LinkedIn poll about Wicket

2009-04-20 Thread Fabrizio Giudici 

Fabrizio Giudici - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere." - - mobile: +39 348.150.6941

Re: Extensible wicket application

2009-03-11 Thread Fabrizio Giudici

Daniel Dominik Holúbek wrote:

I have looked at OSGi a bit, but I do not understand it (basically I do not
even now how to build a project with it :) )

Does anybody have any clue?
I hope I have written this clearly enough. If not, feel free to ask :)


designing modular applications using classloader is not easy as it might 
seem. Your specific problem could be even simple, but soon you'll find 
more complex cases. So, if modules are important to you, I suggest you 
look at what others have done or to existing framework. You have cited 
OSGi an if you search a few weeks ago back in the archive of this 
mailing list there was a guy that linked a paper about how to use OSGi 
and Wicket. I've done something similar with the NetBeans Platform. You 
might also have a look at Glassfish v3 which is extensible by means of 
OSGi and could be a starting point.

Fabrizio Giudici - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere." - - mobile: +39 348.150.6941

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Re: [OT] Simple file repository?

2009-02-15 Thread Fabrizio Giudici

Kaspar Fischer wrote:
User's of my application will upload, edit, and delete files. For 
this, I'd like to have a simple "file repository" with the following 

- Files are stored on the file system.
- Files are distributed over several folders (to avoid a single folder 
with 10,000 files, say).

- Support for transactions

Does anybody know of a simple Java library that satisfies these 

For example: a Hibernate database with a relation "Files" holding 
tuples (DocId, FilePath), and a service with:

- id store(stream): creates from the stream a new file on the file 
system and inserts a new tuple into the relation, returns id
- stream edit(id): returns a stream to a temporary copy of the file 
with the given id; updates the corresponding tuple to point to the 
temp file

- void remove(id): removes the corresponding tuple form the relation

... and a background job which deletes dangling files.
I suggest you something implemented on the top of JackRabbit (Java 
Content Repository). You might have a look at Brix, which is a CMS based 
on Wicket and JackRabbit.

Fabrizio Giudici - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere." - - mobile: +39 348.150.6941

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Re: mountBookmarkablePage changes delimiter of PageParameters

2009-02-10 Thread Fabrizio Giudici
Of course the arguments in my example have been copied in a hurry from 
working code, the former is the path and the latter the page class:

mount(new QueryStringUrlCodingStrategy(path, class));

Fabrizio Giudici - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere." - - mobile: +39 348.150.6941

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Re: mountBookmarkablePage changes delimiter of PageParameters

2009-02-10 Thread Fabrizio Giudici

Steve Swinsburg wrote:

Hi all,

I have just noticed that mountBookmarkablePage changes 
the delimiters of query string object to be all forward slashes. Why 
is this?

For instance I want to get a url to a page class:
urlFor(MyPage.class, new PageParameters("id=" + userId)).toString());

which gives:

which is fine, but I wanted to get rid of the package name, so I 
mounted the page like so:

mountBookmarkablePage("/myPage", MyPage.class);

and the same urlFor result gives:


In my circumstances I cannot have slashes (legacy restriction) and 
must have the ?&= style parameters but I still need the package to be 
hidden, how could I go about doing this?

Use this:

mount(new QueryStringUrlCodingStrategy(pages[i+1], pageClass));

This will use the coding strategy you need. BTW, I'd like to have 
something as:


that is "id" should be treated as a default parameter. I've searched but 
I didn't find a preset UrlCodingStrategy: I suppose I need to write my 
own, right?

Fabrizio Giudici - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere." - - mobile: +39 348.150.6941

Re: Using Eclipse & Wicket for Modular Webapps

2009-02-07 Thread Fabrizio Giudici

Thomas Mäder wrote:

I don't know. What's the class loader model the Netbeans uses?
It should be similar to Eclipse, but I must confess my ignorance about 
Eclipse. I'm investigating about this detail, thanks to the stuff you 
pointed out in your interesting paper.


 BTW, I'm trying to understand why I didn't have to deal with the

IClassResolver for bookmarkable pages...



Fabrizio Giudici - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere." - - mobile: +39 348.150.6941

Re: Using Eclipse & Wicket for Modular Webapps

2009-02-06 Thread Fabrizio Giudici

The conclusion says:

"But most important: it would be really interesting to actually build a 
real Wicket application
with Eclipse. Only real world experience can show whether itʻs worth the 
hassle in the end."

I think it's definitely possible. I'm running two customizations of a 
Wicket application based on the NetBeans Platform (I posted a few weeks 
ago a link about that: and 
so far everything works fine, in spite of the application being 
relatively complex. I was worried about some potential issues with the 
classloaders, which is a constant risk every time you deal with modular 
frameworks such as Eclipse Platform or NetBeans platform, but none 
manifested so far. BTW, I'm trying to understand why I didn't have to 
deal with the IClassResolver for bookmarkable pages...

Thijs Vonk wrote:
Looks really interresting, I've read the pdf. but it seems that there 
is a part missing at the end...

On 2/6/09 6:02 PM, Thomas Mäder wrote:

Hi Folks,

I've been experimenting with getting the Eclipse plugin engine up 
inside a
wicket application. The idea is to build Wicket applications out of 

You can find an article about my experiences (+sample code) here:
I'm grateful for any feedback, both concerning the Eclipse/OSGI and the
Wicket part.

enjoy the weekend


Fabrizio Giudici - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere." - - mobile: +39 348.150.6941

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GMap2: development mode + putting maps in a Panel = Google Maps broken

2009-02-03 Thread Fabrizio Giudici


I've seen a strange error in GMap2 - as I've a very limited knowledge in 
HTML / Ajax, it might be a Google Maps API issue, I don't know.

What happened is that I put the GMap2 component in another Panel - and 
Google Maps didn't work. I only saw a blank area and the Google logo put 
at the top of the map area. After a long work of exclusion, I've 
isolated two HTML fragment, one working and one not:


   Balestrino 17 [SV]
   As Simple as it may get.

   style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 600px; height: 
400px;" wicket:id="mmmap">
   style="display:none" wicket:id="infoWindow">

   style="width: 100%; height: 100%; position: relative;" class="gmap" 



   Balestrino 17 [SV]
   As Simple as it may get.

   style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 600px; height: 
400px;" wicket:id="mmmap">

   style="display:none" wicket:id="infoWindow">

   style="width: 100%; height: 100%; position: relative;" class="gmap" 


The only difference is that wicket:panel element around the div 
"infoWindow2b". Its presence screw up things. Configuring Wicket in 
deployment mode, the HTML is cleaned up and the wicket:panel element is 
removed, thus fixing things.
"mmmap2a" is the div that matches the GMap2 component (I've partially 
tweaked the style for debugging); the component with wicket:id="map" is 
a Panel I'm using.

Fabrizio Giudici - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere." - - mobile: +39 348.150.6941

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Re: Google Maps / GMap2?

2009-02-03 Thread Fabrizio Giudici

Martin Funk wrote:

its part of wicketstuff-core now


and do the 'mvn install' there

examples can be found here: 

after core is installed the examples should run with:
mvn jetty:run
in the examples directory.

Thank you, the backport worked fine (only 3 generics to drop and a funny 
Wicket 1.3.x typo in the APIs).

I've seen a strange problem that I'm reporting in a separate message.

Fabrizio Giudici - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere." - - mobile: +39 348.150.6941

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Re: Google Maps / GMap2?

2009-02-03 Thread Fabrizio Giudici

Martin Funk wrote:

Hi Fabrizio,

basically this still holds true:


Thanks - but the URL of SVN seems to be wrong:

[Mistral:Apache/Wicket/gmap2] fritz% svn co
svn: URL 
doesn't exist

Looking at 
these are the subdirectories I see:

   *  ..
   * active-widgets-parent/
   * pickwick/
   * wicket-calendar/
   * wicket-cluster/
   * wicket-contrib-accordion/
   * wicket-contrib-accordion-examples/
   * wicket-contrib-bbcodecomponent/
   * wicket-contrib-jamon/
   * wicket-contrib-jasperreports/
   * wicket-contrib-mootools/
   * wicket-contrib-mootools-examples/
   * wicket-iolite/
   * wicket-persistence-template/
   * wicket-security/
   * wicketstuff-animator/
   * wicketstuff-core/
   * wicketstuff-dojo-1.1/
   * wicketstuff-jmx-panel/
   * wicketstuff-lightbox/
   * wicketstuff-merged-resources/
   * wicketstuff-merged-resources-examples/
   * wicketstuff-picnik/
   * wicketstuff-progressbar/

Fabrizio Giudici - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere." - - mobile: +39 348.150.6941

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Google Maps / GMap2?

2009-02-02 Thread Fabrizio Giudici
I need to integrate Google Maps in my Wicket application. I searched in 
the Wiki and found GMap2 - but I only see artifacts for Wicket 1.4 Is it 
possible to use it, or some alternative, with Wicket 1.3.x?


Fabrizio Giudici - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere." - - mobile: +39 348.150.6941

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Re: Architectural dilemma: Wicket + REST (JSR311)

2009-01-29 Thread Fabrizio Giudici

Erik van Oosten wrote:
Wicket is all about stateful applications (though stateless stuff is 
useful and is supported).
REST is all about stateless resources (though you sometimes need 
stateful hacks for login/authentication).

Given these premises, I would not implement REST resources with Wicket 
(well, maybe if you have just 1 or 2). If you want to be more 
powerful, I would rather implement REST stuff with Spring MVC. 
Currently I am using Restlets which works very well also. Jersey 
sounds fine as well.
I'm aware of the Wicket focus on stateful stuff. But, as you say, 
sometimes a few things are stateless - and, yes, I have just a few 
resources (three "categories" of objects, each would get its own URL).  
So, hmmm, still I don't see a strong motivation to go either way...

Fabrizio Giudici - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere." - - mobile: +39 348.150.6941

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Architectural dilemma: Wicket + REST (JSR311)

2009-01-29 Thread Fabrizio Giudici

Hi there.

My application, along with the usual HTML pages generated with Wicket, 
should also expose some RESTful services. These REST calls should return 
documents of various types: images, movies, as well as RDF/XML and N3 
and so far.
In an architectural spike I've made, I've used Jersey (implementation of 
JSR-311) and of course the two things can co-exist; so everything works 
and I don't have "technical" problems to solve (at the moment).

The dilemma is architectural: I'm guessing whether getting JSR-311 in 
increases complexity in a way that can be avoided. In other words, could 
Wicket be able to serve the same facilities provided by JSR-311 (I mean, 
the subset I need)?
Actually, Wicket can serve non-HTML contents by means of 
DynamicWebResource, so it seems doable. There are two specific questions 

1. Security. For HTML pages, protected areas shoud handle login in the 
WIcket way (or what I assume is the normal Wicket way), i.e. rendering a 
specific HTML login page. For other types of documents, instead, I need 
HTTP authentication and perhaps in future some token-based approach. The 
point is that in any case either I deny the access or I give the 
resource, but I can't send back an HTML login page when the client 
expects a different document type. Would I be able to handle this with 

2. Having the same URL delivering different contents according to the 
Accept header. For instance, should normally render 
an HTML page; but if a Accept: text/n3 header is specified, a N3 should 
be returned. This means that in the former case the default Wicket 
workflow would be ok; in the latter, a DynamicWebResource should be 
provided. I think I can solve this using JSR-311: I could implement a 
super-filter that discriminates on the presence of the Accept: header 
and dispatches either to the Wicket or to the Jersey filter (of course I 
would implement a custom URL mount scheme so Wicket accepts the same URL 
as Jersey).

Hints? I'm searching to find ASAP a reason for deciding to keep Jersey 
or to get rid of it, so I can go on with the development without too 
many fears of having to change something in future.


Fabrizio Giudici - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere." - - mobile: +39 348.150.6941

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Wicket + NetBeans Platform (Platform, not IDE!)

2009-01-08 Thread Fabrizio Giudici

Comments welcome...

Fabrizio Giudici - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere." - - mobile: +39 348.150.6941

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Re: "This time last year" .... is Wicket really a disappointment?

2008-07-24 Thread Fabrizio Giudici

On Jul 25, 2008, at 3:20 , Eelco Hillenius wrote:

That can be a pain sometimes, or at least something to get used to.
But that's Wicket's price for the stateful programming model it

Thanks Eelco :-) this is a good conclusion of the point (at least for  
me). As I said, I'll keep on using Wicket, because overall it's a lot  
better than others. But I'd like a "stateless" Wicket (or an option to  
become stateless). To be precise: I'm not asking for it, I understand  
statefulness is one of the fundamental architectural choices of the  
platform, so I think that a RFE here would be out of scope. But I'd  
like to know how many of the Wicket users would appreciate that.

Fabrizio Giudici, Ph.D. - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere." -
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - mobile: +39 348.150.6941

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Re: "This time last year" .... is Wicket really a disappointment?

2008-07-24 Thread Fabrizio Giudici

On Jul 24, 2008, at 22:32 , Jeremy Thomerson wrote:

There are other, just as simple options.  A couple of examples below.

Really, you're not being "forced" to do this by Wicket.  If you want  
to hold

*anything*, in *any* framework, in the HTTP session, it should be


 I'm only disagreeing on the part about it being Wicket forcing you  
to do it.

Guys, but I'm ___not___ talking of the session :-) I'm not putting  
those things in the session. The problem is with __pages__ that get  
serialized, I think because they get into the session for the  
versioning. So it's Wicket doing that, right?

Fabrizio Giudici, Ph.D. - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere." -
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - mobile: +39 348.150.6941

Re: "This time last year" .... is Wicket really a disappointment?

2008-07-24 Thread Fabrizio Giudici

On Jul 24, 2008, at 20:39 , Jeremy Thomerson wrote:

It looks like my earlier message didn't go through.  If really your  
problem is that you have singleton restraints, where there must be  
only one
instance ever of a particular object, Wicket is NOT the problem.   
you have that constraint, there are defensive programming things  
that you
need to consider, even without Wicket.  Joshua Bloch describes this  
well in

Effective Java.  To get around the problem you have, simply override
readResolve and return the unique instance of that class.  This can  
also be
done with enums, etc, by overriding the serialization methods to  
custom serialization.  And this *should* be done at any time that  
you think
something is going to be serialized and you have unique constraints  
such as


I know that technique (but thanks for the pointer), I've implemented  
it for other "unique" objects in a different project, where they  
_need_ to be serializable, because they are transferred over the  
network. But in that case the extra work is justified by the network -  
I mean, you must do that because it's a distributed environment. I  
find still funny to be forced to do the same in an application which  
is not distributed in nature. If I'm forced to write extra code,  
probably some model wrapper is better at this point, and probably it's  
worth while spend a few time to try finding something that can be  
extensively reused in the same project for different classes (this is  
what I referred to "design workaround" in my first mail). But, I  
repeat, I feel like it would be better if I wouldn't be forced to do  

BTW, things are more complex than your example: my objects are not  
"singletons", rather they are similar to "flyweights", they are  
instantiated in multiple instances, but have an uniqueness constraint  
- that is, each instance represents a concept (say, with an internal  
id) and there can't be two instances with the same id.

Fabrizio Giudici, Ph.D. - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere." -
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - mobile: +39 348.150.6941

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Re: "This time last year" .... is Wicket really a disappointment?

2008-07-24 Thread Fabrizio Giudici

On Jul 24, 2008, at 12:14 , Johan Compagner wrote:

what you are describing are services and yes those shouldnt be hold  
on to in

wicket components/models

In my case, it's an entity that has the uniqueness constraint, not a  
service; for what concern images, first you have to write some code  
because BufferedImage isn't serializable by itself; and, second, it  
would have some memory consumption impacts.

Keeping the discussion more in general, as per thread subject, my  
point is that Wicket is imposing me too many constraints on my design.

Fabrizio Giudici, Ph.D. - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere." -
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - mobile: +39 348.150.6941

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Re: "This time last year" .... is Wicket really a disappointment?

2008-07-24 Thread Fabrizio Giudici

On Jul 24, 2008, at 10:38 , Johan Compagner wrote:

It is just simple if you want to play safe an nice be sure  
everything you

put in the session is serializable

It _isn't_ that simple. If you have to put an Image, or classes made  
by third parties, or classes made by me for which ___I don't want___  
that Wicket duplicates an object because the related class has been  
designed to guarantee a single instance for each object identity. I  
have to use detachable wrappers, which is not the end of the world,  
but a great annoyance and a source of code proliferation...

Fabrizio Giudici, Ph.D. - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere." -
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - mobile: +39 348.150.6941

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Re: "This time last year" .... is Wicket really a disappointment?

2008-07-24 Thread Fabrizio Giudici

On Jul 24, 2008, at 10:22 , Johan Compagner wrote:

no this is not true.
Tomcat, the default tomcat installation, already uses serialization by

But you can disable it, right?

httpsessionstore does work but has its drawbacks yes.
And those can really only be solved by using serialization because  
we need

to be able to create clones
Or you as a developer disable page versioning on all your pages and  
just use the back button for pages itself and make a simple store  
that just

keeps 5 pages in history or something like that.

Well, actually I don't want page versioning on my application, even  
though I'm not yet sure I can avoid it (I still have to study the  
implications of the specs for v2.0). In any case, I believe (but again  
there are high chances I am wrong) things have changed in 1.4. In  
other words, I think I have disabled page versioning in my application  
using Wicket 1.3 and everything is fine, but I fear I won't be able to  
port is as is to Wicket 1.4. Right?

Fabrizio Giudici, Ph.D. - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere." -
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - mobile: +39 348.150.6941

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Re: "This time last year" .... is Wicket really a disappointment?

2008-07-24 Thread Fabrizio Giudici

On Jul 24, 2008, at 8:58 , Johan Compagner wrote:

Its not just wicket who expects serializable..
A webcontainer also expects every thing in the http session to be
serializeable and not just for clustering.. Also for restarts or the

AFAIK it's not true: J2EE application *may* ask for serialization if  
you enable some kind of clustering in the webserver. But above all  
that happens for the *session*, not for each datum I manage :-)

container could flush idle session to disk to conserve memory.

And wicket only wants it if you use the diskpagestore so if you dont
use that then wicket doesnt really care

AFAIK (but here with higher margins of error) you can't avoid the use  
of the diskpagestore on Wicket 1.4.

Fabrizio Giudici, Ph.D. - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere." -
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Re: "This time last year" .... is Wicket really a disappointment?

2008-07-23 Thread Fabrizio Giudici

On Jul 23, 2008, at 13:52 , Michael Sparer wrote:

"The thing that really frustrates me is
the fact you're forcing me to use serializable objects, even if I
don't need to (and when I go with clustering, I'll use Terracotta).
But I'm confident I'll find some design work-around on that."

I don't agree with you in this point. The "design work-around" you're
talking about is the proper use of models. We're clustering with  

and none of our model objects actually is Serializable ...

Well, it just sounds as the point where I want to go :-) At the moment  
most of my models are not serializable, but I'm still with Wicket 1.3.  
AFAIK in Wicket 1.4 I'll have problems with that, unless I use the  
detachable stuff. Or am I wrong?

Fabrizio Giudici, Ph.D. - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere." -
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - mobile: +39 348.150.6941

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Re: "This time last year" .... is Wicket really a disappointment?

2008-07-23 Thread Fabrizio Giudici

On Jul 23, 2008, at 13:19 , Alex Objelean wrote:

I've recently found this post on dzone: This time last year ...

What is your oppinion about this?

In short, I could compare (partially) it with my feelings about Apple.  
I was so excited when I abandoned Windows for Mac OS X, but after four  
years Mac OS X is not up to my expectations; but I consider it still  
the best of competitors (the parallel stops here: today I'd happily  
leave Mac OS X and Apple if I could, but I can't; while I'm not  
willing to abandon Wicket).

The v1 of my most strategic web project (a direct customer) has been  
developed in Wicket (1.3), and now I'm working on v2, which will be  
developed on Wicket of course. The thing that really frustrates me is  
the fact you're forcing me to use serializable objects, even if I  
don't need to (and when I go with clustering, I'll use Terracotta).  
But I'm confident I'll find some design work-around on that. Also, I  
appreciated Wicket for its simplicity and control put in my hands in  
comparison with JSF; but I must say that after two years, I think the  
simplicity thing is still true, but not to the extent I expected.

Given that, I'm still involved in other technologies such as JSF  
(consulting for customers) and in the comparison Wicket wins hands  
down. A point worth to be noted, though, is that I was surprised how  
productive some people is with JSF and the NetBeans Visual Designer,  
even people that I discovered is not proficient with Java at all  
(please note that while I'm a member of the NetBeans Dream Team, so  
you bet I'm a NetBeans enthusiast, I never use JSF and the NetBeans  
Visual Designer when I make the decision on the framework ant the tool).

Fabrizio Giudici, Ph.D. - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere." -
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - mobile: +39 348.150.6941

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Re: (Class>) casting troubles

2008-05-21 Thread Fabrizio Giudici

On May 22, 2008, at 0:24 , Jonathan Locke wrote:

For myself (and I think a lot of the Java community), I would have  
an awesome version of generics that was easier to use, less  
efficient and
broke backwards compatibility. At a deeper level, I think there was  
a key

... and in this way the other million of people would have complained.

early mistake in not planning for and providing mechanisms for  

backwards compatibility in Java in order to improve the platform. The
generics fiasco is just one  manifestation of this larger problem.

Fabrizio Giudici, Ph.D. - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere." -
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - mobile: +39 348.150.6941

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Re: [vote] Release 1.4 with only generics and stop support for 1.3

2008-03-17 Thread Fabrizio Giudici


Fabrizio Giudici, Ph.D. - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere." -
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - mobile: +39 348.150.6941

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Re: Planning Wicket Next Generation

2008-03-16 Thread Fabrizio Giudici

On Mar 16, 2008, at 16:58 , Phil Grimm wrote:

Another YES for 1.5


Fabrizio Giudici, Ph.D. - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere." -
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - mobile: +39 348.150.6941

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Re: Our new and shiny Wicket site!

2008-02-27 Thread Fabrizio Giudici
+1, especially if the site is really shiny, you can understand things  
that can be done with the framework and have some inspiration.

On 28/feb/08, at 08:19, Nino Saturnino Martinez Vazquez Wael wrote:

+1, it also kind of opens up allowing for questions to the site  

regards Nino

Matej Knopp wrote:

I don't think there is anything wrong with posting emails about new
wicket based sites. Not everyone has the time to be checking wiki
pages constantly.


On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 11:30 AM, C. Bergström  

 On Wed, 2008-02-27 at 11:22 +0100, Daniel Frisk wrote:
 > After a couple of months coding we have released our Wicket  
 > It has generally been a pleasure porting our jsp site and we  
have been
 > able to add a lot of functionality as well. Check it out at

 I think this sort of enthusiasm is great, but a wiki page 'sites  
 wicket' has been created for this reason.  I didn't read the  
site, but
 [1] is especially slow.  I'd definitely profile that page and  
make sure

 you're both using caching and that your cache is tuned properly.





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Nino Martinez Wael
Java Specialist @ Jayway DK
+45 2936 7684

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Fabrizio Giudici, Ph.D. - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere." -
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - mobile: +39 348.150.6941

Again with missing update with AJAX...

2008-02-11 Thread Fabrizio Giudici


I've still got problems with updating a page component from AJAX,  
this time from a popup window.

Everything starts with a specific component for entering a date (it's  
a special date, so I can't use the component provided with Wicket):

public class VRCDateField extends Panel
public VRCDateField (final String id, final IModelT  
date, final VRCDateModalWindow modal)

final String notSet = "not set";
final Label label = new Label("label", new  

public String getValue()
return DateFormat.format(date.getValue(), notSet);

add(modal.createOpenLink("edit", date, label));

public class VRCDateModalWindow extends ModalWindow
private VRCDatePage datePage;
private Label label;
private IModelT dateModel;

public VRCDateModalWindow (final String id, final Page page)
setPageCreator(new ModalWindow.PageCreator()
public Page createPage()
datePage = new VRCDatePage(VRCDateModalWindow.this);
return datePage;


public void close (final AjaxRequestTarget target)

public AjaxLink createOpenLink (final String id, final  
IModelT dateModel, final Label label)

final AjaxLink ajaxLink = new AjaxLink(id)
public void onClick (final AjaxRequestTarget target)
VRCDateModalWindow.this.dateModel = dateModel;
VRCDateModalWindow.this.label = label;;


return ajaxLink;

I'm not attaching the whole listing of VRCDatePage, but the key  
points are:

form.add(new AjaxSubmitButton("okButton", form)
protected void onSubmit (final AjaxRequestTarget  
target, final Form form)


where updateDate() updates the date model. Indeed the model gets  
correctly updated since I see the new value gets to the database. But  
the label doesn't get updated. I supposes everything was with the  
setOutputMarkupId() and eventually with the  
setOutputMarkupPlaceholderTag(), but clearly I'm missing something else.

Fabrizio Giudici, Ph.D. - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere." -
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - mobile: +39 348.150.6941

Thanks for the fixes about serialization

2008-02-08 Thread Fabrizio Giudici
It looks that disabling versioning and changing the store made all of  
my problems to disappear, including the deterministic session  
expiration with my popups.


Fabrizio Giudici, Ph.D. - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere." -
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - mobile: +39 348.150.6941

Using Ajax to hide/show components

2008-02-07 Thread Fabrizio Giudici

 Hello.I have a custom component called CollapsiblePanel that has a header with an icon; clicking on the icon, the panel get shown or hidden (see picture in attachment for a quick view). The first listing is the current version of the link used to do the thing, and it works, but uses a regular request/response cycle, while I'd like to do this in the Ajax fashion.So I changed it into the second listing, where I've used the AjaxFallbackLink, I've set setOutputMarkupId(true) and I'm adding the component whose state I'm changing to the ajaxTarget.But it doesn' work (it does nothing). What's I'm doing wrong?Thanks.

Picture 1.png
Description: application/applefile
<>public class CollapseLink extends Link // AjaxLink  {    private final Panel target;    private final VRCSession session;    private final String attributeName;    public CollapseLink (final String id, final Panel target, final boolean initialVisibilityState)      {        super(id); = target;        session = VRCSession.get();        attributeName = target.getClass().getName() + "_isVisible";        boolean visible = initialVisibilityState;        if (session.getObject(attributeName) != null)          {            visible = isExpanded();          }        target.setVisible(visible);        session.putObject(attributeName, visible);      }    public boolean isExpanded ()      {        return (Boolean)session.getObject(attributeName);      }   [EMAIL PROTECTED]    public void onClick()      {        boolean visible = isExpanded();        visible = !visible;        target.setVisible(visible);        session.putObject(attributeName, visible);        final String imageName = isExpanded() ? "expanded.png" : "collapsed.png";        this.replace(new Image("collapseIcon", new Model(imageName)));      }  }public class CollapseLink extends AjaxFallbackLink  {    private final Panel target;    private final VRCSession session;    private final String attributeName;    public CollapseLink (final String id, final Panel target, final boolean initialVisibilityState)      {        super(id); = target;        session = VRCSession.get();        attributeName = target.getClass().getName() + "_isVisible";        boolean visible = initialVisibilityState;        if (session.getObject(attributeName) != null)          {            visible = isExpanded();          }        target.setVisible(visible);        target.setOutputMarkupId(true);        session.putObject(attributeName, visible);      }    public boolean isExpanded ()      {        return (Boolean)session.getObject(attributeName);      }   [EMAIL PROTECTED]    public void onClick (final AjaxRequestTarget ajaxRequestTarget)      {        boolean visible = isExpanded();        visible = !visible;        target.setVisible(visible);        session.putObject(attributeName, visible);        final String imageName = isExpanded() ? "expanded.png" : "collapsed.png";        this.replace(new Image("collapseIcon", new Model(imageName)));        ajaxRequestTarget.addComponent(target);      }  } -- Fabrizio Giudici, Ph.D. - Java Architect, Project ManagerTidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere." -[EMAIL PROTECTED] - mobile: +39 348.150.6941 

Re: Customizing logging

2008-02-07 Thread Fabrizio Giudici

On 07/feb/08, at 20:36, Igor Vaynberg wrote:

do you have slf4j adapter for jdk logging jar?

Yes, I've added it when I upgraded to 1.3.0 (I bet that without it I  
wouldn't have any logging at all from Wicket). But I always had that  
problem, since when I started developing with 1.2.


On Feb 7, 2008 5:13 AM, Fabrizio Giudici  

Ok, that's really silly. In my application I use java.util.logging
(and I need/want to use it, since some external components use it).
For all the projects I've developed in every contest, from JSP to JSF
to Swing etc... I've always used a custom logging formatter that puts
every event in a single line (grep friendly) and with specific tabs
that I've got acquainted to use and allow me to inspect thousands of
lines in a very short time.

So far, I wasn't able to install it in my Wicket application.

This is what I have in my WebApplications subclass that gets
initialized at startup:

 private void setupLogging ()
 InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/");

 final PlainLogFormatter formatter = new  

 Logger rootLogger = Logger.getLogger(CLASS);

 while (rootLogger.getParent() != null)
 rootLogger = rootLogger.getParent();

 for (final Handler handler : rootLogger.getHandlers())
 catch (Exception e)

Indeed, is read and evaluated, in fact I can control
the logging levels etc. I can configure everything BUT the formatter.
If I specify it, I get the nigthmare XML formatter.

Even the code that navigates the loggers and manually sets the
formatter doesn't work (for instance, I use it in a NetBeans RCP
application where I know that the formatter can't be applied for
classloader issues). But here it doesn't work. This is somewhat a
minor issue, but now that I'm doing the final polishing I'd like to
have logs like I want to see :-)


Fabrizio Giudici, Ph.D. - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere." -
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - mobile: +39 348.150.6941

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Fabrizio Giudici, Ph.D. - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere." -
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - mobile: +39 348.150.6941

2008-02-07 Thread Fabrizio Giudici


My navigator panels (e.g. from AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable,  
GridView, etc... looks like << < 1 2 3 > >>. I'd like to replace the  
lt and gt with icons, and to control the style of the numbers. How do  
I do that?


Fabrizio Giudici, Ph.D. - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere." -
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - mobile: +39 348.150.6941

Customizing logging

2008-02-07 Thread Fabrizio Giudici
Ok, that's really silly. In my application I use java.util.logging  
(and I need/want to use it, since some external components use it).  
For all the projects I've developed in every contest, from JSP to JSF  
to Swing etc... I've always used a custom logging formatter that puts  
every event in a single line (grep friendly) and with specific tabs  
that I've got acquainted to use and allow me to inspect thousands of  
lines in a very short time.

So far, I wasn't able to install it in my Wicket application.

This is what I have in my WebApplications subclass that gets  
initialized at startup:

private void setupLogging ()
InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/");


final PlainLogFormatter formatter = new PlainLogFormatter 

Logger rootLogger = Logger.getLogger(CLASS);

while (rootLogger.getParent() != null)
rootLogger = rootLogger.getParent();

for (final Handler handler : rootLogger.getHandlers())
catch (Exception e)

Indeed, is read and evaluated, in fact I can control  
the logging levels etc. I can configure everything BUT the formatter.  
If I specify it, I get the nigthmare XML formatter.

Even the code that navigates the loggers and manually sets the  
formatter doesn't work (for instance, I use it in a NetBeans RCP  
application where I know that the formatter can't be applied for  
classloader issues). But here it doesn't work. This is somewhat a  
minor issue, but now that I'm doing the final polishing I'd like to  
have logs like I want to see :-)


Fabrizio Giudici, Ph.D. - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere." -
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - mobile: +39 348.150.6941

Re: Some questions - mainly about session expiration and serialization

2008-02-06 Thread Fabrizio Giudici

On 06/feb/08, at 19:31, Igor Vaynberg wrote:

sure, you can disable the versioning completely, but then you also
wont have a proper backbutton support. versioning is there for a


I understand it, but I don't like backbutton support :-)

When I disable the versioning (I suppose I just need to call  
setVersioned(false) in the base page of my hierarchy) what is the  
behaviour when I hit the back button? Will I get "page expired" or  
will I just make the relevant page class to be run?

Fabrizio Giudici, Ph.D. - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere." -
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - mobile: +39 348.150.6941

Re: Some questions - mainly about session expiration and serialization

2008-02-06 Thread Fabrizio Giudici

Are you using our modal window implementation or your own?

Wicket implementation. BTW, I have another modal window that doesn't  
create problem. I'll later post the code, when I'm able to cut it down.

3. I have still some confusion about serialization of things
in sessions. I've always got some objects that are not
serializable and caused tons of exceptions in log files, but
no harm other than it. I'm now wondering whether they can
trigger one of the above problems, and anyway before going
into production I'd like to face with this issue in a
definitive fashion. I know about the possibility of using
detachable objects, nevertheless I need first to understand
why this serialization thing can't be disabled - after all
I've got no need for clustering in near future (and if I
should do it, I'd probably go with Terracotta). Also, in
version 1.2 I once saw that there was a UserSession (?)
method that looked like it was useful for disabling
serialization, and I had a mental note about using it, but
it looks like it disappeared in 1.3.0. Hints?

Serialization has always been needed in wicket for things other then
cluster replication. Versioning has been one of those reasons. We
would use serialization mostly for cloning an object, so that we can
keep a reference to its previous state for rolling back a version.
With 1.3.1 this has changed dramatically. In order to free up session
space (1.2 would keep x pages in session) 1.3.1 only keeps the most
current page in session and spools older pages to disk via
serialization. So if you hit a page that has a serialization problem
and later come back to it via back button and click a link/submit a
form you will get a page expired error. My recommendation is to make
sure you use detachable models or make your objects serializable. In
the meantime, try

class MyApplication extends WebApplication { ISessionStore
newSessionStore() { return new HttpSessionStore();}}

that will turn off disk spooling and will make 1.3 behave more like
1.2 in that regard.

Ok, I'll try this just to see if it can at least solve immediately  
the problem, then go for some refactoring. My question is: but if I  
don't need (and don't want) page versioning, and I disable it, is  
serialization still necessary?

Fabrizio Giudici, Ph.D. - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere." -
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - mobile: +39 348.150.6941