > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < < 

PS.  I'm supposing that a ajax event called over one page of one user  
(session) is not propaged over other pages and other users (sessions)

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Insidious error

2013-01-24 Thread Oscar Besga Arcauz
Hi Wickers

I've deployed my wicket webapp in production, now it's online.
Thanks for all your help !


There's an error, that is thrown intermittent, from time to time.
It doesn't appear to affect the main behaviour of the website

I've trying to reach source and debug and fix it, but it has been impossible to 
If anyone has a hint or knows what is happening, it will be truly appreciated 

Thanks !!

ERROR WebIsdefe:276 - ERROR ! >> 
Method  onRequest of interface org.apache.wicket.behavior.IBehaviorListener  
targeted at  
es.isdefe.webisdefe.webapp.panels.inicio.Inicio$InicioJsBehaviour@2b0c59fc  on 
component [Inicio [Component id = contenido]] threw an exception
org.apache.wicket.WicketRuntimeException:  Method onRequest of interface  
org.apache.wicket.behavior.IBehaviorListener targeted at  
es.isdefe.webisdefe.webapp.panels.inicio.Inicio$InicioJsBehaviour@2b0c59fc  on 
component [Inicio [Component id = contenido]] threw an exception

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: 
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor31.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
    ... 26 more
18:12:26,156 ERROR DefaultExceptionMapper:123 - Unexpected error occurred
org.apache.wicket.WicketRuntimeException:  Method onRequest of interface  
org.apache.wicket.behavior.IBehaviorListener targeted at  
es.isdefe.webisdefe.webapp.panels.inicio.Inicio$InicioJsBehaviour@2b0c59fc  on 
component [Inicio [Component id = contenido]] threw an exception
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: 
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor31.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
    ... 26 more

    > > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < < 

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Re: Do not cache pages, nor in application, nor in browser

2013-01-16 Thread Oscar Besga Arcauz
I've made a class, extending the DefaultPageManagerProvider to avoid Wicket 
page store (in order recreate every page at every request from users)

I'm testing it, and found no problems - for now.

Take a look; I'm thinking about sending it to JIRA as an improvement

 * User: obesga
 * Date: 16-jan-2013
 * Page manager that does not store any page, nor any bit
public class VoidPageManagerProvider extends DefaultPageManagerProvider {

    // Common properties
    private IPageManagerContext iPageManagerContext;
    private IPageManager iPageManager;
    private IDataStore iDataStore;
    private IPageStore iPageStore;

 * Basic construftor
 * @param application Actual application
    public VoidPageManagerProvider(Application application) {
    iPageManagerContext =  new DefaultPageManagerContext();
    iDataStore = new VoidIDataStore();
    iPageStore = new VoidIPageStore();
    iPageManager = new 

    public IPageManager get(IPageManagerContext pageManagerContext) {
    return iPageManager;

    protected IPageStore newPageStore(IDataStore dataStore) {
    return iPageStore;

    protected IDataStore newDataStore() {
    return iDataStore;

 * A data store that doesn't store a byte
    private class VoidIDataStore implements IDataStore {

    public byte[] getData(String s, int i) {
    return null;

    public void removeData(String s, int i) {

    public void removeData(String s) {

    public void storeData(String s, int i, byte[] bytes) {

    public void destroy() {

    public boolean isReplicated() {
    return true;

    public boolean canBeAsynchronous() {
    return true;

 * A page store that doesn't store a page
    private class VoidIPageStore implements IPageStore {

    public void destroy() {


    public IManageablePage getPage(String s, int i) {
    return null;

    public void removePage(String s, int i) {


    public void storePage(String s, IManageablePage iManageablePage) {


    public void unbind(String s) {


    public Serializable prepareForSerialization(String s, Object o) {
    return null;

    public Object restoreAfterSerialization(Serializable serializable) {
    return null;

    public IManageablePage convertToPage(Object o) {
    return null;

 * The basic store manager, extended to not support versioning
    private class VoidPageStoreManager extends PageStoreManager implements 
IPageManager {

    public VoidPageStoreManager(String applicationName, IPageStore 
pageStore, IPageManagerContext context) {
    super(applicationName, pageStore, context);

    public boolean supportsVersioning() {
    return false;


    > > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < < 

-Martin Grigorov  escribió: -
Para: users@wicket.apache.org
De: Martin Grigorov 
Fecha: 16/01/2013  09:00
Asunto: Re: Do not cache pages, nor in application, nor in browser


On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 7:59 PM, Oscar Besga Arcauz wrote:

> I use these code in order to avoid web page cache, in browser and in
> wicket application;
> also I want to avoid disk caching and serialization
> I'm using Wicket6
> ¿ Do you see this code correct ? ¿ Is there any easier way to accomplish
> this ?
> /**
>  * App
>  */
> public class MyApplication extends WebApplication {
>     @Override
>     public void init() {
>         super.init();
>         setPageManagerProvider(new MyPageManagerProvider(this));
>     }
>     /**
>      * shall not save
>      */
>     private class MyPageManagerProvider extends DefaultPageManagerProvider
> {
>         private MyPageManagerProvider(Application application) {
>             super(application);
>         }
>         @Override
>         protected IDataStore newDataStore() {
>             // guardamos tod o en memoria
>             return new HttpSessionDataStore(new
> DefaultPageManagerContext(), new PageNumberEvictionStrategy(0));

You can use getStoreSettings#setMaxSizePerSession(Bytes.bytes(1))  with the
default DiskDataStore too.
But your approach is better because this way you don't do IO operations.

>         }
>     }
> }
> /

Do not cache pages, nor in application, nor in browser

2013-01-15 Thread Oscar Besga Arcauz

I use these code in order to avoid web page cache, in browser and in wicket 
also I want to avoid disk caching and serialization

I'm using Wicket6

¿ Do you see this code correct ? ¿ Is there any easier way to accomplish this ?

 * App
public class MyApplication extends WebApplication {
    public void init() {
    setPageManagerProvider(new MyPageManagerProvider(this));

 * shall not save
private class MyPageManagerProvider extends DefaultPageManagerProvider {

private MyPageManagerProvider(Application application) {

protected IDataStore newDataStore() {
// guardamos tod o en memoria
return new HttpSessionDataStore(new DefaultPageManagerContext(), 
new PageNumberEvictionStrategy(0));




 * Web Page
public class MyPage extends WebPage {

    protected void setHeaders(WebResponse response) {
    response.setHeader("X-Frame-Options","deny"); // Avoid  IFRFAMES
    response.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");


> > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < < 
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[FYI] X-Frame-Options deny Header

2012-12-12 Thread Oscar Besga Arcauz
Hi Wickers

In my Wicket app, I had another filter, prior to wicket app, that used to add 
headers to every request to the webapp. 
One of this headers was X-Frame-Options with value deny, which prevents pages 
and elements to be used into an ; its recommended for security reasons 
(XSS and 

In some forms, however, it blocked updates and inner-reloads (specially when a 
file upload was involved); it has been a little knigthmare to find what was 
going on.

So I removed this header, setting it only in wicket pages

I hope you find it useful.

> > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < < 
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Re: After/before creation or serialization

2012-11-25 Thread Oscar Besga Arcauz
Hi Martin 

Yes, I've tried @SpringBean but I don't like it because I noticed a (not very 
big) performace loss when using it; because the dynamicly-created serializable 
Or at least that seems to me.

IMHO, the proxy is an overwhelming solution, I prefer a combination of 
transients and 'if (dao==null) dao = (

Simply if this can be done in another way.


    > > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < < 

-Martin Grigorov  escribió: -
Para: users@wicket.apache.org
De: Martin Grigorov 
Fecha: 25/11/2012  15:57
Asunto: Re: After/before creation or serialization


onInitialize is called just once for any Component. As its javadoc says it
is called some time before the first call of #onConfigure.
#onDetach() is called before passing the Page to serialization but it can
be called at any time and several times per request cycle, so it is not
good idea to do your task there too.

The solution you are looking for is wicket-ioc module. It is the base for
@SpringBean and @Inject support in Wicket. It injects serializable proxy
instead of your real DAO/Service/... So it is very cheap for serialization
and doesn't require your real dao/service to be Serializable itself.

On Sun, Nov 25, 2012 at 2:22 PM, Oscar Besga Arcauz wrote:

>  Thanks
> Yes, I can use both methos onInitialize + onRead and onDetach + onSave
> Perhaps I should ask if onInitialize and onDetach are used when component
> is serialized /deserialized on wicket 6
> My plan is to do avoid this
>     MyPanel(String id){
>         super(id)
>         ((MyApplicattion)getApplication()).getDao().getData();
>    }
> and turn into this
>     MyPanel(String id){
>         super(id)
>     }
>     private transient Dao dao;
>     void onCreateOrRead(){
>         dao = ((MyApplicattion)getApplication()).getDao();
>     }
>    void onCreateOrRead(){
>         dao = null; // Not necessary
>    }
>     > > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < <
> -Cedric Gatay  escribió: -
> Para: users@wicket.apache.org
> De: Cedric Gatay 
> Fecha: 25/11/2012  13:36
> Asunto: Re: After/before creation or serialization
> Hi,
> I don't know if there is a special Wicket thing, but you can use the
> standard Java way like this :
>     private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException {
>         //provide your own logic
>     }
>     private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException,
> ClassNotFoundException {
>         //provide your own logic
>     }
> Regards,
> __
> Cedric Gatay
> http://www.bloggure.info | http://cedric.gatay.fr |
> @Cedric_Gatay<http://twitter.com/Cedric_Gatay>
> On Sun, Nov 25, 2012 at 1:28 PM, Oscar Besga Arcauz  >wrote:
> >
> >
> > Hi wickers !
> >
> > Is there a method on Wicket components that is called before
> > creation/load(f.e. from disk, deserialization) and another method called
> > before destroy/save(to disk, serialization)
> >
> > Would it be methods onInitialize()   and onDetach()  of
> > org.apache.wicket.Component ?
> >
> > Thanks !
> >
> >
> >     > > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < <
> > -
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Martin Grigorov
Training, Consulting, Development
http://jWeekend.com <http://jweekend.com/>

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Re: After/before creation or serialization

2012-11-25 Thread Oscar Besga Arcauz

Yes, I can use both methos onInitialize + onRead and onDetach + onSave

Perhaps I should ask if onInitialize and onDetach are used when component is 
serialized /deserialized on wicket 6

My plan is to do avoid this

    MyPanel(String id){

and turn into this

    MyPanel(String id){

    private transient Dao dao;

    void onCreateOrRead(){
    dao = ((MyApplicattion)getApplication()).getDao();

   void onCreateOrRead(){
    dao = null; // Not necessary

> > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < < 

-Cedric Gatay  escribió: -
Para: users@wicket.apache.org
De: Cedric Gatay 
Fecha: 25/11/2012  13:36
Asunto: Re: After/before creation or serialization

I don't know if there is a special Wicket thing, but you can use the
standard Java way like this :
    private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException {
        //provide your own logic

    private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException,
ClassNotFoundException {
        //provide your own logic


Cedric Gatay
http://www.bloggure.info | http://cedric.gatay.fr |

On Sun, Nov 25, 2012 at 1:28 PM, Oscar Besga Arcauz wrote:

> Hi wickers !
> Is there a method on Wicket components that is called before
> creation/load(f.e. from disk, deserialization) and another method called
> before destroy/save(to disk, serialization)
> Would it be methods onInitialize()   and onDetach()  of
> org.apache.wicket.Component ?
> Thanks !
>     > > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < <
> -
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After/before creation or serialization

2012-11-25 Thread Oscar Besga Arcauz

Hi wickers !

Is there a method on Wicket components that is called before creation/load(f.e. 
from disk, deserialization) and another method called before destroy/save(to 
disk, serialization)

Would it be methods onInitialize()   and onDetach()  of 
org.apache.wicket.Component ?

Thanks !

> > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < < 
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Re: Deploy on production: optimization tip & tricks

2012-11-25 Thread Oscar Besga Arcauz
Thank you !

Some of these improvements are already implemented on my site.

I've been looking forward to implement wicket-specific optimizations (althought 
I'm discovering that wicket alone it's default optimized on deployment mode ) 

And as you already said, perfomance is an art where no silver bullets are 
common; but a search for balance and tradeoffs.

For example, I've said that using (1) code will . Well, for one side it will 
dinamically minify the resulting html code downloaded by browser. But these 
settings will make page processing slower.

So it's up to you to choose the rigth approach.


    > > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < < 

-"Serban.Balamaci"  escribió: -
Para: users@wicket.apache.org
De: "Serban.Balamaci" 
Fecha: 15/11/2012  22:45
Asunto: Re: Deploy on production: optimization tip & tricks

Hi Oscar,
Probably nobody responded because this is not a simple topic but with many
implications and turns. There are many optimizations that can be done not
necessarily related to wicket. 
I'd recomend http://stevesouders.com/ blog, http://www.bookofspeed.com/ ,

But ok I'll play along and add my 2 cents: 
1. Setting Caching  headers on the web response is for certain something
that you'd want to do. Set a long expire date for JS and CSS file like
months even 1year. But you'd also want the users to receive the latest css
and JS files you make with a new release. So it's good to mix up the
resource name with some kind of version token(I use the app version nr in
the css/js files name something like https://portal.isdefe.es/2.14/css/site.css"; />).

Also most important optimizations that give the user the impression of speed
are related to loading the JS files. While JS files are being downloaded the
PAGE RENDERING is STOPPED. So it's a good idea to put them at the page's
bottom and using the css and html to render the page in an usable(nice
looking) state and then, while the user is reading and figuring out the
content, the JS "enhancements" like sliding menus etc are loading in the
"background". Otherwise keeping the JS at the top results in the so called
"WhitePageOfDeath" in which the user sees a blank page while the header JS
files are being downloaded.
You can achieve the same thing as putting the JS at the page bottom but
while keeping the JS files at the head with the "defer" attribute easily
like . That means the rendering will not be blocked but the JS will execute
on DomReady event.

2. Minification and merging JS files into one:
A. Most today's browsers are limited to making at most 6 parallel requests
to a certain domain. So you don't want to have more js files merged into a
single one so you don't wait for another wave of free connections. There is
also the RoundTripTime overhead associated with making a new call to the
B. The the bigger a text file is, the better it's compression ratio will be.
So you'd get some benefit from merging all the js files into one and the
gzip compression will be greater and also the minification gain. I recommend
the *wro4j* project as it has lots of minification plugins. 
Unfortunately Wicket's component nature where every component can contribute
it's own separate JS file makes it harder to have a single big minified JS
file for all the page.

3. Using CDNs have the benefit of lower latency and also introducing another
domain and thus increasing those 6 max nr of connections. Using some famous
CDN like you did for JQuery also increases the probability of user already
having Jquery in the cache from another site that he visited before(that's
why I'm a fan of not also including the JQuery library in a minified package
of all your site's JS files). 

Using asynchronous loading for 3rd party scripts like g+, facebook, ga are
mandatory also these days.

4. Caching before the web server layer - using a caching proxy like Varnish
or Apache/Nginx with a caching module to save maybe DB generated image
resources maybe can be a good idea also.
The topic is far far from being exhausted so I think that's the reason why
nobody is playing along with responding. 

Personally I'm curios if an enhancement of providing "Transfer-Encoding:
chunked" and keeping the JS resources in the head with the "defer"
attribute(so the browser quickly receives the header and can begin the
download of JS files) while a slow DB prevents us from returning the full
html. But I'm afraid it might be a mess with not really huge gains in
performance and wicket by it's component nature means we don't know the
required js resources in the pag

Re: Deploy on production: optimization tip & tricks

2012-11-15 Thread Oscar Besga Arcauz
(I respond myself, which is not a good policy )

I've been playing with wicket api, and now I'm doing this

public final static String GOOGLE_URL = 

    public void init() {


    if (getConfigurationType() == RuntimeConfigurationType.DEPLOYMENT){
//Use Google CDN
getJavaScriptLibrarySettings().setJQueryReference( new 



    > > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < < 

-Oscar Besga Arcauz/ISNOTES@ISNOTES escribió: -----
Para: users@wicket.apache.org
De: Oscar Besga Arcauz/ISNOTES@ISNOTES
Fecha: 11/11/2012  19:45
Asunto: Deploy on production: optimization tip & tricks

Hi wickers !

Thanks to your previous help, I'm about to launch a website based on wikcet.

I'm making some final optimizations, some general-web-server related; 
as seen in  http://developer.yahoo.com/performance/rules.html or cookie-free 
http://serverfault.com/questions/234891/how-to-configure-cookieless-virtual-host-in-apache2 .

Other are tomcat related, like gzip compression ( 
http://techxplorer.com/2010/09/17/enabling-gzip-compression-in-tomcat/ and 
http://viralpatel.net/blogs/enable-gzip-compression-in-tomcat/ ) or general 
clues ( http://www.mulesoft.com/tomcat-jsp )

For wicket I've found this slideshare 

and to use this (bellow) because scripts in this way in various components are 
'crunched' into one script on page renderization:

response.render(OnDomReadyHeaderItem.forScript("foobar")); // Also can use 

Do you havew any other optimization tip & tricks (aplication config, etc.) ?

I'm thinking to write a wiki page summarizing responses, a 'Deployment' section 

    > > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < < 
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Deploy on production: optimization tip & tricks

2012-11-11 Thread Oscar Besga Arcauz
Hi wickers !

Thanks to your previous help, I'm about to launch a website based on wikcet.

I'm making some final optimizations, some general-web-server related; 
as seen in  http://developer.yahoo.com/performance/rules.html or cookie-free 

Other are tomcat related, like gzip compression ( 
http://techxplorer.com/2010/09/17/enabling-gzip-compression-in-tomcat/ and 
http://viralpatel.net/blogs/enable-gzip-compression-in-tomcat/ ) or general 
clues ( http://www.mulesoft.com/tomcat-jsp )

For wicket I've found this slideshare 

and to use this (bellow) because scripts in this way in various components are 
'crunched' into one script on page renderization:

response.render(OnDomReadyHeaderItem.forScript("foobar")); // Also can use 

Do you havew any other optimization tip & tricks (aplication config, etc.) ?

I'm thinking to write a wiki page summarizing responses, a 'Deployment' section 

> > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < < 
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Re: Wicket page HTML extractor

2012-10-08 Thread Oscar Besga Arcauz
I've created a page that responds with the buffer [MyAppPageBuffer]


Reviews and comments are wellcomed !

> > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < < 

-Oscar Besga Arcauz/ISNOTES@ISNOTES escribió: -
Para: users@wicket.apache.org
De: Oscar Besga Arcauz/ISNOTES@ISNOTES
Fecha: 08/10/2012  15:06
Asunto: Re: Wicket page HTML extractor

Yes,  I've used code from mail example, as I said. The mail example does not  
fit into my needs because the rendering thread must be independent,  
out-of-request. ( for example into a Timer/TimerTask)

I've been looking into Wicket tester classes  
and I've made changes to code.

Luckily,  I've succeed and I got a functional request-independent page 
renderer,  which only dependes on webapp and it's easy to use:


If you want to see and review it, comments are welcome

    > > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < < 

Pd. with a little side effect, but I'll talk about it on another mail

-Martin Grigorov  escribió: -
Para: users@wicket.apache.org
De: Martin Grigorov 
Fecha: 08/10/2012  10:00
Asunto: Re: Wicket page HTML extractor


Why don't use the source of MailTemplate example
(http://www.wicket-library.com/wicket-examples/mailtemplate) ?

Your code seems to be much more complex.

On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 8:02 PM, Oscar Besga Arcauz  wrote:
>  Hi wickers !
> I want to generate the HTML from a wicket WebPage and store into a String; 
> out of a request - for example in a timer thread.
> I'm thinking in making a buffer (inter request) for my webapplication for 
> some pages, for this I want to extract HTML-generated content from wicket 
> pages.
> Here  in danwalmsley blog -> 
> http://www.danwalmsley.com/2008/10/21/render-a-wicket-page-to-a-string-for-html-email/ <-
> and mail template (page-generated) example -> 
> http://www.wicket-library.com/wicket-examples/mailtemplate/?0 <-
> I've seen some code to build the extractor.
> I've walked some steps, and I think I'm on the rigth direction, but it 
> doesn't work.
> This is the code I've done so far, if anyone knows I'll be graceful for 
> commenting
> class WebPageExtractor
>     protected String renderPageToString(WebApplication webApp) {
>         String urlForMockRequest = "myPage"; // I've also tried 
> localhost/myPage and others
>         String filterPrefix = ""; // Doesn't know what to put here, really. 
> Wicket filter is to *
>         //get the servlet context
>         ServletContext context = webApp.getServletContext();
>         //fake a request/response cycle
>         MockHttpSession servletSession = new MockHttpSession(context);
>         servletSession.setTemporary(true);
>         MockHttpServletRequest mockServletRequest = new 
> MockHttpServletRequest(isdefeWebApp, servletSession, context);
>         mockServletRequest.setURL("/" + urlForMockRequest);
>         // also tried this 
> mockServletRequest.setURL(mockServletRequest.getContextPath() + 
> mockServletRequest.getServletPath() + "/");
>         MockHttpServletResponse mockServletResponse = new 
> MockHttpServletResponse(mockServletRequest);
>         //initialize request and response
>         mockServletRequest.initialize();
>         mockServletResponse.initialize();
>         // Generate wicket web request and so on..
>         Url url = new Url(Arrays.asList(urlForMockRequest), new 
> ArrayList());
>         ServletWebRequest webRequest = new 
> ServletWebRequest(mockServletRequest, filterPrefix, url);
>         ServletWebResponse webResponse = new ServletWebResponse(webRequest, 
> mockServletResponse);
>         BufferedWebResponse bufferedWebResponse = new 
> BufferedWebResponse(webResponse);
>         RequestCycle requestCycle = webApp.createRequestCycle(webRequest, 
> bufferedWebResponse);
>         BookmarkablePageRequestHandler bookmarkablePageRequestHandler = new 
> BookmarkablePageRequestHandler(new PageProvider(MyPage.class, new 
> PageParameters()));
>         bookmarkablePageRequestHandler.respond(requestCycle);
>         // Also tried
>         //requestCycle.setResponsePage(MyPage.class,new PageParameters());
>         requestCycle.processRequestAndDetach();
>         requestCycle.getResponse().close();
>         CharSequence cs = bufferedWebResponse.getText(); //NULL!!!
>         if (cs != null) {
>             return cs.toString();
>         } else {
>             // CS is always null :(
>             re

Re: Wicket page HTML extractor

2012-10-08 Thread Oscar Besga Arcauz
Yes,  I've used code from mail example, as I said. The mail example does not  
fit into my needs because the rendering thread must be independent,  
out-of-request. ( for example into a Timer/TimerTask)

I've been looking into Wicket tester classes  
and I've made changes to code.

Luckily,  I've succeed and I got a functional request-independent page 
renderer,  which only dependes on webapp and it's easy to use:


If you want to see and review it, comments are welcome

    > > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < < 

Pd. with a little side effect, but I'll talk about it on another mail

-Martin Grigorov  escribió: -
Para: users@wicket.apache.org
De: Martin Grigorov 
Fecha: 08/10/2012  10:00
Asunto: Re: Wicket page HTML extractor


Why don't use the source of MailTemplate example
(http://www.wicket-library.com/wicket-examples/mailtemplate) ?

Your code seems to be much more complex.

On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 8:02 PM, Oscar Besga Arcauz  wrote:
>  Hi wickers !
> I want to generate the HTML from a wicket WebPage and store into a String; 
> out of a request - for example in a timer thread.
> I'm thinking in making a buffer (inter request) for my webapplication for 
> some pages, for this I want to extract HTML-generated content from wicket 
> pages.
> Here  in danwalmsley blog -> 
> http://www.danwalmsley.com/2008/10/21/render-a-wicket-page-to-a-string-for-html-email/ <-
> and mail template (page-generated) example -> 
> http://www.wicket-library.com/wicket-examples/mailtemplate/?0 <-
> I've seen some code to build the extractor.
> I've walked some steps, and I think I'm on the rigth direction, but it 
> doesn't work.
> This is the code I've done so far, if anyone knows I'll be graceful for 
> commenting
> class WebPageExtractor
>     protected String renderPageToString(WebApplication webApp) {
>         String urlForMockRequest = "myPage"; // I've also tried 
> localhost/myPage and others
>         String filterPrefix = ""; // Doesn't know what to put here, really. 
> Wicket filter is to *
>         //get the servlet context
>         ServletContext context = webApp.getServletContext();
>         //fake a request/response cycle
>         MockHttpSession servletSession = new MockHttpSession(context);
>         servletSession.setTemporary(true);
>         MockHttpServletRequest mockServletRequest = new 
> MockHttpServletRequest(isdefeWebApp, servletSession, context);
>         mockServletRequest.setURL("/" + urlForMockRequest);
>         // also tried this 
> mockServletRequest.setURL(mockServletRequest.getContextPath() + 
> mockServletRequest.getServletPath() + "/");
>         MockHttpServletResponse mockServletResponse = new 
> MockHttpServletResponse(mockServletRequest);
>         //initialize request and response
>         mockServletRequest.initialize();
>         mockServletResponse.initialize();
>         // Generate wicket web request and so on..
>         Url url = new Url(Arrays.asList(urlForMockRequest), new 
> ArrayList());
>         ServletWebRequest webRequest = new 
> ServletWebRequest(mockServletRequest, filterPrefix, url);
>         ServletWebResponse webResponse = new ServletWebResponse(webRequest, 
> mockServletResponse);
>         BufferedWebResponse bufferedWebResponse = new 
> BufferedWebResponse(webResponse);
>         RequestCycle requestCycle = webApp.createRequestCycle(webRequest, 
> bufferedWebResponse);
>         BookmarkablePageRequestHandler bookmarkablePageRequestHandler = new 
> BookmarkablePageRequestHandler(new PageProvider(MyPage.class, new 
> PageParameters()));
>         bookmarkablePageRequestHandler.respond(requestCycle);
>         // Also tried
>         //requestCycle.setResponsePage(MyPage.class,new PageParameters());
>         requestCycle.processRequestAndDetach();
>         requestCycle.getResponse().close();
>         CharSequence cs = bufferedWebResponse.getText(); //NULL!!!
>         if (cs != null) {
>             return cs.toString();
>         } else {
>             // CS is always null :(
>             return null;
>         }
> }
> Thanks for your help and excuse my poor english
>     > > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < <
> -
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Wicket page HTML extractor

2012-10-05 Thread Oscar Besga Arcauz
 Hi wickers !

I want to generate the HTML from a wicket WebPage and store into a String; out 
of a request - for example in a timer thread.
I'm thinking in making a buffer (inter request) for my webapplication for some 
pages, for this I want to extract HTML-generated content from wicket pages.

Here  in danwalmsley blog -> 
and mail template (page-generated) example -> 
http://www.wicket-library.com/wicket-examples/mailtemplate/?0 <-
I've seen some code to build the extractor.

I've walked some steps, and I think I'm on the rigth direction, but it doesn't 

This is the code I've done so far, if anyone knows I'll be graceful for 

class WebPageExtractor

    protected String renderPageToString(WebApplication webApp) {
        String urlForMockRequest = "myPage"; // I've also tried 
localhost/myPage and others
        String filterPrefix = ""; // Doesn't know what to put here, really. 
Wicket filter is to *
        //get the servlet context
    ServletContext context = webApp.getServletContext();

    //fake a request/response cycle
    MockHttpSession servletSession = new MockHttpSession(context);

    MockHttpServletRequest mockServletRequest = new 
MockHttpServletRequest(isdefeWebApp, servletSession, context);
    mockServletRequest.setURL("/" + urlForMockRequest);
    // also tried this 
mockServletRequest.setURL(mockServletRequest.getContextPath() + 
mockServletRequest.getServletPath() + "/");
    MockHttpServletResponse mockServletResponse = new 

    //initialize request and response

        // Generate wicket web request and so on..
    Url url = new Url(Arrays.asList(urlForMockRequest), new 
    ServletWebRequest webRequest = new 
ServletWebRequest(mockServletRequest, filterPrefix, url);
    ServletWebResponse webResponse = new ServletWebResponse(webRequest, 
    BufferedWebResponse bufferedWebResponse = new 

    RequestCycle requestCycle = webApp.createRequestCycle(webRequest, 
    BookmarkablePageRequestHandler bookmarkablePageRequestHandler = new 
BookmarkablePageRequestHandler(new PageProvider(MyPage.class, new 
        // Also tried
    //requestCycle.setResponsePage(MyPage.class,new PageParameters());
    CharSequence cs = bufferedWebResponse.getText(); //NULL!!!
    if (cs != null) {
    return cs.toString();
    } else {
    // CS is always null :(
        return null;

Thanks for your help and excuse my poor english

> > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < < 
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Re: Re: IFormValidator with ajax

2012-10-05 Thread Oscar Besga Arcauz
Ok, it works fine

Thaks !

> > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < < 

-Sven Meier  escribió: -
Para: users@wicket.apache.org
De: Sven Meier 
Fecha: 05/10/2012  15:01
Asunto: Re: IFormValidator  with ajax

> May I use the raw inputs instead of models ?

You can use the converted input.


Oscar Besga Arcauz  schrieb:

> Hi Wickers !
>I'm using Wicket.6.0.x and I'm using an IFormValidator as a subclass o a form, 
>attached to it by an FormValidatorAdapter.
>The form uses a AjaxSubmitLink to send data back.
>When it comes to validate method, the model objects of the form and the 
>components are null; althougth later into the AjaxSubmitLink .onSubmit the 
>data is correctly attached to the models.
>¿ Is that supposed to be fine ? ¿ May I use the raw inputs instead of models ?
>    > > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < < 
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IFormValidator with ajax

2012-10-05 Thread Oscar Besga Arcauz
 Hi Wickers !

I'm using Wicket.6.0.x and I'm using an IFormValidator as a subclass o a form, 
attached to it by an FormValidatorAdapter.
The form uses a AjaxSubmitLink to send data back.

When it comes to validate method, the model objects of the form and the 
components are null; althougth later into the AjaxSubmitLink .onSubmit the data 
is correctly attached to the models.

¿ Is that supposed to be fine ? ¿ May I use the raw inputs instead of models ?

> > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < < 
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Re: Wicket rendering jquery late

2012-09-26 Thread Oscar Besga Arcauz
Ok, thanks

I've done this. althougth the name is horrible

public abstract class JavaScriptJQueryDependantResourceReference extends 
JavaScriptResourceReference {

    public JavaScriptJQueryDependantResourceReference(Class scope, String 
name, Locale locale, String style, String variation) {
    super(scope, name, locale, style, variation);

    public JavaScriptJQueryDependantResourceReference(Class scope, String 
name) {
    super(scope, name);

    public Iterable getDependencies() {
    List dependencies = new ArrayList();
    Iterable iterable =  super.getDependencies();
    if (iterable != null)
    for(HeaderItem headerItem : iterable)
    return dependencies;


> > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < < 

-Martin Grigorov  escribió: -
Para: users@wicket.apache.org
De: Martin Grigorov 
Fecha: 26/09/2012  13:49
Asunto: Re: Wicket rendering jquery late


Wicket 6 introduces dependencies between resources -
So you can modify your JavaScriptResourceReferences to be
org.apache.wicket.resource.JQueryPluginResourceReference instead. This
way Wicket will be able to calculate the graph.

Wicket 6.0.0 comes with JQuery 1.7.2 but you can upgrade it to 1.8 if
you wish with 
I've tried Wicket's JavaScript unit tests with 1.8.0 when it was
released and all was OK.


On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 2:40 PM, Oscar Besga Arcauz  wrote:
>  Hi wickers !
> I've a problem with wicket and jquery resource rendering.
> My webpage has many panels wich uses jquery, and they have javascript 
> attached to it.
> This panel-dependant javascript uses jquery, so I render jquery with a 
> resourcerefernce in the webpage.
> (The page doesn't use ajax because I want to mantain page stateless and 
> bookmarkable.)
> The problem is that the javascript attached to panel is rendered first into 
> the page, and the jquery reference is the last.
> so, when the page fully renders, i've some 'ReferenceError: $ is not defined' 
> errors in webrowser console.
> ¿ Has anyone experienced similar problems ?
> Other little question: wicket6 uses jquery 1.7.2; has anyone tried with 1.8.x 
> ?
> Thanks in advance
>     > > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < <
> PS.
> Example code (little long) --->
> public class MyPage extends WebPage {
>     public MyPage (PageParameters parameters) {
>         super(parameters);
>         add(new MyPageJsBehaviour());
>         add(new MyPanel("mypanel"));
>     }
>     private class MyPageJsBehaviour extends Behavior {
>             @Override
>             public void renderHead(Component component, IHeaderResponse 
> response) {
> response.render(JavaScriptHeaderItem.forReference(JQueryResourceReference.get(),"jquery"));
>                 super.renderHead(component,response);
>            }
>     }
> }
> public class MyPanel extends Panel {
>     public MyPanel(String id,String lang) {
>         super(id);
>         add(new MyPanelJsBehaviour());
>     }
>     private class MyPanelJsBehaviour extends Behavior {
>             @Override
>             public void renderHead(Component component, IHeaderResponse 
> response) {
>                 super.renderHead(component,response);
>                 response.render(JavaScriptHeaderItem.forReference(new 
> JavaScriptResourceReference(MyPanel .class, "MyPanel.js"),"mypaneljs"));
>                 /**
>                 //MyPanel.js
>                 $(function () { // <-- here arises the error, as $ is not 
> defined because MyPanel.js is loaded before jquery !!!
>                    $('mypanel').dosomething();
>                 });
>                 **/
>             }
>     }
> }
> -
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Martin Grigorov
Training, Consulting, Development

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Wicket rendering jquery late

2012-09-26 Thread Oscar Besga Arcauz
 Hi wickers !

I've a problem with wicket and jquery resource rendering.

My webpage has many panels wich uses jquery, and they have javascript attached 
to it. 
This panel-dependant javascript uses jquery, so I render jquery with a 
resourcerefernce in the webpage. 
(The page doesn't use ajax because I want to mantain page stateless and 

The problem is that the javascript attached to panel is rendered first into the 
page, and the jquery reference is the last. 
so, when the page fully renders, i've some 'ReferenceError: $ is not defined' 
errors in webrowser console.

¿ Has anyone experienced similar problems ?

Other little question: wicket6 uses jquery 1.7.2; has anyone tried with 1.8.x ?

Thanks in advance

    > > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < < 


Example code (little long) --->

public class MyPage extends WebPage {

public MyPage (PageParameters parameters) {
add(new MyPageJsBehaviour());
add(new MyPanel("mypanel"));

private class MyPageJsBehaviour extends Behavior {

public void renderHead(Component component, IHeaderResponse 
response) {



public class MyPanel extends Panel {

public MyPanel(String id,String lang) {
add(new MyPanelJsBehaviour());

private class MyPanelJsBehaviour extends Behavior {

public void renderHead(Component component, IHeaderResponse 
response) {
JavaScriptResourceReference(MyPanel .class, "MyPanel.js"),"mypaneljs"));
$(function () { // <-- here arises the error, as $ is not 
defined because MyPanel.js is loaded before jquery !!!


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Re: Avoid panel's extra div

2012-09-23 Thread Oscar Besga Arcauz
 Perfect !!!

Thanks !!!

> > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < < 

-Sebastien  escribió: -
Para: users@wicket.apache.org
De: Sebastien 
Fecha: 23/09/2012  16:55
Asunto: Re: Avoid panel's extra div

oops: setRenderBodyOnly(true);

On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 4:53 PM, Sebastien  wrote:

> Hi Oscar,
> If I understand, the problem is that the div of the parent page is
> rendered, right?
> If so, you can decide to not render the parent component's tag by using
> myPanel.getRenderBodyOnly(true);
> Hope this helps,
> Sebastien.
> On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 4:17 PM, Oscar Besga Arcauz wrote:
>>  Hi wickers
>> I am using a lot of panels in my wicket webapp, with the usual
>>     add(new MyPanel("myPanel"));
>> But I was thinking if there is a wicket tag that can avoid using the
>> extra panel, like
>> I've tried with wicket:panel, wicket:container, wicket:enclosure with no
>> luck...
>> I'm wrong or there's a way.. ?
>> Thanks !!
>>     > > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < <
>> -
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Avoid panel's extra div

2012-09-23 Thread Oscar Besga Arcauz
 Hi wickers

I am using a lot of panels in my wicket webapp, with the usual

    add(new MyPanel("myPanel"));


But I was thinking if there is a wicket tag that can avoid using the extra 
panel, like


I've tried with wicket:panel, wicket:container, wicket:enclosure with no 

I'm wrong or there's a way.. ?

Thanks !!

    > > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < < 
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Re: New sessions by each petition

2012-09-20 Thread Oscar Besga Arcauz
Ok, i've used sessionbind and works as expected !

Also, I've checked that session is auto-binded when you use statefull 
components - my web tries to stay stateless most time, so this was the cause I 
saw so many 'new session' logs

Thanks !!

    > > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < < 

-Martin Grigorov  escribió: -
Para: users@wicket.apache.org
De: Martin Grigorov 
Fecha: 20/09/2012  13:49
Asunto: Re: New sessions by each petition


This is just a temporary session which is discarded at the end of the request.
Until Session#bind() is called it is considered temporary and no
HttpSession is being created.

On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 2:43 PM, Oscar Besga Arcauz  wrote:
> Hi wickers !!!
> I'm battling with my application, and now I've noted something weird
> I've a custom WebSession class, in which I've coded a (horrible) log to check 
> the creation of the new session:
>     public class WebMySession extends WebSession {
>         private static final Logger LOGGER = 
> LoggerFactory.getLogger(WebMySession .class);
>         public WebMySession(Request request) {
>             super(request);
>             LOGGER.debug("NEW SESSION!");
>         }
>     }
> Into my webapp class I do
>     public class WebMyApplication extends WebApplication {
>     [...]
>         @Override
>         public Session newSession(Request request, Response response) {
>             return new WebMySession(request);
>         }
>     [...]
>     }
> But when I enter the first time into the app, I see this logged:
> 12:12:26,133  DEBUG ServletWebRequest:197 - Calculating context relative path 
> from:  context path '', filterPrefix '', uri '/imagees/myxyz.jpg'
> 12:12:26,133 DEBUG WebMySession :24 - NEW SESSION!
> 12:12:26,133  DEBUG RequestCycle:215 - No suitable handler found for URL  
> /imagees/myxyz.jpg, falling back to container to process this request
> 12:12:26,143  DEBUG ServletWebRequest:197 - Calculating context  relative 
> path from:  context path '', filterPrefix '', uri  '/imagees/myxyz2.jpg'
> 12:12:26,143 DEBUG WebMySession :24 - NEW SESSION!
> 12:12:26,143  DEBUG RequestCycle:215 - No suitable handler found for URL  
> /imagees/myxyz2.jpg, falling back to container to process this request
> 12:12:26,163  DEBUG ServletWebRequest:197 - Calculating context relative path 
> from:  context path '', filterPrefix '', uri  
> '/dynimg/id/1340795758750/name/mynewimage.jpg'
> 12:12:26,163 DEBUG WebIsdefeSession:24 - NEW SESSION!
> For  every image, javascript and css that is into the /${webapp} and must be  
> served directly from disk; and also from images created from a  
> DynamicResource
> ¿ Is this ok or I've done something wrong ? ¿ Why there are so many sessions 
> created ?
> I've tried with different browsers and the result is the same...
> Thanks in advance !
>     > > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < <
> PS: Hope this email is not duplicated, I send one without subject and it 
> doesn't appear to be on list
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@wicket.apache.org
> For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@wicket.apache.org

Martin Grigorov
Training, Consulting, Development

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New sessions by each petition

2012-09-20 Thread Oscar Besga Arcauz
Hi wickers !!!

I'm battling with my application, and now I've noted something weird

I've a custom WebSession class, in which I've coded a (horrible) log to check 
the creation of the new session:

public class WebMySession extends WebSession {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = 
LoggerFactory.getLogger(WebMySession .class);
    public WebMySession(Request request) {
    LOGGER.debug("NEW SESSION!");

Into my webapp class I do

public class WebMyApplication extends WebApplication {


    public Session newSession(Request request, Response response) {
    return new WebMySession(request);



But when I enter the first time into the app, I see this logged:

12:12:26,133  DEBUG ServletWebRequest:197 - Calculating context relative path 
from:  context path '', filterPrefix '', uri '/imagees/myxyz.jpg'
12:12:26,133 DEBUG WebMySession :24 - NEW SESSION!
12:12:26,133  DEBUG RequestCycle:215 - No suitable handler found for URL  
/imagees/myxyz.jpg, falling back to container to process this request

12:12:26,143  DEBUG ServletWebRequest:197 - Calculating context  relative path 
from:  context path '', filterPrefix '', uri  '/imagees/myxyz2.jpg'
12:12:26,143 DEBUG WebMySession :24 - NEW SESSION!
12:12:26,143  DEBUG RequestCycle:215 - No suitable handler found for URL  
/imagees/myxyz2.jpg, falling back to container to process this request

12:12:26,163  DEBUG ServletWebRequest:197 - Calculating context relative path 
from:  context path '', filterPrefix '', uri  
12:12:26,163 DEBUG WebIsdefeSession:24 - NEW SESSION!

For  every image, javascript and css that is into the /${webapp} and must be  
served directly from disk; and also from images created from a  DynamicResource

¿ Is this ok or I've done something wrong ? ¿ Why there are so many sessions 
created ?

I've tried with different browsers and the result is the same...

Thanks in advance !

    > > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < < 

PS: Hope this email is not duplicated, I send one without subject and it 
doesn't appear to be on list

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Stateless ajax in wicket 6

2012-09-20 Thread Oscar Besga Arcauz
 Hi wickers

I know thats an old xxx in wicket lands, but I wonder if anyone has done 
something so far...

Or simply make an ajax call to a bookmarable stateless page manually from web 


> > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < < 
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Re: Wicket Application instance from outside Wicket Application

2012-09-19 Thread Oscar Besga Arcauz
Maybe if you do a foward from webservice to wicket page...

>From other side, you can see Wicket Session classes and data into the normal 
>HttpSession (thougth it needs a little navigation)
or you can hook data in normal HttpSession into wicket  classes.

My2cents: I would refactor helpers outside wicket


> > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < < 

-Martin Grigorov  escribió: -
Para: users@wicket.apache.org
De: Martin Grigorov 
Fecha: 18/09/2012  21:42
Asunto: Re: Wicket Application instance from outside Wicket Application

See org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.servlet.WicketSessionFilter

On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 9:31 PM, Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro
> Can't the wicket filter be put in from of axis (servlet/filter) so that you
> have a session and application attached to the thread?
> On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 6:05 PM, Martin Makundi <
> martin.maku...@koodaripalvelut.com> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> We have Axis web services running in the same Jetty as Wicket.
>> Our Axis web services happen to call some wicket helper methods, which
>> assume there is a session and application on thread. For localization,
>> etc.
>> How can our Wreb Service best get hold of the wicket application at
>> runtime?
>> **
>> Martin
>> -
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>> For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@wicket.apache.org
> --
> Regards - Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro
> Antilia Soft
> http://antiliasoft.com

Martin Grigorov
Training, Consulting, Development

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Mounting pages

2012-09-18 Thread Oscar Besga Arcauz
Hi wickers !

I'm using wicket 6, if anyone can help with a problem with mapping pages and 
web resources
I've been reading about it, but I can't find a way to make a web work as I want
+ http://wicketinaction.com/2011/07/wicket-1-5-mounting-pages/
+ http://wicketinaction.com/2011/07/wicket-1-5-request-mapper/
+ https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/WICKET/Request+mapping

I want to have two pages, Page1.class and Page2.class, Page1.class will collect 
every petition, except '/mynews' that will be answered by Page2.class and 
images and other resources (javascript, flash and videos, etc. )

In my WebApplication class, in the init() method, I've tried:

public void init() {
  mount(new MountedMapper("/${parameter1}/#{parameter2}",Page1.class)); 
  mount(new MountedMapper("/${parameter1}",Page1.class)); 
  mount(new MountedMapper("/myNews", Page2.class));

But always answers Page1.class
I've tried the opposite: to mount Page2.class first, and other combinations; 
the result is the same.

¿ anyone knows why ? 

Also, sometimes the url {Page1.class}/var1/var2 is redirected to 
{Page1.class}?parameter1=var1¶meter2=var2 this is a thing I hate specially

Thank for your help

> > > Oscar Besga Arcauz  < < < 
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